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Satuan Pendidikan : Smpn 2 Lambandia

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester : VII( tujuh) 1
Materi pokok : Tenses
Alokasi waktu : 1 pertemuan ( 2 x 45 menit)
Aspek : kompetensi kebahasaan

Standar kompetensi:
6. mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan essay pendek sederhana
berbentuk prosedur dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehali-hari.
Kompetensi dasar :
6.1. mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat , dan diterima untuk
berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Menulis kalimat pendek dan sederhana the simple present tense
 Menyebutkan fungsi dari the simple present tense
 Mengidentifikasi simple present tense dalam teks
 Memilih bentuk kata kerja untuk the simple present tense.

1. Tujuan pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa mampu :
 Menulis kalimat pendek dengan benar
 Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat yang baik dan benar
 Menggunakan “ the simple preset tense “ dengan benar
2. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Penjelasan dan contoh the simple present tense
The Simple Present Tense
Study the summary!
1). The Simple Present: Past Future
2). The uses of this tense
a) It expresses daily habits or usual activities
Example: I take a shower everyday.
She goes to school every morning.
b) It expresses general statements of fact
Example: The earth goes around the sun.
The sun rises in the east.
3). The forms of the Simple Present
a) Statement
He I
She runs You run
It We
- When the subject is third person singular (e.g. he, she, it, Edo, the planet),
add a final -s or -es to the verb
- Add -es if the verb ends in -sh, -ch, -ss, -x, or –zz
wash washes
catch catches
fix fixes
pass passes
buzz buzzes
- If the verb ends in a consonant + -y, change the -y to i and add –es

study studies
try tries

- If the verb ends in a vowel + -y, simply add -s

pay pays
buy buys

b) Negative


She + does not(doesn’t) + infinitive


You + do not (don’t) + infinitive



Note: Do not add a final -s to the main verb (e.g. run) in a negative sentence.
(incorrect: He doesn't runs)
c) Interrogative Questions


Does she + infinitive ............?


you + infinitive...............?

Do we



Do not add a final -s to the main verb in question. (incorrect: does he runs?)

d) Short answer

he I

Yes she + does Yes, you do

it we


he I

No she + doesn’t No, you don’t

it we

e) Adverds that are usuallly used in this tense

• always

• seldom/rarely

• usually generally/commonly

• often/frequently

• once in awhile/sometimes

• never

• early/each

• every (everyday, every week, every month, every year, every night, etc)

b. Teks fungsional pendek menggunakan the Simple Present Tense


In most cities we always find more than one police station. In the police station,
there is usually a chief of police assisted by many officers. The police officers are
responsible for some areas which we usually called beats. A beat is an area patrolled by a
police officer. The police officer usually patrols the beat by riding a motorcycle, driving a
car or even on foot. In the village, or in the forests and mountains, the police officer may
ride a horse.

In their beats, the police officers have to do many important jobs. When they are
patrolling, they have to watch the beat very closely. They have to make sure that the beat
is safe enough for the people to live and work. They may arrest people who commit
crimes such stealing, robbing, or selling drugs. Beside that, they may also settle
arguments, control the traffic, or settle college student demonstrations. 3. Metode/ teknik :

- penjelasan
- pemodelan
- diskusi
- latihan
- penugasan
4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
o Kegiatan Pendahuluan
 Calling the roll
 menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
 brainstorming
o Kegiatan inti

1. penjelasan mengenai the Simple Present Tense

2. Mengamati contoh-contoh kalimat the Simple Present Tense
3. Menyebutkan ciri-ciri the Simple Present Tense
4. Menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang benar.
5. Mengidentifikasi the Simple Present Tense dalam teks
Menulis kalimat the Simple Present Tense
Mengerjakan latihan tentang “the simple present tense”.
o Kegiatan Penutup
- menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks
- melakukan refleksi
- memberi tugas/homework.
5. Sumber Belajar
o BSE Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas IX Edisi IV Unit 6, Gunarso Depdiknas
o Internet
o Kamus
o Handout
6. Penilaian
a. Teknik :Tes Tertulis
b. Bentuk instrument : - menyusun kata
- menulis kalimat/paragraf
c. Contoh instrument : - Re-arrange these jumbled words into a good sentences.
- Write one simple present tense sentence using “tobe” and
one using “full verb”
- Write a short paragraph about your daily activity.
- Garis bawahi kata kerja bentuk Simple Present yang terdapat
pada teks berjudul “The Police Station”

Karakter yang ingin dikembangkan dalam Pembelajaran Materi ini

• Rasa ingin tahu
• Komunikatif
• Berani

kolaka, januari 2012

Mengetahui Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs.Nursimin S.Pd.,M.M.Pd. Nur aisah Ibrahim

NIP. 196402021984101001 NIP. 170230049

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