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Minggu 5 – Sesi 7

(Project Planning: Scope and the Work Breakdown Structure)

CATATAN: Tugas ini mengharuskan Anda menggunakan Microsoft Project®, alat

perangkat lunak manajemen proyek populer. Anda harus mengerjakan Proyek Microsoft®
Tutorial : Membuat Struktur Perincian Kerja (WBS) di, sebelum memulai tugas kasus ini.

Ini juga akan menjadi peluang bagus bagi Anda dan tim Anda untuk melakukan siklus belajar
yang lain. Bacalah tugas ini terlebih dahulu dan kemudian hubungi sebagai tim untuk
mengembangkan Catatan Tim Proyek dan Rencana Kegiatan. Ini akan membantu
meningkatkan pembelajaran tim dan memberikan tanggung jawab kepada selesaikan tugas.
Rencana Pengelolaan Cakupan dan WBS Klien Anda, Husky Air, telah memberi tim Anda
wewenang untuk mengembangkan ruang lingkup proyek. Ruang lingkup proyek
mendefinisikan pekerjaan proyek. Ini termasuk batas-batas pekerjaan dan kiriman yang Anda
berikan kepada klien Anda. Selain itu, Anda akan membuat struktur rincian kerja (WBS)
yang akan digunakan untuk membuat jadwal dan anggaran proyek Anda di tugas berikutnya.

Harap buatkan dokumen yang tampak profesional yang mencakup hal-hal berikut:

1. Nama proyek, nama tim proyek, dan nama-nama anggota tim proyek kelompok anda.

2. Deskripsi proyek singkat.

3. MOV proyek -Ini harus direvisi atau disempurnakan jika perlu.

4. Bagan struktur yang dapat dikirimkan (DSC) - Ini harus didasarkan pada siklus hidup
proyek dan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem. Anda harus mulai dengan membuat bagan
hierarkis yang mendefinisikan semua proyek dan fase pengembangan sistem. Fase
pengembangan sistem akan sangat bergantung pada pendekatan pengembangan yang Anda
gunakan (Water fall atau Agile). Setelah Team Anda mengidentifikasi semua tahapan
proyek, langkah selanjutnya dalam mengembangkan DSC adalah mengidentifikasi
setidaknya satu proyek atau luaran/ produk untuk setiap fase. {… .WBS…)

(Case Lengapnya, di Chapter 5, Marchewka, 2015 )

ISYS6310 – Information System Project Management

The Scope Management Plan and WBS

Your client, Husky Air, has given your team the authority to develop the project's scope. The
project's scope defines the project work. It includes the work boundaries and deliverables that
you wi II deliver to your client. In addition, you will create a work breakdown structure

(WBS) that will be used to create your project's schedule and budget in your next
assignment.Please provide a professional-looking document thatincludes the following:

1. Project name, project team name, and the names of the members of your project team

2. A brief project description.

3. The project's MOV -This should be revised or refined if necessary.

4. A deliverable structure chart (DSC)- This should be based on the project life cycle and
thesystems development life cycle. You should begin by creating a hierarchical chart that
defines all of the project and system development phases. The system development phases
will depend largely on the development approach you use (Waterfall or Agile). After you
have identified all project phases, the next step in developing a DSC is to identify at least one
project or product deliverable for each phase..

5. A use case diagram (UCD)-A UCD defines the high-level features and functionality that
the application system should include. Although Figure 5.5 provides an example of a use
case, you can build one:

a. Draw a box to represent the system boundary.

b. Draw stick figures to represent the actors of the system. Actors can be users, managers,
customers, or even other systems that will interact with or use the application system. Actors
should be drawn on the outside of the system boundary. Be sure to label each actor with a
descriptive name to describe the actor's role.

c. Draw an oval inside the system boundary for each function and label the oval with a
descriptive name. A use case is a particular function that the application system will perform.
Examples of use cases are: update customer information, print employee overtime report,
create new vendor record, and - so forth. This important step during your project necessitates
a great deal of interaction with your client. Unfortunately, you will not have access to a real
client, so you can be creative. Keep in mind, however, that additional (and often unused)
functionality will require more time and resources to build the system, thus adding to the
project's schedule and budget.

ISYS6310 – Information System Project Management

You and your team need to be aware that any features and functionality of the system should
help the organization achieve its MOV.

d. Draw a connecting line to identify the actors who wiilmake use of a particular use case.

6. Convert your deliverable structure chart (DSC) to a WBS. Using Microsoft Project@,
create a work hreakdown structure (WBS) by listing all of the project life cycle and systems
development life cycle phases and the associated deliverables that you defined in the DSC.
Be sure to work through the MPS tutorial first. Also, be sure to Follow the work package
concept shown in Figures 5.8 and 5.9. Your WBS should include:

a. Milestones for each phase and deliverable-Achieving a milestone will tell everyone
associated with the project that the phase or deliverable was completed satisfactorily.

b. Activitiesffasks-Define a set of activities or tasks that must be completed to produce each


c. Resource Assignments-Assign people and other appropriate resources to each activity.

This will be based on the people and resources that you identified when you completed the
project infrastructure assignment from the previous chapter. Keep in mind that adding
resources to an activity may allow the activity to be completed in a shorter amount of time;
however, it may increase the cost of completing that task or activity.

d. Estimates for Each Activityrrask-Based on the tasks or activities and the resources
assigned, develop a time estimate for each task or activity to be completed. For the purposes
of this assignment, you should use a combination of estimation techniques such as time-
boxing and bottom-up estimation.

(Sumber. Marchewka J. T. (2015). Information Technology Project Management. 5th. John

Wiley & Sons Inc.., River Street, Hoboken, NJ., ISBN: 978-1-118•91101-3 ).

ISYS6310 – Information System Project Management

Project: Unify Husky Air Mobile Application
Project Description:

To Design new User Interface for Mobile Application Husky Air based on existing User

Project Team Name : Team Product Development

Project Team:

Arkhab Maulana Uzlahbilah ( 2201860254)

Winengku Yudistya (2201853154)

Edwiseptania RDAP (2201861313)

Muhammad Batara Mulya (2201862575)


a. Identifikasi area pengaruh yang di inginkan

Potential Area Examples of Desired Impact

Customer  Memberikan User Experience yang lebih mudah dipahami

oleh customer

Financial  Meningkatkan profit dan margin

Operational  Peningkatan traffic pada application

 Peningkatan keefektifan operasional

b. Identifikasi nilai yang di inginkan pada IT

- Faster: Meningkatkan kecepatan performa pada mobile application husky air

- Better: Memberikan pengalaman yang memudahkan pada user saat menggunakan

mobile application husky air

ISYS6310 – Information System Project Management

c. Menentukan metric

Menyiapkan metric yang berisi tentang arahan tim, menetapkan expectation, dan
menyediakan sarana untuk mengevaluasi project tersebut..

Tujuan mengembangkan metric:

- Memberikan ekspektasi bagi stakeholder

- Menghasilkan value yang digunakan untuk evaluasi apakah project sudah

tersebut sudah sukses atau belum untuk kemudian hari.

- Menghasilkan proyek dengan target yang ingin dicapai.

d. Menentukan target waktu untuk mencapai MOV

ISYS6310 – Information System Project Management

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