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Andi Inayah Soraya, Burhanuddin Arafah , Mustafa Makka

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar

Alamat Korespondensi:

Andi Inayah Soraya, S.S

Jl. Batua Raya III No. 31
Makassar, 90233
HP: 081354999915

Resepsi adalah penerimaan pembaca dalam membaca karya sastra. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui (1)
resepsi umum siswa SMA 17 Makasssar terhadap tiga cerpen karya Bailey, (2) hubungan antara kebiasaan
membaca karya sastra yang dimiliki siswa dan skor IQ terhadap pola resepsi mereka. Penelitian ini
menggunakan desain cross sectional study. Responden yang diambil sebanyak 59 siswa kelas II SMA I7
Makassar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dua jenis kuisioner yaitu tes respesi dan tes kebiasaan membaca
karya sastra. Penilaian kuisioner menggunakan skala likert sedangkan data nilai IQ didapatkan dari staf
konseling di SMA 17. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan tes frekuensi, chi square, dan pearson correlation.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum siswa merespon positif terhadap ketiga cerita pendek karya
Bailey. Yang mendapatkan respon paling positif yaitu cerita 2, kemudian cerita 1, dan dan terakhir cerita 3.
Hasil uji korelasi terdapat hubugan antara skor IQ terhadap pola resepsi siswa dengan nilai p = 0.01 (p < 0.05)
dan nilai r = 0.43 artinya level korelasi berada pada level pertengahan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa
tidak ada hubungan antara kebiasaan membaca karya sastra terhadap pola resepsi yang dimiliki para siswa
karena nilai p = 0.25 (p > 0.05).

Kata kunci: resepsi, skor IQ, kebiasaan membaca karya sastra.


Reception is the acceptance of the readers in reading a literary text. This research aimed (1) to investigate the
general reception of students at SMA 17 Makassar toward three Bailey’s short stories; (2) to find out the
correlation between the students’ habit in reading literary work and their IQ score toward their reception
patterns. The research design was a Cross Sectional Study, and the total samples comprised 59 respondents of
Grade II students of SMA 17 Makassar. They were given two types of questionnaires to find out their reception
and their habits to read literary work tests. The assessment of their answers to the questionnaire used the Likert
Scale, while the data of their IQ scores were provided by the school Counseling Administrator. The data were
then analyzed by using frequency, Chi-Square, and Pearson correlation tests. The research results revealed
that the students generally gave positive responses to the selected Bailey’s short stories. The short story that
received the most positive responses from the students was short story 2, followed by short story 1, and short
story 3 received the least positive responses from the students. The correlation test revealed that there was a
significant correlation between the students IQ scores and their reception patterns - the p value = 0.01 (p <
0.05) and the r value = 0.43 which means that the correlation level was the middle level. However, the research
indicated no correlation between the students’ habit to read literary work and their reception pattern, since the
p value = 0.25 (p > 0.05).

Keywords: reception, IQ score, habit of reading literary work.

Reading is important. There are several reasons to support this statement. First, it is
good for health; not only serves as an entertainment to relieve stress, but also to help the
performances of the brain, especially the brain memory. Second, it can establish a person’s
moral values. Mackay in Sulaimansyah (2008) states Our lives change in two ways: through
the people we meet and the books we read. So, a good reading generally contains good moral
values and aims to provide a good impact on the reader themselves. Third, it is from the
intellectual side; people who have time to read will get new information, so their information
will be updated.
Through reading activities, reader can choose many kinds of reading materials. One of
them is short stories. One of short story writer is Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. She is the winner
of The John Newbery Medal in 1947. The John Newbery Medal is a literary award given by
the Association for Library Service to Children; a division of the American Library
Association (ALA). This study use book of Tell Me Another Story (1918) by Carolyn
Sherwin Bailey as object of study.
Reading is not simply spelling word by word in a sentence. Moreover, readers are
able to comprehend the whole ideas to get information from the text. Reading is the process
of getting a message from a text, understanding a written text, and extracts the information
from the text as efficiently as possible (Nuttal, 1982). The real work of literature is not full; in
literature there is part to be filled by the interpretation of the reader (Iser, 1989). Dealing with
readers’ responses, there is a theory called the aesthetically reception. Reception is the
science of beauty based on reader responses to literature. It refers to the attempt to account
single text which can be interpreted in different ways by different readers (Pradopo, 2007).
But study of reception could have some troubles to apply because it is complicated especially
in choosing respondents, texts and theories (Jabrohim, 2001).
There have been some previous studies carried out on reception which is relates to
this study. First is Liu (2010) in her thesis “The reception of the works of contemporary
Chinese Glam-Writers in mainland China”. Liu used Chinese Glam-Writers as an object in
her research. This research is different from Liu’s; this study uses American short stories as
the object. Agusta (2013) thesis “Analisis resepsi remaja terhadap pesan edukasi HIV dan
AIDS dan anti diskriminasi orang dengan HIV AIDS (Odha) dalam program Dance4life oleh
Pkbi di Yogyakarta“. This study also uses teenagers as respondents, but it has different object
of reception. Agusta (2013) uses education message of HIV and AIDS, whereas the
researcher uses literary works as the object of this research.
In giving response toward the literary text, readers have their own criteria. Segers
(2000) reveals that there is a value given by reader. Actually, reception of literary works is
divided in two parts. First is diachronic; it is the reader response of literary works in
evolution of something over time which allows one to assess how something changes
throughout history. Second is synchronic which analyzes readers’ response at the time. This
study uses synchronic approach because it analyzes the reception of students at SMA 17
Makassar in this time. As one of the international schools, SMA 17 Makassar gives full
attention to the students' skills in foreign languages, especially English. So they do not have
difficulties in reading English text. In addition synchronic reception related to contemporary
readers (Ratna, 2006).
On the other hand, the researcher tries to know the correlation of student’s habit in
reading literary works and IQ scores toward their reception. This idea comes from the
consideration that how the domain of literary analysis could be connected to other domain’s
sciences for example psychology. Amini (2004) explains that the person who are in the habit
of reading, not only make the best use of their spare time but they will keep their minds away
from the worries that might chase them if they sit brooding, doing nothing. In addition
background experience and thinking ability of readers are important in understanding literary
works (Harris, 2007).
Based on explanation above, the researcher tries to analyze the general reception of
students at SMA 17 Makassar toward Bailey’s selected short stories. This study is also to
reveal the correlation between habits of reading literary works and Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
score toward students’ model receptions.

The Location of Study and Research Design
All the data are conducted in SMA 17 Makassar located in Jl. Sunu No. 11 Makassar.
The design of this research is analytical design by cross sectional study.
Population and Sample
The total number of the sample is 59 students. This study uses non-probability
sampling to find objective respondents. It is the technique of sampling which does not give
chances to all members of population. The technique non-probability sampling in this
research uses purposive sampling from the large sample. The criteria for the samples are
students who have ≥ 8.5 point in scoring English language subject and have willingness to be

Method of Collecting Data

The data on this study use subject data as primary data. The subject data are readers’
responses toward Bailey’s selected short stories which are done by questionnaire. Other data
are the questionnaire’s result of habit in reading literary work. While collecting score IQ data,
the researcher was copied from school counseling administrator. The questionnaire data will
be analyzed by SPSS software and then presented descriptively into table and narrations.
To find out theories and information about the topic of this research, the researcher
reads the printed and online materials which are related to the topic as secondary data. This is
useful to get some definition and opinions from expert about the reception of literary work
especially in short story.
Technique of Analyzing Data
The validity is a measure of the validity of an instrument. It used Pearson correlation
which correlating between score item and total score item, then signification test is done by
criteria using r table in signification level 0,05 with 2 sided test. In the score is positive and r
count > r table means the item is valid. In otherwise if r count < r table means he item is
invalid. This test will use SPSS program.
Reliability test is to know the consistency of instrument (questionnaire) whether the
instruments will get consistent measurements if the measurement is repeated. This test uses
cronbach alpha method. To know the reliable of instrument using boundary value of
cronbach alpha is 0, 6. When r alpha is positive and > r Table it means the data are reliable.
When r alpha is negative and < r Table , it means the data are not reliable.
Bivariate Analysis is to know the correlation between two variables. In this case is to
know the correlation between habits in reading literary works toward their model receptions
and IQ scores towards their model receptions. To know the correlation between independent
and dependent variables use Chi Square test. When p value < 0,05 H0 is rejected so Ha is
accepted, in contrast when p value > 0,05 H0 is accepted so Ha is rejected.After bivariate
analysis, the researcher continues to see the level of correlation of data. This analysis uses
Pearson’s correlation as follows (Sugiyono, 2003):
Interval Level Correlation
0,00 – 0,19 Very Low
0,20 – 0,39 Low
0,40 – 0,59 Middle
0,60 – 0,79 Strong
0,80 – 1,00 Very strong
Based on table 1, it shows that the majorities of respondents have positive response
toward Bailey’s short stories. It is also presents the rank of short stories based on students’
value judgment. The respondents choose short story 2 as ranking I, short story 1 as ranking II,
and short story 3 as ranking III in category of most positive receptions. It is similar with
Endaswara (2008) who mentions that the reception shows that readers of literary texts
distinctly, so the responses by the readers are different. The difference experience will
determine the meaning and reception of literary texts.
Based on table 2, students who use intellectual as their model are 5 students (8,4 %),
emotional is 1 respondent (1,6%) both of them are 55 students (88,4%), and not belong to
both of them is 1 students (1,6%) as their models receptions. It shows that the majorities of
students use both of intellectual and emotional as their model receptions. This table also
shows that the majorities of respondents are neutral in habit of reading literary work. The
researcher concludes that the frequency in reading literary works of respondents is stills less,
but they have already interested in reading. Meanwhile students’ IQ scores who have IQ
scores in highly average are 26 students ( 44 %), average are 28 students ( 47 %) and under
average are 25 respondents ( 9 %). So, the researcher concludes that the majorities of
respondents are average in IQ score’s level.
About correlation between habit in reading literary work and students’ model
reception have p value is 0,259 (> 0, 05). On the other hand, about correlation between IQ
score and students model reception, p value is 0, 01 (< 0, 05). Based on bivariate analysis;
when p value < 0,05 H0 is rejected so Ha is accepted, in contrast when p value > 0,05 H0 is
accepted so Ha is rejected. So, the researcher finds that there is no correlation between habit
in reading literary works and students’ model receptions and there is significant correlation
between IQ scores and students’ model receptions.

Reception is acceptance from reader after reading literary text. To get acceptance
from reader, there is process called response. This study shows that reader inclined to choose
short story 2 as positive first (78%), next is short story 1 (72%) and the last is short story 3
(67%). The indicators to response towards those short stories consist of 10 items. It consists
of character, language, plot, theme, setting, involvement, emotion, originality, ability to
believe, and joyfulness. Based on this data, the researcher concludes that the majorities of
respondents give positive receptions toward those short stories.
Based on essay test, most of respondents say that this story has good moral values.
The moral values are “do not torture the animal”, “better to let someone go, than you take
care of them but in the end you just ignore them”. It is good comment because the statement
is out of the character of the story. In addition, there is one respondent state that the moral
value is “listens your mother”. It is different with other respondents because this opinion
focuses on correlation between mother and children character. Next, other respondent says
that this story remains her about gift when she was child. This opinion is a good one because
the respondent already reflects her experience to this story. In contrast, some of readers
dislike this story because the ending of the story is not happy ending. Other negative response
comes from respondent who says that “it is a bad moral value because his uncle gives trap. It
teaches the children to torture animal in earlier age”.
Next is short story 2. One respondent says that the ending of the story is happy ending
and the plot is easy to understand. The majorities of respondents give positive response in
moral values which exist in the story. The moral values are “real castle actually is home”,
“the better place is home”, “be grateful in your life”, “king and queen not always use crowns
because the true king and queen come from heart”, “we don’t need something perfect or
luxury but we need is something that made us feel happy”, and “don’t leave your home and
parents because parents is everything”. Other respondent says that “in real life, castle life is
nothing. It is just fairy tale, but actually we can make our castle’s life in our family by love
each other and respect. One of important things that fairy tale has ending, but our real lives
still go on”.
The last is short story 3. Although it is the lowest scoring of those short stories but it
also gets positive response from readers especially in moral values. The moral values are
“sometimes good be tall and sometimes good be short depend on condition”, “everybody has
plus-minus”, and “grateful of ourselves because God made us always have reason of
something”, The interesting one is from respondent who says “there is symbol of religion that
camel identical with Arabian or Muslim and pig identical with non Muslim. It means this
story teach how to tolerant in religious”. In contrast, most of respondents say that “it is not
interesting” because “it is very short and the character is limited into 2 characters”, “it is only
usual story and it is difficult to get the message from author”, “no conflict”, “the language is
difficult to understand”, and “the ending of short story not interesting because we don’t know
what happened after the two animals arguing”.
From those explanation above, the researcher concluded that the majorities of
respondents significantly response the moral values which exist on the short stories. The
kinds of their statements; positive or negative are depend on their ability in reflecting the
values, their point of view toward the character of the stories, and their expectation toward
the short stories.
On the other hand the percentage of respondents in habit of reading literary works is
supported by technology. It is proved from the data which describe most of respondents like
reading via online. In addition, they have enough time to read at home. According to primary
data, the purposes of reading literary work are to entertain their selves, spending of time,
trends, and based on their task. The majorities of respondents say that reading activity is very
important thing.
By correlation test, the researcher find p value for habit in reading literary works and
students model reception is (0,259) > 0, 05. Based on bivariate analysis; when p value < 0,05
H0 is rejected so Ha is accepted, in contrast when p value > 0,05 H0 is accepted so Ha is
rejected. So, the researcher finds that there is no correlation between habit in reading literary
works and students’ model receptions. But p value for IQ score and students model reception
is (0, 01) < 0, 05 it means that there is correlation between IQ scores and their model’s
reception. Based on Pearson correlation test shows that the r value is 0, 43, it means the level
of correlation is in the middle level.


The majority of respondents have positive receptions toward those of short stories.
The most positive reception is story 2 (78%), next is story 1 (72%) and the last is story
3(67%). There is no correlation between habits in reading literary works and students’ model
reception. There is correlation between IQ scores and students’ model reception which
correlation is middle. This study focuses to know the correlation between habit in reading
literary works and IQ score toward readers’ reception model. For the next researcher, could
be used other indicators such as gender differences or educational background. On the other
hand research methodology in literary analysis must be developed especially in quantitative
method and the course of reception should be one separated course from the course of
sociology literature.

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Table 1: Students’ general reception

Short stories Items Likert Scale Total Notes

1 2 3 4 scores
1 0 12 27 20 185 Positive
2 0 8 43 8 177 Positive
3 2 27 23 7 153 Neutral
4 1 19 34 5 161 Neutral
I 5 3 25 19 12 158 Neutral
6 2 30 17 10 153 Neutral
7 0 7 37 15 185 Positive
8 0 11 29 19 185 Positive
9 3 13 32 11 169 Positive
10 2 14 23 20 179 Positive
1 0 7 35 17 187 Positive
2 0 10 35 14 181 Positive
3 0 6 32 21 192 Positive
II 4 1 9 41 8 174 Positive
5 0 24 21 14 167 Positive
6 0 8 21 30 199 Positive
7 0 7 40 12 182 Positive
8 0 11 30 18 184 Positive
9 0 9 38 12 180 Positive
10 1 5 20 33 203 Strongly Positive
1 5 37 15 2 175 Positive
III 2 1 9 40 9 169 Positive
3 3 12 34 10 141 Neutral
4 1 6 46 6 175 Positive
5 4 30 23 3 132 Negative
6 1 24 29 5 156 Neutral
7 0 11 37 11 177 Positive
8 0 12 39 8 173 Positive
9 5 13 33 8 162 Neutral
10 0 10 38 11 178 Positive
TOTALED (SS1, SS2, and SS3) 5144
Table 2: Correlation between habit in reading literary works and IQ score toward
students’ receptions model

Indicators Items Not both Emo only Int. only Both Total P value
of them of them
Low 0 0 1 1 2
Moderate 1 1 4 45 51 p = 0,259
Habit High 0 0 0 6 6 r = 0,14
Total 1 1 5 52 59
Under average 1 0 2 2 5
Average 0 1 3 24 28 p = 0,01
IQ Highly average 0 0 0 26 26 r = 0,43
Total 1 1 5 52 59

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