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Class X

Chapter: Arithmetic progressions
Questions based on “High Order Thinking Skills” HOTS


1. If S1,S2,S3 are the sums of n,2n,3n terms of an A.P. then prove that,
S3=3(S2 - S1) (3 Marks)
1 1 1 a b c
2. If , , are in A.P. prove that , , are also in A.P.
b+c c+a a+b b+c c+a a+b
(2 Marks)
3. If m times the mth term of an A.P. is equal to n times the nth term prove that the
(m+n)th term of the A.P. is equal to zero. (3 Marks)
4. If the pth, qth & rth term of an AP is x, y and z respectively,
show that x(q-r) + y(r-p) + z(p-q) = 0 (2 Marks)
5. A ball rolling up an incline covers 36 metres during the first second, 32 metres 28
metres during the II and III seconds and so on. How much distance will it travel during
the 8th second? (2 Marks)
6. A sum of Rs. 5250 is paid off in 20 installments such that each installment is Rs 7 more
than preceding installment. Calculate the value of the first installment. (2 Marks)
7. In a solid staircase with 25 steps as shown, Find the total area of the shaded portion as
extended to the entire 25 steps.

(2 Marks)

How many terms of the sequence 24,20,26,.... must be added to get the sum 72?Is there
a unique answer if not then explain the double answer.( 2 Marks)

9. The interior angles of a polygon are in AP such that the smallest angle being 120o and
the common difference is 5o. Find the number of sides of the polygon.
( 4 Marks)
10. Balls are arranged in rows to form an equilateral triangle .The first row consists of one
ball, the second two balls and so on. If 669 more balls are added, then all the balls can be
arranged in the shape of a square and each of its sides then contains 8 balls less than
each side of the triangle. Find the initial number of balls. (4 Marks)

1. Let a be the first term and d the common difference of the given AP
S1 = [2a+(n-1)d]
S2 = [2a+(2n-1)d]
S3 = [2a+(3n-1)d] (1.5 marks)
2n n
RHS=3(S2 – S1)= 3{( [2a+(2n-1)d)-( [2a+(n-1)d])}
2 2
= [(4a-2a)+d[(4n-2)-(n-1)] (1 mark)
= [2a+(3n-1)d]
=S3 =LHS
Hence, proved. (1/2 mark)

2. We know that if x,y,z are in AP then

x+k,y+k,z+k are also in AP...(i)
x/k,y/k,z/k are also in AP....(ii) where k is a constant ( 1 mark)
So If
a b c
, , are in AP
b+c c+a a+b
a b c
Then +1, +1, +1 are in A.P...from (i)...( 1 mark)
b+c c+a a+b
a+b+c a+b+c a+b+c
i.e. , , are in A.P...from (ii)
b+c c+a a+b
1 1 1
i.e. if , , are in A.P. which is true ,as it is the given information.(1 mark)
b+c c+a a+b

3. Let the first term and common difference of the A.P. be a and d respectively.
We know that
mth term =a+(m-1)d
nth term=a+(n-1)d
According to given condition,
m[mth term]=n[nth term]
m[a+(m-1)d]=n[a+(n-1)d] (1 mark)
Either m-n=0 or a+d(m+n-1)=0 (1 mark)
Either m=n or a+d(m+n-1)=0
But m  n ...given
So (m+n)th term is zero. (1 mark)
Hence proved
4. pth term x = A + (p-1) D
qth term y = A + (q-1) D
rth term z = A + (r-1) D (1 mark)
To Prove: x(q-r) + y(r-p) + z(p-q) = 0
={A+(p-1)D}(q-r) + {A + (q-1)D} (r-p)+ {A+(r-1)D} (p-q)
=A {(q-r) + (r-p) + (p-q)} + D {(p-1)(q-r)+ (r-1) (r-p) + (r-1) (p-q)}
 A.0 + D{p(q-r) + q(r-p) + r (p-q)- (q-r) – (r-p)-(p-q)}
= A.0 + D.0 = 0 (1 mark)

5. Distance covered by the ball in 1st second=36m

Distance covered by the ball in 2nd second=32 m
Distance covered by the ball in 3rd second=28m
So we see that, the distances covered are 36,32,24.... which clearly forms an AP
where a =first term=36
d=common difference =-4...(1 mark)
We know that nth term of an AP with first term =a and common difference =d is a+(n-1)d
Now, distance covered in the 8th second
=8th term of the AP with a=36,d=-4
So the distance covered by the ball in the 8th second is 8 metres...(1 mark)

6. The sequence is in AP
d =7
S20= 5250
5250 = (2a + 19 7) (1 mark)
525 = 2a + 133
 a = 196 (1 mark)

7. The area follows the sequence wh,2wh,3wh, -----25wh which is AP. (1 Mark)
I term= wh last term = 25wh and number of 25 terms
S25= [wh+25wh)
=325wh (1 Mark)

8. From the given series we see that,

First term =a=24
Common difference =d=-4
Let 72 be the sum of n terms where n is a natural number.
We know that,
Sum of first n terms of an A.P. with a as first term and d as the common difference.
= [2a+(n-1)d]......(1 mark)
According to given condition
 {[(2 x24)+(n-1)(-4)]}=72
 (52-4n)=72
26n-2n²=72....(1 mark)
 (n-9)(n-4)=0
n=4 or n=9
 72 is the sum of first 4 terms or the first 9 terms.
Explanation of the double answer-
So the sum of first 4 terms as well as first 9 terms is 72

9. We know that the sum of the interior angles of a polygon of n sides is (n-2)  .
In this case,.
 [(2x120)+5(n-1)]=(n-2)x 180.....(1 mark)
 (n-16)(n-9)=0
n=16 or n=9...(1 mark)
If n=16, then
Nth term=a+(n-1)d
So one of the angles of the polygon is 195°, but no angle of a polygon can be more than
So n can’t take the value 16.
So n=9
Thus the given polygon has 9 sides....(1 mark)

10. Let their be n balls in each side of the triangle

n(n  1)
 Number of balls (in Δ) = 1 + 2 + 3 ………….+n = (1 mark)
No. of balls in each side square = n – 8
No. of balls in square = (n - 8)2
n(n  1)
According to given condition + 669 = (n – 8)2
On solving
n² + n + 1338 = 2(n² - 16n + 64)
n² - 33n – 1210 = 0
 (n – 55) (n + 22) = 0 (1 mark)
n = -22 is not possible
n(n  1) 55  56
 No. of balls = =
2 2
= 1540 (1 mark)

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