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Sumber Daya dan Cadangan dan

Peta Metalogenik

Muhammad Fatih Qodri


*adopted from lecture material from Dr Lucas Donny Setiadji of UGM
Sumber Daya Mineral
(Mineral Resource)

Adalah endapan mineral yang diharapkan

dapat dimanfaatkan secara nyata (memiliki
potensi untuk diekploitasi). Sumber daya
mineral dengan keyakinan geologi tertentu
dapat berubah menjadi cadangan setelah
dilakukan pengkajian kelayakan tambang
dan memenuhi kriteria layak tambang.
Kategori Sumberdaya

 Sumberdaya hipotetik (hypothetical resource)

adalah jumlah bahan galian di daerah penyelidikan
atau bagian dari daerah penyelidikan yang dihitung
berdasarkan data yang memenuhi syarat-syarat
yang ditetapkan untuk tahap survei tinjau.
 Sumberdaya tereka (inferred resource) adalah
jumlah bahan galian di daerah penyelidikan atau
bagian dari daerah penyelidikan yang dihitung
berdasarkan data yang memenuhi syarat-syarat
yang ditetapkan untuk tahap prospeksi.
Kategori Sumberdaya
 Sumberdaya terunjuk (indicated resource) adalah
jumlah bahan galian di daerah penyelidikan atau
bagian dari daerah penyelidikan yang dihitung
berdasarkan data yang memenuhi syarat-syarat
yang ditetapkan untuk tahap eksplorasi
 Sumberdaya terukur (measured resource) adalah
jumlah bahan galian di daerah penyelidikan atau
bagian dari daerah penyelidikan yang dihitung
berdasarkan data yang memenuhi syarat-syarat
yang ditetapkan untuk tahap eksplorasi rinci.
Cadangan (Reserve)
adalah endapan mineral yang telah diketahui
ukuran,bentuk, sebaran, kuantitas dan
kualitasnya~ dan yang secara ekonomis,teknis,
hukum, lingkungan dan sosial dapat
ditambang pada saat perhitungan dilakukan
dan pengkajian kelayakan tambang.
Kategori Cadangan

 Cadangan terkira (probable reserve) adalah

sumberdaya bahan galian terunjuk dan sebagian
sumberdaya bahan galian terukur, tetapi
berdasarkan kajian kelayakan semua faktor yang
terkait telah terpenuhi sehingga penambangan
dapat dilakukan secara layak.
 Cadangan terbukti (proven reserve) adalah
sumberdaya bahan galian terukur yang berdasarkan
kajian kelayakan semua faktor yang terkait telah
terpenuhi sehingga penambangan dapat dilakukan
secara layak
Klasifikasi sumber daya mineral dan cadangan di Indonesia ini
mengacu pada beberapa standar contohnya yaitu:

1.Resouces vs Reserves : USGS

*The United States Geological Survey

Resources (Sumber daya)

Konsentrasi deposit mineral dalam bentuk awal seperti saat dengan milihat faktor ekonomi atau mungkin menjadi layak.

Reserves (Cadangan)
Bagian dari Sumber Daya Mineral Teridentifikasi yang dapat ditambang secara ekonomis pada saat penentuan layak tambang.
2.Resouces vs Reserves : JORC

*Australian Joint Ore Reserves Committee

Indonesia’s Metallogenic Map 2013 (Scale
 Fundamentals of Metallogenic maps:

▪ basic concepts,
▪ best practices,
▪ case study,

 Remarks on the new Indonesian metallogenic map and, in

combination with magmatism data, Exercise for mineral
prospectivity studies in Kalimantan island
Endapan Mineral - Genetik

• Depth ~ T, P
• Fluids (magma dan non
magmatic origin)
• Mineralizing intrusions
• Wall rocks (composition
and physical properties)

Hedenquist and Lowenstern, 1994

Intrusi Basaltik-Ultra basa Pluton granitik Sub vulkanik Sub vulkanik Andesitik andesitik Dasitik/granitik
granitik-andesitik granitik- andesitik
Host rocks Basaltik-ultra basa Pluton granitik Garanitik-andesitik karbonat Vulkanik, sedimen Vulkanik, sedimen Vulkanik dasitik

Tipe ubahan - greisen Potasik, filik, Potasik,skarn,profilit advanced argillic Filik, argillic, Silisik,
argillic,profilitik±an ik ,Profilitik, argillic profilitik Internedietarg
vanced argillic ±anvanced illit
Mineral ubahan - Topas, kuarsa, Biotit, Garnet,diopsit,ma Kaolinit,alunit, Serisit,ilit,klorit, Barit, gipsum,
muskovit,turmalin KF,kuarsa,serisit,pir gne diaspor.pirofilit, ilit epidot, kalsit, anhidrit,ilit,kuarsa
it,ilit,epidot,klorit,kal tit,wolastonit,tremol adularia ± kaolinit
sit±kaolinit,alunit it, biotit, klorit
Mineral bijih Kromit, Kasiterit,wolframit,s Bornit, kalkosit Bornit, kalkosit Enargir, luzonit, Sfalerit, galena, Sfalerit,galena,
utama pendlandit, c heelite kalkopirit, kalkopirit, tenantit kalkopirit kalkopirit
magnetit molibdenit molibdenit
Komoditi logam Cr, Ni, Pt Sn,W Cu, Mo, Au, Sn, W Cu, Mo, Au, Sn, W Au, Cu,Ag Au, Ag Zn, Pb, Cu ± Au,
Tekstur utama Diseminasi, Diseminasi, Diseminasi- Diseminasi- Diseminasi- Urat, stockwork Masif, berlapis
berlapis stockwork stockwork, urat stockwork, urat replacement
Keterangan lain Kristalisasi Zona ubahan Zona ubahan Equivalen dg Equivalen Berasosiasi
langsung dari umumnya umumnya sistem gunung api dengan dengan
magma konsentris, tonase konsentris, tonase aktif geotermal aktif vulkanisme
besar dg kadar besar dg kadar bawah laut
rendah rendah
Indonesian Metallogenic Map

 Is it the first ever Indonesian metallogenic map?

 If so, it is surprising as the concept of metallogeny has been firstly
introduced exactly 100 years ago by Louis Auguste de Launay in
1913 (later on quoted by Lindgren, 1933).
 Modern mining industry in Indonesia has started since 1967
 Indonesia is major mineral producing country: ranked 2nd for Ni and
Sn, 6-7th for Cu and Au

 Still at the scale of 1:5,000,000?

 Is it competitive with other countries?
 Is it reliable and usable for users, able to drive activities towards
increasing National welfare through sustainable mining industry
Common Questions

 What kind of data or information included in the map?

 Mineral deposits, geological map, structural map, geologic
province, metallogeny province,…..
 Descriptive or interpretative data
 How to classify and visualize data in a map
 Product formats and delivery
 Hardcopy map, image file, georeferenced images, shapefiles,
database, ….
 Public domain vs. proprietary commodity
Metallogenic Map Fundamentals

 Geological maps that show the distribution pattern of ore

deposits in connection with characteristics of the
geological structure of a locality (The Great Soviet
 Maps that record the nature and distribution of mineral
resources and are of direct use to mining entrepreneurs,
exploration geologists, mining analysts and others in
minerals related industries. They are also essential tools for
planning in that they indicate where various mineral
commodities can be found and help ensure that mineral
resources are not sterilised by development activities
(Council for Geoscience's South African metallogenic
mapping programme)
Map Producers

 National geological survey agencies, such as the

USGS, Geological Survey Canada
 State geological survey agencies, such as NSW
Resource & Energy division (Australia)
 Regional bodies, such as the Council for
Geoscience's South African metallogenic
mapping programme, CCOP (SE Asia)
 Global scale, such as the Commission for the
Geological Map of the World (CGMW),
Subcommission for Metallogenic Maps
Typical Programs and Goals

 Most metallogenic mapping programs are organized by

a commission or division within a geological agency
 Integral part of the larger geological mapping program
 Long-term, sustainable program rather than project-
based: periodical updates, towards larger-scale map
 Focus on National interests in:
▪ Development and update on the National Mineral Deposit
▪ Mineral deposit information in user-friendly formats that make it
more accessible;
▪ To add value to, and make optimal use of, the large body of
▪ The sustainable development of mineral resources.
Fundamental Map Contents

 Presented by scale into three groups: general or small-

scale (1:500,000 and smaller), medium-scale (1:250,000–
1:100,000), and large-scale (1:50,000 and larger)
 Presented as color map with backgrounds showing
simplified geology, environment of deposition or
formation and sometimes infrastructure
 Superimposed on this background are mineral deposits
symbols that reflect the genetic class, mineral and
chemical composition of deposits, size and quality of
mineral raw materials, as well as the current status of the
deposit. The principal and associated mineral
commodities are shown by accepted chemical symbols
or abbreviations
 Associated with proper legends and summary reports
Current Trends in Information Age

Easy access to public or users in various

 Order maps in CD formats
 Customized maps, reports for different clients
 Downloadable reports (open file),
 Downloadable database, user-friendly GIS compatible layer files
that can be easily integrated with other digital geoscience
 Geographically registered maps, etc.
Metallogenic Maps of NSW
Government, Australia
Example of the Best Practice
Accessible through:
Summary of Services

 Metallogenic Series Maps are published

at 1:1,500,000, 1:500,000, 1:250,000 and
1:50,000 (Broken Hill and New England) scales.
 Some of the maps are printed; others are print-
 Where available, digital scans (JPEG format),
rectified images (ECW format), and GIS vector
data (ESRI Shapefile and MapInfo Table
format) are provided as free downloads on the
individual pages.
NSW Metallogenic Map 1:1,500,000
Mineralization Data Symbols
Deposit Classification Scheme
Mineral Districts
Table of Deposits
Example of Data
evaluation on indonesian
metallogenic map
Brief (Personal) Evaluation on the 2013
Indonesian Metallogenic Map
 The map may be classified as the early stage of development

✓ Regional scale (same scale with Africa and South

America continental-scale maps)
✓ Not so intensive mineral deposit database (only
selected deposits with known resources included? no
radioactive minerals and no zircon?)
✓ Information contained within mineral deposit
database look adequate, symbols might need to be
✓ No individual deposit name (table of deposits)
✓ Mineralization zone definition need to be clarified
✓ Magmas affinity zones are important added values
(Perhaps also metamorphism grades in the future?)
✓ Its utility for users need to be evaluated (Only
hardcopy map or mineral database can be
Sumatra Mineral Deposits

Crow and van Leeuwen

Badan Geologi (2013) (2005)

Smaller number of mineral deposits in the metallogenic map (left)?

Mineral Deposit Legend
Mineralization Zone (Interpretative

Usually a mineralization zone is related with certain genetic model,

but here one zone can consists of two or more genetic models that
conceptually not related (e.g. low sulphidation epithermal and
contact metasomatism)
Zone of Magmatic Affinity

Excellent added information, but readers should be aware that this

is categorized as interpretative information that perhaps not all
igneous petrologists agree
Exercise on Kalimantan
Exercise on Kalimantan
By today’s release of the new map on Indonesian Metallogeny and new book on
Magmatism in Kalimantan, can we answer (or get better explanation) on following
questions (based on my personal interests):

 Is Kalimantan prospective for tin (Sn) mineralization? (requires

coincidence between tin occurrences and Mesozoic S-
type granites)
 How is the REE mineralization potentials in Kalimantan? (REE-bearing minerals
such as zircon occurrences, peralkaline magmas)
 Where are the likely locations for future discovery of economic gold deposits at the
scale of Kelian? (no gold at Singkawang district, no placer gold,
fertile magmas/belt, geological structures etc.)
 (bauxites in
Where is the best quality of bauxite deposits should be found?
West Kalimantan has different characteristics depending
on their bedrock types: granitoids vs. gabbroic)
 Which magmas control the Fe and base metals mineralization at the Schwanner
(the presence of
Mountains, and where the next deposits will be discovered?
NE-SW alignment of several Fe and base metals deposits in
Ketapang-Lamandau district, within an area regionally part
of the I-type Cretaceous granitoids)
Exercise on Kalimantan

Au, Sn

Mineral deposits in
Singkawang district
(PPPG, 1993)

Remarks for Improvements

 There are many opportunities for future

improvements, but I (personally) prefer to the
development of more intensive, detailed and
verified mineral deposit database
 This effort can be effectively done through a long-
term, sustainable program (rather than project-
based) to produce periodical updates, and larger-
scale map productions
 Mineral deposit database should be accessible for
wide geoscience community, in user-friendly
format that can be integrated with other
geoscience datasets for GIS-based spatial
modeling (esp. mineral potential mapping)

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