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From Fear to Confidence

A Publication of the San Diego Area Writing Project Spring 2009

From Practice to Publishing:

Inside... An Interview with

Teaching the Writer: SDAWP Fellow Bob Infantino
Voices from the
Summer Institute . . . . 4-5
Marla Williams An essential component of SDAWP’s mission statement is that knowledge about the teaching
Rob Meza-Ehlert of writing comes from those who teach, write, and research. Bob Infantino, SDAWP 1980, is
one such teacher. He’s recently completed a book, Tough Choices for Teachers, co-authored
Kindergarten: with Rebecca Wilke and published by Rowman & Littlefield Education. The book contains
Not for Babies . . . . . . 6 12 case studies and a role play about ethical challenges that could be faced by new teachers
Jennifer Moore or student teachers. Bob Infantino, now retired, spent 43 years in the classroom at various
levels, 9-12, undergraduate, masters and doctoral. He’s served on 35 dissertation committees
Recollection . . . . . . . . 7 as chair or member while at USD. He was co-director of SDAWP from 1980-1991, having
Dinah Smith attended 11 summer institutes and facilitating outreach programs for teachers of underrep-
resented students.
YWC. . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
Lauren Cook Frank Barone, SDAWP 1977, says of Bob Infantino, “While I appreciated Bob's leadership
Lenni Elbe during my years at the Writing Project, the most memorable moments for me came at those
Maddy Horner times when he invited me to present poetry to his university students to reacquaint them with
Grace McGuire the pleasures and uses of metaphor across the curriculum. And I still remember that Bob
Emily Mendoza wrote with his students, of course, and always wrote well.”
Hannah Montante
In this issue, it is with great pleasure that we share a recent interview with Bob Infantino, a
Reading, Math fellow whose extensive career and contributions to the field of education exemplify the im-
and Writing. . . . . . . 10 portant role of teacher as researcher and writer.
Lisa Harris
The Dialogue: Tell us about your book.
Where I
Bob Infantino: The book my colleague Rebecca Wilke and I wrote has as its main pur-
Come From . . . . . . . 12
pose to assist new teachers in understanding that they may be faced with ethical decisions
M.G. Williams
they were not and are not prepared for. To make good choices, they need to understand
processes and principles that will enable them to choose wisely and well. So after two in-
In Your House troductory chapters, one on the purposes of the book and one on principles of ethical deci-
I long to Be . . . . . . . 13 sion making, the book presents a “dirty dozen” cases or scenarios involving new teachers
Lisa Muñoz facing tough choices. Each case is based on events that happened in schools, although
the names and places are changed to protect the innocent (and the guilty). There are sev-
Also included: eral levels of complexity in each of the cases, as there often are in real life. We urge the
teachers in training or teachers in induction programs in schools to think not only about
an immediate decision but also about the ways in which they go about making the eventual
Muse Box . . . . . . . . . . 14
decision. It is the latter which could have the most lasting impact on the lives of these
SDAWP Notes . . . . . . . 14
teachers and on their interactions.
Opportunities. . . . . . . . 15 The Dialogue: What is the role of ethics in education?
Call For Manuscripts. . . 15 Bob Infantino: In 1980, USD received a substantial three-year grant from the National En-
Calendar of Events . . . . 16 dowment for the Humanities to develop interdisciplinary ethics courses which would meet
our upper division ethics/philosophy requirement for undergraduate students. About 10
such courses were developed and ing choices that teachers and admin- permission (Case 7) are just two of
taught. Professor Larry Hinman and istrators are faced with regularly. the choices we write about. More
I team taught the Ethics and Educa- long-term issues of appropriate and
tion class 9 times in the subsequent Our book points out to teachers that inappropriate interpersonal rela-
20 plus years. It is the longest last- good decision-making comes from tionships are also examined (Cases
ing of the original courses, though it the strong ethical character that 12, 13). These cases get very murky
scarcely resembles the first course each teacher should possess. But when the young teachers get re-
we taught. We went from a rather character is developmental, as are leased by the people with whom they
theoretical, traditional ethics course teaching abilities and personalities. were in romantic relationship. There
to a very balanced course integrat- So understanding principles of ethics
ing theory and practice, using tech- and facing theoretical and practical While we can’t alter
nology more and more as it became decision making opportunities helps
available on our campus. develop the moral character to “do
the neighborhoods our
the right thing for the right reasons,” students live in
More than one student has told me as a philosopher might express it.
and Professor Hinman that our class or the socio-economic
was their favorite of any they had The Dialogue: How does think-
taken at USD—high praise for a re- ing about ethics trickle down from status of their
quirement that students often suffer teacher to student?
through toward the end of college. families, we can and
All of us in education know that we Bob Infantino: As I said above, char-
face decisions, large and small, ev- acter development is learned as well must offer them the
ery day in every possible configura- as taught by all humans. Influences
tion. A human endeavor like teach- of other people, culture, social sta- best of our selves,
ing often puts people in conflict—not tus, and education, to name a few,
just with their pupils but also with help us develop our ethical skills.
and that includes
each other, with parents, with school So teachers who treat students with our moral selves.
board members and sometimes with respect, who model appropriate con-
the public. In literacy education, we flict resolution skills, and who make are issues of curriculum choice, of
need go no further than the so-called good choices in their interactions and hiring new teachers, of racism and
“reading wars” or the No Child Left curricular choices can have great in- sexism, and of grading complaints
Behind Act to see the decision mak- fluence on how their pupils view the by parents. We know these are real
world and on the present and future ethical choices and hope that new
choices they make. Of course it is not teachers (and even veteran teach-
a one-shot deal. While we can’t alter ers) will take seriously the decision-
Dialogue the neighborhoods our students live
in or the socio-economic status of
making processes we propose in the
book in order to resolve the dilem-
their families, we can and must offer mas presented. Ethics scenarios do
Spring 2009 them the best of ourselves, and that not suppose one right answer to any
Issue No. 22 includes our moral selves. That’s dilemma; just as in real dilemmas,
why people are so dismayed when right answers often prove elusive.
From Fear teachers seem to stray from their But there are always choices that
to Confidence best behaviors and engage in inap- are better than others, and doing
propriate behavior with students or what is right and just is always the
Editors: Stacey Goldblatt fall into drug or alcohol habits which best choice.
Jennifer Moore become evident in their classrooms.
Page Design: Janis Jones The book presents one such scenar- The Dialogue: What is the practical
Writing Angel: Susan Minnicks io, and even writing it was difficult application of ethics for teachers?
for me because of the very nature
of the ethical problem being mani- Bob Infantino: In the structure of
Published by the
fested by the veteran teacher in the the text, Rebecca and I try to set up
San Diego Area
case. the reader with a preview of the is-
Writing Project at UCSD sues in the case. We ask the reader
The Dialogue: What are the "tough to be aware of all of the stakehold-
Directors: choices" teachers face? ers in the case, whether the readers
Makeba Jones has faced a similar choice, and what
Kim Douillard Bob Infantino: Teachers have to self-application there might be for
make choices every day; some this new educator. Within the cases,
UC San Diego choices are easier than others, for we present mostly inter-personal
SDAWP sure. More importantly, they have conflicts, since the actions of moral
to develop not only their teaching agents (people) are most often the
9500 Gilman Drive
repertoire but also their decision- causes of the dilemmas and their
La Jolla, CA 92093-0036
making repertoire. How should I decisions have effects not only on
(858) 534-2576 decide whether to write a letter of themselves but also on others, often recommendation for a student who many others (stakeholders). Some-
is failing my class (Case 1), or why times new teachers don’t think about
should I not take supplies without
2 Dialogue, Spring 2009
such effects, only on the quick and ing pursuits? deep breaths of my doctoral students
immediate solution to the problem when they would exhale and state,
at hand. They use a principle such Bob Infantino: Most of my previous usually in a loud voice, “Man, am I
as, “Well everybody does it this way writing efforts have been solo. I did glad that’s over.” And I would reply,
here, so I guess I’ll to it too” (like a book in 1983, in collaboration with “Not until I get a bound copy.”
skip out of a meeting to go to the Dr. Ed De Roche, called Real World
beach, or borrow supplies without Reading and Writing for Teachers The Dialogue: What is the most
permission). Such a relativist stance and Students. Rebecca has written important advice you would give a
is a weak ethical way of thinking, yet two other books. But most of my arti- teacher just entering the profession
sometimes predominates in certain cles and poetry have been individual regarding ethics?
situations. efforts. Writing with a colleague had
two differences: first, we each had Be prepared to make
The Dialogue: Do you see the pos- to decide what parts of the book we
sibility of ethical decisions and judg- would produce; and second, decide
decisions as soon
ments we face in education chang- when and how we would tie every- as you put your foot in
ing in these times of rapidly evolving thing together. We both had lots of
technology? Or are ethics timeless? years in classrooms and in teacher the classroom.
education, so the cases were easy
to outline. But dialogue among the
Your decisions will not
characters to make them sound like always be right,
real 21st century people was not al-
ways easy. I had to change the name but learn from
of one of my characters, for example,
from Trudy to Kelsey when Rebecca
the wrong ones
said, “Bob, nobody is named Trudy and don’t repeat them.
anymore.” Of course she was right.
But I had started that case in 1998 Bob Infantino: Be prepared to make
when I presented it NCTE/CEL and decisions as soon as you put your foot
people were still named Trudy, at in the classroom. Your decisions will
least so I thought. We spent a con- not always be right, but learn from
siderable amount of time looking at the wrong ones and don’t repeat
similar texts and at ways of making them. Your more experienced col-
ours different. We settled on a for- leagues my not be the best sources
mula for the end of each case that I to help you with important decisions
Bob Infantino: Ethical decision- found years ago in an article by Kev- since they may not have made as
making is both timeless and ever- in Ryan, a well-known moral educa- much moral progress as you might
changing. We call on Aristotle to tor from Boston College. I wrote him expect. So use their advice as one
teach us about virtues, and upon to ask permission to use “the 5 E’s of part of your total decision-making
Carol Gilligan (1982) to teach us Moral Education” as a template for process. You are being watched
about the influence of gender on the our cases and he granted permis- every day, all day, especially by the
“manly” virtues posited by Aristotle sion with enthusiasm. I think he was pupils in your care. What you do is
thousands of year ago. We are be- pleased that someone remembered often more important than what you
ginning to understand better the dif- an article from 1986. We owe him a say. So treat everyone with as much
ferent ways that men and women signed copy of the book soon. respect as you can muster, and insist
go about making tough choices. We that your classroom be a place of
now know more about the influenc- The Dialogue: How did you grow as safety and comfort for each of your
es of culture since we are able to un- a learner, writer and teacher as a re- pupils. Be careful of what you put
derstand cultures first hand by travel sult of writing this book? on technological view for others to
and research rather than just rumor. see and read. Do the “Would I want
Technology has certainly influenced Bob Infantino: Revision, Revision, my mother to see or read this” test.
the ways we act, but not always for Revision. I had to re-see parts of the Delete stuff that does not pass. Use
the better. Yet we know and under- book in order to make it whole. I your moral imagination to make
stand more about each other because had more cases to include, but have moral progress in both your career
of technology and thus are able to rightly left them out (maybe they’ll and your life.
have empathy and understanding for be in the second edition). I learned
others’ ways of doing things. Profes- that reviewers can be brutally hon- (Tough Choices for Teachers:
sor Hinman suggests that we need to est, but also graciously helpful. I Ethical Challenges in Today's
use our moral imaginations in order learned that if you get your commas Schools and Classrooms is available
to make as much moral progress as and quotes generally in the right on the publisher's website
technological progress, resulting in spots, the editors welcome your at
a better, more just society. manuscript more readily. I learned to Use promo code 6S9WIL to receive
elaborate and condense in the same the discounted price of $21.20. The
The Dialogue: Every book evolves, paragraph. I learned that men and book can also be found and ordered
from a germ of an idea, to its full women write differently but can be through booksellers.)
form. Tell us about the process of complementary and complimentary
writing the book. How was this en- to each other. After seven drafts and
deavor different from previous writ- nearly a year of writing, I share the
Dialogue, Spring 2009 3
SDAWP Spring Conference
Teaching the Writer:
Voices from the Summer Institute
Spring is a time of renewal and the 79 par-
ticipants at SDAWPs second annual confer-
ence had many opportunities to experience
the spirit of the season. Held in UCSD’s Cross
Cultural Center on March 7, the morning
event began with continental breakfast and
time for socializing. After an introduction by
Kim Douillard and a writing warm-up led by
Susan Minnicks, four 2008 Summer Institute
Teacher Consultants presented in break-out
sessions to audiences of SDAWP Fellows and
friends. Shannon Falkner explained how to
engage students through basic literary theory,
while Lisa Harris offered her approach to us-
ing mentor texts for non-fiction and research
writing. PJ Jeffery provided inspiration for
developing an inquiry approach to report of
information, and Marla Williams demonstrat-
ed how to use photography to help students
write meaningful compositions (see the articles
that follow). As one participant, who was at-
tending an SDAWP program for the first time,
commented, "I was inspired and enlightened
by the presentations!" All who attended were
able to explore strategies and reflect on writ-
ing instruction with a community of educators
that—like the growth and newness of spring—
always leaves one feeling revitalized.

Dynamic Relationships:
When the Visual Becomes the Rhetorical
By Marla Williams—SDAWP 2008
The famed theorist and writer Susan As a lecturer at San Diego State Uni- curriculum aimed at analysis of ar-
Sontag once said, “As photographs versity in the Department of Rhetoric gument still don’t fully understand
give people an imaginary possession and Writing Studies I am constantly their own use of rhetoric.
of a past that is unreal, they also help pushing my students to not only
people to take possession of a space understand the rhetorical moves So last spring with my students, col-
in which they are insecure.” Having they see other writers make, but to lege juniors and seniors enrolled in
taught many students who would become aware of their own writ- a course vaguely named “Writing
quickly identify themselves as “inse- ing choices and actually view their in Various Settings,” I set out to see
cure” writers, I see this lovely senti- writing task as a series of strategies what would happen if I shifted their
ment by Sontag as a banner of sorts aimed at bringing their audience “Profile” essay, similar to basic fea-
over both my teaching demonstra- into a relationship with the author. ture writing, to a “Photo Essay” and
tion from last summer’s Invitational During SI and for the spring confer- required that they include at least
Institute and further developed for ence, I chronicled some of the prob- one photo with their writing. I made
“SDAWP 2nd Annual Spring Confer- lems I encounter in the classroom— it clear that they had complete con-
ence: Voices from the Summer In- mainly that students have difficulty trol over their choice of photos. I did
stitute.” When I initially decided to generating interest in their assign- not limit the maximum number of
explore the role that the image can ments; they write for the grade and photos. I offered no formatting rules
play in crafting good writing, I had don’t actually think, engage, take and gave no penalty for composi-
no clue exactly how powerful the risks or truly own their own learn- tion or image quality. They could
possession of the photograph was to ing. My students who have been use expensive software, or do it old
become. pushed by a rigorous departmental school and cut and paste; they could

4 Dialogue, Spring 2009

use someone else’s photo borrowed
from the Internet and add a works
My Reflections on the Photo
cited page, or they could snap a poor of Carrick-a-Rede Ropebridge
quality picture with a low-resolution
camera phone. (inspired by Marla Williams and Ed Gillet
during the SDAWP Spring Conference)
My only requirement was that the Rob Meza-Ehlert
students had to include a photo, be-
When I first saw the photograph that my partner, Ed Gillet, selected for this activ-
cause the goal of the essay and the ity, my mind traveled back to a hike I took with friends along the Scottish coastline
self-created inspiration for writing where a wooden suspension bridge connects the mainland to a tiny crag of rock sur-
became the relationship between rounded by gray ocean waters. Ed's comments opened my eyes to a related, yet very
the photos and their essays, the word different viewpoint from mine. Ed spent a number of years as the owner of a kayak
and the image; they had to figure out company and traveled to far-off lands. He shared that viewing the picture brought
how to create a dominant impres- back memories of seeing such wonderful places while floating on the water; he
sion and a dynamic relationship for reveled in the freedom of carving out his own path on the ocean, often completely
their audience. Simply put, they had alone. My initial writing focused on the desire some people have to find solitude and
to think about their writing choices peace in nature, but after listening to Ed’s perspective, I wrote the following descrip-
by keeping in mind the overarching tion of the photo:
question and directions, “What do
you want your audience to think and People long for a place of solitude; a rugged, windswept spot to step away
feel as they gaze upon your photo? from the automation of our existence and touch the vastness of the world. This lone
Write in a way that will allow you rock, the rough remnant of some ancient volcanic explosion, is just such a place. I've
reach them. Make it happen.” hiked to numerous spots like this, searching for significance amidst the solitude. My
experiences, however, have always been hemmed in by paths, fences and guardrails.
Indeed, a simple Ed Gillet spent over twenty years of his life looking at such idyllic settings
from a far different perspective: floating atop the surface of the deep in a kayak.
image can bring to life Whether paddling along the coast of South America or spending weeks out in the
Pacific, Ed lived through the trials and joys of true solitude. His is a perspective that
our memories and few of us land-lovers will ever experience.
Now, at his current stage in life, Ed is more likely to find his solitude on
experiences and can foot, sharing the same path with sojourners such as myself who seek a more terres-
trial form of solitude. I can almost see him crossing that bridge and looking out at
offer us “the possession the placid ocean. On the other side, I can hear him whisper an encouragement to a
of a past.“ A lesson in fellow traveler, “Go ahead. Get off the path and dive in.” I think sometime, some-
place, that I will.
rhetoric and writing that
As a teacher, I've developed the ability to stay calm and confident in a variety of
would not have been, settings, with both young people and adults. Consequently, I was quite surprised at
how nervous I felt as I read my work for the group at the conference. As I stood up
save the photograph. front, my voice shook, and I fixed my eyes on the page because I felt overwhelmed
in a way that I hadn't felt in years. Somehow writing about Ed's perspective really
And that they did. Yen, a graduating struck a chord and spoke to me about my own life. Perhaps I've been living a life
senior who had already been accept- that is altogether too safe, with plenty of guardrails and signs to keep me on the
ed to medical school, used the fa- path.
mous photo from the Vietnam War of (Rob plans to take at least one step off that path when he attends
the young girl fleeing naked from a the 2009 SDAWP Invitational Institute this summer.)
village bombed with napalm. For the
first time Yen told the mother’s story
as the daughter of the then-mayor of
Saigon who had to flee from a roof-
top helicopter and immigrate to the
U.S. Another student, Dev profiled
his best friend’s father who spent the
60’s hitchhiking around the country.
Dev beautifully created the feeling
of isolation, loneliness, fear and ad-
venture with sensory language and
voice with a photo of an empty road-
side stool accompanied by a card-
board sign scribbled with the next

The stories go on and on, students

who protested in Venezuela, in-
(Dynamic Relationships continued on page 6)
Photo of Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge in Northern Ireland taken by Marla Williams
Dialogue, Spring 2009 5
(Dynamic Relationships continued from page 5.)
terviewing the photographer and
commenting upon liberty and op- Friday, February 6, 2009
pression, students investigating the
controversial Trestles toll road proj-
ect by actually surfing the spot for
the first time and interviewing and
photographing the die hard, bearded
surfers who surf it daily, student vet-
erans of Iraq, profiling the lives of
forgotten and wounded soldiers at
Not for Babies
the VA from wars past. All of a sud-
den, this little essay became a grand
Jennifer Moore—SDAWP 1999
project, but it was still only when my
affiliation with SDAWP began that I
heard for the first time the phrase This piece is a post from like treeeeeeeeeeeeee." Him: "Huh?
“student buy-in.” And here it was. Jenny Moore's Blog What about baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"
(mywholelifeisonthetipofmy- We've since surmised that long vow-
For the SDAWP conference, I cre- Are you a els say their name, a helpful way for
ated an activity in which teacher Fellow who blogs, either at least the parents to remember).
participants selected a photograph personally or professionally? I watched our daughter circle ants
they connected to, and I asked them and the rat and a bag and grass in
Send us a sample post or
to talk freely to a partner about what the illustration. Then she put a cir-
your URL for us to add
they saw in it. Then I asked them cle on part of the tree.
to an SDAWP "Blogroll."
to switch photos with their part-
And blog on!
ner whose photo, experience and
connection to it was to become the
The other night our five-year-old
subject of a mini photo essay. Par-
came home with a workbook from
ticipants were asked to take time to
Starfall, which is a new curriculum
describe the scene in the photo us-
I understand is being incorporated
ing vivid language and to develop a
into her kindergarten class. First we
couple of interview questions so that
had to staple together a little story
they could consider what else read-
about a rat named Zac (who encoun-
ers might want to know and how
tered some ants, incidentally). Next
they might capture their subject’s
she read the story aloud to me, and
voice to bring human interest to the
then she was to complete some ex-
piece. After this brief writing activ-
ercises in her workbook.
ity, participants had only three min-
utes each to conduct an interview, Photo of Jenny's daughter as posted on her blog at
and then it was time to decide on a I worry that No Child
dominant impression, Each had to
become the manipulator. They had Left Behind makes "'Tree' has a long vowel sound, hon-
to decide how they would represent ey," I offered helpfully.
the specific content of the photo-
assumptions based on
"I know, Mom," she concurred, cir-
graph, the importance of the photo every child's cling the flag and a mat.
to their partner, and finally their ex-
perience and perspective of both. ability to learn that
"And 'leaf' has a long vowel sound,
During this activity, Rob Meza- are spot-on and im- too, right?"
Ehlert, a social studies teacher at
Kearney High partnered with Ed portant—but that "Yep," she agreed. "But that's a
Gillet who chose a photo of Carrick- braaaaaaaaaaanch, Mom. Branch.
a-Rede rope bridge that I took in
don't account for the Short vowel for branch."
Northern Ireland overlooking Scot-
tish Isles. To Ed this photograph be-
magic and beauty of a Duh. Thanks, kiddo.
came symbolic of a quiet moment, child's spirit... The last activity was to write a nar-
one of which he rarely speaks.
rative based on a picture related
One of the assignments was to exam- to the little stapled story starring
Indeed, a simple image can bring to
ine a picture and circle the objects hapless Zac. The workbook help-
life our memories and experiences
with short vowel sounds. Now, my fully provided a Word Bank (I had
and can offer us “the possession of a
husband and I have had to learn the never heard of one until I became
past.“ A lesson in rhetoric and writ-
distinction between short and long a teacher) for this writing venture
ing that would not have been, save
vowel sounds, since it's obviously so that one didn't need to worry so
the photograph.
not intuitive (Me: "Honey, long vow- much about spelling and could also
el sounds SOUND long, you know, practice writing and using all those
6 Dialogue, Spring 2009
words with short vowel sounds. to NCLB tenets, each child will be relevant. Every child can learn; ev-
achieving at grade level standards ery child can achieve at standard.
But of course, my daughter didn't by 2013, or ELSE. Educators all over We are banking on that. But I am not
want to write about flags and mats our state are working hard to make sure every child's talents and gifts
and ants and bags and grass. So she this happen. Children are learning will properly emerge and flourish in
ignored the Word Bank and used her about things and using terminol- this institution of schooling as it is
own invented spelling to write about ogy invented since our grade-school currently designed.
the playground and swings—which, years. What's more: they're learning
to be fair, were present in the pic- about their learning. It's impressive. We all know people who sucked at
ture, so who can blame her? Off she school and who thrive at life.
went writing whatever the heck she But it's heartbreaking. As a school
wanted, basically, and I didn't feel administrator, I have sat in many The question is, are we properly
like stifling her long-vowel narra- meetings about Accountability and prepared to listen and respond to the
tive. And when she wanted to write Achievement and Mastery of Skills, Children Left Silenced?
the word "were," she sounded it out: and the theme is always We Must
"w," "e," "r"...pause. "Oh yeah," she Get Every Kid There. It sounds real-
nodded. "There's a silent 'e' at the ly noble but also simple: We Can Do
end of it." Her tongue popped out of This! However, any ONE of us who
the side of her mouth as she added has sat with ONE kindergartener at
that "e" on to the end of "wer." the kitchen table doing homework
for ONE evening has to wonder how Recollection
Meanwhile, I was shaking my head ONE kindergarten teacher gets 20
like a dog does when it's about to kids through ONE activity success-
Dinah Smith—SDAWP 2008
shake water from its entire body. fully in ONE day, while identifying
Like, "Silent WHAT?" who needs extra help and then pro- Always prepared for inspection,
viding it. And here we are the fortu-
We've got to continue nate parents of a well-prepared kin- Presenting calmly a fine complexion,
dergartener with no special needs.
to challenge She is well prepared because we Turning away from any objection,
have books and read to her but also
children, showing because she is just That Kind of Kid Rejecting emphatically imperfection,
who wakes up in the morning and
them and ourselves wants to go write stuff.
Unaware of the subtle inflection,

just how much is Frankly, she's the kind of kid who

That might have led

possible, but we also delights so much in the structure of to another selection—

school that she almost needs breaks
must allow them to from it. Which is not to say that the Missing opportunity for connection,
children who struggle with the struc-
show us what ture of school—or for whom struc- To see my own reflection,
ture is a foreign concept in and of
is relevant. itself—don't need those breaks too. Already whole and pure perfection.
I worry that No Child Left Behind
So my daughter knows what "Silent makes assumptions based on every
For my protection,
E"s are and the difference between child's ability to learn that are spot-
Short Vowels and Long Ones. What on and important—but that don't And to ensure no rejection,
the heck are they teaching in kinder- account for the magic and beauty
garten these days, anyway? It turns of a child's spirit, which can get lost I always chose the direction
out I don't even know what my kid somewhere in that shuffle of stan-
knows. I don't know what she knows, dards and vowel sounds. A spirited Offering the most affection,
and I don't know what she knows, if teacher can help make sense of stan-
you know what I mean. It's crazy. dards, and put them in their place. So I'd feel no dejection
I'm pretty sure this kindergarten is Our daughter is fortunate to have
not my kindergarten. It's both heart- such a teacher. Or, God forbid, experience
breaking and reassuring.
Every so often, we've got to back off
Here's what's reassuring: all this fo- Zac the Rat and the Word Bank and Because I missed my own election.
cus on No Child Left Behind means just laugh at how silly is his picnic at
someone has to be paying attention the playground. We've got to search
to every child's ability to learn. Con- for the meaning—and the joy—in How could I have missed
ceivably, gone are the days when short and long vowel sounds. We've
nice children who try hard can slip got to continue to challenge children, the interjection:
through the cracks and make it showing them and ourselves just
through 12th grade without know- how much is possible, but we also Needing approval is deep infection.
ing or showing much. According must allow them to show us what is

Dialogue, Spring 2009 7

S The Aut
U hor
By Grace McG
M The Author is

When words in
E tegrate.
R riters’ To create.
Your first poem
Your first pair
of wings.

2 A superhero.
0 It can fly.
Poetr y.
0 It has super stre
8 Observation.
The Author is
Summer Vacation
By Lenni Elbe

Summer a hall of fun Colors

By Lauren Cook
world of poems
butterflies flying If a color could represent me,
the chorus of the it would be,
wind in my ears
The green of the grass, the green of the trees,
the sun sets
the blue of the breeze,
I jump into the pool
Orange representing creativity, pink and red for energy,
the cold water
Yellow: the sun shining for me!
hitting my face.
Brown for the tree trunks,
Brown for traveling trunks,
White for the clean sheet of paper
representing my life.
Grey for the pencil, constantly writing.
And grey for the mistakes that everyone makes,
Purple for my grapes, and
Turquoise for the shallow waters of the ocean.
But black for trouble I get into
And innocent white, again, saying,
“I didn’t do it.”
All together, I’m a rainbow,
8 Dialogue, Spring 2009
My Circle P oem Where I’m From
By Maddy Horner
do za
By Emily Men

e is no to morrow.
I’m from the washed-up seaweed,
I am living like ther
w beginning ever yd
the salty rocks in a wide expanse of water,
or ro w st ar ts a ne
To m
memories. the melty, gooey chocolate in the
w stories an d new
Ever yday brings ne d or go od. bottom of your Christmas stocking.
s ve r fo rg otte n, can either be ba
Memorie ne
heart forever.
I’m from the splattered paint of your anger,
od fr ie nd s le av e fo otprints in yo ur
Go time. The soothing voice that sings you
r an gi ng , wh ile slowly taking yo ur
Foreve ch
“Good Night Irene.”
ing never stopping
Time being everlast I’m from a person who escaped misery.
yo ur last moments
Stopping to enjoy I’m from a single piece of cotton candy
ge so meone in an
Moments can chan melting and bringing joy
n change.
Instantly people ca to the taste buds at the tip
anging me.
ghts, but never ch
Changing my thou
of your tongue.
I’m from the seed you planted last year.
I’m from the beautiful rose
that brings you happiness.
I’m from the threadbare blanket
that loves you so much.
I’m from your heart.

By Hannah Montante

Summer brings memories and freedom from school

Summer takes away rusty, dusty school days
And brings cannonballs at the pool
Or jumping in feet first
Summer brings giggles and joyful laughter
Summer brings mischief and crazy antics
Allowing daydreams to race across your head
Summer lasts long enough
For everyone to rustle and squish at the pool
And at least have fun

Dialogue, Spring 2009 9

Math and
Lisa Harris
SDAWP 2008

With a furtive glance towards the mark writing assessments and read- lum’ and for those teachers to then
door, I hurriedly yank the plasti- ing grades, the obvious progress not regard writing as a subject in
cized covers off the phonics books encourages me. I am amazed at the school day. I regard this as
and toss the worksheets into the the perseverance of my students a problem.” She further states,
recycle pile. You know, the pages to produce a book of poetry and a “Children’s success in many dis-
with the word box at the top and the research book about a habitat of ciplines is utterly reliant on their
directions that state, “Please choose their choice, both of which took abilities to write; children deserve
the correct word from the box that over two months to complete. I writing to be a subject that is taught
completes the sentences below,” or also observe how confident they and studied just like reading and
you might have a reading response are when asked to write in different math” (2006). With lower class size
as a prompt which almost always subject areas such as math or social and less demanding content stan-
initiates this question from your studies. How did we get there? It dards in the primary elementary
students, “How many sentences do certainly didn’t happen by filling out grades, I believe we can teach writ-
I have to write?” —Hardly authentic blanks on worksheets. ing first while embedding and sup-
porting it with science, social stud-

With a furtive glance towards the door,

ies, and health concepts. Too often
writing is merely assigned and/or

I hurriedly yank the plasticized covers off

sprinkled throughout the instruc-
tional day.

the phonics books and toss Purposefully, four days a week, I

the worksheets into the recycle pile. carve out a forty-five-minute period
of the school day and label it Writer’s
Workshop. Along with Reading
writing. Once again I realize as the I realize it entailed the consistent Rotations and Math, this teaching
year concludes that the students time spent teaching and writing block constitutes a cornerstone
only used five to ten pages out of daily in Writer’s Workshop, and of my instructional day. A typical
these thick, tree-killing books. As studying writing craft during our workshop starts with a mini-lesson,
the guilt mounts I wonder, “Will I be Read Aloud (Story time). How true ten to fifteen minutes long, where I
discovered and castigated?” “Why it is as Lucy Calkins, author of The engage in direct writing instruction
do I let the office continue to order Art of Teaching Writing says, “They with the entire class. Following the
these books for me when they are will learn to write by writing, and mini-lesson the students then write
hardly used?” by living with the sense of ‘I am one for twenty minutes. During this
who writes’”(1994). time I facilitate by helping students
Then I reflect and ask myself,

Purposefully, four days a week,

“Why don’t I use these books more?”
Instantly I know the answer. These
books, in my experience, do not
help students become better read- I carve out a forty-five-minute period
ers and writers. They lack context of the school day
and label it Writer’s Workshop.
and meaning, so the blanks are
filled in and quickly the concepts
are forgotten. In fact, the few pages
the students did only helped them
learn how to read directions and As a teacher of young children choose a topic, inviting students to
become familiar with the language in kindergarten and first grade, I share to get others started, helping
and format used on standardized have a unique opportunity and an students sound out words or com-
tests. This knowledge only takes important obligation to teach writ- pose sentences, and assisting with
five to ten pages to attain. ing as a separate school subject, revision. Writing time isn’t always
just like reading and math. Lucy silent. In fact you may hear the fol-
What did help my students become Calkins writes, “In some districts lowing chorus throughout the time
better readers and writers this year? it is acceptable for teachers to say, period, “What topic are you writing
As I analyzed the students’ bench- ‘I teach writing across the curricu- about?”
10 Dialogue, Spring 2009
“Aliens!” evidence I saw in their writing, I time spent teaching and writing in
heard it in their language. “Mom, Writer’s Workshop.
“Aliens again?” look at this poem—I used alliteration
here. You see how each word starts Many teachers balk at this point,
“Yeah, I just love writing about with the same sound?” or “Dad, do stating many barriers such as, “Who
space.” You may hear me ask, “Who you like the way I started my habi- has time to grade all those papers
wants to share their lead?” Of tat book? I borrowed the idea from or to give feedback consistently to
course Mira’s hand will shoot up another author and changed it to fit so many students?” Other barriers
and she will give all of us an excel- my habitat.” It brought tears to my teachers mention include: we don’t
lent example. “Zap, crack, pop! eyes and a lump to my throat as my have time to teach writing separate-
Watch out, the lightning just split students excitedly shared their writ- ly and still cover all the curriculum
the tree in half!” The last ten min- ing at Open House. standards: the district hasn’t sup-
utes of the workshop is reserved for

...students are anxious for their turn to

student sharing, the highlight for
students. This activity motivates

share and are notoriously impatient, so it is

students to write and is absolutely
essential to the workshop model.
During sharing, students are taught
to listen carefully and comment
imperative that Writer’s Workshop is taught
specifically on student writing in
the form of compliments and ques-
consistently, at least four days a week.
tions. For example, students might
offer the following, “It made me Toward the end of the year, our plied a systematic writing program
laugh when you had the cereal talk school had its annual “Community for us to follow: we lack common
to the boy.” Or you might hear, “You Read-in.” This is a day desig- understanding of what writing is
used a lot of color and detail in your nated to invite professionals from and what it should look like at each
illustrations. It makes your book the community to read in all the grade level: or, we don’t even have
exciting!” Of course students are classrooms and share how reading confidence in our own writing abili-
anxious for their turn to share and impacts their lives. When our rep- ties.
are notoriously impatient, so it is resentative, a former space shuttle
imperative that Writer’s Workshop engineer, read to our class, she When I contemplated these barriers
is taught consistently, at least four began to question the children as I was hit with the realization that the
days a week. Then most children to their favorite part of the story problems didn’t center on the stu-
will have a chance to share and and why. Immediately the hands dents: instead, it rested uncomfort-
receive feedback on their writing shot up and Jack offered, “I liked ably on the shoulders of the teachers
once a week. the way the author used personifi- and school district. What can be
cation to give the story voice. She done to rectify this situation? It sim-
ply cannot be ignored any longer.

When this music reached my ears I knew,

As Kelly Gallagher states, “If Langer
and Applebee are correct—that good

without a doubt, the students really did

writing develops careful thinking
and that writing is the cornerstone of
get it! They had internalized these producing literate human beings—
then don’t we have the responsibility
concepts and knew them well. that reaches far beyond simply cov-
ering our courses content?” (2006).
Yes, we do have an awesome, often
Various mini-lessons taught is having the animals talk and act overwhelming responsibility to
throughout the year may include: just like people.” Elizabeth added, teach our students how to write and
developing writing fluency, organi- “She also used sound effects words think.
zation, focusing on one topic, mak- (onomatopoeia) to make the story
ing books complete with cover, title come alive.” This commentary, As I consider my own journey and
page, and dedication, writing in totally unprompted, placed a look evolution as a writing teacher I real-
different genres such as narrative of incredulous shock and joy on ize how complex and time consum-
and nonfiction, using vivid verbs the face of our volunteer. She then ing it is. There just isn’t a one-
and specific nouns, identifying and asked the children to define per- size-fits-all writing program a school
utilizing writing craft such as allit- sonification and alliteration for her, district can purchase. It takes a
eration, personification, simile, and and confidently and succinctly, the lot of professional development and
text manipulation. children did so. When this music personal commitment to become an
reached my ears I knew, without a effective writing teacher. Attending
One might wonder how I can hon- doubt, the students really did get it! writing seminars, reading profes-
estly say that my students really They had internalized these con- sional works, and joining a writing
understood and internalized these cepts and knew them well. cohort in our school district with
concepts. After all, they are only other writing teachers willing to
kindergartners and 1st graders. I How did we get there? I’m firmly share their successes and frustra-
would answer: in addition to the convinced the answer is consistent tions have all helped me down this
Dialogue, Spring 2009 11
path. At individual school sites per-
haps grade-level planning, teacher
mentoring, or departmentalization
can help instruct students in a more Where I Come From
effective and efficient manner. I M.G. Williams—SDAWP 2008
know we all can’t be experts in
every subject; therefore, elementary Because I never know where to tell people I’m from,
teachers who teach multiple sub-
jects must depend on each other for they always want to know.
assistance and support. Next year a I tell them I’m from Stockton,
fellow first-grade teacher and I will But in my heart I know I’m from New Orleans.
team teach. I will teach Writer’s
Where I’m from, I’m not allowed to be from.
Workshop to both our classes and
she will teach math. We hope shar- I wasn’t born or raised there,
ing our expertise with more children A hurricane interrupted my chance to earn my birthright.
and the opportunity to concentrate
on one academic subject versus two Where I come from they eat red beans and rice on Mondays
will raise the quality of instruction
for all our students. The first steps We watch parades from the neutral ground on Napoleon
in achieving excellent writing in the And I make groceries at the A & P.
classrooms are teachers willing to Would you believe me if you knew, I bleed purple and gold?
be interdependent, willing to change
and challenge ourselves, and willing
Where I’m from is the corner of Fourth and Camp,
to carve out that precious time each
day to teach writing. And where South Scott meets Canal.
I did grow up in New Orleans.
Primary students have so much I saw humidity soaked flowers bloom
potential. It is imperative that they
begin to see themselves as writers, and drench the air with the sweet scent of magnolias and honeysuckle,
experience success, and build upon And I saw friends get lost in the democratic, always open, we’ll-accept-anyone
that writing foundation as they prog- bars on the cocaine-laden dark side of Decatur.
ress through the elementary grades.
As theologian and author Charles
Swindoll writes, “Works follow faith. Where I’m from, you walk down the street, you look people in the eye and smile.
Behavior follows belief. Fruit comes In the beginning, you smile in gracious acknowledgement
after the tree is well-rooted”(1990). and say “Morning” to your elders.
My hope and desire is to see other
colleagues join me in this essential Then you learn to purse your lips, open your eyes wide with power
endeavor of teaching writing as a And offer up the head nod in feigned respect as you pass the company of men.
school subject, and instead of recy- Where I’m from, you have to tell people you won’t be a victim.
cling so many unused worksheets,
we will use paper productively for
Where I’m from we eat at Theo’s Pizza, Juan’s Flying Burrito and Dante’s Kitchen.
students’ journals, reports, and stu-
dent-made books. Where I’m from we eat whatever we want, drink more than we should
And then drive home through narrow, pothole-spotted streets lined with oak trees,
Works Cited: shotguns and run-down camel-back houses.
Calkins, Lucy. (1994) The Art of Where I’m from porch sittin’ is an art and excess is still not enough.
Teaching Writing. Portsmouth, NH:
Heineman Where I’m from there are natives and then there’s everyone else.
There are transients and gutter punks, west bankers and blind tourists.
Calkins, Lucy. (2006) Units of Study
Where I’m from there are kings of krewes and widows of the projects.
for Teaching Writing. Portsmouth,
NH: Heineman
Where I’m from darkness lasts longer than decades
Gallagher, Kelly. (2006) Teaching The battles of fine cultures, greedy nations and blended races emerge in the
Adolescent Writers. Portland, Maine: jazz-lit smoky nightclub, on the iron-laced balconies
Stenhouse Publishers
And from the tears of those whose heart the city devours.
Swindoll, Charles R. (1990) The Where I’m from is haunted by its opulent past and bleak future.
Grace Awakening. Dallas, TX: Word Where I’m from will quietly suffocate your soul
And if, when, you leave her—
You leave a broken child, forever unaware of all you left behind
But acutely aware of that which you will never regain.

12 Dialogue, Spring 2009

breaking down or ending early, so

In Your
in that sense, I prevailed. But when
I got home, I fumed, complained,

I Long To Be
and dawdled. One incident allowed
me to waste precious hours that
could have been spent cuddling
with my husband, or, more realisti-
Lisa Muñoz, SDAWP 2008 cally, grading papers.

Ok, so I’m listening to Audioslave would be amazing, but by Tuesday Thus, I realized I am nowhere
(hence the title) as I’m grading I was exhausted with the task and near a superwoman. I won’t even
papers and I’m distracted. Not just had nearly given up. Here’s the become Batgirl at this rate.
by the music, but by my thoughts. deal: teaching sometimes is the
My husband, Alex, wrote this huge equivalent of being in an abusive Basically, according to Nietzsche,
Humanities paper on Nietzsche’s relationship. You’re told you’re not I need to be above all that taints
ideologies and how they relate to good enough, even when you’ve and clouds my path and goals. Not
the decadence of society today. I stayed up till three the night before, there yet. On the other hand, I
gave Alex ideas and resources, and making sure lesson plans were per- don’t teach because of some vague,
he honestly did me a favor by let- fect and all essays were graded. impersonal sense of “duty,” which
ting me “teach” him what I know. You’re told to do and be more, even is a step in the right direction. In
When I start reading and thinking when you regularly work seven “Morality as Anti-Nature” Nietzsche
about various perspectives I get so days a week, missing birthdays and wrote, “What could destroy us more
immersed that it’s all I do. This past Sunday family lunches. You get to quickly than working, thinking, and
weekend, my family and friends lis- your class, ready to expand minds feeling without any inner necessity,
tened to me prattle on and on about and change lives (or at least get without any deeply personal choice,
seven or eight different philosophi- them to grasp the concept of the without pleasure—as an automaton
cal concepts and how they pertain
to society, life, religion—the whole
world—for, I don’t know, every wak-
Basically, according to Nietzsche,
ing second of every hour. Oh, did I I need to be above all that taints and clouds
tell you I’m going to be a renowned
philosopher someday? Yeah, I don’t my path and goals. Not there yet.
exactly have philosophical theories On the other hand, I don’t teach because of some
per se, but I read a bunch and talk
a lot, so I’m sure I’ll be able to firm vague, impersonal sense of “duty,”
up ideas soon. which is a step in the right direction.
Anyway, Nietzsche wrote about of ‘duty’?” He promoted intrinsic
this concept of the “Superman,” comma) and only three students desires and motivations rather than
and I very much would like to show up. And, you get the random extrinsic ones. I teach because
know how to become superman… student who verbally abuses, dis- I am compelled by forces deeper
um superwoman. By the end of regards, and patronizes you, even than any monetary or social gain.
the weekend, I decided I would though you’ve shown that student When I was around five, I used to
become the rare, extraordinary the utmost respect. For these rea- teach my dolls letters and numbers.
human he writes about. He began sons, the job can feel pretty emo- I would prop them up and write
“The Antichrist” (by the way, I’m tionally and physically draining. on my little chalkboard. I would
Christian, so go work out that para- Yet, you keep coming back, like the encourage my stuffed pug and plas-
dox) with “This book belongs to a injured, jaded soul that you are, to tic Shamu to finish their homework
select few. Perhaps none of them start up another semi-dysfunctional and would tell them they were on
yet live.” Then he described this relationship the following semes- the right track.
super human: (s)he is truly honest ter.
in all intellectual matters (I’m still As with writing, I can’t imagine not
working out what that means) and On Tuesday night I had directed an teaching. Maria Montessori, echoed
must be accustomed to living away especially insightful class discus- this sentiment by saying, “Everyone
from civilization, above the “gossip sion, followed by an unpleasant has a special tendency, a special
of politics and national egotism” (I (and highly inappropriate) outburst vocation, modest perhaps, but cer-
think I’ve failed on both counts). from one student. I’m usually all tainly useful.” While I know I’ve
about specifics in my writing, but found mine, I don’t think it has
But! His main argument was that they just aren’t important in this necessarily made life easier. But,
people should think for themselves, case. what a life. I have an opportunity
rather than follow “herd mentality” to work with at least 140 students a
(aka mankind). Well, I’m all about What is relevant is the fact that I semester. Imagine the potential.
my own ideas. I mean, I’ve accept- let a student throw me off track for
ed years ago that I don’t think like the rest of the night. I did man- Last night, I shared this with Alex
most people. I’m okay with that. age to compose myself in around by emailing it, and he spent about
thirty seconds to make it through an hour writing non-stop while I
So, I decided on Monday that I my three-hour night class without
Dialogue, Spring 2009 13
was sleeping. This is a big deal, as
I’ve always wanted him to write me
something. So this would have been
his first time. Anyway, this morning,
as I woke up, he said he loved read-
ing about my ideas so much (you’d
think that he’d get enough of it liv-
c MUSE BOX Stacey Goldblatt, SDAWP 1999
ing with me!) that he felt compelled In his book The Courage to Write: How Writers Transcend Fear, author Ralph Keyes
to write back his own views. By the asserts:
way, today he will present his huge

final project in order to graduate, yet
he sacrificed an extra hour of sleep Considering directly how scary writing can be, and why, can do more to facilitate
to write me back. Just as he was writing than a dozen classes on technique...Finding the courage to write does
about the hit send, he accidentally not involve erasing or ‘conquering’ one’s fears. Working writers aren’t those who
deleted it all. have eliminated their anxiety. They are the ones who keep scribbling while their
heart races and their stomach churns and who mail manuscripts with trembling
Ironically, he was writing about the
absurdity of life and the philosophy fingers. The key difference between writers who are paralyzed by fear and those
of absurdism. He questioned his who are merely terrified is that...the latter come to terms with their anxieties. They
own purpose in life and asked me learn how to keep writing even as fear tries to yank their hand from the page.
(and himself) why he’s even trying They find the courage to write.
to find meaning. He said he didn’t
have the energy to write me again,
so he emailed me a quote from the We all want to write. We believe in it. We know that when we write with our stu-
Myth of Sisyphus by Camus: “If there dents, we model the joys and obstacles we as writers face. But what’s getting in the
is no meaning in life, why live? If way of your own writing? What stops you from sending out your manuscript? Write
you feel as though there is no mean- about what fears cause roadblocks in your writing. What prevents you from pub-
ing in life, is it worth suicide? No. I
lishing that piece you have tucked away in your mind or even your filing cabinet?
have the freedom to choose what I
want to do. Life doesn't make sense, Challenge yourself to write with a racing heart and mail your manuscript off despite
but death doesn't either. I decide not trembling fingers.
to kill myself. I decide to live my life
knowing that life has no meaning. For inspiration, take a peek at the National Writing Project website for some possible
I will live my life as if it has mean-
places to send your work:
He then wrote, “I'm tired and sad
that I wrote so much to you, only to
make such a stupid mistake. It really
shows how absurd life can be.” SDAWP NOTES
And yet, we will continue to look for
purpose in our daily lives, even if Congratulations to Divona Roy, SDAWP 1996, whose ninth grade student, Erin
it is all an illusion. Even if we are
Singer, won first place in the CATE writing contest. This year’s contest topic was “change.”
stuck in the cave that Plato wrote
about, looking straight ahead and Erin wrote about her experience in the fourth grade when she couldn’t run, and she was
admiring mere shadows, I will con- made fun of for it. Her teacher helped her overcome her insecurity. Her personal narrative
tinue to make my life worthwhile.
A student once told me (after I was was published in the February edition of the California English Journal.
particularly animated about sea life
and my desire to learn more about Kudos to Patricia Jeffery, SDAWP 2008. Eleven of her students were selected as sweep-
the depths of the ocean) that I need
five lives to live out the passions I stakes winners in this year’s San Diego City Schools History Day competition. The kids were
have (if you knew how many inter- required to make a poster describing a person in history and his/her legacy (using only 350
ests I have, you'd think so, too). But
words). They competed at the county level on March 14th.
why not this life?

Quite importantly, Plato said that we Congratulations to Karen Wroblewski, SDAWP 1989. As principal of San Diego
are all-knowing souls before birth.
High School of International Studies, she has been named the Magnet Schools of America
Then, as we live this illusory life, we
forget everything and have to "re- National Principal of the Year. This award recognizes an outstanding school leader who has
learn" it, or as I like to say, remem- succeeded in providing innovative programs that promote equity, diversity, and academic
ber it. I want to remember it all. Is
that so much to ask? excellence for students in magnet schools. Karen's award was announced during the Magnet
Schools of America conference held in Charlotte, North Carolina, April 27-29, 2009.

14 Dialogue, Spring 2009

We also invite articles from Ameri-
FacultyShack can teachers and researchers that Call for
Call for Submissions address the following questions: Manuscripts
What literacy projects have you
and your students engaged in that
FacultyShack—started by teachers involve other countries? How has Fall 2009 Issue
for teachers—is an online publi- current technology opened the door Submission Deadline:
cation, providing educators with to international literacy practices? July 30, 2009
a thoughtful and often humorous What projects have your students
look at the realities we face. For been involved in that support the
the past seven years FacultyShack literacy development of students
Choices in the
has served as an alternative to tra- in underdeveloped countries? Are Classroom:
ditional, scholarly, education jour-
nals. We offer interesting looks at
you involved in other international The Everyday
literacy practices, projects, initia-
teaching life written in non-edese; tives, and issues that would be of Judgments
if you want to laugh at the crazi- interest to VM readers? of Teachers
ness of the world that we deal with
everyday, then FacultyShack is the For guidelines, please visit: www. "Teachers make hundreds of deci-
place for you. We have no strict sions every day about how to
parameters for article topics (mul-
allocate their time, express ideas
let haircuts and multicultural liter-
ature—do you see a theme here?). Language Arts to pupils, introduce new concepts,
and teach fresh skills.  They have
We are looking for thoughtful and/
or funny articles about new teach-
NCTE to decide when to assist pupils and
ing ideas, the state of education, when to leave them alone...which
specific curriculum area concerns, In each issue, we will feature a final teaching strategies to employ, how
or observations on students, teach- page called “In Closing . . . .” This is to handle a recalcitrant child, and
ers or administrators. a one-page format (750-word maxi- so on.  Other decisions involve
mum) that could take the form of a judgments about allocations of
The journal serves as a clearing- poem, essay, conversation, journal grades, classroom management,
house for new approaches to class- entry, short story, or visual art with curriculum implementation, task
room challenges and provides a caption. The focus is on the voices differenitiation and pupil assess-
forum for ongoing discussion of of educators who have recognized a ment."  Denis Hayes, Primary
complex educational questions. If shift in perspective, perception, or Education:  The Key Concepts.
you have an article idea that you practice—in their school, their dis-  
would like to share, please sub- trict, or themselves. We hope that Relate a decision or judgment call
mit it to us. Published first-time readers will look forward to this you have made—or have been
authors get a free (and fine look- feature because it prompts them to forced to make—in your career as
ing) FacultyShack T-shirt. Now, remember and rethink. For submis- an educator.   Describe the context. 
what academic journal offers that? sion guidelines visit: What was at stake?  Which resourc-
For more information, please visit: pubs/journals/la/write/109012.htm es, values, and beliefs guided your decision making?  What were the
Classroom Notes implications for your relationships
Voices from the Plus NCTE
with students, parents, and/or col-
leagues?  How did your decision
Middle influence your feelings about your-
self as an educator or professional,
Classroom Notes Plus, NCTE’s quar-
International Literacy terly newsletter of practical teach- and about being a teacher? 
Deadline: September 1, 2009 ing ideas for the middle and second-
ary school level, invites descriptions Dialogue would like to receive your
The world is shrinking as global- of teaching practices for consider- work or the work of your students.
ization brings us closer to people ation. We ask that submissions be Submit a story of student success,
around the world. We want to widen original and previously unpublished a strategy for implementation, or
the focus of this call to include the and, in the case of an adapted idea, a personal essay on your teaching
following: What kinds of literacy that you clearly identify any sourc- experience.
projects are happening in countries es that deserve mention. Please be
around the world? What aspects of aware that any student work needs Email all manuscript submissions,
literacy are currently drawing at- to be accompanied by statements of suggestions, letters to the editor and
tention in your country? What can consent by the student and his or her Project Notes to
we learn from your best literacy parents. For submission guidelines or
practices? How do literacy practices visit:
compare across different countries? journals/109277.htm
Dialogue, Spring 2009 15
San Diego Area Writing Project
Non-Profit Org.
University of California, San Diego
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Calendar of Events San Diego Area

Writing Project

Opportunities for Opportunities for Directors:

Makeba Jones
Educators: Students:
Kim Douillard
Reading Like Improving
A Writer Students' Associate Directors:
Karen Wroblewski
Grades K-12 Academic Writing
June 22 - June 26, 2009 Gilbert Mendez (Imperial Valley)
Grades 11-12
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. July 13 - July 17, 2009
Registration $375.00 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Young Writers’
Programs Coordinators:
Registration $295.00 Divona Roy
Students' The College Janis Jones
Academic Writing Admission and
Grades 2-16 Application Essay NWP Technology Liaison:
Kendra Madden Redfern
July 20 - July 24, 2009 High School Seniors
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Christine Kané
and Community College
Registration $495.00 Transfer Students
(Includes 4 follow-up July 20 - July 24, 2009
Senior Program Associate:
half-days during Carol Schrammel
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. To contact the SDAWP office,
the 2009-2010 school year) Registration $295.00 call (858) 534-2576
or email
For registration materials
Visit our website at
and information regarding these programs,
please contact the SDAWP office
at 858-534-2576 or

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