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Jurnal Biokimia Nutrisi 83 (2020) 108412

Asosiasi antara 12 α- asam empedu terhidroksilasi dan steatosis hati pada tikus yang diberi makan
diet tinggi lemak ☆

Shota Hori Sebuah, Takayuki Abe Sebuah, Dong Geun Lee Sebuah, Satoru Fukiya Sebuah, Atsushi Yokota Sebuah, Nao Aso b, Bungo Shirouchi b,
Masao Sato b, Satoshi Ishizuka Sebuah, •

Sebuah Divisi Riset Ilmu Pengetahuan Fundamental, Fakultas Riset Pertanian, Universitas Hokkaido, Sapporo, 060-8589, Jepang
b Departemen Biosains dan Bioteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Kyushu, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Jepang

Menerima 24 Januari 2020; diterima dalam bentuk revisi 4 Mei 2020; diterima 4 Mei 2020


Diet tinggi lemak (HF) menginduksi steatosis hati yang merupakan faktor risiko penyakit tidak menular seperti obesitas, diabetes tipe 2 dan penyakit kardiovaskular. Sebelumnya, kami menemukan bahwa pemberian
makan HF pada tikus meningkatkan ekskresi asam empedu tinja (BA), khususnya 12 α- terhidroksilasi (12 α OH) BA. Meskipun hati adalah pusat metabolisme dalam tubuh kita, hubungan antara steatosis hati dan 12 α OH
BA pada tikus yang diberi makan HF tidak jelas. Dengan demikian, kami menyelidiki komposisi BA secara luas pada tikus yang diberi makan HF dan mengevaluasi hubungan antara steatosis hati dan 12 α OH BA. Tikus
bawaan WKAH / HkmSlc jantan yang sudah dibiasakan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dan diberi makan kontrol atau diet HF selama 8 minggu. Memberi makan diet gagal jantung meningkatkan trigliserida hati dan
konsentrasi kolesterol total, yang berkorelasi positif dengan 12 α Konsentrasi OH BA tetapi tidak dengan non-12 α OH BA dalam feses, plasma portal dan hati. Ditemani dengan peningkatan 12 α OH BA, tikus-tikus yang
diberi makan diet HF menunjukkan peningkatan penyerapan lemak dan mRNA ekspresi hati yang lebih tinggi Cidea. Peningkatan 12 α Sekresi OH BA dapat berkontribusi untuk steatosis hati dengan mempromosikan
penyerapan lemak makanan dan hati Cidea ekspresi mRNA. Peningkatan 12 α OH BAs dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kolesterol hati 7 α- hidroksilase ( Cyp7a1) dan sterol 12 α- hidroksilase ( Cyp8b1) ekspresi mRNA. Ada
peningkatan yang signifikan dalam 7 α- hidroksi kolesterol, prekursor BA, di hati tikus yang diberi makan HF. Secara keseluruhan, data ini menunjukkan bahwa diet HF meningkat secara istimewa 12 α Sintesis OH BA
dengan memanfaatkan akumulasi kolesterol hepatik dan meningkatkan ekspresi mRNA Cyp7a1 dan Cyp8b1 di hati. © 2020 Elsevier Inc. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang.

Kata kunci: Asam empedu dan garam / metabolisme; Kolesterol 7-alpha hydroxylase; Kolesterol / metabolisme; Diet dan lipid diet; Lemak; Kegemukan

1. Perkenalan gula [ 3 ] Dalam percobaan pada hewan, diet tinggi lemak (HF) berbasis lemak babi, yang mencakup
jumlah lemak jenuh yang lebih banyak daripada diet berbasis minyak nabati, menyebabkan hati
Studi epidemiologis telah menunjukkan bahwa steatosis hati adalah faktor risiko untuk berlemak [ 4 ] Sebaliknya, konsumsi asam lemak tak jenuh ganda mengurangi steatosis hati dan
pengembangan penyakit tidak menular di masa depan, termasuk obesitas, diabetes tipe 2 dan meningkatkan sensitivitas insulin pada hewan dan manusia [ 5 , 6 ] Namun, faktor-faktor mendasar
penyakit kardiovaskular [ 1 ] Perkembangan steatosis hati berhubungan erat dengan konsumsi energi yang terlibat dalam proses di atas tidak dipahami sepenuhnya.
yang berlebihan [ 2 ] Speci fi Sebenarnya, diet tinggi lemak jenuh secara metabolik lebih berbahaya
bagi hati daripada lemak tak jenuh atau sederhana Signi fi Perubahan yang tidak dapat dipicu oleh diet HF adalah perubahan metabolisme asam
empedu (BA) [ 7 , 8 ] BA adalah produk akhir dari kolesterol

Singkatan: Acta2, aktin alfa 2; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; AU, unit sewenang-wenang; BA, asam empedu; Cyp3a2, sitokrom P450 keluarga 3 subfamili A anggota 2;
Cyp7a1, kolesterol 7 α- hidroksilase; Cyp27a1, sterol 27-hidroksilase; Cyp8b1, sterol 12 α- hidroksilase; CA, asam kolat; Col1 α 1, kolagen tipe I alpha 1; CDCA, asam chenodeoxycholic; Cidea, kematian sel
menginduksi DFFA seperti efektor A; Cpt1, carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1; DCA, asam deoksikolat; α- epoksi, 5 α- epoxikolesterol; β- epoksi, 5 β- epoxikolesterol; Fasn, asam lemak sintase; Fn1, fi bronektin 1; Fxr,
reseptor farnesoid X; HF, tinggi lemak; Hmgcr, hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase; IL-1 β, interleukin-1 beta; IL-6, interleukin 6; 6keto, 6-ketocholestanol; 7keto, 7-ketocholesterol; LCA, asam lithocholic; Lxr, alfa
reseptor X hati; MCA, asam muricholic; NAFLD, penyakit hati berlemak nonalkohol; NDCA, asam nordeoxycholic; 7oDCA, asam 7-oksodeoksikolat; 12oLCA, asam 12oxolithocholic; 4 β OH, 4 β- hidroksi kolesterol; 7 α
OH, 7 α- hidroksi kolesterol; 7 β OH, 7 β- hidroksi kolesterol; 12 α OH BA, 12 α- BA terhidroksilasi; 19OH, 19 hidroksi kolesterol; 25OH, 25-hidroksi kolesterol; 27OH, 27-hidroksi kolesterol; Rplp0, protein ribosomal
lateral tangkai subunit P0; Shp, mitra heterodimer kecil; Bintang, protein regulator akut steroidogenik; Srebp, protein pengikat elemen pengatur sterol; TCA, asam taurocholic; TG, trigliserida; TNF α, tumor necrosis
factor alpha; β triol, cholestan-3 β, 5 α, 6 β- triol; UDCA, asam ursodeoxycholic

☆ Hibah: Studi ini didukung sebagian oleh JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 19H2900, JST COI Grant Number JPMJCE1301, Danone Institution of Japan Foundation, dan The Food Science Institute Foundation ..

• Penulis yang sesuai di: Laboratorium Biokimia Nutrisi, Fakultas Penelitian Pertanian, Universitas Hokkaido, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8589, Jepang. Tel .: +81 11 706 3352; faks: +81 11 706 2504.

Alamat email: (S. Ishizuka).
0955-2863 / © 2020 Elsevier Inc. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang.
2 S. Hori et al. / Jurnal Biokimia Nutrisi 83 (2020) 108412

katabolisme di hati [ 9 ] BA memiliki struktur amphipathic yang unik; mereka dapat melarutkan lemak Tabel 1 Komposisi diet

dengan membentuk miksedikel [ 10 ] dan berkontribusi signi fi Sangat penting untuk penyerapan lipid
Kontrol HF
makanan karena penyerapan asam lemak oleh enterosit sangat cepat sehingga difusi menjadi
membatasi laju dalam keseluruhan proses penyerapan [ 11 ] Setelah memfasilitasi penyerapan lemak g / kg diet
Kasein Sebuah
di usus kecil, BA yang dikeluarkan kembali diserap melalui vena portal ke dalam hati dan digunakan 200 200
Dekstrin b 529.5 299.5
kembali. Proses ini disebut sirkulasi enterohepatik [ 12 ] Dua enzim kritis dalam jalur sintesis BA
Sukrosa c 100 100
adalah kolesterol 7 α- hidroksilase (CYP7A1) dan sterol 12 α- hidroksilase (CYP8B1). Yang pertama
Minyak kedelai d 70 70
adalah enzim pembatas laju sintesis BA [ 13 ], dan yang terakhir mengontrol produksi 12 α- terhidroksilasi Lemak babi - 230
(12 α OH) BA [ 14 ] Produk utama dari 12 α OH BA dan non-12 α OH BA pada manusia adalah asam Selulosa e 50 50
Campuran mineral f 35 35
cholic (CA) dan chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA). Selain itu, dalam tikus, CDCA dihidroksilasi lebih
Campuran vitamin g 10 10
lanjut pada posisi-6 dari cincin steroid segera setelah sintesis dan dikonversi menjadi asam
L-Sistin h 3 3
muricholic (MCAs). BA primer ini terkonjugasi dengan taurin atau glisin di hati sebelum sekresi. Di Tartrate hidrogen kolin h 2.5 2.5
usus besar, mikrobiota usus mendekonjugasi BA dan modi fi Lebih jauh untuk menghasilkan BA Sebuah NZMP Acid Casein (Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited, Auckland, NewZealand).
sekunder sebesar 7 α- dehidroksilasi [ 15 ] Asam deoxycholic (DCA) adalah sekunder utama 12 α OH BA b TK-16 (Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Hyogo, Jepang).
c Gula Bit Nippon Manufacturing Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Jepang.
yang dihasilkan dari CA.
d J-Oil Mills, Inc., Tokyo, Jepang.
e Selulosa kristal (Ceolus PH-102, Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corp., Tokyo, Jepang).
f Campuran mineral AIN-93G [ 19 ]
g Campuran vitamin AIN-93 [ 19 ]
h Fuji fi lmWako Pure Chemical Corporation, Osaka, Jepang.

Pentingnya 12 α OH BA dalam gangguan metabolisme telah dilaporkan dalam penelitian pada

untuk memisahkan plasma. Semua tikus dinodai oleh pengusiran. Hati dan jaringan adiposa
manusia [ 16 ] dan menunjukkan hubungan rendah 12 α Kadar OH BA dalam serum dengan indeks
epididymal dikeluarkan dari hewan dan ditimbang, dan semua sampel jaringan dikumpulkan dalam
massa tubuh yang lebih rendah, sensitivitas insulin dan peningkatan lemak hati. Pada tikus, kami
waktu 4 jam. Tinja dikumpulkan selama 24 jam pada akhir percobaan. Plasma dipisahkan dengan
sebelumnya menemukan bahwa konsumsi diet HF menghasilkan peningkatan selektif pada tinja α OHBA
sentrifugasi pada 2000 × g selama 10 menit pada 4 ° C. Sampel yang dikumpulkan disimpan di - 80 °
pada tikus [ 8 ] Pada tikus, konsumsi makanan tinggi lemak jenuh tetapi bukan lemak tak jenuh ganda
Analisis Cuntil. Kekurangan makanan tidak dilakukan dalam percobaan. Sampel hewan yang sama
meningkatkan sekresi empedu TCA pada tikus [ 17 ] Berkenaan dengan regulasi metabolisme BA,
digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pro lipid plasma fi le menggunakan lipidomics yang tidak ditargetkan [ 20
speci fi c pengurangan 12 α OH BA oleh Cyp8b1 - / - pada tikus melindungi steatosis hati diinduksi
] di bagian lain dari penelitian ini.
diet-Barat karena gangguan penyerapan lemak [ 18 ] Selain itu, suplementasi asam taurocholic (TCA),
utama 12 α OH BA, ke

Cyp8b1 - / - tikus memulihkan penyerapan lemak [18] . Oleh karena itu, kami berhipotesis bahwa 2.2. Analisis biokimia

peningkatan HF-diet-induced 12 α OH BAs dikaitkan dengan pengembangan steatosis hati dengan

mempromosikan penyerapan lemak. Sejauh pengetahuan kami, tidak ada penelitian yang Lipid hati dan feses dianalisis seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya [ 21 ] Singkatnya, lipid

menunjukkan hubungan antara 12 α OH BA dan steatosis hati akibat diet. Penelitian ini bertujuan diekstraksi dari hati segar dan feses kering menggunakan kloroform: metanol = 2: 1 (v / v) larutan [ 22 ]

untuk menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan 12 α OH BAs yang terkait dengan diet HF berpotensi Ekstrak diuapkan dan dilarutkan dalam 2-propanol untuk pengukuran. Kadar chol, trigliserida (TG)

berkontribusi pada pengembangan steatosis hati dengan meningkatkan penyerapan lemak. dan asam lemak bebas (FFA) dalam ekstrak ditentukan menggunakan uji kolesterol E, uji trigliserida
E, dan kit NEFA Ctest Wako (Fuji fi lmWako Pure Chemical Corporation, Ltd., Osaka, Jepang),
masing-masing. Tingkat Chol dalam lemak babi dan kasein dianalisis untuk menentukan konsentrasi
Chol dalam setiap makanan. Chol diekstraksi menggunakan 2-propanol dari 1 g lemak babi atau

2. Metode kasein. Konsentrasi chol dalam ekstrak ditentukan menggunakan kit uji E-kolesterol Wako (Fuji fi lm
Wako). Kadar Chol bebas hati diukur seperti dijelaskan oleh Sperry dan Webb [ 23 ] Aktivitas plasma

2.1. Eksperimen hewan dan pengumpulan sampel alanine aminotransferase (ALT) dan aspartate aminotransferase (AST) dianalisis dengan
transaminase CII-test Wako kit (Fuji fi lmWako).

Komite Perawatan dan Penggunaan Hewan Institusional Korporasi Nasional Universitas

Hokkaido menyetujui penelitian ini (nomor persetujuan: 17-0050), dan semua hewan dipelihara
mengikuti pedoman Manual Universitas Hokkaido untuk Melaksanakan Eksperimen Hewan. Tikus
WKAH / HkmSlc inbrida jantan (3 minggu; Japan SLC Inc., Shizuoka, Jepang, NBRP Tikus No: 0154)
ditempatkan secara individual di lingkungan yang terkendali pada suhu 22 ° C ± 2 ° C dan
kelembaban 55% ± 5%. Periode cahaya adalah 8: 00-20: 00. Tikus-tikus tersebut memiliki akses 2.3. Reaksi berantai polimerase kuantitatif (qPCR)
gratis ke makanan dan air selama seluruh periode penelitian dan telah digunakan selama 2 minggu
dengan diet kontrol berbasis AIN-93G [ 19 ] Mereka dibagi menjadi dua kelompok ( n = 5 - 6 per qPCR dilakukan menggunakan sistem PCR real-time Mx3000P (Agilent Technologies, Santa
kelompok) dan diet kontrol makan (7% lemak dari minyak kedelai, berat / berat) atau diet HF (7% dari Clara, CA, USA) dengan metode SYBR Greenmethod atau TaqMan seperti yang dijelaskan
minyak kedelai dan 23% dari lemak babi, berat / berat) ( Tabel 1 ) selama 8 minggu. Kami mengukur sebelumnya [ 21 ] Metode SYBR Green dilakukan dengan spesifik fi c pasang primer untuk protein
kadar kolesterol (Chol) dalam kasein dan lemak babi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan ribosom lateral batang subunit P0 (Rplp0, maju: 5 ′ - GGCAAGAACACCATGATGCG-3 ′,
menemukannya masing-masing 80mg / kg dan860mg / kg. Berat badan dan asupan makanan diukur
setiap 2 hari. Pada akhir periode percobaan 8 minggu, tikus dibius dengan menyuntikkan natrium terbalik: 5 ′ - GTGATGCCCAAAGCTTGGAA-3 ′, 5 μ M) dan untuk protein regulator akut steroidogenik
pentobarbital (50 mg / kg berat badan). Darah aorta dikumpulkan ke dalam jarum suntik yang (Star, maju: 5 ′ - GCCACACACTTTGGG GAGAT-3 ′, terbalik: 5 ′ - GTGGTGGGCAGTCCTTAACA-3 ′, 2.5 μ
mengandung heparin ( fi konsentrasi akhir pada 50 IU / ml) dan aprotinin ( fi konsentrasi akhir pada 500 M). Tingkat ekspresi relatif dihitung untuk setiap sampel setelah normalisasi ke Rplp0 sebagai gen
KIU / ml) referensi menggunakan metode kurva standar. Metode TaqMan dilakukan dengan Uji Ekspresi Gen
TaqMan (Thermo Fisher Scienti fi c, Waltham, MA, USA) sebagai berikut: Rn03302271_gH untuk Rplp0,
Rn00561420_m1 untuk interleukin 6 (IL-6),
S. Hori et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83 (2020) 108412 3

Rn00580432_m1 untuk interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 β), Rn99999017_m1 untuk langkah ekstraksi. Sampel plasma 100 μ Masing-masing dibekukan-kering untuk digunakan nanti.
tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF α), Rn01759928_g1 untuk aktin alfa 2 23-Nor-5 β- asam cholanic-3 α, 12 α- diol (asam nordeoxycholic, NDCA) yang dilarutkan dalam etanol
( Acta2), Rn00569575_m1 untuk fi bronektin 1 (Fn1), Rn01463848_m1 untuk ditambahkan sebagai standar internal untuk setiap sampel (25 nmol untuk sampel hati dan plasma,
kolagen tipe I alpha 1 (Col1 α 1), Rn01495769_m1 untuk protein pengikat elemen pengikat sterol 1 dan 250 nmol untuk tinja). Sampel menjadi sasaran sonikasi dan pemanasan. Sampel plasma
(Srebp1), Rn01463550_m1 untuk asam lemak sintase ( Fasn), Rn00580702_m1 untuk Cpt1 (Carnitine dengan etanol dihomogenisasi sebelum sonikasi dan pemanasan dalam air matang. Setelah
Opalmitoyltransferase 1), Rn04181355_m1 untuk kematian sel menginduksi DFFA seperti efektor A sentrifugasi, supernatan dikumpulkan dan diuapkan. Langkah ekstraksi dengan etanol diulang dua
(Cidea), Rn01502638_m1 untuk Srebp2, Rn00565598_m1 untuk kali. Selanjutnya, metanol ditambahkan ke ekstrak kering dan puri fi ed dengan kartrid HLB (Waters,
Milford, MA, USA) [ 25 ] Puri fi ekstrak ed diuapkan dan disimpan di - 30 ° C. Ekstrak dilarutkan dengan
hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (Hmgcr), Rn00756461_m1 untuk cytochrome P450 family 3 metanol dan dianalisis dengan kromatografi cair - spektrometri massa (LC - Sistem MS) seperti yang
subfamily A member 2 (Cyp3a2) yang merupakan ortolog manusia Cyp3a4, Rn00572658_m1 untuk farnesoid dijelaskan sebelumnya [ 26 ] Konsentrasi BA individu diukur menggunakan NDCA sebagai standar
X reseptor internal. Pratama 12 α OH BAs weremeasured as follows: 5 β-
( Fxr), Rn00589173_m1 untuk mitra heterodimer kecil (Shp),
Rn00581185_m1 untuk alpha X receptor alpha (Lxr), Rn01445029_s1 untuk 12 α- hidroksilase ( Cyp8b1),
Rn00564065_m1 untuk kolesterol 7 α-
hidroksilase ( Cyp7a1) dan Rn00710297_m1 untuk sterol 27-hydroxylase ( Cyp27a1). Level ekspresi
relatif dari target mRNA ini dihitung untuk setiap sampel seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam metode cholanic acid-3 α, 7 α, 12 α- triol (CA), 5 β- cholanic-3 α, 7 α, 12 α- triol- N-( 2sulphoethyl)-amide (TCA) and 5 β-
SYBR Green. α, 7 α, 12 α- triol- N-( carboxymethyl)-amide (glycocholic acid, GCA). Secondary 12 α OH BAs were
measured as follows: 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α, 12 α- diol (DCA), 5 β- cholanic3 α, 12 α- diol- N-( 2-sulphoethyl)-am
2.4. Analisis Oxysterol (taurodeoxycholic acid, TDCA), 5 β- cholanic-3 α, 12 α- diol- N-( carboxymethyl)-amide (glycodeoxycholic
acid), 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α, 12 α- diol-7-one (7-oxodeoxycholic acid, 7oDCA), 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α- ol-12-one
Kadar oxysterol hati dianalisis menggunakan metode sebelumnya [ 24 ] dengan modi minor fi kation. (12-oxolithocholic acid, 12oLCA), 5 β- cholanic acid-12 α- ol-3-one (3o12 α) and 5 β- cholanic acid3 α, 7 β, 12
Hati untuk ekstraksi oxysterol disimpan di - 80 ° C sampai digunakan, dan lipid diekstraksi dengan α- triol (ursocholic acid, UCA). Primary non-12 α OH BAs were measured as follows: 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α,
kloroform / metanol (2: 1, v / v) mengandung hidroksitoluena butilasi. Setelah semalaman saponi fi kation, 7 α- diol (CDCA), 5 β- cholanic3 α, 7 α- diol- N-( 2-sulphoethyl)-amide (taurochenodeoxychlic acid, TCDCA),
unsaponi fi lipid ed diekstraksi dengan heksana. Lipid yang diekstraksi diaplikasikan pada kartrid 5 β- cholanic-3 α, 7 α- di-ol- N-( carboxymethyl)-amide (glycochenodeoxycholic acid), 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α, 6
Sep-Pak Silica Vac (Nihon Waters KK, Tokyo, Jepang) untuk memisahkan oxysterol dari kolesterol. α, 7 α- triol (hyocholic acid), 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α, 6 β, 7 α- triol ( α MCA), 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α, 6 β, 7 β-
Kartrid diseimbangkan dengan heksana dan dielusi secara berurutan dengan campuran heksana dan
2propanol (1: 200, v / v), dan heksana dan 2-propanol (3: 7, v / v), sehingga memungkinkan elusi
berurutan dari kolesterol dan 19 -hydroxycholesterol (5-cholesten-3 β, 19-diol, 19OH) ditambah
oxysterol, masing-masing. Setelah menguapkan fraksi pelarut yang mengandung oxysterol di bawah
N 2, residu kering dikonversi menjadi trimetilsilil eter. Oxysterol adalah quanti fi ed dengan kromatografi
gas - spektrometri massa menggunakan instrumen Shimadzu GC-17A versi 3 (Shimadzu Corporation, triol ( β MCA), 5 β- cholanic-3 α, 6 β, 7 α- triol- N-( 2-sulphoethyl)-amide (tauro- α- MCA, T α MCA) and 5 β- cho
Kyoto, Jepang) ditambah dengan kolom kapiler silika SPB-1 yang menyatu (60 mx 0,25 mm id, 0,25 μ α, 6 β, 7 β- triol- N-( 2-sulphoethyl)-amide (tauro- β- MCA, T β MCA). Secondary non-12 α OH BAs
tebal, Supelco Inc., Bellefonte, PA, USA) terhubung ke detektor massa-selektif seri QP5050A weremeasured as follows: 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α- ol (lithocholic acid, LCA), 5 β- cholanic-3 α- ol- N-( 2-sulphoeth
(Shimadzu). Kami menggunakan program suhu berikut menggunakan helium (kemurnian tinggi, (tauro-LCA, TLCA), 5 β-

cholanic-3 α- ol- N-( carboxymethyl)-amide (glyco-LCA), 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α, 6 α, 7 β- triol ( ω MCA), 5 β- cho
α, 6 α, 7 β- triol- N-( 2sulphoethyl)-amide (tauro- ω- MCA, T ω MCA), 5 β- cholanicacid-3 α, 6 α- diol
(hyodeoxycholic acid), 5 β- cholanic-3 α, 6 α- diol- N-( 2-sulphoethyl)-amide (taurohyodeoxycholic acid), 5 β-
cholanic-3 α, 6 α- diol- N-( carboxymethyl)amide (glycohyodeoxycholic acid), 5 β- cholanic acid-3 α, 7 β- diol
(ursodeoxycholic acid, UDCA), 5 β- cholanic-3 α, 7 β- diol- N-( 2sulphoethyl)-amide (tauroursodeoxycholic
99,9999%) sebagai gas pembawa pada a fl laju aliran 1,5 ml / mnt: 180 ° C selama 1 mnt, dari 180 ° acid), 5 β- cholanic3 α, 7 β- diol- N-( carboxymethyl)-amide (glycoursodeoxycholic acid) and 5 β- cholanic
C hingga 250 ° C (20 ° C / mnt), dari 250 ° C hingga 290 ° C (5 ° C / mnt) dan 290 ° C selama 32,5 acid-3 α- ol-7-one (7-oxolithocholic acid).
mnt. Total jangka waktu adalah 45 menit. Injektor dioperasikan pada rasio split 1: 5 dipertahankan
pada 300 ° C dengan garis transfer detektor dipertahankan pada 300 ° C. Konsentrasi individu
oxysterolsweremeasuredured 19OH (Steraloids, Inc., Newport, RI, USA) sebagai standar internal.
Oxysterol yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 4 β- hydroxycholesterol
(5-cholesten-3 β, 4 β- diol, 4 β OH), 6ketocholestanol (5 α- cholestan-3 β- ol-6-one, 6keto),
2.6. Statistical analysis
7-ketocholesterol (5-cholesten-3 β- ol-7-one, 7keto), 7 α- hydroxycholesterol (5-cholesten3 β, 7 α- diol, 7 α OH),
7 β- hydroxycholesterol (5-cholesten-3 β, 7 β- diol, 7 β OH), 5 α- epoxycholesterol (cholestan-5 α, 6 α- epoxy-3
All data are presented as the mean with S.E.M. A signi fi cant difference ( P b. 05) between the
β- ol, α- epoksi), 5 β- epoxycholesterol (cholestan-5 β, 6 β- epoxy-3 β- ol, β- epoxy), cholestan-3 β, 5 α, 6 β- triol
mean values were determined using the Student ’ s t test. Pearson ’ smethodwas used to evaluate
( β- triol), 25-hydroxycholesterol (5-cholesten3 β, 25-diol, 25OH), 27-hydroxycholesterol (25 R- cholest-5-en-3
correlation. The statistical analysiswas performed using JMP version 14.0 software (SAS Institute
β, 26-diol, 27OH), 22 ( R) - hydroxycholesterol (5-cholestene-3 β, 22 ( R) - diol), 7 α, 25dihydroxycholesterol
Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
(5-cholesten-3 β, 7 α, 25-triol) dan 24 ( S) -

3. Results

hydroxycholesterol (5-cholesten-3 β, 24 ( S) - diol). 3.1. Growth parameters in response to HF diet

2.5. Analisis BA Rats fed the HF diet consumed a lower quantity of food based on weight but consumed signi fi cantly
higher calories compared to controls ( Table 2 ). Consistently, we observed an increase in body and
Ekstraksi BA dilakukan seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya [ 25 ] dengan modi minor fi kation. Brie fl epididymal adipose tissue weights in the HF-fed rats compared to controls. The absolute liver weights
y, suatu alikuot dari hati dan sampel feses dikeringkan dan ditimbang untuk perhitungan kadar air. in the HF-fed ratswere signi fi cantly heavier (control: 10.3±0.4 g vs. HF: 11.7±1.3 g, P=. 0164).
Sekitar 100 mg sampel kering tanah digunakan untuk selanjutnya However,
S. Hori et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83 (2020) 108412

Table 2 signi fi cant increase in concentration of hepatic total Chol but not in free Chol in HF-fed rats ( Fig. 1 A).
Food intake, growth and organ weights
A signi fi cantly increased plasma FFA level was shown in rats fed the HF diet ( Fig. 1 B). There was no
Control HF
signi fi cant change inplasma TGandChol between the groups ( Fig. 1 B). We analyzed the
Cumulative food intake (per entire study) (g) lipidmetabolic pathway gene expression in the liver ( Fig. 1 C) to evaluate lipidmetabolismchanges in
848±14 722±57 a theHF-fed rats. In the HF-fed rats, we observed a signi fi cant decrease in liver mRNA expression of Srebp1
(kcal) 3426±58 3745±297 a
and Srebp2, the master regulators of fatty acid and Chol synthesis, respectively. Consistent with this,
Final body weight (g) 316.7±7.0 348.4±28.3 a
HF-fed rats showed signi fi cantly decreasedmRNA expressions of Fasn and Hmgcr,
Organ weight (g/100 g body weight) Liver
3.25±0.12 3.34±0.16
Epididymal adipose tissue 2.23±0.24 2.63±0.20 a

Means values with S.E.M.

a Significant difference from the values of control (Student ’ s t test, P b. 05, n= 6 – 7).
the rate-limiting enzymes for fatty acid and Chol synthesis, respectively. In contrast, HF-fed rats
exhibited a marked increase in mRNA expression of liver Cidea and Cpt1. We observed a signi fi cant
increase in the BAs precursor 7 α OH ( Fig. 1 D) in the liver accompanied by upregulation of Cyp3a2 mRNA
the relative liver weights were almost comparable between the groups ( Table 2 ).
expression. Unexpectedly, a signi fi cant decrease was observed in liver IL-1 β expression in the
HF-fed rats ( Fig. 1 E), although the expression of other in fl ammatory cytokine genes, IL-6 and TNF α ( Fig.
1 E), was not different. A higher expression of the fi brosis gene marker Acta2 (P=. 0543) compared to

3.2. Impact of HF diet on fatty liver and related parameters control was observed, but there was no difference in the expression of

As expected, a signi fi cant increase in liver TG concentrations was observed in HF-fed rats
compared to controls ( Fig. 1 A). There was a


150 * 8 2.5 1.0 150 80

2.0 0.8
6 60

Total Chol (mg/dL plasma)

Total Chol (mg/g liver)

Free Chol (mg/g liver)

FFA (mEq/L plasma)

100 100

TG (mg/dL plasma)
TG (mg/g liver)

1.5 0.6
4 40

1.0 0.4
50 50
normalized to Rplp0 mRNA expression. Values are shown
2 as themeanwith the S.E.M. ( n= 6 – 7). Asterisks indicate a signi fi cant difference compared to control ( P b. 05). 4 20
0.5 0.2

0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0
Control HF Control HF Control HF Control HF Control HF Control HF


* 20
50 Control HF
Hepatic gene expressions (AU)

Oxysterols (nmol/g liver)

20 *
* 10
1.5 5 *
1.0 *
0.5 *
* *
lipidmetabolism. (D)
0.0 Hepatic oxysterol concentration. (E) mRNA expression of genes involved in hepatic in fl ammation and fi brosis. (F)
0 Plasma aminotransferase activities. Open bars, n= 6 for control; fi lled bars, n= 7 for HF. In C and E, datawere
Srebp1 Fasn Cidea Cpt1 Srebp2 Hmgcr Cyp3a2

















20 50
P = 0.0543
Hepatic gene expressions (AU)

ALT (IU/L plasma)

AST (IU/L plasma)



2 5

0 0 0
IL-6 IL-1 TNF Acta2 Fn1 Col1 1 Control HF Control HF

Fig. 1. Hepatic and plasma parameters in HF diet-induced steatosis. (A) Concentration of liver TG, total Chol and free Chol. (B) Concentration of plasma free FFA, TG and total Chol. (C) mRNA expression of genes involved in hepatic
S. Hori et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83 (2020) 108412 5

other fi brosis markers, Fn1 and Cola1 ( Fig. 1 E). No signi fi cant differences were observed in plasma increase in hepatic Cyp8b1 mRNA expression was observed in the HFfed rats ( Fig. 4 B). Therewas no
ALT and AST between the groups ( Fig. 1 F). signi fi cant difference in the expression of Cyp27a1 and Star between the groups ( Fig. 4 B).

3.3. BA metabolism on HF diet 3.4. Correlation of 12 α OH BAs with steatosis

To investigate the impact of dietary fat on BA metabolism, we analyzed 30 molecular species of The association of BAs and hepatic steatosis was examined by Pearson correlation analysis of
BAs including taurine or glycine conjugates in the liver, blood plasma and feces using an LC – MS BAs and liver lipid concentrations, body weight, total energy intake and total fat intake. The
system [ 27 ]. The total BA concentrations were higher in the fecal and portal plasma samples of concentrations of liver TG and Chol correlated positively with the concentration of 12 α OH BAs in the
HF-fed rats compared to controls ( Fig. 2 A). The total BA concentration in aortic plasma was liver, portal plasma and feces ( Fig. 5 A). In contrast, none of the non-12 α OH BAs showed a
considerably lower than that of the portal plasma BAs regardless of the diet ( Fig. 2 A). There was a correlation with the hepatic lipid parameters ( Fig. 5 A). Similarly, the fecal concentrations of each 12 α OH
signi fi cant increase in the concentration of total 12 α OH BA but not total non-12 α OH BA in the portal BA correlated positively with liver TG ( Fig. 5 B). The total energy intake correlated closely with body
plasma and feces of HF-fed rats ( Fig.2 B – C). Accordingly, the ratio of 12 α OH BA to non-12 α OH weight ( Fig. 5 C, r= 0.965,
BAwas higher in the liver, blood plasma and feces of the HF-fed rats compared to controls ( Fig. 2 D).
Also, a signi fi cant increase in the ratios of secondary to primary BAs and conjugated to unconjugated
was observed in feces but not in the liver, portal plasma and aortic plasma samples of the HF-fed rats P b. 001). Although total fat intake correlated positively with liver TG concentration ( r= 0.9123, P b. 0001),
( Fig. 2 E – F). we identi fi ed separate clusters in each dietary group ( Fig. 5 D). Total energy intake also correlated
positively with liver TG concentration, but the association was more linear and stronger between fecal
12 α OH BAs and liver TG concentration ( Fig. 5 D).

CA and TCA were the dominant molecular species among 12 α OH BAs in the liver, portal plasma
and aortic plasma in both groups ( Fig. 3 A – C). A trend towards higher CA and TCA was present in 3.5. Fecal lipid excretion and apparent fat absorption
both the liver and portal plasma ( Fig. 3 A and B). We observed an increased DCA and its derivative
3o12 α in feces ( Fig. 3 D), which was associated with enhanced portal plasma DCA ( Fig. 3 B) and liver Since the HF diet contains a higher proportion of fat than the control diet (7% for control; 30% for
TDCA ( Fig. 3 A) in rats fed the HF diet. Collectively, changes in 12 α OH BAs were more signi fi cant HF diet), lipid intake was considerably higher in theHF-fed rats ( Fig. 6 A). Both daily fecal TGand FFA
than those of non-12 α OH BAs on the HF diet. excretions were signi fi cantly higher in the HF-fed rats ( Fig. 6 B). However, the amount of fecal lipid
excretionwasmuch lower than the lipid intake. Thus, the apparent lipid absorption was signi fi cantly
increased in the HF-fed rats ( Fig. 6 C). The apparent lipid absorption ratewas higher in theHF-fed rats
In the hepatic BA synthetic pathway ( Fig. 4 A), Chol is hydroxylated (control: 96.1%±1.4%vs. HF: 97.5%±
at position-7 of the steroid ring by CYP7A1, the rate-limiting BA synthetic enzyme [ 13 ]. Subsequently,
CYP8B1 controls the ratio of 12 α OH BAs [14] , and STAR transfers Chol to the inner mitochondrial
membrane where hydroxylation by CYP27A1 takes place to produce non-12 α OH BAs [ 28 ]. Chol 0.4 %, P=. 0144) ( Fig. 6 D). The Chol level in control and HF diet we measured was 16 mg/kg diet and
stimulates Cyp7a1 transcription via activation of LXR, whereas BAs repress that through 214 mg/kg diet, respectively. Thus, Chol intake increased signi fi cantly in the HF-fed rats ( Fig. 6 E). In
FXR-mediated induction of SHP [ 29 ]. Both groups of rats expressed similar levels of contrast, the fecal Chol excretion showed no difference between the groups. We could not calculate
the apparent Chol absorption since the fecal Chol excretion was higher than Chol intake, presumably
due to the excretion of endogenous Chol in feces. In a separate experiment, we determined fecal lipid
Fxr and Lxr ( Fig. 4 B) mRNAs. Induction of SHP suppresses Cyp7a1 excretion and apparent fat absorption rate in rats fed a CA-supplemented diet (Supplementary Fig.
mRNA expression. Although liver mRNA expression of Shp tended to increase ( Fig. 4 B), therewas a 1A and B). The
trend of increase inmRNA expression of liver Cyp7a1 in the HF-fed rats ( Fig. 4 B) ( P=. 062). A signi fi cant


Control 50 50 50


non-12 OH BAs (nmol/ml plasma)

40 40 40
4000 4000 * * 4000
non-12 OH BAs (nmol/g)
12 OH BAs (nmol/g)

3000 3000 3000

12 OH BAs ( M)
Total BA (nmol/g)

Total BA ( M)

30 30 30
2000 2000 2000

1000 20 1000 20 1000 20

60 80 60 80 60 80
10 10 10
20 40 20 40 20 40

0 0 0 0 0 0
Liver Feces Portal Aorta Liver Feces Portal Aorta Liver Feces Portal Aorta

10 100
8 60
Conjugated BA/unconjugated BA

* 15 40

12OH BA/non-12OH BA

Secondary BA/primary BA

* 2.0
10 1.0
0.004 *
2 * 0.1 5

0 0.0 0.000
Liver Portal Aorta Feces Liver Portal Aorta Feces Liver Portal Aorta Feces

Fig. 2. BApro fi les in various sites in rats fed control andHF diet. (A) Total BA concentration, (B) total 12 α OHBA concentration, (C) total non-12 α OHBA concentration, (D) ratio of 12 α OH BAs to non-12 α OHBAs, (E) ratio of secondary toprimary BAand
(F) ratio of BA conjugates to unconjugatedBAs in the liver, portal plasma, aortic plasma and feces of rats fed control orHF diet for 8 weeks. Open bars, n= 6 for control; fi lled bars, n= 7 for HF. Values are shown as the mean with the S.E.M. ( n= 6 – 7).
Asterisks indicate a signi fi cant difference compared to control ( P b. 05).
S. Hori et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83 (2020) 108412


Liver Portal plasma

Control HF


BAs ( M in portal plasma)

BAs (nmol/g liver)


50 *

40 *
























C 24 D

Aortic plasma Feces

2.5 0 1.5

2.0 *
BAs ( M in aortic plasma)

BAs ( mol/g feces)




* *
0.0 0.0


























Fig. 3. BA compositions in rats fed control andHF diet. BAs concentration in (A) liver, (B) portal plasma, (C) aortic plasma and (D) feces in the rats fed control or HF diet for 8weeks. Open bars, n= 6 for control; fi lled bars, n= 7 for HF. Values are
shown as the mean with the S.E.M. ( n= 6 – 7). Asterisks indicate signi fi cant differences compared to control ( P b. 05).

CA supplementation to diet reduced fecal lipid output and increased apparent fat absorption rate in showed that HF feeding in rats speci fi cally increased the levels of 12 α OH BAs accompaniedwith
the rats. enhanced Cyp8b1 mRNA expression in the liver. Increased levels of hepatic total Chol and 7 α OH are
the likely sources for 12 α OH BA synthesis. HF-fed rats had higher apparent fat absorption, and the
4. Discussion speci fi c increase in 12 α OH BA concentration was positively correlated with that of hepatic TG. Also,
we observed reduced fecal lipid output and higher apparent fat absorption ratio in rats fed a
A previous human study has shown that levels of serum 12 α OH BAs are negatively associated CA-supplemented diet (Supplementary Fig. 1A and B). These results suggest that HF diet selectively
with hepatic steatosis [ 16 ]. A recent study has demonstrated that Cyp8b1 −/− mice that have a lower 12 α increases the concentration of 12 α OH BAs by enhancing Cyp8b1 expression and that HF-induced 12 α
expression. Open bars, n= 6 for control; fi lled bars, n= 7 for HF. Values are shown as themeanwith the S.E.M. Asterisks indicate a signi fi cant difference compared to control ( P b. 05). 6
OH BAs concentration are protected from Western-diet-induced hepatic lipid accumulation due to OH BAs contribute to hepatic TG accumulation by enhancing fat absorption.
impaired dietary lipid absorption and that supplementation of TCA to the Cyp8b1 −/− mice restores suf fi ciently
the impaired fat absorption [ 18 ]. In the present study, we


Control HF

P = 0.062
Hepatic gene expressions (AU)



2.0 3




Fxr Shp Lxr Cyp7a1 Cyp8b1 Cyp27a1 Star

Fig. 4. Hepatic gene expression regulates BAmetabolism. (A) BAmetabolism scheme in the liver. (B) mRNA level of hepatic BA synthesis genes ’ expression in rats fed control or HF diet for 8weeks. In B, datawere normalized to Rplp0 mRNA
S. Hori et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83 (2020) 108412 7

Fecal 12 OH BAs
1.0 1.0
Fecal non-12 OH BAs
Liver 12 0.592 * 0.553 * 0.556 * ** * **

Fecal 12 Portal 0.877 0.921 0.430

Correlation coefficient , r
* *

12 Aortic 12 Liver 0.787 * 0.702 * 0.636 *

0.5 0.5 *

non-12 Fecal 0.058 - 0.056 0.613

Correlation coefficient
non-12 Portal 0.484 0.437 0.557

with liver TG, r

non-12 Aortic 0.001 0.190 - 0.375


non-12 Aortic 12 - 0.027 0.109 - 0.125

/non-12 - 0.457 - 0.456 0.046
- 0.5 0 - 0.5
0.788 * 0.602 * 0.781 *

Total fat intake Total 0.912 * 0.828 * 0.728 *

energy intake 0.622 * 0.451 0.965 *

- 1.0 - 1.0








Liver TG

Liver Chol

Body weight

400 200 200 200
380 HF

TG (mg/g liver) Body

150 150 150

TG (mg/g liver) TG
100 100 100
(mg/g liver)
weight (g)

r = 0.965 r = 0.9123 r = 0.622 r = 0.877
50 50 50
320 P < 0.0001 P < 0.0001 P = 0.0231 P < 0.0001

300 0 0 0
3000 3500 4000 4500 0 100 200 300 3000 3500 4000 4500 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Total energy intake (kcal) Total fat intake (g) Total energy intake (kcal) 12 OH BAs ( mol/g feces)

Fig. 5. Correlation among the concentrations of 12 α OH BAs, hepatic steatosis, body weight, total energy intake and total fat intake. (A) The heat map shows Pearson correlation of total 12 α OHBAs in each site and liver lipid. Red and black cells
indicate positive and negative correlations, respectively. The values of correlations were shown on the cells. Asterisks indicate signi fi cant correlations ( P b. 05). Pearson correlation of (B) fecal BA species and liver TG, (C) the total energy intake and
body weight and (D) liver TG concentration and total fat intake, total energy intake and fecal 12 α OH BAs. In B, red and gray bars indicate 12 α OHs BA and non-12 α OH BAs, respectively. Total energy intake was calculated from diet consumption
throughout the experimental periodwith the caloric densities of each diet (4.04 kcal/g for control; 5.19 kcal/g for theHF diet). Bodyweight was shown in Table 1 . Concentrations of fecal 12 α OHBAswere calculated from Fig. 3 D. Liver TG
concentrationwas shown in Fig. 1 A. Total fat intakewas calculated fromdiet consumption throughout the experimental period and fat content in each diet (7% for control; 30% for the HF diet). In C and D, individual data are shown as circles (open
circles, n= 6 for control; fi lled circles, n= 7 for HF).

The HF feeding induced hepatic TG and Chol accumulation despite markedly reduced hepatic Chol is able to be converted selectively into BA, particularly as 12 α OH BA. Interestingly, a
expression of lipid-synthesis-related genes such as strong correlation was observed between fecal 12 α OH BAs and liver lipid concentrations ( Fig. 5 A and
Srepb1, Fasn, Srebp2 and Hmgcr in the liver. Since lard samples naturally containChol, the increased B). Since BAs are synthesized fromChol in a certain amount and excreted in the feces, fecal 12 α OH
lard consumptionmight exceed a range of the compensatory reduction of hepatic endogenous lipid BA concentration could be a predictor of hepatic lipid accumulation especially in diet rich in saturated
synthesis in HF-fed rats. A previous study [ 34 ] in which ingredients in the AIN-93G-based control diet fat condition.
and HF diet are almost the same as those in the present study shows that the HF diet consumption
for 4 weeks decreases serumhigh-density lipoprotein (HDL)-Chol level and increased low-density CYP8B1 synthesizes 12 α OH BAs [ 28 ], and thus, increased expression of CYP8B1 leads to a
lipoprotein (LDL)-Chol in rats. Given that LDL takes up Chol from the liver whereas HDL carries blood marked increase in CA biosynthesis in rats [ 14 ], whereas Cyp8b1 knockdown results in decreased 12 α
Chol to the liver, the changes in HDL and LDL would not contribute to the hepatic lipid accumulation OH BA concentration in mice [ 18 ]. In the present study, hepatic Cyp8b1 mRNA expression was
in the present study. increased signi fi cantly ( Fig. 4 B) along with a preferential increase of 12 α OHBA concentration
inHF-fed rats, suggesting that HF diet increased 12 α OHBA synthesis by enhancing themRNA
expression of Cyp8b1 in the liver. Insulin signaling can suppress Cyp8b1 [ 38 ]. Considering that
hepatic insulin resistance is developed after 3 days of HF diet intake [ 39 ], insulin resistance might
The accumulated Chol can be excreted from the liver in the formof BAs partially [ 35 ]. HF diet involve an increase in Cyp8b1, which subsequently enhances 12 α OH BA synthesis in HF-fed rats.
consumption signi fi cantly increased the fecal BA concentration and excretion (control: 7.6±1.7 vs. HF:
1.8 μ mol/day, P=. 0026), suggesting enhanced BA synthesis from accumulated Chol in the liver of
HF-fed rats. Indeed, a signi fi cant increase in the concentration of liver 7 α OH, a precursor of BAs, was In contrast to CYP8B1, STAR transports Chol into inner mitochondria to synthesize non-12 α OH
observed ( Fig. 1 D). An increase in 7 α OH was accompanied with an increase in hepatic Cyp7a1 mRNA BAs [ 28 ]. Qiu et al. [ 40 ] reported reducedmRNA and protein levels of STAR in the livers of
expression in the HF-fed rats, possibly because 7 α OH activates LXR that enhances Cyp7a1 mRNA HF-fedmice, suggesting that reduced STAR could induce a preferential increase in 12 α OH BA levels
expression [ 36 ]. On the other hand, 7 α OH does not activate FXR [ 37 ] that is responsible for by suppressing the synthesis of non-12 α OH BAs. However, in the present study, the mRNA levels of Star
suppressing Cyp7a1 expression through SHP induction. These observations suggest that hepatic and Cyp27a1
free Chol in the HFfed rats was rapidly converted to BAs. Indeed, the concentration of hepatic free
Chol was similar between the groups, although hepatic total Chol concentration was signi fi cantly were not signi fi cantly different in rats fed theHF diet. Aprevious study [ 40 ] reported that HF-fedmice
increased in the HF-fed rats ( Fig.1 A). Notably, among BAs, fecal 12 α OH concentration was increased had higher levels of liver in fl ammatory cytokines and serum ALT/AST activities; nonetheless, the
speci fi cally ( Fig. 3 D) in the HF-fed rats, suggesting that HF-fed rats in the present study showedno evidence of hepatic in fl ammation and/ or injury ( Fig. 1 E).
These differences suggest the involvement of STAR expression in the late rather than in the early
phase of fatty liver disease. Additionally, in this study, the liver Star mRNA expressionwas
S. Hori et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83 (2020) 108412


150 5 150
* *

Apparent fat absorption rate (%)

Apparent fat absorption (g/day)
Fecal lipid excretion (mg/day)
* *
100 100
Fat intake (g/day)

S.E.M. ( n= 6 – 7). 4Asterisks
5 indicate a signi fi cant difference compared to control ( P b. 05). 8 2
50 50

23 1

01 0 0 0
Control HF Control HF Control HF Control HF
(16 mg/kg diet for control; 214 mg/kg diet for HF diet). (F) Fecal excretion of Chol per day was calculated using fecal weight collected for 24 h at the end of the experiment and the concentrations in the feces. Values are shown as the mean with the



shown in A. (D) Apparent fat absorption ratewas calculated from the fat intake and
20 fat absorption shown in A and C, respectively. (E) Daily Chol intake was calculated fromdiet consumed at the end of this experiment and Chol content in each diet

Fecal Chol excretion (mg/day)

Chol intake (mg/day)



andTGper daywas calculated using fecal weight collected over 24h at the end of the experiment and the concentrations in the feces. (C) Apparent fat absorptionwas calculated by subtracting the fecal lipid excretion shown in B from the fat intake

0 0
Control HF Control HF

Fig. 6. Lipid intake, fecal lipid excretion and apparent fat absorption. (A) Daily fat intake was calculated fromdiet consumption at the end of this experiment and fat content in each diet (7% for control; 30% for HF diet). (B) Fecal excretion of FFA

considerably lower than that of Cyp8b1 ( data not shown). Therefore, increased Cyp8b1 mRNA rate in rats (Supplementary Fig. 1A and B). Importantly, unlike these primary 12 α OH BAs, secondary
expression might be responsible for the enhancement of fecal concentration of 12 α OH BAs in HF-fed 12 α OH BAs such as DCA and TDCA may not contribute to dietary fat absorption. The critical micellar
rats. concentrations of DCAand TDCAare 2.3 – 2.5M[ 43 ] and less than0.7M [ 44 ], respectively. As the
The increase in 12 α OH BA levels in enterohepatic circulation would not cause FXR activation concentration of TDCA in bile is less than
because CA and its conjugated form, TCA, are less potent FXR ligands [ 37 , 41 ]. Accordingly, in the
present study, the induction of liver SHP mRNA expressionwas not signi fi cant. Increased expression 0.069M in HF-fed rats [ 8 ], the biliary concentrations of DCA and TDCA should be out of the range. In
of liver Cyp7a1 in the HF-fed rats was observed even though a substantial increase was noted in the the present study, the concentration of primary 12 α OH BAs (sumof CA and TCA) was increased in
total portal BA concentration ( Fig. 2 A), suggesting no feedback inhibition including the HF-fed rats (19.0±3.1 μ Mvs. HF: 28.1±7.1 μ M, P=. 0153). These data suggest that primary 12 α OH
BAs but not secondary 12 α OH BAs might contribute to hepatic steatosis by promoting fat absorption
in HF-fed rats. Primary 12 α OH BAs might be involved in the development of hepatic steatosis since
fi broblast growth factor-15 in the intestine [ 42 ] to reduce the Cyp7a1 the levels of 12 α OH BAs are increased in subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) [ 45 ],
mRNA expression. Thus, BA synthesis is ongoing to eliminate excess Chol while maintaining ef fi cient obesity [ 46 ] and insulin resistance [ 16 ] and in diabetic animal models [ 47 ].
lipid absorption through 12 α OH BAs in HF-fed rats [ 18 ], which is physiologically sustainable where
few instances offer such a high-energy diet.

HF feeding for only 3 days signi fi cantly increased the hepatic TG concentration in rats [ 39 ]. In We further showed that HF feeding signi fi cantly increased the DCA in feces ( Fig. 3 D)
contrast, fecal 12 α OH BA concentration was signi fi cantly increased after 4weeks of HF diet feeding [ 8 ]. alongwithhepatic TDCA ( Fig. 3 A). An increase inDCA has been reported in humans with fatty liver [ 16 ,
Hence, the increase in 12 α OH BA concentration could be due to hepatic steatosis induced by the HF 48 ]. Obesity is associated with an increased abundance of Firmicutes [ 49 ], such as
diet. Hepatic steatosis in the HF-fed rats might be due to the accumulation of dietary fats into the liver
independent of the increase in 12 α OH BAs. On the other hand, it is possible that increased 12 α OH Clostridium cluster XI and XIVa, which are responsible for 7 α-
BA concentration paradoxically accelerates hepatic steatosis. Bertaggia et al. [ 18 ] showed that TCA dehydroxylation to generate DCA in the large intestine [ 15 ]. In addition, DCA feeding promotes liver
treatment restored the impaired fat absorption in Cyp8b1 −/−- mice, suggesting that such a primary 12 α OH cancer in mice, although the hepatic lipid concentration has not yet been determined [ 50 ].
BA at least in part contributes to hepatic steatosis development by promoting lipid absorption. Considering that the gut microbiota plays a signi fi cant role in NAFLD pathogenesis [ 51 , 52 ], increased
Similarly, we found that the CA-supplemented diet signi fi cantly reduced fecal lipid output and fecal DCA might promote the development of hepatic steatosis. Liver Cidea is a candidate target for
enhanced the apparent fat absorption DCA, which promotes hepatic lipid storage in the liver [ 53 ]. Zhou and colleagues [ 53 ] reported the
induction of Cidea mRNA expression by saturated fatty acids, whichwas reducedwhen Srebp1 was
S. Hori et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 83 (2020) 108412 9

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