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Polymorphic Data Structures in C/Pointers 1

Polymorphic Data Structures in C/Pointers

Pointers are one of the most essential constructs in C. A pointer is a variable that stores the address (in memory) of
another variable for reference by a function. Through the use of pointers, we are able to achieve a higher level of
data manipulation, since modifying static variables in functions outside the ones that created them is not supported
by any algorithm developed in C.

Simple Pointer Operations

Developers can explicitly declare pointers using the pointer operator (*):

int *p_int ;

The standard convention used in this book is to append the variable being pointed to with "p_" to designate its status
as a pointer. This is helpful when there are multiple variables of the same apparent type in a function, where some
are pointers and some are not. In order to access the information pointed to by a pointer, a programmer must use the
dereference operator (also the asterisk) to denote the reference.

printf( "%d" , *p_int ) ;

If a variable is not a pointer, but needs to be modified inside a called function, then the address-of operator (&) can
be used to create an "on-the-fly" pointer that is passed to the function. Many programmers understand that the
scanf() function needs the address-of operator in front of the variables read into, but not all of them know why. It
is because scanf() needs to affect the variable where the information is being stored.
Pointers are usually used for keeping track of dynamically allocated memory. In this demonstration, the pointer is
redundant, but it will illustrate the principles of pointers.

#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc , char *argv[] ) {

int i ;
int *p_i = &i ;

i = 5 ;
printf( "%d " , i ) ;

*p_i = 7 ;
printf( "%d\n" , *p_i ) ;

return 0 ;

First, an integer i is created as a static variable of main(). Then, the pointer p_i is created and its value is set to
the address of i. Next, i is assigned the value of 5 and printed. Finally, the integer that p_i points to is assigned
the value of 7 and printed.
Polymorphic Data Structures in C/Pointers 2

Notice the use of dereference and address-of operators. The proper use of pointer, dereference and address-of
operators is key in an understanding of polymorphism.

Dynamic Memory Allocation

Perhaps the most important use of pointers is to keep track of memory that has been allocated dynamically (at
run-time). Memory is allocated dynamically using the malloc() function. malloc() has one argument (the
amount of space to b allocated, in bytes) and returns a pointer to a void, which is usually recast into a pointer to
some other type. The challenge with dynamic memory allocation is that type sizes can be machine-dependent,
meaning an integer on one computer may not be the same size in memory as an integer on another. To overcome
this, C describes a sizeof operator which takes a type name as a parameter and returns the size, in bytes, of that
type as an integer. For example, in order to dynamically allocate space in memory for one character, a developer
would write:

char *p_char ;
p_char = (char *)malloc( sizeof ( char ) ) ;

More complexly, dynamic memory allocation is usually used when the amount of space to be reserved is not known
at the time of compilation. In the following program, the user is asked how many integers they would like to store,
and stores them.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main( int argc , char *argv[] ) {

int i , amount , *p_int ;

printf( "How many integers would you like to store? " ) ;

scanf( "%d" , &amount ) ;

p_int = (int *)malloc( sizeof ( int ) * amount ) ;

printf( "Please enter %d integers, separated with a space, to store.

" , amount ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < amount ; i++ ) scanf( "%d" , p_int[i] ) ;

for ( i = 0 ; i < amount ; i++ ) printf( "%d " , p_int[i] ) ;

printf( "\n" ) ;

return 0 ;
Polymorphic Data Structures in C/Pointers 3

Notice how stdlib was included in the header. malloc() is declared in stdlib.h, so it has to be included
along with stdio.h in programs that use it.
Notice also how the space reserved by malloc() is referred to using the standard syntax for arrays. This is
because malloc() reserves space sequentially (all in a row), so pointer arithmetic (discussed below) can be
applied to it. In other words, when malloc() reserves space for more than one of a given type, it allocates space
for an array of that type.

Pointer Operations on Structures

In addition to the standard member operator (.), ANSI C includes a different member operator symbol, ->. It
performs two operations at the same time: it dereferences the structure name before the operator and evaluates its
member (after the operator). This is helpful when using pointers to refer to the structure. Using the employee data
structure from the previous chapter:

struct employee_data *p_search ;

p_search = (struct employee_data *)malloc( sizeof ( struct
employee_data ) ) ;

p_search -> = "Ryan" ;

(*p_search) = "Ryan" ;

The bottom two statements perform exactly the same operations. Because we will be working with pointers to
structures for the majority of this book, the dereference-member operator will be used more often. Note that
sub-members must still be referred to using the normal member operator.

Using Pointers to Return Values

Functions in C can only return one value. This is an unfortunate consequence of the procedural programming
paradigm. However, sometimes multiple variables need o be changed. In order to do that, one must pass a pointer to
that variable to the function called. For more on this topic, please refer to Appendix 1, Function Invocation. The
information there is extremely valuable, make sure to go through it before moving on. The remainder of this book
assumes that the reader has read and understands the contents of Appendix 1.

Pointer Arithmetic
Performing pointer arithmetic is a very simple concept, but a somewhat difficult practice. Performing pointer
addition on arrays is done implicitly, with the subscript operators []. The following statement would return TRUE:

int A[4] ;
( A[2] == *(A + 2) ) ;

The addition to a pointer causes the reference address to be "moved forward" by the specified number of units,
multiplied by the size of the type. So, &A[2] is the location of A[0], plus the size of two integers in memory (thus
giving you the third item in the array, since arrays start indexing at 0). Pointer arithmetic can be applied to unions
and structures as well, but this method is not used as often in favor of member referencing.
Polymorphic Data Structures in C/Pointers 4

Pointers to Functions
A very powerful feature of the C language is the ability to take the address of a function and store it as a pointer. In
this manner, one could theoretically write a function, then have that function call a different function that is known
only at runtime (decreasing the amount of conditional programming needed). Every C programmer is familiar with
the standard function declaration syntax:

return_type function( parameter_1 , parameter_2 ... ) ;

Similar to variables, functions are also typed. Assuming they are not of type void, all functions return data, and that
data must have type. As a side effect of this structure, a programmer can declare pointers to functions.

return_type (*p_function)( parameter_1 , parameter_2 ... ) ;

This code can be used to execute any number of functions in the same line of code, demonstrated below in this text
manipulation program.

#include <stdio.h>

void print_reverse( char *string ) ;

void print_normal( char *string ) ;
int main( int argc , char *argv[] ) {

char input_string[32] ;
int state , i ;
void (*p_function)( char *string ) ;

for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++ )

input_string[i] = '\0' ;

printf( "Please enter a short line of text: " ) ;

scanf( "%s" , input_string ) ;

printf( "Would you like to print this string in reverse? 1 for yes,
0 for no. " ) ;
scanf( "%d" , &state ) ;

if ( state == 1 ) {
p_function = print_reverse ;
} else if ( state == 0 ) {
p_function = print_normal ;
} else
printf( "Error: Must enter 0 or 1. Exiting." ) ;

p_function( input_string ) ;

return 0 ;

Polymorphic Data Structures in C/Pointers 5

void print_reverse( char *string ) {

int i ;

for ( i = 31 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {

if ( string[i] != '\0' )
putchar( string[i] ) ;

printf( "\n" ) ;

void print_normal( char *string ) {

int i = 0 ;

while ( ( i < 32 ) && ( string[i] != '\0' ) ) {

putchar( string[i] ) ;
i++ ;

printf( "\n" ) ;

In this program, there are two functions, print_reverse() and print_normal(). One simply prints the
string, and the other prints the string's contents out in reverse order. But the actual function call inside main() is
the same in both cases:

p_function( input_string ) ;

This is made possible through C's ability to reference functions by pointers to that function, and to properly pass
parameters to that function.
Article Sources and Contributors 6

Article Sources and Contributors

Polymorphic Data Structures in C/Pointers  Source:  Contributors: Aveilleux, J36miles

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

Image:C pointer 1.svg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0  Contributors: User:Aveilleux
Image:C pointer 2.svg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0  Contributors: User:Aveilleux
Image:C pointer 3.svg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0  Contributors: User:Aveilleux
Image:C pointer 4.svg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0  Contributors: User:Aveilleux

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

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