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Efek Biologi Radiasi

Radiation damage
• Kerusakan biologi radiasi → seluler
• 500 rad diperlukan utk merusak sel (atau
organisme itu sendiri) pd organisme besar.
• Organisme uniseluler spt bakteri lebih
resistan. Sensitivitas radiasi bakteri sgt
• Sel DNA berpasangan, prbh pd DNA akan
merubah reduplikasi DNA.

A. Faktor2 yg mempengaruhi efek
1. Interaksi radiasi dg materi
2. Penyinaran akut dan kronik
3. Radiasi interna dan eksterna
4. Organ kritis
5. Reaksi tubuh thd zra
6. Radiosensitivitas sel dan jaringan

• Penyinaran akut: penyinaran dalam waktu
singkat ttp dg dosis yg tinggi. Misalnya pada

• Penyinaran kronik: paparan dosis rendah dlm

wkt yang lama.

Interaksi e- dan  dengan DNA

Radiosensitivitas sel dan jaringan
• Adlh kepekaan (sensitivitas) sel & jaringan thd
• Hk radiosensitivitas Bergonnie – Tribondeau:
– Tk radiosensitivitas suatu sel atau jaringan
berbanding lurus dg kapasitas reproduksi sel dan
berbanding terbalik dg derajat diferensiasinya.
S = R/D

Relatif Biological Effectiveness
• Utk satu satuan dosis radiasi serapan (rad) yang
sama efek yg ditimbulkan berlainan pd jenis
radiasi yg berlainan.
• Misalnya 1 rad alpha akibatnya akan lebih parah
drpd 1 rad beta atau gamma.
• Pd umumnya LET yg lebih besar bersifat lebih
efektif dlm merusak suatu jaringan.
• RBE tergantung efek biologis eksak thd species
organisme ttt pd serangkaian kondisi percobaan.
Jd RBE terbatas pd aplikasi biologi sj.
B. Proses kerusakan pd sel tubuh
• Tak langsung
• langsung

Efek tak langsung: Radiolisis air

• Tahap fisik
• Tahap fisiko
• Tahap kimia
• Efek biologi

B.2. reaksi langsung
• Energi radiasi langsung mengenai bagian2
penting dari sel.
– Irradiasi DNA menyebabkan kerusakan,
misalnya deaminasi, pelepasan basa dan
gugus fosfat, dan tjdnya radikal gula.
– Radiasi jg dpt menyebabkan dimerisasi
pirimidin, hidrasi basa.
– Irradiasi pd sel yg sedang melakukan
mitosis akan menghasilkan sel yg abnormal.

C. Efek biologi radiasi
• Efek stokhastik dan non stokhastik
• Afek akut dan kronik
• Efek somatik dan efek genetik

Stochastic Effects:
• Stochastic effects are those that occur
by chance and consist primarily of
cancer and genetic effects.
• Stochastic effects often show up years
after exposure.
• As the dose to an individual increases,
the probability that cancer or a genetic
effect will occur also increases.

Dose–response curves. (Holman, 2009)

Nonstochastic (Acute) Effects
• Nonstochastic effects are characterized by a
threshold dose below which they do not occur.
In other words, nonstochastic effects have a
clear relationship between the exposure and
the effect. In addition, the magnitude of the
effect is directly proportional to the size of
the dose.
• Nonstochastic effects typically result when
very large dosages of radiation are received
in a short amount of time. These effects will
often be evident within hours or days.
Efek non

Dose–response curves. (Holman, 2009)

• Examples of nonstochastic effects include
– erythema (skin reddening),
– skin and tissue burns,
– cataract formation,
– sterility,
– radiation sickness and death.

• Each of these effects differs from the

others in that both its threshold dose and the
time over which the dose was received cause
the effect (i.e. acute vs. chronic exposure).

Efek2 akut
1. Sindrom haemopoetik
2. Sindrom gastrointestinal
3. Sindrom sistem syaraf pusat

Terdpt efek2 ttt yg lazim bagi ketiga
kategori tsb yg meliputi:
1. Mual dan ingin muntah
2. Tak enak badan dan lesu
3. Naiknya T
4. Perubahan-perubahan susunan darah.

Cember 2009

Dari sumber lain: Some of the probable prompt and delayed
effects when the doses are received by an individual within
a twenty-four hour period (Dosages are in Rem) :
0-25 No injury evident. First detectable blood change at 5
25-50 Definite blood change at 25 rem. No serious injury.

50-100 Some injury possible.

100-200 Injury and possible disability.
200-400 Injury and disability likely, death possible.

400-500 Median Lethal Dose (MLD) 50% of exposures are

500-1,000 Up to 100% of exposures are fatal.
1,000-over 100% likely fatal.
100 - 200 Rem
First Day No definite symptoms
First Week No definite symptoms
Second Week No definite symptoms
Third Week Loss of appetite, malaise, sore
throat and diarrhea
Fourth Week Recovery is likely in a few months
unless complications develop
because of poor health

400 - 500 Rem
First Day Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea,
usually in the first few hours
First Week Symptoms may continue
Second Week Epilation, loss off appetite
Third Week Hemorrhage, nosebleeds,
inflammation of mouth and
throat, diarrhea, emaciation
Fourth Week Rapid emaciation and mortality
rate around 50%

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