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V filV

It's Easy \Greetings Will. 5 put blocks and other things to-

BUTTE, Mont. (AP)—Pleading I Be Broadcast

Parents Problems gether with » purpose, as he be-
gins to scribble and draw, as he
talks about the things he does and
Shop Tonite
Bj f i A R K Y CLKVtiMNI) MYKKS> Hb.U asks questions — as he explores, 'til 9:00
guilty to a charge of passing a,
worthless check, the prisoner told Christmas greetings from Pfc Many parents enjoy their child ents' smile and tender tones, his creates, and seeks more informa-
tion about the big world about
the court: "People are tickled tO| Jerome Brown, stationed in Korea from the very time he is born, beginning to coo and then to bab-
with the 3rd TMRS Railroad bat-
death to get checks. I can always! talion, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and find still richer enjoyment as ble and finally to utter words', and him.
find somebody to take a check." more children arrive and grow up the new things he can do with his The parents, amazed at this lit- WHERE CHRISTMAS
John Brown of 149 5th st, Brews- together. hands and whole body, handling, tle child's development, enjoy all
ler, will be broadcast Saturday Tending, bathing, dressing the ! touching, exploring things; and, his new exploits at speech and lo- DREAMS COME TRUE
afternoon at 4 o'clock over Canton tiny infant and tucking him in j gradually, his show of thinking, im- comotion, at his creative fun, es-
radio station WAND. Pfc Brown for sleep can bring out the tend- agining and creating — how enjoy pecially when he talks about things
QUALITY GROCERIES graduated from Brewster high erest feelings in the mother. This | able they are. Before long, he is he only sees or hears in his imagi-
school with the class of 1951 and is also true for the father, as he sitting, reaching, creeping, walking, nation. Then, for years, they en-
CHOICE MEATS was employed by the Nickel Plate gently holds the baby occasional- talking — all these signs of de- joy his play at make-believe alone
Lowest Prices and
Prompt Service Always thisOther
Road before entering service in ly, and looks at him, until he grad- velopment are amazing and fasci- or with other children. These par-
December, 1951. ually learns to help ir. this little nating to his parents.
greetings to be heard at creature's care.
ents write down some of the yarns
It's wonderful for the father to he spins out
time from Germany, will be With more and more pleasure, ! learn to change the baby, dress couraging
of his little head, en-
him to create more and
Keep Dry In Snow and
more of them.
from Pvt. Thomas B. Greaves, son the father and mother observe him, feed him, bathe him, espe- Of course, these parents face
of Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Greaves of this little child's development — cially after the baby is one or two problems in winning this child to
3932 6th st SW, Canton and Pvt. his increase in size and weight, the years old.
517 Lincoln Way, W. Anthony Paris of Alliance, new movements and sounds he
* * *
do what they want him to do,
enjoyment of and in keeping him from doing
learns to make, and especially
112 Erie Strjeet, S. j the child can grow richer and rich- what they don't want him to do

The total land surface of the when he begins to smile.
earth is about 36,480 million acres. His growing response to the_p_ar- 'cr as this small person begins to these —in winning his cooperation. But
very problems sre challenges
to his parents' thinking and plan-
ning together for the best guidance
of this little child, and from this
they can gain still more enjoy-
ments. With Toting Pouch
These parents gain enjoyment
from encouraging this child to do COLORS:
for himself what he is able to do,
to amuse himself and find fun Amber Red
with other children.
Later, the whole family can ex- Blue Black Grey
a wonderland of dreams come true! perience such enjoyment around
the dinner table, elsewhere about
the home, talking and laughing
together, playing games together,
having visiting .children in the
HUNDREDS OF TOYS \ HURRY — SAVE! home at times, going places to-
gether, building love and happi-
ness that endure.
SHOP TONIGHT, WEDNESDAY, 'TIL 9 P. M.! OPEN^ THURSDAY 10 TO 5:30! First known use of the direct:
primary in the United States was j
Set ~~ Price Cut $2.10! in Crawford county, Pennsylvania. |
in 1868. i
49c Our Largest Metal Complete Line of pure latex rubber boots
B i g s e t in-
. eludes 21 dif-
ferent p a i n t
colors, brush,
DOLL HOUSE Hunting Boots you can Me in your purse
tray, and color and Pacs

chart REG.
G.98 .88 « Special Price Left—For flat or wedge

$4.99 to $8.95
Metal heels. Sizes 3 to 10.
Tea Set
69c - » Big 32xl6y4xl3'/8-inch High
Ranch Doll House SIFF'S Right—F o r m e d i u m
Save now on • All rooms arc completely fur- heels. Sizes 5 to 10.
this 15-piece nished, even with 4 kids SHOE STORE
1 i t h ographed • House has patio and new
metal tea set. They're here . . . rubber
Gay, colorfully breakfast har boots so light, so com- »
designed. • Hurry — Save $2.10 now!
SAVE WITH OUR fortable y o u scarcely
Big Ferris know y o u ' r e wearing"
Wheels PROFIT SHARING them. Extra long-wear-
ing. Made with Du-Pont
1.98 PREMIUM PLAN crepe' soles and heels.
. A:big thrill for Really non-skid.
an'y 'youngster.
•$£.'i n d u p
:•''spying ' turns
V. H. MEYER Women's Shoes—Main Floor
'iff* inch wheel
. 100 ..times. Buy FOOD C I T Y O'Neil's
how!;-;. 841 Tremont Ave., S. W.
New Push Musical Rockers 11.95 Walking Doll Rocking Horses
Chimes All Solid Oak Construction! Famous Mary Hartline Model Saddle Has Built-up Back
1.25 Reg. 5.95
A 00
t.WO Save 4.97 O.TO Happi-Time J.//
As c h i m e Is Imported Swiss movement
p u s h e d it She walks! She opens and closes Fully molded body and head en-
makes music. plays a gay fune as child her eyes! Lustrous blonde hair ameled white! Blue saddle, red
rocks. Shaped arms are re- can be restyled. Baton, curlers


Complete with. inforced fpr extra rigidity, bridle. Hardwood rockers, sta-
18',-:-inch de- included. tionary foot rest.
tachable push strength.
Toy Phone
Dial clicks —
b e l l tinkles.
All plastic in
bright colors.
Easily cleaned.
A buy at Sears
Spring Horse Chalk, Slate Sets Happi-Time Sleds
Bank Packed With Creative Fun Tapered For Lightning Speed
Keg. O ew
3.95 *»
L o c k s when
Regular 6.98
A Safe and Sturdy Toy
51 Pieces
Reg. 98c 77c Only' 4.69
25c is deposit- Save $3.10 :... **• Complete thrifty gift set includ- Top quality heat treated spring
ed; opens at He'll be riding high and wide ing drawing board, 16 pieces of
on this handsome bright speel grooved runners. Extra
S10.00 — holds enamel painted horse. Here's chalk, 8 crayons, 10 stencils, long top for extra roominess. A
about S50.00. eraser, 15 pictures. full 36-inch long! '

All metal case.. a galloping ride he'll enjoy!

Toy Wheel-
B r i g h t red.
Sturdy steel.
17% x 15x 6>/z-
inch bed. Pine
handles, rub-
ber tired
Trucks 6.98 Tricycle Reg. 8.95 Wagon 26-Pc. Train Sets
Tubular All Steel Frame! nig Bi-in. Rubber Tires Famous Happi-Time Outfit
1.39 10 inch 0.44
Ball bearing front wheel. Ex- Only 7. All For Only 5.7O;-|
white enamel- tra heavy steel fork with He'l! have a coasting good time Plastic engine that smokes, ten |?
ed city type steel truss and brace rods. in this 34-inch wagon with thick der, box car, caboose, gondola. 15
truck. Realistic Adjustable seal and handle- tires, bearings that'need no oil- 6 signs, 137 inches of sectional j j
detail. Large ing. Steel chassis. tracks, switches!
overhead rear bars

• Large Wood Toy Chest, only 9-88
• Reg, 1.98 Let's Play School Kit 1.66
• Reg. 98c Tots' Silverware Set 88c AT
», Plastic Click Guns, now only 39c
• Tree Ornaments, Priced Low as 5c

Boys' Tool Kit, now only
Reg. 98c Small Fry Cooking Utensils
Noina Safety Plug Sets
1.88 «&FIRST AND
• Rcg. 2.95 Friction Fire Truck 2.44 Standard replacement fuses protect you from short circuits, over-
Auto Transport with 2 Plastic Cars 2.29 loading—help eliminate electrical fires! Each of the 7 lights burn
independently. 15 burning light sets available. ISl LIKCOIH WHY tm-^ilbu<jiUut7/ixr>cn//iittitirtioi<
155 Li coln 4184
" W
Shop Thursday 10 lo 5:30 m

It's Easy \Greetings Will. 5 put blocks and other things to-

BUTTE, Mont. (AP)—Pleading I Be Broadcast

Parents Problems gether with » purpose, as he be-
gins to scribble and draw, as he
talks about the things he does and
Shop Tonite
Bj f i A R K Y CLKVtiMNI) MYKKS> Hb.U asks questions — as he explores, 'til 9:00
guilty to a charge of passing a,
worthless check, the prisoner told Christmas greetings from Pfc Many parents enjoy their child ents' smile and tender tones, his creates, and seeks more informa-
tion about the big world about
the court: "People are tickled tO| Jerome Brown, stationed in Korea from the very time he is born, beginning to coo and then to bab-
with the 3rd TMRS Railroad bat-
death to get checks. I can always! talion, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and find still richer enjoyment as ble and finally to utter words', and him.
find somebody to take a check." more children arrive and grow up the new things he can do with his The parents, amazed at this lit- WHERE CHRISTMAS
John Brown of 149 5th st, Brews- together. hands and whole body, handling, tle child's development, enjoy all
ler, will be broadcast Saturday Tending, bathing, dressing the ! touching, exploring things; and, his new exploits at speech and lo- DREAMS COME TRUE
afternoon at 4 o'clock over Canton tiny infant and tucking him in j gradually, his show of thinking, im- comotion, at his creative fun, es-
radio station WAND. Pfc Brown for sleep can bring out the tend- agining and creating — how enjoy pecially when he talks about things
QUALITY GROCERIES graduated from Brewster high erest feelings in the mother. This | able they are. Before long, he is he only sees or hears in his imagi-
school with the class of 1951 and is also true for the father, as he sitting, reaching, creeping, walking, nation. Then, for years, they en-
CHOICE MEATS was employed by the Nickel Plate gently holds the baby occasional- talking — all these signs of de- joy his play at make-believe alone
Lowest Prices and
Prompt Service Always thisOther
Road before entering service in ly, and looks at him, until he grad- velopment are amazing and fasci- or with other children. These par-
December, 1951. ually learns to help ir. this little nating to his parents.
greetings to be heard at creature's care.
ents write down some of the yarns
It's wonderful for the father to he spins out
time from Germany, will be With more and more pleasure, ! learn to change the baby, dress couraging
of his little head, en-
him to create more and
Keep Dry In Snow and
more of them.
from Pvt. Thomas B. Greaves, son the father and mother observe him, feed him, bathe him, espe- Of course, these parents face
of Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Greaves of this little child's development — cially after the baby is one or two problems in winning this child to
3932 6th st SW, Canton and Pvt. his increase in size and weight, the years old.
517 Lincoln Way, W. Anthony Paris of Alliance, new movements and sounds he
* * *
do what they want him to do,
enjoyment of and in keeping him from doing
learns to make, and especially
112 Erie Strjeet, S. j the child can grow richer and rich- what they don't want him to do

The total land surface of the when he begins to smile.
earth is about 36,480 million acres. His growing response to the_p_ar- 'cr as this small person begins to these —in winning his cooperation. But
very problems sre challenges
to his parents' thinking and plan-
ning together for the best guidance
of this little child, and from this
they can gain still more enjoy-
ments. With Toting Pouch
These parents gain enjoyment
from encouraging this child to do COLORS:
for himself what he is able to do,
to amuse himself and find fun Amber Red
with other children.
Later, the whole family can ex- Blue Black Grey
a wonderland of dreams come true! perience such enjoyment around
the dinner table, elsewhere about
the home, talking and laughing
together, playing games together,
having visiting .children in the
HUNDREDS OF TOYS \ HURRY — SAVE! home at times, going places to-
gether, building love and happi-
ness that endure.
SHOP TONIGHT, WEDNESDAY, 'TIL 9 P. M.! OPEN^ THURSDAY 10 TO 5:30! First known use of the direct:
primary in the United States was j
Set ~~ Price Cut $2.10! in Crawford county, Pennsylvania. |
in 1868. i
49c Our Largest Metal Complete Line of pure latex rubber boots
B i g s e t in-
. eludes 21 dif-
ferent p a i n t
colors, brush,
DOLL HOUSE Hunting Boots you can Me in your purse
tray, and color and Pacs

chart REG.
G.98 .88 « Special Price Left—For flat or wedge

$4.99 to $8.95
Metal heels. Sizes 3 to 10.
Tea Set
69c - » Big 32xl6y4xl3'/8-inch High
Ranch Doll House SIFF'S Right—F o r m e d i u m
Save now on • All rooms arc completely fur- heels. Sizes 5 to 10.
this 15-piece nished, even with 4 kids SHOE STORE
1 i t h ographed • House has patio and new
metal tea set. They're here . . . rubber
Gay, colorfully breakfast har boots so light, so com- »
designed. • Hurry — Save $2.10 now!
SAVE WITH OUR fortable y o u scarcely
Big Ferris know y o u ' r e wearing"
Wheels PROFIT SHARING them. Extra long-wear-
ing. Made with Du-Pont
1.98 PREMIUM PLAN crepe' soles and heels.
. A:big thrill for Really non-skid.
an'y 'youngster.
•$£.'i n d u p
:•''spying ' turns
V. H. MEYER Women's Shoes—Main Floor
'iff* inch wheel
. 100 ..times. Buy FOOD C I T Y O'Neil's
how!;-;. 841 Tremont Ave., S. W.
New Push Musical Rockers 11.95 Walking Doll Rocking Horses
Chimes All Solid Oak Construction! Famous Mary Hartline Model Saddle Has Built-up Back
1.25 Reg. 5.95
A 00
t.WO Save 4.97 O.TO Happi-Time J.//
As c h i m e Is Imported Swiss movement
p u s h e d it She walks! She opens and closes Fully molded body and head en-
makes music. plays a gay fune as child her eyes! Lustrous blonde hair ameled white! Blue saddle, red
rocks. Shaped arms are re- can be restyled. Baton, curlers


Complete with. inforced fpr extra rigidity, bridle. Hardwood rockers, sta-
18',-:-inch de- included. tionary foot rest.
tachable push strength.
Toy Phone
Dial clicks —
b e l l tinkles.
All plastic in
bright colors.
Easily cleaned.
A buy at Sears
Spring Horse Chalk, Slate Sets Happi-Time Sleds
Bank Packed With Creative Fun Tapered For Lightning Speed
Keg. O ew
3.95 *»
L o c k s when
Regular 6.98
A Safe and Sturdy Toy
51 Pieces
Reg. 98c 77c Only' 4.69
25c is deposit- Save $3.10 :... **• Complete thrifty gift set includ- Top quality heat treated spring
ed; opens at He'll be riding high and wide ing drawing board, 16 pieces of
on this handsome bright speel grooved runners. Extra
S10.00 — holds enamel painted horse. Here's chalk, 8 crayons, 10 stencils, long top for extra roominess. A
about S50.00. eraser, 15 pictures. full 36-inch long! '

All metal case.. a galloping ride he'll enjoy!

Toy Wheel-
B r i g h t red.
Sturdy steel.
17% x 15x 6>/z-
inch bed. Pine
handles, rub-
ber tired
Trucks 6.98 Tricycle Reg. 8.95 Wagon 26-Pc. Train Sets
Tubular All Steel Frame! nig Bi-in. Rubber Tires Famous Happi-Time Outfit
1.39 10 inch 0.44
Ball bearing front wheel. Ex- Only 7. All For Only 5.7O;-|
white enamel- tra heavy steel fork with He'l! have a coasting good time Plastic engine that smokes, ten |?
ed city type steel truss and brace rods. in this 34-inch wagon with thick der, box car, caboose, gondola. 15
truck. Realistic Adjustable seal and handle- tires, bearings that'need no oil- 6 signs, 137 inches of sectional j j
detail. Large ing. Steel chassis. tracks, switches!
overhead rear bars

• Large Wood Toy Chest, only 9-88
• Reg, 1.98 Let's Play School Kit 1.66
• Reg. 98c Tots' Silverware Set 88c AT
», Plastic Click Guns, now only 39c
• Tree Ornaments, Priced Low as 5c

Boys' Tool Kit, now only
Reg. 98c Small Fry Cooking Utensils
Noina Safety Plug Sets
1.88 «&FIRST AND
• Rcg. 2.95 Friction Fire Truck 2.44 Standard replacement fuses protect you from short circuits, over-
Auto Transport with 2 Plastic Cars 2.29 loading—help eliminate electrical fires! Each of the 7 lights burn
independently. 15 burning light sets available. ISl LIKCOIH WHY tm-^ilbu<jiUut7/ixr>cn//iittitirtioi<
155 Li coln 4184
" W
Shop Thursday 10 lo 5:30 m

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