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tivoli 000928
by default encryption technique is AES.
MD5 is a one way authentication method.
AES256 is two way authentication method.
ACL-access control list.
type of ACL- filtered and non filtered.
user DN is cn=root
password is random#45.
we have two work;-
define proxies
provide load balancing
LDAPDiff- gives the difference between two server
Idscfg is configuration tool.
Through idsDBMaint Utility we can perform
1. Reorganisation of index.
2. Compression
db2cli:- all the info related to status and error.
Important Commands
db2ls:-provide us with version details and its locataion where installation take
place its run on linux.
idsucfgchglg:- unconfigure the change log from the db.
idslogmgmt,webadmin tool:- basically used for manging the log in ibm tivoli serv
er v6.1.
idsxinst:- used to configure ibm tds v6.1 i instance as the proxy
ldapclog:- provides name of change of db.
gsk7capicmd:- used to generate the key store for ssl and tls encryption.
idsldap modifier:- used to cretae the access control list for the directory.
statuslogmgmt:- used for finding the current status ofthe log management servic
idsldapdiff:- used to synchronize the entries that do not match between the serv
idsucfgdb:- remove the configured database if needed and used to unconfigure the
database associated with directory server instance.
idsicrt,idsxinst:-used to configure IBM tds v6.1 instance as the proxy.
vdsetup:-tool to split data into distributed directory.
idscfgsch & idsldapmodifier,webadministrationtool:-used to modify ibm tds v6.1 s
idsxcfg,idsdnpw:-used to configure admin dn and password.
idsldapexop:-used to check the effective user password policy.
status,statusreturn:-used for finding the current status of ldap servers.
jks--(java key store) a format that enables u to store keys on ur hard disk.
It is used with ssl in ibm tds v6.1 webadmin tool.
CMS(content management system) :- it is a keystore that allow usage of stash fi
le(value of secret key is stored in it).
supported key store for server v6.2.
PTS to remember:
1.a technology that provides security in ssl directory server
It is public key cryptography
2. kind of directory in which installation options dat is available for tds v6.1
directory white pages is embedded WAS
3. 2 default ports(used in installation) used are 636, 389 and difference is of
4. the pre requisite for tdsv6.1 directoery white pages is EMBEDDED WAS.
5. OS dat is supported bt tds v6.1 client--MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL.
6. 3 tasks needed to be performed in unix before creating an instance---
Create the user
add the user to ids ldap group
set the user password and verify that the password is ready for use.
7. default interval time for ibm tds v6.1 log management tool to check log file
size is 15 MINUTES.
8. 3 steps that must be taken to implement an instance in normal mode wen an ins
tance currently does not exist:
create the instance
configure a db2 database.
configure admin dn and password.
9. File dat contains newly added attributes by default-v3.modifiedschema.
10. the ibm tds component from previous versions can co-exist with ibm tds serve
r v6.1 --tdds client.
11. migbkup-to backup the configuration & schema file.
12. 2 schema files are necessary for successful server startup:
13. kind of authentication dat is enabled b/w ibm tds server v6.1 client and ser
14. log file dat records failed connections attempts-IBM tds server v6.1 server
log file.
15. method used for authentication ibm tds 6.1--basic & simple authentication.
16. DB2 version dat is includes with ibm tds v6.1---DB2 v9.1 fixpack2.
17. 3 functions does the tivli directory white pages application provide for use
ADD user
search 4 user
change password.
18. the min and max limits 4 encryption seed value ----12 & 1016
19. s/w req for runnng ibm tds v6.1 log mgmt tool ---IBM tivoli directory integr

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