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Approaches Theory of Learning Theory of Language Objectives

Situational Language Language is a set of structures Learning involves memorization Teaching a practical command of
related to situations. and habit formation. the four basic skills. Automatic
Teaching and accurate control of basic
sentence patterns. Oral mastery
before written mastery.
Audiolingual Method Language is a system of rule- Language is learnt through habit Control of the structures of
governed structures formation. Skills are learnt more sound, form and order, mastery
hierarchically arranged. effectively if oral precedes over symbols of the language.
written. Focuses on analogy, not Mastery at the level of native
analysis. speaking.
Total Physical Response A structuralist grammar based Second language learning is the Teach oral proficiency to produce
view of language. same as first language learning learners who can communicate
i.e., comprehension before uninhibitedly and intelligibly with
production. It is imprinted native speakers.
through carrying out commands
and reduction of stress.
The Silent Way Each language is composed of Processes of learning a second Near –native fluency, correct
elements that give it a unique language are fundamentally pronunciation, basic practical
rhythm and spirit. Functional different from first language knowledge of the grammar of
vocabulary and core structure learning. Second language the second language. Learner
are the key to the spirit of the learning is an intellectual and learns how to learn a language.
language. cognitive process.
Community Language Language is more than a system Learning involves the whole Near native mastery is the goal.
for communication. It involves person. It is a social process of No other specific objectives.
Learning whole person; cultural, growth from child like
educational, developmental dependence to self direction and
communicative processes. independence.
Suggestopedia Rather conventional, although Learning occurs through To deliver advanced
memorisation of whole suggestion, when learners are in conversational competence
meaningful texts is a deeply relaxed state. Music is quickly. Learners are required to
recommended. used to induce this state. master prodigious lists of
vocabulary pairs, although the
goal is understanding not
Whole Language Language is a vehicle for human Learning involves focus on the Promoting fluency and ability to
communication in which there is learners' experience, needs, communicate with others in a
an interactional relationship interests and aspirations. sociolinguistic environment.
between readers and writers. Learners create meaning and
Views language learn by doing.
psycholinguistically. Language is
always seen as something that is
used for carrying out meaningful

Multiple Intelligences Looks at the language of an Learning is possible with an No goals as such. MI pedagogy
individual, including one or more effective design based upon the focuses on language class as a
second languages, not as a intelligence level of the learner. setting for educational support
peripheral skill but as central to E.g., if a language learner has systems aimed at making the
the whole life of the language high musical intelligence, he/she language learner a better
learner and user. A multisensory will learn more quickly when designer according to his own
view of the language is content is embedded in a needs.
necessary. musical frame.
Neurolinguistic Neuro refers to brain and how it Modelling skills. Inculcating four key things,
functions. Linguistic refers to a knowing what a person wants,
Programming theory of communication. establishing a rapport with
Programming refers to oneself and others, using senses
observable patterns. Theory to look, hear and feel what's
believes that a person can be happening and being flexible till
programmed like a computer to one gets what one wants.
acquire language skills.
The Lexical Approach Only a minority of spoken Language production consists of Help learners notice for
sentences are novel creations piecing together the ready made themselves how language is
and multiword units functioning units appropriate for a particular typically used so that they will
as memorised patterns form a situation and comprehension notice the gaps and achieve
high proportion of fluent relies on knowing which of these learning readiness.
stretches of speech heard in patterns to predict in these
everyday conversation. Role of situations. Teaching centres on
collocation is also important. these patterns and the ways they
can be pieced together, along
with the ways they vary and the
situations in which they occur.

Competency-Based Functional and interactional Language can be functionally Objectives have little role in the
perspective on the nature of analysed into appropriate parts teaching or assessing of the
Language Teaching language. Language occurs in and sub parts which can be subject. Focus moves from what
relation to social contexts in taught incrementally. Mosaic students know about language to
which it is used. approach to language learning in what they can do with it.
that whole is constructed from
smaller components correctly

Communicative Language is a system for the Activities involving real Objectives reflect the needs of
expression of meaning. Primary communication, carrying out the learner and will include
Language Teaching function is interaction and meaningful tasks and using functional skills as well as
communication. language which is meaningful to linguistic objectives.
the learner promote learning.
The Natural Approach The essence of language is There are two ways of second Designed to give beginners and
meaning. Vocabulary, not language development intermediate learners basic
grammar is the heart of the ‘acquisition’ – a natural communicative skills. Four broad
language. subconscious process and areas; basic personal
‘learning’ – a conscious process. communicative skills and
Learning cannot lead to academic learning skills, both
acquisition. oral and written.
Cooperative Language Supports both functional, Learners develop communicative Fosters cooperation rather than
structural as well as interactional competence in a language by competition, develop critical
Learning models of language. conversing in socially or thinking skills, develop
pedagogically structured communicative competence
situations. Seeks to develop through socially structures
classrooms that foster interactional activities.
cooperation rather than

Content-Based Addresses role of language as a A second language is learnt most To activate and develop existing
vehicle of learning content, views successfully when the English language skills, to acquire
Instruction language as involving several information learners are learning skills and strategies that
skills together and that language acquiring is perceived as could be applied in future
is used for specific purposes. interesting, useful and leading to language development
a desired goal. Students learn opportunities, to develop general
best when instructions addresses academic skills and to broaden
students' needs. students' understanding of
English speaking people.

Task-Based Language Language is primarily a means of Shares its basic principles with Goals are ideally to be
making meaning. Lexical units communicative language determined by specific needs of
Teaching are central in language use and teaching. Additionally, tasks the individual learners. Selection
language learning. Conversation provide both input and output of tasks should be based on a
is the central focus of language processing necessary for careful analysis of the real world
and the keystone of language language acquisition. Task needs of learners.
acquisition. activity and achievement are
motivational. Learning difficulty
can be negotiated and fine-tuned
for particular pedagogical
Approaches Syllabus Activity Types Learner Roles
Situational Language A list of structures and Repetition, substitution drills, To listen and repeat, respond to
vocabulary graded according to avoid translation and questions and commands,
Teaching grammar difficulty. grammatical explanation; learner has no control over
learners should not be allowed content. They are later allowed
to make a mistake. to initiate statements and ask
Audiolingual Method Graded syllabus of phonology, Dialogues and drills, repetition Organisms that can be directed
morphology and syntax. and memorisation pattern by training techniques to
Contrastive analysis. practice. produce correct responses.
Total Physical Response Sentence based syllabus with Imperative drills to elicit physical Listener and performer, little
grammatical and lexical criteria actions. influence over the content of
being primary, but focus on learning.
meaning, not form.
The Silent Way Structural lessons planned Learner responses to commands, Learning is a process of personal
around grammatical items and questions and visual cues. growth. Learners are responsible
related vocabulary. Items are Activities encourage and shape for their own learning and must
introduced according to their oral responses without develop independence,
grammatical complexity. grammatical explanation or autonomy and responsibility.
modeling by teacher.
Community Language No set syllabus. Course It is a combination of innovative Learners are members of a
progression is topic based and and conventional. Translation, community. Learning is not
Learning learners provide the topics. group work, recording, viewed as an individual
Syllabus emerges from learners’ transcription, reflection and accomplishment but something
intention and the teacher’s observation, listening and free that is achieved collaboratively.
reformulations. conversation.
Suggestopedia Ten unit courses consisting of Initiatives, question and answer, Must maintain a passive state
1200 word dialogues graded by role-play, listening exercises and allow the materials to work
vocabulary and grammar. under deep relaxation. on them rather than take active
Whole Language No set syllabus. It depends on Individual and small group Collaborating with fellow
the needs and interests of the reading and writing. Ungraded students, teacher and writer of
learner. dialogue journals, writing the written text. They also
portfolios, writing conferences, evaluate their own and others'
personal journals, story writing. learning. Also selects learning
material and activities.

Multiple Intelligences No syllabus prescribed or Self-access activity corners each Learners need to see themselves
recommended. Basic built around one of the engaged in a process of
developmental sequence as an intelligences. Students work personality development. They
alternative consisting of four alone or in pairs on intelligence need to reflect on their own
steps: I - Awaken the foci of their own choosing. learning and should focus on
Intelligence, II - Amplify the development of 'whole person.'
Intelligence, III - Teach with/for
the Intelligence, IV - Transfer of
the Intelligence.
Neurolinguistic No set syllabus. It is more of a Rapport building between Expected to find successful
humanistic philosophy and a set teacher and students. models for that person they
Programming of beliefs and suggestions. themselves are trying to become.
The Lexical Approach A large vocabulary, useful lexical Activities that draw students' Make use of computer to analyse
items, particularly attention to lexical collocations, text data previously collected or
institutionalized utterances, a enhance use of those made available on the Internet.
balance between words catering collocations, and also that enable Learner assumes the role of data
considerable meanings and learners to discover collocations analyst.
patterns with low meaning themselves, both in the
content, and different kinds of classroom and in the language
lexical items may be reidentified. they encounter outside the

Competency-Based Consists of functional topics that Activites may be related to any Judge the relevancy and
have subparts, criterion based domain of life, though they have usefulness of activities and
Language Teaching assessment done through to be linked to the field of work should demonstrate the learnt
student demonstration. and to social survival in a new behaviour.
environment. E.g., task
performance, safety, work
schedules, social language, job
application, job interview.

Communicative Will include some or all of the

following: structures, functions,
Language Teaching notions, themes and tasks.
Ordering will be guided by
learner needs.
The Natural Approach Based on a selection of Activities allowing Should not try and learn
communicative activities and comprehensible input, about language in the usual sense, but
topics derived from learner things in the here and now. should try and lose themselves in
needs. Focus on meaning and not form. activities involving meaningful
Cooperative Language Does not assume any particular Structured programs so that Primary role is to work in
form of syllabus since teaching is learners interact with each other collaboration on tasks with other
Learning primarily through activities. and are motivated to increase group members. Also learn
each others' learning. There is teamwork skills, plan, monitor
group formation. There are also and evaluate their own learning.
three major types of cooperative
learning tasks; I)Team practise
from a common input - skills
development and mastery of
facts, II) Jigsaw: differentiated
but premeditated input -
evaluation and synthesis of facts
and opinions. III) Cooperative
projects: topics/resources
selected by students - discovery

Content-Based Follows theme-based model in Focused on language skills Should become autonomous.
which content and instructional improvement, vocabulary Expected to be active
Instruction sequence is chosen according to building, discourse organisation, interpreters of input, willing to
language learning goals. At the communicative interaction, tolerate uncertainty along the
macro-level, a sequence of study skills and synthesis of path of learning, willing to
modules selected to reflect content materials and grammar. explore alternative learning
student interests and strategies and willing to seek
multidisciplinary perspective. multiple interpretations of oral
and written texts.
Task-Based Language Specifies content and learning Comprise of tasks which can be Primary roles that are implied by
outcomes and is a document defined as an activity which task work are group participant,
Teaching that can be used as a basis for requires learners to arrive at an monitor, risk-taker and
classroom teaching and the outcome from given information innovator.
design of teaching materials. through some process of thought
and which allows teachers to
control and regulate that
process. E.g., listing, ordering
and sorting, comparing, problem
solving, sharing personal
experiences and creative tasks.

Approaches Teacher Roles Roles of Materials

Situational Language Teaching Acts as a model in presenting structures, Relies on textbook and visual aids, textbook
orchestrates drill practice, corrects errors and contains tightly organized, structurally
tests progress. graded lessons.
Audiolingual Method Central and active teacher dominated Primarily teacher oriented and thus, tapes
method. Provides model, controls direction and visuals and language laboratories are
and pace. often used.
Total Physical Response Active and direct role. The teacher is like the No basic text. Materials and media have an
director of a stage play with the students as important role later. Initially, voice, action
actors. and gestures are sufficient.
The Silent Way Teachers must teach, test and get out of the Unique materials, coloured rods, colour-
way. They must remain impassive and resist coded pronunciation and vocabulary charts.
the temptation to model, remodel, assist,
direct and exhort.
Community Language Learning Counselling or parental analogy. Teacher No textbook, which would inhibit growth.
provides a safe environment in which Materials are developed as the course
students can learn and grow. progresses.
Suggestopedia To create situations in which the learner is Consists of texts, tapes, classroom fixtures
the most suggestible and present material in and music. Texts should have force, literary
a way most likely to encourage positive quality and interesting characters.
reception and retention. Must exude
authority and confidence.
Whole Language Facilitator and active participant in the Authentic works of literature, newspapers,
learning community rather than an expert on signs, handbills and printed materials.
passing knowledge. Creation of a climate that
will support collaborative learning.
Multiple Intelligences Expected to understand and commit Refer Table 1.
themselves to the MI model, create their
own MI profiles and use it as a guide for
designing and reflecting on learning
experiences. They become curriculum
developers, lesson designers and analysts,
activity finders or inventors.

Neurolinguistic Programming Expected to model their teaching on expert Set of beliefs and suggestions based on
teachers they most admire. popular psychology, designed to convince
people that they have power to control their
own and other people's lives for the better.
The Lexical Approach Understand and manage classroom Complete course packages including texts,
methodology based on stages composed of tapes, teacher's manual, printouts,
Task, Planning and Report and also creating collections of vocabulary teaching activities
an environment in which learners can and computer concordancing programs.
operate effectively and then helping learners
manage their own learning.
Competency-Based Language Corrects students immediately, gives positive Sample texts related to the competency of
feedback, is aware of the students' needs and learner.
Teaching adjusts syllabus accordingly.

Communicative Language Facilitator of the communication process, Primary role of promoting communicative
participants tasks and texts, needs analyst, language use, task based materials,
Teaching counselor and process manager. authentic.
The Natural Approach The teacher is the primary source of Materials come from realia rather than
comprehensible input. Must create positive textbooks. Primary aim is to promote
low anxiety climate. Must choose and comprehension and communication.
orchestrate a rich mixture of classroom
Cooperative Language Learning Create a highly structured and well organised Play an important role in creating
learning environment in the classroom, opportunities for students to work
setting goals, planning and structuring tasks, cooperatively. May be specifically designed
establishing physical arrangements in the for CLL learning, modified from existing
classroom, assigning students to groups and materials or borrowed from other disciplines.
roles and selecting materials and time.

Content-Based Instruction Must be knowledgeable in subject matter Rich variety of materials types be indentified
and able to elicit knowledge from their and used with the central concern that the
students. Have to keep context and materials are authentic. Realia such as tourist
comprehensibility foremost in their planning guidebooks, technical journals, railway
and presentations. Responsible for selecting timetables, newspaper ads, radio and TV
and adapting authentic materials for use in broadcasts.
class, become student needs analysts and
create truly learner centred environment.

Task-based Learning Based on tasks, teachers can assume the role Dependent on a sufficient supply of
of selector and sequencer of tasks, prepares appropriate classroom tasks, some of which
learners for tasks and raise the consciousness may require considerable time, ingenuity and
of students. resources to develop. Favours the use of
authentic tasks supported by authentic
materials wherever possible.

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