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Parameter Kristalinitas

Resin Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

1).Mengetahui perbedaan PET Low Crystallinity dengan PET existing.
2).Mengetahui pengaruh Kristalinitas dari Resin PET terhadap Kualitas Produk
3).Menentukan jenis Resin yang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan Mayora.
Kristalinitas PET
1. Definisi
Polietilena tereftalat (disingkat PET, PETE atau dulu PETP, PET-P) adalah suatu resin polimer
plastik termoplast dari kelompok poliester. PET banyak diproduksi dalam industri kimia dan
digunakan dalam serat sintetis, botol minuman, wadah makanan, aplikasi thermoforming, dll.
Kristalinitas adalah salah satu sifat penting yang sangat berpengaruh dan menjadi dasar
pengklasifikasian polimer. Nilai parameter ini menunjukkan keteraturan dan orientasi molekul
polimernya. PET tergolong polimer semikristalin, dimana sebagian molekul-molekulnya memiliki
susunan yang teratur (kristalin) dan sebagian lagi susunan yang tidak teratur (amorf). PET dapat
berwujud padatan amorf (transparan) atau sebagai bahan semi-kristal yang haze atau opaque putih
dan tidak transparan, tergantung kepada proses dan riwayat termalnya. Peningkatan kristalinitas
akan berhubungan dengan kekakuan, kekuatan dan warna yang buram (berkaitan dengan efek
pemantulan sinar). Polimer dengan derajat kristalinitas tinggi akan lebih kuat, keras, dan tahan
terhadap bahan kimia karena rantai-rantainya lebih tersusun rapat, meski kurang fleksibel,
sedangkan polimer yang derajat kristalinitasnya lebih rendah akan lebih lunak dan lemah.
Pengujian kristalinitas dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode difraksi sinar-X, yaitu dengan
cara wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) dari sudut penyinaran “2 theta” antara 20 – 60 derajat.
Perhitungan persen kristalinitas dilakukan dengan membandingkan luasan puncak kristalin yang
mempunyai intensitas menajam dan tinggi, terhadap seluruh luasan puncak kristalin dan amorf
(pola difraksi melebar dan landai), yaitu keseluruhan pola difraksi yang dihasilkan. Persen
kristalinitas yang tinggi artinya pada polimer tersebut, bentuk kristal yang dihasilkan lebih seragam
dan lebih teratur serta kompak susunannya.
Semakin besar berat jenis polimer, maka semakin besar pula persen kristalinitasnya. Nilai nol
menyatakan bahwa polimer tersebut amorf sepenuhnya sedangkan 100 untuk polimer yang
sepenuhnya kristalin. Derajat kristalinitas berpengaruh pada kuat luluh dan kuat tarik polimer
tersebut. Polimer dengan derajat kristalinitas rendah umumnya lebih keras (bisa ditempah tanpa
pecah) dan lebih tahan benturan daripada polimer amorf (yang derajat kristalinitasnya lebih besar).
Polimer dengan derajat kristalinitas yang makin kecil akan cenderung transparan karena sedikitnya
hamburan cahaya oleh daerah kristalin/glassy. Oleh karena itu, jika ingin meningkatkan
transparansi, maka dilakukan penurunan kristalinitas. Semakin tinggi kristalinitas, semakin tinggi
entalpi pelelehannya, artinya untuk melelehkan polimer kristalin, diperlukan energi yang lebih besar
(butuh 60 mJ/mg) dibandingkan untuk polimer amorf (butuh 25 mJ/mg saja).
PETE is the most common variation of the thermoplastic polymer resin. The clarity of PET is
considered to be the best of all plastics with very good chemical resistance. PETE is formed into
containers via 1-Step or 2-Step Injection Blow Molding.

1-Step IBM is considered optimal to maintain the clarity and finish of the final bottle as the
injection molded Preform is transferred immediately to the Blowing station to be formed into the
final container, vs. the 2-Step IBM process, where the Preform is often tumble packed for storage
and transferred to a different machine for blow molding at a later date, this results in minor
abrasions, nicks and scratches that are avoided in the 1-Step process.

Here are some of the advantages of running PETE through a 1-Step process:

Blemish Free Containers

Lack of Transfer Ring
Thread can be orientated with bottle cap

Inconsistent wall thickness

Long Cycle Times

Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG) is an amorphous variation of PET. PETG cannot be
oriented and therefore you will not find pre-forms of this type of resin. Extrusion, Injection Blow
Moulding and 1-Step Injection Stretch Blow Moulding are all possible for PETG, it is also used
frequently for 3D printing. Clarity and chemical resistance are considered good when compared to
the previous three variations, however PETG has poor impact resistance.

PET, or ‘polyethylene terephthalate’, is a combination of two monomers. PETG is of the same

chemical composition as PET but with the addition of glycol. With just this one addition, the
chemical composition is completely changed, creating a whole new plastic. The addition of glycol
to create PETG removes the hazing effect seen during heating and also prevents an undesirable
crystallization effect that causes standard PET to become brittle. Additionally, the inclusion of
glycol in this plastic will transform the outer walls of a bottle into a softer and more pliable
material, making it easier and more comfortable to grip. Despite these advantages, this softer outer
wall is easier to scratch, more susceptible to damaging UV light, and cannot be autoclaved. All
things considered, these drawbacks are relatively minor when compared to PETG’s superior heat
handling, shock resistance, and comfortable grip.
What is PETG?
Durable. Virtually Unbreakable. Affordable.

PETG FILM is Known as GPET,is a non-crystalline copolyester,pos-sesses CHDM, It is conposed

of TPA,EG and CHDM by conden-sation polymerization.While,CHDM of PETG is the reason that
its performance is differ from PET.PETG has no crystallization tem-perature,can easily be molding
and bonding without albinism which is the major defect of PET material.
PETG is an easy to mould clear plastic material with about 70% of the impact strength of
polycarbonate, but it is still fantastically strong when compared with acrylic or glass.
It is more cost-effective than polycarbonate which makes it a popular choice of material in more
general purpose applications, and it is suitable for hot line bending and welding.
Polyethylene terephthalate glycol, commonly known as PETG or PET-G, is a thermoplastic
polyester that provides significant chemical resistance, durability, and excellent formability for
manufacturing. PETG can be easily vacuumed and pressure-formed as well as heat-bent thanks to
its low forming temperatures. This makes it exceptionally popular for consumer and commercial
applications that involve 3D printing, or other heat-forming manufacturing techniques.
Additionally, PETG is well-suited for fabrication techniques like die cutting, routing, and bending.

The Benefits of PETG Plastic

PETG is strong and cost-effective when compared to either acrylic or polycarbonate. Its unique
characteristics make it preferable for impact-resistant glazing and high strength display units.
Suitable for digital printing, PETG lends itself to product materials, displays, and signage.

In general, PETG is a food-safe plastic that's commonly used for food containers and bottles for
liquid beverages. Like acrylic and many other thermoplastics, PETG is fully recyclable.

PETG is both thermoformable and vacuum-formable, and can tolerate a tremendous amount of
pressure without cracking. Although PETG is naturally clear, it takes color easily during processing.
It can be injection molded into a variety of shapes, or extruded into sheets.
PETG's damage resistance is far higher than that of acrylic, to the point that it rivals the impact
resistance of polycarbonate. However, PETG fabricates easily, making it an easy material for both
practitioners and professional fabricators.
PETG flakes, when recycled, end up glomming on to PET flake to create clumps that disrupt
processes and equipment.

“PETG is a copolymer. So it’s a polyester. But it’s a different composition than the PET that’s used
to make injection stretch blow molded bottles, which are what a Coke bottle, a Pepsi bottle, a
single-serve water bottle [are made from],” Standish said.

The introduction of glycol to create PETG from PET creates a distinct material, one that performs
differently during processing as well as recycling.

PETG, in the thermoformed container market, is used in food packaging. It’s also frequently used to
package medical devices and electronics.

It’s typically a shade of blue in thermoformed medical applications, and not typically found in the
recycling stream, Standish explained.

“All we really did in California, we introduced a piece of legislation that really clarified their
existing law,” APR Executive Director Steve Alexander said. “All we did was just reinforce the
definition of what PET was for the purposes of the resin identification code in California.”

California emerged as an important market to make the distinction due to the state’s Rigid Plastic
Packaging Container Law, which assesses fees to container- makers based on the resin used,
Alexander explained.

“There’s a huge financial incentive to label your product anything but a [No.] 7, if you will, so
that’s certainly a part of it. But there’s also, I guess you would say, the negative connotation of a 7
being less than optimally recyclable,” Alexander said.

PETG, he said, “wasn’t a 1, that’s all we were saying, and the legislature agreed with us.”

“We’ve probably been complaining about it for six or seven years. We struggled to come up with a
solution,” the executive director said.
Earlier work involved trying to create change through the ASTM industry standards process, but
that didn’t go anywhere.

“We just decided to take a shot legislatively, and we were able to be successful.It’s been a
recognized problem for quite a long time,” Alexander said.

“We created legislation that simply was the definition of what PET is. It doesn’t even mention
PETG. There could be other potential contaminants we eliminated as well, but PETG was the
primary one we were focusing on,” he said.

It’s no surprise that polymer chemistry can get confusing to the layman, so here’s the language from
the new law, AB 906:

“Polyethylene terephthalate is generally referred to as PET; it is also known as PETE, which is used
in California statute. PET is widely used in water and soft drink bottles and is used for a variety of
other products. PET is recyclable; PET flakes and pellets are commonly recycled into other types of
packaging and fiber (eg, carpet and microfiber).

“Polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified (PETG) refers to PET plastic resin with the addition of
glycol. PETG eliminates hazing that can occur when manufacturing PET containers and is less
brittle than PET. PETG also produces a softer and more pliable exterior surface, which is viewed by
some as more comfortable to hold for consumers. Unlike PET, PETG does not have a consistent
melting point and becomes molten when heated.

“Because both PET and PETG are comprised of polyethylene terephthalate, they are both required
to be labeled with the ‘1’ resin code. However, PET has a much higher processing temperature than
PETG. This creates significant challenges for recycling. When processed together, PETG melts and
becomes sticky while PET remains solid. This results in PETG sticking to PET chips, forming large
clumps that cannot be processed. This bill revises the definition of polyethylene terephthalate to
exclude PETG so that the materials can be effectively sorted prior to recycling,” the analysis states.

The new law, which becomes effective Oct. 1, defines PET through certain characteristics,
including its “melting peak temperature.”
PETG offers a high level of durability. This makes it the perfect choice for a wide range of uses
such as a food containers and tools in the medical profession. Due to the way in which Glycol is
added, it removes the brittle properties that come with PET. Therefore, it prevents the material from
crystallizing and breaking. PETG’s level of durability also comes with high impact resistant
properties and this once again makes it the ideal option for many different uses.

As versatile as PET is, it’s not without its weaknesses. While it’s very well suited for the
manufacture of synthetic fibers, it doesn’t perform well in applications where other thermoplastics
excel, like extrusion or injection molding. That’s where PETG comes in. The “G” stands for “glycol
modified,” which is a somewhat confusing nomenclature. Many sources seem to think this means
that glycol is added to the polymerization reaction, but as we’ve seen, ethylene glycol is already
part of the polymerization reaction. Glycol modification refers to the fact that some of the ethylene
glycol in the growing chain is replaced with another monomer, resulting in a copolymer with
different properties than the homopolymer.

Cyclohexane dimethanol (CHDM)

In the case of PETG, the comonomer is another diol, cyclohexane dimethanol (CHDM). This
molecule is much larger than the compact ethylene glycol, but undergoes transesterification in much
the same way as the smaller molecule. The effect of adding CHDM is that the distance between the
terephthalic acid residues is increased, making it harder for neighboring polymer chains to nestle
together. This results in a water-clear plastic with a lower melting temperature than PET that can be
molded and extruded.
It has greater strength and better flexibility than PLA, and its low shrinkage, great layer adhesion,
and tenacious bed adhesion makes it less likely to warp or delaminate during printing.
PETG isn’t perfect, of course. It is more flexible than either ABS or PLA, which may be a problem
for some applications. It also has a tendency to shatter suddenly when stressed beyond its limits, as
opposed to yielding gradually. And as you might expect from a polymer that descended from
textiles, PETG is subject to stringing while printing. That’s easily remedied with a blast from a heat
gun, but it’s still something to keep in mind if you’re looking for form over function.

PETG is known to be an exceptionally strong material and this makes it ideal for those objects that
will be subjected to mechanical stress. It is hard, flexible and resistant, much of which can be put
down to the way it adheres to each layer. The filament offers the same level of functionality as
ABS, which is temperature resistance and strength, but it also has the same level of reliability as
PLA. As a result 3D printing with PETG is relatively easy.

There is no odor with PETG and this is one of the characteristics that makes it ideal for domestic
use. 3D printing with PETG has a low level of shrinkage. It ensures that the original measurements
remain the same, making it perfect for large 3D prints. The filament has a low level of deterioration
when it comes to absorption. PETG does not absorb water and that ensures it remains strong. The
material is extremely resistant to chemical agents, making PETG perfect for use in the medical
profession. This also means that it can be sterilized easily.

The material can be recycled, including prints and misprints, making PETG a material that is better
for the environment. This makes it possible to adhere to the many different regulations that are in
place for recycling.

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