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JABATAN AKAUNTAN NEGARA MALAYSIA DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN PEMBAIKAN BANGUNAN DI INSTITUT PERAKAUNAN NEGARA, SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN BAGI TEMPOH SATU (1) TAHUN. BIL. SEBUT HARGA : JANM BIL. 3/2020 ISI KANDUNGAN BIL KETERANGAN MUKA SURAT 1 NOTIS SEBUT HARGA 2 2 SENARAI SEMAKAN 3 3. ARAHAN KEPADA PENYEBUT HARGA 5 4 SYARAT-SYARAT SEBUT HARGA UNTUK KERJA 8 5 BORANG SEBUT HARGA 13 6 — SPESIFIKAS! TEKNIKAL 14 7 GARIS PANDUAN PEROLEHAN HJAU KERAJAAN 48 8 — SPESIFIKASI KERJA 50 9 JADUAL HARGA 51 10 _ RINGKASAN SEBUT HARGA 66 11 JADUAL KADAR HARGA, 67 12 SENARAI KERJA DALAM TANGAN 14 13 SENARAI KERJA YANG TELAH DISIAPKAN 75 SENARAI LAMPIRAN LAMPIRAN A - SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA 76 LAMPIRAN B - SURAT PERWAKILAN KUASA 7 LAMPIRAN C - LAPORAN KEDUDUKAN KEWANGAN PETENDER 78 LAMPIRAN D - SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA PROTEGE 73 LAMPIRAN E - SALINAN SIJIL PENYERTAAN PROTEGE (JIKA ADA) 80 NOTIS SEBUT HARGA, KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN PEMBAIKAN BANGUNAN DI INSTITUT PERAKAUNAN NEGARA, SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN BAGI TEMPOH SATU (1) TAHUN. ‘Sebut Harga Bil : JANM.BIL. 3/2020 1, Sebut Harga adalah dipelawa daripada Kontraktor-Kontraktor yang berdaftar dengan CIDB dan mempunyai 1.1 Perakuan Pendaftaran Kontraktor (PPK), 4.2 Siil Teraf Bumiputera (STB) 4.3 Sijl Perolehan Kerja Kerajaan (SPKK) dalam Kategori Bangunan (B) mengikut gred dan had nilai perolehan berkut~ Gred Nilai Perolehan: G1 (Alamat pendaftaran di daerah Sabak Bernam sahaja) Pengkhususan:; B24 - Kerja Penyenggaraan Bangunan & B16 - Pemasangan Bumbung 2. Lawatan tapak adalah tidak diwalibkan, Walau bagaimanepun, Kontraktor digalakkan untuk ‘melawat senciti kawasanitapak bina pada tarikh dan masa seperti berikut: Tarikh : 18 Jun 2020 (Khamis) hingga 19 Jun 2020 (Jumaal); dan 22 Jun 2020 ({snin) hingga 24 Jun 2020 (Rabu) Masa: 10.00 pagi - 1,00 petang 2.00 petang - 4.30 petang ‘Alamat : Lobi Blok Pentadbiran B, Institut Perskaunan Negara, Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia, Jalan 2, Sungai Lang, 45100 Sabak Benam, Selangor Darul Ehsan Pegawai Yang Boleh Dihubungi: En, Mohammad Yusof Bin Abd Razak @ Yunus HIP No: 017-3226331 Lawatan tapzk ini dapat membantu syarikat mendapat maklumat yang lebih tepat dan mengetahul Keadaan/maklumat tambahan yang berguna bagi menyediakan tawaran sebut harga. Sekiranya syarikat_ mahu melawat sendiii kawasanvtapak bina, Kontraktor hendakiahmengamalkan penjarakan sosial, penggunaan hand sanitizer dan juga pemakeian face mask. 3. Borang Sebut Harga dan slaid taklimat juga turut disediakan secara percuma dan boleh didapati_— melalui laman web portal Iklan Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia - ainv.enm, bermula dari tarikh 18 Jun 2020 (Khamis) hingga 30 Jun 2020 (Selasa). 4, Borang Sebut Harga yang telah diisi dengan lengkap hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam Peti Sebut Harga tidak lewat dari jam 12.00 tengah hari, 30 Jun 2020 (Selasa) ke alamat sepert berikut Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia, Bahagian Pembangunan Perakaunan Dan Pengurusay ‘Sekeyen Pengurusan Kewangan Dan Perolehan, ‘Aras 7, Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan, No. 1 Porsiaran Perdana, Prosint 2, 62594 Putrajaya ‘BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA' “Pertingkat Inovas! Terokai Transformasi Kuasai Globalisasi Saya yang menjalankan amanah, YBhg-Batuk Dr. YacdeBin Mustafa cam) Akauntan Negaga Malaysia Terk: th Sila Tandakan | / SENARAI SEMAKAN Bagi Dokumen-Dokumen Yang Disertakan, Bil Perkara/Dokumen Untuk Ditanda_| Untuk Ditanda Oleh Syarikat Oleh Jawatankuasa Pombuka Sebut Harga Salinan Perakuan Pendaftaran Kontraktor (PPK) dari CIDB 2. | Salinan Sil Taraf Bumiputera (STB) dari BPKU (Kerja) 3. | Salinan Sijil Perolehan Kerja Kerajaan (SPKK) dari CIDB 4. | Borang Sebut Harga Telah Diisi Dengan Lengkap (termasuk nilai tawaran dan tempoh siap) dan Ditandatangani 5, | Profil Syarikat 6. | Carla Organisasi Syarikat 7._| Senarai Kakitangan Teknikal (lika Ada) &. | Salinan Penyata Bulanan Akaun Bank bagi Tiga (3) Bulan Terakhir yang Disahkan oleh Pihak Bank (Mac, April dan Mei 2020) 9, | Senarai Kerja Dalam Tangan (Sila sertakan SST / Inden Kerja) 10. | Senarai Kerja Yang Telah Disiapkan (Sila sertakan SST / Inden Kerja) 11. | Lampiran A - Surat Akuan Pembida ‘SENARAI SEMAKAN Sila Tandakan|_/_ | Bagi Dokumen-Dokumen Yang Disertakan. 12. Lampiran B - Surat Perwakilan Kuasa 13. Lampiran C - Laporan bank/institusi kewangan mengenai kemudahan kewangan (ika ada) 4. Lampiran D - Surat Akuan Pembida Untuk Melaksanakan Program Professional Training And Education For Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTEGE) 16. | Lampiran E - Sil Penyertaan Program Professional Training And Education For Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTEGE) (Jika ada) PENGESAHAN OLEH SYARIKAT UNTUK KEGUNAAN JABATAN Dengan ini saya mengesahkan bahawa saya | Jawatankuasa Pembuka Sebut Harga telah membaca dan memahami semua syarat-| mengesahkan penerimaan = dokumen. syarat dan terma yang dinyatakan di dalam | bertanda —kecuali bagi perkara dokumen Sebut Harga. Semua maklumat yang dikemukakan adalah benar Tandatangan: Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: Cop Kontraktor: Dil .-eesesseeiket ada) Tandatangan: Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: Tandatangan: Nama: Jawatan’ Tarikh: ARAHAN KEPADA PENYEBUT HARGA HAK KERAJAAN UNTUK MENERIMA / MENOLAK SEBUT HARGA. Kerajaan adalah tidak terikat untuk menerima Sebut Harga yang terendah atau mana-mana Sebut Harga atau memberi apa-apa sebab di atas penolakan sesuatu Sebut Harga. Keputusan Jawatankuasa Sebut Harga adalah muktamad. CARA-CARA MELENGKAPKAN DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA. 24. Penyediaan Sebut Harga Penyebut Harga adalah dikehendaki mengisi dengan dakwat segala maklumat berikut dengan sepenuhnya:- a) _ Harga dan tandatangan Penyebut Harga di Ringkasan Sebut Harga, b) —_Harga, tempoh dan tandatangan dalam Borang Sebut Harga, c) Senarai Kerja Dalam Tangan, d) — Senarai Pengalaman Kerja, ) — Jadual Kadar Harga (ika ada), ) _Butirbutir Spesifikasi (Jika ada), 9) Surat Akuan Pembida, h) Surat Akuan Pembida PROTEGE, i) Salinan Penyertaan Program PROTEGE (Jika ada), j) Maklumat kemampuan kewangan dalam bentuk Penyata Bulanan Akaun Bank yang disahkan oleh Pengurus Cawangan Bank berkenaan untuk 3 bulan yang terkini (Mac 2020, April 2020 & Mei 2020) k) Jika berlaku kesilapan dalam mengisi maklumat-makiumat di atas Penyebut Harga hendaklah menandatangani ringkas semua pembetulan. 1) Kegagalan_mengisi/menandatangani Borang Sebut Harga akan mengakibatkan Sebut Harga ditolak. m) Sekiranya terdapat percanggahan di antara_maklumat yang dinyatakan dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga dan Borang Sebut Harga, maklumat di dalam Borang Sebutharga diberi keutamaan. n) — Sekiranya Penyebut Harga didapati memberikan maklumat palsu atau sengaja menyorok atau tidak memberikan mana-mana maklumat yang memberikan kesan negatif terhadap keupayaannya, Sebut Harganya akan ditolak dan tindakan tatatertib akan diperakukan terhadapnya. 2.2. ‘Integriti Pact’ a) Kesemua Penyebut Harga yang menghantar dokumen sebut harga hendaklah menandatangani Surat Akuan Pembida bahawa ia tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah sebagai sogokan untuk mendapatkan projek. Wakil syarikat yang menandatangani Surat Akuan Pembida hendaklah juga melampirkan Surat Perwakilan 3 Kuasa menandatangani bagi pinak syarikat. Format Surat Akuan Pembida adalah seperti di Lampiran A dan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa adalah seperti di Lampiran B. b) Surat Akuan Pembida tersebut adalah menjadi salah satu dokumen wajib dalam penilaian Sebut Harga. Sekiranya Penyebut Harga gagal mengemukakan surat akuan tersebut, Penyebut Harga akan dinilai sebagai gagal dalam penilaian Sebut Harga. 2.3. Penyerahan Dokumen Sebut Harga a) Dokumen Sebut Harga yang telah diisi dengan lengkap hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam sampul surat berlakri yang dicatatkan dengan bilangan Sebut Harga JANM BIL. 3/2020 serta tajuk Sebut Harga dan hendaklah dimasukkan ke dalam peti Sebut Harga pada atau sebelum masa dan di tempat yang ditetapkan dalam Notis ‘Sebut Harga. b) Jka Dokumen Sebut Harga tidak diserahkan dengan tangan, Penyebut Harga hendaklah menghantar Dokumen tersebut dengan pos supaya tiba pada atau sebelum masa dan di tempat yang ditetapkan. ©) Sebut Harga yang diserahkan selepas masa yang ditetapkan atas sebarang sebab, tidak akan dipertimbangkan. 2.4. Penjelasan Lanjut Sekiranya terdapat maklumat dalam Dokumen Sebut Harga yang tidak jelas atau bercanggah, Penyebut Harga boleh menghubungi pegawai seperti di Perenggan 2 untuk penjelasan lanjut. TEMPOH SIAP KERJA Kerja ini hendaklah disiapkan dalam tempoh tidak melebihi 12 bulan atau mengikut Harga Kontrak yang mana terdahulu. PERBELANJAAN PENYEDIAAN DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA Semua perbelanjaan bagi penyediaan Sebut Harga ini hendaklah ditanggung oleh Penyebut Harga sendiri, TEMPOH SAH SEBUTHARGA Sebut Harga ini sah selama sembilan puluh (90) hari dari tarikh tutup Sebut Harga. Penyebut Harga tidak boleh menarik balik Sebut Harganya sebelum tamat tempoh sah laku Sebut Harga. Laporan mengenai penarikan balik Sebut Harga oleh Penyebut Harga akan dikemukakan kepada CIDB/BPKU untuk tindakan. PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND EDUCATION FOR GROWING ENTREPRENEURS (PROTEGE) Penyebut harga adalah digalakkan untuk melaksanakan program PROTEGE seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan. Penglibatan penyebut harga dalam program PROTEGE akan dijadikan sebagai salah satu kriteria dalam penilaian sebut harga. Penyebut harga_ yan mengemukakan sijl atau surat pengesahan daripada Sekretariat PROTEGE, akan diberi keutamaan tidak kira sama ada program PROTEGE dilaksanakan oleh inisiatif syarikat sendin. Penyebut harga adalah wajib mengemukakan Surat Akuan Pembida Untuk Melaksanakan Program Professional Training And Education For Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTEGE) seperti di Lampiran D bersama dengan Dokumen Tawaran Sebut Harga. Sekiranya penyebut harga gagal mengemukakan Surat ‘Akuan tersebut yang telah ditandatangani oleh penama di sijl CIDB, penyebut harga akan dinilai sebagai gagal dalam penilaian (gagal_mengemukakan dokumen wajib) dan penilaian seterusnya tidak akan dilaksanakan, Penyebut harga hendaklah merujuk kepada Pekeliling Perbendaharaan (PP), Perolehan Kerajaan (PK) 1.2 — Pelaksanaan Program Professional Training And Education For Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTEGE) untuk keterangan lanjut. 24 22 23 34 32 SYARAT-SYARAT SEBUT HARGA UNTUK KERJA PEMERIKSAAN TAPAK BINA Kontraktor disifatkan telah memeriksa dan meneliti tapak bina dan sekitamya, bentuk dan jenis tapak bina, takat dan jenis kerja, bahan dan barang yang perlu bagi menyiapkan Kerja, cara-cara perhubungan dan laluan masuk ke tapak bina dan hendaklah mendapatkan senditi segala maklumat yang perlu tentang risiko, luar jangkaan dan segala hal-keadaan yang mempengaruhi dan menjejas sebut harganya. Sebarang tuntutan yang timbul akibat daripada kegagalan Kontraktor mematuhi kehendak ini tidak akan dipertimbangkan. BON PELAKSANAAN, INSURANS DAN PERKESO Kontraktor hendaklah mengemukakan Bon Pelaksanaan sebanyak 5% daripada nitai Sebut Harga dalam bentuk Jaminan Bank, Jaminan Syarikat Kewangan, Jaminan Insurans atau Jaminan Takaful, Sekiranya Kontraktor tidak mengemukakan Bon Pelaksanaan dalam bentuk Jaminan Bank atau Insurans, kaedah Wang Jaminan Pelaksanaan (WJP) hendakiah diguna pakai seperti mana ditetapkan dalam peraturan mengenai tatacara pengurusan tender yang berkuat kuasa. Kontraktor hendaklah atas nama bersama Kerajaan dan Kontraktor mengambil Insurans Liabiiti Awam dan Insurans Kerja (sekiranya dinyatakan di dalam Butir- butir Ringkasan Sebutharga) bagi tempoh pelaksanaan kerja ini. Kontraktor hendaklah juga mengemukakan Nombor Kod Pendaftaran dengan PERKESO, Kontraktor hendaklah mengemukakan kepada Pegawai Penguasa semua polisi insurans dan Nombor Kod Pendaftaran dengan PERKESO yang tersebut di atas sebelum memulakan kerja. Bagaimanapun untuk tujuan memulakan kerja sahaja nota-nota periindungan dan resityesit bayaran premium adalah mencukupi. Sekiranya Kontraktor gagal mengemukakan semua polisi insurans selepas tempoh sah nota-nota perlindungan, tanpa sebarang sebab yang munasabah, Pegawai Penguasa berhak mengambil tindakan seperti di bawah fasal 9(d). PERATURAN PERLAKSANAAN KERJA. Kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan hendakiah mematuhi spesifiasi, pelan-pelan, butir- butir kerja dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga dan syarat-syarat yang dinyatakan dalam Dokumen Sebut Harga ini dan arahan Pegawal Penguasa atau Wakilnya. Kerja-kerja_elektik yang dilaksanakan disamping mematuhi kehendak di perenggan 3.1 di atas, hendaklah juga mematuhi semua peraturan dan pekeliling, undang-undang dan undang-undang kecil yang diluluskan oleh: () — Suruhanjaya Tenaga (i) Jabatan Keselamatan Pekerjaan dan Kesihatan (ii) Pemegang Lesen dan Pihak Berkuasa Bekalan Elektrik 61 62 63 TA 7.2 73 (iv) Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat (v)__ Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (v) — Suruhanjaya Pengurusan Air Negara (SPAN) KEGAGALAN KONTRAKTOR MEMULAKAN KERJA Sekiranya Kontraktor gagal memulakan kerja dalam tempoh tuluh (7) hari dari tarikh aduan atau arahan pegawai penguasa seperti yang dinyatakan dalam spesifikasi, tanpa sebab-sebab yang munasabah, kontrak boleh dibatalkan dan tindakan tatatertib akan diambil terhadap Kontraktor. SUB-SEWA DAN MENYERAHHAK KERJA Kontraktor tidak dibenarkan mengsub-sewakan kerja kepada kontraktor-kontraktor lain, Kontraktor tidak boleh menyerahhak apa-apa faedah di bawah kontrak ini tanpa terlebin dahulu mendapatkan persetujuan bertulis daripada Pegawai Penguasa. PENOLAKAN BAHAN, BARANG DAN MUTU HASIL KERJA OLEH PEGAWAI PENGUASA Pegawai Penguasa atau wakilnya berhak menolak bahan, barang dan mutu hasil kerja dari jenis piawaian yang tidak menepati seperti diperihalkan dalam spesifikasi Kontraktor hendaklah, apabila diminta oleh Pegawai Penguasa, memberi kepadanya baucar-baucar dan/atau perakuan ujian pengilang untuk membuktikan bahawa bahan-bahan dan barang-barang itu mematuhi spesifkasi. Bahan, barang dan kerja-kerja yang ditolak hendaklah diganti dan sebarang kos tambahan yang terlibat hendaklah ditanggung oleh kontraktor sendir, Kontraktor hendaklah dengan sepenuhnya atas perbelanjaan sendiri menyediakan sampel bahan dan barang-barang untuk ujian Tiada penggantian untuk peralatan, bahan dan cara kerja yang telah ditentukan di dalam spesifikasi atau ditawarkan dan telah diterima, dibenarkan kecuali mendapat Persetujuan daripada Pegawai Penguasa secara bertuls. RINGKASAN SEBUT HARGA Ringkasan Sebut Harga hendaklah menjadi sebahagian daripada Borang Sebut Harga ini dan hendaklah menjadi asas Jumlah Harga Sebut Harga. Harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga hendaklah mengambil kira semua kos termasuk kos pengangkutan, cukai, duti, bayaran dan caj-caj lain yang perlu dan berkaitan bagi penyiapan kerja dengan sempumanya. Tiada sebarang tuntutan akan dilayan bagi pelarasan harga akibat daripada perubahan kos buruh, bahan-bahan dan semua duti dan cukai Kerajaan, sama ada dalam tempoh sah Sebut Harga atau dalam tempoh Kerja. 74 78 76 84 8.2 Harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga yang dikemukakan oleh kontraktor hendaklah tertakluk kepada persetujuan sebelumnya daripada Pegawai Penguasa tentang kemunasabahannya. Persetujuan sebelumnya itu dan apa-apa pelarasan kemudiannya kepada harga-harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga hendaklah dibuat sebelum kontrak kerja dikeluarkan. ‘Apa-apa pelarasan harga dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga menurut perenggan 7.4 tersebut di atas dan apa-apa kesilapan hisab dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga hendaklah dilaras dan diperbetuikan sebelum kontrak Kerja dikeluarkan. Jumlah ‘amaun yang dilaraskan hendaklah sama dengan amaun jumiah harga pukal dalam Borang Sebut Harga. Amaun jurlah harga pukal dalam Borang Sebut Harga hendaklah tetap tidak berubah, Sekiranya Sebut Harga berasaskan senarai kuantiti sementara, pengukuran semula hendaklah dibuat dan Harga Sebut Harga diselaraskan. PERCANGGAHAN DAN KECUKUPAN DOKUMEN SEBUT HARGA Dokumen Sebut Harga adalah dikira sebagai saling jelas-menjelas antara satu sama lain. Kontraktor hendaklah mengadakan segala yang peru untuk melaksanakan kerja dengan sewajamya sehinggalah siap mengikut tujuan dan maksud sebenar, Dokumen Sebut Harga pada keseluruhannya sama ada atau tidak tyjuan dan maksud itu ada ditunjuk atau diperihalkan secara khusus, dengan syarat bahawa tujuan, maksud itu hendaklah difahamkan dengan munasabahnya dari Dokumen Sebut Harga itu. Jika Kontraktor mendapati apa-apa percanggahan dalam Dokumen Sebut Harga dia hendaklah merujuk kepada Pegawai Penguasa untuk mendapatkan keputusan. KEGAGALAN KONTRAKTOR MENYIAPKAN KERJA DAN PENAMATAN PERLANTIKAN KONTRAKTOR Pegawai Penguasa berhak membatalkan kontrak sekiranya kontraktor berada dalam keadaan berikut dan setelah menerima surat amaran daripada Pegawal Penguasa: (2) Sekiranya kontraktor masih gagal menyiapkan kerja dalam tempoh masa yang telah ditetapkan; (e) — Kemajuan kerja terlalu lembab tanpa apa-apa sebab yang munasabah; (©) Penggantungan perlaksanaan seluruh atau sebahagian kerja, tanpa apa- apa sebab yang munasabah; (d) Tidak mematuhi arahan Pegawai Penguasa tanpa apa-apa alasan yang munasabah; dan ()__Apabila kontraktor diisytiharkan bankrap oleh pihak yang sah. 10 10. 11. 44 14.2 12.0 13.0 13.4 13.2 13.3 Walau apa pun di atas, sekiranya Kontrak ini ditamatkan di bawah perenggan 9, Bon Pelaksanaan akan dirampas sepenuhnya. BAYARAN KEMAJUAN Pegawai Penguasa dibenarkan membuat bayaran interim sehingga kerja-kerja siap dilaksanakan. KERJA PERUBAHAN Pegawai Penguasa boleh menurut budi bicaranya mengeluarkan arahan-arahan yang berkehendakkan sesuatu perubahan kerja dengan secara bertulis. Tiada apa- apa perubahan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pegawai Penguasa atau yang disahkan kemudian oleh Pegawai Penguasa boleh membatalkan Sebut Harga ini. Semua kerja perubahan dan/atau tambahan yang diluluskan oleh Pegawai Penguasa akan diukur atau dinilai dengan menggunakan kadar harga yang ada dalam Senarai Jadual Harga / Jadual Kadar Harga. Jika tidak terdapat sebarang kadar harga yang bersesuaian, kadar harga yang dipersetujui oleh Pegawai Penguasa dan kontraktor hendakiah digunakan, PENGUKURAN KUANTITI SEMENTARA Setelah kerja-kerja_yang_melibatkan Kuantiti Sementara disiapkan di tapak pengukuran semula kuantii hendaklah dibuat secara bersama. TEMPOH TANGGUNGAN KECACATAN (DLP) Tempoh Tanggungan Kecacatan bagi Sebut Harga hendaklah sekurang- kurangnya enam (6) bulan dari tarikh kerja diperakukan siap. Bagi kerja-kerja mekanikal dan elektrikal dimana tempoh waranti keatas alat-alat dan loj+-oji adalah dua belas (12) bulan dan dalam kes-kes tertentu oleh kerana jenis dan kerumitan kerja, tempoh tanggungan kecacatan yang lebih lama daripada enam (6) bulan boleh dikenakan. Koniraktor dipertanggungjawabkan untuk membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempurnaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain yang mungkin kelihatan dan yang disebabkan oleh bahan atau barang atau mutu hasil kerja yang tidak menepati sebut harga ini apabila diarahkan oleh Pegawal Penguasa dan dalam masa yang berpatutan, Kontraktor hendaklah membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempumaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain atas kos kontraktor sendir. Sekiranya kontraktor gagal membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempumaan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain seperti yang diarahkan, Pegawai Penguasa bethak memotong kos membaiki dari baki wang yang akan dibayar kepada kontraktor atau, jika baki itu tiada tidak mencukupi, mengeluarkan surat pengesyoran kepada Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor untuk —menggantungkan Pendaftaran Kontraktor, dan menghantar salinan-salinan surat tersebut kepada Pengarah Kerja Raya Negeri/Ketua Jabatan, Bahagian Pembangunan Bumiputera, Kementerian Kerja Raya dan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18, PERATURAN MEMBAYAR SELEPAS SIAP Bayaran sepenuhnya hanya akan dibayar setelah kontraktor menyiapkan kerja dengan sempumanya dan Perakuan Siap Kerja dikeluarkan, Walaubagaimanapun Pegawai Penguasa hendaklah membuat potongan atau menahan sejumlah amaun dari wang yang akan dibayar kepada kontraktor sebagai kos untuk membaiki apa- apa kecacatan yang fidak dapat dibaiki oleh kontraktor di dalam tempoh tanggungan kecacatan. PERAKUAN SIAP KERJA Pegawai Penguasa hendaklah mengeluarkan Perakuan Siap Kerja sebaik sahaja kerja disiapkan dengan sempurna dan memuaskan. Tempoh Tanggungan Kecacatan bermula daripada tarikh siap kerja, PERAKUAN SIAP MEMPERBAIKI KECACATAN Pegawai Penguasa hendaklah mengeluarkan Perakuan Siap Membaiki Kecacatan sebaik sahaja kontraktor telah membaiki kecacatan, ketidaksempuraan, kekecutan atau apa-apa jua kerosakan lain, PEMATUHAN KEPADA UNDANG-UNDANG OLEH KONTRAKTOR Kontraktor hendaklah mematuhi segala kehendak Undang-undang Kecil dan Undang-undang Berkanun dalam Malaysia semasa pelaksanaan Kerja. Kontraktor tidak berhak menuntut sebarang kos dan bayaran tambahan kerana pematuhannya dengan syarat-syarat ini WANG PERUNTUKAN SEMENTARA Wang Peruntukan Sementara (WPS) bererti sejumlah wang yang diperuntukkan bagi kerja, bekalan barang-barang atau bahan yang sama sekali tidak boleh diramal, ditetapkan atau dihuraikan semasa dokumen sebutharga disediakan. Kontraktor hendaklah melaksanakan kerja-kerja pembaikan di bawah Wang Peruntukan Sementara (WPS) mengikut arahan Pegawai Penguasa, BORANG SEBUT HARGA ‘Sebut Harga Bil : JANM.BIL, 3/2020 Akauntan Negara Malaysia Jabatan Akauntan Negara Malaysia, Bahagian Pembangunan Perakaunan dan Pengurusan, Aras 7, Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan, No 1, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2, 62594 Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya. Tuan, Sebut Harga untuk KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN —_PEMBAIKAN BANGUNAN DI INSTITUT PERAKAUNAN NEGARA, SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN BAGI TEMPOH SATU (1) TAHUN. Di bawah dan tertakluk kepada Arahan Kepada Penyebut Harga, Syarat-syarat Sebut Harga untuk Kerja, Spesifikasi Kerja dan Pelan-pelan, saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini adalah dengan ini menawarkan untuk melaksanakan dan menyiapkan kerja- kerja tersebut bagi jumlah harga pukal sebanyak Ringgit Malaysia: (RM. csecsscccee e ) 2, Saya bersetuju menyiapkan Kerja-kerja dalam tempoh ..........+. Bulan dari tarikh mula kontrak. Bertarikh pada. sHaribulan 0.2.00. eee 2020, (Tandatangan Kontraktor) (Tandatangan Saksi) Nama Penuh : .. Nama Penuh : No. Atas Sifat: . Meteri atau Cop Kontraktor SPESIFIKASI TEKNIKAL = No. Dokumen = JKR 20800-0183-14 No. Keluaran : Of ‘SECTION A: PRELIMINARIES No, Pinan: 00 AND GENERAL CONDITIONS Tekh 29 Januari 2014 KR MALAYSIA Muka Surat: At ‘Scope Of Works, 1.4_The Works covered in this Contract comprise the provision by the Contractor at his ‘own risk and cost ofall materials, scaffolding, tools, plant, labour, transport, water, ht and eventing else necessary forthe constuction and complain ot son snseeee Blt the approval ofthe §.0, 1.2. The Conditions of Contract for the Works, which is embodied in the Form of Contract (Form PWD 208 / Form PWD 203A), shall be read in conjunction with this ‘Specification. A copy of the Form of Contract is available for inspection on the ‘Tender Table on any working day up to the time appointed for receiving tenders. If the tenderer considers that any ofthe clauses of the Contract involves expenses, he shall allow for the money value of such clauses in his Tender. 2. Abbreviations: 2.1 The following abbreviations appearing in these Specifications have their meanings as assigned against them: () BQ -Bill of Quantities (i) CIAST - Pusat Lathan Pengajar den Kemahiran Lenjutan (i) GIDE Construction Industry Development Board () COW Clerk of Works (W) GFR. - Director General of Fie and Rescue (¥) DOE = Department of Environment (vil) DOSH - Department of Occupational Safety and Health (vil) EMP Environmental Management Plan (0) AK = Jabatan Kerja Raya (%) MOH Ministry of Heath x) MSMA_- Manual Sairan Mesra Alam (xi) MTIB_ ~ Melaysian Timber Industry Board (ail) PORM - Pols Diraja Malaysia (iv) PE. Professional Engineer fv) ROW, - Right OF Way ev) 8.0. = Superintending Officer (evi) SP. System Provider {ovi) SIRIM_ Standards and industriel Research Insitute of Malaysia (0) SPAN. Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Alr Negara 3. Standards 3.1. All Standards referred to inthis Specitcation together with any addenda issued shall be deemed to be the editions current at the time of Tender. If the Malaysian Standard (MS) exists, which the S.0. deems to be equivalent to the British or other Standard specified, then the MS shall be followed. Other equivalent standards ‘specifying superior materiel may be used with the approval ofthe $.0. 3.2 _ In the event of any discrepancy between the provision of this Specification and the provision within the relevant Standards or Codes of Practice (CP) as mentioned in this Specification, then the provision of this Specification shall take precedence, oft 0 deta nthe “GHARCIPTA JKR MALAYSIA ol Tender ~T No. Dokumen JKR 20800-0183-14 FIER | sectiona:pretminaries | No Keliaran . of ANDOENERALCONDITIONS | N2,Pindaan 00 Perrine Mika Sure Ais 43 Any discrepancies shell be referred as soon as possible to the S.0. who shall decide which shall be followed, 5. Adjoining Property ‘Where the property adjoining the Site isin constant use by the Employet/adjoining owners ‘and occupiers, the Contractor shell arrange and carry out the Works so as to cause minimum interference or interuption to the use of adjoining properties including roads, footpaths, other access and any existing services thereto. He shall comply with all instructions or directions glven by the S.O. in these matters. 6. Goods, Materials And Workmanship 6.1 Materials end workmanship throughout the Works shall be in accordance with the Drawings end Specifications and tothe approval of the $.0, 6.2 Where required, all works shall be executed by competent and skiled workers in the related fel. 6.3 Wherever in this Specification any proprietary goods or materials are specified, ‘goods or matetials of atemative manufacture may be considered for acceptance provided thoy comply In all respect as rogards to appearance and quailty, and are approved by the §.0. 6.4 If, however, the Contractor has shown beyond reasonable doubt that the specified ‘goods or materials cannot be obtained and the S.0. is satisfied with regard to the non-availabilty of the goods and materials, the benefit of cost savings, if any, resulting from the Contractor's proposal or substitution of goods or materials ‘approved by the S.0., shall be deducted from the Contract Sum, 7. Use Of Local Materials 7.4 The Contractor shal! use locally manufactured materials and goods as listed in the “Senarai Bahan/Barangan Binaan Buatan Tempatan’ issued by IKRAM QA Senvices Sdn. Bhd, andlor 'Senarai Baher/Barangan Buatan Tempatan’ issued by SIRIM GA Services Sdn. Bhd, whichever Is relevent. If the Contractor fails to comply with this requitement, @ penalty shall be imposed and/or the matetials supplied shall be rejected 7.2 The locally manufactured materials and goods which are not listed aforessi te permit the materials have been tested and certied by IKRAM QA Services ‘Sdn. Bhd. or SIRIM QA Services Sdn. Bhd. whichever is relevant. If the testing ‘cannot be carried out by IKRAM GA Services Sdn. Bhd. or SIRIM QA Services Sdn. Bhd,, the Contractor may apply and, subject to the approval of the S.O., carry out the testing by other agencies. 7.3 Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to incorporate or supply imported materials, plant, equipment, or other goods into the Works or forming part of the scope of the Works except those approved by the Government, prior to the execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall substitute eny materies, plant, ‘equipment, or other goods proposed to be imported but not approved by the Government, with suitable local materials, plant, equipment, or other goods, Ineluding making any necessary sub-sequential changes or adjustments to the design of the Works to accommodate such substitution, allo the concurrence of the 80. SRT AL 00 Tarik 29 Januari 2014 AKRMACAYSIA Muka Surat: A/S as Te BRST RRA Netaumatle gs SECTION A; PRELIMINARIES Sr ]| RO NEARTERMARRS | a Pan 11.4 No action by the §.0. under this clause shall be deemed in any way to affect or ‘modify the right of the Goverment to claim for damages in the event of the Contractor's failure to complete the Works by the agreed date of completion. 12, Shop Drawings, Samples And Mock-ups 12.1. The Contractor shail submit for approval relevant shop drawings as requested by the S.0, 12.2 The Contractor shall submit samples of materials or execute samples. of workmanship for the S.O.’s approval, and for further samples as required unti the ‘samples submitted or executed are in accordance with this Specification, 123. The Contractor shall prepare sample Installations as required to match specified works in all respects before proceeding with work. Mock-up units approved and ‘accepted by the §.0. shall be referred as the Standard of comparison for the work. 12.4 The Contractor shall submit for approval as requested by the S.O,, manufacturer's specications, installaton instruction, general recommendation’ for the work, including certified laboratory test reports and other data required to show compliance with these specifications. 43. Contractor's Plant 13.4 The Contractor shall provide, erect, keep insured, maintain and remove on completion all requisite scaffolding, hoist, ladder, staging, tarpaulins, tools, vehicles, tackles and other plants and epparatus (excluding piling and pile testing equipment), {6 required by all trades as are necessary forthe execution ofthe Works, 13.2. All mechanical plant used by the Contractor shall be of such type, size and capacity suitable to the type and nature of the Works and site conditions where the Works are to be executed 188 The Contractor shall take note the required cranage for the erection and completion of precast components and to ensure thet the said cranes are or wll be avaliable during the construction stages. 14, Construction Plan 44.1 Within fourteen (14) days after the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit to the S.0, for his approval the folowing: 14.1.1 Programme of Works 144.14 A detailed work programme using the Critical Path Method (CPM) including electronic and printed copies of all data, The programme shall be presented in the form of Gantt chart and ‘network dlagrams indicating, among others the erica actvtles, interface dates and resources required to complete the works within the Contract period. The Contractor shal be required to Update all information and maintain the planned programme Weeklyimonthy using the CPM or as instructed by the §.0. 141.4.2 The work programme shall be prepared and maintained by trained and qualified personnel HARGIPTA IRR WALAVSIA Wo, Dokumen” + sKR 20000 0765-14 EJKR No. Keluaran : 01 Bo || section: concrete works | No, Pindaan : 00 == Tarikh + 29 Janvar 2014 JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat: Dit 4. General “This section shall apply to the construction of all structures or parts of structures to be composed of concrete with or without steel reinforcement. The work shall be carried out all in accordance with this specification and the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross- ‘sections shown on the Drawings and as required by the S.0. 2. Material 24 Cement 2.4.4 The cement to be used throughout the Work shall be cement obtained from SIRIMcorlfied manufacturer. The coment shall be described and complied With MS EN 197-1 as shown in TABLE D1. 2.4.2 Certificates of test Manufacturers’ certificates of test shall in general be accepted as proof of soundness. Addtional tests shall be carried out on any ‘cement which appears to have deteriorated through age, damage to containers improper storage, or any other reason, The test shall be cartied out at any approved laborstory in accordance with MS EN 196 at the expense of the Contractor. Any baich of cement that has eon sampled and tested and found not to have complied with the ‘requirements shall be rejectad and removed from the Ste, 2.4.22 The 8.0. may, without tests being made, order that any bag of cement, a portion of the contents of which has hardened, or which ‘appears to be defective in any other way, be removed from the Site. 2.4.9 Transportation and storage ‘The cement shall be transported to the Site In covered vehicles adequately protected against water. It shall be stored in a weatherproof cement siore 10 the approval ofthe $.0. Cement stored in bags shall not be laid directly on the ground. It shall be taken for use Inthe Workin the order of is delivery into the store. Cement defvered in buk shall be stored in purposely bul sivs of ‘an approved design. 2.2 Aggregates 22.4 Agaregates shall be naturaly occuring sand, granite or limestone, crushed or tuncrushed, except as otherwise specifed, and shall comply with MS EN 412620. They shall be obtained from a source approved by the .0. Marine aggregates shall not be used. 2.2.2 Coarse aggregates Coarse aggregates shall comaly with MS EN 12620. For work below ground level, only crushed granite shall be used. Uniess otherwise specified in the Drawings, tests shall be carried out according to MS 30. The property limits ‘hall be 2s specified in TABLE D2. The maximum nominal siz of aggregate ‘hall be as spectied in the Drawings. ‘GHARGIPTA TER HALAS SER JKR MALAYSIA, No, Dokumen = JKR 20800-0163-74 No. Keluaran : 01 ‘SECTION D : CONCRETE WORKS | No. Pindaan : 00 Tarkh 28 Januari 2014 Muka Surat: D2 228 224 22.6 2.28 2.3 Water Fine aggregates Fine aggregates shall comply with MS EN 12620. in the context of MS EN 42620, the term ‘sand’ is used to mean ‘ine aggregate’. Uniess otherwise specified in the Drawings, tests shal be carried out in accordance with MS 30. ‘The property limits shal be as specified in TABLE D2. Grading 2244 Coarse agaregates ‘The grading of coarse aggregates shall be analysed as described in MS 30 and shall be within the limits specified in TABLE D3, Fine aggregates The grading of fine aggregates shall be analysed as described in MS 30 and shell be within the limits specifed in TABLE D3A, However, for prescribed mixes Grading Limit M shal only be used. ‘Sampling and testing of aggregates Where site mixing Is used, samples of fine and coarse aggregates approved by the 8.0. shall be kept on Site, These samples shall give o fair indication of the general quality of the aggregates for comparison with the aggregates delivered during the course of executing the work. Tests shall be carrled out ‘on samples of the latter, taken at intervals as required by the S.0., or whenever there is a change of source, The appropriate method of sampling and testing shall be in accordance with the standards as specitied in TABLE 12, Any baeh of aggregate reedad by the S.0. shal be removed fom the ite. Storage of aggregates Separate storage fecilties with adequate provision for drainage shall ‘be provided for each different size of aggregate used. 22.62 Aggregate shall be bandied and stored so as to minimize ‘segregation and contamination. Water shall comply with the requirements of MS EN 1008. It shall be clean and free from materiais deleterious to concrete in the plastic and hardened state and shall be from a source approved by the .0. The 8.0, may instruct the Contractor to carry out chemical tests at any approved laboratory at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall make adequate arrangement to supply and store sufficient water at the Site for use in mixing and curing of concrete. 24 Admixtures 24s 242 Suitable admixtures may be used in concrete mixes with the prior approval of ‘or as directed by the 8.0. ‘The admixtures, the sampling and testing of the admixtures and the Information to be provided with the admixture supplied shall comply with MS. EN 934/ BS EN 934.2 BRR RR No, Dokumian ? JKR 20800-0163-14 No:Keluaran : 01 SECTION G : ROOFING WORKS | No. Pindaan : 00 Tarn + 28 Januari 2014 JKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat__: GA 4. General 1.1 Unless otherwise stated, the pitch and laps for each type of roof covering shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation 1.2 Unless otherwise approved, all roof covering pieces or accessories such as eaves, hips, ridges, valley et cotera, shall be of the same material as the general covering, 2. Interlocking Concrete Tiles 2.4. _Intestocking concrete roof tles shall be laid on timber or steel battens approved for roofing at spacing end tightly nailed or screwed as recommended by the manufacturer, 2.2 Unless otherwise specified, the concrete roof tiles shall be laid to slope in accordance to the manufacturer's recommended plich and to the §.0's approval ‘The roof tiles shail conform to MS 797 and unless otherwise specified on the Drawings, it shall be laid on metal trusses system to engineer's detall and §.0's ‘approval. 2.3 Tiling filers consisting of 1:3 cement mortar as speciiod under SECTION E: NON- STRUCTURAL WALL SYSTEM, shall be provided at the feet of the rafters. 2.4 Verges, ridges, hips, valley tles and complete with all roofing accessories shall be provided and laid to bond with the general roof ting works in accordance with the ‘manufacturer's recommendation. 3, Clay Tites 3.4 Unless otherwise stated in the Drawings, clay tiles shall be of 470 mm (length) x 284 mm (horizontal width) pattem confiming to BS 402 and shall be free from ‘racks, chips and warps, 3.2 Clay tiles shall be laid with a minimum head lap of 95mm on timber or steel battens ‘approved for roofing at spacing as recommended by the te manufacturer, The tiles ‘hall be fly screwed or nailed at intervals as recommended by the roofing te ‘manufacturer and as approved by the S.O. 3.3 Ridge capping, hip and valley tes complete with all roofing accessories shall be provided to match the general tiing works in accordance with the manufacturer's Tecommendation. All these shali be bedded in matching 1:3 coloured coment mortar, 4. Pre-painted Aluminium Roofing Sheet Unless otherwise stated, where aluminium roofing sheets are to be used, they shall be of the type, gauge and finish as shown in the Drawings and to be fixed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation, 5. Concrete Flat Roots Concrete flat roofs shall be as specified under SECTION D: CONCRETE WORKS. CHARGE TA HR ALATA No. Dokumen : JKR 20600-0763-44 JER No. Keluaran ; Ot Bie || SECTIONG: ROOFING WORKS | No. Pindaan : 00 as Terkh + 23 Januari 2014 JKR MATAYSIA Muka Surat_: GIP 6. Pre-painted Steel Roofing Sheet 6.1 Unless otherwise stated, the metal roof decks shal comply with the following! 614 Materials The roofing sheets shall be produced from aluminiumzine alloy coated stee! conforming to MS 1196: "Continous Hol-Dip ‘Aluminium/Zinc Coated Stee! Sheet of Commercial, Drawing ‘and Structural Qualities’ and AS 1397 ‘Steel Sheet and Strip. Hot-Dip Zine Coated or Aluminium/Zine Coated. The pre-painted finish over the aluminiumizinc alloy coated ‘base stool shall conform to MS 2383: *Prefnished/Pre-painted ‘Sheet Metal Products for Interio/Exterior Building Applications - Performance Requirements" and ASINZS 2728: “Prefinished/Pre-painted Sheet Metal Products for InteriorExterior Building Applications - Performance Requirements", The exterior finish coat shall have a nominal flm thickness of 20 lum over & um thick corrosion inhibtive primer on top side or weather side. The backing coal shal be with nortinal fim thickness of 5 pm over 5 ym coraston inhibitve primer. Minimum steel yield strength shall be 650 MPa. 6.1.18 Minimum aluminlunvzine alloy coating mass shall be 150 gim* (Coating Class AZ 150) on both surfaces conforming to ISO 9223 Category 3 (C3) environment. 8.1.16 The Contractor shall submt material warranty from the manufacturer in accordance with ISO 6223: "Corrosion of Metals and Alloys - Corrosivty of Aimosphere - Classification” Of tho project site and the format approved by the S.0. Material warranty shall be up to 25 years against perforation by Corrosion, 15 years against flake and peel, 10 years ageinst Colour fading and 5 years against dit staining. 14.7 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for the S.0's ‘approval prior to commencement of installation works. 6.1.2 Metal sheet profes Unless otherwise spectfied or shown in the Drawings, the metal sheet profile shall be of a concealed fixing system a8 approved by the 8.0. The roofing sheets shall have the folowing ‘minimum requirements: (i) Base Metal Thickness (BMT) = 0.42 mm, (i) Cover width = 680 mm, (il) Rib height = 40 mm. (Ww) Coating = Pre-painted aluminium ‘and zinc coated steel’ wih AZ160. (150 gin) on both surfaces. [BRR RR SECTION G: ROOFING WORKS | No Pindaan : 00 No, Dekumen : JKR 20800-0783-14 No. Keluaran : 01 Tarkh + 28 Janwari 2014 IKR MALAYSIA Muka Surat_: GIS Where pierced fixing system is. specified or shown in the Drawings, the roofing sheet shall have the folowing minimum requirements: (2) Base Metal Thickness (BMT) = 0.42 mm. (i) Cover width ‘60 mim i) Rib height = 38mm (i) Coating = Pre-painted aluminium/zine coated stee! with AZ150 (150 gt") on both surfaces, 61.3 Fixing Installation procedures shall conform to the recommendation of the manufacturer. 6.1.32 The roofing sheets shall be installed and fixed according to the following method: () Concealed fixing using epproved clips compatible with the roofing sheet (il) Pierced fixing using approved festeners compatible with the rooting sheet. The roofing installer shal be registered with CIDB. 6.1.34 Metalic swarf and al other debris inciuding nal, screws, mortar, construction materials el cetera shall be swept away from the roof area and gutters regularly, particularly at the end of each day's work and at completion of the instalation works, 6.1.4 Clpsand fasteners 6.141 Fasteners type shall comply with AS 3666 Class 3 and be ccerlfed as such by the supplier of fasteners. 6.142 The recommended type of fasteners shali conform to the following test Sat spray test - 1000 hours Kestemich test - 15 cycies. (ii) Humidity test = 1000 hours. (wy) UVtest +2000 hours. 6.14.3 All fasteners and screws shall be of the self-diling type either concealed or screwed fixing, complets with preassembled ethylene propylene dlene monomer (EPDM) rubber washers, 6.4.8 Flashing and capping Approved 0.42 mm BMT ridge capping, flashing, capping and trimming shall be manufactured to the required shape and sizes. The flashing and Capping materials used shall be from the same material as the roofing sheets. 64.6 Sealants Only neutral cure silicone rubber sealant type Dow Coming 780 or equivalent shall be used conforming to AS $902. BRR RR We Bake > IRR ZOS00 076-4 JIS. |! section: TIMBER, sowery | N2-Keluaran : Of SST J| AND IRONMONGERY WoRKS | NO.Ph Cora er JKR MALAYEIA Mike Sut: Ht 4. Gonerat 3 4 12 13 14 Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, the timber species used for the Works shall be as stated hereinafter in the TABLE H1. The strength grouping for timber shal be in accordance with MS 644 as shown hereinafter inthe TABLE H2. ‘All carpentry and joinery work shall include all necessary notching, halving, ‘morticing and tenoning, wedging, scarfing, dovetaiing, sinking for heads of bots ‘and nuts and timming for opening, Al carpentry work shall be left with a sawn surface except where particularly described to be wrot, All joinery shall be wrot and finished with sand paper as ‘equired and all sizes stated are the finished sizes. Sizes for carpentry shall be within the tolerances stated in sub-section 2.1 and sizes for joinery shall be within the tolerances stated in sub-section 2.2. Uniess otherwise indiceted in the Drawings, al fire protection materials and systems must show evidence that they have been subjected to the fire resistance test in ‘accordance with BS 476 or other approved equivalent standards. ‘Timber Grades And Size Tolerances 24 22 23 24 Unless otherwise specified, sawn timber for carpentry work shall be es stated ‘hereunder: (), Select Grade - for roof truss (i) Standard Structural Grade - for structural work (ii) Sound Grade - for Genera Market Specification (GMS) and strips {iv) Serviceable Grade - for scanting Grading shall be carried in accordance with the Malaysian Grading Rules (MGR) by timber graders registered with the MTIB. Every timber consignment shall be accompanied by the Grading Summary certified by the registered timber grader. The sizes of sawn timber, except where otherwise specified, shall be within the ‘margin of permissible variations stated hereunder: (0) For widths, depths or thicknesses not exceeding 75 mm - within 3 mm of the specified size (i) For widths, depths or thicknesses exceeding 75 mm - within 5 mm of the specified size. The Contractor shall provide any necessary blocks, wedges or battens to Compensate for irregular surfaces caused by any variations in size of timbers hereby Permitted Unless otherwise spectiod, sawn timber for joinery work shall be of Sound Grade (General Market. Specification (GMS) and Stiips) and Servceable Grade (Scantings). The firished size for joinery, unless otherwise specified, shall be within the margin of permissible variation stated hereunder: (i) For widths, within 3 mm of the specified finished size. {i) Forthicknésses, within 2 mm of the specified fished size. ‘Treatment Of Timber 34 All timber except the heartwood of the naturally durable timbers as echeduled jn TABLE H2 hereinafter and timber for formwork, scaffolding, and other temporary GHAKGPTA IER WALT Ne. Dokaren + IRR 2OBG0-0783-14 ESB | secrion H:Tiwger, sowery | No Keluan : Of Sa) | AND IRONMONGERY WORKS Tarikh + 29 Januari 2014 JKR MALAYSIA, Muka Suret__: H/2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Works shall be impregnated by means of vacuum pressure processes in accordance with MS 860 using copperfchromefarsenic (CCA) wood preservatives conforming to MS 738 In the treatment piant registered wath the MTIB. Ht a timber component has sufficient natural resistance to decay and insect attack by virtue of the natural durability of its heartwood, It may be used without freatment even where the hazard exists, The natural durabilty classification of Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak timbers for ground contacts can be found in MS 360 and as shown in TABLE H4 and TABLE H5, Sapwood should not be used without preservative treatment Unless otherwise specified, the average moisture content for all timber shall not exceed 25% in accordance with MS 360, The moisture content shall be determined in accordance with one of the methods given in MS 837. Al timber shall be sawn or planed before treatment to achieve the fnished cross section required. As far as possible, all cross-cutting, boring, dling or other processing should be carried out before treatment. ‘The pH value of the treating soltion shall not be higher than 9.0 when determined by a glass electrode or pH paper at ambient temperature In accordance with MS 360, The net dry salt retention shal be determined in accordance with one of the methods given in MS 360 and MS 821. The minimum sah penetration shail be determined by one the test methods given in MS 823. The material shall be collected by diiling to the required depth as recommended ‘and chown In MS 360 -TABLE 4. It can also be collected by sawing to the required depths, and then chipped to the small size, Either sawdust or chipped materials shall be ground to fine powder. 3.74 The minimum nett dry salt retention for CCA shall be as shown inthe table below: No Uae, ‘Winimum Net Diy Sat Relention For CCA 1)_| Interior and ebove the ground ‘Se kghtt Tl) | Exterior and above the ground BOkgIn® “| ‘Exterior and in contact with the 1 | around (char than foundation 12.0 koe ies) 37.2 All sapwood shall be fully penetrated by the preservative and for heartwood, the depth of penetration shall be 12 mm, ‘The Contractor, when required by the S.0. shall produce 2 certificate from a preservative treatment plant which cerifies that timber requited to be impregnated by means of vacuum pressure processes has been impregnated and has achieved the necessary nett dry sat retention. Notwithstanding the certficate, the SO. reserves the right to carry out independent tests to determine the nett dry salt retention and the result so obtained shall be conclusive. SARGERAS No Dokumen > JKR 20800-016314 poze SECTIONH: TIMBER, soIery | NO Keluaran : 9) No, Pindaen SJ} ANDIRONMONGERY WORKS = Tarik +: 29 Januari 2014 IR MALAYSIA Muka Surat: Hid 5.3 Where spliting is likely to have a deleterious effect, end sealing is recommended For timbers knowin to spit and check especially afer Instalaton, the ends of the boards and scantings shall be protected with a coating designed to minimise end checking and checking and splifing. In severe cases where the ends and sides of heavy jolsts of timbers are liable to excessive spit and check due to exposure to ‘windward slanting sunlight, appropriste skirting or cover wih a thin timber board shall be necessary. 6. Timber Joints 6.1 When solid timber members are to be jointed together using mechanical fasteners, the workmanship and method of assembly ehall be In accordance with MS 544 Part 5. The mechanical fasteners areas ised below: 6.1.1 Nailed joint Where necessary to avold spilting, nails shall be driven into pre-dtlled holes or diameter not greater than four-fifths of the diameter of the nails, Care shall be taken to avoid placing nai in any end split 6.1.2 Screwed joint Load holes shall be used to ensure good workmanship in making screwed joints. The diameter of the hole for the shank shall be equal to the diameter Of the shank, and for the threaded portion, the diameter of the hole shall Not be greater than seven-cighth of the diameter ofthe root diameter ofthe ‘screw thread adjacent to the shank. Care shall be taken to avoid placing ‘screws in any end spit. 6.4.3 Bolted joint 64.3.1 Bolt holes shall be drilled to diameters as close as possibie to the nominal diameter of the bok and in no case more than 2 ‘mm larger than the bott diameter. Care shall be taken to evoid placing a bolt in any end split. A minimum of one complete thread shail protrude from the nit Awasher shall be fited under the head of each bolt and under teach nut, The minimum sizes of washers are as civen in Part 6 of MS 544, Where joins using spit-ings are to be used, as shown in the Drawings, the members of the joints shall be fted together in their appropriate positions end clamped or spiked together before diiling. Attematively, diling jigs or mutiple head boring machines may be used, or individual members may bo marked cut from the setting-out or by use of prepared templates. 6.1.33 If either of the latter methods is employed, sample members (usually the first ones produced) shall be carefully checked ‘against the setting-out In all instances holes for bolt positions shall be accurately determined by reference to the point intersection of the centre lines of the member. Great care is necessary if the first set members marked out is to be used subsequently as driing templates. Greater accuracy can usually be obtained by the use (of special marking or driling templates located by a pin at the Intersection of tha center ines. GIARCPTA IRR WALA No: Dokomen”: IRR 20800-0183-74 IEE )| section H:tiweeR, someny | No Keluaran Of =TaET J] AND IRONMONGERY WORKS =— | NO.r 99 Januari 2014 IRR MALAYSIA Muka Surat: HS 47. Timber Solid Panet Doors 171 Allfire doors shall be of the appropriate Fire Resistance Period (FRP) in accordance ‘with the Ninth Schedule of the Uniform Building By-Laws. 17.2 Al fre doors including frames shall be constructed to a specification of the relevant FRP in accordance with MS 1073 and shall be tasted by @ laboratory, approved and certfied by DGFR and have obtained a Product Certification Scheme from an ‘accredited certification body. 17.3 All double leaf doors with rebated meeting stiles shall be provided with coordinating device 80 as to ft fully within the door openings with a gap of not more than mm between the frame and the edge of the door when closed, 174 Where shown on the Drawings, approved vision panel of suitable size shall be Incorporated in the Fire Rated Door. 17.5. Flush doors shall generally comply with MS 1508; Specification for Wooden Door with plywood facing and strength group 1 and strength group 2 fmber lpping, mitred ‘around all edges. The plywood and strength group 1-4 shall in all respects with the Specifications mentioned hereinbefore, 17.6 The preferred sizes for modular door sets shall comply with MS 1064: Part 4 and for modular windows shall comply with MS 1064: Part §. 48. PVC Doors 418.1. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, PVC doors shall be of strong impact resistance and weterprootimotsture resistant laminated timber fish on both sides. Unless otherwise shown In the Drawings, the door shal be 38 mm thick 18.2 PVC toilet doors shall be of full single panel of flush type. It shall be 100% waterproof, stong impact resistance end not be discoloured easily. Unless ‘otherwise shown on the Drawings, the door shall be 38 mm thick. PVC door shall be delivered to the site complete with ironmongery as listed in the TABLE H7. 19, Products And Materials, 19.1 Plywoods 19.1. Unless otherwise spectieg, plywood used for interior and exterior purposes ‘ther than for formworks and temporary works shall be manufactured with Moisture Resistant (MR) bond and Weather and Boll Proof (WEP) bond respectively in compliance with MS 228, Boards which ae to be painted or varnished shall be property sanded down and holes and crevices filled with approved wood putty oF filer. 19.1.2 Plywood intended for use as shuttering board shal be of the Weather and Boll Proof (WBP) type. 19.1.3 Plywood intended for structural use, shall be of Malaysian Basic Structural ‘Grade (MBSG) rated or equivaient and shall comply wih MS &44: Part 4 19.1.4 Plywood to be used in marine environment or severe wet conditions shall bbe in accordance wth MS 644: Part 4 BRR IR IRR || secTION H: TIMBER, JOINERY fy === J] ANDIRONMONGERY Works — | No.Fi at ead No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0183-14 No. Keluaran ! 01 No. Pindaan Muka Surat__: H26 ‘TABLE H7: SCHEDULE OF IRONMONGERY Sey rec pe of doa, wna 2. Doub Leat Door ‘24. Plywood Flush Door 2.4.Tinbor Pansted Door 3.PVC Door To Tale ‘Bathroom Cubicles 4-Segle Lest Fue Rated oo AirStanderd size of 800 ‘mem 2100 mm He & Whe otal door (Metal Frama & Timber Boor 42Stardexd sae of 600 ‘men 2100 tr Ye & Pe we tates door (feta Frame & Timber Boot) AB.Stardard_ see of 900 mene 7100 mm 2 eo fated door etal Frame & Tenber Deer) S.Dowe Let Fre Rates EiSundaré ste of 1200 ‘men 2400 re "Single Leaf Boor SA Phywoed Fish Door | @) $Nos.of 402 rmx 76 men 2 mm galvaiced eel hinges Wey ryfon igs. 1) 1 No-ubight 3 lover morte eckset wih san chrome lever hand mire of rmanuiackre Wit ? Nes. come pled Keys of dlferen seal ber foreach butng 1) No stless see! door stopper. 1.2:Timber Panlied Door | 2) 3Nos. of 102 mm 78 men stale ste! Hinges wth non rng 5) 1.Ne madam day efnaial idl. pi ar wh ke a ose of sails slel wih hai ish complete wth 3 Hos. icke-plted bass Keys, of diferat seria number foreach bulking, 1) No, sles soe! door stopper. 2) Sos. 102 mm x78 mm? mm saiess alee hinges wth non ras 5} 1 Set Kolow Lever Handle Stardes Stee! Mert Lock Bacy mh sige key iu tar eee. {TNo, sold brace morte lock rebated pat 4 Sel at 150 mm and 300 rh Fash B54 Lave Type Sans Stel 11No. dust socket madam. 1) 2)Nasstahless see! door stopper, 6 Nas, 102mru7Srerazmn stake stool Fnges wit nyo Ange. {Roy ovina! fk siamese slot, 6 pin ter Wen kao and cose of shartaae sel wth 3 pos need brass keys {tNe, sold bras ave lok bated par. { Set of 180mm and SOOmm Fash Bot Lover Type Stanless Stet 41 Na. dst socket medium 2 Now lacs ste! door topper. ‘Nos, 102 mm x76:mm.x2 me saris ste! hinges with rfon rings. 0 Ries Guar oslo let oslo wth pkary ing device operated byt rom inside and knob hence, son eed clogs No narics se okt tat. 1 1Nechat coal heck sass ste. ee S280 se 1) 9Nos, 127 minx 89,1 x25 mm heavy dy sarees ste hinges. B) 1 Set Holow Lover Hande Starless Stee! Moce Lock Body wi single key thumb tn oyindor approved by DGFR. 1) No. starts stool dor stopper. {1 No. door doser. ©) No. for sping for double sng door 9) Men zest ane ayes hinge 8} § Set Hotow Lover Handa Sianees Sel Morice Leck Body wh engl key thump tam evinder approved by DGFR 2) 1 No stants sel Goor sop pe. 8 | No coor cose ©) 1 No for sprig for dou sing door, 12) 4 Now, 127 mm x 891mm «2.6 mam heavy duty tans ste hinges, 1} 1 Set Holow Lever Handle Stabiens Stoel Morice Lock Body wah single Key ©) 1 No. or spring for double swing doce. 1) 2 Nos. fal bearings. 1) 1 No of heauy oy staness see atch win 75 mm long base. ‘Non. 127 mm x 892.8 mem heavy duty lanes see pa {9 1 Self 160 mm and 300 ren Flt Bol Lever Type Staress Stal ©) No, st soxtet meetin. 1) 2 Noe, sia ste dor stopper. 19) 2 Nes. automate acer coaer of hyéraulealy spring operate type (or swe, ‘oor oro ie Tope and waight ype (lr sig doors. hy 2 Now. or sping for double sng cer. “@HAKCIPTA IRR MALAYSIA SER IRR MALAYSIA SECTION H : TIMBER, JOINERY Eso )| AND IRONMONGERY WORKS | NOI ‘No. Dokamen : JKR 20800-0165-14 No. Keluaran : Of No. Pindaan : 00 29 Januari 2014 HRT Muka Surat Typo ors, Won oe Tamang 0c ype of foods ‘Bz Siandaré tze oF 1000 men 2100 men 62.Standard she of 2400, rmx 2100 mem 6.Single Leal Fro Escape ‘ose 7.Double Leat Fire Escape Door | .chss Door {9.Auminkim Doce 10,Kichen Cabinet Doce! "wereeneh, 149, Wardrobe 12. Drawer 13. Siding and Fosang Dood! ng ng 14, sight Sing Door 15. Tenber Casement vvandow 10,Top Hung Casement “Timber Window. 17, Top Hung VeouSases Gy Gos 727 Fam x ao nen x25 rn hea du stahies set Ge 1} 1 Set Hotow Lever Handle Siaiase Sst Morice Lex Body Wh single key thumb tum oytnder approved by DGFR. ‘2, te. sod brass more lock rebated par. ‘91 Selot $80 mm avd 300 mma Bak Lever Type Stee Son ty 2s. oor apg for double swig dor. 12) 8Nos. 127 mex 89 mm x 2.5 men heady dt stalnions sao hinges. 1B 4 Set Hotow Lever Hende Stalass Ste! Morice Lock Body mh singe key thumb ta cyter approved by OSPR. © 1No. sold bress more lock etaled pat, {94 Sel of 150 mm aed 900 men Flush Bo Lever Type Stiles Stee ©) 1No.dust socket med. 4). 2Nos. stares stl dor stopoer. 1) 2 Noe. automa door ease of hycrauicay sping parsed type (or Sng ‘ors o of vr rope and wel pe for sles coors) 1) 2Nos. floor spring for cub srg doer 1) Nos. of 127m x80 mm x2.5 mm ck heavy dy sarees ee! ngs. B) 1 complet et of approved mae te rales pan bos. 9) No of 127 mmx 8 mmx 2 en ck Heyy aes ot ut 1) el x of aprved make rte parc ot 8) ¥SetFlve Spring 1) 1 Sel Patch Fring, door tltom, doo top, lock camp, ove panel par Pula 600mm. 1) 3Neo, 102 mm x76 mm x2 mm starees steel hinges wih mon sng. 1B) 4 Set Holow Lover Handle Staniess Steet. Morice Lock Body desciock vay Sogle key. thu tm oping Satis sel onto ar! bs ges 1B) {Ne 100 mm alumi 0° hand ©) 1No:baies catch. 1 No. gavanisd seal cupboard ockin satin chroma Fish 2) 3Nos. of 75mm brass but Hinges (per door ea. 1) 2 Nos, 00 mm ancctsedalurinum barrel bl (fer double ea oor) ©) 1No. 100 mm almnium Dhan. {d) Crverium pte stool olbes barge al 1) Ste! eynder cupboard lookin ean chvome fish, 19) 1 No. sll cfindor eaves Jockin satin chrome trish, ) 1 Ne.100 rm aluminum handle. |) Top oF bottom running set alg and oting doce goat, completa wih tacks, charna, bracate, role gdes, hangers are all peceseary alt hinges, fash bots are tush door pu, eo. as recommended by re manctacuer. by 1'No. upeght 3 lever rebated mottos locket fer sing and fd door wth satin chrome lever hard faite wih 2 Nos. Keys of erent seal rar for ench butaing {5} Top or bottom runing st straight sing doe gear compete wih racks, brackets, angers, rer guces, chante, dor stops, Rush brass Bots, brass flush pu eo 8 reconvened by he manufac. 1) 1 No. upright 3 lever mare loekte wh seta chvome fh fr svaght eng cr wn 2 Nos hays of forent sal ruber foreach bung. 12) Nos. 400 mm long approves elec gatvaried soo ttn 1) 1 No. approved brats win eatin rome fish combination Nandi and fattne. 1). 2Nos. 760 mn ong approved electro gavarised ste! con hinges. 5) No approved bres vt etn chrome fish acm locking fetene. 8) 2 Nos. 400 mm lng approved eactro-gabvanised steel fiction Hinges. 3) 1 No. approved brass wh sa chore fash autora locking fastener SRR RRR No, Dokumen”: JKR 20800-0183-14 SER No. Keluaran : O01 SECTIONI= CEILING WORKS —_| No, Pindaan : 00 Approx. 1860 kg/m? 6.9.2 GRG boards shall be installed in accordance to the manufacturer's recommendation and to S.O's approval. 6.10 Comice 5.10.1 Unless otherwise specified, comice shall be provided of the same celing ‘material forall plaster celling materials. 5.10.2 Cornice shall be fixed to the walls and caling using proprietary adhesive or ‘a5 recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the S.0. 5.10.3 Large comices shall be fixed using screws together with comnice adhesive ‘a8 recommended by the comice manufacturer and to SO's approval, 6.10.4 Comice should be carried and handled carefully to avoid cracking the core ‘or wrinkling the paper liner. Where possibla, the contractor shall use full lengths of comice and mire ail joints. 5.10.5 The Contractor shall ensure accurate end level placement by marking ceilings and walls with a line at the comice edge. ‘SHARC TA IRR MALAYSIA Wo. Bokumen JKR 20800.0165-14 SER No. Keluaran : 01 B____|| section: cen works — | No. Pindaan: 00 ae Tarikh + 28 Janueri 2014 KR MALAYSIA Muka Surat: V4 at 5.12 6.13 514 515 6.10.6 Comice wth shorter length shell be installed first followed by the fonger lengths by bowing out to spring mires ft into place. Reinforcing/Jointing Tape The tape shall not be less than 60 mm wide perforated paper tape in accordance with ASTM C475 from an approved manufacturer, and to the approval of the §.0. Jointing Compound Jointing compound shall be pre-mixed mult-purpose eypsum based air drying type ‘compound, in accordance with BS EN 13963 and to the approval ofthe S.0. Seatants Fire sealant for plasterboard with improved core adhesion at high temperature (Type F) and wet area sealant for plasterboard with reduced water absorption (Type H) shall be in accordance with BS 8212 and to the approval of the §.0. The appropriate type of sealant shall be used for the required type of plasterboard Elastomeric sealants can be used at the perimeter of the dry lining or partitioning to provide an aitight construction and to the approval ofthe S.0. Control Joint Unless otherwise specified, control joints shal! be provided in a long continuous runs of ceiling, spaced at not more than 9 m centers maximum and recommended by the ‘manufacturer and to the approval ofthe S.0. ‘Anchors And Fasteners. 5.18.1 Anchors to be used throughout the work shall be of Grade 4.6 black hexagon bolt and nut es specified in 8S 4190: ISO Metric Black Hexagon Bolts, Screws and Nuts. 5.16.2 Where proprietary anchor is allowed to be proposed as attemative, the Contractor shall submit the detalis of the proposed anchor to the §.0 for approval 6.15.3. Notwithstanding the above, the atemative anchor proposed shall be made ‘of carbon steel galvanized to minimum thickness of 5 um or stainless steel In accordance to European Technical Approval Guideline ETAG 001 Metal “Anchors for Use in Concrete, 5.15.4 The size of the altemative anchor shall not be tess than 6 mm diameter (M6) with effective anchorage depth of not less than 26 mm measured from the sofit ofthe floor slab. The hole for the anchor shall be driled using drill bit of nominal diameter 6 rim. The design resistance in al ad directions shall not be more than 1.10 KN. 5.15.5. Sholfired allemalive anchors shall not be allowed. Shot-fired hybrid-pin atemative anchors shall not be used to install the suspended celing hangers to the concrete soft 5.186 Fasteners shall have a corrosion-resistant finish and be appropriate for intended use, in accordance with BS EN 14566. The heads of fasteners ‘shal! be shaped so that they can be driven slightly below the surface of the plasterboard without punching through the paper liner. {SRR RRA No. Dokumen” > JKR 20800.0183-14 ‘ ‘No. Keluaran : 01 SECTION J ; STRUCTURAL STEEL] NO pester: Oo AND METAL WORKS Tarikh 29 Januari 2044 Pat Muka Surat: J SRR 4. General This section provides the generally applicable requirements for steel and metal for the construction of structures, building components and related works. All matetials shall conform to the relevant Malaysian or British or European Standards, Hot Rolled Structural Steetworks 2.1 All hot rolled structural steelwork design, materials, drawings, workmanship, protective trealment, fire protection and quality assurance shall be in accordance withthe Specification for Structural SteeWworks No. JKR 20601-0191-12 or the latest ‘edition published by JKR. 2.2 Quality Assurance ‘The Contractor shall submit a Quality Assurance programme as specified in the ‘Spectfcation for Structural Steelworks as in sub-section 2.1. 2.3 Drawings 2.3.1 The Contractor shall prepare Drawings with detalls in accordance with MS EN 1893 or other relevant standards, The Drawings shall be certified by a Professional Engineer. He shal also prepare Drawings and arrangements of temporary steelworks for the different stages of construction in compliance with the requirements specified in the Specification for Structural Steelworks as in sub-section 2.1. 23.2 The Drawings to be submitted are as follows: (). Fabrication drawings; (i) Erection drawings; (ii) As-bult drawings. 24 Records 2.4.4 The Contractor shail submit to the S.0., document and records which shall, Include but not limited to: () Document register; (i) Drawings and design calculations and documentation registers; (iil) Certificates for materials and consumables; (3) Callraton of equipment (v)_ Weld procedures, concessions et cetera; (vl) Inspection and test reports; (vil) Delivery schedules and method statements; (vil) Surveys and final inspection results; (ix) Completion of erection and hand over certification. 3. Prefabricated Cold Formed Steel Roof Trusses 3.4 All prefabricated components shail be manufactured only by reputable licensed truss suppliers and approved by the S.0. This supplier duly termed as ‘System Provider is responsible for the analysis, design, detailing, drawing, manufacture, material, handling and erection of the roof members, and their ancillary fixing ‘components. The full requirement is cutined in the Spectication for Prefabricated Cold Formed Stee! Roof Trusses (JKR 20601-0186-11) or the latest edition published by JKR, a SER KR MALAYSIA, No, Dokumen + JKR 20800-0183-14 7 No. Keluaran Of SECTION J: STRUCTURAL STEEL {0 houaan £00 AND METAL WORKS: Tarikh 29 Januari 2014 Muka Surat id 4.2. Aluminiur Frames A2A 422 423 424 42.8 426 427 ‘The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fix aluminium frames for doors and windows as shown on the Drawings. Unless ctherwise speciied, al luminium frames for windows shall be fabricated from sections extruded ‘rom aluminium alloy conforming to MS 832, All aluminium frames for glass iding doors shall be fabricated from sections extruded from aluminium alloy and in compliance with MS 1017. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or deserved in the Bis of Quantities, aluminium surfaces shali be natural anodised finish, free from alloy defects, dye marks, scraiches. and olher surface biemishes In accordance with BS 3687 with an anodic coating of 1841 minimum thickness complying with BS EN 12373-1. ‘All coloured ancdized finish to aluminium exposed surfaces shall be Subject to the $.0.'s approval. All aluminium extrusion or sheet exposed surfaces after anodizing and after colouring, f required by the §.0,, shall be sealed, and the adequacy of the sealing shall be given special emphasis. All fasteners such as bolts and screws shall be of stainless steel type A2- 70 (rinimurn) in compliance with ISO 3506 or other suitable materials as ‘specified in the Drawings. Rivets shall be stainless steal or aluminium aloy appropriate to the applications. Extruded aluminium framing members shall be fabricated from designated alloys complying with MS 2289. Anollary members such as sils, coupings land the tke formed from shest materia, they shall be fabricated from designated alloys complying with MS 2040, ‘Where fiction stays and hinges are fastened onto the framing section, the portion that receives the fastener shall nol be less than 2.5 mm thick, 4.3. Frames For Adjustable Louvre Windows 434 432 433 434 ‘The Contractor shall supply, assemble and fx frames for adjustable louvre windows as shown on the Drawings in compliance with MS 1057. Unless otherwise specified, the frames shall be of approved manufacture ‘The frames shall be supplied complete with weather seal and non-ferrous bearings, spring clips, locking device and weather stripping with all necessary spacing pieces. The frames, coupling mullions ard spacer brackets shal be minimum 1.2 mm thick (18 SWG) or otherwise speciied cold-rolled stee! strip galvanised with hot-dipped process, Unless otherwise ‘specified on the Drawings, the clips and pivots to receive the louvres shall ‘be of durable nylon material and sample submitted shall be to S.0's ‘approval ‘The operating rods shall be 2.13 mm thick (14 SWG). The handle and lock shall be 2.642 mm thick (12 SWG) steel. Uniess othemise specified, the finish shall be anodized coating of 15 w (average) minimum complying with BS EN 12373-1 CRCIPTA HR WAAVER a Wo: Dokumen + IRR ZOGOO UTE AA /ACIB || section K : PLASTERING, Nese tces <==ETTJ| PAVING AND TILING WORKS | Tig | 29 Januar 2014 IKRWALAYSIA Muka Surat: Ki 4. General 44 Cement 12 13 44 16 16 1 14.1 The cement, unless otherwise described shall be Ordinary Portland ‘Cement, complying with MS 522 as specified in SECTION D: CONCRETE WORKS or Masonry Cement complying with MS 794. 11.2 White and coloured cement shall be of approved manufacture. Plasticser ‘The plasticizer shall be of approved manufacture and used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Plasteriime ‘The plasteriime shall be of approved manufacture and shall comply with BS 890 and shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation, Sand ‘The sand for extemal rendering, internal plastering and floor screeding shell comply ih MS 29 fore sogregates. Sand fr plastering using gypsum shall comply with Water Water for miting shall be clear and free from harmful matter as specified in ‘SECTION D: CONCRETE WORKS. ‘Mixing 1.6.1 Allmixing of mortar for plaster and screed shall be done by machine, Hand mixing shall only be alowed for small quantities and with the approval of the §.0. Hand mixing shall be done on a clean platform. The water content (of the mix shall be only the minimum required to give a workable mix. 1.8.2 Mortar for plaster and screed shall be used up within forty ive (45) minutes after mixing, 4.6.3 For gypsum plaster, mixes shall be used up within one (1) hour after icing. 1.64 Noremaking of the mix shall be permitted thereafter. ‘Surface Proparation 4.7.4. Where possible cement paving, screeding and rendering on concrete surface shail be laid while the concrete {s stil green that Is after the final ‘set but not later than twenty four (24) hours of laying concrete, The ‘concrete surfaces shall be brushed with a stif broom before kt has hardened to remove laitance and give a roughened surface. Hardened ‘concrete surfaces shall be thoroughly hacked to form a key to the approval ofthe $.0, 1.72 Belore any paving, screeding or rendering is applied, all surtaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted and be in damp state al the time the paving, screeding or rendering is applied. SRR Wo Doha RR 2SSOOTER AG . Ne Faure PAVINGAND TUNG works | No Pndean Tarikh Perret ta Sure 4. Ting Work 44 Ceramic Tile 44a In general all ceramic tes manufactured localy re using the “dry-pressed’ manufacturing process and the ceramic tes are categorized based on their water absorption rale as defined in the MS 124, MS 180 13006 or the Intemational Standard Organization \S0) Standards (180 13006). The methods and materials used in the installation of ceramic tles under ‘normal Internal conditions shall comply with MS 1284-1 and the installation of ceramic tiles under normal external conditions shall comply with MS 1294-2, ‘The instalation of tling works requires skiled operatives working safely Using protective clothing and equipment where appropriate; workmanship shall comply with BS 8000-11 for ceramic tiles. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, ceramic ties to internal and ‘extemal floo: for heavy duty areas shall be vitrified with water absorption less than 0.5% [Classification Group Bila] also referred to as heavy duty tiies shall comply with MS ISO 13006 and the size shall be tes 300 mm x 300 mm x 12 men thick. ‘Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, ceramic tiles to intemal floor ‘areas under normal condition shail be vitrified with water absorption jess than 3% [Classification Group Bla oF, Bib] shall be vitreous hard wearing non-slip glazed complying with MS ISO 13006 and the tile size shall be 300 mm x 300 mn Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings or described in the B.., ceramic tito skiing shall match the flooring ties and shall be 300 mm x 100 mm laid lengthwise on cement and sand (1:3) screed as described, Al angies to skiing shall be neatly cut to ft all abutments. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, accessories such as skiting (bull nose or cove base), step tiles, step nosing, edging strips, angle tes (internal and external), etc, shall be of an approved type standard ‘manufacture from the same material to match flooring. Unless otherwise ‘shown on the Drawings, skiting shall be 100 mm high, siair nosing shall bbe minimum 20 mm wide taid ful length of the treads and of bull nose profile, and edging stips 25 mm wide Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, ceramic tiles for intemal wails shall be scuf-resltant glazed vitrified tes with Water absorption less than {8% [Classifetion Group Bib or Bila) shall comply with MS 1SO 13008, Unless otherwise specified, the minimum tle size shall be of 300 mm x 300 mm, Unless othenwise shown on the Drawings, ceramic tiles for extemal walls Upto first floor height shail be scuff-esistant glazed virfled tiles with water absorption less than 3% [Classification Group Bla or Blb and shall comply with MS ISO 13006. The tiles maximum size shall be of 300 mm x 300 mm. 4.4.10 Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, ceramic tiles for extemal walls used above first floor height shali be scuffsesistant glazed vitrified tiles with water absorption less than 0.5% [Classification Group Bla} shall RRR ER RRR — e ‘No. Dokumen : JKR 20800-0183-14 SECTION L; WATER TER) RemcuvaTion. renwal. | No-Keuren O) SSE }] puumawe system ann” | FOS 2 sana Z014 aeniiea Mla Sut: 1. General ‘The water reticulation and intemal cold water plumbing works shall be executed by personnel with valid permits issued by SPAN as stipulated under Water Service Industy ‘Act 2006, The Contractor shall be responsible for employing such personnel and all the ‘work performed by them, 2. Products And Materials 2.1 All products and materials to be Incorporated in the work shall be new and unused, Materials to be used within the scope of work shall be those epproved by SPAN. ‘When the qualty of a material or process Is not specifically set forth in the approved products and materials list, the Drawings, or the Specifications, the best avallable {quality of the material or process shall be provided, subject to the approval of the SO, 2.2 — Allproducts and materials shall be supplied by suppliers registered with SPAN, The ‘Contractor shall provide proof to the S.0, in the form of a valid Confirmation Letter ‘or Certificate of Registration issued by SPAN to the supplier. The products and materials shall also be subjected to other terms and conditions mentioned in these ‘speeifications. 2.3 Al products and materials shall be of the makes and models tested and approved for use. itis the Contractor's responsibilty to verify that products and materials received for the job conform to the current approved products and materials supplied by SPAN registered suppliers. 2.4 All products and materials fumished shall be subject to inspection for compliance with these spectications and all other appropriate specications. The Contractor shall make application to the 8.0. for inspection at least five (6) days in advance of starting any work, 3. Inspection ‘The &.0, shal at al times have access to the work wherever itis in preparation or progress ‘and the Contractor shall provide proper facies for such access and for inspection. The Contractor shall provide safe means to inspect the work, Failure or oversight of the S.0, or his representative to reject defective materials atthe time of use, or to reject improper work at the time it is performed, shall not diminish the Contractor's obligations to comply with Drawings and Specifications. The Contractor shall remove and replace any faulty materials ‘and work at no addtional cost to the Govemment upen discovery of the defects or upon receipt of notice from the S.0. to do so. 4. Water Reticulation 4A Setting Out All setting out for pipe laying works shall be performed by the Contractors surveyor, Generally, stakes for alignment and grade shall be set at 10 m intervals. The survey shail conform to the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall preserve all monuments, benchmarks, survey markers and stakes, In case of their removal or destruction by the Contractor or his employees, agents of subcontractors, the Contractor shall be lable for the cost oftheir replacement, “GHARCIPTA IRR WALAYSTA No. Dokumen ; JKR 20800-0183-14 SECTION L: WATER HH |) ReTicULATION,INTERNAL | N2-Kelaran: Ct == }| PLUMBING SYSTEM AND Tarkh 29 Januari 2014 sarmncavon | SANITARY FITTINGS Mike suet: 2 4.2 Excavation 424 General All general excavation works shall be as specified in SECTION C: EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORKS. 42.2 Excavation for pipe trenches Before commencing the excavation of pipe trenches, the routes ‘of the pipelines shall be pegged out accurately. Strong sight rails shall be fixed and maintained at each change of gradient, and at as many intermediate points as may be necessary but not exceeding 100 metres apart On these rls shall be marked the centre line and level to which the pipes are to be laid, and ‘such rails shall be maintained in position and at the correct level from the time the excavation commences unt backfing is ‘completed. The run of pipe trenches opened up ahead of pipe. laying operations at any one time shall not be more than (100 mifthe pipe laying operations are in an urban area, (i) 300 m ithe pipe laying operations are inthe side tables of a trunk road, or (il) 600 m if the pipe laying operations are in unoccupied land ‘schemes or housing estales under development or are in the side tables of minor rural roads. 42,22 The 5.0. may, at his absolute discretion, vary the distances stated above if he considers that traffic, road, weather or physical conditions warrant the variation, 4223 Unless the 8.0. permits otherwise, the trenches shell be excavated to the widths given In TABLE L1 ‘TABLE L1: WIDTHS OF PIPE TRENCHES External Pipe Diameter (D) Width of Trench 'Not exceeding 500 mm B+300mm Exceeding 500 mm B¥800mm Where plpes are to be lald on a concrete bed, the wiith of the 422. excavation at the bottom of the trench shall be the width of the underside of the conerete bed. At all joints the trench shall be 50 excavated as fo give a working space of not less than 300 mm all around the joint. Where bends are made by deflecting pipes at oints the trench shall be widen to permit this operation ‘The sides of the trench shall be cut vertical, and where necessary, shall be protected against caving in by timbering to the approval of the S.0. 5 The trench shall be excavated to the depths intended or shown in the Drawings and shall be finished and immed accurately to level and grade. 4.2.26 Should the ground be so wet or soft that, in the opinion of the ‘GHRGIPTA RR MALAYSIA §8.0,, It does not form a fim base forthe pipe, or should rock be ‘encountered at the bettom of the trench, the trench shall be IKRMALAYSIA Tio. Dokurnen JKR 20800-0189-74 SECTION L: WATER RETICULATION, INTERNAL he ee oe PLUMBING SYSTEM AND a conte SANITARY FITTINGS a Januar Muka Surat: Lito 4.44 Installation of the tank shall be by the tank manufacturer or approved installer appointed by the manufacurer. The manufacturer shall bo fly responsible for entire instalation including tark erection, and the uate water tightness of the complete installation. Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for the entire installation and ‘completion ofthe final product. 44,5 Construction shall be governed by the Contract Drawings and specifications showing general dimensions 4.48 The water tank inclusive of all associated pipeworks shall be cleaned on 5, Internal Gol 51 The completion, tested for watertightness and disinfected before it is commissioned. Id Water And Sanitary Plumbing System Installation of the abovementioned system shall comply with JKR 20500-0010- 10 Standard Technical Specification for Internal Cold Water and Sanitary Plumbing System or the latest edition published by JKR 5.2 All water supply plumbing and installation shall be executed in accordance with the. rel fant stale water supply rules and to the approval of the stale water authority / ‘SPAN, notwithstanding any approval given by the S.0. 63. Tech nical Specification of Sanitary Plumbing System. All the workmanship end ‘material for the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of all equipment and ‘accessories for sanitary plumbing system shall comply with the folowing rules snd regulation requirements: o ® iy tw W) Drainage, Sanitation and Sankary Plumbing By-laws of the proposed Steet, Drainage and Bulking Act 1974; and Gravity Drainage Systems Inside Buildings, BS EN 12056 2) Part: General and Performance Requirements b) Part2 —: Sanitary Pipework, Layout and Caleulation, c) Part — : Installaion and Testing, instructions for Operation, Maintenance and Use, GP For Design and Installation Of Sewerage System, MS 1228; and Local Authority By-laws in force at time of installation; and (Other relevant standards. 6. Sanitary Fittings 61 Fittin ett 98 Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, all fitings including all necessary brackets and accessories shall be as scheduled in APPENDIX Ut hereinafter. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the type of trap required for each fiting, All necessary concrete backing shall bbe provided to fitings secured to floors, 6.4.2 Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the colour of sanitery ware shall be in white “GRATER IRR ADAYA We Dovamen 1 IRR ZDGOODIBE AE SECTION L: WATER ESR |) RETICULATION, INTERNAL ieee For=)|rlumansoverewand” | Se. JKR MALAYSIA Mua Surat: Utt 62 Vanty Tops 62.1 Unless otherwise shown onthe Drawings, a minimum thickness of vanity tops of approved manufactur and colour thal bo insaled in accordance with the manufecturer’s instructions. It shall be moulded as One sold piece with I's top sloping gently towards the wash hand basin land having sight upturn or kerb ass outer edges Including backsplash to prevent water damage to wal and vanity back. 6.2.2 Itshall be manufactsrad from non-porous composite product composed of polyester resin and calcium carbonate marble dust wih the permanence of stone and an aesthetic appeal of natural marble or granite. The slab surface shall have a glossy finish, and protected by sutable polymer to censure durabilty and Impermeabilty. it shall be stain and. chemical resistant, and UV stabisod 63 Type Of Sanitary Fittings And Description 634 Unless otherwise shown orfand specified In the Drawings, the sanitary fitings shall be ofthe following: () All sanitary fitings shall be of white in colour, from an approved ‘manufacturer, generally ensuite and complete’ with all necessary fitings. (i) Waste and bath overflows, chains and stays, shall be chromium plated brass to BS EN 274 Part 1-3, (i) Taps and combination tap assemblies shall be chromium plated brass 10 BS EN 200. 64 Wash Basin eat 642 Uniess otherwise spectied, wash basin shall be 600 mm x 410 mm x 200 ‘mm earthenware plain edge sink in white fireclay complete with chromium plated tap, blank tap hole stopper, 30 mm ‘p' trap with 40 mm seal, waste fitings, plug with chain and painted bracket supports to S.0.’s approval Where shown wash basins shall be to MS 147 of the following types as specified (0. Under counter basin with overfion, (i) Well hung basin with or without pedestal as specified (li) Semi-recessed basin with or without overfiow as specified, (v)_ Counter top basin with or without overflow as specified (¥) Handicap basin. BRR RRR KR MALAYSIA. SECTION M: RAINWATER ‘COLLECTION ‘No, Dokurmen > JKR 20800-0183-14 No.Keluaran : 04 No.Pindaan : 00 Tarkh 29 Januari 2014 Muka Surat: Mi 1. Rainwater Goods 44 Flashing 144 1.2 Gutters 124 Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, all flashing shal be of aluminium Zine alloy coated steel sheet, free from cracks, dross, scales, excess blisters and any other defects which might be detrimental to its wearing or working properties. Sheats shall be reasonably flat before forming and cutting, All steel sheets used for flashing shall be 0.8 mm thick minimum. Flashing shall have @ minimum depth of 200 mim withthe upper edge turned inte the Wall and pointed in cement or approved sealant. Where nals or screws are used for fixing, they shal be ofthe heavily galvanized type, {All fasteners to be concealed where possible. Install work wih laps, joints and seams that will be permanently watertight and weatherproof. ll laps ‘shall be ata minimum of 200 mm. The flashing work shal be performed by ‘killed workmen All fasteners used near marine environment shall comply with AS 3566 Class 4 and be certified as such by the supplier of fasteners and to the approval ofthe S.0. All fixings and associated components near marine environment shall be manufactured from compatible metals and coated conforming to {SO 9223 Category 4 (C4) and Category § (C5) environment. Flashings shall be made from the same material as the roofing sheets, General Where gutters are to be provided they shall conform to the shape, dimensions and materials shown on the Drawings, free from distortions and defects detrimental to water-ight system, ‘All guiters shall be provided and fixed complete with all Necessary angles, squares and obtuse, stop end, outlets and other necessary gutter fitings and to be supplied by the same manufacturer unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 1.21.2 Gutter outlets shall be located at the postion shown in the Drawings and each provided with leaf trap of the same material unless otherwise specified, All gutters other than those of reinforced concrete shall be Properly fixed and adequately supported and all necessary brackets shall be provided, Brackets shall be of the type and pattern that will confirm to the profile of the gutler and unless ‘otherwise as shown on the Drawings, shal be of galvanized stool screwed to the fascla. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the gutter shall bo UPVC and shall be laid to @ minimum fall of 12 mm in 4.m with roperly constructed laps or joints ‘eid in the direction of flow. BRR I No. Dokummen” > JKR 20800-0163-14 SER No. Keluaran : 01 SECTION N: GLAZING WORKS | No. Pindaan : 00 === Tarkh 29 Januari 2014 IRR MALAYSIA. Muka Surat N/A 4. General 4.4. Generally, all glass shall conform to MS 1135 and shall be free from bubbles, ‘specks and other defects, Samples shall be submitted for the approval ofthe S.0, 4.2. Unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, the type and minimum thickness of glass shall be as stated in the Schedule of Glass in APPENDIX NIT. 2. Sealants 2.4. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, sealants shall be slicone, rubber or ‘other approved type applied in accordance with the manufacturers instructions 2.2, Joint sealant for aluminium profile shall be of sllcone, polyurethane, poyeulphide or ‘other equivalent suitable for Rs intended use, 2.3. Jolnt sealant for uPVC profile shall be of slicone, polyurethane, polysulphide, ‘ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber, thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) ‘or other equivalent suitable for its intended use, 2.4, Joint sealant for non-structural use in building shall be and approved type and shall ‘comply with BS EN 15651-2. 2.5. Joint sealant for structural use in building shall be en approved type and shall ‘comply with BS EN 13022, 3. Glazing 3.1. All doors and windows, et cetera except iouver windows shall be glazed as shown fon the Drawings or the Schedule of Doors and Windows. 32, All glass shall be cut to size with 2 mm clearance all around the rebates. All ‘exposed edges glass panes shall be rounded of. 3.3. All glazing works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction. 3.4, Figured or textured glass surface for windows shall be installed facing the interior. 4. Glazing Work To Timber Frames 44. 42. 43. 4a, ‘The grooves and rebates to be glazed shall fist be cleaned, primed with wood primer, painted with one coat of oll paint and allowed to dry, followed by the ‘application ofa thin bed of putty or synthetic sealant. The glass panes shail then be property placed and secured in the grooves of rebates with timber beadings as detailed in the Drawings. Where the glass panes is to be secured with putly or synthelic sealants, the glass shail be placed and held in the grooves of rebates with approved sprigs driven at Intervals of not exceeding 300 mm centres. The glass shail then be finally secured with back-putty or sealants finished true to profile or as detailed in the Drawings. Installation of timber frames for doors and windows shall refer to SECTION Hi TIMBER, JOINERY AND IRONMONGERY WORKS, GHARGPTA RR WALA No. Dokurien > JKR 20800-0163-14 IER No. Keluaran : 01 SECTIONN: GLAZING WORKS | No. Pindaan : 00 os Tarkh + 28 Januari 2014 KR MALAYSIA, Muka Surat: N2 6. Glazing Work To Metal Frames. 5.1, The grooves and rebates to be glazed shall frst be cleaned of rust and primed with ‘an approved metal primer and allowed to dry, followed by the application of a thin bed of glazing putty or sealant. The glass panes shall then be placed and secured in the grooves and rebates with metal, aluminium beadings or neoprene rubber in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or as detailed in the Drawings. 5.2, Where the glass panes is to be secured with putty, the panes shall be placed and held in the grooves or rebates with spring clips sets in holes in the frame. The glass shall then be finaly secured with back-putty or synthetic sealants fished tre to profe or as detailed inthe Drawings. 53. Installation of metal frames for doors and windows shall refer to SECTION J: ‘STRUCTURAL STEEL AND METAL WORKS. 6. Glazing Works To Louvred Window 6.1. The glass blades for fixed louvred window shall be properly housed in the grooves ‘of the timber frames and secured in position with timber beadings as shown on the Drawings. 62. In the case of adjustable louvred windows, the louvred frames shall be fixed on to the vertical members of the window frame and secured with 20 mm long dome headed galvanized screws fixed al 200 mm centres. The louvre blades shall then be inserted and secured in the flanged clips, all in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 6.3. The position of handles shall be as shown on the Drawings. 7. Glazing To UPVC Frame 7.4. Generally, all glazing work to uPVC frame shall conform to BS EN 12608. All ‘glazing works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. 7.2, Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, the frame shall be fitted at least 10 mm. |wards from the outside edge of the face of the brickwork. It is essential that the windows are installed true and square by measuring the window's diagonals after the installation, 7.3. The gap between the window frame si and brickwork shall be sealed with silicone 8, Frameless Glazing 8.1. Where shown, approved frameless glazing must conform to BS 5234, BS 6180 and BS 6399. 8.2, Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the jointing method for frameless glazing shall be strictly in accordance to the manufacturers’ instructions. 8.3, The Contractor shail submit method statement forthe fixing and installation of the frameless glazing system for the S.0's approval. eC “IRR 20800-0783-14 SER ot SECTION N : GLAZING WORKS 200 = 28 Januari 2014 SAR MALAYEIA Nia APPENDIX Nit SCHEDULE OF GLASS. Miu No.] Type of Glass aon ‘Application (rm) ~ Exiomal use windows and doors 4. | Clear Float Glass 5 + Interior framed glass screens, partitions + Display windows, showeases, cisplay shelves + Fumiture: Tabletops ‘+ External use on windows and doors 2. | Tinted Floet Glass 6 « Interior framed glass sersens, pattions + Display windows, showcases, display shelves + Furniture: Table-tops | Clear Figured Windows, (obscured) Glass 5 + Fumiture, display bases, house fittings, Paritions etc + Decoration og, Front doors, display et. %_| GreyiTinted Figured © Windows Giass 5 + Fumiture, deplay bases, house fitings, paritions ete + Decoration eg. Front doors, display et. | Toughened Tempered * Furiture, inferior decorations, tabletops, Glass 6 showcases, parttions etc. 6._| Caminated Giass > Slyights, lass ro6ks and the ke 6 + Animal observatory windows & aquariums + High security places 9g, Burglar resistant showeases and the ke + Places where safely necessary eg Verandah side panels and the bk 7,_| Wied Gass € * Places where safely and securly are 1 Glear & Polished important ii, Figured and Tronslucent 3 | Lead Glass = Ray rooms Laminated crystal om clear glass wih | total thickness rrinkmum 2 mm thick lead sheeting sandwiched between. ey No. Dokuman © JKR 20600-0765-74 Ev&R No, Keluaran : 01 Ev || SECTION 0: PAINTING WORKS | No. Pindaan : 00 SS Tarkh + 29 Januari 2014 KR MALAYSIA Muka Surat: OM 4. General cs) 12 13 14 18 16 47 18 19 4.10 442 All palnts to be used shall be those supplied by approved manufacturers. The quality of paints shall comply with MS 125 in respect of ol/enarnel paints and MS 14 in respect of emulsion paints/acrlic paint. Prior to commencing painting work, the Contractor shall submit the following to the 8.0. (0) Name of the paint manufacturer and the manufacturer's certfication that the ppaint conform to the relevant standard as specified in sub-section 1.1 hereof fogether with the proof that such certification have been verified by tests ‘atried out by SIRIM or ISO in the last three (3) years. (i) The performance warranty by the manufacturer to the Government on the performance of the paint against any peeling, cracking, fungus/ algae growth and discoloration which may arise during a petiod of five (6) years or more from the date of practical completion due to insufficiency in material or ‘workmanship. The terms of the performance warranty shal be as stipulated in ‘APPENDIX O/f and as approved by the 5.0. (ii) Name of the painting applicator as approved by the paint manufacturer including writen evidence of the current approval (i) A copy of the method statement including procedure for the painting works in accordance with these specification end manufacturer's instructions. All paints shalt be delivered to the Site in the manufacturer's original sealed containers unopened and shall be used sticly in accordance with the ‘manufacturer's instructions, Paints shall not be adulterated and any paint that has deteriorated shall not be used ‘and shall be removed from the Site fortuwith. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, the types of paints to be sued for the work on exposed surfaces shall be as sated in the “Schedule of Paint Finish’ aitached hereinafter. The colours and tints of paints shall be selected by the $.0. and the priming, Undercoats and finishing coats shall be of approved differing tints and shall be obtained from the same manufacturer. No painting shall be done under conditions which may jeopardize the quality of finish paintwork. During painting, care shall be taken to prevent stain or damage to other works. ‘Surfaces to be painted shall be dry, free from dir, ol, grease, old ioose paint and ‘other deleterious matter. All cracks shall be raked out and stopped and all holes and dents shall be filed, Unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer's Instructions, each coat of paint applied on timber or metal surfaces shell be allowed to dry and eubsequently rubbed down lightly with sandpaper before the next coat is applied. Any dit or dust shatl be removed from preceding coats immediately before proceeding with application of the next coat {Al pring to shop fabricated components shell be done at shop. All prime surfaces shall be inspected and approved by the S.0. before ‘commencement of painting works. Sar RLS No, Dokurnan = JKR 20800-0183-14 No, Keluaran : Of SECTION O: PAINTING WORKS | No, Pindaan : 00 Tarik 28 Januari 2014 IER MALAYSIA, Muka Surat__: 012 1.13 Finish surfaces shall be uniform in finish and colour and be free from brush marks or other defects. 4.14 Sample areas showing all tints of paints to be used shall be prepared by the Contractor as and when required by the S.0. 2. Painting To Timberwork 2.1 Painting To New Timberwork 2.4.1 Unless othenwise as shown on the Drawings, all exposed wrot surfaces of ‘timber shall be painted as specified hereinafer 2.4.2 Before painting to new timberwork, all knots shall be covered with knotting and all nail holes, cracks, et cetera shall be stopped with white lead and putty (1:3) and shall be primed with aluminium wood primer wall rushed in, 2.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, the prepared surface shall be painted with one tndercoat (alkyd undercoat) and shall be finished with two coats of premium semi-gloss fungus resisting alkyd paint or three (3) coats UV protection, ow ‘odour alkyd wood finish. 2.1.4 Timber decks shall be applied with three coats of scratch resistant, UV protection, fast drying low odour urethane elkyd wood finish. Each preceding coat shall be allowed to dry thoroughly and rubbed down lightly With fine sand paper and thoroughly cleaned before applying the next coat. 2.4.5 All timber surfaces abutting concrete or brickwork shall be primed before fixing or assembiing, 2.1.6 All ironmongeries excent hinges shall be removed before painting begins ‘and shall be carefully re-fied. 2.2 Repainting Existing Timberwork \Where repainting to existing timber work Is specified, the folowing procedure shall be adhered to. If the surface is intact, it shall be rubbed down with fine sand paper to the approval of the S.0. Then one coat of undercoat shall be applied followed by two (2) coats of gloss enamel pain! unless otherwise specified. Where cracking and flaking have occurred, the ent existing paint shall be removed by burning off or by use of paint remover as approved by the S.O, The surfaces shall then be thoroughly cleaned and shall be applied with one coat minimum wood primer followed by one (1) undercoat and unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, shall be finished with two (2) coats of gloss enamel paint 3. Painting To Metalwork 3.1 Painting New Steel And Irorwork ‘The areas to be painted shall be cleaned down and be free from rust, scale, cil, ‘grease, dirt and dust. One (1) coat of approved metalic primer shal be applied followed by one (1) coat of premium alkyd undercoat unless specified, and shall be finished with two (2) finishing coats of gloss/semi-gloss fungus resisting alkyd paint Soil and vent pipes shall be primed as above and given two (2) coats of approved bituminous paint. {RRR RRA SER JKR MALAYSIA ‘No, Dokumen > JKR 20800-0183-14 No Keluaran © 01 SECTION O: PAINTING WORKS | No.Pindaan ; 00 Tarikh 28 Januari 2044 Muka Surat 0/3 3.2. Repainting Existing Steel And Ironwork 324 322 Where repainting fo existing steel or ironwork is stated in the Drawings, the {olowing procedure shall be adhered to. Where a fir surface exists, it shall be scuffed wit fine sand paper tothe approvat ofthe S.0. and spot primed IW necessary before the application of by one (1) coat of premium alkyd undercoat unless specified, and shall be finished with two (2) finishing coats ‘of gloss/semi-gloss fungus resisting alkyd or gloss enamel paint. Ifthe old paint is in a bad, deteriorated condition the whole paint shall be removed by the use of approved paint remover or by scraping as approved by the 8.0. The surface shall be thorough¥y cleaned and shall be applied ‘with one coat approved metallic primer, by one (1) coat of premium alkyd ‘undercoat unless specified, and shall be finished with two (2) finishing coats of gloss/semi-gloss fungus resisting alkyd or gloss enamel paint 3.3 Painting New Galvanized Ironwork Where painting to new galvanized Kronwork is specified, the surfaces shall be applied with one coat of approved salf-eiching quick drying metalic primer unless otherwise specified, and shall be finished with two finishing coats of gloss/semi- ‘oss fungus resisting alkyd paint or gloss enamel paint. 3.4 — Repainting Existing Galvanized Ironwork 344 342 \Where repainting to existing galvanized ironwork is specified, the folowing procedure shall be adhered to. f the surface is not corroded, it shali be slightly sanded and all dite, oi, and grease removed by washing with an approved solvent and appiied with one (1) coat of approved metalic primer Unless otherwise specified, shall be finished with two (2) finishing coats of sgloss/semigloss fungus resisting alkyd palnt or gloss enamel paint. f the surface has corroded, the whole paint shall be removed by the use of ‘approved paint remover or by scraping as approved by S.0. When the surface is completely clean, it shall be applied with one cost ‘pproved metalic primer, unless otherwise specified, shall be finished with two finishing coats of gloss/semi-gloss fungus resisting alkyd paint or gloss enamel paint. 4. Painting To Masonry Work 4.1 Painting New Plastered/Masonry Surfaces 44a ‘The new plastered or masonry surfaces shall be allowed to dry completely ‘and shall be cleaned down to remove dust, dir, plaster splashes, and the like. In case of old unpainted walls, all fungus, mosses, lichens and vegetative growth shal also be removed. The cleaned surfaces of the extemal walls shall be applied with one coat of approved alkaline resisting primer and unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, followed with two (2) coats of ultra-violet (UV) weather resistant emulsion paint. ‘The external wall surfaces shall be applied with one (1) coat of approved ‘akaline resisting primer, uniess otherwise stated in the Drawings, falowed with two (2) coats of 100% acrykc wth heat reflective and UV protected, and temperature reduction weather resistant emulsion paint for Green Ratings Certification as approved by the S.0, {SRP IR RRR GARIS PANDUAN PEROLEHAN HIJAU KERAJAAN 48 Kriteria Khusus Bagi Cat 4. Impak Alam Sekitar Dan Pendekatan GGP- Arpok utr ala sek a bagi cat Keshatan manus, Brobccty, Fanckkoton GGPhendekbh metutt + Marninrurrken pak alr sok reghagatt chen pergalsean cat, + Ferrbalan preci cat yang mengarcnglbaren batan yang hurangber oda, + Mengurarcen parece. 2. Skop _Membakakan eat rracra.abrn untuk paldtat spashet kerajaan, sehoich, hosptalcen kerudahan ewan 2. Spesifikasi Produk (Kriteria Mancator) + Rebel hercakh marbelakic cat yorg ak meneancurgl foaam berat sapert rake, pliku, ecrnlan, kromum haksavalen, asenk, antiren|, tohony the (TPT) dan butyl the (TET. Wiabu, keaainenan,kendhnesonya both rmergandinglbncashg ataikasan (tec yangbaasalderadabahan manta Jum bagilegabera tok bon maléshis% 1,000 per anak ara + YOO produk mest mametshihreria bert ‘9 Brubieat VOC thacokh maabhisd oft 9. Van’ hinberasasken a: VOC tha hoichrnaibh 60 g/L 19 Catchn veenis berosaskan ort VOC tidak bok mebchis00gA 1+ Rerrratetyc tek bokh cgarakan can a tiginaken kancungpnnya tbaklbokh melon 0 eg KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN PEMBAIKAN BANGUNAN DI INSTITUT PERAKAUNAN NEGARA, SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN BAGI TEMPOH SATU (1) TAHUN. ‘SPESIFIKASI KERJA Kerja-kerja yang dilaksanakan melibatkan penyelenggaraan _pembaikan berdasarkan kepada skop kerja yang disenaraikan di Jadual Harga. Keterangan kerja yang disenaraikan adalah melibatkan kuantiti sementara. Skop kerja yang terlibat adalah seperti berikut: a) Kerja-kerja permulaan. b) Kerja-kerja pembaikan jubin. ©) Kerja-kerja pembaikan bumbung. 4) Kerja-kerja pembaikan kelengkapan tandas. e) Kerja-kerja pembaikan siling. f) Kerja-kerja pembersihan saluran gutter bangunan 4g) Kerja-kerja pembaikan pintu dan tingkap bangunan. h) Kerja-kerja pembaikan water proofing lantai tandas. i) Kerja-kerja pembaikan di bawah Wang Peruntukan Sementara (WPS). Kerja-kerja di bawah Wang Peruntukan Sementara (WPS) adalah melibatkan kerja-kerja pembaikan sistem paip air iaitu sistem paip retikulasi, sistem paip air dalaman dan sistem sanitari Kos pembaikan bagi kerja-kerja di bawah Wang Peruntukan Sementara perlu merujuk kepada Jadual Kadar Harga. Sekiranya terdapat kerja pembaikan yang tidak disenarai di dalam Jadual Kadar Harga, kos pembaikan akan ditentukan mengikut harga dipersetujui. Kerja-kerja di bawah Wang Peruntukan Sementara perlu mendapat kelulusan Pegawai Penguasa terlebih dahulu. Kontraktor hanya akan melaksanakan kerja-kerja_pembaikan sekiranya mendapat aduan kerosakan atau arahan dari Pegawai Penguasa. Kontraktor perlu memulakan kerja-kerja pembaikan tersebut dalam tempoh tujuh (7) hari dari tarikh aduan atau arahan dari Pegawai Penguasa diterima. Kontraktor hendaklah menggunakan produk dari bahan mesra alam selaras dengan perlaksanaan Perolehan Hijau Kerajaan. (sila rujuk Garis Panduan Perolehan Hijau Kerajaan) Kerja-kerja pembaikan perlu mengikut spesifikasi dan arahan Pegawai Penguasa seperti yang telah dinyatakan di dalam Jadual Harga. Sebelum memulakan kerja, kontraktor perlu mendapatkan kelulusan bahan dari Pegawai Penguasa terlebih dahulu, so KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN PEMBAIKAN BANGUNAN DI INSTITUT PERAKAUNAN NEGARA, SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN BAG! TEMPOH SATU (1) TAHUN. JADUAL HARGA KETERANGAN KERJA UNIT KUANTITI SEI ITARA KADAR HARGA (RM) JUMLAH HARGA ~ (RM) KERJA-KERJA PERMULAAN Menyediakan Bon Pelaksanaan us Menyediakan Premium Insurans bagi Insurans Liabilt ‘Awam dan insurans Kerja Ls Menyediakan dan menghantar laporan bergambar bagi kerja- kerja sebelum, semasa dan selepas kerja-kerja disiapkan untuk setiap kerja yang dilaksanakan. Ls Penyediaan peralatan dan jentera yang bersesuaian dengan kerja-kerja sepanjang tempoh penyiapan kerja. Ls Mengemas dan mengangkat keluar segala sisa binaan dari kawasan kerja untuk setiap kerja yang dilaksanakan. ts Jumlah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga st | KETERANGAN KERJA UNIT ‘KUANTITI SEMENTARA KADAR HARGA (RM) JUMLAH HARGA (RM) KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN JUBIN Menanggalkan jubin, memecahkan lepaan simen, mengganti dan memasang 300mm x 300mm jubin homogenous bagi lantai termasuk turapan skrid serta kerja-kerja berkaitan, a 70 Menanggalkan jubin dinding, memecah lepaan simen, membaiki permukaan dan menyapu dua lapis cat emulsi (pilinan wamna dari pihak IPN) pada dinding berlepa termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan, rd 300 Jumlah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga 32 BIL] ‘KETERANGAN KERJA KUANTITI | UNUT | SEMENTARA KADAR ‘HARGA (RM) (RM) KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN BUMBUNG Membuka kepingan atap yang pecah/retak, ganti dan pasang kepingan clay roof tile mengikut jenis dan wana sediada termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. No 80 ‘Membuka kepingan perabung yang pecahiretak, ganti dan pasang perabung tanah liat baru mengikut perincian perabung sediada termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. Membuka perabung tanah liat yang tertanggal, pasang semula perabung yang masih baik dengan mortar termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. Membuka bumbung polikarbonat yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang yang baru 3mm tebal bumbung polikarbonat serta kerja-kerja berkaitan NF 80 Jumlah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga 33 KELENGKAPAN TANDAS Pf Cin Scar ead KADAR |. JUMUAH }BIL| . KETERANGAN:KERJA | UNIT HARGA | HARGA: shes 22058 z (RM) (RM) D. | KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN Mengganti dan memasang cermin muka lengkap dengan frame aluminium termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. i) 450mm x 500mm 450mm x 700mm | it) 450mm x 1500mm No No No 15 | Memasang rak sabun setingkat dari jenis stainless steel bersaiz sekurang kurangnya 200mm x 100mm di dalam tandas asrama termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan, No 10 Membuka yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘flush valve' dari kelas yang terbaik bagi mangkuk pembuangan air kecil termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. Pecahkan kemasan jubin, membuka yang pecah, mengganti dan memasang baru mangkuk tandas jenis cangkung lengkap dengan 9 {iter tangki air (cistern) dari jenis tanah liat Kilat putih termasuk segala kelengkapan yang diperlukan, sapu dua lapis water proofing dan dikemaskan dengan pemasangan jubin pada keseluruhan permukaan serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. No Membuka yang lama, mengganti dan memasang baru penyidai tuala bersadur kromium 800mm panjang beserta pendakap berbibir serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. No s4 Pecahkan permukaan konkrit, membuka yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘stopcock’ paip ‘incoming’ dalam bilik tandas asrama mengikut saiz dan perincian sediada, dikemaskan dengan | pemasangan jubin dan cat serta kerja kerja-kerja berkaitan, (Anggaran saiz paip 25mm) No 10 Pecahkan permukaan konktit, membuka yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘stopcock’ paip shower! cistern bagi bilik tandas asrama mengikut saiz dan perincian sediada, dikemaskan dengan pemasangan jubin serta kerja kerja-kerja berkaitan, (Anggaran saiz paip 25mm) No. 10 Mengganti dan memasang baru 150mm x 150mm stainless. steel ‘bathroom floor drain cover yang telah rosak/ tercabut serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. No Membuka yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘flush valve' mengikut butiran sediada bagi tandas blok Pentadbiran A termasuk kerja~ kerja berkaitan. No 40. Pecahkan kemasan jubin, membuka yang pecah, mengganti dan memasang baru mangkuk tandas jenis duduk lengkap dengan 9 liter tangki air (cistern) dari jenis tanah liat kilat putih termasuk segala kelengkapan yang dipertukan, sapu dua lapis water proofing dan dikemaskan dengan pemasangan jubin pada keseluruhan permukaan serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. No 3s 1 Pecahkan kemasan jubin dan lantai, membuka dan menggantikan mangkuk tandas jenis cangkung beserta dengan Slliter tangki air (cistern) kepada ‘mangkuk tandas jenis duduk beserta 9 liter tangki air (cistern) dari jenis tanah liat kilat putin termasuk segala kelengkapan yang diperiukan, sapu dua lapis water proofing dan dikernaskan dengan pemasangan jubin pada keseluruhan permukaan serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. No 12. Mengganti dan memasang singki basuh tangan yang baru mengikut jenis sediada lengkap dengan pendakap singki dari keluli di Blok Pentadbiran A. No 13. Membuka yang rosak dan memasang baru 2 unit pendakap singki bagi setiap ssingki dari keluli di Blok Pentadbiran A No 30 Jumiah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga 36 __KETERANGAN KERJ _RUANTITL SEMENTARA KADAR HARGA (RM) JUMLAH “HARGA | (RM) KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN SILING Menanggalkan ‘galvanised tee’ bagi siling gantung yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘galvanised tee’ termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan WP 20 Menanggal kepingan slling gantung yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru 1200mm x 1200mm ‘acoustic glass wool ceiling pane!’ mengikut perincian siting sediada termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. No 10 ‘Membuka yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru 3mm tebal siling simen asbestos termasuk kerja mengecat serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. 30 Menyediakan permukaan dan menyapu dua (2) lapis cat putih emulsi pada siling asbestos serta kerja-kerja berkaitan, 150 Membaikpulih cornice bagi siling mengikut perincian sediaada termasuk mengecat dan kerja-kerja berkaitan, Membuka siling plasterglass yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru siling plasterglass termasuk kerja mengecat serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. 10 Jumlah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga a “KETERANGAN KERJA | SEMENTARA _KUANTITI | KADAR -HARGA, (RM) JUMLAH “ (RM) HARGA KERJA-KERJA MEMBERSIH SALURAN GUTTER BANGUNAN Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Blok Pentadbiran A, (Anggaran keluasan 900m") Blok Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Blok Pentadbiran B. (Anggaran keluasan 730m") Blok Membersin dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggat segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Blok Asrama Purnama A, B dan Asrama Suria (Anggaran keluasan 720m") Blok Membersin dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Blok Anjung Selera, (Anggaran keluasan 260m?) Blok Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Surau As-Solihin, (Anggaran keluasan 250m) Blok 38 Membersin dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Blok Garaj Bas. (Anggaran panjang 120m) Blok Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Pondok Pengawal Keselamatan. (Anggaran keluasan 108m?) Blok ‘Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Kuarters Apartment 3 tingkat. (Anggaran panjang 510m) Blok Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Kuarters Apartment 4 tingkat. (Anggaran panjang 80m) Blok 10. Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Kuarters Semi-D Kelas | E. (Anggaran panjang 970m) Blok 22 7 Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Kuarters Semi-D Kelas Blok 10 D. (Anggaran panjang 370m) 12. Membersih dan mengikis segala lumut dan kulat, memotong dan menanggal segala tumbuhan hingga ke akar serta membuang segala sisa kotoran pada saluran gutter di Kuarters Bonglow Kelas C. (Anggaran panjang 950m) Blok Jumlah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga 6 - KETERANGAN KERJA UNIT “KUANTITI ‘SEMENTARA KADAR HARGA (RM) SUMLAH HARGA | (RM) KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN PINTU DAN TINGKAP. BANGUNAN Membuka pintu yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru pintu panel kayu keras berketam (kayu gred A) satu daun bersaiz 830mm x 2100mm lengkap dengan kunci, selak, engsal termasuk mengecat dua lapisan varnis serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. No Membuka pintu yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang pintu rintangan api 1 jam satu daun yang diluluskan berukuran 900 x 2100 x 44 mm dan dipasang mengikut spesifikasi pembekal termasuk periengkapan besi dan sisi jenang berterusan yang bertingkat lengkap dengan alat kunci dan aksesori serta kerja- kerja berkaitan mengikut spesifikasi dan arahan Pegawai Penguasa. No Mengganti 2 unit ‘roller bagi 4800mm x 2400mm pintu kaca gelangsar yang rosak/ pecah termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan No 60 Mengganti tingkap kesmen kaca berbingkai aluminium berukuran 550mm x 1870mm — 6mm tebal kaca berlapis, pelindung cahaya yang rosal/pecah mengikut perincian tingkap kesmen sediada lengkap dengan segala kelengkapan dan aksesorinya | serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. Mengganti 2 unit ‘friction stay” bagi 600mm x 1200mm tingkap kesmen yang rosak termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan, No 10 6 ‘Membaiki bingkai aluminium yang tercabut bagi cermin dinding tingkat 1 Blok Pentadbiran A serta kerja-Kerja berkaitan. 62 Membaiki kebocoran pada bingkai aluminium tingkap kaca tingkat 2 dengan bahan ‘heavy duty silicon’ termasuk kerja- kerja berkaitan. 10 TMembuka flush bolt yang i rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘lush bolt! bagi 1500mm x 2100mm pintu aluminium termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan_ No 10 Membuka yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru jerejak (grille) gelangsar dari keluli lembut tergalvani pada pintu, lengkap dengan aksesori termasuk mengecat serta kerja~ kerja berkaitan. WP 50 10. Membaiki 900mm x 2100mm — 140mm tebal bingkai pintu dari besi yang tertanggal termasuk kerja memecah, membaiki semula dinding bata dan mengecat di Asrama Suria serta kerja-kerja berkaitan, No 1 Membaiki 250mm x 2750mm ‘grille’ gelangsar dari keluli lembut tergaivani yang rosak / tidak berfungsi di kuarters pegawai E1387 termasuk kerja- kerja berkaitan, No 12. Membaiki 1250mm x 2400mm ‘grille’ gelangsar dari keluli fembut tergalvani yang rosak / tidak berfungsi di stor simpanan basikal termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. No 13. Membaiki 2050mm x 2100mm ‘grille’ gelangsar dari keluli lembut tergalvani yang rosak / tidak berfungsi di kuarters pegawai G1398 termasuk kerja- kerja berkaitan. No 14, Membaiki 2050mm x 2100mm ‘grille’ gelangsar dari keluli lembut tergalvani yang rosak / tidak berfungsi di kuarters pegawai G1399 termasuk kerja- kerja berkaitan. 15. No Sediakan permukaan dan cat dua lapis cat kilat berasas damar alkayd sintetik pada permukaan logam dan kayu serta kerja-kerja berkaitan. MP 250 16. Membuka yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘vertical blind’ bersaiz 127mm termasuk ‘ailing aluminium’ lengkap dengan segala keperluan serta kerja-kerja berkaitan, ME 50 17. Membuka ‘flush bolt yang rosak, mengganti dan memasang baru ‘flush bolt’ bagi 1500mm x 2100mm pintu panel kayu keras dua daun termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. No 10 18. ‘Membuka akurium kaca bersaiz 1500mm x 3000mm dengan cermat dan disimpan dalam stor pelupusan IPN. No Jumiah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga 6 KETERANGAN KERJA - UNIT KADAR, HARGA (RM) © JUMLAH™ HARGA (RM) KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN WATER PROOFING LANTAI TANDAS Kerja-kerja memecah, membongkar jubin dan memecah lantai konkrit (render) sedia ada menggunakan mesin yang bersesuaian. Membuang dan membersin sisa konkrit di tapak kerja. Me 8 Membuka dan menanggalkan tandas duduk jenis WC termasuk aksesorinya. Memeriksa dan mengenal pasti kebocoran pada semua lubang salur air keluar pada floor trap. No Kerja-kerja membaiki kebocoran pada saluran floor trap dengan mengganti saluran Paip upvc berukuran 36/43mm Sepanjang 2.0m termasuk aksesori yang berkaitan No Kerja-kerja menyapu dengan 2 lapisan kalis air (Water Proofing) termasuk sapuan lapisan premier pada lantai dan dinding. wr 8 Kerja-kerja mengganti dan memasang semula tandas duduk jenis WC yang pecah termasuk aksesorinya, No Kerja-kerja melepa satu lapisan simen mortar setebal 25mm. termasuk menggaris permukaan lantai bagi tujuan menerima jubin yang baru. MP 8 Memasang semuia jubin jenis homogenous mengikut saiz dan wamna seperti asal serta mengikut piawaian yang di tetapkan oleh jabatan teknikal. rd 18 64 Membaikpulih keretakan dan kebocoran pada struktur papak konkrit pada soffit siling menggunakan bahan kalis air kaedah suntikan PU Grout (water proofing injection) termasuk kerja-kerja berkaitan. Point 5 Jumilah Dibawa Ke Ringkasan Sebutharga Tandatangan Kontraktor Nama Dan Alamat (Dengan Cop) Tarikh 65 KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN PEMBAIKAN BANGUNAN DI INSTITUT PERAKAUNAN NEGARA, SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN BAGI ‘TEMPOH SATU (1) TAHUN. RINGKASAN SEBUTHARGA aS = JUMLAH HARGA, BIL SKOP KERJA re lean A. | KERJA-KERJA PERMULAAN B. | KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN JUBIN C. | KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN BUMBUNG D. | KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN KELENGKAPAN TANDAS E. | KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN SILING f, | KERJA-KERJA MEMBERSIH SALURAN GUTTER *_| BANGUNAN : G, | KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN PINTU DAN TINGKAP | BANGUNAN 1, | KERJA-KERJA PEMBAIKAN WATER PROOFING LANTAI ELTANDAS _ z WANG PERUNTUKAN SEMENTARA ocsoes |= Kerja-kerja pembaikan sistem paip air. | Jumlah Dibawa Ke Borang Sebut Harga L ** Jika ada butiran yang dikehendaki dalam Spesifikasi dan Skop Kerja tidak termasuk di dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga ini, harga butiran tersebut hendaklah disifatkan telah dimasukkan ke dalam salah satu butiran dalam Ringkasan Sebut Harga. ‘Tandatangan Kontraktor Nama Dan Alamat (Dengan Cop) Tarikh KERJA-KERJA PENYELENGGARAAN PEMBAIKAN BANGUNAN DI INSTITUT PERAKAUNAN NEGARA, SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN BAG! TEMPOH SATU (1) TAHUN. JADUAL KADAR HARGA. Penyebut Harga diwajibkan melengkapkan jadual kadar harga mengikut harga yang ditawarkan untuk digunakan sepanjang tempoh kontrak. Kadar harga yang ditawarkan adalah termasuk kos upah pasang dan peralatan pertukangan, 4) PAIP ae a Harga Per Meter (RM) | ae ‘ass | upve. | HDPE "| (Class 46) | (Class) | (PN 12.5) ices 15, 20 3. 25 4. 32 iz 5. 40 6. 50 nl 75 8. 80 : 9 100 10, 150 or 2) PAIP (BAWAH TANAH) Harga Per Meter (RM) & reed ae " (Class D) | (ches i 1 15 rs 20 fl distal ae 4, 32 5. ee 6. 50 cS 75 7 ; 8. 80 9. 100 i 10. 150 8 3) DOUBLE END SOCKET ae Se | - Harga Per Unit (RM) : | | Diameter (om) us 15 2. 20 3. 25 : 4 32 5. 40 6. 50 7. 6 eee 8. 80 [ 9. 100 é a 10, 150 69 4) ELBOW Harga Per Unit (RM) oe ee =| a} 15 2| 20 3. 25 | 4a] 32 5. | 40 6 | 50 7) 76 ar) 3. | 100 to.| 150 | Harga Per Unit (RM) HDPE - (PNAZ5). Steel (Class C) Galvanised 20 la | 25 4, 32 5. 40 6 50 7. 75 8. 80 9. 400 10.) 150 6) VALVE ~ Marga Per Unit (RM). Bil. | Di - = — | Gate Valve it 15 2, 20 3. 25 4, 32 5, 40 i 6. 50 ] 7. 75 8. 80 9. 100 10. 150 n 7) PAIP SANITARI _| Harga Per Meter (Ra) “upve 1.| 36 2. 43 3. 56 4. 82 5. 110 6. 160 7. j 200 8. 250 ‘Tandatangan Kontraktor Nama Dan Alamat (Dengan Cop) Tarikh

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