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Go or Come.
Ex. 10:1 – 13:16.

I. Although YHVH has a calendar separate from the Secular

Gregorian calendar, the dates, events, and numbers often overlap
between the two. In view of how the enemy deliberately works to
pervert the True Calendar many of the Signs of the End Times
connected with the Sacred Calendar, (written in both the Heavens
and Earth) are seen over-laying the Pagan dates (whose motive is
to bring confusion) yet they themselves become a tool in the
Father’s Hands to confirm the genuine. Each of these Torah
portions though cyclical in nature, occur at the inspiration of
YHVH, to reveal these spectacular signs, and the information and
warnings specific to them, to those of us in THIS DAY! Parsha Bo
is no different. Let’s begin to dissect it to see the events of this
coming season.

Before we launch into the Torah portion, let’s examine a bit of the “Crossing
of those Calendars mentioned above”. I do not believe in coincidence! Based
on the start of the Hebrew year, this Torah portion could occur as much as a
month different than currently. Is this year a SIGN?

• The Torah portion begins 1/1/11. The first month on the

Secular Calendar.
• It also occurs in the 11th month on the Hebrew Calendar
(this year) known as, Shevat, (Aquarius the Water Bearer is
the Sign) and is associated with the tribe of Asher, #836,
meaning ‘happy’, it is from the root of #833, ashar, which
means to go straight, follow a straight path, and is the root
of the word Israel, Yishar’el!
• The Quadrantids Meteor Shower occurs at the New Moon
of this month, Jan. 3,4. They can be seen radiating from the
Constellation Bootes, who’s message is: Messiah, the coming
one who was pierced comes to rule, subdue and tread all evil
under foot.
• Joseph was the 11th Son of Jacob, and it is the House of
Joseph referred to most often as, The Outcasts of Israel,
whose 2730 exile ended at Tabernacles 2010!
• There is also a partial Solar Eclipse on Jan. 4th. Darkness is
the 9th plague, following the locusts of Ex. 10: 4.
• Eleven is the number of disorder and disintegration,
disorganization – as in the Outcasts being re-assembled.
• It was only eleven days from Sinai to the Promised Land
(Deut. 1:2).
• The Torah portion begins in Ex. 10:1 (10 + 1 = 11).

All of this takes place as this Torah Portion is READ – Egypt is being shown
Signs, confirming the end of Israel’s bondage in Egypt and their deliverance.
We are being shown these signs to confirm that same pattern in another

Ex. 10:1

And the LORD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh: for I have
hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew
these my signs before him:

We will examine a few key words in Hebrew beginning with the title: BO.

• Go, #935, ‫ בוא‬bow', a verb meaning, to come, go, to bring, to

arrive (as the time for a specific event). In a causative sense to
bring – assemble, or gather as in a host or army to the field.
Idiomatically, it is used to infer bringing a legal matter to justice.
Finally, in its participial forms it refers to the future and things
coming to pass.

*A. This expands our understanding of the definition of the word Bo as: the
time has come for the assembled hosts who are gathered to witness a legal
matter of justice – wherein, Moshe would reveal the signs, both present and
future, indicating the time had come to pass! Several questions now arise!
What hosts, what legal matter requiring justice, what signs? Let’s look at
these and then return to the Key words in Ex. 10: 1.
The first occurrence of the word ‘hosts’, is seen in Gen. 2:1: Thus the
heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. This is
the 7th day – Sabbath, the root stem of 7th in Hebrew is #7650, shava, meaning,
‘to seven oneself’, to adjure, to swear, to covenant. Host, #6635, tsaba, this
word means, army, assembly, hosts (Sun, Moon, Stars – Gen. 1:14) it carries
the idea of mustering into service – a gathering for counting. It also describes
the service of the Tabernacle [patterned after that of the heavenly] and is
from the root of #6632, sab, a noun indicating a vehicle for transportation.

It isn’t a stretch to picture the Hosts of heaven – Sun, Moon, Stars, gathered
to witness this Covenant sealed by and in the 7th day. Most importantly, these
Hosts would be charged with conveying this info! Who is this Covenant with?

Look at the word ‘finished’ #3615, kalah, finished, complete, accomplished. It

is the same as the Hebrew word for the Challah Bread or Bread of His
Presence and also for, Bride! This answers the questions of *Note 'A' above!
The same Hosts assembled in Gen. 2:1 were now being shown by Moshe to
Pharaoh, requiring legal attention to insure justice enforced the Covenant
with the Bride of YHVH, both in Moshe’s day and a Future day as well! These
signs will be displayed before the coming of Messiah and we should not be
dismayed at them (Jer. 10:2) as the heathen – Pharaoh will be.

As it happens, at this very time in Creation the Constellational houses

are moving through their cycles or Equinoxal Precession. At this point
in history the Sign of Taurus – The Bull has ruled for 2160 years, and
has been the icon or symbol of Egyptian religion and specifically,
Pharaoh! However, the Sign of Aries the Lamb – Shepherd, Moshe is
moving to overtake him as we move into another Age – the Age of The
Lamb and/or The Shepard! The last plague upon Egypt attacks THE
BULL himself, Pharaoh and it is a LAMB AND A SHEPARD who does
exactly that! The word ‘Bo’ can also mean Come (out), thus, ‫אל־‬
ֹ ‫אל־ַּפְר‬
ֶ ‫שה ֹּבא‬
ֶׁ ֹ‫מ‬ if you replace Moshe & Pharaoh with their
respective Zodiacal signs it could also say, “Aries/The Shepherd comes
out (after) Taurus/The Bull.

Now, to enforce these ‘Signs’, Moshe is instructed to reveal other physical

signs in the form of plagues that will confirm the above.
Back to Ex. 10:1 – key words:

II. The Hebrew language is very picturesque, each word unique in that it can
have both a blessing and cursed meaning, depending on the context. *Note the
example in this verse: …for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his
servants that I might show these my signs before them.

• Hardened, #3513, ‫ כבד‬kabad, glory, weighty, splendor – also to

harden, insensitive, to be dull. Curiously, another Hebrew word
spelled with the same consonantal roots, #3516, kabed, means
liver, an organ of the body that many Pagans considered crucial
to examine in their religious divination. They “looked” into it for
understanding and direction. Ironically, we have an
etymologically related English word, LAVER, the name of the
Brazen Laver or basin the Priests looked into as the entered the
Tabernacle to see if they needed cleansing!

• Shew, #7896, ‫ שית‬shiyth, a verb meaning to set, to put, to

establish or appoint or replace something. It is cognate with
#7897, siyt, meaning a garment, especially that of a harlot. This
word Shew is the same as the root word for Seth, the Son of
Adam. It was the lineage of Seth placed in the earth to distinguish
from the lineage of the Serpent. Seth became the opposite of Cain
– the offspring of the lineage of the Harlot & the Serpent!
Obviously, YHVH is going to show Pharaoh his divinations can’t
keep the harlot bound!

• Signs, #226, ‫' אות‬owth, sign, signal, beacon, monument – the word
used in Gen. 1:14 regarding the “Signs in the Heavens”.

• Before, #7130, ‫ קרב‬qereb, the midst, middle, to approach. But also

a battle, war.

‫שִתי ֹאֹתַתי‬ ִׁ ‫ִּֽכי־ֲאִני ִהְכַּבְדִּתי ֶאת־ִלֹּבו ְוֶאת־ֵלב ֲעָבָדיו ְלַמַען‬

‫ֵאֶּלה ְּבִקרְֹּֽבו׃‬
Interestingly, the words for heart (Lev #3820) here, both have the article ET –
Aleph –Tav, attached to it, representing Messiah. This sentence could have
also read I have placed My Kabad/Glory on His Messiah’s heart and the heart
of His servants, that I might establish them and replace the Harlots’ garments
putting their message in the Heavens as the Battle approaches!

The confrontation with Pharaoh is spiritual first and then physical. We will
see this same confrontation with the Last Days Pharaoh!

The Eighth Plague!

II. The ‘Battle’ looming on the horizon here, is also looming before us! It is
between the enemies of YHVH and Himself regarding the “Gathering of
the Outcasts of Israel”. Just as Israel here in Exodus is Forming or
Coming Together again to face Pharaoh’s armies, Ezekiel foresaw the
same in chapter 37 where the Bones (Joseph) live again! This is followed
by the Gog-Magog war of Ezek. 38 –39. Could this Torah portion give
us insight? YES!

Ex. 10: 4.

Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, behold, to morrow will I bring
the locusts into thy coast:

‫שֵּלַח ֶאת־ַעִּמי ִהְנִני ֵמִביא ָמָחר ַאְרֶּבה‬

ַׁ ‫ִּכי ִאם־ָמֵאן ַאָּתה ְל‬
Ki im-ma'en atah leshale'ach et-ami hineni mevi machar arbeh

Let’s examine this compelling verse in the Hebrew!

• Refuse, #3986, ‫ מאן‬ma'en, unwilling (to obey). It is cognate with

#3984, ma’en, a masc. noun referring to a gold or silver vessel of
the Tabernacle! The root stem is: #3964, ma, an interrogative
meaning what, whatever and connected to Ma’na manna. It also
refers to what is to be done to the leaders of Israel (Ezra 6:8). The
Nun suffix attached infers to diminish – thus, Pharaoh’s refusal
was to diminish the ACT leading to the release of Israel! Release =
their Redemption! The act was the offering of the Cup of Bitter
Waters (Numbs. 5) to the Adulterous Bride – Israel couldn’t
drink of it, but Messiah could. Therefore, the Aleph-Tav is
inserted and connected by a hyphen to the word Ammi – My
People. Pharaoh is refusing to allow Messiah to drink! The
penalty for adultery was the belly and thigh rotting out – the
womb and seed would die! Pharaoh is made to drink of the Cup
himself – cutting himself and his son/seed off!

• Go, #7971, ‫ שלח‬shalach, to send away, let go, to divorce (Is. 50:1
where YHVH asks about Israel’s bill of divorcement – shalach).
Pharaoh must divorce himself from Israel!

• Tomorrow, #4279, ‫ מחר‬machar, tomorrow, time to come. The

two-letter root stem here is Mem – Chet, #4221, moak, a masc.
noun referring to Bone Marrow. This reminds us of the petition of
Joseph to his brothers (Gen. 50:25) to take his bones out of Egypt
when YHVH visits them! What is about to happen is these bones
of Joseph and their marrow – DNA, are being taken out of Egypt.
YHVH takes the Bones to Mt. Sinai and forms a BRIDE! Later
we find, while Moshe (the Bridal attendant) is receiving the terms
of the Ketubah – wedding contract, Israel prostitutes themselves
to the very god of Egypt the Bull, a.k.a. Pharaoh! 3,000 die! This
begins the scattering of the Bones of Ezekiel, and is finished when
the last of Israel’s rebellious die in the Saudi Arabian peninsula!
It is paralleled in Acts where the Outcasts of Israel hear Torah
and 3000 are added on Pentecost These Bones will live – BE
BORN AGAIN! This is seen again in Ezek. 36 & 37. Here, YHVH
speaks to the Mountains of Israel, describing them as desolate,
and waste, with their cities waste – the only mountains of Israel
currently fitting that description are: Sinai & Horeb! Mountain
in Hebrew is har, meaning, hill, swelled place, mountain, add the
‘ah’ suffix and it becomes harah, to be in the condition of
pregnancy! Thus, He is speaking in a future tense, to the Pregnant
of Israel, whom He will bring to Sinai & Horeb as He did their
Fathers: Ezek. 20: 35, 36 And I will bring you into the
wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you
face to face - Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the
wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you,
saith the Lord GOD. The word for plead is: #8199, to judge,
govern. But, is also related to #8192, sapah, to make bare, stick
out, to become visible. Like the bones of a chastened person
before YHVH, which is referring to Ezekiel’s Bones! YHVH will
birth the House out of the Harlot and display the House in front
of the World!
• Locusts, #697, ‫' ארבה‬arbeh, locusts. There are several cognate
words, meaning deceit, trickery, and floodgate, as in the
floodgates of both heaven and the bowels of the earth that were
opened during the Great Flood. Rev. 9: 1-11 speaks of locusts that
will come out of the Pit during Tribulation.

Ex. 10: 5 says, they shall cover, the face of the earth. However, the word
face is not the normal word used, it is the word Ayin – Eye. Thus, they will
cover the “Eye of the Earth”.
ָ ‫עין‬
ֶ ‫ְוִכָּסה‬the locusts shall; vekacah ET-ayin ha’arets.
• Cover, #3680, Kacah, to cover, conceal the ET, Aleph-
Tav/Messiah, the
• Ayin #5869, ‫` עין‬ayin, eye, womb, fountain. The Hebrew letter,
Ayin = 70, the number of Jacobs descendants who went into
Egypt, while the word Ayin, has a gematria of 130, the Age of
Adam when YHVH appointed another Son, Seth. The Ayin - eye
represents LIGHT, the light which existed before the creation of
the Stellar lights, when YHVH said, “Let there be light…” This
light is concealed in the Earth and only those who have spiritual
Sight can ‘see’ Him. Ironically, Egypt worshipped the god called
Senehim, known as the “Eye of Ra”, by causing the Sun to be
blotted out while it still shined in Egypt, and yet Israel not
affected, reveals the importance of the WORD/LIGHT OF YHVH

We will look further at these locusts later…

• Coasts, #1366, ‫ גבול‬gĕbuwl, a border, boundary, territory.

The Next Plague;

Great Darkness.

III. The next plague, #9 Darkness - follows as Pharaoh hardens his heart.
The number nine is associated with the Hebrew letter Tet, ‫ ט‬resembles
an inverted womb, one thrown into chaos. 9 is symbolic of the end of
man and the finality of his judgment! Ironically, a birthing –
deliverance is about to take place - a contest between the Womb of
YHVH’s Bride represented by the Hebrew letter ‫מ‬ Mem, and the
womb of Satan’s Bride, the Tet. If you subtract the value of Tet – 9,
from Mem – 40, the balance is 31, the gematria of EL, one of the
Hebrew names of YHVH. Elohim is the plural of this word. The first
chapter of Torah, Gen. 1, speaks of YHVH and gives Him the credit for
all creation, there are 31 verses in this chapter and the plural of EL,
(Elohim) is seen exactly 31 times. Incidentally, the 31st chapter of
Genesis, tells of the exodus of the House of Jacob from Laban, a
foreshadow of this future exodus. This first chapter of the first book of
Beginnings reveals the plans of YHVH to release His seed into the womb
of Creation and produce offspring.
• Darkness, #2822, ‫ חשך‬choshek, a masc. noun meaning darkness.
Euphemistically, it refers to Hell, Hades. It is only the Light of
YHVH, which is capable of going into this darkness and be
victorious. It was an attack against Amon-Ra, the sun-god &
Pharaoh his son, who cannot deliver themselves after 3 days, as
Messiah the Son did, bringing light into the homes of Israel and
light to those in Hell. John 1:5, the Light shineth in darkness and
the darkness comprehended, (GK. #2638, katalambano, to seize,
overtake, to take possession of) it not!

The two-letter root, #7900, Sok, is a masc. noun indicating a tabernacle, a

dwelling. Chet is the letter of light, and it is this Light which tabernacles in the
Darkness, it is the letter Chet applied to the doorposts that kept the darkness
of death from Israel! Ironically, the application of the Chet, ‫ח‬, in blood upon
the doorpost is a physical pattern throughout Torah. The Tabernacle, and
Temple both were designed in the form of a man, the Temple had two
columns – Jachin & Boaz in front to represent the legs of the man, So did the
picture of the Hebrew home with its’ doorposts. The blood was applied to the
LOINS of the HOUSE/MAN! The Blood represents Messiah, Torah, Seed,
Light – it was this Light which, prevented death entering the HOUSE! Whose
house? The House of YHVH as opposed to Pharaoh’s (His Great House –
where darkness entered).

The Last Plague.

IV. Ex. 11: 1 tells us of one more plague. And the LORD said unto Moses, Yet
will I bring one plague [more] upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt;
afterwards he will let you go hence: when he shall let [you] go, he
shall surely thrust you out hence altogether. Let’s focus on the phrase,
ׁ‫ש ְיָגֵרש‬
ׁ ‫שְּלֹחו ָּכָלה ָּגֵר‬
ַׁ ‫שַּלח ֶאְתֶכם ִמֶּזה ְּכ‬
ַׁ ‫ַֽאֲחֵרי־ֵכן ְי‬
‫ֶאְתֶכם ִמזֶּֽה׃‬acharey-chen yeshalach etchem mizeh keshalecho
kalah garesh yegaresh etchem mizeh.

There are two words that form a Hebrew word play, each used twice: Shalach
& garash.

• Shalach, #7971, ‫ שלח‬shalach, to send out, away, to divorce. *Note

the numerical value, Shin – 300, Lamed – 30, Chet – 8 = 338, the
same as Lebush, a garment, yet also euphemistically for a wife.

• Garash, #1644, ‫ גרש‬garish, to drive out, expel, to divorce, also

that which is beaten or crushed as an offering. Its’ numerical
value is Gimmel – 3, Resh – 200, Shin – 300 = 503, the same as
#5697, `eglat, the fem. noun for heifer.

These four words are followed by #3617, kalah, finished, accomplished; it

is the same word though, as the word for Bride – Kallah. Thus, it seems
these words were meant to convey different meanings or else YHVH would
have used them once. Thus, what is said is: He (Pharaoh) will divorce his
wife [etchem – the masc. plural form of ‘you’ is inserted] The Aleph-Tav
will be beaten and crushed as the Red Heifer sacrifice for My Bride!
Note the next instructions to the Bride.

A. Ex. 11: 2 Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man
borrow of his neighbour, and every woman of her neighbour, jewels of
silver, and jewels of gold. This is to fulfill the promise to Abraham in Gen.
15: 14, And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and
afterward shall they come out with great substance.

This verse takes us deep into the Hebrew language to see what filthy condition
Israel was in upon her redemption, yet, neither Israel nor Egypt can “See”
this condition until the plagues open their eyes. This newly found Righteous
condition brought favor from a humbled Egypt. Let’s examine a couple of

• Ears, #241, ‫' אזן‬ozen, a masc. noun meaning ear. It is also the root
of #3976, ‫ מאזנים‬mo'zenim, balance, and scales, to weigh out.
Your ears act as a set of scales to measure what you hear. This
word also can be spelled, #240, ‘azen, a tool for removing
excrement in the camp. Deut. 23: 13, 14. This verse adds clarity to
Ex. 11: 2. Shall we look?

And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when
thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn
back and cover that which cometh from thee:

The word for ‘paddle’ above is: #3489, ‫ יתד‬yathed, a pin, peg, or stake to
fasten or dig with. The idea here is more than just covering excrement in the
camp, it implies – a pin to fasten the ears – the womb that receives seed – what
& THE CAMP, it can also apply to offspring of a perverted relationship!
YHVH wants you to be clothed – not naked. The next verse, #14, says, “that
He see no unclean thing and turn away from you”. Unclean is #6172,
‫` ערוה‬ervah, nakedness, and is the same term used in Gen. 9 where Noah’s
nakedness is uncovered. In Deut. 32:25, when Israel is made naked after the
golden calf incident (the calf/Bull was a symbol of their former husband –
Pharaoh) the word for naked is #6544, para, to let go, let loose, unbind as an
unfaithful wife/harlots’ hair is loosed, it is also the root of the word
PHARAOH. Para can also mean Bull, Pharaoh could also mean – The Great
House of the Bull. Thus, Israel is covering up, burying the issue from the
relationship with Pharaoh, who uncovered her nakedness – I.E. compromised
the Intimate Place of YHVH! YHVH covers her shame Himself! Mal. 2: 14,

This is the True Prosperity Gospel! Remove all the excrement of Paganism
from your life and YHVH will cause you to be favored and blessed!

Exodus 11: 2 seems almost parenthetical – an offhand comment, if you will.

However, it is immediately followed by verse 4 where YHVH tells Moshe, He
will go out into the midst of Egypt, well this also included Israel. It was the
offspring of the Pagan gods – Serpent Seed, that Israel had to bury – their
firstborn from Pharaoh, else the Blood on the Doorpost would not have
prevented the Death Angel from entering! It is not a stretch that many
Egyptians would have seen Moshe doing the same and copied him, a physical
act, but the heart – house, a.k.a. the Bride was unclean! Had YHVH seen any
sign of the “issue of Israel with Egypt” He would not have entered their camp
and afforded them protection against the Death Angel! Israel was tasked with
destruction of the firstborn from the Serpent! You must do the same!

It is here that Israel sees a benefit from being the Firstborn of YHVH. The
right of inheritance was passed to the First Son. Hence, the command to
gather the jewels of gold and silver and raiment (Ex. 12: 35) which was
rightfully theirs!

• Jewels, #3627, ‫ כלי‬kĕliy, jewel or vessel, but also means, #3628, a

prison, place of confinement.

• Silver, #3701, ‫ כסף‬keceph, silver, but also, #3700, kasap, to desire,

long for. The price of redemption was in Silver! Ironically, the
root is #5592, Sap, Samech – Pey, and indicates a vessel among the
Tabernacle furnishings – The Cup of Bitterness would have been
this cup!

• Gold, #2091, ‫ זהב‬zahab, this word means gold. However, when

broken apart – You have #2089, zeh – Lamb and Av – Father!
• Garment, #8071, ‫ שמלה‬simlah, clothing, garment, the covering of
the bed. It is from the root of #8034, Shem – Name and #3811,
la’ah, to be wearied. These words in their expanded forms

Israel, in her place of confinement longed for her redemption. But the Cup of
Bitterness, only the Lamb of the Father could drink, clothing Himself in the
garment of the harlot and restoring His Name that, she had wearied of!

The Passover Celebration.

The Beginning of Months.

V. It is here that some controversy arises. YHVH changes the calendar making
the month of the Exodus/Nissan, Abiv, the first month whereas, originally,
Tishri was the Head or first of the Year. Why? Ex. 12: 2: This month [shall
be] unto you the beginning of months: it [shall be] the first month of
the year to you.

• Month, #2320, chodesh, new moon. More insight can be gleaned

from #2318, to renew, restore, and is seen connected with the
restoration of the Temple. Thus, this month is the beginning of
our Restoration as the Temple of YHVH! The root is the word
#2297, had (Chad) a numerical adjective meaning ‘one’. We get
#259, ‫' אחד‬echad, Echad from this word! The ‘Aleph’ prefixed to
the word indicates 1st person, future tense. Thus, this month is the
season when YHVH will restore us, and ‘ONE’ – Echad us! This
covertly reveals the entire message of Torah, that of bringing the
Bride back to Eden and making ‘Them’ – Husband/Wife, ONE
again! Passover does exactly that – however, it is the Symbolism
of Shavuot, where we see the Bride presented before her husband.
In the interim, we are counting the Days of the OMER, the same
as #559, amar, to speak. The calendar literally speaks of the
Redemption Plan, each Sign in the heavens a confirmation,
fulfilling Gen. 15 where Abraham is admonished to Count the
Stars…You and I should be doing the same for they speak of us!

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