Anda di halaman 1dari 2



a Define the following terms:
a natomy: Studies the structure of body parts
b hysiology: Studies the function of the body
c ross anatomy: The study of large body structures that can be seen with the
naked eye, (heart, lungs, and kidneys) also called Macroscopic
d Microscopic anatomy: The study of structures that are too small to be seen with
the naked eye Thin slices are mounted to glass slides and stained to be viewed
under the microscope

2 Define the following terms:

a Tissue: roups of similar cells that have a common function
b rgan:  structure composed of at least two tissue types (four is more common)
that performs a specific function of the body
c rgan System: rgans that work together to accomplish a common purpose

3 rgan Systems:
a rinary System: Regulation of blood chemistry via the elimination of excess
water, salts, and waste products
b Respiratory System: Structures involved in the exchange of gases; lungs, nose,
larynx, trachea, and bronchi
c ardiovascular System: Internal transport of dissolved materials: nutrients,
gases, and waste
d Muscular System: Support, mobility, and heat production
e ndocrine System: landular tissue throughout the body oordinates and
controls body systems
f ervous System: ontrols body system, perceiving internal and external
g Reproductive System: roduction and support of sex cells and hormone
h Skeletal System: Support, protection, blood formation, mineral storage
i Digestive System: rocessing of food and absorption of nutrients, minerals,
vitamins, and water
j Integumentary System: Forms the outermost part of the body wall (the skin):
epidermis and dermis
k ymphatic System: Internal defense and blood volume maintenance

4 Describe the anatomical position: Body is erect with feet slightly apart, palms facing
5 Define the following terms:
a Superior: towards the head
b Inferior: towards the feet
c Medial: towards the middle
d ateral: way from the middle
e Intermediate: Between a more medial and a more lateral structure
f roximal: loser to the origin
g Distal: Farther from the point of origin
h nterior: Ventral; toward the front of the body
i osterior: Dorsal; toward the back of the body
j Superficial: Towards the surface
k Deep: way from the body surface, more internal

6 Describe the following body planes:

a Median: Midsagittal Divides the body into equal right and left halves
b Frontal: Divides the body into nterior and osterior Regions
c Transverse: Divides the body into Superior and Inferior Regions

7 Identify the four quadrants of the abdominopelvic cavity:

a Right pper Quadrant
b Right lower Quadrant
c eft pper Quadrant
d eft ower Quadrant

8 Identify the nine regions of the abdominopelvic cavity:

a Right hypochondriac region: iver, gallbladder
b Right lumbar region: scending colon
c Right iliac region (inguinal): cecum, appendix
d pigastric region: stomach
e mbilical region: transverse colon, small intestine
ypogastric region (pubic): urinary bladder
g eft hypochondriac region: Diaphragm
h eft lumbar region: descending colon
i eft iliac region (inguinal): initial part of sigmoid colon

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