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AdII1ral watson.

I baYe I'IIV'1Mied the request and baYe CORSult.d with EPA l\e81OR 6. We continIua to look for an
increase in lleCban1cal recovery and oU (O~ at the ,I/ellhead and stUl await the
schedule for increas1tll these CllpabUlt1es. When usinl EPA evaluates the entire
picture lm:o consIderation the use of SVbSUM'ace'i source and
apfll1l:at1Gll. With this In IIInd.
, _ .Iii- ~ Pt/Il..
~~/1;f' A• .
With reprd to your request to increase the subsurface ,injection rate to 18 II1II. this
fall with1n the all-"l. vol_ of 15,'" pl.loas per'd.1y described 1n D1rectlve 1 AddencIoa
3. RecognSze that this _ld 1IIpact the dkpersant volI.M WIllable for aer1al surf,,,e
appl1.cat1on because of the total dispersant liIdt of 25,'" pb for lune 11, 2e1e ••

We look forwrd to further discussIons on reduciJII surface appl1catlOll, al1llinat1ns

subsurface appllcat1on, and ach1eviJII HS source re<:OVI!ry.


Froe: "WatsOn. J _ RAIlM" <,_.A.watsontasq.lI1b

To: "Perf')', ~ CAPT" <~.J.Perry@usq.llib, 'steve lehIIann"
<stave. ~.sov>, ~ Crossland/RG/USEPA/USfEPA
ec: Sae Cob I tlRGlUSEI>AlUS@EPA
DatI: fJ6/17/2e1e 89:88 PM
Subject: FW: HcIRa lIn1f1ad c-nd • Aerial DiSpersant Request· June 11, 2Sl8

Please rev1eMtoaooI f'GIIf's dispersant request.


•••• -ortpnal Mus...•••••

Froe: lIib.utslerfUk. bp. COlI [aallto: lI1ke.utslerfuk. bp.cCll <aUto: Ilike;utsler@uk.bp.CCIl> 1
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2818 I:M PM

To: w.rtson, l _ RAIlM
Cc: cavan., Ian; Rainey, David Il Austin, Mered1th CAPT; Laferriere, Ropr CAPT; Charlie
Huber; Uttlef1elJl, S. IlIIrt; coluan.sai@epa.IO'I; MOOI"'l48pa.1O'I
subject: HoIJIa \)Iif1ed C-.vI • Aerial Dispersant Request • June lB, 2818


The HouM unified C-.I (excluding the standing abstention on this issue by the SOSC) 1s
providing the Attached is th" dispersant spray request for 18 June 2818. In lina with our
IIOI'IIIl rout1ne, we will be sandinS up 4 spotter' aircraft at 9615 to r&-assess tile "NUl and
re-Iocate tarpts.
Due to other pend1ns activities the QIV($. for tile SMART Tier 1 observations for 16 lun.. were
nat available. ,. rw S Its have been IIIIde to COIIIplet!! the review ~ lIIOr'I\ing. The QAt($.
will be prov1ded tccetl ... with tfIe lIIOI'IIing spotter reports of dl'p!!rsible oU.

TlIeI efol e, in K(ordenc:e with the Dire<:t1ve, the HoIJIa UII1f1ed ( requests
an exeo!ption to apply Et9S8IIA in volu.s on 011 sUcks located today shewn in Table 1 nat to
exceed 21,eee pllons for • period nat to exceed 12 hours,


Mike utsler Captain Roger Laferr1ere


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