Anda di halaman 1dari 2

1. What is the difference between the steady and transient heat transfer?

How does the

one-dimensional heat transfer differ from two-dimentional transfer ? Please explain
with some examples.

Jawab :
Steady heat transfer adalah ketika tidak ada perubahan temperatur terhadap waktu atau
distribusi temperatur bukan sebagai fungsi waktu. Sedangkan transient temperatur berubah
terhadap waktu atau distribusi temperatur sebagai fungsi waktu. Contoh steady state
perpindahan panas melalui dinding rumah. Keadaan ini dikatakan steady apabila
temperatur dinding didalam dan diluar rumah tetap atau tidak mengalami perubahan.
Contoh transient ketika mendinginkan buah di dalam kulkas. Seiring berjalannya waktu,
buah di dalam kulkas akan mengalami penurunan temperature hingga mencapai
temperature tertentu.

One-dimensional heat transfer adalah perpindahan panas yang terjadi hanya pada satu
arah, variasi temperature dan perpindahan panas pada arah yang lain dapat dianggap nol
atau diabaikan. Contoh perpindahan panas satu dimensi adalah perpindahan panas melalui
kaca jendela, perpindahan panas dianggap hanya melalui permukaan kaca sedangkan
perpindahan panas dari arah lain seperti atas ke bawah bisa diabaikan. Two-dimentional
transfer adalah perpindahan panas yang terjadi pada dua arah dan perpindahan panas pada
arah ketiga diabaikan. Contohnya pada batang berbentuk persegi panjang, perpindahan
panas dapat dianggap hanya melalui sumbu x dan y sedangkan arah z diabaikan.

2. Consider these three cases

a. A thermos filled with hot coffe placed in the table
b. The cooking process of a roast beef in an oven.
c. A bakso being cooked in boiling water in a pan.
Would you model the heat transfer to the potato as one-, two-, or three-dimensional?
Would the heat transfer be steady or transient? Also, which coordinate system would
you use to solve this problem, and where would you place the origin? Explain for all
of the cases.

3. Assume steady-state, one-dimensional heat conduction through the symmetric shape

shown. Assuming that there is no internal heat generation, derive an expression for the
thermal conductivity k(x) for these conditions: A(x) = (1 -3x), T(x) = 25 (1 - 2x - 9x3),
and q 5000 W, where A is in square meters, T in celcius, and x in meters
4. The temperature distribution across a wall 0.3m thick at a certain instant of time is T(x)
= a-+bx + cx2, where T is in degrees Celsius and x is in meters, a = 250 ºC, b = 200
ºC/m, and c = 30 ºC/m2. The wall has a thermal conductivity of 1W/m K
a. On a unit surface area basis, determine the rate of heat transfer into and out of
the wall and the r\ate of change of energy stored by the wall.

5. Consider a steel pan used to boil water on top of an electric range. The bottom section
of the pan is L 0.5 cm thick and has a diameter of D 20 cm. The electric heating unit
on the range top consumes 1000 W of power during cooking, and 85 percent of the
heat generated in the heating element is transferred uniformly to the pan. Heat transfer
from the top surface of the bottom section to the water is by convection with a heat
coefficient of h. Assuming constant thermal conductivity and one-dimensional heat
a. express the mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the
boundary conditions) of this heat conduction problem during steady operation. b.
Solve the equation to find the function of temperature distribution c. Determine
the temperature T(x); x = 0.2 cm
d. Determine the Tmax

d x2
dT ( 0 )
−k = q̇0
laju perpindahan
˙ panas 850W W
q˙0= = 2
=27,07 2
luas permukaanbawah π ( 0,1 m ) m

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