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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

January 4th, 2011

Pastor’s Notes
Did we ever start the year off
right!!!! What a move of God we
had Sunday Morning! The presence and power of
the Holy Ghost was so strong and works of God
were performed! People were saved, delivered,
healed and works of other kinds were set into
motion!!! Truly, 2011 is the year for us to MOVE
FORWARD in what God has purposed and
planned for us! Do not look back….do not turn
aside…..DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!! Press in and

As I write this, we just finished our Monday Night Intercessory Prayer Meeting. We had
a GOOD number of people tonight and the Lord met with us too! Prayer is the key to
receiving from the Lord. Prayer….AND…..FASTING! We started our 4 week study on
Fasting this past Sunday night and hope and trust that you are making prayer and fasting a
priority during our 40 days of fasting. I truly believe that if we are to see the fulfillment
of the promises of God, God’s people must get serious and be dedicated and committed to
the principles of His Word. Prayer & Fasting are two vital pieces of God’s plan for our
lives. As we were reminded Sunday night, “fasting is the only way some things come
into being.” Wouldn’t it be a shame to know that had we only fasted a little, that God
would have moved and responded to our needs? I know…..some of you fasted last year
and you have not received the answer to your prayer. You have two options: 1) keep on
fasting, praying and believing, or 2) QUIT! If you quit, you lose and the people you are
praying for lose. But if you keep on praying, fasting and believing, YOU are the winner
and the people and situations you are praying for are winners. PRESS IN & MOVE

We will be studying about PRAYER on Wednesday evenings. I hope and trust that you
will come prepared to glean from God’s Word and also be ready to put prayer into
practice. All of our efforts during January and February are to prepare us for our Revival
Services during March.

Don’t forget to stop in the lobby and pick up your TITHING ENVELOPES. If for
some reason yours is not there, please let Pastor Terry or our Secretary know and they
will secure some for you. Thank you for your faithfulness to giving!!!!!!
We will be observing THE LORD’S SUPPER
(Communion) during the AM service. It is my hope and
prayer that all believers will find their place in God’s House
this Sunday. It is so important that we observe this
sacrament to remember the sacrifice of the Lord. Make
your plans to be with us. While we are receiving
communion in the sanctuary, Pastor Jason Fowler will be
leading the children and workers in communion in the
Christian Life Center. Sunday will be a WONDERFUL

I just wanted to thank everyone who brought canned goods to our Christmas Family
Fellowship. We were able to deliver 144 pieces to Helping Hands. It filled a buggy to
overflowing!!!! Your giving enabled us to bless this ministry during a much needed
season. Thank you for being so generous!

Our annual Bible Reading Marathon will take place next Monday, January 10th at 6:00
PM in the sanctuary. We attempt each year to read the Bible through in 1 hour. The
more people we have, the closer we get to being able to do so. Make your plans for your
whole family to come out and join us as we read the Word of God.

The first meeting of the new Church Administrative Board will be next Tuesday, January
11th at 6:00 PM. Light snacks will be provided.

Baptismal service is planned for January 23rd during the PM service. Roebuck Church of
God will be coming over during the afternoon to baptize some of their converts and then
Popular Springs Full Gospel Church will be joining us in the service and having baptism
with us. If you would like to be baptized, please call the church office and let us know so
that certificates can be prepared. Thanks!

Just for future reference, there are 3 BABY DEDICATIONS planned during 2011. It is
our hope that going ahead and planning these days will help new parents know how to
better plan with their family as to when these special events are. The dates are as follows:
February 27th, July 24th, November 13th. As these dates approach, we will remind
everyone of them and give opportunity for you to give us your child’s information for the

PRAYER LIST: Ronnie Richards, Linda Johnson, Betty Culpepper, Pinckie DarDar, Pat
Chappell, Grace Vassey, Bryce Morrow, Docia Sloan, Leon Giles, Jeannie Arnold, Barry
May, Eddie & Lynn Weeks, Russell Gregory, Nancy Koon, Lillie Mae Mix, Ann
Richards, Shut Ins, and Those in Nursing Homes. Christian Sympathy is extended to
Harold Chesney on the death of his brother, Ray. May God bless and comfort this family.
LADIES….2011 holds many exciting things in store for our LM ! ! ALL
LADIES are invited to pick up the Bible Study, “God’s Purpose For You” in the LM
Office. You will receive January and February sessions. The study will continue all year,
and you will be given each session to add to your folder.

We will do a Valentine Bulletin this year ! For $1.00 you may wish your Sweetie or BFF
a Happy Valentine’s Day, or for $5.00 you may reserve ½ page of Love Hearts that read
(for example) “Jonathan Terry Loves Kimberly Terry.” Sign up will begin Sunday in
each Sunday School Class.

GET READY FOR THE NEW YEAR ….All department heads, ministry leaders, and
teachers are encouraged to spiff up rooms and areas that are in your care. Please clean,
clean out, organize, and/or decorate your area. Visitors and regular attenders alike
deserve our best. While we wait on God to relocate us to another property, we still are
expecting great things to happen here in 2011 ! IF YOU CLEAN IT…..THEY WILL
COME….If you were a visitor, what would you think of your ministry area??????
EXTREME KIDZ NEWS: 1.) Children’s Board will meet Sunday, January 9 th, at
4:30 P.M.
2.) Children’s Praise Team will practice Sunday, January 9 th, at 5:00 P.M.
3.) Children’s Drama Practice will resume JANUARY 16th .
4.) Children’s FUN DAY at the church January 15th, beginning with lunch at 12 Noon.

COLLEGE AND CAREERS CLASS will begin Tuesday, January 11th, at 7:00 P.M.
This class will meet every 2nd and 4 th Tuesday of each month in the Youth building.
Contact Jason Fowler (205-8069) for more information.

YOUTH ICE SKATING….Saturday, January 15th ! ! Meet at the church at 6:00 P.M., go
eat, then on to skating. See Jason Fowler for more details.

Thursday, January 6th, PLEASE all high school seniors AND parents meet with Jason
Fowler at 6:15 P.M. in the CLC dining area to discuss Mission Trip.

Youth sponsored Senior Adult Appreciation Meal will be January 29th at 1 P.M. This
meal will be served in the Youth Building. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the
Main Hall and you need to sign up by January 26 th if you plan to attend. If you sign up,
PLEASE do attend so food will not be wasted ! Thanks!
IF YOU READ THE BIBLE THROUGH in 2010 please sign the sheet on the bulletin
board so names can be submitted to the State Office by January 10th. THANKS !

* Greeters - Jeanette Bragg and Kathy Simmons

* Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan
* CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
* Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
* Usher Team # 2 - Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett,
John Nemitz, Paul Lundberg, and Phillip Pruitt
* Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard and Bobby Brown
* Van Drivers (Wednesday only) - Garren Burdette and Clint Letourneau
Kathy Arellano and Carolyn Everette
* Nursery - Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Faith Burdette
P.M. - Pam Strickland
* Kiddie Church - Lori Crocker and Genise Watson
* Spotlights - In Memory of V. Lyn Bray,
From Lynette Bray Tucker and Pam Strickland
* Music - Wednesday - Kathy Arellano
Sunday A.M. - Jonathan and Jessica Murphy
P.M. - Brantley Burnett
* Praise Team - Maroon

ONE MORE MILE By: Michael Osborne

Just one more mile to walk…..To what lies ahead
May see your prayer answered….Down the road where you are lead
Life can be frustrating…..When weeks become years
When prayers go unanswered……And we’re consumed by fears
Things can often seem hopeless….It’s hard enough just to cope
But as long as God is in control…..We can always have hope
Walking by faith…….And not by sight
Is a hard thing to do….And many times in your life
satan tells you…..To give up or give in
That the battle you’re facing….You never will win
But it’s at that last mile…..Of each journey’s length
That God makes things happen….And restores all our strength
The answer God promised…..Finally is shown
As satan is defeated….And God’s will is made known
God’s timing is perfect….He never is late
We must trust in the Father….And stand firm on our faith
The answers we search for….Come in God’s time
Though we grow impatient…..And thoughts cloud our mind
Just one more mile to walk…..May be all that we need
To see our prayer answered….And God’s blessings received. Amen
“Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust” Psalm 40:4

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