Anda di halaman 1dari 9

ii;inis1 crittcsand biographeBhaveseenthen as €xcepiional L 0 h e n 'a 5d, € s a 'i r ( d op l o l i c a r s l l e a s d s l r l c i o n e s D c , l e sd e c lr ss v

individuah or fenate bohenians, publicly flaunting class a.d de Erss seoales,[tr cambio,se presc an a las nuietesen geisrar'v ras
gender distinctionsr in confast, womcn in Seneral, and de claserdbajadora.n !a iculat!comoagenletcarentese inv0lunlarios
worlting'cla$ women in parlicuLar, are presented as unrnlen de un Doyeclos!cial colectivo,en que realizanpapelesasignadosLas
iiolal agents of a coileciive social proiect, acling out assigned mujsiescomorrupo categona.ompaJlanla condici6nproblcn'iic' de
icripts. As a class,women share the ProbLenaiic status of polit t o d a p o b l . c i 6 n epso l l l i c ao c u l l u r a l n e i l ec o l o n i z a d aL a d o i d i d i 6 nd e
icaUy o. cuiturdLly colorized populations Both are seen as pas_ c o l o i i r a d oi m p l i c !q u eu n oe s o b j e l od o u n an o d o t n i z a c i 6l 0nr z a dav n o
sxel! tfans{ormed by lo!.ed noCernizalion lather than as ur sujstocapazde apropiarra n0demidadior si mishdv 'ri t'nstdrmar
approprialing nodemjty on deir own and, through this aPpro e! mutrdoque o trarslorna.
pfiarion, as being able to change the world thei 1s lrans
0 a s d ee s i ap o 6 p e c t i veas d l l i c i l r e c o t o c elra r e l e v a i c i tc u l l u r ald e l .
p r e s e n l lau c h ai n d i v i d u ay c o l e c l i v ad e l a 5 n s j e r e sp d l . a i t o i n a i d
Frofr rhis pespectiv. il is diflicult to seethe cuent individual e i t o n o u r b a n oc,o n ot a m b l e e n s d l l i c i L. e s v a l u al ra i n i l u e n c ida!r a d e r a
anC collc.tive sfuggle ol women to tfans]olm urban env'ron q 0 eh a i t e r d o l 0 se i c l a v e st r a d i c i o n . l edse n 0 l e r e sq u as e o i r e r n a r 0etrn
nril. a: anythirg of cultrral signilicance,of io re evaluatethe l a c i u d a dp r e - m 0 d s mM a .u c h odse e s t o se r c l a v c sc o n l i n t a nd e s e mp e n a i '
erdrrirg jnil|ence oI iraditional femalee.clales orignratedin d o s ! s i r a d l c l o n a l e s e sl u n c i o n a l eyss 0 c i a l e sc,0 m oe s e r c a s oo e r o s
r 0 l
thJ !renodeii cily \l3a-t ol lhese erclares continle to serve lavadercp s r l b l i c o sd e t o d a sl a s C r a n d e cs i u d a d e sd e l a I n d i av l 0 s
thei! tadilional f!trctional and social roles, like ihe publ{c mercadds daalde.sal.icaras.ollosP*sislei comoseialDacldIsinboli
or m[ ,!o el bdsqtrs d. poste!do acerdd€c0radds qtrEet un
washingbasinsin najor lndian cities or th. markels i. Akicu
tiemposldierondetardtd*d d. rdpasn el prrqtre nis c.ftal de ctas_
viltages,wnile otlels have Persistedas svhbolic urban narl(
g0w,Algun6deeslos0ncla!esl*minaronsiardo el espacr0 a0rerc pan'
ings, iike fte forest ol decorated steel poLes that once leld
c i p a l d eu n a . i u d r dc,o n o* a l c a s o
d e l P a s sdoe l i i d e i s a I a t r l ! n i oe i
ctotnesLinesin GLasgo{s nost celtral park SoNe ol thesc
toias,dondr Irs duiere! $ cotrcie93btr antiguamonre par. ravar ra ropa
enclaveshave evenbecome a cilys nosr inp.rlan! open space
like River Walk in Se! Artonlo, Texas, wnec women once e irtercambiar iniornacian.
congregatedto vash laundrt and socialize
unanuevalit.rrtuE se eib strrgisndo quernlocae0 la pa{itipaci6nde
€metging locused on the particiP.rion bv Las.poblaciones na4inadasen la nanslormaci6[ de las .iudades[0sl_
-{ literature is now crhicasentreel poderv la
narginalized poPulationsin the t.ansJormationoi P.stn.dern nodu0asy que tslablecelas conexiones
cities and establishingthe c:iticat connection bet*een power 6spacialldad, orpeairln.ik si la v l' atquitecturav sl
dheio sbatroy arq0ihcldnjco. o) A estascontribuciones, quehanrcve-
and spatialiiy, particulariy withia the disciplines ot ait and
u d a r o sp r e v i , m e ndt e s c o r 0 c i dkof t
. o c d m l
0 a sc 0 n s scd e i _
aichitecturai nistory and ar.lilectural and urbla design (t To lados i i i 6
ihese coniributions, qhich hlve r€vealedpreviouslv unnarked cias sociaes de las ideol0gias Epresivasen la plaRi'!ca0idiu$ana,

urban sit€s as well as the social consequencesoI repressive debertrn agregrise 1osanilisis lef,inklas de los .rcla!es t'adici0iales
urlan pianningideologies,shouLdbe added fedinist anaLvsesol de mujecs y de las aprcpiadioresque hri hecfo nBi0res !e rugares
wonrn r trad rion alu 'ban enc dv a. d r d o' v on F- 1 dp! r o ! r i d pibLicos q{e simbrlizrban s!.rtlusi6tr o estalus Estringido Fslas
rions ol public sites that synbolized thei! exclusion or restrici apropiaciodes,y, sta en la loma de uia de las frrs gundes c0ncenta'
ed status.These appropli.tion5, whether in the lorn o{ one of cl onesde nasas etr w ashi ngton(a l av( del dnecho al aborl dl . ei ras
(con0 l0s
the largesl eyer na$ denonstrations held on rhe Washington demostrrci!nesde sertinkitos tntimos si l!gares pfblic0s
MaLL{in lavor olaborlion rights) or it 1!e display olintjnacy jn olrecinisrtos y obietos.0inemomtivos qu. .onpleian el moi!frenio
los caidosen vieiiam de Nlayatin v que lrmbi6n conP0nan e! mtnumen'
very pubiic settingsGu.h as the Frlvate ollerings and nenentos
that conplete Maya Lin\ Vietnan Menorial and compose rhe taL '0uilt de los omb..s qua condedora a las victimas del SIDA),
nonunental Names Quil! comnenorating AIDS victims) con conlinrlai esiableci!ndo 1.s dsrschos da La n!1.r no !d!ams0G 0e

tinue to establi5hwornens rights not nerely b nrhabit but also Iabitar! siio tanbiei de translornar.l 0iblico de l: 'indad Es
lo lranslorn the plblic ieatn ol the ciiy tt is in such sitlarions en este iipo de sit!mirjn d0ide las oujsrss lrai sido m,s et'Ltv's c0m0
rhat women hdre be€n most eliective in const.ucnng them sujel0s, allerandoh Petep.i6i de la sociedads0rtB el

selvesas transiorf,ative subjects,aitering soci"ty s perception sspa.i o pi bl i co ni entns i ns6i bensus propks hi sl o.i assn el pal i nps e$
ol public spaceard inscribing their own stories into the urlran

is as complex comosiemprrocure clandool temaes t.r compl.iocom. e! .l de la
-\s in ai1instanceswhere the lopic ol discussio!
$ tje iransformativepresenceol wohen in the c'!y-and pa. pGs.icia thisformrdor.dt l. mujc..t lr ciud,d+specialnonr.c(ai-
lr.ularl"vlvhen lhis topic does not yetoperate within an estab- do el td0icoiodavirm rsti!rcd! unrarco le6tico.3t.blt'
i\ted theo.etical lranework the main diftjculty is lo establish cidrlo m& dilicil rs enco rar !n trilo d. . 8d.. En etta Bn*yo
a poinr oI enty. h the presen! essayI propose enknng ihs DroDo.go . rar a ssteI! iorio .x.Eirandoel drar,lic. d. n.
re.ritory throu8h the exaf,ination of one draaatic cae of a ,propiaci,i lorrrd. coi 6xitot q$ 5! fia nafletridolkme du.rtrl.Itrgot
successlul,endlring appropdalion:lhe Molhers oithe PLazade aior: L.s nrdFs d. la Plazadarrayr.n a18enlint'r' E!tt p!q!eia !.rc
\layo inArgentina. (i) This snall b ut pelsislentband oI sonen pstsist.nt.b.ndad. muleresm,trilesr2des c,pturnpor priner. vrz la
protesres lirst captur€d international attenlion in thc mid_ .leici6i intdh.eion.l a nedi.doi d. lG .no3!.|.n|a con !u t..ltrcra
1970s with their sustained presencein the naiionh Principal coistantt6r l. plar. prircipald. l. i.citn, qua!3, comodnli H n.
"spaceol prblic appearance, as Hanna Arendt caled the syn' Alendl,el canFo3idbtlicode1. rcpr.5€0taci6R soci.l c0 t0lad0porla3
boLtc lealm of social rcpresentarion,L\at is controLledbv the *tuclurrs p.lnicasy .cotr6micas d. lt,tsl. c,5o ilusrd .t
dominant political or econonic slructuresoi society.This case proc!soq!e lleva a la inDorpDrt6i6n d. tol.s v guion* lrtdicion.les
iLluskal6 the plocessthat leadsf.oh the embodimentoitradi $istrados.las mljerri dsnrdde{n nu.vocond.plod. wslj.torclivo,
tionai roles and assignedsdiPts as wives and mothers to tbe rnFlom.dor. to nrs mtabler! qu. .sta r.d.lini.i6n dt itlet te ir
eme!8enceof th€ active, transfo.native subject,in spite o1-or iir.t. .l rsgo y la halid.d i. Ia violoncia,lslcaqu. los
perhapsbecauseol the lhreat or actlaiily oI physicalviolenc€ acl6 dE grocstaen las 3oci.dades aultcrriticas, comov.t.nos, *1.
thar acts of protert attraci in auiocratic societies.As we will a .4l . a l q u i t t D t ucr o
c . s o . ! . m b r e m ! t i . rd r l a c o m 0 l i c i d d . i t l ! o d . r.n
s.., thi3 case is also enblenatic ol archit€cturel complicity l. creaci6rd! !i iinb6licodc re9r*enbcidi, geneElFan|,ie
with power in deating a synboiic systen oI represenration, ierarqli.s dt h.e.noila de 8ta siskna ia eid! .nenazada
usually oI power hierarchies.The hegemonyof this systemhas d*dE l! lnveici6i da l. inprent y.ior. porl$ nediostl.clrtIicot !.
b.en thteaiened ever since ihe invention oi the Pdnting P..$ comunicrci6n t s! ..!.cit vnlurl- Fii.lmedt, t. ,propi.ci6r qlo l.s
and is nowclained by electronic media and its viltuai spaceof Mrdreshannecio d. la Plrz. de Mayo.. unam.iii.iltci6n de la pro_
comnunication. rinalLy, the Mothers oI ?laza de Mayos ducci6isociatde ur rrrlico su r.d.rlqiciol da l. pllza
appropriation ol the public squafe as a stagefo! th€ enachent 3trgi6requ. la .el€rt p|]hlicaio rcsid. ri po.d. s.r t.9r*e.tada Pqt
of their plea is a nanilestation oI purli. sP4.e as social pro- .dltlclosy .rpaclDs,sino quets ctisl.uidapori.s tcDioi.!:..it1.5
duction. Then redefin'tjon ol that space suggeststhat the pub
tic realn neither rdides in nor can be representedbybuildings r A s M A 0 i t s 0 F r A P L A z rr t M A Y 0
and spacesbut rather is sunmoned into elistence by social
tr h.Ed dr 1976,d.sEu65 dol gertodoca6licoqu. mueft.d.
lu.n Per6i,ui. junlanllllat l. arab.t6 elp0deia itrvtudr, cor tr o!1._
T RE MOTHERS OF THE P] - AZA DE M AYO to (segrjrdijo iunta)d. ptter Drd.i yt.aerIt prz denn.v..llat5.sus
'a lu.roi slmil.rei a Irs dei PiNchdten cnil.
In Mech 1976, aflef a chaotic period that lollowed Juan ne! anos.nlos, Incl!v.rddla su.psnii6[detodo5los derecho.civiles!
Per6n's death, a nilnaly iunta wested power llon Per6ns ra di3olucl6n do todo! lor 9. ldospoltlicost .l sodelini.ntor. lod0s
wido{, Isabel, in ordd (as the jrnta claimed) to rcatore o.der lD3siidi.atot y l.s univesidadar.lcoilrol Pa3.riersi.ld
and peaceto the countly. The IiEt neasurestowar& achievinB aio! Irrgosy oscurosail.sdaquelqsitina volviot.a lenerungobre160
rhis eoal *ere similar to those ot General Pinochet in Chile rlrcro, lo queporlo n.ios permiti6un. rrallacadnd. l. gBn canlidad
dr lecua tu5 abiertos,todurasy .jccucioD.sde cavales qu. lu.ron yeas eadier, and i,acludedth€ suspensionof all civil
rights, the dissolutionolall Political parties,and the placenent iisirdos 0or lor mililarrsy 6!yo! ote.alivos ..tuaton clandesllna e
ol labor dions and univesities under Covernment.ontlol lr indocrmeitadrm;nl?. Dtdaesta.i.nd.slitridad v!lh.cho d. 5e
would take sevenlong, dark yearslor a democraticallyelected d.scoiocEihuchosde lo! lugar.sds eilltfo3, quizr3[unt.3.1l.guo a
governnent to be lesrored to Argentina, which at l4t Pernit sabarsl iim.rc etacto d3 los 'desaparrcldos,p.lo l0! osxmaoos
ted ar evaluanon of the extent oI open kidnappings,torture, o3cjlanenlrenuev.Y kcintahil. Lasindrgzcion.rdirigidss3 la politla
and execulionsof civilihs tole.atedby L\e military. Becauseol .cBi.a dsl prhdero ds los detenidos qu.da.ot3ii r.spu.5lt, Elliln de
the clandesline, unrecorded acriviiies oi th€ Parahilitary LuisPu.nzo de l935, La otici.l,'da un. idsade la lo^urqy la
groupschalged wiih thesedeeds,and becauremanyburialsites degradaci6n que s!lrieroi milesds honbG!, nujercsy h.sla bebos,
srill lemain undisciosed,agreenents as to the €xacl nudber oI racidosbaio a(etio, que dtr algntroscaeoslustun.dottrdos Por ras
"disappeared'nay never be achieved,but estinates rangefron iaditiar de losto:rluradores.
nine thodand to thirty thousand. Inquiries to the police about
the tate oI detaineeswent unanswered Luis PueDzot 198s las'de!aparici0ncs'crcarcnelectivanent6un f,iedoconplicila:much0s
$,16, rhe Olticial Slory, ofiers glimpses into the toiture and s.crestmsss llsv.rcna c.b0 rI rleM l!z del diay 3in quclas victimas

degradaiion endured by ihousa'& of nen, wonen, and even h.y.n ie6!s.iamentedesaliado abi.n.ment.a los nilil.r.! Enei.clo,
babies,bom in detention, sone ol whom eere adopled by the l.s .rtadirlicasnrs recientesmu.slr.n qu. tn cdi l. nllad d. los
3eculstr6bubot.sriEos, incluyendo niio3,Pa antgosd..qusl'
lor sospechosN d. subversi6n. Dadala tieclivid.ddel l.tror
''Disappearuces' we.e very effectivein cteating conPlicitou pah inpon.r.l3jlsrcioi es.ronb,olo q!. !. puizdod. mritt.t d...s'
lealr nany kidnappings were corducted inbroad dayljght,and r66d.s 0or rrb.r !l prrad.rod. 3u3iijo! hryr co .ibuidolrnlo . It
the victims had not nece$arily demonstratedoPen delianceot caidadcl prolestasil.nciota,.i oposici6n tl ril.rcio
the nilirary.In fact,latef stalisricsshow rnd ahos!hall oI the ds l.s autoridade5, ll.g6 . tsn.r r*omncir iit!fiaciontl, provoc.ido
kidnalpilgs inrolved witnesses,including clildrcn, relatives, um denurei. ?nflgic. cotlr. rot nilit r.s argtrti&5, denlicla q!.
and iriends oi those suspectedol subversion.Cilen lhe elfec_ l l e v 6 l i I a l n . t r t . . l t 6 r h i t u d . l . l t a d o l . t i o r l l i a t a l i t l . c c i 6 i d e !i
rivenessof arbitrary tenor in inposing silenc., h astonishirg
thar the lublic dema!.ls oI le$ thd a score of bereaved
women who wanled to know what had happenedro lneir chil Lasaccion.sdc las'Madres,".oho !e las conoc.n,son!i ejeftpl0de
dren contributed so nuch to the nilirary's lali lron power ci.rro rlDode aprcPiacl6tr .sP..i.l urban. qu. .uque 3e 0ngrnaei
Their sjlent prot€st, opposedro 1he siletce oI the artho.itics, acro3tri!ados,.dqui€r.ui ri, prblico,l.n6hetuq& io. h.c!
evertuaLly had international resonance,p.onPting a harsh cu.slionrrIr irt.nll.ci6i cittt dN coi..pios consid.d'
denunciation ol the Argentineannilitary, which led, finally, to do3op!.sros,ta l!icidn !dcial d.l tambidnlion6Itltv.n.ia l.
ihe denise ol state tedorisn ard the election oI a denooallc .rrori.ci6n de la Ela.ano3. dio cono al.tallo h!tuicolit.l. !n.tun_
.leza.Porrl cD rario..l 6xitode lr, Mad.es3edebid. sut.rslst.ii.
dtr.rnlsaios. qu. lue poriblaparqueil la polici., tri .l blico,ni la
The.ctions ofthe "Mothels,'as they cane to be knom, eien- p r e n s an r c i o n r l q r i r i e r o i r . c o n o c . r3 u . , i s l o n c i . . c o n o n rj .Er
llilied akind of spatial and urban approprjationft.r onginates mrvors ro lu.ron vlstascooo srx!.lnette d.t.abl.s, t por .0. d.
in private acls that acqulre public siSnificance,thus question_ nedia baja o lrrb.jrdora .rri contin.Bd.s inl. _
ing rhe boundari€s of ihese two connonLy opposedconcePts. D.*. 9iI anbalgo,su naGrildad,rigir rtr 16!pcroc0iv.ncioml,Al i0
cenderisu6, too, were not unimport.trr. Th€ Motheis'appro k.Fmiln ni ataclivo ni .redaza, .l
prjation ol th. plaza was nothidg like ! heloic final E$aulr on "locai'. tl r..rlt2do d. su t.!.cidld prjblica,qu. Dtn.nzrtal ellal
a ciradel. lnstead, i! succeededbecauseoI ils etrdulanceovet a .xDotror5us cuenosa Ir conslruccidn ds uia podetG.
protracted period, which cotld oniy hdpPenbec5usethe Moth' arc!lrcc&rader.!ist.icia qolirica,
e6 were conspicuoudy ignored try rhe police, the public, 5nd
the national press.As older wonen they weie no longersexualLy ti Plazade Mryo r.pr6sr a pa.t loe aq.nlino3lo q[. .t lY.shindofl
dsjrable, and as working'classeoden they vere ofan ilferior M . r La 3 r a r : l o s . s l a d o ! [ i d . n ! . s ,r u n q u . . s o l r ot i p o d e *p acl o v
ilk. Nevertheless,rheir mothshood status denand€d coNen- nu.hDnre un. urbanaqtr..voluciondd.It Pl.zad6
tionaL respect. Communicanng neither attractiotr nor rhreat, Amasd. la colDiiaes0adola, y qu! ha repr.s.rtadol. unidrdtt.io0tl
they w€re characterized by the govelnnent d nadwonen ' d.sdoquelos ctiollos!. Etrni.roi allata,a adgn f. iide|.nd.icia ds
The resolt of their public tenacity,which startedwith the body Esmia .i nryo ds 1a10.L. vasinilidad mcioi.l e itrtem.rion.ldt l.
exposedio violence, erenrually evolved inio a powelIul a.chi_ Plara de ltlayq 00tnot, lugar ds pr.s.rtaciotrtt pibllca3 pat. lo3
tscture ol polirical resistance. algenlinosF innegabl..0riginalmem.,de tcuBd0 al m.rdtlo tE l.s! rl.niticaci6nde la L.y do Indias,s. conllrutda cada
Plaza d. Mayo is synbolic eqdvabnr oi iheWash .xxeno de l, pla., .l cabildo{o .lcatdaa)y Ir cal€dr.l.lclualn.nb {2
ington Mall. lt is, ho{ever, a much snalLerand tery diffe.enl .srructtrr.rrs sobrcs.llcnte es sobr. otrocosladt,el d.l ronerla ie0-
kind oI space: an !.ban square that etolved lrom lhe Spadsh c l i s i c . C . s aR 0 s a d a , lsae d ed ag 0 b i . r n 0 -
Plaza de Amas, a spacethat hd stood ior nationai unity since
Creolesgatheredthere to demand independencelron Spain in l$ rierciDio!militrrsr, las .l d6tcadoconr{lMon ra
tlay ol 1810.The national and interrational visibilily oi Plaza plazar!arta!334, cuandoTorcuato dr Alvear,un alcald. !iistodotic0,
de ivlayo as tte space ol pubLicappearanceloi Aryentineansn oroouli6unaremodclaci6r el cenl.! d. Bu.nosake3
unchailenged.originally, as nandated by the tlaqning ordi- despu&dehabercofplatad.laseslruc$rascivicasinportantr-coho
nancesoI the Law olthe lndies, its sideswere occuFiedby the rt cong.eso ds fii.nzas y 3i3n.starSociai-utr.1.f,eft
t los ltlinistarios
colonial Cabildo, or ciiy council, and the Caiholic Cath€dfal lo inoorrante rl
en rlrn ds Alvear ! aYenida de Mavo,.lej. de .tts
Today th€ most disiinctive structure is the !ink, f,eoclassical a o6re cDnel co;gc$ en un extrcmoy la cisa Rlsada.[ el oto Esla
CasaRosada,the seat ofSovernnent. !oretrt6rcpresait.ci6i! d. los controlest balaicee 6iado
denoddticomodemoso consigui6.lrlYds de uta damolicidi3el.ctiv.,
Military erercises, executions,and Public narket conningled iicluy.rdo los pu.srosda mcrc.dodela plazay el rcto e a Ia f,iladd.
in rhe plaza nntil 1884, when Torcualo dc ALvea!, lhe




arisiocraticmayor, edbarked on a Haussmanianredodeling of las aia3delcabildohi.lirico-Act[alnenl.lssrreasi! la pku.

the cent.r ol BuenosAires sho|tLyafie. important crvlc srruc vaias olici.a5de gobictio,el disfiiroIiDarcierov florida'la
crlle com.rci!l mrs d6 la riudad Estacallepral0i.l d.isan.ite
tures-such as Congre$ and the Ministries ol Finance and
pobladrvinculala Av.nid. ''mosa de isavdr l. Plazasan Ma lr' ol t Plaza
Social wetlar€-iad been conpleted. A naior ele4ent ol
Alvea/s plan was Avenida de Mayo, an east-westaxis that put impoaanrs, La Pi.imidsd. Mayo,ui obrliscodt nzntoslerlae gidoen
d e l l . v a i l a si .n l t0
l , p l a z ae n I s l 1 ! a d m a 6 r r . l p d e r a i i v e t s t i i o o p-
Congressand the CasaRosadain lull view ol each o1}.r such
ul' Dorl. indepeni.ncia, i!. r.6Dienui$ uM.llructuranr. tlti
a potert urban.epresenrationol lhe checksand balancesof ihe
nodern, denocdtic siatetas achievedthrough selectivedeno_ y mar d.codda, y lua colocada !n 5l .js eitE !1 v ta Casa
lilion, includingthe removal ofrhe Plazas narket stells and the Rosada.En su nu6vaoosicidr coivi i6 .tr .je de b,ltrza de los
short€ninsof ihe hbtolic Csbildos wings by half their originat
length. CunentLy,the plazas innediate area includes several
governnent olfices, the iinancial dishict, and the cilys most Lat n coiocidainag.i del c!rco d. nujerescotrc.tezascu!rena3l0r
lanous commercial shee! Flolida. This denselv Populated p.n$lo5 brancoscir.!l.rdo la Pidnid. d! Mavoerolucioi6paul.tin.-
pedeslrianthoroughiare links Avenida de Mavo to pla?a san medtads divend inlonbsesponlin.oE porconunica6e coDl.s tfi.lal.e
prliclpio,lrect !3p8as n.dr8 de 103 rdesaparecad6i
Martin, anoiher najo! urban square. A plastered nasonrv dr v
se.nconiraron en el Minislerio del Int.rior, d.s9u65 de haheragolado
obelisk, rhe May Pyranid, erecred on ure squafe in 1811 io
na* the first anniveFary oi the popular upraisinglor indepen toda3las fu.trt.i dc iororm.cituace.cad.l p.Edqt. d. sus hljds v
dence,was rebujit as a taller, more omate structure and piaced espoiG. se h.bta ,birrlo .lli !i. p.quen.oicii. pad 'tamilal los
on the uis between Congressand the Casa Rosada. In this casosquenala0rqu.ltosqre hthi.r prereitadoun aulota t"':r t'r
n€w position, ir becane a netaphorical lulcrun in the balance pus.uM :.ioE de $at de s6s.ita aios, Azlcenavilhlllr de vicenl.
rDlusiasn6a la3 oths: xo es tqui dotrd.d.b.mo5cslat,'dijo 'siio.i
ra Plazade MrYo.Y rrandohryi sul crell!i d. no!orri vrnos a tr , 'r
The now peli'known inage ofa ring olwonen with heads clad casa Ros!daa ver al Presidcnla v pregnilarlepot nudsnosniios d*a'
rs) L.r dsnostacionts p0!ulat!! dola lBcueit.n.it6
in wnit€ kelchiefs circling the May Pyranid evolvedlrom earli_ !rrocidos,'
er spontaneousattemph at communication with govelnmenl o4aIizadas!or los sindicltoscomomu.itns deapoyoduranlela presl'
oilicials At fi$t, thi.teen wives and notheru oI the disap- d e t r c idae l u a I P . ! d i . c s t a h a i e s l . i e t a n . i t . p r o h i b i d a s e mn aoqn0ti.ll o ,
peared met one anoth€r at the Minisrry ol the lnterior, havins y lastuerzasdc sog0ndad, pr.ra ds!n todol!g.r, disolvi:nItpidtm0nl.
e{hausted ail sou.ces oi jniormalion abour theii nissing chil- cu.lqui.r agrupanienlo d. m& d. dos te6onas El Srupotliginrl d.
dren and hlsbands There a snall office lad been oPened to tr6c. nuierei llagda lz plazacon5us6tb.&3 tuble as con paiuelos
.proce$" cass brolgh1by tlose who had liled w.its ol ,ab€ds bl.ncos pah idei llcaae ums a hs otr.s acotdrrorrcgresarctdr
corpus. One vonan rell i! he. sidiet, Azucena villatror de iuev.sal liiar d.l dia laborar0td llanar l. alenti6rd. otr:s muier.s
Vicente, rallied the others: It is not here that we ought to be, quo estuvi.r.n .!tiaido bajd condiciorsssimilaresLG f,,dtes 16
she said,"lt s the llaza de ]tvlayo.And when i\ere afe enough of novian.i p.rcs, tasbialdo rlgulame . de conpriaE prit iit.rc,n'
biar irlormaci6tr 3itrd.jar dDobsetvat !1 conrort! drs0n.a'
us, well go to the CasaRosadaand seethe presidert about our
chiidren who are missing' (6)Ar the tine, popuLardenonstra_ cioiEs-Fiiahetrlortrderoi el !.tErisde la pEBa inteFr.ionalv.l d.
tions a! the plaza,i.equently convenedby rhe unions as a show rasorgadi2rcionos de der.thos[!minosi utrade las curlss0lieci0una
ol suppor! during ]uan Per6ns ten!!e, were strictlv lorbidden oficina[aD qus las n{ierF s. prdieranrcutriren !rivad0 A ptsar do
and galheringsof nore than teo people were pronpdv dis s!to inc6ntivo de abandonar l. lltza porunlugarfli5 geguro,las Madres
persedby tle ever-presentseculiry lorces The oliginal group of f i a n r t r v i s r osn! p r . s s t r c i ts i m b 6 l i c a . ns u n a r c h a a l r e d e d 0dre r a
Pi,tnidede Mava.Aquelobjeto,latr calgado de .soci.ciones cullurales v
thirteen women cane 10 the plaza weadng white kerchieis ini'
serual.s, se convidi6 en elloco simbtlico de lo que cononz6 cono una
tiaUy io identl8r thenselveslo one other Thev ag.ecd to retun
everyThu$day at the end oI the businessday in ofde. ro call r e s r u a s ilai t e d l a l n a n d a l 0 oo l i c hql u el e so r d . i i q ! e c i r c ! l a m r .-
ihen presenceio the atteniion of sinilarlv aggdevedwomen
lhc i\lo rhe r! no v pd abour in pai' r . , r ' hir g . om D c n i o ' s o

t^ flRlfit0t 0r MAY0c0uRrEsY/c0RltsllaRcHlv0MA0Rtsct PuzA 0[

that they could exchangeinformatio! while stiLl observing the los paiuelosblrn.osirerunlos prif,ei6 .lenBntosde unaalquil!ctun
lule againstdenonshations. Eventualiythey attracted lhe inlei. cofiin q!e.voluoi!trridel 6!e$0. Losadoptator de los paial.s de t.i,
est ol the inlernational press and human .ights oryanizations, qu. algunasda las Mrdrs3h.biai llrvad0.n susc.bezrs.n ra percgn'
one ot which provided an office where the romen coul<l co!. n.c16i ar santuariods la virgend6 Luiri. tos pairl.5 3En 1osd. !us
gregateprivately Despire this incentive to abandon the plaza propioshijosdcsalaFcidos, cuy0snonbresaparccian bordrd0sen!ll.s,
for a sal€! location, the Mothers sustaineda symbolic plesence y qre l.s distiigrian de la nulftud de muierlr c.i paiuelosen asa
in the tord ol a silent narch encircling the May Pyranid. That marchareliglosa. is ad6l.nt. .i lus def,oslraciotro3 l.! Midrca
lofh, so loaded with culluial and sexual associalions,became consruyero!siltrstasde cadan de lrn!io real Eptesentatdoa sus
rhe symbolic iocus ol what starled as a liler4l responseto the hijosy .spososd?sapareDidt3, s! nguras
polices dem.nd that the somen rcirculate.

The wlir€ kerchieh were the lirs! elemerts ol a comnon archi Prra 1932 los mililar.! s. habi.i moslrado Indpacesde g0!ernarer
tectule evolved ffom the body. aheJ vere adopted lron rhe paiso conxolarlainuaci6[gal0!rtrt.demesde!i 000%aLait toe ain
cloth diaperswhich a lew oI the Mothels had worn on thetr podsrosos sindicato.!srunistasiilE(unpirn la provismrdc sed'crd!
heads in a pilgrimageto rhe Virgin oI Lujens sanctuafy The, yduchasinduslrirs localeshrtian q!ebradop0r
diaperswere those ol their own nissitg chiLdren,whde nanes no pod6rcontelt con l8s pr.cio6h.jos de l!3 ptlducloslmpo ados,
were enbrcidered o! $en, and formed a headgeai that had rNrllads n. u.r polfii$ ecoi6micad6 oliniiar l, nry0rl. de lo.
diffefeniiaredrhe Mothels lrom fie multitude oI olher wonen imp0eslos ds impo acidn.Paracolno,.se nisno aid.l gobiehomilitar
in kerchiels ofl that religious narch. ln later denonstiations s. enharc6en uM guetraruiios. co0kaGrii Srutai.sobrala iob6taila
the Mothen eonstlqslgd full-size cddboard silhouettes repre- de las Glr5 lValviMs/F.lkland. coi l..yuda dela int.ligeiciasal6lilrde
senrilgtheir nissing childre. and husbands,and shieLdingtheir los Estadosunidosy su pod* navalsupeor, GranSrelaiagan6coi
bodies*ith the ghostlyblanks ol the "disappeared. poc.siajasi hienlra3alg.ntitrapedi6 nile. d3 soldad0s nal0qur!.dos
y Far .ntr!nrdos,El gobjerno militar, que habla lnunciado ha vict0ria
By 1982, the military had pioven ilself unabLeto sovern the lalsa por lslevisi6n nostrando ro!los ds.ire viel0s como 5i tusntr da
acl!alidad,se vio loEado a doFr sl podqrYsfg0izosam6trl. por la
country or contiol Nnawayinflation oihofe rhan 1000 percenr
pe! year.The provhion olbasic se(ices was frequently disrupr indignacidn popularcuandd 3esupola !edad. D0spu6s de1dciiudb€del
ed by th. still poqerful Peronislalabor urio.s, and msny lo.aL gobisdomilit.f,l. pmsenci.del.s llad..s lu6prcmiiente sn las testivi
industrieshad gone banloupt due ro the conParative cheaPness dad.squese celrbraroied la PiazadeMayo,suspaitrdosrsvdlottando
ol inported goods unde! an econonic policy ihat eliminated aLegreneite, creandoud loldogigrnlosc0 s0bGlos celebra[tes. Hasla
nost inport tares.Then, in that sane year, the niliiary govern hoy .onlinuansu marcharircular,como uta especie de nonune(io
nenl enbartied on an ultimately ruinous war wth Gleat v i v j e f t sq u sr e c u . d aa l p u a b l sou se r i g e n c i a spv6 t r a p
s ,i d r r n d o.u e n i a s
Britain ove! the sove.eigntyo1 the FalhlanC/Malvinaslslands y crstigo para los responsablss de la desaparici6ide 36 .slosos
lvith the help oI the Uniled StatessateLliteintelligetrceand lar

A] rltrHscARvEs 3YrnlER
l i 0 t H E R1s9, 3 ?c t t a S R l cl 0l xl
LAPIAZt0! rY0C0ltul I0t00
t0 r A l -
0 t P ^ i u r r s sf l R r i l 0 0s
g0sIrrERltAct0tiIts 0t Lts

v0 MADnrs


AruorHeR r00r(Ncar PH0r0s 0f
|]|0MEIs 0AY,t{ARCR 3, !93{
0t Ptar^Dri[AY0MrRl

lts f0r0s0Er0s 0ts^t^ttcr-
D0s.fl.0tr 1[nrrrcr0r|r 0arl
r i u t ! R , r t r B r r r r r i z 0t
0 19N4

.Nl -{ $
c0uRltsY/D0RItsla aRorrvo

supeiio. naval might Orear Britain won with ier casualties, Despu,sd. li 6ldcci6rdel g0bi.rnodsmocrrtico,los lldetur nilil.Es
whiie Argentina lost thousands of iuequipped and iil-trained tr!iotr erjuicbdosti codssciviles,dondevanoslueroi c.nd.n,ddsa
soldiers The military governnent, which had broadcasta fake c,rcel y dtro! amtristirdos. aunqualas otE. oryat@cror.!
viclory on television using old movie reeLsrather than cudent pr0restrrcn t!c 6neite la anini3iia,mu.hoscnlica.0ntsa prora{a!ot
filn footage,was for.ed to step down in shane by the popular divkiea, o obstrit., las Madre3y una orgaii2acidtr r.l.cron.d. coi
oulcry tlat followed. Fouowins the collapseol the military gov .lla!, lr! Ab!.las de la Pla?, de Mayo, ,resion.ron para eic0ntar t0cu-
ernnen!, the Mothers wele a piominent Presenceat the lestivi' moitacidnde las desaparicionss y p!lerr0tr0n Lascortespararucup.dt
ties i. Plazade Mayo, rheir kerchieis joyouslyjoined 4 bunring a s tiios y ii6ros. Mrisadelaite,r princlpiosd. 1995,fir! dc uia
to create a city-siz€d tent ove! the celeblants.They have con- d6cad.despu6s de la r.31.!.acldndergobi.rnodenocralic0, rn
tinued thet cncula! march to ihis day, as a kind ol living r. rad0 conles6p0blicameitehabti lirado d*dd un helic0!terca
nenorial and to pronote their demandslor lull accounlability mnchas pe60nasdrogada!ptro aii vivasal dc6aroabie o,. invil6a
and punishn€nt fo! those responsibl€lor th€ disappea.anceoI 01rcsmilirsre3qu. hdiai crnplidd similrds a qr. s:ri,r,n .0i
$€n husbandsand children 5N declaiacionrs. tas Madrrs!. ticisroi p.Fetrl.s 3i esraoc.eronran_
b i d n ,p *o a h o r ae l r e v o l o t edoe p a d u 6 l osre c o i v . d t a . i u n r sa b a n .
After the election oI a democratic government, the nilitary !i3anl. qud otrdulaha p0r encimadB los
leadeship was prosecuted in cjvil raiher than nilitary coulr,
re lting in jail sentencesior a iew seneralsand annesty lor
other nililary personnel.Although the aBnesty was lorcelulll' Lrs Madrsssosluvlsron su conlrtl sohreun tsp.cio urbat0inp0 rnt. d!
contestedby th. Mothers and other or8anizations,the lrotesl h nismatorm,en qrs Los:croret,htiltrineso nagosc0itrclai sl e3c*
was s€enby dany as divisive. Nevertheless,the Mothe6 and a 0 n ap r e s e n cqi .u es i m u l t i d . a n s nitl3e g ava r i [. d
n a o , *t r b l s c i s n d u
related organization oI grandnothers pre$ed on with atienpts 6!p.cio vaci0IrenteaLpiblic0. cono dirla llen L.lebre, l0s cuelp0s
to lind .ecords abou! disappearancesand lough! in the courts produceiesoaci..l intrcducir direcci6n, rolaci6n,orieftaci6n, oc!pici0i,
to iecover thei! clildren and Cfandchiidren. Then, early in y al organiuar un sirio (tordr) n6dia e adenar.s,l6zas v narcar. o) la
1995, nore than a decade alter the resioration ol denocratic edruciuE l0rmrl de estosactos su capa.idadde r.luncionalitail0s
govehden! a lerir€d lieutenant publicly conlessedto having !spaciosudanoserhl.ilcs y ol podcrvkual de los acces0rios d. ap0v0
dunped scores ot drugged but still living people lron a heli_ D 0 n x i b r y e nc,r a a sf l e s p a c ipor : b i i c o .
copter inro the open ocean, and he inviied other nilitaly nen
p r l h l i co
L oq u el a l t ae ne l d e b a taec l ! a l s o b r lea d e s t p a r i c i ddne le sp .ci o
on sinilar asignments io come iorth. The lvlotherswele pre-
esla conclenchdela p6dida del pod.r do la alquilecrtrra para repr*etr
sent to demonsr.ak this time as well, bul now the buntins had
lar al prolttd cdno ufa comunidad vlva,aclia v aulodctemlnante tn
becone a gigantic sheei that was wated overheadas an angry,
c a m b i oe, d e b a tsea . n f o c ac a s l e x c l u s i v a n eei cn e l t t p a c i o t&/tds' i
toma.ei c(eih la acci6nsocrl quehacequecl amhients cob.e!ld, o
.anbie s! signilicado. El debalcparecieraenat alascad.-Airrned0s

6tdas por r's
sobrcla !ustituci6nde la5pl.zas-queiunca{u4!n muy
ai. \llthes were ableto sustainconkol ol an importanlrban nltos conBrcialts pa4!t3
bv .stadouiidels.sde todasnan.d!-pot
::r:a nrch as actors,dalcers or magicianscontrcl the stage ri ual tsta !nloq0! tl tisico-Y
opposes and acti' temitlc6, y el t!pacio 'n 'spacio
:;eli ability to estabLisha Piesencethal borh dt adogorla 0resefciapliblicada todts rts !'r
su pdtenciaLid.ol6gico
,a,* rhe toid represent€dbv the audietrce To'laraphrase tredibilidad
s0das,sii impodar!u cdlor,clase!tdtd o sexFpitda
lienri Lefebvre,bodies produce spacebv introducing direction' hacti
a toPos ou.rdodertdiMdas cltsE! de p.stdas denuicia'3uerclusiitnv
.oialion, orientalion, occlpation and bv organ'zi!8 La rciviiditaci6n de
narks The lornal structure ol seitk suprts.iciay 3uinlluatcit.i lavidapibli'a
through gestures,traces and o de] sctes'y la rp'riet-
to refunctionalize 4istng urbd estaipe6onaserclridat subEyi l. iIponancia
these actions, their abilitv
crrei la producciddy rt!rtsenlaciitrdtl ttprcio piblico iidep'idicrL_
spaces,and the visual power oi the supPorringprop( 'ontnbule Ttdbi'i
n6nleda edfio,ste etlacio sBconlliluy'itsicao vldualmente
lo the creation olPublic space s. pbdrce a lrtv€! dsl diiiogo liblico' v
srgi€requaEl aspacioPriblico
as ttilitorio eiclusivod6 li trqlitrctu'a irnd pr0_
demhe ol suep16seiltDidI no 'r
What js missing lrom the cuten! debale about lh-' llsic0'
loss oI afchilectufes power !elrcidnint{ricableenlrdla tcci6nsoclalvtl espacio
oubLicsDaceis an awa.eless ol the
io leprese the purlt., as a living, acttns and self determinins
conFunity. tnstead, the d€bate locuses alnost excLusiveLv
physi.4t space ol ptbl:'c apPearance, without reSa'd loi the
tb,e r u' li.mdo drrnb s tt' rtd d,t

social acrior that can make thai environnenl

change its meaning The debareappears to be nned in regrets
oter the replacenent ol squares (for Phich Ameri'ans
malls, ihene parks and vnlual
had nuch use) wiih shopping
space But tiis locus on phvsical space-and its ."-"-',
encompass the public appearance ol aLl peoPLe' "-,:."',".--.
Dotential to
ieeardLes olcotor, ctas aeeor sex-loses cledibilitvwhen ;-;";;;;"'..
cillc cla$* of people are derouncing th€h ev'h*ion and "' -".""'.'"''-'"
in public Lii€ The cLaims
assertingrleir presence.!d influeEe
ol these excLuaedpeople lnderscore the roles oI adcess
production anil representation oI public
dr\edtuflce i\ the
,""* ,"n".af.* o r t". ". pt j\ , c a ) or ! i' r udlly or ' t r l u r e d
r r r ous h p _ b c
T n"y a ..; {sBe(! tar pub iL , p. ' " " o' od r c ed 0raclca en Nuela York Fue Chan de
a Esclek Pacons de Disedov
dis-une, u.J irs *p-,entuiion is nor the exclusivelerritolv de oepartamei tode A reui D
tecturav i soi oA mbi ei tal vD re'l oD dek
archileciure, but lt is the Producr ol $e inextlicable rclahon
Academiade Arte Craibrook
betwe€nsocial acdon and phvsicaLspace

u, . & '
^;;;;',- "";", '.d
sd! re spr!tr 4id ot (Lordor vBp

e,.& e!no& ah er' sP4B (o6d

d"rbahs s, 6
"n^i "FbLt "d" "'
. ;;; ;;"* ' i."
*" q " " '" -.'.- -.,."; -

' ' "-.'''-.r"--.'^ o '.

SusanaTorre k sn architecl, uftan desi3ne' 'nd educator

practicing in New aork. She vas chan of ParsonsSchool
Designt Afcniiectu.e and lnvironmental D€sign Deparlmenr
add the Directo. ol rne cranbiook Academvol A'1'


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