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    Defining and non-defining clauses

    Cities of the world

    Kathya Gayoso

Melissa Guadalupe
Antonio Lázaro
Piero Moreno

 !| áeacher presents some pictures of Düsseldorf.

!| ÔÔ get in 3 groups and receive some strip sentences with
information about that city.
!| áeacher explains and models the activity: join two strips to
make one coherent sentence.
!| °eview as a class.
c !| áeacher models an example showing the difference between D
and ND clauses by removing the clause of the sentence and
checking if the meaning is still clear or not.
!| ÔÔ do the same with their sentences.
!| áeacher clarifies the grammar topic reviewing ÔÔ work.
  !| áeacher hands out a set of cards with information about
c different cities in Peru to each group.
!| áeacher models the activity: ÔÔ have to join two cards and make
sentences including D or ND clauses.
cc  !| áeacher presents and model the following situation: áwo
friends get together after their vacations in a different city of
Peru. áhey share information about that city (from the previous
exercise with the cards) and share their thoughts and
impressions on the city.

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