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Report Analysis

Submitted by Group E


1. Ashique Hussain Bin Farid(B2019070)

2. Bikasita Talukdar(B2019073)
3. Pallavi Gupta(B2019084)
4. Shivam Jindal(B2019102)

Over-View of the Dataset:

The above graph shows the length of roads completed in each state as to what was the target.
The above graph deptics the achievement rate in building roads in each state.

The above donut chart denotes the achievement rate in the number of habitations in each state.

Central Limit Theorem:

Central Limit Theorem states that Given a dataset with unknown distribution (it could be
uniform, binomial or completely random), the sample means will approximate the normal

The Analysis was performed using R.

We observed that the dataset is not normally distributed.

Therefore, samples of 5 and 10 were drawn from the dataset and their means were calculated
1000 times.
We can see that as the sample size increases, we get a bell-shaped curve and the sampling
distribution approaches normal distribution. Therefore, we can consider the sampling
distributions as normal and can be used for further analysis.

Numerical Data Statistics:

1. Mean: The most common expression for the mean of a statistical distribution with a
discrete random variable is the mathematical average of all the terms. To calculate it,
add up the values of all the terms and then divide by the number of terms. The mean of
a statistical distribution with a continuous random variable, also called the expected
value, is obtained by integrating the product of the variable with its probability as
defined by the distribution. The expected value is denoted by the lowercase Greek letter
mu (µ).

2. Median: The median of a distribution with a discrete random variable depends on

whether the number of terms in the distribution is even or odd. If the number of terms
is odd, then the median is the value of the term in the middle. This is the value such that
the number of terms having values greater than or equal to it is the same as the number
of terms having values less than or equal to it. If the number of terms is even, then the
median is the average of the two terms in the middle, such that the number of terms
having values greater than or equal to it is the same as the number of terms having
values less than or equal to it.

3. Standard Deviation: The standard deviation is a statistic that measures the

dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean and is calculated as the square root of
the variance. The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of variance by
determining each data point's deviation relative to the mean. If the data points are
further from the mean, there is a higher deviation within the data set; thus, the more
spread out the data, the higher the standard deviation.

Given below are the values of the Mean,Median and Standard Deviation that we have found
out in our dataset:
Top 10 states achieving the target that was set:

From the above fig,it can be inferred that Nagaland constructed more roads as to what was being
targeted as its percentage of achievement was 170%.

From this it can be inferred that Gujarat covered a wide range of habitations and had surpassed its
targeted value.

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