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Hamilton lega elak bencana

UK – Lewis Hamilton lost hope of 7th win, when his cars tyres
were burst in the British grand prix. He thought of not
completing the last two bends when the left front tyre of
Mercedes was punctured in the final round. He remained
calm on the straight road becaused the accident did not
happen on the bends. Hamilton won 87 times mostly at
home just 4 behind Schumacher. He surpassed Ayrton
Senna’s record for victory by leading from the start of the
race, recording his 20th win.


Hamilton lega elak bencana

UK - Lewis Hamilton kehilangan harapan untuk kemenangan

ke-tujuh, ketika tayar keretanya pecah di Grand Prix Britain.
Dia berfikir untuk tidak melengkapkan dua selekoh terakhir
ketika tayar depan kiri Mercedes tertusuk pada pusingan
akhir. Dia tetap tenang di jalan lurus kerana kemalangan
tidak terjadi di selekoh. Hamilton menang 87 kali di tempat
sendiri dengan hanya empat di belakang Schumacher. Dia
melepasi rekod kemenangan Ayrton Senna dengan
memimpin dari awal perlumbaan, mencatat kemenangan ke-
dua puluh.
Hamilton lega elak bencana
SILVERSTONE, United Kingdom: Lewis Hamilton mengakui
dia hampir putus harapan untuk mencatat kemenangan
ketujuh di Grand Prix British apabila tayarnya pancit pada
pusingan terakhir.
"Saya tidak rasa dapat melepasi dua selekoh terakhir," kata
juara dunia itu.
Tayar depan kiri jentera Mercedes dipandunya pancit pada
pusingan terakhir, memaksa juara dunia enam kali itu
berusaha memandunya hingga ke garisan penamat dengan
Max Verstappen semakin menghampirinya.
Tayar depan kiri jentera Mercedes dipandu Lewis Hamilton
pancit ketika perlumbaan Grand Prix British. - Foto AFP
Tayar depan kiri jentera Mercedes dipandu Lewis Hamilton
pancit ketika perlumbaan Grand Prix British. - Foto AFP
"Sukar untuk dipercayai. Ia cukup mendebarkan. Saya kekal
tenang dan lega ia berlaku di laluan lurus - bukan di selekoh
seperti Copse. Jika tidak pasti menjadi bencana," katanya.
Hamilton mencatat rekod kemenangan terbanyak di laman
sendiri - mengatasi Alain Prost yang menang enam kali di
Perancis - untuk keseluruhan 87 sepanjang kariernya, empat
di belakang 91 kemenangan oleh Michael Schumacher.
Dia turut mengatasi rekod Ayrton Senna untuk kemenangan
dengan mendahului dari awal perlumbaan, mencatat
kemenangan ke-20 dari petak mula hingga garisan penamat.
Hamilton was relieved to avoid disaster
SILVERSTONE, United Kingdom: Lewis Hamilton admits he
almost despaired of recording his seventh win at the British
Grand Prix when his tires were flat in the final round.
"I don't think I can pass the last two bends," said the world
The left front tire of the Mercedes he was driving was
punctured in the final round, forcing the six-time world
champion to drive it to the finish line with Max Verstappen
getting closer.
The left front tire of the Mercedes machine was driven by
Lewis Hamilton pancit during the British Grand Prix race. -
AFP Photo
The left front tire of the Mercedes machine was driven by
Lewis Hamilton pancit during the British Grand Prix race. -
AFP Photo
"It's hard to believe. It's quite thrilling. I remain calm and
relieved it happened on a straight path - not at a bend like
Copse. Otherwise it would have been a disaster," he said.
Hamilton set the most wins at home - beating Alain Prost,
who won six times in France - for a total of 87 throughout his
career, four behind 91 wins by Michael Schumacher.
He also surpassed Ayrton Senna's record for victory by
leading from the start of the race, recording his 20th win from
the starting point to the finish line.

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