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Environmental Computational

Fluid Dynamics (E-CFD)


Lecturer: Dr. Songdong Shao

Office: Chesham C0.12

 Introduction of Module
 Hydrodynamic Equations
Topic 1: Introduction of Module

• Module Descriptor
• Assessment
• CFD and E-CFD
• CFD Website and Resources
Learning Outcome

• Theoretical Competence: Hydrodynamic

Equations, Numerical Methods and Solutions, etc

• Practical Skills through Computer Simulation:

Numerical Coding, Results Analysis by Using
Plotting Software, etc
Module Contents
• Fundamental hydrodynamic equations, such as Navier-
Stokes equations and shallow–water equations
• Different turbulent models
• Basic numerical schemes, such as finite difference, finite
volume and particle methods
• Widely used engineering models such as RANS model,
SWE model and SPH model
• How to write code, carry out numerical simulations and
analyze numerical results by using plotting software
• How to use a commercial software to solve practical
problem in environmental flows

• Coursework 1: Make a numerical program, run it on a

computer, plot figures and analyze results
• Coursework 2: Similar to Coursework 1, but originality in
developing numerical scheme and analysis is more
emphasized at this stage
• Notes: The above two assessment is 50% each; no words
limit; the first assessment will be submitted in the middle of
term and the second will be submitted at the end of term
• CFD is to use the knowledge of Fluid Mechanics and
Computational Methods to study a flow phenomenon
through the use of a computer simulation
• E-CFD is one kind of CFD in which the fluids are generally
regarded as INCOMPRESSIBLE. Especially E-CFD focus
on flows with a free surface

Numerical Movie 1 (by other person)

Numerical Movie 2 (by myself)

Numerical Movie 3 (by myself)

CFD website
• Large job database
• Announcement of CFD events, workshops
and conferences
• CFD discussion forum
• Comprehensive CFD resources including
CFD books, visualizations, numerical
software to download, etc
Reading List
(1) Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications
By John David Anderson
Publisher: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0070016852 (Highly recommended)

(2) Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics

By Joel H. Ferziger and Milovan Peric
Publisher: Springer Verlag
ISBN: 3540653732 (Second highly recommended)
Topic 2: Hydrodynamic Equations

Partial Differential Equations

 Continuity Equation
 Euler Equation
 Navier-Stokes Equation
Continuity Equation
 Consider a small box dxdydz
 Define three directions: x, y, z
 Define velocity U, V, W at center
point A in three directions
 Define fluid density at center A

In x direction, the rate of mass flow into the box through left face is
 dx U dx
(  )(U  )dydz
x 2 x 2
In x direction, the rate of mass flow out of the box through right face is
 dx U dx
(  )(U  )dydz
x 2 x 2
The sum is  dx U dx  dx U dx ( U )
(  )(U  )dydz  (   )(U  )dydz   dxdydz
x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x
Continuity Equation
Similarly, the sum of rate of mass flow in y and z directions is
( V ) ( W )
 dxdydz and  dxdydz
y z

Total sum of rate of mass flow in box dxdydz is

( U ) ( V ) ( W )
 dxdydz dxdydz dxdydz (1)
x y z

Time rate of change of mass in small box dxdydz is

 
(   )dxdydz  dxdydz  dxdydz (2)
t t
According to Universal Mass Conservation law (1) = (2)
Continuity Equation
( U ) ( V ) ( W ) 
 dxdydz dxdydz dxdydz  dxdydz
x y z t
 ( U ) ( V ) ( W )
Universal form:    0
t x y z

( U ) ( V ) ( W )
For a steady flow:   0
x y z
U V W
For an incompressible flow:   0
x y z

  ( V)  0 steady flow

Vector form: V  (U ,V ,W )
V  0 incompressible flow
   ( V)  0 universal flow
Euler Equation - Inviscid Fluids
 Consider a small box dxdydz
 Define three directions: x, y, z
 Define velocity U, V, W at center
point M in three directions
 Define pressure and density at M

In x direction, the acting forces include pressure force and body force
No shear stress for ideal fluids

Write the Newton’s Second Law  F  ma

p dx p dx dU
(p  )dydz  ( p  )dydz  f x dxdydz  dxdydz
x 2 x 2 dt
dU U U U U 1 p Local Acceleration +
 U V W  fx 
dt t x y z  x Convective Acceleration
Euler Equation - Inviscid Fluids
dV 1 p dW 1 p
Similarly in y and z directions  fy   fz 
dt  y dt  z

In 1775, put forward by Euler: Relating force and motion for ideal fluids,
both incompressible and compressible

For a static fluid 1 p 1 p 1 p

fx  0 fy  0 fz  0
 x  y  z

For a static fluid under gravity only, integrate

1 p
g 0 p  gz  C
 z
N-S Equation - Real Fluids
For a plane normal to z axis, the acting
surface forces are characterized by

Normal stress p zz

Tangential stress  zx  zy

Similarly, for a plane normal to x or y axis, the acting surface

forces are characterized by

Normal stress p xx Normal stress p yy

Tangential stress  xy  xz Tangential stress  yx  yz

N-S Equation - Real Fluids
Following the same procedure
as deriving the Euler equation
and considering additional
shear stresses, by using the
Newton’s second law:

p xx dx p dx  dz  dz
( p xx  )dydz  ( p xx  xx )dydz  f x dxdydz  [( zx  zx )dxdy  ( zx  zx )dxdy]
x 2 x 2 z 2 z 2
 yx dy  yx dy dU
 [( yx  )dxdz  ( yx  )dxdz]  dxdydz
y 2 y 2 dt

dU 1 p xx  yx  zx
 f x  (   ) Momentum Equation
dt  x y z
N-S Equation - Real Fluids

Similarly, the momentum equations in y and

z directions can be derived as:

dV 1 p yy  xy  zy
 f y  (   )
dt  y x z

dW 1 p zz  xz  yz
 f z  (   )
dt  z x y
Incompressible Newtonian Fluids
Following Newton’s law of viscosity  
(Newtonian fluids) dy
We can have and prove
U V W U W V
 xy   yx  (  )  xz   zx   (  )  yz   zy   (  )
y x x z y z

Also, normal stress in different directions can be represented by

(Incompressible fluids)
U V W
p xx  p  2 p  p  2  p zz  p  2
 z
x y
In an ideal or static fluid, normal stress or
dynamic pressure is the same in all directions pxx  p yy  pzz  p

In a real fluid in motion, normal stress or dynamic pxx  p yy  pzz  p

pressure may not be the same in all directions
N-S Equation
Incompressible Newtonian Fluids
By taking the pressure and shear stress relationships for an Incompressible
Newtonian fluid into the previous general N-S equations, we have
dU U U U U 1 p  2U  2U  2U
 U V W  fx   ( 2  2  2 )
dt t x y z  x x y z

dV V V V V 1 p  2V  2V  2V
 U V W  fy   ( 2  2  2 )
dt t x y z  y x y z

dW W W W W 1 p  2W  2W  2W
 U V W  fz   ( 2  2  2 )
dt t x y z  z x y z

French Engineer: Navier (1821) + British Engineer: Stokes (1845)

N-S Equations for Incompressible Flow

Continuity Equation  V  0

Momentum Equation

dV 1
 f  P   V

dt 

V  (U ,V ,W ) f  ( fx, fy , fz )
Solutions of N-S Equations
Momentum equations + Continuity equation = 4 Equations

Pressure P + Velocities U, V, W = 4 Unknowns

But, it is very difficult to get theoretical solutions due to

nonlinear partial differential equations, so we have to

New Module: Computational Fluid Dynamics

Initial and Boundary Conditions

Initial condition: At the beginning of computation, the

distributions of flow velocity and pressure, etc

t  t0 Vt t0  V0 ( x, y, z ) Pt t0  P0 ( x, y, z )

Boundary condition: Throughout the computation, the control

conditions at the physical and numerical boundaries, e.g.

No-slip boundary for a viscous fluid V0

No-penetration boundary for a inviscid flow Vn  0

Mathematical Behavior of Partial Differential
Equations based on Characteristic Lines

Hyperbolic Type, e.g. u u  2u 2  u

c 0 c
Wave equation t x t 2
x 2

Parabolic Type, e.g. Heat T  2T

 2
conduction equation t x

Elliptic Type, e.g.  2  2

Laplace’s equation  0
x 2 y 2

 Hyperbolic and Parabolic types have a marching direction,

while Elliptic type has no marching direction.
 Different types of equation have different solution methods.
 N-S equations have a mixed behavior and can be simplified
into these model equations under certain conditions
Supporting Readings

Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications

By John David Anderson
Publisher: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0070016852
Chapter 1-3

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics

By Joel H. Ferziger and Milovan Peric
Publisher: Springer Verlag
ISBN: 3540653732
Chapter 1
Shallow Water Equations

Particularly suitable for Environmental Free Surface Flows

with an open space, such as river, lake, estuary, coast……

SWE is based on 3-D N-S equations, by assuming:

 Horizontal scale of flow is much larger than vertical scale
 Pressure distribution is hydrostatic in the vertical direction
 Vertical velocity variation is zero, i.e. no change in vertical velocity
 Integration of 3-D N-S equation along vertical line and introducing
drag force on lower boundary

For more details, search website using: Shallow Water Equation


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