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< 改訂 3>2015.

11 版
§ 5.『材料管理』  改善点発見シート < 改訂 2>2014.4. 1 版 仕入先 <実施状況>
< 改訂 1>2009.4.17 版 =評価基準=
      2007.3.6 版   A:評価項目に対して点検対象エリアでの全品番、 提出先
全ライン、 全設備、全員が100%満足している (2次・3次)
提出日 翌月7日まで
点検方法   -:評価対象外 調査対象域(工程名、工程№、生産ライン等)

 評価 B の項目について記入して下さい。
対象 自主評価 合同評価/TR・外部 ・再評価欄は、改善が完了した際再度
工場で使用されている全ての原材料 点検日 点検日  評価して記入して下さい。
(樹脂成形、ゴム成形、プレス、ダイカスト、等の各工程で 使用される原材料、電線、ウエビング) シート シート 点検部署   再評価欄も記入して提出下さい。 シート
評価 点検部署 評価 評価
 /点検者 /点検者

評価項目 評価 評価理由 評価 評価理由 改善内容 完了 再

予定日 評価
1.1 管理者~作業者は「材料管理の目的」や「重要性」を理解しているか

2.1       一覧表:発注する材料に間違いが無いか、一覧表と照合する

2.2 【実施例】発注書に基づき、納品書、現品(品名、グレード等)の照合確認を実施する

【実施例】保管:置場ロケの識別表示と保管材料を照合確認 品名(銘柄)、グレード、カラー№等

2.4 【実施例】受入日付等を記入し、受入日付け順での材料整列/出し入れ方法等で使用順を設定  

2.5 保管場所における最大在庫・最小在庫が決められ分かるようになっているか

2.6          引取り材料を照合確認する

2.7 【実施例】端数材の保管荷姿、保管場所、材料タンク保管材の先入先出 等の手順が決めてある。   

2.8 加工前に実際使用する端数材料の品名、グレードをルール通りに確認しているか


3.1 【実施例】QC工程表、成形条件表等に再生材混合比率を明記

[再生材をライン外で人が混合している場合]  全て作業者
[再生材をライン外で混合設備が混合している場合] 混合以外作業者

[再生材をインラインで自動供給の場合] 全部機械
3.3 混合設備の設定が正しいことを頻度を決めて確認しているか 

3.4 粉砕機には使用中の材料について銘柄(材料名)、グレードが表示されているか

3.5 粉砕機を共用する場合、材料変更時は前粉砕材が混ざらない様に清掃を実施しているか



評価項目 評価 評価理由 評価 評価理由 改善内容 完了 再
予定日 評価

4.1 【対象のポリエステル系樹脂】PBT、PET、PC、PC+ABS、PC+PET、

評価A数: 0 評価A数: 0 評価A数: 0

※ 各項目の考え方等の詳細については『改善点発見シート 評価B数: 0 評価B数: 0 評価B数: 0
対象外数: 0 対象外数: 0 対象外数: 0
達成率: 達成率: 達成率:

§5."Control of Raw Materials" Kaizen Sheet Supplier <Kaizen Plan>
<Rev.4>14Dec2015 =Evaluation Criteria= Tier 2 Submit to Quality Investigation Div.
A: Specified evaluation areas are implemented with suppliers Due date
How to find Kaizen point all check items 100% Area checked (Process/Line #,name etc.)
*To confirm rule for raw material control, and check actual operation at storage area B: less than 100% implementation
and production line below items; - : out of evaluation ・ fill in Kaizen activities and planned completed date
for result "B" items after self check.
・ fill in re-check result when Kaizen implemented.
Scope (Area to be checked) Self Check Joint check with TRJ or 3rd party
All raw materials that used at a plant Check Date Check Date
(Every raw materials, electric wire, and webbing what are used at process of molding, Sheet Div. Or Dept. Sheet Div. Or Dept. Sheet
 rubber molding, pressing, diecast, etc.) Result / Name Result / Name Result
(Checker) (Checker)
Kaizen Point Date Re-
Check Item Result Comment (Reason) Result Comment (Reason)
(Countermeasure) (Plan) check
1. Understand the purpose and importance
1.1 Staff at all levels, from operators to managers, understand the purpose and importance of material control.
2. Rule and actual operation
For purchasing material:There is a system to avoid mis-ordering correct material.
[Reference Point] Kanban: Removed kanbans are recovered, and orders are placed for the materials and quantities indicated on the
2.1           List: The list is checked to see that orders are placed for the correct materials.

  * When sending requests to departments responsible for placing orders, kanbans or request forms indicating material names
(including grades and color numbers) must be used instead of verbal requests.

For receiving material:A confirmation is taken to avoid incorrect delivery of material by following the rule.
[Reference Point] The kanbans are compared with the material names, grades, color numbers, etc. of the received materials.     

When storing materials: Materials are stored in their respective designated areas.
The characteristics of the materials are taken into consideration when the storage areas are designated.
[Consideration Point]
 • Do not put materials directly on the floor surface. 
 • Consider possible measures to prevent deterioration based on the environment of the storage space and characteristics of the materials.
 • The rules for handling temporary stored/overflow materials must be in place.

The storage area is well organized for "First-in, First-out".

2.4 [Reference Point] The materials are organized according to receiving date and easy to be recognized which is first-out.
          (Please refer§1"First-in First-out")
The maximum/minimum inventory is designated for the storage space, and is easily identifiable.
(visualization of abnormalities)
For picking-up and supplying material:There is a system that associate can verify to avoid misuse of material.
[Reference Point] Picking: The molding conditions table, picked materials kanbans, etc. (which indicate the material names used) are
               compared with picked materials.
[Consideration Point]
 ・The indication is maintained clear visibility for associate.
 ・The name/grade are compared with firm confirmation for each actual pick-up/supply operation.

The rules for handling leftover fractional materials must be in place.

2.7 [Reference Point] The procedures for handling leftover fractional materials (e.g. storage containers, storage space, first-in/first-out of
          materials stored in tanks) are in place.   

The name/grade of material is confirmed before production starts by following rule.

2.8 [Reference Point] The names of materials used are checked and indicated in the daily molding management tables,
          daily production reports, work instructions, etc.

3. Recycled Resin Materials

The rules for handling recycled materials are in place, and the mixture ratio is observed.
The rules for checking the mixture ratio of recycled materials are in place.
[Reference Point] The mixture ratio of recycled materials is clearly indicated in the QC process charts, molding conditions tables, etc.
A table of material-specific mixture ratios is posted in the mixing workshop.
[Consideration Point]
 The ratio shall be matched with TR standard TRES-D3334.

[Entirely by operators ]  
[By operators (other than mixture)] 
3.2 Operators check the mixture ratio of recycled materials based on weight measurement (recycled/new materials).
[Consideration Point]
 The actual mixture ratio of new and recycled material's weight measurement meets TR standard TRES-D3334.

[Entirely by machines]
The machine setting is checked periodically.
[Consideration Point]
 The actual mixture ratio of product, Spool and Runner is confirmed if it is meets TR standard TRES-D3334.

3.4 There is a clear indication of material name and grade while crusher works on.

3.5 If crusher is used to recycle material, the machine is well cleaned when changing material to avoid mixture.

There is a clear identification on the bags to distinguish materials for recycling and parts or sprue runner.
(The same kind of bag as one for new material is used for recycled materials with clear indication.)

4. Control of Polyethter Materials

The molding process "Polyethter Materials" shall be approved.

4.1 Note): All mold process for "Polyethter Materials" shall be approved by Quality Investigation Div., Tokai Rika Japan.
   "Polyethter Materials": PBT, PET, PC, PC/ABS, PC/PET, PAR, LCP, PC/PBT, TP
Number of "A" 0 Number of "A" 0 Number of "A" 0
Number of "B" 0 Number of "B" 0 Number of "B" 0
Number of "N/A" 0 Number of "N/A" 0 Number of "N/A" 0
Rate Implemented Rate Implemented Rate Implemented

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