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y name is Brian Yoo, and I am

currently a sophomore in an
international school in Seoul. I will    

write inspirational lyrics and grow by

failures as I give hope and


encouragement to others. I will

artist's music and stay inspired. Also, I

obtain a position as a song writer for

would like to work with already-well-

hip-hop music that encourages other

establish artists and get a glimpse of

students and teenager to overcome

how the job is and works. There, I will

their failures by giving advices that I

write lyrics for some beat I create and

learned have learned from previous

maybe make a mix tape of my own. I

will also practice writing poems and

listening to other peoplens music so

University Years
that I can become a better lyricist

I would like to attend a sub-ivy league


school. I would like to attend a

producer's class in music and every

To Development

other subject like math, science, etc. for

I am going to work with other amateur's

minor. For my major, I would take a

and help each other get a job. Also, I

creative writing class and other classes

could work under another established

that help me use tools that are useful

artists and learn some skills. Also, I

for creating music. I do not wish to limit

could get a record deal, which will

myself to subjects that only deal with

tremendously help my future. I will

music but take variety of courses so

strive to get my own single album that

that I can be a better-rounded student.

is full of inspirational lyrics and my

hard work. I will also be learning from

From Rags
others whom are around me and

I would like to get an internship in a

become a better lyricist every day.

record store where I can listen to other

m  mm

teenagers who have the same dream as

To Riches I had; so that I can help them achieve

I am a CEO of my own company that their dreams. I would also release

helps other amateurns to grow in their numerous albums. I will not stop this

dreams. I will also be writing my own job until I am very old or am incapable

songs, producing my own album that of writing.

help and inspire others to never give up


on their dreams. I will also like to help ë ð 

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