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- With this disorder, the sufferer craves and eats non-food substances like rock, sand and others.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat soil.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat lead.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat hair.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat ice.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat washing powder. (Perhaps the sufferer feels
the need to feel clean inside and out)

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat stones.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat burnt matches.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat sharp objects.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat faeces.
- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat wood.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat raw potatoes.
 - This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat mucus.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer has the urge to eat peanuts.

- This is a disorder where the sufferer is obsessed with eating healthy food.

Specific eating disorders

º Anorexia nervosa (AN), characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight
º Bulimia nervosa (BN), characterized by recurrent binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors such as purging (self-induced
vomiting or excessive use of laxatives)
º Binge eating disorder (BED), binge eating without compensatory behavior (Considered to be in the eating disorders not otherwise
specified category)
º Purging disorder, characterized by recurrent purging to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes
º Rumination syndrome, involving the repeated painless regurgitation of food following a meal which is then either re-chewed and re-
swallowed, or discarded.
º Diabulimia is the deliberate manipulation of insulin levels by diabetics in an effort to control their weight.
º Food maintenance syndrome is characterized by a set of aberrant eating behaviors of children in foster care.
º Female athlete triad is a syndrome in which disordered eating behavior, amenorrhea and/or oligomenorrhea, and decreased bone
mineral density (osteoporosis and osteoenia) are present (though not all patients exhibit all three components).
º Eating disorders not otherwise specified can refer to a number of disorders. It can refer to a female individual who suffers from
anorexia but still has her period; it can refer to someone who may still be an "average healthy weight" but who has anorexic thought
patterns and behaviors; it can mean the sufferer equally participates in some anorexic as well as bulimic behaviors (sometimes
referred to as purge-type anorexia).
º Pica is defined as a compulsive craving for eating, chewing or licking non-food items or foods containing no nutrition. These can
include such things as chalk, plaster, paint chips, baking soda, starch, glue, rust, ice, coffee grounds, and cigarette ashes.
º Night eating syndrome consists of morning anorexia, evening polyphagia (abnormally increased appetite for consumption of food
frequently associated with injury to the hypothalamus) and insomnia.
º Nocturnal Sleep Related Eating Disorder
º Orthorexia nervosa is an obsession with a "pure" diet, where it interferes with a person's life. It becomes a way of life filled with
chronic concern for the quality of food being consumed. When the person suffering with orthorexia slips up from wavering from their
"perfect" diet, they may resort to extreme acts of further self-discipline, including even stricter regimens and fasting.

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