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Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

1. Susan enjoys eating garbage when she is hungry. By which criteria can Susan’s
behaviour be considered abnormal?

a. danger to others b. violates social norms

c. personal distress d. all of the above

2. Judging abnormal by social norms is especially problematic because social norms ___.

a. may be atypical or rare, but not abnormal

b. cause great distress to the individual
c. interfere with a person’s ability to function
d. vary widely across and within cultures

3. What is the likelihood that you or someone close to you will be diagnosed with a
mental health disorder sometime in your life?

a. 15% c. 46%
b. 26% d. 75%

4. Dr. Kwan believes that Ken’s abnormal behaviour has resulted from a distorted sense
of self and a loss of personal values. Dr. Kwan is adopting which perspective?

a. humanistic b. psychoanalytic
c. learning d. cognitive

5. Environmental conditions such as poverty, discrimination, and violent crime are most
likely to be considered important causes of abnormal behaviour by which perspective?

a. psychoanalytic b. sociocultural
c. learning d. supernatural

6. The medical model is also known as the ___ perspective.

a. psychoanalytic b. supernatural
c. biological d. cognitive

7. The purpose of the DSM is to ____.

a. explain the causes of mental disorders

b. describe the symptoms of mental disorders
c. indicate the frequency of mental disorders
d. prescribe treatment methods of mental disorders
Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

8. The DSM model relies mainly on which criterion of abnormality?

a. statistical infrequency b. violation of social norms

c. inability to function d. mental insanity

9. Which of the following is NOT information gained by using the multiaxial system of
the current DSM?

a. presence of mental retardation

b. degree of social support
c. medical conditions
d. future behaviour

10. Marilu is anxious and nervous all the time. She constantly worries over her family,
her job, and her schoolwork. Which anxiety disorder BEST describes her behaviour?

a. panic disorder b. generalized anxiety disorder

c. phobic disorder d. obsessive-compulsive disorder

11. Learning theories suggest that obsessive-compulsive disorder is the result of ___.

a. reinforcement b. faulty cognitions

c. low self-esteem d. unconscious impulses

12. Abdul was involved in a four-car pileup on the interstate 8 months ago. Since then, he
has been having nightmares and flashback episodes of the accident. He has difficulty
concentrating and has withdrawn from his family and friends. Abdul is most likely
suffering from which anxiety disorder?

a. panic disorder b. posttraumatic stress disorder

c. phobic disorder d. generalized anxiety disorder

13. Which of the following neurotransmitters has NOT been linked to anxiety disorders?

a. GABA b. norepinephrine
c. serotonin d. acetylcholine

14. Maria has been sad for 3 weeks. she can’t sleep, eat, or concentrate, and is constantly
crying. She has lost interest in her usual interests and activities. Maria’s symptoms
suggest she is suffering from which disorder?

a. bipolar depression b. manic depression

c. major depression d. cyclothymic disorder
Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

15. Last week, Tyrone has little sleep but felt confident, exhilarated, and excessively
happy. He talked fast and felt that he could accomplish anything. Now his energy has
evaporated. He sleeps most of the time, feels worthless, and lacks his usual vitality. His
behaviour suggests that he is suffering from which disorder?

a. major depression b. bipolar depression

c. dysthymic disorder d. unipolar depressive disorder

16. Research on depression has found that depressed people are more likely to ___.

a. engage in negative thinking

b. engage in rumination
c. believe they have little control over events
d. all of the above

17. Dysthymic disorder is a less severe but more chronic form of _____.

a. major depression b. bipolar disorder

c. dysphoria d. apathy

18. Which of the following statements about suicide is true?

a. people who talk of suicide will not kill themselves

b. Among adolescents, previous suicide attempts are a predictor of future attempts
c. a better mood means the risk of suicide is gone
d. only depressed people commit suicide

19. Schizophrenia has been linked most strongly to which neurotransmitter?

a. dopamine b. GABA
c. serotonin d. acetylcholine

20. People with ___ schizophrenia show predominantly positive symptoms, such as
delusions and hallucinations.

a. disorganized b. catatonic
c. paranoid d. undifferentiated

21. The most consistent brain abnormality found among people with schizophrenia is __.

a. a small frontal lobe b. a small temporal lobe

c. enlarged ventricles d. an enlarged frontal lobe
Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

22. Loose associations, poverty of content, and word salad characterize which symptom
of schizophrenia?

a. thought disorder b. catatonic stupor

c. delusions d. flat affect

23. Dissociative disorders involve ____.

a. the disintegration of one’s personality

b. physical symptoms without any physical cause
c. a splitting off of one’s conscious mind
d. a numbness or paralysis in some part of the body

24. Alphonsia has recurrent abdominal pain. Her doctors have conducted numerous
medical tests and can find no physical cause for her symptom. She appears to have a ___.

a. personality disorder b. somatoform disorder

c. dissociative disorder d. depressive disorder

25. Felicia is extremely insecure and lacks a clear sense of identity. She often clings to
new friends and then hates them 2 weeks later. She has an intense fear of abandonment
and rejection. Felicia’s behaviour best fits which personality disorder?

a. narcissistic b. antisocial
c. borderline d. paranoid

26. Personality disorders ____.

a. do not coexist with clinical disorders such as depression or anxiety

b. generally appear in early or middle adulthood
c. are stable patterns of malfunctioning
d. do not pose any threat to others

27. Psychotherapy should be considered when ___.

a. you get in trouble with your boss

b. you are having difficulty functioning in some aspect of your life
c. you have physical problems
d. all of the above

28. Michael is seeing a social worker to help him with his interpersonal problems.
Michael is undergoing ___.

a. psychiatric counseling b. medical treatment

c. psychotherapy d. biological therapy
Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

29. Which of the following professionals is most likely to administer medication as a

form of therapy?

a. clinical psychologist b. social worker

c. biological psychologist d. psychiatrist

30. The goal of psychoanalysis is to change behaviour by ____.

a. uncovering unconscious conflicts so that the client can gain insight into the
source of his or her problems
b. uncovering negative cognition patterns that impede the client’s ability to
c. examining environmental conditions and how they influence the client’s
d. providing the client with unconditional support and love so that he or she
makes adaptive and healthy behavioural choices

31. Song often arrives late for her psychoanalysis appointments and sometimes forgets
them altogether. Her psychoanalyst might interpret her behaviour as a sign of ___.

a. transference b. interpretation
c. resistance d. free association

32. Modern psychoanalysis differs from traditional psychoanalysis in that ____.

a. it is shorter in duration
b. it is focused less on the client’s past and more on present relationships and
c. the therapist is more direct
d. all of the above

33. The goal of humanistic therapy is to change behaviour by ____.

a. uncovering unconscious conflicts so that the client can gain insight into the
source of his or her problems
b. uncovering negative cognition patterns that impede the client’s ability to
c. examining environmental conditions and how they influence the client’s
d. providing the client with a safe environment for self-exploration and facilitating
the journey toward self-fulfillment
Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

34. Which of the following is NOT one of the elements used in client-centered therapy to
help the client achieve self-fulfillment?

a. genuineness b. obedience
c. unconditional positive regard d. empathy

35. Marcos is receiving client-centered therapy. His therapist openly shares his thoughts
and feelings with Marcos, relating his own experiences that are similar to Marcos’.
Marcos’ therapist is exhibiting which quality of client-centered therapy?

a. genuineness b. reflection
c. unconditional positive regard d. empathy

36. Behaviour therapies change behaviour by ___.

a. uncovering unconscious conflicts so that the client can gain insight into the
source of his or her problems
b. uncovering negative cognition patterns that impede the client’s ability to
c. examining environmental conditions and how they influence the client’s
d. providing the client with a safe environment for self-exploration and facilitating
the journey toward self-fulfillment

37. Celia goes to a therapist to try to reduce her fear of driving. The therapist teaches her
how to relax and then has her imagine those aspects of driving that make her fearful
while maintaining her relaxed mode. She is most likely undergoing ___.

a. aversion therapy b. a token economy

c. systematic desensitization d. client-centered therapy

38. Which of the following is NOT a therapy approach based on the principles of operant

a. token economies b. shaping

c. positive reinforcement d. aversion therapy

39. Svetlana goes to a therapist who focuses on her negative automatic statements. She is
most likely undergoing which type of therapy?

a. rational-emotive therapy b. cognitive therapy

c. systematic desensitization d. client-centered therapy
Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

40. The goal of cognitive therapy approaches is to change behaviour by ___.

a. uncovering unconscious conflicts so that the client can gain insight into the
source of his or her problems
b. uncovering negative cognition patterns that impede the client’s ability to
c. examining environmental conditions and how they influence the client’s
d. providing the client with a safe environment for self-exploration and facilitating
the journey toward self-fulfillment

41. The cognitive therapies have been most effective in treating which type of disorders?

a. schizophrenia b. personality disorders

c. depression d. autism
42. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of group therapy approaches?

a. less expensive
b. more individual attention
c. focus on interpersonal interactions
d. none of the above

43. The goal of family therapy is to ____.

a. fix the person with the most problems

b. improve communication between the parents
c. create harmony and balance within the family unit
d. understand the past problems of the family

44. Many self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous,
assume that ___ is a critical factor in improving one’s psychological health.

a. social support b. physical health

c. financial status d. medication

45. Which of the following statements about the effectiveness of psychotherapy is true?

a. Cognitive therapy is considerably more effective than other forms of therapy.

b. Psychoanalysis is considerably more effective than other forms of therapy.
c. The main types of therapy appear to be equally effective.
d. Receiving therapy appears to be no more effective than no therapy.

46. Which of the following is an element associated with successful therapy?

a. free association b. chaotic living conditions of the client

c. being forced into therapy d. positive therapist-client relationship
Practice Questions – Unit 10: Abnormal Psychology

47. An eclectic approach to therapy refers to ___.

a. an integrated and diverse use of therapeutic methods

b. a reliance on free association and interpretation
c. a mutual bond of respect and warmth between therapist and client
d. deepening the client’s knowledge of psychology

48. Electroconvulsive therapy is most effective for the treatment of ___.

a. schizophrenia b. panic attacks

c. severe depression d. bipolar disorder

49. Which of the following is the most serious side effect of taking conventional
antipsychotic medication?

a. rebound anxiety b. physical dependence

c. hallucinations d. tardive dyskinesia

50. Prozac is what type of antidepressant drug?

a. SSRI b. MOA inhibitor

c. tricyclic d. benzodiazepine

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