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304 February - March 2011

• BBC Screen Writer Changed by Jesus – Days 1 & 2

• China’s Young Churches Overflowing - Days 13 & 14
• Mullahs Coming to Christ in Africa – Day 21
• Thief Back in Church for Forgiveness – Day 27

Brother Andrew’s Witness

to the Taliban Day 4
Outreaches to non-Christians.
Dearly Beloved Prayer Partners,
“His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely.”
(Song of Songs 5:16)
“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal
life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”
(John 6:68-69)

The Wonderful Attractiveness of Jesus and His Words

When your average regular at the local pub, who has been a
self-confessed unbeliever all his life, suddenly and publicly
declares, “the only thing I know for sure is that the words I
read as coming from Jesus Christ are the most truthful thing I
have ever heard,” you know that something out of the ordinary
has happened to him. Such has been the “Damascus Road”
experience of TV writer Tony Jordan who authored and
co-produced the BBC’s recent The Nativity series.
But what is just as extraordinary is the fact that Tony
Jordan came to this conclusion despite the fact that every
theologian he consulted in preparation for the TV series
was a sceptic, telling him that the story of the Nativity
was a fable, not to be taken literally! So what led him to
believe that the story is true and state that if Jesus says
He is the Son of God, then that must be true also?
Quite simply Tony Jordan was bowled over when he came
face to face with the person of Jesus as revealed in the
Scriptures. He discovered that He is “altogether lovely.” Mind
you, he says he keeps his distaste for church and organised
religions - in this he is probably no different from the vast
majority of people in Britain! But what is so interesting, in his
case, is that – being very much “the man of the street” of the
kind that will never darken the door of a church, he
nevertheless had an “encounter” with Jesus which led him
from unbelief to faith! True, this may not yet be a “saving
faith”, but it is faith in the right Person.
What does this teach us about reaching out to the present
generation with the Gospel? Quite simply it shows us that
Jesus remains a highly attractive figure to the ordinary
man and woman, if only they have the opportunity - as
Jordan did - of learning about the real Jesus of the Bible!
This should affect our whole evangelistic outreach. Ultimately
it should affect the whole way we do church! Our main mission
is so to proclaim Jesus that people will acknowledge that “He
has words of eternal life,” and desire more of Him. Please
pray for our new evangelist, Glen Scrivener, as he begins his
ministry among us in this New Year.

With loving greetings from all the Revival team,

Ian Milmine
Page 3
BBC Screen Writer Changed by Jesus
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 105:1-4 Days 1 & 2
The BBC’s 4-part Christmas series The Nativity proved to be a major
departure from the Corporation’s habitual treatment of Bible stories.
Far from the mockery and synicism that our main broadcaster has
sadly accustomed us to, this production was a serious attempt to be
faithful to the Biblical revelation: thoughtful, respectful and convincing.
True the producers allowed themselves some poetic licence but, in
the opinion of this editor, the average post-Christian British viewer
would have found this to be a credible and moving telling of the story.
The scene in which the worshipping magi announce “the arrival of
God himself among us”, or the portrayal of the shepherd’s emotion
when he realises that he has come face to face with the Messiah,
speak deeply to the viewer’s hearts and minds, leading them to
ponder over who the child really is.
Much of The Nativity’s fresh and challenging approach is down
to the “Damascus Road” experience of scriptwriter Tony Jordan
who, by his own admission says in a recent Daily Telegraph
interview, “I know that people from my sort of background have
always discounted the story of the nativity and I certainly didn't
believe it when I started on it three years ago.” But research into
the story of Jesus has changed Jordan from a doubter into a
believer: “the only thing I know for sure is that the words I read
as coming from Jesus Christ are the most truthful thing I have
ever heard.” Interviewed by Aled Jones on BBC Radio 2, Jordan
says that, although the theologians and scientists he consulted
ridiculed the whole thing, he now believes the story is true,
saying, “You just know truth when you see it.” He goes on to say
that Jesus says He’s the Son of God, so that must be true also!
The scriptwriter for Eastenders found that he wanted to be faithful to
the Gospels but give the mates he meets in the pub the opportunity to
believe the story. Jordan puts it in his own down-to-earth way:
“Woman gets home tells her husband-to-be that she’s pregnant – ‘it’s
not yours, but don’t worry, it’s God’s’. He’s a bit miffed, has a dream,
wakes up and says, ‘blessed am I’” “If you put it like that you’ve lost
your mates in the pub – it doesn’t make any sense to them,” Jordan
explains. By showing Mary’s fear at confronting Joseph, and Joseph’s
anger and rejection, together with the drama the pregnancy creates
among the villagers and family, Jordan makes the people (and
therefore the story) come alive to the man on the street. The BBC are
planning two more series on the life of Jesus and Tony Jordan says he
would love to produce them. Let’s pray he does!

Revival Media; The Daily Telegraph; BBC Radio 2

Day 1 – PRAISE: God that Jesus reveals Himself to all who

seek to know the truth, and that the BBC has broadcast a
series that proclaims Jesus as God!

Day 2 – PRAY: That, as a result of this film, many may want

to know Jesus, and that Tony Jordan may find godly
people who can nurture his faith.

Page 4
UK: Young People Want Morals!
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 119:9 Day 3
A recent survey, commissioned by East Riding of Yorkshire Council
and NHS East Riding of Yorkshire has found that young people want
to learn about responsible parenting rather than sexual mechanics in
sex education. Almost three quarters of boys and 84 per cent of girls
agreed that a relationship doesn’t have to include sex. The survey,
conducted among over 2,000 13 to 16-year-olds has surprised experts
in the field. Researchers from Hull University said that they were
surprised that the majority of those surveyed supported “moral” ideas
about having sex.
The survey revealed that the single most important ‘fact of life’
for both boys and girls was parenting. Nearly half the girls and
almost 40 per cent of boys considered it the single matter they
most wished to learn more about. The findings challenge the
current emphasis in sex education on the mechanics of safe sex.
Commenting on the findings, Norman Wells of the Family Education
Trust, said: “Young people are clearly tiring of the negative messages
they are receiving about pregnancy and parenthood from sex
educators obsessed with contraception”.
“For too long, Government policy has all too often been encouraging
and facilitating casual sex.” It’s time to transform this mindset, take
young people at face value, and emphasize responsible relationships.
The Christian Institute; Revival Media
PRAISE: God that young people want a moral base on
which to build their relationships. Pray that it will be given
to them through knowledge of the Gospel.

Brother Andrew’s Witness to Taliban

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 10:16-20 Day 4
Anne Van der Bijl, better known as “Brother Andrew” (now in his 80’s),
is having amazing opportunities among the Taliban. Asked how he got
access to the Taliban, he said: "I just go there. I find out where they
live and show up at the door step. They ask what I come for and I tell
them about Jesus. We've become way too diplomatic and careful in
our approach.”
"One day I visited a large, notorious Quran school where 90% of the
graduates immediately join the ranks of the Taliban and al-Qaeda…
Suddenly the microphone was handed to me: 'Anne, it's your turn'. I
went to the microphone, pulled out my Bible and said: 'This is the only
book in the world that tells us that God loves us, that our sins can be
forgiven, and how we can go to Heaven when we die.' I told them
about Jesus. I believe every Christian should be able to speak about
his faith in Jesus unprepared for at least 15 minutes. After my talk, the
leader of the Quran School, came up to me and said: 'Anne, would
you please come back and tell us more about Jesus, also to our
graduate class?’ This is an amazing mission field!”
Anne van der Bijl – Joel News International
PRAISE: God for this brave old servant and the
opportunities he has to take Jesus to so many.
Page 5
400 Years of the King James Bible
BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 55:11 Day 5
The King James Bible is the most important book in our language, our
literature and our history. Commemorations this year of its 400th
anniversary are surely to be welcomed. There's to be a day of the
Bible on Radio 4, for example - 28 readings of 15 minutes each,
making up seven hours in total. Special stamps are being issued by
the Royal Mail, and actors at the Globe Theatre will read the Bible
continuously on stage over five days. There will be lectures in
universities, special TV programmes, and a closing celebration at
Westminster Abbey in November. Celebrations in Britain will be
replicated all over the English-speaking world.
At the 1604 Hampton Court Conference King James I was
persuaded (by moderate puritans) that a new translation of the
Bible was needed and ordered work to begin that year. Work
carried on until 1611 when it was published in May. A team of 47
of the best Bible scholars of the day worked on translating the
text into English, and the King James translation became the
standard version read in all English speaking nations. It was
developed to be read out loud at church services, so in light of
this, the translators gave diligent attention to rhythm and
punctuation to give the text a fresh oral quality that no other
translations to date could match.
Melvyn Bragg says, "There is no doubt in my mind that the King
James Bible not Shakespeare set this language on its path to become
a universal language on a scale unprecedented before or since." Yet a
poll recently suggested that more than half of 35-year-olds have never
even heard of it. Christians throughout the English-speaking world will
do well to do all they can to bring the King James Bible to the attention
of the younger generations.
Revival Media; London Evening Standard

PRAISE: God for the Book transformed our nation. Pray

that these celebrations will lead many people to consider it
once again.

Iran Seeking to De-Stabilise the World

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 73:8-9 Day 6
Why does Iran’s President Ahmedinajab seem intent on creating
chaos around the world? It’s because Shia Muslims believe that an
Islamic saviour known as the Mahdi will return at the end of time. As
New York Times best-selling author Joel Rosenberg explained, “Shia
Muslims believe this Islamic messiah will come at the End of Days to
destroy Judeo-Christian civilization as we know it, force infidels to
convert or be executed, and will set up a one-world Islamic
government known as the “caliphate”. Ahmadinejad believes Allah
has chosen him to prepare the world for the coming of the Mahdi.
CBN News; Revival Media

PRAY: That Iranian Christianity will continue to grow, and a

more moderate government will be brought in.
Page 6
House Churches Expanding in Italy
BIBLE STUDY: Acts 2:46-47 Day 7
Graziano Crepaldi is a house church planter. After developing a house
church network in Switzerland in 2003, he felt God’s call to also invest
in his homeland Italy. There he found a few people whom he trained
and coached, and today there are 12 house churches in various
localities that are part of the Philadelphia Network. “Italians are open
to spiritual things,” says Graziano. “So we teach our people to hear
from God, prophesy and pray for healing. Everyone is capable of
sharing the Good News of the Kingdom within his or her specific
gifting and context. Out of this evangelism, new groups are started in
“Two of our friends visited a restaurant near the university in
Turin. They got to know the family who owned the place. These
people felt a spiritual emptiness and were not satisfied with their
life. My friends simply explained the Gospel to them. Their
response was amazing! The whole family repented and started to
follow Jesus. They changed their restaurant into a house church
and now hold Bible studies and house people. Often
non-Christian people grasp the concept of house church better
than Christians.”
“We also intentionally train people on the job to plant new house
churches. We use the method of ‘Model, Assist, Watch & Leave’: we
model how to plant churches, the new Christians assist us in what we
do, we watch as they do it, and then we leave. Our goal is to help
people to be obedient to the message of Jesus, to develop a deeper
relationship with God and better relationships with people around
Graziano Crepaldi
PRAISE: God that Italians are coming to Christ and
forming communities of faith and discipleship.

Church for the Unwanted and Unloved

BIBLE STUDY: 1 Samuel 16:7 Day 8
Churches in Manchester, Kentucky used to fear drug addicts and did
not want them in their church. Often they were dirty and smelly and
didn't fit in. Drug addiction in the County had reached epidemic
proportions and the authorities were unable to control it. When it
started affecting the children of church-goers, pastor Donald Sims, of
City of Hope Church and other ministers decided they needed to do
something about it. Now many churches welcome the addicts. Pastor
Sims discloses that 70% of his church are new converts and 50% of
those are recovering addicts. He affirms, "God has given us a lot of
the people that nobody wants. And we take 'em. We love 'em. And
God's transforming them into the kind of people that everybody wants.
They're faithful and love Jesus." What the authorities couldn’t achieve,
the Gospel of Jesus has.
Joel News International
PRAISE: God for this wonderful testimony to His love and
power that is effective when His people show that they
care for the lost.
Page 7
North Koreans Give Lives for Christ
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 71:19-21 Day 9
Every year, thousands of North Koreans flee to China in a dangerous
bid for freedom. Refugee Tae escaped North Korea twice. The first
time, Chinese authorities sent him back. He was imprisoned and his
wife was forced to divorce him. "I lost my identity as a citizen of North
Korea, I was considered to have rejected my country and my parents
after I left North Korea," he said. But it was there in prison that Tae
came to faith in Christ. That was a worse offense: worshipping Christ
over worshipping the state. Tae escaped again and made his way to
South Korea. He has enrolled in Seoul's Underground University, a
ministry of Voice of the Martyrs Canada.
Another refugee, Jung began to wonder why North Korea tried so
hard to control and oppress Christianity. He witnessed the public
execution of three Christians who smuggled Bibles into the
country. "There was one woman and two men. The men were
about 22 or 23 years old," Jung said. "The public executions
actually made me want to know more about Christ and the Bible,"
he said. After four years in South Korea, Jung wants to return to
evangelise his people.
After their year of studies at the university, the students expect to
head back north, not knowing whether they will return or not. But they
say they are willing to sacrifice their lives to help bring spiritual
freedom to their countrymen who may never have a chance to escape
the hermit kingdom.
CBN News
PRAISE: God for these modern day martyrs and for the
many coming to Christ in North Korea. Pray the day will
come when they can freely proclaim Christ.

London Gamblers Free from Addiction

BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 61:1-3 Day 10
More than 60 gambling halls operate in the Borough of Westminster.
Nikki Lee, with the faith-based group London Citizens says, "The
increasing number of gambling opportunities in Chinatown is crippling
the community through family break-ups as a result of the increase in
debt, domestic violence, and depression. And we need to work
together to put a stop to the growing problem." The problem has got
so bad that Peter Chan decided to start a Christian rehabilitation
centre for gambling addicts. Ex-gambler David Li found Christ and
was set free from his addiction. "Thirty-five years I was suffering from
gambling affecting my whole family," he said. "I became a Christian
that day and my addiction went away," Li continued. "It's amazing I
don't want to gamble anymore." Help is desperately needed for more
people to break free. "I think it's very important because there is no
other Christian place to go for help," one recovering addict said.
CBN News
PRAISE: God that the Gospel is powerful to save from sin
and vice. Pray for more resources.
Page 8
Deciding Between Jesus or Shamans
BIBLE STUDY: 1 Samuel 7:3 Day 11
New missionaries Simon and Annika Flanagan in Papua New Guinea
are studying the Mengen culture and language so that they can aid in
the discipleship of believers.
The Mengen believers are currently being opposed by followers
of the Maliaba spirit. They believe this spirit of a dead ancestor
indwells certain shamans and can control life and death and
magically heal the sick. The people fear this spirit and one of the
shamans has threatened that one of the believers' children will
die if they do not turn from their faith in Christ. Another Maliaba
predicted one of the believers would sicken and die.
Nevertheless, as the believers grow in their understanding of God’s
Word, they are becoming strong in their faith, and many are boldly
speaking against the Maliaba. Having first taken the Gospel to the
Mengens a few years ago, the missionaries had been forced to leave.
Now they are back and seeing the fruit of God’s grace among these
tribal peoples.
New Tribes Mission
PRAISE: God for these new disciples and pray that the
Mengen Christians will learn to speak the truth in love and
that God will soften the hearts of the other Mengens to
believe the Gospel.

God Shows Up in the Dying Room

BIBLE STUDY: Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 Day 12
When cardiologist Mark Sheehan, of Littleton, Colorado, steps into the
room of a dying person he feels as if he should take off his shoes. "It's
holy ground," Sheehan said. "God always shows up. It's a place
where suffering, pain, humility, fear and soul-searching lead to a
special brokenness or openness to God,” he writes in his just-released
book, Healing Prayer On Holy Ground, co-authored by his son Chris
Even if doctors realise the patient's spiritual crisis is often
causing more pain than the medical crisis, Sheehan said, it is a
profession in which pride in one's knowledge and abilities can be
a hindrance to the dependent humility needed for heartfelt prayer
for patients and with patients. Yet caregivers can't be indifferent
to their patients' needs for spiritual healing, Sheehan tells his
medical students.
Sheehan, a devout Christian, said he knows his readiness to pray with
patients has provoked some criticism among colleagues who feel it
crosses a boundary. "You can cross a boundary without violating it,"
he said. "I ask patients about their faith. When you close the doors,
patients tell you their intimate stories. You actually come to care for
your patients. You come to love these people. "When you go into the
dying room, you don't have to have the answers. You can't always
make things right. Be quiet. Be still. God is always there."
The Denver Post
PRAISE: God for a doctor who makes the most of the final
opportunity God gives to his patients.
Page 9
China's Young Churches Overflowing
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 122:1-9 Days 13 & 14
Like other Christians around the world, Zhang Fei celebrated
Christmas Day in traditional fashion. She attended a morning church
service, joining in the carol singing led by a cassock-wearing choir,
and then watched a nativity play performed by children from the
congregation. But Miss Zhang's Protestant church is an illegal one,
and its 1,000 members have grown used to worshipping in a variety of
office buildings across Beijing in an effort to avoid the scrutiny of the
A 25-year-old junior manager in an engineering company, Miss Zhang
has been a Christian for four years. She says many people, including
her parents, who are members of the Communist Party, think she is
"crazy" and question both her faith and the wisdom of being a
Christian in a Communist country. "They say, 'There's no God in this
world,'" she said.
"They haven't stopped me being a Christian and I wouldn't let
them, but it's a source of tension between us. I pray for them."
But unlikely as it sounds, Miss Zhang is part of a huge and
growing number of like-minded Chinese who celebrated the story
of Christ's birth. Up to 100 million are practising Christians -
possibly a higher proportion of the country's 1.3 billion people
than in Britain, and they outnumber the 76 million members of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The Chinese constitution officially guarantees religious freedom but in
an effort to monitor the activities, Christians, whether Roman Catholic
or Protestant, are required to attend state-controlled churches - a
stricture ignored by those who meet instead in flats, office blocks,
university dormitories and even the private rooms of restaurants. The
authorities frequently clamp down on their activities, yet the number of
Christians continues to grow. Jin Tianming, the pastor of the house
church which Miss Zhang attends, said: "When we started in 1993
there were just 10 of us. Now, we have more than 1,000 members.
Every Sunday there are 30 newcomers."
Particularly worrying for the CCP is the spread of Christianity's
appeal from the countryside, where it first took root, to the
young, university-educated residents of China's cities - the very
people whom the party traditionally recruits. When The Sunday
Telegraph attended the church, worshippers, mostly under the
age of 40, occupied every seat and stood lining the walls, many
clutching Bibles and prayer books in both Chinese and English."
New Christians are particularly drawn to the fervent, evangelical
Christianity of the Protestant house churches, which has spread
from nearby South Korea.
"It's no problem if the government doesn't like Christians or house
churches," said Miss Zhang. "God is in charge of us, not the
The Daily Telegraph
Day 13 – PRAISE: God that He IS in charge and the Gospel
is spreading to the whole nation.
Day 14 – PRAY: That Chinese Christian witness may
continue to show that the Gospel changes nations.
Page 10
Biblical Pattern of Revival:
The Ministry of Elijah in Israel
Reading: 1 Kings 17 – 2 Kings 2
The reign of Solomon was one of great prosperity and national
pride. All Israel felt strong, wealthy and secure. So much so that
the Bible makes this comment: “During Solomon’s lifetime Judah
and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, every man
under his own vine and fig-tree.” (1 Kings 4:25) Sadly the seeds
of division, moral corruption and national weakness were being
sown at that very time by Solomon himself. His numerous wives
and concubines soon introduced their idol worship, which became
a thorn in the flesh for the nation.

1. How a Mighty Kingdom Falls When God is Not Honoured

At Solomon’s death, the kingdom divided. In the North, King

Jeroboam himself actually led Israel into idol worship, erecting 2
temples and golden calves for the people to worship. The South,
weak under Rehoboam, had to put up with the Egyptians coming
and ransacking the Temple. How quickly a mighty kingdom had
fallen to its knees! Notice, the cause was spiritual! Although a
Reformation was seen in the Southern kingdom of Judah during
the reigns of Asa and his son Jehoshaphat, in the North, some
sixty years after the split, Ahab and his wicked Queen Jezebel
came to power. Until then Israel had paid lip-service to the
worship of Jehovah, whilst all the time both tolerating then
practicing more and more idolatry. Under Jezebel, a concerted
effort was made to eliminate worship of the true God altogether, a
crusade that was carried to the kingdom of Judah by her equally
fanatical daughter Athalia, who married king Jehoram.

2. God Raises Up Elijah and Baal-Worship is Destroyed

However, it was during this time of despair, particularly for the

7000 Israelites who had not practiced idolatry, that God raised up
a mighty prophet – Elijah. So when God showed His power with
fire from heaven, Baal worship suffered a terminal defeat, and this
particular idolatry was banished from the land shortly after by
King Jehu (2 Kings 10:28). Notice how Elijah prepared Elisha,
and Elisha prepared a whole school of future servants of God.
The present was bleak, but these prophets were looking to the
future, doing what God led them to do.

Our times here in Britain may be spiritually bleak; idolatry plagues

not only the land but has even penetrated the churches. However,
we must do what God has commissioned us to do at this time; we
must be faithful.

Page 11
Examples from History:

The Police and Courts Become Almost Redundant

What are the kinds of things that happen as a result of revival?

What are its effects in society at large? We can look at the Welsh
revival of 1904 for an answer, as its effects are well documented.
These go far beyond the realm of what may be seen as
exclusively “spiritual”. For instance, the huge drop in the crime
rate in some areas of Wales made the police and the courts
almost redundant, as the prisons emptied. A correspondent for
the Liverpool Daily Post reported in December 1904 that there
had been no arrests for drunkenness since the revival had
started. In the South Wales ports the magistrates were through
with their daily business in a fraction of the usual time, private
quarrels and assaults had become practically nil.

Bitter Enemies Become Prayer-Partners

Bitter divisions in some communities were miraculously healed.

For instance one of the South Wales mining journals of the time –
The Iron and Coal Trades Review – tells of the bitter feuds that
had existed between unionised and non-unionised miners – often
they would refuse to share the same cage to descend down to
the mines, and would only speak to each other in cursing. By
1905, however, the Journal tells how the revival put an end to this
fighting, as these men met together for prayer, all joining in
together. The employers spoke highly of improved productivity.

Prayer Instead of Drinking - Money Spent on the Home

The same journal highlighted the loss of the miner’s drinking

habits saying, “They go home at night sober men without
touching a drop of beer or spirits, and, before commencing their
work in the morning many of them join together in prayer.” The
Rev. David Collier commented, “Men who had not taken one
penny home in 17 years now took all home... Houses became
decently furnished; women and children became decently clad.
The public houses became practically empty, for though all who
accustomed to frequent them did not attend places of worship,
yet the fear of God had fallen upon them for a time. Bridges and
walls, instead of being covered with obscene remarks, were now
covered with lines from Bible and hymn book. The streets echoed
with hymns, rather than the drunkard’s songs once want to be

Page 12
No More Prosecutions for Mistreatment of Children

One N.S.P.C.C. inspector spoke of the effect the revival had on

the miss-treatment of children in the mining valleys of Glamorgan.
Homes that he had under observation for some time, including
some where he had contemplated prosecution, had undergone a
complete transformation. He no longer had them under observa-
tion, and children were not only now well treated, but better
cleaned and dressed. Whereas he had been forced to prosecute
in his district at the rate of two a month, since the revival there
had been no prosecutions.

Worldly Pleasures Axed, While Bible Sales Surge

To these wonderful effects on society that the Welsh revival had,

can be added the loss of interest in worldly pleasures, including
football match attendance, dance halls, public houses and the
likes, many of which were forced to close. On the other hand, the
Bible Society reported a tripling of the sale of Bibles in Wales. The
repayment of long-standing debts by those who had been
convicted by the Holy Spirit, the fostering of fellowship among
denominations by exchange of pulpits and other means, where
previously there had been discord and hostility, were other effects
of the revival.

All kinds of people were touched by the revival, as Rev Collier

again relates, “...some deeply intelligent but unconverted men,
who had always lead exemplary lives, would feel such sorrow of
souls as made them tremble, turn deathly pale, and cry out for the
prayers of their brethren... Others, very different in their past
record, even when sodden in drink, so overwhelmed that they
professed to be unable to continue in their drunken way, but were
forced up to the Schoolroom or Chapel, preferring to wait there
until they had sobered than fail to give themselves to the Lord.”

God Achieved What the Laws of the Land Could Not!

The Rev. David Collier summarises as follows, “For the glory of

God and the encouragement of men, let it be known to all those
who will carry God’s work on when the present generation has
passed to its rest, yea let it be known that drunkards, swearers,
gamblers of most abandoned and hopeless type became holy
men, that backsliders of 20 years returned to the fold, men who
had only entered on the profession of religion, entered into its
power, and they are with us still, and by the grace of God will
remain faithful unto Death.”

Thus, what legislation and organization throughout the years

could not accomplish was achieved in a matter of weeks in many
of the Welsh districts. Praise God!

Page 13
Prayer Concerning Revival
“Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in
thee?” These are the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 85:6. Surely
this needs to be the prayer of every godly man or woman who
longs for the glory of God to be seen among His people. Jesus
said He had come to give us life, and give it to the full. Yet so
many Christians today appear to be quite happy to go around half
empty, living their daily lives with no real care for the level of their
spiritual petrol tanks.

If we are ever to see once again an awakening of our nation to

the reality of God’s power, grace and holiness, then we must
begin by earnestly emulating the Psalmist in his prayer for our
own revival. We must desire God's revival in our own hearts and
in our own local church fellowships first of all. Only then can we
expect the fullness of which our Lord spoke, and only then can
we expect it to spread like wildfire to others.

From a Revival Radio Broadcast

“This Book will keep me from sin,

or sin will keep me from this Book.”

D.L. Moody - inscribed in the front of his Bible

“One day spent in fasting and prayer to God is worth a thousand

days of complaint and lamentation before men.”

A former Bishop of Calcutta

Christian, we serve the God of Sinai, the God of Calvary, the God
of the empty tomb and of Pentecost, the God who has it in His
power to unleash the lightning, thunder and rain of a sweeping,
soul-changing revival! May our fervent prayer be “Lord, send
revival, let it come, Lord, let it come soon!

Let it strike our nation, even though our abominable self pride be
hurled into the dust. Thrust all that is meaningless in our church
life into the gutter! Confound all the wisdom of the world, and
mercifully send us a storm of Holy Ghost power and fire before
you send the storms of your judgments upon us! And, Lord, let
your revival begin in me! AMEN”.

From a Revival Radio Broadcast

Page 14
British Young People Feel Isolated
BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 49:22-23 Day 15
More than a third of young people in the UK aged 16 to 24 do not feel
part of their local community, research by the Prince's Trust suggests.
Almost a quarter of young people (23%) felt ignored by older people.
The study of more than 2,000 youngsters found one in 10 felt like an
outcast. Those who were not in education, employment or training
were far more likely to feel isolated. “It is a tragedy that so many
young people feel separated from the people around them,” said
Martina Milburn, Chief Executive of the Prince's Trust
The study of 2,226 16 to 24-year-olds showed more than one in
five (22%) felt isolated "most of the time", while one in 10 (11%)
felt like an outcast. Almost a third (30%) did not think there was a
future for them in their local area. According to the report, more
than half of young people (54%) "rarely" or "never" spoke to
people over the age of 40 in their local community, while more
than two thirds (68%) "rarely" or "never" spoke to those over 60.
Almost a quarter (23%) felt ignored by older people, while almost
half (46%) thought older people were scared of young people.
Martina Milburn said, "Being part of a community and interacting with a
mix of people is a crucial part of a young person's development." On
Friday and Saturday nights Street Pastors in over 150 UK towns and
cities have the opportunity of mixing with young people and find that
they are open and eager to talk, and to hear about the Gospel.
BBC News; Revival Media.
PRAY: That the day will come when thousands of British
young people find inclusion and happiness in the
fellowship of the people of God.

Christ Changes Prison Life in Chile

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 32:1-5 Day 16
Following the devastating fire that caused the deaths of 81 inmates in
one of the Chilean capital’s prisons, President Piñera has highlighted
the positive developments that have taken place amongst prisoners
who are born again Christians or “evangelicos”. The fire was the result
of a feud between rival gangs. The President contrasted the
indiscipline of the prison population at large, with the helpfulness of
those who have become Christians. “I’m struck by the contrast…
prisoners who live in similar conditions but turn their situation into
something totally different: they’re well dressed… clean, they work
hard and communicate with each other normally,” the President said.
Pastor Luis Mussiet, the national evangelical prison chaplain, said that
those who receive Christ support one another and make a real effort;
consequently 92% never return to prison once they complete their
La Tercera Newspaper; Revival Media
PRAISE: God that the inmates who convert to Christ do
turn their lives around for good. Pray for the chaplains and
for a real revival in the prisons.

Page 15
Evangelicals Making Effort in France
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 100:5 Day 17
While only 10 percent of the population attends weekend religious
services, France is a largely Catholic country with Muslims making up
some 10 percent of its population, while Evangelicals and Jews make
up about one percent each. The total figure for all Protestants
(including Evangelicals) is 2.2%.
On paper France would seem one of the least likely places for
Evangelicals to gain a foothold. For centuries, Protestantism was the
embattled minority in a country Catholics liked to call the "eldest
daughter of the church" because of its strong ties to Rome. Today, in
this country’s 60 million inhabitants, there are just over 2,000
evangelical churches, which means there is one church for every
30,000 inhabitants.
From a postwar population of around 50,000, French evangelicals
are now estimated to number between 450,000 and 500,000.
According to the Evangelical Federation of France (FEF), the
number of churches has risen from 800 in 1970 to over 2,200
today. Between 1970 and the year 2000, a new church started
every ten days on average, which is very encouraging.
An action plan has been put in place and the evangelicals in France
meet regularly to work on concerted objectives and strategies at a
national level. Several ‘pilot’ departments have put these in practice in
Paris and the North West. The objective being targeted is one church
for 10,000 inhabitants, which would triple the number of churches
currently existing.
Revival Media; The Guardian; World Horizons
PRAISE: God for steady growth and efforts to reach more
communities in France. Pray that the Spirit of God may
move powerfully among French people.

Difficult Advance of Gospel in Spain

BIBLE STUDY: Haggai 2:19 Day 18
For centuries the Inquisition guarded the Catholic Church’s dominance
over the Spanish people. During the Reformation, some educated
Spaniards came in contact with the teachings of Luther and a number
were clearly converted. Several of these were burnt at the stake, the
rest escaped to safer 'reformed' lands. During the following centuries,
little could be achieved in bringing the Gospel to Spain. The Inquisition
was not abolished until 1834. Greater freedoms followed the civil war
of 1868 enabling foreign missions to get under way and exiled
Spanish believers to return, but it was not until 1967 that a tolerance
law was finally decreed and churches could meet openly without fear
of repression. Today evangelicals number just over 400,000, or 1% of
the population. Although this is an advance, and the number of
churches has grown from 300 in 1968 to 2,630 today, there are still
7,200 towns in Spain where there is no organised evangelical witness.
Christian Today

PRAISE: God for all those who found Jesus in this nation
where the light of the Gospel needs to shine.

Page 16
70 Come to Christ Through Outreach
BIBLE STUDY: John 17:20-23 Day 19
The sleepy community of New Whiteland, Indiana, is waking up to a
noticeable stirring at Grace Assembly of God, where pastor Wayne
Murray and his congregation saw many lives touched and changed
during a recent Nothing's Too Hard for God outreach. Roughly 70-75
people made decisions for Christ and the Sunday morning attendance
increased by 150.
"This is one of the best things we've ever done," said Murray.
"And it was one of the easiest as far as preparation - all the tools
were right there. We just had to plug them in." The Sunday before
Grace began the campaign, Murray preached a sermon, How To
Prepare For A Miracle. He had each person in his church write a
list of people they knew who could benefit from the various
topics of the outreach. They collected the names and prayed over
them ... and then invited them to come.
"This particular series (Nothing's Too Hard for God) hits home with so
many people because of the needs they have in their lives. “For the
church," Murray said, "it's an incredible tool to use for growth and for
reaching out to your community. We had several people give
testimony that it just increased their faith in God their belief in God and
to trust God again for miracles and intervention. I don't think there is a
better time, and I don't know of a better tool out there, to make an
impact on your community than Nothing's Too Hard for God.
AG News
PRAISE: God that a local congregation can make a real
impact for Christ in its community. Pray that many
churches may catch a vision for outreach.

Palau Sees Chileans Come to Christ

BIBLE STUDY: Romans 2:6-11 Day 20
In a nation marked by recent tragedy, Chile Festival 2010 with
evangelists Luis Palau and son Andrew Palau brought encouragement
and hope to the region during the week of October 25–30. The festival,
which took place in Santiago and Viña del Mar, reached more than
145,000 people through live events and millions more through media
broadcasts. There were more than 13,000 documented decisions for
Jesus Christ. Unique to the initiative was the participation of rescued
miner Jose Henriquez, known by many as “the pastor” and the
spiritual leader while in the mine. During his time in Chile, the
evangelist spent 30 minutes with President Sebastian Piñera. They
discussed the importance of public officials recognizing God in their
statements and speeches, as Piñera has done. Palau pointed out the
promise made by God in the Bible, “Those who honour me I will
Palau campaigns in 2011 will include Jamaica, Vietnam, France,
Burundi, Paraguay, China, and cities in the USA.
Luis Palau Evangelistic Association
PRAISE: God for the faithful witness of the Palau team in
Chile and all over the world. Pray for the countries they
will visit this year.

Page 17
Mullahs Coming to Christ in Africa
BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 31:6-8 Days 21
Hundreds of imams and mullahs from West Africa have been coming
to Christ in the past decade, said a former Muslim who witnesses to
Muslim scholars and clerics. Brother Daniel (last name withheld for
security) told the Lausanne III Conference in South Africa that some
1,000 have come to Christ with 500 of them having completed
discipleship training.
“The Muslims that are around us are sincere in their beliefs,” said
Daniel. “[But] even though they are very sincere, they are
sincerely wrong.” Daniel said Christians are “disobedient and
fearful” to share the Gospel even though the Holy Spirit has
worked in the hearts of Muslims and they are open and waiting to
hear the Good News, Daniel remarked. He shared that he recently
led a Sharia (Islamic law) court judge to Christ. After the
conversion, the former Sharia judge lost his job and has faced
“unbelievable persecution.” But despite the fierce obstacles, that
former judge has alone led over 100 Muslims to Christ.
“We are constantly threatened, persecuted, attacked, and ambushed.
We get a lot of calls, from Mecca, Medina, Iran, from the local
Hezbollah. Yes, we are fearful. But you know what? We need to be
obedient to the call of Christ and go.”
Another Conference delegate, Sam Yeghnazar, of Elam Ministries,
shared, “Iran today is a closed land with countless open hearts. It
is the most open nation to the Gospel in the entire world. Tens of
thousands of Iranians are turning to Christ. Betrayed by the
government, disillusioned with the religion, depressed by the
prospects of the future, Iranians when they come to know the
Lord Jesus Christ are completely transformed,” he said. “Entire
families are coming to Christ.”
Recently, two of Yeghnazar’s people were imprisoned and within a
week they had brought six people to Christ.
The Christian Post
PRAISE: God that Jesus is being glorified among Muslims.
Pray for the floodgates to open wide.

China: The Difference a Bible Makes

BIBLE STUDY: Deuteronomy 32:46-47 Days 22
In 2008 China celebrated 60 years of Communism. To prevent any
anti-Communist sentiment being seen or heard, the government
cracked down on religious activities – and house church leader Chang
got caught up in the snare. His crime? Leading Bible studies. His
sentence? Prison. But, unlike more than half of China’s 100 million
Christians, Chang had his Bible. “I’d waited six years for a Bible,” he
says. “When I received one, I couldn’t put it down.” Chang’s
memorisation of Scripture enabled him to lead many fellow prisoners
to Christ. “For this alone, my time in prison was worth it,” he says.
Word Power – The Bible Network
PRAISE: God for distribution of His written Word, and for
those who carry it in their hearts and share it.

Page 18
Egypt May Allow Church Building
BIBLE STUDY: 2 Thessalonians 1:3-4 Day 23
Egypt’s government is weighing changes to laws that make it virtually
impossible for the country’s Christians to build or expand a church.
Building a new church in Egypt requires a presidential permit, as well
as security clearance from Egypt's State Security Intelligence. "Even
fixing a pipeline or mending a church wall requires a permit from the
local governor," says Nagib Gibra'il, a Coptic attorney and human
rights activist, told The Media Line. "Muslims, on the other hand, get to
build their mosques normally without restriction."
Christian Copts account for about 7% to 9% of Egypt's
population of 80 million, but according to government sources,
there are only 2,000 churches in Egypt. That may change after
Moufid Shihab, the state minister for legal and parliamentary
affairs, told reporters recently that Egypt's government and the
ruling NDP were discussing with the leaders of the Coptic Church
a new "unified law on houses of worship" that would equate the
legal status of churches and mosques in the country.
"For the past 15 years the parliament has been promising a new law,
but nothing has happened,” Gibra'il said. "Many churches receive
building permits after years of bureaucracy, only to find that local
security officials refuse to implement the permit, citing security
The Media Line
PRAY: That the authorities - both national and local - will
legislate positively, and that the Gospel will spread and
grow strong in Egypt.

Reaching Young People in Australia

BIBLE STUDY: Ecclesiastes 11:9 Day 24
Australia has amazing opportunities to reach out and impact the 10 –
20 year old generation. Currently the government of Australia allows
Christian education and witness in public schools and colleges, which
is a unique open door to influence the emerging generation. Outside of
schools there are endless opportunities to reach and influence young
people through camps, sports, evangelism outreaches… Youth with a
Mission (YWAM) arranges and hosts skate comps along the East
Coast of Australia for young skaters of all ages. These comps draw
hundreds of young people to a fun environment of skating, music,
food, free give-aways, and competitions. YWAM has teams of riders
who regularly perform demo’s in local schools in Australia and at
international locations. With a gnarly street park with fun boxes, flat
rails, grind boxes, picnic tables, pole jam, fridge bank, manual pads
and more safety gear is provided as well as expert advice and
instruction. The session wraps up with a relevant devotion that applies
God’s truth to our everyday circumstances.
PRAISE: God for these opportunities to present Christ to
young Australians. Pray for great effect.

Page 19
Indonesian Tribes Respond to Gospel
BIBLE STUDY: Isaiah 49:11-13 Day 25
The Moi church in Indonesia has increased greatly. New Tribes
Mission (NTM) missionaries heard testimonies from more than 80
Moi’s who declared their new found faith in Christ. The life transform-
ing Gospel message was presented to their village at the end of
September. The total number of believers now consists of more than
half of the adult and teenage population. They all live within a days
hike from the village that first heard God’s Word.
For seven weeks, people came from more than 20 hamlets,
leaving their homes and gardens so they could hear this new
message. One week after hearing the message of salvation, the
people gathered for a feast and celebrated their new life in Christ
by singing and dancing. Apabo, who had adamantly opposed the
Gospel, now praises the Creator with tear-filled eyes! He is now
able to worship His creator and celebrate the Christmas season
knowing why the Saviour of the world came!
There's also progress among other tribes in Indonesia. David Bell of
NTM reports that more than 100 Wano people heard the Gospel in
December and several have believed in Christ.
New Tribes Mission
PRAISE: God for these new followers of Jesus as they
begin to grow in understanding of the Gospel.

Preparing for the London Olympics

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 78:1-4 Day 26
The host nation of an Olympic or Paralymic Games provides each
national team with training camps for a few months before the Games
start. Many will be used across the British Isles. More than Gold and
The World Prayer Centre are calling on churches to organise prayer
for each national team during their training camp. A list can be found in
alphabetical order at Find out
who is coming to your area so that prayer and witness can be
“We also want to see that every venue being used for
Olympic/Paralympic events will be prayed over during these next
months,” they say. Would you be able to cover your area? A full
list can be found on, under Olympic
We won’t know the route of the Olympic torch until Spring 2011. It is
envisaged that it will go through the length and breadth of the UK,
visiting key towns and cities as well as the World Heritage sites. It
would be wonderful to see united prayer taking place at each point.
For further information, updates, and to find out how churches and
Christian individuals can get involved, please visit the More than Gold
website, at The 2012 Olympics can be a
unique opportunity for Christian outreach.
More than Gold; World Prayer Centre; Revival Media
PRAISE: God for this opportunity of a lifetime. Pray that
the UK Christians may be up to the challenge!

Page 20
Thief Back in Church for Forgiveness
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 51:10-13 Day 27
A crook who broke into a Springfield, Florida church and stole
thousands of dollars in equipment has been forgiven. Pastor Garland
Scott said someone had taken keyboards, mixing boards, DVD
recorders, microphones and Christmas lights. "I can't believe they
robbed me," he said. However, at Sunday morning's service, praise
and music echoed as loud as ever. That's because the burglar
returned for forgiveness.
Scott said that, after he found out he was robbed, he went out in
the neighbourhood looking for his belongings. "So I went to the
corner where the thugs hang out, the hoodlums, and say, 'Hey,
y'all know me for a long time. What's going on? How could you
do this?'" Scott said. "(I) came back to the church, and within an
hour, the crack addicts, the thugs, they are all bringing stuff back
piece by piece. "Everything that was taken has been brought
back, and we were able to have service today as normal."
The man who stole the items listened along with the rest of the
congregation to Scott's sermon on Sunday. "He wanted prayer. He
wanted help so they wouldn't get him," Scott said. "And ironically, the
name of the church is The Embassy, so we protected him, and today
he showed back up to church. We prayed for him. He cried and joined
the church.”
PRAISE: God for the wisdom of Pastor Scott that enabled
this thief to receive forgiveness. Pray that he may be
strengthened in Christ.

Christ is Hope for Prisoners too!

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 51:3-6 Day 28
For just over 50 years Langley House Trust has been providing
positive rehabilitation for ex-offenders through its Fresh Starts
Projects, with five residential support centres throughout the UK.
Leaving prison after significant time inside can be almost as daunting
an experience as entering prison in the first place. Many ex-offenders
have no family to turn to, and their only friends were often involved in
the very crimes they are looking to leave behind.
Meanwhile the Daylight Christian Prison Trust works in prisons
throughout the UK to bring the knowledge of Jesus to the inmates.
"There's only one certain way of freeing yourself from a life of
addiction to crime or drugs and that's by changing fundamentally,"
says Chief Executive John Scott. "People (need to find) a source of
strength greater than any other - belief in Jesus Christ." Last year
Langley House helped almost a thousand people to make a fresh start
in life. Chief Executive, Rev Steve Robinson says, “We have a saying,
‘My history does not define my destiny.’”
Langley House Trust; Daylight CPT; IDEA magazine
PRAISE: God that Christ restores our history and gives us
a new destiny.
Page 21
TWR’s 50 Years of Broadcasting
BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 40:5 Day 29
Just over fifty years ago TWR aired its first programme from a 100,000
watt shortwave transmitter in Monte Carlo. The facility, originally built
by order of Adolf Hitler for Nazi propaganda, is now used to transmit
the Good News of Jesus Christ to listeners all over Europe, the Middle
East and North Africa in 16 different languages. Over these 50 years,
countless millions – many in nations closed to the Gospel – have
received the message of Christ Jesus through radio.
TWR Listening World; Info Serve
PRAISE: God for faithful Christian radio and TV that brings
Jesus to those who would otherwise not hear. Pray for
wisdom to adapt to new media.

Laos Oppression, but Church Grows

BIBLE STUDY: Matthew 5:10-12 Day 30
A few weeks ago, officials and residents of a Katin village in To Oih
district, Sarvan Province destroyed rice paddies farmed by 11
Christian families. The negative view of Christians comes from the top,
says Patrick Klein, President of Vision Beyond Borders. “Their
president said, ‘Americans are no longer our number 1 enemy -
Christians are.’” “They say Christians rape women, and Christians
steal money. It puts up a barrier between Christians and people of
other faiths.” Despite this, the church is growing. Klein says, "They
have now over 200 churches throughout the country [and] over 60,000
believers. Young people are very open to the Gospel. Even the church
service we attended the majority of them were young people. They're
searching. They want the truth. They're hungry for Jesus Christ."
Mission Network News
PRAISE: God that there is hunger for Christ even in the
face of persecution. Pray for the Church of Laos.

India: The Legacy of God’s Saints

BIBLE STUDY: Psalm 116:15 Day 31
M A Thomas, founder of Hopegivers International, went to be with the
Lord in December, at the age of 74, in India. Thomas often faced
prosecution by Indian authorities and attacks by Hindu militants for
allegedly violating controversial conversion laws. Yet, in the past 40
years, the movement he established has given birth to 43,000
churches, trained over 30,000 pioneer missionaries, and rescued tens
of thousands of orphaned, abandoned, and at-risk children. In
December 2008 Thomas suffered a stroke that left him paralysed on
his right side and then suffered from several bouts of pneumonia.
PRAISE: God for saints whose lives bring many to glory.
Pray that the Gospel seed may be very fruitful in India.

Page 22
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