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1. Siswa dapat menentukan kalimat instruksi yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut.
Giving instruction/commanding/requesting are used when we want someone to do something in
the certain condition.

Instructions Responds
Close the window, please! Of course.
Open your book, please! Sure.
Write your name, please! Certainly.
Stand up, please! Yes, I will do it.
Clean the blackboard, please! OK.
Turn on the fan, please! Right away.
Come here, please! No problem.
etc. etc.

2. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang meminjam barang, siswa dapat menentukan frasa yang tepat
untuk melengkapi dialog yang menggunakan kata excuse me (permisi).
A: Excuse me, can you help me? I need an eraser X: Excuse me, may I borrow your ruler? I forget
B: Sure. I have two. to bring mine.
A: May I borrow (meminjam) yours? Y: Of course. Here it is.
B: With my pleasure. Here you are.

3. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang cara mengoperasikan handphone, siswa dapat menentukan
kata tanya yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat dalam dialog.
Teks yang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara membuat atau melakukan sesuatu
dinamakan teks prosedur (Procedure).

Kata tanya yang digunakan untuk menanyakan cara adalah “How”.

Contoh Dialog:
X: Hello, what are you doing?
Y: Hi, I am sending a message to my grandma in Poncokusumo.
X: Do you know how to send the message and operate the handphone?
Y: Of course.
4. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang hadiah ulang tahun (birthday gift), siswa dapat menentukan
ungkapan memberi barang (giving things) yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut.

Asking for things (meminta barang) Giving things (memberi barang)

Can you give me …? Here you are.
Can I have …? Sure. It’s for you
May I have…? Here is …
Could you please …? Here it is
Take me … Can you accept…?
Would you like to …? This is for you
Would you mind giving me…? I would be happy to give …
Will you (please) …? Here.
Contoh dialog:
R: Happy birthday! May Allah always blessed you. Here is a present (hadiah) for you.
S: How kind of you for giving me this! Thanks a bunch.
5. Disajikan format kartu ucapan selamat (Congratulation!) yang tidak lengkap, siswa dapat
menentukan informasi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kartu ucapan tersebut.

To: Tesa
Congratulation for your success as the first winner of singing contest. I know how
long and how hard you practiced. We’re all very proud of you. We wish you all the best to
catch your dream, to be a popular singer someday.

6. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang aktivitas di kelas, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat instruksi
yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog yang tersedia.
Contoh dialog:
Mr. Budi : “Good morning, students.”
Students : “Good morning, Sir.”
Mr. Budi : “I want to explain about Narrative text today. Please, open your book page 18.”
Students : “Yes, Sir.”

7. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang kegiatan di sekolah, siswa dapat menentukan kata/frasa yang
tepat untuk merespon instruksi dalam dialog.
Contoh dialog:
Mr. Andi : OK, students. Let us clean the school yard together!
Students : Alright, Sir.
Mr. Andi : Eko, please clean the garden. Sinta, please water the flower. Yovi, please move the chair
in front of the garden.

8. Disajikan gambar rambu lalu lintas, siswa dapat menentukan makna/petunjuk yang sesuai dengan
9. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang ungkapan meminta bantuan, siswa dapat menentukan frasa
sesuai dengan dialog yang tersedia.
Asking for help Offering a help Giving help
(meminta bantuan) (menawarkan bantuan) (memberikan bantuan)
I need some help, please. Would you like some help? I’d be happy to help you.
Could you give me a hand? May I help you? Sure. what can I do for you?
Would you mind helping me out? What can I do for you? I will do it for you.
Could you help me please? What shall I do for you? Let me help you.
Can you help me? Need any help? Yes, I can help you
Could you do me a favor, please? Do you need a hand? Yes, no problem.
I can't manage. Can you help? Can I give you a hand? Yes. How can I help you?
Accepting a help (menerima bantuan) Refusing a help (menolak bantuan)
How kind of you! Thank you very much. No, thank you.
That’s very good of you! That’s very kind, but I can manage myself.
That’s terribly kind. Thank you very much. I am sorry, I can’t help you now
Yes, please. Sorry, I am busy right now

10. Siswa menentukan kata/frasa untuk melengkapi kalimat yang menggunakan kata “Do you mind”.
Do you mind (“Kamu keberatan tidak kalau saya...”) biasanya digunakan ketika kita ingin meminta
sesuatu dengan cara yang sopan. Contoh dialog:
Q: Do you mind repeating you explanation again?
A: Yes, of course.
X: Do you mind sitting beside me?

Y: Oh, thanks. With my pleasure.

11. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang aktivitas di kelas, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat yang tepat
untuk merespon instruksi dalam dialog.
Today the sixth grade students are going to have social science test.
Mr. Yogi :“Students, please prepare your stationary, do the test by yourself and don’t cheat”

Students : “Of course, Sir.”

12. Disajikan gambar denah letak ruang guru di sekolah, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat petunjuk
yang tepat sesuai dengan denah.

If you are in the library and want to go

to the Grade 3, you just need to go
straight and turn left.
If you are in the library and want to go
to the female bathroom, you just need
to go straight and turn right.
If you are in the teacher’s room and
want to go to the library, you just need
to go straight and turn right.


13. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang memberi barang, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat yang
tepat untuk melengkapi dialog.
Azel : “Toni, can you help me?”
Toni : “Yes. What is it about?”
Azel : “I want to take an English book in the 7th shelf but it’s too high. I can’t reach it.”
Toni : “Wait. Here you are.”
Azel : “Thank you so much.”

14. Disajikan gambar denah dan dialog tidak lengkap tentang memberi informasi, siswa dapat
menentukan informasi sesuai dengan dialog.
- The drugstore is next to the bakery
- The grocery store is across from the
elementary school
- The beauty shop is on the back street
- The police station is in front of the
court house.
- etc.

15. Disajikan gambar dan 5 kata acak, siswa dapat menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat sesuai

t–a–r–w–e–l–a–l–f n–a–m–i–t–o–n–u



16. Disajikan deskripsi tentang kegiatan lomba, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat ucapan selamat
(Congratulation) yang tepat sesuai deskripsi.
17. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap dan gambar fasilitas umum, siswa dapat menentukan kata depan
(preposisi) yang tepat sesuai gambar.
18. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang meminta bantuan, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat yang
tepat untuk melengkapi dialog.
Claudia and Hesty, her sister, are in a café right now. They are drinking a cup of coffee.
Hesty : “Is there something wrong?”
Claudia : “I think I need more sugar in it.”
Hesty : “Oh, let ask to the waiter.”
“ May I have more sugar, please?”

Waiter : “Yes, please wait for a while.”

19. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang seseorang yang menawarkan bantuan, siswa dapat
menentukan ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut.
My mother is going to a mall and looking for a dress for my sister’s birthday gift.
Shop assistant : “Good evening, ma’am. What can I do for you?”
My mother : “Yes, I’m looking for an elegant simple dress for my daughter. Could you please
take me the pink one?”

Shop assistant : “Sure, with my pleasure.”

20. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang kegiatan di dalam ruang kelas, siswa dapat menentukan
kalimat tanya yang tepat untuk menanyakan suatu kegiatan.
What are you doing?/ What do you do?

21. Disajikan kalimat tidak lengkap tentang aktivitas di sekolah, siswa dapat menentukan kata yang tepat
untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut.
The fifth grade students are in their classroom now. The captain of the class is leading them to pray
together and give honor to red-white flag after that.
Captain : “Attention, please! Let us pray together. (praying)”
“Finish. Greet the teacher”

22. Siswa dapat menentukan kata/frasa untuk melengkapi kalimat yang menggunakan May I …?
Ami : May I help you?
Sarah : No, I can do it myself.
23. Disajikan gambar lingkungan sekolah, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat yang tepat untuk
mendiskripsikan gambar yang tersedia.
Lingkungan sekolah = school environment
Bersih = clean >< kotor = dirty

24. Disajikan sebuah pengumuman di sekolah, siswa dapat menentukan isi pengumuman tersebut.
To : All students of SDN 2 Sukadana Malang
Next week is our school’s anniversary. We will have some activities. All students may join these
activities. The event will be held on:
Day, Date : Saturday, March 16th 2019
Time : 8.00 a.m.
Place : The school yard
Thanks for your attention.

From the text we know that there will be some activities on SDN 2 Sukadana anniversary.

25. Siswa dapat menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi informasi yang tercantum dalam kartu
undangan (Invitation).
To : untuk siapa undangan tersebut
Day : Hari pelaksanaan
Date : Tanggal pelaksanaan
Time : Waktu pelaksanaan
Place : Tempat pelaksanaan
From : nama yang mengundang

26. Disajikan teks cerita deskripsi, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban yang tepat dari kata tanya “Where”
berdasarkan teks yang tersedia.
My Lovely house
I live with my parents and two brothers in a nice little house on the suburban area of
Bogor. I really love our house. It’s not large, but very shasy and pretty since my parents grow
many fruits and flowers in a yard.
My house is a two-storey building. It has living room, a family room, and a large kitchen
on the first floor. All bedrooms are located on the second floor. There is also another family
room on the second floor. We spend our time together there every evening.
Where does the writer live? on the suburban area of Bogor
27. Siswa dapat menentukan jawaban dari kata tanya “Who” yang tersedia dalam teks.
Who is the character of the story? (siapa tokoh dalam cerita tersebut?)

Who is the writer? (siapakah penulisnya?)

28. Siswa dapat menentukan pesan yang terkandung dalam penggalan teks cerita rakyat yang tersedia.
The Goose and The Golden Eggs
Once a farmer went to the nest of his goose and found there an egg, all yellow and shiny. When
he picked it up, it was heavy as a rock. He was about to throw it away because he thought that
someone was playing a trick on him. But on second thought, he took it home, and discovered to
his delight that it was an egg of pure gold!
He sold the egg for a lot of money. Every morning the goose laid another golden egg, and the
farmer soon became rich by selling the eggs. As he grew rich, he also grew greedy. “Why should
I have to wait to get only one egg a day?” he thought. “I will cut open the goose and take all the
eggs out of her at once.” When the goose heard the farmer’s plan, she flew away to a nearby
farm. So when the farmer came out the next day, do you know what he found in the goose’s nest?
The moral value of the story is Don’t be greedy.

29. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang keadaan di dalam kelas, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat
instruksi permainan untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut.
The committee : “Everybody get ready, wear the gunny, I will count to three and start to jump!”
The participants : “Yes, we are ready.”
The committee : “One, two, three, …………………….!”

30. Disajikan dialog sederhana tidak lengkap tentang permainan, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat yang
tepat untuk merespon instruksi dalam dialog tersebut.
Instruksi dalam permainan:
Jump = lompat
Run = lari
Throw = lempar
Take = ambil
Catch = tangkap

31. Disajikan sebuah gambar taman sekolah, siswa dapat menentukan kalimat memberi petunjuk yang
sesuai berdasarkan gambar.
Go straight = lurus saja
Turn left = belok kiri
Turn right = belok kanan
Turn around = putar balik
On your right side = di sebelah kananmu
On your left side = di sebelah kirimu

32. Siswa dapat menentukan ungkapan perasaan yang sesuai untuk melengkapi dialog.
Jika mendengar sesuatu yang menyenangkan, maka ucapkan I am happy to hear that/I am
glad you make it/I am glad to hear that/ I am very pleased to hear that
Jika mendengar sesuatu yang menyedihkan, maka ucapkan I am sad to hear that/I am sorry
to hear that.
33. Siswa dapat menentukan kata tanya yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tentang meminta kejelasan
cara melakukan/membuat sesuatu. (How)

34. Disajikan sebuah pengumuman yang tidak lengkap, siswa dapat menentukan isi dari pengumuman

To all students, I want to announce that on the Monday, 6 March 2019. We will be held the painting
competition in the school hall at 07.00 until 10.00. Don't forget to bring watercolor, brush, and many
others you need. Please don't be late. If you interested to join this competition, please kindly register
yourself to your homeroom teacher.
35. Siswa dapat menentukan ungkapan yang tepat pada kemenangan suatu kompetisi berdasarkan
gambar yang tersedia.
- Congratulation on winning the competition!
36. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang ungkapan menunjukkan arah, siswa dapat menuliskan kata
atau frasa yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut.
Contoh Asking Direction (menanyakan arah):
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest police office? (permisi, bisakah kamu
memberitahuku kemana arah kantor polisi terdekat?)
Excuse me, do you know where the nearest Restaurant  is? (permisi, apakah kamu tahu
dimana rumah makan terdekat?)
Excuse me, can you show me the way to the station, please? (permisi, bisakah kamu
menunjukkan jalan ke stasiun?)
I’m looking for … (aku mencari…)
Is this the right way for …? (apakah ini jalan yang benar untuk…?)
Do you know where is…? (apakah kamu tahu dimana…?)
Do you have a map? (apakah kamu punya peta?)
Could you show me on the map? (bisakah kamu memperlihatkanku peta?)
How far is it to…? (seberapa jauh untuk ke…?)
Is it far? (apakah itu jauh?)
Can you please tell me how I can get to ITERA? (bisakah kamu memberitahukanku arah ke
Where is the nearest supermarket? (dimanakah supermarket terdekat?)
How can I get to the local market? (Kemana arah pasar lokal?)

Memberikan arahan
Turn right and go ahead/ Go straight
Keep walking around/about + time/distance (Jalan terus sekitar ......)
It is at the corner of the street (dipojok jalan) / It is accross .... (diseberang)
It is in front ... (didepan)/ It is behind ... (dibelakang)
It is next to .... / It is beside ....(bersebelahan dengan ... )
Follow me, I’ll show you the way (Ikuti aku, akan aku tunjukkan jalannya)
This way (kesini/kearah sini) That way (kesana/kearah sana) Over there (disana/disebelah sana)
Over here (disini/disebelah sini) Take this/that way (ambil jalan ini/itu)
You will find a junction (kamu akan menjumpai pertigaan)
You will find a crossroad (kamu akan menjumpai perempatan)
You will see a ..... (kamu akan melihat ....)
You may/could ask to ..... (kamu bisa tanya pada ... ) Ask to .... (tanyalah pada ....)
You may want me to draw a map ? Do you want me to draw a map ? (saya gambarkan petanya)
37. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang cara meminjam buku di perpustakaan, siswa dapat
menuliskan frasa untuk melengkapi dialog tersebut.
Librarian : Good morning. May I help you?
Fredi : Good morning, yes please. I need a story book.
Librarian : You can take it on the third row of the shelf.
Fredi : Oh, I find it. May I borrow this book?
Librarian : Sure, show me your library card and don’t forget to return it next three days,

38. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang ajakan untuk melakukan sesuatu, siswa dapat menuliskan
kalimat ungkapan persetujuan pada dialog tersebut
Vania : Where do you plan to spend your holiday?
Juwita : My family and I will go to Lembah Tumpang. Will you join us?
Vania : It is a good idea. I’ll join with you.

39. Disajikan gambar ruang kelas yang kotor, siswa dapat menuliskan kalimat instruksi.
- Clean the blackboard, please!
- Sweep the floor, please!
- Arrange the desk well, please!
40. Disajikan kata secara acak dalam konteks ruang kelas, siswa dapat menyusunnya dengan tepat
Tono is hanging some hero’s c-u-r-p-e-s-t-i on the wall.

41. Siswa dapat menuliskan kata tanya untuk melengkapi kalimat yang menanyakan keadaan/kondisi
suatu benda.
Kalimat 5W+1H
What (Apa): permasalahan atau hal yang terjadi pada suatu peristiwa.
Why (Mengapa): alasan atau motivasi terjadinya sebuah peristiwa.
Who (Siapa): pelaku atau orang lain dari sebuah peristiwa yang terjadi.
When (Kapan): waktu terjadinya peristiwa, berita atau cerita yang terjadi.
Where (Dimana): tempat atau lokasi sebuah peristiwa terjadi.

How (Bagaimana): cara atau proses berlangsungnya suatu peristiwa.

42. Disajikan gambar kegiatan di dalam kelas dan dialog tidak lengkap, siswa dapat menuliskan kata
atau frasa yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang menggunakan Would you please…? (maukah
kamu ….)
Contoh kalimat permintaan
 Would you like to help me? Yes, I would / I’m sorry.
 Would you help me, please?
 Would you mind helping me?
 Would you please to help me?
43. Disajikan penggalan cerita tentang kondisi suatu tempat, siswa dapat menuliskan sebuah kalimat.

The sixth grade students of Laskar Pelangi Elementary School has Mathematic class. Mr. Wendi
explains and writes the material on the blackboard. Then, he knows that Gesang and Galih are
talking. Mr. Wendi says to them to keep silent/be quiet/quiet, please.
44. Siswa dapat menuliskan informasi tentang diri sendiri untuk melengkapi formulir pendaftaran
perpustakaan sekolah.
Student’s number : …………………………………………….
Name : …………………………………………….
Address : …………………………………………….
Class : …………………………………………….

45. Disajikan gambar hewan peliharaan, siswa dapat menuliskan kata/frasa untuk melengkapi kalimat.
I have a pet. It is a cute pet. It has a lovely round face. It has four ................ , two
eyes, two ears, and a tail. Its body covered with soft fur.

46. Disajikan 4 kalimat secara acak, siswa dapat menyusun kalimat menjadi paragraf yang padu.
Rearrange these sentences into good order.
1. Blend them and pour in the glass
1. Peel the apple and cut into pieces
2. Put into blender, add sugar and enough water
3. Apple juice is ready to serve

47. Disajikan dialog tidak lengkap tentang objek wisata, siswa menuliskan 2 kalimat informasi.
Rizki : Where did you go last holiday, Indra?
Indra : I went to Pelangi Waterfall.
Rizki : Where is the waterfall located?
Indra : It located in Gubuklakah, Poncokusumo.
Rizki : How is the situation there?
Indra : The air is so fresh and the water is very cold. It such a quiet and healing place.
Rizki : What time did you go home?

Indra : I left at three o’clock in the afternoon.

48. Siswa dapat menuliskan kalimat ungkapan selamat atas keberhasilan seseorang.
- Congratulation! I am so proud of you.
- Congratulation! Finally you make it.
- etc.
49. Disajikan teks naratif 1 paragraf, siswa menuliskan kesimpulan isi paragraf dari teks tersebut.
Lake Toba
Once upon a time, there was a handsome man. His name was Toba. One day, he caught a
fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk. It begged Toba to set it free. As soon as the fish
was free, it changed into a woman. She said that he had to keep the secret that she was once a fish.
Toba promised that he would not tell anyone about it. They were married happily and had a son
named Samosir. One day, Toba got very angry to his son and said that he was the son of a fish. The
child went home and told his mother about it. His mother was annoyed, because Toba broke his
promise. Then the earth began to shake and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth formed a big hole.
People believed that the hole became a lake.

What did Toba say when he got very angry to his son? He said that his son was the son of a fish

50. Disajikan kartu undangan tidak lengkap, siswa menuliskan 4 informasi kelengkapan undangan.

To : All friends
I invite you to come to my birthday party that will be held on:
………………………. : Sunday
………………………. : December 8th
………………………. : at 4 p.m.
………………………. : my house
It is my pleasure if you can come to the party.
Thank you.

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