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Marks:100 Time: 3Hrs


I Describe the working of a car not engine and derive an expression for its efficiency?
What are Thermodynamics potentials?
Derive the Maxwell’s Thermo dynamics?

II What is adiabatic demagnetation?

Describe Method to produce very low temperatures using this method with a neat diagram?
What are planks hypothesis? Derive planks distribution law?

III What is Chromatic aberration?

Obtain the condition for its removal when two lenses are combined in contact and also separated
by the distance?
What are translation, Refraction and system matrices?
Derive system matrices for a thick lens and hence derive an expression for focal length
of thin lens?

IV Distinguish between fraunhofer and fresnel diffraction?

Describe the fraunhofer diffractions due to a single slit illuminated by monochromatic light?
What is meant by double refraction?
Explain the propagation of ordinary and extra ordinary wave fronts in a calcite crystal for normal
and oblique incidence?



1) What is Entropy? How does it change in a reversible and irreversible process?

2) Derive an expression for the mean free path of molecules in a gas?
3) State and explain Joule –Kelvin effect?
4) What are quarter and half wave plate?
5) Explain optical activity?
6) Explain cosine law?
7) Explain the construction and working of a Nicole prism?
8) What is a Brewster’s Law? Write a note on Malus Law?


1) Calculate the efficiency of reversible energy that obtains between 327° and 127°?
2) Calculate the change in boiling point of water when the pressure changes by1CM of mercury?
Given L=2.268X106 J/Kg and volume of 1Kg steam is 1.674m3 ?
3) A transparent sphere of radius 60cm and refractive index 1.5 .Find the position of aplitic points on
the axis from center the lenses?
4) A grating has got a length of 15cm the lens that are ruled on the grating surface are 6,000 lens/cm .
Find the resolving power of the grating in the first order?
5) Calculate the surface temperature of the sun from the following data.
Solar constant 1340W/m2; Reduce of the sun = 6.92X108 m.
Distence of the earth from the sun 1.5X10 11 m.
Stefan’s Constant=5.67X10 -8 W/m2 k4
6) A lens of dispersive power 0.0312 is kept in contact with a convex lens of focal length 100cm and
dispersive power 0.0624. If the combination works as an achromatic double let find the focal length
of the first lens?
7) Calculate the specific rotation if the plain of polarization is turned through 26.4° traversing 20cm
length of 20% sugar solution
8) What is the minimum thickness of quarter wave plate if the material has µo=1.553 and µe=1.554 at
a wave length of 6000A.

Marks:100 Time: 3Hrs

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