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Kertas 2
Ogos 2018
Soalan no. 1
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah
1(a) (i) W : sel epidermis 1
X : sel mesofil palisad 1
Y sel pengawal 1
= 3m
(a) (ii) Untuk mengawal saiz stoma //
Mengawal pembukaan dan penutupan stoma 1m
(b) Perbezaan sel X dan sel mesofil palisad

Sel X Sel mesofil palisad 1

Disusun longgar Disusun rapat
Mempunyai kepadatan Mempunyai kepadatan
kloroplas yang rendah kloroplas yang tinggi
= 2m
(c) - xilem mengangkut air dan garam mineral terlarut dari akar ke
semua bahagian tumbuhan. 1
- floem menangkut glukosa dan bahan organik dari daun ke
semua bahagian tumbuhan. 1 = 2m
(d) P1 : pada waktu siang (ada cahaya) fotosintesis berlaku, 1
P2 : glukosa dihasilkan 1
P3 : ion kalium diangkut secara pengangkutan aktif 1
P4 : tekanan osmosis sel pengawal meningkat 1
P5 : air meresap masuk dari sel pengawal secara osmosis 1
P6 : sel pengawal menjadi segah dan melengkung (stoma 1
terbuka) Max = 4m
Jumlah 12m

Soalan No. 2
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah

2 (a)


(c) Explain how the process X involves in producing variation

in organisms.
P1 – During prophase Meiosis I, crossing over occurs
between homologous chromosomes
P2 – resulting a new genetic combination
P3 – it is also producing the exchange of genetic material
between paternal chromosome and maternal chromosome //
between homologous chromosomes 1 3m
(d) (i) What are process M and N?
M : Meiosis I 1
N : Meiosis II 1 2m
(ii) Describe the process that occurs if a sperma present at
process N.
P1 – meiosis II completed // ovum form 1
P2 – (nucleus) ovum is fertilized by sperm nucleus 1
P3 – zygote is form 1 2m
Jumlah 12
Soalan no. 3
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah
1 (a)(i) Nitrat 1
1 (a)(ii) Akar 1
1 (b) Rhizobium sp, Nostoc sp 1

1(c) 1
Bakteria/kulat saprofit//mikroorganisma pengurai

1(d)(i) 1
Nitrobacter sp

1(e)  Apabila tumbuhan dimakan oleh haiwan, sebatian 1

nitrogen (organik) akan dipindahkan ke dalam tisu
 (Apabila) haiwan dan tumbuhan mati, pereputan 1

menukarkan protein kepada sebatian ammonia.

 Ammonia ditukarkan kepada nitrit oleh bakteria
penitritan/ Nitrosomonas sp melalui proses
 Nitrit kemudian ditukar kepada nitrat oleh bakteria 1
penitritan/Nitrobacter sp

Jumlah 12

Soalan no. 4
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah
Able to draw pollen tube until it reaches embryo sac
1 2

Draw pollen tube until reaches embryo sac

Draw and label three nuclei inside pollen tube
Able to predict what will happen
4(a)(ii) P1: The pollen from plant species K will germinate 1
P2: but the pollen tube will stop to grow before it reaches 1 2
(b) Able to explain why both fruits have different number of
P1: number of seeds in a fruit depends on the number of 1
ovules in an ovary before fertilization
P2: the fruits which have more seeds have more number of 1
ovules in the ovary
P3: and those with single seed have only single ovule in the 1 2

Note: any two

(c)(i) Able to explain the difference between phase AB and BC
P1: at phase AB the dry mass / growth rate decreases 1
P2: (because) the food stored (in endosperm of the seed) is
used for 1
P3: at phase BC the dry mass / growth rate increases 1
P4: (because) the seedlings have produce green leaves 1 3
P5: and started to carry out photosynthesis 1
Note: any three
(c)(ii) Able to explain the significant of secondary growth
P1: pokok yang mempunyai bahagian berkayu yang kuat / 1
keras sesuai digunakan untuk membuat perabot / pagar /
P2: kepentingan perubatan herba / contoh kuinin daripada 1
batang pokok Cinchona
P3: sebagai perisa makanan / contoh kulit pokok kayu manis 1
P4: sebagai permata untuk perhiasan / seperti amber 1 3
P5: lain-lain yang sesuai 1

Note: any three


Soalan no. 5
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah
5(a) Able to state the possible genotypes of Ali and the offspring 2
(i) Ali’s genotype: I A I O 1
(ii) Offspring’s genotype : I O I O 1
5(b) Able to fill in the circle with allele of Ahmad’s gamete and 2
Fatimah’s gamete

Answer 1
Ali’s gamete : I A 1
Fatimah’s gamete : I O
5(c) Able to explain how the offspring inherits blood group O 3
Sample answer

P1 : Ali’s genotype is IAIO and Fatimah’s genotype is IO IO 1

P2 : During meiosis 1
P3 : the male gametes with allele I O , I A and female gametes 1
allele I O and I O
P4 : During fertilization 1
P5 : the male gamete fused with the female gametes 1
P6 : produced offspring with genotype I O I O (blood group 1

Or genetic diagram accepted

Any three
5(d) Able to state the type of variation and state a reason 2

Type of variation : Discontinuous variation 1

Reason : The differences in blood group is distinct // no
intermediate trait 1
5(e) Able to explain why Ahmad is not a compatible donor to 3
Sample answer

P1: ( Ahmad’s blood group is A), the erythrocyte has 1

antigen A
and the blood plasma has antibody b 1
P2: (Fatimah’s blood group is O) erythrocyte has no
antigen A
or B but blood plasma has antibody a and antibody 1
P3: Agglutination of Fatimah’s blood occurs because 1
P4: Antibody a acts on antigen A ( from Ahmad’s
blood )

Any three
Total 12

Soalan no. 6
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah
6 (a) Dapat menerangkan pembentukan tinja manusia.
Cadangan jawapan:
P1 (selepas penyerapan nutrient dalam usus kecil) kandungan
usus bergerak masuk ke dalam kolon. 1

P2 : (kandungan usus) terdiri dariapda campuran air, bahan 1 Max=4

makanan tidak tercerna dan serat.
P3 : (bahan tidak tercerna) bergerak sangat perlahan dibantu
oleh peristalsis. 1

P4 : penyerapan semula air dan mineral (daripada saki baki

dalam kolon) menghasilkan tinja / sisa separa pepejal.

P5 : (tinja) mengandungi sel-sel mati / bahan buangan seperti

pigmen hempedu/bahan-bahan bertoksik.

Mana-mana 4P

(a) (ii) Dapat menerangkan asimilasi glukosa.

Cadangan jawapan: 1
F1: di hati
P1 : glukosa berlebihan ditukar menjadi glikogen dan disimpan
dalam hati. 1
P2 : di hati, jika paras glukosa darah menurun, glikogen 1
simpanan ditukarkan semula kepada glukosa.
1 6m
P3 : apabila simpanan glikogen di hati menjadi penuh, glukosa
berlebihan ditukar kepada lipid.

F1 dan 3P

F2: dalam sel

P4 : apabila glukosa tiba di sel, glukosa dioksidakan untuk
membebaskan tenaga melalui respirasi sel.

F2 dan 1P

(b) Dapat membanding beza salur alimentari P dan Q.

Cadangan jawapan :
Persamaan :
 Salur alimentary mengandungi mikroorganisma
(bakteria/protozoa) yang menghasilkan enzim selulase,
 untuk mencernakan selulosa.
Perbezaan :
P (rodensia) Q (ruminant)
Mencerna selulosa di dalam Mencerna selulosa di dalam
perut (rumen, reticulum) sekum 1+1
Enzim selulase dirembes di Enzim selulase dirembes di 10m
dalam perut (rumen , dalam sekum. 1+1
Perut mempunyai 4 ruang Perut mempunyai 1 ruang
(rumen, reticulum, omasum
dan abomasum)
Mempunyai sekum yang Mempunyai sekum yang
pendek besar dan panjang
Jumlah 20m

Soalan no. 7
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah
7(a) Able to state the similarities and differences of biochemical
reaction that occur between muscle cell and yeast cell
Sample answer:
S1: both processes are anaerobic respiration 1
S2: both processes occur in absence of oxygen 1
S3: both processes produce less amount of energy 1
S4: both processes involve incomplete breakdown of 1 2

Muscle cell Yeast cell
Produces lactic acid Produces ethanol 1
Does not produces carbon Produces carbon dioxide
dioxide 1
Produces less energy Produces more energy 1
Oxygen debt occurs Oxygen debt does not
occurs 1
Occurs during vigorous Occurs during less oxygen
1 4

(b) Able to explain why the concentration of lactic acid in

muscle cell decreases after vigorous exercise
Sample answer:
E1: oxygen debt occurs 1
E2: the athlete gasp heavily // breathe faster / breathing rate
increase 1
E3:to inhale more oxygen 1
E4: to oxidise lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water 1
E5: some lactic acid oxidised to produce energy 1
E6: remaining lactic acid is converted to glucose 1
E7: lactic acid eliminated from muscle cell 1
E8: concentration of lactic acid decreases 1 4

Note: any 4 E
(c) Able to describe two characteristics of alveolus which allow
the gases exchange to be carried out efficiently
Sample answer:
F1: has thin wall / one cell thick 1
E1: allow rapid diffusion of gas / gases can diffuse easily / 1
increases the rate of diffusion of gases
F2: many / rich in network capillary 1
E2: to increases the rate of gases transportation 1
F3: numerous / large number of alveoli 1
E3: to increase TSA/V // surface area (for more diffusion of 1
gases) 4

Note: any 4 E
(d)(i) Able to explain from the aspect of physiology the cause of
the death
Sample answer:
E1: the person inhale more / excess CO // the smoke
contains high amount of CO 1
E2: CO binds with haemoglobin // haemoglobin has high
affinity to CO 1
E3: to form carboxyhaemoglobin 1
E4: less O2 can bind with haemoglobin (to form 1
oxyhaemoglobin) 4
E5: less O2 is supplied to the body cells for (cellular) 1
E6: brain cells and heart cell lack of O2 (that lead to death) 1

Note: any 4 E
(d)(ii) Able to explain why smokers should stop smoking to avoid
Sample answer:
F1: benzene /formaldehyde / benzo-pyrene 1
F2: is carcinogenic compound 1
F3: increase the risk of lungs / tongue / mouth cancer 1 2

Note: any 2 F
Total 20

Soalan no. 8

Example 1:

Parent Female Male

(Homozygote) (Homozygote)

Genotype HH hh

H: Black allele

Gamete H h

Offspring (F1)

Genotype Hh

F1 Phenotype Black

F1 Phenotype ratio All black

F1 Genotype ratio All heterozygote black

Example 2:

Parent Female Male

(Heterozygote) (Homozygote)

Genotype Hh hh

H: Black allele

Gamete H h h


Offspring (F1)

Genotype Hh hh

F1 Phenotype Black White

F1 Phenotype ratio 1 black : 1 white

F1 Genotype ratio 1 heterozygote black : 1 homozygote white

[10 marks]
Question 8(b):

Statement 1 :

P1 – Haemophilia occurs more often among men compared to women

P2 – Haemophilia can be inherited through sex chromosomes / sex – linked gene

P3 – Haemophilia gene is found on the X chromosome

P4 – Haemophilia gene is recessive gene

P5 – Men have higher probability to inherit haemophilia than women

P6 – because men have only one X chromosome while women have two X chromosomes

Statement 2 :

P7 – mempunyai warna kulit dan rambut yang abnormal iaitu berwarna putih

P8 – memiliki iris merah mudaatau biru dengan pupil merah

P9 – hilangnya pigmen melanin pada mata, kulit dan rambut

P10 – rabun jauh da rabun dekat yang sangat ekstrim

P11 – disebabkan oleh mutasi gen

[10 marks]

Total: 20 marks

Soalan no. 9
No. Kriteria Pemarkahan Markah
9(a) Able to explain the differences between the two human
1. State the types of phenomena
2. C: the causes
3. E: the effects
4. S: ways to overcome
Sample answers
F1: (The phenomenon is) acid rain 1

The causes:
C1: Combustion/ Burning of fossil fuels in power stations/
factories/ motor vehicles 1
C2: release sulphur dioxide/ SO2 and oxides of nitrogen/
NO and NO2 1

C3: Form sulphuric acid and nitric acid when combine

with water vapour
C4: Fall to Earth as acid rain/ snow/ hail/ fog/ frost/ dew

The effects
E1: Leaching of minerals// the soil become acidic
Aquatic ecosystem: 1
E2: Increase acidity in the aquatic ecosystem// kill
phytoplankton// destroyed photosynthetic tissues// 1

accumulate insoluble aluminium ions in lakes and

rivers which kill aquatic organisms
E3: Acidic soil releases ions of certain heavy metals/
contaminate the supply of drinking water// irritate the
lungs/ make breathing difficult/ asthma/ bronchitis.
E4: Corrode metal railing/ bridges/ damage buildings/
statues/ automobiles/ structures made of stone/ metal/
historic buildings

The ways to overcome / solutions

S1: Use scrubbers (to clean up emissions from power
stations and industrial plants) 1
S2: Use catalytic converters (to clean up emissions from
vehicle exhausts) 1

Must have F, C, E and S (at least one point)

Any 10

9(b) Sample answers

F: (Sustainable development refers to) the measures

undertaken to ensure that human activity optimally
utilize Earth’s natural resources such that they can be
replenished naturally//suitable explanation

F1: Replanting trees in areas that have been logged//

reforestation 1
E1: to keep the ecosystems in their natural state (which
provides aesthetic values for humans) // preserve
natural resources for outdoor/ recreational activities//
eco-tourism // reduce stress// promote healthy life style 1

E2: to maintain soil fertility

E3: to prevent flood/ soil erosion / landslide/ (muddy) flood/ 1

(flash) flood
E4: to avoid species extinction// to prevent extinction of
flora and fauna/ organisms/ species
E5 : As an economic resource// source of raw materials for 1
construction industry / piling / furniture / boats /
houses/ production of charcoal / tannin / food / other
suitable example // provide foods to human //
resources for study / education / research

F2: Selective logging

E5: to maintain a balanced ecosystem// to allow maximum 1
interaction among the living organisms/ biotic factors
(in the ecosystem) and interaction between biotic and
abiotic factors 1
E6: to maintain major sources of human food/ e.g: ulam/
ferns/ meats/ honey// sources of medicinal plant/ eg:
herbs 1

E7: to sustain food web/ food chain in the ecosystem

E8: to prevent disruption of natural cycle of water/ carbon/
balance between photosynthesis and respiration//
balance oxygen and CO2 in the atmosphere // provide
O2 // reduce CO2 1
E9: to decrease the carbon dioxide level in the
atmosphere // to reduce the greenhouse effect/ global
warming 1

E10: to maintain the biodiversity of the forest// maintaining

/ increasing biodiversity / complexity / variety of
organisms / species / flora and fauna
E11: to avoid lost of wildlife/ potential resources
E12: to avoid loss of watershed areas // provide natural
water catchment area
E13: maintaining (normal) weather (patterns) by minimize 1
climatic change / drought / harsh climate / maintain
temperature 1
E14 : As a site for breeding / feeding of flora and fauna /
serving as valuable nursery area for organisms

Must have F and any 10

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