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Preparing businessdocumentsrequires a knowledge of the mechanlitof business


Y using the parts of a letter correctly I

V addressingbusinessenvelopes \
Y preparing nlenlos, reports, and proposals li
v forrnlttinpl letters p
v d o c u r n e n t i n gs o u r c c s

Nlechanics, refer to the "technical" aspectsof preparing a document, and they are
desigrred to imllrov.e comrnunication bv setting up clear standordsfor written doc-
unlents. These standards are used consistently throughout the business community.
Appendix I describesthe trusinesswriting mechanics that apply to the lemers,
memos, repor$, and proposals exarnined in this text. \\/e begin by focusing on the
irnportance of document appearance.

Before your readerreadsa single word you havewritten, dre appearanceof your
documenthascommunicateda message. It hastold your readcrhow much careand
concern you have put into your document,and it has testifiedto the profeisional-
ism of your approach.First of all, the appearanceof busines documentsis influ-
enced by paper qualirl' and the accuracyof your word procesing.

Paper qualiry is usually taken for granted-unless it is substandard.Paper that is
ttrnrpri.nt, foo light, colored,or oddly sizedmay acceptablefor business
purpor.r. Here are the basicstandardsthat all businesspapershould meet:

V Weight.Paperis categorizedby the weight of four 500-sheetreamsof let-

ter-iize paper.Most businesses use 2O-poundpaper for correspondence,
reports, and proposals. Stationery used for busines letters may be heav-
ier;Z4-pound paper is common. Lighter paper,espcially if it is transpar-
ent (onion skin falls into this category),is not acceptablefor businessuse'
althoughit may be usedfor file copiesor overseas mail.
y Color.The standardcolor for businesspaperis white, although off-rvhite
stationeryin ivory or gray tonesis alsoacceptable. Unlessthere is a spe-
cial reasonto use thetn, pastels-including grecn, blue, yellow, and
lavender-are generalll'no, appropriatefor businesscorrespondence.
Colored paperis sometimesusedin massmailingpas a way of attracting
V Stzc.The standardsizefor Nonh Americanbusiness stadoneryand paper
is 8l by ll inches.Reports,proposals, and most businesslettersare rvrit-
ren on paperthis size.. Stationen'also comes in two other sizes:

Baronial (used.for 5l by 8i incha

for personal
l{onarch(usedby someexecutives correspondence):
Apprruotx 7i b1'l 0l i nches
Docutue Conon Content.The best stationery has 100-percent cotton content; inex-
pensive paper bond is used primarily for routine mailings and docurnents.
\ / I \ t , . \ 6 /i //r.r.e L tti l ,t,I' t,
i j


as unprofessional' !i i
,a'uscripr errors are red throughyour word
li^es here are in fr;;ri;. ,tr^lghtfort"arcl'Rttn everydocurneni
copy o.fv<lurdocurnentas well'
prrcessor,s spell checfer.Then, p.oof..tcl a hard

Pnrts -------r'-----------r'-- -'--'
as seventeenindividualelements'fu you
Businesslettersmay contain as many letters,
.r.,,,.n$ are includedin ail business
seein Thble r-r, *rrrilJ;;;;;i,h.i.
optional. we have arrangedtheseitems in the order
ten othersmay be .onrid.r.d
in which they appearin trusiness leners'

I I f uI DI iV G .osu-
often consistsof the brsinesslettnhead,
The headingof the businessrerter,which
ally containsthe following elements:
Y the complete legal name of the business ]:
box number
v full sueet addressand/or post office ui

v telePhonenumber nl

logoa.ndmay specifr the department

The letterheadmay alsocontain a business
or divisionto which the lener ,"ri,.. belongs. of letterheads
ro include
ail adffisses'

DII'I'EI-INE -.- ,:-^

^r';;;;;should two-tofou.rlinesbeneath
aPpear *:]:f:*f
of lct-,. :;i::t::'dletd';;:;;;;,r'-"i:;iyi'-:*':::*i:1:i*Jm11'il"'J;
r-a"^i^ii-oir,,,,thedatetine be
should followedbvbenveen
rdence, t ----
accommodates lettersof
^f '|ifforpnt

l.j:fi H.iii'i,r; ,pr..r. The variedspacing

: heav-
msper- en$n' 'rr of the datelinein reference
As *"' s(
you wlll ":::::;";"-;il" ' the position
:e later in this appendix, - ^re
--^ --^i--
using. r-
In G,ll-hln"L
nnd sim-
to the left margin dependson the Imer il fonttat.yov
,gtint' the left riargin; in the modified-
plified formas, the datelin. ,pp.rrr'flu'rtt
i a sp€-:
w, and;
rdence.''' Inble ofoEusinesqlgllgl
l-l tlements
racting Optional Elements
- - - - F - - - -

J paper heading referenceline

re writ- dateline personalor confidentialnotadon

insideaddress attention line

salutation subjectline

middle identificanonline

cornplirnentary enclosurenotation

signarure mailnotation I
copy notauon Bustruess
continuation-Pageheading 559

. ; ,.,.,*l
. '',,i
.. ,

block format, it appearstwo to three charactersPacesto the right of the centerof
the page and is aligned with the complimentaryclose.Another option is to placc
the datelineflush againstthe right margin-

Rri/;/iR/i^'( :ti LI i\'I i

Refermce linesaredesignationsreferring the receiverof a documentto a relevantfile
number or code.If yJur stationerydois not includea printed.referenceline, place
the referenceline rwo lines below the dateline;align.i! itq:_ai*gly_y-ldsl9x 6"ts!
characte-L.of_{e-&ElneJg3,1n, plac-gpgr-rt your
e-f={fi:fgE!F- .liiedry,,en-{9.-upon
-letter codes
aerign"iJfriTeFrence of bothwriterand
for*rt. n*l;fe;;i'iinis
recipient.In this casethe sender'sreferenceline should appearbeforethe recipient's'
refeienceline. Figure I-l featuresdual referencecodes.


When a lener containspersonalor confidentialmaterialintendedonly for the
addressee, the writer ,rru.lly makesa specialnoution on the envclope.The writer
may makea notationin thi letter .r *ell. In letters,the notationPnsonal or Conf''
dentiolappears two linesbelowthe reference line. FgUgwing the notatigtt-ate
four line rpr.., andthenthe insidegd{$ss.Noationsalwap apPear fush left and
maybe-capitaliied oi irnderlined:
',,, P*tl Confidential

The insideaddress, whichidentifiesthe personand"/or companyto whomthe lener
is beingsent,is an obligatorypaft of all business leners. It canbebenreentwo and
twelve"linesafte1th. lL, .i.ggry-d-q!gli"e, reference line, or personalor corifi--
Alica noo,ion-of the lineiTL. *ort common spacirig allowsfour linesbefore
**'-#-* - +
U.ji""ing the inside addreqs.
**---The insideaddress ii alwap single-spaced andappeanin uPPeI:endlower-case
fu a rule,the insideaddress should
l letters.It is positionedflush.gri*ffi; left-margin.
;.-;; ;n,i' than fve lines.-Omitthe recipie-nt's title if ne&ssary to riiiintiin-tlils
TllrCiie'io*eldciirional guidelineifor composingthe insideaddress:

FigureI-I SamPle
Melro Molor CorPorollon -
Codes It50t S. FlguotooStrrcf
Corton, CA 907t16'tl50a t't"
(707)55s-9t92(phon )
(707)555'919t (for) 'l'hc (o.moll)
May21, 199X
:tlt rl
OurrsfennceA8C33221'4 :t si
Docullterurs ..-F-

I addressshould cross over the ccnter 'oint of the pagq' Lines
,,No ln half arrtl iontinued
contarnrng roo many charactcrsshould lle broken
two spaces'
g ,ih._-n.*I11. 3fte1 an indent of
-I'he with the person's courteryritlr, follorvetl
f inside adclressshould bcgin
fry his or her full name. If the recipient's professlmaltitle is short enottgh,
ir'c.n be includecl on the sanre line as the name' For cxamplc:

Ms. AlexandraBcnninglon,Tieasuier
Longer dtles should appear on separate lines. For

Mr. futhur HawleY

Vice President,nd Director of Fluman Resources
the name of his or
V The name of the recipient's colnpany should precede
her departrnent.
v use the company's complete and official name. It is acceptableto abbre-
viate words like (Corp; and Incorporated (*.).
an individual, the inside
When you are addressing a comPany rather than
Y' -';ilr;;r"ttoura
include the name'of the company,the departrnentto which
the letter is being sent' and the company'sfull address'
a company's
V When both a post office box and a sreet addressappearon
to that companyshould usethe postofficebox
letterhead,l.ttlrs addressed
on both the envelopeand insideaddress'
while streets
V Streetsnumberedozethrough nuelueshould be spelledou-t,
I3 tndabove be
shou-i.l wrinen in fuabic For example:
3004 Tenth Avenue
127 42nd Street
directions are
V Use cardinal numbers (14, 15, 16, " ') when compass
part of the Use
adclress' ordinal numbers (l4th, l5th,
included as
reference. For
l6th, ...) whin the numberedstreet makesno compass
3r3 East 30 Street
201 29th Sueet

..t/"/'/t.\'I'lON L/\'Ii
to a companybut directedto
ithe anentionline is used when a letter is adclressed
The purpose of the attention li'e id to pre-
the arrentionof , , indivi<lual.
immediate artention: If the person nanredin the line is not
*"r-a.r.ys and ensure
elsein the company'
,*ilrbl. io , the letter, it will be opened by someone
It always.appcars flush left
The attentionline ,horri,lfollow the insideaddress.
with rinc ,pr..r-L.f,ir. .n,l?i.i. tn
ancrshouldbe set off frorn the other crcnrenrs
forrnitf triple-Splcebeforerrnclaftcr'ihd attention line:
a sin',plifiecl
McDonald's Plaza I
'O ak
B r o o k ,I L 6 0 5 2 1 Bustruess
Attention MargaretO'FIara,Public l{clations Departnrent

. ''.., ' '..'''':

. ,::ir' i r* I r
'i' ',; 'il'.
.L ,l r*,:
'3' . "rt,;;'l;'
";',lr- .:f.i:
. .'t ,'1 $;

:.' r,,
i '1-' ;, ,rr{i i l
The official greeting that appears immediately before the body of the letter, the rslrr-
tiltiurt, follows eidrer thc inside address or the anention line. As you will see later in
this appendix, s'.rlutationsappear il all fenels 3gg-ep--t-$ose usillg the sjmpl!fied f,qlmrt.
In nrost cases,uritcri should double-spa-ce-0.*ine on. bl*k lin.) befoie'and }f
woiilD-car foli6wed by the P"
after thc salutation. Salutation, urrfrily Ggin tidithi
l)ro[)cr form of address for thc recipicnt. The specific saluution that you usc rvill
depend on threc factors: whcther the rccipient of the letter is known or unlmown
to you, rvhether a titlc precc<lcsthe recipientts name, and whether you rrc writing
ro onc or more than one person. The salutationjg a business letter is always fol-
lowecl [r], a c<-,lorrunless tlic u'ritei it uti\g-0.W.^poo@LOpen Puncnration is I .
funcruaiion*iryle in which drcTritcr does not use a colon aher the salutation or a t
.orn,rl. after ihc complirrrentary close. Examples of salutations puncruated with I I
colons follow: tt

Dcar Mr. Vanclli: ,s

Dear Dr. Vanclli:(not Dcar Dr. \tanelli'M.D.) s
Dear LeslieAdams:(genderunknown) I
Dear Customer ServiceManager: (name unknown) ,
Dcar Sir: (name unknown but gender known; a lessprefemedoption) ,.
.: i '
Dear Madam: (name unknown but gender known; a lesspreferredoption) . t' t
Ladies and Gentlemen:(a salutation to a company;a lesspreferredoption)
Dear Mr. Vanelli and Ms. Bloom:
Dear Mr. Vanelli and Mr. Deaver:
Dear Messrs.Vanelli and Deaver: 1
' u
.D"r, Ms. Vanelli and Ms.
Dear Mss. Vanelli and Deaver:(both women are Ms.)
' t
Dcar Dr. and Mrs. Vanelli:(titled husband)
Dear Dr. Vanelli and i\{r. Vanelli: (tided wife)
Dear Drs. Vanelli:(both spousesare tided)
Dear Friends:(group address) d
Dear Stockholders:(group address) u
Dear Employees:(group address) c
Dear Neighbors:(gtoup address) d

The sattjcctline summarizesthe purposeof the letter. ln most formatswriters usea
doublc-spacebeforeand after the subjectline,.lg3glggge !!ank-!inea&er-{e salu-
Jatloh and one blank line before the body of thA lener. In a sinplifiedformat (which
?oei not'-iiclude a saiutation),wriiilrs-triilelspicf6ifottfrI tft.i-ih. subigqqlinc.
subject line begini flu5[-'againstt]re left marginlli *tf U.gin *ith the
word SUB|ECT follorvedby a colon, or it may state the subiectwithout inuoduc-
tion. ernphasize its irnportance,sonlewriters capitalizeall or pan of the subject
line. (In the simplifiedforrnat,the subjectline is usuallycapitalized.) For example:

l)carAIr. L.vcrhartlt:

Apperuotx A N N U A I.S ALISI{E Ii I' IN G
Busrruess J
for Februaryl.
for the annualsalesmeetingscheduletl
IIcrc arc prclirninan'plans
562 I r r c l u d e r li l r c . . .
Dear Mr. I'lverhardt:

SUBJECT:Annual SalesMeeting

Ilere are.prelirninary for Februaryl'

plansfor rhe annualsalcsmcetingschetluled
I n c l u d e da r e . . . .


rThe middleof the letter contains the letter'smessage. It follows.t::lt"oggl.ot ,
' subiectline and is separatedfrom the previouselemint by a 1i1gfe-lin1!p1e' Line
:--.- - --- .1--. _:--L

;." gaph;".d-bafo
ti;-f:;;'*L^ close-
rEtheaoinplimenEfu 11
^^,-^limantanr nlncp

, Prrrgrrph linesare almost alwaysryp.q in single-spaced format. ')
, In the full-block and rirnptin.i formats,paragraphsbegin_flush left. In'the
il moain.a-UIo"f. format, writers may chooseto begin paragraphsflush left or indent
jlx tojgl characterspacesfrom the left \
, . paragraphs.If indented, start paragraphl
r l -


of the lener' It is
The cwnplinancry closeappearsone line space-1fter the middle
,"os€din att lett.r'for-ro,.*..p, the simplified format. It appears flush left in the
modified-block sry19,it appe.ars two to three characterspaces
n fl-lio.f. sryle;in the
rishiof ,h, ..n,.. of the page. The complimentary close is a.lwap aligned
to the
t;ir;;t[.n.r* is flush with the right margin. In
the date, .*..p, *li.n the date
ithat casealign the close direcdy beneaththe inside address'
The first word'of the complimenrarycloseis capitalizedand the last word
Ithe closeis followed by a commr. Not., however,that the comma is omitted when
relationshipwith the reader,the close
,.,usingopen puncruador,.Depending on your
used closesin businessletters are
:i[, ts"?o#rr or informa!. the r6rt commonly
;rtltOr. in the "Less Formal" categoryof the following examplecloses:

' ,,'. For'rrrnl

'i qt,yours'

Itss Fonnat
SincerelY, :
CordiallY Yours'

Least Fonul
Best wishes,
Ilest regards,
Kindest regards,

SIGNATURE Bustrursso
closc' The Docuurrurs
The letter writer's signatureappearsdirectly under the cornplimentary
rhen"typed belo* the signamre-usually fogr line spaces after the
writer,s neme is
close. fth.n the letterhead does not include the rvriter's'business '{ 563
ri,l;,. ,. i

title, a sccorrdtine rnly alsobc addedto includethis information.In all letter styles,ggB.
'rFrt tlie gypeclnanri-anclii,l" ;r.. aligneclclirectlybelow the cornfliinenteiy'cltis6."Tor (Jr:


Ql,ce 0. 4ro/n,,
Alicc l). I;clttotr
\ 4 c c I ) r e s r t l c r r t ,l { c c r t r i t i n g

sigrrature blocks clo not include courtesy titles such as IVIs.,Mrs., Mr,
and Miss. An c.rccptir>n, horvcver, can llc nrade when the titlc is needed to clari$r MA.
gerrclcr(Mr l;rm Ban'onor Ms. Bilty Dian,on\.In businessthe preferredtitle for : Ant
*.r,rl",r is I4.i. unlessthe signer indicatesMissor Mn.
titlc is assurned i thel
n If thc writer'sletterheaddoesnot identify the nameof his or her company,the i For
| .onlprny name should bc typed in capital letters rwo lines below dre complimen-
I ,rry closc.Iiour lines below dris is the qped signahrre.For
l, 5tncercl\'.

loaallarl / ?'Bo,;a-

JonathanJ. O'Brian
\tce President

If sorneone signs the letter for the writer-administrative assistantsoften do

this for their employers-that person should place his or her orvn initials just below
and to the right of the signature.
The identifuationline indicateswho wrote the letter and who typed it. This optional cot
element is typed two lines below the signatureblock and flush againstthe left mar- c0fr
gin. When a-personalsignarureis shown in the signarurebloclq the nriter's initials sur
ire optional. indeed, the most common practicetoday is to omit the writer'sinitials. on
If the writer's and rypist'sinitials are used, the writer's initials usuallyappear Cat
in capitalletters,the typist'sinitials in lower-case.The two setsof initialsare sepa- wh
rated by a colon. If only the typist'sinitials are included,they are typedin lower- mc
casc.For example: col

I iN ( :I,OS( IRIi N 0' I)11'I0 N

If an enctosurcis includcdwith the letter, its presenccshouldbe indicatedirnmedi-
to write this
atcly after the identificarionline or thc signatureline. It is acceptable
notatiotr in anv of the followingways:


ApprNotx Illii
Bustness 'l'hc
Docuurrurs nor;rtion ntav als<ltcll tlrc rcadcr solncthing about the cncloscd.Filr cxattrplc:

trvo clrccks
y€, C)r:

l. conract
2' rnectingagenda
of itenls enclosetl:
may simply indicate the nurnber
Alternately, the notadon

3 enclosures

the enclosurenoration. This enrry
[, mair not'tionmay appear after that is of interestto the recipicnt'
*;; ;;;;""t"
the letter was mailed in a special
For examPle:,


used mail notations:
Here are some other commonly

BY messenger
Bv Federal ExPress
Bi United Parcel Service '
fyfax . '
; copies and added to file coPies'
rr Mail'notadons are frequently left off original

whom a letter is addressed is not the only personrecelvrge
often, the personto individuals other thanthe addressec' a
.r. ;;;;"
copyof the letter.Wh;;;"pi., flushleftafterthe endo-
copynototimrry o.'riil*!a; end.This notationapPears
,...iu.'.opies, the n3mesares*&ed
sureandmailnotations.wher, ,*.ri;;.0]. tht' nttt: list to indi-
pfJ." cf,ectmarks
on top of_one.n",t.i. iufrny*rit"r, h-,t. pas, most
catewhich,copygoesto which.indiffi;. fu--o:t:t::sses makecarboncopiesany-
which starrdwforq;;b"" *py"'.Btttu" to&y's
to copy notationthat accuratelyreflects
more, many firms t r". ,*i,.lr.d
copying technology. . | ,-r^ :- -orraral'r'wq.
made in several w8|s'
The copy n6tation can be

* CoPY to
di- c:
his pct (standsfor "PhotocoPY")
lines and
various combinations of identification
The following examples show
enclosure, mail, and coPY


l. check I
,le: 2. conuact BustHrss
By FederalExPress
c: John'McCoY
, l ' :!. r .!


Copy to Ann Hastings



Oopiesto: Carolpr Millcr


Sonretirnescopies of a document are disuibuted to people whose names are

not listed on the original document. Blind copiesare copies sent to individuals n'ith-
out the knowledge of the addressee.The initials &cshould appear on both the copy
of the letter sent to the blind-copy recipient and the file copy. The notadon must
?t\t ^ppelr on the copy sent to the addressee.
Regardlessof format, all notations, including the enclosure notation, mail nota-
tion, and copy notation, appear flush left. Double- or single-spacingmay be used
benveen notation items. Double-spacing is generally preferred.

Some letters end with postsoipts-afterthoughtsabout subjectsessentiallyunreleted
to the rnain topic of the lettersthemselves.Posecriptsshould not containcomments
directly relatedto the topic of the lener: Relegationof relevantmaterialto a post-
script may be perceivedas an indication of a poorly organizeddocument.
A single posscript beginswith the initials PS. If a secondpostscriptis neces-
sary use the initials PPS. All postscriptsshould end with the ryped initials of the
writer. For example:
P.S.The budgetmeetinghrs beenrescheduledto May l. MRB
Call me nextweekto ulk aboutthe Andersondeal.MRB


Long lenersrequirecontinuatinn sheets-blanlgquality stationeryusedfor secondend
all subsequentpagesof the lener. Each continuation page includesa headingwith
the addresseetname,the'date,and page number. This information is usuallypldced
flush againstthe left margin, with each item starting a new line. Unlessthe letter is
in block format, the continuadon-pageheading may also be spreadout on a single
l i n c . F o r e x a m pl e:
Ap ri l 1 4 ,l 99X


April 14, 199X,page2

O r:

Ildith Sakura April 1,+,l99X page2

I The continuationaageheadingshould appeartwo to six linesfrom $e top of
Busrnrss the pirgeand at leastwo line spacesshould be allowedbeforeresumingthe body
0ocur'leHrs of the lctter.


First impressionsare fclrmednot rvhen vour recipient llegirrsreaclingvour lettcr, but
rvhen he or she receivesthe envelope containing it, Tb lnake thc best impression,
be sure that your envelopelooks professional.rvith every elernentcorrectly forrnat-
ted in its proper place.
U.S. Postal Service reconunends the follorving sn'lc fr;r the varigus ele-
re m e n t s o f t h e e n v e l o p e .U n l e s so t h e n v i s ei n c l i c a t e da, l l l i n e s s h o u l d b e s i n g l e - s p a c e d .
v Place the addressblock, rvritten in lll capital lerrers, in the approximate
tst vertical and horizontal center of the envelope.
v The addressee's name appearson the first line. If there is space,include
a- the person'stitle on that line as well, using a comma ro separatethe name
:d and tide. Place long titles on the second addressline.
v The company name comes next, followed by the conrplere street address
or post office box nunrber.
V The last line of the addressblock showsthe ciry and the nvo-letterstate
:d abbreviation. Use a cornnlato separatethe city and state.Nlow rwo spaces
itS after the stateabbreviation,then add the ZIP code.fu a generalrule, the
rt- envelopeshouldbe adclressed in the samemannerasthe insideaddress on
the letter itself.
s- Follow the samepatrern for the rerurn address,which is placedin the
1e upper-left corner of the envelope.Unlike the addressblock, the rerurn
addressneednot appearin all capitals. Most companies imprint the busi-
nessnameon their envelopes, and writersneed only add their own names.
V Place deliverynorations-for example,SPECIAL DELIVERY or F/RST
Crlss-in all capirallettersseverallines below the posragearea.
Placeforwardingand rerurn-postage notarionsflush againstthe left nrar-
rd gin of the envelope,about rrvo or three lines belorvthe renlrn address.
rh These notationsshould be to the left of and abovethe addressblock.
:d v Place confiCentialor personal notarjons in the bottom-left corner of the
is envelope.
FigrrreI-2 shows how theseelemcnts are nrrangeclon the cnvelopc's[ace.The nrodel
sh<rwnis for a standardNo. l0 businessenvelope. Fign'e I-2 Elementson

-l ltttr' .r'l,,ttt:'
litttt lrtlt --
Cynthla Deal
Antlques and CollecUbtcs,Inc.
255 Flrst Straet
Los Angeles, CA 9005$5678
i lttt( ,1,,r,Ls f)rtnt t'(lut't,l

- : _l . / : t u r l , r . . t( l i t t t I \ t l l _ _ - - _ _ . }IS. AGATHA CAPILLO. PRESIDENT

of | 1 1 tl ) o l r l r t l ti r r t t l 1 i t r i l ' r , JONES & CAPELLO DBCORATORS

Jt' l ) ' , , r i tl r l ' t L t l . q t cHICAGO. IL 60611-1234

.l i / i t t t . \ ' l t / t ( (r. rt l , o l t , r t r , l PBRSONAL AlrD CONFIDBNTIAL

i t',\'--j11,'1, lrt ltollutrt tt/rrt rint
itr lrusinesslefters,they print lllenro{ontrs
Justascoprplniesprint stationeryfor usc
for iptelral 1sc.I{crnos conle iri varioussizes and may evenincludetear-offforms'
In sor.rccasesthc comllany'.s rcturn adclrcss is printedat the top of thc tttettlo.Just
rnav bc tlrc printcd title I4EMO or lt4ENIoRAl{DUA4'
:rl)or,c'r 6cl6rvrhc aclilrcs.s

/llli7.\ ol: .I .\lliMo

yer''s urc sirnltlerthan lettersand inclu<jefewer elements.Unlike a letter, for
exarnple, , ,r',.,r- hasno insidearldress, complinrentary close,9l:igtltPre.line--In
acl6ition, nrany nrernos arc not signecl; instcad, wrllers $ay gimplyinitial their tyllcd
dtel;r-orngmidetr.ea-d-ing,_]yhich is described next....
Man' *cn"rosbegin with four"hll-i,',-th.-blanklineii n,'Fror,, Date,and Srr/'-
'fhesc lseailings, rnay be arrangedon the page in different
jrcr. , Er grtide
'Ii'o in Iigure i-1. Rttttoughmany companiesinclud.e
\{,ays. exanrplcs are
gui,l. 6eaclipgs on printcd memo forris, others expectwritersto type in the head-
Allo*, nyo ro three line spacesafter tl'relast guide headingbeforebeginning
paragraphs placed flush againstthe left mar-
menrobodi,,rvhichconsistsof single-spaced
grn.A line spaceapp€ars benueerier.hprt gttph. Sorn. memoforms includethe word
memo about
IIESSAGETR.T,hiprinted headings.fn ,ttit case,beginthebody !f lout
T*o-pr. ,nJrrrge fonns may include the tides MESS'4GE and
three lines belo*. thai.
headinp shonld guide the placement of information in the document'
kEpLI: These
To help readers"scan docirmentsfor vital information,many u'riters incorpo-
a mat-
rateheadingiin,o their menros.Although the style of your headingsis largely
in creating h-eadings throughout your d'cument'
ter of prcfJr.n.e, be consistent
Here, fo. .*rtple, is one way to style memo headings'
y Capiulize and center;useupper- and lower-caseletters'
hirrar-y-lnel hendings.
v Srrouiory-lnelhendings. Underline and placeflush aghinstthe left rnargin'
V Third-teuetlteadings.Indent paragraph headingsif yo11 paragrapht 3l'
ildented;oth..*ii., begin tre.ain[s at the left margin.The headingis fol-
to**'.aby a period and ,pr..s; the openingsentenceof the paragraph 0rnr
on the same line as the heading' r-rE

The sameheadingsrylescan be usedin reportsand proposals.. Art

Set off prinia.y- and secondary-level headingsfT* $..b"d): of your t tno b{ abr
If the body of
double-spa.irig ti.rJing one blank iine) befor" tnd afterthe heading. f'ess
a page long, use continuation sheets.Continuati\n-page bead- ingr
vour memo islncrretha-n
should follo*-the sa-nte style as that suggested for blsiness letters.
itrgsin nlernos
wirh notarionsiik" thot. usedin standardbusinessletters'
. Man1,memosclose left margin,
t'l /,
Notarionsshouldbe placedat the end of the memo, flush againstthe
with or without line spaces beween each item' Un
Because thereis no signatureblock in a memo,notationsbegin eithertwo lincs
handwrimeninitials' ' 2t
after the lastline of dre *.,i.o bodi' or two lines after the sender's.
appear at the lronom of tt'e noutions, indicating lvlro receives
A <listributionlist mav
people listed at the head of the metno fornr. For examplc:
rhe r'enro in addiuon',u',i.
Anna Serrell
l'Iay Allrrisht
a -

w. Societyof ManufacturingEngineers
Societyof ManufacturingEngineers
OneSMEDrive' Dearborn, Ml 48128
OneSMEOrive' Dearborn'
Ml 481281
(313)555-1695 (fax)' 36t6*t''com (e'mail)
' (313) (fax)'arne@xxx'com
555'1696 (e-mait)l
lL To:
To: Date:
n '' l '' ' Subject:
From: (:, nii '^!i' - "
9nt From:
rd- Subiect:

)o- ,rnv

ers. Headings
FigureI-3 MemoGuide
nronths to researchand rvrite can still nlake
A report or proposal that takes wccks or
by doctttttentis sloppy or inconsistent'A pro-
a bad impression if the appearanceof thc
, of. ,n.l .u,,ett use of margins' heacl-
fessional ,pp"rrrrr.. .o,r',., fronr the consistcnt
ings, line spacing, and page nttttrbcrs'
iltr, in thc bocly 9f a rel)ort should be I ipcl'r
Unless your report is bguntl' lll ttrrtrgins
or fl section. T'h"rt pllge reqtrircs a 2- ttl
nes rvide, except for the first pagc of ,r c6',rptcr
ials. 2l -inch top rnnrgin'
is in thc 6i'ding 'rocess' As "'r
ifir If binding is usctl, :rllout i inch of prr'cr
ple: result, margins rnust be rrtljustctlfirr thc
v Top-bortnd: In top-botttrclttt:ttrttscripts' lclve r r l ] - i n c h t r t a r p g i n t h e t o p o f
or sectiott.r\fter binding, thc
aa.l', p.g. exceptthe first p''rgc of :r chrrptcr-lir
ensrrreth'.rta 2- or 2!-inch nrar- tuilishow I inclr of toll tttrtrqittsllrrcc' I
2J to l-inch ttt:rrgin for the first
gin t"ntrins aftcr the bintlirtg, 'tllou' rr Bustltess
page of a clrapter or il scctlotl' DOCUtr,ttrufS
a I l - i n c h l c f t r n a r g i r rs o t h a t a
Y Left-Bormd:In lcft-lr<ltttttlttrrtntlscrll)ts'
l-inch margin rctnirinsafter bintling'
Likc thosc itt lcttcrs nncl rnernos, thc hcarlingsin rcprlrts ancl pnlposrls rnust lrc
lllanncclin advanccand rtrust be irnplcnrentcclconsistently.I{eadings shoul<lalso usc
p:rrallclstrurcftre.You can use any clcirr and rersonablc hcading systcnl,lrut rcrncrn-
bcr that yclu havc onc g<lal in rnind: to nukc infrlnnation casy to fincl. /
on rh
I.INE SI",ICII\,IG letter:
I)cpcnding ul)orl citltcr yorlr pcrsonal prcfcrenceor the choscn srvle of X)ur orga- perso
nization, your report or prol)osal can bc single- or double-spacccl.
Illore cotlttllon. In double-spaceddocunrenls,I)aragraphsarc indcnted fivc spaces;in FUL]
singlc-spaccdclocurncnts,paragraphs usually begin flush lcft and arc scparatedfrorrr Every
onc anothcr by single line spaces. left n
Prollcr spacing around primary', secondary and paragraph headings nrakes graph
thcm ttrore lloticeallle-and more effective.Here are some gcncral guidelines fcrr
spacingarouncl hcadings: NIOL
Y Ti'iple-spacebefore and after llrirnaryheadings.
'lriple-space choot
Y before secondaryhcadings;double-spaceaftcr secondary five t
Do not add any extra line spacingbeforeor after paragraphheadings. Iine,
\A/hereas quotations of fewer than four lines generally are incorporated into
-fhey Thesr
the tcxt, quotations longer than four lines rre typically set apart frorn the rexr.
appear below the regular text and are indented five to ten spacesfrorn both thc left
all th
and right margins. When the text is doubfe-spaced,the excerpt is generallv single-
spaced. In addition, at least one blank space is added above and one blank space
bclow the excerpt to separate it further from the regular text.

*f. SIM)
two f
Obviously,page numbers are crucial in long reports and proposals.Placement
dependson whetheryour documentis left-boundor top-bound.

V Left-boand.Page numbers are uzuallyryped at the top right of the page,

approximatelyl inch from the top edge and I inch from the right edge;
alternately,they can be centeredl inch from the top edge of the page.
The first pageof the report texghowever,is unnumbercd.
v Tbp-ltound. Becausetop bindingrnakesnumbersat the top right of rhepage
clifficult to read, they are usuallycenteredat the bottonr of the prg., l
inch from the bottom edge. All li
'fhe grapt
front nratterof reportsand propsals is numberedwith lower-case Roman
nunrcrals(ii, iii, iu, and so on). Although the title pageis technicallythe lirst page knorv
of the front nratter,it remainsunnunrbcred. Sinrilarly,the letter of ransmittalis ci{ic
c<rnsidcrcrlpagcii, but the page is olien missingbecause it is consiclerctl
a lcttcr "f)ea
rrlther thun tcxt rnaterial.The acrualpagenumberingbeginsafter the tallleof con- struc
tcnts,rvhichis oftenpageiii of thc front metter.fuabic nurnbersllcgin u'ith thc {irst
pagcof report text.
Busrrurss Pascnunrbersshouldstandaloneandshouldnot l)c set<lffbv clashcs.
thcscs,or llcriods
paren- Ioc
570 must
1'hefonnnf of a letterrefersto the rvayin which the elcrncntso[ a lcttcr :rrcplacctl
on thc page-for example,whethcrparrgrallhsarc indcrrtctllnrl rvlrcreto lllaccthc
dateline,insideaddress, and salutation. rlifferentfbrrnirtsarc rrsctlin ltusilress
lemers:rhefull bloch,modifedhlock,andsimpliJierl. Your choice of frrrrrrattlepcnrlson
personalpreferenceand on the sryleaclopte<l by your orgnnizrrtion. {
Everyline in a full-blockformat-fronr the clatelineto the postscript-beginsat the ,{
left margin. Paragraphsare single-spacecl,and a double spaceseparatesone para-
graph frorn andther.Figure I-4 depictsa lettcr in full-block forrnat. i
Unlike the full-block sryle,writers using the modified-blocksryle may or may not {
chooseto indent paragraphs. If paragraphs are indented,writers shouldindent thern r{
five to ten characterspaces. i
Also in contrast to the full-block style, the position of the dateline,reference
| **l'

line, complimentaryclose,and signarureblock are not flush left. Instead,they are il

usuallytfped two to three characterspacesto the right of the center of the page. 't;
These elementsmay also be placedflush againstthe right rnargin or sorliewhere
betweenthe right margin and the centerof the page.fu you can seein Figure I-5, rl
all the other letter elementsare placedflush againstthe left margin, and the para- I

graphsare not indented.Figure I-6 showsa sampleletter in modified-blockformat it

with indented paragraphs.

Lettersusinga simplifiedformat look somewhatdifferentthan lettersusingthe other
two formats.There are three main differences:

V the absenceof a salutationand cornplinrentaryclose

V the inclusionof a subjectline in every letter; rfped in all capital letters,
the subjectline appearsthreelinesbelow the insideaddrcssand three lines
abovethe middle of the lemer
V the signatureline appearsfive lines below the nriddleof the letter because
there is no complirnentary close; often, the writer's narne and title are
ryped in all capitalletters
All lines-in this format are ryped flush againstthe left margin; thcre are no para-
graph indentatjons.
The simplified-letter format enatrlesyou to address the reaclerwhen you don't
know who the reader is. For example, whcn writing to a corrlpany rather than a spe-
cific individual, elirninating the salutirtionenablcs you to avoid stilted openings likc
"Dear Customer Service Representativc." sarnlllc lcttcr in Iiipjrre I-7 is con-
structed in a simplified format.

VVh.r, your report or proposal relies on secondary sources for information, you PReplnrrvc
must acknowledgethese sources.You can rnake your acknowledgment either by Docuurrurs

'123 BlngAvenue
( 7 1 4 ) 5 5 5 - 7 1 1 3( P h o n o )
( 7 1 4 ) s 5 s - 7 1 1 4( l o x ) (e'moU)

All tl:c t'luttutts in t Jilll- l{arch 22, l99X I

blockJinnt t btqin,fl uslt
llr. Sanuel Jenkina tt
rtQninsttl.tclr.1irtrrtrgitt' tfestern States Bank & Trust
tl I
1000 Hicheleon Drlve
Allozt,nl lutst nto to Jbur Irvlne. CA 92730
nl,oL't'nnl ltclozu
linc sltrrct's
Dear San:
thc datt. Iirucl sPntina
o:r your promotlon to erccut{vc vlcc
dcpmds on tbc lmutlr of thc Congratulltlone
I ea dcllghted' but not
prefldent ln charge of real aatrte'
lettcr T-bezw'itcr limits aurprleed. by your auccesa. l l c g t e r n S t a t c a h a d the good

thc insidc ndth'cssto four' senae to cholal thc rogt quallfied Porton for thc Job' I)
lincs lty climiutting o Callneonceyougetrettled.lJe'llhavclunchanddigcusg
for both our
sel)ariltcline Jin' tlte leveral deala that look llke opportunltlcr n,
ndtlrcssec'stitle il.
C or d l a l 1 Y Ir
6//rff" lt,
Jeanette FtllPPc
lrecutlvc Presl'dent




FigureI-4 SamPle Fc
Letter: Format
Full-Block In
inserting parentheticalreferenceswithin your text or by footnoting.or endnoting
you, ..F.i"nce material. Footnoresand endnotescan also add meaningby M
should appear at the end of your
ing adclitionalcommentary.Complete sourcelists p2
document. pt
at which
ParentheticalrcferencesspeciStfor readersthe points in a document
summarized' They also give re'rders
rnatcrial has becn quot.d, prraphrased,or N
fully cited listed
sources at the cncl of your
cnoush inforrnation'tofincl'rp..ifi., th
tlocurncnt ap
wrinen in
Both parentheticalrcferencesand concludingsourcelists are usually
Apprruotx sgles: the ML4 developed
style, by the Modern I'anguage re
one of rwo {ocumentation
PnrpeRtruc Asocia-
Docul.ttrrurs fusociation; and the APA stylc,developedby the American |tfthgtoqcal Fc
wbrks cited; in Al'A
tit-rrr.In MLA style the end-of-docum;nt source list is called
572 sn'le it is calledRcfcrenccs.
I'1.,rI t t r, tuttrpl i tttctt lrtr'.1'
{',tt tt,l si uttrtI ttt'c ltlocA'
rrrc phrul tu tltc rialtt o.l'
tltc cctttt'r'of'rlrt pttttc

I't m urupl.,strrc t.yped

fluslt tgrrinst rbeIcJt
mnrei tr. Si tt ale-sptcirrtt is
usul zritl.,irrrrprtrtrutupls,
doulil c-s1s
ttt'i n,qlrctzu

r,,,, ri rrrt iotr rrnl
l'll a i 11
t'tt t'lostt t'c t t ot rtt io tt rtt'c
t lttys t.y,
ltul .l/ usb ltJi

FigureI-5 Sample

MLA Srn r In MLA style parentheticalreferencesincludethe author'snameand

page number after the materialrequiring documentation.In its simplestform, the
parentheticalreferencelooks like this:

Men and women often suffer from cross-culrural (Thnnenl4).


Notice that the author's name and the page nunlber are enclosedin parenthesesand
that the reference includes no internal puncfuation. Note also that the reference
appears before the puncruadon that ends the sentence.
When the author's name is used in the documented sentence, you need not
repeat it in the parenthetical reference, which will include only the page number. Apperuorx
For example: PnrpnRruo
According to Deborah Tannen, men and women often mffer from a form of cross-
cultural communication (14). 573
Lark and Loltlsh CorPoratlon
56 Denvllle Road
Nashua. Nll ()3()6()
(603) 555-7 I l5 Plrone
(603) 555'71lO fax e-mnll

Aptl I 1, 199X

Tltc dttcline, Mr. Sven Seligson

Amedcan Cancer Soclety
coaryli?n ond
ctttnrTclose, 4 Mandesia Strset
Nashua, NH 03060
thc rigltt of thecentcrof tbc Dear Mr. Sallgaon:
page. Pnragrnpbsare There ls no morc worthwhlle charltable oqanlzetlon In our communlty than tho Ii
indentedfue to tan Amerlcan Cancer Soclety. t am honored by ycr lnvltatlon to lpeak at your annual
banquet neri month.
characterspaces. It
Parag'aphsare single- My membershlp on several corporate bodt phcet a gt€at many demands on (l
my tlmi, and n€rt month ls my bualest travel dod. Regcttably' becauge of
spaced with double+pacing prevlous commlbnentr, I wlll not be able to acopt your lnvltstlon. II

between paragraphs.
la thers another Amerlcan Cancer SocletTfunctlon at wttlch I can rpeak? I
have encloged open dates In my achedule onr lhe nsxt three months.

Call me after you have looked at the achcdule. I look fonvard to the
opportunlty to epeak belora an organlzauon arworthwhlle a8 your own.


Chld ExecutlveOfflcer ,l
lr .f/

Enclosurs ((

FigureI-6 SamPle
Format withParagraph

Referencesto works written by ruo mthors cite both names (oined by and) and
the pagenumber. When the source has too or threeauthors,all the namesare cited
in the ieference.\4rhen a work hasmoretfun tlme oathors,use the first author'sname
plus the Latin abbreviation et al, For examPle: v.
Culruraldifferencesin the workplacemustnot be takenfor granted;theymustbe
rnanaged (FlarrisandMoran 3).
Adjustment lenersshouldavoidemphasizing in the
the negativesiruationdescribed
originalcomplaintletter,but shouldfoarson the actionsbeingtakento correctthe
situation(Brusarvet al. 23). sl
If you must cite nDQ0r riore worksby the sarneoutbn4youl parentheticalrefer- rl
Apprruotx encesmust differenriateberweenthe worla. Do this by providing the author'slast
PnepnRrrue name,a shortenedtitle of the worlq and pagenumbers.For example:
I ll) I
ffannen, Understand
(fannen,Contersational StYle89) u
. I ll tlrrtrL'ul.t tt ltlttrrt' f/ trtlt
, t q ( t i t t i l t l , c l t ' l t t t t t t t ' . \t t

Ittstrttl of't stluturtiott,rt

,^xltfrt linc i.rrrll upitnl
lcttt't'slitllous tltc irrsidt
t I I rtss.'I i'ipIc-sprr
9:. tnl tlirr thcsullrctlinr


' ' t' 1t.1'' il

iii:; .- 4n;
lt'llcr contninsa
.! .:l>l
' '":-.;i.
: "'5ri
. si{truttrreblock irt tll
" { mpittl lfit(r's but no
.l r
tottrpl it trt'rtI ur1 d osa

FigureI-7 SamPle

end .Notice, by the way, that a comma separetesthe author's name and the tide and
ited that the title is either italicized or underlined.
n$e If the author of the work is a corporation or other organization, and if no indi-
vidual author is cited, use the organization's name in your parenthetical reference.
For example:
(Xerox Corp. 57)

When no author, indiviclual or corporate, is citedr /our parenthetical reference

should use the title of the u,ork itself or an abbreviated version of that title. The
ab[reviatccl title sh<lul<lstart with thc rvord by u'hich the rvork is alphabetizedin
the \\ilrk Cited list at the cnd of t'our clocument.For example: I
Hcre the titlc is italiciz.erl(or untlerlincd) bccauscit is a book. \\'hen citing articles.
use quotation marks. 575

lill s
are tirnes, of course, when nrore than one sourcc rvill contribute to an 1l C
iclerrcirccl in vour clocurnent.In this casc both sources(separatedby a semicolon) :,, /
shoulcl bc incluclcclin your parentheticalreference:
(-Fannen167;Ilaron 6'l) I

\,Vhcn your source cites another source, the names of both authors should be
ntentioned in your parenthetical reference.For example:

( G i l l i g a nq t d . i n T h n n e nl l 3 )

In this citation, the abbreviation qtd. tells the reader that Deborah Tlnnen's book
includes a quote by Carol Gilligan rnd that the source list at the back of the docu-
ment includes an entry under Thnnen's name.
Always place parenthetical reftrences immediately after quoted material, even
if the quote ends in the middle of a sentence.For example:

According to Deborah tnnen, "For most women, the languageof conversationis

primarily a languageof rapport" (77) to establishconnectionsand form relation-

If the quote ends the sentence, place the parenthetical reference immediately after
the quoted material, but before the closing period. For instance:

"For most women, the languageof conversationis primarily a languageof rapport"

flannen 77).

This format gives the reader enough information to locate the source of the quote
in your Worla Cited list.

APA Sryr-r, In APA style parentheticalreferencesalso point the reader to the full
citation at the end of your documenLThe purpose,then, is the sameasthat of MLA
sryle; it is format that differs.
First, APA referencesdistinguishbeween quotedmaterialon the one hand and t,
paraphrasedor summarized material on the other. When citing quotedmaterial, lr
include the author'sname, the year of the work's publication,od page nurnber(s),
rvhich should be inuoduced with p, for one page andpp, for wo or more pages.For
1990,p. 101)

Notice that commasseparateeach elementand that a period is used afterp:

Referencesto poraphrased or ntmmarizedmaterialmay or may not includepage
numbers;as a rule, the writer may decidewhetheror not the readeris likely to need
the exactlocationof the cited material.
Although the samebasicrules govern both MLA and APA citations,there are
a few notervorthyrequirementsin APA style:

v If you mention a work more than once,the full parentheticalreferenceis

usedthe first time; all subaequent includeonly authorand page
v !\hen citing worla written in the sameyear by the same author, alpha-
betize the works in your Referenceslist and then assigna letter to each
I work (a, b, c, and so on); thesesamelettersshould then appearin your
Busrrurss parenrheticalreferencesas a meansof distinguishingamong the author's
DoculvrErurs variousworla. For example:

576 (lannen,1990a,
P.39) lt
. 1 ., ' h

srylc,-it is irnportentto use your chosetr

whether you chooseMl,A or APA
and in the s.urce list at thc
both in your 'arcntheticafrefcrctrccs
swle consistently,
citation stylcs'
;;{d";Gr,, ao.un''tnt' l)o not urix
I ; O O ' l' N o ' t' l i A\tD l i ,\' l )' \' o ' l ri R I:' ttl ;' ,R /i ' N (l /i ' s r'cthotl' lrr
to thc llrrrcntrrcticat-reference
Iiootnotesand enrrnotcsare nrternativcs on which citecltnrrtc-
tl'tt bottom of thc Pagc
footnotcs,cortrltlctcsourccslll)pcrlr., ''i"'til"t c<xlrdin:rtcstltc tcxt
ir',tlic nrr,r.,,rf a r:risctl r\rrrbic
ri:rl allllcarr.n .rra,.rr.r'4,t by page' chaPtcr' or
l;.r,rt,'t,ltcs are ntttttllerctl sctlucntially
rcfcrcnceto the f.r.rt,',,rtc. are listeclat tltc
in c', .*."1ri th:'t sources
rloctrnrent.The sa'rc sysrcl' is uscrl
cn<l of thc work as a whole'
."a tf eachchaptt' nt thc
ancr cntrrotes nray perforrn two.clifferc't fi,r'ctions.Iixpranntorl'
Both footnotes
or explainstl'ret'ain point made in the
rotcsincludeco"nent'rry th.t ,uppit'ltino of the docu-
,r-,ry'^i,o.ttu"-itfercncc other parts
text itself. Explanatoryfootnot.,
establishthe sourcesfor quoted,paraphrasecl,
rnent or otrrersources.Refu-cuce,otr.i
or summarizedmaterial"
Use the following grridclirres to irrcluclenote numbersin your document:
is' a litde abovethe linc
1. The nurnbershouldappcaras superscrillt-that
of words'
as pos.sibleto the text to which it
2. The numbcr shoulclappearas close
refers,but after any acconrpanying
3 . O n e s p a c e s l r o u | c l f o l l o w t h e n u n l b e r w h e n i t a p p eaanew
r s i nsentence'
number is followedb
,.rr,.n."i-u;"-;; spaceswhen the
endnote numbers,or parentheticalrefer-
whether you use foomote numbers,
rvith rJtcsotrce'ristin which you collect
ences,your citati*, nrur, be coordinated examine
have used in your docUment'We will
referencesto the materialthat you
these sourcelists next' r,,.

references are coorcrinated with a rist of sourcesthat
Both parentheticar a'd er.rdnote
att. tources for footnotes are found at the bot-
appearsat the end of your.docut'.,.ni, the source list as WorksCited;
sryle refers to
tom of pages.e, *" not.d earlier,MLA your list Notes'
in ApA sryle, i, ;;ii;- nrsy*1ii \Arhenyou 'all use endnotes'label
rhesourcesactually cited in your doc-
In eachcaseyour list should contain quoution' paraphrase'
do not cite it in a
ument. If you .onJult a sourcebut "ru'lly
it in your so11c1-]ist'
or summery you need not include arrengedalphabeti-
your sourcelist shouldbegin on a new page,with enuies
\lhen ,n *,In, is not named on a work' alpha-
cally.according,o ,.*t,o.r, namis.
the title (Tle' A' andAn erenot con-
ffi#;; ."6' ;t ,i* n*, tignificantword of
Raferenccs, anclMrr's'
\A/<lnxs(]l'l.t,t; I,ls.t.
MLA Docultl,N.IXl.l()NS.t.t.t,t,:
rrutrr.r,titrc, rr'tl 1;trrllication infonrati.n ('lrrce
Books citati<lnstor rr''ks i'cr'trc l )\' ' r
rrn tltl a tc,,f 1r,,l ,l i .,,ti ' rr)'l l ' ' l cl rcl crl tcnri s scl )l l rrte(l
, . I llu l l l i c a ti o nPu
, l l l i s h e r, a.e c:r'italiz'ctl' \4/lrerr t'c s'ttrcc
All rrl'.ri.rtr,,r,l, ,f'tlrc titlc ApprltotxI
llcri,cl rlrltlr*,. sl)..lccs. ti r., l ' l srrshl cft a' tl l l l fi tl l ' * ' i rrgl i rrcs
ri r.,.l l l )r)c1rt' Bustrurss
r c t lt r i rc s .ro rc ,,.,' r,.,,,,.,.i rrc trrc
, Pnrpnntnc
I"or t:x''tlttplc: rutS
rrrcintlcntctllive sl)1lccs'
Ilarris,lrhilipl{.,rrrrtlliobcrt'1.}l'rr':rrt"\ltttttt,qitt'q("rthtrmlDi'l'lhuxts'llottst{)tr: 577
C l u l f P , , 1 , 1 1 5 h i ; 1l (s),( )l '
( l i t : r t i ' r r s , l ' r t r t i c l c s f i ' , t t t t t r l r g r r z i l r ej s' u, r n a l s ,
"lt'trrlr't a n t l n c * , s 1 ) l l p c rl rsl s . c , ' t a i l r
t l t r c c t t t ; t i o rl ) i t r t s :; t t t l l l o r , ; r r t i c l ct i t i e . , r r r t l p r r l r l i c l t i o n
i n l i r r r r r r r t i ' n .I ) r r l r l i c a t i ' '
i l r l i r r t r r r t t i ' ti lrt t ' l r r t l ct sl r c t i t l c t l ' t l r c
l l c r i , r r l i c r rrl,,o l r r r n nc r r r r r l r crr.,c r r ,r f ' l l r r l r l i c a t i ' n ,
r r r r t lr r p l l l i c : r l r llel r r g cr r u r r r I r c r sI i. o r c . v r r n l l l c :

S a t l k c rI,t V r : t ,r r r r rIl) : r ' i t l S r r t l k c r" .s c r i s r ni l r t h e ( , l a s s r ' . r r r :

( ir:rrlrrrttc l i r . r n ( J r a r l cS c . l r ' ' lt '
Sclrool."ll;i 11r1,,, Ktrpp,t67 119t)6): 7.
Ntrtc that M[--'\ style rcverscstl'reordcr of the first
'lhe antl llsr nanresJbr thelirst
oiltl'to''onl.y' titlc of thc Pcriorlical is italicizerl (or un<lcrlinerl),
and the publi-
c a t i o n r l r r r ci s c n c l o s e t il l t
lVhcn citing in :lrticlc irt a popular perioclicalor a
newsl)aper,use the frrll clate
rather than a volunre nunrbcr. lior e.xarnple:

Satlkcr,NlFa, antl I)avid .Satlker.

'foday, "Se.xism r"! ,g0s.,,
in the Schoolroornof the vv! psycholog
March lg15: 54_5j.

When the date includes a spccific day, the dayshoulcl

be written firsr, as ;n I4
March 198t.

online Databases To cite inforrnadon offered on online

-Citing databases,such as the
Internet, the MLA requires three additional elements
that.itatioir i"t frirted infor-
mation do not' The additional elements are the publication
medlu- iorrtine), the
nanle of the computer service or nerwork through
which you accessedthe source
(Internet, Nexis, CornpuServe, and so on), and
thJ date of retrieval. An opdonal ele-
ment is the electronic address (or user resource locator,
URL) you used to access
the document' precedeclby the worcl Auailable.Each
new'element is separated by a
periocl t-1d *" spaces.The new etements follow the
informarion about'the original
source' If you cannot find sorne of the information required,
cite what is available.
Some exanrplesfollow:

Angier, Natalie. "Chemists Learn lVhy Vegetablesfue

Good for you., Na, york
r3 Apr. 1993,late ed.: c r. N; tdrF iiiii oitirr. online. Nexis. l0 Feb.
"Time Warner, Inc-r SalesSunrrnary t988- lgg2." Dischnre/LVorldscope.
>' / '/ v"wLvrv' Online.
Nexis. 4 Jan. 1996.

Jacobsen,Jan-e."A Flistory of CollaborativeCommunication.' Amricon psychohgist,

62 (1996) Internet. 3 Apr. 1996.Availabl;

Note that a closing period is not used after an Internet

addressgiver\ in a source
For the correct MLA fornr frrr all possible citations,
consulr Joseph Gibaldi,
Mr'4 tlnndltook for writers oJ-Resenrch
lraper-s,4th ecl. (New york: miA, 1995).

i\ [,A Doc uMrlN'tA't'roN S-tyt. t.: R tit;trR'._N(:tl-sLIS'.

Bo(.s. In APA sryle book citaticlns,includc flour rnajor

parrs: ruthor, tl.rre,titlc, and
publicirtion inforrnation. Iior e.ralrrlile:

IIrrll, lr'"'l', attd IIall, NI' R. (l9ti7). IIiddm difJerertce.r:

(lirrtlerr(lirv. N,r: I)oublcrlay. JJ zuithtbeJoprrrtese.

Appenorx AI,A sryle the last nillne of each autlor always appears
I first. The date of
Busrrurss ptrblication appears-ne.\tin,followed by the
tiile, which is italicized (or
Docurumrs underlincd)'-Only the Iirst wonl of thc-title is capitalized,
as is any *o.d following
I colon' If the likely to be unfamiliar with the
ciry of puLlication (as rvith
578 Gatrlen City, Nrw York),the U.S. Postal Service state abbr.uir.ion
can be added.
Articles APA articlc citatior"rs
also includc frrur rnajor parts:author, datc, articlc titlc.
and pulllication infornration. Publication infornration inclurlesthc publication titlc,
rtarn volume nurnllcr, anrl applicablepagcs. lior exarnple:
tion ' il
r# Cox,'ll, and Nkoltto, S. M. (1990).Lrvisilllclncn rrrrrl\r'onren:
A statusrcport oll
racc :ls a variablcin <lrganizatiort
.'fonmnlof Orvnnizntionnl
I I, 1990.2.lf.l-2.s6.
to Notc that quotrttic.rn nrarks rl<l zol cnclosc thc titlc of thc article :rnd th'.rtthc
inclusivc llage nutttbcrsare given in full. Pagc referencingcontrastsrvith MLA sn,lc:
frot MLA uses tlte full sccond nunrber through 99 (for cxarnplc,26-37) but then onli'
bli- t h c l a s t t w o d i g i t s ( 1 8 7 - 9 3 ) u n l e s sc o n l ' u s i o nc o u l d r c s u l t ( l 9 l - 2 0 3 ) .
In sonre journals page nurnbers run continuously throughout an annual vol-
late urne: That is, if the first issueof a volume ends on page 125, the second issuestarts
on page 126. In rnost iournals, however, llagination is separatefor each isstrc.
cite articles from journals in the latter group, include both the uolumenuniltu and
ry the isnrc nuntber.
In APA sryle the volume numtrer is italicized (or underlined) and the issue
t4 number follows immediately after within parentheses.For example:

Droge, C., and Germain,R. (1990).Note on marketingand the corporateannual

report: l910- 1950. Journal of tbe Acadenryof MnrketingScirncc.I8(4), 345-363.
lnfomution Ren'ieaedf'tn tbe Internet Many rypcs of information can be retrieved
electronically via the Internet. Generally, to cite sources retrieved frorn dre Inter-
net, begin with the same information that would be provided for a printed source
(author, date, tide, and publication information), or as much of that infomration as
possible. Then add a description in brackets of the document type, a retrieval notice
Ya (where the information was obtained from), and the URL (Unifonn Resource Loca-
tor, or Internet address).Again, do not use a closing period at the end of a IJRL,
as the address does not have a final period. Here are sorne examples:

Jacobsen, J. R. (1996).A history of collaborativecommunication. AmericanPsycbolo-

gist,62, 153-159 [fournal,selected'articlesonline]. Retrievedfrom \4/orld \4/ide
Web: http://www.apa.orgljournals/jacobsen.html
Slcek,S. (l996,January).Psychologists build a culture of peace.APA Monitor;pp. l,
33 [Newspaper,selectedstories online]. Retrievedfrom \Abrld Wide Web:
http://www.apa.orgljournals/abI .html

For further information about citations using APA sryle, contact the APA at its
home page: http.// or consult American Psychological fusociaaon, Pub-
lication Manual of the American PrychologicalAssociation, 4rh ed. flVashington, D.C.:
Foo.rworES AND Exnruores When you use a note fornrat, your source can
appear either at the bottom of the page with the footnote or listed on separatepagcs
at the end of the clocurnent. \A&en you usc cndnotes, ccntcr tlre s'ord Notc.r (no
underlining or quotation marks) at the top of a separatepage.Thcn skip four lincs
before starting the 6rst notc. Inclent the 6rst line of each note fivc charactcrsl)accs;
a l l o t h c r l i n c s s t a r t a t t h c l e f t r n a r g i n . I i a c h n o t c n u n r b e r i s r a i s c ds l i s h t l ) ' a b o v ct l r c
cntry and is rvrincn rvithout a lleriorl.
M L A s r y l c i s t r c q u c n t l y t r s c < lt o f r r n r r : r tl i x r t n o t c sa n < lc n r l n o t c s . , \ 1 1 , , \
s t y l c i s s l i g h t l r 'd, i f f c r c n t f r < l r 1t h a t u s e t l i p t h e \ A t r r k s( l i t c t l l i s t t 6 l t i s u s u a l l t ' c t 1 , r -
,i tlin:rtctlrvitlt llrrrcnthcticalrcf'crcttccs.Iior cx:utrplc.tlrcrc is no rcvcrsalin tlrc orticr Docuvrrui
r < l f a u t h o r s ' n A n l c s ,a r t r l t h c p u l l l i c r r i o n i r r f r r r t r t a t i o (r lrl l e c c o f p u b l i c r r t i o np, u l r l i s h c r .
g a n r l r l a t c ) i s c n c l < l s c <i n1 p a r c n t h e s c s . 579
I d,
firrrrrs for cot.rn.n tr'1lcs'I
rrc s()lrle rirst-rctcrcnce
'otc in
r;irst Rc.rit.r:ttttsI Icrc
l9tt6) I i{' no
rl)ctrtris ll:trotr, (irtnutdr rtnrl ( \ c s t l r l v c n : - Y a l cU n i v e r s i n ' P r e s s '
-(ictriar culttn'nlDifl'erints' 'lrtl etl'
ir,,r,.r, Il ril,;";r, I lu,,usi,,,(t
rPhilirrR. rr,..r,.ir'.L,i na
tii:ntl,ll'ii.l",rll;';fii,fii),i,tfir,,n,',,r Accrc'lrrtr-
l{cp.rt-s th,
,i,,n lli,l,"'Ncrl )irrl ll M';rrch1992:.\l "' US
';ffictive Conr'un'
oK..r1'J. fr.,i".il"rg.i "Crn a'''tyt"tt IJcc'tnca i\lorc rh
SnIes lt hL''iii ng-'rto"'-g*'n'r.AugustJ,o^?l
;,1k so
JrHllitt,if fi '}:L:Til'Lt'fi
of tbeAssuiorirr'i{r"ilrt;'rri

avoid repetition' subsequentreferences

Subsequent Referencesfb savetime an, 5rylc'
sourcenotescan useeithera traditional
appearin shortenedform. shortenecl not'
or the lvlIJA' which does
which includesLatin abbro,iations' used:
r.6*irs -t tin abbreviationsare commonly
In the tradidonal sryle,the

Y i b i d . ( L a t i n m e a n i n g . . i n - t h e s a m e p l a c e 'preceding
' ) . T h i s a bit;bwhen
r e ' r i apage
t i o nnum-
,n .n..iir';;;.J * *. tt" immediaiely number
entry i, tht same[ut the page
bers foilow the abbrevir,ion,the
is different'
v o p . c i t . ( L a t i n m e a n i n g . . i n t h e w o r k c i,"[.,.n.e
t e d ' ' ) T hfrom
i s a bits
b roriginal
e v i a t i ocita-
when one or more referencesseparate.,
ti o n ;to c o o rd i n a tc rr,.r.r.* cew i ththeori gi nal ci tati on' i ncl udethel ast
namesoftheaudrorsaswellaspagenumbers. is usedin
the flace cited") This abbreviation
v loc. cit. (I-atin merning "in I

ber as the Previomcitation' T
how theseabbreviationsapply to t
The follorving examplcsshow
rD e n n i s B a ro n ,G rn mmmandGenderQ* i ervLl aven:Y al euni versi tyP ress' 1986)l 14 ' ci
'Ibid',47. Srded'
rphilip R. I-IarrisandRobert-I'.l,{oran,Nlonnging culnral Diftrences, tl
(Houston: Culf Publishing'1991)256' (?

1ffi;l:l;il';f.l"rrtin Gottlieb, RewroteReportsin FailedAccredita-

tion Bitl,"'frl'- Wp Ti'ot I I March
TFIarri,and Moran, loc' cit'

^4LAstylecloesnotrrseLatinexpressions.toind i c a t e s uwhen e n t r e f e r or
b s e q ufootnotes ences'
referencesto original sources'
Rrrther,lvtlA rclies on shortened references neecl include
*uru ;;;; ^",hur, ,utrr.,1uent
encln.tes ir.rcludeo'ly one
nanre a'tl thc page rcftrcncc:
i".'ii irt. .uti''"'l' lttst
to'N"ill, 199'
by the s:rrttc
-lo cite rttore thln one rvork
ar'oitl ctlltfirsion rryhen)'otl. narrc p''ruc
ftrrn*f title, ..rrclngrvith the author! "r'rl
i*rthor, use a slrorte.crr
')SnrYthc, 234'
ApPtruotx Culwe 49-54'
'iliti"fi., Corporotc
TEPARING is to grride
A t l x r r l a l r c p o r t r n a y a l s o - i n c l t r c l e a bbitrliographies
i b l i o g r , a p l r ynext'
We rvill examine
580 renclersto adtlitior;;i:";;;"t
L bibliograpby is n alphabetizedlist of the sourcesused to prepare a body of rvrit-
ten material.A bibliographydiffers frorn lists of works cited, ,.f...n..r, and notes
in that it may include worla not specificallyreferred to in rhe document. In addi-
tion, the bibliographyusesinclusivepagenumbersfor entire articlesin periodicals,
not iust the pagesspecificallyreferredto as sourcesof citcd infornrarion.
Eachentryin thc bibliography bcginsat the lefr margin,with the author'slast
appearingfirst. L,ntriesrvith no authorare listeclalphabetically bv title (use
the first significantword). Nl subsequent lines are indent.d 6u. ,pr..r. Entriesare
usually-single-spaced,with a doubleline spacebetu,ecnentries.fu you can seefropr
the following examples,the tlate in a billliographyappcarslater than it does in a
Adler,litnqJ "CulruralSlnergy:Managingthe Irnpact_of CulruralDiversiry."In
The1986-A!!yl:p*rlopiris Humai R-rrourrrr. SanDiego:universityfusoci_
Copeland,-l*nnie. "ValuingDiversity:Makingthe Most of CulruralDifferences at
the Workplace,,' fuu"ef lfSy, iZ_AO.
Hymowitz,Carol."One Firm'sBid to KeepBlacks,Women:CorningBanlesto
overcome Ingrained Biases."
walt sieetJournal,l6Februaryiqg9, gr.
Dimensionsof Organizationdl
BehaalbrBoston:Kent Publishing,19g6.
Johnston,William3., andArnoldE..Packer. Worlforce2000:Workand Workers
Twntyfm century.Indianaporis: for the
HudsonInstirute,June 19g7.
Leffler,Ann,DianeGillespie,andJoanC. Conary."The Effec6of StarusDifferenri-
ationon NonverbalBehavior,"Srial Psychilog Quanerty45:3 l5i-61.
Thnnen,Deborah.Tltat'sNotWat I Meant!HoatConaenational SryleMakes
- or Breaks
YourRdttionswitb othm. New york wlliam Morrow, lggi6.

Whgn you cite severaldifferent sourcesby the sameauthorsin a bibliography,

you crn eliminatethe.need to repeat authors' namesby using a long dash insiead
' v e
of the samenameeach tinie.
To make an extensivebibliography more manageable,you can divide the
e.ntriesintg cltgqoriesaccordilg subjea. For exampl-e, in r i.pon on workforce
diversity,the bibliogra-phymiglt be divided into the fbilowing headings:age, com-
munication, orln'al diversiry disabiliry,gendeEand race aniethnicitlr. It can also
be divided by q?o of entries:boola, journal afticles,magazineand ne*spaper arti-
cles,and governmentpublications.
To help readersevaluatethe usefulnessof sources,annotatedbibliographiespro-
vide shon cornmentson eachentry. For example:

Ilit !t,JamesS. "OlderWorkersChafeunderYoungManagers."Wall Street Jountal,

Bl. Discusses
howthe 3.4million"*.if,.ir .g.d;t'."d olderin
unlted Statescreateuniqueproblemsandopportunities for-themselvesandtheir
If you decideto annotateyour bibliography,rememberthat all of the entriesmust
be annotated.


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