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Tanaman Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)  Keseluruhan bagian dari tanaman ini

dapat digunakan sebagai sumber bahan obat-obatan tradisional. Senyawa aktifnya dapat
diekstraksi dengan etanol atau metanol dari seluruh bagian tanaman, yaitu akar, daun dan
 Beberapa sifat farmakologi dari Sambiloto  efek anti-inflamasi, anti-kanker,
anti-hepatotoksik, anti-aterosklerosis, anti-hiperglikemik, anti-piretik.
 Salah satu senyawa aktif dari daun sambiloto  andrografolida (golongan
terpenoid, banyak terdapat pada daun dan batang)
 Farmakokinetik  beberapa studi telah dilakukan untuk melihat distribusi dari
andrografolida dalam beberapa organ tubuh. Dalam suatu penelitian pada hewan
percobaan menunjukkan bahwa 48 jam setelah pemberian andrografolida,
komponen ini dijumpai tersebar luas ke seluruh organ tubuh. Konsentrasi yang
dijumpai di otak sebesar 20.9%, limpa 14.9%, jantung 11.1%, paru-paru 10.9%,
rektum 8.6%, ginjal 7.9%, hati 5.6%, uterus 5.1%, ovarium 5.1%, dan usus halus
sebesar 3.2%.
 Studi in vitro (2008)  ekstrak daun sambiloto (20% v/v, dgn pelarut ethanol)
menunjukkan efek menghambat aktivitas enzim alfa-glukosidase dan alfa-
amilase. Ekstrak sambiloto 62.5 mg/ml mampu menghambat aktivitas enzim alfa-
glukosidase hingga 85% dan menghambat enzim alfa-amilase hingga 50%.
 Studi in vivo (2014)  Experimental studies reveals that methanol extract of
Andrographis paniculata (at dose 100mg/kg) produced an antidiabetic action by
decreasing the blood glucose level in the model of alloxan-induced diabetes in
 Studi in vivo (2016)  ekstrak daun sambiloto (1:50, dengan pelarut air) 200
mg/kgBB injected daily to the experimental animals by gastric intubation using a
force-feeding needle. In obese–diabetic rats, further reduction of citrate, 2-
oxoglutarate and succinate, the intermediates of the TCA cycle, was also
observed. These results indicated an alteration in energy metabolism after STZ
injection in the obese rats. In our model of obesity we found higher levels of
lactate, creatinine, and allantoin, whereas lower levels were observed for
hippurate, dimethylamine, citrate, succinate, and 2-oxoglutarate
 Lanjutan hasil studi in vivo (2016)  perlakuan dengan ekstrak sambiloto selama
28 hari dapat menurukan kadar glukosa pada tikus DM tipe 2. Selain itu jg
meningkatkan kadar sitrat, 2-oxoglutarate dan suksinat.

2. Kayu manis (Cinnamomum verum): use in the prevention and treatment of serious
illnesses, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer.
 Aktivitas farmakologis  One pharmacological study on antioxidant activity and
7 clinical studies on various medical conditions were reported in the scientific
literature including type 2 diabetes, Helicobacter pylori infection, activation of
olfactory cortex of the brain, oral candidiasis in HIV, and chronic salmonellosis.
 Cinnamon contains mucilage, tannin, sugar, resin, and essential oil, among which
essential oil is the most important constituent. The major portion of the essential
oil is made up of cinnamaldehyde or cinnamic aldehyde.
 A study found that cinnamaldehyde is the major volatile component of cinnamon
sticks, with 83.6% of essential oils extracted from cinnamon stick powder. The
study showed that the crude extracts of cinnamon stick also contained high levels
of nonvolatile compounds (mainly condensed tannins), which consist of 23.2%
proanthocyanidins and 3.6% catechins in addition to cinnamaldehyde (64.1%).
 One study has found that cinnamon bark water extract enhances glucose uptake
by increasing insulin sensitivity. Several studies have also found that cinnamon
extract (CE) displays anticancer activity and inhibits angiogenesis by blocking
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 2 signaling..
 Cinnamon has been shown to have insulin mimetic properties because its
biologically active substances enhance glucose uptake by activating insulin
receptor kinase activity, autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor, and glycogen
synthase activity
 Cinnamon is rich in polyphenolic components, and it was shown that an intake of
500 mg/ d for 12 weeks decreased oxidative stress and improved impaired fasting
glucose.12 Another finding also indicated that the consumption of 500 mg/ d of a
specific aqueous extract of cinnamon (Cinnulin PF) for a 12-week period
significantly improved some metabolic syndromes such as fasting blood sugar,
systolic blood pressure, and body composition, and because there is a relationship
between metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease, these results can have
an important effect for the improvement of public health
 The anti-diabetic effect of Cinnamomi cassiae extract (Cinnamon bark:
Lauraceae) in a type II diabetic animal model (C57BIKsj db/db) was studied.
Cinnamon extract was administered at different dosages (50, 100, 150 and 200
mg/kg) for 6 weeks. It was found that blood glucose concentration is significantly
decreased in a dose-dependent manner with the most in the 200 mg/kg group
compared with the control.
 Shen et al. (2010) reported that cinnamon extracts promote the transportation of
glucose by glucose transporter 4 in brown adipose tissue and muscles.

3. Tanaman Kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica)

 Komposisi  The leaves of I. aquatica contain the following: Moisture 90%,
carbohydrate 4.3%, protein 3%, fat 0.4%, fiber 0.9%, mineral matter 2%,
nicotinic acid 0.6 mg/100 g, riboflavin 120 mg/100 g, vitamin C 137 mg/100 g,
and vitamin E 11 mg/100 g.
 I. aquatica leaves are also very rich in protein, carotenes, amino acids like aspartic
acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, leucine, tyrosine,
lysine, histidine, and arginine, minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, iron,
magnesium, and zinc, sugars like glucose fructose, and sucrose, polyphenols like
myricetin, quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, kaempferol, and dihydroquercetin
 Beberapa sifat Farmakologi  efek anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory,
Anti-arthritic, anti-oxidant, anti-ulcer activity.
 Studi in human  I. aquatica showed oral hypoglycemic activity in Type II
diabetic patients. In addition to the standard feed given to both test and control
groups, the test was fed with the shredded leaves of I. aquatica (3.4 g/kg) for 1
week. Type II diabetic patients were subjected to a glucose challenge before and
after a single dose of blended I. aquatica. Result:
 I. aquatica for 1 week, effectively reduced the fasting blood sugar level of
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (P = 0.01). When subjected to a
glucose challenge, the Type II diabetic subjects showed a significant
reduction (P = 0.001) in the serum glucose concentration 2 h after the
glucose load. However, it was not significantly reduced at 1 h (P < 0.09)
post-glucose load. There was a 29.4% decrease in the serum glucose
concentration of the diabetic patients when treated with the plant extract.
 Studi in vivo  The methanol extracts of the leaves of I. aquatica showed potent
hypoglycemic activity with different doses as 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body
weight of Swiss albino mice. But more activity was observed in case of 400
mg/kg body weight dose.
 Studi in vivo  The effect of extracts I. aquatica (leafy stem) aqueous and
dichloromethane/methanol on the glucose absorption using a rat intestinal
preparation in situ. Extracts orally tested at the dose of 160 mg/kg exerted a
significant inhibitory effect on glucose absorption when compared with control
 Studi in vivo  An aqueous extract of I. aquatica showed the oral hypoglycemic
effect as similar to that of drug tolbutamide in reducing the blood sugar levels of
Wistar rats. Glucose level of the I. aquatica leaves aqueous extract-treated group
was 47.5% lower than that of the control group treated with distilled water.

4. Banana Flower (Musa sapientum L)

 Komposisi  Carbohydrates have been isolated from M. sapientum (Anhwange,
2008). Catecholamines such as norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine (Waalkes et
al., 1958; Vettorazz, 1974), tryptophan, indole compounds (Shanmugavelu and
Rangaswami, 1962), pectin have been found in the pulp. Several flavonoids and
related compounds (Leucocyanidin, quercetin and its 3-Ogalactoside, 3-O-
glucoside, and 3-O-rhamnosyl glucoside) were isolated from the unripe pulp of
plantain (Lewis et al., 1999; Lewis and Shaw, 2001; Ragasa et al., 2007).
Serotonin, nor-epinephrine, tryptophan, indole compounds, tannin, starch, iron,
crystallisable and non-crystallisable sugars, vitamin C, B-vitamins, albuminoids,
fats, mineral salts have been found in the fruit pulp of M. paradisiaca and M.
sapientum (Ghani, 2003).

5. Daun Mangga //Ekstrak daun mangga (Extract Mangifera indica Linn)

 Kandungan senyawa kimia dalam tanaman mangga:
 Bunga dari tanaman mangga mengandung senyawa alkil galat, seperti
asam galat, etil galat, n-oktil galat, 4-phenil galat, 6-phenil-n-heksil galat,
dan asam dihidrogalat.
 Akar tanaman mangga mengandung chromones, 3-hidroksi-2-(4’-
methylbenzoyl)-chromone dan 3-metoksi-2-(4’-methyl benzoyl)-
 Bunga dan daun tanaman mangga menghasilkan minyak esensial termasuk
humulune, elemene, ocimene, linalool, nerol, dan lain-lainnya.

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