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<title>Program1-Image Maps</title>
<center><img src="shapes.jpg" width="375" height="102" style="border:
none;" alt="Shapes" usemap="#shapes"/></center>
<map name="shapes" id="shapes">
<area shape="circle"
title="Circle" alt="Circle"/>

<area shape="rect"
title="Rectangle" alt="Rectangle"/>

<area shape="poly"
title="Triangle" alt="Triangle"/>

<area shape="default"
nohref="nohref" title="Default" alt="Default"/>
<h3><pre><p>Shapes are one of the most important feature of
mathematics.Everything is a shape.Complex shapes are derived
from three basic shapes namely Rectangle,Circle and Triangle.Click on
Image to read more or use the hyperlinks
below.The Image Map is above.

<a href="Circle.htm">Circle</a>
<a href="Rectangle.htm">Rectangle</a>
<a href="Triangle.htm">Triangle</a></h3>



<center><img src="Circle.jpg" width="300"
height="320" style="border: none;" alt="Circle"/></center>
A circle is a simple shape of Euclidean geometry consisting of those points
in a plane which are equidistant from a given
point called the centre (or center; cf. American and British English spelling
differences). The common distance of the points
of a circle from its centre is called its radius.Circles are simple closed curves
which divide the plane into two regions,
an interior and an exterior. In everyday use, the term "circle" may be used
interchangeably to refer to either the boundary
of the figure (also known as the perimeter) or to the whole figure including
its interior. However, in strict technical
usage, "circle" refers to the perimeter while the interior of the circle is called
a disk. The circumference of a circle is
<h4><b><u>AREA ENCLOSED</u></b></h4>

Area of the circle = pi × area of the shaded square

As proved by Archimedes, the area enclosed by a circle is pi multiplied by
the radius squared:
Area=pi x(radius squared)
Perimeter is given by,2 x pi x radius
*The circle is the shape with the largest area for a given length of perimeter.
(See Isoperimetric inequality.)
*The circle is a highly symmetric shape: every line through the centre forms
a line of reflection symmetry and it
has rotational symmetry around the centre for every angle. Its symmetry
group is the orthogonal group O(2,R).
The group of rotations alone is the circle group T.
*All circles are similar.
*A circle's circumference and radius are proportional.
*The area enclosed and the square of its radius are proportional.
*The constants of proportionality are 2p and p, respectively.
*The circle which is centred at the origin with radius 1 is called the unit
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<center><img src="Rectangle.jpg" width="300"
height="320" style="border: none;" alt="Rectangle"/></center>
In Euclidean plane geometry, a rectangle is any quadrilateral with four right
angles. The term "oblong" is occasionally used to refer to a non-square
rectangle.A rectangle with vertices ABCD would be denoted as ABCD.A
so-called crossed rectangle is a crossed (self-intersecting)
quadrilateral which consists of two opposite sides of a rectangle along with
the two diagonals.
*Traditional hierarchy
*A rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram, whose opposite sides are
equal in length and parallel and connecting sides are perpendicular
to each other.
*A parallelogram, and hence also a rectangle, is a special case of a
trapezium (known as a trapezoid in North America),
which has at least one pair of parallel opposite sides.
*A trapezium, and hence also a rectangle, is convex. Any line drawn
through it (and not tangent to an edge or corner) meets its
boundary exactly twice.
*The two diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other.
*Every quadrilateral with both these properties is a rectangle.
*A rectangle is rectilinear: its sides meet at right angles.
If a rectangle has length l and width w
it has area A = lw,
it has perimeter P = 2l + 2w = 2(l + w),
each diagonal has length ,
and when l = w, the rectangle is a square.
*The isoperimetric theorem for rectangles states that among all rectangles of
a given perimeter, the square has the largest
*The midpoints of the sides of any quadrilateral with perpendicular
diagonals form a rectangle.
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<center><img src="Triangle.jpg" width="300"
height="320" style="border: none;" alt="Triangle"/></center>
A triangle is one of the basic shapes of geometry: a polygon with three
corners or vertices and three sides or edges w
hich are line segments. A triangle with vertices A, B, and C is denoted
ABC.In Euclidean geometry any three non-collinear points
determine a unique triangle and a unique plane (i.e. a two-dimensional
Euclidean space).
<b><u><h4>Types of triangles</h4></u></b>

*By relative lengths of sides

*Triangles can be classified according to the relative lengths of their sides:
*In an equilateral triangle all sides have the same length. An equilateral
triangle is
also a regular polygon with all angles measuring 60°.
*In an isosceles triangle, two sides are equal in length.An isosceles
triangle also has two angles of the same.
*ByInternal angles
*Triangles can also be classified according to their internal angles,
measured here in degrees.
*Triangles that do not have an angle that measures 90° are called
oblique triangles.
*A triangle that has all interior angles measuring less than 90° is an
acute triangle or acute-angled triangle.
*A triangle that has one angle that measures more than 90° is an obtuse
triangle or obtuse-angled triangle.
*A "triangle" with an interior angle of 180° (and collinear vertices) is
*A triangle that has two angles with the same measure also has two
sides with the same length, and therefore it is an
isosceles triangle. It follows that in a triangle where all angles have the
same measure, all three sides have the
same length, and therefore such triangle is equilateral.
<b><u><h4>Area of triangles</h4></u></b>
*1/2 x Base x height
*Hero's Formula
<b><u><h4>Pythogorous Theorem</h4></u></b>
*Sides of a right angled trianglr
*a,b sides
*c is hypotenuse
*(c squared)=(a squared)+(b squared)

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