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MATA KULIAH : B.inggris Teknik


November 2019
Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan
kita rahmat kesehatan dan kesempatan, sehingga bisa menyusun atau menyelesaikan
penyusunan makalah Kepemimpinan yang berjudul Mini Riset.

Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak Muh.Aulia Sembiring,ST,MT

yang telah membimbing penulis dan pihak-pihak yang telah membantu dalam
pembuatan makalah ini.

Makalah ini penulis yakini bahwa jauh dari kesempurnaan dan masih banyak
kekurangannya seperti pepatah yang mengatakan “tak ada gading yang tak retak”,
baik isi maupun penyusunnya. Penulis juga mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang
membangun guna kesempurnaan tugas ini.

Akhir kata penulis mengucapkan terimakasih, semoga dapat bermanfaat dan bisa
menambah pengetahuan bagi pembaca.

Medan, November2019

Ttin Safira


1. The Supersmart Spacecraft

Nobody gets Mars right on the first try. The U.S. didn’t, Russia didn’t, the Europeans
didn’t. But on Sept. 24, India did. That’s when the Mangalyaan (Mars craft in Hindi)
went into orbit around the Red Planet, a technological feat no other Asian nation has
yet achieved. Building the craft cost India just $74 million, less than the budget for
the film Gravity. At that price, the Mangalyaan is equipped with just five onboard
instruments that allow it to do simple tasks like measure Martian methane and
surface composition. More important, however, it allows India to flex its
interplanetary muscles, which portends great things for the country’s space program
—and for science in general.
2. Watches that Redefine Smart

Most smart watches have proved to be anything but: they try to shrink down the
experience of using a cell phone, with clunky results. Apple’s Watch, by contrast,
wholly reimagines the computer for the wrist, using a novel interface that combines
a touchscreen and physical buttons. Besides telling time, the Watch can send
messages, give directions, track fitness and make wireless payments. It’s also an
attractive piece of fashion, with high-end Edition models that feature 18-karat gold.
“Apple poured its heart and soul into the design,” says Robert Brunner, founder of
San Francisco design studio Ammunition and a former director of industrial design at
Apple. “It’s brave because they’re venturing into unknown territory.”

3. The Cooler that Powers Your Party

For more than 60 years, coolers have done a fine job putting party refreshments on
ice. But that wasn’t good enough for Ryan Grepper. “We wanted the cooler to be a
place where people gather—to have all the things that make a space somewhere
you’d want to hang out,” says the former medical sales rep.

The result is the world’s smartest all-purpose party starter. It stores food and drinks,
sure. But it also touts a blender (“for vodkaritas,” Grepper offers), an LED lid light
(“to see if you’re reaching for beer or Clamato juice”), a USB charger (“so nobody’s
phone dies”), a Bluetooth speaker (for tunes) and big wheels designed to navigate
many terrains (beach, parking lot). “I just want to make the coolest cooler out there,”
says Grepper. Hence the name: Coolest Cooler.

Since Grepper’s prototype first appeared on Kickstarter earlier this year, roughly
63,000 backers have contributed $13.3 million to make it a reality. It’s now the most
funded creation in the site’s history, besting hits like the Pebble smart watch and
Oculus Rift’s virtual-reality glasses.

4. The Wheel that Gives Bikers a Boost

We know that biking is good for us and good for the environment. But getting around
on a bicycle can seem daunting, especially in a large city with a hilly terrain. To
lessen that burden, Cambridge, Mass.–based Superpedestrian has developed the
Copenhagen Wheel, a standard-size wheel—it can be attached to the back of most
bicycles—that boasts a rechargeable, battery-powered motor. Depending on rider
preferences, entered through a smartphone app, the motor can kick in power
throughout the ride or just on hills. Sensors also track road conditions, air
temperature and potholes, so cyclists can share real-time information about best
routes. “Cities are reaching a limit in terms of how many more cars they can accept,”
says Assaf Biderman, founder and CEO of Superpedestrian; indeed, studies like those
from the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute suggest that the
U.S. has reached “peak car.” The Copenhagen Wheel, which has raised more than $6
million (partially through crowdfunding), may help make cycling a more viable

5. Internet of Things will deliver new opportunities

It is quite evident that IoT is now being used by the companies representing all
spheres of human activity. Moreover, the companies and businesspeople get even
more interested in the practical implementation of smart technological solutions
rather than in theoretical development. The attributes like “connected”, “smart” or
“intelligent” are now added to all technologies and solutions developed for various
According to some specialists, it is yet not the time to regard the IoT as something
done. Undoubtedly the changes brought by the IoT are only under development. In
2019 the IoT capabilities are expected to shift to automating and augmenting how
people experience the connected world. It will most probably result in a more
unstructured landscape of a wide variety of dynamically meshed things and services.

6. AR is expected to overcome VR
For the 2018 year it was common to consider VR (virtual reality software) to be the
most significant achievement of our generation. However, the situation has
dramatically changed. VR proved to have a limited range of application among the
companies and the customers. Therefore, the experts forecast the overcoming of VR
by the AR (augmented reality software) soon.

The AR technologies will continue to be profitable for enterprise software

development. In 2019, AR will become more common for mobile devices. Unlike VR,
it does not require headsets. Therefore the AR’s ability to be deployed on mobile
phones and tablets is far more robust.

Also, it is expected that AR will change the spheres of marketing and advertising in
the upcoming year. AR provides a completely personal experience. Thus customers’
engagement is skyrocketing. A consistent communication channel for direct dialogue
between the customer and provider will be ensured using the AR developments.
Probably, AR will also reinforce its position in the area of manufacturing. Industrial
AR platforms help the manufacturers to visualize data sets and provide assistance in
jobs related to physical labor. It is predicted that AR software will become a key to
the transformation of this sphere.

7. Upgrading humans becomes real

2019 promises to become a year of AI technologies application in healthcare and

medicine. People will face with a chance to get new opportunities, physical and
mental capabilities they could not even dream of before. Humans will get a chance to
modify, improve and continually upgrade their abilities and minds.
AI applications are capable to accelerate and improve accuracy of diagnosis.
Machine learning algorithms will be used to explore the biological and chemical
interactions of drugs. Telemedicine will also improve healthcare by making it easier
for patients to communicate with doctors. It will provide better opportunities for
treating and monitoring chronic diseases 24/7.

Also, biomedical electronics will take the stage. The digital technologies are to
broaden the sphere of their competence in providing assistance doctors and
mitigating the stressful situations. Bionics and biomedical electronics will introduce
new solutions for people with handicaps or those suffering from severe illnesses or
some injuries. Nowadays, prosthetics

8. A Reactor that Could Realize Nuclear Fusion

High-beta fusion reactor

Developed by Lockheed Martin

Nuclear fusion—the production of energy from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei—has

always been the holy grail of energy: it’s endlessly productive and largely clean— and
so far, it’s remained elusive. But in October, Lockheed Martin said it had achieved a
technological breakthrough that will enable it to make compact fusion reactors small
enough to fit on the back of a truck within a decade. The design uses “magnetic mirror
confinement” to control the reaction. Absent further details on how it works, some
outside scientists are skeptical. But if Lockheed really can produce a workable fusion
reactor, the world of energy may never be the same.
9. The Tablet that Replaces Laptops

Microsoft’s latest “hybrid” bundles the power of a laptop into a svelte 12-in. tablet
and can run desktop apps like Word, Excel and PowerPoint. That, as well as a slim,
detachable keyboard cover and a built-in stand that makes the Surface usable on a
desk, makes it more suitable than other tablets for professionals like doctors and
businesspeople. No wonder organizations such as Coca-Cola and Seattle’s Children’s
Hospital have adopted it in droves.

10.Smart spaces will continue growing into smart cities

During the last several decades the way people live, work and interact has been
considerably changed. The focus of human life has shifted from nature to
technologies. Rapid development of science, industrial revolution and constant
development of new technologies largely influenced on the way people live. The life
is speeding up. Nowadays, the borderline between virtual and physical blurs. The
technology became an essential part of our daily life. Thus, there evolves the need to
create spaces where technologies and physical environment will successfully coexist.
Smart space is a physical or digital environment where people and AI-powered
technological solution can efficiently interact. Because technologies have entered our
daily life, smart space is going to win its popularity in the upcoming year. Smart
spaces take individual technologies and combine them into collaborative and
interactive environments. The growing popularity of smart spaces reflects in the
appearance of smart cities, digital workplaces, smart homes and companies.

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