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Nama : Putri Amaliani

NIM : 1810912220011

Soal 1


n=33, df = n-2 =31

R tabel : 0.2913

1. Output Item-Total Statistics

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Corrected Cronbach's
Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
pengetahuan 4.88 2.110 .741 .689
anc 5.39 3.309 .513 .923
Total 3.42 1.127 1.000 .383
2. Nilai r tabel dibandingkan dengan nilai corrected item-total correlation

R tabel = 0.2913

Corrected r tabel Kesimpulan

0.741 0.2913 Valid
0.513 0.2913 Valid
3. nilai nilai Cronbach’s Alpha dibandingkan dengan r tabel

Nilai r tabel : 0.2913

Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items
.383 .417 2
4. Kesimpulan Valid/ tidak ?

Dari data tersebut ditemukan hasil pengujian valid karena corrected item-total correlation (r
hitung) > r tabel, maka pertanyaan valid

5.Kesimpulan reliabel/tidak ?
Nilai cronbach’s alpha = 0.383, maka kesimulannya a > r tabel maka instrumen valid

Soal ke 2


sampel n 10. Df= 10-2=8

R tabel : 0.5494

1. Output Item-Total Statistics
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Corrected Cronbach's
Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
sebelum 390.20 55.067 .911 .676
sesudah 391.00 96.667 .750 .959
Total 260.40 32.489 1.000 .659

2. Nilai r tabel dibandingkan dengan nilai corrected item-total correlation

R tabel : 0.5494

Corrected r tabel Kesimpulan

0.911 0.5494 Valid
0.750 0.5494 Valid

Valid bila nilai Corrected Item-Total Correlation > r tabel

3. nilai nilai Cronbach’s Alpha dibandingkan dengan r tabel
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based
Cronbach's Standardized
Alpha Items N of Items
.659 .779 2

Cornbach’s alpha : r tabel

0.659 : 0.5494= Cornbach’s alpha > r tabel

4. Kesimpulan Valid/ tidak ?

Dari data tersebut ditemukan hasil pengujian valid karena corrected item-total correlation (r
hitung) > r tabel, maka pertanyaan valid

5.Kesimpulan reliabel/tidak ?
Nilai R tabel : 0.5494

Nilai Cornbach’s alpha : 0.659

Karena Cornbach’s alpha > r tabel maka instrumen reliabel

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