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Effect of Boiling Time on Nutritional Characteristics and Antioxsidant Activities of

Lentinus edodes and Its Broth


SALFIA ( Q1A118015 )
SUMARNI ( Q1A118043 )

ITP 2018 A


Pengaruh waktu perebusan terhadap karakteristik nutrisi dan aktivitas
antioksidan Edodes Lentinus dan kaldunya

( Effect of Boiling Time on Nutritional Characteristics and Antioxsidant Activities

of Lentinus edodes and Its Broth )

Pengaruh waktu mendidih (10-120 menit) terhadap sifat nutrisi dan
antioksidan Edodes Lentinus potongan dan kaldu jammur. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa kandungan nutrisi primer dan aktivitas antioksidan L.
edodes potongan berkurang dengan perpanjangan waktu perebusan, sedangkan
kandungan ergosterol meningkat. Kandungan nutrisi dalam L. edodes kaldu
menunjukkan tren naik, dan aktivitas antioksidan meningkat pesat dalam 30
menit pertama, dan kemudian tetap stabil atau menurun, yang berkorelasi positif
dengan perubahan total kandungan fenolik. Pengamatan mikrostruktur
menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan perebusan merusak dinding sel L. edodes,
menyebabkan pembubaran dan hilangnya komponen dinding sel dan isi
sitoplasma. Dari segi nutrisi, waktu perebusan optimal selama L. edodes
potongan adalah 30 menit dan untuk persiapan kaldu adalah 60 menit. Studi ini
memberikan referensi yang berguna untuk memasak atau pemrosesan rasional L.
edodes dan jamur lainnya.

Kata Kunci: Edodes Lentinus; nutrisi; aktivitas antioksidan; mendidih; memasak;

1. Pendahuluan
Edodes Lentinus atau yang biasa dikenal dengann nama shiitake, adalah
salah satu jamur paling populer di dunia. Jamur ini kaya akan polisakarida, serat
makanan, protein, asam amino, fenol, ergosterol dan nutrisi lainnya (Mattila et al.,
2001 ), dan memiliki bioaktivitas imunoregulasi, antitumor, antioksidan,
anti-inflamasi dan penurun tekanan darah (Liu et al., 2019 ; Papetti dkk., 2018 ;
Puttaraju dkk., 2006 ; Zhang et al., 2011 ).
L. edodes dapat dimasak dengan berbagai metode sebelum dikonsumsi sesuai
dengan resep dan tradisi kuliner berbagai negara (Lee et al., 2019 ). Pemrosesan
termal, termasuk mendidih, menyebabkan perubahan besar dalam kualitas
sensorik dan komposisi kimiawi makanan (termasuk jamur dan sayuran), seperti
tekstur, aroma, warna, protein, gula, fenol, dan vitamin, serta aktivitas
antioksidan (Morales et al., 2018 ; Tian et al., 2016 ; Yang et al., 2019 ). Studi
telah melaporkan bahwa jamur yang dimasak memiliki konsentrasi nutrisi yang
lebih rendah dan sifat antioksidan yang lebih rendah daripada jamur alami (Ng &
Tan, 2017 ; Sun et al., 2014 , 2011 ). Tetapi proses pemasakan juga memiliki
efek menguntungkan pada kandungan fenol dan aktivitas antioksidan jamur (Tan
et al., 2015 ). Perubahan tersebut berkaitan dengan lama pemasakan. Namun
demikian, ada sedikit penelitian tentang perubahan karakteristik gizi dan sifat
fungsional jamur shiitake akibat waktu pemasakan selama ini. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu perebusan terhadap
komposisi nutrisi dan sifat antioksidan L. edodes dan kaldu.

2. Bahan-Bahan dan Metode

2.1. Sampel dan Reagen
L. edodes kering Xixia 9608 diperoleh dari Kabupaten Xixia, Provinsi
Henan, Cina. Semua jamur dipanen di waktu yang sama. Semua standar
dan reagen bersifat analitis.

2.2. Perlakuan perebusan L. edodes

Perlakuan perebusan dilakukan dengan waktu 10 menit, 30 menit, 60
menit, 90 menit, dan 120 menit.

2.3. Penentuan komponen nutrisi dalam L. edodes dan kaldu

2.3.1. Kandungan karbohidrat
Kandungan karbohidrat ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode
fenol-asam sulfat

2.4. Kandungan serat makanan

Kandungan Total Dietary Fiber (TDF), makanan tidak larut serat (IDF)
dan makanan larut serat (SDF) bubuk L. edodes diuji dengan metode
enzymatic-gravimetri (Mccleary et al., 2012).

2.5. Kandungan protein

Kandungan protein ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode Kjeldal
(AOAC Official Method 930.29 [edisi ke-17], AOAC, 2000).
2.6. Total kandungan asam amino bebas
Kandungan total asam amino bebas ditentukan oleh metode
formaldehyde, pendekatan standar dan Cina (GB 5009.235–2016).

2.7. Kandungan fenolik total

Kandungan fenolik total ditentukan dengan metode Folin-Ciocalteau dari
Singleton dan Rossi (1964) dengan beberapa modifikasi.

2.8. Kandungan ergosterol

Ergosterol ditentukan dengan membandingkan waktu retensi standar
yang diperoleh, dan kuantifikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan kurva
kalibrasi. Hasilnya dinyatakan sebagai mg/g berat kering (DW).

2.9. Penentuan aktivitas antioksidan L. edodes dan kaldu

2.9.1. Persiapan ekstrak etanol
1 g bubuk L. edodes diekstraksi dengan bantuan ultrasonic dengan 50
mL etanol 60% pada 50 ° C selama 60 menit, dan kemudian
disentrifugasi pada 12.000 g selama 10 menit pada suhu 4 ° C dan
diencerkan supernatan sampai 50 mL. Supernatan diencerkan menjadi
empat konsentrasi. Kemudian, aktivitas antioksidan diencerkan ekstrak

2.10. DPPH
DPPH, Kemampuan menangkap radikal dari ekstrak ditentukan dengan
metode modifikasi Zhao et al. (2013).

2.11. ABTS

ABTS, kemampuan menangkap radikal ditentukan dengan menggunakan

metode ABTS Re et al. (1999) dengan sedikit modifikasi.

2.12. OH
Kemampuan menangkap radikal menggunakan metode sebelumnya
(Yang et al., 2015) dengan sedikit modifikasi.

2.13. Mengurangi daya

Kekuatan reduksi ekstrak etanol ditentukan dengan metode Oyaizu

2.14. Mikroskopi
Struktur mikro L. edodes diamati menggunakan mikroskop elektron
lingkungan Quanta 200 (FEI, Hitachi, USA).

2.15. Analisis statistic

Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan program paket SPSS versi
22.0. Semua data dinyatakan sebagai mean ± standar deviasi (SD)
(rangkap tiga). Signifikansi statistik dari komponen nutrisi dan aktivitas
antioksidan dari sampel yang berbeda ditentukan dengan menggunakan
ANOVA satu arah dengan Turki post-hoc uji.

3. Hasil dan Pembahasan

3.1. Pengaruh lama perebusan terhadap karbohidrat

Gambar 1. Pengaruh waktu mendidih pada kandungan polisakarida di L.

edodes potongan dan kaldu. Huruf yang berbeda dengan warna yang sama pada
bilah kesalahan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan di antara perlakuan ( p <
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan karbohidrat dalam jamur potongan
berkurang dengan perpanjangan waktu mendidih. Kandungan polisakarida
menurun drastis dalam 10 menit pertama, kemudian menurun perlahan, dan tetap
stabil setelah 60 menit. Alasannya mungkin bahwa bagian dari polisakarida di
L. edodes mudah larut dalam air panas pada tahap awal mendidih. Dengan
bertambahnya waktu mendidih, jumlah polisakarida yang larut dalam air dalam
potongan jamur secara bertahap, menurun, dan laju disolusi dan laju adsorpsi
polisakaridasecara bertahap mencapai keseimbangan, sehingga tingkat penurunan
kandungan polisakarida melambat dan berangsur-angsur cenderung stabil.
Gambar 1 juga menunjukkan polisakarida itu kandungan di jamur kaldu bertahap
meningkat dengan perpanjangan waktu mendidih, mencapai maksimum pada 90
menit, lalu sedikit menurun.

3.2. Pengaruh lama perebusan terhadap serat

Gambar 2. Pengaruh lama perebusan terhadap kandungan serat pangan di L.
edodes potongan. Huruf yang berbeda dengan warna yang sama pada bilah
kesalahan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan di antara perlakuan ( p <
Gambar 2 menunjukkan bahwa TDF (total kandungan serat) L. edodes
sebagian besar terdiri dari serat tidak larut (IDF) dan kandungan serat larut (SDF)
relatif rendah. Dengan bertambahnya waktu perebusan, total kandungan serat
pada potongan L. edodes mengalam penurunan. Terlihat bahwa penurunan
kandungan serat terutama disebabkan oleh serat tidak larut. Serat tidak larut pada
L. edodes terdiri dari polisakarida pada dinding sel. Strukturnya padat dan sulit
larut dalam air. Selama perlakuan perebusan, sebagian struktur dinding sel hancur,
susunan serat tidak larut yang padat dan teratur ini menjadi rusak, dan sebagian
serat tidak larut ini terdegradasi dan berubah menjadi larut (Su et al., 2017 ). Oleh
karena itu, kandungan serat tidak larut dan total kandungan serat dalam potongan
jamur menurun dengan cepat pada tahap awal proses perebusan. Karena serat
tidak larut ini sangat stabil, maka penurunan serat tidak larut dan total serat
cenderung lembut dan stabil setelah 10 menit.

3.3. Pengaruh lama perebusan terhadap protein

Gambar 3. Pengaruh waktu mendidih terhadap kandungan protein di L.
edodes potongan dan kaldu. Huruf yang berbeda dengan warna yang sama pada
bilah kesalahan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan di antara perlakuan ( p <
Gambar 3 menunjukkan bahwa dengan lama waktu perebusan, kandungan
protein di dalam potongan L. edodes mengalami penurunan, yang lebih jelas
(penurunan 9,3%) dalam 30 menit pertama, dan kemudian cenderung stabil.
Erjavec dkk. ( 2012 )melaporkan bahwa protein dalam L. edodes Stabil untuk
proses termal dan sekitar 90% protein tidak larut dalam air, sehingga sebagian
besar protein tetap berada dalam potongan jamur setelah perlakuan perebusan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses perebusan hanya dapat melarutkan
protein yang larut dalam air, peptida dan asam amino yang jumlahnya sekitar
11.0% dari total protein. L. edodes.

3.4. Pengaruh lama perebusan terhadap kandungan asam amino bebas

Gambar 4. Pengaruh lama perebusan terhadap kandungan asam amino bebas
dalam L. edodes potongan dan kaldu. Huruf yang berbeda dengan warna yang
sama pada bilah kesalahan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan di antara
perlakuan ( p < 0,05).
Hasil penelitian pada gambar 4 menunujukkan bahwa kandungan asam
amino bebas dalam L. edodes potongan secara signifikan ( p < 05) menurun
58,6% (dari 5,03 mg/g menjadi 2,09 mg/g) dalam 10 menit pertama proses
perebusan, kemudian terus berkurang secara signifikan ( p > 05) setelah 30 menit.
Hingga ( p < 05) penurunan terjadi setelah 90 menit, dan hanya kandungan asam
amino bebas 0,68 mg/g pada 120 menit.
Kandungan asam amino bebas dalam kaldu jamur meningkat pada awal
perebusan, mencapai maksimum pada 60 menit, kemudian menurun secara
bertahap. Sebagian besar asam amino bebas mudah larut ke dalam air panas,
sehingga kandungannya dalam kaldu jamur meningkat. Setelah 60 menit proses
perebusan, akibat reaksi degradasi Strecker dari asam amino bebas dan / atau
reaksi Maillard (Li et al., 2011 ), kandungan asam amino bebas dalam kaldu
malah menurun.
Secara umum pengaruh pengolahan menggunakan panas dapat
mengakibatkan penyusutan jumlah asam amino tergantung dari jenis pengolahan,
suhu, dan lamanya proses pengolahan. Menurut Ekop (2008), penurunan asam
amino lebih dari 10% akan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap mutu
bahan pangan tersebut.

3.5. Pengaruh waktu mendidih terhadap total kandungan fenolik

Gambar 5. Pengaruh waktu mendidih terhadap total kandungan fenolik di L.

edodes potongan dan kaldu. Huruf yang berbeda dengan warna yang sama pada
bilah kesalahan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan di antara perlakuan ( p <
Gambar 5 menunjukkan bahwa kandungan total fenol dalam L. edodes
potongan menurun secara signifikan ( p < 0,05), dan menjadi stabil setelah 90
menit, sekitar 27,9% dari awal. Sun et al. ( 2014 ) dan Tan et al. ( 2015 )
melaporkan bahwa kandungan fenolik total jamur berkurang secara signifikan
setelah dimasak. Kandungan total fenol dalam kaldu jamur meningkat secara
bertahap dengan lama waktu perebusan mencapai 5,46 mg GAE / 100 mL pada
waktu 120 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar zat fenolik
bebas masuk L. edodes bisa larut ke dalam air matang. Selain itu, beberapa fenol
terikat diubah menjadi bebas.

3.6. Pengaruh waktu mendidih pada kandungan ergosterol

Gambar 6. Pengaruh waktu mendidih terhadap kandungan ergosterol di L.

edodes potongan. Huruf yang berbeda pada bilah kesalahan menunjukkan
perbedaan yang signifikan di antara perlakuan ( p < 0,05).
Kandungan ergosterol dalam L. edodes relatif tinggi, dan dapat diubah
menjadi vitamin D di bawah iradiasi ultraviolet (Czub & Baginski, 2006 ).
Gambar 6 menunjukkan bahwa kandungan ergosterol dalam L. edodes potongan
mengalami peningkatan dengan perpanjangan waktu mendidih, terutama setelah
90 menit kandungan ergosterol meningkat secara signifikan ( p < 0,5 ) dan
tercapai 2,73 mg / g pada 120 menit. Proses mendidih jangka panjang dapat
menyebabkan kerusakan hebat pada membran sel, yang menyebabkan lebih
banyak ergosterol mudah diekstraksi selama proses penentuan. Ergosterol tidak
terdeteksi pada kaldu jamur, dikarenakan ergosterol sulit larut dalam air.

4. Kesimpulan
Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini bahwa kandungan zat gizi
utama (polisakarida, serat pangan, protein, asam amino dan fenol total) dan
aktivitas antioksidan potongan jamur menurun seiring dengan lama waktu
perebusan, dan titik infeksinya berbeda untuk nutrien yang berbeda, sedangkan
kandungan ergosterol meningkat. Dengan perpanjangan waktu perebusan,
kandungan nutrisi utama dalam kaldu jamur menunjukkan tren naik, dan titik
belok terjadi sekitar 60 menit. Ergosterol tidak terdeteksi di kaldu. Aktivitas
antioksidan dari kaldu jamur meningkat pesat dalam 30 menit pertama, dan
kemudian tetap stabil atau menurun sampai taraf tertentu, dan tren perubahan
tersebut berkorelasi positif dengan total kandungan fenolik dalam kaldu. Proses
perebusan menghancurkan struktur dinding sel, sehingga terjadi pembubaran dan
hilangnya komponen dinding sel dan kandungan sitoplasma, L. edodes potongan
dan kaldu. Selain itu, perlakuan perebusan suhu tinggi dalam jangka panjang
dapat merusak kombinasi fenol, ergosterol dan zat lain, yang kondusif untuk
pelepasan dan pelarutannya. Sementara itu, asam amino, fenol, polisakarida yang
terlarut dalam kaldu dapat bereaksi dengan zat lain karena pemanasan jangka
panjang, sehingga menghasilkan beberapa senyawa rasa baru. Dari segi nilai gizi
dan aktivitas antioksidan, waktu perebusan tidak boleh melebihi 30 menit untuk
potongan jamur dan 60 menit untuk kaldu jamur saat memasak atau mengolah. L.
edodes. Selain itu, L. edodes kaldu mengandung sejumlah besar nutrisi dan
aktivitas antioksidan, yang harus direkomendasikan ke dalam makanan
sehari-hari. Penelitian ini memberikan dasar teoritis untuk memasak rasional,
pengolahan dan konsumsi L. edodes.


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Effect of boiling time on nutritional characteristics

and antioxidant activities of Lentinus edodes and
its broth

Yuanyang Nie , Mingjun Yu , Haoyu Zhou , Penghui Zhang , Wei Yang & Bo Li

To cite this article: Yuanyang Nie , Mingjun Yu , Haoyu Zhou , Penghui Zhang , Wei
Yang & Bo Li (2020) Effect of boiling time on nutritional characteristics and antioxidant
activities of Lentinus�edodes and its broth, CyTA - Journal of Food, 18:1, 543-550, DOI:

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Published online: 19 Aug 2020.

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2020, VOL. 18, NO. 1, 543–550

Effect of boiling time on nutritional characteristics and antioxidant activities of

Lentinus edodes and its broth
Yuanyang Nie , Mingjun Yu, Haoyu Zhou, Penghui Zhang, Wei Yang and Bo Li
School of Food Science, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang, China


The influence of boiling time (10 –120 min) on nutritional and antioxidant properties of Lentinus Received 13 April 2020
edodes pieces and broth was investigated. The results showed that the primary nutrients contents Accepted 16 July 2020
and antioxidant activities of L. edodes pieces decreased with the prolongation of boiling time, while KEYWORDS
ergosterol content increased. The nutrients contents in L. edodes broth presented an uptrend, and Lentinus edodes; nutrition;
the antioxidant activities increased rapidly in the first 30 min, and then kept stable or decline, which antioxidant activities;
was positively correlated with the change of total phenolic content. Microstructure observation boiling; cooking; mushroom
showed that boiling treatment destroyed the cell wall of L. edodes, leading to the dissolution and
loss of cell wall components and cytoplasmic contents. From the point of nutrition, the optimal PALABRAS CLAVE
boiling time for L. edodes pieces is 30 min and for broth preparation is 60 min. This study provides Lentinus edodes; nutrición;
actividades antioxidantes;
a useful reference for rational cooking or processing L. edodes and other mushrooms. ebullición; cocción;

Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en las características nutricionales y las activi­

dades antioxidantes de Lentinus edodes y su caldo
El presente estudio investigó la influencia del tiempo de ebullición (10~120 min) en las propiedades
nutricionales y antioxidantes de trozos de Lentinus edodes y su caldo. Los resultados permitieron
constatar que el contenido de nutrientes primarios y las actividades antioxidantes de dichos trozos
disminuyeron al prolongarse el tiempo de ebullición, mientras que el contenido de ergosterol
aumentó. El contenido de nutrientes del caldo de L. edodes presentó una tendencia al alza, en
tanto que las actividades antioxidantes se elevaron rápidamente en los primeros 30 minutos,
manteniéndose estables o disminuyendo después, lo que se correlacionó positivamente con el
cambio del contenido fenólico total. La observación de la microestructura confirmó que el trata­
miento de ebullición destruye la pared celular de L. edodes, provocando la disolución y la pérdida de
componentes de la pared celular y de contenido citoplasmático. Desde el punto de vista de la
nutrición, el tiempo óptimo de ebullición para los trozos de L. edodes es 30 min y para la
preparación de caldo, 60 min. Este estudio proporciona una referencia útil para la cocción
o elaboración racional de L. edodes y otros hongos.

1. Introduction
boiling, induces great changes in the sensory qualities and
Lentinus edodes, also named shiitake, is one of the most pop­ chemical compositions of foods (including mushrooms and
ular mushrooms in the world. It is rich in polysaccharide, diet­ vegetables), such as texture, aroma, color, protein, sugar,
ary fiber, protein, amino acids, phenols, ergosterol and other phenols and vitamins, as well as the antioxidant activities
nutrients (Mattila et al., 2001), and has the bioactivities of (Morales et al., 2018; Tian et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2019).
immunoregulation, antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory Studies have been reported that the cooked mushrooms
and blood pressure lowering (Liu et al., 2019; Papetti et al., were in lower nutritional concentration and lower antioxi­
2018; Puttaraju et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2011). Plus the unique dant properties than that of natural mushrooms (Ng & Tan,
taste and flavor, more and more people like to eat this mush­ 2017; Sun et al., 2014, 2011). But cooking treatments had
room in recent years, especially in East Asian countries. In 2018, also beneficial effects on the phenol content and antioxidant
the total output of L. edodes in China is 10.43 million tons, activity of mushrooms (Tan et al., 2015). Those changes may
being the largest yield variety of mushroom (China Edible be related to the cooking duration. However, there are few
Fungi Association, 2020). studies on the changes in nutritional characteristics and
As a popular table food, L. edodes can be cooked by many functional properties of shiitake mushrooms caused by cook­
methods before consumption according to the recipes and ing time so far. In terms of production and consumption, the
culinary traditions of various countries (Lee et al., 2019). top three edible mushrooms were L. edodes, Auricularia
Nowadays, consumers prefer the foods being not only pro­ auricular, and Pleurotus ostreatus in China in recent years,
cessed on the basis of convenience and taste but also the respectively, and each yield was more than six million tons
retention of nutrients and other health-promoting factors (China Edible Fungi Association, 2020). As a popular table
(Roncero-Ramos et al., 2016). Thermal processing, including food and the largest yield mushroom in China, it is of great

CONTACT Bo Li School of Food Science, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003, China
© 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
544 Y. NIE ET AL.

significance to scientifically and reasonably guide the cook­ powder were assayed by the enzymatic-gravimetric method
ing process of L. edodes. The aim of this work was to inves­ (Mccleary et al., 2012).
tigate the effects of boiling time on the nutritional
composition and antioxidant properties of L. edodes and its
2.5. Protein content
broth, with a view to providing a useful reference for the
scientific cooking and processing of this mushroom. The protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method
(AOAC Official Method 930.29 [17th ed.], AOAC, 2000).

2. Materials and methods

2.6. Total free amino acids content
2.1. Sample and reagents
The content of total free amino acids was determined by the
Dry L. edodes Xixia 9608 were obtained from Xixia County, formaldehyde method, a Chinese official and standard
Henan Province, China. All mushrooms were harvested at approach (GB 5009.235–2016).
the same time. All standards and reagents were of analytical
2.7. Total phenolic content
L. edodes powder was ultrasonic-assisted extracted with
2.2. Boiling treatments of L. edodes 50 mL 60% ethanol for 60 min, and the mixture was cen­
L. edodes were carefully selected for uniformity of shape and trifuged at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4°C and diluted the super­
size. 100 g of dried L. edodes were soaked in 2,000 mL of natant to 50 mL. Total phenolic content was determined by
distilled water at 37°C for 75 min. The whole soaking process the Folin-Ciocalteau method of Singleton and Rossi (1964)
was carried out at a constant temperature of 37°C, in this with some modifications. In brief, 1 mL of the diluted extract
way, the starting samples of each group were consistent, was mixed with 1 mL Folin-Ciocalteau reagent. After 10 min,
thus reducing the experimental error. The soaking time was 1 mL of 12% sodium carbonate solution was added to the
determined after several preliminary experiments, and mixture and was adjusted to 10 mL with distilled water. The
75 min of soaking allows the dried L. edodes to fully absorb mixture was incubated for 1 h in the dark and the absor­
water and swell, which is conducive to the cutting and bance was measured at 725 nm. Mixture without extract was
subsequent treatment. Too long soaking time will lead to used as control. Gallic acid was used as the standard to
the loss of nutrients from L. edodes and possible growth of construct the calibration curve. The mushroom broth was
bacteria. The swelling mushrooms were then cut into pieces directly sampled for determination. The results were
(10 mm×10 mm×5 mm) and randomly divided into equal expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g dry
portions for further use. weight (DW) for L. edodes powder and mg GAE/100 mL for
Adding 100 g of L. edodes pieces into the 2,000 mL boil­ mushroom broth.
ing water in a sealed pot under heating. The treating time
was set as 10 min, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, and 120 min, 2.8. Ergosterol content
respectively. Suitable water was added every 15 min to keep
the broth volume unchanged. When boiling treatment was 1 g of L. edodes powder was ultrasonic-assisted extracted
completed, mushroom pieces and broth were quickly cooled with 50 mL methanol at room temperature for 1 h, and then
to room temperature. Then, mushroom pieces were isolated centrifuged at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4°C and diluted the
from the broth, followed by freeze-drying and grinding supernatant to 50 mL. The supernatant was passed through
through 80 mesh for analysis. The broth was centrifugated a 0.45 μm non-pyrogenic filter. A volume of 20 μL of filtered
at 8,000 r/min and 4°C for 10 min, and the supernatant was sample was injected into a Waters e2695 HPLC system
stored at −18°C for subsequent determination. equipped with Waters 2996 diode array detector tunable
(Waters, Milford, MA, USA) and eluted through a reverse
phase Waters SunFire C18 column (4.6 mm×250 mm,
2.3. Determination of nutritional components in 5 μm) using methanol as the mobile phase at a flow rate
L. edodes and broth of 1.0 mL/min. The detector tunable of the eluate was
performed at 282 nm (Pastinen et al., 2017). The ergosterol
2.3.1. Polysaccharide content was determined by comparing the retention times of stan­
L. edodes powder (1 g) was extracted with 25 mL at 90°C for dards obtained, and quantification was done by using
1 h, followed by centrifugation at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4°C. a calibration curve. The results were expressed as mg/g dry
The precipitation was extracted one more time. Two super­ weight (DW).
natants were combined and diluted to 50 mL. The polysac­
charide content was determined using a phenol-sulfuric acid
method (Dubois et al., 1956). The mushroom broth was 2.9. Determination of antioxidant activities of
directly sampled for determination. Results were expressed L. edodes and broth
as mg/g dry weight (DW) for L. edodes powder and mg/ 2.9.1. Preparation of ethanol extracts
100 mL for mushroom broth. 1 g of L. edodes powder was ultrasonic-assisted extracted
with 50 mL 60% ethanol at 50°C for 60 min, and then
centrifuged at 12,000 g for 10 min at 4°C and diluted the
2.4. Dietary fiber content
supernatant to 50 mL. The supernatant was diluted to four
The contents of total dietary fiber (TDF), insoluble dietary concentrations. Then, the antioxidant activities of the diluted
fiber (IDF) and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) of L. edodes extracts were measured.

2.10. DPPH· scavenging ability and then observed at a voltage of 20 kV and high vacuum
DPPH· radical scavenging ability of extracts was deter­
mined by a modified method of Zhao et al. (2013). The
reaction mixture containing 2 mL DPPH (0.2 mM) ethanol 2.15. Statistical analysis
solution and 2 mL ethanol extracts was kept at room
temperature in dark for 30 min. Distilled water was Data analysis was performed using the SPSS package pro­
used instead of extracts as a control. The absorbance at gram version 22.0. All data were expressed as the mean ±
517 nm was recorded. The DPPH· scavenging ability standard deviation (SD) (triplicate). Statistical significance of
was calculated according to the equation: scavenging the nutritional components and antioxidant activities of dif­
activit (%) = (Acontrol-Asample)/Acontrol × 100. ferent samples were determined by using one-way ANOVA
with Turkey post-hoc test. Pearson’s correlation and regres­
sion test was used to determine the relationship between
2.11. ABTS· scavenging ability the biochemical assays. P-values < 0.05 were considered
ABTS· scavenging ability was determined using the method statistically significant.
of Re et al. (1999) with a slight modification. The ABTS· free
radical reagent was prepared by mixing 7 mM ABTS and
2.45 mM potassium persulfate solution. The mixture was 3. Results and discussion
left in the dark for 16 hours to generate ABTS· free radical 3.1. Effect of boiling time on nutritional components of
ions, and then diluted to an absorbance of 0.700 ± 0.005 (at L. edodes pieces and broth
734 nm). 100 mL of extracts was added to 0.39 mL ABTS·
reagent. The mixture was allowed to stand for 6 min and 3.1.1. Effect of boiling time on polysaccharide content
absorbance was measured at 734 nm. Trolox (water-soluble Polysaccharide is one of the primary nutritional and bioactive
Vitamin E analogue) was used as a standard. The TEAC components of L. edodes and other mushrooms (Zhang et al.,
values were calculated based on final concentration and 2011). The effect of boiling time on polysaccharide content of
expressed as μmol Trolox equivalent per gram of mushroom L. edodes pieces and broth was shown in Figure 1. The
powder samples (μmol TEAC/g) or μmol Trolox equivalent results shows that polysaccharide content in mushroom
per 100 mL of mushroom broth samples. pieces decreased with the prolongation of boiling time.
Polysaccharide content declined rapidly in the first 10 min,
then decreased gently, and kept stable after 60 min. The
2.12. OH· scavenging ability reason might be that part of polysaccharides in L. edodes
were easy to dissolve in hot water at the initial stage of
OH· scavenging ability was assessed using a previous
boiling. With the increase of boiling time, the amount of
method (Yang et al., 2015) with some slight modification.
water-soluble polysaccharides in mushroom pieces gradually
1 mL of ethanol extracts, 1 mL of 1.8 mM freshly prepared
decreased, and the dissolution rate and adsorption rate of
ferrous sulfate solution, 1 mL of 1.8 mM salicylic acid and
polysaccharides gradually reached the balance, so the
1 mL of 8.8 mM hydrogen peroxide were injected into the
decline rate of polysaccharide content slowed down and
test tube and incubated for 30 min at 37°C. Distilled water
gradually tended stable. Figure 1 also shows that polysac­
was used instead of extracts as a control. Then the absor­
charide content in mushroom broth gradually increased with
bance at 510 nm was recorded. OH· scavenging ability was
the prolongation of boiling time, reached the maximum at
calculated according to the equation: OH· scavenging activ­
90 min, and then decreased slightly. The increase of
ity (%) = (A0-Ax)/A0 × 100.

2.13. Reducing power

The reducing power of ethanol extracts was determined by
the method of Oyaizu (2002). 1 mL of ethanol extract in
2.5 mL PBS (50 mM, pH = 7.0) were mixed with 2.5 mL 1%
potassium ferricyanide. The mixtures were incubated at 50°C
for 20 min. At the end of the incubation, 2.5 mL 10%
trichloroacetic acid was added into the mixtures, followed
by centrifugation. 2.5 mL supernatant was mixed with
2.5 mL distilled water and 0.5 mL ferric chloride, and the
absorbance was measured at 700 nm. The increase in absor­
bance of the reaction mixture indicated the reducing power
of extracts.

2.14. Microscopy
Figure 1. Effect of boiling time on polysaccharide content in L. edodes pieces
The microstructures of L. edodes were observed using a Quanta and broth. Different letters with same color on the error bars indicate
200 environmental scanning electron microscope (FEI, Hitachi, significant differences among treatments (p < 0.05).
Figura 1. Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en el contenido de polisacáridos de
USA). L. edodes was cut into pieces (5 mm×5 mm×10 mm) and los trozos de L. edodes y del caldo. Las distintas letras del mismo color en las
freeze-dried. The dried L. edodes pieces with natural fracture barras de error indican diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos
surfaces were fixed by conducting resin and coated with gold (p < 0.05).
546 Y. NIE ET AL.

polysaccharide content in the broth came from the dissolu­ 3.3. Effect of boiling time on protein content
tion of polysaccharides in mushroom pieces. Furthermore,
The protein content is about 20% of the dry weight of edible
due to the Maillard reaction between polysaccharides and
mushrooms (Barros, Cruz, Baptista, Estevinho & Ferreira,
nitrogen-containing substances under high temperature for
2008), which is many times higher than that of ordinary
a long time (De Oliveira et al., 2016), polysaccharide concen­
vegetables. Figure 3 shows that with the prolongation of
tration in the broth decreased at 120 min. The result suggests
boiling time, the protein content in L. edodes pieces pre­
that the optimal boiling time for L. edodes broth preparation
sented a downtrend, which was more obvious (9.3% reduc­
is 60 ~ 90 min, and too long time boiling will cause the loss of
tion) in the first 30 min, and then tended to be stable.
polysaccharide in the broth.
Erjavec et al. (2012) reported that the protein in L. edodes
was stable for thermal process and about 90% of protein
was water-insoluble, so most of protein was remained in
3.2. Effect of boiling time on dietary fiber content mushroom pieces after boiling treatment. The protein con­
tent in mushroom broth presented an uptrend with the
The dietary fiber in L. edodes mainly includes β-glucan,
prolongation of boiling time and tended to be stable after
hemicellulose, chitin, mannan, etc. (Manzi et al., 1999),
60 min (Figure 3). The results indicated that boiling process
which has an important effect on maintaining normal phy­
can only dissolve the water-soluble proteins, peptides and
siological functions of the human body. TDF can be divided
amino acids, which accounted for about 11.0% of the total
into SDF and IDF according to the difference of solubility.
protein of L. edodes.
Figure 2 shows that TDF in L. edodes was mainly composed
of IDF, and SDF content was relatively low. With the cook­
ing time extending, TDF content in L. edodes pieces pre­
sented a decreasing trend. TDF declined rapidly at the 3.4. Effect of boiling time on free amino acids content
beginning (0 –10 min) of boiling time, and then decreased Free amino acids are the important source of the desirable
gradually slow and kept stable after 30 min. The variation flavor of mushrooms (Chen et al., 2015). Figure 4 shows that
trend of IDF content was similar to that of TDF. The SDF the content of free amino acids in L. edodes pieces signifi­
content increased slightly in the first 10 min, and then cantly (p < .05) decreased 58.6% (from 5.03 mg/g to
maintained stable. It can be seen that the decrease of TDF 2.09 mg/g) in the first 10 min of boiling process, and then
content was mainly due to the IDF. The IDF in L. edodes is continue to reduce significantly (p < .05) to 30 min of boil­
mainly composed of cell wall polysaccharides. Their struc­ ing, but the reduction tended to be gentle (p > .05) after
ture is compact and difficult to dissolve in water. During 30 min. Another significant (p < .05) decrease occurred after
boiling treatment, part of cell wall structure was destroyed, 90 min, and the content of free amino acids was only
the dense and orderly arrangement of IDF was broken, and 0.68 mg/g at 120 min. The content of free amino acids in
some IDF was degraded and turned into soluble state (Su mushroom broth increased sharply at the beginning of boil­
et al., 2017). Therefore, the contents of IDF and TDF in ing, reaching the maximum at 60 min, and then decreased
mushroom pieces decreased rapidly in the initial stage of gradually (Figure 4). Most of free amino acids was easily
boiling process. Because the left IDF was very stable, the dissolved into hot water, so its content in mushroom broth
reduction of IDF and TDF tended to be gentle and stable presented an uptrend. After 60 min of boiling process, due
after 10 min. This changing trend was similar to that of to the Strecker degradation reaction of free amino acids
polysaccharide in mushroom pieces. and/or the Maillard reaction (Li et al., 2011), the content of
free amino acids in the broth decreased instead.

Figure 2. Effect of boiling time on dietary fiber content in L. edodes pieces. Figure 3. Effect of boiling time on the protein content in L. edodes pieces and
Different letters with same color on the error bars indicate significant differ­ broth. Different letters with same color on the error bars indicate significant
ences among treatments (p < 0.05). differences among treatments (p < 0.05).
Figura 2. Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en el contenido de fibra dietética Figura 3. Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en el contenido de proteínas de los
de los trozos de L. edodes. Las distintas letras del mismo color en las trozos de L. edodes y del caldo. Las distintas letras del mismo color en las
barras de error indican diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos barras de error indican diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos
(p < 0.05). (p < 0.05).

states, which also led to the constantly increasing phenolic

content in mushroom broth (Choi et al., 2006).

3.6. Effect of boiling time on ergosterol content

The ergosterol content in L. edodes is relatively high, and it
can be converted into vitamin D under ultraviolet irradiation
(Czub & Baginski, 2006). Figure 6 shows that ergosterol
content in L. edodes pieces presented an uptrend with the
prolongation of boiling time, especially after 90 min ergos­
terol content increased significantly (p < .05) and reached
2.73 mg/g at 120 min. A long-term boiling treatment can
cause great damage to the cell membrane, leading to more
ergosterol being easily extracted during the determination
process. Ergosterol could not be detected in mushroom
Figure 4. Effect of boiling time on free amino acids content in L. edodes broth, probably because it is difficult to dissolve in water.
pieces and broth. Different letters with same color on the error bars indicate
significant differences among treatments (p < 0.05).
Figura 4. Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en el contenido de aminoácidos 3.7. Effect of boiling time on the microstructure of
libres de los trozos de L. edodes y del caldo. Las distintas letras del mismo
color en las barras de error indican diferencias significativas entre los trata­
L. edodes
mientos (p < 0.05).
The L. edodes with different boiling time were observed by
environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Figure 7
3.5. Effect of boiling time on total phenolic content
Mushrooms contain a certain amount of phenolic sub­
stances, which are the important components of antioxidant
activity (Sánchez, 2017). Figure 5 shows that the content of
total phenol in L. edodes pieces decreased significantly
(p < .05) during the first 10 min of boiling process, from
4.32 mg GAE/g to 2.02 mg GAE/g. The decline tended to be
gentle after 30 min (p > .05), and the content became stable
after 90 min, about 27.9% of the initial. Sun et al. (2014) and
Tan et al. (2015) reported that the total phenolic content of
mushrooms were significantly reduced after cooking, which
is consistent with our results. The content of total phenol in
mushroom broth increased gradually with the prolongation
of boiling time, reaching 5.46 mg GAE/100 mL at 120 min
(Figure 5). The results suggested that most of free phenolic
substances in L. edodes could dissolve into boiled water.
Moreover, some bound phenols were converted to free Figure 6. Effect of boiling time on ergosterol content in L. edodes pieces.
Different letters on the error bars indicate significant differences among
treatments (p < 0.05).
Figura 6. Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en el contenido de ergosterol de los
trozos de L. edodes. Las distintas letras del mismo color en las barras de error
indican diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (p < 0.05).

Figure 5. Effect of boiling time on total phenolic content in L. edodes pieces

and broth. Different letters with same color on the error bars indicate
significant differences among treatments (p < 0.05).
Figura 5. Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en el contenido fenólico total de los Figure 7. Micrographs of L. edodes boiled for 0 min (a), 10 min (b), 30 min (c),
trozos de L. edodes y del caldo. Las distintas letras del mismo color en las 60 min (d), 90 min (e), and 120 min (f), respectively.
barras de error indican diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos Figura 7. Micrografías de L. edodes hervidas durante 0 min (a), 10 min (b),
(p < 0.05). 30 min (c), 60 min (d), 90 min (e) y 120 min (f).
548 Y. NIE ET AL.

shows that the interior of raw L. edodes presented a uniform

and dense cross-network structure, and the cell wall and
plasma membrane were relatively complete. With the prolon­
gation of boiling time, the internal network structure of
L. edodes was gradually destroyed, and the cell wall turned
into loose, even broken and dissolved. The destruction of cell
structure resulted in the dissolution and loss of the polymers in
the cell wall and the soluble substances in the cytoplasm,
which caused many alveolate holes (red circles in Figure 7) to
be left in the mushroom tissue. When boiling time was 30 min,
the destruction of cell structure of L. edodes began to be
significant, which resulted in larger alveolate holes (Figure
7c). The alveolate holes in the mushroom tissue got larger
and larger with increasing of the boiling time (Figure 7d–f), as
more and more damages to the cell walls and membranes
produced by heating (Vallespir et al., 2019). The nutrients con­
tents in L. edodes pieces were also significantly different from
the initial value after 30 min, suggesting the cell structure of
mushroom was seriously damaged after cooking for 30 min
and caused the loss of substances in cell wall and cytoplasm
(Wang et al., 2008).

3.8. Effect of boiling time on antioxidant activities of

L. edodes pieces and broth
The antiodidant activities of L. edodes pieces and broth were
detected by DPPH· scavenging ability, ABTS· scavenging ability,
OH· scavenging ability and reducing power. Figure 8 shows that
the boiling time had a less impact on DPPH· and OH· scavenging
abilities and a great effect on ABTS· scavenging ability and
reducing power of L. edodes pieces. The minimum values for Figure 8. Effect of boiling time on antioxidant activities of L. edodes pieces
DPPH· and OH· radical scavenging rates were 71.5% at 90 min and broth. (a)(c)(e)(g) DPPH·, ABTS·, OH· radical scavenging ability, and redu­
(Figure 8a) and 65.3% at 120 min (Figure 8e), respectively. ABTS· cing power of L. edodes pieces, respectively; (b)(d)(f)(h) DPPH·, ABTS·, OH·
radical scavenging ability, and reducing power of L. edodes broth, respec­
scavenging ability and reducing power presented a similar tively. Different letters on the error bars indicate significant differences among
trend, i.e. the decrease rate was fast in the first half hour of treatments (p < 0.05).
boiling time, about one third of initial value at 30 min, and then Figura 8. Efecto del tiempo de ebullición en la actividad antioxidante de los
trozos de L. edodes y del caldo. (a)(c)(e)(g) Capacidad de eliminación de los
the values tended to be stable (Figure 8c,g). The antioxidant radicales DPPH, ABTS, OH y potencia reductora de los trozos de L. edodes,
activities of mushroom broth increased rapidly in the first respectivamente; (b)(d)(f)(h) Capacidad de eliminación de los radicales DPPH,
30 min, and then kept stable for DPPH· scavenging ability and ABTS, OH y potencia reductora del caldo de L. edodes, respectivamente. Las
distintas letras del mismo color en las barras de error indican diferencias
reducing power (Figure 8b,h), or decreased to some degree for significativas entre los tratamientos (p < 0.05).
ABTS· and OH· scavenging abilities (Figure 8d,f).
L. edodes contains a variety of antioxidant components such
as phenolic compounds and polysaccharides (Zhu et al., 2018). acids and total phenols) and antioxidant activities of mush­
Because some phenolic compounds can be dissolved in boiled room pieces decreased with the prolongation of boiling
water, the antioxidant activities decreased for L. edodes piece time, and the inflexion points were different for different
and increased for L. edodes broth during the boiling process. nutrients, while ergosterol content increased. With the
There was a significant positive correlation (p < .01) between extension of the boiling time, the contents of main nutrients
antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents (r2 = 0.861, in mushroom broth presented an uptrend, and the inflection
0.803, and 0.951 for DPPH· scavenging ability, ABTS· scavenging point occurred at about 60 min. Ergosterol was not detected
ability, and reducing power, respectively), indicating that phe­ in the broth. The antioxidant activities of mushroom broth
nolic compounds might be the main antioxidant component for increased rapidly in the first 30 min, and then kept stable or
L. edodes (Özyürek et al., 2014). Because some phenols, polysac­ decreased to some degree, and the changing trend was
charides and other antioxidant compounds were not stable in positively correlated with the total phenolic content in the
boiled water for long time, the antioxidant activities of L. edodes broth. Boiling process destroyed the cell wall structure, lead­
broth appeared decline (for ABTS· scavenging ability) or fluctua­ ing to the dissolution and loss of cell wall components and
tion (for OH· scavenging ability and reducing power). cytoplasmic contents, thus causing the change of nutritional
components and antioxidant activities of L. edodes pieces
and broth. In addition, long-term high-temperature boiling
4. Conclusion treatment can destroy the combination of phenols, ergos­
This aritcle studied the effects of boiling time on the nutri­ terol and other substances, which is conducive to their
tional components and antioxidant activities of L. edodes release and dissolution. Meanwhile, amino acids, phenols,
pieces and broth. The results showed that the contents of polysaccharides, etc. dissolved in the broth can react with
main nutrients (polysaccharide, dietary fiber, protein, amino other substances due to long-term heating, resulting in their

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