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The Art of Preparing for the Exams...

Writing the Examination

Writing the examination is an art by itself. It is the final reckoning in
the process of preparation and evaluation. All that one had learned and
studied for ten full months becomes meaningless and useless if one is not
able to present the answer to the questions within the stipulated time limit of
three hours. The grade of achievement is measured by going through the
content of the relevant presentation given the answer script and not by trying
to know or assess what one may know.

The overall impression made by the student in the answer script by

way of neat presentation., legible handwriting, and high lighting the
important point boost the marks achieve by at least 10 – 15 percent.
Knowing the answers for all questions is “nice” but writing the answers for
all the questions in the answer script is “wise”.

One should go through the question paper thoroughly and not miss
anything. “Time Consciousness” is a very important factor to be always kept
in mind during the examination. Judging the question paper by it content –
the number of questions - objectives, short and long answers, one should
allocate sufficient time for each section, part, unit and question of the paper.

It is always better that one completes his examination, writing

answers for all the questions satisfactorily rather than coming out of the
examination hall having written most of the answer efficiently but not
completing certain answers for want of time.

One should not spend more time with the difficult objective type
questions, thereby being left with little time for long answers carrying more
marks. At the same time one should not devote all time for the long answer
to present matter in a detailed form leaving no time for short and objective
type questions. It is dangerous to ponder over questions one doesn’t know as
it would lead to wasting time. One should not spend too much time in
recollecting any answer. This only shows poor study habits. It is wise to
write brief, short paragraph answers first followed by long answers and then
to take the objective type questions.

It is not necessary to answer the questions as per order in which they

appear in the question paper. But whatever the order in which the answers
are numbered correctly. Whenever the answers need to be illustrated with
diagrams or drawing it is important that they should be done so. The
questions calling for diagrams alone should be tackled with great care and
precision. Free hand sketching and matchstick diagrams should be avoided.
All the diagrams / drawings should be properly labeled. It is better to avoid
zigzag way labeling. Labeling should be neat and legible in all the diagrams
/ drawings. One should not expose one’s ignorance by presenting wrong and
careless answers which will leave wrong impressions in the examiner’s mind
about the student.

Understanding the question paper correctly before answering, will

bring about a perfect answer. Neatness and legibility should be maintained
throughout the answer script. Increasing the speed of writing as time
progresses and efficient presentation is important. Neatness and legibility
should be maintained throughout the answer script. Increasing the speed of
writing as time progresses and efficient presentation is important.

Wrong answers which need to be omitted should be neatly cancelled.

Overwriting should be avoided as far as possible. Change of the color of the
ink in the course of examination should be definitely avoided. Leaving
sufficient space between words and between sentences adds beauty to the
presentation. One should allot sufficient time for revising the answer. This
will help one to find out the mistakes committed unknowingly. It is always
better to sit and write full duration of the examination. One should make
sure that one has answered for all the hundred full marks and no questions
left unanswered even by oversight.

The rough work done by the student on the answer sheet also plays its
role in projecting the image of the scholar. Untidy scribbling all over the
answer sheets mark the whole picture. It is better that the rough work is done
in a separate sheet with the corresponding question division and numbers
neatly entered. Examiners are known to refer to the rough also if they are
unsure about the student’s method of mathematical and scientific
calculations. On the whole, it is important to make the examiner feel that he
/ she had gone through a good answer paper.

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