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Since f(x, p) does not explicitly depend on time t, the equation is referred to as an autonomous,one-dimensional,first-order system.

A dynamical system is a system in

which the major variables change/evolve as a function of time. N’=rN, N(t) = N0 ert r−the net birth rate assume that migration does not occur\The model is good for a
finite time interval but fails as t∞ T=C + O=constant=total channels; T’ = 0C˙=-O˙||N’=rN(1−N/K);K is carrying capacity, same as N| N(t) = KN0/(N0+(K−N0)e−rt)||
N(∞)=K irrespective of N(0)||0 < N(0) < K/2, N(t) changes concavity at the inflection point N(t) = K/2||For N(0) ≥ K/2, concavity does not change for all time t. Qualitative
method-phase-space analysis: x’ = f(x) 1. Finding the steady state(s)/fixed point(s). Fixed point points are obtained by solving x˙= 0 f(x) = 0. Then Determine the
direction of phase trajectories at each point of the phase space by the sign of N’|| if f′(xs) > 0, xs is unstable: if f′(xs) < 0, xs is stable: if f′(xs)=0, do higher order
derivatives. Allee effect: The value of N’/N, called effective or per capita growth rate, increases and reaches a peak at lower to intermediate levels of N. Allee threshold
is value where N’/N=0. No Allee effect if graph of N’/N vs N is straight line. For N’/N= r − a(N − b)2, Allee threshold is N* = b −√(r/a); Strong Allee effect for 0<r<ab2
Saddle-Node (SN),fold, turning point, blue-sky bifurcation: # of fixed points changes. Criteria for SN bifurcation point at (xs, rc):: (SN1) f(xs, rc) = 0:: (SN2) ∂f(xs, rc)/∂x =
0, (SN3) ∂f(xs, rc)/∂r ≠ 0:: (SN4) ∂2f(xs, rc)/∂x2 ≠ 0 Transcritical (TC) bifurcation if for rc the the number of points and the stability shifts from one point to another
Criteria for TC bifurcation point at (xs, rc):: (TC1) f(0, r) = 0 for all r::(TC2) ∂f(0, rc)/∂x = fx(0,rc) = 0, (TC3) ∂2f(0, rc)/∂x∂r ≠ 0:: (TC4) ∂2f(0, rc)/∂x2 ≠ 0
Pitchfork bifurcation diagram for x’=rx – x3 = x(r – x2) The # of fixed points changes and the old fixed point stability changes.

Pitchfork ↑ Transcritical for x’=rx-x2 ↑ Saddle-Node for r-x2 unstable saddle point/node

(PF1) f(−x, r) = −f(x, r) for all x, r :: (PF2) fx(0, rc) = fx(0, rc) = 0 :: (PF3) fxr(0, rc) ≠ 0 :: (PF4) fxxx(0, rc) ≠ 0
Draw the Nullclines = curves in the phase plane on which either x˙=f(x, y) = 0 or y˙= g(x, y) = 0.
(2) Determine the steady state(s)/fixed point(s) at which x˙ = y˙ = 0 so in the phase plane, crossing points between different nullclines are fixed points.
(3) Determine the flow direction in each region. (4) Determine the flow direction on each nullcline. J(xs, ys) is the Jacobian matrix evaluated at (xs, ys).

; find eigenvalues and eigenvectors and draw phase portrait near that steady state. Negative eigenvalue means arrows come in. Positive

eigenvalue means arrows go out. For eigenvalues solve the characteristic equation det(A – I) = 0. Trace of A, Tr(A), is sum of elements on diagonal.

2 − Tr + Det = 0 1,2 ±

Saddle: λ1, λ2 ≠0 (i.e. Det < 0) are real and λ1, λ2 < 0 (real and of opposite signs!). Unstable.
Node: λ1, λ2 ≠0 are real and λ1*λ2 > 0 (real and of identical signs!). Stable if λ1, λ2 < 0, Unstable if λ1, λ2 > 0!
Spiral: When λ1, λ2 = Tr/2 ± ωi are complex valued (i.e. Det > 0 and Det > (Tr/2)2) and Tr ≠ 0. Stable if Tr < 0, Unstable if Tr > 0.
Center: When λ1, λ2 = ±i√Det, i.e. Tr = 0 and Det > 0.Neutral
Stars, degenerate nodes: When λ1 = λ2 = Tr/2 ≠ 0, i.e. Det = (Tr/2)2 ≠ 0. Stable if Tr < 0,Unstable if Tr > 0.
Non-isolated fixed points: When λ1 = 0, λ2 = Tr, i.e. Det = 0. Unstable if Tr > 0, Neutral if Tr < 0.

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