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An anti-lock braking system (ABS) is a safety system that prevents the

wheels on a motor vehicle from locking up (or ceasing to rotate) while
•A rotating road wheel allows the driver to maintain steering control under heavy
braking by preventing a skid and allowing the wheel to continue interacting
tractively with the road surface as directed by driver steering inputs.

•ABS offers improved vehicle control and decreases stopping distances on dry
and especially slippery surfaces for many drivers, but on loose surfaces like
gravel and snow-on-pavement it can slightly increase braking distance, while still
improving vehicle control.

•Since initial widespread use in production cars, anti-lock braking systems have
evolved considerably.

•Recent versions not only prevent wheel lock under braking, but also
electronically control the front-to-rear brake bias.
How does an ABS work?
•The anti-lock brake controller is also known as the CAB (Controller
Anti-lock Brake).

ABS Components

There are four main components to an ABS system:

Speed sensors
Speed Sensors

The anti-lock braking system needs some way of knowing when a wheel is
about to lock up. The speed sensors, which are located at each wheel, or in
some cases in the differential, provide this information.


There is a valve in the brake line of each brake controlled by the ABS. On some
systems, the valve has three positions:

In position one, the valve is open; pressure from the master cylinder is passed
right through to the brake.

In position two, the valve blocks the line, isolating that brake from the master
cylinder. This prevents the pressure from rising further should the driver push
the brake pedal harder.

In position three, the valve releases some of the pressure from the brake.
Since the valve is able to release pressure from the brakes, there has to be some
way to put that pressure back. That is what the pump does; when a valve
reduces the pressure in a line, the pump is there to get the pressure back up.

The controller is an ECU type unit in the car which receives information from
each individual wheel speed sensor, in turn if a wheel looses traction the signal
is sent to the controller, the controller will then limit the brakeforce and
activate the ABS modulator which actuates the braking valves on and off.
•The ECU constantly monitors the rotational speed of each wheel.

•When it detects a wheel rotating significantly slower than the others — a condition
indicative of impending wheel lock — it actuates the valves to reduce hydraulic
pressure to the brake at the affected wheel, thus reducing the braking force on that

•The wheel then turns faster; when the ECU detects it is turning significantly faster
than the others, brake hydraulic pressure to the wheel is increased so the braking
force is reapplied and the wheel slows.

• This process is repeated continuously, and can be detected by the driver via brake
pedal pulsation.

•Some anti-lock system can apply and release braking pressure 16 times per

•The ECU is programmed to disregard differences in wheel rotative speed below a

critical threshold, because when the car is turning, the two wheels towards the
center of the curve turn slower than the outer two. For this same reason, a
differential is used in virtually all roadgoing vehicles.
Fuzzy applied in ABS

 Vehicle dynamics and braking systems are complex and behave strongly
non-linear which causes difficulties in developing a classical controller for

 Fuzzy logic, however facilitates such system designs and improves turning

 The underlying control philosophy takes into consideration wheel

acceleration as well as wheel slip in order to recognize blocking tendencies.
 The knowledge of the actual vehicle velocity is necessary to
calculate wheel slips.

 This is done by means of a good sensor, which weighs the

inputs of a longitudinal acceleration sensor and four wheel
speed sensors.

 If lockup tendency is detected, magnetic valves are switched to

reduce brake pressure.

 Performance evaluation is based both on computer simulations

and an experimental car.
Wheel model

FZ: Wheel load

R: Wheel radius
w: Angular wheel frequency
v: Velocity of wheel center
FL: Longitudinal force
Figure 1
 Calculating the wheel slip by

 the longitudinal wheel force results in

 At the beginning of an uncontrolled full braking, the
operating point starts at s = 0, then rises steeply and
reaches a peak at s = s max.

 After that, the wheel locks within a few milliseconds

because of the declining friction coefficient
characteristic which acts as a positive feedback. At this
moment the wheel force remains constant at the low
level of sliding friction. Steering is not possible any

 Therefore a fast and accurate control system is required

to keep wheel slips within the shaded area shown in
Figure 1.
 Furthermore Figure 2 depicts the hydraulic unit
including main brake cylinder, hydraulic lines and wheel
brake cylinders.

 By means of two magnetic two-way valves each wheel,

braking pressure pi, j is modulated.

 Three discrete conditions are possible: decrease

pressure, hold pressure firm and increase pressure (up
to main brake pressure level only).

 Each valve is hydraulically connected to the main brake

cylinder, to the wheel brake cylinders and to the
CG: Center of gravitiy
ax: Longitudinal acceleration
w i,j: Angular wheel frequency
HU: Hydraulic Unit
pi,j: Wheel brake pressure
i: l=left, r=right
j: f=front, r=rear

Figure 2
 The knowledge of the actual vehicle speed over ground is
vital in order to calculate wheel slips correctly.

 In this approach the speed estimation uses multi sensor

data fusion that means several sensors measure vehicle
speed independently and the estimator decides which
sensor is most reliable.

 Figure 3 represents the schematic structure of the fuzzy

estimator. The signals of the four wheel speed sensors w i,j
are used as well as the signal of the acceleration sensor ax.
Figure 3
 In the data pre-processing block the measured signals
are filtered by a lowpass and the inputs for the fuzzy
estimator are calculated.

 Four wheels slip , and an acceleration value D va are

calculated. The applied formulas are:
 whereby aOffset is a correction value consisting of an
offset and a road slope part. It is derived by
comparing the measured acceleration with the
derivative of the vehicle speed v Fuz.

 v Fuz(k-1) is the estimated velocity of the previous


 A time-delay of T is expressed by the term 1/z.

 The fuzzy estimator itself is divided into two parts.

 The first (Logic 1) determines which wheel sensor is

most reliable, and the second (Logic 2) decides about
the reliability of the integral of the acceleration
sensor, shown in Figure 4.

 This cascade structure is chosen to reduce the

number of rules.
Figure 4
 Starting at block “Logic 1" and “Logic 2" the crisp inputs are
fuzzificated. Figure 5 shows the input-membership-
functions (IMF) with four linguistic values (Negative, Zero,
Positive and Very Positive)

Figure 5
 The rule base consists of 35 rules altogether. To classify the
present driving condition vehicle acceleration is taken into
consideration. This should be explained for three situations:

 D va Positive: Braking situation, all wheels are weighted low

because of wheel slips appearing.

 D va Zero: If wheel speeds tend to constant driving the

acceleration signal is low weighted in order to adjust the

 D va Negative: The experimental car was rearwheel driven

therefore rear wheels are less weighted than front wheels.
Negative Zero Positive

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

ax corrected
Here, three linguistic values are sufficient. The output of
the estimation is derived as a weighted sum of the wheel
measurement plus the integrated and corrected
 The Fuzzy-Controller uses two input values:
 The wheel slip SB:

 Wheel acceleration α:

 with wheel speed vWheel and vehicle speed vFuz, which is given by
the Sensor.
 The input variables are transformed into fuzzy variables slip and dvwheel/dt
by the fuzzification process.

 Both variables use seven linguistic values, the slip variable is described by
the terms

 slip = {zero, very small, too small, smaller than optimum, optimum, too
large, very large}

 and the acceleration dvwheel/dt by

 dvwheel/dt = {negative large, negative medium, negative small, negative

few, zero, positive small, positive large}.
 As a result of two fuzzy variables, each of them having 7 labels,
49 different conditions are possible.

 The rule base is complete that means, all 49 rules are formulated
and all 49 conditions are allowed. These rules create a nonlinear
characteristic surface as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
 Using this characteristic surface, the two fuzzy input values slip
and dvwheel/dt can be mapped to the fuzzy output value pressure.
The labels for this value are:

 pressure = {positive fast, positive slow, zero, negative slow,

negative fast}
 The optimal breaking pressure results from the defuzzification of
the linguistic variable pressure.

 Finally a three-step controller determines the position of the

magnetic valves, whether the pressure should be increased, hold
firm or decreased.
1 Antilock-Braking System and Vehicle Speed
Estimation using Fuzzy Logic
by Ralf Klein
(Paper presented on 1st Embedded Computing Conference,
October 1996, Paris)
2 On Track 2 program by Bosch conducted in
November 2009.

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