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All of the above plus other penalties 5.

Every accident must be reported to the

police where there is personal injure or when the damage exceeds:
$1,000 6. When it is necessary to park on the travelled portion of a highway out
side of an urban distract. How far must approaching traffic be able to see your
vehicle: 30m 60m
7. How soon after a licensed driver changes address should the Registrar of Moto
r Vehicles be notified? within 6 day within 15 days
within 30 days
Any time prior to renewal of licence
8. A driver s licence is not valid:
Until signed by the licencee
After the expiry date indicated on the licence
While the licencee is prohibited from driving under the Criminal Code of Canada
All of the above 9. When does the law require lights on vehicle to be turned on?
Between sunset and sunrise
Between dusk and dawn
Half an hour before sunset and half an hour after sunrise No specified time 10.
Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit allowed in cities, towns and se
ttlements is: 30km/h 50km/h 40km/h 60km/h 11. You are required to keep a safe di
stance behind the vehicle in front of you. At 80km/h you should keep at least:
Two car lengths behind vehicle in front
Three car lengths behind vehicle in front
Four car lengths behind vehicle in front Five car lengths behind vehicle in fron
t 12. Which of following conditions makes it dangerous and unlawful to operate a
vehicle on highway? The driver s view to the front and sides of the vehicle is ob
structed by the number of persons in the front seat An ornament or decoration on
the vehicle obstructs the driver s vision or distracts his/her attention The load
of the vehicle obstructs the driver s view to the front or sides All of the above
13.The shortest distance from a stop sign that a vehicle may be parked is: 5m 7
m 10m 20m 14.You should under all condition drive at a speed which will allow yo
u to stop: Within 150m Within the assured safe distance which you can see ahead
Within three car lengths Within one car length 15.Unless otherwise posted, the m
aximum speed limit on gravel highways, outside of cities, towns, settlement and
built-up distracts is: 50km/h 60km/h 80km/h 100km/h 16. Must you deflect or depr
ess the beam of your headlight when following another vehicle at night? Yes, at
the distance of 150m Yes, at the distance of 20m Yes, at the distance of 75m No,
it is not necessary 17. If you are involved in a reportable accident, how soon
must you make a report in your nearest provincial or municipal police officer? A
t once Within 24 hours Within 48 hours Within 72 hours 18. When the title or int
erest in a registered motor vehicle changes, what does the
Registrar of Motor Vehicles require?
The transferor to notify the Registrar in writing
The transferee to notify the Registrar in writing
A notice of transfer within six days after transfer of ownership
All of the above 19. Except when passing, how many meters must be maintained bet
ween commercial vehicle travelling in the same direction on the highway outside
a city, town or village?
150m 20.Which of the following hand and arm signals is correct for a left turn?
Arm straight out the window Arm out and down
Arm out and up
Circle motion
21. Under which of the following conditions is it dangerous and unlawful to make
a U turn?
Upon a curve
Upon a hill where there is a clear view of less than 150 meters in either direct
Within an intersection
Under all of the above condition 22. When the speed limit is 50km/h but ice and
snow make it dangerous to go faster than 20km/h, you should drive: As fast as th
e car ahead because you can stop as quickly as it can At 20km/h or less because
it is dangerous to go faster At 50km/h because that is the posted speed limit At
60 km/h because you are late for work 23.How close to a fire hydrant may you le
gally park? 1m 2m 3m 4m 24.In what penalties is a driver liable who is convicted
of driving while suspended?
A fine of $250-$500
Imprisonment for six months
An additional 9 months period of suspension of driving privilege
Any or all of the above 25.When a truck becomes disabled on the highway, flares
of reflectors must be placed
approximately what distance ahead of and to the rear of the disabled vehicle? 15
m 30m 50m 100m

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