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Summer Vacation Assignments

(July 2020)
F.3 Students (2019 – 2020) :

Assignments for students who are promoted to F.4:
1. Three pieces of news review (download News Review Worksheet)
- Summary (50-80 words), Commentary (150-200 words) & other tasks
- Attach the news article to the worksheet
2. Developing Skills for HKDSE – Grammar & Usage (Set B) Units 14, 16 & 18

Assignments for students who have Concessional Pass but failed English Language exam:
1. Three pieces of news review (download News Review Worksheet)
- Summary (50-80 words), Commentary (150-200 words) & other tasks
- Attach the news article to the worksheet
2. Developing Skills for HKDSE – Grammar & Usage (Set B) Units 14, 16 & 18
3. Supplementary Comprehension Exercise (download F3 Supplementary Comprehension Exercise_CP)
*(Submit to the Principal on the first day of school)
4. Supplementary Grammar Exercise (download F3 Supplementary Grammar Exercise_CP)
*(Submit to the Principal on the first day of school)

Assignments for students who repeat F.3:

1. Two pieces of news review (download News Review Worksheet)
- Summary (50-80 words), Commentary (150-200 words) & other tasks
- Attach the news article to the worksheet
2. One book report (Fiction – print / eBook) (download Book Report Worksheet)
3. Supplementary Comprehension Exercise (download F3 Supplementary Comprehension Exercise_R)
*(Submit to the Principal on the first day of school)
4. Supplementary Grammar Exercise (download F3 Supplementary Grammar Exercise_R)
*(Submit to the Principal on the first day of school)
Chinese Language
1. 以《我對高中生活的期望》為題,作文一篇,字數不少於 600 字(標點符號計算在內),
書寫在原稿紙上(400 或 500 格原稿紙均可;可自由選擇用坊間或學校的原稿紙)。

2. 完成啟思《指定文言經典精編(合訂本)》內《唐詩三首》、《宋詞三首》及《廉頗藺相如
列傳》的課後綜習。電子版會上載至各班的 google classroom,請自行查閱、下載及列印。
1. 完成「中三升中四」的各項暑期功課。

2. 中文科不及格者,需於暑假間閱讀以下篇章,並在原稿紙或 A4 單行紙上完成每篇附帶的
練習。練習必須註明篇章名稱及題號,並在 9 月 1 日繳交予校長。
鳴驚人》、《周處除三害》、《大學‧明德章節錄》、《擲人頭南俠驚佞黨 除邪祟學士審虔

1. 完成「中二升中三」的各項暑期功課。

2. 中文科不及格者,需於暑假間閱讀以下篇章,並在原稿紙或 A4 單行紙上完成每篇附帶的
練習。練習必須註明篇章名稱及題號,並在 9 月 1 日繳交予校長。

鳴驚人》、《周處除三害》、《大學‧明德章節錄》、《擲人頭南俠驚佞黨 除邪祟學士審虔
Students passed in Mathematics have to complete the following summer assignment.

Mathematics in Action
Book 3A Integrated Exercise A and B (Page E.10 to E.19)
Book 3B Integrated Exercise A and B (Page E.5 to E.18)

Get Set Go MC Questions Book B (Integrated Test)

Students failed in Mathematics have to complete the following summer assignment.

Mathematics in Action
Book 3A Integrated Exercise A and B (Page E.10 to E.19)
Book 3B Integrated Exercise A and B (Page E.5 to E.18)

Get Set Go MC Questions Book B (Integrated Test)

Mathematics in Action 3A & 3B (Third Edition) *Submit to the Principal on 1 September 2020
R. Ex. 1 (21-46) R. Ex. 2 (21-32)
R. Ex. 3 (24-37) R. Ex. 4 (1-15, 21)
R. Ex. 5 (24-30, 37,38) R. Ex. 6 (1-8, 11-21)
R. Ex. 7 (1-30) R. Ex. 8 (19-32)
R. Ex. 9 (26-49) R. Ex. 10 (24-35)
R. Ex. 11 (6-14, 18-21) R. Ex. 12 (20-30, 36)

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