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Race, Class And Gender

Race, Class and Gender issues are commonly brought up. Throughout history

many groups have been stigmatized not just for their race, but for their sex,

and class as well. People of lower class incomes get slandered for where they

live and for not having the economical means to purchase most common

goods. Women have been considered the weaker sex for centuries, and

currently, some of the old fashioned and ignorant theories on women being

subordinate to men prevail. In the article “ Rethinking Women’s Biology” the

author position appeared to be that society dictates what a woman means

and teaches it from childhood. The old concept of blue for a boy and pink for

a girl starts out from birth and is consistent throughout childhood and into

adulthood. The clothes we wear, our activity level, what and how much we

eat, the type of vocation we are in, all these variables occur due to society.

Society has norms that are expected to continue. Even though society has

these notions of what is normal and natural it is the concept people have of

themselves that is also a primary dictator on their lives. (Hubbard 1990). “

The Social Construction of Gender” touched on how Western society views

gender. This article pointed out historically how women and men appear to

be separate species entirely. And that even though physiologically we are

similar, male and female, we are of an opposite class. The male and female

class should not be labeled how our bodies function for we are all individual

and unique. If a scientist views a female to be female based on the fact that
physiologically she menstruates, than what is a female that ceased

menstruation or never began to? Is she only half woman? Is a male not a

man if he is not capable of producing sperm? (Lorber, 1992) The article also

mentioned how sports glorified men and ignored the female athlete. Only

giving women 5% of television coverage opposed to men receiving 92%.

Sports can trivialize women symbolically. For example, College sport teams

may name the male team tigers and the women’s team kittens. (Eitzen

&Baca Zinn, 1989). This can coincide with the males being considered strong

and the women being sexual. Roles were also mentioned as “society’s

prescriptions for those of their gender status because the norms are

expectations get built into their senses worth and identity as a certain kind

of human being and because they believe that their society’s ways are the

natural way.” (Lorber,1992, p.42). “Ah, Ya Throw Like a Girl” was similar to

the above to articles. It suggested how roles of society predict female and

male roles. He referred to personal childhood memories. Reminiscing how

while playing sports, his father, would encourage him to throw hard ball

overhand. And how if he didn’t he was throwing like a girl. He would be

teased and taunted by friends and family if he did not play the sport hard

and rough, because that’s how boys do it. He also pointed out that his sister

was more talented in sports than he but could not play. Basically, this

authors position was traditional roles needs to be deleted with a new modern

way of thinking. We know more now than we did when traditional male and

female roles were established and we should all concur with the new age
liberation and equality. (Messner, 1992) “ In A Male Centered World, Female

Differences Are Transformed into Female Disadvantages” was an article that

stressed how because female and male persons have different body types

this is what predicted the roles that would follow. Males being strong and

dominant in stance and female averaging to be smaller and more petite than

men led society’s to think women were less capable. The authors position

appears to be that because society think males are strong and women are

weak this is indented into others positions and continues the cycle of a male

centered world. Only by speaking out and protesting for our Civil Rights

when we feel they have been disregarded will women take a stand. She uses

the term “Gender Polarization” which refers to the scripts laid out for us

within our society. These are the male and female roles that are expected of

men and women. How we dress, eat, play, love, and care for ourselves

according to our roles. This defines her Gender Polarization. She is an

admitted feminist and strongly believes in fighting for equal rights. (Lipsitz

Bem, 1994). “ The Social Construction of Sexuality” explained the history of

western society’s view of natural human sexuality. It was based on the

Christian perceptions of sexuality and sin. Sexuality was intended to be an

expression only to procreate and bare children. This throughout time has set

parents up for failure when they explained “the birds and the bees” to their

own children. The position of this article was that society should steer away

from misguiding their children to think that sexuality comes with procreation

and acknowledge that they are separate and do not necessarily follow each
other directly. That a more honest and open relationship is a healthier for

children to understand and accept. That society should cease the words

homosexual, heterosexual, bi-sexual, etc. and just acknowledge sexuality

alone. This would delete title and assist with the depletion of norms and rules

within our society. (Hubbard, 1990) All of the articles have made one

unanimous point; society is sets the norms and rules. And that it is a cycle

that most of us attribute to. Raising children in the way our parents raised us

assists with traditional norms. I agreed with all the authors. They pointed out

there position clearly and gave accurate and precise descriptions of what

they thought, why they thought it, as well as used several references to back

up there information. The overall point of society’s norms and how they start

was interesting and informative. In “Aw, Ya Throw Like a Girl” (Messner,

1992) the author used a more personalized approach referring back to his

own memories of his childhood and demonstrating how it affected his sister.

That she was not afforded the same opportunity as him was moving and

gave his article a more humanistic reality of his position. When explained

this way it is easier to reflect on the reader’s personal experiences as well. In

“The Social Construction of Gender” I like the author’s description of

discrimination through athletics. How male sport teams were called “lions”

and meant to appear strong and women’s sports teams were the kittens.

Kittens beings a more sensual and passive name. Never observing this

before and found it interesting. I agreed with the all authors on the way to

assist in changing the norms of society. Unfortunately, norms have lasted so

long and there are many outside factors. If we as a society teach our children

to respect, love, and treat equally everyone they encounter, what is to say

that this will change everyone perceptions? The article “Aw, Ya Throw Like a

Girl” (Messner, 1992) reminded me of similar stories growing up. I have three

brothers and roles were very clear in growing up in my house. I was the only

girl and was expected to assist with all of the house chores. My brothers

would be responsible for lifting the groceries in the house and doing outside

chores. If there was nothing to do outside my three brothers could play. The

boys were not expected to cook or clean the house. These were the roles I

grew up with. Women could be strong and independent but men always

appeared to be stronger. My brothers could talk real loud and boisterous but

if I spoke that loud I would hear my mother or grandmother say that it was

not lady like to talk loud. And women were expected to always be

appropriate. Cross your legs, no elbows on the table, and no slouching, but

my three brothers never got reprimanded for these same habits. I have the

blessing of having a two-year-old son. I hope to instill in him love, respect,

and understanding for everyone. I can only attempt to keep him focused on

the fact that there are differences in the world and that “different” only

means new, unique, and interesting instead of him learning “different” as

weird, freaky, or odd. But society as a whole is a lot bigger than I am.

Hopefully, my son will not conform to society’s way of life and will make his

own norm Rose Smith Laura Pogue English 1301 February 28, 1999 Three

Ways to End Racial Discrimination Arlington Texas' Sam Houston High School
student body in 1998 was 67.1% minority and spoke 42 different languages

(Smith). A 1991study shows 64% of people 18 to 29 approving of interracial

marriages, compared to only 27% of people 50 or older (www.strang). This

rise of diversity in the school district and this growing acceptance of

miscegenation reveal the slow death of racism, but the fight to end racism

must continue. With exposure to other races, giving people time to change

their views and educating the future generation racism will die. Exposure

partly controls the mentality of a racist. Do not shelter children from other

races. When people surround themselves by a different race, they may feel

uneasy or uncomfortable but with continued exposure to different minority

groups they will grow accustom to them. Sam Houston High School has

students from all walks of life. These students are in the same clubs and

organizations, play the same sports, and are all equally competitive in the

same classes. This proves that different races can co-exist in an environment

with out one group feeling out of place or inferior. Let the Caucasian, African

American, Hispanic, and Asian children continue to learn and play together

and racism will have no place in society. Some argue that racism will not

end, yet look at the deterioration over the past 200 years. With time

America's decline of racism will continue. Jim Crow Laws prevented blacks

from exercising their right to vote in the late 1800's. In 1964 Dr. Martin

Luther King, Jr., MLK, won the Nobel Peace Prize for leading a nonviolent fight

for racial equality (New Student Bible 1180). At the turn of the new millenium

a growth in interracial marriages and diversity in the school district are

present. In 1991 when I was entering into education, interracial relationships

shocked me because they were unacceptable when I was in high school,

Assistant Principal Charles Lester of Sam Houston High School said. Now

when I walk down the halls I am not even phased by mixed couples (Smith).

Exposure and time can not solve the racism problem alone; it takes

education. When racist parents raise children their beliefs are instilled in the

minds of the children. Teach children from a biblical background: There is

neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female; for you are all one in

Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28) or from the basis of the Constitution of the

United States, all men are created equal, and racism will decrease. Along

with education about racial differences, comes respect and understanding of

the differences. All African Americans are loud gangsters. All Hispanics are

lazy. All Caucasians have superiority complexes. All Asians are smart. These

stereotypes can be proven wrong with education. MLK was a prominent

African American and certainly not a gangster. Any time you have the

opportunity to accomplish something and you don't, you are wasting your

time on earth, Roberto Clemente the first Hispanic in the Baseball Hall of

Fame said (www.majorleaguebaseball). Clemente a 12 time all-star does not

meet the definition of lazy. Knowing the traditional Asian culture shows three

main values they stress: study hard, work hard, and family first. These

values could account for Asian's academic success. All of these are examples

of stereotypes proven wrong with a little education. With time, education,

and exposure racism will end. The X generation should make strides to
eliminate racism by giving it time to die, teaching children the fundaments of

the Bible, and getting involved in a diverse community. Heroes like MLK and

his followers were not afraid to stand up for what they thought biblically and

morally correct. Their efforts triggered a movement towards a racial free

world. Who will stand out from the X generation as heroes in the fight for the

abolishment racism? Work Cited Galatians. The New Student Bible, NIV.

Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1991. . Maxwell,Joe. Strang

Communications. 22Feb.1999 . Smith, Rose. Interracial dating still brings up

questions. Sam Houston Texans 24 Oct. 1997: 6.

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