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Writing in the
Digital Era
By Yulian Warman
Chief of Corporate Communications
1. Tema atau Topik *Perlu riset kecil untuk
menentukan topik
Harus Unik
• Aktual *Ide tema yang
• Sesuai dengan news trend cemerlang

• Menyangkut suatu kasus relevan

di masyarakat
• Menyentuh empati masyarakat
• Bercerita tentang segmen khusus
• Tema yang dikuasai
2. Judul
• Ringkas, simple, padat
• Mudah dimengerti
• “Eye catching” atau
3. Outline
Berisi poin-poin artikel.
• Menjelaskan topik atau tema
dari awal sampai akhir.
• Bercerita runut dari pembuka
sampai penutup.
• Mempunyai sub tema/sub
judul yang jelas.
• Punya kesimpulan, usul dan
saran. * Isi bisa berupa/biasanya
piramida atau piramida terbalik.
4. Hal-hal yang Perlu Perhatian
• Punya nilai atau value serta knowledge bagi pembaca.
• Mulai alinea yang menarik dan memancing penasaran.
• Dukungan data dan referensi yang up to date dan akurat.
• Mengutip pendapat ahli atau pakar yang kompeten.
• Bahasa yang mudah dimengerti.
• Menggunakan EYD.
• Ringkas: Menggunakan satu atau dua kalimat per alinea.
• Biasanya tiga sd lima baris per alinea.
• Boleh menggunakan istilah kekinian, tapi jelaskan.
• Jangan membosankan.
4. Hal-hal yang Perlu Perhatian
• Hindari kalimat dan kata yang sama.
• Fokus pada tema.
• Tidak mengejar panjang naskah, tapi padat.
• Gunakan referensi teruji dan terpercaya.
• Posisikan diri sebagai pembaca.
• Baca kembali setelah selesai.
• Editing untuk penyelarasan.
• Enak/renyah dibaca dan perlu.
• Banyak baca 》Menulis adalah cerminan membaca.
• Yakinkan diri bahwa menulis itu gampang.
• Penghargaan bagi penulis yang menulis di luar bidangnya.
Public Speaking
“Ease Your Nervousness”
by Charles Dw Simaremare
What is nervous?
Easily agitated or alarmed, tending to be anxious
"a sensitive, nervous person“

When you want to make a presentation or

something, you feel insecure, or feel unsure. That is
called nervous

The things that you will understand
What is nervous?
The advantage if you are confident
What are the factors that cause people to get nervous?
How to manage nervousness?
What are you afraid of ?
What is F.E.A.R?

The advantage if you are confident
- Looks very fluent when delivering material
- Knowledge delivered will be received clearly
- Be an example for others
- Has an advantage that no one else has
- Make others want to learn public speaking like you

What are the factors that cause
people to get nervous?

“No matter how much you believe in yourself and no matter how you

are accustomed to speaking in public, the support of the people closest

to you is first. From them you are sure that you can exceed the limits.

From the shame, doubt, nervousness to fear, the feeling will disappear

when the people around you support and believe that you can.”

• We can criticize people, but do not offend physically or do body
shaming to them. Some might regard this as a natural thing and
used as material to make small talk with others. It can even be a
joke to strengthen relationships with others.

• The nervous feeling that initially disappears, will immediately be

felt even worse. Until finally he feels self-esteem is lost when we
offend physically that we should not say. Criticize the ideas or
opinions they express. Not about appearance or even what they

The ability to speak and the courage to express feelings in the
present, is influenced by the opportunities given to him in the past.
Including during childhood trauma, for example, where we are
accustomed to be quiet and not given the opportunity to talk. As if
everything said and done didn't have much good effect. Shyness
and fear of talking back can affect us in the present and the future.

• Expecting and hoping for the best for what we do becomes the
thing to do. But all must be balanced with self-awareness of the
existing reality. Expect yourself according to your abilities. Do
everything you can do with your should.

• See how you can reach your expectations, not the expectations
of others. Remember, the best expectations are what you build
because you believe in yourself, not what you believe in other

• Feeling inferior can come to us from
various sources. Starting from being
inferior about one's own abilities and
appearance, to being inferior to the
strengths of others. Of course we want
to show the best in public. But we rarely
realize, that this is actually difficult for
ourselves and increasingly giving a
feeling of inferiority and excessive
There is nothing else besides our lack of
preparation. We are more easily nervous and
inferior when it comes to speaking in public when
we don't prepare everything well. Starting from
the material that will be discussed, until the
possible questions and answers that you will
receive later. Don't always rely on the support of
others when you yourself don't prepare
everything well.

1. Eliminate negative thoughts

2. Maintain eye contact

3. Take care of appearance

April Hansson
4. Breathing exercises

5. Exercise routine
• Afraid of being laughed at
• Fear of being ridiculed
• Fear of not being noticed
• Fear of there’s no benefit inside
• Afraid of speaking wrong
• Fear not heard
• Feel imperfect
• Feeling weightless
• Blank
Psychological factors will arise if the person always thinks
negatively and always feels pessimistic about himself

Technical factors are caused if the person does not understand

the material he is carrying, always does not speak fluently when
making a presentation, and does not know about basic public

False = Not according with truth or fact, incorrect.
Evidence = The available body of facts or information indicating
whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Appear = Come into sight; become visible or noticeable,
typically without visible agent or apparent cause.
Reality = The world or the state of things as they actually exist,
as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of


Skills Ability


ASTRA Leadership Competencies

Analysis and Judgement

Interpersonal Skill

ALC Planning Driving Action


Drive and Courage

VUCA: A New Normal

How well can you PREDICT results of your action?

 Many interconnected • Unexpected challenge
parts & variables • Unstable/unpredictabl
 Overwhelming amount of e context
information processing &
• Timing/duration
sense-making challenges
capacity unknown

• Casual relationships • Basic-cause effect are
unclear known
• No precedents • Lacking key
• Several “unknown information
unknowns” • Change is possible, but
not given

How much do you KNOW about the situation?

Source: Bennet & Lemoine (2014). Harvard Business Review

What type of
Agile. Can acting effectively in unforeseen and
unpredicted situation

Focus on Innovation. An innovator,

game-changer, pioneer.

Digital savvy. Having the ability to

use the technology and knowing when to use it
to adapt to the changing digital landscape
FIFGROUP @fifgroupcareer FIFGROUP

HC Recruitment Talent and Career Management

Menara FIF, 3rd Floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 15, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan
Kick Off
Writing Competition
For University
Pemenang dan Hadiah
Dalam kompetisi ini akan ditetapkan 3 (Tiga) orang pemenang dan harapan, dengan

hadiah :Juara 1 Juara 2 Juara 3 Harapan 1, 2, 3

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Pemenang dihubungi Announcement via Konfirmasi Alamat Pengiriman Hadiah

via Telepon Instagram Pemenang
Agility is the ability to adapt and respond
to change... Agile organtizations view
change as an opportunity, not a threat.

Jim Highsmith

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