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Answer, Key { Homework 2 { Rubin H Landau 1

This print-out should have 13 questions. speed. Looking at the picture we see that
Check that it is complete before leaving the the curve is steepest (in absolute magnitude)
printer. Also, multiple-choice questions may during the interval III and that is when the
continue on the next column or page: nd all object had the highest speed.
choices before making your selection.
Note that only a few (usually 4) of the 002
problems will have their scores kept for a During which interval(s) did the object have
grade. You may make multiple tries to get no change in displacement?
a problem right, although it's worth less each
time. Worked solutions to a numner of these 1. During each of the three intervals.
problems (even some of the scored ones) may
be found on the Ph211 home page. 2. During interval II only.
Displacement Curve 3. During interval III only.
02:01, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min.
001 4. During interval I only. correct
Consider a moving object whose position x
is plotted as a function of the time t on the 5. During none of the three intervals.
following gure:
x 6. During intervals II and III.
The gure shows no change in displacement
2 during the interval I but there are changes in
displacements during the other intervals II
1 and III.
I 1 II 2 III 3
During which interval(s) did the object's ve-
Clearly, the object moved in di erent ways locity remain constant?
during the time intervals denoted I, II and III
on the gure. 1. During each of the three intervals. cor-
During these three intervals, when was the rect
object's speed highest? Caution: Do not
confuse the speed with the velocity. 2. During interval II only.
1. During interval I. 3. During interval III only.
2. During interval II. 4. During interval I only.
3. During interval III. correct 5. During none of the three intervals.
4. During intervals II and III (same speed Explanation:
For each of the three intervals I, II or III,
during those two intervals). the x(t) curve is linear, so its slope | the
velocity v | is constant during each interval.
5. Same speed during each of the three in- the intervals, the velocity did change

in a rather abrupt manner | but it did remain

Explanation: constant during each interval.
The velocity v is the slope of the x(t) curve;
the magnitude v = jvj of this slope is the 004
Answer, Key { Homework 2 { Rubin H Landau 2
During which interval(s) does the object have L = dr be the original distance to the nish
non-zero, positive acceleration? line.
L1 be the distance to the nish line after
1. During interval I only. the rst
... encounter.
2. During interval II only. Li be the distance to the nish line after
the ith encounter.
3. During interval III only.
4. During none of the three intervals. cor-
5. During each of the three intervals. line

Explanation: dr1 L1

the velocity remained

During each interval

constant (see previous explanation), so the Since the bird travels 4 times as fast as the
acceleration was zero. Between the intervals, runner at the rst meeting between the bird
the velocity changed abruptly, which means and runner,
the accelerations were unde ned | but the db1 = 4 dr1 : (1)
question is about the intervals, not the tran- The sum of the bird's and runner's distances
sition instants. is 4 times L.
Bird and Runner db1 + dr1 = 2 L : (2)
02:01, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min. Therefore, substituting for db1 from Eq. (1)
A runner is jogging at a steady vr = dr1 + 4 dr1 = 2 L
8:3 km=hr. When the runner is L = 2:7 km
from the nish line a bird begins ying dr1 = 25 L = 25 (2:7 km) = 1:08 km : (3)
from the runner to the nish line at vb =
33:2 km=hr ( 4 times as fast as the runner). Thus the distance the bird ies is
When the bird reaches the nish line, it turns
around and ies back to the runner. Even db1 = 4 dr1 = 85 L
though the bird is a dodo, we will assume
that it occupies only one point in space, , a
i.e. = 85 (2:7 km) = 4:32 km ; (4)
zero length bird.
vb and the distance for the runner to travel after
this rst encounter is
L1 = 35 L = 35 (2:7 km) = 1:62 km :

How far does the bird travel? 006

Correct answer: 4:32 km. After this rst encounter, the bird then turns
Explanation: around and ies from the runner back to the
Let, dodo birds y, and nish line, turns around again and ies back
dr be the distance the runner travels. to the runner. The bird repeats the back and
db be the distance the bird travels. forth trips until the runner reaches the nish
vr be the speed of the runner. line.
vb be the speed of the bird. How far does the bird travel from the be-
ginning? (i.e. include the distance traveled to
Answer, Key { Homework 2 { Rubin H Landau 3
the rst encounter) 1  ` i
Correct answer: 10:8 km. then solving Eq. (10) for k
Explanation: i=0
Repeating this scenario a second time the 1  ` i
distance for the runner to travel after the X k
second encounter is i=0 k = k , ` k=5; `=3
 2 X1  3 i
L2 = 5 L1 = 35 L ;
5 = 5 ,5 3 = 52 :
and the third time Therefore [from Eq. (7)]
L3 = 5 L2 = 35 L ;
3 X  
1 3 i
db = 85 L
i=0 5
and the ith time
 i = 85 L 52 = 4 L
3 3
Li = 5 Li,1 = 5 L : (5) = 4 (2:7 km) = 10:8 km :
Note: The distance the bird travels between Elegant Alternative Solution: The bird
the (i , 1)th and ith time is [see Eq. (4)] will travel 4 times as far as the runner in the
  same time. Since the bird and jogger travel for
8 3 i the same length of time, the bird will travel
db = 5 L 5
db = 4  L = 4 (2:7 km) = 10:8 km
and summing over all terms db

1 " 1  i # 
db = db = 85 L
X 3
(7) i = 4 26 (1)
i=0 "

i=0 5 k = i + 1:0 (2)

 2  3 = h4i + 1:0
= 5 L 1 + 5 + 35 + 35
8 3 (8) =5
 4  5  6 # hi = hi + hi:hi units
3 3
+ 5 + 5 + 5 + 3 j = 2:0 i (3)
= 2:0 h4i
Or, by factoring 15 from the second term on hi = hi hi units
( "   ` = k , 2:0 (4)
8 3 3
db = 5 L 1 + 5 1 + 5 + 53 2
(9) = h5i , 2:0
 3  4  5 #) =3
3 3
+ 5 + 5 + 5 + 3 hi = hi , hi:hi  units
vr = 8:3 km=hr 29 (5)
By comparing Eq. (8) with (9), and general-
v b = i vr (6)
izing (` = 1, and k = 3), the in nite series = h4i h8:3i
= 33:2 km=hr
1  ` i
X ` X1  ` i
hkm=hri = hi hkm=hr i units
i=0 k = 1 + k i=0 k (10)
dr = 2:7 km 29 (7)
Answer, Key { Homework 2 { Rubin H Landau 4
L1 = ` dkr (8) How many g's would you pull? (What factor
times g = 9:80 m/s2 is this?)
= h3i hh52i:7i Correct answer: 24:0602 .
= 1:62 km a = n g, so
hkmi = hi hkmhi
i units n = ag
dr1 = 2:0kdr (9) = 2359::789 m=s2
2 :0 h 2 : 7 i 8 m=s2
= h5i = 24:0602
= 1:08 km
hkmi = hi hkm i units
Acceleration of a Sled
hi 02:03, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min.
db = j dkr
1 (10) How far does the sled travel in 1:9 s, starting
from rest?
= h8i hh52i:7i Correct answer: 425:6 m.
= 4:32 km Assuming an initial position and velocity of
hkmi = hi hkmhi
i units zero,
db = i dr (11) x = v0 t + 12 a t2
= h4i h2:7i
= 10:8 km = 0 + 12 (235:789 m=s2)(1:9 s)2
hkmi = hi hkmi units = 425:6 m
Acceleration of a Sled g = 9:8 m=s2 (1)
02:02, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min. v0 = 0:0 m=s  (2)
009 v = 448 m=s 350 (3)
A rocket-driven sled running on a straight,  450
level track has been used to study the physio- t = 1:9 s 12:5 (4)
logical e ects of large accelerations on astro-
nauts. One such sled can attain a speed of a = vt (5)
448 m=s in 1:9 s starting from rest.
What is the acceleration of the sled, assum- = hh448
ing it is constant? = 235:789 m=s2
Correct answer: 235:789 m=s2.
Explanation: hm=s2i = hmhs=isi units
v = v0 + a t; so
a = v ,t v0 n = ag (6)

= (448 m=1s):9,s (0 m=s) = h235 :789i

= 235:789 m=s2 = 24:0602
hi = hhmm==ss2ii

010 units
Answer, Key { Homework 2 { Rubin H Landau 5
x = a2t:0 (7) and hence
b = y(tB ) , y(tA)
= h235:7892:i0h1:9i

= vA(tB , tA) + 12 g(tB , tA)2

= 425:6 m
hmi = hm=s hii hsi
2 2:0
units = vAtAB + 21 gt2AB :
Solving this equation for the velocity vA , we
013 obtain
A ball is dropped from rest at point O. After
falling for some time, it passes by a window vA = t b , gt2AB
of height b = 4 m and it does so during time
= 04:46ms , (9:8 m=s2)(0:46 s) = 6:44165 m=s:
tAB = 0:46 s.


Thus the speed vA = jvAj = 6:44165 m=s.
B Ball Dropped From Rest 2
≈ 02:05, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min.
Now consider a new situation: The ball is
The ball accelerates all the way down (g = thrown upward from the ground with an ini-
9:8 m=s2); let vA be its speed as it passes the tial velocity that takes exactly the same time
window's top A and vB its speed as it passes tBA = tAB = 0:46 s to pass by the window,
the window's bottom B . with the ball moving up rather than down.
How much did the ball speed up as it passed Consider the ball's slowdown during this time:
the window? Calculate vdown = vB , vA. Let vB0 be the ball's speed (do not confuse the
Correct answer: 4:508 m=s. speed with the velocity) as it passes the win-
Explanation: dow's bottom on the way up and let vA0 be its
Assume down is positive. The ball falls speed as it passes the window's top, also in its
under a constant acceleration g, so way up.
How does the ball's slowdown
g = v = vB , vA
t t vup = vB0 , vA0
and the change of its velocity during time tAB
is simply v = vB , vA = gtAB , assuming compare to its speedup vdown on the way
the downward direction to be positive. down?
vdown = (9:8 m=s2)(0:46 s) = 4:508 m=s: 1. vup > vdown :
014 2. vup = vdown : correct
Calculate the speed vA at which the ball
passes the window's top. 3. vup < vdown :
Correct answer: 6:44165 m=s.
Explanation: 4. vup > vdown if the mass of the ball
Down is positive. Given the uniform down- is less than 0:1 kg and vup < vdown if the
ward acceleration g, we have mass of the ball is greater than 0:1 kg
y(t) = y(tA) + vA(t , tA) + 21 g(t , tA)2 5. vup < vdown if the mass of the ball
Answer, Key { Homework 2 { Rubin H Landau 6
is less than 0:1 kg and vup > vdown if the Algorithm 
mass of the ball is greater than 0:1 kg x0 = 17:9 m 10 18 (1)
Explanation: v = 24:2 m=s 25
vup = vA0 , vB0 g = 9p
:8 m=s 2
The free-fall acceleration always points down- v0 = qv2:0 , 2:0 g x0 (4)
ward, regardless of whether the velocity is = h24:2i2:0 , 2:0 h9:8i h17:9i
downward or upward, so the velocity change = 15:3232 m=s
during the same time period is always the q
same, hm=si = hm=si2:0 , hi hm=s2i hmi units
vA0 , vB0 = gtBA = gtAB = vdown : h = 2v:0 g (5)
Algorithm h 24 : 2i
= 2:0 h9:8i

g = 9:8 m= s
b=4m 4 2
(2) = 29:8796 m
hmi = hihmhm
tAB = 0:46 s 0:5 (3) units
dv = g tAB (4) =s2i
= h9:8i h0:46i
= 4:508 m=s
hm=si = hm=s2i hsi units
vA = b , 0:t5 g tAB
2 0
= h4i , 0:5 hh09::46
8i h0:46i2:0
= 6:44165 m=s
hm=si = hmi , hi hm hsi
=s2i hsi2:0 units

Stone Thrown Up
02:05, arithmetic, numeric, > 1 min.
What is the maximum distance from the
ground below (not from the cli ) during its
Correct answer: 29:8796 m.
When the stone is at its maximum height h,
its velocity is zero:

v2 = 2gh ) h = 2vg

h = (24 :2 m=s)2 = 29:8796 m
2(9:8 m=s2)

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