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Test of English As A Foreign Language

Mudah Memahami £t Mengerjakan
Tes TOEFL, Skor di Atas 5 0 0

A UIN Sunan Kalijaga


Test of English As A Foreign Language

Mudah Memahami £t Mengerjakan
Tes TOEFL, Skor di Atas 5 0 0

'f E t m i S T M i M N W i 1

a PBN :

Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M. Pd.

Desain Sampul
Joko Supriyanto

Penata Aksara
Jen d ro Yumarto*
Cetakan I
Januari, 2011

Celeban Timur UH III/548 Yogyakarta 55167
Telp. (0274) 381542, Fax, (0274) 383083
E-mail: pustakapelajar@te!

ISBN : 978-602-9033-11-3
E a s y TOEFL

T O E F L ( Test o f English as a Foreign Language) ad alah tes bah asa Inggris
sebagai bahasa asing untuk m engetahui kem am pu an bahasa Inggris seseorang
yang m en ca k u p : L is te n in g C o m p re h e n sio n ( Pemahaman dalam M e n d en g a r­
kan), Stru ctu re and W ritten E xp resssio n (Struktur dan Ungkapan secara tertulis
berkaitan dengan English Grammar atau Tata Bahasa Inggris), dan R ead in g C om ­
p r e h e n s io n ( Pem aham an Bacaan)
D i era global ini tes TO EFL ban yak sekali diam bil oleh para m ahasisw a,
guru, dosen, dokter, pegawai/karyawan, dan kalangan profesional lainnya dengan
berbagai alasan dan tujuan y ang berbed a-bed a dem i k arir dan m asa d ep an
m ereka. Beberapa dari m ereka m engam bil tes TO EFL karena sebagai salah satu
syarat untuk m elanjutkan pendidikan ke S2 atau S3, m elanju tkan pendidikan
di luar negeri, m engikuti short course program di luar negeri, ingin m enduduki
ja b a ta n s tru k tu ra l terten tu , a tau p u n in g in m en d u d u k i ja b a ta n p en tin g di
B uku E a sy T O E F L d im a k su d k a n b a g i m erek a y an g ak an dan sed an g
m em persiapkan tes TO EFL. Buku ini m em berikan latihan am pai sejauh m ana
penguasaan bahasa Inggris seseorang yang m encakup kem am pu an : Listening
C om preh en sion (P em ah am an d alam M e n d e n g a rk a n ), S tru c tu re and W ritten
Expresssion (Stru ktu r dan U ngkapan secara tertu lis b erk aitan dengan English
G ram m ar atau Tata B ah asa In g g ris), R ea d in g C o m p reh en sio n (P em a h a m a n
Buku ini m erup akan salah satu buku yang tepat yang m em berikan kepada
Anda seputar m engenai TO EFL, strategi m enghadapi soal tes TO EFL, teori singkat
yang berkaitan soal tes TO EFL serta langkah-langkah m em persiapkannya. Buku
ini juga dilengkapi dengan latihan soal-soal tes TO EFL.
Dengan m em aham i apa itu TO EFL, strategi m enghadapi soal TO EFL, teori
singkat yang berkaitan soal tes TO EFL serta langkah-langkah m em persiapkannya
serta m em aham i akan bentuk dan tipe soal tes TO EFL tersebut, A nda diharapkan
lebih siap dalam m enghadapi tes TO EFL dengan skor yang tinggi.
Selam at belajar dan sukses dalam m enem puh Tes TO EFL!

Y ogyakarta, Septem ber, 2009

Slam et Riyanto
E a s y TOEFL


Kata Pengantar => v

Daftar Isi => vii



Tanya Jawab Tentang TOEFL => 1
A. Apa itu Tes T O E F L ? What is the TO EFL Test? => 1
B. Bagaim ana S tru k tu r Tes T O E F L ? How is the Structure o f the TO EFL Test?
=> 2
C. Apa Vang S e b a ik n y a A nda K etah u i T en tan g Tes T O E F L ? What You Should
Know About the TO EFL Test? => 2
D. K etram p ilan A pa Yang D itesk a n D alam Tes T O E F L ? What Skills A re Tested
in the TO EFL Test? => 2
E. S trategi U m um D alam M e n g e rja k a n Tes T O E F L ? General Strategies For
Taking the TO EFL Test? => 3
F. B erap a Ju m la h S o a l Tes T O E F L ? Hoiu m any Test Items are There in the
TOEFL Test? => 3
G. Bag aim ana M e n g e ta h u i S k o r T O E F L A n d a? How To Know Your TO EFL
Score? => 4
H. Berapa S k o r T O E F L Yang A nda P erlu k an ? How M uch TO EFL Scores A re
Needed? => 6
I. Berapa B iaya M e n g ik u ti Tes T O E F L ? What A re the Fees fo r the T O E FL
Test? => 6
J. K ele n g k a p a n Y ang H aru s A nda B aw a K e tik a M e n g ik u ti T O E F L Tools
To Bring With You When Taking the TO EFL Test => 6
K. Di m ana K ita D ap at In fo rm a si T en tan g T O E F L ?
Where Can I Get Information About the T O E FL ? => 7
D r s . S l a m e t FHy a n t o , M. P d .


Pemahaman Mendengarkan => 9
A. K em am puan Yang D iu jik a n (A bility Tested): => 9
B. K etram pilan D asar Yang D ip e rlu k a n (Basic Skills N ecessary): => 9
C. P ersiapan Yang D ia n ju rk a n (Suggested P reparation): => 10
D. M ateri L iste n in g C o m p reh en sio n dan S tra teg i M e n ja w a b n y a =>10
E. M em a h a m i Id io m d alam P e rca k a p a n y an g S e rin g D ig u n a k a n d alam
Tes T O E FL => 13
F. M em ah am i U n g k a p a n -u n g k a p a n P erca k a p a n B a h a sa In g g ris => 24
G. C ontoh Soal L isten in g D alam T O E F L => 33



Struktur Kalimat Dan Ungkapan Tertulis => 39
A. K em am puan Yang D iu jik a n (A bility Tested): => 39
B. K etram pilan D asar Yang D ip e rlu k a n (Basic Skills N ecessary): => 39
C. Persiapan Yang D ia n ju rk a n (Su ggested P reparation ): => 39
D. Structure A nd W ritten E xp ression Terdiri D ari 40 K alim at D engan Jaw aban
Pilihan Ganda: => 39
E. Strategi M en eb ak Ja w a b a n (Strategy For G uessing The A nsw er) => 40
F. S tru ctu re A nd W ritten E x p re ssio n Y ang P a lin g S e rin g D ite s k a n Pada
T O E F L b e r k a ita n d e n g a n E n g lis h G ra m m a r ( T a ta B a h a s a I n g g r i s )
Terutam a: => 40
1. N oun (Kata Benda) => 42
2. P ronouns (Kata G anti) => 46
3. P o ssessiv e A d jective (Kata G anti Yang M enyatakan M ilik) => 48
4. P ossessiv e Pronouns (Kata G anti Yang M enyatakan M ilik) => 50
E a s y TOEFL

5. R efle x iv e P ronoun s (Kata Ganti R eflektif) => 51

6. D em o n stra tiv e P ro n o u n s (K ata G anti Penunjuk) => 52
7. R ela tiv e P ro n o u n s (Kata G anti Penghu bung) => 54
8. V erbs (Kata Kerja) => 55
9. A d je c tiv e s (K ata Sifat) N o u n s T h a t F u n ctio n A s A d je c tiv e s (K ata
Benda Yang Berfungsi Sebagai Kata Sifat) => 64
10. A d verbs (Kata Keterangan) => 67
11. P rep o sitio n s (Kata Depan) => 73
12. C o n ju n ctio n s (Kata Sam bung) => 84
13. D e fin ite and In d e fin ite A rticle (Kata Sandang Tertentu dan Tak tentu)
=> 89
14. D e term in ers (Kata Penjelas/Penentu) => 97
15. C o u n ta b le vs U n co u n tab le N oun (Kata Benda Yang D apat D ihitung
vs Yang Tak Dapat D ihitung) =» 102
16. N oun C lau se (A nak K alim at Sebagai Kata Benda) => 102
17. A d jectiv e C lau se (A nak K alim at Sebagai Kata Sifat) => 113
18. A dverb C lau se (Anak Kalim at Sebagai Kata K eterangan) = > 115
19. A greem en t or C oncord (K esesuaian Antara Subyek Dan Verb) = > 117
20. P a ra lle l S tru ctu re (Struktur K alim at Yang Pararel/Serasi) => 128
2 1. A ctive V oice & P assive V oice(K alim at A ktif Dan Pasif) => 132
22. V erb s T h a t A re A lw ay s F o llo w e d by In fin itiv e & G e ru n d (K ata
Kerja yang Selalu Diikuti oleh Infinitive & G erund) = > 137
23. T en ses (Bentuk Kata Kerja Yang M enyatakan W aktu) => 151
24. A u xiliary V erbs (Kata Kerja Bantu) => 172
25. M o d a ls A u x ilia ry and M o d a ls A u x ilia ry + P e rfe c t [ C a n -C o u ld ,
M ay -M ig h t, M u st, Exercise 1: S h a ll-S h o u ld , W ill-W ould ] + Verb-3
(Kata Kerja Bantu M odal + Perfect) => 177
26. D eg ree o f C om p ariso n s (Tingkat Perbandingan) => 183
27. P resen t and Past P articip le V erbs (Kata Kerja A ktif Dan Pasif Sebagai
Penjelas Kata Benda Dan A nak Kalim at) => 190
28. T h e C au sative U se o f "H a v e " and " G e t" (Penggunaan " H ave" dan
"G e t" dalam M enyuruh O rang Lain M elakukan Sesuatu) => 197
29. C on d ition al S en ten ces (K alim at Pengandaian) => 199
3 0. S u b ju n ctiv e (Bentuk Kata Kerja Yang M enyatakan Suatu H arapan) =>
31. Indirect/R eported S p eech (K alim at Laporan/Kalim at Tak Langsung)
=> 209
32. D eriv atio n (Kata Turunan/Jadian) => 414
33. Tag Q u estion s (Ekor Kalim at) => 221
34. Word O rder (U rutan Kata) => 223

D rs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

3 5. N um bers (A ngka) => 227

36. E llip tical S en ten ce w ith Too, So, B oth , E ith er and N eith er (K alim at
Eliptik Dengan Too, So, Both, Either, dan N either) =s> 231
37. Too, S o, and E n ou g h (Too, So, dan Enough) => 233
38. A nother/The O ther/O thers/The O th e rs (Another/The O th er / O th ­
ers/The Others) => 236
39. C on fu sed V erbs (K elom pok Kata Kerja) => 239
4 0 . A postrophe ( 'S ) (Kata Yang M enunjukkan M ilik) => 243
4 1 . Say or T ell (Kata Say atau Tell) => 245
4 2 . S till, Yet, A lready, A ny M ore, A ny L o n g er and No L o n g er (M asih,
Belum, Sudah, Lagi, dan Tidak Lagi) => 247
4 3 . A n teced en ts o f P ronou n s (Kata Yang M endahului Kata G anti) => 249
4 4 . S eq u e n ce o f T en ses (U rutan Tenses) => 250
45. M isu sed W ords (Kata-Kata Yang D igunakan D engan Salah) => 253
4 6 . R ed u n d an cy (Kata Yang Berlebihan) => 261
4 7 . In v ersio n S en ten ce (K alim at Inversi) => 264
4 8 . P rep o sitio n al P h rases (K elom paok Kata D epan) => 266
4 9 . Basic Sen ten ces Stru ctu re In E n g lish (Struktur K alim at D asar Bahasa
Inggris) => 279
50. F req u en tly U sed Id io m s (Idiom Yang Sering D igunakan) => 284

Pemahaman Bacaan => 339
A. K em am puan Yang D iu jik a n (A bility Tested): => 339
B. K etram p ilan D asar Yang D ip e rlu k a n (Basic Skills N ecessary): => 339
C. Persiapan Yang D ia n ju rk a n (Suggested P reparation): => 339
D. Strategi M en eb ak Ja w a b a n (Strategy For G uessing The A nsw er) => 339
E. M em aham i T ip e-T ip e P ertany aan R ead in g (U nderstanding Types O f Read­
ing Questions In TO EFL) => 340
Ea s y TOEFL



Contoh Tes TOEFL
Beserta Kunci Jawabannya =>373
1. T O E F L T E S T S P R A C T IC E 1 => 373
2. TO E F L T E S T S P R A C T IC E 2 => 409
3. TO E F L T E S T S P R A C T IC E 3 => 438
4. T O E F L T E S T S P R A C T IC E 4 => 470
5. T O E F L T E S T S P R A C T IC E 5 => 499
6. TO E F L T E S T S P R A C T IC E 6 => 523

A p p e n d ix

[T he List O f Irreg u lar Verbs] => 559

R E F E R E N C E S => 567

A bout T h e W riter => 570

V E a s y TOEFL


Tanya Jawab Tentang TOEFL

A . Apa itu TOEFL? What's the TOEFL?

T O E F L (Test o f English as a Foreign Language) ad alah tes b ah asa In gg ris
sebagai bahasa asing untuk m engetahui kem am pu an bahasa Inggris seseorang
yang m encakup: L isten in g C o m p reh en sio n (Pemahaman dalam M endengarkan),
S tr u c tu r e a n d W ritte n E x p re s s s io n (S tru k tu r dan U ngkapan secara tertulis
berkaitan dengan English Gram m ar atau Tata Bahasa Inggris), R e a d in g C o m p re­
h e n sio n (Pemahaman Bacaan), dan di m asa depan ada W ritin g (M enulis).
T O E F L terdiri dari dua m odel, yaitu: P ap er-B ased T O E F L (PBT) dan C om -
p u ter-B a sed T O E F L (CBT):
1). P a p e r-B a sed T O E F L (PBT) adalah tes T O E F L m en g g u n ak an k ertas dan
pensil dalam m engerjakan soal dengan skor penilaian berkisar antara 310-
677. Ini m erupakan tes TO EFL yang paling ban yak dan lazim digunakan
saat ini.
2). C o m p u te r-B a se d T O E F L (C BT) ad alah tes T O E F L y an g m en g g u n ak an
k o m p u te r seb a g a i a lat b an tu m e n g e rja k a n n y a d en g a n sk ala p en ila ia n
berkisar antara 0-300. M odel ini ju ga disertai video dalam L istening C om ­
prehension sehingga anda dapat lebih m em aham i arah pem bicaraanya.

Pada buku ini hanya akan dibahas P ap er-B ased T O E F L (PBT) saja secara
rinci dan jelas.

Drs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. Bagaim ana Struktur Tes TOEFL? H ow is the Structure

of the TOEFL Test?
Tes TO EFL terdiri dari 3 bagian (3 sections) dengan 140 soal. Setiap tes dim uali
dengan bagian L iste n in g C o m p reh en sio n , Stru cu re and W ritten E xp ressio n
dan R ea d in g C o m p reh en sio n .
L iste n in g C o m p re h e n sio n terd iri dari tiga bagian , yaitu : P art A (Sh ort
C on v ersatio n /Percakapan Pendek ) dan P art B (Long C o n v ersatio n ? Percakapan
Panjang), dan Part C (Lecture/Talk?Ki(//a/j). Sedangkan Strucure^and W ritten
E xp ression terdiri dari Part A (Structure) dan Part B (W ritten Expression dan
yang terakhir adalah R ead in g C om p reh en sio n .

C. Apa Yang Sebaiknya Anda Ketahui Tentang Tes TOEFL?

What You Should Know About the TOEFL Test?
a. P ertam a, p en u lis T O E F L in i serin g k ali m en g g u n ak an P E N G E C O H
(distractor) yang m em buat jaw aban salah kelihatan benar.
b. Kedua, sebagian topik pem bicaraan dalam soal tes TO E FL didasarkan
pada sejarah A m erika Serikat dan lingkungan sosialnya.
c. K etig a, m asalah -m asalah k on tro v ersial yang b erk aitan d en g an soal
agama, kematian, perbedaan politik, perselisihan sejarah, kejahatan dan
masalah etnis TID A K A K A N M U N C U L dalam soal tes TO EFL.

D. Ketram pilan Apa Yang Diteskan Dalam Tes TOEFL?

What Skills Are Tested in the TOEFL Test?
M am pu bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris dengaan lancar tidak lantas
otom atis akan m em peroleh skor TO EFL yang tinggi. Tes TO EFL ini m engetes
ketram pilan bahasa A nda berkaitan dengan m asalah akadem ik dan profesional.
N am un dem ikian, m ereka yang m em ilik i k em am p u an m en u lis d en gan baik
cen d eru ng m em ilik i skor T O E F L yang leb ih baik. A lasan n y a ad alah bah w a
ketram p ilan m en u lis m em erlu k an k em am p u an tata b ah asa In g g ris (English
gram m ar), kosa kata ( vocabulary) dan ju g a p em ah am an b acaan (reading com ­
prehension) yang baik.
Tes TO EFL m engetes kem am pu an bahasa Inggris A nda yang m encakup:
L is te n in g C o m p re h e n sio n ( Pemahaman dalam M endengarkan), S tru c tu re and
W ritten E x p re sssio n (S tru k tu r dan Ungkapan tertulis berkaitan dengan English
G ram m ar atau Tata Bahasa I n g g r is ), R e a d in g C o m p r e h e n s io n ( Pem aham an
Bacaan), dan di m asa depan ada tes W ritin g (M enulis).

E a s y TOEFL

E. Strategi Umum M enger|akan Tes TOEFL? General Stra­

tegies For Taking the TOEFL Test?
B eb erap a h al YA N G P E R L U dan T ID A K P E R L U an d a lak u k an selam a
m engikuti tes TO EFL, antara lain:
a. Pilihlah satu jaw aban paling tepat dengan jalan m enghitam kan pilihan anda.
b. Jika ingin m engganti jaw aban anda, pastikan A nda telah m enghapus
jaw aban anda sebelum nya dengan bersih.
c. Jangan sam pai ada satu nom orpu n yang A nda biarkan kosong (blank),
karena TID A K A D A pengurangan skor jika jaw aban A nda salah (There
Is No Penalty For Guessing).
d. Jangan m enulis apapun dalam lem bar jaw aban dan lem bar soal kecuali
yang diperintahkan.
e. Jangan cem as , bersantai-santai apalagi beristirah at dalam m engerjakan
soal, tetapi tetap konsentrasi.
f. D alam m engerjakan Section 2 dan Section 3 , kerjakanlah soal YANG
PA LIN G M U D A H dahulu.
g. K etika m engerjakan soal Listening C om prehension, jika anda tidak tahu
jaw abannya, Anda sebaiknya tetap m enjaw ab dengan jalan m enebak-
nya dan jangan terpaku terlalu lam a m em ikirkan jaw ab an soal itu.
INGAT!!! Jaw aban salah tidak m engurangi skor anda.
h. G u nakanlah pengetahuan bahasa Inggris dan TO EFL A nda sehingga
anda dapat m engerjakan sem ua soal tes TO EFL.
i. Ja n g a n m e n c o b a -c o b a M E N Y O N T E K (c h e a tin g ), k a re n a in i ak an
berakibat fatal.

F. Berapa Jum lah Soal Tes TOEFL? H o w m any Test Item s

are there in the TOEFL Test?
A da 3 Section (tiga bagian) yang diteskan dalam TO EFL, yaitu:



ONE 50 40 minutes

Structure & Written

TWO 40 25 minutes

THREE Reading Comprehension 50 55 minutes

TOTAL 140 120 minutes


Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

G . Bagaim ana M engetahui Skor TOEFL A nda? H ow To

Know Your TOEFL Score?



50 68 67
49 66 66
48 64 65
47 63 63
46 62 61
45 61 60
44 60 59
43 59 58
42 58 57
41 57 56
40 56 67 55
39 56 66 54
38 55 64 53
37 54 63 52
•36 53 61 51
35 52 59 50
34 52 58 49
33 51 57 49
32 50 55 48
31 50 54 48
30 49 53 47
29 49 52 47
28 48 51 46
27 48 50 45
26 47 49 45
25 46 48 44
24 46 47 43
23 45 46 42
22 44 45 41
21 44 44 41
20 43 43 40
19 43 42 39
18 42 41 38
17 41 40 37
16 41 39 36
15 40 38 35
14 39 37 34

E a s y TOEFL



13 38 36 33
12 37 35 32
11 36 34 31
10 34 33 30
9 33 32 29
8 32 30 28
7 31 29 28
6 30 28 27
5 29 26 26
4 28 25 25
3 27 24 24
2 26 22 23
1 25 20 22

Contoh: M enghitung Skor TO EFL Anda.

Jika Jaw aban Anda Yang Benar adalah sbb:



Section I:Listening Comprehension 50 30

Section II: Structure & Written Expression 40 37

Section III: Reading Comprehension 50 34


G unakan Tabel di atas untuk m enghitung Skor TO EFL anda, m isalnya sbb:

,kemudian jawaban anda yang

jika jawaban anda
benar dikonversikan dengan Skor
yang benar pada
pada Tabel di atas menjadi =

Section I : 30 49

Section I I : 37 63

Section I I I : 34 49
Jumlah skor setelah

Dikalikan 10 1.610 kemudian dibagi 3

Hasilnya = 536 SKOR TOEFL Anda

Drs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

H. Berapa Skor TOEFL Yang Anda Perlukan? H ow Much

TOEFL Scores Are Needed?
Beberapa universitas dan in stitute di dalam negeri m em atok skor antara
400, 425, 450 atau 500 u ntu k dap at lolos seleksi P rogram S2 dan 500 sam pai
550 untuk lolos Program S3.
Sedangkan untuk lolos studi ke luar negeri, skor TO EFL yang dipersyaratkan
biasanya m inim al 500 atau 550.
S em en ta ra u n tu k p en jen jan g an k arir m in im al 450 sam p ai 550. N am un
dem ikian, m asalah jum lah skor yang dibutuhkan sangat tergantu ng pada u ni­
versitas, in stitut, lem baga atau p eru sah aan yang akan m en erim an y a sebagai

I. Berapa Biaya M engikuti Tes TOEFL? What Are the

Fees for the TOEFL Test?
B iaya untu k setiap m engiku ti I n te rn a tio n a l T O E F L selalu b eru bah -u bah
dari tahun ke tahun. Biaya m engikuti TO EFL dari tahun ke tahun m engalam i
kenaikan tergantung nilai m ata uang US dollar pada saat itu. U ntuk lebih jelasnya
dapat diperoleh pada TO EFL Information Bulletin m elalui situs w w w
S e m e n ta ra u n tu k T O E F L - L i k e T e s t (T es M irip T O E F L ) A n d a cu k u p
m engeluarkan biaya yang m urah antara Rp. 75.000 sam pai den gan Rp 150.000
setiap sekali tes. Banyak U niversitas / Institut N egeri & Sw asta ternam a serta
L em baga-lem baga Bahasa ataupun K ursus-K ursus Bahasa Inggris di kota anda
m em buka layanan TO EFL- Like Test ini setiap saat.
N am un TO EFL-Like Test ( Tes M irip TO EFL ) ini tidak d ap at d igu nakan
seb ag ai p ersy a ra ta n se b ag aim an a terseb u t di atas, m e la in k a n h an y a u n tu k
m engetahui prakiraan Skor TO EFL seseorang ataupun untuk m engetahui sam pai
sejauh m ana kesiapan seseorang yang akan m engikuti TO EFL yang sebenarnya.

J. Kelengkapan Yang Harus Anda Bawa Ketika

M engikuti TOEFL Tools To Bring With You When Taking
the TOEFL Test
a. Form ulir P endaftaran dan K uitansi Pem bayaran
b . Kartu Identitas , m isal: KTP, Kartu Pelajar/M ahasiswa, SIM atau Pass
c. Pensil 2B dan K aret Penghapus
d. Jam

E a s y TOEFL

K. Di mono Kita Dapat Informasi Tentang TOEFL?

Where Can I Get Information About the TOEFL?
Anda dapat m endapatkan inform asi dim ana Ujian TO EFL Internasional atau
TO EFL Institutional via TO EFL Bulletin Information atau pada TO EFL Web site.
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A nda juga dapat m end ap atkan in form asi m engenai TO EFL Internasional
atau TO EFL Institutional via TO EFL Test Centers (Pusat Tes TO EFL ) yang ada di
b eberap a L em b ag a P em erintah an / K antor D ep artem en atau p u n di b eb erap a
Universitas/Institut N egeri & Sw asta ternam a di Indonesia.

Pemahaman Mendengarkan

B ag ia n L isten in g Com prehension ini m en g etes k em a m p u a n anda d alam

m endengarkan percakapan ataupun pidato pendek dalam bahasa Inggris m elalui
tape, CD atau D VD yang disediakan oleh panitia tes TO EFL.
Listening Comprehension m erupakan tes konsentrasi. O leh karena itu Anda
tidak boleh terganggu oleh orang lain yang juga ikut tes atau suasana gaduh di
dalam ruangan tes.

A . Kem am puan Yang Diujikan Ability Tested:

K e m a m p u a n a n d a m e m a h a m i d an m e n te r je m a h k a n b a h a s a In g g ris
percakapan ( Your ability to understand and interpret spoken English).

B. Ketram pilan M inim al Yang D iperlukan Basic Skills

M em iliki "p en d en g aran " akan bahasa Inggris y ang baik, yang diperoleh
m elalu i latih an y ang b an y ak (H ave a good "ear" fo r English, which can be ob­
tained with a great deal o f practice).
M em ilik i k em am p u an u ntu k m em ah am i tek an an dan nada, m em aham i
perbedaan bunyi, m em aham i idiom s, m em aham i u ngkap an-u n gkap an perca­
kapan, m em aham i kelom pok atau frasa kata kerja, m em ah am i isi percakapan
atau pem bicaraan.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

C. Persiapan Yang D ianjurkan Suggested Preparation

1. M em biasakan untuk m endengarkan radio dan nonton berita TV atau
laporan cuaca dalam bah asa Inggris, radio 4 band sam pai d en gan 9
band biasanya m em iliki frekuensi radio VOA, BBC, A BC dan lain-lain.
2. Sering-sering m enonton film dalam bahasa Inggris baik m elaui TV atau
bioskop .
3. M em biasakan m endengarkan kaset, CD atau D V D latihan Tes TO EFL.

D. M ateri Listening Comprehension dan Strategi

M enjaw abnya
Soal L isten in g C om p reh en sio n terdiri dari 50 soal pilihan ganda yang terdiri
atas: PA RT A (Short C onversation /Percakapan Pendek), PA RT B (Long C onver­
sation? Percakapan Panjang) dan PA RT C (L ectu re/T a lk ?K u lia h ).
W aktu yang disediakan: 40 m enit.


Short Conversation/Dialogue
P e rca k a p a n P en d ek ( Short C onversation/D ialogue) m eru ju k pada a short
conversation/ d ialogu e an tara 2 (dua pem bicara) atau k ad an g -k ad an g 3 (tiga)
pem bicara.
Topik Pem bicaraan, biasanya seputar kegiatan sehari-hari (daily activities)
di tem pat-tem pat um um , m isal: sekolah, universitas, perpustakaan, bank, kantor,
toko, apartemen, kamar, taman, dll. Setiap pem bicara berbicara satu kali saja.
D alam p ercakap an an tara 2 (dua) orang, in form asi terp en tin g b iasan ya
dinyatakan oleh pembicara kedua. Karena itu, A nda d ianju rkan untu k m em per-
hatikan pada saat pembicara kedua m endap at giliran berbicara.
Ju m lah Soal : 30 soal (Q uestions 1 s/d 30)


1. M ake sure that (pastikan bahwa )you are fam iliar w ith (kenal d engan) these
types of questions ( tipe pertanyaan) that often appear in ( yang m uncul dalam)
this listening section seperti:
❖ W here does the co n v ersatio n take p lace? Dim ana percakapan ini ber­
la n gsu n g?
❖ W hat does the w ord "n ecessa ry "m ea n ? Apa arti kata “necessary"?
❖ W hat's the w om an occu pation ? Apa pekerjaan wanita itu?
❖ D ll

2. G lance at (lihatlah sekilas) the answ er choices first (pilihan jawabanya dahulu)
b efore you hear the conversation for there is a pause (jeda).

_______________________________________________________________ E a s y TOEFL

3. Concentrate ( perhatikan ) on several key w ords -nouns or verbs usually spo­

ken by (yang biasanya diucapkan oleh) the second speaker ((pembicara keduaj )

4. Pay special attention to (perhatikan secara khusus pada) w ord stress ( tekanan

kata) and to the rising and falling tone (nada naik/turun) of the statem ents
by the second sp eaker (pembicara kedua). Very often, such tones in d icate
( m enunjukan ) the opp osite m eaning (arti yang berlnw anan)ot w hat is said
(apa y a n g dikatakan).

5. M ake sure that you can d istin gu ish ( dapat mem bedakan) the d ifferen ce of
pronunciation (perbedaan pengucapan) of Q uestion W ords (kata Tanya) such
as (seperti): W ho.W hen.W here.W hy, dan How.


Long Conversation/Dialogue
P e rca k a p a n P a n ja n g ( Long Conversation/ D ialogue) m eru ju k p ad a a long
conversation diikuti dengan 3 (tiga) atau 4 (em pat) pertanyaan.
Topik Pem bicaraannya lebih akademis daripada Part A, yaitu seputar: sejarah,
ilmu pengetahuan, oraganisasi atau universitas, dan kadang-kadang A nda perlu
m em perhatikan juga inform asi yang berkaitan dengan angka-angka yang terdapat
dalam percakapan /kuliah ini.
Ju m lah soal antara: 7 atau 9 soal ( Q uestions 31 s/d 39).


1. Jangan m em buat catatan apapun tentang percakapan panjang atau kuliah.
2. Jika A nda sudah dapat m enebak jaw abanya, bila ada w aktu, lihatlah pilihan
jaw aban u ntu k soal berikutnya.
3. Pertanyaan selalu m engikuti urutan informasi dalam percakapan panjang atau
4. Perhatikan fakta-fakta yang ada dalam percakapan panjang atau kuliah.
5. P aham i keseluruhan arti pem bicaraan panjang atau ku liah dari apa yang
p em bicara katakan.
6. M ake sure that (pastikan bahwa) you are fam iliar w ith (kenal dengan) these
types of questions (tipe pertanyaan) that often appear in ( yang m uncul dalam)
this listening section seperti:
❖ W h ere d oes the co n v ersatio n take p lace? Dimana percakapan ini ber­
la n g s u n g ?
❖ W haty is the m ain topic of this conversation? Apa topic pembicaraanya?
❖ W hat w ill the man/woman probably do the next? Apa yang kemungkinan
pria/w anita ini lakukan?

D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

❖ .H o w did the m an get there? Bagaimana pria itu sampai ke sana?

❖ D ll.
7. M ake sure that you can d istingu ish (dapat membedakan) the d ifference of
pronunciation (perbedaan pengucapan) of Q uestion W ords (kata Tanya) such
as (seperti): W ho,W hen,W here,W hy, dan How.


Short Lecture
K u liah / C eram ah P e n d e k ( Short L ecture) m eru ju k pada a sh o rt lectu re
diikuti dengan 3 (tiga) atau 4 (em pat) pertanyaan.
T opik P em b icaraan n y a leb ih b e ro rie n ta si p ad a k e h id u p a n u n iv e rsita s
b erk aitan d engan: mahasiswa baru, deskripsi mata kuliah, kebijakan m enghadiri
kuliah, atau kuliah akademik.
Ju m lah Soal antara: 11 dan 13 (Q uestions 39-50)


1. Anda harus dapat m enyim pulkan (infer) arti/maksud yang tidak secara nyata
d inyatakan secara langsung dalam pem bicaraan panjang atau kuliah.
2. M ake sure that (pastikan bahiva )you are fam iliar with (kenal dengan) these
types of questions (tipe pertanyaan) that often appear in ( yang m uncul dalam)
this listening section seperti:
❖ A ccording to the speaker w hat can be said about the research? M enurut
pembicara, apa yang dapat dikatakan tentang penelitian itu?
❖ W ho is the speaker? Siapa pem bicaranya?
❖ After all data are collected, why are they exam ined? Setelah semua data
terkumpul, kenapa data itu harus diuji?
❖ A ccording to the speaker, how did people travel before the invention of
au to m o b ile? M e n u ru t pem bicara, bagaimana orang bepergian sebelum
penem uan mobil?
❖ D ll
3. M ake sure that you can distin gu ish (dapat membedakan) the d ifferen ce of
pronunciation (perbedaan pengucapan) o f Q u estion W ords (kata Tanya) such
as (seperti): W ho,W hen,W here,W hy, dan How.

E a s y TOEFL

E. M em aham i Idioms dalam Percakapan Yang Sering

Digunakan dalam Tes TOEFL
L IS T O F ID IO M S F R E Q U E N T L Y U S E D O N T H E T O E F L (*)
(D a fta r B eberap a Id io m Yang S e rin g k a li D ig u n a k a n D alam Tes T O E F L )

A B IT = sedikit, agak A S A W H O LE = sebagai keseluruhan

=> I'm a b it bu sy today. Saya agak => You m ust take this job as a w h ole.
sibuk. Kam u harus m engam bil pekerjaan

A B O U T T IM E ! = sudah w aktunya! ini secara keseluruhan.

=> She's tired of w aiting to get m ar­ A S F O R = adapun mengenai/ bagi

ried. It's about tim e! Dia lelah me­ ==> A s fo r m e, I don't like meat. Ada­
n u n ggu menikah. Sudah saatnya! pun m engenai saya, saya tidak suka

A D EQ U A TE T O = m am pu untuk d a gin g.
% »
=> He is ad equ ate to do his job. Dia A S T O = m engenai, tentang
m ampu m engerjakan tugasnya. => I don't know as to his address. Kami

ALL A L O N G =dari sem ula tak tahu tentang alamatnya.

=> He had said all alo n g that it was A S U SU A L = seperti biasa

not true. Saya sudah katakan dari => A s u su al Jack com es late again for
sem ula bahwa itu tidak benar. his class. Seperti biasa Jack datang

ALL AT O N C E = tiba-tiba terlarnbat lagi dalam p ela ja ra n -

=> 1 d id n 't k now w hy he sto p p ed nya.

talking all at once. Saya tidak tahu AT F I R S T = m u la -m u la , p e rta m a -

kenapa dia tiba-tiba dia b erh en ti tam a
bicara. => At firs t she fou nd E n glish very

ALL DAY LO N G = seharian, sepanjang difficult, but later she m ade very

hari. g oo d p r o g r e s s . M u la -m u la , dia

=> She goes shopping all day long. menemukan bahasa Inggris itu sukar,

Dia berbelanja sepanjang hari. tapi k em u d ia n dia m em b u a t ke­

majuan pesat.
A LO N G W IT H = bersam a
=> Je n n ife r, a lo n g w ith M ic h e lle , AT L E A S T = paling sedikit

travel to Indonesia. Jennifer, bersama => You have to wait fo the bu s at least

M ichelle pergi ke Indonesia. an hour. Kamu harus m enunggu bis

paling sedikit satu jam.
A PA RT FR O M = terlepas, selain dari­
pada AT T H E M O S T = tak lebih dari

=> Apart from your reasons, he keeps => The jou rney w ill take an hour at

g oin g . Terlepas dari alasan anda, the most. Perjalanan akan memakan

dia tetap jalan terus. waktu tidak lebih dari satu jam.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

AT L A ST = akhirnya B Y T H E WAY = o m o n g -o m o n g Ini,

=> He could finish his job at last. Dia Sam bil Lalu.
dapat m enyelesaikan pekerjaannya => B y th e way, do you know Sim on's
akhirnya. jo b ? N g o m o n g -n g o m o n g , apakah
=> Silvia has been sick in the hospital anda tahu pekerjaan Sim on?
at for a week,. Silvia telah opname
CA LL O FF = m enunda/m em batalkan.
di rumah sakit selama sem inggu.
=> The flight to Rom e is ca lled o ff.
B E O U T O F = k e h a b is a n Penerbangan ke Rome ditunda.
=> Our store is out o f stock. Toko kami
C A LL O N = m am pir/m engunjungi.
kehabisan persediaan.
=> My friends called on m e last night.
BE A B O U T T O = ham pir, siap Teman-temanku m am pir ke rumah-
=> T h e train is a b o u t to le a v e for ku tadi malam.
Jakarta. Kereta hampir berangkat ke
CATCH A C O L D = sakit pilek.
=s> You wifll catch cold if you go in this
BE B R O K E = tak punya uang ra in . K am u akan sakit pilek jika
=> We are really b ro k e. Kam i benar- pergi saat hujan.
benar tak punya uang.
C H A N G E O N E 'S M IN D = b eru b ah
BE O V E R = selesai pikiran,
=> The m eeting is over. Let's go hom e. => He ch an g ed h is m in d about his
Pertemuan sudah selesai. M ari kita p lan to U n iv e rsity . Dia berubah
p u la n g . pikiran tentang rencananya ke U ni­
BE S H O R T OF = kekurangan versitas.
=i> We are short o f qualified teachers C H EC K IN/OUT = m endaftar masuk/
today. Kita kekurangan g u ru yang kelu ar
bermutu saat ini. => He w ants to ch eck in a hotel now
B R IN G UP = m endidik, m engan gkat and ch eck out tom orrow after pay­
perm asalahan in g the b ill. Dia akan m endaftar
=> It is the duty of parents to b rin g masuk (m enginap) di hotel sekarang
up their own children well. Adalah dan akan m endaftar keluar besok.
tugas para orangtua untuk mendidik C H E C K U P = m em eriksa.
anaknya dengan baik. => You should ch eck up your health
=> He alw ays b rin g s up this issue at ro u tin e ly Kamu sebaiknya meme-
any meeting. Dia selalu mengangkat riksakan kesehatanmu secara rutin.
permasalahan ini setiap pertem uan
C H EER U P = m em buat ceria/gembira.
BY FAR = paling. => The new s will ch eer h er up. Berita
=> This is his best film by far. Ini film ini akan m em buat anda ceria.
p a lin g terbaiknya.
C L E A N U P = m em b ersih k a n sem u a
E a s y TOEFL

dan rapi => I want to drop by on your house for

=> We ca n 't leave this are u ntil we a while. Saya man mampir rumahmu
clea n up this m ess. Kita tak akan sebentar
m en in g g a lk a n tem pat ini sam pai D R O P O FF = m ening g alk an sesuatu/
kita membersihkan sampah ini. seseorang di suatu tem pat
COM E A C RO SS = m enem ukan, => If you are going downtown, can you
m enju m p ai d rop m e o ff at the A m b aru k m o
=> I cam e across this old book in a Plaza? jika kamu mau ke kota, dapat­
bookstore yesterday. Saya m enem u­ kah kam u m e n in g g a lk a n aku di
kan b uku lam a in i di toko b uku A m barukm o Plaza?
kem arin.
FEEL U P T O = ada keinginan
C O M E B A C K = m e n ja d i terk en al/ => I don't feel up to going to Jakarta.
kem bali populer Saya tak ada keinginan untuk pergi
=> Long h a ir co m es b a ck . R am b u t ke Jakarta. I have been there five
panjang m enjadi popular lagi. tim es. Saya telah ke sana 5 kali.
C O M E T O = m en jad i sa d a r setelah F IG U R E O U T = m enghitung, m em a­
k ecelakaan ham i
=> He hasn't com e to yet. Dia belum => I will figu re out the cost of the ser­
sadar. vice. Saya akan m en gh itu n g biaya
C U T D O W N O N = m engurangi service/layanan ini.
=> You m ust cut dow n your fat if you =» I try to fig u re out the m eaning of
w ant to be h ealthy. Kamu harus th is c o d e . Saya m en co b a u n tu k
m en gura ngi lemak jika kamu ingin memahami arti kode ini.
sehat. FILL IN /OUT = m engisi
=> Please fill out this form . Tolong isi
D O O V E R = m engu langi lagi karena
fo rm u lir ini.
belum baik
=> Let's do over our office. M ari kita F IN D O U T = m enem ukan, m endapat
m enghiasi kembali kantor kita inform asi, m em p elajari.

^ D O W IT H = m em p ergu n akan => I can't fin d out your nam e in m y

co m p u te r. Saya tak dapat m en e­
=> A nyone can do w ith the money.
mukan namatnu di kom puterku.
Setiap orang dapat m empergunakan
=> Try to fin d out w hen the train ar­
u an gny a .
riv e s. Coba cari in fo rm a si kapan
D O W IT H O U T = hidu p tanpa/pergi
kereta api tiba.
tanpa/berbuat tanpa.
=> I will try to fin d it out. Saya akan
=> We can n o t do w ith o u t w ater.
mencoba m enem ukannya.
Kita tidak dapat hidup tanpa air.
FO R TH E T IM E BEIN G = untuk semen­
D R O P B Y = singgah, m am pir
tara w aktu

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

=> For the tim e being, I w ill live in a => You can g e t in to u c h w ith th e
hotel. Untuk sementara waktu saya A ED by sending an e-m ail. A nda
akan tinggal di hotel. dapat b e rh u b u n g a n d en g a n A E D

FR O M N O W O N = dari sekarang dengan m engirim e-mail.

=> I will quit sm oking from now on. G E T O N = n aik (ke bis, k ereta, dan
A k u m au b e r h e n t i m erokok da ri lain-lain).
sekarang. => Jennifer usually gets on the bus at

F IN D FA U LT W IT H = m en ca ri-ca ri 2 3 th C h esn u t S treet. Jen n ifer naik

kesalahan bis di jalan Chesnut nomor 23.

=> She is alw ays busy fin d in g fau lt => I g e t o n the s u b w a y at D u p o n

w ith other people. Dia selalu sibuk C ircle Station. Aku naik kereta api

m encari-cari kesalahan orang lain. di Stasiun D upont Circle.

FALL B E H IN D = ketinggalan. G E T O FF = turun (dari bis, kereta, dan

=> Sim on fe ll b e h in d in h is stu d y lain-lain).

and he left h is school. Simon ke­ => I g e t o f f th e s u b w a y at S a n d y

tinggalan dalam belajarnya dan dia G ro o v e . A k u tu ru n dari kereta di

meninggalkan (keluar) dari sekolah- Sandy Grove.

nya. => The passengers o ff the train. Para

penum pang turun dari kereta api.
G E T A L O N G W IT H = tinggal/hidup/
G E T R ID O F = m e le p a s k a n , m e m ­
b e k e r ja s e c a r a h a r m o n is , b e r ­
beb ask an
tem an dengan.
=> He w anted to get rid o f his past
=t> Mr. and M rs. A d am do not get
tim e. Dia in gin m elepaskan masa
along w ith each other. They often
la lunya.
q u a rrel. Tuan dan N yonya Adam
tidak h id u p h a rm o n is satu sama G ET TO/THROUGH A N O TH ER PER­

lain. M ereka sering bertengkar. SO N = berkom unikasi dengan.

=> I get a lo n g w ith m y n e ig h b o r. => I'd like to w iden m y bu siness w ith

Saya berteman dengan tetanggaku. M r. S im o n , b u t I c a n 't g e t to/

th rou g h him . Saya ingin m emper-
G ET ALON G = m a ju , m e n d a p a t
luas bisnis saya dengan Tuan Simon ,
kem ajuan, bertem an, berhasil.
tetapi saya tak dapat berkomunikasi
=> Sim on is gettin g alo n g in his Eng­
dengan dia.
lish . Sim o n m en d a p a t kem ajua n
dalam bahasa In ggris. G IV E U P = m en y era h , m ele p a sk a n ,

=> H ow are you gettin g alo n g in your m eletak kan jab atan

jo b ? B agaim ana kem ajuan peker- => D on't g iv e up! Jangan menyerah.

ja a n m u ? => D on't give up trying again. Jangan

m enyerah untuk mencoba lagi.
G E T IN T O U C H W IT H = b e r h u ­
=> H e n e v e r g iv e s u p b e fo r e he
bungan dengan.

E a s y TOEFL

re a ch e s h is a m b itio n . Dia tidnk => You have to h ang up now. Kamu

p ern n h m en y ern h se b e lu m dia harus berhenti nilpon sekarang.
mencapai cita-citanya. => D o n 't h a n g up [Ja n ga n d itu tu p
G O A H EA D = teruskan, m aju telponnya!

=> N e v e r m in d . Tak apa-apa. G o HAVE A G O O D T IM E = b erg em b ira-

ahead. Teruskan aja. ria, bersenang-senang
G O UP = naik, m eningkat. =s> O k . Baik. H a v e a g o o d T im e .
=> P rices go up today. H arga-harga B ersenang-senanglah.

naik hari ini. H A VE IN M IN D = b erm ak su d , m e-

G O ON = terus, terjadi ren can akan

=> G o O n! G o O n!. Terus! Terus ! He => W h at do you h av e in m in d fo r

w en t on re ad in g the n ov el. Dia lu n c h ? A pa rencana kam u u n tu k
terus membaca novel itu. makan sia n g?

W hat's g o in g on here? Apa yang HAVE O V E R = m engu ndang

sedang terjadi di sini? => Let's have over M artin this Satur­
G O O V E R = m em eriksa day aftern o o n . M ari kita u n d a n g
=> He goes over his book drafts. Dia M artin Snbtu sore ini.

memeriksa d rn f bukunyn. H EA R FR O M = m endengar kabar dari

G R O W UP = tum buh m enjadi dew asa => I h ea r from her. Snyn m endengar
=> I grew up in B a n jarm asin . Snyn kabar dari dia.

tum buh dewasn di Banjarmasin. HOW COM E? B a g a im a n a b is a ?

H A D B E T T E R = sebaiknya K enapa?
=> You had b etter go to see a doctor => He qu it from his job. Dia berhenti
if you don't feel well. Kamu sebaik­ d a ri p ek erja a n y a . H ow co m e?
nya ke d o k ter jika kam u m erasa Bagaim ana bisa?

k u ran g enak badan.

IN S T E A D O F = d a rip a d a , s e b a g a i
H A N D IN = m enyerahkan, m engirim - gantinya
kan => In s te a d o f Sunday, T h u rsd a y is
=> All proposals m ust be handed in b e tte r. D aripada M in g g u , Kam is
on Saturday. Sem ua usulan harus lebih baik.
diserahkan pada hari Snbtu
IN FA C T = sebenarnya
H A N D O V E R = m enyerah kan ==> In fa c t, I had b een told th at all
=> Please hand over your docum ents tickets w ere sold out. Saya sebenar­
to the local bank. Tolong serahkan nya sudah diberitahu bahwa semua
dokumen ini ke bank terdekat. tiket sudah terjual habis.

H A N G UP = m en g g an tu n g k an , b er­ IN A W H ILE = nanti

henti bicara (m elalui telpon) => M r. P h illip s ca n see y ou in a

D rs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

w hile. Pak Phillips dapat m enem ui L O O K F O R W A R D T O = m e rin d u -

Anda nanti. kan, m enan ti-n an ti
=> I am lo o k in g forw ard to hearing
IN T IM E = pada w ak tu n y a, k u ran g
fro m y ou . Saya sangat m enanti-
lebih, belum terlam bat
nanti kabar darim u.
=> You are not late. You are still in
=> I'm lo o k in g forw ard to having an
tim e. Kamu tidak terlambat. Kamu
in te rv ie w te st. Saya m e n u n g g u -
masih ada w aktu/belum terlambat.
n u n g g u tes wawancara.
K E E P U P W IT H = m e n g im b a n g i
L O O K IN T O = m e n y e lid ik i, m e m e ­
=> S h e is m y b e s t s e c re ta ry . Dia riksa
=> The police lo o k in to the m urder.
sekretaris terbaikku. No one in my
Polisi memeriksa pem bunuh itu.
office can keep up w ith her. Tak
=> The police lo o k ed in to this p ro b­
seorangpun di kantor ini yang dapat
lem serio u sly . Polisi m enyelidiki
m engim bangi kecepatan bekerjanya.
masalah ini dengan serius.
LEAVE O U T = m enghilangkan.
L O O K L IK E = m irip
=> You can not leave out this nam e in
=> M argarette lo o k s lik e her father.
the list. Anda tak dapat menghilang­
M argarette m irip ayahnya.
kan nama ini dalam daftar ini.
L O O K O U T = awas.
L ET S O M E O N E K N O W = m em beri-
=> Look out! Awas! The train is com ­
tahu seseorang
ing. Kereta api datang.
=> P le a s e le t me know . T olong
beritahu aku. L O O K U P = m en cari arti kata-kata/
k e te ra n g a n d a la m k a m u s , d an
LET M E SEE = Tunggu
=> It m ust have b een - le t m e see -
=> L o o k up these w ords in your Eng-
three years ago. Ini pasti-tunggu-
lish-English dictionary. Lihat kata-
tiga tahun lalu.
kata ini di dalam K am us In g g ris -
L O O K A F T E R = m e ra w a t, m e m e ­
lihara, m engasuh
L O O K U P T O = m eng ag u m i, sartgat
=> She lo o k s a fte r her ch ild ren p a­
m en g h orm ati.
tiently. Dia merawat anak-anaknya
=> We all lo o k up to Mr. President.
dengan sabar.
Kita semua m engagum i Pak Presiden.
=> M other lo o k s after her child very
p atien tly . Ibu m engasuh anaknya M A K E A L IV IN G = m encari nafkah
d enga n sabar. => H e m a k e s a liv in g b y teach in g
E n g lish and w ritin g b o o k s. Dia
L O O K F O R = m encari.
m en ca ri nafkah d en g a n m engajar
=> T h o se p eo p le are lo o k in g fo r a
bahasa Inggris dan m enulis buku.
jo b. O rang-orang itu sedang m en ­
cari pekerjaan.

_____________________ E a s y TOEFL

M AKE A P O IN T = m e n je la s k a n => Fred w as absent from the exam i­

dengan tegas nation and has to take a m ake-up
=> C an you m ake the p oin t? Dapat­ exam today. Fred tak ikut ujian dan
kah anda m en jela sk a n dengan harus m engam bil tes ulangan hari
teg a s? ini.

M A K E FUN O F S O M E O N E = m ener- => T h ey m ad e up after qu arrellin g.

taw akan, m enghina M ereka berdam ai setelah berkelahi.

=> I don't like if you m ake fun o f him => S h e m a k e s u p to o m u c h . Dia

a g a in . Saya tak suka jika kam u berhias terlalu menyolok.

m enghina dia lagi. => C a r o lin e is m a k in g u p in h e r

ro o m . C aro lin e s ed a n g m erias di
M A K E N O D IF F E R E N C E = tak ada
ka m a rn y a .
=> It w o n 't m a k e a n y d if f e r e n c e M A K E U P O N E 'S M IN D = m em utus-

w h eth er the m eetin g is on T u es­ kan, bertekad

day or W ednesday. Ini tak akan ada => Silv ia has m ad e up h er m in d to

b eda ny a apakah p e rte m u a n akan live a sin g le life for g ood. Silvia

diadakan pada h a ri Selasa atau telah m em b u a t k e p u tu s a n u n tu k

R abu. hidup sendiri untuk selamanya.

M A K E A D IF F E R E N C E = m engubah M IG H T A S W ELL = sekalian

=> The use of the IT will m ake a d if­ => I m ight as w ell will tell you that

fe r e n c e in th is co m p an y. P e n g ­ I'll com e to the party. Aku sekalian

gunaan IT akan m en g u b a h akan m em b e rita h u kam u bahwa

perusahaan ini. aku akan datang ke pesta itu.

M A K E O U T = m em aham i, m engerti, M O R E O R L E S S = k u r a n g le b ih ,

berhasil sedikit banyak

=> I c o u ld m a k e o u t. Saya dapat => I'm m ore or less interested in p oli­

m engerti. tics. A ku sedikit banyak tertarik

=> I ca n 't m a k e h er out. Saya tidak dengan politik.

dapat m em aham inya. N E V E R M IN D = jan gan am bil pusing

=> H e m a d e o u t v e ry w ell on h is => Oh, I'm very sorry you r book is left
T O E F L test. Dia berhasil dengan at home. Oh, m aafbukumu tertinggal
baik sekali dalam tes TO EFL. di ru m a h . O h n e v e r m in d . Oh,

M A K E S E N S E = je la s , m asu k ak al, tidak apa-apa.

baik u ntu k dilakukan. => N e v e r m in d . Tak apa-apa. G o

=> This note doesn't m ake any sense. ahead. Teruskan aja.

Catatan ini tak m asuk akal. N O M A T T E R = bag aim an ap u n juga,

M A K E UP = b erd am ai, m erias, b er- tak peduli.

hias, ulangan (ujan). => No m a tte r h ow h ard you w ork,

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

you can't m eet the d ead line. Tak O N T IM E = persis tepat pada waktunya
p ed u li bet apa k era sn y a anda be- => You m u st co m e on tim e . Kamu
kerja, anda tak akan dapat m em e- harus datang tepat waktu.
nuhi batas waktunya. P IC K O U T = m em ilih.
=> No m atter how m uch m oney you =s> You may p ick out som e books you
have, you never becom e the win­ like. Kamu boleh memilih beberapa
ner. Tak peduli berapa banyak uang buku yang kamu sukai.
yang kamu punyai, kamu tak akan => You can p ick o u t a sh irt for me.
pernah m enjadi pem enangnya. A nda dapat m em ilih kemeja untuk
N O T AT ALL = sama sekali tidak sam a- saya.
sama/kem bali, sam a P IC K UP S O M E B O D Y = m en jem p u t
O N C E A N D FO R A LL = pastinya. seseorang
=> I w ill not call you late at night, once => I will p ick up m y daughter. Saya
an d fo r a ll. A ku tak akan m enel- m enjem put anak perem puanku.
ponm u pada larut malam, pastinya. P IC K UP = m engam bil (dengan jari):
O N CE IN A W H ILE = kadang-kadang. => P ick the key up, p le ase. Tolong,
=> O n ce in a w hile, I forget. Kadang- ambil kuncinya.
kadang saya lupa. P O IN T O U T = m en u n ju k an .
ON TH E O T H E R H A N D = sebaliknya => I don't know my m istakes until you
=> On the one hand, he is very stub­ p o in t them out. Saya tak tahu ke-
born, but on the other hand he is salahanku hingga anda menunjukkan.
very p otential. D i satu pihak, dia P U T AWAY = m e n g e m b a lik a n ke
sangat keras kepala, tetapi sebalik­ tem patnya, m eny in g kirkan .
nya dia sangat potensial. => It's tim e to h av e lu n ch . Saatnya
ON P U R P O S E = S e c a ra s e n g a ja , m akan s ia n g . Put your books
punya tujuan. aw ay. Singkirkan buku-bukum u.
=> She broke her glasses on purpose. P U T O FF = m enunda
D ia m em eca hk a n g e la s -g e la s itu => D on't put o ff until tom orrow w hat
dengan sengaja. He w ent to Japan you can do today. Jangati menunda
on p u rp o se . Dia p erg i ke Jep a n g hingga besok apa yang dapat kamu
punya tujuan. kerjakan hari ini.
O N T H E W H O LE = secara um um . => D on't pu t o ff d oin g y o u r h o m e­
=> O n the w hole, he is a good man. w ork u ntil tom orrow . Jangan me­
Seca ra u m u m , dia laki-laki y a n g nunda mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah-
baik. mu hingga besok.
=> O n th e w h o le, I agree w ith you. => You m ust not pu tt o ff until tom or­
S eca ra um um , aku sep en d a p a t row. A nda jangan m enunda hingga
denga n anda. besok.

E a s y TOEFL

P U T O N = m e n g e n a k a n , m em ak ai, R E A D U P O N = m em pelajari dengan

pakai m em b aca
=> M ichelle put on her scarf and left => P ro f. B lack s ta te s th at stu d e n ts
h e r v illa . M ic h e lle m en g en a k a n sh o u ld stu d y up on th e cu rren t
slayer dan m eninggalkan villanya. e c o n o m ic tr e n d s . P rof. Black
=> P u t o n y o u r s u it first. Pakailah menyatakan bahwa para mahasiswa
jasm u dulu. s e h a ru s n y a m e m p e la ja ri d e n g a n
=> Please put on your clothes. Silakan m em baca k ec e n d e ru n g a n ekonom i
kenakan pakaianm u. saat ini.
=> Put on you r dress now. Pakailah R I G H T AW AY = s e g e r a , s e k a r a n g
bajum u sekarang. juga.
=> P u t o n y o u r clo th e s rig h t now . => T h e d in n er is read y rig h t aw ay.
Pakailah pakaianmu sekarang juga.
M akan malam siap segera.
P U T O U T = m atikan, m em adam kan, => Do you w ant to start rig h t aw ay?
m em atik an Apakah kamu in gin m ulai segera /
=> Put out your cigarette here. Mati­ sekarang ju g a ?
kan rokokmu di sini.
R U N IN T O = m e n u b r u k , b e rte m u
=> Put out the w ater tap before you (tanpa sengaja).
leave the bathroom ! Matikan kran => H is car ran in to a bridge. Mobilnya
sebelum anda m eninggalkan kamar m en u b ru k jem batan.
m andi!
=s> I ran in to her at the C hangi Air­
=> D on't forget to put out your ciga­ p o rt la s t y e a r. Dia b e rte m u di
rette b u tts here. Jangan lupa m e­ Bandara C hangi tahun lalu.
matikan p u n tu n g rokoknya di sini.
R U N O U T = habis (stok, persediaan)
P U T UP W IT H = m em b erik a n tole- => T h e g a s o lin e has ru n o u t.
ransi, bersabar terhadap Bensinnya habis.
=> I can p u t up w ith his action to ­
R U N O U T O F = kehabisan
day. Saya dapat m em b erik a n
=> T h e g o v e r n m e n t r u n s o u t o f
toleransi atas tindakanya hari ini.
s te a m . P e m e rin ta h k ehabisan
=> You m ust put up w ith him though
tenaga. The brid ge project rem ains
you d o n 't like. Kamu harus tetap
u n fin is h e d . P royek jem ba tan itu
sabar d en g a n dia m eskipun kam u
tetap tak selesai.
tidak suka.
SEE T O = m em p erhatikan (agar beres)
Q U IT E A FEW = banyak.
=> M y m anager sees to his all staffs.
=» Q u ite a few people attended the
M a n a je r saya m em p erh a tik a n
general election yesterday. Banyak
sem ua stafnya agar bekerja dengan
o ra n g y a n g m en gha diri pem ilihan
um um kemarin.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

SH O W UP = m uncul, datang sica m enyerupai ibunya.

=> We waited for him until m orning => You tak e after your father. Kamu
yesterday, but he didn't show up. m irip ayahmu.
Kami m e n u n g g u dia sam pai pagi TA K E A PA RT = m ekiisahkan bagian-
tetapi dia tidak m uncul. bagian yang berbeda.
=> N obody show ed up for the sched­ =s> It is easier to take a motorcycle apart
uled m eeting. Tak seorangpun yang th a n to p u t it to g e th e r. Adalah
m u n c u l dalam p e rte m u a n y a n g lebih m udah m em isahkan bagian-
sudah dijadwalkan. bagian sepeda m otor daripada me-
SO FA R = sejauh ini m asangnya kembali.
=> T his com pu ter is so far so good. TA K E C A R E O F = m enjaga
Komputer ini sejauh ini bagus. => Take care o f you on the way home.
S O O N E R O R L A T E R = c e p a t atau Jagalah kam u dalam p e rja la n a n
lam bat p u la n g.
=> I w ill catch you so o n e r o r later. T A K E IN T O A C C O U N T = m em p er­
A ku akan m engejarm u, cepat atau tim ban gk an
lam bat. => I have tak en in to accou n t every­
S T E P B Y S T E P = la n g k a h d e m i- thing before I decide to join. Saya
langkah, berangsur-angsur, lam bat- telah m em p ertim b a n g k a n segala-
laun nya sebelum saya memutuskan untuk
=> Step b y step, your English will be ikut.
better. Lambat-laun bahasa Inggris TAKE IT EA SY = rilek, jangan khawatir.
anda akan lebih baik. => M ost of the stud en ts take it easy
S T O P B Y = m am pir d u r in g th e b r e a k . K ebanyakan
=> We stopped by Henny's house, but mahasiswa rileks selama istirahat.
she wasn't at hom e. Kami mampir T A K E O F F = lep as la n d a s (p esaw at
rumahnya H enny, tetapi dia tak ada terbang), m elepaskan pakaian.
di rumah. => T h e p la n e is a b o u t to ta k e o ff.
TAKE ADVAN TAGE OF = m engguna­ Pesawat segera berangkat.
kan kesem patan. => She w ill ta k e o ff h er jack et. Dia
=» I to o k th e advantage o f the sp e­ akan melepas jacketnya.
cia l d isco u n t and b o u g h t so m e => T a k e o f f y o u r s h o e s . Lepaskan
b o o ks. Saya m enggunakan kesem ­ sepatum u.
patan atas diskon khusus dan mem- TA KE O U T = m engeluarkan, m em bawa
beli beberapa buku. keluar.
TA K E A F T E R = m irip orang tua atau => The robber to o k out his revolver.
kerabat/saudara. P eram pok itu m e n g e lu a rk a n
=> Jessica ta k es after her mother. Jes­ pistolnya.

E a s y TOEFL

=> She often tak es her dog out for a T A L K O V E R = m e m b a h a s , m em -

w alk in the e v en in g . Dia s e rin g bicarakan.
m em baw a a n jin g n y a k e lu a r di => We are ta lk in g over about Carl's
malam hari. plan to open a new store. Kita sedang

TAKE O V E R = mengawasi, mengontrol, m em bahas te n ta n g re n c a n a C arl

m engam bil alih, m enggantikan untuk membuka toko baru.

=> W ho wou Id tak e over him after he T E A R D O W N = m engh ancu rkan.

retired from h is p o sitio n ? Siapa => The bu lld ozer tore dow n the old
yang m enggantikan dia setelah dia buildings. Biddozer menghancurkan
p ensiun dari jabatanya? gedung-gedung tua itu.
=> T h e p o lice w ill ta k e o v er ev ery T E A R U P = m ero b ek -ro b ek m en jad i
b u ild in g o f th is city. Polisi akan k ecil-kecil/ berkep in g-keping.
mengawasi setiap ged un g di kota ini => He tore up the letter and threw it
TA K E PA RT = ikut, berpartisipasi. in to th e river. Dia m erobek surat
=> I can't tak e part in the m eeting to­ dan m em buangnya ke sungai.
morrow. Saya tak dapat ikut dalam TELL ONE FRO M TH E O TH ER =
pertem uan besok. m em bedakan di antara.
TA KE PLA CE = terjadi, berlangsung. => The tw o books look so m uch alike,
=> I d on't know w hen the w ed ding so I can't tell one from th e other.
takes place. Saya tidak tahu kapan Kedua buku ini nampak sama, jadi
resepsi pernikahan berlangsung. saya tak dapat m em bedakan satu

TA K E S O M E T H IN G O V E R = m em - dengan yang lainnya.

bahas TH A T IS = jelasnya, m aksudnya

=> We w ill tak e this m atter over next => Jane left; th at is, she h asn 't com e
week. Kami akan membahas masalah b ack yet. Jane p erg i; jelasnya, dia
ini m inggu depan. belum kembali.

TAKE UP = mulai melakukan, memakan T H IN K O F / A B O U T = m em ikirkan /

(ruang, tem pat) berp en d ap at tentang.
=> I w ill ta k e up d o in g a research . => W hat do you th in k o f this film ?
Saya akan m u la i m elak u ka n Apa pendapat anda tentang film ini?
penelitian. => 1 am th in k in g o f / ab o u t join in g a
=> T h is d e s k t a k e s u p to o m u c h com petition. Saya sedang memikir­
space. M eja ini memakan ruangan kan untuk ikut pertandingan.
terlalu luas. T H IN K O V E R = m em p ertim bangkan
TA LK A B O U T = bicara tentang dengan cerm at
=> This film ta lk s ab o u t World War => H e will th in k over before he de­
Two. Film ini bicara tentang Perang cides to sell m y house. Dia mem­
D unia II. pertim bangkan den ga n cerm at se-
D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

belum dia menjual rumahnya. you leave the room . Tolong matikan

T H R O W AWAY = m em buan g lampunya sebelum anda m eninggal-

=> Throw the paper away. Buanglah kan ruangan .

kertas ini. T U R N O N = m enghidupkan, m enyala­

TU R N D O W N = kecilkan, mengurangi, kan (lam p u , air, gas, rad io , dan

m engecilkan suara radio, tv, dan lain-lain).

lain-lain, m enolak => P lease tu rn on the ligh ts. Tolong

=> Turn dow n the TV, please. Tolong, nyalakan lam punya. T h e ro om is

kecilkan TV-nya. dark. Kamar ini gelap.

=> Please tu rn dow n the radio. It is => T u rn on the electricity. Nyalakan

too loud. Tolong kecilkan (suara) ra­ listrik

dio. Ini terlalu keras.

T U R N O U T = terbukti, ternyata

=> Y o u r id e a w a s tu r n e d d o w n . => H is p red ictio n tu rn e d o u t to be

Gagasan anda ditolak. w rong. Prediksinya terbukti salah.

T U R N IN = m enyerahkan tugas, tidur. T U R N O V E R = balik

=> The test m ust be turned in before =s> T u rn over th e p age, p le a s e .

th e b e ll. Tes h a ru s d isera h k a n Silakan balik halam annya

sebelum bel bunyi. T U R N O V E R = terguling.

=> I'm so tire d , so I tu rn in . Saya => The tru ck tu rn ed o v er tw ice b e ­
sangat lelah, jadi aku tidur. fore it h it th at tree. Truk itu ter­

T U R N O FF = m em atikan lam pu, air, g u li n g dua kali seb elu m truk itu

gas, lam pu, radio, dan lain-lain. m enabrak pohon.

=> D on't tu rn o ff the rad io . Jangan T U R N U P = keraskan, m uncul

matikan radionya. => T u rn u p th e TV, p le a se . Tolong,
=> T u rn o ff the electricity. M atikan keraskan TV-nya.
listrik. => He finally tu rn s up in public. Dia
=> Please tu rn o ff the ligh ts b efo re akhirnya m uncul di muka um um .

(*) Taken from: TOEFL Test Strategies by Eli Hinkel (2004), Barron's Educational Series,
Inc., H auppauge, New York, USA.

F. Mem ahami U n g k a p a n -U n g k a p a n Percakapan

Bahasa Inggris
U ntu k m eningkatkan skor TO EFL, anda d ian ju rk an u ntu k serin g -serin g
m em ah am i u n g k ap an -u n g k ap an y an g lazim d ig u n ak an d alam p e rcak ap an
sehari-hari. Untuk itu Anda ju ga diharapkan dapat m enden garkan siaran Radio
A m erika, m isalnya VO A ( Voice o f Am erica) atau m enonton film atau siaran dalam
bahasa Inggris.

E a s y TOEFL

Di baw ah ini beberapa u ngkapan-ungkapan percakapan yang perlu anda


(M em beri Salam )
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
Good m orning G ood m orning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening G ood evening
G ood night G ood night
Hi Hi
H ello H ello
H ow are you? Fine/I'm very well
H ow is life? OK
H ow is it going? Very well
H ow are you doing? Not too bad

Long time no see. Yeah!

(M em perkenalkan Diri)
Qu estions/State men ts A nswers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
\vt Vo ^
Hi, I'm M arta. Call me Arta, Nice to m eet you.

Hello, I'm Julia. Hi, nice to m eet you. I'm A ndrea.

(M em perkenalkan Seseorang)
Questions/Statem ents A nswers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)

This is Savitri. Hi, nice to m eet you.

Sam, this is Tuty. Hi, nice to m eet you.

I'd like you to m eet Grace. Hello. I'm D ianna. N ice to m eet you.

H ello, I'm Dianna. Hi, I'm Tom m y.

N ice to m eet you.
Hi, I'm Edy.
H ello, I'm Yenny.
P leased to m eet you.

........... itin
Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

(M engucapkan Terim a Kasih)
^ Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
Thank you. Y ou 're w elcom e.
Thank you very much. D on't m ention it.
Thank a lot. Not at all. ^
Thank you for your help. T h at's all right.
(M em inta Tolong)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)

Can you help me? O f course. I'm afraid I can't.

Can you do a favor for me? Sure.

W hat can I do for you? Well, I'm looking for costem itcs
item s.
W ell, I need som e sugar, m ilk, coffee .
and eggs.
T A L K IN G A B O U T F E S T IV A L S ,H O L ID A Y S ,E V E N T S and C U S T O M S
(Bicara soal Festifal,Liburan,Peristiw a,dan Adat)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
W hat is the m ost im portant event in Idul Fitri or Lebaran is the m ost
your country? im portant event in our country.

It is a day w hen people send

How much do you know about
V alentine cards to their husbands, ,
Valentine Day?
w ives, boyfriends and girlfriends.
(M em inta M aaf)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (J aw aban/Respon)
I'm sorry. N ever mind.
Sorry about it. No problem .

I'm sorry for my com ing late T h at's all right.

Sorry for my m istake. N ever mind.

I apologize for my fault. T h at's all right.

E a s y TOEFL

(M engatakan Selam at Jalan/Berpisah)
(^uestions/Statemen ts Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
Good bye. G ood bye.
Bye Bye
Good day. Good day.
See you later. See you.
(M enanyakan Jalan/Arah/Informasi)
Q ue s t io n s/State m e n ts Answers/Responses
(T any a/Perny a taan) (] awaban/Respons)
Excuse me, coul^ you tell me the way
O f course/Sure.
to Nusa Dua Beach Hotel?
Excuse w here is the way to Galeria? W ell, It's on G eneral Sudirm an Street.
H ow can I get/go to Borobudur
You can get/go there by taxi or bus.
Tem ple?
I graduated from the Faculty of Law7
W haf school did you graduate from?
G adjah M ada U niversity
(M enaw arkan dan M enolak Sesuatu)
Questions/Statem ents A nswers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
W ould you like coffee? Yes, please
H ere you are. Thank you.
W hat would you like to eat? Fried C hicken and Coca Cola, please.
Cigarette? No, thank you.
(M em inta Izin)
Questions/Statem ents A nswers/Responses
(T any a/Perny a taan) (Jawaban/Respons)
M ay I go out now, Sir? Sure/Of course.
Can I use your hand phone? W hy not?
Would you m ind if I sm oke here? Go ahead.
Could I borrow your car? I'm afraid. I w ill use it now.
(M engundang Seseorang)
Questions/Statements A nswers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)

D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

W ould you like to jo in us for dinner? Thank you. I'd love to.

W ould you com e and see a m usic Thank you, but I'm afraid I have an
show with me? exam tom orrow , so I have to study.

W hat about traveling to Bali next Th at's a good idea.


How about having a m eeting on Oh, I'm sorry. I have another

Saturday night? appointm ent.
(M em buat Rencana)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
W hat are you going to do on the
I'm going to go to the beach.
w eekend?
W h at's your plan/planning after I plan/am planning to finish off my
school? hom ew ork.
W hat do you plan to do tom orrow W e plan to visit C om puter Expo 2003
m orning? at Jakarta C onvention Center.
(M em inta Pendapat)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
W ell, I think it is not quite good. It
W hat do you think of/about our
needs m ore and m ore com petitions
national football club?
and a lot of funds, of course.
In m y opinion/view, it is very bad.
W hat is your opinion/views on the
Everything is going up, for exam ple:
econom ic crisis this time?
food, education, housing and health.
(M em peringatkan Seseorang)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
D o n 't sw allow it or you w ill be sick. Oh, really?
W atch out! The train is going to pass. Yes, I know . Thank you.
(M enyatakan Larangan)
Questions/Statements Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)

E a s y TOEFL


You m ust not enter the restricted Thank you.
(U capan Selam at)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
C ongratulations on your prom otion. Thank you.
I m ust congratulate you on your Thank you.

Have a nice trip! Thank you.

H appy Studying! Thank you.
H appy Idul Fitri The sam e to you.
M erry C hristm as and Happy N ew The sam e to you.
Good Luck! Thank you.
(M enyatakan Kesedihan/Kekecewaan/Sim pati)
Questions/Stateents Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (J awaban/Respons)
My father w as hospitalized last Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that.
I lost m y w allet on the way to the W hat a pity!
police station.
Her son got an accident this m orning. Oh, I'm very sorry to hear the news.
It's a terrible headache! H ow poor you are! Let's find you
som e m edicine.
(M em bujuk Seseorang)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (J awaban/Respons)
Com e on, G race. D o n 't be like that, All right.
Tickets are gone, sorry. Please, just for m e, Sir.

Please take this tablet, and you will Yes, thank you.
be fine.

D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .


(M enyatakan soal Suka/Tak Suka/Lebih Suka)
Questions/Statements Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (fSwaban/Respons)
Do you like pop m usic? Yes, I do. I like it very much.
O f course.
Do you like " dangdut "m usic, No, I d o n 't like it.
Emilia? I'm afraid. I d on't like it.
Do you like pop m usic or jazz m usic? I like pop m usic better than jazz music.

How do you like M anchester U nited? I like this team very much.
Are you keen on/fond of w estern
films, Sim on? Yes, I'm.
Do you prefer traveling by bus or by
train? W ell, I prefer traveling by train to
W ould you rather continue to traveling by bus.
university or get a job? I 'd rather continue to university than
get a job.
(Bicara tentang Sesuatu yang terjadi di m asa lalu)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
W here were you last night? I was in my parents' house. W hat's
w rong?
W hat happened? I d o n 't know.
I d on't know exactly.
W hen was this m onum ent
established? It was established in 1912.
(M enyatakan Setuju/Tidak Setuju)
Questions/Statements Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
Do you agree with the idea of m ulti Yes, I do/1 agree.
parties in Indonesia No. I absolutely disagree
C orruption is the main cause of the I com pletely agree with you.
cou ntry 's bankruptcy?
The Sheila on 7 show will end at No. You are w rong. The com m ittee
11.00 p.m. told me it will end at 11:30 p.m.

It is said that apples grow in No. T h at's not true. It grow s in

Sem arang. M alang.

E a s y TOEFL

(M enggam barkan Kem am puan/Ketidakm am puan
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (J awaban/Respons)
C an you speak English? Sure.
W hat skills do you have? W ell, I can speak English and
C hinese. I can operate MS W ord and
M S Excell.
Can you drive a car? Yes, I am.
Are you good at M athem atics? I'm afraid I can't.
Yes, I am.
(M em beri Nasehat/Saran)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons) ^
I w ill have a test tom orrow. You should study hard.
I plan to have a tw o-day-cam p. You should prepare everything well.
I am dizzy now. It's better for you to have a rest.
W hy d o n 't you see the doctor?
How do I start this com puter? Press the O N button.
This case needs fast solution. You should call Mr. Sim on right now.
Let's contact Mr. Simon.
(M em berikan Sanjungan)
Questions/Statements Answers/Responses
(Tanya/Pernyataan) (J awaban/Respons)
You look so beautiful today. Thank you.
You are w earing a nice T-Shirt. It Thank you.
m ust be expensive.
This food is very delicious. Thank you.
(M enyatakan H arapan)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
I hope you can pass the interview Thank you. I hope so.
This m onth we w ill have a general I hope it w ill be running well.
election nationally.
I have a lot of w orks this week. I hope I can m anage them well.
(M enyatakan Kem ungkinan/Ketidakm ungkinan)

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses

(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
W hat will you do if you have m uch
I w ill travel around the world.
m oney?
W hat w ould you do if you were a I would build som e hotels in this city
m illionaire? if I w ere a m illionaire.

W hat w ould you have done if you I would have studied in the U SA if I
had got scholarships? had got scholarships.
(M enanya can Harga)
Questions/Statem ents Answ ers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
H ow m uch is this cam era? It is US$ 1,250
H ow m uch does this TV cost? It costs Rp 2,700,000
W hat is the price of this house? It is Rp 350,000,000
(M enanyakan Iklim/Cuaca)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (J awaban/Respons)
W hat is the best tim e to visit
In July or August.
How is the w eather in January? It's very cold.
H ow hot is it in June? It's very hot. It's about 24" C. It can go
up to 33° C.
(M engam barkan Seseorang/Sesuatu)
Questions/Statem ents Answers/Responses
(T anya/Pernyataan) (Jawaban/Respons)
W hat is Esm eralda like? She is a beautiful tall girl. She has
beautiful eyes w ith long hair.
W hat is Kuta beach like? It is the m ost beautiful beach in the
w orld with long sandy beaches.
H ow can I recognize M r.Zorro? W ell, he is a tall black A m erican. He is
w earing a black jacket and blue jeans.
E a s y TOEFL

Example of
Listening Comprehension in
the TOEFL Test

T im e : 3 0 M in u te s
50 Q u e s tio n s

(Pada Tes TO E FL Yang Sebenarnya, Percakapan T ID A K D IC E T A K / D IT U L IS

dalam buku tes, m elainkan H A N YA D IP E R D E N G A R K A N m elaui Kaset/CD
atau DVD saja).

Part A
In Part A, you will hear short conversations betw een two speakers. At the
end of each conversation, a third voice will as a question about w hat was said.
The Q uestion will be spoken just one time. A fter you hear a conversation and the
question about it, read the four possible answ ers and decide w hich on w ould be
the best answ er to the question you have heard. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of the problem and m ark your answer.

Part A
1. M an : Y ou 're so late. I thought y ou 'd never get here.
W om an : M y car broke dow n on the highw ay, and I had to walk.
Third : W hy does the w om an say she had to w alk?
voice (A) Som ething happened to h er car. ✓
(B) She was broke and co u ld n 't afford the bus.
(C) She got up too late to catch the bus.
(D) H er car got stuck in the drivew ay.

2. M an : W e m issed you at D ale's party last night?

W om an : I'm n ot going to a n ^ e le b r a t io n s w ith that group because
th ey're so tightly^ knit that they brush everyone else off.
W hy does the w om an say she d id n 't attend D ale's party?
Third : (A) She doesn 't like other people bru sh in g her clothes.
voice (B) She d o esn 't like to drink.
(C) She d o esn 't like to knit
(D) She d oesn 't like being snubbed at a party.

Drs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

W om an Bill, are you still planning to buy that nice red sports car
you looked last w eek?
M an I'm afraid that's im possible because I h aven 't been able to
com e up w ith the cash, and som eone else has already m ade
a d ow n paym ent on it. *
Third W hat does Bill say about buying car?
voice (A) He will buy the car as soon as he gets the m oney.
(B) His friend is buying the car for him.
( Q He can 't afford to bu y a new car.
(D) He has already m ade the dow n paym ent on the car.

M an : Gail is supposed to be here at the m eeting tonight. W here is

she? cMu.
W om an : She cam e dow n w ith the flue and had to stay at hom e.
W hy does the w om an say G ail d id n 't attend the m eeting?
Third : (A) She had to fly out of. town,
voice (B) She's sick, %
C) She said that she'd com e later.
(D) She decided to stay hom e.

M an : H ow m any people will be com ing to the reunion on

W om an : W e had to cross fifteen nam es off our original list of one
Third : H ow m any people does the w om an say they excep t to
voice attend the reunion?
I A ) 15
(B) 50
'( Q 85 t
(D )1 0 0 ’

6. W om an You look happy this m orning.

Man 1 just cam e from m y ad viser's office and found out that the
college board has done aw ay w ith the foreign language
requirem ent for graduation.
Third W hat does the m an m ean?
voice (A) The m an doesn 't have to study foreign language.
(B) The m an ju st received an "A " on his test.
(C) The m an's adviser gave him som e good advice.
(D) He doesn 't have to take the final exam .
\> r

E a s y TOEFL

M an : I hear that R usty's car is being repossessed by the finance

com pany.
W om an : Yes, he's fallen behind on the paym ents.
Third : W hat does the w om an m ean?
voice (A) Rusty w ill lose his car because he h asn 't m ade the
paym ents.
(B) The finance com pany is returning R u sty 's car. 0
(C) Rusty has a broken finger from falling on the paym ent
behind his car.
(D) Rusty's car is being repaired. »

W om an W hat did you do in class today? '

M an The teacher w ent over last Frid ay 's lesson.
Third W hat does the m an say the teacher did in class.
voice (A) R eview ed a previous lesson, v' c
(B) Presented new m aterial.
(C) Tested the students.
(D) M ade the students w rite in class.

9. W om an N ot getting that job w as a big letdow n.

M an D o n 't w orry. Som ething better w ill com e along.
Third W hat are the speakers talking abcujt?
voice (A) The w om an is getting another job.
(B) The w om an is disappointed at not getting job. c
(C) The w om an's boss is letting her have a better jib.
(D) The w om an's job is m uch better than she had expected.

10. M an : H ow do the Finleys feel about m oving to N ew M exico?

Th ey 're really looking forw ard to it.
W om an : W hat does the w om an say about the Fin leys' reaction to
Third : m oving?
voice (A) They are pleased. O
(B) They dread it.
(C) The are undecided.
(D) They are frustrated.

11. Man W here are you going in such a rush?

W om an I have to deposit my paycheck before the ban k closes, or
else I w on 't have any funds to pay these bills.
W hat does the w om an m ean?
Third (A) The bank closed before the w om an could deposit her
voice m oney.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M . P d . ____________________________________________

(B) If the w om an hurries, she'll get to the bank before

closing time.
(C) The w om an has to take som e m oney out of the bank
before it closes.
(D) The bank is closing the w om an's account because she
h asn 't deposited any m oney.

12. W oman Dan, how w as your visit with your sister's friends?
/ I hardly knew the people.
Man W hat did the m an say about his sister's friends?
Third (A) They w ere total strangers.
voice (B) He knew them only slightly.
(C) He knew them very well. v/"
(D) He w asn 't sure w hether he knew them or not.

26. M an I'm sorry to brother you, but I can 't see w hen you hold the
banner up.
W om an Sorry. I d id n 't realize it blocked your view .
Third W hat will the w om an probably do?
voice (A) C ut the sugar cubes into sm aller pieces.
(B) Put sugar in his coffee. ^
(C) Reduce the am ount o f sugar he ingests.
(D) Eat m ore sugar.

27. W om an I thought M elanie w as going to w ear that pretty red wool

coat you bought her.
M an She co u ld n 't w ear it because it m ade her break out in a rash.
W hat do we learn from this conversation?
Third (A) They were pulled through the w reckage.
voice (B) They w ere pulling each other through the w reckage.
(C) N one will survive.
(D) All w ill probably survive.

28. W om an Are you hungry now?

M an A could sure go for a steak and salad.
Third W hat does the m an m ean?
voice (A) There w ere so m any tickets left than they had to sell
them again the next day.
(B) Not m any show ed up to purchase tickets on opening
(C) There w ere no tickets left by noon of the opening day.
(D) A few tickets were left for the afternoon of opening day.

Ea s y TOEFL

29. W om an D oes Jeanette like football?

M an She rarely m isses a game.
Third W hat does the m an say about Jeanette?
voice (A) K now ing that he lacked experience, he still applied.
(B) Even though he was experienced, he d id n 't apply for the
(C) He was highly qualified for the job, so he applied.
(D) He d id n 't have m uch experience w orking in the fields.

30. W om an : H ow is business?
M an : O ur best agent h asn't sold a single policy this week.
Third : W hat does the man m ean?
voice (A) It could not be solved by anyone.
(B) Everyone knew how to solve it.
(C) G ary was the only one w ho co u ld n 't solve it.
(D) O nly G ary could solve it.



1 A 11 C 21 A 31 B 41 C
2 C 12 A 22 B 32 D 42 B
3 B 13 A 23 C 33 B 43 D
4 A 14 D 24 C 34 B 44 A
5 B 15 B 25 B 35 B 45 B
6 C 16 A 26 C 36 B 46 A /

7 A 17 A 27 D 37 D 47 B
8 B 18 C 28 B 38 C 48 B
9 D 19 B 29 D 39 D 49 B
10 D 20 D 30 B 40 C 50 A


1 B 11 C 21 B 31 D
2 A 12 B 22 C 32 B
3 C 13 C 23 B 33 C
4 C 14 D 24 B 34 B
5 B 15 B 25 C 35 B
6 D 16 D 26 D 36 D
7 B 17 D 27 D 37 C
8 A 18 A 28 B 38 D
9 B 19 D 29 D 39 B
10 B 20 D 30 B 40 C


1 B 11 B 21 B 31 C 41 D
2 C 12 B 22 C 32 B 42 B
3 C 13 B 23 D 33 C 43 C
4 A 14 A 24 B 34 C 44 B
5 C 15 C 25 D 35 B 45 B
6 C 16 B 26 C 36 C 46 C
7 B 17 C 27 A 37 B 47 C
8 B 18 B 28 D 38 C 48 B
9 C 19 B 29 D 39 D 49 D
10 D 20 C 30 D 40 C 50 A

(*) This Practice TOEFL is taken from TOEFL Test Strategies (2004) by Eli Hinkel,Ph.D., Barron'
Educational Series,Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.
E a s y TOEFL

Structure and Written Expresssion

A . Kem am puan Yang D iujikan Ability Tested

> K em am puan anda m engenali bahasa Inggris tertulis form al. Banyak
kalim at yang dapat d iterim a dala bahasa Inggris percakapan , tetapi
tidak dapat diterim a dalam bah asa'Ing g ris tertulis form al.

B. Ketram pilan Dasar Yang D iperlukan {Sasic Skills

> A nda perlu m engetahui tata bahasa Inggris yang benar sehingga
kesalahan dapat segera diidentifikasi.

C. Persiapan Yang D ianjurkan Suggested Preparation

a. Bacalah buku Tata bahasa Inggris yang tersedia.
b. K erjakan latihan Tata bahasa Inggris yang terkait dengan Struktur dan
U ngkapan Tertulis daripada TO EFL

D. Structure and W ritten Expression terdiri dari 40 kalimat

dengan jawaban pilihan ganda:
a. 15 soal di Part A (Structure) dan
b. 25 soal di Part B (W ritten Expression).
c. W aktu yang d ised iak an u n tu k m en jaw ab sem u a soal ini adalah 25
Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

m e n it. Ja d i A nda h a n y a m e m ilik i w aktu 35 s.d . 3 7 d e tik u n tu k

m enjaw ab setiap soalnya.
d. Sebagian besar topik kalim at dalam Structure and W ritten Expression
ad alah m a sa la h -m a sa la h a k a d em ik di b id a n g : b io g ra fi, g e o g ra fi,
b ud aya, ilm u p en g etah u an , sejarah , dan angka.

E. Strategi M enebak Jaw aban Strategy For Guessing The

a. Baca seluruh kalim at
b. M encoba m enem ukan pilihan jaw aban
c. H uruf besar dan tanda baca sudah benar
d. T era p k a n ru m u s d ari b u k u Tata b a h a sa In g g ris u n tu k m en ja w a b
e. Jika tak tahu jaw ababnnya pastikan anda m em ilih salah satu jaw aban.
G uess Terka! Tidak ada sanksi/pengurangan nilai jika jaw aban anda
salah ( There is N O P E N A L T Y for wrong answers).

F. Structure and W ritten Expression yang paling sering

diteskan pada TOEFL adalah berkaitan dengan
English G ram m ar (Tata Bahasa Inggris) terutam a:
Sebagian besar topik kalim at-kalim at dalam Structure and W ritten Expres­
sion adalah m asalah-m asalah akadem ik dan sebagian besar lainnya berkaitan
dengan m asalah angka, b iografi, budaya, ilm u p en getah u an dan sejarah.
Struktur kalim at yang paling sering diteskan pada TO EFL adalah berkaitan
dengan English Grammar (Tata Bahasa Inggris).
Di b aw ah ini akan d ibah as secara rinci rin g k asan m ateri S tru ctu re and
Written Expression yang biasanya diteskan dalam TO EFL. Anda diharapkan dapat
m em p elajari satu dem i satu, tan p a h aru s urut, agar su p ay a n an tin y a dap at
m engerjakan sem ua jenis soal TO EFL dengan benar.
1. N oun ( Kata Benda)
2. P ro n ou n s (Kata Ganti)
3. Possessive A d jective (Kata Ganti Yang M enyatakan Milik)
4. P o ssessiv e P ronoun s (Kata Ganti Yang M enyatakan Milik)
5. R eflexive P ron oun s (Kata Ganti Reflektif)
6. D em on strative Pronouns (K ata G an ti Penunjuk)
R elative Pronouns (Kata G anti Penghubung)
8. V erbs (Kata Kerja)
9. A d je ctiv e s (Kata sifat) dan N o u n s T h at F u n ctio n A s A d je ctiv e s (Kata
Benda Yang B erfungsi Sebagai Kata Sifat)
10. A d v erb s (Kata K eterangan)

E a s y TOEFL

11. P re p o sitio n s ( Kata Depan)

12. C o n ju n ctio n s ( Kata Sainbung)
13. C o u n ta b le vs U n co u n tab le N oun (Kata Benda Yang Dapat D ih itu n g vs
, —Y a n g Tak Dapat D ihitung)
1 4 . D efinite and Indefinite A rticle (Kata Sandang Tertentu dan Tak tentu)
1 5. D eterm in ers (Kata Penjelas/Penentu)
1 6 . N oun C lau se (A nak Kalimat Sebagai Kata Benda)
1 7. A d jectiv e C lau se (Anak Kalimat Sebagai Kata Sifat)
1 8 . A d v erb C lau se (A nak Kalimat Sebagai- Kata K eterangan)
1 9. A greem en t or C oncord ( Kesesuaian Antara Subyek Dan Verb)
2 0. P arallel S tru ctu re ( S truk tu r Kalimat Yang Pararel/Serasi)
2 1 . A ctive Voice & Passive V oice(K alim at A k tif Dan Pas if)
2 2. V erbs T h at A re A lw ays F ollo w ed by In fin itiv e & G eru n d (Kata Kerja
yang Selalu Diikuti oleh Infinitive & G erund)
2 3 . T enses (B entuk Kata Kerja Yang M enyatakan Waktu)
2 4 . A u xiliary V erbs ( Kata Kerja Bantu)
2 5. M od als A u xiliary and M odals A u xiliary + P erfect [ C an -C o u ld , M ay-
M ight, M ust, Exercise 1: Shall-Should, W ill-W ould ] + Verb-3 (Kata Kerja
Bantu Modal + Perfect)
26. P re se n t and P ast P a rticip le V erbs ( Kata Kerja A k tif Dan P asif Sebagai
Penjelas Kata Benda Dan Anak Kalimat)
27. The C ausative U se of "H av e" and "G e t" (P enggunaan "Have" dan "G et”
dalam M en y u ru h O rang Lain M elakukan Sesuatu)
28. D egree of C om p arison s (Tingkat Perbandingan)
29. C o n d itio n al S en ten ces (Kalimat P engandaian)
30. S u b ju n ctiv e (Bentuk Kata Kerja Yang M enyatakan Suatu Harapan)
31. In d irect/R ep o rted Speech ( Kalimat Laporan/Kalimat Tak L angsung)
3 2 . D eriv atio n (Kata Turunan /Jadian)
33. Tag Q u estio n s (Ekor Kalimat)
3 4 . W ord O rd er (U rutan Kata)
35. N u m b ers (A ngka)
36. Elliptical Sentence with Too, So, Both, E ither and N either (Kalimat Eliptik
Dengan Too, So, Both, Either dan Neither )
3 7. Too, So and Enough (Too, So dan Enough)
38. A n o th e r/T h e O th e r/O th e rs /T h e O th e rs (A n o th er/T h e O th er/O th ers/T h e
39. C onfused Verbs (Kelompok Kata Kerja)
40. A postrophe ( 'S ) (Kata Yang M enunjukkan Milik)
41. Say or Tell (Kata Say atau Tell)
42. Still, Yet, Already, Any M ore, A ny Longer and No Longer (Masih, Belum,

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

Sudah, Lagi, dan Tidak Lagi)

43 . A n teced en ts of Pronouns ( Kata Yang M endahitlui Kata Ganti)
44 . Sequence of Tenses ( Urutan Tenses)
4 5 . M isused W ords (Kata-Kata Yang D igunakan D engan Salah)
46 . R ed u n d an cy ( Kata Yang B erlebihan)
47 . Inversion Sentence ( Kalimat Inversi)
48 . P rep o sitio n al Phrases (Kelompaok Kata D epan)
49. Basic Sentences Structure In English (Struktur Kalimat Dasar Bahasa Inggris)
50. Frequently Used Idiom s (Idiom Paling Sering Digunakan)

1. Noun
(Kata Benda)
NO UN S (kata benda) are the nam es of (adalah nama-nama): person (orang),
thing (benda) or place (tempat), for exam ple:

1. The nam es of persons (n am a-n am a orang), for exam ple (m isaln ya):
■ Adam M alik
■ Britney Spears , etc.
■ G eneral Soeharto
■ John F. Kennedy
■ KH. A bdurrahm an Wahid or Gus Dur
■ King H ussein
■ M uham m ad Ali
■ President Saddam H ussein
■ Prof. Dr. Am in Rais, M.A.
■ Queen Victoria
■ Sultan H am engkubuw ono IX (baca: the ninth)

2. The nam es of places, e.g. countries, cities ( n a m a-n a m a tem p at),

for exam ple:
Australia ■ Japan
Brazil ■ Lond on
Canada ■ N ew York
France ■ Nigeria
G erm any ■ Paris
H ong Kong ■ Russia
India ■ Saudi A rabia
Iraq ■ Syd n ey
Jakarta ■ Tokyo

E a s y TOEFL

United Kingdom of G reat Britain (UK)
United States of A m erica (USA)
V ietnam , etc.

3. The nam es of things (n a m a-n a m a ben da), f o r exam ple:

bag (tas) m ovie (bioskop)
bar (tempat minum /disco) paper (kertas)
book (buku) pen (pulpen)
cafe (kafe) pencil (pensil, potlot)
chair (kursi) restaurant (restoran)
ch u rch (gereja) ru ler (penggaris)
d ictionary (kamus) school (sekolah)
door (pintu) sh irt (baju)
hospital (rum ah sakit) shoes (sepatu)
hotel (hotel) table (meja)
m all (superm arket) tem ple (candi)
m osqu e (masjid)

The nam es of professions (n a m a-n a m a p ro fesi), f o r ex am p le:

b u sin essm an (pengusaha) postm an (tukang pos)
d octor (dokter) president (presiden)
driver (sopir) rep o rter (wartawan)
jo u rn a list ( wartawan) soldier (tentara)
m inister (m enteri) teacher (gu ru )
policem an (polisi)

5. he nam es of anim als (n a m a-n a m a bin atan g), f o r ex am p le:

ant (sem ut) ■ fly (lalat)
bird (b u ru n g ) ■ goat (kam bing)
ch ick en (ayam ) ■ in sect (s erangga)
cow (sapi) ■ m osq u ito (nyam uk)
dog (anjing) ■ snake (ular)

7. ’he nam es of abstract nouns ( n a m a-n a m a ben da a b s tr a k ), f o r ex a m p le :

a cco u n ta b ility (pertanggungja w a ban)
advantage (keuntungan)
b eau ty (kecantikan)
discovery (penem uan)
h ap p in ess (kebahagiaan) I
in form ation (informasi)
sim ilarity (kesamaan)

D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

8. The nam es of activities (n a m a-n a m a a k tiv ita s ), f o r exam ple:

athletic (atletik) karate (karate)
badm inton (bulutangkis) running (lari)
basketball (bold voli) sh o p p in g (berbelanja)
boxing (tinju) softball (sofbal)
bridge (bridge/rem i) sw im m ing (renang)
cooking (memasak) tennis (tennis)
fishing (m em ancing) traveling (m elancong)
football (sepakbola) w restling (gulat)
hunting (berburu )

The nam es of days and m onths (n a m a-n a m a h a ri dan bulan), f o r exam ple:
Sunday (M in ggu ) Ju ne (Juni)
M onday (Senin) July (Juli)
Tuesday (Selasa) A ugust (A gustus)
W ednesday (Ralnt) S ep tem b er (Septem ber)
Thursday (Kamis) O ctob er (Oktober)
Friday (Jum'at) N ovem ber (N opem ber)
Saturday (Sabtu) D ecem ber (D esem ber)
January (januari) W eek (S em inggu/sepekan/m in ggu)
February (Februari) M on th (bulan)
M arch (M aret) S em ester (sem ester/6 bulan)
April (April) Year (tahun)
M ay (M ei)

10 . The nam es of subjects (n a m a-n a m a m a ta p ela ja ra n ), f o r ex am p le:

Arts (Seni) H istory (Sejarah)
Biology (Biologi) M ath em atics (M atematika)
C hem istry (Kimia) Physics (Fisika)
Civics (PPKn) Religion (A gam a)
English (Bahasa Inggris) S p o rts (Olah raga)

11 . The nam es of fam ilies (n am a-n am a kelu arg a), f o r ex am p le:

fath er (ayah)
m other (ibu)
son (anak laki-laki)
daughter (anak perem puan)
daughter-in-law (m enantu perem puan)
b ro th er-in -law (kakak ipar laki-laki)
sister-in -law (kakak ipar perem puan)
son -in -law (m enantu laki-laki)
fath er-in -law (ayah m ertua)

E a s y TOEFL

• m other-in-law (ibu mertua)

■ n ep hew (kemenakan laki-laki)
■ n iece (kemenakan perem puan)
■ u ncle (pam an)
• aunt (bibi)

N O U N can be the subject o f the sentence (dapat sebagai subjek kalim at),
object of the verb (objek kata kerja), and object of prepositions (objek kata depan).
Look at (lihatlah) the examples of nouns (contoh-contoh kata benda), person
(orang), thing (benda) or place (Jem pat) for exam ple: *\a C <i
■ A teacher (guru)' yvorks at (bekerja di) school (sekolahan ) , and a doctor
w orks in the hospital (rum ah sakit). Pl' Clt £ '
■ All o f us (kita s e m m ) adm ire (m engagum i) her b eauty (kecantikannya).
• An ant (sem ut) is a tiny (sangat kecil) anim al.
■ A ustralian Prim e M inister (P M Australia) invited (m engundang) Brazil
to enlarge (m em perluas) its bu siness (usahanya) in A ustralia.
■ C ow (sapi) can produc e(m enghasilkan) m ilk (susu).
■ G eneral Soeharto (Jendral Soeharto) is the second president (presiden
kedua) of Indonesia.
■ H ap p in ess (kebahagiaan) is w orthy (berharga) in life (dalam hidup).
■ Her h obb ies are read in g (membaca) and sw im m in g ! (berenang).
■ H er son (anak laki-lakinya) is in A ustralia (di Australia).
■ H istory (sejarah) is part (bagian) of our life (hidup kita).
■ I can fin d (dapat m enem ukan) som e inform ation on that case (kasus)
■ I like (suka) Sunday
• I like (suka) traveling (bepergian) very m uch.
■ I need som e inform ation on that case (kasus)
■ I visited (m engu njun gi) my uncle (paman saya) in M akassar last w eek
(m in g g u lalu).
• Jap an (Jep ang ) is (adalah) one o f the in d u strial co u n tries (salah satu
negara industri) in the w orld (di dunia).
■ M arch is the third m onth (bulan ke tiga) o f the year.
■ R eligion (A gam a) guides (m em bim bing) us to be a good m an (kita menjadi
orang y a ng baik).
■ Rina is good at (pandai) M athem atics.
■ She goes sh oppin g (berbelanja) on S u n d ay ^
■ Sw im m ing is her hobby (hobinya)
■ The policem an (Polisi) is on patrol (sedang berpatroli).
■ T h e U nited N atio n s (P B B ) ask ( m em inta ) M u h am m ad Ali to m eet
(bertemu) President Saddam H ussein.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

■ There are a lot of flies (lalat) here.

■ This car (M obil ini) is m ade (dibuat/buatan) in G erm any.
■ This dictionary (Kmnus) helps the students learn (belajar) English.
■ This hotel is very luxurious (sangat mezvah).
■ This parcel (bingkisan ini) is for (untuk) B ritney Spears.
■ Those persons (O rang-orang itu) are b usinessm en (pengusaha).
■ We have (punya) thirty days (30 hari) in June.


D irections: Q u estion s 1-5 each sen ten ce has four u n d erlin ed w ord s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. .

1. Provide pensions for retired pensions is the prim ary fu nction of the social
A (B C- D
security system,

2. The stories of Dr. Seuss have been enjoyed by m illions of childrens.

2. Pronouns
(Kata Ganti)
P E R SO N A L P R O N O U N S are w ords that are used to rep lace (kata-kata
yang digunakan untuk m engganti) a person (orang) or thing (benda), for exam ple
• I (Saya, aku), m isalnya: I am a man.
■ You (Kamu, Kau,Anda, Kalian), m isalnya: You are a girl.
■ We (Kita, Kami), m isalnya: We are busy today.
■ They (Mereka , misalnya : para pelajar), m isalnya: ^ h e y are students.
■ He (Dia, misalnya: Budiman), m isalnya: He is a C olonel.
■ She (Dia, misalnya: Susi), m isalnya: She is beautiful.
■ It (la, misalnya: Car), m isalnya: It is a car.

L ih atlah Tabel The P o s itio n o f P o s s e s s iv e A d je c tiv e s pada bag ian yang

D IC ETA K TEBA L di baw ah ini dan perhatikan perubahannya.

E a s y TOEFL

(Posisi Kata Ganti O rang dalam Tabel)

P ossessive P ossessive R eflexive
A djective P ronou n P ronoun

I give this She gives m e a

M y car is It is m ine. I do it
for you. chance.
new . M ine is red. m vself.
T h is is for m e.
I me my m ine M yself
Y ou you your you rs Y o u rself
He him h is his h im self
She h er her hers H erself
It it its - itself
We us our ours O u rselv es
T hey them their th eirs , th em selv es


D irections C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to-the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. D om estic cats often show loyalty t(^the!9 ow ners by leaving freshly killed
prey such as birds for to find.
A. they
B. he
C. /them
D. their

D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-4 each sen ten ce h as fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are ma'^ked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the n um ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. \ jj£ \
1. These television are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps
A B v \C// D
we will return later.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

U p
2. The test adm inistrator ordered not to open our books until he
told us to do so .

3. It w as him who cam e running into the classroom w ith the n ew s.

, r iZ ijp f O c D
4. The only teachers who w ere required to attend the m eeting w ere G eorge,
A B C -
Betty, Till and me. ~TLc Ofi ■ r-*~

3. Possessive Adjectives
(Kata Ganti Yang Menyatakan Milik)
PO SSESSIVE A D JEC T IV ES (Kata ganti milik) are w ords that are used to
exp ress possession s (kata-kata yang digunakan untuk m enyatakan m ilik). They
can not stand alone (Kata ganti milik ini tak dapat berdiri sendiri), but they are
follow ed by (tetapi diikuti oleh) a noun kata benda :
Lihatlah Tabel T h e P o s itio n o f P o s s e s s iv e A d je c tiv e s pada bag ian yang
DICETAK TEBAL di baw ah ini dan perhatikan perubahannya.

(Posisi Kata ganti m ilik dalam Tabel)

Possessive Possessive Reflexive
A djective Pronoun Pronoun

I give this She gives m e a

M y car is It is m ine. I do it
for you. chance.
new. M ine is red. mvself.
This is for me. \
I me my m ine nayself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his him self
She her her hers herself
It it its - itself
We us our ours ourselves
They them their theirs them selves

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple:
* This is my car (Ini mobilku/mobil saya).
■ That is y ou r bag (Itu tasmu/tas kamu/tas anda).
■ That is his h ou se (Itu rum ahnya/rum ah dia).
■ H er h u sb a n d ( Suatninya/suami dia) is a doctor.
■ Its door (Pintunya (benda) is broken.
■ He is our president (Dia presiden kita/ p residen kami).
■ T heir problem s (M asalah mereka ) are serious.


D irections C hoose the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that b est com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. The constellation O rion is easily recoqnized by three vertical stars.

A. your
B. it
C. their*./
D. her

D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-2 each sen ten ce has fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. U s students w ould rather n ot attend n ight classes in the sum m er, bu t we

often have to.

2. The sea horse is unique am ong fish because the fem ale deposits their eggs
A B C '
in a pouch that the m ale carries until the sm all sea horses are hatched.

V -—

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

4. Possessive Pronouns
(Kata Ganti Yang Menyatakan Milik)
PO SSESIVE PRO N O U N S ( Kata Ganti M ilik) are w ords that are used (kata-
kata yang digunakan) to express possessions ( menyatakan milik). They can stand
alone (dapat berdiri send iri). T h ey are not follow ed by n ou n ( tidak diikuti oleh
kata benda).
Lihatlah Tabel T h e P o s itio n o f P o s s e s s iv e A d je c tiv e s pada bagian yang
DICETAK TEBAL di baw ah ini dan perhatikan perubahannya.

(Posisi Kata ganti m ilik dalam Tabel)

Possessive Possessive Reflexive
A djective Pronoun Pronoun

I give this She gives m e a My car is It is m ine. I do it

for you. chance. new. M ine is red. m vself.
This is for me.
I me my m ine m yself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his him self
She her her hers herself
It it its - itself
We us our ours ourselves
They them Their theirs them selves

Exam ple:
1. This is my car (Ini mobilku/mobil saya).
2. M ine (Punyaku ) is m ade in Japan.
3. That is your bag ( Itu tasmu/tas kamu/tas anda).
4. Yours (M ilikm u ) is black and m ine is blue.
5. Hers (Miliknya ) is good.
6. She is m ine ( milikkn )

E a s y TOEFL


D irections: Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m arked (A),
(B), (C ), and (D ) m u st be ch an g ed in o rd er fo r the se n te n ce to be co rre ct
(Identifikasi satu kata atau fra se y a n g harus diubah agar m enjadi kalimat yang
b enar) ..

1. H is house is as big as my.


5. Reflexive Pronouns
(Kata Ganti Reflektif)
R EFLEXIV E PR O N O U N S (Kata Ganti Reflektif) are w ords that are used to
(kata-kata yang digunakan untuk) express som ething that has (menyatakan sesuatu
yang memiliki) a reciprocal relation (hubungan timbal balik).
L ihatlah Tabel T h e P o s itio n o f P o s s e s s iv e A d je c tiv e s pada bag ian yang
D IC ETA K TEB A L di baw ah ini dan perhatikan perubahannya.

(P o sisi K a ta g a n ti R e fle k tif d a la m T a b e l)

Possessive Possessive Reflexive
Adjective Pronoun Pronoun

She gives m e a
I give this M y car is It is mine. I do it
for you. new. M ine is red. m vself.
This is for me.
I me my m ine m yself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his him self
She her her hers herself
It it its - itself
We us our ours ourselves
They them their theirs them selves

D r s . S la m e t R iy a n t o , M. Pd.

Exam ple:
1. I do it (Saya mengerjakan ini) m yself (saya sendiri).
2. You w ill hurt (Kamu akan melukai) yourself (kamu sendiri).
3. He bought a car (Dia membelikan mobil) him self (dia sendiri).
4. She hurts (Dia melukai) herself (dia sendiri).
5. The cat is w ashing (Kucing itu mencuci) itself (ia sendiri).
6. We build a house (Kami membangun rumah) o u rselves (kami sendiri).
7. T h e y are p leased w ith (M ereka senang dengan) th e m s e lv e s (m ereka


D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-3 each sen ten ce has fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Because Sam and M ichelle had done all of the w ork theirselves, they were
A B jj
unw illing to give the results to Joan.

2. A fter she had bought him self a new autom obile, she sold her bicycle.

3. W riters and m edia personnel sell theirselves best by the im pression

given in their verbal exp ression .

6. Demonstrative Pronouns
(Kata Ganti Penuttjuk)

D E M O N ST R A T IV E PR O N O U N S (Kata $ a n ti Penunjuk) are w ord s that

are u sed (kata-kata yang digunakan) to p o in t o u t so m eth in g (untuk m enunjuk
sesuatu), for exam ple:
a. T his (Ini) is used to pint out (digunakan untuk menunjuk) the sin gu lar noun
that is near to us (k ata bend a tu n gga l yang dekat dengan kita), for exam ple:

E a s y TOEFL

■ This is (Ini) a new hand phone (H P baru).

• T h is is (Ini) a nice bag (tas bagus).
■ This album (Album ini) is good (bagus).

b. T hese (Ini) is used to pint out (digunakan untuk m enunjuk) the plural noun
that is near to us (k a ta ben da ja m a k yang dekat dengan kita), for exam ple:
■ T hese are (Ini) new hand phones (H P -H P baru).
■ T hese are (Ini) nice bags (tas-tas bagus).
■ T hese album s (album -album ini) are good (bagus).

c. That (Itu) is used to pint out (digunakan untuk m enunjuk) the sin gu lar noun
that is far to us (k a ta ben da tunggal yang jauh dari kita), for exam ple:
■ T h at is (Itu) an old car (mobil tua/lama).
■ T h at is (Itu) my favorite album (album kesukaanku).
■ T hat problem (masalah itu) is very serious (sangat serins).

d. Those (Itu) is used to pint out (digunakan untuk m enunjuk) the plural noun
that is far to us (k a ta ben da ja m a k yang jauh dari kita), for exam ple:
■ T h ose are (Itu) old cars (mobil-mobU tua/lama).
■ T h ose are my favorite album s (album-album kesukaanku).
■ T hose problem s (masalah-masalah itu) are very serius (sangat serius).


D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-2 each sen ten ce has fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the nu m ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. For along tim e, this officials have been know n th rou ghout the country
as political bosses and law en forcers.
( \ > ,_ * * *
2. Those hom ew ork that your teacher assigned is due on Tuesday unless you
have m ade prior arrangem ents to turn it in late.

Drs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

7. Relative Pronouns
(Kata Ganti Penghubung)
RELATIVE PRO N O U N S (Kata Ganti Penghubung) is usually used (biasanya
digunakan) in A djective C lau ses (Anak Kalimat sebagai kata sifat).
a. T H A T (yang) is used for (digunakan untuk) a person (orang) or a thing (benda),
fo r exam ple:
■ M ichael Jackson is the world best rock singer that (yang) has ever vis­
ited our cou ntry (M ichael Jackson adalah penyanyi rok terbaik di dunia
y a n g pernah mengunjungi negara kita).
■ Everything that (yang) happened here was my responsibility (Segala
y a n g terjadi di sini adalah tanggung jaw ab saya),

b. W H O (yang) is used for (digunakan untuk) a person (orang), for exam ple:
■ The m an w ho (yang) is speaking is a bank m anager (Orang y a n g sedang
berbicara itu adalah seorang m anajer bank) = The man speakin g ......
* A pilot is a person w ho (yang) flies an airplane (Pilot adalah orang y a n g
m enerbangkan pesaw at).
■ The w om an who (yang) sits next to me com es from Texas, USA (Wanita
y a n g duduk di sebelah saya berasal dari Texas, Am erika Serikat).

c. W H O M (yang) is used for (digunakan untuk) a person as object (orang sebagai

objek), for exam ple:
■ The girl w hom (yang) I m et yesterday had left for Europe (Gadis y a n g
saya temui/ketemu saya kemarin telah berangkat ke Eropa).
■ The m an w hom (yang) the car belon gs to is a bu sinessm an (Laki-laki
y a n g punya mobil itu seorang pengusaha).
■ The m an to w hom (yang) I talk to w as very honest (Laki-laki y a n g saya
ajak bicara itu sangat jujur).
■ In my tow n there are five p erso n s, m ost of w hom (kebanyakan dari
mereka) are rich and educated (Di kota saya ada lima orang, k eb a n y a k a n
d a ri m erek a kaya dan terpelajar).

d. W H O S E (yang...nya) is used for (digunakan untuk) a person to show a p os­

session (orang untuk menunjukkan kepemilkan), for exam ple:
■ A w idow is a w om an w hose husband (yang suaminya) is dead. (Janda
adalah seorang wanita yang suam inya meninggal).
■ The m an w hose house (yang rumahnya) is very luxuriou^ w orks for a
foreig n p rivate com p an y (Laki-laki yang rumahnya sangat mewah itu
bekerja pada perusahaan swasta asing).

E a s y TOEFL

e. W H IC H (yang) is used for (digunakan untuk) a thing (benda) to show a choice

(untuk menunjukkan suatu pilihan), for exam ple:
■ This is the film which/that (yang) tells us about the Vietnam W ar (Inilah
film y a n g m e n c e rite ra k a n kepada kita tentang Perang Vietnam).
■ The car w h ich (yang) he broke last n ig h t is being repaired by a m e­
c h a n ic (M obil y a n g dia rusakkan tadi malam sedang diperbaiki oleh
seorang mekanik).
■ The hotel in w h ich (di m ana/yang) I stay is very exp en sive (Hotel di
m a n a saya tinggal itu sangat mahal).
■ We have a new car, the b ack o f w h ich has a special bu m p er (Kita punya
mobil, y a n g bagian belakangnya m emiliki ham per khusus).


D ire c tio n s : Q u estio n s 1-5 each sen ten ce h as fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Dr. Harder, w hich is the professor for this class, w ill be absent this week
A ' B C
because of illn ess.
<v- > °
,:X .
2. There are n ot m any people w hich adapt to a new culture w ithou t feeling
A 13 C D
som e disorientation at first.

8. Verbs
(Kata Kerja)

V E R B S (Kata Kerja) are words that express (kata-kata yang m enyatakan) an

action (suatu tindakan), event (peristiw a) or state (keadaan).
V E R B S can be divided into three (Kata kerja dapat dibagi m enjadi tiga), that
is, (yaitu): Linking Verb To Be, Linking Verb dan Transitive/Intransitive Verb.

D rs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

L I N K IN G T O B E a re w o rd s th a t c o n n e c t b e tw e e n ( k a ta -k a ta yan g
menghubungkan antara ) C o m p lem en t (pelengkap) w ith S u b je c t (dengan subjek)
in a N o m in a l S e n ten ce (Kalimat Nominal).
A N O M IN A L SE N T E N C E is a sentence that its predicate or verbs (kalimat
yang predikat/kata kerjanya) does n ot exp ress an action (tidak menyatakan suatu
tindakan atau aks i), but ( m elainkan) express (menyatakan) N A M E (nama), S T A ­
T U S (status), Q U A L IT Y (sifat), STA TE (keadaan) and PL A C E (tempat), fo r ex­
am ple:
■ N am e (Nama), for exam ple: He is A lexander.
■ Statu s (Status), for exam ple: He is a w orker.
■ Q u a lity (Sifat), for exam ple: He is diligent.
■ S tate (Keadaan), for exam ple: He is happy.
■ P lace (Tempat), for exam ple: It is in D enpasar.

C O M P L E M E N T (pelengkap ) can be in the form s o f (bisa dalam bentuk):

n o u n (kata benda), a d je c tiv e (kata sifat), a d v e rb o f p la c e (kata keterangan
tempat), p re p o sitio n (kata depan), dan n u m eral (kata bilangan).
L IN K IN G T O BE has nine form s (memiliki 9 bentuk), that is, (yaitu): is, am ,
are, w as, w ere, be, to be, b ein g , been .

Exam ples (Contoh):

■ I am a stu d en t (Saya adalah seorang pelaja).
■ Today is Sunday (Hari ini Minggu).
■ We are stud en ts (Kita/kami pelajar/sisioa).
■ Tom and Jerry are classm ates (Tom dan Jerry teman sekelas)
* Rini is very friendly (Rini sangat ramah). ^
■ Heru was busy last w eek (Hern sibuk minggu lalu).
■ The troops are ready to attack (Pasnkan siap untuk menyerang).
• 1 will b e back soon, honey (Saya akan segera kembali, sayang).
■ Her daughter w ants to b e a doctor (Anak perempuannya ingin menjadi
■ Yenny is b e in g interview ed in Room B.5 (sedang diwawancarai di Ruang
■ This program has b e e n broadcasted alive on TransTV (Acara ini telah
disiarkan langsung di Trans TV).

E a s y TOEFL

( Kata Benda) (Kata Benda)

I (saya) am G race.

W e (Kami/Kita) are students ( pelajar/siswa).

You (Kamu/Anda) are a te a c h e r (guru)

They (M ereka, misalnya : Diana and Jimmy) are m anagers (manajer).

He (Dia, misalnya: Tommy ) is a director (direktur).

She (Dia, misalnya: Susan) is a cashier (kasir).

It (la, misalnya: Jakarta) is a city (kota).

(Kata Benda) (Kata Sifat)

I am happy (bahagia).

You and I are busy (sibuk) .

You are very diligent (sangat rajin).

The students are hungry (lapar).

A dam was absent y esterday (tidak masuk kemarin).

Rini is tall enough (cukup tinggi).

It is dark (gelap).

The Earth (Bumi) is round (bulat).

(Kata Benda) (Kata Depan) m

The parcel (Bingkisan ) is for you (untuk anda).

Tom and Jerry w ere w ith m e this m orning (dengan saya pagi
------------------------------------------------- 1--------------

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

The Bank of BNI is in front of the m arket (di depan pasar).

Ali is from Egypt (dari Mesir).

The Superm arket was across the street then (di seberang jalan
pada saat itu).

The post office ( Kantor is next to the bank (di sebelah bank).

Bethesda H ospital (Rumah is behind (di belakang) the

sakit Bethesda) Telecom m unication O ffice (kantor

The picture ( Gambar) is above the TV set (di atas pesawat TV).

The com puter ( Komputer ) is on the desk (di atas meja).

Those shoes ( Sepatu-sepatu are under the table (di bawah meja).

(Kata Benda) (Kata Ket. Tempat)

Paramita is upstairs (di lantai atas).

H asan is there (di sana).

The buses (Bis-bis) w ere over there (di sana) last week.

Time (Waktu) is up (habis).

The students (Para siszva) are in the class (di kelas).

M y daughter (Anak is in (di) Australia.


I was at hom e yesterday (di rumah kemarin).

M iranda is outside (di luar).

E a s y TOEFL

(Kata Benda) (Kata Bilangan)

We- are one (satu).

The size ( Ukurannya ) is 9 m w ide (lebar) and 12 m long


Today (Hari ini) is the fourth (empat) of Ju ly 2003.

LIN K IN G V ERBS (Kata kerja penghubung) are w ords that are used to con­
nect (kata-kata yang menghubungkan) Subject and Predicate in a sentence (subjek
dan predikat dalam kalim at), for exam p le:

• appear (nampak/kelihatan) • prove (terbukti)

• becom e (menjadi) • rem ain (tetap)

• feel (terasa) • seem (nampaknya)

• get (menjadi/semakin) • smell (terasa)

• go (menjadi) • sound (kedengaran)

• grow (menjadi) • stay (tetap)

• keep ( tetap) • taste (terasa)

• look (kelihatannya) • turn (menjadi)

E xam ples:
* D ina ap pears clever and w ise ( D ina nampak pandai dan bijaksana).
* H is daughter b ecom es a doctor (Anak perem puannya menjadi dokter).
■ Indonesian people m ust rem ain u nited ( O rang Indonesia harus tetap
■ Mr. B u d im an gets richer (Pak Budim an menjadi semakin kaya).
■ M y fath er grow s old (Ayahku menjadi tua).
■ That film star keeps young and strong (Bintang film itu tetap muda dan kuat).
* The clouds turned dark (Azvan itu menjadi gelap).
■ The girl goes m ad (Gadis itu m enjadi gila).
■ The situation seem s peacefu l ( Keadaanya nampak aman).
■ This new s sounds very im possible ( Berita ini kedengarannyg sangat tidak
m ungkin).

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

* This place sm e lls very bad after the show ( Tempat ini berbau sangat
m em jengat setelah pertunjukan).
■ We all here feel very sad to hear the tragedy (Kita semua merasa sangat
sedih m endengar tragedi itu).
■ You look beautiful today (Kamu kelihatan cantik hari ini).
* You shoud stay here until tom orrow , O K ? (Kamu seharusnya tetap di
sini hingga besok, O K ?)

Exam ple :

VERBS ( Keterangan )

One of m y becom es a doctor.


I feel happy today.

Som ething w ent out of control last night.

This village rem ains quiet.

The players keep calm outside.

Your breath sm ells alcohol.

Everything becom es clear after the-ilood.

Emillia looks very beautiful now .

The trees turn dry.

This drink tastes sweet. I

N othing goes w rong.

E a s y TOEFL

3.1. TRANSITIVE VERBS (Kata kerja Transitif) are verbs (kata kerja) that
exp ress an action (yang niengungkapkan perbuatan) and re q u ire o n e or m ore
o b je c ts (m em erlukan satu atau lebih objek), for exam p le: learn, buy, sell, write,
bring, etc.

Exam ple :

1 2 (Keterangan)

I learn (belajar) English
(setiap hari).

for me yesterday
M y father b o u g h t (membeli) a M ath book
(untuksaya) (kemarin).

M r.Paw iro se lls (menjual ) honey (madu

is w ritin g (sedang an SM S (pesan now

G race
menulis) singkat) (sekarang).

a new m a­ once a month

b rin g s m e (aku)
Veri gazine (ma­ (sekali se-
jalah baru) bulan).

som e to the
The questions teacher
ask (setiap hari).
students (beberapa (pada
pertanyaan) g u ru )

explained his idea to m e this m orning
( menjelaskan) (ideanya) (pada saya) (pagi ini).

D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

3.2. INTRANSITIVE VERBS ( Kata kerja Intransitif) are verbs (kata kerja)
that exp ress an action (mengungkapkan perbuatan) and do n o t re q u ire o b je c t
(tidak memerlukan objek), for exam ple: com e, study, arrive, run, lie, work, etc.


Diana com es (datang) late (terlambat).

That girl (gadis itu) stu d ies (belajar) seriously (dengan serius).

The bus (bis itu) arrived (tiba) on tim e (tepat waktu).

I often run (sering lari) three kilom eters a w eek (3

km per minggu).

A rm an W ijanarko w orks (bekerja) day and n ight (siang dan


My secretary ( Sekretarisku) can operate (dapat MS W ord and Excell.


M ost of the w orkers (Keba­ usually w ork hard (keras).

nyakan pekerja) (biasanya bekerja)

The m anager of this bank has le ft for for two days (selama dua
(manajer bank) Singapore (berangkat hari).
ke Singapore)

This Superm arket o p en s (buka) from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

(dari pkl.9 pagi sampai pkl
10 malam)


D irection s: Q uestions 1-8 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and ^P)- C hbose the
one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on you r A nsw er
Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that correspond s to
the letter of the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside
the oval cannot be seen.

E a s y TOEFL

1. The w om an l o o k s ________ .
/ \ busy
B. busily
C. business
D. to be busy

2. The situation seem s________ .

A. quietly
B. qu iet ✓
C. quieted
D . to quiet

3. We all here f e e l ________ to hear the tragedy.

A. sadly
B. sadness
C. sadden
D. sad

4. A lm ost everyone fails________ the driver's test on the first try.

A. passing
B. to have passed
\2. to pass
D. to passing.

5. If endangered species________ saved, rain forests m ust be protected.

A, are to be
B. be
C. can be
D, will be

6. The average spoken sentence in conversational English takes

2 ,5 se co n d ________ . t
A. for to com plete
B. co m p letin g
C. to com plete ^
D . by com pleting

7. O nly tw enty years a go , m ost d octors agreed ________ tru thfu l w ith their
term inally ill patients, a trend that has reversed itself in m odern m edical
A. don't to be
B. not to be X
C. we shouldn't been ^
D . not to been

D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

D irection s: Q u estion s 1-5 each sen ten ce h as fou r u n d erlin ed w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. The director felt badly about not giving M ary the position that she
had sought with his company.

2. The salad tasted so w ell that m y brother returned to the salad

A ' B C
bar for another helping.
3. The food that M ark is cooking in the kitchen is sm elling d elicio u s.

4. H aving finished his term paper before the deadline, it was

A ‘ B C
delivered to the professor before the class.

5. W hen the silkw orm gets through to lay its eggs, it does.

9. Adjectives
(Kata Sifat)
A D JECTIV ES (Kata Sifat ) are w ords (kata - kata) that are used to explain or
m od ify (yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan) a p erson (orang), place (tempat) or
thing (benda), for exam ple:

beautiful (cantik) handsom e (tampan) ^

■ I
black and white (hitam putih ) im portant (pentihg)

blue (biru) interesting (menarik)

brow n (coklat) lucky (beruntung)

busy (sibuk) necessary (perlu)

E a s y TOEFL

em barrassed (malu) pink (merah muda tjambon)

expensive (mahal) purple (jingga)

friendly ( ramah) satisfied (puas)

good (bagus) ugly (jelek)

green (hijau) yellow (kuning)

grey (abu-abu) etc.

Exam ple:
■ D iana is a b eautiful and friendly girl (Diana adalah gadis yang cantik
dan ram ah).
■ This is a difficult question (Ini pertanyaan sukar).
■ We have som e im portant guests today (Kami ada beberapa tamu penting
hari ini).
■ T h ere are a lo t o f in te re stin g e x p e rie n c e s (A da banyak pengalam an
penting) .
* This is an expensive car (Ini mobil mahal) .
* We need tw o black bags1 (Kami memerlukan dua tas hitam).
■ 1 am really busy now (Saya benar-benar sibuk sekarang).
■ You look h and som e tonight (Kamu kelihatan tampan malam ini).
■ Rafika Duri has a w onderful voice (Rafika D uri punya suara yang bagus).
■ We all are satisfied after w atching the FA final (Kita semua puas setelah
nonton final FA).

(K ata Benda Yang B erfungsi Sebagai K ata Sifat)

We often use tw o w ords (Kita sering m enggunakan dua kata) jo in ed together

into one (digabung bersama-sama menjadi satu). Kata benda pertam a m enjelaskan
kata benda kedua. K ata benda pertam a berfu n gsi sebagai kata sifat. This term
(istilah) is often called (sering disebut) a C om pound N oun (Kata Benda M ajemuk).

Exam ple:


bath room bathroom (kamar mandi)

departm ent store departm ent store (pasar swalayan)

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .


tooth brush toothbrush (sikat gigi)

bank m anager bank m anager (manajer bank)

foot ball football (sepak bola)

road accident road accident (kecelakaan lalulintas)

TV studio TV studio (studio TV)

Perlu anda ingat ju g a bahw a kadang-kadang kata benda dipisahkan dengan

dua atau lebih kata sifat dengan tanda (-) dan selalu singular ( tunggal ).

Exam ple:
■ A tw enty - year -o ld student will be allow ed to jo in the club.
■ He w on a prize to have a - three - w eek trip to the USA.
■ I have to w rite a five - hundred -w o rd com position this week.


D irections: Q uestions 1-6 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter in sid e'lh e oval
cannot be seen.
1. C affeine is________ , slightly bitter substance, added to m any carbonated
soft drinks.
A. odor y ^*5" ^
B. odorless
C. an odorless
D .m o re odorous
2. The data on the w inter m igration patterns of the m onarch bu tterfly is very

A. interested
B. interest J
C . interesting
D . of interest

E a s y TOEFL

D irections: Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase m arked (A), (B), -
(C), and (D ).that m ust be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then,
on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen.

1. David is particularly fond of cooking , and he often cooks really

A B G? D
delicious m eals.

D irections: Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m arked (A),
(B), (C ), and (D ) m u st be ch an ged in o rd er for th e se n te n ce to be co rre ct
(Identifikasi satu kata atau fra s e yang harus diubah agar m enjadi kalim at yang

1. C hildren enjoy telling and listening to ghosts sories, especially on

H allow een n ig h t.

10. Adverbs
(Kata Keterangan)
A D V E R B S ( Kata Keterangan) are w o rd s (kata-kata ) th at are u sed to d e­
scribe (yang digunakan untuk m enjelaskan) v erb s (kata kerja), a d je ctiv e s ( kata
sifat) or ad verbs ( kata keterangan).
TYPE OF A D V ERBS (Tipe-tipe Kata Keterangan ) can be divided into (dapat
dibagi ke dalam) six kinds (enam jenis), that is (yaitu ):
1. A dverbs of M an n er (Keterangan Cara) m isalnya^-

beautifully (dengan cantik) neatly (dengan rapi)

calmly ( dengan tenang) peacefully (dengan damai aman)

carefully (dengan hati-hati) quickly (dengan cepat)

fast (dengan cepat) slow ly (dengan pelan)

more carefully (dengan lebih cep at) well (dengan baik)


Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

Exam ple:
■ I can find her address easily (Saya dapat menemukan alamatnya dengan
m udah).
■ The troops m oved quickly to the Presidential Palace (Pasukan bergerak
dengan cepat m enuju Istana Presiden).
■ Speak slow ly, p lease (Tolong bicara dengan pelan).
• They live p eacefully in a little house (M ereka tinggal dengan damai di
rumah kecil itu).
* I feel w ell (Saya merasa lebih baik).

2. A dverbs of Place and D irection (Keterangan Tempat dan A rah), m isalnya:

away (jauh) south (selatan)

east (timur) there (di sana/ke sana)

from Korea (dari Korea) to Hawaii (ke Hawaii)

here (di sini/ke sini) upstairs (di atas)

in Solo (di Solo) west (barat)

north (utara)

Exam ple:
■ I will be there tom orrow (Saya akan datang besuk).
■ Please m eet me outside the office (Tolong temui saya di luar kantor).
■ They are at hom e (M ereka ada di rum ah).
* I live in a little village in Solo, C entral Java (Saya tiiiggal di sebuah desa
kecil di Solo).
3. A dverbs of Tim e (Keterangan Waktu), m isalnya:
------------------------------- —-----------------------------------
ago (yang lalu)= two days ago, a week since (sejak) 1998

ago, a month ago) then (pada saat itu)

from (dari) M onday to/until (sampai) thr^e times (tiga kali)

Saturday. today, (hari ini)

in the 6th century (abad ke-6) tom orrow (besokhm orning,

in the past (dulu) tomorrow night)

last (last week, last month, last year) twice (dua kali)

'S £
E a s y TOEFL

now (sekarang) yesterday (kemarin) = yesterday

once (sekali) morning, yesterday afternoon)

Exam ple:
■ Rini is alw ays busy on Sundays (Rini selalu sibuk setiap hari M inggu).
■ Rini is not alw ays busy on Sundays (Rini tidak selalu sibuk setiap hari
M in g g u ).
• Is Rini alw ays busy on Sundays? (Apakah Rini tidak selalu sibuk setiap
hari M in g g u ? ).
■ I w en t to L o m b o k Isla n d y e s te rd a y (Saya p e rg i ke P ulau Lom bok
k em a rin ).
■ He passed the exam last sem ester (Dia lulus ujian pada semester lalu).

4. A d verb s of Freq u en cy (Keterangan Frekw ensi/K eseringan), m isalnya:

alw ays (selalu/100% ) I often (sering / 90% -75% ) __ ^

frequently (seringkali) rarely (jarang ( 10% -1% )

hardly ever (hampir tak pernah) seldom (jarang/25% -10% ) __

never (tak pernah / 0% ) som etim es (kadang-kadang/75% -25% ) ~-

occasionally (sekali-kali) usually (biasanya/99%-90%)

Exam ple:
■ H e n ev er com es late (Dia tidak pernah datang terlambat).
■ Lulu is often absent from school (Lulu sering tidak masuk sekolah).
■ The secretary alw ays w orks hard (Sekretaris selalu bekerja keras).
■ She u su ally goes sh o p p in g on Su n d ay (D ia biasanya berbelanja pada
hari M in g g u ).
■ Som etim es I w atch football on TV (Kadang-kadang saya nonton sepakbola
di TV)

5. A dverbs of D egree (Keterangan Derajat), m isalnya:

fairly (agak) really (sithgguh)

in fact (sebenarnya) slightly (agak)

indeed (sungguh) too (terlalu)

of course (tentu) v ejy (sangat)

rather (agak) dan lain-lain.

Drs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Exam ple:
■ Your house is very good (Rumahmu sangat bagus).
• This soup is too hot (Sop ini terlalu panas).
• He is re a lly great (Dia benar-benar hebat).
■ Your answ er is s lig h tly true (Jawaban anda agak benar).

A dverbs o f M o d a lity (Keterangan Kemungkinan), m isalnya:

likely (barangkali) possibly (barangkali)

maybe (barangkali/mungkin) probably (barangkali)

perhaps (mungkin) unlikely (tak mungkin)

Exam ple:
* M a y b e I sh o u ld m e e t h er n ow (B aran gkali saya harus bertem u dia
■ P erh ap s you w ould like to join for lunch (Barangkali kamu akan ikut
makan siang).
■ Could you lend m e Rp 1,000,000? P ossibly , but I'm not sure (Dapatkah
kamu meminjami aku Rp 1.000.000? M ungkin. tapi saya tidak yakin).
■ It is lik e ly to h appen (Ini barangkali akan terjadi).

Lihatlah Tabel T h e P o s itio n o f P o s s e s s iv e A d je c tiv e s pada bag ian yang

DICETAK TEBA L di baw ah ini dan perhatikan perubahannya.

(Posisi Kata Keterangan Dalam Kalim at)


She typed q u ick ly in the room last n ight.

The man ate fast in the cafe th en.

We w orked very hard at m y o ffice yesterd ay.

E a s y TOEFL


Directions: Q uestions 1-7 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

1. By the end o f the 1950s, portions o f the A tlan tic around N ew York had
b e co m e ________
A. extrem ely dirty
B. extrem e dirtiness
C . m ore dirty /
D .extrem ely dirtily

2. Pilots w ho prepare for m ilitary careers train on the g rou nd________ in the
A. as good as
B. as well as *
C. well as
D .good as

3. Knight D unlap conducted his fam ou s p h otograp h y exp erim en t ______

sixty years ago.
A. nearing
B. nears
C. ear
D .nearly J

4. B e e th o v e n 's n e p h e w b e c a m e h is p u p il, b u t th is r e la tio n s h ip tu rn e d

o u t________
A. bad
B. badly v
C. worst
D .m ore badly

5. People who are________cannot well light from dark.

A. blind totally
B. a total blind
C. totally blind **
D. totally blindly %

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

6. The changes in this city have occurred________

A. w ith sw iftness
B. rapidly
C .fastly
D .in rapid ways.

7. He________looked forw ard to the new venture.

A. eagerly V
B. with great eagerness
C. eagernessly
D. in a state of increasing eagerness

D irection s: Q u estio n s 1-4 each sen ten ce h as fou r u n d erlin ed w ord s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. John decided to buy in the m orning a new car, but in the afternoon he
changed his m in d .

2. We called yesterday our friends in Boston to tell them about the reunion
A (l3 C D
that we are planning.

3. The children were playing last night outdoors w hen it began to rain very

4. M antovani conducted the orchestra gracefully and w ith style to the delight
of his appreciative audience.


_________________________________________________________________E a s y TOEFL

11. Prepositions
(Kata Depan)
A. PR EPO SITIO N S (Kata depan) are w ords that (kata-kata yang) are used
with (digunakan dengan) a noun or pronoun that are placed (diletakka)i) in front
of them (didepannya) to show a relation betw een (m enunjukkan hubungan antara )
these w ords w ith another part of the sentence (bagian lain kalimat itu).
Study (pelajari) the m ost freq u en tly u sed P rep o sitio n s (kata depan yang
paling sering digunakan) listed below (yang didaftar di bawah ini):

1). AT m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

at n ig h t (pada malam hari)
at the w eekend (pada akhir m inggu)
at the end of M arch (pada akhir M aret) \
at the m om ent (pada saat ini)
at noon (pada siang hari)
at m id n ig h t (pada tengah malam)
at the present tim e (pada saat ini)
at present (pada saat ini)
at an hour (dalam satu jam)
at w ork (di tempat kerja)
at school (di sekolah)
at university (di universitas)
at the store (di toko)
at U S$ 50.00 (dengan harga U S$ 50.00)
at the age of 25 (pada usia 25 th)
at 25 k ilom eters (dalam 2 5 km)
at 7 o'clock (pada pukul 7)
at 10:30 (pada pukul 1 0 :3 0 )
at my house (di rumahku)
at the bus stop (di tempat pemberhentian bis)
at the airport (di bandara)

2). ON m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini

on Sunday (pada hari M in g g u )
on M onday (pada hari Senin)
on Sep tem ber 11, 2002 (pada tanggal 11 Sept. 2 0 0 2 )
on the table (di atas meja)
on the bus (di atas bis)

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

■ on my finger (di jariku)

■ on page 51 (pada halaman 51)
■ on my way hom e (dalam perjalanan saya pulang)
■ on m y way to cam pu s (dalam perjalanan saya ke kampus)
• on a jo u rn ey (dalam perjalanan)
• on potatoes (hidup dengan makankentang)
• on top of the page (di bagian atas halaman)
• on the river (di pinggir sungai)
■ on the border (di pin ggir batas)
■ on m y right (di sebelah kanan saya)
• on Rom e (m enuju Roma)
■ on foot (dengan jalan kaki)
■ on a ship (naik /dengan kapal laut)
■ on 6 o'clock train (naik kereta api pukul 6)

TETAPI by train (naik/dengan kereta api), by bus (naik/dengan bis), by plane

(naik/dengan pesawat terbang)

3). IN m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

■ in a box (di dalam kotak)
■ in the cupboard (di dalam almari)
■ in the class (di dalam kelas)
■ in the sea (di laut)
■ in a car (di dalam mobil)
■ in bed (di tempat tidur)
■ in the garden (di kebun)
■ in the street (di jalan raya)
■ in the w indow s (di jendela)
■ in her m outh (di dalam rnulut)
■ in Thailand (di Thailand)
■ in the A tlantic (di Atlantik)
■ in Jakarta (di Jakarta)
• in W onosari (di Wonosari)
■ in business (dalam bidang bisnis)
■ in politics (dalam bidang politik) ^
• in insurance (dalam bidang asurajpsi)
■ in silk (dengan sutra) \
■ in red (dengan tinta merah)
■ in uniform (dengan berseragam )
• in the w rong direction (m enuju / ke arah yang keliru)
■ in the east (m enuju / ke timur)

E a s y TOEFL
(3 w, *
in the direction of London (m enuju/ke arah London)
in English (dalam bahasa In ggris)
% •' ■ -A •■ 0
'- --

in A rab ic (dalam bahasa A rab)

in Ja p a n ese (dalam bahasa Jepang)
in C h in ese (dalam bahasa Cina)
in ink (dengan tinta merah)
in pencil (dengan pensil)
in Ju ne (pada bulan Juni)
in M ay 2003 (pada bulan M ei 2 0 0 3 )
in Su m m er (pada m usim panas)
in the 215tcen tu ry (pada abad ke-21)
in W orld War Two (dalam Perang D unia II)
in V ietn am W ar (dalam Perang Vietnam)
in Iraq W ar (dalam Perang Irak)
I n 1991
in three w eeks (dalam kurun waktu tiga m inggu)
in tw o m onths (dalam kurun waktu dua bulan)
in the m ornin g (pada pagi hari)
in the afternoon (pada siang hari)
in the even in g (pada malam hari)
on M onday m orning (pada Senin pagi)
in five m inutes (dalam lima menit)
in a few days (dalam beberapa hari)
in three m onths (dalam tiga bulan) fcZ ’" i

4). IN T O m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini: in to (masuk
ke dalam) a shop across the road.
Chop it in to (menjadi) sm all cubes.
Turn the sm allest bedroom in to (menjadi) an office.
The novel w as translated in to (ke dalam) five languages.
An investigation in to (m engenai) the cau se of the fire
She was looking straight in to (ke arah) h is eyes.
I backed the car in to (menabrak) the garden wall.
Kate's really in to (tertarik) classical m usic.
W hat's 5 in to (dibagi) 125?

5). FO R m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

for you (untuk anda)
for your father (untuk ayah Janda)
for storing data (untuk menyimpan iata).
for dry skin (untuk kulit kering)

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o . M. P d .

■ for (karena) com ing late.

* fam ous for (terkenal karena) its handicrafts.
■ for (untuk m eringankan) fever.
■ for (selama ) 5 m onths.
■ for (pada acara) N icky's 25th birthday.
■ for (pada/untuk jam) 9 o'clock.

6). F R O M m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

■ from (dari) London.
■ from (dari) London to (ke) New York
■ from (dari) the m om ent .
■ from (dari) m orning to (sampai) night.
■ from (antara) 60 to (hingga) 80 people are present (hadir).
■ from (dari) the top o f the hill (puncak bukit).
■ from (dari) his house.
■ from from (dari) his pocket.
■ away from (jauhnya dari) the coast,
* a few m iles from (beberapa mil jauhnya dari) here (sini).
■ from (dari) d row ning (tenggelam ).
■ from (dari) the rain (hujan),
■ d ifferen t from (berbeda dibandingkan dengan)
■ from C indy (dari Cindy)
■ eggs from (telur yang berasal dari) hens.
■ is m ade from flour (dari/m enggunakan tepung)
■ from m em ory (dari/m enggunakan ingat an)
* suffered from (m enderita karena/disebabkan olelr) heart d isease (penyakit
j ant u n g).
* from the w ay he looks (dari car any a/dengan m em pertim bangkan).
* from w hat he tells you (dari car any a/dengan m em pertim bangkan)

7). OF m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

■ The colour of (dari/daripada) her dress.
■ The roots of (dari/daripada) your hair.
■ A dress of (terbuat dari) silk.
■ A ring of (terbuat dari) gold.
* A bag of (berisi) potatoes
■ A book of (berisi) poems
* Two of (dua dari/daripada) sugar
■ M uch of (kebanyakan dari/daripadah the n ig h t
■ O ne of the guests (salah satu tttlri tamu) '

E a s y TOEFL

■ O ne of (dari) his friends

■ The two of (dari) us
■ It's ten m inutes of (sebelum) three.
■ The villagers fear of (terhadap) an earthquake.
■ The plays of (karya) W s Rendra.
■ A picture of (karya) I W ayan Beratha.
■ A teacher of (bidang/mata pelajaran)English= an English teacher
■ An area of (yang memiliki) heavy rains. A m atter of (yang tidak memiliki
sesuatu yang) no im portance.
■ M uham m ad of (dari/berasal dari) A rab
■ She did it of (disebabkan oleh) her ow n free will.

8). O FF m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

■ G et off (tu run ) the bus BU T get on (naik) the bus.
■ I'm off (berangkat) now.
■ Be off w ith you (pergi).
■ Two m iles off (2 mil jaraknya)
• Several years off (beberapa tahun yang lewat).
■ The door handle fell off (gagang pintu lepas)
■ Take o ff your shoes (Lepas sepatum u)
• C ut o ff a branch from a tree (Tebang ranting pohon).
• Turn off the light (matikan lampu)
■ Turn the tap off (matikan kran)
■ The TV is off (T V itu mati)
■ Sw itch off the engine (Matikan mesin).
• Finish the w ork off (sampai selesai) before you go hom e.
■ They killed off (sampi tanpa sisa=mati semua) all the m osquitoes.
■ The m ilk is off/has gone o ff (tak layak konsumsi)
• Sorry Madam, strawberries are o f f (tak tersedia).
■ I have M onday off (libur).
■ I'm taking a w eek off (libur) over C hristm as.
• The m aid is off (libur) tod ay
■ Her w ork has gone off lately (tak sebagus biasanya)
• I'm afraid the party's off (tak akan terlaksana/gagal ).
■ T h eir en g ag em en t o ff (tak akan terlaksana/gagal).
■ This TV is 30% o ff ( potongan harga %)

9). O U T OF m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

■ Kick the ball out of (keluar) the field
■ The lab o rato ries are out of (tidak dibuka untuk um um ) bou n d s to all
pupils unless a teacher is present.

- 4

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

* A bunch of keys fell out of (jauh dari) her bag.

■ She stepped out of the car (jauh dari) and w alked tow ards me.
■ He's out of the country (tidak lagi di desa) until n ext m onth.
* I've been out of w ork (tidak lagi bekerja) for the past year.
■ The statue was carved out of a single block of (terbuat dari) stone.
* I only gave her the job out of (karena) pity.
■ Nine out of (dari) ten people said they preferred it.
■ He m issed the practice session and now he's out of (tidak termasuk) the

10). O V E R m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

■ The lam p hung over/above (di atas) the table.
■ The doctor leaned over (di atas) the sick child.
* To ju m p over (ke atas melewati) the wall
* The car ran over (ke atas melewati) a dog and killed it.
■ He put the new spaper over (di atas ) his face.
■ To fall over (m enuruni) a cliff.
■ They live (just) over (di seberang sana)
■ W e're over (melewati) the worst of our troubles now.
■ The w ar broke all over (di ssluruh) Europe.
* O ver (lebih dari/di atas) ten years ago; children over (di atas) seven.
* He ruled over (memerintah) a large kingdom .
* I didn't w ant anyone over (m engatur) me.
■ Will you be at hom e over (selama) C hristm as?
* O ver (selama) the years he's becom e lazier and lazier.
■ Problem s over (berkaitan dengan) h is incom e tax.
■ I d on't w ant to say it over (dengan menggunakan/lewat) the telephone.
■ I heard it over (melalui) the radio.
■ To hold a m eeting over (selama) dinner and relaxing over (selama) an
eating etc.

11). BY m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam contoh di baw ah ini:

* I was attacked by (oleh) a dog.
■ The bu ild ing w as designed by (oleh) a fam ous architect.
■ To travel by (naik) car/bus/train.
■ Send it by (melalui/via) air m ail. ^
■ They cam e by (lewat) the back door .
■ It's quicker if you go b y (lewat) the m ain roa
■ Standing by (dekat/di samping) the w indow .
■ Sit by (di samping) me.
* He w alked by (melewati) m e w ithou t noticing m e.

Ea s y TOEFL

■ Be here b y (m enjelang/sebelum ) four o'clock .

■ Will you finish it by (menjelang) tom orrow ?
■ A play by (karya/karangan) Shakespeare.
■ The price o f oil fell by (sampai) of fu rther $2 barrel.
■ To play by (sesuai dengan) the rules.
■ By (demi) God he's done it!

12). W IT H m em iliki arti sebagaim ana dalam con toh di baw ah ini:
■ I'm staying w ith (bersama) a friend.
■ Leave your dog w ith (bersama) me.
■ W ho was that man you w ere w ith (bersama) last night?
■ A book w ith (yang sampulnya) a g reen cover.
■ A w ell- know n bank w ith (yang memiliki) over 200 branches.
■ She doesn't w ant to part w ith (pisah dengan) the money.
■ They fought w ith (dengan) courage.
■ I read your letter w ith (dengan) great interest.
■ W ith (M eskipun) all his faults, I still like him .
* It was covered w ith (dipenuhi dengan) dirt.
■ W ith (Termasuk) a tip, the m eal cost $ 30 for two.
■ You eat it w ith (dengan) a spoon.
■ Cut it w ith (dengan) the scissors.
■ They w ere trem bling w ith (karena) fear .
* The grass w as w et w ith (setelah ada) a rain.
■ Sorry, I'm not w ith (tidak m engerti) you .
■ You are going too fast. Can you say that again?
■ O ff w ith you! (Enyahlah!)
■ O ff w ith the coat! (Tanggalkanlah jasm ul)
■ We sailed w ith (searah) the wind.
■ Be careful w ith (dengan) that glass.
■ Be gentle w ith (dengan) the baby.
■ Som e opposition leaders voted w ith (m endukung) the governm ent.
■ Yu're either w ith (m endukung) m e or ag ain st (m enentang) me.
■ Stop fighting w ith (melawan) your b ro th er .
■ H ave a race w ith (melawan) me.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

B.O TH ER PR EPO SITIO N S ( Kata depan lainnya). A da beberap a P rep o si­

tions yang perlu juga dipelajari, sbb:

A board (di atas atau naik ke atas) for D uring (selama), for exam ple: I go to
exam ple: They are aboard the Sum atra d uring m y holiday.
Except (kecuali), for exam ple: You
About ( tentang, mengenai, di seputar, can see m e at anytim e except
di dekat) for exam ple: I don't care Sunday.
about their com m ents They are
In front of (di depan), for exam ple:
tired of w alking about the streets.
D on't stand in fro n t of the TV.
Above (lebih atas daripada, melebihi, di
In the m iddle of (di tengah) for
luar jangkauan kemampuan) for
exam ple: W e are in the middle of
exam ple: The plane flew above
the gam e.
the clouds. H arry is above all the
other students in his class. This Inside (ke dalam), for exam ple: C om e
scientific book is above me. inside, plese.

A ccording to (m enurut) for exam ple: Like (seperti), for exam ple: She is like
According to Dr. Perez, there is no her m other.
way out. N ear (dekat), for exam ple: She lives
After (sesudah), for exam ple: We will near m y house.

go after dinner. N ext to (di sebelah) for exam ple: He

A gainst (melawan, nempel pada), for lives next to me.
exam ple: It is against our law. He O n top of (di atas, di puncak) for
leans against the wall. exam ple: The m an is on the top of
Along (sepanjang), for exam ple: We his career.
walk along the M alioboro street. O ut of (di luar, bukan, dari) for
A longside (di tepi), for exam ple: exam ple: It is out of the context.
They live alongside the river. Ten out o f fifty m em bers are
Am id (st) (di tengah), for exam ple:
They are amids the mass. O utside (di luar) for exam ple: H e
w aits outside.
A m ong(st) (di antara = di antara tiga
atau lebih), for exam ple: Deborah O ver (di atas, melebihi, melintang, lebih
is sitting among Joe, Grace, and tinggi, melewati), for exam ple: She

Sam. put a blanket over her dau gh ter's

body. He is over years. The
A round (di sekeliling, di sekitar), for
bridge is over the river. M y room
exam ple: Fishing ponds can be
is over your room . I can stay here
found around here.
over a m onth.

E a s y TOEFL

At the bottom of (di dasar) for O w ing to (sebab, karena), for exam ple:
exam ple: The ship is at the bottom Ow ing to the bad situation, they
of the sea. cancel his plan.

A t the top (di puncak) for exam ple: Past ( melewati), for exam ple: I w ent
She is at the top now. past your house. It is tw enty past
A w ay from (jauh dari) for exam ple:
They are away from home. R egarding (mengenai), for exam ple: I
can 't give any com m ents
Behind (di belakang, tertinggal, kalah
regarding this m atter.
baik), for exam ple: He is behind
her in Physics. He lives behind the Round (di sekeliling), for exam ple:
m arket. There is a w all round the house.

Because of (karena) for exam ple: She Since (sejak, karena), for exam ple: She
w as n ot happy because of him . w as absent since tw o days ago.
Since he is lazy, he is elim inated
Below (di bawah), for exam ple: The
from the com petition.
voltage is beloiv 220 VA. His rank
is below mine. T hrough (melahti) for exam ple: Let's
enter through this hole.
Beneath (lebih rendah daripada), for
exam ple: The cat is beneath the T hroughout (di seluruh), for exam ple:
table. There will be a program of
im m unization throughout the
Beside (di samping) for exam ple: He
is standing beside the door.
Till (sampai, h in g g a ), for exam ple: I
Beside (di samping), for exam ple: Rita
will stay here till tom orrow .
sits beside M iranda.
Tow ard (s) (m enuju, terhadap, kea rah),
Besides (di samping itu/selain daripada
for exam ple: Indonesia towards
itu), for exam ple: He did n 't pass
21st Century.
in the exam , besides, it’s not your
fault. T ow ards (m enuju) for exam ple: This
u niversity m oves towards the
Between (diantara = diantara dua), for
global era.
exam ple: It is only between you
and me. U nder (di bawah) for exam ple: The
cat is under the table.
Beyond (lewat, di luar jangkauan), for
exam ple: You m ay go beyond the U nderneath (di bawah) for exam ple:
topic. It's beyond 11:00. You m ust H e put his shoes underneath the bed.
not go out.
U n lik e (tidak seperti), for exam ple:
But (kecuali), for exam ple: He brings He is unlike his brother.
nothing but a hand phone.

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

By (dekat, melalui, melewati, secara, Up (naik ke), for exam ple: They walk
derni, menjelang, pada waktu, up the hill.
naik/lewat) for exam ple: He lives
W ith (dengan, bersama, yang memiliki),
by the river. He w ent to Sum atra
for exam ple: I cut it with a knife.
by Tanjung Priok. Get on the bus
P Jlase add with sugar. I go with
one by one. He will have finished
her. The girl with short hair and
his Senior High School by M ay. I
glasses is Jessica.
don't like traveling by night. I go
to Jakarta by train /by plan e/by W ith in (di dalam, tidak melebihi dari),
bus /by air /by boat /by sea/by land. for exam ple: You are safe within
this house. The police arrived
C concerning (mengenai), for
within 15 m inutes. The hotel is
exam ple: Concerning the
within easy reach of (= near) the
corruption in this com pany I
train station. The project was
have no idea.
com pleted well within budget.
D esp ite (meskipun), for exam ple:
W ith ou t (tanpa), for exam ple: W e
Despite his poor education, he
can't live without water.
m anaged to get a job.

D ow n (m enuruni), for exam ple: The

cam pers ran down the hills.

D u e to (karena, disebabkan oleh), for

exam ple: I couldn't com e there
due to the rains.


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-5 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

1. A correlation refers to a regular relationship tw o variable..

A. in
B. about
C . betw een
D .o n

2. Language dialects in the inner city are different_______those in the suburbs

or the countryside.
A. than

E a s y TOEFL

B. of
C. from
D. in accordance to

3. The m icrow ave oven is one of the safest ap p lian ces...........

A. h om e
B. about the hom e j
C . in the hom e
D .a hom e

4. Internal m igration can affect society as deeply as m ov em en t......... a country.

A. up and over
B. betw een and am ong
C. in and out of
D. up to

5. O ur flight from A m sterdam to London was was delayed______ the heavy

A. because of
B. becau se
C .o n account
D .a s result

D irections: In questions 1-3, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. The m ain office of the factory can be found in M aple Street in

N ew York City.

2. The progress m ade in space travel for the early 1960s is

rem ark ab le.

3. M y book is different than yours because m ine has a vocabulary section at

the bottom of each page, and yours has one in the back.

D rs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

12. Conjunctions
(Kata Sambung)

C O N JU N C T IO N S (Kata Sam bung) are w ords that are used to connect (kata-
kata yang digunakan untuk m enggabungkan) w ords or a group of w ords or sen ­
ten ces ( kata-kata atau kelompok kata atau kali n y t ). C o n ju n c tio n s are u su ally
u sed (biasanya d ig u n a k a n ) in the A d v e rb ia l C la u se (A n a k Kalim at sebagai
K eterangan).

A lthough/even though/though (m es­ train s w ere d elay ed , the sta tio n

kipun): Although/though/even though w as crow d ed w ith th o u san d s of
A gnes is still sick, she decides to passengers. O w ing to the fact that
go to work. less than h a lf of the m em b ers of
the club are p resen t to the m eet­
As (karena, ketika): As I was in a hurry,
ing, the chairm an decides to can ­
I hailed a taxi. As I was w alking to
school, I came across my old friend. cel the m eeting.

B esid es, In ad d ition (to so m eth in g ) (di

As a re su lt o f, co n se q u e n tly (sebagai
sam ping): Besides bein g a teacher,
akibatnya): I am late as a result of
he is also interested in gardening.
heavy rains. The bank refuses to
In addition to be a singer, she is also
help the com pany; consequently it
a TV presenter. In addition to teach ­
w ent bankrupt.
ing, she w orks as a nurse in a pri­
As long as , In so far A s (sepanjang): I
vate hospital.
will help you as long as you need
me. O u r governm ent will provide D u r in g (sela m a ): T h e tw o p e r s o n s
didn't talk d u rin g they attended a
the funds insofar as we are able to.
party last night.
As soo n as (segera setelah): I w ill call
E v e n i f (bahkan jika, s u n g g u h p u n ,
you later as soon as I arrive in Bali.
sekalipun): We will leave for Jakarta
B e ca u se , A s, S in c e , D u e to th e fact
even if it rains. Even if I had know n
t h a t, O w in g to th e fa c t th a t
about the m eeting I m ightn't have
(karena): I w ant to join the A rm y
com e.
because I like to devote m y life for
m y country. I left the party at 10:00 For (selama): I have lived in M agelang
fo r tw enty five years.
p.m . as I had to get up early the
n ext day. Since the situ ation was For fe a r th at (takut-takut): M any fo r­
not peaceful outside, you have to eigners will not stay in a hotel fo r
stay inside. D ue to the fact that all fear that there is a bom b blast.

E a s y TOEFL

H ow ever, Yet, N evertheless, But ( tapi, moreover he location is perfect. This

nam itn): He was ill; how ever, he house is too sm all for a fam ily of
m an ag ed to do h is jo b. She is a five, and furtherm ore it is in a bad
funny girl, yet you can't help lik­ location.
ing her. I can't go w ith you. N ever­ N o s o o n e r ...t h a n ( tak lam a setelah
theless, I appreciate the invitation.
...k e m u d ia n /la lu ): No sooner had
Mr. W arno is poor but happy. she finished her duty than she was
If {jika, seanda in ya ): I f I h a v e m u ch asked to do another one.
money, I will spend a w eek in a - N ot o n ly ....b u t also (bukan h a n y a ...
three star hotel in Bali. I would buy tetapi ju ^ a ...) , as w ell as (begitu
a n ew car if I had m uch m on ey
juga): Jack is not only sm art but also
(BU T I do not have m uch m oney). h an d som e. Sam has lived in the
I w ould have gone to the USA if I U nited States as well as A ustralia.
had g ot a sch o la rsh ip ( beasiswa)
N ow th at (m um pung, sebab): Now that
(BU T 1 did not get the scholarship).
the chance is coming, Cyntia doesn't
In case (kalau kalau): You should bring w ant to lose.
an u m b rella w ith you in case it
O n th e o th e r h a n d (s eb a lik n y a ): It
rarely rains in Jogjakarta, but on the
In o rd e r th a t (agar supaya): Team A
other hand it rains a lot in Jakarta.
practices five tim es a w eek in or­
O nce (sekali, pada saat/setelah): O nce a
der that thecan join a World Cup
child is in bed, she usually stays there.
prelim inary round.
Once Prof. Syahrir arrives, we can
In spite of, inspite of the fact that/de­ start the m eeting. Once I m ake up
s p ite , d e s p ite th e fa c t th a t m y m ind, I never change it.
(m eskipun): In spite o f the rain, I
O nly If (hany jika): I w ill atten d the
kept going out. Nita Thalia cam e
m eeting only if I get an invitation
to the show despite her illness. He
w orks hard day and night in spite
of the fact that he is m ore than 80. O therw ise (jika tidak): The food is de­
Despite o f the fact that she is very liciou s, bu t otherwise the p lace is
well know n all over Indonesia, she not com fortable. G o now, otherwise
is very m odest. you m iss the plane.

In the hope that (dengan harapan): The Provided T h at (asalkan): I d on't m ind
Sum antri w orks day and n ight in if you w ant to join us provided that
the hope that th ey co u ld ch a n g e y o u y ou o b e y th e ru le s o f th e
their life. gam e. You^can join this club pro­
vided chat you ca n m eet the re ­
M oreover, F u rth e rm o re (bahkan, lagi
qu irem en ts.
pula): The rent is reasonable, and

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

Since (sejak): She has got m arried since therefore you can find it in another
1985. CD center. The hotels w ere built
on P u n cak hills, h ence the nam e
So (maka/jadi): I had a h ead ach e last
P u n cak . Mr. S m ith asked her to
night, so I w ent to bed soon.
leave the party, accordingly she left.
So + adjective/adverb + that ...(sangat/
Till/U ntil (hingga): I will w ait for you
sed em ik ia n. . .s e h in g g a ): S h e is so
until you com e back. We all w ill
beautiful that every boy ad m ires
wait here until Ihe rains stops.
her. The soldiers were w ounded so
seriously that they had to be taken U nless (jika tidak): Unless you have a
to the hospital. diplom a, you can not apply for this

So th at (sehingga): We stu d y hard so job.

that we pass the exam . We travel W h e n (ketika, pada saat): Y ou m ay
around Indonesia so that we ge a start your trip when everything is
lot of experiences for m y life. The ready. Wlxen the police cam e to the
shop was closed, so that we went spot, the crim in al had left away.
hom e. When I w as a stud en t, I w en t to

S o ... that (begitu....hingga/agar supaya): school by bus.

Mr. G om ez w orks so hard that he W h ere (di m ana): T h is is the v illag e

can provide his fam ily with good where I w as born.
food and education. W h e re a s (p a d a h a l): S h in ta h a s g o t
S uch + a + a d je ctiv e + n o u n + th at m arried whereas she is still in uni­
...(sangat/sedem ikian... .sehingga): It versity.
is such a good book that everyone W h erever (kem anapun): W herever you
w ants to bu y it. go, you m ust take your id en tifica­
Suppose that (andaikan): Suppose that tion card w ith you.
today is a doomsday, w hat will we W hile (sem entara): P lease w atch my
do? bag while I buy a ,bus ticket.
Therefore, Hence, A ccordingly (karena
itu): The CD is not available here,


D irections: Q uestions 1-6 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

E a s y TOEFL

1. The doctor told his receptionist that he w ould return________

A. as early as it would be possible.
B. at the earliest that it could be possible.
C . as soon as possible
D .a t the nearest early possibility

2. The geocentric idea was abandoned in the seventeenth century, partly as a

resultof the w ritings of C opernicus________observations m ade by other as­
tronom ers.
A. and also were
B. not only because of f
C. also because were
D .a n d also because of

3. D eterm in in g the m ineral co n ten t o f soil sam ples is an exactin g process;

________experts m ust perform detailed tests to analyze soil specim ens.
A. so that
B. how ever
C. afterw ards
D .th erefo re

4. The earth revolves a little m ore ra p id ly ________ it is closer to the sun.

A. when\/
B. or
C. than
D. w herever

5. D eterm in in g the m ineral con tent o f soil sam p les is an exactin g process;
_ _ _ _ _ experts m ust perform detailed tests to analyze soil specim ens.
A. so that
B. how ever
C. afterw ards
D .th erefo re

6. N ancy hasn't begun w orking on her Ph.D ________ w orking on her m aster's.
A. still because she is yet
B. yet as a result she is still (
C. yet because she is still
D .still w hile she is already

Drs. Slam et R iy a n to , M. P d .


D ire c tio n s: Q u estion s 1 - 6 each senten ce has four u n d erlin ed w ord s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Danny spent such enjoyable vacation in Europe this sum m er that he plans
to return as soon as he save enough m on ey

2. The chem istry instructor explained the experim ent in sifth o f a way
that it w as easily u n d ersto od .

3. Kurt had so interesting and creative plans that everyone w anted to w ork on
his com m ittee.

4. The teachers and the adm inistrators are having such d ifficult tim e agreeing
on a contract for the forthcom ing year that the teachers m ay go on strik e.

5. A lthough her severe pain, Pat decided to com e to the m eeting so that there
w ould be a quorum .

6. N ew s of Charles Lindbergh's fam ous transatlantic flight in 1927 spread

rapidly despite of the lack on an international com m un ication system .

Ea s y TOEFL

13. Definite and Indefinite Article

(Kata Sandang Tertentu dan Tak tentu)

In English g ram m ar ( Dalam tata bahasa Inggris ), m any w o rd s are used

(banyak kata digunakan) to lim it ( m em batasi) the m ean in g o f n ou n s ( arti kata
benda). T h ree o f them are ( Tiga diantaranya adalah ) : a, an, and th e. T h ese
words are called ( Kata-kata ini dinamakan) T H E A R T IC L E ( Kata Sandang).

1. W E U SE (Kita m enggunakan) A :
a. B e fo re a w ord (sebelum kata) b e g in n in g w ith (m ulai dengan) a co n ­
so n a n t sou n d (bunyi konsonan=huruf mati), for exam ple:
■ a book
■ a pen
■ a teacher
■ a D PR m em ber
■ a job,
■ a U N ESC O (baca: e yunesko)
■ a university (baca: e yuniversiti)
■ a one-eyed m an (baca: e wan aid m aen)
■ a union (baca: e yunien)
■ etc.

b. F o r th in g s w e can c o u n t ( un tu k benda y a n g dapat kita h itu n g ), for

exam ple:
■ a boy
■ a bag
■ a cat
■ a tall girl
■ a nice day
■ a house, etc.

2. W E U S E (Kita m enggunakan) A N :
a. B e fo re a w ord b e g in n in g w ith vow el sou nd (sebelum kata yang mulai
dengan bunyi hidup = a, i, u, e, o), for exam ple:
■ an apple,
■ an exam ,
■ an u m brella,
■ an SCTV (baca : en aes ci ti vi)

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d .

an egg,
■ an aunt,
■ an SM A student (baca : en aes em ei)
■ an interesting film,
■ an FBI (baca : en ef bi ai)
■ an old house, etc.

b. B efo re a w ord b e g in n in g w ith a s ile n t " h " (sebelum kata yang mulai
dengan h u ru f h yang lemah), for exam ple:
■ an hour (baca : en auer)
■ an honest boy (baca : en anes boi)
■ an heir (baca : en eir)
■ an honor (baca : en aouer), etc.

c. For th in g s w e can co u n t (untuk benda yang kita dapat h itung), for e x ­

am ple:
■ an apple
■ a table
■ an egg, etc.

3. T H E U SU A L M E A N IN G O F (A rti yang lazim daripada) A or AN :

a = o n e (satu, sebuah, suatu), for exam ple:
■ She w orks in an office.
■ I bought a new spaper.
a = each/for each (setiap, m asing-m asing), for exam ple:
■ This room is five dollars a week.
■ He got Rp 25,000 a day.
a/an = (seorang, seekor, sebutir, sebuah, etc)
• I am a teacher.
■ You are a student.
■ M ike Tyson is a boxer.
■ H asnah is an engineer (seorang insinyur)
■ Rano Karno is an actor.
■ A cat is an anim al.
■ This is an apple.
* There is a bird.

2. W E U SE (m enggunakan) T H E :
We use (m enggunakan) T H E w hen (ketika) the thing we are talking about is
(benda yang kita bicarakan itu):
a. M en tio n ed b efo re (disebutkan sebelum nya) for exam ple:
■ There is a m an in the cafe. T h e m an is very tall.


b. Specified by an ad jectiv e (,dicirikan/diklm suskan oleh kata sifat) and

w e k n ow w h ich th in g w e m ean ( kita taint benda yang mana yang
dimaksud) for exam ple:
■ W hich bag do you w ant? ( Yang mana tas yang kamu inginkan ?) 1
w ant the blue bag.
■ This is the best book I have ever read (Inilah buka yang pernah
saya baca).

c. Specified by a word, phrase or clause (dicirikan!dikhususkan oleh kata,

frase atau anak kalimat) for exam ple:
* The girl in blue is a doctor.
■ The road to Jakarta is very busy.
■ The house w here 1 live in is old.

d. Specified by a context (dicirikan/diklmsuskan oleh kontek) or the situa­

tion in w hich a thing or person we m ean is clear (tfitau situasi yang
mana benda atau orang itu yang dimaksud) for exam ple:
■ As I was strolling along the street, I looked at the clothes in the
store w indow s.
■ My m other is cooking in the kitchen.
’ Please pass me the salt.

e. Specified by com m on know ledge (dicirikan/diklmsuskan oleh kontek)

or we exp ect the listen er to know w h ich one w e m ean (atau kita
m enharapkan p een d en g a r tahu y a n g mana y a n g kita m aksudkan). for
exam ple:
* It is dark. Can you turn the light on?
■ Ann had to catch the train, so I took her to the stasion.

2. WE DO NOT USE A. AN or T H E :
We do not use (tidak m enggunaka ) A, AN or we o m it (m enghU angkan)
THE in the follow ing cases (kasus-kasus berikut ini):
a. Before uncountable nouns (sebelum kata benda tak dapat dihitung) and
they have no plural form s (kata benda itu tidak memiliki bentuk jamak),
for exam ple: water, advise, inform ation, m usic ,m ilk. sugar, etc. We
CAN N O T SAY (tak dapat m engatakan): a w ater, an in fo rm a tio n , a
milk, a sugar, etc. for exam ple:
* We drink water.
■ I have inform ation for you.
■ I need your advice.
B She drinks tea w ithout sugar.
* I like music.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

b. Before countable plural nouns (sebelum kata benda jamak dapat dihitung),
for exam ple: bags, h ou ses, h o urs,cars, p roblem s, students, etc. We
CAN SAY ( dapat mengatakan) the bag, the houses BU T we CA N N O T
SAY a bags, an hours, etc. for exam ple:
■ I have a lot of problem s.
■ It takes five hours.
■ There are tw enty students.

c. Before a noun w hen we m ean som ething in general (sebelum kata benda
ketika kita maksudkan sesuatu yang um um ) , for exam ple: English, ten­
nis, justice, honesty, etc. for exam ple:
■ We drink w ater.
* Tina is good at M athem atics and English.
* Tom is fond of (suka) tennis , basket and chess.
■ Life is hard. Justice is a m ust (suatu keharusan).
* H onesty is m y principle. *

d. In h ead lin es (pokok-pokok berita), n o tices (p en gu m u m a n ), teleg ram s

( tilgram ), lists (daftar-daftar) , and outlines (garis-garis besar). for ex­
am ple:
■ M an found dead in car.
■ Car exploded, 5 dead.

W E C A N SAY (Kita dapat m engatakan):

■ the Soviet U nion (U ni Soviet),
■ the United States o f A m erica (Amerika Serikat) ,
■ the U nited K ingdom o f G reat Britain (Inggris Raya/Kerajaan Inggris),
■ the R epublic of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia),
• the United A rab Em irates (U ni Emirat Arab),
■ the N etherland s (Belanda),
■ the Philippines (Pilipina),
■ the D om inion of C anada (Dominion Kanada) ,
■ the City of N ew York (Kota New York),
■ the Province of Bengkulu (Propinsi Bengkulu),
■ the Balkans (Balkan),
■ the Congo (Kongo),
H the Sudan (Sudan),
■ the Haw aian island (Pulau Hawai),
■ the W est Indies (India Barat).

E a s y TOEFL

W E C A N SA Y (Kita dapat mengatakan):

■ the M idddle East ( Timur Tengah ),
■ the Far East (Tim ur Jauh),
• the sou th of Spain (Selatan Spanyol),
■ the east o f Indonesia (Tim ur Indonesia),
• the w est o f M alay (Barat Malaysia),
■ the A ndes (P egunungan Andes),
■ the Rockey M ontains (P egunungan Rokey ) BUT M ount Merapi (G u n u n g
M erapi),
■ the A tlan tic O cean (Sam udera Atlantik),
■ the Indian O cean ( Samudera India),
■ the M editeranean (sea) (Laut M editeran),
■ the Red Sea (Laut M erah),
■ the N ile (Sungai Nil),
■ the Panam a C anal (Terusan Panama),
■ the Suez Canal (Terusan Suez) ,
■ the Tham es (Sungai Thames),
• the K apuas (Sungai Kapuas). j
■ etc.

WE CA N SA Y (Kita dapat m engatakan):

■ the M ing D ynasty ( Dinasti M in g)
■ the M iddle A ges (Abad Pertengahan),
■ the R enaissance (Zaman Renaisan),
• the French Revolution (Revolusi Perancis),
■ the Civil War (Perang Budak / Perang Sipil),
• the First World War (Perang D unia Pertama),
• the M agna C arta (Piagam M agna Carta),
■ the Secretary of State (M enteri Luar N egeri),
■ the Round Table C onference (Konferensi M eja Bundar),
• the K ing (Raja) ,
■ the Prim e M inister (Perdana M enteri),
■ the A rm y (Angkatan Bersenjata),
■ the A ir C orps (Korps Angkatan Udar),
■ the Police (Kepolisian) ,
• the Executive (Eksekutif),
■ the legislative, (Legislatif)
• the Ju d icial (Kehakiman),
• the United N ations (Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa)
• the Ford Fondation (Yayasan Ford),

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

■ the C om m unist Party (Partai Kom unis),

■ the D em ocrats (Dem okrat),
* the R epu blicans (Republik)
■ the C onservatives (Konservatif).

W E C A N SA Y (Kita dapat mengatakan):

■ the piano (piano),
■ the guitar (gitar)
■ the violin (biola),
■ the flute (sending),
■ the saxophone (teropet),
■ the planets M ars (planet M ars),
■ the Venus (planet Venus),
■ the Joh nson s (keltiarga John),
■ the K enned ys (keluarga K ennedy),
* the Sm iths (keluarga Smith s),
■ the Jakarta Post,
■ the W ashington Post (Surat Kabar Washington Post),
■ the New York Tim es, g
* the D u tch (bahasa/orang Belanda),
* the poor (orang-orang miskin),
■ the rich (orang-orang kaya),
■ the C hinese (orang-orang Cina ).

WE C A N SA Y (Kita dapat mengatakan):

■ A frica,
■ A m erica,
■ Asia,
■ Boston,
■ Califonia,
■ C anada,
■ East Asia,
■ Europa,
* Hawaii,
■ India,
■ Indonesia,
■ Iraq,
■ Jakarta,
■ Japan,
■ L ond on, /
■ N orth A m erica (A m erika Utara),


■ Sin gapore,
* South Africa (Afrika Selatan),
■ Spain (Spanyol),
■ Texas,
■ H arvad University BUT the University of Harvad (Universitas Harvard),
■ M edical School BUT the School of M edicine (Fakultas Kedokteran),
Boston C ollege BUT the College o f Boston (Perguruan Tinggi Boston).
m Bandung Intitute of Technology (Institut Teknologi Bandung).
" Indonesia University BUT the University of Indonesia Universitas Indone­
m G ajah m ad a U n iversity BU T the U niversity o f Gajahmada (U niversitas
Gadjah M ada),
* Yogyakarta State U niversity BUT the State University of Yogyakarta (U n i­
versitas N egeri Yogyakarta).
■ Indonesia O pen U niversity (Universitas Terbuka Indonesia).
■ the Hotel ot Hilton BUT Hilton Hotel (Hotel Hilton),
K the N ational M onum ent (M onum en Nasional),
■ the Library O f C ongress (Perpustakaan Konggres),
’ the Eiffel Tower (M enara), _
a the Progo Bridge (Jembatan Progo),
* the River Tham es (Sungai Thames),
» the Bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia),
* the M useum of Art M useum Seni),
■ the G reat Wall of China (B in d in g Raksasa Cina),
■ Sid oarjo R egency (Kabupaten Sidoarjo),
m Yogyakarta Special Territory (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) .

WE CAN SA Y ( Kita dapat mengatakan):

■ I go to school. BUT I go to the school. (M aksudnya saya tidak belajar di
sekolah ini, TETAPI saya , m isalnya: m enem ui teman saya. Di sini saya
sebagai tamu di sekolah ini, BUKAN sebagai m urid ).
■ They go to u niversity ( universitas).
B She goes to co lleg e (perguruan tinggi).
* They are in m osqu e (di masjid).
* They are in church (di gereja).
* He is in p rison (penjara)

WE CAN SA Y (Kita dapat m engatakan):

* I go to bed early (Saya tidur awal).
■ I go to w ork everyday (Saya pergi bekerja setiap hari).
D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . _______________________________________________

■ I finish w ork at 2 p. m (Saya selesai bekerja pkl. 2 sore) .

■ I go hom e (Saya pulang).
■ She is at hom e (Dia di rumah).

W E CA N SAY (Kita dapat mengatakan):

■ I live in D iponegoro street (Saya tinggal di Jl. Diponegoro).
• There is a hotel in Nangka road (Ada sebuah hotel di Jl.Nangka).
■ There is a pub in Bogor Road (Ada bar di ]alan Raya Bogor).
■ There is a bank near Fifth Avenue (Ada sebuah bank di Jalan Raya Lim)

WE CAN SAY (Kita dapat m engatakan):

• Soekarn o H atta A irp o rt (Bandara Soekarno Hatta),
• London Zoo (Kebun Binatang London),
• G am bir Station ( Stasiun Gambir),
■ Sultan Palace (Keraton Sultan),
■ Kyai Langgeng Park (Taman Kyai L an ggeng di M agelang).

WE CA N SAY (Kita dapat mengatakan):

■ I have break fast (Saya ada makan pagi) lunch (makan siang), and d in ­
ner everyd ay (makan malam setiap hari).

D ire c tio n s : Q u estio n s 1-6 each sen ten ce has four u nd erlined w o rd s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of thexanswer you
have chosen.

1. People respected G eorge W ashington because he was a honest

man, and he turned out to be one of our greatest m ilitary leaders.

2. My cousin attend iversitv in the M idw est which specialized

in astronom y.

3. W hile searching for the w reckage of a unidentified aircraft, the

C oast Guard encountered severe squalls at sea.

4. Stephen Crane's story is a clinical portrayal of m an as an anim al
trapped by the fear and hunger.

5. M ary and her sister just bought two new w inters coats at the
clearance sale.

6. When an university form ulates new regulations, it must relay its

A B C d 'v" '—______
decision to the students and faculty.

14. Determiners
(Kata-Kata Yang Digunakan Sebagai Penjelas
A tau Penentu Kata Benda)

D E T E R M IN E R S adalah kata-kata yang d ig u n ak an sebagai S P E C IF IE R

(Kata- kata yang digunakan sebagai P en jela s atau P en en tu ), m isalnya:

1. Som e (artinya beberapa, sebanyak) + C o u n tab le or U n cou n table, m isalnya:

* We need som e w orkers to m anage this com pany.
“ Som e 1500 dem onstrators are on strike (m ogok).
* Can I have som e inform ation?

2. Any (artinya beberapa, ada) + C ou n tab le o r% Jn cou n tab le N ouns, m isalnya:

0 I don't have any jobs today. ]
* Are there any problem s?

3. M any (artinya banyak) + P lu ral N o u n s, m isalny a:

There are m any visitors (pengunjung) visiting (m engunjungi) TMI1 to-

4. M uch (artinya banyak) + U n c o u n ta b le N o u n s, m isalny a:

■ We do not have m uch tim e to think about it.
■ Do you have m uch trouble (kesulitan) ?

5. Not Any (artinya tidak ada) + C o u n tab le + U n co u n tab le N ouns, misalnya:

■ There are not any passengers (Tidak ada banyak penum pang) in the bus
term inal.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

6. N ot M an y (tak banyak) + Plural N ouns, m isalnya:

■ T h ere are not m any q u estio n s d u rin g (Tidak ada banyak pertanyaan
selama) the sem inar.

7. N o (artinya tak ada) + C o u n ta b le + U n co u n ta b le N o u n s, m isalny a:

■ There is no water in this region (Tidak ada air didaerah ini).

8. E x cep tio n (artinya percekualian), m isalnya:

■ Thank you very m uch (Terima kasih banyak).
■ Only this m uch (hanya segini).
■ Not m uch (tak banyak).

9. Few (artinya sedikit, ham pir tidak punya) + P lu ra l N o u n s, m isalnya:

■ I have few problem s (Saya punya sedikit masalah).

10. A Few (artinya beberapa) + P lu ral N o u n s, m isalnya:

■ I have a few days (Saya punya beberapa hari).

11. Little (artinya sedikit, hampir tidak punya) + U n co u n tab le N ouns, m isalnya:
■ I have little tim e (Saya punya sedikit waktu).

12. A L ittle (artinya sedikit) + U n co u n tab le N ouns, m isalnya:

■ I have a little m oney (Saya punya sedikit uang).

13. Every (artinya setiap) + Singular Nouns, m isalnya:

■ Every student com es on time (Setiap siswa datang tepat waktu).

14. A ll (artinya semua) + Plural N ouns, m isalnya:

- A ll countries have a national language (Semua negara memiliki bahasa

15. S e v e ra l (artinya beberapa) + Plural N ouns, m isalifya:

* S ev eral policem en are in v estig a tin g the suicide case (Beberapa polisi
sedang menyelidiki kasus bunuh diri).

16. A Lot o f (artinya banyak) + C ountable or U ncountable N ouns, m isalnya:

■ A lot o f m oney is n eed ed to im prove the quality of hum an resources
(Banyak uang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan miitu S D M ).

17. Lots (artinya banyak) + C ountable or U ncou ntable N ouns, m isalnya:

■ Lots o f the w ork is tiring (Banyak pekerjaan itu melelahkan).

18. P len ty o f (artinya banyak) + C ountable or U ncountable N ouns, m isalnya:

■ We need p le n ty o f m on ey to buy a new com p u ter (Kita m em erlukan
banyak uang untuk membeli kom luter baru).

19. A great deal o f (artinya banyak) + U ncountable N ouns, m isalnya:

■ To build this tower, the governm ent needs a great d eal o f m oney (U ntuk
m em bangun m enara, pem erintah m em erlukan banyak uang).

E a s y TOEFL

20. A great m any of (artinya banyak) + U ncou ntable N ouns, m isalnya:

■ T h ere are a great m any of people w aitin g for the train (Ada banyak
penduduk yang sedang m en u n ggu kereta api).

2 1 . A great n um ber of (artinya banyak) + C ou n table Plural N ouns, m isalnya:

■ A great nu m b er of people have no d ocu m ents (Banyak penduduk tidak

memiliki dokitmen / surat-surat).

22. A num ber of (artinya banyak) + Plural N ouns, m isalnya:

■ A num ber of qualified w orkers have left the com pany (Banyak pekerja
yang berm u tu telah m eninggalkan perusahaan).

23. The nu m b er of (artinya jum lah) + C ou n table N ouns, m isalnya:

■ The n u m ber of unem ployed population is increasin g (Jumlah penduduk
y a ng m e n g a n g g u r bertam bah).

24. A sm all nu m b er of (artinya sedikit) + C ou ntable N ouns, m isalnya:

■ A sm all n u m b er of stud en ts join ed a S cien tific C om p etitio n (Sedikit
siswa yang ikut Lomba Ilmiah).

25. All of (artinya semua) + C ountable or U ncountable N o u n s:

Exam ple:
* All of the singers are eager to w elcom e the first appearance of Dianna
R o se (S em u a p en y a n y i in g in sekali m en y a m b u t pen a m p ila n pertam a
Dianna Rose).

26. Not all of (artinya tak semua dari) + C ountable or U ncountable N o u n s:

Exam ple:
■ N ot all of the v o ters use th eir rig h ts to v o te (Tidak sem ua pem ilih
m enggunakan hak mereka untuk m emilih).

2 7 . H alf of (artinya setengah) + C ountable or U ncountable N o u n s:

E xam ple:
■ H a lf of th e team s m u st be e lim in a te d (Setengal^ dari mereka harus
dielim inasi).

28. Both (artinya keduanya) + C ountable or U n cou n tab le N o u n s:

E xam ple:
■ T h ere are tw o shop s (Ada dua toko). B oth are still closed (Keduanya
masih tutup). \

29. Both of (artinya kedua dari) + C ountable or U ncou n table N o u n s:

E xam ple:
■ Both of the team s m ust take a rest (Kedua tim itu harus beristirahat)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

30. E ith e r o f (artinya keduanya dari ) + th e.../ th ese / th o se.../ us / you /

them / my / your / h is / Jim 's ..., etc, or a plural n ou n + a S in g u la r /plural
verb. We use a singular verb in a FO R M A L style.
Exam ple:
■ E ith er o f them is good (Kedua dari mereka itu bagus).
■ E ith er o f the shops are still closed (Kedua dari took itu masih tutup).

31. N eith er o f (artinya tidak ada dari ) + th e.../ th ese / th ose.../ us / you /
them / my / your / h is / Jim 's ...,e tc ., or a plural noun + a S in g u la r /plural
verb. We use a singular verb in a FO R M A L style.
Exam ple:
■ N e ith e r o f the can d id ates is qu alified (Tidak ada dari calon-calon itu
yang m utu).
■ N e ith e r o f h is b ro th e rs w o rk (Tidak ada dari kakak-kakaknya y a n g

32. N one o f (artinya tak satupun) + th e.../ th ese / those.../ us / you / th em / m y

/ your / h is / Jim 's ..., etc.
Exam ple:
■ N one o f them is lazy (Tak satupun / seorangpun dari mereka itu malas).

33. M o st o f (artinya kelmnyakan dari):

Exam ple:
■ M ost o f the players are from Europe (Kebanyakan pemainnya dari Eropa).

34. M a n y o f (artinya banyak dari):

Exam ple:
■ M an y o f them are A fricans, not A sians (Banyak dari mereka orang Ajrika,
bukan orang Asia.

35. N ot en ou g h o f (artinya tak cukup):

Exam ple:
■ Not en ou gh o f that food is fresh (Tidak cukup makanan yang sehat).

36. Som e o f (artinya beberapa)

Exam ple:
■ Som e o f the p articipants are late (Beberapa peserta terlambat).


E a s y TOEFL


D irectio n s C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.
1. She wanted to serve som e coffee to her guests; how ever,_____________.
(A) she hadn't m any sugar
(B) there was not a great am ount o f the sugar
(C) she did not have m uch sugar
(D) she was lacking in am ount of the sugar

2. ______________ orangu tans live alone.

A. N ear all
B. A lm ost all
C. The all
D. The m ost all

D ire c tio n s : Q u estio n s 1-4 each sen ten ce has fou r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or
phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Because they had spent too m any tim e considering the new contract,
the students lost the opportunity to lease the apartm ent.
2. Please give m e a few coffee and som e donuts if you have any left.
A (£ ) C D

3. N either of the girls have turned in the term papers to the

A B " C
instructor y e t.
D \
4. Rudolph N ureyev has becom e one of the greatest dancer that the
ballet world has ever k n o w n .

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , ML P d .

15. Countable vs. Uncountable Noun

(Kata Benda Yang Dapat Dihitung
Dan Tidak Dapat Dihitung)

A N O UN (Kata benda) is CO U N TA BLE (dapat dihitung) and U N C O U N T ­

A BLE (tidak dapat dihitung).

A. We can use (Kita dapat m enggu n a k a n ) a, an, th e, o n e, tw o , th re e , four,

fiv e , e tc + C o u n ta b le N o u n s b e c a u s e (k a ren a ) w e ca n c o u n t (dapat
m enghitung) them .

C O U N TA B LE N O U N S can be S in g u lar (tunggal) or P lu ral (jam ak ), for

exam ple:

SINGULAR (Tunggal) PLURAL (Jamak)

a house houses

her bag m any bags

a chair five chairs

a book two books

an orange five oranges

a woman three w om en

his student a lot of students

the teacher som e teachers,etc.

Exam ple:

■ That is a house (Ini sebuah rumah).

■ There are m any h ou ses (Ada banyak rumah).
■ The houses are very expen sive (Rum ah-rum ah ini sangat maha ).
■ This is a new bag (Ini sebuah tas baru).
■ I eat five oranges (Saya makan 5 jeruk).
■ There is a wom an in m y office (Ada seorang wanita di kantor saya).
■ She is m y student (Dia m urid saya).
■ He is a teacher of M usic (Dia seorang g u ru musik).
E a s y TOEFL

1. E X C E P T IO N -1 (Perkecitalian). T h ere are so m en o u n s that (Ada beberapa

kata benda yang) D O N O T end in (tidak berakhiran) -s or es in the plural
form (dalam bentuk jam aknya) b u t th e m e a n in g is p lu ra l (tetapi artinya
jamak), for exam ple:

EXCEPTION -1 ( Perkecualian )
( T u n g g a l) ( Jamak ) ( Contoh )

There is a child (seorang anak) in the sw im m ing pool.

child children
There are som e children (beberapa anak ) over there.

Look at that fish (ikan).

fish fish
There are many fish (banyak ikan) in this pond.

Her left foot (kaki) is bleeding.

foot feet
There are tw o w ounded feet (dua kaki).

There is a man (seorang laki-laki) is busy.

man men
There are five men (lima laki-laki) here.

There is a mouse (seekor tikus) under the table.

mouse mice
They try to catch those mice (tikus-tikus itu)

He has an ox (seekor sapi jantan).

ox oxen
There two oxen (sapi-sapi jantan).

person people He is a nice person (seorang).

There are thousands of people (banyak orang)

attending nis party.

sheep sheep He has only one sheep (satu domba) left.

We have ten sheep (sepuluh domba) sold.

tooth teeth Her tooth (gigim/a) is healthy.

Two teeth (dua gigi) m ust be pulled out.

woman wom en She is a good woma^ (seorang wanita).

A lot of women (banyak wanita) w ork in the office.

2. EX C E PTIO N -2 (Perkecualian . There are som e nouns that HAVE the same
form ( Ada beberapa kata benda yang bentiiknya sama). T h ese nouns can be
(Kata benda ini dapat S in g u la r or P lu ral, for exam p le:

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M. P d .

EXCEPTION -2 ( Perkecualian )


(Tunggal) (Jamak) ( Contoh )

A train is a means of transportation ( Kereta api at1alah alat

means means
We need many modern means of transportation (Kita
memerlukan banyak alat trasportas'i).

I need a TV series (Sai/a perlu seri TV).

series series There are three new TV series launced today (Ada banyak
seri TV baru yang diluncurkan hari ini).

This is a species of bird (Ada spesies/jenis burung).

species species This zoo has more than 500 species of bird (Kebun binatang
ini memiliki lebih dari 500 spesies burung).

3. E X C E P T IO N -3 (Perkecualian). There are som e S in g u la r N ouns that need

(Ada beberapa kata benda tunggal yang m em erlukan) p lu ral verb (kata kerja
jamak). These nouns are considered (Kata benda ini dianggap) as a num ber
of people (sebagai sejumlah orang). So they need a plural verb (Jadi perlu
kata kerja jamak) , for exam ple:

■ EXCEPTION -3 (Perkecualian)
(Tunggal + Kata kerja jamak)
audience The audience (hadirin) are very enthusiastic.

committee The committee (panitia) of this school have

arrived. /
.......... . ................... / ............
family My family (keluargaku) are vey happy.

government The government (pernerintah) increase the oil


staff The staff (staf) of this office start working.

team The team (tim) are very solid.

4. These nouns are ALWAYS Plural, (Kata benda ini selalu jamak) so they need
(Jadi memerlukan) a Plural verb (Kata kerja jamak), for exam ple:

E a s y TOEFL


(Selalu laiuak) (Contoh)
police (polisi) The police are on the alert.

glasses (kacamata) She is wearing glasses.

jeans (celana jeans) Do you like these jeans?

people (orang-orang /rakyat) There are a lot of people here.

pyjamas (pii/anm) I don't want any pyjamas.

scissors (glinting) Where are the scissors?

shorts (celana pendek) Your shorts are so too tight.

trousers (celana panjang) These trousers are off cotton.

B. Som e nouns are called U ncountable N ouns (Beberapa Kata benda disebut
Kata Benda Yang Tak Dapat D ih itu n g). It m eans that (A rtinya bahwa) we
CA N N O T C O U N T them (kita tidak dapat m enghitnngnya ).

U N CO U N TA BLE N O UN S (Kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung) DO N O T

have (tidak memiliki) a plural form (bentuk jamak). No final - s is added to the
noun (Tidak ada akhiran - s ditambahkan ke kata benda). T h ey have only O N E
form (M ereka hanya memiliki satu bentuk). It m ean s that they CAN N O T be
preceeded by (Artinya bahwa kata benda itu a tidak dapat didahului oleh ) a, an,
the, one, tw o, three, four, five, etc.
So, we C A N N O T SAY (Jadi, kita tak dapat m engatakan): a m o n ey, an
inform ation, the advice, three salt, five air, etc.

(Tunggal) \(Jamak)
• advice (nasehat) • advice (nasehat)
• air (udara) • air ( udara)
• anger (kemarahan) • anger (kemarahan)
• beauty (kecatitikan) • beauty (kecantikan)
• bread ( roti) • bread (roti)
• enjoyment (kesenangan) • enjoyment (kesemingqjt)
• furniture (perabot) • furniture (perabot)
• hair (rambut) • hair (rambut)
• happiness (kebahagiaan) • happiness (kebahagiaan)
• information (inforntasi) • information (inforntasi)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• justice (keadilan) e justice (keadilan)

® mathematics (matematika) « mathematics (matematika)

• meat (daging) * meat (daging)

• milk (susu) • milk (susu)

• money (uang) • money (uang)

• music (musik) • music (musik)

® news (berita) • news (berita)

® patience (kesabaran) • patience (kesabaran)

• peace (perdamaian) » peace (perdamaian)

» rice (padi / nasi) ® rice (pad; / nasi)

* salt (garam) » salt ( garam )

• sugar (gala) • sugar (gula)

• water (air) • water (air)

• work ( pekerjaan) o w'ork (pekerjaan)

Instead o f them (sebagai gantinya) we can use (kita dapat m enggunakan )

w ords such as (kata-kata seperti) a piece o f (secarik ) a glass o f (segelas) ,a can of
(sekaleng), a bar o f (sepotong), a cup o f (s ecangkir), a sp o o n fu l o f (sebotol), a lo af
of (s epotong), etc.


* I drink a glass o f water.

® She bought a can o f milk.
* M other is cutting a bar o f meat.
* He drinks a cup o f coffee tw ice a day.
* Please add a sp o o n fu l o f sugar,
* Pass m e a lo a f o f bread.
* Do you have in fo rm atio n ?
* Give me your advice.
* We have good air here.
® He has m uch m oney.
* I love m usic.
* Add som e salt.
* R ice is expensive.
* She bought sugar.
® Her h air is long.
* I w ant to buy C hinese fu rniture.
E a s y TOEFL

• This is good news.

• This is hard work.
• He is studying M athem atics.

There are som e nouns (Ada beberapa kata benda) that can be counted (dapat
dihitung) as either (baik sebagai) C ountable N ouns (kata benda dapat dihitung)or
(ataupun) U n co u n tab le N ouns (kata benda tidak dapat dihitung).

As As
COUNTABLE NOUN MMc o u n t a b l e NOUN
(Sebagai Kata Benda (Sebagai Kata Benda Tak Dapat
Dapat Dihitung) Dihitung)

glass (kaca/gelas) I drink a glass of water. These doors are made of glass.

hair (rambut/sehelai There is a hair on your Dessy has black hair.

rambut) shoulder.

iron (besi/ mesin This is an expensive Iron is of sand.

seterika) iron.

light (cahaya/lampu) Turn off the light, The cave is very dark. There is no
please. light here.

paper (kertas/ 1 bought a paper I need some paper to write on.

suratkabar) (new sp aper) today.

time (waktu/kali) 1 have seen that films He needs a lot of time to finish off
many times. the job.

work (pekerjaan/karya This sculpture is a I have some work to do now.

work of I Made Yasa.

coffee (kopi/biji kopi) Three coffees, only. I drink coffee everyday.

fish ( ikan/ganbar ikan) He is taking a picture I had some fish for dinner.
of a fish.

business (usaha!urusan) I have a business in They are talking about business.

this city. ^

We CAN NO T SAY (Kita tidak dapat m engatakan ): a m oney, an inform a­

tion, the advice, three salt, five air, etc.
To specify (untuk menentukan) a specific quantity (jutnlah spesifik) of an un­
countable noun, we can use (kita dapat m enggunakan ) u n its o f m easurem ent
(alat ukur) such as (seperti) a piece of (secarik) a g lass of (segelas ), a can of

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . ________________________________________________

(sekaleng), a bar of (sepotong), a cup of (secangkir), a spoonful of (,sesendok ), a

loaf of (sepotong).
Exam ple:
■ 1 need a piece of (secarik ) paper.
■ I drink a glass of (segelas) water.
■ She bought a can of (sekaleng) milk.
■ M other is cutting a bar of (sepotong) meat.
* He drinks a cup of ( secangkir) tea tw ice a day.
■ Please add a spoonful of (sesendok) sugar.
■ Pass me a loaf of (sepotong) bread.

There are categ o ries of (Ada penggolongan daripada) U n co u n tab le N ouns

as listed (sebagaimana didaftar) b elo w (di bawah ini). T h e list o f U n cou n tab le
N ouns to learn (Daftar Kata benda Tak Dapat dihitung untuk dipelajari):
■ Food (makanan) m isaln y a: bread (roti), m eat (daging), b u tter (keju) ,
fish (ikan).
■ C onstruction M aterials (,bahan bangunan) m isalnya: w ood (kayu), iron
(besi), glass (kaca).
■ Liquids (benda cair) m isalnya: oil (mimyak), tea (teh), milk (susu).
■ N atural S ubstances (bahan alam) m isalnya: w ater (air), sm oke (asap),
ice (es), oxygen (oksigen).
■ S u b sta n ces (bahan) w ith m any sm all p a rts (yang mem iliki bnagian-
bagian kecil) m isalnya: rice ( padi/nasi), sand (pasir), sugar (gula).
* G roups of T hings (kelompok benda) dengan ukuran dan bentuk yang
berbeda) m isalnya: clothing (baju), furniture (perabot), luggage (barang
b aw aan).
* Languages (bahasa) m isalnya: English (bahasa Inggris), A rabic (bahasa
Arab), Jap an ese ( bahasa Jepang).
■ A bstract C oncepts (konsep abstrak) en d in g w ith (berakhiran dengan ): -
n ess, -an ce, ence,-ity. m isalny a: h ap p in ess (kebahagiaan), ig n o ran ce
(pengabaian), o bed ien ce (kepatuhan), p u rity (kem urnian).


Directions: Q uestions 1-3 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four words or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
^yord or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

E a s y TOEFL

The tw o m ain_______are perm anent m agnets and electrom agnets.

A. kinds of m agnets
B. kind of m agnets
C. kind m agnets
D. kinds m agnets

2. W hen w ater is frozen, it becom es______

A. ice
B. ices
C. the ice
D. an ice

3 can live to be m ore than fifteen years old.

A. That it is dogs
B. That dogs
C. Dogs that
D. Dogs


Directions: In questions 1-5, each sentence has four underlined w ords or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. There are ten childs playing in the yard near her house, but your
child is not am ong them .
2. Jim was upset last night because he had to do too m any h om ew ork s.

3. Stephen Crane's story is a clinical portrayal of m an as an anim al

trapped by the fear and hunger.
4. The understanding electricity depends ^n a know ledge of atom s
and the subatom ic particles of w hich they are com p osed .

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

5. The U.S Postal Service delivers m ore m ails in one day than
Federal Express does in one year.

16.Noun Clause
(Anak Kalimat sebagai Kata Benda)

CLAUSE is a sentence structure (Anak kalimat adalah susunan kalimat) that

has a Subject and P redicate ( yang memiliki Subyek dan Predikat). There are two
kinds (Ada dua jenis) of Clauses, that is: Independent C lause and D ependent
C lau se.

■ Ind ependent Clause is a sentence structure (Induk kalimat adalah struktur

kalimat) that CAN STA N D A LO N E (yang dapat berdiri sendiri):
Exam ple:
> I M EET A M A N w ho is very kind to everybody. Yang dicetak dengan
huruf besar adalah Independent Clause.

m Dependent Clause is part of a sen ten ce (Anak kalimat adalah bagian dari
kalimat). Because it is only part of the sentence (karena hanya sebagai bagian
dari kalimat), so it C A N N O T ST A N D A L O N E (jadi tidak dapat berdiri

Exam ple:
> The girl W H O LIV ES N EXT TO ME com es from Jakarta .Yang dicetak
dengan huruf besar adalah D ependent Clause.
S e la n ju tn y a D e p e n d e n t C lau se is divided into (A n ak k a lim a t d ib ag i
m enjadi) three (3), that is (yaitu):
1. N oun C lau se (A nak Kalimat sebagai Kata Benda)
2. A d jectiv al C lau se (A nak Kalimat sebagai Kata Sifat)
3. A d verb ial C lau se (A nak Kalimat sebagai Kata K eterangan)

N O U N C LA U SE is d ep en d en t clau se that fu n ctio n s as a N ou n (adalah
Anak Kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda). N oun C lau se can be a Subject
or O b ject o f the sen ten ce (A nak kalimat sebagai kata l\enda ini dapat b erfungsi
sebagai Subyek atau Obyek dalam kalimat).



( Posisi Noun Clause Dalam K a lim a t):
( Relative Pronoun + S + V )

W hat you heard (Y a ng kamu den gar) is not true ( tidak benar).

T h a t tomorrow is a holiday (Balnea besuk is true (benar).


W h a t she said (Apa yang dia katakan) w as interesting (menarik).

H o w the man was killed (Bagaimana laki- w as still m ysterious (masih

laki itu terbunuh) misterius).

W h eth er you want to join or not (Apakah is n ot im portant for us ( tidak penting
kamu ingin ikut atau tidak) bagi kita).


( Relative Pronoun + S + V )

T h a t he wants to become a president becom es a reality (suatu

(Bahwa dia ingin menjadi presiden) (menjadi) kenyataan).
H o w the country gets a way out of will brin g
a big change (suatu
the crisis (Bagaimana negeri ini (akan
perubahan besar).
mendapat jalan keluar daripada krisis) membawa)
W ho will be the next leader of this will be in the sum m it
organization (Siapa y a n g ) yang akan decided (akan m eeting tonight
menjadi pemimpin berikutnya dari diputuskan) (dalam pertemuan
organisasi i n i ) puncak malam ini).

( R elative P ronoun + S + V )

This is (Ini) w h a t I want (apa yang saya inginkan).

I am w orried (Saya kazoatir) h o w she is now (bagaimana dia sekarang).

The problem is about (Masalahnya w ho will go first ( siapa y m g pergi

adalah mengenai) duluan)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

S U B JE C T + BE / V E R B
( R elative Pronoun + S + V )

th a t apples grow in M alang ( bahwa apel

It is true (Adalah benar)
tumbuh di M alang).

M y friend is good at ( Temanku h o w to operate this machine ( bagaimana

pandai) mengoperasikan mesin ini).

S U B JE C T + V E R B
(Relative Pronoun + S + V )
I d on't know (Saya tidak tahu) w h ere Nita lives (dimana Nita tinggal).
Everyone likes (Setiap orang suka) h o w she acts in a film (bagaimana dia
berakting di film ).
The cop told m e (Polisi memberitahu w h a t street it was (apa jalan in ).
W e all have realized (Kami semua th a t it is not good to live alone (bahwa
menyadari) tidak baik hidup / tinggal sendiri).


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-2 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the
one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your A nsw er
Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside
the oval cannot be seen.

1. Mr. D uncan does not k n o w _______the law n m ow er after they had finished
using it.
(A) w here did they put
(B) w here they did put *
(C) w here they put
(D) w here to put

2. Botanist are not sure w here the first plant w as grow n or e v e n ________
(A) w hat plant was
(B) it w as w hat plant
(C) w hat plant was it
(D) w hat plant it was

E a s y TOEFL

D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-3 each sen ten ce h as fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the an sw er you
have chosen.

1. That these students have im proved their grades because of their

participation in the test review class.

2. The next im portant question w e have to decide is w hen do we

have to subm it the proposal.

3. M y brother doesn't care how m uch does the car cost because he

is going to buy it anyway.


17. Adjective Clause

[Anak Kalimat sebagai Kata sifat]
A D JEC T IV E C LA U SE is dependent clause that functions as (adalah Anak
kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai Kata sifat) and describes or gives explanation about
a N oun or a P ro n o u n (dan menjelaskan atau m em beri inform asi tentang K a ta
benda atau K a ta g a n ti).

( P o sisi A d jectiv e C lau se d alam k a lim a t di b aw ah i n i ):


PR O N O U N ( Relative Pronoun + S+V )

w h o will rule our country (yang akan

This is the m an (Inilah orang / laki-laki)
memimpin negeri ini).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


PRO NOUN ( Relative Pronoun + S+V )

I have just m et the girl ( Saya baru saja w h o se ca r is Audi (vans mobilnya
bertemu gadis ) Audi).

th a t I like very much (yang sangat

This is the picture (Itulah gambar )
saya suka).

A pilot is a person ( Seorang pilot adalah w ho flies an airplane (nans

orang) menerbangkan pesawat terbag).

w ho has special knowledge in one area

An expert is a person ( Seorang ahli
(yang memiliki pengetahuan khusus
adalah orang)
dalam satu bidang).

M iranda w ears a suit (Miranda w h ich costs US$ 250 ( vans berharsa
mengenakan jas) US$ 250 ).


D irections: Q uestions 1-2 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the
one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your A nsw er
Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside
the oval cannot be seen.

1. D olphins and w hales are m am m als that lives in water.

A. spend their entire
B. their entire
C. spend there entirely
D. spending their entire

2. The study of etym ology rests upon basic principles id all language
A. that applying «
B. that they apply
C. that apply
D. applied that

E a s y TOEFL

18. Adverb Clause

[Anak Kalimat sebagai Kata Keterangan]
A D V E R B IA L C LA U SE is an dependent clause that explains or gives infor­
m atio n a b o u t (adalah A nak kalimat y an g m enjelaskan atau m em beri inform asi
tentang) the Verb, A d je c tiv e , A dverb in a sen ten ce (kata kerja, kata sifat, kata
keterangan dalam kalimat).

( P o s is i d a n s u s u n a n A d v e rb C la u s e di b a w a h i n i ):

(C onjunction + Subject + Verb)

M rs. Farida goes to the office (Ibu. th ou gh she is still sick (meskipun dia
Farida pergi ke kantor) masih sakit).

The soldiers keep m oving (Para a lth o u gh the weather was worse
tentara tetap maju) (meskipun cuaca semakin memburuk).

I always read books (Saya selau

w h e re v e r I go (kemana saya pergi).
membaca buku)

Good friends help each other (Teman

w h en sickness came (ketika sakit tiba)
yang baik saling membantu)

Nita Thalia becom es a successful

b eca u se she practiced a lot (karena dia
singer (Nita Thalia menjadi penyanyi
banyak latihan).
yang sukses)

w h e n e v e r you are ready (kapanpun

You m ay start (Kamu boleh m em ulai)
Anda siap).

in the h o p e th a t she can give good

education fo r his children (dengan
That man works hards day and night
harapan bahwa dia dapat mendapat
(Laki-laki itu bekerja keras siang malamfK
pendidikan yang baik bagi anak-

th a t ; every little thing upsets her

That wom an is so em otional (Wanita
(sehingga setiap hal-hal kecil membuat
itu begitu emosional)
dia marah ).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

S U B JE C T + B E / V E R B
(Conjunction + Subject + Verb)

You w ill meet her (Kamu akan ketemu i f you come to the party ( jika kamu
dia) datang ke pesta).

Titin will tell you (Titin akan memberi as soon as I arrive home ( segera setelah
anda) saya pulang).


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-3 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

1. a w rong num ber, it is im portant to apologize before hang­

ing up.
A. You dial
B. If dials
C. If dialing, you
D .If you dial

2. Ju r ie s d e te r m in e fa c ts fro m w h a t is sa id an d fro m th e m a n n e r

A. w hich is said in
B. w hich said it in
C. in w hich it is said
D . w hich said it
E. w here to put

3. B o ta n is t a re n o t s u r e w h e re th e f ir s t p la n t w a s g ro w n o r e v e n

A. w hat plant was

B. it was w hat plant
C . w hat plant w as it
D . w hat plant it was

E a s y TOEFL

19. Agreement
(Kesesuaian Antara Subyek dan Verb)

A G R EEM EN T a d a la h k e s e s u a ia n a n ta ra SU BYEK dan PR ED IK A T.

M aksu d n y a bila Su by ek kalim at itu tu n g g al (s in g u la r) m aka kata k erjan y a
ju ga h aru s tu n g g al dan bila Su b v ek n y a jam ak (plural ) m aka k ata k erjan y a
juga harus jam ak.
Exam ple:
■ Frederick goes to the office ( Frederick pergi ke kantor).
Tennifer is busy today (Jennifer sibuk hari ini).
■ M o st o f the p eo p le w o rk in th e farm (Kebanyakan o ra n g bekerja di
la d a n g ).
■ Rina is busy today (Rina sibuk hari ini).
• Sam and Dina are busy today (Sam dan Dina sibuk hari ini).
■ Several m anag ers are in the hotel lobby ( Beberapa manajer di lobi ho­
■ Sim on and Alex go to school (Simon dan Alex pergi ke sekolah).
■ Sim on and A lex go to Tokyo ( Simon dan A lex pergi ke Tokyo).
• Sim on goes to school ( Simon pergi ke sekolah ).
■ Som e students are in the library (Beberapa siswa berada di perpustakaan).
■ Vinna and Rose are tired now ( Vinna dan Rose lelah sekarang).

A. AGREEMENT betw een THE SUBJECT and VERB w ith (Kesesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata kerja): of, on, in, to g eth er w ith , alo n g w ith , a cco m p a­
nied by, as w ell as TE T A P I k ata -k a ta ini T ID A K M E M P E N G A R U H I
kesesuaian antara Subyek dan Kata kerjanya.

This is the agreem en t betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja):

1. SUBJECT + [ o f .../ o n ..../ in ....]+ V ERB..............................

Exam ples (C ontoh):
■ The study of science is very interesting (Sstudi m engenai ilmu pengetahuan
sangat m enarik).
■ Som e p ro p o sals on the In frastru ctu re P ro ject are sign ed up by Mr.

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . ________________________________________________

■ The students in the library have m ade a sum m ary of short stories (Para
siswa di perpustakaan telah m em buat ringkasan cerita pendek).
■ Several m agazines on the life of celebrities are sold out today (Beberapa
majalah m engenai kehidupan para selebrities terjual habis hari ini).
■ The danger of flood in lakarta becom es a serious threat (Bahaya banjir
di Jakarta menjadi ancaman yang serins).
■ Som e m anagers in this com pany w ere busy yesterday (Beberapa manajer
di perusahaan ini sibuk sekali kemarin).
■ Each of the students has received a diplom a (Setiap siswa telah meneriina
• The aim of this research w as in ten d ed to know the in flu en ce of oil
price rise to prosperity of the people (Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
m engetahui p en g aruh harga minyak terhadap kesejahteraan rakyat ).

This is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja):

2. SU BJECT + [ together with / along with / accom panied by / as well as ]

+ VERB. . . . . . . .............

Exam ples (Contoh):

■ The m anager, together w ith his staffs, was at the central office last night
(M anajer, bersam a den ga n para p em b a n tu n y a berada di kantor pusat
kem arin malam ).
• M r.President, accom panied by his w ife and children, h as attended a
w ed d ing party (Bapak P residen, ditem ani oleh istri dan anak-anaknya
telah m enghadiri pesta perkaw inan).
• Britney Spears, a l o n g w ith her m anager and bodygu ards, goes to Bali
e v e ry y ear. (B r it n e y S p e a rs , b ersa m a den ga n m a n a je rn y a dan
pengawahn/a pergi ke Bali setiap tahun).
■ Living in this city, as w ell as in m any other cities, is very high (Tinggal di
kota ini,begitu juga di banyak kota lainnya sangat tingi / mahal).
■ Timmy together w ith K elly leaves for H ong K ong tom orrow (jimmy,
bersama dengan Kelly berangkat ke H on g K ong besuk).
■ Two special guests, along w ith M r.X are talk in g about the fu ture of
A ceh (D ua tamu khusus, bersama dengan Tuarr X sedang membicarakan
masa depan Aceh).

This is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja ) :

E a s y TOEFL

3. V E R B - 1 + in g sebagai Subject+ Verb in a Singu lar form (Kata kerja Tunggal).

Exam ples (Contoh):

■ R unning five kilom eters a w eek is his hobby (Lari 5 km setiap adalah
* W riting short stories m ak es him fam ous (M enulis cerita pendek membuat
dia terkenal).
■ Sm oking cigarettes is not good for your health M enghisap rokok / merokok
tidak baik bagi kesehatan anda).

B. A G R E E M E N T betw een the S u b je c t and V erb w ith ( Kesesuaian antara

Subyek dan Kata kerja dengan) In d e fin ite P ro n o u n s (Kata Ganti O rang Tak

Kata G anti Yang S elalu D ian g gap T u n ggal (Singular dan diikuti oleh
K ata K e rja T u n gg al (Singular Ver), for exam ple:
Th is is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and V erb (Inilah persesuaian
antara Subyek dan Kata Kerja)

(Kata Ganti Tak
• One (orang, One should obey the rules. (Orang seharusnya

kamu, anda) mematuhi peraturan).

One must knock the door before entering someone's

house (Orang harus mengetuk pintu sebelum masuk

rumah seseorang).

• Anybody Is there anybody inside? (Apakah ada seseorang orang di

(seseorang, siapa dalam?)

saja, setiap orang) Anybody who is interested in may come (Siapa saja

yang tertarik dapat datang).

Anybody is welcome (Setiap orang disambut).

• Anything She didn't say anything (Dia tidak mengatakan sesuatu).

(sesuatu) Anything is better (£esiratu lebih baik).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

PRON OUN S EX A M P LES (contoh)
(Kata Ganti Tak

• A nyone Anyone' is w elcom e here (Setiap orang disambut di sini).

(seseorang, siapa A nyone m ust be able to do it (Siapapun pasti dapat

pun, setiap o ra n g ), melakukannya).

• Everyone (setiap Everyone has the right to vote (Setiap orang memiliki

orang) hak untuk memilih).

• Everybody Everybody s a y s ," N O to drugs. (Setiap orang

(,setiap orang) mengatakan "TID A K " untuk narkoba)

• E veryth in g
Everything is O K (Segalanya beres).

• N one (tak
N one hates her (Tak seorangpun membenci dia).
seorang pun)

• N obod y (tak
N obody is perfect (Tak seorang pun yang sem purna).
seorang pun)

• N o th in g (tak That crim inal says nothing (Penjahat itu tidak

s(’siiatiipun) mengatakan apa-apa).

• Som eon e N othing is new . Som eone w ants to see you (Tak ada

(st'sfii rang) yang baru. Seseorang ingin bertemu anda).

• Som ebod y Som ebody was here an hour ago (Seseorang telah

(seseorang) berada di sini sejam yang lalu).

• Som eth in g I have som ething to talk ajaput (Saya punya sesuatu

(sesuatu) untuk dimakan).

There is som ething to eat in my bag (Ada sesuatu untuk

dimakan di tasku).

E a s y TOEFL

C. A G R E E M E N T betw een the S u b je c t and V erb (Kesesuaian antara Subyek

dan Kata kerja) w ith P ro n o u n s.

P R O N O U N S A G R E E M E N T adalah p ersesu aian antara K ata Benda dan

Kata Kerja dengan Kata G antinya yang m enduduki sebagai S u b je c t- O b je c t-
P o sse ssiv e A d je ctiv e - P o ssessiv e P ro n o u n - R e fle x iv e P ronoun .

L ih a tla h Tabel T h e P o s it io n o f P e r s o n a l P r o n o u n s p ad a b ag ian yang

DICETAK^FEBAL di baw ah ini dan perhatikan perubahannya.

(P o sisi K a ta G a n ti O ra n g d a la m T ab el)

Possessive Possessive Reflexive
A djective Pronoun Pronoun

I give this She gives m e a M y car is It is mine.

for you. chance. new. M ine is red.
I do it m vself.
This is for me.

I me my mine m yself

You you your yours yourself

He him his his him self

She her her hers herself

It it its - itself

We us our ours ourselves

Th ey them their theirs them selves

D. A G R E E M E N T betw een the S u b je c t and Verb w ith N one / No (tidak ada).

Persesuaian antara Subyek dan Kata Kerja dengan N one / No. N one / No
(tidak ada ). N one / No dapat d iiku ti oleTT Kata K erja S in g u la r (Tunggal) atau
Plural (Jamak) tergantung Kata Bendanva yang m engikutinva.

This is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

1. N one + o f th e + u n co u n ta b le n ou n + a s in g u la r verb/artinva tidak ada.

E xam ple:
■ N one o f the advice is needed (Tidak ada saran yang diperlukan).
■ ’ N one o f the in fo rm atio n e x p la in s the case (Tidak ada nform asi yang
menjelaskan kasus ini).

2. N one + o f the + p lu ral + co u n tab le n ou n + artinya tidak ada.

E xa m p le:
■ N one of the passengers d rin k alcohol (Tidak ada penum pang yang m inum
• N one of the students have finished the exam yet (Tidak ada ada siswa
yang telah menyelesaikan ujian).

This is the agreem ent betw een Subject and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja

3. No + s in g u la r n o u n + sin g u la r verb a rtin y a tidak ada....

E xam ple:
■ N o option is suitable for us (Tidak ada pilihan yang cocok bagi kita).

This is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja)

4. No + p lu ra l n o u n + p lu ra l verb artinya tidak ada....

E xa m p le:
• No options are suitable for us (Tidak ada pilihan-pilihan yang cocok bagi

E. A G R E E M E N T betw een the S u b je c t and V erb w ith E i t h e r o r d an

her nor
(Persesuaian antara Subyek dan Kata Kerja dengan E it h e r o r N e ith e r
n or)

E ith e r o r (baik.. . ,m a u p u n )/N e it h e r n o r (baik.. .m a u p u n ...t id a k ...)

dapat diikuti oleh Kata Kerja S in g u la r (Tit^ggal) atau P lu ral (Jamak).tergantung
Kata Benda yang m engikutinva.

This is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and V erb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja).

E ith er or sin gu lar noun + sin gu lar verb

+ noun
N eith er * n or artinya ....b a ik .... .m a u p u n ...tid a k ...)

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple:
■ E ith e r M ich elle or Lindv is g o in g to the S u p e rm a rk e t today (Baik
M ichelle m aupun Lindy pergi ke superm arket hari ini).
• N e ith e r M ich e lle n o r L in d y g o es to th e S u p e rm a rk e t to d ay (Baik
M ichelle m aupun Lindy tidak pergi ke superm arket hari ini).

Thi§ is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Khta Kerja)

E ith e r j or p lu ral n ou n + p lu ral v erb artinya

+ n ou n
N e ith e r nor baik. ...m aupun

Exam ple:
■ Either Jen nifer or her friends are going to the Sup erm arket today (Baik
Jennifer m aupun tem an-temannya pergi ke superm arket hari ini).
■ N either Jen nifer nor his friends go to the Sup erm arket today (Baik Jen­
nifer m aupun teman-temannya pergi ke superm arket hari ini).

F). A G R E E M E N T betw een S u b je ct and Verb with A n u m b er of.

This is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja)

A n u m b er o f artinya banyak. m isalnya:

a n u m b er o f + plural n ou n + p lu ra l verb

Exam ple:
■ A num ber o f contestants have arrived here ( Banyak peserta telah hadir
di s i n i ).
■ A num ber o f guests are talking each other ( Banyak tamu saling bicara
satu sama lainnya ).

G. A G R E E M E N T betw een T H E S U B JE C T and V E R B w ith T h e n u m b e r of.

This is the agreem ent betw een S u b je c t and Verb (Inilah persesuaian antara
Subyek dan Kata Kerja)

The n u m b er o f artinya lumlah. m isalnya:

\ --------------------------------------------
the n u m b er o f + p lu ral n ou n + s in g u la r verb

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Exam ple:
■ The n um ber of m onths in a year is tw elve (Jumalah bulan dalam satu
tahun ada 12).
• The num ber of the voters w ho are going to vote seems confused (Jumlah
pem ilih yang akan memilih nampaknya b in gu n g).

H. AGREEMENT betw een betw een Subject and Verb w ith Collective Nouns.
I. Collective Nouns
Collective Nouns (Kata benda kolektif) biasanya dianggap Tunggal (S in gu ­
lar) dan diikuti oleh Singular Verb, antara lain:
■ congress (kongres)
■ organization (organisasi)
■ g ov ern m en t (pem erintah)
■ fam ily (keluarga)
• team (tim)
■ jury (juri)
■ group (kelompok)
■ arm y (angkatan bersenjata)
■ m ajority (mayoritas)
■ co m m ittee (komite/panitia)
■ club (klub)
■ class m inority (minoritas kelas/golongan)
■ crow d (masa)
■ p u blic (um um /publik)

Exam ple:
■ The A rm y m oves very q u ickly (Angakatan bersenjata bergerak sangat
• The steering com m ittee has prepared a m eeting ( anitia pelaksana telah
menyiapkan sebuah pertem uan).
■ O ur team is g oin g to jo in the g ran d final (Tim kita akan ikut dalam
gra n d fin a l ).
• This club has contributed a lot of funds for the victim s of flood. (Klub
ini telah m enyum bangkan banyak dana bagi korban banjir).

2. Animals Used As Group. A nim als u sed as a group (Binatang digunakan

sebagai kelompok) juga dianggap Tunggal ( ingular) dan diikuti oleh Singu­
lar Verb, for exam ple:
■ flock of bird s (sekawanan b uru ng)
• flock o f sheep (sekawanan domba) —

E a s y TOEFL

■ herd of cattle (sekaumnan ternak)

* pack of dogs (sekaumnan anjing)
■ school of fish (sekawanan ikan)
■ pride of lions (sekaumnan singa)

Exam ple:
■ The flo ck o f sh eep w alks slo w ly (Sekaw anan domba her jalan dengan
lam bat).
■ dancing in the river (Sekaumnan ikan sedang tnenari di

" rom Easy N usa Tenggara is sent toJakarta (Sekawanan

ternak dari NTT dikirim ke Jakarta).

3. C ollective N ouns (Kata benda K olektif) yang m en u n ju kk an Tim e. M oney

dan U kuran yang digunakan secara keseluruhan dianggap T unggal (Sin-

Exam ple:
■ Thirty m inutes is not enough to do this test (30 menit tidak cukup untuk
mengerjakan tes)
■ Fifty dollars is too expensive to pay for this hand phone (50 dollar terlalu
mahal untuk membayar H P ini).
Five apples a week m akes her healthy and beautiful (5 apel per m inggu
membuat dia sehat dan cantik).

4. Nouns yang selalu Jam ak (Plural), kecuali bila di depannya ada kata " A
pair of " berarti ini Tunggal (Singular), antara lain:
■ scissors (glinting)
■ trousers (celana panjang)
■ shorts ( celana pendek)
■ glasses (kaca mata)
■ p an ts (celana dalam)
■ pliers (tang/catut)
■ jean s (celana jean)
* tw eezers (penjepit)
■ tongs (tang/penjepit)

Exam ple:
* The pants are o f 100% cotton (Celana dalam ini terbuat dari katun 100%).
* A pair of scissors is stainless (Sepasang g u h iin g ini sangat anti karat).
■ These jean s are old (Celana jean ini sudah lama).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , m . P d .


D ire ctio n s: Q uestions 1-5 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
w ord or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen! Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval

1. a con sen t form for tom orrow 's

A .n eed
B. needs
C. is needing J
D .h a s need

2. Each of this displayed antique garm ents of praise and adm ira-
A. w orthy
B. w orth J
C. are worthy
D . is worthy

3. N ondurable goods___________ for im m ediate use and are often less exp en ­
sive than durable goods.
A. is intended
B. are intended •/
C .in te n t
D intends %

4 A lm o st all v e g e ta r ia n d ie ts c o n ta in fe w e r c a lo r ie s th a n d ie ts th a t
m eta.
A. it includes
B. they include
C . include
D . including

5. Flow er e x p e r ts __ three m ain classes of cultivated roses.

A. recognition
B. they recognize
C . recognize
D . recognizes

E a s y TOEFL

D irectio n s: In questions 1-10, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on you r answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. M any theories on conserving the purity of w ater has been

proposed, b u tjjo id ^ n e Jia s been as widely accepted as this one.

2. The work perform ed by these officers are not w orth our paying
them any longer.

3. Peter and Tom plays tennis every afternoon w ith M ary and me.

4.. The new s of the president's treaty negotiations w ith the foreign
governm ent were received w ith m ixed em otions by the citizens
of both gov ernm en ts.

5. A lthough a num ber of police officers w as guarding the priceless

treasures in the m useum , the director w orried that som eone
B *
would try to steal them.

6. Air pollution, together w ith littering, are causing m any problem s

in our large, industrial cities today.

7. Lack of sanitation in restaurants are a m ajor cause of disease

in som e areas of the country.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

8. The influence of the nation's literature, art and science have

captured w idespread attention.

9. Lack of sanitation in restaurants are a m ajor cause o f disease in

som e areas of the country.

10. N either of the girls have turned in the term papers to the
instructor yet. --------


20. Parallel Structure

[Struktur Kalimat Yang Pararel/Serasi]
In W riting S e n te n c e s ( Dalam m en u lis kalim at), all co m p o n e n ts ( sem ua
komponen) must be gram m atically parallel or equal (harus secara tata bahasa serasi
atau pararel) w hen they are in the form o f a list or series ( ketika kom ponen-
komponen itu dalam bentuk daftar atau seri), for exam ple: N O U N dengan N O U N ,
V E R B -1 dengan V E R B -1, A D JE C T IV E dengan A D JE C T IV E , A D V E R B dengan
A D V E R B and so on (dan sebagainya), for exam ple:


(Tidak Serasi dan S a la h ). (Serasi dan Benar) .

1 M r.Simon is rich, kind, and M r.Sim on is r&h, kind

adj. adj. adj. adj.
slowlv . and slow .
adv. adj.
2. He is an engineer, a businessm an, He is a engineer, a businessm an,
noun noun noun noun
and he teaches, and a teacher,
clause noun
3. Dianna works slowlv and silent. Dianna w orks slow lv and
adverb adj adv

E a s y TOEFL


N O.
(Tidak Serasi dan Salah) . (Serasi dan B e n a r).

4. I like to studv. swim, I like to studv, to swim,

verb-1 verb-1 verb-1 verb-1
and running. and to run.
verb-l+ ing verb-1
I like to studv, swam,
verb-1 verb-2
and running
verb-l+ ing
5. She has to decide going to She has to decide going to
verb -1+ing verb- 1+ing+noun
university, or to get a iob. university, or getting a job.
+noun/ to verb-1+noun verb -1+ing+noun
6. Sam Entered the class room, Sam entered the class room,
verb-2 verb-2
sat down, and is opening sat down, and opened his book.
verb-2 be+verb-ing verb-2 verb-2
his bookv


NO. (Tidak Serasi dan Salah). (Serasi dan Benar).

1. M r.Sim on is rich, kind, and M r.Sim on is rich, kind and

adj adj adj adj

slow ly . honest

adv adj

2. He is an engineer, a businessm an, He is a engineer, a businessm an,

noun noun n oun noun

and he teaches. and a politician .

clause ^ noun

3. Dianna works slow v and silent, D ianna w orks slow v and silently,

adverb adj adv adv

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


NO. (Tidak Serasi dan Salah). (Serasi dan Benar).

4. I like to studv, swim, and I like to studv, to swim , and

verb-1 verb-1 verb-1 verb-1

to run.
verb-l+ ing

I like to studv, swam,

verb-1 verb-2

and running

v erb -l+ ing

5. She has to decide going to She has to decide eoing to

verb -1+ing verb -1+ing+noun

university, or to get a job. university, or gett ing a job.

+noun to verb -1+noun
verb -1+ing+noun

6. Sam sat dow n, and is opening Firm an entered the class room ,

verb-2 be+verb-ing verb-2

his bag. sat dow n, and opened his book.

verb-2 verb-2


D irection s: Q u estion s 1-10 are in co m p lete sen ten ces. B en eath each sen ­
tence you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose
the one w ord or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er
sheet, find the num ber o f question and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the
oval cannot be seen.

1. H arvey will w ash the clothes,______

A. iron the shirts, prepare the m eal, dusting the furniture
B. ironing the shirts, preparing the m eal, and dusting the furniture
C . iron the shirts, prepare the m eal, and dust the furniture
D .to iron the shirts, prepare the m eal, and du st the furniture.

E a s y TOEFL

2. The director of this organization m ust know _______

A. m oney m anagem ent, selling, and able to satisfy the stockholders
B. how to m anage money, selling his product, and be able to satisfy stock
C .h o w to m anage money, sell his product, and satisfy the stockholders
D. m oney m anagem ent, selling, the idea of bein g able to satisfy the stock

3. As A C ongressm an from O hio, a Republican, and_______the antiw ar m ove­

m ent, the young politician becam e well know n during the 1960's.
A. a leader of
B. to lead
C . leading
D .h e w as leading

4. The color of a star depends on the heat and_______

A. how m uch energy produced
B. the energy it produced
C. production o f the energy
D. producing enfergy

D irections: In qu estions 1-6, eac senten ce has four u nderlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

2. Som e Italian scholars stressed the study of gram m ar, rhetoric,

learning about history, and poetry.

3. If m otorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they w ill be

stopped, ticketed, and have to pay a fin e.

4. Som e of the people w ere standing in the street w atched the

parade, w hile others w ere singing songs.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

5. The atm osphere in A ndalucia is open, warm, and gives a

w elcom e feeling to all who have the good fortune to visit there.

6. A fter she had dressed and ate breakfast, Lucy rushed o ff to her
officer for a m eeting w ith her accountant.

21. Active & Passive Voice

(Kalimat A ktif dan Kalimat Pasif)

A. A C T IV E V O IC E (Kaliifiat Aktif) ad alah k alim at yang d ig u n ak an u ntu k

m en y atak an bah w a si/ibyek m elak u k an su atu ak tiv itas/ p erb u atan . ja d i,
subyek adalah pelaku j aktivitas/perbuatan.

R um usnya:

B. P A S S IV E V O IC E (Kalimat Pasif) adalah k alim at yang d ig u n ak an u ntu k

m enyatakan bahw a subyek bu kan pelaku m elainkan m enerim a aktivitas/
p erb u atan .

R um usnya:

Subject + be + Verb-3/Past Participle Verb ± [ by, of, in ] artinya di..../ ter....

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple (Contoh): &

The m an cleans (membersihkan) the house.


The house is cleaned (dibersihka?i) by the man.

The workers are m aking (sedang membuat) a hotel.


PASSIVE A hotel is being m ade (sedang dibuat) by the


Mr. President will open (akan membuka) the

International Conference on C lim ate Change.


PASSIVE The International Conference on C lim ate Change

will be opened (akan dibuka) on time by Mr.

/ President.

My m anger signed (menandatangani) the contracts

\ \/p-
last night. Simple pas,t

The contracts were signed by (ditandatangani oleh)

my m anager last night. s>mpl€ pasb

U.S. Ford Com pany sent (m engirim ) 500 cars to

Indonesia last week.

500 cars were sent (dikirim ) to Indonesia by U.S. Ford

Com pany last week.

Katie H olm es stars (membintangi) a film.


A film is starred by (dibintagi oleh) by Katie Holmes.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


dijabarkan m enjadi: is, V erb- 3 / Past
A rtinya
am, are, Participle V erb
w as, w ere, be, been
is sent dikirim

am sent dikirim

are sent dikirim

was sent dikirim

w ere sent dikirim

is being sent sedang dikirim

am being sed ang dikirim


are b ein g sedang dikirim


was being sent sedang dikirim

w ere being sent sedang dikirim

will bp sent akan dikirim

can be sent dapat dikirim

boleh/m ungkin
m ay be sent
f dikirim

must be sent harus/pasti dikirim

lias been sent telah dikirim

have been sent telah dikirim

had been sent telah dikirim


untuk m enentukan apakah kita akan m enggunakan is / w as, are / w ere,

has / have, dsb tergantung pada SU B Y E K n va: Tunggal atau lam ak , dan

W A K TU nya: Sekarang ataffL am p au .

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple (Contoh): as

* 1000 cars are exported from Japan =1000 m obil diekspor dari Jepang.
■ He was visited by Prim e M inister of Singapore last night =Dia dikunjungi
oleh PM . Singapura tadi malam.
■ I am invited to the party = Saya diundang ke pesta.
■ Jim m y w as n eed ed by the co m p an y = Jim m y d ib u tu h k a n oleh
p eru sa ha an .
■ Som e guests from Thailand are welcomed by the G overnor= Beberapa
tamu dari Thailand disambut oleh G ubernur.
* T h e g ir ls are in terv iew ed by a T V r e p o r te r = G a d is-g a d is itu
diwawancarai oleh seorang reporter TV.
* T h e g ir ls are in te rv ie w e d b y a T V r e p o r te r = G a d is-g a d is itu
diwawancarai oleh seorang reporter TV.
■ The room is being cleaned =Rum ah ini sedang dibersihkan.
The room is cleaned by her =Kamar dibersihkan oleh dia.
■ We have been asked to p articip ate in this c o m p e titio n s Kami telah
diminta untuk berpartisipasi dalam lomba ini.
■ We have been asked to p articip ate in this co m p etitio n =Kami telah
diminta untuk berpartisipasi dalam lomba ini.


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-3 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
vou will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the
one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your A nsw er
Sheet, find the nu m ber o f the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter o f the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside
the oval cannot be seen.

1. _______________that it m ight be easier to prepare a better map of the m oon

than of the earth.
A. To say
B. They say <
C. The saying
D .It is said

2. The Icelandic la n g u a g e _______________very little over the past 800 years.

A. is changed
B. has changed
C. changes are
D .changing so

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

3. M any cultures, religions, and languages_______________ am ong the peoples

of South Am erica.
A. found
B. finding’ for them
C. a ie found
D. founded them

D irections: Q u estion s 1-9 each sen ten ce h as fou r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. This class has canceled because too few students had registered
before registration closed.

2. The problem s that discovered since the initial research had been
com pleted

3. The proposal has repealed after a thirtv-m inute discussion and a.

num ber of objections to its failure to include our district.

4. W hen we arrived at the store to purchase the dishw asher advertise

in the new spaper, we learned that all the dishw ashers had been sold .
5. We should have been inform ed Janis about the change in plans
regarding our w eekend trip to the m ountains.

6. Mr. Harris will be divided the biology class into two sections to
prevent overcrow ding in his classroom .

E a s y TOEFL

7. H undreds of houses and other buildings w ere destroying by the

raging, tropical storm w hich later developed into a hurricane.

8. We are suppose to read all of chapter seven and answ er the


question for tom orrow 's class.


9. The brid ge w as hitting by a large ship during a sudden storm

last w eek.

22. Verbs Followed by

Infinitive & Gerund
(Kata kerja yang Selalu Diikuti oleh
Infinitive & Gerund)
IN F IN IT IV E or KATA K E R JA D A S A R or S T E M or it is u su ally called
(biasanya disebut) V E R B -1 is divided into tw o (biasanya dibagi dua):

1. T O IN F IN IT IV E [m isal: to go, to come, to learn, to be cleaned, not to go, etc.]

2. IN F IN IT IV E W IT H O U T T O [m isal: go, read, come, learn, etc.]

TH E U S E O F T O IN F IN IT IV E (P enggunaan Kata Kerja To Infinitive).

1). A s A S u b je c t O f T h e S e n t e n c e ( Sebagai S u b y ek K alim at).

N O U N (K ata Benda) «■ BE atau V E R B

To know m e (Kenal aku) to love m e (m encintai aku).

\ iS
|To \ive (Hidup itu) is to struggle (berjuang).

/ To love ('Bercinta) m eans to sacrifice (berkorban).


D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

2). As M odifier of a N oun ( Sebagai Keterangan Benda), for exam ple:

• We have a lot of English story books TO REA D ( Kami m em punyai banyak
buku cerita bahasa Inggris untuk dibaca).
• I have som ething TO D R IN K (Aku punya sesuatu untuk dim inum ).

3). As M odifier of an A djective (Sebagai Keterangan Kata Sifat), for exam ple:
• This lesson is EA SY TO U N D E R ST A N D (Pelajaran ini mudah untuk
dipaham i ).
• That w om an is too busy TO TH IN K OF herself (Wanita itu terlalu sibuk
memikirkan dirinya sendiri).

4). As M o d ifier of a W h - W ord or a C lau se ( Sebagai K eterangan W h-W ord

atau Anak Kalimat), for exam ple:
• I d o n 't k now w h a t TO SA Y. (Saya tidak tahu apa yang harus (saya)
• I w ondered how TO G ET there (Saya bertanya-tanya bagaimana (saya)
ke sana).

5). As O bject of Certain Vebs or A s M odifier of C ertain Verbs (Sebagai Obyek

Kata Kerja Tertentu atau Sebagai Keterangan Kata Kerja Tertentu ), for e x ­
am ple:

ask fm inta) I ask Shinta to com e to a sem inar.

agree (setuju ) W e all agree to find a wav out.

arrange (berencana) I arrange to m eet Cvntia in the cafe.

appear (nampak) That girl appears not to know the m atter.

afford (mengusahakan) Mr. Sim on can not afford to build a good


decide (memutuskan) I have decided to applv for a position.

enable (memungkinktm) This tool enables us to enter this room.

encourage (mendorong) \ Mv father encourages me to take the

f \

e x p e c t(berharap) I expect to be adm itted to the U niversity

Entrance Exam ination

E a s y TOEFL

fail (gagal) Agatha failed to get a scholarship to studv


force (memaksa) That m an forces all of us n ot to m ake a


hope (berharap ) The w orkers hope the g overnm ent to solve

their problem s.

learn ( belajar) I w as tw entv w hen 1 learned to drive a car.

in vite ( m engu nd an g ) US A m bassador invites us to attend a

party at h is office

intend ( bermaksud ) I intend to free vou from punishm ent.

know ( tahu ) You m ust know how to operate this

m achine.

offer ( menawarkan) Mav 1 o ffe r vou a chance to start a


order ( memerintahkan) General Me A rthur ordered the troops to

keep alert.
perm it ( mengizinkan ) The rules do not perm it vou to sm oke

prom ise (berjanji) I prom ise to studv hard er to reach m v


persuade ( m em bujuk) The doctor persuaded m v d au ghter to take

syrup again.

rem in d ( mengingatkan ) Please rem ind m e to prepare m v sem inar


refuse ( menolak ) He refused to be involved in the Bali

bom bing.
i \
seem ( nampak ) This countrv seem s to be peaceful.

threaten ( m engancam ) The terrorists threatened to blow up


D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

tell (beritahu) Tell her not to leave her house after 10.00

tend (cenderung) The condition tends to be calm.

teach (mengajari) M irnaw ati teaches us to plav piano.

warn (mengingatkan) The police w arn us not to enter the forest

at night.

w ant .(ingin) I w ant vou to stav here until tom orrow .

would like (ingin) I would like you to be rich and happy.

would prefer (lebih suka) I w ould prefer to have lunch now.

would love ('d love = man) I'd love to live in I imika, Papua.

6). To Express a Person's Purpose (U ntuk m enyatakan tujuan seseorang), for

exam ple:
• He w ent to Hong Kong TO LO O K FO R a job (Dia pergi ke H ong Kong
untuk m encari pekerjaan).
• Ram li went to the U SA ~TO CO N TIN U E his study (Ramli pergi ke Amerika
Serikat untuk melanjutkan studinya).

7 ). To In fin itive w ith their Subjects (To Infinitive dengan Subjeknya), f o r ex­
am ple:
• It is im portant for C ecilia TO TAKE a TO EFL test (Adalah penting bagi
Cecilia untuk m engikuti Tes TO EFL).
• It is easy for H IM TO BU Y a new car (Adalah mudah bagi dia untuk
m em beli mobil baru).

8). To Infinitive w ith - ing form (To Infinitive dengan bentuk - in g ), for e x ­
am ple:
• It is im portant for (^ecilia TO .T A K E a TO EFL test (Adalah penting bagi
Cecilia untuk mengikuti Tes TO EFL).
• It is im portant for C ecilia TO TAKE a TO EFL test (Adalah penting bagi

E a s y TOEFL

9). To In fin itiv e w ith P erfect form (To Infinitive dengan bentuk Perfect), for
exam ple:
• I hope TO HAVE FIN ISH ED my job by tom orrow (Saya berharap telah
m enyelesaikan pekerjaan saya m enjelang besuk).
• He seem ed TO HAVE K N O W N the answ er (Dia nampakm/a telah tahu
ja w a b a n n y a ).

10). To Infinitive w ith Passive form (To Infinitive dengan bentuk Pasif), for ex­
am ple:
• There are a lot of persons TO BE IN TERV IEW ED (Ada banyak orang
untuk diw aw ancarai).
• This garden needs TO BE W ATERED (Kebun ini perlu disirami/diairi).

C. TH E USE OF IN FIN IT IV E W IT H O U T TO (tanpa to) is used (digunakan ):

1). A fter ( setelah ) C a n -C o u ld , M a y -M ig h t, M u st-H a v e /H a s /H a d To,

S h all-S h o u ld , W ill- W ould:

E xam ple:

• I can C O M E tom orrow (Saya dapat datang besuk).

• We m ust TRY again (Kita harus m encoba lagi).
• You should STAY here until everything is all right (Kam u
seharusnya tingal di sini hingga sem uanya baik-baik saja).

2). A fter (setelah ) the yer&s~otijaita kerja): LET, M A K E, dan HELP:

E xam ple:

• The cops let the dem onstrators EN TER the p arliam entary build
ing (Polisi membiarkan para dem onstran memasuki g ed u n g
p a rlem en ).
• That letter has m ade the girl CRY (Surat itu telah membuat dia
m enangis).
• Please, help m e M O V E this table! (Tolong, bantu saya memindahkan
meja ini).


X ______________

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

G ER U N D is a Verb+ing form (adalah bentuk kata kerja ) that is used as a

noun yang digunakan sebagai K a ta b en d a ). Becau se o f its fu n ctio n as a noun
(Karena fungsinya sebagai kata benda), so the G erund can function as (maka G er­
und dapat berfungsi sebagai): Subject, O b ject o f the Verbs and O b jec t o f P re p o ­
sitio n s and also C o m p lem en ts, for exam ple:

1). As a Subject of the Sentence ( Sebagai Subyek Kalimat).

Exam ple:
• Sw im m ing once a w eek can m ake us healthy (Berenang sem inngu sekali
dapat m em buat kita sehat).
• H aving good education can be a future capital (M emperoleh pendidikan
y an g baik dapat m enjadi modal masa depan).
• Being sick causes him to stop his m usic tour (Karena sakit menyebabkan
dia m engehentikan tur musiknya).
• R e a d in g a lot is a m u st for ev ery stu d en t (M em baca banyak adalah
suatu keharusan bagi setiap pelajar).
• Being a nurse is her am bition (M enjadi dokter adalah cita-citanya).

2). As O b ject of C ertain V erbs (Sebagai Obyek Kata Kerja T ertentu), for e x ­
am ple:

admit (mengaku) Krishna admitted keeping secret documents.

appreciate (nienghargai) We all appreciate your coming to this event.

avoid (menghindari) Grace avoids Tommy's com ine to the partv.

can't bear ( tak suka) I can't bear waiting for vou too long.

can't help ( tak tahan) I can't help smiling after finding them.

can't resist (tak tahan) I couldn't resist telling her his secret.

can't stand (tak tahan) If vou can't stand being treated like that, vou
can protest.

carry on (terus) We can carrv on talking about this case after


consider (tnempertimbangkan) I am considering changing mv present job.

deny (menolak) That man denies selling drugs.

detest (benci sekali) Miranda detests talking with a bad guv.

E a s y TOEFL

dislike (benci) I dislike watching horror films.

enjoy (menikmati) The students enjov listening to western songs.

escape (lepas/lolos) The prisoners managed to escape being shot


excuse (maaf) Please excuse mv coming late, sir.

fancy (bayangkan) Oh, mv god! I never fancv marrving to


find (mendapati) The policeman found the criminal hiding in

the jungle.

give up (menyerah) Finallv. she gives up telling a lie.

go on (terus) You can go on working in this companv.

imagine (bayangkan) 1 never imagine having a luxurious house.

leave off (berhenti) You must leave off making a trouble.

mind (keberatan) Would vou mind opening the door, please?

miss (gagal/luput) Idon't want to miss watching a World Cup

final tonight.

pardon (maafkan ) Pardon me interrupting vou, sir.

postpone (menunda) The government postpones rising the oil price.

practice (praktek) Let's practice speaking English on

put off (menunda) Don't put Off doing vour homework until
tomorrow. 1

recollect (mengingat) I do not recollect meeting Emillia.

smell (mencium / membait^ I smell something burning here.

suggest (menganjurkan) The doctor suggests the patients having

enough rest.


D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

3). As O bject of Prep o sitio n s ( Sebagai Obyek Kata D epan), for exam p le: at,
in, on, of, off, against, after, before, for:

• A rdiyanto is good at d esign in g hou ses (A rdiyanto pandai m endesain

rum ah).
• Jason is interested in learning Indonesian cultures (Jason tertarik mem-
pelajari budaya Indonesia).
• Farida is clever at m aking new patterns o f fashion (Farida pandai mem-
buat pola-pola model baju).

4). As Predicate C om plem ents ( Sebagai Predikat Pelengkap), for exam ple:

• H er hobby is sw im m in g (Hobinya berenang).

• M y favorite activity is w atching w estern film s (Kegiatan favoritku adalah
nonton film barat).

5). As M odifiers of a N oun ( Sebagai Keterangan Kata Benda), for exam ple:

• The w a itin g room is full of persons (Kamar tunggu penuh dengan or-
a n g -o ra n g ).
• The w orking condition is far from ideal (Kondisi tempat kerjanya jauli
dari ideal).
• The sw im m ing pool is being renovated (Kolam renang sedang direnovasi).

6). G erunds w ith their Subjects ( G erund ' d e n g m Subyeknya), for exam ple:

• She was angry at Tames' trying to lie her (Dia marah pada Jame yang
mencoba m em bohongi dia).
• D ina's p laying truant was verjy em barrassing (Membolosnya Dina sangat
m em alukan). j
• M aya's singing is very good (Nyanyinya Maya sangat bagus).

7). G erunds w ith " I g " (G eru n d dengan " I t g " ), for
exam ple:
• It is nice sitting here w ith you (Adalah enak duduk-duduk di sini dengan
kamu/ Duduk-duduk di sini dengan kamu itu enak).
• It is no good talking to him (Adalah tidak baik bicara dengan dia/Tidak
baik bicara dengan dia).
• It is no use trying to explain (Adalah tiidak perlu menjelaskan/Saya tidak
tertarik untuk menjelaskan)
E a s y TOEFL

A T T E N T IO N (P erh atian )!
K ata K erja F o rg et, R em em b er D an Stop D ap at D iik u ti O leh G erund
(Verb+Ing) A tau To In fin itiv e Tetapi M em ilik i A rti Vang B erb erd a.



Lucia forgets to lock the

Lucia forgets locking the door (Lucia
door (Lucia lupa untuk
sudah m engunci pintu tetapi dia lupa. Pintu
m engunci pintu. Pintu belum
sudah dikunci).


Steve rem em bers to sign a

Steve rem em bers signing a contract
contract (Steve ingat balnea dia
(Steve telah menaudatangani kontrak dan
harus menaudatangani kontrak.
dia ingat telah menandatanganinya).
Kotrak belum ditandatangani).


I stop to sm oke cigarettes

I stop sm oking cigarettes (Sana telah (Saya berhenti untuk merokok

berhenti merokok. Saya tidak riierokok lagi) (sebentar, dan nanti masih

merokok lagi).

A T T E N T IO N (P erh atian )!
K ata K erja N E E D , W ANT, dan R E Q U IR E + V erb-1 + in g atau
to be + Verb P ast P articip le/V erb -3, m isaln y a:

Exam ple:
• The flow ers need w atering (Bunga-bunga ini perlu disirami).
• The flow ers need to be watered (Bunga-bunga ini perlu untuk disirami).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

A TTEN TIO N (Perhatian)!

K A TA K ERJA ini selalu diikuti oleh V e rb -l+ in g antara lain:

• object to (keberatan)+ verb-l+ing

• be +opposed to (m enentang) + verb-l+ing

• accustom ed to ( terbiasa ) + verb-l+ing

• be +used to (terbiasa) + verb-l+ing, BU T ( tetapi ) used to (artinya dulu /

d a h u lu )+ v erb-l

• get +used to (terbiasa) + verb-l+ing

• be +look (±ing) forw ard to (m engharapkan/m enunggu-nunggu)) + verb-


Exam ple:
• I am looking forw ard to having a job interview (Saya m en u n ggu -n u n ggu
wawancara kerja) .
• People here are accustom ed to w orking hard day and n ight ( O rang-
orang di sini terbiasa bekerja keras siang dan malam).
• We o b jected to b ein g treated like that (Kam i keberatan diperlaknkan
seperti itu).
• 1 am used to practicing English (on W ednesdays ( Saya terbiasa praktek/
latihan bahasa Inggris setiap hari Rabu).
® I used to live (dulu/dahulu tinggal) in the country, but now I live in a


D irections: Q u estion s 1-15' are in co m p lete senten ces. B en eath each sen ­
tence you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose
the one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your A n­
sw er Sheet, find the num ber of the qu estion and fill in the space that co rre­
sponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the
letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

E a s y TOEFL

1. There are several m e a n s latitude and longitude.

A. can determ ine
B. to determ ine
C .b y them can be determ ined
D. we use them to determ ine

2. The H om estead Act 1862 _____ to acquire land at a sm all cost.

A. m ade possible
B. m ade it possible
C. m ade the possibility
D. possibly m ade

3. A good student m ust know ______

A. to study hard
B. to be a good student \
C. haw to study effectively
D . the way of efficiency in study

4. In autom otive com panies, em ployees are rew arded for with the firm
for lengthy tim e periods.
A. to stay
B. staying
C. to staying
D . stay

5. G raduate students often spend their w eekends data for their research
A. together
B. to gather
C. gathering
D .to gathering

6. Early craftsm en did not have the technology that w ould have allow ed them
_______their w ares.
A. to storing and transporting
B. to store and transport
C . storing and transporting
D .sto re and transport

7. Language perm its us our heritage through literature and narratives.

A. preserve
B. preserving
C. to preserve
D. preservation

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

8. Fingerprints have been e m p lo y e d __________crim inal, am nesia victim s, and

unknow n dead.
A. to identifying
B. identifies
C. identifying
D. to identify

9. She is looking forward t o __________to Europe after she finishes her studies
at the university.
A. go
B. to go
C. going
D. went
10. In au tom otive com panies, em p loy ees are rew arded for_________ w ith the
firm for lengthy tim e periods.
A. to stay
B. staying
C. to staying
D. stay
11. G raduate students often spend their w eeken d s_________ data for their re­
A. together
B. to gather
C. gathering
D .to gathering
12. Early craftsm en did not have the technology that w ould have allow ed them
_________ their w ares.
A. to storing and transporting
B. to store and transport
C . storing and transporting
D .sto re and transport

14. Language p erm its us_________ our h eritag e th rou gh literatu re and n arra­
A. preserve
B. preserving
C. to preserve
D. preservation
15. Fingerprints have been em ployed__________ crim inal, am nesia victim s, and
unknow n dead.

E a s y TOEFL

A. to identifying
B. identifies
C . identifying
D . to identify

D ire c tio n s: Q u estion s 1-17 each sen ten ce h as four u nd erlined w ord s or
phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the nu m ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. A fter being indicated for his part in a bank robbery, the reputed
m obster decided find another attorney.

2. Harry's advisor persuaded his taking several courses w hich did

not involve m uch know ledge of m ath em atics.

3. The policem an ordered the suspect to don't rem ove his hands
from the hood o f the car.

4. The governm ent has decided voting on the resolution now rather
A B C I)
than next m onth.

5. O ur Spanish professor w ould like us spending m ore tim e in the

laboratory practicing our pronunciation.

6. T o m a n d M a rk h o p e g o s k iin g in th e m o u n ta in s th is w e e k e n d if
th e w e a th e r p e r m its .

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

7. Visitors w ere not perm itted entering the park after dark because
of the lack of security and lighting.

8. Let N ancy and her to m ake all the plans for the party, and you
and I will provide the refreshm ents and entertainm ent.

9. Despite the roadblock, the police allow ed us enter the restricted

area to search for our friend s.

10. The d irector encouraged them w ork in com m ittees to plan a

m ore effective advertising cam paign for the new product.

11. Buying clothes are often a very tim e-consum ing practice because
those clothes that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.

12. After to take the m edication, the patient becam e drow sy and
m ore m anageable.

13. Rita enjoyed to be able to m eet several m em bers 6 t C ongress

during her vacation .

14. The students w ere interested in take a field trip to The N ational
H istory M useum , but they w ere n ot able to raise en ou gh money.

15. The professor is thinking to go to conference on aerodynam ics

n ext m o n th .

Ea s y TOEFL

16. His father does not approve of him to go to the banquet w ithout
dressing form ally.

17. She is looking forw ard to go to Europe after she finishes her
studies at the university.

23. Tenses
(Bentuk Kata Kerja Yang Menyatakan Waktu)


This is the form of ( Inilah bentuk daripada ) the Sim ple Present Tense o f "
T O B E ":

RU M U S ,re“ Subject + [ is/am/are ] + C om plem ent

E xam ples (C ontoh):

I (Saya) am Indonesian (orang Indonesia).

You (Kam u/Anda) are a student (pelajar/sisioa/mahasiswa).

She (misalnya:Yenny) is diligefiT(rajih).

He (misalnya: Nico) is not a TV reporter (reporter TV).

They (misalnya: James and are film stars (bintang-bintang film ).


W e (Kami/Kita) are happy (bahagia).

You and I (= We) are on holiday (sedang liburan).

It (Ini/Hari ini) is not Sunday (M inggn).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

This is the form of ( Inilah bentuk daripada ) the S im p le P resen t T en se o f

"le a rn , fin is h and rise ":

RU M U S F Subject + Verb-1 ± [ s /es /o ]

Exam ples ( Contoh ):

M athem atics everyday

They (Mereka) Learn (belajar)
(Matematika setiap hari).

I fin ish (menyelesaikan) m y job (pekerjaan saya).

The Sun
rises (texiiit) in the east (di timur).

TH E S IM P L E P R E S E N T T E N S E is a verb form (bentuk kata kerja) that is

used to express ( yang digunakan untuk menyatakan ):

a). An action that happens (suatu aktivitas yang terjadi) all the tim e or habits
(sepanjang waktu atau kebiasaan). It happens (ini terjadi): everyday day, week,
m onth, year, etc. (setiap h ari/m inggu/bulan/tahun, dan lain -lain ), on S u n ­
days, M ondays, etc. (setiap M in ggu , setiap Senin, dan lain-lain), for exam ple:
• Rose always com es on tim e (Rose selalu datang tepat waktu).
• Hassan and 1 are classm ates (Hassan dan aku teman sekelas).

b). A thing that is true (sesuatu yang benar) in gen e rg H s eca ra um um ), for
exam ple:
• I am Indonesian (Saya orang Indonesia.').
• Ice is cold (Es itu dingin). /
• Bruce Lee and Jet Lee are film star^ (Bruce Lee dan jet Lee adalah bintang
film ).
• The Sun rises in the east (Matahari terbit di timur).

c). A schedule/tim e table (jadwal) or a plan (rencana), for exam ple:

• The bus arrives at 5:30 a.m (Bis tiba pukul 5 :3 0 pagi).
• The bank opens at 8:30 and closes at 4:00 (Bank buka pukul 8 :3 0 dan
tutup pukul 4 :0 0 ).

d ). A d e s c r ip tio n (penjelasnn) a n d d e f i n i t i o n (definisi) , fo r e x a m p le :

• A doctor w orks in a hospital (Seorang dokter bekerja di rumah sakit). He
exam ines the sick people (Dia memeriksa orang-orang sakit). H e gives
m ed icine too (Dia memberx obat juga).


A d ju nct (Keterangan) can be placed (ditempatkan) at the beginning (di awal)
or at the end of (atau di akhir) the sentence (kalimat), for exam ple:
• I learn English everyday ^ Everyday I learng English.

T IM E M A R K E R S (tanda waktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):

alw ays (selalu), every day (setiap tahun), every m onth (setiap bulan), every
m onth (setiap bulan), ev ery w eek (se tia p m in g g u ), ev ery w eek (setiap
m inggu), every year (setiap tahun), everyday (setiap hari), never (tidak pernah),
often (serin g), on S u n d ay s (setiap hari M in g g u ), rarely (jarang), seld o m
(jarang), scarcely (jarang), barely (jarang), som etim es (kadang-kadang), u su ­
ally (biasanya).


D irections C hoose the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. Japan _________ an industrial country.

A. is n/
B. are
C. to be
D. been ^


This is the form of (Inilak bentuk daripada) the Present C o n tin u o u s ?pro-
gressive Tense o f "are practi ing, am w atch in g and is w riting

RUM US ^ Subject + [ is/am/are ] + Verb-ing

Exam ples ( Contoh):

They a re p r a c tic in g (sed a n g praktek) E n g lish n ow .

I a m w a tc h in g (sed a n g non ton) T V a t th e m o m e n t

(saat ini).

A n ita is w ritin g (sed a n g m en ill is) a le tte r n o w (surat


D r s . S l a m e t R syanto , M. P d . ____

T H E P R E SE N T C O N T IN U O U S / P R O G R E S S IV E T E N S E is a v e rb io rm
(.bentuk kata kerja) that is used to express (yang digunakan untuk menyatakan):

1). An action w hich is h ap p en in g now (aktivitas yang sedang terjadi sekarang)

or at the m om ent o f sp ea k in g (pada saat berbicara), for exam ple:

® They are sp eak in g English now (Mereka sedang praktik bahasa Inggris).
® I am w atching a boxing cham pion on TV (Saya sedang nonton pertan-
dingan tinju di TV)

2). A future tim e (waktu dekat), for exam ple:

® We are le a v in g fo r S u m a tra to m o rro w (K am i sed a n g bernngkat kc

Sum atra besuk).

T IM E M A R K E R S (tandaivaktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):

• now (sekarang) ' ® tonight (malam nanti)
• at the m om ent (saat ini) ® tom orrow (besuk)
• at present (saat ini)

M © fE s
The follow ing verbs (kata kerja berikut ini) may not be form ed TID A K BO LEH
D IBEN T U K in T h e P resen t C on tin uou s/P rogressive T en se:

appear (nampaknya) love (cintitfsuka) seem (nampak)

believe (percaya) meap (berarti) sm ell (berbau)

belong (milik) need (perlu) sound (kedengaran)

forget (lupa) own (memiliki) suppose (andaikau)

hate (membenci) prefer (lebih suka) taste (terasa)

have (mempuui/n) realize (menyadari) j understand

hear (mendengar) (memahami)

rem em ber (ingat)

know (tahu) w ant (ingin)

see (melihat)

like (suka) w ish (ingin)


D irections Choose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

E a s y TOEFL

1. I ook! The t r u c k ______________ .

A. is com e
13. is c o m in g v / /
C .w ill com e '
D .is being com e

D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-2 each sen ten ce has four u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the nu m ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1 M arie's cousin is studied law at one of the ivy-language

universities in the East.

2. The food that M ark is cooking in the kitchen is sm elling deliciou s.



This is the form of ( Inilah bentuk daripada ) the Present Perfect Tense of
"has read, has ju st retu rn ed and have lived^:
s '— / — * he , , 'it
RU M U S ^ Subject + f have / has J+Vert/3
1 _____ I____, ,
Exam ples ( C o n to h ): \ >* you >w e , th ey

Rita has read (telah membctca) the letter (surat).

Rina has just returned (baru saja from school (dari

telah kembali) sekolahan).

Those people have lived (telah tinggal) in Java for 25 years

(Orang-orang (di Jawa selama 25
ini) tahun).

THE PR ESEN T PER FEC T TEN SE is a verb form (bentuk kata kerja) that is
used to express (yang digunakan untuk m enyatakan):

D rs. Slam et R iy a n t o , M. P d .

1). An action has com p leted before the p resen t tim e (Suatu aktivitas yang
telah selesai dilaksanakan sebelum sekarang).
• Rina has ju st retu rn ed from school (R ini baru saja telah kembali dari
sekolah/baru saja p u la n g sekolah).
® I have lost my chance to study abroad (Saya telah kehilangan kesempatan
untuk belajar di luar negeri).

2). An action that has an effect on the present situation (Suatu aktivitas yang
telah selesai dikerjakan dan hasil atau akibatnya bisa dirasakan saat ini).
® I have read this letter (Saya telah membaca buku. Ini berarti saya telah
tahu isi suratnya) .
• Tom m y has seen that film tw ice (Tommy telah nonton film itu dua kali.
Artinya dia sudah tahu jalan/isi ceritanya).

3). An activ ity or a state th at has co n tin u ed for a period of tim e from a
point in the past until the present (Suatu aktivitas yang berlangsung selama
ku run waktu tertentu sampai saat ini belum selesai dan masih b erla n gsu n g
hingga saat ini).

T h is a ctio fris not com p leted ; it is still g oin g on up to the p resent (Aktivitas
ini belum selesai; ini masih berlangsung sampai saat ini).
® Betty has got m arried to Rico since 1990 (Betty telah menikah dengan
Rico sejak tahun 1990).
o He has worked for PT. Free Port Indonesia (Dia telah bekerja pada PT.
Free Port Indonesia).

T IM E M A R K E R S (tanda waktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):

® already (sudah)
• just (baru saja)
« not yet (belum)
• since (sejak), for exam p l e:/sin ce 1997, since I was a child,
• for (selama) for exam ple; fo r three hours, fo r fiv e years, fo r the last two
years, etc. /

• We use (Kita m enggunakan) T he Present Perfect Tense w hen we are inter­
ested in the action (ketika kita tertarik pada aktivitas) that h as been com ­
pleted or finished (yang telah selesai). We are interested in (Kita tertarik) the
re su lt o f th e a ctio n (hasil aktivitas itu ), N O T th e a ctio n its e lf (bukan
aktivitasnya sendiri).
• We use The Present Perfect Tense when we wish to say (ingin mengatakan)
how much we have done (seberapa banyak kita telah lakukan), or how many
tim es we have done som eth ing (berapa kali kita telah melakukan sesuatu).

E a s y TOEFL


D irections Choose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
o f question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. S t e v e ___________ in M elbourne since 1985.

A. lived
B. lives
C. had lived
D. has lived \Z"

D irections: Identify the one underlined w ord or ph rase m arked (A), (B),
(C ), and (D) th at m u st be ch an g ed in o rd er fo r the sen ten ce to be co rrect
(Identifikasi satu kata atau fra s e y a n g harus diubah agar m enjadi kalimat y ang
b en a r )

1. Treasure Island, he book that m ade R oberts Louis Stevenson

fam ous, has becam e a best seller for readers young and old.



T his is the form o f ( Inilali bertfuk daripada) the P resen t P erfect C o n tin u ­
ous/Progressive Tense o f "h as been learning, have been traveling and has
been p lay in g " :

RU M U S Subject + [ have/lVas ] + been +Verb-ing

Exam ples (C ontoh): l> -jou Awe, they

She has been learning (telah sedang English since she was in
belajar bahasa) Elem entary School (bahasa
Inggris sejak dia di SD).

I have been traveling (telah to A ustralia since 10 o'clock (ke

sedang bepergian) Australia sejak pkl. 10.00).

Ronny has been playing (telah sedang tennis for five hours (tennis
bermain) selama lima jam).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


verb form ( bentuk kata kerja) that is u sed to ex p ress (yang digunakan untuk
m enyatakan):

1). An action (quite a long action) w hich began in the past and has contin­
ued to the p resen t (Suatu aktivitas cukup lama yang telah m ulai di masa
lampau dan masih b erla n g su n g sampai sekarang). T he actio n or state has
not stopped at the present tim e; it is still happening or going on (Aktivitas
ini belum berhenti sampai sekarang; ini masih berlangsung), for exam ple:
• I have been learning English since 1997 (Saya telah sedang belajar bahasa
Inggris sejak 1997).
• The m ech anic has been rep airin g his car fo r five h ou rs (M ekanik itu
telah sedang m em perbaiki mobilnya selama lima jam ).

TIM E M A RK ERS ( tanda waktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):
• since (sejak): since 1997, since I was at Senior High School, since I was
a child.
• for (selam a): for tho hours, for five years, for the last tw o years, etc.


D irections C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. All passengers have b e e n ________for the plane for 4 hours.

A. w aiting ■'
B. waited
C. wait
D .to wait


This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada) the Sim ple Past Tense of " TO
r \3ou , , fchetj
R U M U S S u b j e c t + [was/were] + C om plem ent
Exam ples (Contoh): L | ^ ^ t

I was a student at that time (siswa pada saat i t u ) .

We w ere there yesterday (di sana kemarin).

E a s y TOEFL

She was busy last night (sibuk tadi malam).

They were at the beach last Saturday (di pantai Sabtn lalu).

This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada) the S im p le Past Ten se o f " v is ­
ited , w en t and in v e n te d ":

Exam ples (C ontoh):

I visited (m engunjungi) Bali last year (tahun lalu).

They w ent (pergi) to China yesterday (ke Cina


Thom as A invented (menemukan) Electricity (listrik).


TH E SIM PLE PA ST TEN SE is a verb form (bentuk kata kerja) that is used
to exp ress (yang digunakan untw f menyatakan)-.
1). O ne action (Satu aktivitas) w hich happened or took place (yang terjadi/
berlangsung) at a p articu lar tim e in the past (pada waktu tertentu di masa
lalu/w aktu tam pan).
• You w ere there yesterday (Anda/Kam u di sini kemarin).
• He was in Japan last m onth (Dia di Jepang bulan lain).
• Rini^lnlt her old friend yesterday (Rini bertemu teman lamanya kemarin).
• They w ent to C hina last night (Mereka pergi ke Cina tadi malam).

2). R epeated, hab itual actions (Aktivitas yartg merupakan kebiasaan, ben d a n g-
ulang) in the past (di masa lampau). /
• He used to have five goats and/two cow s (Dia dulu punya 5 kambing
dan 2 sapi).
• I alw ays w ent to m osque(aj) night (Saya dulu selalu pergi ke masjid pada
malam hari). \

TIM E M A RK ERS (tanda waktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):

• yesterday (kem arin), for exam p le: yesterday afternoon, yesterday m orn­
ing, etc.
• last (kem arin), for exam ple: last week, last month, last year, etc.
• ago (yang lalu), for exam ple: two days ago, a week ago, a month ago, a
year ago, etc.
• in (pada tahun), for exam ple: in 1975, in 1985, in 2007, etc.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• at (pada pukul), for exam ple: at 7:00, at 8:30, at 10:15, etc.

• fo r (selama), for exam ple: fo r 25 years, fo r ten years.
• fro m (d a ri....sam p ai), fo r example: from 5 years to 5 0 , from 1975 to
• when (ketika), for exam ple: when I was y o u n g ,...., etc.

These time m arkers ( tanda-tanda waktu ini) : sometimes, always, never, often.
each year, year after year) can be used here to d escribe (dapat digunakan untuk
m enggam ba rk an ) re p e a te d h a b itu a l a c tio n s (aktivitas kebiasaan y a n g terus-
m enerus).


D irections C hoose the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. That________ the end of the gam e.

A. is y -
B. was •y
C . were
D .b e e n

D irectio n s: Q u estion s 1-3 each sen ten ce has fou r u n d erlin ed w ord s or
phrases. The four under lined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. - -
1. Christopher C olum bus has sailed from Europe in 1492 and discovered a

new land he thought to be India.

2. I think Diana will be com ing hom e last night.


3. The m anager has finished w orking on the report last night, and
A B< C
now she will begin to w rite the other proposal.

E a s y TOEFL


This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada) the Past C ontinuous /Progres­
sive Tense of "w a s w atching, w as cryin g and w as talk in g

RU M U S Subject + [ was/were ] +Verb-ing

Exam ples (C ontoh):

\J 2-
Som eone knocked the door w hen (ketika) I w as w atching TV (saya
(seseorang m engetuk pintu) sedang nonton TV).

A dam was talking to the while her wife w as crying (istrinya

policem an (Adam sedang bicara (sementara) sedang menangis).
dengan p o lisi)

TH E PA ST C O N T IN U O U S/PR O G R ESSIV E T EN SE is a verb form (bentuk

kata kerja) that is used to express (yang digunakan untuk m enyatakan):

1). An action that w as taking place (Suatu aktivitas 1 /ang sedang berlangsung)
sim u lta n e o u sly (secara bersamaan) w hen (ketika) it w as in terru p ted an ­
other activity (disela aktiztiigs lain) in the past (di masa lampau). This tense
is rarely used by itself (ini jarang digunakan sendiri).

• Sh an ti w as w atch in g TV w h en so m eo n e k n o ck ed the d oor (Shanti

sedang non ton
• I m et Tom w hen he was attending a party (Saya ketemu Tom ketika dia
v 3- , V ir i C )
sedang m enghadiri suatu pesta).

2). A n a ctio n w h ich /w a s o ccu rrin g ( Suatu aktivitas y a n g sedang terjadi ) at

som e specific tim e (waktu pada saat tertentu) in the past (di masa lalu).

• W h at w ere you d oing at 9:50? A t 8:50 I w as d oin g m y assig n m en t

(A p a y a n g s e d a n g k a m u lakukan pada p u k u l 8 :5 0 ? Saya se d a n g
m engerjakan tugas sayci:'~~—
• G ita w as w atching TV at 7:00 last n ig h t (Gita sedang nonton T V pukul 7
tadi m alam ).

TIM E M A R K ER S (tanda waktu) that are usually u sed (yang biasanya digunakan):

• w h en (ketika/pada saat)
• w h ile (sementara/ketika)
• at (pukul), for exam ple: 9 o'clock

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


D irections C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of qu estion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. J a n e __________ when her friend shouted at her.

A. sends a m essage
B. sent a m essage
C . sending a m essage
D .w a s sending a m essage v

D irection s: Q u estio n s 1-3 each sen ten ce has four u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

-2 -f- [k)asl >A)ere -+- Vf irT^j —» i/Olnen —s

1. He was drink a cup of coffee When the telephone ran g .
(A B C D

2. W hile the boys w ere ice skating, they slip on the thin ice and fell
A (B C
into the deep water.

3. He was drink a cup of coffee w hen the telephone ran g .

A- B C D


This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada) the Past Perfect Tense o f "h ad
arrived, had finished, had com e, had left".

RU M U S Subject + had + Verb-3

Exam ples (Contoh): (

E a s y TOEFL

All m inisters (Semua menteri) had before M r.President came

arrived at the Presidential Palace (datang)
(telah tiba di Istana Presiden)

I went to (pergi ke) G aleria M all a fter (setelah) I had finished (telah
menyelesaikan) my
hom ew ork (PR saya).

H undreds of passengers (Ratusan w hen (ketika) the

penum pang) had waited for two plane came
hours (telah m enunggu selama 2 jam) (pesawat datang).

TH E PA ST PER FEC T TEN SE is a verb form (bentuk kata kerja) that is used
to express (yang digunakan untuk m enyatakan):

1). A n a ctio n th a t had h a p p e n e d or w as co m p le te d in th e p a st ( Suatu

aktitivitas yang sudah terjadi atau selesai di masa lampau / masa lalu) before
an oth er action in the past (sebelum aktivitas lain terjadi di waktu lampau).

• A ll m inisters trad arrived at the Presidential Palace before Mr. P resi­

d ent cam e (Sem ua m enteri telah tiba di Istana Presiden sebelum Bapak
Presiden datang)
• Before M r.President cam e, all m inisters had arrived at the presidential
palace (Sebelum Bapak Presiden datang, semua m enteri telah tiba di Istana
• She w ent to G aleria M all after she had finished her h om ew ork (Dia
p ergi ke G alerialM all setelah dia menyelesaikan pekerjaan rum ahnya).

TIM E M A RK ERS (tanda W aktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):
• after (setelah) \
• b efo re (sebelum ) N.
• w h en (ketika)


D irections C hoose the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. The cyclist he crossed the m ain street.

A. looked with caution after
- B . had looked cautiously before

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C .w a s looked cautious when

D .lo o k s cautious when

D irectio n s: Q u estion s 1-5 each sen ten ce has fo u r u n d erlin ed w ord s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. These early people did not learn how to m ake bronze until 1500

B.C., but they-have done excellent w ork w ith other m etals.

* M
2. The police investigation revealed that the thieves have planned
the robbery carefully before they stole the jew elry
D —
/ h <x4 re o .4 e *\
3. Pete had already saw that m usical before he read the review s
about it.

£ - im

4. The president went fishing after he has finished with the

con feren ces.
ho A •re.aAe.A
5. A fter G eorge had returned to his house, he w as reading a book.
A \ B C "R


This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada) the P ast P erfect C o n tin u ou s/
Progressive Tense of "h ad b een w orking, had been travelin g, had been liv­
in g ".

RUM US Subject + had + b een +Verb-ing

Exam ples (Contoh):

E a s y TOEFL

Sam son had been w orking (telah sedang before he died (meninggal).
bekeria) at the PT. Gobel for twentv (sebelum)
vears (selama 2 tahun )

I had been living (telah sedang tinggal) before I m oved (pindah) to

in this town (di kota ini) for ten vears (sebelum) Solo.
(selama 10 tahun)

T H E PA ST PER FEC T C O N T IN U O U S /P R O G R E S S IV E T EN SE is a verb

fo rm (b e n tu k k a ta k e rja ) that is u sed to e x p re s s (y a n g d ig u n a k a n u n tu k
m enyatakan):

1). A lo n g er action (Aktivitas yang lebih lama) th at had h ap p en ed and co n ­

tinued up to the past m om en t (yang telah terjadi dan berlangsung sampai
suatu saat di masa lampau), ended or stopped just before som ething else
in the p ast (selesai sebelum aktivitas lain terjadi di waktu lampau).
• Jam es had been w orking at the Pluit H ospital for fifteen years before
he died (James telah sedang bekerja di Rumah Sakit Pluit selama 15 tahun
sebelum dia m eninggal) .

2) An activity w hich is in progress in the past (Suatu aktivitas yang sedang

b erla n gsu n g di masa lam pau/lalu).
• W hen he got hom e, he was very tired because he had been w orking all
day (Ketika dia pulang, dia lelah sekali karena dia telah sedang bekerja

TIM E M A RK ERS (tanda waktu) that are usually u sed (yang biasanya digunakan):
• before (sebelum )


D irections C hoose the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, ofryonF"answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you*
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. H e ________in G erm an for three years before he m oved to Indonesia.

A. had w orked
B. has w orked
C .h av e been w orking
D .had been w o r k in g s I

D irections: Q u estio n s 1-2 each sen ten ce h as fo u r u n d erlin ed w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.
1. O ur new neighbors had been living in A rizona since ten years
before m oving to their present house.
D .
2. Before she moved here, A rlene had been president of the
organization since four years.


T h is is the form o f (Inilah bentuk daripada) th e F u tu re P e rfe c t T en se o f
"w ill go, w ill travel, w ill com e, w ill stay, and w ill v isit".

RU M U S Subject + [ will/shall ]+ Verb-1

Exam ples (Contoh):

I w ill take (akan menempuh) an exam ination tom orrow (ujian


They w ill go (akan pergi) to Papua next Sunday (ke Papua

Sabtu depan).

Mr. Simon w ill stay (akan tinggal) here ten years from now (di sini 10
tahun dari sekarang).

T H E F U T U R E T E N S E is dsoerb fo rm (b en tu k k ata k erja) that is used to

express (yang digunakan untuk m enyatakan):

1) A n action th at is g o in g to h a p p en (Suatu aktivitas yang akan terjadi) in

the fu tu re (di masa datang), for exam ple:

• I w ill take an exam ination tom orrow (Saya akan mengambil ujian besuk).
• They w ill go to A ustralia n ext w eek (M ereka akan pergi ke A ustralia
m inggu depan)
• The sold iers w ill b e h om e to n ig h t (Para tentara akan p u la n g malam

We can also use ( Kita dapat juga m enggunakan) be going to + Verb-1 yang
artinya A K A N for exam ple:

• I am going to visit her tom orrow (Saya akan m engunjungi dia besuk).
• I feel I am going to be better (Saya merasa saya akan sehat).

T IM E M A R K E R S (tanda waktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):

• tonigh t (malam nanti)
• tom orrow (besok)
• next w eek (m inggu depan)
• n e x t m on th (bulan depan)
• n ext year (tahun depan)
• in the future (di masa datang)
• in ten days (dalam sepuluh hari)
• from now (dari sekarang)
• ten years from now (sepuluh tahun dari sekarang)
• this w eekend (m inggu ini)
• until (hingga) + S + Verb-1 ,
• w hen (ketika)
• etc.


D irections C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. O ur neighbor w ill stay here until the r a i n ___________ .

A. stop v'
B. stopped
C . stops
D . to stop

D irections: Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m arked (A),
(B), (C ), and (D )m u st b e 'c h a n g e d in o rd e r fo r th e s e n te n ce to b e co rre c t
(Identifikasi satu kata atau fra se y a n g 'hai'us diubah agar m enjadi kalimat y ang
benar) \

1. She will to take an exam ination next M onday.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


This is the form o f (Inilah bentuk daripada) the F u tu re C o n tin u o u s/P ro ­
gressive Tense of " will be com ing, w ill be arriving, and w ill be shining "

RUMUS Subject + [ will/shall ] +be + V-ing

Exam ples (Contoh):

I will be com ing (akan segera datang) tom orrow (besok)

The guests w ill be arriving (akan segera tiba) at this tim e tom orrow
(Para tamu) (pada jam ini besok).

The Sun w ill be shining (akan segera bersinar) brightly (dengan

(M atahari) terang).

T H E FU T U R E C O N T IN U O U S /P R O G R E S S IV E T E N S E is a verb fo rm
(bentuk kata kerja) that is used to express (yang digu nakan untuk m enyatakan):

1). An activity that will be in progress (Suatu aktivitas /peristiiva y ang ak

sedang berlangsung) at a time in the future (pada waktu yang akan datang).

• I w ill be com ing tom orrow (Saya akan segera datang besok).
• The g u ests w ill be arriv in g at this tim e to m o rro w (Para tamu akan
segera tiba pada jam ini besok).

TIM E M A RK ERS ( tanda waktu) that are usually used ( yang biasanya digunakan):

• at this tim e tom orrow (pada saat ini besok)

• next w eek (m inggu depan)
• n extm on th (bulan depan)
• next year (tahun depan)
• until (hingga) + S + Verb-1
• w hen (ketika), etc.


D irections Chopse the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the an sw er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. I think she w ill b e ___________ h er study next May.

A. com p leting \ /
B. com p lete
C . com pleted
D .h a s com pleted

E a s y TOEFL


This is the form o f (Inilah bentuk daripada) the Future P erfect Tense of
"w ill have passed, w ill have got m arried ".

RUMUS Subject + [ will/shall ] + have +Verb-3

Exam ples (Contoh):

I will have passed (akan telah my exam ination (ujian) by the end of
lulus) this month (menjelang akhir bulan ini)
Dessy will have got m arried (akan to Robby when you come back (saat
telah menikahi) kamu kembali).

FU T U R E P E R FE C T T E N S E is a verb form (bentuk kata kerja) that is used to

express (yang digunakan untuk m enyatakan):

1). An action that will be com pleted (Suatu aktivitas yang akan selesai) before
another event (peristiiva lain) or a certain tim e in the future (waktu tertentu
di waktu m endatang).

• I will have graduated from Bandung Institute of Teknology by the end

o f June (Dia akan telah lulus dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB Bandung)
m enjelang akhir Jurtr)^
• Dessy will have left for Jakarta when you come back (Dessy akan telah
berangkat ke Jakarta ketika anda kembali).

T IM E M A R K E R S (tanda waktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):

• by this tim e next week (m enjelang saat ini m inggu depan)
• by Ju ne (m enjelang Juni)
• by next m onth (m enjelang bulan depan)
• by next year (m enjelang tahun depan)
• by 2025 (m enjelang tahun 2 0 2 5 )
• w hen (ketika/pada saat) S+Verb-1
• before (sebelum )

A d ju n ct (Keterangan) dapat diletakkan di m uka atau di belakan g kalim at,
for exam ple:
• B y the end o f this month, I will have graduated from G adjah M ada Uni­
v ersity
• 1 will have graduated from G adjah M ada U niversity by the end o f this

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


D irections Choose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. Before you com e back I___________ m y proposal.

A. com pleted
B. com plete
C . had com pleted
D. will have com pleted /

2. In general, by the second year of production , the price of a new

piece of tech nology ___________ significantly.
A. will decreased
B. has decreased
C. will have decreased
D .w ill has decreased

3. Before the 1900s, ch ildren___________ the yards of their hom es and in the
A. playing alone in
B. played in
C. has played in
D .they are playing

D irections: Identity the one underlined w ord or phrase that m arked (A),
(B), (C), and (D) m ust be ch an g ed in o rd er for the se n te n ce to be co rrect
(Identifikasi satu kata atau frase yang harus diubah agar m enjadi kalimat y a n g

1. II v
will graduate from G adjahm ada U niversity by the end of this m onth.
A "1/ C------------ D


This is the form o f (Inilah bentuk daripada) The Future Perfect C ontin uous/
Progressive Tense of "w ill have been sleeping, will have been fighting, will
have been w o rk in g ".

E a s y TOEFL

Subject Will have + been + V erb-1 + ing +......

I will have been will have been w ill have been

sleeping w orking fighting

We/You/ w ill have been will have been w ill have been for
They sleeping w orking fighting

will have been will have been w ill have been

He/She/It sleeping w orking fighting

RU M U S ^ Subject + [ will/shall ]+ have + been +V-ing

Exam ples (C ontoh):
• I will have been sleeping (akan telah sedang tidur) tor tw o hours (selama
dua jam) before my wife gets hom e (sebelum istriku datang).
• The firefig h ters (pemadam kebakaran) w ill h av e b een fig h tin g (akan
telah sedang bertarung) against the fire (melawan api) for five hours .
• We will have been w orking (akan telah sedang bekerja) for the super­
m arket.

T H E FU T U R E P E R FE C T C O N T IN U O U S /P R O G R E S S IV E T E N S E is a
verb fo rm (b en tu k kata kerja) that is used to express (y an g d ig u n ak an u n tu k
m enyatakan):

1). An action that will be in progress (Suatu aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung)
b efo re a n o th e r tim e or even t (sebelum waktu atau peristiioa lain) in the
futu re (di masa datang).

• I w ill have been sleep in g for tw o h ou rs before m y w ife gets hom e

(Saya akan telah tidur selama 2 jam sebelum istriku pitlang).
• We w ill have been w orking for the superm arket for two years (Kita
akan telah bekerja di superm arket selama 2 tahun).

2). A n action that em phasizes ^he continuity (Suatu aktivitas yang menekankan
keberlangsungan) of a future \achievement (keberhasilan di masa mendatang).
• I w ill have been teaching here for fifteen years this year (Saya akan
telah m engajar di sini selama l& ta h u n tahun ini).
• M y daughters w ill have been sleeping for three hours by the tim e I
g et h om e (A nak perem puanku akan telah tidur selama 3 jam m enjelang
saat saya p u la n g).

TIM E M A RK ERS (tanda waktu) that are usually used (yang biasanya digunakan):
• for three hours at that tim e (selama tiga jam sat itu).
• tw o hours by six o'clock (dua jam hiejelang pukul 6).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o . M. P d .

• the whole time (sepanjang waktu).

• too long by that tim e (terlalu lama m enjelang saat itu).


Directions Choose the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. Som e tourists will have been visiting M onaco for three hours by
the tim e I get there.
A. will has been visiting
B. will have been visiting
C . will have visited
D . will visit

D irections: Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m arked (A),
(B), (C ), and (D )m u st be ch an g ed in o rd e r for the s e n te n ce to be co rre ct
{Identifikasi satu kata atau frasc yang harus diubah agar m enjadi kalimat yang
b enar)

1. M y child will has been sleeping by the tim e my. wife gets hom e.
A —^ B C D

24. Auxiliary Verbs

(Kata Kerja Bantu)

A U X ILIA R Y V E R B S ( Kata kerja Bantu) are verbs that fu nction to help other
verbs (adalah kata kerja yang fu ngsiny a membantu kata kerja lain) exp ress d iffer­
ent m eanings ( menyatakan makna-makna y ang berbeda), for exam p le:

1. BE dapat d ijabark an m enjad i: is, am , are, w as, w ere, b e, to b e ,b e in g ,

been dengan pola dan arti y ang berbed a-bed a sbb:
a. Be + to + Verb-1 artinya harus, diharapkan, akan.
Exam ple: J
• M r.President is to open (diharapkan membuka)/a N ational Sports Event.
• A dam Air is to arrive (diharapkan tiba) at 7 pm.

E a s y TOEFL

o I am to fin ish (harus menyelesaikan) my duty on time.

b. Be + Verb-1 + in g artinya sedang, akan.

Exam ple:
• The stud en ts are discu ssin g (sedang membahas) a problem .
• She is singing (sedang menyanyikan) a w estern song.
• Adam Air is arriving (akan tiba) at 7 pm.

c. Be + G o in g + to + Verb-1 artinya akan.

Exam ple:
• Adam Air is going to leave for (akan berangkat ke) M enado.
• I am going to go (akan pergi) to M ecca.
• Tyson and H olleyfield are going to fight (akan bertarung) again next
m on th .

d. B e + P a s t p a rtic ip le / Verb-3 artinya d i ..../t e r ,.../ ke....a n .

E xam ple:
• He is appointed (ditunjuk ) as head of departm ent.
• The Sup erm arket will be opened (akan dibuka) soon.
® The m an has been caught ( telah ditangkap) by the police.

2. HAVE dapat dijaba^kan m enjadi: have, has, had, to have, h aving dengan
pola dan arti yang berbeda-beda sebagai berikut:

a. H a v e + P a st P a rticip le/V erb -3 artinya sudah atau telah.

Exam ple:
• He has gone ( telah pergi) to Paris.
• I have w atched (sudah menonton) a TITA N IC film twice.
• We have been staying (telah tinggal) here since 1984.

b. H a v e + to + Verb-1 artinya harus atau terpaksa.]

Exam ple:
• I have to go (harus pergi ) now.
• You have to be careful (harus berhati-hati).
• We had to do (harus mengerjakan) it soon.

c. H a d + B e tte r + V erb -l artinya sebaikm/a.

Exam ple:
• Y o u 'd better stay (had better stay = sebaiknya tinggal) here.
• H e 'd better study (had better study = sebaiknya belajar) hard first.

D r s . S l a m e t w iy a n t o , M. P d .

• T h e y 'd better cancel (had better cancel = sebaiknya membatalkan) his


3. DO dapat dijabarkan m enjadi: do, does, did.

a. Do + n o t + Verb-1 artinya tidak atau jangan.

Exam ple:
• He does not understand ( tidak memahami) the m eaning.
• 1 do not know ( tidak tahu) her address.
• She did not find ( tidak m enemukan) her key.
• D on't disturb me (jangan g a n g g u aku/pergi sanal).

b. D o + V erb-1+ ? artinya Apakah ?

Exam ple:
• Do (Apakah) you believe in God?
• D oes (Apakah) she love you ?
• Did (Apakah ) you com e to the m eeting yesterday?

c. Do + Verb-1 artinya sungguh-sungguh, benar-benar, ayolah.

Exam ple:
• I do understand, (benar-benar m engerti) your reasons.
• He does realize (sungguh-sunggu h menyadari) that it is wrong.
• She did com e (benar-benar datA ng) to the party last night.
• Do be calm , please (Ayolah tenang).

4. DARE artinya berani.

a. Dare + to + Verb-1 is used in a positive and interrogative sentence

(digunakan dalam kalim at positif dan tanya)
Exam ple:
• She dares to go (berani pergi) alone.
• I dare to catch (berani menangkap) it.

b. Dare + Verb-1 is used in a negative sentence (digunakan dalam kalim at

Exam ple:
• He dare not prove (tidak berani membuktikan) his w ords.
• You dare not try (tidak berani mencoba) again.

5. N EED artinya perlu atau harus.

a. N eed + to + Verb-1 is used in Positive sentence.

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple:
® You need to ( perlu bekerja) harder.
« He need to try (perlu mencoba dan mencoba) again and again.

b. N eed + Verb-1 artinya perlu atau harus. and is used in Negative and
Interro gativ e s e n te n c e .
Exam ple:
• You need not worry (tidak perlu kawatir) about your party.
® N eed (perlukah/luiruskah) vou go now ?

TETAPI N eed + Verb-1 + ing atau Need + to be + Verb-3 artinya perlu

d i....

Exam ple:
e The clothes on this chair need w ashing (perlu dicuci).
• The car needs to be serviced (perlu di perbaiki).

U SE D TO + Verb-1 atau Stem / Infinitive artinya dulu atau dahulii. and to

express a past situation (untuk menyatakan situasi di masa lalu).

Exam ple:
® I used to live (dulu tinggal ) with m y parents in a village.
• Rony used to sm oke (dulu merokok), bu t he d o esn 't sm oke an ym ore

BE U SED TO + Verb-l+in^\ atau N oun artinya biasa atau terbiasa. and to

express a habitual past or custom (kebiasaan di masa lalu).

E x a m p le :
• I am from Yogyakarta. I am used to (terbiasa biasa) h ot w eather (cuaca
• We are used to w atching (terbiasa nonton) TV at night.

A C C U S T O M ED TO + V erb-l+ing atau N oun artinya biasa atau terbiasa.

and to express a habitual past or custom (kebiasaan di masa lalu).

Exam ple:
• I am accustom ed to (terbiasa) h ot weather.
• The stud ents are accustom ed to speaking (terbiasa bicara) English on
W ednesdays.
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


D irections: Q uestions l-2pfee incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
w ord or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.
1. On the average, a healthy heart_________ to pum p five tablespoons of blood
with every beat.
A. m ust
B. ought
C. can
D. should
2. Mr. A nderson used_________ in the crisp m orning air during
the w inter m onths, but now he w as stopped.
A. jog
B. to jog
C. jogged
D -jogging

D irections: In questions 1-7, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.
1. Bess is used to fly after having crossed the continent m any tim es during
A B ' C
the past decad e.
2. Sam used to living in O klahom a, but his com pany had him transferred
A1 B / C
to a better position in Georgia.
D ""
3. It is difficult to get used to sleep in a tent after having a soft, com fortable
A Bv C
bed to lie o n .

E a s y

H aving lived here for seven years, my friend is used to speak English

with all her classm ates.

Although som e h igher structures have been build in New York City,
none characterizes the skyline better than the Em pire State Building.

Research in genetics and D N A having had a profound influence on the

Ar B C
direction of treatm ent for a large num ber of diseases

It is generally believed that Thom as Jefferson w as the one w ho had

researched and w rote the D eclaration of Independence during the
months prior to its signing in Tulv 1776.
C ' D

25. Modal Auxiliary

(Kata Kerja Bantu Modal)

MODAL A U XILIA R IES (Kata Kerja Bantu Modal) are helping verbs (adalah
kata kerja bantu) y a n g d ig u n ak an u ntuk m enunjukkan Suatu kem am puan,
kemungkinan atau ketidakm ungkinan„seperti: can-could ,m ay -m igh t, m ust-
/ * Crx Ic C jl c o »
have / has to / had to, shall-snould, w ill-w ould, ought to are follow ed by
(idiikuti oleh) + Verb-1 atau Stem / Infinitive.

1. C A N -C O U LD + Verb-1 atau Stem / Infinitive artinya DAPAT atau

B IS A to e x p r e s s e s a b ility ( m eny ata ka n k em a m p u a n ), p o s s ib ility
(kemungkinan), and perm ission (izin) and a polite request (permohonan
SOpan). //*>* &OJ>e.r>
Exam ple:
• I can speak E n glish ( Saya d a p a t bicara bhhasa Inggris).
• M arcellin a can sp eak Jap an ese (M arcellina d a p a t bicara bahasa
Jep a n g).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• Can you speak A rabic? (Apakah kamu dapat bicara bahasa Arab?)
Yes, I can (Ya, saya dapat).
• Ratna can speak D utch (Ratna dapat bicara bahasa Belanda). but
I can 't (tetapi saya tidak dapat/bisa) speak it.
• Thom as is a strong boy (Thomas anak laki-laki yang kuat). H e can
m ove (Dia dapat memindahkan) that big stone (batn besar itu).
• You can stay here (Kamu boleh tinggal di sini) until tom orrow
(h in g g a b & ^ k ).
• Can you show m e the way to the G aruda H otel? (Dapatkah anda
m enunjukkan kepada saya jalan ke Hotel G aruda?) Sure (Pasti).
• Could you help m e? (Dapatkah!Sudikah membantu saya?)

Kata CA N dapat ju ga digantikan dengan B E A B LE TO (artinya DAPAT

atau BISA). Jadi bentuknya Be Able To + Verb-1 atau Stem /Infinitive.
E xam ple:
• I hope (Saya harap) 1 w ill be able to com e (Saya akan dapat /
bisa datang ) to your party (ke pesta anda).
• I think (Saya kira) Fahm i Is able to find (Fahmi dapat/mampu
m enem ukan) a w ay out (jalan keluar).
• W hen I was 21 years (Ketika saya 27 tahun), I w as able to m ove
this cu pboard (Saya dapat memindahkan almari itu):
• She m ay be able to help you (Dia mungkin dap at m em ba ntu anda).
• He m ust have been here (Dia pasti di sini). I

2. M A Y -M IG H T + Verb-1 atau Stem /Infinitive artinya\M U N G K IN atau

BO LEH to expresses possibility (kem ungkinan), and p erm ission (izin).
Exam ple:
• A t 3 p.m. she m ay be (Pada pkl 3 sore dia mungkin ada) at hom e
(di rum ah).
• It is cloudy (Ini beraumn) . It m ay rain tonight (Ini mungkin hujan
malam ini )
• A nita and Dessy m ay com e late (Anita dan Dessy mungkin datang
terlam bat)
• You m ay go hom e now (Kamu boleh pulang sekarang).
• M ay I enter the next room ? (Bolehkah saya masuk kamar berikut-
nya?) W hy n ot? (Kenapa tidak?)

3. M UST-HAD TO+ Verb-1 atau S tem /Infinitive artinya H A R U S atau

PASTI to expresses necessity (keharusan).
Exam ple:
§ Sorry, I m ust be off (harus berangkat).

E a s y TOEFL

• I m ust com e (harus datang) to the m eeting.

• You m ust not be late (jangan/dilarangterlam bat ) if you want to
keep your job.
• We m ust do it (harus melakukannya) now.
• I m ust study hard (ham s belajar keras). I have to study tonight.
• I have to talk (ham s bicara ) to her before leaving for Jakarta.
• Nita has to attend (harus m enghadiri) the party today.
• There was no bus last night. 1 had to w alk on foot (harus berjalan

4. SH A LL + Verb-1 atau Stem /In fin itive artinya A K A N atau B A G A I­

M A N A K A LA U to exp ress a plan (menyatakan suatu rencana). Shall
biasanya digunakan dengan I dan We
Exam ple:
• I/We shall be hom e tom orrow ( Saya/kami akan pulang besok).
• I shall have com pleted m y report by Saturd ay (Saya akan telah
m enyelesaikan laporan saya m enjelang Sabtu).

In questions (Dalam pertanyaan), Shall is used to m ake a suggestion (Shall
digunakan untuk m em buat saran).
Exam ple:

It's very hot here (Panas sekali di sini). Shall I open the w indow ? (Bagaimana
kalau saya buka jen d ela n y a ?)

5. SH O U LD + Verb-1 atau Stem /Infinitive artinya SEH A R U SN YA , SEB A IK ­

NYA atau SEYO G YA N YA + Verb-1 to express a suggestion (untuk m enyata­
kan saran). It has the m oral duty (Ini memiliki tugas moral) to do som ething
(untuk melakukan sesuatu). /
Exam ple: j
• You look so tired (Kamu kelihatan lelah sekali). Vou should take a
rest istirahat (Kamu sebaiknya/seyogyanya). Y ou'fe right. I'm dizzy
(Kam u benar. Saya pu sin g). 1
• You should see a doctor (Kamu sebaiknya pergi ke dokter).

6. W ILL + Verb-1 atau Stem /Infinitive artinya A K A N atau M A U to express a

fu tu re plan ( untuk menyatakan suatu rencana) , w illin g n ess (kem auan), or
m ake a p rediction (prakiraan).
Exam ple:

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . ______

• Susanna will go to Surabaya tom orrow (Susana akan pergi ke

Surabaya besok).
• I will help you ( Saya akan membantu anda). I know you have a
lot o f problem s. (Saya tahu anda punya banyak masalah).
• Thom as w ill pass his exam ination because he studies very hard
day and night. ( Thomas akan lulus ujiannya karena dia belajar
sangat keras siang dan malam)

7. W O U LD + Verb-1 atau Stem /Infinitive artinya M A U atau SU D IK A H to

express a polite request (untuk menyatakan permohonan sopan).
E xam ple:
• He w ould attend a m eeting ( Dia mau m enghadiri pertem uan).
• W ould you please open the door? ( Sudikah/Maukah anda membuka
p in tu ?)

TETAPI W ould you m ind + V erbl +ing (artinya S U D IK A H ), for exam ple:

W ould you m ind turning dow n your TV ? (Sudikah kamu mengecilkan vo­
lum e T V anda?). ' /

8. O U G H T TO + Verb-1 atau Stem /Infinitive artin ya SEH A R U SN YA atau

SEBA IKN YA to express a suggestion or advice (untuk menyatakan saran).
It has the m oral duty to do som ething.
E xam p le: \
• You ought to look after your children w elt. (A nda sebaiknya/
seyogyanya merawat anak-anak anda dengan baik).
• That m an ought to be punished (O rang itu seharusnya dihukw n).
B. M O D A LS A U X ILIA R Y + P E R FE C T are h elp in g verbs (adalah kata kerja
bantu) yang digunakan u ntuk m enunjukkan suatu kemampuan, kemungkinan
atau ketidakm ungk inan se p e rti: C a n -C o u ld , M a y -M ig h t, M u st-h a d to ,
S hall-S h ou ld , W ill-W ould ] +H ave +Verb-3.
fa itf
1. M U ST HAVE + Past Participle/V erb-3 artinya PA STI to m ake a co n clu ­
sion of the past event (untuk menyimpulkan Rejadian/peristiwa lam pau):
Exam ple:
Silvia got good m arks in the International TO EFL test ( Test o f English
as a Foreign Language) ( Silvia mendapat nilai bagus dalam test T O E FL
Internasional) . She m ust have studied hard (Dia pasti belajar keras).

to e ro u r i a n
2. MAY / M IG H T HAVE + Past Participle/V erb-3 artinya K EM U N G K IN A N
D I M A S A L A M P A U to d raw a c o n c lu s io n o f the p a s t e v e n t ( u n tu k
m enyim pulkan kejadian/peristiwa lam pau ):

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple:
Richardo cam e late this m orning (Richardo datang terlam bat pagi tadi).
He m ig h t have got up late (Dia m ungkin bangun terlambat) or he m ight
have got a problem with his bike (atau dia m ungkin ada masalah dengan

3. C O U L D HAVE + Past Participle/V erb-3 artinya K E M A M P U A N YA N G

T ID A K D IL A K S A N A K A N / D IL A K U K A N DI M A SA LAM PA U to ex­
press an ability in the past that was not done/ carried out (untuk menyatakan
kem am puan yang tidak dilakukan).:
Exam ple:
In fact, she could have finished her job on tim e because she had m uch
time (Sebenarnya, dia mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaanya (= tapi dia tidak
m elakukannya) karena dia punya banyak waktu).

4. S H O U L D H A V E + P a st P a r tic ip le / V e r b -3 a rtin y a S E H A R U S N Y A /
SEBAIKNYA/SEYOGYAN\TA to express/a hope that can not be achieves
in the past (untuk menyatakan Imrapnn yang tidak terpenuhi/tercapai di masa
la m p a u ):
Exam ple: \
Heru failed in the N ational Exam ination this year (H eru gagal dalam
U jian N asional tahun in i). He s h o u ld h a v e s tu d ie d h a rd e r (D ia
seharusnya belajar lebih keras), but he. did n o t stu d y hard ( tetapi dia
tidak belajar dengan keras).


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-2 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the
one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your A nsw er
Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answ er you have chosen, f i ll in the space so that the letter inside
the oval cannot be seen.

1. Because the farm s of Europe produce less food than the people need, som e
products m u s t ___________ from other lands.
A. to bring
B. brin g
C. b rou g h t '
D. brings

D r s . S l a m e t R iya n to , Sv w P d .

t\b a
2. S a l l y ____________ her sister last night, but she arrived
. cumsh <^0?- t e tc 't U p tffe menclponn^A
hom e too late to call her.
A. m ust have called her —* P^tT
B. will have called her
)^.(couId h^v^called her V:e<^o(^puar> yej c\Hq \

D (should have)called her

— V —
^ ex <
D ire ctio n s: Q u estio n s 1-5 each sen ten ce has four u n d erlin ed w o rd s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.
1. i have to depositing this m oney in my checking account or else the check
1 justw rote will bo u n ce.
C D' j
2. A nybody who plans to attend the m eeting ought send a short note
■A B I >C
to the chairperson.
3. She must retyping the report before\ h e hands it in to the director of
Av B C D
4. Mr, Anderson used to jogging in the crisp m orning air during the
A* B C
winter m onths, but now he has stopped.

5. Paul did so well in his speech today that he should have reh earsed
A B v C
it many tim es this past week


26. Degree of Comparison

(Tingkat Perbandingan)
D E G R E E S OF C O M P A R IS O N (Tingkat P erban d ingan ) is used to co m ­
pare tw o th in g s or p erso n s ( digunakan untuk m em bandingkan dua benda atau
orang). These tw o things or persons may be the sam e or differen t (Benda atau
orang itu m ungkin sama atau berbeda).

P O S IT IV E is used to com pare two things or p erso n s that are th e sam e
(PO SITIV E digunakan untuk membandingkan dua orang atau benda yang S A M A ).

Form (R u m u s)-l: A S + A D JE C T IV E + A S (se.../sa m a ...d en g a n )

Exam ple:
® Nadia is as beautiful as (secantik) Olivia.
® Your handphone /is as expensive as (sam a m ahalnya dengan) mine.

Form (R um us)-2: LAKE and ALIKE J... (sama/seperti)

Exam ple: I
® This house is like my house.
® Your house and my house are alike.

Form (R u m u s)-3: T H E S A M E .... ( A S / \ .. ..(sama/sama dengan/seperti)

Exam ple:
• This TV and that TV are the same (sam a) .
® My car is the same as (sama dengan) your car.

Form (R um us)-4: SIM ILA R (T O ) (sama/seperti)

Exam ple:
• Your calculation is similar to (sama dengan) hers.
• My calculation and your calculation are similar (sam a).

Form (R u m u s)-5: D IF F E R E N T (F R O M ) (berbeda ...d e n g a n )

Exam ple:
• Jakarta is different from (berbeda dengan) Sydney.
• Bandung and M edan are different (berbeda).

C O M P A R A T IV E is used to com pare two things or persons that are d iffer­
ent ( COMI^ARATIVE digunakan untuk membandingkan dua orang atau benda atau
sesuatu hal yang BERBELDA).

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o . M . P o iLm_ ________________________________ — -------------------------

Form (R u m u s)-1: A D jE C T lV E + E R ....T H A N (leb ih ....d a rip a d a ....).

Exam ple:
o Zellianty is older than Olivia,
o The city of Jakarta is bigger than that of Bandung.

Form (R um us)-2: M O R E + A D )E C T IV E TH A N (lebih.. .daripada .......).

Exam ple:
© Nadia is more beautiful than Santy.
® Bali is more famous than Yogyakarta.

Form (Rum us)-3: L E S S * A D JE C T IV E ...T H A N (sedikit dibandingkan dengan/

d a rip a d a )
Exam ple:
e This taxi is less expensive than (sedikit m ahal dibandingkan dengan) that
e This I V is less cheaper than (sedikit lebih m urah dibandingkan dengan)
that TV.
Form (R u m u s)-4: Ti l E + C O M P A R A T IV E + S u b ject + Verb + T H E + C O M ­
PARATIVE + Subject + Verb artinya S/ m akin S em a k in ........
Exam ple:
o The sooner you com e, the better vo/i will be (Sem akin cepat anda datang,
sem akin baik).
O 7 he higher you clim b, the nicer you Will feel (Sem akin tinggi anda m endaki,
sem akin enak anda rasakan). \

Form (R u m u s)-5: TH E M O R E + Su b ject + Verb + T H E + C O M P A R A T IV E +

S ubject + Verb artinya S e m a k in ....... , S e m a k in .........
Exam ple:
© The more you study, the smarter you will be. (Sem akin anda belajar,
sem akin pintar anda/anda akan sem akin pintar).
© The more he w orks, the richer he will becom e (Sem akin dia bekerja keras,
sem akin kaya dia)
We can also use of the tw o (Kita juga dapat m enggunakan dan kedua) +sub-
ject + verb + the + co m p arativ e form + than to co m p are two things w ithout
using (untuk mem bandingkan dua benda tanpa m enggunakan)
Exam ple:
& M arcella is the prettier of the two celebrities
e O f the two album s, this one is the more impressive.
® O f the two films, this one is the better.
» Paulina is the sm arter of the two girls.

E a s y TOEFL

SU P E R L A T IV E is used to com pare three or m ore things or persons (S U ­
PE R L A T IV E digunakan untuk m em bandingkan tiga atau lebih orang atau benda).

Form (R u m u s)-l: TH E + A D JE C T IV E + E S T (p a lin g ..../te r )

E xam ple:
• The tallest building in the world is W orld Trade Center. O r The World
Trade C enter is the tallest (of all).
• The busiest city in the world is N ew York. O r N ew York is the busiest (of
a ll).
• The longest river in the w orld is the N ile. O r The N ile is the longest (of
a ll).

Form (R um us)-2: T H E M O S T + A D JE C T IV E ...(p a lin g ..../t e r ....)

Exam ple:
• The most expensive city in the w orld is London.
• O r London is the most expensive (o f all).
• I think health is the most important thing in mv life.
• O r H ealth is the most important (of all).

Setelah One o f the (salah satu dari) + superlative, followed by a plural noun
and the verb is singular (diikuti oleh kata benda jam ak dan kata kerja tunggal),
m isalnya: \
• One o f the greatest b o x e rs jn the world is M uham m ad Ali.
• Abu D habi is one o f the crow ded cities in the M iddle East.

d a ri P o sitiv e C o m p a ra tiv e rgp S u p e rla tiv e

(A turan)

• Tam bahkan -e r old older the oldest

big bigger the biggest
A djectives
dengan SA TU long longer the longest
suku kata hot hotter the hottest

sm all sm aller the sm allest

tall taller the tallest

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M . P d . 1.


• U bahlah - y pretty prettier the prettiest

m enjadi i dan
easy easier the easiest
tam bahkan - e r
pada A d jective noisy noisier the noisiest
yang busy busier the busiest
happy happier the hap p iest
dengan -y .

• G unakan m ore im portant m ore im portant the m ost

+ adjectives im portant
expensive m ore expensive
yang memiliki
the m ost
DU A atau practical m ore practical
T IG A suku econom ical m o re-eeen opi ica 1
kata the m ost
w onderful m ore vwmderful practical
delicious more/delicious the m ost
econom ical

the m ost
w onderful

the m ost

• B EN TU K good better the best

bad w orse the w orst
far farther/further the farthest/


D irections: Q uestions 1-9 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

1. The facilities of the older hospital___________

A. is as good or better than the new hospital

E a s y TOEFL

B.are as good or better that the new hospital

C. are as good as or better than the new hospital -
D . are as good as or better than those of ? new hospital

2. Tuition at an A m erican university r u n s _________ tw enty thousand dollars a

sem ester
A. so high as
B. as high to
C . as high as ■
D . as high than

3. There w ere tw o sm all room s in the beach house,.________ served as a kitchen.

A. the sm aller or w hich
B. the sm allest of w hich
C . the sm aller of them
D .sm a llest o f that.*

4. T h e seed h e a d s o f tea sel p la n ts raise, th e n ap o n c o a rs e tw eed clo th

_________ than do the m achine tools invented to replace them.
A. m ore efficiently
B. efficiently
C . m ore efficient »
D .m o st efficient

5. The North A m erican robin is only the European and African robins.
A. half big
B. as big half
C. h alf as big as
D .b ig by half

6. In U.S. law, a m isdem eanor is a crim e that i s __________ a felo n y and u su ally
carries a term of im prisonm ent o f less than one year for m ost offenses.
A. lesser than
B. less severe than
C . less than severe
D . severely lesser

7. Eli W hitney's cotton gin enabled the cotton p ro d u cers o f the early n in e­
teenth century to in crease their prod u ction by _________ tim es the am ount
produced prior to the invention.
A. m ore fifty
B. m ore as fifty
C . m ore than fifty
D . m ost than fifty

Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M. P d . ^

8. A dancer, w h ile alw ays g racefu l and p recise in h er m ov em en ts, train s

_______ an other athlete.
A. as strenuously
B. m ore strenuously as
C. as strenuously as
D .a s strenuously that

9. Tuition at an A m erican university r u n s _________ tw enty thousand dollars a

sem ester
A. so high as
B. as high to
C. as high as
D. as high than

D irectio n s: In questions 1-20, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your an sw er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. 1

1. The louder the m atador's display in the Arena becam e, louder the
audience expressed its approval of his presentation.
2. Even though she looks very young, she is tw ice older than my
tw entv-vear-old sister.
D 5

3. D espite his sm iling face, the second-place contestant is m ore

sadder than the winner.
v ___
4. I do not believe that I have ever seen as m any expen sive cars
than were in that shopping center.

5. We thought our cam eras w ere the sam e, bu t his is different than
the one that bough t.

Ea s y TOEFL

6. Louise is the m ore cap aE li of the three girls w ho have tried out
A ✓ B C
for the part in the plav.

7. That produ ct that you bought at the low er price is the m ore inferior
A B *
to the one that we sell at a slightly higher price.

8. The explanation that our instructor gave us w as different than the one
yours gave y ou .
D “

9. H ad the com m ittee m em bers considered the alternatives m ore carefully,

A B.
they w ould have realized that the second w as better as the first.

10. The harder he tried, the w orst he danced before the large audience.

11. The explanation that our instructor gave us w as different than the one
A / B C
yours gave you.

12. The N ew York City subw ay system is the m ost longest

u nderground railroad operating in the world.

13. School children in the sam e grade in A m erican schools are usually
4 B C
the sam e old as their classm ates.

14. A lligators are about the sam e color than crocodiles, although the adults
m ay be slightly darker w ith broader heads and blu nter noses.

15. Laser discs provide im ages of best quality than those of either
television signals or video tapes

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

16. Benjam in Franklin w as the editor of the larger n ew spaper in the colonies,
a diplom atic representative to France and later to England, and

the inventor of m any useful devices.


17. The standard for cleanliness in the area w here a m icrochip is

m anufactured is sam e that of a operating room in a hospital.

18. Alike h er friend and fellow im pressionist artist. Edgar D egas, M ary
C assatt used brush strokes and colors in new and different w ay s.

19. M ountain bikes differ ordinary bicycles in that they have ten or m ore
A / B
gears, a m ore rugged fram e, and w ider treads on the tires.
C / D

20. A s a rule, the m ore r^pid the heart rate, faster the pulse.

27. Present and Past Participle Verbs

(Kata Kerja Aktif Dan Pasif Sebagai Penjelas
Kata Benda Dan Anak Kalimat)

A. T H E P R E SE N T or A C T IV E P A R T IC IP L E F O R M (Verb-1 + ing) is an ac­

tive verb form (bentuk kata kerja aktif) th at is u sed (ya n g digunakan), for
exam ple:

1. As A n A d jectiv e (Sebagai Kata Sifat), for exam ple:

® a d an cin g girl ( = the g irl who is dancing/gadis y ang sedang m enari).
• a f l o a t i n g b o a t ( = the boat w hich is flo a t in g /p e r a h u y a n g s ed a n g
m en ga p u n g).
® a sin g in g bird ( = the bird which is singin g/bu ru n g yang sedang menyanyi).

2. To Form A C ontinuous/Progressive T en se (U ntuk M em bentuk Tenses Con­

tinuous/Progressive), for exam ple:

E a s y TOEFL

• He is sp eak in g English (Dia sedang bicara bahasa Inggris).

• She is w riting a letter (Dia sedang menulis surat).
• They are b ein g in terview ed (M ereka sedang diwawancarai).

3. A fter The Verbs Of Senses ( Setelah Kata Kerja Yang Berkaitan D engan Panca
In d era ) su ch as ( s e p e r t i ) : fe e l ( m era sa ), h e a r ( m e n d e n g a r ), lis te n to
(m e n d e n g a rk a n ), fin d ( m endapati, m em ergo k i), lo o k at (m elih a t), k n o w
(m e n g e ta h u i), n o tic e (m em p erh a tik a n ), o b s e rv e (m en g a m a ti), p e rc e iv e
(merasa), see (melihat), sm ell (m em bau), w atch (m enonton), for exam ple:

• I saw the man (melihat laki-laki itu) U SIN G (sedang m enggunakan) the
com pu ter.
• I sm ell s o m e th in g (m em ba u sesu a tu ) B U R N IN G (sed a n g terbakar/
m em ba k ar).
• T h e p o lic e m a n fo u n d h im (m en d a p a ti dia) E S C A P IN G ( sed a n g
membolos) from school.

4. A fter T he W ords (Setelah Kata): CA TCH -C A U G H T / FIN D -F O U N D

(mendapati/menemukan!memergoki) + O BJECT + V ERB-1 +ING, for exam ple:

• The policem an found him (Polisi memergoki dia) ST EA LIN G som e com ­
p u ters (sedang m encuri beberapa com puter).
• I found her (mendapati dia) SLEEPIN G under the tree (tidur di bawah
pohon). /' —
• I cau ght him (memergoki dia) R EA D IN G N ita's diary (membaca buku
harian Nita). /

5. A fter T h e W ord (Setdlah Kata ): HAVE + O B JE C T ( melatih seseorang) +

V ER B -1+IN G , for exam ple:

• I will have her M A STER IN G ( melatih dia inenguasahi) Ms Word in a

m on th (dalam satu bulan).
• H e had m e D RIV IN G (melatih saya m engem udi) in a w eek (dalam satu
m in ggu ).

6. A fte r T h e W o rd s ( S etela h Kata) : S P E N D (m e n g h a b is k a n ), W A S T E

(menghabiskan ) + EX PR ESSIO N OF TIM E and M O N EY + V ERB-1+IN G ,
for exam ple: /

• I spend five m illion ( menghabiskan 5 juta ) REN O V ATIN G m y house

( untuk memperbaiki rum ahku).
• S h e sp e n d a lo t o f m o n e y C O L L E C T IN G th e m e m o ry a lb u m s
(m enghabiskan banyak u a ng m engum pulkan album kenangan).

7. Can Replace (dapat m engganti) A SEN TEN C E or M A IN CLA U SE ( induk

kalimat ) W H EN (ketika):

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . _______________________________________________

7 .1 . T W O A C T IO N S h avin g the sam e su b ject ( dua kegiatan) h ap p en at the

sam e tim e ( terjadi bersamaan), or exp ress a cau se and effect ( menyatakan
sebab akibat), for exam ple:
• H e w alked away. H e slam m ed the door m en jad i H e walked away
SLAMMING the door.
• She went out. She shouted fiercely m enjad i ®" She went out SHOUT­
ING fiercely.

7 .2. O N E A C T IO N is im m ediately follow ed by (segera diikuti oleh) another by

the sam e subject. The first action can often be expressed by (Aktivitas pertama
sering dinyatakan oleh) Verb-1 +ing. The Participle m ust be com e first ( Par­
ticiple harus lebih dulu), for exam ple:

a. H e opened his suitcase. H e got out his m oney m enjadi OPENING

his suitcase, he got out his money.

7 .3. O N E A C T IO N (suatu aksi/kegiatan) happens before another action (terjadi

sebelum aksi/kegiatan lainnya), for exam ple:

a. A fter ( Setelah ) he had w atched the F ootball League, he w ent to bed

d iringkas m enjadi HAVING w atched (Setelah nonton) the Football
League, he went to bed.
b. A fter she had becom e M iss Indonesia, she was fam ous all over the cou n ­
try diringkas m enjadi HAVING become M iss Indonesia, she was fa­
m ous across the country.
c. B ecause he h a d jio t-b e e n ^ n o tifie d of the can cellatio n o f the tim e of
departure, Jam es arrived late diringkas m enjadi ^ N O T HAVING been
notified o f the cancellation of the tim e o f departure, Jam es arrived late.

7.4. O N E A C T IO N (suatu aksi/kegiatan) happens b efo re another action (terjadi

sebelum aksi/kegiatan lainnya), for exam ple:

a. A fter (Setelah) he know s the tests resu lts, he w en t h om e d irin g k as

m enjadi g HAVING KNO W N (Setelah tahu) the tests results, he w ent
hom e.
b. A fter (Setelah) she becom e M iss Indonesia, she w as fam ous all over the
country diringkas m enjadi HAVING BECOM E (Setelah m enjadi) Miss
Indonesia, she had a heavy duty since then.
c. Because (Karena ) he had n ot read the cancellation o f the tim e of depar­
ture, Jam es arrived late d iring k as m en jad i ®" N O T HAVING READ
(Karena tidak membaca) the cancellation o f the time o f departure. Jam es
arrived early.

E a s y TOEFL

8. Can R ep lace A C LA U SE (dapat m engganti anak kalim at) started by (,dimulai

dengan)-. A s/Since/Because/W hile + S u b je c t + Verb, for exam ple:
a. W h ile (ketika) he was w a lk in g hom e, he saw a fire diringkas m enjadi
W A L K IN G home, he saw a fire.

b. S in ce (sejak) he en tered the Faculty of M edicine at D iponegoro U ni­

versity, he began to feel confident, diringkas m enjadi ** E N T E R IN G
the Faculty of M edicine at Diponegoro University, he began to feel confi­

9. Can R ep lace A R ELA TIV E C LA U SE (dapat m engganti anak kalimat sebagai

kata sifat) for exam ple:
a. T h e stu d en ts w h o are w a itin g for (yang sedang m e n u n g g u ) the bus
look very tired, m enjadi The students W A IT IN G for (yang sedang
m en un ggu) the bus look very tired.
b. The man w ho is sp eak in g (yang sedang berbicara) on TV is Mr. Presi­
dent, m enjadi .‘f The m an S P E A K IN G (yang sedang berbicara) on TV
is Mr. President.

B. T H E P A S T P A S S IV E P A R T IC IP L E F O R M is a passive verb fo rm that is

used (bentuk kata kerja pasif yang digunakan):

1. A s A n A d je ctiv e (kata sifat), for exam ple:

« a w ritten text (teks tertulis)
® sto len jew elry (permata curian)
• b ro k e n legs (kaki~prftah)
• an in ju re d m an (laki-lakiryang~ Terlnka)

E xam ple: /
» The w ou nd ed solctiers (= the soldiers w ho are w ounded) are sent to
the lo ca l h o s p ita l (Para tentara yang terluka dikirim ke rum ah sakit
setem pat).

2. To Form (U ntuk membentuk) T h e P resen t P erfect T en se O r P assiv e Voice,

for exam ple:
• He has seen that film (Dia telah menonton film itu).
• This car is m ade in Japan (Mobil ini dibuat/buatan Jepang).

3. C an R e p la ce (dapat m engganti) S u b je c t + P assiv e V erb w hen (ketika):

a. T W O A C T IO N S having the sam e su b ject h ap p en at the sam e tim e
(dua kegiatan terjadi bersamaan ), or express a cause and effect (menya­
takan sebab akibat), for exam ple:

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• He entered the room . He w as accom panied by his bodyguards

m enjadi cir He entered the room, a cco m p a n ied by his bodyguards.
• As (karena) he w as co n vin ced that the flood w ould h it Jakarta,
he m oved to Bogor that evening m enjadi :T' C o n v in ced that the
flood would hit Jakarta, he moved to Bogor that evening.

b. O N E A C T IO N (suatu aksi/kegiatan) h ap p en s b efo re a n o th e r action

( terjadi sebelum aksi/kegiatan lainnya), for exam ple:

• A fter (Setelah) he had b een inform ed that he becam e the win

ner, he held a thankgiving party m enjadi H a v in g been informed
that he became the winner, he held a thankgiving party.
• A fter she had b een elected M iss Indonesia, she w as fam ous all
over the country m enjadi H a v in g been e le cte d Miss Indonesia,
she had a heavy duty since then.
• B ecau se he had n ot b een notified of the cancellation of the tim e
of departure, Jam es arrived late m enjadi N o t h a v in g been noti­
fied of the cancellation of the tim e of departure, James arrived early.

P erb ed aan an tara Verb + in g dan Verb + ed Sebagai K ata S ifat Yang
M em ilik i A rti Yang B erbed a

V E R B -1 + IN G and V E R B + ED used as (digunakan sebagai) A D JE C T IV E S

A M A Z ED (takjub) A M A Z IN G (menakjubkan)

We all are amazed at (takjub) This w estern film is very amazing

Saddam H ussein's brevity. (m enakjubkan).

B O R E D (bosan) B O R IN G (membosankan)

Sorry, I am ^really bored (bosan) The m eeting is really boring

(m em bosankan)

C O N FU SE D (bingung) C O N F U S IN G (m em bingungkan)

The students feel confused (bingung) The system of our governm ent is
how to do the test. som etim es confusing (m em bingung-
kan) us.

EM BA RRA SSED E M B A R R A S S IN G (memalukan)

G race was embarrassed (m alu) to, do W hat you have just said is
^ embarrassing (m em alukan)
\ \\
such a thing.

E a s y TOEFL

EXCITED (bergairah/gembira) E X C IT IN G
(m enakjubkan/menggairahkan)
All spectators are excited The show is exciting (m enakjubkan
(bergairah/gembira). /menggairahkan)

FR IG H TEN ED (takut) F R IG H T E N IN G (menakutkan)

The people of this village are FRID A Y the 13th is a frightening

frightened (takut) to this year's (m enakutkan) film.

IN TERESTED (tertarik) IN T E R E S T IN G (menarik)

Hassan is interested in (tertarik) Politics is interesting (m enarik).

SA TISFIED (puas) S A T IS F Y IN G (memuaskan)

The guests are satisfied (puas). The announcem ent to increase

teachers' salary is very satisfying
(m em uaskan).
SU RPRISED (terkejut) S U R P R IS IN G (mengejutkan)

1 am surprised (terkejut) at the The final decision of the court is

results of the test. surprising (m engejutkan) the
TIRED (lelah) T IR IN G (melelahkan)
1 am very tired (lelah) now. This job is really tiring (m elelahkan).
W ORRIED (cemas) W O R R Y IN G (mencemaskan)
Mrs. Anita was worried (cem as) H is w ay to drive a car is w orrying
about her children. (m encem askan) us.


Directions: Q uestions 1-3 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the
one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your A nsw er
Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside
the oval cannot be seen.

1. Among the a s tro n o m e ro f an cien t G reece, tw o th e o r ie s concerning

the place of the earth in the universe.
A. developing

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. in developm ent
C. developed
D .w h ich they developed

2. The data on the w inter m igration patterns of the m onarch bu tterfly is very

A. interested
B. interest
C. interesting
D .o f interest

3. The data on the w inter m igration patterns of the m onarch

butterfly is v e r y ________
A. interested
B. interest
C. interesting
D .o f interest

D irectio n s: In questions 1-6, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Being that he was good sw im m er, John jum ped into the w ater and
rescued the drow ning child.

2. H aving finished his term paper before the deadline, it w as delivered

to the professor before the class.

3. After finishing Roots, the one hundred - year history of a A frican -

A m erican family, the Nobel Prize com m ittee a warded author A lex Haley
a special citation for literary excellence.

E a s y TOEFL

4. A com petitive sport, gym nasts perform before officials who m ust use
their judgm ent along with their know ledge o f the rules to determ ine
the relative skill of each participant.

5. To rem ove stains from perm anent press clothing , carefully soaking
in cold w ater before w ashing with a_regular detergent.
6. Found in Tanzania by M ary Leakey, som e archeologists estim ated
that the three- m illion year -o ld fossils w ere the oldest hum an
rem ains to be discovered.

28. The Causative Use of

"Have" and "GET"
(Penggunaan "Have" dan "Get" dalam
menyuruh orang lain melakukan sesuatu)

A. T H E U S E ]O F C A U SA T IV E U S E OF 'H A V E " w hich has the m eaning of

( Penggunaan " H A V E " yang memiliki a r t i) A SK IN G som eone to do som e­
thing (m enyuruh/m em inta orang lain melakukan sesuatu ) or A SKIN G som e­
thing to be (atau m enyuruh/m em inta sesuatu untuk d i....).

1. T h is is th e form o f (ln ilah b entu k daripada) th e U se o f C a u s a tiv e

"H A V E " (p e n g g u n a a n " H A V E " d a la m m e n y u r u h o r a n g la in
m e la k u k a n sesu atu ).

S u b y e k + H A V E/H A S/H A D (m e n y u ru h / m e m in ta ) + O B Y E K
( S E S E O R A N G ) + V e rb -1 a rtin y a m e .................

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Exam ple:
• I have him repair my TV (Saya menyuruh dia memperbaiki T V saya).
• M y boss has Rina prepare a report (Bos saya menyuruh Rina menyiapkan
sebuah laporan).
• He had a technician install his com puter (Dia menyuruh seorang teknisi
menginstal komputernya).
This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada ) the Use of C ausative "H A V E "
(penggunaan "H A V E " dalam m enyuruh orang lain m elakukan sesuatu).

Subyek + Subyek + H A V E /H A S /H A D (m e n y u r u h /m e m in ta ) + O B Y E K
(B E N D A ) + V erb -3 a rtin y a d i ........................

Exam ple:
• I have my TV repaired (Saya menyuruh T V saya diperbaiki).
• M y b o ss h as a rep o rt p rep ared (Bos saya m enyuruh sebuah laporan
• He had his com puter installed (Dia menyuruh komputernya diinstal).

B. T H E U SE OF C A U S A T IV E U SE OF " G E T " w hich has the m ean in g of

(Penggunaan "G E T '' ...... yang memiliki arti) A SK IN G som eone to do som e­
thing ( m enyuruh/m em inta orang lain melakukan sesuatu) or A SK IN G som e­
thing to be (atau m enyuruh/m em inta sesuatu untuk d i....).

This is the form of ( Inilah bentuk daripada ) the Use of C ausative " G E T "
(penggunaan " G E T " dalam m enyuruh orang lain m elakukan sesuatu).

S ub yek + G E T /G O T (m e n y u r u h /m e m in ta ) +
O B Y E K (S E O R A N G ) + To V erb -1 artin y a m e ...............

Exam ple:
• 1 get her to open th e w indow (Saya meminta dia membuka jendela).
• He got h is n eig h b o r to lo ck his h o u se (D ia m enyuruh tetangganya
mengunci rum ahnya).
• The m anager gets h is secretary to fin ish the rep o rt today (M anajer
menyuruh sekretarisnya menyelesaikan laporan hari ini).

This is the form o f (Inilah bentuk daripada) the U se of C ausative "G E T "
(penggunaan " G E T " dalam m en yu ru h orang lain m elak u k an sesuatu).

Su byek + G E T /G O T (m e n y u r u h /m e m in ta ) +
O B Y E K ( B E N D A ) + V erb -3 artin y a d i ..........................

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple:
• I get the w indow opened (Saya m em in ta jendela dib uka).
• He got his house locked (a m en y u ru h rumahnya d ikunci.
• The m anager gets the report finished today ( M anajer m en y u ru h laporan
diselesaikan hari ini).


D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-4 each sen ten ce has fou r u n d erlin ed w ord s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Louie got hi sister read his class assignm ent, and then asked her
to w rite the report for him because he did not have enough tim e.

2. Jason's professor had him to rew rite his thesis m any tim es
allow ing him to present it to the com m ittee.

3. John's w isdom teeth were troubling him, so he w ent to a dental

surgeon to see about having them pu ll.

4. Louie got hi sister read his class assignm ent, and then asked her
to write the report for him because he did n ot have enough tim e.

2 mditional Sentences
alimat Pengandaian)

C O N D IT IO N A L SEN T EN C ES ( Kalimat Pengandaian) is a sen ten ce that

express a w ish, hope, plan, etc (adalah kalimat yang m e n g -A N D A IK A N suatu
keinginan, harapan, rencana, dan lain-lain) that m ay be PO SSIBLE (yang mungkin

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

bisa terjadi) , U N R EA L or C O N T R A R Y T O T H E FA C T (tak terpenuhi / angan-

angan b erten tan gan dengan kenyataan), or I M P O S S IB L E {y a n g tak m un gk in
terw ujud).
T h ere are thee types of (Ada 3 tipe) C o n d itio n a l S e n te n ce nam ely (yaitu):
(1) F utu re C o n d itio n a l, (2) P resen t C o n d itio n al and (3) P ast C o n d itio n a l.

T Y P E 1 : FU T U R E C O N D IT IO N A L , is used to exp ress a wish, hope or plan

that m ay be possible to happen (digunakan untuk menyatukan suatu keinginan,
harapan ataupun rencana yang m u n g k in bisa terja d i (Possible), w ith the form
(dengan rum us ):

Faktanva: TER LA K SA N A ATAU

If + S U B JE C T + S U B JE C T + W ill + TID A K TER G A N TU N G pada IFnva,

V erb-1, V erb-1 TER PEN U H I atau TID A K


Faktanya: P R E SE N T T E N S E

Exam ples :
• If I pass the final exam ination, I w ill co n tin u e to G adjah M ada u niver­
sity. (artinya M a y b e I p ass th e ex am in atio n if I stu d y h ard. (Saya
m ungkin sekali lulus ujian jika saya belajar keras dan saya melanjutkan
kuliah di U G M ).
» If 1 am a TV reporter, I w ill in terv iew Mr. President, (artinya M aybe I
am a TV reporter if if I w ork for a TV station. (Jika saya reporter TV,
saya sangat m ungkin dapat mewawancarai Pak P residen).

T IP E 2 : P R E SE N T C O N D IT IO N A L , is used to express: a wish, hope or plan

that m ay be possible to happen (digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan,
harapan ataupu n rencana y a n g tak terp en u h i/a n g a n -a n g a n (U N R E A L or
C O N T R A R Y T O T H E FA C T), with the form (dengan rum us):
\...... Faktanva: SELA LU B ER TE N ­
' ' ■
If + S + Verb-^2,
W ould + V erb (IFnya) dari Fakta Positif ke Fakta

N egatif atau sebaliknya

P A S T TEN SE P A ST FU TU R E Faktanya: P R E SE N T T E N S E

E a s y TOEFL

E xam ples (C ontoh):

• It I passed the final exam ination, I w ould continue to G adjah M ada
u n iv ersity (artinya I DO N O T pass the exam ination now = Saya tidak
lulus ujian sekarang. Jadi saya tidak melanjutkan kuliah di U G M ).
• If I w ere a m illionaire, I would travel around the w orld (artinya I am
not a m illionaire now. (Saya bukan jutaw an sekarang. Jadi saya tidak
keliling dunia).

For Type 2 (untuk Tipe 2), "W E R E " is used for A LL SU BJEC TS (digunakan
untuk S E M U A SU B Y E K ).

Exam ple:
• If Rina w ere still alive, she w ould be seventeen.
• If I w ere you, I would take that chance.

TIPE 3 : PAST CO N D ITIO N A L, is used to express a wish, hope or plan that is

im possible to happen (digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan, harapan
ataupun rencana yang Tak Terxvujud (IM PO SSIBLE ), with the form (dengan
rum us) :

Faktanva: SELA LU
If + S + had + SU BJECT + W ould BER TEN TA N G A N DENGAN
V erb-3 + have + V erb-3 - K EN Y A TA A N
(IFnya) dari Fakta Positif ke Fakta
N egatif atau sebaliknya



E xam ples:
• If I had passed the final exam ination, I w ould have continued to G adjah
M ada u niversity \(artinya I D ID N O T pass the examination. (Saya tidak
lulus saat itu. Jadi saya tidak melanjutkan kuliah di U G M ).
• If I had been a m illionaire, I w ould have travelled around the w orld
(artinya 1 WAS N O T a millionaire, so I D ID N O T TRAVEL around the
world (Saya bukan jutaw an, jadi saya tidak keliling dunia).

For Type 3 (untuk Tipe 3) it is often form ed in IN V ER SIO N (ini sering dibentuk
pembalikan). M aksudnya adalah posisi Subyek dan K ata K erjanya terbalik) serta
tidak m enggunakan IF*.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Exam ple:
• H ad I p assed the exam in atio n , I w ould have co n tin u ed to G ad jah
M ada University, is the sam e as (sama dengan) = If I had passed the
exam , I w ould have continued to G adjah M ada U niversity)

The Use of U nless = IF NOT (jika tidak), with the form of (dengan rum us):
UNLESS + SU BJECT + V ER B ,for exam ple:
• You m ust com e on tim e U N LESS YO U M ISS the train.
• U N LESS YOU STU D Y hard, you will not pass the exam .
• We have to keep our health U N LESS W E SPEN D m uch m oney on it.


D irections: Q uestions 1-6 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.
1. ____________ , he w ould have been able to pass the exam .
^ If he studied m ore
B. If he w ere studying to a greater degree
C .Stud ying m ore
D.Had he studied m ore

2. , he w ould have signed his nam e in the corner.

A. If he painted that picture
B. If he paints that picture 4
J ^ If he had painted that picture
D .If he w ould have painted that picture

3. ___________ , he w ou ld have com e to class.

A. If M ike is able to finish his hom ew ork
B. Would M ike be able to finish his hom ew ork
C. If M ike could finish his hom ew ork
If M ike had been able to finish his hom ew ork

4. ___________ , he w ould have been able to pass the exam .

P ^ I f he studied m ore
B. If we w ere studying to a greater degree
C. Studying m ore
D . Had he studied m ore

E a s y TOEFL

5. , he w ould have signed his nam e in the corner.

A. If he painted that picture
B. If he paints that picture
If he had painted that picture
D. If he w ould have painted that picture

£ + tUould h o w + \Jx ' f +- £ +- +■ V j

6. Ben w ou ld have studied m edicine if h e ___________ to a m edical school.
A. could be able to enter
had been adm itted
C. was adm itted
D . were adm itted

D irectio n s: In questions 1-6, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber oi
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. No one w ould have attended the lecture if you told the truth about
the guest speaker.

^ hac| ^ tu clie cl
2. It Rudy w ould have studied G erm an in college, he would not have found
yi B
the scientific term inology so difficult to understand.
C „ D
h act o ceur-ed
3.. If a crisis w ould occur, those unfam iliar w ith the procedures w ould n ot
know how to handle the situation.
, Tf . , ■ , , , , , , u jo o l c| not n ftu e r ff>e<efc
4. It M onique had not attended the conference, she never w ould m eet her
A yi
old friend Dan, w hom she had not seen in years.
5. I w ould of attended the m eeting of the planning com m ittee last week,
bu t I had to deliver a speech at a con ven tion .
Drs. Slam et R i y a n t o , M . P d . _____________________________________________

6. H ad the com m ittee m em bers considered the alternatives m ore carefully,

they w ould have realized that the second w as better as the first.

30. Subjunctive
(Bentuk Kata Kerja Yang Menyatakan
Suatu Harapan)

S U B JU N C T IV E is a verb form th at ex p resses a w ish ( bentuk kata kerja

menyatakan suatu harapan) that D O ES NOT/DID N O T H A P PE N ( tidak terjadi)
or C O N TR A R Y TO TH E FA C T (berlawanan dengan kenyataan).

S U B JU N C T IV E can be d iv id ed in to (dibagi m enjadi dua): P re se n t S u b ­

ju n ctiv e dan P ast Subju nctive.

SU B JU N C T IV E is usually preceeded by (biasanya didahului oleh) : if only

(seandainya saja), w ish (berharap), w ould rath er (lebih suka), as if/as though

Exam ple:
• If only you could take m e hom e (Sepertinya anda dapat m engantarku
• I w ish I knew her address (Aku berharap aku tahu alam atnya)
• Tasya w ould rather D essy arrived here (Tasya lebih suka D essy tinggal
di sini).
• That m an b eh av es as if he had ow n ed the co m p an y (L ak i-lak i itu
bersikap sepertinya dia m em iliki peru sah aan ini).

T h is is th e fo r m o/(Inilah ben tu k daripada) th e P R E S E N T S U B JU N C T IV E :

(S + VERB 1)
Harapan diungkapkan dengan Past Tense (V e rb -2)

TETA PI Faktanya/Kenyataannya diungkapkan dengan Present Tense (Verb-1)

Jika harapannya "YA (+)", TETA PI kenyataannya "T ID A K (-)" atau sebaliknya.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E a s y T O E F L

Exam ple:
• If only (A ndaikata) I W ERE a doctor (Tetapi I AM NO T a doctor. I am
a bu sinessm an).
• I w ish (berharap) that I M ET M ichael Jord an (Tetapi I DO N O T m eet
h im ).
• I w ish that I W O U LD not com e (Tetapi I CO M E).

This is the form of (Inilah b entuk daripada) th e P A S T S U B JU N C T IV E :

S + H A D + VERB 3
(S + H A D + VERB 2)
H arapannya M enggunakan past perfect tense (had + verb -3) rir TETA PI

Kenyataannya/Faktanya M enggunakan Past tense (verb-2). Jika harapannya

"Y A (+)", M A K A kenyataannya "T ID A K (-)" atau sebaliknya.

Exam ple:
• H e looks tired as if (sepertinya) lie HAD W O RK ED hard (Tetapi He
DID N O T w ork hard).
• M ira n d a w ish ed (berharap) that sh e H A D N O T C O M E late ag ain
(Tetapi She CA M E late again).

T H E F O L L O W IN G V ER B S (kata kerja berikut ini) are used in the form

(digunakan dalam bentuk) S U B JU N C T IV E co n sistin g o f (y a n g berisi) ad v ice
(nasehat) or su ggestion (saran). The w ord (kata) that m ust alw ays appear (harus
selalu m uncul) in subjunctive sentences. If it is om itted (jika kata that dihilangkan),
m ost of the verbs are follow ed by (kebanyakan kata kerja diikuti oleh) TH E IN ­
FIN IT IV E or V ER B -1, for exam ple:

• advise (menasehati)
• ask (m em inta)
• co m m a n d (m em erintahkan)
• d ecree (m em utuskan)
• d em and (m enuntut)
• in sist (mendesak)
• m ove (m enuntut)
• o rd er (m em erintahkan)
• prefer (lebih suka)
• p rop ose (m engusulkan)
• reco m m en d (m enganjurkan )

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• requ est (m em ohon)

• require (meminta, m enuntut)
• stipu late (menetapkan)
• su g gest (m enyarankan)
• urge (mendesak) M

This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada) the S U B JU N C T IV E with certain

verbs above (dengan kata kerja tertentu di atas) ;

SU B JEC T + V ERB + T H A T + SU B JEC T + V ER B -1

The teacher requires that all students study hard.

The ju d ge insisted that he be punished severely.

The governm en t has propos that the oil price rise.

W e m ove that we get the com pen sation .

T H E F O L L O W IN G A D JE C T IV E S (kata sifat berikut ini) are used in the

form (digunakan dalam bentuk) su b ju n ctiv e co n sistin g o f (yang berisi) ad vice
(nasehat) or suggestion (saran). The word (kata) that m ust alw ays appear (harus
selalu m uncul) in subjunctive sentences. If it is om itted (jika kata that dihilangkan),
m ost o f the adjectives are follow ed (kebanyakan kata sifat diikuti oleh) by T H E
IN F IN IT IV E or V E R B -1 , for exam ple:

• im p erative (keharusan)
• im portan t (penting)
• n ecessary (perlu)
• obligatory (keharusan)
• proposed (diusulkan)
• reco m m en d ed (dianjurkan)
• suggested (disarankan)
• u rg en t (mendesak)

This is the form of (Inilah bentuk daripada) the S U B JU N C T IV E with certain

adjectives above (dengan kata sifat tertentu di atas) :

R um u s:

IT + B E + A D JEC T IV E + T H A T + SU B JEC T + V ER B -1
E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple :
• It is n ecessary that he get good education.
• It has been p roposed that we start from the beginning.
• It was u rgen t that she com e early.
• It has been su ggested that he plan a tour.
• It was im p o rtan t that you k n o w the address.
• It has reco m m en d ed that we sp en d a night here.

T H E F O L L O W IN G N O N S (kata benda berikut ini) are used in the form

(digunakan dalam bentuk) su b ju n ctiv e consisting of (yang berisi) advice ( nasehat)
or su g g e s tio n (saran). The word (kata) th at m u st alw ays ap p ear (luirus selalu
m u n cu l) in su b ju n ctiv e sen ten ces. If it is o m itted (jika kata that dihilangkan),
m ost o f the ad jectives are follow ed (kebanyakan kata sifat diikuti oleh) by T H E
IN F IN IT IV E or V E R B -1 , for exam ple:

• m otion (usulan)
• proposal (usulan)
• reco m m en d atio n (saran!anjuran)
• suggestion (saran)

This is the form of Onilah bentuk daripada) the S U B JU N C T IV E w ith certain

nouns above (dengan kata benda ter.tentu di atas) :

R um u s:

S U B JE C T + VERB +N OU N + T H A T + S U B JE C T + V E R B -1

Exam ple
• He gives her a reco m m en d ation that she be invited.
• There is a m otion that the decision b e cancelled.
• She puts forth a prop osal that she get a scholarship.


D ire ctio n s: Q u estions 1-2 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on you r answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
can n ot be seen.

1. The teacher suggested that her students_________ experiences

w ith ESR
A. w rite a com position on their

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. to write com position about the

C . w rote som e com positions of this or her
D .h a d writtc n any com positions for his

2. The doctor insisted that h is patient___________

A. that he not w ork too hard for three m onths
B. take it easy for three m onths
C . taking it easy inside of three m onths
D .to take som e vacations for three m onths

D irectio n s: In questions 1-13, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. We insist on you leaving the m eeting before any further outbursts

take place.

2. We w ish today was sunny so that we could spend the day in the country

3. The political candidate talked as if she has already been elected to the

4. Jam es's counselor recom m ended that he should take a foreign language
in his freshm an year instead o f w aiting until the follow ing year.

5. It is m ost im portant that he speaks to the dean before leaving

for his vacation.

6. The doctor suggested that he lay in bed for several days as a

precaution against further dam age to the tendons.

7. The piano teacher requires that her student practices at least


_________________________________________________________________________E a s y TOEFL

forty-five m inutes every day in preparation for next week's recital.

[) C

8. It was suggested that Pedro studies the m aterial m ore thoroughly

before attem pting to pass the exam .

9. 1 would rather that they do not travel during the bad weather, but they
a b c:
insist that they m ust return hom e today.

10. 1 suggest that he goes to the doctor as soon as he returns from taking
the exam .

i1 She w ishes that we didn't send her candy yesterday because

she's on a diet.

I 2, Max would rather to be fishing from this boat in the lake than sitting
at his desk in the office.

13. My brother is in C alifornia on vacation, but I wish he was here so that

he could help m e repair my car.

31. Indirect/Reported Speech

(Kalimat Laporan/Kalimat Tak Langsung)

R e p o rte d S p e e c h atau In d ire c t S p e e c h ( Knliwnt Laporan! Kalimat Tidak

Langsung) is used if we want to retell (digunakan apabila kita ingin nienceriterakan
kembali) one's opinion or som eone's talk to another person (pendapat atau pern-
bicaraan seseorang kepada orang tain).
R eported Sp eech is usually started with introducing verbs such as (biasam/a
diaioah oleh kata kerja pengantar seperti): Say, T ell, A nsw er, In fo rm , E xp lain ,
Add, O rder, dan C om m and

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

There are three kinds (Ada 3 jenis) of Reported Speech such as (Reported
Speech seperti): (1) S tatem en t; (2) C om m and/Im perative; and (3) Q u estio n .

1. S T A T E M E N T (P e rn y a ta a n ).

(Kalim at Langsung) (Kalim at Tak Langsung/Laporan)

P R E SE N T T E N SE (Verb-1) m enjadi P R E SE N T T E N S E (Verb-1)

“I am very happy now " m enjadi Alda says TH A T she is very happy.

"I am bu sy" She says TH A T she is busy.

"Tod ay is fine" Jason says TH A T today is fine.

P R E SE N T T E N S E (Verb-1) m enjadi «- P A ST T E N S E (Verb-2)

"I am very happy now " m enjadi Alda said TH A T she w as very happy

"I am busy" She said TH A T she was busy.

"It is fine today"f » Jason said TH A T it was fine that day.

P A ST T E N SE (Verb-2) m enjadi - P A ST PER FEC T T E N S E (Verb-3)

"I w as very happy y esterd ay " m enjadi r Alda said TH A T she had been
very happy the day b efo re yesterday.

"I am b u sy " r She said TH A T she had been busy.

"It was fine last n ig h t" - Jason said TH AT it had been the p revious n ig h t

2. IM P E R A T IV E / C O M M A N D (P e rin ta h ).

a. P o sitiv e C om m and

Example: "C om e in, p lease", Tom asked.

Tom asked her T O C O M E in .

b. N egative C om m and

Example: "D on 't go ou t"

Mr. Sim on told me N O T T O G O o u t.


(K alim at Langsung) (K alim at Tak Langsung/Laporan)

V erb-1 m enjadi f To+ V erb-1

D o n 't+ V e rb -1 m enjadi Not T o 4 Verb-1

C om e here, please", Tom asked Tom asked her T O C O M E there

" D o n 't go out" m enjadi Mr. Sim on told m e N O T T O G O out.

3. Q U E S T IO N S (Pertanyaan), can be divided into two (dapat dibagi menjadi

2). that is (unitu):

3.1, Y E S /NO -O UES T IO N S are questions that are started with A u xiliary
V erbs such as (pertanyaan yang diawali dengan Kata Kerja Ban In seperti ):
is, am , are, w as, were, do, does, did, has, have, had, can-cou ld, may-
m ig h t, w ill-w o u ld , sh all-sh o u l, etc, and the answ er is (dan jawaban-
ni/a) YES (Ya) or N O (Tidak).

In Y ES/N O Q U E S T IO N S , the R e p o rte d S p e e ch is sta rte d w ith

(K alim at Laporan in /alK alim at Tak L a n g su n g n i/a dim ulai d e n g a n ) IF
(apakah) atau W H E T H E R ( apakah ) + S u b y e k + V erb. K alim a t Tak
L a n g su n g n y a d iaw ali d en g an if (apakah) atau w h e th e r (apakali) +
S u b y e k + Verb).

Exam ple: 4

( K alim at Langsung ) ( K alim at Tak Langsung/Laporan )

P R E S E N T T E N S E (V erb-1) m enjadi " P A S T T E N S E (V e r b -2)

Rina asked me II / W H ET H ER I was

" Are you busy today?"
busy that day.

M iranda w anted to know IF /

"D o you attend the m eeting?"
W H E T H E R 1 atten ded the m eeting.

* P A S T T E N S E (Verb-2) m enjadi P A ST P E R FE C T T E N S E (V e r b -3)

Susanna ask ed me IF/ W H ETH ER

"W a s Shinta interested in m usic?"
Shinta had been interested in music.

M iranda wanted to know

"D id you attend the m eeting?" IF/W HETHER I had attended the
m eeting.
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

3 .2. W H -/ H O W -O U E ST IO N S are qu estions that are started with W h- /

H ow -Q u estion s such as (pertanyaan yang diawali dengan W h- / H ow -
Q u estio n s seperti ) : W hat, Why, W h ere,W h ose, W ho , How+ S u b y ek
+ Verb.

Exam ple:

(Kalim at Langsung) (K alim at Tak Langsung/Laporan) *

P R E SE N T T E N S E (V erb-1) m enjadi P A S T T E N S E (V e r b -2)

Diana w anted to k n o w W H ERE

"W here does Rita liv e?"
Rita lived.

P A ST T E N S E (Verb-2 m enjadi ^ P A S T P E R F E C T T E N S E (Verb -3)

The cop asked the local leader
"H ow did they get h ere?"
H O W they had got there.

P e ru b a h a n W ak tu (T im e ), K ata G a n ti (P ro n o u n ) D a n K a ta S ifa t Y ang
M e n y a ta k a n M ilik (P o s s e s s iv e R ro n o u n s) D a la m R e p o rte d S p e e ch
S e b a g a i B erik u t:

(K alim at Langsung) (K alim at Tak Langsung/Laporan)

today m enjadi r that day

now m enjadi r:ir then

here m enjadi r3r th ere

....a g o m enjadi r the p re v io u s...

n e x t.... m enjadi r the fo llo w in g ...

yesterd ay m enjadi ;» the day b efo re

tom orrow m enjadi the n ext / fo llo w in g day

the day b efo re yesterday m enjadi :<r tw o days b efo re atau

in two days' tim e

E a s y TOEFL

(A d a p e ru b a h a n K a ta G a n ti d a n K a ta S ifa t y a n g m e n y a ta k a n m ilik ).

(Kata Ganti dan Kata Sifat yang m enyatakan m ilik)
1 He/She

You Me/He/She/Them/I/Him/Her

My His/Her

O ur Their/Our

We They

Your My/His/Her


D ire ctio n s: Q uestions 1-5 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the nu m ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

1. the new inform ation to anyone else bu t the segeant.

> T T h e y asked him n o t jo g iy e ^ m ^ an tlkc(S
B. They asked him to don't give
C. They asked him no give
D . They asked him to no give

2. The director of this organization m ust know __________

A. m oney m a n a g e m e n t, selling, and able to satisfy the sto tk holders
B. how to m anage money, selling his p ro d u c t, and be able to satisfy stock­
C . how to m anage money, sell his p r o d u c t, and be able to satisfy stock­
D . m oney m a n a g em en t, selling, the idea of being able to satisfy stockholders

3. Mr. D uncan does n ot k now __________ the law m ow er after they had fin­
ished using it.
A. w here did they put
B. w here they did put
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

C . w here they put

D. where to put.

4. John has not been able to recall w here__________

A. does the live
B. she lives
C. did she live
D . live the girl

5. The professor said that__________

A. the students can turn over their reports on the M onday
B. the reports on M onday could be received from the students by him .
C. the students could hand in their reports on M onday
D .th e students will on M onday the report turn in.

D irections: In questions 1-3, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. The general com m anded the O fficer's Club be off lim its to the new recruits.

2. They asked m e w hat did h appen last night, but I w as unable to tell them

3. The teacher told the students to don't discuss the take - hom e exam
w ith each other.

32. Derivation
[Kata Turunan/Jadian]

Pada Tes TO EFL, A nda dim inta untuk m elengkapi kalim at dengan pilihan
kata yang tepat dengan: N oun (Kata benda), A djective (Kata sifat), Verb ( Kata
• kerja) atau A dverb ( Kata keterangan).
D alam b ah asa In g g ris h an y a: N o u n s ( Kata Benda), V erbs ( Kata Kerja),
A d jectiv es ( Kata Sifat), and A d v erb s ( Kata K eterangan) y an g d ap at d ip roses
m enjadi kata baru (new form ).

E a s y TOEFL

Pem bentukan kata dapat dibentuk m elalui: PREFIXES (Aivalan) dan SU F­

FIXES (A khinm ) akan m em iliki arti yang baru biasa disebut dengan DERIVA­
T IO N ( Peiubcntiiknn kata).

Exam ple (Contoh):

D ari kata "M A N A G E (m em im pin)", dapat dibentuk kata baru: <=> M A N ­

A G ER (p e m im p in ) M A N A G E R IA L (berkaitan dengan kepem im pinan) =>
M A N A G IN G (yang melaksanakan/pelaksana) ] M A N A G EM EN T (kepemimpinan)

D alam Tes TO EFL, anda dim inta untuk m em ilih kata yang paling tepat
guna m elengkapi kalim at. Ini biasa disebut dengan W O RD C H O ICE (Pilihan
K ata).


Yang M enunjukkan Ciri-Cii i Kata Kerja):

-en-: danger (bahaya) en d anger (m em bahayakan)

-be-: friend (tem an) befriend (bertem an)

Exam ple:
• Sm oking endangers your health.
• I w ant to enlarge my know ledge.
• M any people equate w ealth with happines
• This m oney enables m e to buy a new com puter.

P E R H A T IK A N L A G ;
(A w a la n ) (*)

Prefix M eaning Exam ples

(A w alan) (Arti) (Contoh)

1. A fter- A fter A fternoon, afterm ath, afterw ard

2. A nte- Before or in front of A ntedate, antecham ber, antecedent

3. A nti- A gainst A ntisocial, antibiotic, antidote

4. Auto- By itself or self A utom obile, autom atic,


5. Bene- Good Benefit, beneficial, benign

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

P refix M ean in g E xam ples

(A w alan) (Arti) (Contoh)

6. Bi-, bin- Tw o Bifocal, bicycle, binoculars

7. Circu- A round Circulate, circular, circus

8. Co-, coi- Together Cooperate, cow orker, collect

9. Contra- A gainst Contradict, contrary, contrast

10. Counter- O pposite Counteract, counterfeit, counterpart

11. Dis- Lack of D isagree, disgrace, dishonest

12. H yper- Excessive H ypercritical, hyperbole,


13. Hypo- Too little or H ypoactive, hypoderm ic,

beneath h ypoglycem ia

14. 11- N ot Illogical, illegal, illegible

15. In- Not Incorrect, inhum ane, inability

16. Inter- A m ong or betw een International, interaction, interfere

17. Ir- Not Irresponsible, irregular, irrelevant

18. M al- Bad or wrong M alfunction, m alpractice,

m alnourished

19. M is- Bad or w rong M isfortune, m istake, m isplace

20 M ulti- M any or m uch M ultilingual, m ultiple, m ultinational

21. O m ni- All O m niscient, om nivorous, om nipotent

22. O ver- Too m uch O veractive, overflow , overdraw

23. Poly- M any Polyglot, polygon, polytechnic

24. Post- A fter Postpone, postpaid, postscript

25. Pre- Before Prefix, prefer, prehistoric

26. Pro- Before or in favor Prologue, procedure, pronoun


27. Re- A gain Rew rite, repeat, replace

(*) Taken from: Building Skills for the TOEIC Test by Gina Richardson and Michele Peters
(1995), Longman,Essex.

E a s y TOEFL

Yang M enunjukkan Ciri-Ciri Kata Kerja):

I l

-ize: critic (kritis) criticize (m engkritik)

-en: w ide (lebar) w iden (m elebarkan)

-fy : beautiful (cantik) beau tify (m em percantik)

-ate: active (aktif) activate (m engaktifkan)

Exam ple: &

• Let's w iden our know ledge of the world.

• You m ay criticize the m anagem ent o f the com pany.

Yang M enunjukkan Kata Benda):

-age: m arry (m enikah) m arriage (pernikahan)

-ant: assist (m em bantu) assistant (pem bantu)

-al: arrive (datang) arrival (kedatangan)

-an ce: en ter (m asuk) en tran ce (jalan m asuk)

-eer: au ction (lelang/melelang) au ctio n eer (juru lelang)

-en ce: defend (m em pertahankan) d efen ce (pertahanan)

-er: m anage (m em im pin) m anager (pem im pin)

-(e)ry: d iscover (m enem ukan) d isco very (penem uan)

-ess: w aiter (pelayan (pria) w aitress (pelayan (w anita)

-hood: brother (saudara) bro therhood (persaudaraan)

-(i)an : library (perpustakaan) librarian (pustakaw an)

-in g : m ine (m enam bang) m in in g (pertam bangan)

-ism : hero (pahlaw an) h eroism (pahlaw anan)

-ist: science (ilm u pengetahuan) scien tist (ilm uw an)

-ity: active (aktif) activity (aktivitas)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

-n ess: happy (bahagia) h ap p in ess (kebahagiaan)

-or: direct (memimpin) director (pemimpin)

-m ent: announce (m engum um kan ) an nou n cem en t (pengum um an)

-ship: fellow (sahabat) fello w sh ip (persahabatan)

-t: w eigh (m enim bang berat) w eight (berat)

-th: strong (kuat) strength (kekuatan)

-tion: inform (m enginform asikan) in form ation ( informasi)

-ure:depart (berangkat) departure (keberangkatan)

Exam ple:

® I was sorry to hear about his illn ess.

® He is a new assistant in m y company.
® This is the educate for your child in this country.
• We all are going to seek happiness.

(A khiran Yang M enunjukkan Kata Sifat):

-al: nation (bangsa) national (nasional)

-ial: influence (m em pengaruhi) in flu en tial (berpengaruh)

-ic(al): h istoric (bersejarah) h isto rical (bersejarah)

-ar: popularity (kepopuleran) popular (terkenal)

-ary: elem ent (dasar) elem entary (dasar)

-ed: talent (bakat) talented (berbakat)

-en: w ood (kayu) w ooden (dari kayu)

-fu l: beau ty (kecantikan) beau tifu l (cantik)

-ish : child (anak) ch ild ish (kekanak-kanakan) -

-istic: character (ciri) ch aracteristic (ciri-ciri)

-less:care (hati-hati) careless (tidak hati-hati

-lik e: TO EFL (TOEFL) T O E F L -lik e (seperti TO EFL) -

-ly: friend (tem an) friend ly (ram ah)

E a s y TOEFL

-ou s:fam e (keterkenalan) fam ous (terkenal)

-w ard: back (belakang) backw ard (ke belakang)

-w id e: w orld (dunia) w orld -w id e (seluruh dunia)

-y: sand (pasir) sandy (berpasir)

Exam ple:

• M y national language is Japanese.

• H e is a careless driver.


Yang M enu njukkan C iri-C iri Kata K eterangan):

I i
-a : head (m uka) ahead (dim uka)

-ever: w hen (kapan) w henever (kapan saja)

-ly : slow (lam bat) slow ly (dengan lam bat)

-ily: happy (bahagia) hap p ily (dengan bahagia)

-p lace: som e (suatu) som e p lace (suatu tem pat)

-w ard (s): front (depan) frontw ards (m aju ke depan)

-w here: any (saja) an yw here (dim ana saja)

-w ise: clock (jam) clockw ise (searah jaru m jam )

Exam ple:

• The w orkers w ork slow ly .

• They live happily in a village.

For fu rther in form ation ( U ntuk informasi lebih lanjut),
Please find and read (silakan cari dan baca) an English-English D ictionary
or E n g lish -In d o n esian D ictio n ary (Kamus In gg ris-In g g ris atau Kamus
Inggris- Indonesia). English dictionary (Kamus Inggris) will be your best friend
(akan menjadi sahabat terbaik anda) in learning English
(dalam belajar bahasa In g g ris).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


D ire ctio n s Choose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. You s h o u ld the language in this report because it is too com plex.

A. sim ply
B. sim plify
C. sim plistic
D. sim ple

2. M ake sure you have a___________ passport before you go abroad.

A. validate
B. validity
C . valid
D . validation

3. In my opinion, their w alking out from the session was a v e r y ___________

thing to do.
A. child
B. children
C . childish
D. childishly

4. These annual reports have been audited_______ by an outside agency.

A. periodical
B. period
C . periodic
D . periodically

5. P au l S a m u e ls o n w as th e fir s t A m e ric a n to w in th e N o b e l P riz e in

A. econom y
B. econom ic
C. econom ical
D. econom ics

E a s y TOEFL

33. Tag Questions

(Ekor Kalimat)

TAG Q U EST IO N S ( Ekor Kalimat) are short questions that consist of (adalah
ertanyaan pendek yang terdiri dari) positive ang negative question (pernyataan
ositif dan negatif). The short question is at the end of the sentence (Pertanyaan
endek ini di akhir kalimat).
Study the rules of m aking Q uestion Tags (Pelajari Ketentuan dalam Membuat
Question Tag):

G u n a k a n A u x ilia ry V erbs ( Kata Kerja B antu) sep erti: is. am . are, w as,
w e re , w ill, h av e, h as, h ad , can, dan lain -lain atau BILA T ID A K ADA,
gunakan: do. does, atau did.
Exam ple:

• H e w ill v is it h is frie n d in S o u th K o re a , w o n 't h e? (D ia akan

m en g u n ju n g i temannya di Korea Selatan, bukan ?)
• They are all right, aren 't they? (M ereka baik-baik saja, bukan ?)

. "H a v e " artinya M EM PU N Y A I atau A D A . TAQ Q U E S T IO N -n ya m eng­

gunakan do, does atau did. TETA PI JIK A "H ave" sebagai A uxiliary Verb
m aka TAQ Q U E ST IO N -nya dim ulai dengan H ave pula.
Exam ple:

• S u sa n has a class today, d o e sn 't she? (Susan ada pelajaran hari ini,
b u k an ?)
• Tutik has traveled to Bali, h asn 't she? (Tutik telah ke Bali bukan?)

Bila pernyataannya Positive m aka Taq Questionya Negatif.

E xam ple:
• He is a doctor, isn't he? (Dia dokter, bukan?)

Bila pernyataannya Negative m aka Taq Questionya Positif.

Exam ple:
• Siti is not a teacher, is she? (Dia bukan gu ru , bukan?)

Subjek dalam Taq Q uestion selalu Pronoun (for exam ple: he, she, they)
Exam ple:
• N ad ia plays b asketball, d o esn 't she? (Nadia main basket,bukan?)

Not dalam Taq Q uestion selalu Disingkat (for exam ple: don't he?)
E xa m p leL _t _
• (T he students, com e on tim e, don't they?(P ara siswa dating tepat waktu,
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

7. TH ERE dalam kalim at Tidak B eru b a h dalam Taq Q uestion.

Exam ple:
• There is a m eeting, isn 't there? (Ada pertem uan, bukan?)

8. THAT dalam kalim at berubah m enjadi it dalam Taq Q uestion.

Exam ple:
• That man Kata is Mr. Jason, isn 't it? (O rang itu Tuan Jason, bukan?)

9. K ata-kata yang dianggap N eg a tiv e seperti: never ( tak pernah), rarely /sel­
dom (ja ra n g ), sca rce ly /h a rd ly /b a re ly ( ham pir tidak), fe w /little (sedikit),
m aka TAQ Q U E S T IO N n y a P O S IT IF .
Exam ple:
• Nisa never com es late, doesn 't she? (Nisa tidak pernah datang terlambat,
b u k a n ?)

10. Kata kata seperti: ev eryo n e, an y on e, no one, everybody, anybod y, n o ­

body, som eone, som ebody, m aka Taq Q uestionnya m enggun akan T H E Y .
Exam ple:
• N obody helps her, do they? (Tak seorangpun membantu dia, bukan?)
• Everyone m ust join it, m u sn 't they? (Setiap orang harus ikut, bukan?)

11. U n tu k K a lim a t P e rin ta h , TAG Q U E S T IO N n y a m e n g g u n a k a n W IL L

Exam ple:
• G ive m e your money, w ill y ou ?(Berikan uangm u padaku, m an?)
• O pen that window , w ill you? (Buka jendelanya, m an?)

12. U n tu k K a lim a t A ja k a n d en g a n L E T 'S , TA G Q U E S T IO N -n y a m e n g ­

gunakan SH A LL W E ?
Exam ple:
• Let's go shopping, shall w e? (M ari kita berbelanja, m an?)
• Let's try again, shall we? (M ari kita mencoba lagi, m au?)

D a la m S e b u a h P erca k a p a n
untuk m enyatakan bahw a kita terkejut atau ketika kita ingin orang lain
setuju dengan kita. Kita sering m enggunakan TA G Q U E S T IO N S .

Exam ple:
• Anita: You pass the exam (Kamu lulus ujian).
• Jim m y: Oh, do I? (O ya ?)
• Diana: You are very d iligent (Kamu sangat rajin).
• Susan: Am I? (O, ya ?)

E a s y TOEFL


D ire ctio n s: Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m arked (A),
(B), (C), and (D) m ust be changed in order for the sentence to be correct (Iden-
tifikasi satu knta atau fra se yang harus diubah agar menjadi kalimat yang benar)

1. It has been a long tim e since we have talked to John, isn't it?

2. There's a new O riental restaurant in town, isn't it ?

^ B C D

34. Word Order

(Urutan Kata)

A. W O R D O R D E R O F N O U N P H R A S E (Susunan Kata daripada Kelompok

Kata) , that is, the order of the w ords (yaitu susunan kata-kata) in w hich the
N OU N (dimana Kata Benda) is the H EA D W O R D (merupakan Kata Inti), for
exam p le:

> a beau tifu l young L A D Y (seorang W ANITA muda yang cantik) .

> a lu xu rious m odern H O T E L (sebuah H O T E L modern yang meioah) .

> som e cool con crete H O U S E S (beberapa R U M A H beton yang sejuk) .

> a w e ll-k n o w n b la c k A m e ric a n S C I E N T I S T (seo ra n g IL M U W A N

A m erika kulit hitam ya ng terkenal).

> five new black Italian S H O E S (lima SEPA TU Italia baru warna hitam).

> an e lite H O U S IN G w ill be b u ilt (sebuah P E R U M A H A N elit akan

d ib a n g u n ).

> a lot o f expensive new Japanese C A R S can be seen here (banyak M OBIL
Jepang baru dan mahal dapat dilihat di sini).

> a low priced E D IT IO N of this book (sebuah ED ISI buku murah).

> th ree b e a u tifu l b each V IL L A S h ere (tiga VILA pantai y ang indah di

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

[ S u su n an K elo m p o k K ata B en d a ]



(Kata Sifat yan g bisa berupa) :




the most expe smal ne - squa blac NOKIA hand phone.

nsiv 1 w re k

some - nice - - hot - - Javanese drinks.

_ six beau big old roun gree America garden.

tiful d n n


• D ETERM IN ER (Kata Pcnentu) : m isalnya: a, an, the, this, that, these , those,
five, some, several, main/, a lot of, m uch, another, etc.
• O RD IN ATIVE ( Kata Bilangan dan Kata Sifat bentuk C o m p ariso n s) :-er, thest,
more-than, the most, misalnya: one, two, three, first, second, third, smaller, more
expensive, the sm allest, the m ost expensive, etc.
• D E S C R IP T IV E (Sifat): m isaln y a: beautiful, ugly, good, bad, cheap,ex p en ­
sive, etc
• SIZE (U kuran) : m isalnya: big, small, tall, short, wide, narrow, m edium, large,
• A G E (U m ur) : m isalnya: young, old, new, etc.
• T EM PERA TU R E (S uhu) : m isalnya: hot, cold, cloudy, warm, etc
• SH A PE (Bentuk) : m isalnya: round, square, triangle, flat, etc.
• C O L O R (W arna) : m isalnya: ivhite, black, blue, green , etc.
• O R IG IN (Asal): Am erican, Japanese, Spanish, etc.

E a s y TOEFL

• C L A S S I F Y I N G N O U N ( Kata B enda y a n g b e rfu n g s i m enjelaskan Kata

Benda): m isalnya: Football, A m erican, Women, etc.
• EA D W O R D N O U N ( Inti Kata Benda): m isalnya: H A N D PH O N E, D RIN KS,

B. T H E M E A N IN G O F D E T E R M I N E R S (A rti Kata-Kata Penunjuk/Penjelas)

T h ese w ord s are used as S P E C IF IE R (Kata- kata yang digunakan sebagai

P en jeln s atau P en en tu ). These w ords are called D E T E R M IN E R S (kata-kata ini
disebut D E T E R M IN E R ).

D E T E R M IN E R S lim it the m eaning or d escribe the noun (membatasi arti

atau menjelaskan kata benda) w hich is placed in front of the noun (yang biasanya
ditempatkan di depan kata benda), for exam ple:

• A /A n (sebuah, seekor, seorang, suatu, s e ...): This is a bag. Tiger is an ani­

m al. Mr. A bbas is a diplom at. R ubbish is a problem . We need a cup of
• Every (setiap) : Every student has the sam e right to get good education.
• Som e (beberapa, sebanyak) : We need som e w orkers to m anage this com ­
pany. Som e 1500 dem onstrators are on strike.
• A ny (beberapa, ada) : Are there any problem s?
• Not any (tidak ada) : There are not any passengers in the bus term inal.
• M any (banyak) : There are m any visitors visit TM II today.
• N ot m any ( tak banyak) : There are not m any questions during the sem i­
• M uch (banyak) : We do not have m uch tim e to think about it.
• N o (tak ada) : There is no w ater in this region.
• Several (beberapa): Several policem en are investigating the suicide case.
• Few (sedikit) : M arcellina has few friends.
• A Few (beberapa) : M arcellina has a few friends.
• Little (sedikit) : I have little money.
• A Little (sedikit): I have a little money.
• A Lot of (banyak) : A lot of m oney is needed to build a bridge.
• Lots (banyak) : Lots of the w ork is tiring.
• Plenty of (banyak) : We need plenty of m oney to buy a new com puter.
• A great deal of (banyak): To build this " Suram adu " bridge, the govern­
m ent needs a great deal of money.
• A great m any of (banyak) : There are a great m any of people waiting
for the train.
• A large n u m ber of (banyak) : A great num ber of have no docum ents.
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• A n u m b er o f (banyak): A n um ber of qualified w orkers have left the

com pany.
• A sm all n u m b er o f (sedikit) : A sm all num ber of students joined a Scien­
tific C om petition.
• H alf o f (setengah) : H alf of the team s m ust take a rest.
• Either o f (keduanya) : Either of them is good.
• N either o f (tidak ada): N either of the candidates is qualified.
« A ll o f (semua) : All o f the singers are eager to w elcom e the first appear­
ance of Audi.
• Not all o f (tak semua dari) : Not all of the voters use their rights to vote.
• N one o f (tak satupun) : N one of them is lazy.
• M ost o f (keb any akan dari) : M ost of the participants are from V ietnam .
• M any o f (banyak dari) : M any of them are A fricans, not A sians.
• Not en ou g h o f ( tak cukup) : N ot enough of that food is fresh.


D irectio n s: C hoose the one word or phrase m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1 . , Sir Isaac N ew ton described the law s of gravitation.

A. Was a seventeenth-century scientist
B. W ho was a seventeenth-century scientist
C .A seventeenth-century scientist
D .W h en w as a seventeenth-century scientist

D irectio n s: In questions 1-5, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. We called yesterday our friends in Boston to tell them about the reunion
that we are planning.

2. That novel is definitely a dense-packed narrative, but one w hich requires

a vast know ledge of cultural background or an excellent encyclopedia.

E a s y TOEFL

3. A fter a carefully investigation, w e soon discovered that the house was

infested w ith term ites.
4. Since it was so difficult for A m erican Indians to negotiate a peace treaty
or declare w ar in their native language, they used a universal understood
form af sign language.

5. Louise Braille designed a form o f com m unication enabling people to

convey and preserve their thoughts to incorporate a series of dots w hich
w ere read by the finger tips.

35. Numbers
N UM BERS (Angka) can be d iv id ed in to tw o (dapat dibagi menjadi dua)
that is, Cardinal Number (angka urut) and Ordinal Number (angka bertingkat).
Please com pare (Tolong bandingkan) the use of the num bers. See exam ples b e­
low ( Lihat contohnya di bawah ini):

A. CARDINAL NUMBERS (A ngka U rut), for example:

0 (zero) 14 (fou rteen)
1 (one) 15 (fifteen)
2 (tw o) 16 (sixteen)
3 (three) 17 (seventeen)
4 (four) 18 (eighteen)
5 (five) 19 (n in eteen)
6 (six) 20 (tw enty)
7 (seven) 30 (thirty)
8 (eight) 40 (forty)
9 (nine) 50 (fifty)
10 (ten) 60 (sixty)
11 (eleven) 70 (seventy)
12 (tw elve) 80 (eighty)
13 (th irteen ) 90 (ninety)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

100 (a hundred/one hundred)

1000 (a thousand/one thousand)
1.000.000 (a million/one m illion) (a billion/one billion) (a trillion/one trillion)

E xam ple:
• Pag e five (halam an lima).
• Room thirteen (kam ar tiga belas).
• N um ber one (nom or satu).
• Round six (ronde enam ).
• G rade nine (kelas sem bilan).
• Edition three (edisi tiga)

B. O R D IN A L N U M B E R S (A ngka Bertingkat), fo r example:

ke-l/pertam a (first),
ke-2/kedua (second),
ke-3/ketiga (third),
ke-4/keem pat (fourth),
ke-5/kelima (fifth),
ke-6/keenam (sixth),
ke-7/ketujuh (seventh),
ke-8/kedelapan (eighth),
ke-9/kesem bilan (ninth),
ke-10/kesepuluh (tenth),
ke-sebelas-11 (eleventh),
ke-12/keduabelas (tw elfth),
ke-13/ketiga belas (thirteenth),
ke-14/keem pat belas (fourteenth),
ke-15/kelima belas (fifteenth),
ke-16/keenam belas (sixteenth),
ke-17/ketujuh belas (seventeenth),
ke-18/kedelapan belas (eighteenth),
ke-19/kesem bilan belas (nineteenth),
ke-20/kedua puluh (tw entieth),
ke-21/kedua puluh satu (tw enty first),
ke-22/kedua puluh dua (tw enty second),
ke-23/kedua puluh tiga (tw enty third),
ke-30/ketiga puluh (thirtieth),
ke-40/keem pat puluh (fortieth),

E a s y TOEFL

ke-50/kelim a puluh (fiftieth),

Ke-60/enam puluh (sixtieth),
ke-70/ketujuh puluh (seventieth),
ke-80/kedelapan puluh (eightieth),
ke-90/kesem bilan puluh (ninetieth),
ke-100/keseratus (a hundredth/one hundredth),
ke-1,000 (a thousandth/one thousandth),
k e-1,000,000 (a m illionth/one m illionth),
k e-1 ,0 0 0 ,000,000 (a billionth/one billionth),

k e-1,000,000,000 (a trillionth/one trillionth).

E xam ple:
• the fifth page (halam an lima/kelima).
• the thirteenth room (kam ar tiga belas/ketigabelas).
• the first num ber nu m ber (nom or satu/nomor pertam a).
• the sixth round (ronde enam/ronde keenam ).
• the third edition (edisi tiga/edisi ketiga)
• the ninth grade (kelas sembilan/kelas kesem bilan)
• the first/the second/the third w inner (juara pertama/kedua/ketiga)
• Sultan H am engkubuw ono X (baca: the tenth).
• Sep tem ber 11, 1998 (Septem ber the eleventh, nineteen ninety eight).
• 17 A ugust 1945 (the seventeenth of A ugust nineteen forty five).

C. H O W T O SAY T H E DATE (Bagaimana M engatakan Tanggal):


D ecem ber 20, D ecem ber, the twentieth, The tw entieth of D ecem ber
2015 two thousand and fifteen two thousand and fifteen

May, the tw enty first, two . The tw enty first of M ay two

M ay 21, 2006
thousand and six thousand and six

August, the third two The third of A ugust tw o

A ugust 3, 2000
thousand thousand

June, the fourth nineteen The fourth of J une nineteen

June 4 ,1 9 9 8
ninety eight ninety eight

S ep tem ber 30, Septem ber, the thirtieth The thirtieth of Septem ber
1965 nineteen sixty five nineteen sixty five

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

D. HOW TO SAY THE YEAR (Bagaimana M engatakan Tahun)

Eight hundred B.C. (di baca:

800 B.C. bi: si: (Before Christ) = It occurred in 800 B.C.
sebelum Masehi)

Six hundred A.D. (dibaca:ei

600 A.D. di: (Anno Domini (setelah It w as built in 600 A.D.

1900 Nineteen hundred He w as born in 1990.

Nineteen eighty four I graduated from Senior

1984 High School 3 of
Yogyakarta in 1984.

2000 Two thousand This hotel w as built in 2000.

Two thousand and seven This book w as published in

February 2007.


D irections: Q uestions 1-5 each sentence has four underlined w ords or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are marked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. The volum e four of our encyclopedia set has been missing for
tw o m onths.

E a s y TOEFL

36. Elliptical Sentence with Too,

So, Both, Either, and Neither
(Kalimat Eliptik dengan Too, So, Both,
Either dan Neither)
1. We u se ( Kita m enggunakan) T O O (Juga) for a p o sitiv e sen ten ce (untuk
kalim at positif) and it goes at the end of the sentence (dan letaknya di akhir
kalim at).
E xam ple:
• R etno is busy and I am to o (Retno sibuk dan s a y a ju ga ).
• A m in stud ies hard day and night and you do to o (Amin belajar keras
siang dan malam dan kam u ju ga ).
• H etty w ent to the m usic show and Dina did to o (Hetty pergi ke pentas
musik dan D ina ju ga).
2. We use (Kita menggunakan) SO (begitu juga) for a positive sentence (untuk
kalimat positif) and it goes at the beginning of the sentence (dan letaknya di
aw al kalim at).
Exam ple:
• I am hungry and so is Rina (Saya lapat dan l]egitu jugga Rina).
• I lea rn E n g lish and s o does Susanti (Saya belajar bahasa Inggris dan
begitu ju g a Susanti).
3. We use (Kita menggunakan) B O TH (keduanya) to talk about tw o things or
p erso n s (untuk m em bicarakan dua benda atau orang).
Exam ple:
• D e ssy h as tw o ch ild re n . B oth are d ilig en t (Dessy punya dua anak.
K ed u a n y a cerdas).
• T his hou se has tw o doors. Both are m ade of wood (Rumah ini memiliki
dua pintu. K ed u a n y a dari kayu).
• Last m onth I w ent to Jak arta and Bandung. I like both cities (Bulan
lalu saya pergi ke Jakarta dan Bandung. Saya suka kedua kota itu).
4. We u se (Kita m enggunakan): E IT H ER (juga tidak) fo a n eg ativ e sen ten ce
(untuk kalimat n e g a tif ) and it goes at the end o f the sentence (dan letaknya
di akhir kalim at).
E xam ple:
• 1 don't like horror film s and Sandra d oesn 't e ith er (Saya tidak suka film
horror dan Sandra juga tidak).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• Renny didn't com e yesterday and Susan didn't eith er (Renny tidak datang
kemarin dan Susan juga tidak ).
5. We use (Kita menggunakan ): N E IT H E R (juga tidak) for a n egative sentence
(untuk kalimat negatif) and it goes at the beginning of the sentence (dan letak-
nya di awal kalim at).
Exam ple:
• I did not com e to the party last night because I was sick and n eith er did
Rico. (Saya tidak dating ke pesta tadi malam karena saya sakit).
• H essa can 't finish the job, and n eith er can B e tty (Hessa tidak dapat
m en yelesaikan p ekerjaan , dan Betty ju g a tidak dapat m en y elesaikan
6. We use (Kita menggunakan) : N O R (juga tidak) for a negative sentence (untuk
kalimat negatif) and it goes at the beginning of the sentence (dan letaknya di
aw al kalim at).
Exam ple:
• I am not ready and nor is Tnty ( Saya tidak siap dan Tuty juga tidak siap).

7. We use (Kita menggunakan ) B U T ( tetapi) to show the opposite (untuk menun-

jukkan kebalikannya).
Exam ple:
• I d o n 't like co ca-co la, hu t Sam does (Saya tidak suka coca-cola, tetapi
Sam suka).
• Ratna will go hom e bu t I w o n ’t ( = will not) (Ratna akan pulang, tetapii
aku tidak).


D irections: Q uestions 1-3 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the one
w ord or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot b e seen.

1. Pioneer m en and w om an endured terrible hardships, and__________

A. so do their children
B. neither did the children
C. also the childs
D . so did their children

2. Florida has not yet ratified the am endm ent , and__________

A. several other states hasn't either

E a s y TOEFL

B. neither lias som e of the others states

C. som e other states also have not either
D. neither have several other states.

3. Pioneer m en and w om en endured terrible hardships, and __________

A. so do their children
B. neither did the children
C. also the childs
D. so did their children

D irections: In questions 1-5, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. H enry objects to our buying this house w ithout the approval of

our attorney, and fohn does so .
c X
2. C atherine is studying law at the university, and so does lohn.

3. M ary and her sister studied biology last year, and so does lean .

4. G eorge has n ot com pleted the assignm ent yet, and M aria hasn't
n eith er.

5. H e isn't driving to the convention in M arch, and neither they are.


37. Too, So, and Enough

(Terlalu, Sangat, dan Cukup)

IN F IN IT IV E S or V erb-1 ( Kata kerja Infinitive atau Verb-1) o ften follow

( serin g m en giku ti) e x p re s s io n s w ith (ungkapan dengan) T O O ( terla lu ) and
E N O U G H (cukup).
The w ord T O O (terlalu) com es in fron t o f an ad jective (letakni/a di depan
kata sifat).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

T h is is the use o f (Inilah penggunaan daripada) TO O b efo re an ad jectiv e

(sebelum kata sifat).

Subject Be Too + A djective ± (for Som eone) + To V erb-1 + ...

This bag is too heavy (terlalu for me (bagi saya) to lift (untuk
berat) diangkat).

Jim m y was too young (terlalu to join (untuk ikut)

muda) the gam e.

It is too risky (terlalu to sw im (berenang)

berbahaya) in this sea.

The w ord EN O U G H (cukup) com es in fro n t of a n ou n (letaknya di depan

kata benda) or it can follow an adjective (dapat mengikuti kata sifat).
This is the use o f (Inilah penggunaan daripada) E N O U G H befo re a n ou n
(sebelum kata benda).

Subject Verb Enough + N oun + To V erb-1 + ......

I have enough tim e (cukup to finish (untuk menyelesaikan)
waktu) this job.

He has enough m oney (cukup to buy (untuk membeli) a new

uang) hand phone.

We don't enough equipm ent to save the victim s (untuk

have (cukup peralatan) menyelamatkan korban) of
A dam Air.

This is the use of (Inilah penggunaan daripada) EN O U G H after an adjective

(stelah kata sifat).

Subject Be A djective + Enough + To V erb-1 + ...

Your is old enough (cukup tua/ to go to school.

child umur)
It is hot enough (cukup panas) to continue (melanjutkan) the
jou rney (perjalanan).

He is strong enough (cukup to m ove (memindahkan) the table.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E a s y T O E F L


D irections C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. C alifornia relies heavily on incom e from fruit crops, and_________

A. Florida also
B. Florida too
C . Florida is as well
D .so does Florida.

D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-4 each sen ten ce h as fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. D espite the tim e of the year, yesterday's tem perature was enough hot
to turn on the air conditioning.

2. D espite M artha' attem pts to rise her test score, she did not receive
a high enough score to be accepted by the law school.

3. They are planning on attending the convention next

m onth, and so I am.

4. H arvey seldom pays his bills on tim e , and his brother does too.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

38. Another - The Other - Others -

The Others
(Lain, Lainnya, Yang lain)
We use the forms (Kita menggunakan bentuk -bentuk) of OTHER (yang lain) as
either (baik sebagai) A djective (kata sifat) or Pronouns (kata ganti), for exam ple:


(kata sifat) (kata ganti)

Singular another magazine (is) another (is)

Plural other magazines (are) others (are)

Singular the other magazine (is) the other (is)

Plural the other magazines (are) the others (are)

> We use (Kita m enggunakan) A N O T H E R w hen we m ean (ketika yang kita

maksudkan) one m ore in ad d ition to (satu lagi sebagai tam bahan) the one
already m entioned (yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya). It is used w ith a sin­
gular n ou n (kata benda tunggal).

A N O T H ER can be used as A djective (Another dapat digunakan sebagai

kata sifat) or Pronoun s (kata ganti).
A N O T H E R can m ean an a lte rn a tiv e (A n other dapat berarti suatu
alternatif), besides this/these (di samping ini).

Exam ple:
• I have many m agazines (Saya punya banyak majalah). One of the m aga­
zines is TEM PO (Salah satunya adalah majalah TEMPO). A n o th er (Yang
lain) magazine is M ATRA . A n oth er (Yang lainnya) is SA R IN A H .
• I don't w ant (Saya tidk ingin) this m agazine (majalah ini). I w ant an ­
other (Saya ingin yang lain). He doesn 't know her ad d ress. Let's ask
an o th er.

> We use (Kita menggunakan) TH E O TH ER w hen we m ean (ketika yang kita

maksudkan adalah) the second of a know n pair (kedua dari pasangan yang
sudah diketahui).

E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple:
• I have three m agazines. Tzoo are TIM ES and N ew sw eek. The other maga­
zine (majalah lainnya) is A siaw eek. The other is Asiaweek.
• I ha v e fiv e m agazines. One is SA RIN A H . The other magazines ( majalah
lainnya) are TEM PO , M ATRA, POPU LA R, and WANITA.
• I have tzoo m agazines. If you don't like this one. You can have (dapat
minta) the oth er (yang lain).
• Tzoo policem en were on patrol, one behind the other (yang Iain).

> We use (Kita m en ggu n akan ) O T H E R S w h en w e m ean (ketika yang kita

maksudkan adalah) several m ore in ad d ition to (beberapa lagi sebagai tam-
bahan) the one already m entioned (yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya). It is
used w ith a plural noun ( Ini digunakan dengan kata benda jamak).

Exam ple:
• I have m any friends (Saya punya banyak teman). One of my friends is
from Y ogyakarta ( Salah satunya dari Yogyakarta).
• A n o th er friend (Teman yang lain) is from Sou th Su law esi. A n o th er
(Yang lain) is from West N usa Tenggara (N TB). O ther friends ( Teman-
teman yang lain lagi) are from Jakarta. O thers (Yang lain-lainnya ) are
from East K alim an tan (Kalimantan Timur).
• T h e se m a g a z in e s (M ajalah-m ajalah ini) are very ex p en siv e (sangat
mahal). I w ant oth ers (Saya ingin yang lainnya).
• They are very tired (Mereka sangat lelah), so I w ant to find others (jadi
saya ingin yang lain).

> We use ( Kita menggunakan ) T H E O T H ER S w hen we m ean (ketika yang

kita maksudkan adalah) all th at rem ain s (semua yang tersisa) from a given
num ber (dari jumlah tertentu) or the rest of a specific group (sisa kelompok
ter tentu).
Exam ple:
• I h a v e fiv e m agazines. One is SA RIN A H . The other m agazines (majalah
lainnya ) are TEM PO , M ATRA, PO PU LA R, and WANITA. The others
(sisanya adalah) are TEM PO , M ATRA, PO PU LA R, and WANITA.
• I want to buy these m agazines. I don't w ant the others.
• Jack has arrived. I w ill tell the others.

> We use (Kita m enggunakan) EA CH O T H ER and O N E A N O T H E R w hen

w e m ean (ketika yang kita maksudkan adalah) there is a reciprocal relation­
ship (ada hubungan timbal balik).

Exam ple:

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• We send (m engirim ) an SM S to each other (satu sama lain) everyday.

• We send (m engirim ) an SM S to one another (satu sama lain) everyd ay


Directions: Q uestions 1- 4 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

1. O f the two new teachers, one is experienced and_________

A. the others are not
B. another is inexperienced
C. the other is not
D .oth er lacks experience

2. Lee contributed fifty dollars, but he w ishes he could con tribu te________
A. one other fifty dollars
B. the sam e am ount also
C. another fifty
D .m ore fifty dollars

3. Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly , he asked for_________
A. another pants
B. others pants
C . the others ones
D . another pair

4. Som e h y b rid flo w e rs re ta in th e fra g ra n t scen t o f the n o n h y b rid , and

are bred w ithout fragrance.
A. anothers
B. the other
C .so m e other
D . others

Directions: In questions 1-4, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

E a s y TOEFL

1• Som e o f the plants in this store require very little care, but this
one n eed s m uch m ore sunlight that the others on es.
c fn)
2. D aniel said that if he had to do another h om ew ork tonight, he
w ould n ot be able to attend the concert.

3. W hile verbalization is the m ost com m on form o f language in

existence, h um ans m ake use of m any o th ers system and techniques
to express their thoughts and feelings.

4. Som e bacteria are extrem ely harm ful , but anothers are regularly
used in produ cin g cheese, crackers, and m any other foods.

39. The Confused Verbs

(Kelompok Kata Kerja)
There are ( Ada ) some verbs ( beberapa kata kerja ) that make us confused (
y a n g m e m b u a t kita b in g u n g ) even fo r native English speakers (b ah k an bagi
penutur asli bah asa Inggris ) such as ( seperti ): LIE,- LAY, RISE, RA ISE, SIT,


has the follow ing m eanings ( memiliki arti berikut ini) :

bohong Please d o n 't lie. Tolong jangan bohong.

berdusta She lied to us. Dia berdusta kepada kita.

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M. P d .

has the follow ing m eanings ( memiliki arti berikut ini) :

berbaring She lay on her bed last night. Dia berbaring di tempat
tidurnya tadi malam.

ter le tak G adjah M ada U niversity lies in Jogjakarta. Universitas

Gadjah Mada terletak di Yogyakarta.

terbentang The airport lies along the river. Bandara terbentang

sepanjang sungai.

berada The football field lay at the north o f the city. Lapangan
sepakbla berada di utara kota.

ada The problem lies on her. Masalahnya ada pada dia.

has the follow ing m eanings ( memiliki arti berikut ini) :

m eletakkan She lays her clothes on the bed. Dia meletakkan bajunya di
atas tempat tidur.

m enaruh He laid his bag on the floor. Dia menaruh tasnya di lantai.

bertelur This hen has laid five eggs. Itik ini telah bertelur 5 telur.

has the follow ing m eanings ( memiliki arti berikut ini) :

terbit The Sun rises in the east. Matahari terbit di timur.

naik H is rank rises to be a Colonel. Pangkatnya naik menjadi


bangkit The m an rose and w alked aw ay. Laki-laki itu bangkit dan

bangun She alw ays rises early. Dia selalu bangun pagi.



hi: Lie follow ing m eanings (memiliki arti berikut ini) :

m engu m p ulk?' We try to raise funds to build a foundation. Kami

mencoba m engum pidkan dana untuk mendirikan sebuah

m engangkat Please raise your hands. Silakun angkat tangun.

m em besarkan They have raised their children here. Mereka akan

membesarkan anaknya di sini.

m enaikan The students w ill raise the flag. Siswa itu akan menaikan

m em elihara The farm ers raise cattle. Para petani memelihara ternak.

has t "ie follow ing m eanings (memiliki arti berikut ini) :

duduk He sits on the bench. Dia duduk di atas bangku.

Please sit down. Silakan duduk.

duduk dalam He sits on the com m ittee. Dia duduk dalatn panitia.

bertengger The bird s are sitting on the branch of the tree. Burung-
b u ru n g itu bertengger di atas ranting pohon.


has the follow ing m eanings (memiliki arti berikut ini) :

m enaruh She sets her iron on the table. Dia menaruh seterikanya di
atas meja.

m em asang The m echanic is setting a lam p. Mekanik sedang memasang


m engatur Please set the table neatly. Tolong atur mejanya dengan rapi.

m enetapkan W e m u st set the price. Kita harus menetapkan harga.

terbenam The Sun sets in the w est. Matahari terbenam di barat.

m enyalakan The children set fire cheerfully. Anak-anak menyalakan api

dengan gembira.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


D irectio n s: Q u estion s 1-5 each sen ten ce has four u n d erlin ed w ord s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. A fter A llan had searched for twenty m inutes, he realized that his jacket
had been laying on the table the entire tim e.

2. After rising the flag to com m em orate the holiday, the m ayor gave
a long sp eech .

3. If you had sat the plant in a cooler location, the leaves w ould not
have b u rn ed .

4. Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few m onths that
som e fam ilies have been forced to alter their eating h ab its.

5. If you set in that position for too long, you m ay get a cram p in you r le g .

6. In spite of the tenants' objections, the apartm ent m anager

decided to rise the rent by forty dollars per m onth.

7. The doctor told Mr. A nderson that, because of his severe cram ps,
he should lay in bed for a few days.

8. A fter studying all the new m aterials, the student was able to
rise his test score by tw enty-five points.

E a s y TOEFL

9. The book that you see laying on the table belongs to the teacher.

40. Apostrophe ( ' s )

(Kata Yang Menunjukkan Milik)
A PO ST R O P H E ( ' ) s is used with (A p o stro p h e 's digunakan dengan) nouns
to show possession (kata benda untuk m enunjukkan m ilik).
To show that someone has something (untuk m enu nju kkan bahw a seseorang
m em iliki sesuatu) w e can add (kita dapat m enam bahkan) 's to the nouns ( pada
kata benda). Study the patterns (Pelajarilah polanya).

A. We use 's for a person and an anim al ( Kita menggunakan untuk orang dan
binatang). It is for a singular possessive noun.

Exam ple:
• This is A rie's house (Ini rumahnya Arie).
• R etno's father is a cop (Ayah Retno seorang polisi).
• She is M r.Sm ith's w ife (Dia istrinya Pak Smith).
• Tom m y is A n ita's husband (Tommy itu suaminya Anita).
• The is a student's book (Ini buku siswa).
• W here w ere you last Sunday? (D i mana kamu M in ggu lalu ?) A t Lucia's
(D i rumah Lucia) in Jogjakarta.
• M arsh an d a's voice is m ore beau tifu l than M aria's (Suara Marshanda
lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan suara M aria).
• M y cow 's bod y is bigger and bigger (Tubuh semakin membesar).
• W h ose car is it? (Mobilnya siapa ini ?) H ardy's (Ini mobinya Hardy).
• That is N ugi's (Ini miliknya N u gi),
• M y h a ir is lo n g er than A n n a's (R am but saya lebih panjang daripada
ram butnya A n n a ).

B. We u se's w ith places (Kita m enggunakan dengan tempat).

E xam ple:
• The tow n 's people (orang-orang kota) are creative.
• The w orld's population (penduduk dunia) are grow ing faster.
• The city's theater (bioskop kota) is alw ays up to date.

C. W e use 's w ith m ore than one noun (Kita m enggunakan dengan lebih dari
satu kata benda).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Exam ple:
• Jerem y and N atalia's w edding is unusual (Pernikalmn Jerem y dan Natalia
luar biasa).
• Mr. and M rs. S h in ta's h ou se is big (Rum ah Tuan dan N yonya Shinta

D. We u s e 's with tim e w ords (Kita m enggunakan kata-kata yang menunjukkan

waktu ) such as yesterday, today, etc
Exam ple:
• Today's m eeting (pertem uan hari ini will be attended by (akan dihadiri
oleh ) Mr. President.
• H ave you read y esterd ay 's n ew sp ap er? (Apakah anda sudah membaca
surat kabar kemarin ?)

E. We use ( ' ) for a person and an anim al (Kita m enggunakan untuk orang dan
binatang). It is for a plural possessive noun. It is used w ithout a noun or
after the w ord -s . (tanpa kata benda setelah kata -s)
Exam ple:
• M y friends' cars (mobil teman-temanku) are m ade in (buatan) jap an .
® Mr. R ichard and M rs. G ra ce are m y te a c h e rs ' n a m e s (nam a-nam a
e T h e stu d e n ts' m otorcycles (sepeda motor m urid-m urid) are black and

F. We use of for a thing and an idea (Kita m eenggunakan benda dan gagasan).
Exam ple:
• The door of the house is of wood. (Pintu rumah itu terbuat dari kayu).
» The title of the film is frightening. (Judul film ini menakutkan)
• The capital of A ustralia is Sydney. (Ibukota Australia adalah Sydney).
« The Bank of Sw itzerland is closed today. (Bank Swiss tutup hari ini).

G. We use of w ith (Kita m enggunakan o f dengan): the begin n in g/en d /top /b ot-
to m /fro n t/b ack /m id d le/sid e/size, etc.
Exam ple:
• The beginning of the film is very challenging. (Permulaan film ini sangat
m enantang).
• The end of the film is exciting (Judul film ini menarik).
• The top of the week (Puncak m inggu ini).
• The back of the car is broken (Bagian belakang mobil itu rusak).

H . We use of atau -'s for an organization or a group of people (Kita menggunakan

untuk organisasi atau kelompok orang).
E a s y TOEFL

Exam ple:
• T h e fa ilu re o f the co m p an y atau the co m p a n y 's fa ilu re (kegagalan
p eru sa h a a n ).
• T h e p ro b lem s of the g o v ern m en t atau the g o v e rn m e n t's p ro b lem s
(masalah p em erintah ).
• The success of the com pany atau the com pany's success (keberhasilan
pem erin ta h).


D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-2 each sen ten ce has fou r u n d erlin ed w ord s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the senten ces to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Hal's new sports car costs m uch m ore than his friend Toel.

2. Th eir silly, w hiny conversation on a child level was m eant to

create tension and heighten N ancy's fears and anxiety.

41. Say or Tell

(Kata Say atau Tell)
Pelajarilah dua kata kerja SAY ( mengatakan ) dan TELL (memberitahu) yang
m em iliki susunan yang berbeda.

a. Kita m enggunakan SAY jika tidak ada a direct object (obyek langsung).

Su bject + say + (that) + subject + verb

E xam ple:
• Jam es says that she is bu sy today.
• Jam es says that he w ill be busy tod ay
• Jam es said that he was busy today.
• Jam es said that he w ould be busy today.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

b. Kita selalu m enggunakan TELL jika ada obvek tak langsung (kita menyebut-
kan orang yang kita maksudkan)

Subject + tell + indirect + (that) + subject + verb

Exam ple:
• My brother tells us that he is busy tomorrow.
« He told m e that he w as ready.
® Peter told his w ife that the party was over.

ATAU diikuti oleh kelom pok kata benda berikut ini:

a story
a joke
a secret
a lie
the truth
(the) tim e

E xam ple:
• Sim on told a story last night.
• Sim on told us a story last night.
® Sim on was punished because he told a lie.


D irections: C hoose the one w ord or phrase m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. Richard w as asked to w ithdraw from graduate school becau se________

A. they believed he was not really able tp com plete research
B. he was deem ed incapable of com pleting his research
C. it was decided that he w as not capable to com plete the research
D .h is ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted

D irections: Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase m arked (A), (B),
(C), and (D) that m ust be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then,
on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you have chosen.

1. I dislike politicians because I believe that he are corrupt.

- i • y u m u I V Y T TO K! 'v>W1 \ V V ftV N m V v W V t A Y n p V>



42. Still, Yet, Already, Any More,

Any Longer, and No Longer
(Masih, Belum, Sudah, Lagi, dan Tidak Lagi)
A. ST ILL (artinya masih). We use STILL to say that situ ation or som eth ing
(Kita m enggunakan STILL untuk mengatakan bahwa) :

1). A situation or som ething is continuing (s ituasi atau sesuatu itu sedang
berlangsung). The word "STILL," usually goes in the m iddle of the sen­
ten ce (ST IL L biasanya terletak di tengah kalimat).

Exam ple:
® She is 35 but she looks still young. (Dia itmur 35 tahun tetapi din
masih kelihatan m uda).
« It's 8 o 'clo ck and Jim m y is still in bed (Sudah pukul 8. Jim m i/
masih tidur).
» W hen 1 went to bed, Jan e was still w orking (Ketikn saya ingin
tidur, suamiku masih bekerja).
s Do you still w ant to m arry to her? (Apnkah kamu masih ingin
menikahi dia?)

2). A situation or som ething is the sam e as before (Situasi atau sesuatu itu
masih sama dengan sebelum m /n):

Exam ple:
• I'm still h ungry (Snyn mnsih lapar).
• 1 still 1ive in Bogor (Snyn masih tinggal di Bogor).
® He's still here if you want to speak to him (Dia masih di siui
kalau kamu ingin bicara dengannya).
• Do you still play football? (Apaknh knmu masih main sepakbola?)

B. YET (artinya belum). We use YET m ainly in negative sentences and in ques­
tions (Kita m en g gu n n k a n Yet terutam a dalam kalimat negative dan dalam
pertnnyaan). T h e w ord " Y E T " is u sed at the end o f a se n te n ce (Y E T
digunakan di akhir kalimat).

1). In N egative S en ten ces (dalam kalimat negative), for exam ple:

e He hasn't com e yet (Dia belum dntang).

® She hasn't got up yet (Dia belum bangun tidur).
e I don't w ant to go hom e yet (Saya belum ingin pulang).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

2). In Q uestions (dalam pertanyaan), for exam ple:

e Has he com e yet? (Apakah dia belutn p u la n g?)

® Have you read his book yet? (Apakah kamu belum baca buku ini?)
• "H as he called ?" (Apakah dia sudah nilpon?) N ot yet (Belum).

3). In the Perfect Tense Sen ten ces (dalam kalimat Perfect Tense), for e x ­
am ple:

© H as he com e yet? (Apakah dia belum p ulang?)

® He hasn't replied my SM S yet (Dia belum membalas SM Sku).

C. A L R E A D Y (artinya telah) or ea rlier than exp ected (atau lebih auml dari
yang diharapkan), for exam ple:
• I have already told her. (Saya sudah memberitahu dia).
® He's already here. ( Dia sudah di sini).
e We all have already know n (Kamu semua sudah tahu).
» She has already seen the film (Dia sudah nonton film itu).

D). A N Y M O R E /A N Y LO N G ER (artinya sudah tidak lagi).

We use (Kita m enggunakan) NO T .... ANY M O RE or NO T ....... ANY

LO N G ER to say that a situation has ch an ged (untuk mengatakan bahwa
sesuatu telah berubah).
Kata A N Y M O R E/A N Y LO N G ER go at the end of a sentence (terletak
di belakang kalimat).

Exam ple:

» A nn doesn't w ork here any lo n g er/an y longer (A lex sudah tidak lagi
Bekerja di sini).
® Jam es doesn't teache in this university any m o re/an y lo n g er (James
sudah tidak lagi mengajar di universitas ini).
• We aren't w orkers any m ore/any longer (Kita sudah tidak lagi sebagai
pegaw ai).

E). NO LO N G ER (artinya sudah tidak/bukan lagi).

We use ( Kita m enggunakan) NO LO N G ER to say that a situation has

changed (u n tu k mengatakan bahwa sesuatu telah berubah). N O LO N G ER
go in the m iddle of the sentence (terletak di tengah kalimat).

Exam ple:
• Ann no longer w orks here (A lex sudah tidak lagi bekerja di sini).
• Ja m es no lo n g er teach es in th is u n iv e rsity (Jam es sudah tidak lagi
mengajar di universitas ini).
• We are no longer w orkers. (Kita sudah tidak lagi sebagai pegawai).

E a s y TOEFL


D irections C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. N an cy h a sn 't b eg u n w o rk in g on h er P h .D .___________ w o rk in g on her

m aster's.
A. still because she is yet
B. yet as a result she is still
C. yet because she is still
D. still w hile she is already

D irections: Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m arked (A),
(B), (C ), and (D ) m u st be ch an ged in o rd er for the sen ten ce to be co rrect
(Identifikasi satu kata atau fra se y an g harus diubah agar m enjadi kalimat yang
b en a r).

1. The governor has not decided how to deal with the new problem s already.

43. Antecedents of Pronouns

(Kata Yang Mendahului Kata Ganti)

If a p ro n o u n is used in a sen ten ce (jika kata ganti itu digunakan dalam

kalimat), there m ust be a noun of the sam e person and num ber before it (pasti
ada kata benda ya n g sama dan jum lali beudanya juga sama sebelum nya). T h ere
m ust be one, and only one, antecedent to w hich the pronoun refers the previous
w ord (Pasti ada S A T U KATA y a n g m eru ju k atau m en d a h u lu i kata benda itu
sebelu m n y a . Ini i/ang disebut d en ga n A n te ce d e n ts of P ro n o u n s ( Kata Yang
M endahulu i Kata Ganti).

Exam ples:
r The in vention of electricity is good because i t j s useful for life.
r- W hile Betty was on vacation, she visited her friend every day.


D irections: C hoose the one word or phrase m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. Richard was asked to w ithdraw from graduate school because_____

E. they believed he was not really able tp com plete research
F. he was deem ed incapable o f com pleting his research
G. it was decided that he was n ot capable to com plete the research
H .his ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted

Directions: Identify the one underlined word or phrase m arked (A), (B),
(C), and (D) that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then,
on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen.

1. I dislike politicians because I believe that he are corrupt.


44. Sequence of Tenses

(Urutan Tenses)
W hen two clauses (Ketika dua anak kalimat) m ake up a sentence (digabung
menjadi satu), they show a tim e rela tio n sh ip ( mereka m enunjukkan hubungan
waktu) based on certain time w ords and verb tenses {yang didasarkan pada waktu
dan kata kerja yang m enunjukkan waktu (tenses). H u bungan ini biasa d iseb u t
dengan Sequence of Tenses.



Present Progressive T ense

W ill, Can, Or M ay + V erbl

Past Tense

Present Perfect

1. We use ( Kita m enggunakan) P resen t P rogressive Tense in the D ep en d en t

C lause to show two sim ultaneous actions ( Present Progressive Tense dalam
Anak Kalimat untuk m enunjukkan dua aktivitas yang terjadi bersamaan), for
exam ple:

25 0
Ea s y TOEFL

• I see that H astuti is listening to the radio.

• D o you know who is w atching TV?

2. We use ( Kita m enggunakan) M odals A uxiliary ( Kata Kerja Bantu Modals) in

the d epen d en t clause (dalam Anak Kalimat) to indicate that the action takes
p lace afte r that o f the m ain verb ( u ntuk m enunjukkan bahwa aktivitas itu
berla ngsu ng setelah aktivitas pada Induk Kalimat), for exam ple:
• Sim on says that he will apply for a job next month.
• I know that she is going to go to Japan.
• Jim m y savs that he can visit his form er university in Thailand.

3. We use Past Tenses in in the dependent clause ( Kita m enggunakan Past Tense
dalam Anak Kalimat) to show that this action took place ( untuk menunjukkan
bahwa aktivitas itu b erla n g su n g ) b efo re th at o f the m ain clau se ( sebelum
aktivitas pada Induk Kalimat), for exam ple:
• I hope he arrived safely.
• They think he w as here last night.

4. We use ( Kita m enggunakan) Present Perfect Tense in the D ependent Clause

( Present Perfect Tense dalam Anak) to indicate that the action took place at
an indefinite tim e ( untuk menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas itu berlangsung pada
saat yang tidak m enentu/pasti) before that of the main clause (sebelum aktivitas
pada Induk Kalimat), for exam p le:
• Joze tells me that he has been here before.
• We know that she has com pleted her university.


Past Progressive Tense Or Past Tense

W ould, C ould O r M ight + V erb l

Past Perfect T ense

P resen t Perfect

1. We use (K ita m enggunakan) Past Tense or Past Progressive in the dependent

clause to indicate a simultaneous action with the m ain clause (Past Tense or
Past Progressive in the D ependent Clause untuk m enunjukkan dua aktivitas
yang terjadi bersam aan dengan In d u k K alim at)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

• Farida phoned me while I w as studying.

• He w as running hom e w hen he saw a car accident.

2. We use M odals A uxiliary ( Kita m enggunakan Kata Kerja Bantu M odals ) in

the dependent clause (dalam Anak Kalimat) to indicate that the action takes
place ( untuk menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas itu b erlangsung) after that o f the
main verb (setelah aktivitas pada Induk Kalimat), for exam ple:
« Sim on said that he w ould apply for a job next m onth.
• I knew that she was going to go to Japan..
• Jim m y said that he could visit his form er university in Thailand.

3. We use Past Perfect Tense in the D ependent C lause ( Kita m enggunakan Past
Perfect Tense dalam Anak Kalimat) to indicate that the action occurred (untuk
menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas itu berlangsung) before that o f the m ain clause
(sebelum aktivitas pada Induk Kalimat ), for exam ple:
• 1 hoped M r.President had arrived safely.
• We all agreed he had resigned last night.


D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-7 each sen ten ce has four u n d erlin ed w ord s or
phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. M arcy said that she know how the procedures for doing the
experim ent, but when began to work in the laboratory, she found
that she was m istaken .

2. At the rate the clerks were processing the applications, H arry figured
that it w ill take four hours for His to be review ed .

3. W hen you com e after class this afternoon, we discussed the

possibility of your w riting a research paper.

E a s y TOEFL

4. The way w e react to other people, the educational training we

received, and the know ledge we display are all part of our
cultural h eritag e.

5. As soon as Pete had arrived, he told us that he will be leaving for

London tom orrow after the board m eeting.

6. In Rom e, Venice, and other cities, there developed an intellectual

m ovem ent called hum anism , w hich is the basis of the Renaissance.

7. W h enever students asked for help or guidance, the counselor w ill

advise them or refer them to som eone who w ill,

45. Misused Words

(Kata-Kata Yang Digunakan Dengan Salah)
(B andingkan Perbedaan A rti Dua Kata Di Baw ah Ini ( * )
A N G E L ( malaikat) - a spiritual or A N G LE (sudut) - a figure form ed by

h eavenly being. The C hristm as card two lines m eeting at a com m on

portrayed a choir of angels hovering point. The carpenters placed the

over the shepherds. planks at right angles.

A C C E P T ( m enerim a ) is a verb; They E X C E PT (kecuali ) is a preposition.

accepted my invitation to dinner. Everyone attended the m eeting

except the secretary

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

A D V IC E (;nasehat) is a noun. His A D V IS E (menasehati) is a verb. I

advice was very useful. was advised to purchase an

econom ical car.

A FFE C T (m em pengaruhi) is a verb. It EFFE C T (pengaruh atu menyebabkan

m eans "to influ ence." Pollution terjadi) m ay be a verb or a noun. The

affects everyone. verb effect m eans "to cause to

h ap p en ." W hat is the effect of that


A L M O S T (hampir ) is an adverb.The M O S T (kebanyakan) is an adjective;

student was almost finished w hen M ost children die of typus.

the bell rang.

A L R E A D Y (telah) m eans "befo re A LL R E A D Y (semua siap) m eans

the tim e specified." The m ovie had "co m p letely prepared." Are you all

already begun by the tim e we ready to go?


A L T O G E T H E R (benar-benar) m eans ALL T O G E T H E R (secara kelompok)

"th o ro u g h ly." Altogether confused, m eans "in a g rou p ." The passengers

he asked me to explain the w ord stood, all together in the station.


A R O U N D (sekitar) refers to place. A B O U T (kira-kira) m eans

The mail arrived abound ten o'clock. "ap p ro xim ately ." He is about six feet


B E C A U SE (karena) is a B E C A U S E O F (disebabkan

subordinating conjunction: W e oleh/karena) is a preposition; it is

could not see because the lighting follow ed by a noun or a noun

was poor. phrase. The gam e was canceled

because of the rain.

E a s y TOEFL

B E S ID E (di sam ping/di sebelah) B E S ID E S (disamping itu) m eans "in

m eans “next to." He w as sitting addition to." Besides Tom m y, Helen

beside the pretty girl. and I attended the concert.

B E T W E E N (diantara dud) is used A M O N G (diantara tiga atau lebih) is

with tw o persons or things. You used with there or m ore persons or

m ust choose between the tw o plans. things The law was debated among

the senators, the representatives,

and the ju dges

C IT E (m engutip) -q u o te as an S IT E (tempat) -lo catio n . The corner

exam ple. In her term paper, Janis o f N orth M ain and M im osa Streets

had to cite m any references. w ill be the site of the new shopping


C O S T U M E (seragam )— clothing, C U S T O M (kebiasaan) — a practice

typical style of dress. W e all decided that is traditionally follow ed by a

o w ear colonial costum er to the particular group of people. It is a

Fourth of July celebration. custom in W estern Europe for little

boys to w ear short plants to school.

D E C E N T ( terhormat , pantas) — D E C E N T ( m enurun , keturunan) (a) —

respectable or suitable. dow nw ard m otion. The m ountain

W hen one appears in court, one clim bers found their descent m ore

m ust w ear decent clothing. hazardou s than their ascent, (b) —

lineage. V ladim ir is of Russian


D E S E R T (m eninggalkan) (desert) —

abandon. A fter deserting his post,

the soldier ran aw ay from the cam p.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

D E S S E R T (pencuci muluit) D E S E R T (padang pasir (d esert)—a

(desert) —the final course of a m eal, hot, dry place. It is difficult to

u sually som ething sw eet. W e had survive in the desert w ithout w ater.

apple pie for dessert last night.

FA T H E R (lebih jauh) refers to FU R T H E R (lebih jauh) is used to

distance. C hicago is farther north express additional time, degree, or

than Forth W orth. quantity. I can give you fu rth er

inform ation about this later.

FEW (beberapa) has a negative A FEW (beberapa ) has an affirm ative

im plication; it m eans not many. m eaning; it m eans some. He w as so

There w e re few chairs left, so I had tired thaf he stopped playing for a

to stand up. few m inutes.

FEW ER (sedikit ) refers to the L E S S (sedikit) refers to value,

countable. The class consists o f few er degree, or am ount. It is true that less

than fifteen students. girls than boys becom e engineers.

IN (dalam, di dalam) indicates IN T O (ke dalam) indicates "m o tio n

"location w ithin." He jum ped off his or d irection." She stepped carefully

bicycle and ran in the library. into the car.

L A T E R (nanti)— tim e in the future L A T T E R (yang terakhir) — last of tw o

or follow ing a previous action. W e things m entioned. G erm any and

w ent to the m ovies and later had ice England both developed dirigibles

cream at D airy Isle. for use during W orld W ar II, the

latter prim arily for coastal

reconnaissance, (latter = England)

LEN D ( meminjami ) is a verb. W ould L O A N (p in ja m a n ) is a noun. I

you mind lending m e your pencil ? needed m oney, so John lent som e


E a s y TOEFL

L O O S E (longgar) —opposite of tight. L O S E (kehilangan, kalah)

A fter dieting, M arcy found that her (a) — to be unable to find som ething.

clothes had becom e so loose that she M ary lost her glasses last week,

had to buy a new w ardrobe. (b) — opposite of win. If H arry doesn 't

practice his tennis m ore, he m ay lose

the match.

L O S E (kehilangan) is a verb; the past L O O S E (longgar) is an adjective

tense of lose is l o s t . She will lose w hich m eans "n o t tig h t". O ne o f the

w eight if she goes on a diet. knobs on the draw er is loose

M A Y B E (barangkali) m eans M A Y (m ungkin, boleh) be is a verb.

"p e rh a p s" M aybe the sun will com e The secretary may be out to lunch.

out tom orrow .

P A S S E D (lulus) (a )—elapse. Five P A S T (masa lain)

hours passed we w ere sitting in the (a) a time or event before the

park. Several o f our friends passed present.This past week has been

us. (c) succeed. The students are very hectic for the students

happy that they passed their exam s. returning to the university.

(b) (noun) — tim e before the present.

In the past, he had been a cook,

teacher, and a historian.

P A S S E D (memberikan, melewati) is P A S T (masa lalu) is either an

the past tense of the verb pass. W hen adjective or a noun. In past tim es,

I asked, she passed m e the sugar. I salt was often used as m oney. One

passed his house on the way to the can learn from experiences in his

post office past.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

PEA CE (ainau)— harm ony or P IE C E (secarik, sepotong,dll) — part a

freedom from war. Peace was w hole. H eidi ate a piece a chocolate

restored to the com m unity after a cake for dessert.

w eek of rioting.

P R IN C IP A L S (kepala sekolah, yang P R IN C IP L E (utama, mendasar) —

terpenting) — director of an fundam ental rule or adherence to

elem entary or secondary school. The such a rule. M r. C onnors is a man

principal called a faculty m eeting. (B) w ho believes that tru thfu ln ess is the

(ad jectiv e)—m ain or m ost best principal.

im portant. An anthropologist, w ho

had worked with the indigenous

tribes in A ustralia, w as the principal

speaker at Friday's luncheon.

Q U IE T (sepi, tenang) — serene, Q U IT E (cukup,agak) (a) (a )—

w ithout noise. com pletely. Louise is quite capable

The night was so quiet that you of taking over the household cores

could hear the breeze blow ing. w hile her m other is aw ay, (b) —

som ew hat or rather. H e was quite

tired after his first day of classes.

Q U IT (berhenti)— stop. H erm an quit

sm oking on his doctor's advice.

S IG H T (pandangan ) - a device used S IG H T (pemandangan, m elihat)-view,

to assist aim (of a gun or telescope). see: W atching the landing o f the

space capsule w as a pleasant sight..

W e sighted a ship in the bay.

S O M E (suatu ) is an adjective. I have S O M E W H A T (agak) is an adverb.

som e problem s. Studen ts find that m athem atical

con cept somewhat difficult.

E a s y TOEFL

S T A T IO N A R Y (tak kemana-mana) — S T A T IO N E R Y (alat tulis) Lucille

nonm ovable, having a fixed used only m onogram m ed stationery

location. The w eatherm an said that for correspondence.

the w arm front would be stationary

for several days.

T H A N (kemudian) — used in unequal TH E N (pada saat itu) — a time

co m p ariso n s.T od ay 's w eather is follow ing a previously m entioned

better than yesterd ay's. time. First, Ju lie filled out her

schedule; then, she paid her fees.

T H E IR (milik mereka) — plural T H E R E (di sana, ada) (a) —location

possessive adjective. Their team away from here. Look over there

scored the m ost points during the betw een the trees, (b) — used w ith

gam e. the verb be to indicate existence.

There is a book on the teacher's desk.

T H E Y 'R E (mereka) — contraction of

they + are. They're leaving on the

noon flight to Zurich.

T O (ke, pada, sampai,hingga) — T W O (d u a ) —num ber follow ing one.

tow ard, until, as far as. G o to the Tzoo theories have been proposed to

blackboard and w rite out the explain that incident.


T O O (terlalu, ju g a )— excessively.

This m orning was too cold for the

ch ildren to go sw im m ing. Jane w ent

to the m ovie, and w e did too.

A M O U N T (jumlah) to refer to things N U M B E R (angka) refers to the

w hich cannot be counted. Elephants countable. He checked out a large

can consu m e a large amount o f food. num ber of books from the library.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

W E A T H E R (cuaca) — atm ospheric W H E T H E R (apakah) — if, indicates a

conditions. O ur flight was delayed choice. Because of the gas shortage,

becau se o f bad weather. we do know whether we will go

aw ay for our vacation or stay hom e.

W H O S E (milik siapa) — possessive W H O 'S (siapa )-contraction o f who +

relative pronoun or adjective. The is or who + has. Who's your new

person whose nam e is draw n first biology professor? Scott is the

will win the grand prize. attorney who's been review ing this


Y O U R (milikmu) — possessive of you. Y O U 'R E (kamu/anda) — contraction

We are all happy about your of you + are.Y ou're going to enjoy the

accepting the position w ith the panoram a from the top of the hill.

com pany in Baltim ore.

( * ) Taken from: TOEFL Preparation by Michael A Pyle, an d Mary Ellen Munoz Page, Cliffs
Notes,Inc.,USA, 2002


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-2 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the
one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your A nsw er
Sheet, find the num ber o f the question and fill in the space that corresponds to
the letter o f the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside
the oval cannot be seen.

1. A lthough blood _________ in urine and stool sam ples, it can n ot alw ays be
detected w ithout the aid of a m icroscope.
A. lets residue
B. leaves residue
C. residues
D .m ak in g residue

2. The au dible ran ge o f freq u en cies for h um an b ein g s b etw een 20

and 20.000 Hz.
A. lies
B. lays

E a s y TOEFL

C. lying
D. laying

D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-2 each sen ten ce h as fou r u n d erlin ed w ord s or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. The flag over the W hite H ouse is risen at daw n every day by a color guard
from the U nited States arm ed forces.

2. The condition of m enkind has been im proved by^ recent technological


46. Redundancy
(Kata Yang Berlebihan)

Sebuah kalim at dikatakan R ED U N D A N T (berlebihan ) apabila ada kata atau

kelom pok kata tam bahan yang TID A K PERLU karena m aksudnya tetap sama.

Exam ple:

(K elebihan) (C ontoh Penggunaan Yang Benar)
A dvan ce Forw ard
The troops advanced after the big battle.
(maju ke depan)
Proceed Forw ard
The governm ent will proceed the peace talk.
(melanjutkan ke depan)
R eturn Back
They have returned hom e after a long war.
(mengembalikan kembali)
R evert Back
His property has reverted.
(m u n d u r ke belakang)
Su fficient Enough
We have sufficient tim e today.
(cukup cukup)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C om pete Together
They will com p ete very tightly in this
(.bersaing bersama)
com petition.

R ea so n ... Because
The reason is that this tool is the best solution.
(alasannya ... karena)
Join Together
I hope you can jo in our club.
(ibergabung bersama)
Repeat Again
I beg your pardon. Please repeat.
(m engulangi lagi)
New Innovations
This N O K IA -70 is his in n o v atio n .
(inovasi barn)
M atinee (pertunjukan
There w ill be a m atin ee this evening.
Sam e Identical
They w ant the sam e size.
(;identik sama)
Tw o Tw ins
I like these tw o children.
(kembar dua)
The Tim e W hen
That was the tim e I m et her.
(waktu ketika)
The Place W here
This village is w h ere I live in.
(tempat di mana)


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-2 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

1. N atural gas often occurs________petroleum in the m inute pores of

rocks such as sandstone and lim estone.
A. both together with
B. both together
C . with
D .b o th with

2. Traditionally, the South has been m ostly D em ocrat________ , w hile the N orth
has been divided betw een dem ocrats and Republicans.
A. in the politics
B. politically

E a s y TOEFL

C . politics - wise
D .in a political way

D irections: In questions 1-8, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. The new student's progress advanced forw ard with such speed
that all his teachers w ere am azed .

2. The carp enters tried to jo in together the pieces of the broken beam ,
but found it im possible to do.

3. The teacher repeated the assignm ent again for the students,
since they had difficulty u nderstanding w hat to do after he had
explained it the first time.

4. A fter Mr. Peabody had died, the m oney from his estate reverted
back to the com pany w hich he had served as president for ten years.

5. The com pany has so little m oney that it can't hardly operate anym ore.

6. Because they have m oved away, they hardly never go to the beach
an ym ore.

7. Som e international students use a cassette recorder to m ake tapes of their

classes so that they can repeat the lectures again .

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

8. B lo o d p la s m a it is th e tra n s p o rta tio n s y s te m fo r all o f th e w id e ly

s e p a ra te d o rg a n s in th e h u m a n b o d y .

47. Inversion Sentence

(Kalimat Inversi)
It is som etim es possible ( Kadang-kadang kita m ungkin) to place adverbials
at the beginning o f a sentence (menempatkan kata keterangan di awal kalimat) to
indicate a stronger em phasis on the action (untuk menunjukkan penekanan yang
lebih besar daripada suatu aksi).
Susunan k alim atn ya m enjadi dalam bentuk In v e rsio n (terbalik) sebagai-
m ana rum ah dan contoh di baw ah ini, sebagai berikut:
Form (R um usnya):



ON LY + auxiliary + subject + verb ...



Exam ple:

• H ardly does he com e late to attend a m eeting.

• N ever have so m any educated people been unem ployed as today.
• O n ly by hard w ork will you be able to get a good job.
• R arely has she seen such an honest m an in today's life.
• Seld o m does the w ell dry in this season.


D irectio n s: Q uestions 1-6 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence
you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval
cannot be seen.

E a s y TOEFL

1. ___________ will Me. Forbes be able to regain control of the company.

A. w ith hard work
B. in spite o f his hard work
C . only if he w orks hardly
D . only w ith hard work

2. ___________ did Jerom e accept the job.

A. O nly because it was interesting work
B. Because it was interesting work
C. O nly because it was interested w ork
D .T h e w ork w as interesting

3. ___________ received law degrees as today.

A. N ever so m any w om en have
B. N ever have so m any wom en
C. The w om en aren't ever
D. W om en w ho have never

4. ___________ , but it also filters out harm ful sun rays.

A. The atm osphere gives us air to breathe
B. N ot only the atm osphere gives us air to breathe
C. The atm osphere w hich give us air to breathe
D. N ot only does the atm osphere give us air to breathe

5. N e v e r _____________concerned about m oney even though he was not well-

A. The doctor was
B. Was the doctor
C . The doctor w ere
D . The d octor is

6. N ot only____________ closed bu t also the adjoining roadw ays are com pletely
b lo ck ed .
A. the airp ort is
B. the airp ort did
C . is the airport
D . did the airport

D irections: In questions 1-3, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the qu estion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

1. H ardly he had entered the office w hen he realized that he had

forgotten his wallet.

2. H ardly he had entered the office w hen he realized that he had

forgotten his wallet

3 Scientists were interested about the radioactivity em anating from the nuclear
pow er plant.

48. Preprositional Phrases

(Kelompok Kata Depart)

P re p o sitio n a l p h rases bu kan bag ian dari subyek. A da kata depan satu
kata (one-word) seperti: in, on, at, of, dll. Ada juga kata depan dua kata ( two-
word ) seperti: according to, as for, as to, along with, dll. Ada ju ga kata depan tiga
kata ( three-word ) seperti: in fro nt of, in charge o f in accordance with, by means of,
dll. Berikut ini adalah beberapa kata depan yang perlu A nda paham i dan kuasai.


a m an to orang untuk T here is a m an to talk to. Ada orang untuk diajak

di bicara.

a w ish to keinginan He has a w ish not to dependent on others. Dia

untuk punya keinginan untuk tidak bergantung pada orang

accou nt o f keterangan There is an accou nt of this case. Ada keterangan akan

mengenai/keterangan kasus ini.

an xiety fo r /about She has anxiety for her future. Dia cetnas akan
kecem asan / tentang masa depannya.

E a s y TOEFL

argu m en t a b o tt The argum ent about the issue is still debatable.

argum en tentang A rgum en tentang isu ini masih diperdebatkan.

attem p t to usaha untuk Y our attem pt to becom e a bu sinessm an can n ot be

changed. Usaha anda untuk menjadi pengusaha tak
dapat diubah.

certain ty that There is no certainty that the plane can be lifted.

kepastaian bahw a Tak ada kepastian bahwa pesawat dapat diangkat.

con form ity w ith In conform ity with this, I agree to join. Sehubungan
sehu bu n gan dengan dengan ini, aku setuju ikut.

decision to keputusan The governm en t's decision to rise the oil price is
untuk opposed by the people. Keputusan pemerintah untuk
menaikan harga minyak ditentang oleh rakyat.

desire to keinginan H er desire to leave for Jakarta is very strong.

untuk Keinginannya untuk berangkat ke Jakarta sangat kuat.

discu ssion on W e have a discussion on econom ic problem s in

p em bah asan m engenai M etro TV tonight. Kita ada diskusi tentang masalah
ekonomi malam ini di M etro TV.

d issatisfaction w ith H ospital m ust solve the p atien t's dissatisfaction

ketid akp u asan dengan with the service. Rumah sakit harus menyelesaikan
ketidakpuasan pasien dengan layanan anda.

division of pem bagian The division of the group m ust be fair. Pembagian
kelompok harus adil.

doubt about There is no doubt about it .Tak ada yang meragukan

kekaw atiran akan tentang ini.

doubt that keraguan I have no doubt that he w ill win .Saya tak ragu bahwa
bahw a dia akan menang.

hope that harapan I have no hope that she will be better. Saya tak
bahw a punya harapan bahwa dia akan lebih baik (sembuh).

in form ation about I need inform ation about the loss o f A dam air. Saya
perlu keterangan tentang kerugian Adam Air.
keterangan m engenai

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

intention to He has no intention to cooperate with the police.

m aksudnya untuk Dia taka ada niatan untuk bekerja satna dengan polisi.

in terest in m inat dalam He has no interest in politics. Dia tak tertarik politik.

know ledge of Your know ledge of the world is very im portant.

pengetahuan tentang Pengetahuan anda tentang dunia sangat penting.

likelihood that There is no likelihood that you have a chance

kem ungkinan bahwa anym ore. Tak ada kemungkinan bahwa anda memiliki
kesempatan lagi.

need for perlunya Th ere is no need for us to give up. Tak perlu bagi kita
untuk menyerah.

news about berita The new s about the rise of oil is still a rum or. Kabar
mengenai tentang kenaikan harga BBM masih berupa isu.

plan to rencananya He plans to continue his study abroad. Dia m eren-

untuk canakan untuk melanjutkan studinya ke luar negeri.

possibility that There is no possibility that I have a ticket. Tak ada

kem ungkinan bahw a kemungkinan aku dapat tiket.

problem of m asalah The problem of flood appears again .Masalah banjir

m uncul lagi.

proposal that usulan That was our proposal that had been presented.
bahwa I tulah proposal kami yang telah dipresentasikan.

refusal to H er refusal to take scholarships is disappointing.

penolakannya untuk Penolakkanya untuk mengambil beasiswa itu

satisfaction with This hotel m ust give them satisfaction w ith our true
kepuasan dengan service. Hotel ini harus memberi mereka kepuasan
dengan layanan kita yang tulus.

specialist in ahli dalam He is a specialist in kidney diseases. Dia ahli

penyakit ginjal.

story of cerita tentang The story of love betw een Rom eo and Juliet. Cerita
cinta antara m engenai Romeo dan Juliet

E a s y TOEFL

su ggestion that saran This is our final suggestion that you must go now.
bahw a Ini adalah saran kami terkahir bahwa anda harus pergi.

the fact that kenyataan The fact that he is m arried is false. Fakta bahwa dia
bahw a, fakta bahwa sudah menikah itu keliru.

the first / second man He is the first m an to com e. Dia orang yang pertama
to orang pertam a / datang.
kedua yang

the new s that berita The new s that he is for presidency is true. Kabar
bahw a bahwa dia mencalonkan diri jadi presiden itu benar.

the way to cara untuk This is the way to do it. Inilah caranya mengerjakan.

tim e to w aktu untuk It is tim e to go. Saatnya untuk pergi.

use of kegunaan The use o f ICU will be elaborated. Penggunaan ICU

akan diperluas.

J E X E R C ISE : U nd erlin e (Gan's bawahilah) the correct form (bentuk yang

benar daripada) o f N ouns Phrase from (dari) the sentences below (kalimat
di bawah ini).

1. A s far as I know, he has no (interest in/interest on) politics.

2. Every guest in this party had (satisfaction to/satisfaction with) our ser­
3. H is behavior show s his (anxiety of/for) his future.
4. I think there is no need (to/for) us to leave early.
5. I'm so sure that there will be no (doubt on/doubt about) the im por­
tance of oil.
6. It's tim e for us (for/to) go now.
7. The (use on/ use of) IT in today's life is unquestionable.
8. The governm ent's (decision with/ decision to ) rise the oil price is ac­
cep table.
9. The problem (from/ of) flood appears again and again.
10. We h op e th at our (kn ow led ge on/ k n o w led ge of) com pu ter w ill be
very helpful.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

P R E P O S I T I O N A L P H R A S E -2

accurate in tepat dalam You are accurate in calculating. Anda tepat

dalam m enghitung.

adequate to mampu He is adequate to do his job. Dia mampu

untuk mengerjakan tugasnya.

afraid to takut untuk She is afraid to try again. Dia takut untuk
mencoba lagi.

afraid of takut akan She is also afraid of dogs. Dia takut anjing.

angry about m arah atas Jack is angry about the situation in his country.
Jack marah keadaan di negaranya.

angry with m arah dengan G eorge is angry w ith Ann. George marah dengan
A nn.

anxious about cem as akan I am anxious about his future. Aku cemas akan
masa depannya.

aw are of sadar akan You m ust be aw are of the situation. Anda ham s
sadar akan kedaan ini.

be able/unable to He is able to/unable to operate com puters. Dia

mampu/tak m am pu tak mampu mengoperasikan komputer.

be angry to m arah pada D on't be angry to her. Jangan marah pada dia.

be angry w ith m arah I am angry w ith m y ow n fate. Aku marah dengan

dengan nasibku sendiri.

be anxious to cem as pada W e are never anxious about our business. Kami
tak pernah cemas dengan usaha kami.

be asham ed of m alu akan She is asham ed of her love-affair. Dia malu akan

certain to pasti I am sure she will com e. Aku yakin dia akan

E a s y TOEFL

d angerous to bahaya It is dangerous to sw im here. Berenang di sini itu

berbahaya/Berbahaya berenang di sini.

dependent upon You m ust not be dependent upon him on and

bergantung pada on. Kamu jangan bergantung pada dia terus-
m enerus.

desirous of ingin He is desirious of good facilities. Dia ingin

fasilitas bagus.

difficult to sukar untuk It is difficult to do the hom ew ork. Mengerjakan

pekerjaan rumah itu sukar/Sukar mengerjakan
pekerjaan rumah ini.

eager to ingin untuk She is eager to go for a picnic. Dia ingin sekali
pergi piknik.

easy to m udah untuk It is not easy to do the TO EFL test. Tidak mudah
mengerjakan tes T O EFL/ M engerjakan tes TOEFL,
itu tidak mudah.

enchanted with terpesona W e all are enchanted with her m aiden

dengan perform ance. Kita semua terpesona dengan
penampilan perdananya.

exciting to This program is exciting to us. Program/acara ini

m enggairahkan, mengasyikan bagi kita.
m engasyikan bagi

fam ous for terkenal This city is fam ous for its traditional food. Kota
karena ini terkenal karena makanan tradisionalnya.

fed up dijejali dengan The students are fed up w ith new theories
w ithout any practices. Para siszva dijejali dengan
teori-teori bant tanpa praktek.

fond of gemar/suka I'm fond of w estern m usic. Aku suka musik


free to bebas untuk You are free to go now. Anda bebas untuk pergi

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

frightened to takut untuk He is alw ays frightened to try again. Dia selalu
takut nutuk mencoba lagi.

full of penuh dengan This envelope is full of m oney. Amplop ini

penuh dengan.

glad to senang 1 am glad to see you. Senang berkenalan dengan


good for berm anfaat This m edicine is good for you. Obat ini
untuk bermanfaat bagi anda.

good with teram pil He is good w ith his hands. Dia terampil dengan

ignorant of tidak He is ignorant of the world new s. Dia tak

m engetahui mengetahui berita dunia.

im patient to tak sabar She is im patient to be a film star. Dia tak sabar
untuk untuk menjadi bintang film .

im possible to tidak It is im possible to continue clim bing the

m ungkin untuk m ountain. Tak m ungkin untuk melanjutkan
mendaki gin n in g.

im pressed by terkesan I am im pressed by her perform ance. Aku

oleh terkesan oleh penampilanya.

interested in tertarik f am intersted in politics. Aku tertarik politik.

jealous of cemburu/ iri His wife is very jealous. Istrini/a sangat cem buru.

keen on gemar/suka R onaldo is keen on football. Ronaldo gemar/suka


kind to sayang pada She is kind to everyone. Dia ramah pada setiap

overcom e with tertegun She is overcom e with surprise. Dia tertegun

karena karena terkejut.

proud of bangga atas Mr. Ram be is proud of his son's achievem ent.
Pak Rambe bangga atas prestasi anak laki-lakini/a.


quick to cepat untuk He is quick to act. Din cepnt bertindak.

reluctant to enggan untuk He is reluctant to w ork hard. Din mains bekerja


rude to kasar pada D on't be rude to her. Jangan knsnr pada din.

satisfied with puas W e all are satisfied with the service. Kami semua
dengan pitas dengan layannya.

satisfied to puas terhadap I am satisfied to your achievem ent. Saya puas

dengan prestasi anda.

shocked at terkejut pada We are shocked at hearing the news. Kami

terkejut m endengnr knbar ini.

shocked with terkejut Everyone was shocked by the tragedy. Setiap

dengan orang terkejut dengan tragedi ini.

short of tak punya Today I'm short o f m oney. Hari ini aku tak
punya uang.

sick of jengkel/muak M iranda is sick of being left alone, Miranda

jengkel/m uak ditinggal sendirian.

silly bod oh You are very silly. Kamu sangat bodoh.

slow to lam bat untuk She is very slow to finish her tasks. Dia sangat
lamban dalam menyelesaikan tugnsnya.

sorry for m aaf atas, I am sorry for com ing late, sir. Saya minta maaf
m enyesal atas keterlambatan saya, Pak.

successful in berhasil He is successful in his business. Dia berhasil

dalam dalam usahanya.

sure of yakin akan I am sure of that dram a. Aku yakin akan drama

sure that yakin bahw a I am sure that you can do it. Aku yakin kamu
dapat melakukannya.

tired of lelah karena All of us are tired of w orking all day. Kita
semua lelah bekerja seharinn.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

unaw are of tak sadar She is unaw are of her m istakes. Din tidak
akan, tak m enyadari akan menyadari akan kesalahannya.

w elcom e to boleh saja A nyone is w elcom e to join the com petition.

Siapapun boleh saja ikut pertandingan.

w illing to mau / ingin 1 am w illing to try and try again. Aku ingin
mencoba dan mencobn Ingi.

worried about cem as 1 am w orried about my com pany, especially

m engenai after the oil crisis. Aku cemas m engenai
perusahaanku terutama setelah krisis minyak.

w rong to salah untuk It is w rong to do that. Salah melakukan itu.

J EXERCISE : U nderline ( Garis bawahilah) the correct form ( bentuk yang

benar daripada) of A d je ctiv e s P h ra se from (dari) the s e n te n c e s belo w
(kalimat di bawah ini).

1. Greg is (fond of/fond at) foot ball very m uch.

2. He can not hide his anger. He is really (angry with/angry about) the
wrong system of the state.
3. I am (tired of/tired to) w aiting the bus.
4. I don't like her because she is alw ays (rude to/rude with) other people.
5. M ellisa is never (sick on/sick of) her parents.
6. Most of the students are reluctand to/reluctant to try again.
7. Renny is (afraid of/afraid to) snakes.
8. She is really (aw are of/aware with) her poor condition.
9. This strategy of m arketing is (good with/good for) you.
10. We are very (sorry for/sorry with) our com ing late.

P R E P O S IT IO N A L P H R A S E -3

belong to milik This beautiful house belongs to Mr. D arm aw an.

Rumah ini milik Pnk Darmawan.

carry on terus The w orkers carry on w orking until night. Para

pekerja terus bekerja liingga malam.

com e in m asuk Please com e in. Silakan masuk.


com plain to m engeluh The w orkers com plain to the m anager of the
com pany, Para pekerja mengeluh pada manajer

cross out m encoret C ross out this word with a red ink. Coretlah kata
ini dengan tinta merah.

depend on bergantung Everything depends on you as chairm an of this

pada com m ittee. Semua bergantung pada ketua panitia.

die of mati This old m an died of cancer. O rang tua itu mati
karena kanker.

differen t from berbeda Lom bok is different from Bali. Lombok berbeda
dengan dengan Bali.

exp lain m enjelaskan N ow explain the situation to us. Sekarang jelaskan

keadaanya pada kami.

fell over jatuh Ratna fell over from the tree. Ratna jatuh dari

fill in m engisi Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Isilah titik-
titik dengan kata yang benar.

get on/off naik/turun The passengers get on/off the bus. Para
penum pang naik/turun bis.

give up m enyerah D on't give up trying again. Jangan menyerah

untuk mencoba lagi.

go aw ay pergi Go away! Pergi!

go in m asuk W e go in the room . Kami masuk ke kamar.

good at pandai Tri Kusum a is good at M athem atics. Tri Kusuma

pandai Matematika.

h appen to terjadin pada I did not expect but it happened to m e. Saya tidak
mengharapkan tetapi ini terjadi padaku.

h ear from m endengar I hear from my neighbor. Saya dengar dari

dari tetanggaku.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

hurry up bergegas Hurry up, p\ease\Cepatlah.

interested in tertarik Jose Rizal is interested in h istory o f the w orld. Jose

Rizal tertarik dengan sejarah dunia.

listen to m endengarkan U sually I listen to w estern songs and dangdut

songs in the evening. Biasanya saya mendengarkan
lagu-lagu barat dan dangdut pada petang hari.

look after m eraw at, M other looks after her child very patiently. Ibit
m engasuh mengasuh anaknya dengan sabar.

look ahead m em andang W e look ahead our future. Kami memandang

ke muka/ke depan kedepan masa depan kami.

look around for/round I look around for/round for a new job. Saya
for m encari mencari pekerjaan baru.

look at m elihat That man looks at my bag and necklace. Orang itu
melihat tas dan kalungku.

look back m engingat 1 look back my old days in Senior H igh School.
Aku mengingat masa laluku di SMA.

look down m em andang You must not look dow n other people. Kamu
rendah jangan memandang rendah orang lain.

look for m encari 1 am looking for m y son, do you know him ? Aku
sedang mencari anak laki-lakiku, apa kamu tahu dia?

look forward to I am looking forw ard to h earin g from you. Saya

m enanti-nanti. sangat menanti-nanti kabar darimu.
M enunggu-nunggu

look in m am pir W e w ant to look in you r villa. Kami ingin mampir

ke villamu.

look into m em eriksa The police look into the m urder. Polisi memeriksa
pembunuh itu.

look out awas Look out! The bus is com ing. Aiuas! Bisnya datang.

E a s y TOEFL

look out awasi Look out your child w hen you are at the
shopping mall. Awasi anakinu ketika kamu dipusat

look up m encari Please look up the word in the dictionary. Silakan

cari kata ini di kamus.

m arry to m enikah Rudy w ants to m arry to Peggy. Rudy ingin

dengan menikah dengan Peggy.

pick up m engam bil Pick the key up, please. Tolong, ambil kuncinya.

provide w ith This program provides the students w ith a lot of

m e m b e rik a n .. .dengan, opportunities to get scholarship. Program ini
m e n y e d ia k a n .. .dengan memberikan siswa dengan banyak kesempatan untuk
mendapat beasisiua.

put dow n letakkan Put the key dow n. Letakkan kuncinya.

put off m enund a D on't put off doing your hom ew ork until
tom orrow . Jangan m enunda mengerjakan pekerjaan
rum ahm u hingga besuk.

put on pakai Put on your clothes right now . Pakailah pakaianmu

sekarang juga.

put out m atikan Put out your cigarette here. Matikan rokokmu di

slow dow n pelan Slow dow n, please. Silakan pelan-pelan.

speak to bicara pada We have to speak to M rs. Rosa. Kita ham s bicara
pada Ibu Rosa.

speak up bicara keras Speak up, please. Silakan, bicara keras.

spend on Indah spends m uch m oney on books. Indah

m en g h a b isk a n ... pada menghabiskan banyak uang untuk buku.

sw itch on / off nyalakan Sw itch on/off the com puter. Hidupkan!matikan

/ m atikan komputer.

take care of m enjaga Take care o f yourself. Jagalah dirimu.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

take off m elepaskan Take off your shoes. Lepaskan sepatumu.

talk about bicara tentang T his film talks about W orld W ar Tw o. Film ini
bicara tentang Perang D unia II.

talk to bicara pada Let's talk to her now . M ari kita bicara pada dia

think of/about I am thinking of/about joining a com petition. Saya

m em ikirkan tentang sedang memikirkan untuk ikut pertandingan.

throw aw ay m em buang Throw the paper aw ay. Buanglah kertas ini.

translate into N ow translate this text into Indonesian.

m enterjem ahkan ke Terjemahkan tek ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

try on m encoba Try this on. Cobalah. \

turn on/off nyalakan/ Turn on/off the electricity. Nyalakan/matikan listrik.

m atikan

turn over balik Turn over the page, please. Silakan balik

turn up/dow n keraskan Turn up/down the TV, please. Tolong,

/kecilkan keraskan/kecilkan/keraskan TVnya.

w ork in bekerja M rs. R enny w orks in the office. Ibu R enny bekerja
di kantor.

J EX ERC ISE : U nd erlin e ( Garis bawahilah) the correct form (bentuk yang
benar daripada ) of Verbs P h rase from (dari) the sen ten ces belo w (kalimat
di bawah ini).

1. Don't (give in/give up) easily. You can do it.

2. This house (belongs to/belongs for) Mr. Alexander.
3. The situation today is (different with/different from ) that of in 1998.
4. Everything (depends on/depends w ith) the m anagem ent.
5. All m en are created equal, so you m ust not (look at/look dow n ) the
6. Susan is interested (in/on) books especially English novels.
7. Farida is (good at/good in) M athem atics.

Ea s y T O E F L

8. (Look at/Look out)! The train is com ing.

9. The fire brigade needed three hours to (put on/put out) fire.
10. You may (look out/look up) the word in your dictionary if necessary.

49. Basic Sentences

Structure I n English
(Stniktnr Kalimat Dasar Bahasa Inggris)

Basic Sentences Structure In English dapat dibagi m enjadi 4 (empat )

tipe yaitu: Tipe 1, 2, 3 dan 4.

1. T Y P E 1 untuk menyatakan nama. status, profesi. tempat, angka. waktu. dan


(is, am , are) (Pelengkap)

I (Saya) am Laura.

W e (Kami/Kita) are ready (siap) now.

You [Kamil/Anda) are a teacher.

They (M ereka, misal: Diana and Jimmy) are in the office (di kantor).

H e (Dia, misal: Tommy) is 21 years old.

She (Dia, misal: Susan) is in Jakarta.

It (la, misal:Letter) is for you.

(*) C O M P L E M E N T (p elengkap ) can be in the form s of (bisa d alam bentuk):

noun (kata benda), adjective (kata sifat), adverb of place (kata keterangan
tem pat), preposition (kata depan), dan num eral (kata bilangan).

2. T Y PE 2 untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas atau kegiatan.

(K ata kerja) (Keterangan)

I w alk (berjalan) hom e (pulang/ke rumah).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

M y father (A yahku) w orks (bekerja) hard (keras).

C ecilia looks (nampak) sm art (cerdas).

Everything ( Segalanya ) goes (menjadi) peaceful (damai).

That m an (Laki-laki itu) died (m eninggal) a m illionaire (sebagai


H asnan becom es (menjadi) a doctor (dokter).

O ne of the girls (Salah studies (belajar) in A ustralia.

satu gadis itu)

N obody (Tak takes (m engam bil) a chance (kesempatan)


W e all (Kami semua) prefer (lebih suka) this film.

I know (tahu) w ho you are ( siapa anda).

Mr. President m ust know (harus the background o f the

tahu) dispute ( latar belakang

He decides to be one o f the m em bers

(m em utuskan) (untuk menjadi salah satu

(*) ± A d ju n c t ( Kata keterangan) can be placed (dapat ditempatkan) at the be­

ginning (di awal) or at the end of (di akhir) the sentence, for exam ple: every
day (setiap hari), every w eek (setiap m in ggu ), ev ery m on th (setiap bulan),
every year (setiap tahun), etc.

E a s y TOEFL

3. T Y P E 3 untuk menyatakan suatu keberadaau sesuatu.

BE +

is/was are/were

will /wouldbe

can/could be NOUN/NOUN
m ay /might be

shall/should be

must/had to be

has/have/had been

A d a ...................................................

A kan a d a .......................................

D apat a d a .................................

M ungkin a d a ...............................

Seharu sn ya a d a ......................... .

H arus a d a ......................................

Telah a d a .......................................

There is (Ada) a hou se (sebuah there (di sana).


T here are (Ada) tw enty students (20 in this class (di

siswa) kelas ini).

T here w as (Ada) good new s (berita for you (untuk

bagus) anda).

T here are n ot ( Tidak ada) m any people ( banyak here.


T here w ere (Ada) a lot o f cars (banyak parked here

mobil) (diparkir di sini).

T here is (Ada) som ething (sesuatu) to eat (untuk


D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

There are (Ada) 100 m anagers in this

(manajer) com pany (di
perusahaan ini)

There m ust be (Harus ada) rules of the gam e

(aturan main).

There will be (Akan ada) a football m atch tom orrow

(pertandingan (besok).

There has been (Telah ada) an accident


There have been (Telah ada) so m any riots (begitu recently (akhir-
banyak huru-hara) akhir ini).

There had been (Telah ada) som e natural now adays

disasters (bencana (akhir-akhir ini).

4. TYPE 4 untuk menyatakan suatu pendapat atau ide.

IT + BE (is/was) + ± for + a PER SO N / to + V erb 1 or V erb + ing

A D JEC T IV E/N O U N TH IN G C lause with W h .../ How

It is hard (Adalah for me ( bagi saya) to do that ( untuk melakukan

sukar/Sukar) itu).

It is easy (Adalah for a rich person to go abroad (untuk pergi ke

mudah/M udah) (bagi orang kaya) luar negeri).

It is difficult (Adalah for us (bagi kita) to live w ithout m oney

sukar/Sukar) (untuk hidup tanpa uang).

It is a m istake (Adalah for you (bagi anda) n ot to take that opportunity

suatu kesalahan/Suatu (untuk tidak mengambil
kesalahan) kesempatan/peluang itu).

It is nice (Adalah sitting here (duduk-dukuk di

enak/Enak) sini).

E a s y TOEFL

It is very im portant for us (bagi kita) practicing English

(Adalah sangat (praktek/latihan bahasa
penting/Sangat penting) Inggris).

It w as a m ystery (Adalah how he got the m agic stone

suatu misteri/Suatu (bagaimana dia mendapatkan
misteri) batu ajaib itu).

It is a historic day ( Adalah w hen the peace treaty was

hari yang bersejarah /Suatu signed (ketika perjanjian
hari yang bersejarah) perdamaian ditandatangani).


D ire ctio n s C hoose the one w ord or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
o f question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. It is n e c e ss a ry ______________English as a language of international com m u ­

A. m aster
B. to m aster
C. m astering
D. the m aster

D irectio n s: In questions 1-2, each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

1. It is im portant that I w ill speak to Prof. R ichards soo n .


2. There were a tim e that I used to sw im five laps every day, but now I do not
have enough tim e.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

50. Frequently Used Idioms

(Idiom Paling Sering Digunakan)
Idiom s adalah kelom p ok kata (phrases ) atau u ng kap an yang d ig u nak an
b ersam a-sam a dengan arti dan susunan yang tetap. Bahasa Inggris m em iliki
banyak sekali Idiom s. Arti Idiom s tak dapat diterka/ditebak dari kata per kata
atau tata bahasanya itu secara terpisah dan tidak dapat diubah, m isalnya: kata
"C L O S E D O W N " artin y a g u lu n g tik a r atau b a n g k ru t, bukan C L O S E yang
artinya m en u tu p dan D O W N yang artinya ke b aw ah.
Berikut ini adalah Idiom s yang paling sering ditem u kan dalam Tes TO EFL
antara lain:

A B IT = sedikit, agak
JSS I'm a bit busy today. Saya agak sibuk.

A G O O D /G REA T D E A L O F = banyak
JSS A good/great deal of tim e and effort w ent into arranging this party. Banyak
waktu dan usaha digunakan untuk mempersiapkan pesta ini.

A L O T OF = banyak
JSS I have a lof of books at hom e. Saya punya banyak buku di rumah

A B O U T T IM E ! = sudah w aktunya!
JiS She's tired of w aiting to get m arried. It's about tim e! Dia lelah m enunggu
menikah. Sudah saatnya!

A B R O A D = di luar negeri
His daughter is abroad. Anak perem puannya di luar negeri. She is studying
in Japan. Dia belajar di Jepang.

A C C O R D IN G T O = m enu ru t
JiS A ccording to Dr. John A dam , there are five principles in m anaging a strong
state. M e n u ru t Dr. John A dam , ada lima p rin sip dalam m engelola N egara
y a ng kuat.

A C C O U N T F O R = m enjelaskan, m enjadi alasan

JSS You m ust account for all the m oney you have spent recently. Kamu harus
menjelaskan sem ua uang yang telah kamu habiskan.
J iS His previous experiences account for his new position as the general m an­
ager o f the company. Pengalaman sebelumnya menjadi alasan jabatan barunya
sebagai m anajer um urn perusahaan.

E a s y TOEFL

A D E Q U A T E T O = m am pu untuk
J g f He is ad eq uate to do his job. Dia mampu mengerjakan tugasm/a.

A F R A ID O F = takut akan
JSS She is afraid of going alone. Dia takut pergi sendirian.

A F R A ID T O = takut untuk
I'm afraid to start the fight. Dia takut memulai untuk berkelahi.

A FT E R A LL = bagaim ana pun juga

A fter all, m y car is the best. Bagaimanapun juga, mobilku ini yang terbaik.

ALL A L O N G = dari sem ula

JSZ H e had said all along that it w as not true. Saya sudah katakan dari semula
bahwa itu tidak benar.

ALL AT O N C E = tiba-tiba
& I did n 't know w hy he stopped talking all at once. Saya tidak tahu kenapa
dia tiba-tiba dia berhenti bicara.

A LL DAY L O N G = seharian, sepanjang hari.

J s £ She goes sh op p in g all day long. Dia berbelanja sepanjang hari.

ALL O F A S U D D E N =tiba-tiba
I d id n 't know w hy he stop p ed talking all of a sudd en. Saya tidak tahu
kenapa dia tiba-tiba dia berhenti bicara.

A LL O V E R =ke/di seluruh
Jack has traveled all over the world. Jack telah berkeliling ke seluruh dunia.

A LL R IG H T = baiklah, tepat sekali, cukup baik

All right. You m ay go hom e right now. Baiklah kamu boleh pulang sekarang.
It w ill be all rig h t to w ait in his office. Ini akan tepat sekali m en u n ggu di
kantornya. Is it all righ t if I pay back m y debt n ext m onth? Apakah cukup
baik m em bayar h u tan gn y a m in g g u depan?

A L O N G W IT H = bersam a
Jennifer, along w ith M ichelle, travel to Indonesia. Jennifer, bersama Michelle
pergi ke Indonesia.

A PA RT F R O M = terlepas, selain daripada

A p art from you r reaso n s, he keeps going. Terlepas dari alasan anda, dia
tetap jalan terus.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

A R E YO U K ID D IN G ? = Kam u bercanda? Ah m asak iya? O m ong kosong

W hat? A p a ? Barrack O bam a will visit Borobudu r Tem ple? Barrack Obama
akan m en gu n ju n gi Candi Borobudur? A re you kid d in g? Ah masak iya?

A S A M A T T E R OF FA C T = sebenarnya, sesungguhnya
J iS A s m a tte r of fact, he h as le ft h is w ife fo r g o o d . Seben a rn y a dia telah
m eninggalkan istrinya untuk selamanya.
As a m atter of fact, I can help you today, but ...Sebenarnya aku bisa membantu
kamu hari ini, tapi....

A S A W H O LE = sebagai keseluruhan
J iS You m u st take this job as a w h o le. Kamu harus m engam bil pekerjaan ini
secara keseluruhan.

AS FAR AS I AM C O N C ER N ED = sepanjang yang saya ketahui

JsS As far as I'm concerned, he is still single. Sepanjang yang saya tahu, dia
masih sendirian/jomblo.

A S FO R = adapun mengenai/bagi
As for me, I don't like m eat. Adapun m engenai saya, saya tidak suka daging.

A S S O O N A S = segera setelah
J iS I will call you back as soon as I arrive in Toronto, C anada. Saya akan telpon
kamu segera setelah saya tiba di Toronto, Canada.

A S T O = m engenai, tentang
J iS I don't know as to his address. Kami tak tahu tentang alamatnya.

A S U SU A L = seperti biasa
As u su al Ja c k co m es late a g a in fo r h is cla ss. S ep erti biasa jack datang
terlam bat lagi dalam pelajarannya.

A S W ELL = juga
JSS He likes E n glish and C h in ese as w ell. Dia suka bahasa In ggris dan juga
bahasa Cina

AT A T IM E = berturut-turut, sekaligus
iST D on't take these tablets three at a time, jangan m inum pil/tablet ini sekaligus.

AT ALL = sam a sekali, biasanya dengan 'n o t' sam asekali

He didn't have any m oney at all. Dia belum punya uang sama sekali.

AT A N Y RA TE = bagaim anapun Juga

E a s y TOEFL

J§5 He know s it is dangerous, but he w ants to go at any rate. Di tahu ini bahaya
tetapi din ingin pergi bngnim anapun juga.

AT D A W N = saat fajar
J£% I w ake u p at daw n. Saya bangun saat fajar.

AT E A SE = rilek dan nyam an

Js*i I felt com pletely at ease with her. Aku merasa nyaman bersama dia.

AT F IR S T = m ula-m ula, pertam a-tam a

A t first she found E n glish very d ifficu lt, bu t later she m ade very good
progress. M ula-mula, dia menemukan bahasa Inggris itu sukar, tapi kemudian
dia m em buat kem ajuan pesat.

AT H O M E = ada di rum ah. betah di rum ah

js S I'm at hom e now. Saya di rumah sekarang. I feel at hom e. Saya merasa betah
di rum ah.

AT L A R G E = bebas, lepas
Je 5 All villagers are scared. The tiger is still at large. Semua orang desa takut.
H arim au masih lepas/bebas.

AT L A S T = akhirnya
He could finish his job at last. Dia dapat menyelesaikan pekerjannnyn akhirnya.
Silvia has been sick in the hospital at for a week. Silvia telah opname di rumh
sakit selama sem inggu .

AT L E A S T = paling sedikit
You have to wait to the bus at least an hour. Kamu harus m enunggu bis paling
sedikit satu jam.

AT L E N G T H = secara terperinci, akhirnya

P lease d escribe you r trip at length. Tolong jelaskan perjalanan anda secara

AT O N C E = segera
He asked m e to com e to his office at o n ce.D ia meminta saya untuk dating di

AT P R E S E N T = saat ini
Ji$ He is still my boss at present. Dia masih bos saya saat ini.

AT T H E M O S T = tak lebih dari

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

J iS The journey w ill take an hour at the m ost. Perjalanan akan memakan zoaktii
tidak lebih dari satu jam.

AT T IM E S = kadang-kadang
At tim es, she feels happy but then she gets angry again. Kadang-kadang dia
merasa bahagia tetapi kem udian dia m enjadi marah lagi.

AT W ILL = sesuka hati

JiS You may not do this job at will. Kamu tidak boleh mengerjakan pekerjaan ini
sesuka hati.

AT W O R S T = paling sial.
J&S At w orst we w ill lose our chance to open the n ext branch office in V iet­
nam. Paling sial kita akan kehilangan kesempatan kita untuk membuka kantor
cabang berikutnya di Vietnam.

AWARE OF = sadar akan

J iS You m ust be aw are of the situ ation today. A nda harus sadar akan kedaan
saat ini.

B A C K A N D F O R T H = bo lak -balik
JgZ He has to travel back and forth betw een London and Paris every week. Dia
harus pergi bolak-balik antara London dan Paris setiap m inggu.

B A C K U P = m undur (m obil).
JSS I was stuck in the jam , so I backed up. Saya terjebak dalam kemacetan, jadi
saya m undur.

B A D LU C K ! = sialan!
J iS I lost again. Aku gagal/kehilangan lagi. Bad Luck! Sialan!

BE ABLE/U N A BLE T O = m am pu/tak m am pu untu k

H e is a b le /u n a b le to o p e ra te co m p u ters. Dia m am pu/tak m am pu m eng-
operasikan komputer.

BE A B O U T T O = ham pir, siap

JSS The train is about to leave for Jakarta. Kereta hampir berangkat ke Jakarta.

BE A C C U S T O M E D T O = M enjadi Terbiasa, Terbiasa

JsS M ost of the high school students are not accustom ed to reading English
novels. Kebanyakan siswa SM A tidak terbiasa membaca novel bahasa Inggris.

BE A C Q U IN T E D W IT H = berkenalan dengan

E a s y TO EFL

I'm already acquainted w ith Hellena at party. Aku berkenalan dengan Hellena
di pest a.

BE A F R A ID O F = takut akan
JSS She is afraid of dogs. Ia takut akan anjing.

BE A LL E A R S = m endengarkan/m em perhatikan sepenuhnya.

£$ O u r lead er w ill be all ears to w hat the people here need. Pemimpin kita
akan m em perhatikan sepenuhnya apa yang rakyat di sini butuhkan.

BE A N G R Y W IT H = m arah dengan
JSS Sh e is an g ry w ith m e. Dia marah dengan aku.

BE A N G R Y A B O U T = m arah dengan/atas
Sim on is angry about the situation in his country. Simon marah atas keadaan
di negaranya.

BE A N X IO U S A B O U T = cem as akan
JS$ I am an xiou s about his future. Aku cemas akan masa depannya.
jSX We are never an xiou s ab ou t our bu siness. Kami tak pernah cemas dengan
usaha karni.

BE A N X IO U S T O = ingin sekali
J2$ He's anxious to get hom e. Dia cemas untuk pulang.

BE A S H A M E D O F = m alu akan
JSS She is ash am ed of her love-affairs. Dia malu akan perselingkuhannya.

BE AT L A R G E = bebas berkeliaran
The escaped con vict is still at large. Penjahat yang melarikan diri itu masih
bebas berkeliaran.

BE AT W O R K = sedang bekerja
P lease d on't b o th er m e now, I'm still at w ork. Tolong jangan ga n ggu saya
sekarang , saya masih bekerja.

BE B E H IN D W IT H = ketinggalan
js S I am b eh in d w ith m y lesson. Saya ketinggalan pelajaran saya.

BE B R O K E = tak punya uang

We are really broke. Kami benar-benar tak punya uang.

BE D O N E = ditipu

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

I guess I have been done. Saya kira saya telah ditipu.

BE E N G A G E D T O = bertunangan dengan
JSS She had been engaged to a businessm an w hen I m et her. Dia telah bertungan
dengan seorang pengusaha ketika saya ketemu dia.

B E F O N D OF = suka akan, gem ar akan

JSS He is fond of pop m usic. Dia suka musik pop.

BE IN C H A R G E OF = bertanggung jaw ab atas.

J iS W ho is in charge of the tragedy at Paddy's Cafe? Siapa yang bertanggung
jawab atas tragedi di Cafe Paddy?

BE IN D E B T E D T O = berhutang budi terhadap

Js £ I am very indebted to Prof. Snyder. Saya sangat berhutang budi pada Prof.
I am very indebted to you. Saya berhutang budi pada anda.

B E IN T E R E S T E D IN = berm inat terhadap, tertarik pada

JSS He is in te re s te d in stu d y in g the H is to ry o f Ja v a . Dia sangat tertarik
m em pelajari Sejarah Jawa.

BE L EFT B E H IN D = tertinggal dibelakang

H urry up, unless you will be left behind! Cepat / Buruan, kalau tidak kamu
akan tertinggal di belakang.

BE N A M E D A FT E R = diberi nam a sam a dengan yang lain.

J&S This airport w as nam ed after the first president and vice-presiden t o f Indo­
nesia. Bandara ini diberi nama Presiden dan wakil Presiden pertama Indonesia.

BE O FF = berangkat
JSS H e'll be off to Jap an tom orrow. Di akan berangkat ke Jepang besok.

BE O N LEAVE = sedang cuti, libur

JSS I am on leave for a m onth. Saya sedang cuti sebulan.

BE O U T O F BR EA TH = terengah-engah, sesak nafas

She is out of breath after running for three kilom eters. Dia terengah-engah
setelah berlari 3 km.

BE O U T OF D A TE = ketinggalan zam an, kuno

This dress is out of date. Baju ini sudah ketinggalan zaman.

E a s y TOEFL

BE O U T O F T O W N = dari atau di luar kota

O ur m anager is not in today. He is out of tow n. M anajer saya tidak ada hari
ini. Dia keluar kota.

BE O U T O F W O R K = sedang m enganggur.
T h ey are out of work. Mereka m enganggur.

BE O V E R = selesai
The m eeting is over. Let's go hom e. Pertemuan sudah selesai. M ari kita pulang.

BE S H O R T O F = kekurangan
Jgx We are short of qualified teachers today. Kita kekurangan gu ru yang bermutu
saat ini.

BE S IC K O F = m erasa m uak, jengkel

He is sick of being blam ed for everything that goes w rong. Dia jengkel karena
disalahkan terus apapun yang dia lakukan. I'm really sick of you. Aku benar-
benar m uak sama kamu.

BE U P S E T = m arah, jengkel
J2$ He w as upset when I told him the news. Dia marah/jengkel ketika aku kabari

BE U S E D T O = terbiasa, biasa.
J2 $ I am used to practicing English on W ednesdays w ith my friends.

BE W O R N -O U T = sangat letih
J2S We w ere all w orn-out after a long trip. Kami sangat letih setelah melakukan
perjalanan jauh.

B EA R IN M IN D = ingat akan,m engingat

& We m ust bear in m ind that we have an appointm ent at 5 this afternoon.
Kami harus ingat bahwa kita ada janji pada pukul 5 sore ini.

B E C A U S E O F = karena
That child died b ecause of fever. Anak itu m eninggal karena demam.

B E L IE V E IN = percaya. •
I believe in G od. Aku percaya pada Tuhan.

B E L O N G T O = m ilik
This lu xu rious car belongs to Mr. H endra. Mobil mewah ini milik Pak Hendra.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B L O W O U T = m eledak (ban).
O ne of my tires blew out when I was on the way to Texas. Salah satu ban
mobil saya meledak saat saya dalam perjalanan ke Texas.

B L O W U P = m enghancurkan (dengan bah an peledak), m eledak.

■OS The ship blew up after it w as attacked by a to rp ed o. Kapal itu meledak
setelah dihancurkan oleh serangan torpedo.

B R E A K IN T O = m asuk dengan m erusak.

JsS The thief broke into his hou se last night. Pencuri itu masuk rumah dengan
m erusak tadi malam.

B R E A K O FF = m engakhiri.
We have to break off our d ip lo m atic relation w ith M alay sia. Kita harus
mengakhiri h u b un gan diplomatik kita.

B R E A K O U T = terjadi tiba-tiba, pecah/berkobar (perang).

JsS The w ar broke out in the C entral Europe. Perang pecah/berkobar di Eropa.

B R E A K TH E IC E = m em ulai percakapan.
JSS She started introducing h erself to break the ice. Dia memulai memperkenalkan
diri untuk membuka percakapan.

B R E A K TH E N EW S = m enyiarkan berita
JgS METRO TV has b ro k en the new s on war. M E T R O T V telah menyiarkan
berita tentang perang.

B R IN G A B O U T = m en y ebabk an
JgS This tragedy brin g s ab o u t a lot of ch an ges. Tragedi menyebabkan banyak
p eru ba ha n.

B R IN G B A C K = m eng em balik an .
JSS You can bring back your dress if you don't like. Kamu dapat mengembalikan
rok kamu jika kamu tidak suka.

B R IN G H O M E T O = m enyadarkan seseorang
JSS The punishm ent m ight bring hom e to him the danger o f his action. Hukuman
ini m ungkin menyadarkan dia atas bahaya tindakannya.

B R IN G O N = m en y ebabk an
J&5 H ead ach es are often b ro u gh t on by stress. Sakit kepala serin g disebabkan
oleh stress.

E a s y TOEFL

BRING OUT = m engh asilkan , m enyajikan.

I try to b rin g out one new book every m onth. Aku akan mencoba untuk
menghasilkan satu buku dalam satu bulan.
& TO Y O TA w ill brin g out new m od els o f its cars this year. TO YO TA akan
menyajikan model baru mobilnya tahun ini.

BRING SOM EONE TO = m enyadarkan.

The nurse could bring her to after she was fainted. Perawat dapat menyadar­
kan dia setelah dia pingsan.

BRING UP = m endidik, m engangkat perm asalahan

It is the duty of parents to bring up their own children well. Adalah tugas para
orangtua un tuk m endidik anaknya dengan baik.
iET H e a lw a y s b rin g s up this issu e at any m eetin g . Dia selalu m engangkat
perm asalahan ini setiap pertem uan.

BUILD UP = m en in g k atkan , m em p erku at

jSS We need m ore calories to build up my strength. Kita perlu banyak kalori
untuk m eningkatkan kekuatan kita.
Let's build up our army. M ari kita memperkuat tentara kita.

BURN DOWN = terbakar (rata dengan tanah).

T h e b u ild in g had b u rn ed dow n before the firem en arriv ed . G edung ini
telah terbakar habis rata tanah sebelum petugas pemadam kbakaran tiba.

BURN OUT = rusak.

The lights are off. Lampu mati. The fuse has burned out. Sekringnya rusak.

BURN UP = m em b akar habis.

Sh e b u rn ed up h er letters last night. Dia membakar habis surat-’s uratnya
tadi malam .

BURST OUT CRYING = m ulai m enangis.

K atie sudd en ly b urst out crying after hearing the bad new s from her h u s­
band. Katie tiba-tiba menangis setelah m endengar berita buruk dari suaminya.

BY ALL ACCOUNTS = m enurut pendapat sem ua orang.

By all accounts, the 2010 W orld Cup in A frica w as very successful. M enurut
pendapat sem ua orang, Piala D unia Tahun 2 0 1 0 di Afrika sangat sukses.

BY ALL MEANS = tentu saja

JSZ By all m eans, I know the code. Tentu saja, saya tahu kodenya.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B Y A LL M E A N S = tentu saja, silakan.

JSS I have a copy of the report on m y desk. Saya punya foto copy laporan di
mejaku. B y all m eans have a look at it. Silakan dilihat.

B Y A N D B Y = tak lam a kem udian, nantinya, pada akhirnya

J iS By and by he w ill com e to see his fault. Pada akhirnya/nantinya dia akan
m elihat kesalahannya.

BY A N D LA R G E = pada kebanyakan situasi

B y and large, people have w elcom ed the change. Pada kebanyakan situasi,
orang m enyam but perubahan.

B Y A N Y C H A N C E = kebetulan, m ungkin.
JSS You're not Span ish by any chance, are you? Kebetulan, Anda bukan orang
Spanyol, bukan?

BY FA R = paling.
J&S This is his best film by far. Ini film paling terbaiknya.

BY H EA R T = dengan hati, dengan pikiran,luar kepala

Please learn this dialogue by heart. Tolong pelajari dialog ini di luar kepala/

B Y M E A N S O F = dengan bantuan.
By m ean s of cell-p h ones, we can co m m u n icate w ith o th er p eo p le from
o th e r co u n trie s. D en ga n bantuan telpon seluler, kita dapat berkom unikasi
dengan orang lain dari N egara lain.

B Y M E A N S O F = dengan m em akai
H e w rote a letter by m eans of a Parker. Dia m enulis surat dengan pulpen

B Y N O M E A N S = sam a sekali bukan (jangan).

J iS This is by no m eans the end of the m atter. Ini sama sekali bukan akhir masalah.

B Y O N E SE L F = sendiri.
JgS Stephanie travelled to Bali by herself. Stephanie bepergian ke Bali sendiri.

B Y WAY O F = m elalui
JSZ You can reach the location by way of river bank. Kamu dapat mecapai lokasi
melalui pinggiran sungai.

C A LL D O W N = m encerca

E a s y TOEFL

JS$ She was never called dow n by her m anager. Din dicerca oleh menajerm/a.

CALL F O R = datang (ke kantor, rum ah, took, dan lain-lain) untuk mengambil/
m e n je m p u t.
iE f We will call for and deliver your order. Kita akan dating dan mengirimkan

C A LL F O R S O M E T H IN G = m enuntut sesuatu
We call for a ban on guns. Kita m enuntut larangan atas senjata.

C A LL O F F = m enunda/m em batalkan.
& The flight to Rom e is called off. Penerbangan ke Rome ditunda.

C A LL O N = m am pir/m engunjungi.
M y friends called on m e last night. Teman-temanku mnmpir ke rumahku tadi
m alam .

C A LL UP = m enelpon.
Sorry, I forgot to call up my secretary yesterday. Maaf, saya lupa menilpon
sekretarisku kemarin.

C A N 'T H ELP L A U G H IN G = tak dapat m enahan tawa.

JSS I can't help laughing at that scene. A ku tak dapat menahan tawa pada ndegan

C A R R Y O N = m eneru skan, terus.

JSS Let's carry on the m eeting. M ari kitn lanjutkan pertem uan.
The w orkers carry on w orking until night. Para pekerja terus bekerja hingga

C A R R Y O U T = m elaksanakan.
& It's tim e to carry out our plan. Sudah saatnya melaksanakan rencann kita.

C A TC H A C O L D = sakit pilek.
You will catch a cold if you go in this rain. Kamu akan sakit pilek jika pergi
saat hujan.

C A TC H O N = m em ah am i (arti).
Did you catch on w hat she said? Apakah kamu paham apa yang dia katakan?

CA TC H S IG H T O F = m elihat sekilas, m enam pak

I catch sight of a black shadow in the still of the night. Saya melihat bayangan
hitam di kesunyian malam.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C H A N G E O N E 'S M IN D = b eru bah pikiran.

JSS He ch anged his m ind abo u t his plan to U niversity. Dia berubah pikiran
tentang reneananya ke Universitas.

C H E C K IN/OUT = m endaftar m asuk/keluar

J iS He w ants to check in a hotel now and check out tom orrow after paying the
b ill. Dia akan m en d a fta r m asuk (m e n g in a p ) di hotel sek a ra n g dan akan
m endaftar keluar besok.

C H E C K UP = m em eriksa.
JgS You should check up your health routinely. Kamu sebaiknya memmeriksakan
kesehatanmu secara rutin.

C H EER UP = m em buat ceria/gembira.

JgZ he new s w ill cheer her up. Berita ini akan membuat anda ceria.

C H O P U P = m em otong-m otong m enjad i k ecil-kedl/berkeping-keping.

J&S He chop up the w ood into sm all p ieces. Dia m em otong-m otong kayu ini
menjadi berkeping-keping.

CLEA N UP = m em bersihkan sem ua dan rapi

JiS We can't leave this are until we clean up this m ess. Kita tak akan meninggalkan
tempat ini sampai kita m embersihkan sampah ini.

C LEA R UP = m enjadi cerah, m enjelaskan.

J&3 The w eather will clear up today. Cuaca akan menjadi cerah saat ini.

C L O SE BY = dekat, di dekatnya.
My house is close by. Rumah saya dekat.

C L O SE D O W N = m enutup, gulung tikar

Js£ The factory closed dow n last year. Pabrik ini tutup/gulung tikar tahun lalu.

C L O SE UP = m enutup, dekat
JeS He closed up the book w hen he finished reading it. Dia m enutup bukunya
ketika dia selesai membacanya.

C O M E A B O U T = terjadi
J&S H ow did the acciden t com e about? Bagaimana kecelakaan ini terjadi?

C O M E A C R O S S = m enem u kan , m enjum pai

js S I cam e across this old book in a bookstore yesterday. Saya menemukan buku
lama ini di toko buku kemarin.

E a s y TOEFL

C O M E A L O N G = berjalan, ikut
E veryth in g com es along well. Semuamja berjalan dengan baik.
W e're going to the cinem a. Do you w ant to com e along? Apakah kamu man
iku t ?

C O M E A R O U N D = m am pir, singgah
JSS He is com in g around Sintia's house. Dia mampir di rumah Sinta.

C O M E B A C K = m enjadi terkenal/kem bali populer

Long hair com es back. Ram but panjang m enjadi popular lagi.

C O M E B Y = m em p eroleh, m endap atkan

& H ow did you com e by this ring? Bagaimana anda mendapatkan cincin ini? 1
found it in the street. Saya m enem ukannya di jalan.

C O M E F R O M = berasal dari.
J&} Jen n ife r co m es from Florida, U .S.A . Jennifer berasal dari Florida, Amerika
Serikat. W here do you com e from ? Darimana asal anda?

C O M E IN = m asuk, m asuklah
C om e in please! Silakan masuk! Please com e in. Silakan masuk.

C O M E O FF = lepas, tanggal
JgZ O ne of my buttons has com e off. Salah satu kancing bajuku lepas.

C O M E O N = Ayolah! Ayo!
C om e on! Ayolah! Finish the last bread! Habiskan roti terakhir ini!

C O M E O U T = keluar (dari), m uncul, terbit

Finally, she cam e out and gave clarification over her issue on her m arriage.
Akhirnya dia keluar juga dan memberikan klarifikasi m engenai pernikahannya.
& T his m agazine will com e out soon. Majalah ini akan terbit segera.

C O M E R O U N D = sium an kem bali

The girl has com e round after falling dow n from her m otorcycle. Gadis itu
telah sium an setelah jatuh dari motornya.

C O M E T O = m enjadi sadar setelah kecelakaan

H e hasn 't com e to yet. Dia belum sadar.

C O M E T O A N E N D = m engakhiri, berakhir.
The w ar finally cam e to an end. Perang akhirnya berakhir.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C O M E T O BE = m enjadi
iE f It is very difficult for her to com e to be a popular singer. Sukar bagi din
untuk menjadi penyanyi popular.

C O M E T O M Y S E N SE S = m enjadi sadar.
jgS I com e to m y senses. Aku menjadi sadar. I will not cry again. Aku tak akan
m enangis lagi.

C O M E T R U E = m enjadi kenyataan
In the end, his dream has com e true. Akhirnya mimpinya jadi kenyataan.

C O M E UP = m uncul, segera datang, tam pil (dengan jaw aban)

A serious problem m ay com e up at any tim e. Suatu masalah yang serius
akan m uncul setiap saat.
JSS M y exam s are com ing up next m onth. Ujianku segera tiba bulan depan..

C O M P L A IN T O = m engeluh
jgS The workers com plain to the m anager of the com pany. Para pekerja mengeluh
pada m anajer perusahaan.

C O PE W IT H = m engatasi.
JgS I m ust be able to cope w ith th is d ifficu lty . Saya harus dapat m engatasi
kesulitan ini.

C O U N T ON = bergantung pada.
J iS I can't cound on her again to help our problem . Kita tak dapat bergantung
lagi pada dia untuk m em bantu perm asalahan kita.

C O V E R F O R = m enggantikan (tugas/pekerjaan orang lain).

OK. I w ill cover for you w hile you are having lunch. Baiklah. Saya akan
m enggantikan tugas anda saat anda makan siang.

C RO SS O U T = m encoret
JgS Cross out this w ord w ith a red ink. Coretlah kata ini dengan tinta merah.

C U T D O W N ON = m engurangi
You m ust cut dow n your fat if you w ant to be healthy. Kainu harus m engurangi
lemak jika kamu ingin sehat.

C U T O FF = m em otong, berhenti (telpon, listrik, dan lain-lain).

J iS T his rope is too long. Tali ini terlalu panjang. Let m e cut off. Biarkan aku
m em otongnya.
JsS The electricity was cut off su d d en ly Listrik ini mati tiba-tiba

E a s y TO EFL

D A M N IT ! = Sialan!
& Damn! Sialanl I've forgotten to bring the tickets. Aku lupa membawa tiketku.

DAY A F T E R DAY = hari dem i hari.

js S D ay a fte r day the situ atio n is g ettin g w orse and w orse. H ari-dem i hari
kecidaan semakin m em buruk.

D E P E N D O N = bergantu n g pada
Jg S" E v ery th in g d ep en d s on you as ch airm an o f this com m ittee. Sem ua ber­
g a n tu n g pada ketua panitia.

D E P E N D E N T U P O N = bergantung pada
You m ust not be dependent upon him on and on. Kamu jangan bergantung
pada dia terus-m enerus.

D E S IR E TO /FO R = ingin
Jg^ He has a strong desire to m arry that girl. Dia ingin sekali menikahi gadis itu.

D IE AWAY = m engh ilan g pelan-pelan (suara).

JgZ The sou nd o f the m u sic co n cert died aw ay. Suara musik itu m enghilang
p elan -p elan .

D IE D O W N = m enurun, m elem ah.

Jg^ The organization died dow n after Mr. Sam bas left it. Organisasi itu melemah
setelah Tuan Sambas m eninggalkannya.

D IE O F = m ati
JgH This old m an died of cancer. O rang tua itu mati karena kanker.

D IE O U T = hilang pelan-pelan
Jg^ A t last, the h air style died out. Akhirnya, gaya rambut ini hilang pelan-pelan.

D IF F E R E N T F R O M = berbed a dengan.
JiZ Lom bok is d ifferen t from Bali. Lombok berbeda dengan Bali.

D IF F IC U L T T O = sukar untuk
It is d ifficult to do the hom ew ork. M engerjakan pekerjaan rumah itu sukar/
Sukar m engerjakan pekerjaan rum ah ini.

D O S O M E O N E A FA V O R = m em bantu/m enolong seseorang.

JgZ Could you do m e a favou r? Dapatkan kamu mem bantu saya?

D O W ELL = beruntung/bernasib baik.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

JgS You have done well. Kamu telah bernasib baik.

D O W IT H = m em pergunakan
J&S A n y o n e ca n do w ith th e m o n ey . Setiap o ra n g dapat m em p e rg u n a k a n
u a ngn y a.

D O W IT H O U T = hidup tanpa/pergi tanpa/berbuat tanpa.

J2S We can not do w ithout water. Kita tidak dapat hidup tanpa air.

D O Y O U M IN D ? = A pakah Anda Keberatan?

JgS D o you m ind if I sm oke h ere? Apakah anda keberatan kalau saya merokok
di sini? Oh, no. Please do. O, tidak. Silakan

D O N 'T M E N T IO N IT = terim a kasih kem bali

Thank you for your help. Terima kasih atas bantuan anda. D o n 't m ention it.
Sam a-sam a/kem bali.

D O N E = m asak
The potatoes aren't quite done yet. Kentangm u belum cukup matang.

D O W N T O EA R TH = realistis, praktis, m enerim a kenyataan.

J iS We have to be dow n to earth in life. Kita harus relaistis dalam hidup ini.

D R E S S UP = m engenakan pakaian/berpakaian
£$ He dressed up as Superm an for the party. Dia mengenakan pakaian seperti
S uperm an.

D R O P B Y = singgah, m am pir
J&j I w ant to drop by on your house for a while. Saya mau mampir rumahmu

D R O P IN = m am pir, singgah sebentar

gS D rop in at any tim e. M am pirlah kapan saja.

D R O P IN O N = m am pir, singgah sebentar.

J iS Som e of my old friends dropped in on us last night. Beberapa kawan lamaku
m am pir sebentar tadi malatn.

D R O P O FF = m eninggalkan sesuatu/seseorang di suatu tem pat

jSS If you are going dow ntow n, can you drop me o ff at the A m barukm o Plaza?
Jika kamu mau ke kota, dapatkah kam u m en in gga lk a n aku di A m barukm o
P la z a ? ________

E a s y TOEFL

D R O P O U T = keluar (tak tam at sekolah).

iE f A lot of students have to drop out o f their school because of their econom ic
problem s. Banyak siswa harus keluar sekolah karena masalah ekonomi mereka.

D U E 'rtD = berhubu ng, karena

I could n ot attend the m eeting due to the heavy rains and storm s. Saya
tidak dapat datang ke pertem uan itu karena hujan dan hadai.

E A G E R T O = ingin untuk
J2$ She is eager to go for a picnic to Bali. Dia ingin sekali pergi piknik ke Bali.

E A SY T O = m ud ah untuk
This TO E FL test is not easy to do. TO EFL ini tidak mudah untuk dikerjakan.

EV E R Y N O W A N D TH EN = kadang-kadang.
Every now and then my brother and I go to the shopping m all together.
Kadang-kadang kakaku dan aku p ergi ke pusat perbelanjaan.

E X C E P T F O R = kecuali, seandainya tidak ada

I w ould go except for rains. Saya man pergi kecuali ada hujan.
& E veryone w as late, except for Richard. Semua terlambat, kecuali Richard.

E X C U SE M E = perm isi, maaf.

& Excuse m e, could you tell m e the way to Sosrow ijayan village? Maaf, dapat-
kah m em beritahu saya di mana K am pung Sosrowijayan itu?

FALL B E H IN D = ketinggalan.
^ Sim on fell behind in his study and he left h is school. Simon ketinggalan
dalam belajarnya dan dia m eninggalkan (keluar) dari sekolahnya.

FALL IN L O V E W IT H = jatuh cinta dengan

JiZ He fell in love w ith Agnes. Dia jatuh cinta sama Agnes.

FALL O FF = jatu h (dari sesuatu).

H elen fell off her bicycle. Hellen jatuh dari sepedanya.

F A M O U S F O R = terkenal karena
This city is fam ous for its traditional food. Kota ini terkenal karena makanan

FED U P W IT H = dijejali dengan

iST T h e stu d en ts are fed up w ith new th eories w ith o u t any p ractices. Para
siswa dijejali dengan teori-teori baru tanpa praktik.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

FELL O V E R = jatuh
J iS David fell over from the tree. David jatuh dari pohon

F IG U R E O U T = m enghitung, m em aham i
Jg $ I will figure out the cost of the service. Saya akan m enghitung biaya service/
layanan ini.
JiS I try to figure out the m eaning of this code. Saya mencoba untuk memahami
arti kode ini.

FILL IN/OUT = mengisi

Please fill out this form. Tolong isi form ulir ini.

FILL IN = m engisi (form ulir, tanki bensin, dan lain-lain)

JSS Please fill in this tank. Tolong isi tanki ini.
JgS Fill in the blanks with the correct word. Isilah titik-titik dengan kata yang

FIN D FAULT W ITH = m encari-cari kesalahan

jSS She is alw ays busy finding fault with other people. Dia selalu sibuk mencari-
cari kesalahan orang lain.

FIN D O U T = m enem ukan, m endap at in form asi,m em p elajari.

jSS I can 't find out you r n am e in m y com pu ter. Saya tak dapat m enem ukan
namamu di kom puterku.
jS*T Try to find out w hen the train arrives. Coba cari informasi kapan kereta api

F IR S T OF A LL = pertam a-tam a
JSS F irst of all, let m e in tro d u c e m y s e lf. P ertam a-tam a p erk en a n k a n saya
memperkenalkan diri sendiri.

F IR S T T IM E = sekali jadi.
JgS D o it first tim e. Kerjakan sekali jadi.

FO N D OF = gemar/suka
JSS I'm fond of w estern m usic. Aku suka musik barat.

F O R G O O D = untuk selam a-lam anya

JSS Sam antha has gone back to M assachusetts for good. Samantha telah pergi
ke M assachussets untuk selamanya.

F O R N O T H IN G = cu m a-cu m a.
JSS These n ew spapers are for nothing. Suratkabar ini cuma-cum a.

E a s y TO EFL

FO R SA LE = untuk dijual
This house is for sale. Rumah ini untuk dijual.

FO R T H E S A K E O F S O M E T H IN G = dem i, untuk kepentingan

J@*> I did it for the sake of m y country. Saya melakukan ini demi negaraku.

FO R T H E T IM E B E IN G = untu k sem entara waktu

Js*i For the tim e being, I will live in a hotel. Untuk sementara waktu saya akan
tinggal di hotel.

F R IG H T E N E D T O = takut u ntu k
He is alw ays frightened to try again. Dia selalu takut untuk mencoba lagi.

FR O M N O W O N = dari sekarang
1 will quit sm oking from now on. Aku man berhenti merokok dari sekarang.

F R O M T IM E T O T IM E = kadang-kadan, pada saat tertentu

From tim e to tim e we have to introspect to ourselves. Kadang-kadang kita
harus introspeksi diri kita sendiri.

FULL OF = penuh dengan

His bag is full of money. Tasnya penuh dengan uang

FULL S T O P = titik
JO) End your sentence w ith a full stop. Akhiri kalimat anda dengan (.) titik.

G E T A L O N G W IT H = tin g gal/ h id u p / b ekerja se ca ra h a rm o n is, b e rte m a n

JS% Mr. and M rs. Adam do not get along with each other. They often quarrel.
Tuan dan Nyonya Adam tidak hidup harmonis satu sama lain. Mereka sering
I get alo n g w ith m y neighbor. Saya berteman dengan tetanggaku.

G E T A L O N G = m aju, m end ap at kem ajuan, bertem an, berhasil.

S im o n is g e ttin g alo n g in h is E n glish . Sim on m endapat kem ajuan dalam
bahasa In g g ris.
& How are you getting along in your job? Bagaimana kemajuan pekerjaanmu?

G E T B A C K = kem bali.
M ichelle has got back from Bali. M ichelle telah kembali dari Bali.

G E T H O M E = sam pai di rum ah

W hat tim e did you get hom e last night? Jam berapa anda pulang tadi malam?

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

GET IN = m asuk mobil

J iS This is my car. Please get in. Ini mobilku. Silakan masuk.

GET IN TOUCH WITH = berh ubu n gan dengan.

You can get in to u ch w ith the A ED by sen d in g an e-m ail. A nda dapat
berhubungan dengan A E D dengan m engirim e-mail.

GET LOST = m enghilang, kesasar.

1 have got lost all of the docum ents. Aku kehilangan semua dokumen.
JSS We got lost and drove m any kilom etres when I was on the trip to C alifor­
nia. Kita tersesat beberapa kilometer saat aku mengadakan perjalanan ke Cali­
fo rn ia .

GET ON = m aik (ke bis, kereta, dan lain-lain).

JSS Jennifer usually gets on the bus at 23th C hesnut Street. Jennifer naik bis di
Jalan Chesnut nomoer 23.
JgS I get on the subw ay at D upon Circle Station. Aku naik kereta api di Stasiun
D upont Circle.

GET OFF = turun (dari bis, kereta, dan lain-lain).

1 get off the subw ay at Sandy Groove, Aku turun dari kereta di Sandy Grove.
JsS The passengers off the train. Para penum pang turun dari kereta api.

GET ON WITH SOMEONE = suka dan bertem an dengan seseorang

J iS W hat are y ou r n eig h b o u rs like? Bagaimana tetanggam u? Do you get on
them ? Apakah kamu suka dan berteman dengan mereka?

GET ON WITH SOMETHING = terus m elanjutkan

JSS Jane got on w ith her w ork. Jane terus melanjutkan dengan pekerjaanya.

GET OUT = keluar, diketahui um um , bocor (rahasia)

I told him to leave and get out. Aku katakan pada dia untuk m eningglkan dan
JSS At last, the secret got out. Akhirnya rahasianya diketahui oleh um um .

GET OUT OF = keluar dari

JgZ He got out of bed at 5 y esterd ay Dia keluar dari tempat tidurnya pukul 5
kem arin.

GET OVER = m engatasi, m enyelesaikan, sem buh dari.

JSS H ow would they get over that problem , he w ondered? Bagaimana mereka
m engatasi masalah itu, dia bertanya-tanya?

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t A S r l U t L f L .

M y daughter has got over from cold. Anak perempuanku sembuh dari detnam.

G E T O V E R IT = m enyadari, m em aham i
JS$ I really get over it. Aku benar-benar memahami.

G E T R ID O F = m elepaskan, m em bebaskan
He w anted to get rid of his past time. Dia ingin melepaskan masa lalunya.

G ET TO /TH RO U GH A N O T H E R P E R S O N = berkom u nikasi dengan.

I'd like to w iden my bu siness with Mr. Sim on, but 1 can't get to/through
him . Saya ingin m em perluas bisnis saya dengan Tuan Simon, tetapi saya tak
dapat berkom unikasi dengan dia.

G E T T O = sam pai (di kantor, rum ah, tem pat kerja, dan lain-lain).
I m issed the train and didn't get to my office on time. The plane gets to
W ashington D.C. at 3:20 p.m . A ku ketinggalan kereta dan tak dapat masuk
kantor tepat waktu. Pesawat ke W ashington D .C. pukul 3 :2 0 p.m.

G E T U P = bangun (dari tidur).

& I get up at 4:30 every m orning. Saya bangun pukul 4 :3 0 setiap pagi.

G E T W O R S E = sem akin parah (sakit, keadaan,dan lain-lain)

iET The situation of our econom y gets w orse. Situasi ekonomi kita menjadi semakin
p a ra h .

G IV E AWAY = m m buka rahasia, m enyerahkan.

iE f D o n 't give aw ay to the fate. Jangan m enyerah pada nasib.
He gave aw ay a lot of books. Dia memberikan banyak buku sebagai hadiah.
He gave aw ay a secret to m e. Dia membukakan rahasia pada saya.

G IV E B IR T H T O = m elahirkan.
Steph anie has ju st given birth to a son .Stephanie melahirkan anak laki-laki.

G IV E IN = m enyerah, m engalah
-4ET D on't give in so easily. Jangan menyerah dengan mudah.

G IV E M E A B R E A K = jangan m engganggu saya

Please give m e a break. Jangan m engganggu saya

G IV E S O M E O N E A B IG H A N D = m em berikan tepuk tangan kepada.

Everybody, please give Prof. Jam es a big hand for his great presentation
today. Sem uanya, tolong beri Prof. lames tepukan tangan atas penyajiannya
y a n g luar biasa.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

G IV E O U T = m em bagi, m em berikan, m engu m u m kan , m em b agikan

J iS She gives out a sam ple of the perfum e to us. Dia membagikan contoh parfum
pada kita.
J iS G ive out the papers to all students. Bagilah kertas ini kepada semua sisiva.
J iS He gave out his engagem ent to Em illia to his close friends. Dia mengum um kan
pertunanganya sama Em ilia pada tem an-tem an dekatnya.

G IV E UP = m enyerah, m elepaskan, m eletakkan jabatan

JSS D on't give up! Jangan menyerah.
JSS D on't give up trying again. Jangan menyerah untuk mencoba lagi.
JSS He never gives up before he reaches his am bition. Dia tidak pernah menyerah
sebelum dia m encapai cita-citanya.

G IV E WAY = m engalah
J iS It's better for you to give way to the truck on your left. Lebih baik bagi kamu
untuk mengalah dengan truk dari arah sebelah kirimu.

G L A D T O = senang
JSS I'm glad to hear it. Aku senang m endengarnya.

G O A H EA D = teruskan, maju
J iS N ever m ind. Tak apa-apa. Go ahead. Teruskan aja.

G O AWAY = pergi
J iS The police said ," Go away! Polisi itu m engatakan ‘'P ergi!"

G O BY = berlalu
J iS The day w ent by very slowly. H ari berlalu sangat lambat.

GO FOR A STRO LL = pergi berjalan-jalan

Let's go for a stroll to M alioboro. M ari kita jalan-jalan ke Malioboro.

G O IN = m asuk
J iS We go in the room . Kami masuk ke kamar.

G O ON = terus, terjadi
JgS Go On! Go On!. Terus! Terus! H e w ent on reading the novel. Dia terus
mmbaca novel itu.
JSS W hat's going on here? Apa yang sedang terjadi di sini?

G O O V E R = m em eriksa
J@5 He goes over his book drafts. Dia memeriksa draf bukunya.

E a s y TOEFL

G O S H O P P IN G = pergi berbelanja
They go sh o p p in g every Sunday. Mereka berbelanja setiap m inggu.

G O T H R O U G H = m engalam i, m em eriksa, m enggunakan.

& She's g oin g th rou gh a difficult tim e with her job. Dia mengalami masa sulit
d enga n pekerjaanya.
A cu stom s o fficer w ent th rou g h m y suitcase. Pejabat bea cukai memeriksa
JS$ I've gone throu gh two boxes of tissues this w eek Saya telah menggunakan
dua karton tisu m inggu ini.

G O U P = naik, m eningkat.
Prices go up today. Harga-harga naik hari ini.

G O W IT H = sesuai dengan, cocok dengan, sejalan dengan

This suit goes w ith his position, jas ini sesuai dengan jabatanya.

G O W IT H O U T = pergi tanpa, bekerja tanpa

& We can go w ith o u t money. Kami tidak dapat pergi tanpa uang.

G O W IT H O U T SA Y IN G = sangat jelas.
It goes w ith o u t say in g that he will win the election. Ini sangat jelas bahwa
dia akan m em enangkan dalam pem ilihan ini.

G O W R O N G = tak beres.
gS Som ething's gon e w ron g w ith m y com puter. Sesuatu telah tidak beres dengan
kom puter.
Som eth in g w en t w ron g w ith m y car. Sesuatu tak beres dengan mobilku.

G O O D -W IL L = kemauan/jasa baik
You m u st show you r good - w ill to your boss. Kamu harus m enunjukan
kem aun baik anda pada bos kamu.

G O O D A T = pandai
H alida is good at M athem atics. Halida pandai Matematika.

G O O D F O R = berm an faat untuk

This m ed icine is good fo r you. Obat ini bermanfaat bagi anda.

G O O D G R IE F ! = Ya A m pun! Astaga!
G ood G rief! = Ya A m pun! Astaga! You look so pale. Kamu kelihatan pucat.

G O O D H EA V EN S! = A staga! Bukan Main!

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Good Heavens! = Astaga! Bukan M ain! W hat is in you r b a g ?Apa yang ada
di tas kam u ?

G O O D LU C K ! =Sem oga sukses!

JSS Well students, tom orrow you will have an exam ination. Baiklah para sisiua,
besuk kamu akan ada ujian. G ood Luck! Semoga sukses!

G O O D -L O O K IN G = bagus rupanya, tam pan, cantik parasnya

J&S She has a good-looking face. Dia punya wajah cantik.

G O O D N E S S ! = Astaga! Bukan M ain!

G oodness! Astaga! Bukan Main\ W hat have you done to you r hair? Apa
yang telah kamu lakukan dengan ram b u tm u?/R am butm u kamu apain?)

G O O D -W IL L = kemauan/jasa baik
J&S There m ust be a good-w ill from the governm ent to change the condition.
H arus ada kemauan dari pem erintah untuk m engubah keadaan.

G R O W UP = tum buh m enjadi dew asa

JSS I grew up in Banjarm asin. Saya tumbuh dewasa di Banjarmasin.

HAD B E T T E R = sebaiknya
JSS You had better go to see a doctor if you don't feel well. Kamu sebaiknya ke
dokter jika kamu merasa kura n g enak badan.

H A N D IN = m enyerahkan, m engirim kan

JSS All proposals m ust be handed in on Saturday. Semua usulan harus diserahkan
pada hari Sabtu

H A N D O V E R = m enyerah kan
JgS Please hand over your docum ents to the local bank. Tolong serahkan dokumen
ini ke bank terdekat.

H A N G O N ! = Tunggu!
J&S H ang on! T unggu! I'll be there. Saya akan datang.

H A N G O V E R = m eng g antu ng
J&S H ang m y suit over there. Gantungkan jus saya di sana.

H A N G UP = m enggantungkan, berhenti bicara (m elalui telpon)

JSS You have to hang up now . Kamu harus berhenti nilpon sekarang.
J iS D on't h ang up! Jangan ditutup telponnya!

E a s y TO EFL

H A PPEN T O = kebetulan. terjadi pada/menimpa

JS$ T h e m a n a g e r o f th is b a n k h a p p e n s to b e m y u n cle. M a n a jer bank ini
kebetulan pam an saya.
& The accid en t happened to his family. Kecelakaan itu menimpa keluarganya.

HAVE A N IN T E R E S T IN = m enaruh/m em iliki m inat pada

We h ave an in terest in politics and econom ics. Kami m enaruh minat pada
bidang politik dan ekonomi.

H AVE IN M IN D = berm aksu d, m erencanakan

Je% W h a t do you hav e in m in d for lu n ch ? Apa rencana kamu untu k makan
sia n g ?

H AVE N O T H IN G IN C O M M O N = tidak m em iliki kesam aan

& In fact, the tw o co u n tries have n o th in g in com m on . Sebenarnya, kedua
N egara itu tidak memiliki kesamaan.

H AVE T O D O W IT H = m em iliki hubungannya/urusan dengan

In fact, the tw o co u n tries h ave to do w ith the crisis Sebenarnya, kedua
Negara itu memiliki urusan dengan krisis.

H AVE O N = m em akai.
JS% Jen nifer has on a nice necklace in the party. Jennifer memakai kalung dalam
pesta itu.

H AVE O V E R - m eng u nd an g
Let's have o v er M artin this Saturd ay afternoon. M ari kita undang M artin
Sabtu sore ini.

H AVE S O M E T H IN G IN C O M M O N = m em iliki kesam aan

The tw o countries have som ething in com m on. Kedua Negara itu memiliki
kesam aan.

H AVE S O M E T H IN G T O D O W IT H = ada hubungannya dengan

J£$ In fact, the tw o cases have som ething to do w ith the previous one. Sebenar­
nya, dua kasus itu memiliki kesamaan dengan yang sebelumnya.

H AVE T O D O W IT H = m em iliki hubungan dengan.

T h is sca n d a l h as to do w ith the p rev io u s one. Skandal itu berhubungan
dengan skandal sebelumnya. It has nothing to do w ith Mr. President. Ini tak
ada h u b un gan ny a dengan Pak Presiden.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

H EA R FROM = m endengar kabar dari

JgS I hear from h er. Saya m endengar kabar dari dia.

H EA R OF = tahu tentang.
J&S I have ever heard of such a w om an before. Saya pernah tahu tentang wanita
semacam itu sebelum nya.

HO LD D O W N = m enindas
JSS A dictator likes holding dow n his people. Seorang diktator suka menindas

H O LD O FF = m enunda.
JSS We have to hold off the m eeting until the rain stop s. Kita harus m enunda
pertem uan hingga hujan berhenti.

H O LD ON = m em egang dengan erat, tahan sebentar.

U S She held on m y suit and refused to let go. Dia m em egang erat jasku dan
menolak untuk pergi.
Hold on a m inute! Tahan sebentar! I w ant to speak to you. Aku ingin bicara
p a da m u .

H O LD O V ER = m enunda.
gS We can hold over discussion of the problem until the next m eeting. Kita
dapat m enunda pembahasan permasalahan ini hingga pertem uan berikutnya.

H O W A BO U T = bagaim ana kalau

iSS" E very b od y ! Sem uanya! H ow ab o u t g o in g to the beach ? Bagaimana kalo
pergi ke pantai?

H O W CO M E? B agaim ana bisa? Kenapa?

J i S He quit from his job. Dia berhenti dari pekerjaanya. H ow com e? Bagaimana

I C A N 'T H ELP = tak tahan, tak bisa m enahan

J iS I can 't help lau g h in g w h en I see Tukul on TV 7. Saya tak dapat menahan
tawa melihat Tukul di TV7.

I DA RESA Y = m enurut h em at saya

J iS I daresay she w ill pass the exam ination easily. M en u ru t saya dia akan lulus

I G U ESS = saya kira, saya pikir, saya tebak

JSS I guess she is above thirty. Saya kira dia di atas 3 0 tahun.

E a s y TO EFL

I M EA N = m aksud saya.
js S I'm afraid I'm busy. M aaf saya sibuk. I m ean. M asud saya. I can't attend the
m eetin g tonigh t. A ku tak dapat m enghadiri pertem uan malam nanti.

I R E C K O N = saya kira, m em ang

JSS I reckon, our n ational econom y today is good. Saya kira, ekonomi kita saat
ini bagus.

I SEE = O, begitu
I'm so busy this week. Aku sangat sibuk m inggu ini. I can't attend the m eet­
ing tonight. Aku tak dapat menghadiri pertem uan malam nanti. Oh. I see. O,

IF I W ER E Y O U = kalau saya
jZ j I w ould go to the M iddle East if I w ere you. Aku akan pergi ke Tim ur Tengah
jika aku kamu.

IG N O R A N T O F = tidak m engetahui
JSS He is ig n o ra n t o f the w orld new s. Dia tak m engetahui berita dunia.

IM P A T IE N T T O = tak sabar untuk

JSS She is im p a tie n t to be a film star. Dia tak sabar untuk menjadi bintang film .

IM P O S S IB L E T O = tidak m ungkin untuk

It is im p o s s ib le to co n tin u e clim b in g the m ou n tain . Tak m ungkin untuk
melanjutkan m endaki g u n u n g .

IM P R E S S E D BY = terkesan oleh
js S I am im p ressed b y her perform ance. Aku terkesan oleh penampilanya

IN A H U R R Y = tergesa-gesa.
JiZ We are in a h u rry to catch the train. Kita tergesa-gesa m engejar kereta api.

IN A N U T S H E L L = secara ringkas
In a n u ts h e ll, the an sw er is yes. Secara ringkas, jawabanya adalah ya.

IN A D D IT IO N T O = di sam ping
J£$ In ad d itio n to teaching, he w orks as a book writer. Di samping dia mengajar,
dia bekerja sebagai penulis buku.

IN A W H ILE = nanti
Mr. Phillips can see you in a w h ile. Pak Phillips dapat menemuai Anda nanti.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

IN C A SE OF = kalau-kalau, jika
B ring an um brella w ith you in case of rain. Bawalah payung, kalau kalau

IN C H A R G E OF = berw ew enang
W ho is in charge of this area? Siapa yang berw enang atas daerah ini?

IN C O N T R O L = m enguasai keadaan
The regim e is in control the country. Rezim ini sedang menguasai negeri ini.

IN FA CT = sebenarnya
jgZ In fact, I had been told that all tickets w ere sold out. Saya sebenarnya sudah
diberitahu bahwa sem ua tiket sudah terjual habis.

IN FAVOR OF = untuk, setuju

I am in favor of your idea. Saya setuju ide anda.

IN K EE P IN G W IT H = sesuai dengan.
Jg$ In keeping w ith this program , everything m ust be well prepared. Sesuai
dengan acara ini, segalanya harus dipersiapkan dengan baik.

IN O N E SE N SE = dalam arti tertentu

In one sen se I can a cc e p t y o u r reaso n s. Dalam arti tertentu aku dapat
m enerim a alasanm u.

IN O R D E R T O = agar supaya
She w orked overtim e in order to save en ou gh m on ey for a holiday. Dia
kerja lem bur agar supaya dapat m enabung cukup uang untuk liburan.

IN PLA CE O F = sebagai pengganti

In p lace of oil, you can u se gas. Sebagai p en g g a n ti m inyak, anda dapat
m enggunakan gas.

IN R E FE R E N C E T O = m engenai, sehubungan dengan

& I am writing to you in reference to the vacancy advertised in yesterday's
n ew sp ap er. Saya m en yu ra ti anda seh u b u n ga n dengan low ongan pekerjaan
y ang diiklankan di surat kabar kem arin.

IN R E G A R D T O = m engenai, sehubungan dengan

Je £ I am w riting you in regard to your letter of 24 July. Saya m enyurati anda
sehubungan dengan surat anda tanggal 24 juli.

IN S H O R T = pendek kata

E a s y TO EFL

In short, you r article can be accepted by the editorial board. Pendek kata,
artikel anda dapat diterim a oleh dewan redaksi.

IN S P IT E O F = kendatipun, m eskipun
£$ In spite of rain, he goes to his office. M eskipun hujan, dia pergi ke kantor

IN T H E E N D = akhirnya
J£% In the end he gave in. Akhirnya dia menyerah.

IN T IM E = pada w aktunya, kurang lebih, belum terlam bat

£% You are not late. You are still in tim e. Kamu tidak terlambat. Kamu masih ada
w aktu/belum terlam bat.

IN V A IN = sia-sia.
£$ I tried in vain to reach her. Aku mencoba sia-sia untuk meraih dia.

IN V IE W O F = m engingat
In view of a recent situation, w e have to cancel our trip. M engingat situasi
terakhir ini, kita harus m enunda perjalanan kita

IN S T E A D O F = daripada, sebagai gantinya

£$ Instead of Sunday, Thu rsday is better. Daripada M in ggu , Kamis lebih baik.

IN T E R E S T E D IN = tertarik
JSS I am in tersted in politics. Aku tertarik politik
Jo se R izal is in terested in history o f the w orld. Jose Rizal tertarik dengan
sejarah dunia.

IT D O E S N 'T M A T T E R = tak m enjadi soal

J i S Staying here is O K . It d o esn 't m atter to m e. Hal itu tak menjadi soal bagi

IT G O E S W IT H O U T SA Y IN G = dengan sendirinya, sudah jelas.

IT 'S B E Y O N D M E = saya tak habis m engerti

H ow they finally decided to divorce? Bagaimana akhirnya mereka memutuskan
untuk bercerai. It's beyond m e. Saya tak habis m engerti.

JE A L O U S O F = cemburu/ iri dengan

Je £ H is w ife is very jealous of his brother's wealth. Istrinya sangat cem buru dengan
kekayaan kakaknya..

K EEN O N = gem ar, suka

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Jg*> R onaldo is keen on football. Ronaldo gem ar/suka sepakbola.

K EEP AN EYE ON = m engaw asi, m engam ati, m enjaga

Please keep an eye on m y little daughter w hile I'm away. Tolong jaga anak
perem puan saya sem entara saya pergi. P lease keep an eye on my suitcase
w hile I buy a cigarette.

K EEP AWAY FR O M = jauhi, jauhkan, m enjauhkan diri dari

Keep away this poison from the children! Jauhkan racun ini dari anak-anak.
JgH Keep aw ay from the fire! jauhi api ini!

K EEP IN M IN D = ingat.
You have to keep in m ind that you prom ised to m arry me. Kamu harus
ingat bahwa kamu berjanji akan menikahiku.

K EEP IN T O U C H W IT H = tetap berhubungan/berkom unikasi dengan.

I w ill prom ise to keep in touch w ith you w herever I am. Aku akan berjanji
untuk tetap berhubungan dengan kamu dim anapun aku berada.

K EEP OFF = jauhi, jauhkan.

You must keep off the slippery road. Kamu harus menghindari jalan yang licin.
Keep off the grass, please. Jauhi/jangan injak rum put itu.

K EEP ON = terus.
JS$ They keep on playing basketball. Mereka terus bermain basketball.

K EEP O N E 'S T E M P E R = m enahan m arah

You m ust be able to keep y ou r tem per. Kamu harus dapat menahan marahmu.

K EEP UP W IT H = m engim bangi kecepatan.

She is my best secretary. Dia sekretaris terbaikku. No one in m y office can
keep up w ith her. Tak seorang p un di kantor ini y ang dapat m engim bangi
kecepatan bekerjanya.

K IN D T O = sayang pada
JSS She is kind to everyone. Dia sayang pada setiap orang.

K N O C K D O W N = m em u k u l jatu h.
£*> A ntonio was knocked dow n. Antonia dipukul jatuh.

L A ST B U T N O T L EA ST = yang juga tidak kalah pentingnya.

Well, the trip to M ount Brom o is about to start. Baiklah, perjalanan m enuju
ke G u n u n g Bromo segera dimulai. Last but not least, bring your digital ca ­

Ea s y TO EFL

m era w ith you. Yang tak kalah pentingm /a juga, bawalah kamera digital.

L A TER O N = nanti, kem udian

J i S I'll jo in you later on. Aku akan ikut nanti.
J iS If you 're bu sy now we could do it later on. Jika kamu silnik sekarang kita
dapat m elaknkannya kem udian.

LE A R N B Y H E A R T = m enghafalkan dalam hati.

J£s> L earn this song b y heart. Hafalkan lagu ini.

L E T A LO N E = apalagi.
JiZ He can't speak Indonesian well, let alone English. Dia tak dapat bicara bahasa
Indonesia dengan baik, apalagi bahasa Inggris.

L E T M E SE E = tunggu
JSS It m ust have been - let m e see - three years ago. Ini pasti- tunggu-tiga tahun

L ET S O M E O N E A LO N E = biarkan sendiri, jangan ganggu.

gS Let her alone for a w hile and she may take a rest first. Biarkan dia sendiri
sem entara umktu dan dia m ungkin perlu istirahat dulu.

L E T S O M E O N E D O W N = m engecew akan seseorang

JSZ He often lets m e down when I need his help. Dia sering mengecewakan aku
ketika aku m em erlukan bantuannya.

L E T SO M EO N E/ S O M E T H IN G G O = biarkan (santai, pergi, dan sebagainya)

JgS Please let m e go! Biarkan saya pergi!

L E T S O M E O N E K N O W = m em beritahu seseorang
JiSi P lease let m e know. Tolong beritahu aku.

L E T S O M E B O D Y / S O M E T H IN G IN /PA ST/TH R O U G H = m em b iark an sese-

orang/sesuatu m elew ati
The security officer won't let us past the gate. Petugas keamanan tak mengizin-
kan kami melewati pintu gerban g itu.

LIE D O W N = berbaring.
JS$ You m ay lie dow n for a m om en t if you feel tired . Kamu boleh berbaring
sebentar jika kamu merasa lelah.

L IS T E N T O = m end en garkan
JgS I alw ays listen to the VO A ( Voice o f Am erica) every m orning. Saya selalu

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

mendengcirkan Radio Suara A m erika setiap hari.

L IT T L E BY LIT T L E = sedikit dem i sedikit.

L ittle by little, y o u r E n g lish w ill be better. Sedikit-dem i sedikit , bahasa
Inggrism u akan lebih baik.

LO N G T IM E N O SEE! = lama tidak berjum pa

Hi, Jack. Long tim e no see. Hi, Jack. Lama kita tak berjumpa.

L O O K A FT E R = m eraw at, m em elihara, m engasuh

She looks after her ch ild ren patiently. Dia merawat anak-anaknya dengan
Mother looks after her child very patiently. Ibu mengasuh anaknya dengan sabar.

L O O K A H EA D = m em andang ke muka/ke depan

We look ahead our future. Kami m em andang ke depan masa depan kami

L O O K A R O U N D FO R/RO U N D F O R = m encari (berkeliling ke sana ke m ari)

I look around for/round for a new job. Saya mencari pekerjaan barn.

L O O K AT = m elihat.
Look at the w hite board, p lease. Tolong, lihat papan tulis.

L O O K D O W N = m em andang rendah
You m u st not look dow n o th er people. Kamu jangan m em andang rendah
orang lain.

L O O K D O W N U PO N = m em andang rendah, m em andang hina

JS You m ust not look dow n upon the poor. Kamu jangan m em andang rendah
kaum miskin.
T h ey look dow n upon h im b ecau se of his poverty. M ereka m em andang
- rendah dia karena kem iskinannya.

L O O K F O R = m encari.
T h o se p e o p le are lo o k in g fo r a jo b . O ra n g -o ra n g itu sed a n g m en ca ri

L O O K FO R W A R D T O = m erin dukan , m enanti-nanti

I am looking forw ard to hearing from you. Saya sangat menanti-nanti kabar
da rim u.
J£$ I'm looking forw ard to havin g an interview test. Saya m en u n g g u -n u n g g u
tes wawancara.

E a s y TO EFL

L O O K IN = m am p ir
gS We w ant to look in your villa. Kami ingin mampir ke villamu.

L O O K IN T O = m enyelid iki, m em eriksa

The police look into the m urder. Polisi memeriksa pem bunuh itu.
gS The police looked into this problem seriously. Polisi menyelidiki masalah ini
dengan serius.

L O O K L IK E = m irip
M argarette looks like her father. M argarette mirip ayahnya.

L O O K O N = m enon ton , m elih at

-45T A bout 500 local people looked on in silence as the tw o coffins w ere taken to
the cem etary. Sekitar 5 0 0 orang melihat diam ketika peti jenazah dibawa ke
pem akam a'n.

L O O K O U T = aw as.
Look out! Awas! The train is com ing. Kereta api datang.

L O O K O U T F O R = m engaw asi.
Look out for m y child w hile I am going out. Awasi anakku sementara aku
sedang keluar.

L O O K O V E R = m em eriksa.
P lease lo o k o v er this d raft b efo re su b m ittin g to the co m m ittee. Silakan
periksa d ra f ini sebelum m enyerahkan pada panitia.

L O O K U P = m encari arti kata-kata/keterangan dalam kam us, dan lain-lain.

£$ Look up these w ords in your English-English dictionary. Lihat kata-kata ini
di dalam Kamus In ggris-ln ggris.

L O S E O N E 'S T E M P E R = m enjadi m arah

D o n 't lose y o u r tem p er! Jangan kehilangan kontrol/cepat marah!

L O T S O F = banyak
There w ere lots of different people last night here. Ada banyak orang yang
berbeda di sini tadi malam.

M A K E A L IV IN G = m encari nafkah
JgS He m akes a living by teaching English and w riting books. Dia mencari nafkah
dengan m engajar bahasa Inggris dan m enulis buku.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

M A K E B E L IE V E = berpura-pura.
W illy m ade believe that he was sick so that he w ould n ot have to go to
sch o o l. Willy b erpura-pura bahwa dia sakit sehingga dia tidak haru p ergi
D isneyland creates a w orld of m ake-believe. Disneyland menciptakan dunia
p u ra -p u ra .

M A K E F R IE N D S = bertem an.
iST She can't m ake friends easily because she is very shy. Dia tak dapat berteman
dengan mudah karena dia sangat pem alu.

M A K E FU N OF S O M E O N E = m enertaw akan, m enghina

J&j I don't like if you m ake fun of him again. Saya tak suka jika kamu menghina
dia lagi.

M A K E G O O D = berhasil.
He is a hard and sm art worker. I do believe that he will m ake good in his
new job. Dia seorang pekerja yang keras dan cerdas. Aku percaya bahwa dia akan
berhasil dalam pekerjaan barunya.

M A K E G O O D T IM E = bepergian dengan cepat.

We can not make good tim e. Kita tak dapat bepergian dengan cepat. It's still
raining. Ini masih hujan.

M A K E IT = berhasil m encapainya
Very few actors actually m ake it. Sedikit aktor yang sebenarnya berhasil.

M A K E N O D IFFE R E N C E = tak ada bedanya.

It w on't m ake any difference w hether the m eeting is on Tuesday or W ednes­
day. Ini tak akan ada bedanya apakah pertem u a n akan diadakan pada hari
Selasa atau Rabu.

M A K E O N E 'S M IN D = m em utuskan.
I have m ade m y m ind not to work in the the com pany. Saya telah m em utus­
kan untuk tidak bekerja di perusahaan itu.

M A K E O U T = berhasil.
JgZ H e m ade out very well on his TO EFL test. Dia berhasil dengan baik sekali
dalam tes TO EFL.

M A K E O V E R = m erubah (m enjadi baru).

H e m akes over his old house.D m merubah rumah tuanya (sehingga tampil

E a s y TO EFL

seperti barn)
J iS She m ade over her old dress. Dia merubah bajn lamanya.

M A K E R O O M F O R = m engakom odir, m enyediakan tem pat.

gS Sit h ere w ith us. Duduklah brsama kami. We m ake room for you on ?this
chair. Kita menyediakan tempat untuk kami di kursi ini.

M A K E S E N S E = jelas, m asuk akal, baik untuk dilakukan.

JE% This note doesn't m ake any sense. Catatan ini tak masuk akal.

M A K E S O M E T H IN G O V E R = m erobah bentuk, polanya

JiZ H e w ants to m ake his house over. Dia ingin merubah bentuk rumah.

M A K E S U R E = pastikan, yakin, m enjadi yakin.

J iS M ake sure that you have prepared your exam ination well. Pastikan bahwa
anda telah m enyiapkan ujian anda dengan baik.

M A K E U P = berdam ai, m erias, berhias, ulangan (ujan).

J iS Fred w as absent from the exam ination and has to take a m ake-up exam
today. Fred tak ikut ujian dan harus mengambil tes ulangan hari ini.
JgS They m ade up after qu arrelling. Mereka berdamai setelah berkelahi.
J iS She m ak es up too m uch. Dia berhias terlalu menyolok.
JgS C aroline is m aking up in her room . Caroline sedang merias dikamarnya.

M A K E U P F O R = m engisi, m engejar (kekurangan disebabkan o leh ...)

gS I can 't m ak e up for the lost tim e. Saya tidak dapat m engejar waktu yang
h ila n g.

M A K E U P O N E 'S M IN D = m em utuskan, bertekad

Ji% Silv ia h as m ad e up h er m ind to live a sin g le life for good. Silvia telah
membuat keputusan untuk hidup sendiri untuk selamanya.

M A N Y H A P PY R E T U R M S O F T H E DA Y = Selam at Hari U lang Tahun, Sem oga

P anjang U m ur
J iS W inndy, m ay m any happy returns of the day. W inndy selamat hari ulang
tahun semoga panjang umur.

M A R R Y T O = m enikah dengan
J&S H erm an w ants to m arry to Lusi. H erm an ingin menikah dengan Lusi.

M AY A S W ELL = boleh jadi, sekalian aja.

I m ay as w ell will tell you that I'll com e to the party. Saya boleh jadi akan
m em beritahu kamu bahwa aku akan datang ke pesta itu.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

M E T O O = saya juga
Are you ok? Apakah kamu baik-baik saja? Yes, I'm. Ya. And you? Dan kam u?
M e too. Aku juga.

M IG H T A S W ELL = sekalian
I m ig h t as w ell will tell you that I'll com e to the party. Aku sekalian akan
m em beritahu kamu bahwa aku akan datang ke pesta itu.

M IN D Y O U R L A N G U A G E! = bicaralah yang sopan

jSj" You have to m ind your language. Kamu harus bicara dengan sopan/menjaga
bahasam u.

M IN D Y O U R O U R B U S IN E S S ! = jangan m encam pri u rusan orang lain

M in d Your O u r B u sin ess, O k ? Jangan mencampri urusan orang lain, O K?

M O R E O R L E S S = kurang lebih, sedikit banyak

I'm m ore or less in terested in politics. Aku sedikit banyak tertarik dengan

N E E D L E SS T O SAY = sia-sia belaka, tak perlu dikatakan

N eed less to say, the train has ju st left for Jakarta. Sia-sia belaka, kereta api
baru saja berangkat ke Jakarta.

N E V E R EV ER = tak pernah lagi

JS$ I w ill n ev er ev er go to travel to th at island again . Aku tak akan pernah
bepergian ke pulau itu lagi.

N E V E R M IN D = jangan am bil pusing

J&5 Oh, I'm very sorry your book is left at hom e. Oh, maaf bukumu tertinggal di
rum ah. O h n ev er m in d . Oh, tidak apa-apa.
N ever m in d. Tak apa-apa. G o ahead. Teruskan aja.

N O L O N G E R = tidak lagi sekarang

This hand phone no lo n g er appeal to m e. H P ini tidak menarik lagi bagiku.
I w ant the new one. Saya ingin yang baru.

N O M A T T E R = bagaim anapun juga, tak peduli.

£$ N o m a tter how hard you w ork, you can 't m eet the d ead lin e. Tak peduli
betapa kerasnya anda bekerja, anda tak akan dapat m em enuhi batas waktunya.
JO!) N o m atter how m uch m oney you have, you never becom e the winner. Tak
peduli berapa banyak uang yang kamu punyai, kamu tak akan pernah menjadi
p em en a n gn y a .

E a s y TO EFL

N O P R O B L E M ! = beres
JSS C an you h elp m e this tim e? Dapatkali kamu m em bantu aku saat ini ? No
problem ! Beresl

N O WAY! = tak u sah ya. nggak mau!

J iS You think 1 w ill give up easily. Kamu kira aku akan menyerah dengan mudah.
No w ay! N ggak man!

N O T AT ALL = sam a sekali tidak sam a-sam a/kem bali, sama

JsS Thank you for your kindness? Terima kasih atas kebaikan anda? Not at all.
Sam a-sam a/kem bali.

N O T REA LLY = tidak dem ikian, sebenarnya tidak.

JsS A re you jealou s of her? Apakah kamu cem buru dia? Not really. Sebenarnya

N O W A N D T H E N = K adang-kadang.
J&S I don't see her again, but now and then we have dinner in the cafe. Aku tak
melihat dia lagi, tapi kadang-kadang kita makan malam di kafe.

O F C O U R S E ! = Tentu
JSS O f course. Tentu. I will attend the m eeting. Saya akan menghadiri pertemuan.

O N A C C O U N T O F = Karena
J iS H e d o e sn 't sm o k e on a cc o u n t of h is h e a lth . Dia tidak merokok karena

O N BEH A LF O F = atas nam a

JiZ On behalf of the C hairm an, I would like to declare this m eeting open. Atas
nama Saudara Ketua, saya nyatakan rapat ini dibnka

O N N O A C C O U N T = bagaim anapun tidak, sam a sekali tidak

JSS O n no a cco u n t m u st you op en this letter. Bagaim anapun juga kamu tak
boleh membuka surat ini

O N P U R P O S E = Secara sengaja, punya tujuan,

JsS She broke her glasses on purpose. Dia memecahkan gelas-gelas itu dengan
sengaja. He w ent to Japan on purpose. Dia pergi ke Jepang punya tujuan.

O N SA LE = dijual (untuk um um )
J iS This house is on sale. Rumah ini dijual.

O N T H E O T H E R H A N D = sebaliknya

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

O n the one hand, he is very stubborn, but on the o th er h and he is very

potential. Di satu pihak, dia sangat keras kepala, tetapi sebaliknya dia sangat

O N T H E WAY = sedang terjadi (dalam proses pem ulihan)

H e is on the w ay to recover from his illness. Dia dalam proses sembuh dari

O N T H E WAY ( hom e, to school, etc) = dalam perjalanan m enuju k e ...

J&i I lost my purse on the w ay to my office. Saya kehilangan dompetku dalam
perjalanan ke kantorku.

O N T H E W H O LE = secara um um .
O n the w h ole, he is a good m an. Secara um um , dia laki-laki yang baik.
O n the w h ole, I agree w ith you. Secara um um , aku sependapat dengan anda.

O N T IM E = persis tepat pada w aktunya

You m ust com e on tim e. Kama harus datang tepat waktu.

O N C E A N D F O R ALL = pastinya.
£$ I will not call you late at night, once and fo r all. Aku tak akan menilponmu
pada larut malam, pastinya.

O N C E IN A W H ILE = kadang-kadang.
O n ce in a w h ile, I forget. Kadang-kadang saya lupa.

O N C E U P O N A T IM E = dulu, pada zam an dahulu pada suatu hari

O n ce u pon a tim e, there was a pow erful king called A lexander. Dulu ada
seorang raja yang sangat kuat y ang bernam a A lexander.

O U T O F D A TE = kuno, ketinggalan zam an.

T h e a rc h ite c tu re o f the b u ild in g is o u t o f d ate. A rsitek tu r g e d u n g ini
ketinggalan zaman.

O U T O F C O N T R O L = tak bisa dikuasai lagi

JSS The steering w heel was out o f co n trol before the accident took place. Stir
mobil taidak dapat dikuasai lagi sebelum kecelakaan terjadi.

O U T O F D A TE = kadaluw arsa, kuno

£$ This car is out o f date. Mobil ini kuno.

O U T O F O R D E R = rusak.
This cell phone is out o f order. Telpon seluler ini rusak.

E a s y TO EFL

O U T OF P R IN T = tak ada lagi dalam persediaan

J&3 This book is out of print. Buku ini sudah tidak tersedia / tidak beredar lagi.

O U T O F S IG H T = hilang dari pandangan mata.

The plane has been out of my sight. Pesawat hilang dari pandangan matakii.

O U T OF T H E WAY = jauh
His house is out of the way. Rumahnya jauh.

O U T OF T O W N = di luar kota.
JgZ My boss is still out of town. Bosku masih di luar kota.

O V E R A N D O V E R = lagi dan lagi.

He often m ak es a m istake o ver and over. Dia serin g mem buat kesalahan
lagi dan lagi.

O W IN G T O = karena, disebabkan oleh

The m usic concert has been cancelled ow ing to lack of perm it. Konser musik
ini ditunda disebabkan karena perizinan.

P A SS AWAY = m eninggal dunia

H er g rand m other passed aw ay last year. Neneknya m eninggal tahun lain.

P A SS BY = m elew ati
I passed by your house this m orning. Aku melewati rum ahm u tadi pagi.

P A SS O U T = tak sadarkan diri, m engedarkan, m em bagikan

JiZ She passed out from the heat. Dia tak sadarkan diri karena panas.
JOZ Pass these form s out. Bagikan form ulir-form nlir ini.

P A SS T H E T IM E = m engisi waktu senggang

She w as reading a m agazine only to pass the tim e. Dia membaca majalah
hanya untuk m engisi waktu.

PAY A C A LL = berkunju ng, m engunjungi

E m m y w ill pay a call to your office tom orrow . Em m y akan berkunjung ke
kantor kamu besuk

PAY A V IS IT = m engadakan kunjungan

Mr. P resident along with his staffs paid a visit to the victim s of the 27th
M ay 2 0 0 6 's T su n a m i. Pak P resid en bersam a d en ga n para p em b a n tu n y a
m engadakan kunjungan kepada para korban Tsunam i tgl 27 M ei 2006.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

PAY A T T E N T IO N T O = m em p rihatinkan
J£*j H elena alw ays pays attention to her teach er's explanation. Helena selalu
mem perhatikan pada penjelasan g u ru n y a .

P IC K O U T = m em ilih.
J&i You may pick out som e books you like. Kamu boleh memilih beberapa buku
yang kamu sukai.
You can pick out a shirt for me. Anda dapat memilih kemeja untuk saya.

P IC K UP S O M E B O D Y = m enjem put seseorang

1 will pick up my daughter. Saya m enjemput anak perem puanku.

P IC K U P = m engam bil (dengan jari):

Pick the key up, please. Tolong, ambil kuncinya.

PIEC E T O G E T H E R = m enyatu kan

iE f We can piece together everything we have after the earthquake. Kita dapat
menyatukan sem ua yang kita miliki setelah gem pa bumi.

PLAY T R U A N T = m em bolos
Tono is a lazy boy. He often plays truant. Tono anak yang malas. Dia sering
m embolos.

PLE N TY OF = ada banyak waktu

We have a plenty of tim e.K am i punya banyak waktu.

P O IN T O U T = m enu nju kan.

I don't know m y m istakes until you point them out. Saya tak tahu kesalahan-
ku hingga anda m enunjukkan.

P R O U D OF = bangga atas
J&i Mr. R am be is proud of his son's achievem ent. Pak Rambe bangga atas prestasi
anak laki-lakinya.

P R O V ID E W IT H = m em b erik an ...d en g an , m en y ed iak an ...d en g an

This program provides the students with a lot of opportunities to get scholar­
ship. Program ini m emberikan siswa dengan banyak kesempatan untuk men-
dapat beasiswa.

P U T AN EN D = m engakhiri.
The conflict can he put an end Konflik ini dapat diakhiri.

P U T D O W N = letakkan, m enghentikan, m em atikan, m em ad am kan

E a s y TO EFL

The cops could put dow n the dem onstration easily. Polisi Aapat menghentikan
dem onstrasi dengan mudah.
& Put the key dow n. Letakkan kuncitiya.
The firem en tried to put dow n the fire. Petugas pemadam kebakaran mencoba
m em atikan npi.

P U T O FF = m enunda
Don't put o ff until tom orrow what you can do today, jatigan menunda hingga
besuk apa yang dapat kamu kerjakan hari ini.
D o n 't p u t o f f d o in g y ou r h o m ew o rk until tom orrow . Jangan m enunda
m engerjakan pekerjaan rum ahm u hingga besuk.
& You m ust not putt o ff until tomorrow. Anda jangan menunda hingga besuk.

P U T O N =m engenakan,m em akai, pakai

M ichelle put on her scarf and left her villa. Michelle mengenakan slayer dan
m eningga lk an vilanya.
Put on you r suit first. Pakailah jasm u dulu.
& Please put on you r clothes. Silakan kenakan pakaianmu.
Put on your dress now. Pakailah bajumu sekarang.
& Put on you r cloth es right now. Pakailah pakaianmu sekarang jitga.

P U T O U T = m atikan, m em adam kan, m em atikan

& Put out your cigarette here. Matikan rokokmu di sini.
Put out the w ater tap before you leave the bathroom ! Matikan kran sebelum
anda m eninggalka n kamar m andi!
D on't fo rg et to p u t out your cig arette butts here. Jangan lupa mematikan
p u n tu n g rokoknya di sini.

P U T T O G E T H E R = m erakit.
Je £ Please, pu t the m achine together. Tolong, rakit mesin ini.

P U T UP = m end irikan, m em bangun.

J&Z The w orkers are p u ttin g up a new building. Para pekerja sedang membangun
g e d u n g baru.

PU T UP W IT H = m em berikan toleransi, bersabar terhadap

1 can pu t up w ith his action today. Say a dapat memberikan toleransi atas
tindakannya hari ini.
You m ust put up w ith him though you don't like. Kamu harus tetap sabar
dengan dia meskipun kamu tidak suka.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Q U IT E A FEW = banyak.
Q u ite a few people attended the general election yesterday. Banyak orang
yang m enghadiri pem ilihan um um kemarin.

Q U EU E UP = antri
& They're q u eu ein g up to get tickets. Mereka sedang antri untuk mendapatkan

R E A D O V E R = m em baca sekilas.
I don't have much tim e to read all of your writings, but 1 have read them
over. Saya tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk membaca tusian anda, tetapi
saya telah membaca sekilas.

R EA LLY? = Sungguh?
He will go to Japan. Dia akan pergi ke Jepang. R eally? S u n ggu h ?

R E D -H A N D E D = tertangkap basah
The pickpocket w as caught red -h an d ed . Pencopet itu tertangkap basah.

R E LU C TA N T T O = m alas untuk/enggan untuk

J&i He is relu ctan t to w ork hard. Dia malas bekerja keras.

R IG H T AWAY = segera,sekarang juga.

The dinner is ready rig h t aw ay. Makan malam siap segera.
Do you w ant to start righ t aw ay? Apakah kamu ingin mulai segera / sekarang
ju g a ?

R U N A C R O S S = bertem u/m enem ukan (secara kebetulan, tanpa sengaja).

-4ST I run across my old friend in Jakarta. Saya ketemu teman lama saya secara
kebetulan di Jakarta.

RU N AWAY = lari.
He ran aw ay from hom e. Dia lari dari rumah.

R U N IN T O = m enubruk, bertem u (tanpa sengaja).

His car ran in to a bridge. M obilnya m enubruk jembatan.
iET I ran in to her at the C hangi A irport last year. Dia bertemu di Bandarai Changi
tahun lalu.

RU N O U T = habis (stok, persediaan)

The gasoline has run out. Bensinnya habis.

R U N O V E R = m enabrak (kendaraan).

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E a s y TO EFL

^ That old man was run over by a car. O rang tua itu ditabrak mobil.
& r The child w as run over by a car and killed. A nak kecil itu tertabrak oleh
mobil dan m eninggal.
D rive slow ly please or you w ill run over the p ed estrian s. Berkendaralah
d engan pelan atau kamu akan m enabrak para pejalan kaki.

S A T IS F IE D W IT H = puas dengan
Jg We all are satisfied with the service. Kami semua puas dengan layanm/a.

S A T IS T IE D T O = puas terhadap
I am satisfied to your achievem ent. Saya puas terhadap prestasi anda.

SEE S O M E O N E O FF = m engantar seseorang ke (stasiun, bandara, term inal,dll).

& I will see my husband off w ho wants to m ake a trip to A m erica. Saya akan
m engantyar suam iku y an g akan melakukan perjalanan ke Amerika.

SEE YO U LA TER! = sam pai nanti

I'm afraid I have to go. M aaf saya takut pergi. See you later. Sampai ketemu
nanti. See you. Sampai jumpa.

SELL O U T = m enjual sem ua.

All products w ere sold out. Semua produk sudah terjual semua.

SE R V E A SE N T E N C E = m enjalani h ukum an penjara

T he man serves a sentence to 20 years. Laki-laki itu menjalani hukuman 20

S E T A B O U T = m ulai
JiZ I m ust set about my packing. Saya harus mulai mengemas barang-barangku.

S E T F IR E T O = m em bakar.
iE f N o one know s who has set fire to the building. Tak seorang pun yang tahn
siapa y a ng m em ulai mmbakar g e d u n g ini.

S E T F O R T H = m em ulai, m enyajikan. m engem u kakan

H e set forth his frank opinion. Dia mengemukakan pendapatnya yang terus
tera n g.
H e sets forth h is id eas in sim p le and clear E n glish . Dia m engem ukakan
gagasannya dalam bahasa In ggris yang sederhana dan jelas.

S E T F R E E = m em bebaskan, m elepaskan
The policem an set the prisoners free. Polisi membebaskan nara pidana.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

S E T O FF = mulai m elakukan perjalanan

T h ey se t o f f on a jo u rn e y ro u n d In d o n e s ia . M ereka m ulai m elakukan
perjalanan m engelilingi Indonesia.

S E T O U T = m em ulai perjalanan
They set out a trip at daw n. Mereka memulai perjalanan pada waktu fajar.

S E T UP = m endirikan, m enyusun
They set up a foundation to help the poor. Mereka mendirikan sebuah yayasan
untuk membantu kaum miskin.

S E T T L E W ITH = m enyelesaikan, m em bereskan

We m ust settle w ith this problem quickly. Kita harus membereskan masalah
ini dengan cepat.

SH A K E H A N D S = berjabat tangan.
JEZ Th ey in tro d u ce them each o th er and then s h a k e h an d s. M ereka saling
berkenalan dan kem udian berjabat tangan.

SH O C K E D AT = terkejut pada
We are shocked at hearing the new s. Kami terkejut m endengar kabar ini.

S H O C K E D W ITH = terkejut dengan

Everyone was shocked w ith the tragedy. Setiap orang terkejut dengan tragedi

S H O R T O F = tak punya
Today I'm short o f money. I lari ini aku tak punya uang.

S H O W O FF = berlagak aksi, m em am erkan, pam er

I don't like her because she likes sh o w in g off. Saya tak suka dia karena dia
suka pamer.

S H O W UP = m uncul,datang
We waited for him until m orning yesterday, but he didn't show up. Kami
m en u n ggu dia sampai pagi tetapi dia tidak m uncul.
N obody show ed up for the scheduled m eeting. Tak seorangpun yang m uncul
dalam pertem uan y an g sudah dijadwalkan.

S H U T UP = DiamL
" S h u t U p!", said the policem an. " DiamI", kata polisi itu.

E a s y TO EFL

S H U T U P = m enutup pintu, jendela dsb.

& Please shut up the door before you leave the house. Tolong tutup pintunya
sebelum anda m eninggalkan rum ah.

S IT D O W N = duduk.
Sit dow n, please. Silakan duduk. They often sit down on the park in the
afternoon. M ereka sering duduk di taman pada sore hari.

S L O W D O W N = pelan
Slow dow n, please. Pelan-pelan saja.

SL O W T O = lam bat untuk

<@5 She is very slow to finish her tasks. Dia sangat lamban dalam menyelesaikan

S O FA R = sejauh ini
This com pu ter is so far so good. Komputer ini sejauh ini bagus.

S O O N E R O R LA TER = cepat atau lam bat

iE f I will catch you sooner or later. Aku akan m engejarm u, cepat atau lambat.

S O R R Y F O R = m aaf atas, m enyesal

I am so rry for com in g late, sir. Saya minta m aaf atas keterlambatan saya,

SP E A K T O = bicara pada
We have to speak to M rs. Rose. Kita harus bicara pada [bit Rose.

S P E A K UP = bicara keras
J2S Speak up, please. Silakati, bicara keras

SPE L L O U T = m enyatakan dengan jelas

i£T H e has sp elled out clearly his pu rpose to visit us. Dia telah menyatakan
dengan jelas tujuannya m en gu n ju n gi kita.

S P E N D O N = m enghabiskan pada.
D iana sp en d s m uch m oney on books. Diana menghabiskan banyak uang
untuk buku.

S T A N D F O R = m elam bangkan, singkatan.

Each star in the A m erican flag stands for one of the fifty states. Setiap bintang
dalam bendera A m erika m elam bangkan lima p u lu h N egara.
UN stands for U nited Nations. U N singkatan dari United nations.

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . _______________________________________________

ST A N D UP = berdiri.
iET P lease stand up. Mr. P rsesid en t is en terin g the room . H adirin dimohon
berdiri'. Bapak Presiden sedang memasuki ruangan.

STAY IN = tetap di dalam rum ah.

iET I stay in every night and watch TV. Saya tetap tinggal di rumah setiap malam
dan nonton TV.

STAY UP = tetap terjaga (tidak tidur).

JS$ 1 w ant to stay up to n igh t to w atch the W orld C up fin a l .Aku ingin tetap
terjaga malam nanti untuk melihat Final Piala Dunia.

S T E P B A C K = m undur
JgZ Step back the door is closing. M undur, pintunya menutup.

S T E P BY ST E P = langkah dem i-langkah, berangsur-angsur, lam bat-laun

Js.5” Step b y step, your English will be better. Lambat-laun bahasa Inggris anda
akan lebih baik.

S T IC K T O = m etap konsisten m elakukan/m enggunakan.

I'll stick to H ugo Boss. Saya akan tetap konsisten m enggunakan H ugo Boss.

SU C H A S = m isalnya, seperti
I like fruits such as bananas, apples and oranges. Saya suka buah-buahan
seperti: pisang, apel, dan jeruk.

S W IT C H O FF = m atikan, m em u tu skan kontak listrik, m em ad am -kan

S w itch o ff the rice cooker. Matikan alat untuk menanak nasinya.
Please sw itch o ff the television. Tolong matikan TVnya.

S W IT C H O N = m enghidupkan (tv, lam pu, dan lain-lain), nyalakan/hidupkan,

m enyalakan
Je£ Please sw itch on the fan. Tolong hidupkan kipas anginya.
& S w itc h on the com puter. H idupkan kom puternya.

TA K E A C T IO N = bertin d ak
The tim e for thinking is past. It is tim e to tak e action. Waktu berpikir telah
habis. Saatnya kita melakukan tindakan

TA K E A D V A N TA G E O F = m enggun akan kesem patan.

I to o k the advantage o f the special discount and bought som e books. Saya
m enggunakan kesempatan atas diskon khusus dan m embeli beberapa buku.

Ea s y TO EFL

TA K E C A R E O F = m enjaga
Take care of you on the way hom e. Jagalah kamu dalam perjalanan pulang.

TA K E FO R IT G R A N T E D = m enganggap begitu saja

I take it for granted. Aku m enganggap begitu saja.

TA K E IN T O A C C O U N T = m em p ertim bang k an
I have taken into accou n t ev ery th in g b efo re I decide to join. Saya telah
m em pertim bangkan segalanya sebelum saya m em utuskan untuk ikut.

TA KE IT EA SY = rileks, jangan kawatir.

M ost of the students take it easy during the break. Kebanyakan mahasiszva
rileks selama istirahat.

TA K E O FF = lepas landas (pesaw at terbang), m elepaskan pakaian.

The plane is about to take off. Pesawat segera berangkat.
She will take off her jacket. Dia akan melepas jaketnya.
& Take off your shoes. Lepaskan sepatumu.

TA K E O U T = m engelu arkan, m em baw a keluar.

& The robber took out his revolver. Perampok itu mengeluarkan pistolnya.
She often takes her dog out for a w alk in the evening. Dia sering membawa
anjingnya keluar di malam hari.

TAKE O V E R = m engaw asi, m engontrol, m engam bil alih, m enggantikan

W ho w ould take over him after he retired from his position? Siapa yang
m enggantikan dia setelah dia pen siun dari jabatanya?
The police will take over every building of this city. Polisi akan mengawasi
setiap g ed u n g di kota ini

TA KE S O M E T H IN G F O R G R A N T E D = m enerim a begitu saja.

I take it for granted that this girl is good and I never ask her who she is.
Saya m enerim a begitu saja bahioa gadis itu baik dan tak pernah menanyakan
siapa dia.

TALK A B O U T = bicara tentang

J&X This film talks about World War Two. Film ini bicara tentang Perang Dunia

TALK O V E R = m em bahas, m em bicarakan.

We are talk in g over about C arl's plan to open a new store. Kita sedang
membahas tentang rencana Carl untuk membuka toko baru.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

TA LK T O = bicara pada
Let's ta lk to her now. M ari kita bicara pada dia sekarang.

T A S T E O F = terasa seperti
J£$ This food tastes o f orange. Makanan ini terasa seperti jeruk.

T E A R D O W N = m enghancurkan.
J&s The bulldozer tore dow n the old buildings. Buldozer menghancurkan gedung-
ged u n g tua itu.

T E A R U P = m erobek-robek m enjadi kecil-kecil/berkeping-keping.

H e to re up the letter and th rew it in to the river. Dia merobek surat dan
m em buangnya ke sungai.

TH A T WAY = seperti Itu.

D on't treat her th at way. Jangan memperlakukan dia seperti itu.

TH A T W ILL BE T H E DAY = itu tak akan pernah terjadi

D on't worry. Jangan kawatir. T h a t w ill b e th e day. Itu tak akan pernah terjadi.

TH A T W ILL D O = cukuplah
T h a t w ill do, m an. Cukup, bung.

T H A T 'S A G O O D ID E A = bagus sekali!, benar!

I think th at's a good idea. Saya kira itu ide bagus.

T H A T 'S A LL = hanya itu saja

J&Z I have nothing to say. Tak ada yang saya mau katakan. T h a t's all. Hanya itu

T H A T 'S TH A T = hanya itu

JS*> T h a t's that. Hanya itu. Go ahead. Lanjutkan.

TH E BA LL IS IN Y O U R C O U R T = sekarang giliranm u (untuk bertindak)

JSS N o w th e b a ll is in y o u r co u rt, g e n tle m a n . Sekarang gilira n m u untuk
bertindak, tuan.

T H E O T H E R DAY = baru -baru i n i , beberap a hari yang lalu

I saw you r fo rm er g irl friend th e o th e r day. Saya lihat m antan pacarm u
beberapa hari y a ng lalu.

T H E S O O N E R ,T H E B E T T E R = sem akin cepat sem akin baik

J&*> I think th e so o n er th e b etter. Saya kira semakin cepat semakin baik

E a s y TO EFL

T H IN K O F /A B O U T = m em ikirkan/berpendapat tentang.
W hat do you think of this film ? Apa pendapat anda tentang film ini?
I am th in kin g of/about joining a com petition. Saya sedang memikirkan untuk
ikut pertandingan.

T H IN K O V ER = m em p ertim bang k an dengan cerm at

^ He w ill think over before he decides to sell m y house. Dia mempertim bang­
kan dengan cerm at sebelum dia m enjual rum ahnya.

T H R O W AWAY = m em bu an g
T h row the p ap er aw ay. Buanglah kertas ini.

TIR ED O F = lelah karena

All o f us are tired of w orking all day. Kita semua lelah bekerja seharian.

TIRED O U T = lelah sekali.

js S I'm tired out after w orking overtim e. Saya lelah sekali setelah bekerja lembur.

T IT FO R TAT = balas dendam yang setim pal

Tit for tat is not good in the era of dem ocracy. Balas dendam itu tak baik di
era demokrasi ini.

TO A CERTAIN D EG R EE = sam pai taraf/batas tertentu

To a certain degree, I can agree with you. Sampai batas tertentu, saya setuju
dengan anda.

TO A CERTAIN EX T EN T = sam pai taraf/ batas tertentu

To a certain extent, the governm en t is still co n sisten t in develop in g the
country. Sam pai taraf tertentu, pem erintah masih konsisten dalam m engem -
bangkan n egeri ini.

TO A N D FRO = kesana-kem ari, m ondar -m andir

J iS H e w ent to and fro in front of my house. Dia ke sana-kemari/mondar mandir
di depan rum ahku.

TO BEG IN W IT H = m ula- m ula

To begin with, let's divide this class into several groups. M ula-mula, mari
kita bagi kelas ini ke dalam beberapa kelompok.

TO TH E PO IN T = langsung saja, tidak bertele-tele

& To th e p o in t, all y o u r v iew s w ill be w elco m ed . L a n g s u n g saja,sem ua
panda ngan anda akan diterim a (disam but hangat).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

T R A N S L A T E IN T O = m enterjem ahkan ke dalam

.jgf Now translate this text into Indonesian. Terjemahkan teks ini ke dalam bahasn

T R Y O N = m encoba (sebelum m em beli)

Try this on. Cobalah.

T R Y O U T = m engetes, m encoba.
Try out this m achine first before buying it. Cobalah mesin ini dulu sebelum
m em belinya.

T U R N D O W N = kecilkan, m engurangi, m engecilkan suara radio, tv, dan lain-

lain, m enolak
& Turn dow n the TV, please. Tolong, kecilkan TV-nya.
iE j Please turn down the radio. It is too loud. Tolong kecilkan (suara) radio. Ini
terlalu keras.
& Your idea w as turned dow n. Gagasan anda ditolak.

T U R N A R O U N D = m enoleh.
The th ief turned arou n d to the left and right in case th ere w as a cop.
P encuri menoleh ke kiri dan kanan kalau-kalo ada polisi.

T U R N O FF = m em atikan lam pu, air, gas, lam pu, radio, dan lain-lain.
iET D on't turn off the radio. Jangan matikan radionya.
■&> Turn off the electricity. Matikan listrik.
Please turn off the lights before you leave the room . Tolong matikan lampunya
sebelum anda m eninggalkan ruangan.

T U R N O N = m enghidupkan, m enyalakan (lam pu, air, gas, radio, dan lain-lain).

-4ET P lease tu rn on the ligh ts. Tolong nyalakan lam punya. T h e room is dark.
Kam ar ini gelap.
& Turn on the electricity. Nyalakan listrik

T U R N O U T = terbukti, ternyata
H is prediction turned out to be w rong. Prediksinya dia terbukti salah.

T U R N O V E R = balik
Turn over the page, p lease. Silakan balik halamannya

T U R N O V E R = terguling.
The truck turned over tw ice before it hit that tree. Truk itu tergulang dua
kali sebelum truk itu menabrak pohon.

Ea s y TO EFL

T U R N U P = keraskan, m uncul
Turn up the TV, please. Tolong, keraskan TV-nya.
He finally tu rn s up in public. Dia akhirnya m uncul di muka umum.

UNAW ARE O F = tak sadar akan, tak m enyadari akan

She is u n a w are o f her m istakes. Dia tidak menyadari akan kesalahannya.

U SE D T O = dulu, dahulu.
I used to p lay football w h en I w as you n g. Saya dulu main sepakbola ketika
aku masih muda.

V O T E F O R = m em ilih
W ho are you going to vote for? Siapa yang akan kamu pilih?

W A IT A M IN U T E = tunggu dulu
W ait a m in u te! I'll be there. Tunggu sebentar! Saya akan datang.

W A IT FO R = m enunggu seseorang atau sesuatu

JgS I'm w a itin g fo r Jimm y. Aku sedang m enunggu jimmy.
H ow long did yo u w ait for a taxi? Berapa lama kamu m enunggu taxi?

W AKE UP = ban gu n tidur, m em bangungkan

I w ake up at 5. Aku bangun pukuk 5.
W ake me up at 4. Bangunkan aku pukul 4.

W ALK AWAY F R O M = lari dari, m enghindari (tanggung jaw ab)

You can 't w a lk aw ay fro m you r resp o n sibility . Kamu tak dapat lari dari
ta n ggu n gja w a b anda.

W ALK O U T = keluar dari pertem uan, pekerjaan atau pertunjukan sebagi protes
atau sikap tidak setuju
He did not agree w ith the course o f the session, so he w alked out. Dia tidak
setuju dengan jalannya sidang, maka dia keluar dari sidang.

W A LK U P T O = m endekati.
JS^ The girl w a lk ed up to m e and began to cry. Gadis itu mendekatiku dan mulai
m enangis.

W A SH UP = m encuci (piring, baju, dan lain-lain)

C an you w ash up all these p lates? Dapatkah kamu m encuci sem ua piring

W ATCH O U T = Awas! Hati - Hati!

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

MLS’ W atch out! Aivas!. The truck is com ing! Truknya datang!

W A TCH O U T F O R = m engaw asi.

O ne of the thiefs w ent into the bank w hile the other w aited outside and
w a tch e d o u t fo r th e p o lic e o n p a tro l. Salah satu p e n c u r i m asuk bank
sementara yang lainnya m en u n g g u di luar dan mengawasi polisi yang sedang

W EA R O U T = rusak, usang (pakaian).

M& This suit is w orn out. Jas ini rusak/usang. I have to buy the new one. Saya
harus beli yang baru.

W ELL D O N E = bagus, m atang betul ( tentang m em asak daging)

I w ant m y steak w ell-d o n e u n d er-d o n e. Saya ingin sate m atang/setengah
m atang.

W H A T O N EA R TH ? = A pa G erangan?
W hat on earth are you in m y room ? Ada apa gerangan kamu di kamarku?

W H A T 'S G O IN G O N ? = Ada A pa?

JiZ So m any people here. Banyak sekali orang di sini. W h at's goin g on here?
Apa yang sedang terjadi di sini?

W H A T 'S T H E M A T T E R (W IT H H IM )? = K enapa (Dia)?/A pa yang sedang

terjadi pada dia?
MS I don't know w hat's the m atter w ith him ? Saya tak tahu apa yang sedang
terjadi dengan dia/ada apa dia?

W H A T 'S T H E P O IN T ? = A pa M aksudnya?
MS Say it again, w hat's the p oint? Katakan lagi, apa m aksudnya?

W H A T 'S U P? = A da A pa, Sih?

M S You look so pale. W hat's up? Kamu kelihatan pucat. Ada apa?

W H A T'S W R O N G W ITH SOM EON E/SOM ETH IN G? = Bagaimana keadaannya?

J g f W h a t's w ro n g w ith y o u ? Bagaim ana keadaan kam u?

W IL L IN G T O = mau/ingin
js S I am w illing to try and try ag ain .Aku ingin mencoba dan mencoba lagi.

W IT H A V IE W T O = dengan m aksud, dengan tujuan

M S She is learning English and French w ith a view to be an am bassador. Dia
belajar bahasa Inggris dan Perancis dengan maksud untuk menjadi duta besar.

E a s y TOEFL

W ITH FLYIN G CO LO R S = dengan sangat sukses, dengan hasil gem ilang

■SS She could pass her exam ination w ith flying colors. Dia dapat lulus dengan
nilai bagus sekali.

W ITH R EFEN C E TO = berkenaan dengan

JiS W ith reference to your letter of com plain, my boss is still considering it,
Berkenaan dengan surat keluhan anda, bos saya sedang mempertimbangkannya.

W ITH R EG A R D TO = berkenaan dengan

J&S W ith regard to the attack, Colonel W arren ordered his men to defend their
port. S eh ubun gan dengan serangan itu, Kolonel W arren m emerintahkan anak
buahnya u n tu k m em pertahankan pelabuhan.

W ORK S O M E T H IN G O U T = m enghitung, m em u tu skan, berkem bang.

JgS I'm trying to w ork out the total cost. Saya sedang mencoba m enghitung seluruh
bia y a n y a .
1 haven't w orked out w hat to do next. Don't be sad. Aku belum memutuskan
apa y an g akan kerjakan nanti.
Everything will w ork out all right. Segalanya akan berkembang dengan baik.

W O R K O U T = m endap atkan jaw aban/m enghitung jum lah

JiS H av e you w o rk e d o u t the a n sw e r? Apakah kamu sudah m endapatkan
ja w a b a n n y a ?

W O R R IED A B O U T = cem as m engenai

JS$ I am w orried about my com pany, especially after the oil crisis. Aku cemas
m engenai perusahaanku terutama setelah krisis tninyak.

W ORTH IT = sepadan dengan (jerih payah, waktu dsb)

£$ I think it is w orth it. Saya kira ini sepadan.

W O U LD RA TH ER = lebih suka
iET I w ould rath er you to stay here today. Saya lebih suka kamu tinggal di sini
hari ini.

W RITE STH D O W N = m enuliskan di kertas supaya tidak lupa

JSS D id you w rite L au ra's p h on e n u m b er dow n ? Apakah kamu m enuliskan
nom or telponnya laura?

W R O N G (W IT H ) = salah m engenai
T h e re 's s o m e th in g w ro n g w ith m y co m p u ter. Ada y a n g salah dengan
kom puterku. W hat's w ro n g ? Ada apa?

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .


D irections C hoose the one word or phrase : m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D)
that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber
o f qu estion and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
h ave chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval can n ot be seen.

1. O u r flight from A m sterdam to London was d e la y e d ________ the heavy fog.

A. because of
B. because
C. on account
D. as result

D irectio n s: Q u estio n s 1-2 each sen ten ce has fo u r u n d erlin ed w o rd s or

phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined w ord or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you
have chosen.

1. Excepting for the graduate students, everyone will have to take the tests on
the sam e day.

2. The coach w as depending for his team to win the gam e so that they would
have a chance to play in the Super B o w l.

The exercises of the TOEFL above are taken from::

1. Longman Practice Tests for the TOEFL by Deborah Phillips (1980), Longman, Group UK
Ltd, Essex, England.
2. TOEFL Test of English As A Foreign Language by Edith H Babin (1987), A rco Publishing,
Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York
3. TOEFL Test Strategies by Eli Hinkel (2004), Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge,
New York, USA.
4. How To Prepare For the TOEIC TEST ( Test of English For International Communication), by
b Lin Lougheed (2004) Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.
5. TOEFL Preparation Guide by Michael A Pyle, and Mary Page Ellen Munoz (2002),Cliffs
Notes, Inc., USA
6. Practice Exercises for the TOEFL by Pamela J Sharpe (2007), Barron's Educational Se­
ries, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.
7. How To Prepare For The TOEFL (Test of English as A Foreign Language) by Pamela J Sharpe
(2005), Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

E a s y TO EFL


Pemahaman Bacaan

A. Kem am puan Yang Diujjikan Ability Tested

M e n g etes k em am p u an an d a d alam m em ah am i, m en terjem a h k a n , dan
m enganalisa bacaan m engenai berbagai topik.

B. Ketrcampilcm Dcssar Yang Diperlukan

( Basic Skills Necessary):
Bacalah berbagai bacaan yang berisi sususnan kalim at dan kosa kata yang
agak kom pleks dan jaw ablah pertanyaan m engenai apa yang anda baca. Bagian
ini m em erlukan kosa kata tingkat universitas. K osa kata yang kuat tidak dapat
diperoleh secara instan. M engetahui arti PR EFIX ES (awalan), SU FFIXES ('akhiran).
dan R O O TS fakar kata) akan m em bantu anda m em aham i arti kata dalam tes.

C. Persiapan Yang D ianjurkan Suggested Preparation

B a ca la h b e r b a g a i to p ic m e n g e n a i biografi, biologi, fisika, kimia, sejarah
Amerika, ekonomi, ilmu social dan seni untuk m em perkaya kosa kata anda.

D. Strategi M enehak Jaw aban Strategy For Guessing The

a. Jan ganlah m em baca text/bacaan dari awal hingga akhir. Ini hanya akan
m em b u an g-bu an g w aktu saja.
b. Bacalah pertanyaannya dahulu dan paham i m aksudnya dan baru dicari

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

jaw abannya di dalam teks.

c. Anda tidak boleh terpaku pada kata atau frasa yang A nda sendiri tidak
tahu m aksudnya. C obalah u ntu k m enerka m aksu d ny a sebab waktu
anda sangat pendek.
d. Cobalah untuk m enerka m ana jaw aban yang paling tepat, bila tetap
tidak bisa m enem ukan jaw abannya, Anda tetap harus m em ilih salah
satu jaw aban. Ingat, jaw aban yang salah tidak akan m engu rangi nilai
e. Skim the questions first, noting im portant nouns and verbs.
f. Skim the passage quickly, reading only the first sentence of each para­
g. Read the passage actively, noting m ain points, nam es, definitions, im ­
portant conclusions, places, and num bers.
h. A nsw er the question, w ithout spending excess tim e on any one ques­

E. M em aham i Tip e -Tip e Pertanyaan Reading dalam Tes

TOEFL Understanding Types O f Reading Comprehension
Questions On TOEFL

M em aham i Tipe-Tipe Pertanyaan Reading (U nderstanding Types of Reading

Questions in TO EFL) sebagai persiapan m enghadapi TO EFL sangatlah penting.
Perhatikanlah Tipe-Tipe Pertanyaan Reading dalam TO EFL yang m enanyakan
antara lain:


(Factual or Text- Based Questions)
Factual or Text- Based Questions ini m enanyakan ten tang fak ta-fak ta yang
terdapat dalam bacaan m engenai: Who (Siapa, Siapa yang), What (A pa, A pa yang,
B erapa), W here (D im ana, K em ana), W hen (K apan), Why (K en apa, M engapa),
How (B a g a im a n a ,B e ra p a ), I f ( ] ik a ...) , A cc o rd in g t o .,., (m e n u r u t....), O f the
fo llo w in g .... (D a ri...b e rik u t in i....), N o L ..(B u k a n ....), Except (K e c u a li...). Tipe
pertanyaan ini PA LIN G SER IN G dan PA LIN G BA N YA K ditanyakan dalam Tes
T O E IC .

C ontoh Pertanyaan Tentang Fakta-Fakta;

> A cco rd in g to th e p a ssa g e h ow w as th e trip ? (M e n u r u t bacaan ini
bagaim ana p e rja la n a n n y a ?)
> How could the m iner obtained the location? (Bagaimana penambang itu
mencapai lokasi?)

E a s y TOEFL

> H ow long has M ike stay in N ew York? (Berapa lama M ike tinggal di
Neio York?).
> How m uch is it? ( Berapa harganya ini?)
> If you buy an item at a low er price, w hat will the store do? (Jika anda
m em beli barang dengan harga muralr, apa y a n g akan toko lakukan?)
> It is stated in the passage that ....(D ikatakan dalam bacaan bahw a....)
> W hat tim e did the m eeting begin? ( Pertemuan jam berapa?)
> W here did it happen?( Dimana ini terjadi?)
> W here is Mr. Brow n w orking now ? ( Dimana Tuan bekerja sekarang?)
r W hich activities does Lenny w ant to participate in? (Aktivitas apa i/ang
Lenni akan ikuti?
> W hich o f the follow in g is N O T M EN TIO N ED/STA TED in the text?
{Y a n g m ana d a ri b e rik u t in i T I D A K d is eb u tk a n /d in y a ta k a n dalam
> W h o h a s to a tte n d th e m e e tin g ? ( Siapa y a n g h a m s m e n g h a d iri
p ertem u an ?)
> W ho is m issin g ?(Siapa yang tak masuk?)
> W ho is Paker? ( Siapa Parker itu?)
> W hy didn't M ichelle attend the m eeting? (Kenapa M ichelle tak datang
dalam p ertem u a n ?)



a. W hat is the m an's problem ?

A He is tired
B He is drunk
C He is thirsty
D He is busy

b. How does the w om an w ant to pay?

A She w ants to pay by check
B She prefers to use a credit card
C She has cash
D She will need a loan

c. Why did Sharon stop seeing the man?

A He was too short
B She didn't know him very well
C The expensive gift m ade her uncom fortable
D The m an never gave her gift

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

d. W hy did the m an look through the w om an's purse?

A He thought she was a thief
B He wanted to secure if for her
C His job was to check everyone's belongings
D He was looking for a standard size

e. W hat does the w om an w ant the man to do?

A Study w ith her
B Help her on the test
C Take a break
D Lend her his notebook

f. W ho is driving Steve's car?

A Steve's girlfriend
B Steve's sister
C Steve
D M ary Anne

g. W hy w on't the door open?

A The door is locked
B The w om an doesn't have the right key
C The door is stuck
D The doorknob is broken

h. W hat does the m an w ant to do?

A C heck the calculators
B Use a calculator to do his test
C Purchase a calculator
D Borrow a calculator

i. W hat is the w om an's advice?

A She thinks the m an should pay the bills
B She thinks the m an should ask his fam ily for help
C She thinks the m an should contact his room m ate's fam ily for m oney
D She thinks the m an should leave

j. H ow will the w om an help the man?

A By filling out form s
B By filing his taxes
C By advising him about student loans
D By com pleting his application

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctice E x ercises f o r th e T O EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

E a s y TO EFL


(Vocabulary Item s related to the Context)
Vocabulary Items related to the Context biasanya m enanyakan tentang Syn ­
onym . Synonym adalah kata atau kelom p ok kata yang m em iliki kesam aan arti
(m eaning) yang sangat dekat artinya (closest in m eaning) dalam kontek kalim at.]

C on toh P ertany aan Synonym :

> The w ord remarkable in paragraph 1, line 7, is closest in m eaning to ....
> The w ord responsible line 5 is closest in m eaning to ......
> The w ord unequivocal in paragraph 3, line 4, is closest in m eaning to ....

3. INFERENCE (Kesimpulan)
Inference yang diperoleh berdasarkan fakta yang penulis m iliki, m eskipun
penulis tidak secara jelas m enyebutkannya.

C ontoh P ertanyaan Inference:

> It can be co n clu d ed that ....(D a p a t disimpulkan bahwa J
> It can be in ferred from the p assag e th at ....(D a p a t disim pulkan dari
bacaan b a h w a ....)
> It can be in ferred t h a t ...... (Dapat disimpulkan bahioa....)
> T h e au th o r in fers th a t ...{P en garan g m enyim pulkan bahw a....)
> W h at can be inferred from the passage ? (Apa yang dapat disimpulkan
dari bacaan in i?).
> W h at can w e in fer (sim pulkan) fro m the text? (A pa y a n g dapat kita
sim pulkan dari bacaan ini?).
> W hat is the conclusion of this text? (Apa kesimpulan daripada teks ini?).



a. W hat can w e infer about the w om an?

A She has stopped sm oking.
B She does n ot w ant to get m arried to the man.
C She has asked the m an to quit sm oking m any tim es.
D She is n ot in love w ith the man.

b. W hat kind o f student is Linda?

A She tries to get Bs
B She is an average student
C She is often absent
D She u su ally receives an A

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

c. W hat kind of test will the m an take?

A True-false
B M ultip le-ch oice
C Essay
D O ral recitation

d. W hat can we infer from this consultation?

A Bob does not get along w ith his lab partner
B The students perform ed the experim en t correctly
C The student had problem s, and could not com plete the lab experim ent
D There was a fire the lab during the experim ent

e. W hich option do the students choose?

A A lecture series
B A paper
C A reading list
D An exam ination

f. W hat kind of research paper has Dr. A nderson assigned?

A A report
B A book review
C An original study
D A five-page com position

g. W hat kind of exam ination has Dr. A nderson prepared?

A An essay exam ination
B An objective exam ination
C An open-book exam ination
D An take-hom e exam ination

h. Based upon the consultation, w hich course does Dr. A nderson m ost prob­
ably teach?
A English 355
B Psychology 201
C Political Science 400
D C hem istry 370

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra c tic e E x ercises f o r th e TO EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

4 . RUJUKAN (Reference)
K ata-kata ganti (pronouns) seperti: he-him-his, himself, she-her-hers-herself,
dsb digunakan oleh penulis untuk m engganti kata benda yang baru saja disebut-

_____________________________________________________________ E a s y TOEFL

kan. Jad i tidak harus m engganti dengan kata benda yang sama. Penulis cukup
m enggu n akan Reference.

C ontoh Pertanyaan Reference:

1. The word "th em " in line 7 refers to .....
2. In line 10, the w ord " it" refers to ....

5. TIRE DAFTAR (L IS T-Typ e )

P ertanyaan L IS T -T Y P E ad alah p ertan y aan d im ana anda dim in ta untu k
m enem ukan satu dari keem pat jaw aban yang tidak disebutkan/disebutkan (is
not mentioned/stated) dalam bacaan, m isalnya:

Contoh Pertanyaan List-Type:

> W hich o f the follow ing is N O T m entioned/stated in the text? (Yang
mana dari berikut ini T ID A K disebutkan /dinyatakan dalam bacaan ?)
> It is stated in the passage that .,..( Dikatakan dalam bacaan bahw a....)
> A ccording to the passage all of the follow ing statem ents are true, EX­
C E P T ....( M e n u r u t bacaan in i, sem u a d a ri p e rn y a ta a n in i b enar,

6. TO PIK/TEM A (Topic/Them e).

Topik u tam a m eru p akan su bjek u tam a bacaan , ten tang apa b acaan itu.
Topik atau Tem a bisa berupa: inti isi tulisan (the text is about) atau judul tulisan
Topik atau tema biasanya berupa A W ord ( Satu Kata) atau Phrase ( Kelompok
kata). Tipe pertanyaan ini TARANG SEK A LI ditanyakan dalam Tes TOEIC.

C ontoh Pertanyaan Topik:

> W hat does this passage discuss?(Bacaan ini m em bahas apa?)
r- W hat is the m ain topic of this passage? (Apa topik utama bacaan ini?)
>' The text tells us a b o u t.... (Bacaan ini membicarakan ten ta n g....)
> The passage is ab o u t (Bacaan ini m en gen a i....)
> The text is m ainly talking a b o u t.... (Bacaan ini terutama membicarakan
te n ta n g ...)


> Baca dulu baris pertam a dan kedua paragraph jika ada satu atau lebih
> Tem ukan kata kunci (key w ord) yang selalu diulang-ulang baik pada
bagian awal, tengah atau akhir terutam a bagian kesim pulan.
> Kata kunci (key w ord) ini dapat berupa sinonim atau kata yang sama

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

NOTE: Jika pertan yaan ten tang Topic, m aka jaw aban n y a bisa beru p a SATU
KATA atau BEN TU K FRA SE ( Kelompok kata).


a. W hat are the m an w om an talking about?

A A health club
B A class
C A gam e
D A dentist

b. W hat are these tw o people m ost probably discussing?

A Food and grocery item s
B G asoline prices
C W eights and m easures
D M oney

c. W hat are the two people talking about?

A A vacation
B the m ail
C The new spaper
D The office

d. W hat ate the m an and the w om an discussing?

A A new doctor
B A party they attended
C Their friend M ary
D A graduate program

e. W hat are the m an and the w om an discussing?

A An exchange program
B The m an's trip to England
C The m an's illness
D Their friend N ancy

f. W hat are the m an and w om an talking about

A The professor's lecture
B The w om an's children
C The chairs they are sitting in
D The size of the lecture room

g. W hat are the tw o people discussing?

A The w om an's com puter

Ea sy TO EFL

B The w om an's paper

C The m an's hom etow n
D The m an's job

h. W hat are the two people talking about?

A The cam pus
B R egistration w eek
C The parking situation
D The w om an's class

i. W hat are the m an and the w om an discussing?

A The professor, Dr. Sm ith
B The lap reports
C The attendance policy
D The teaching assistant

j. W hat are the m an and the w om an talking about?

A The chem istry departm ent
B The w om an's house
C The m an's em ployer
D H aving lunch on cam pus

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctice E x ercises f o r th e TO EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

7. G AGASAN U TA M A (Main Idea)

M ain Idea a d a la h p o k o k p ik ira n d a ri s e b u a h p a ra g ra f y a n g m e m u a t
keterangan, penjelasan, uraian, atau pendapat dari si penulis (w riter) tentang
topik ( pokok bahasan). M ain Idea b eru p a C O M P L E T E SE N T E N C E (K alim at
Lengkap), yaitu terdiri dari Subvek dan P red ikat. Tipe pertanyaan ini 1ARANG
SEK A LI d itanyakan dalam Tes TO EIC.

Contoh Pertanyaan M ain Id ea:

• W hat is the m ain idea of this passage? (Apa gagasan utama bacaan ini?)
• W hat's the au thor's m ain idea of paragraph 1? (Apa ide utama paragraf

• W hat is the m ain idea of this article? (Apa ide utama artikel ini?)


• C ari dulu Topik/Tema dari paragraph pertam a.
• P erh a tik a n kata-kata/ frase y ang d ig u n ak an oleh p en garan g dalam

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

m engem bangkan Topik.

• Perhatikan kesim pulan daripada paragraf itu di m ana pengarang akan
m engungkapkan M ain Ideanya.
• M ain Idea biasanya terletak di awal, akhir atau bahkan di tengah sebuah

NOTE: Jika pertanyaan tentang M ain Idea atau Pokok Pikiran, m aka jaw abannya
berupa KALIM AT LEN G K A P (complete sentence) yaitu terdiri dari Subjek
dan Predikat.

M E N G E N A I G A G A S A N U T A M A (M A IN ID E A ), M IS A L N Y A (*)

a. W hat is the main topic o f this conversation?

A The m an's graduation.
B The couple's engagem ent.
C The m an's sm oking.
D The m an's stress.

b. W hat do the speakers m ainly discuss?

A The use of photographs in painting.
B A TV program about N orm an Rockw ell.
C The Saturday E vening Post M agazine.
D Exhibits of art at the library.

c. W hat are students m ainly discussing?

A Taking notes
B Studying for a test
C The wom an's grades
D The reading assignm ents

d. W hat do the speakers m ainly discuss?

A A sick friend
B A m ath class
C School class
D The m an's test

e. W hat is the m ain topic his conversation?

A The Internet
B Research m ethods online
C The school hom e page
D Library com puter term inals

Ea sy TO EFL

f. W hat the m ain subject of the conversation?

A The m an's last appointm ent
B Professor Irw in's office hours
C Student advisem ent during registration
D The m an's health problem s

g. W hat is the m ain topic of this conversation?

A The m an's health
B The m akeup test
C The m an's classes
D The course syllabus

h. W hat is the m ain topic of this talk?

A The A m erican eagle as sym bol on coins
B This history o f gold coins in the United States
C The U nited States M int
D The value to collectors of gold coins

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctic e E x ercises f o r the TOEFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

8. TU JU A N (Purpose, A im )
Ini m erupakan tujuan ataupun alasan utam a penulis m enulis bacaan itu.
Tujuan ini dapat A nda tem ukan pada paragraph pertam a atau kedua. Ini biasanya
berhubu ngan erat dengan M ain Idea.

C ontoh Pertanyaan Purpose, Aim :

1. W hat is the purpose of this announcem ent? (Apa maksud pengum um an
2. W hat is the purpose of the text? (Apa tujuan/maksud bacaan ini?)
3. W hat is the aim of the passage? (Apa tujuan bacaan ini?)

M E N G E N A I T U JU A N (A IM /P U R P O S E ), M IS A L N Y A (*)

a. W hat is the m ain purpose o f study group?

A To prepare for test.
B To create a presentation.
C To com pare answ er from a quiz.
D To exchange.

b. W ho is identified an ideal bureaucracy?

A R osenberg.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B W eber.
C G raham .
D Bensm an.

c. W hich law states that the people advance they reach a position in which
they are less likely to succeed?
A W eber's is law.
B Parkinson's law.
C The Rosenberg principle.
D The Peter principle.

d. W hich topic w ill probably appears as an essay question?

A C ontrast the Peter principle and Parkinson's law.
B C ontrast form al and inform al organizations.
C Sum m arize the Bensm an and Rosenberg study.
D Sum m arize the characteristics in W eber's bureaucracy.

e. W hat does the w ord survey m ean?

A To take the first step.
B To sum m arize.
C To ask question.
D To look quickly.

f. W hat w ill the group do at the end of the presentation?

A A nsw er questions.
B Read from the textbook.
C Hand out survey.
D D em onstrate the m ethod.

g. W hat is the purpose of this study group?

A To help each other
B To rehearse their group presentation.
C To com plete their lecture notes and handouts.
D To encourage and m otivate each other.

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctice E x ercises f o r th e TO EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.


(Pandangan/Perasaan Penulis)
Ini m erupakan pandangan atau pendapat atau perasaan penulis terhadap
suatu perm asalahan.

C ontoh Pertanyaan The A uthor's View:

E a s y TO EFL

1. W hat is the m an's reaction to the new s?

A. He is surprised
B. He is confused
C. H e does not agree
D. He does n ot w ant to know

S IK A P /P A N D A N G A N P E N U L IS (TH E A U T H O R 'S V IE W ),
M IS A L N Y A (*)

a. How does the m an feel?

A He is worried
B He is happy
C He feels confident
D He is tired

b. H ow did the m an feel about the m ovie?

A He thought it w as a very unrealistic m ovie
B He was im pressed with the m ovie
C He agreed w ith the w om an about the m ovie
D H e liked the m ovie because it was a fairly tale

c. H ow does the w om an feel about the TO EFL?

A She does not know w hether she did well
B She thinks that she im proved her score
C She believes that she scored about 490
D She is concerned about the reading com prehension section

d. How does the w om an feel about the m an?

A She believes that he is having a bad day
B She does not like the m an
C She thinks that he never pays attention
D She likes to help the m an every day

e. How does the m an feel about Rick?

A He forgot w ho he was
B He thinks that Rick and Lucy w ill forget to com e
C He likes Rick, but not Lucy
D He does not w ant to invite them

f. How does the m an feel about the assignm ents

A He does not care
B H e does not like the lab assistant
C He does not like the grading system

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

D He does no agree with the w om an

g. W hat best describe the m an's opinion of Terry?

A He feels protective of Terry
B The m an is supportive
C He has his doubts about Terry
D He feels hostile toward Terry

h. How does the m an feel about the review session?

A He wants to go, but he won't
B He does not w ant to go, but he will
C He w ants to go, and he will
D He does not want to go, and he won't

i. How does the m an feel about Janine?

A He thinks would be difficult to live with
B He thinks Janine and the w om an will like living together
C He thinks it would be better to live w ith Janine than w ith C arol
D He thinks that Janine and C arol should live together

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctic e E x ercises f o r th e TO EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

10. UN G K APAN ID IO M S (Idiom atic Expressions)

Ini m eru p akan p ertan y aan yang berk aitan d en gan p en gg u n aan Idiom s
dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris. Idiom s m erupakan kata atau kelom pok katya
yang m em iliki arti yang sudah tetap (m apan). Contoh: Kata TAKE PLA CE artinya
berlangsung, bukan Take = m engam bil, dan Place = tem pat.

C ontoh Pertanyaan Idiom s:

1. W here does the conversation take place?
A. In the cafe
B. At the restaurant
C. At the beach
D. In the office

M IS A L N Y A (*)

1. W hat does the w om an m ean?

A She does not think that m an is serious

E a s y

B She think that the m an is going to take her to Florida

C She thinks that the man has a good idea
D She thinks that the m an does not have any m oney

2. W hat does the w om an m ean?

A She needs one m ore sem ester
B She needs a hundred dollars
C The increase will be difficult for her
D The paper is not dependable

3. W hat did the m an do?

A He has left the lecture
B H e has used his last piece of paper
C He has said good bye to the wom an
D He has finished giving the lecture

4. How does the m an feel about the test?

A He feels that the test was fair
B He agrees w ith the w om an about the test
C H e does not w ant the wom an to tease him about the test
D He is not w orried about the test

5. W hat does the w om an m ean?

A The m an does not pay attention
B The m an is very honest
C The m an has gone aw ay
D The m an needs to repeat

6. O n w hat do the speakers agree?

A The sign has M ickey M ouse on it
B They do not believe the sign
C The course is very easy
D They did not register for the course

7. W hat does the w om an m ean?

A She does not w ant the man to com e for her
B She thinks that the m an is a brother
C She does n ot w ant to go to class
D She accepts the m an's offer

8. W hat does the m an m ean?

A The m an likes ice cream
B The m an will tell the wom an later w hether he w ants ice cream
C The m an does not w ant to say w hether he likes ice cream
D The man will get som e ice cream for w om an
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

9. W hat does the w om an m ean?

A She is glad Joan is m oving
B She does not believe that Joan will m ove
C She saw Joan m ove
D She believes Joan is m oving because she saw her
10. W hat does the m an m ean?
A He is angry w ith the w om an
B He w ants to talk w ith the w om an
C It w as a bad day for the man
D He does not know w hat day it does

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctice E x ercises f o r th e T O EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.


( Suggestion/Advice)
C ontoh Pertanyaan Tentang Saran/Usul:
• W hat does the w om an suggest? (Apa yang wanita ini sarankan?)
• W hat should the m an do? (Apa yang seharusnya pria ini lakukan?)

SA R A N (S U G G E S T IO N /A D V IC E ),
M IS A L N Y A (*):

a. H ow does the m an suggest that the w om an do?

A Buy dinner
B Pay for part of the dinner
C Tip the w aiter after dinner.
D Prepare the dinner.

b. W hat does the m an suggest that the w om an do?

A R eturn later.
B Telephone the security guard.
C Stay at the dorm.
D Look for the key.

c. W hat does the w om an suggest that the m an do?

A Find another bathroom .
B U se the bathroom in the m ain lobby.
C Ask the custodian to unlock the bathroom .
D Go to another bu ild ing to locate a bathroom .

E a s y TO EFL

d. W hat does the m an suggest that the w om an do?

A Get the line behind him.
B Take a num ber.
C C om e back later.
D Go to end of the line.

e. W hat does the w om an suggest that the m an do?

A Go to another bank.
B O pen an account w ith the bank.
C C ash his check.
D M ake out the check for tw enty dollars.

f. W hat does the w om an suggest that the man do?

A Pick her up at 11:35 A.M.
B Wait for her at the airport.
C W ait for her to call him.
D Call the airport for the schedule.

g. W hat does the m an suggest that the w om an do?

A Refer to the syllabus.
B Go to Dr. W atson's office.
C See Dr. W atson's at 2:00 P.M.
D Ask som eone else.

h. W hat does the man suggest that they do?

A Stay hom e.
B Go out after dinner.
C Find the baby sitter.
D Take the children out to dinner.

i. W hat does the w om an suggest that the m an do?

A Ask for an extension.
B Use the interlibrary loan.
C Look for references in the library.
D Try the Internet.

j. W hat does the w om an suggest that the m an do?

A Buy a larger wallet.
B Keep the cards in his book bag.
C C arry few er cards.
D O rganize the cards.

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra c tic e E x ercises f o r th e TO EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


Secara Tak Langsung)
C ontoh Pertanyaan Tentang Im pkikasi:
• W hat does this statem en t im ply? (Pernyataan ini (secara tak langsung)
m enyatakan apa?)

M IS A L N Y A H :

a. W hat does the man im ply?

A He will not use the book.
B He will use the book in the library for two hours.
C He will check the book out before closing.
D He w ill reserve the book.

b. W hat does the m an im ply?

A The w om an cannot get a soda.
B He w ill go dow nstairs to get the w om an a soda.
C The w om an should go dow nstairs to get a soda.
D He does not know w here to get a soda.

c. W hat do we know about the w om an?

A She thought she sad applied to the right school.
B She attends an A m erican university now.
C She does not have take the TO EFL.
D She graduated from an A m erican high school.

d. W hat did the m an m ean?

A The w om an was in line for a long time.
B The m an w as in line longer than the w om an.
C The m an registered quickly.
D The w om an did not register.

e. W hat does the m an prefer to do?

A He prefers staying at hom e because he d o esn ’t like to travel
B He prefers taking a plane because the bus is too slow.
C He prefers taking a bus because the plane m akes him nervous.
D He prefers traveling with the wom an.

f. W here does this conversation m ost likely take place?

A On a reservation.
B At a party.

Ea s y TOEFL

C At a restaurant.
D In a bakery.

a. W hat conclu sion does the m an w ant us to draw from his statem ent?
A Sally is serious about Bob.
B Bob is serious about Sally.
C Sally is not serious about Bob.
D Bob is not serious about Sally.

a. W hat are these people m ost probably discussing?

A W eight and m easurem ents.
B Political system s.
C E m p lo y m en t.
D M oney.

a. W hat does the m an think about Jane?

A She w ill go away.
B She will be sorry.
C She will not quit her job.
D She w ill not buy him a present.

a. W hat do we learn about Betty from this conversation?

A She does not like plays.
B She w ent to see the play with the m an and w om an.
C She had n ot planned to attend the play.
D She was not at the play.

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctice E x ercises f o r th e TOEFL (2007)
bv Pamela j Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.


Contoh Pertanyaan Tentang Ceram ah/Kuliah:
• W ho is the speech addressing to? (Pidato ini ditujukan/disampaikan kepada
siap a?)
• W hom is the sp eaker talk to? (Pembicara bicara/pidato pada siapa?)

a. W hat is the m ain subject of this lecture?

A H eredity
B E n viron m en t
C Birth order
D M otivation

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

b. W hat should the students know before they hear this lecture?
A Birth order m ay influence personality
B H eredity and environm ent play a role in the developm ent of the person ­
C There is research on birth order at the U niversity of Texas at A rlington
D Firstborn children and only children have sim ilar personalities

c. W hich one of the people would probably be the m ost com fortable in stru ct­
ing with a m em ber o f the opposite sex?
A A m an w ith younger sisters
B A man with older sisters
C A w om an with younger sisters
D A m an with older sisters

d. W hat personality trait will firstborn children probably exhibit?

A Likable
B A m bitious
C Sociable
D Talkactive
e. A ccording to research, w hat m ight be the dom inant personality trait of the
youngest child?
A C h arm in g
B Sh y
C M otivated
D Happy

f. W hat is the m ain topic of this talk?

A The A m erican eagle as sym bol on coins
B This history o f gold coins in the U nited States
C The United States M int
D The value to collectors o f gold coins

g. W hat w as the value o f the original gold eagle?

A $ 20.00
B $ 1 5 .0 0
C $ 1 0 .0 0
D $ 5.00

h. W hat w as the value of silver to gold in 1792?

A Fifteen to one
B Fifteen and a quarter to one
C Fifteen and three quarters to one
D Fifteen to three

E a s y TO EFL

i. W hat happened after the law of 13834?

A The great depression occurred
B The size o f gold coins was reduced
C A ll gold coins w ere turned in to the governm ent
D The collecting of gold was severely reduced

j. W hat are the retrictions on collecting gold coins today?

A G old coins m ay be im ported w ithout restrictions
B G old coins m aybe collected but not exported
C There are few retrictions on the collection of gold coins
D O nly certain kinds o f gold coins m ay be purched and sold

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra c tic e E x ercises f o r th e TO EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.


(Prediction) misalnya:

M IS A L N Y A (*):

a. W hat w ill the m an probably do?

A H e will probably leave.
B H e will probably order the size orange juice they have.
C He w ill probably n ot have any orange juice.
D H e w ill probably have orange juice.

b. W hat w ill the w om an probably do?

A G o to the kitchen to study.
B G o to her chem istry class.
C G o to the library to look for her book.
D G o to the table to eat.

c. W hat w ill the w om an probably do?

A C all Lond on about the charges.
B A ccept the charges for the call.
C R efuse the call from London.
D C harge the call to som eone in London.

d. W hat w ill the m an p robably do?

A A sk the w om an to m ake a copy for him .
B Go across the street to m ake a copy.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C A sk the w om an for directions to the building.

D Take his copies to the other building.

e. W hat w ill the w om an probably do?

A Join the club.
B Pay five dollars for a video.
C Rent ten videos.
D Go to the video store.

f. W hat does the m an probably to do?

A Get directions.
B M ake a call.
C M ake a reservation.
D Talk to the wom an.

g. W hat will the w om an probably do?

A W alk to the m all.
B G et on the bus.
C Cross the street to w ait for the bus.
D Take a taxi to the mall.

h. W hat w ill the w om an probably do?

A Leave at once.
B Call the highw ay patrol.
C Go hom e w ith the man.
D Drive carefully.

i. W hat will the m an do?

A Take the delivery to the university.
B R efuse to m ake the delivery to the wom an.
C M ake the delivery to the w om an if she is close to the university.
D D eliver to a m ain location three m iles from the university w here the
w om an can pick it up.

j. W hat w ill the m an probably?

A W ait tw enty m inutes to be seated.
B W ait five m inutes to be seated.
C Go right in to be seated.
D Sm oke while he w aits to be seated.

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: Practice Exercises for the TOEFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

E a s y TOEFL

14. PERTANYAAN ASUMSI (Assumed Questions),

(A S S U M E D Q U E S T IO N S ), M IS A L N Y A H :

a. W hat had the m an assum ed about the test?

A The test would not be timed.
B The test could be taken hom e to com plete.
C He w ould be able to use his book during the test.
D He would have to study very hard for the test.

b. W hat had the m an assum ed?

A The w om an w ould not receive her deposit.
B The old apartm ent was not safe.
C The new apartm ent w ould require a deposit.
D The w om an w ould not m ove.

c. W hat had the m an assum ed about the w om an?

A She w ould not have lunch.
B She would not start dating Phil again
C She w ould have lunch w ith him.
D She w ould have to go before lunch.

d. W hat had the m an assum ed about the w om an's daughter?

A She was younger.
B She was having a birthday party.
C She w as jokin g w ith him.
D She w ould invite him to her house.

e. W hat had the w om an assum ed about the presentation?

A There would not be any handouts.
B A nne would finish the handouts.
C Anne would not m ake the presentation.
D The presentation had already been m ade.

f. W hat had the w om an assum ed about the health center?

A The health center was in the student service building.
B The health center w as in the union.
C The health center was on the N orth Cam pus.
D The health center w as not on cam pus.

g. W hat had the w om an assum ed about John?

A He was serious about becom ing a doctor.
B He w as not serious about changing m ajors.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C H e was serious about going into the fam ily business.

D He was not serious about applying for the business program .

h. W hat had the wom an assum ed about Mr. Brow n?

A He would be late getting to the lab.
B He would be in the lab w orking.
C He w ould not set up the equipm ent.
D He would not have tim e to set up the equipm ent.

i. W hat had the w om an assum ed about Dr. Peterson?

A She would not m eet w ith their study group.
B She would not give them an outline of the book.
C She would not give them a break.
D She w ould not let them use the book.

(*) The types of questions above are taken from: P ra ctice E x ercises f o r the TO EFL (2007)
by Pamela J Sharpe, Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.


Example of
Reading Comprehension in
the TOEFL Test
S E C T IO N 3
R E A D IN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N (*)
Tim e : 55 M inutes
50 Q uestions

In this section, you w ill read a num ber of passages. Each one is follow ed by
approxim ately ten qu estions about it. For qu estions 1-50, choose the one beat
answer, (A), (B), (C), and (D), to each question. Then, find the num ber o f the
question on your answ er sheet, and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter

E a s y TO EFL

of the answ er you have chosen. A nsw er all questions follow ing a passage on the
basis of w hat is stated or implied in that passage.

Questions 1 through 10 are based on the following passage.

The food we eat seem s to have profound effects on our health. A lthough
science has m ade enorm ous steps in m aking food m ore fit to eat, it has, at
the sam e tim e, m ade m any foods unfit to eat. Som e research has show n
(5) that perhaps eighty percent of all hum an illnesses are related to diet and
forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the
colon. Peop le of different cultures are m ore prone to contract certain ill­
nesses becau se of the characteristic foods they consum e.

T h at food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, govern­

m ent researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites (com m only used to per­
severe color in m eats) as well as other food additives caused cancer. Yet,
these carcinogenic additives rem ain in our food, and it becom es m ore diffi
(15) cult all the tim e to know w hich ingredients on the packaging labels of pro­
cessed food are helpful or harm ful.

The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farm ers often give peni­
cillin to cattle and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in
(20) the m ilk of treated cows. Som etim es sim ilar drugs are adm inistered to ani­
m als not for m edicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farm ers are
sim ply trying to fatten the anim als in order to obtain a higher price on the
m arket. A lthough the Food and D rug A dm inistration (FDA) has tried re­
peatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.

(25) A healthy diet is directly related to good health. O ften we are unaw are
of the detrim ental substances we ingest. Som etim es w ell-m eaning farm ers
or others w ho do not realize the consequences add these substances to food
(30) w ithout our know ledge.

1. H ow has science done a disservice to people?

(A) Because of science, disease caused by contam inated food has been vir­
tually eradicated.
(B) It has caused a lack o f inform ation concerning the value o f food
(C ) As a result of scientific intervention, som e potentially harm ful sub­
stances have been added to our food
(D) The scientists have preserved the color of m eats, but not o f vegetables.

2. The w ord "p ro n e" in line 8 is nearest in m eaning to

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . _______________________________________________

(A) supine (C ) H ealthy

(B) unlikely (D ) Predisposed

3. W hat are nitrates used for?

(A) The preserve flavor in packaged foods.
(B) They preserve the color of m eats.
(C) Thy are the objects of research
(D) They cause the anim als to becom e fatter.

4. FDA m eans
(A) Food D irect A dditives
(B) Final D ifficult A nalysis
(C ) Food and Drug A dm inistration
(D) Federal D airy Additives

5. The w ord "th e se " in line 13 refers to

(A) m eats
(B) colors
(C) researchers
(D ) nitrates and nitrites

6. In line 13, the w ord "carcin o g en ic" is closest in m eaning to

(A) T rou ble-m akin g
(B) C olor-retaining
(C) M o n ey -m ak in g
(D) C ancer-cau sing

7. all of the follow ing statem ents are true EX C EPT

(A) drugs are alw ays given to anim als for m edical reasons
(B) som e o f the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some
are given to the living anim als
(C ) researchers have know n about the potential hazards of food additives
for m ore than forty-five years.
(D) Food m ay cause forty percent of the cancer in the w orld

8. The word "ad d itiv es" in line 13 is closest in m eaning to

(A) added substances (C) n atural substances
(B) dangerous substances (D) ben ign substances

9. W hat is the best title for this passage?

(A) H arm ful and H arm less substances in food
(B) Im proving H ealth Through a N atural Diet
(C) The Food You Eat C an A ffect Your Health
(D) Avoiding Injurious Substances in Food

E a s y TO EFL

10. In line 3, the w ord "fit" is closest in m eaning to

(A) athletic (C) tasty
(B) suitable (D) adaptable

11. The fact that the topic has been know n for som e tim e is discussed in lines?
(A) 2 -4 (C) 17-19
(B) 10-11 (D) 26-27

Questions 12 through 21 are based on the follow ing passage.

The ancient Egyptians firm ly believed in the afterlife and spent their
time on earth preparing for it. Elaborate bu rial rituals included preparing
the burial site, providing for all of the deceased's m aterial n eeds (food, cloth­
ing, jew els, and tools o f their trade), and preserving the corpse so that it
(5) would not decay. This preservation was accom plished through a process of
m um m ification. The ancients left no w ritten accounts as to exam ine m um ­
m ies and establish their ow n theories. The em balm ing process m ight have
(10) taken up to seventy days for the pharaohs and nobility and only a few days
for the poor.

The em balm ers spread a variety of com pounds of salt, spices, and res­
ins in and over the corpse to preserve it. They follow ed this w ith a prescribed
(15) w rapping, a p rocedu re in w hich they w ound strips of fine linen around,
over, and u nder the body w hile placing various am ulets w ithin the w rap­
pings to protect the deceased from harm on the long journey to the after
(20) life. They also painted resins over the w rapped linen. Finally, a pharaoh or
noble w ou ld have b een encased in a w ooden box before bein g placed in a

12. H ow have w e been able to learn about the m um m ification process?

(A) A ccu rate records have been handed dow n to us.
(B) Interview s w ith em balm ers w ho still use the process have revealed the
(C) A fter studying m um m ies, scientists have developed their ow n theo­
(D) C hem ical analysis of the com pounds has led us to an explanation of
the m ethod used.

13. The w ord "th e y " in line 19 refers to

(A) e m b a lm ers (C) pharaohs
(B) spices (D) the poor

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . _______________________________________________

14. The em balm ing process can best be described as

(A) Lengthy and com plicated
(B) Short and sim ple
(C) Strict and unfaltering
(D) W ild and terrifying

15. The word "d ecay " in line 6 is closest in m eaning to

(A) die
(B) deteriorate
(C) em balm
(D) rejuvenate

16. All of the follow ing statem ents are true EXCEPT
(A) Bodies were preserved as a m atter of religious belief
(B) All m um m ification took seventy days to com plete
(C) Special com pounds w ere used to em balm the bodies
(D) It has been difficult to determ ine the process used

17. W hy did the ancient Egyptians m um m ify the deceased?

(A) To preserve the body from destruction
(B) To scare tom b robbers
(C) To encase the body in a sarcophagus
(D) To protect the body from harm on the journey to the afterlife.

18. It can be inferred that the Egyptians buried food,clothing, jew els, and tools
with the deceased because
(A) the fam ily did not w ant anyone else to share them
(B) that was the w ish of the deceased
(C ) they w ere afraid
(D) the deceased w ould need them while en-route to the afterlife.

19. The w ord "am u lets" in line 17 is closest in m eaning to

(A) w eapons
(B) coins
(C) charm s
(D) curses

2 0. In line 6 "accom p lish ed " is closest in m eaning to

(A) p erform ed (C) reproduced
(B) forsaken (D) dw indled

2 1. The distinction betw een m um m ification of bodies from different classes is

explained in lines
(A) 2 -6 (B) 10-12 (C) 13-14 (D) 15-17

Ea s y TO EFL

Questions 22 through 30 are based on the follow ing passage.

A tapew orm is a parasite that lives in the intestines of hum ans and
anim als. Som e tapew orm s attach them selves to the intestinal wall by means
of suckers in their heads. O thers float freely in the intestines and absorb
(5) food through the walls of their bodies.

A tap ew orm con sists o f n u m erou s segm ents. W hen a new segm ent
form s, the older ones m ove to the back of the anim al. Each segm ent con­
tains herm aphroditic sexual organs (that is, m ale and fem ale organs). The
uterus of each segment fills with eggs, which develop into embryos. Geneally, when
(10) the eggs are ready to hatch, the segm ent breaks off and is elim inated through
the host's excretory system . These em bryos hatch, develop into larvae, and
grow to adults only if ingested by an interm ediate host.

One may be infected by tapeworms by eating under-cooked beef, pork, or

(15) fish. Sym ptom s include irregular appetite, abdom inal discom fort, anem ia,
w eakness, and nervousness.

22. The passage im plies that all of the follow ing are true EX C EPT
(A) an em bryo will cease develop if not ingested by a host
(B) a tapew orm will continue to live even w hen segm ents break off
(C ) the segm ent farthest back on the tail is the oldest
(D ) tapew orm s alw ays float freely in the digestive system

2 3. The w ord "elim in ated " in line 12 is closest in m eaning to

(A) ingested
(B) expelled
(C ) eaten
(D ) grow n

2 4 . A h erm ap hrodite is
(A) a tapew orm
(B) a segm ent containing an em bryo
(C ) a being that contains m ale and fem ale sexual organs
(D ) an anim al m ade of segm ents

2 5. The w ord "o th ers" in line 4 refers to

(A) S e g m e n t
(B) E m b ry os
(Q Eggs
(D ) Tapew orm s

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . _______________________________________________

26. W hich of the follow ing is probably N O T a sym ptom o f tapew orm infesta­
(A) U nusual eating habits
(B) Excitability
(C) D eficiency of red blood cells
(D) Euphoria

27. W hich o f the follow ing statem ents is true?

(A) A tapew orm uterus contains one egg.
(B) O vercooked beef is a cause of tapew orm s.
(C) A m ale tapew orm m ust alw ays be ingested before reproduction will
(D ) Tapew orm s vary in their m ethods of ingesting food.

28. W hat w ould be the best title for this reading passage?
(A) Parasites
(B) R eproduction of the Tapeworm
(C) The Tapeworm , a H arm ful Parasite
(D ) Segm ented Parasite

29. A tapew orm attaches itself to the intestinal wall by

(A) suction
(B) liquid
(C ) food
(D ) teeth

30. In line 6, the w ord "seg m en ts" is closest in m eaning to

(A) Types (C) O rgans
(B) Sectio n s (D) W orm s

Questions 31 through 4 0 are based on the follow ing passage.

A fter inventing, dynam ite, Sw edish-born A lfred Nobel becam e a very

rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive pow ers too late.
N obel preferred not to be rem em bered as the inventor o f dynam ite, so in
1895, just two weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding
(5) prizes to people who had m ade w orthw hile contributions to hum anity. Origi­
nally there were five aw ards : literature, physics, chem istry, m edicine, and
peace. Econom ics w as added in 1968, ju st sixty-seven years after the first
aw ards ceremony.

(10) Nobel's original legacy of nine m illion dollars was in-vested, and the
in terest on this sum is used for the aw ards w hich vary from $30,000 to
$ 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 .

Ea s y TOEFL

Every year on D ecem ber 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards
(15) (gold m edal, illum inated diplom a, and m oney) are presented to the win­
ners. S om etim es politics plays an im p ortan t role in the ju dges' decision.
A m ericans have w on num erous science aw ards, but relatively few litera­
ture prizes.

(20) N o aw ards w ere presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World
War II. Som e people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared
their prizes.

31. The w ord "fo resa w " in line 2 is n earest in m eaning to

(A) prevailed
(B) p ostp on ed
(C ) p revented
(D ) p red icted

32. The N obel Prize w as established in order to

(A) recognize w orthw hile contribu tions to hum anity
(B) resolve political differences
(C ) honor the in ventor o f dynam ite
(D ) spend m oney

33. In w hich area have A m ericans received the m ost aw ards?

(A) Literature (C) Econom ics
(B) P eace (D) Scien ce

34. All of the follow ing statem ents are true EXCEPT
(A) A w ards vary in m onetary value
(B) C erem on ies are held on D ecem ber 10 to com m em orate N obel's inven
(C ) Politics plays an im portant role in selecting the w inners
(D ) A few in d ivid uals have w on tw o aw ards

35. In how m any fields are prizes bestow ed?

(A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 10

36. It is im plied that N obel's profession was in

(A) e co n o m ics (C) literature
(B) m ed icin e (D) science

37. In line 6, the w ord "w o rth w h ile" is closest in m eaning to

(A) eco n o m ics (C) trivial
(B) p restigious (D) valuable

38. H ow m uch m oney did N obel leave for the prize?

D r s. S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

(A) $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 (C ) $ 1 5 5,000
(B) $ 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 (D ) $ 9 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0

39. W hat is the m ain idea o f this passage?

(A) A lfred N obel becam e very rich w hen he invented dynam ite
(B) A lfred N obel created aw ards in six categories for con tribu tions to hu­
m anity.
(C ) A lfred N obel left all of his m oney to science.
(D ) A lfred N obel m ade a lasting contribution to hum anity

4 0 . The w ord "leg a cy " in line 11 m eans m ost nearly the sam e as
(A) legend
(B) b eq u est
(C ) prize
(D) d ebt

Questions 41 through 5 0 are based on the follow ing passage.

Ever since hum ans have inhabited the earth, thay have m ae use of vari­
ous form s of com m unication. Generally, this exspression o f thoughts and
feeling s has b een in the form of oral speech. W hen there is a language
(5) barrier, com m uni-cation is accom plished through sign lan guage in which
m otions stand for letters, w ords, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, an the mute
have had to resort to this form o f expression. M any o f these sym bols of
w hole w ors are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally;
(10) spelling, how ever, cannot.

Body language transm its ideas or thou ghts by certain actions, either
intentionally or unintentionally. A w ink can be aw ay o f flirting or indicating
that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, w hile shaking the
head indicates a negative reaction.

(15) O ther form s of nonlingustic language can be found in Braille ( asystem

of raised dots read w ith the fingertips), signal flags, M orse code, and smoke
signals. Road m aps an picture signs also guide, w arn, and in stru ct people.
(20) W hile verbalization is the m ost com m on form of lan-gauge, other sys­
tem and tchniques also express hum an thoughts and feelings.

4 1 . W hich of the follow ing best sum m arizes this passage?

(A) W hen language is a barrier, people w ill find other form s of com m uni­
(B) Everybody uses only one form of com m unication
(C ) N onlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners

E a s y TO EFL

(D) Although other forms of com m unication exist, verbalization is the fastest.

4 2 . The w ord "th e se " in line 8 refers to

(A) tourists
(B) the d eaf and the m ute
(C ) thoughts and feelings
(D ) sign language m otions

43. All of the follow ing statem ents are true EXCEPT
(A) there are m any form s of com m unication in existence today
(B) verbalization is the m ost com m on form of com m unication
(C ) the d eaf and m ute use an oral form of com m unication
(D ) ideas and thoughts can be transm itted by body language

44. W hich form other than oral speech w ould be m ost com m only used am ong
blind people?
(A) Picture signs
(B) Braille
(C ) Body language
(D) Signal flags

45. How m any different form s of C om m unication are m entioned here?

(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 11

46. The word "w in k " in line 12 m eans m ost nearly the sam e as
(A) C lose one eye briefly
(B) C lose two eye briefly
(C) Bob the head up and down
(D) Shake the head from side to side

47. Sign language is said to be very p icturesqu e and exact and can be used
internationally EX C E PT for
(A) spelling
(B) ideas
(C) w hole w ords
(D) expressions

48. People need to com m unicate in order to

(A) create language barriers
(B) keep from reading with their fingertips
(C) be picturesque and exact
(D) express thoughts and feelings

49. W hat is the best title for the passage?

(A) The Im portant of Sign Language

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(B) The M any Form s of C om m unication

(C) Ways of expressing Feelings
(D) Picturesque Sym bols of C om m unication

50. W ho would be M O ST likely to use M orse code?

(A) A scientist
(B) A spy
(C ) An airline pilot
(D ) A telegrapher

E a s y TO EFL




Tim e : 30 M inutes
50 Q uestions

(Pada tes TO EFL yang sebenarnya, percakapan T ID A K D IC E T A K di dalam

buku tes, m elainkan H A N YA D IP E R D E N G A R K A N saja m elalui Tape
R ecorder atau CD. Sedangkan pada buku tes Anda A KA N M ELIH A T
pertanyaan dan pilihan kem ungkinan jaw aban untuk dipilih.).

In this section, you will dem onstrate your skills in understanding spoken
English. There are three parts in the listening C om prehension section, with dif­
ferent tasks in each.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

Part A
D IR E C T IO N S : In part you will hear short conversations betw een two speak­
ers. At the end of each conversation, a third speaker w ill ask a question about
w hat the first two speakers said. Each conversation and each question will be
spoken only one time. Therefore, you m ust listen carefully to understand what
each speaker says. A fter you hear a conversation and the question, read the four
selections and choose the one that is the best answ er to the question the speaker
asked. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and blacken
the space that corresponds to the letter for the answ er you have chosen. Blacken
the space com pletely so that the letter inside the space does not show.

Listen to the follow ing example.

On the recording, you hear:

(M an ) : Does the car need to be filled?

(W om an) : Mary stopped at the gas station on her w ay hom e.
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an m ean?

In your test book, you will read:

A. M ary bought som e food.

B. Mary had car trouble.
C. Mary went shopping.
D. M ary bought som e gas u

From the conversation you learn that M ary stopped at the gas station on
her way home. The best answ er to the question "D oes the car need to be filled?"
is (D), "M ary bought som e gas. "Therefore, the correct answ er is (D).

Now let us begin Part A question num ber 1.

M an ) : The m edical license exam ination on Ju ne 22 w as very difficult. Did

Sandy pass?
(W om an) : She hasn't received a letter yet. But she says she sailed right trough
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an say about Sandy? (12 seconds)

1. A. She didn't expect to fail. - '

B. She w ent sailing.
C. She had her hearing exam ined.
D. She passed her driving test.

(W om an) : The new sport com plex is an excellen t facility with all kinds of

E a s y TO EFL

(M an ) : Last tim e we went, we drove around for forty m inutes before we

found a place to park
(N arrator) : W hat does the man m ean? (12 seconds)

2. A. We have 40 m inutes to spare.

B. We have to be there in 14 m inutes.
C. We had a hard tim e parking the car.
D. The parking lot is around the corner.

(M an ) : The stock m arket is up, but my son is losing m oney on his mutual
(W om an) : If 1 were in his shoes, 1 would hire another broker to m anage my
in vestm en ts.
(N arrator) : W hat does the wom an im ply? (12 seconds)

3. A. I'm w earing his shoes.

B. He needs a new broker.
C. I broke my shoe strap.
D. The m anager m ade investm ents.

(W om an) : The traffic is congested by Toledo, and it's getting close to the rush
hour. I don't know w hat tim e I'll get there.
(M an ) : W hen you arrive at the house, just let yourself in.
(N arrator) : W hat does the man m ean? (12 seconds)

4. A. She can go right in.

B. She can arrive by herself.
C. He can't let her in my house.
D. He doesn't have a key for her.

(M an ) : C hocolate m ust be an all-tim e favorite. We sell gallons of it.

(W om an) : Actually, vanilla ice cream accounts for seventy percent of all fla­
vors sold in the pass decade
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an im ply? (12 seconds)

5. A. Seventy flavors are sold regularly.

B. Vanilla is the favorite flavor.
C. Ice cream was created in the past decade.
D. Vanilla accounts are 70 percent accurate.

(W om an) : Did Liz get a used car?

(M an) : She has already had to pay for new tires, and how it looks like
she'll need a headlight
(N arrator) : W hat does the man say about Liz? (12 seconds)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

6. A. She should buy a new desk light.

B. She had to think of a new headline.
C. She is having trouble w ith her car.
D. She should talk to the new hires.

(M an) : I thought Joanna w ent to the art m useum with M ark.

(W om an) : W hen M ark called at ten, Joanna had already gone canoeing with
her brother.
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)

7. A. M ark m issed Joanna.

B. Joe and A nn love canoeing.
C . Joanna left after 10 o'clock.
D. M ark called his brother.

(W om an) : W hy did Bob and Lynn cancel their cruise? Is their com pany doing
(M an ) : Because of the change in revenue incom e, they had to take a cut in
(N arrator) : W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)

8. A. Their revenue has increased.

B. Their salaries w ere reduced.
C. The incom e has been cut off.
D. The bay has been divided.

(M an) : M rs. Bailey w ants to be reim bursed. Do you know how m uch?
(W om an) : She was charger thirty-eight dollars for the flow ers and another
tw elve for the delivery
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)

9. A. M rs. Bailey w as cheated out of $38.

B. M rs. Bailey charged the flow ers on her credit card.
C. Mrs. Bailey charges a lot her flow er delivery.
D . Mrs. Bailey paid $50 for the flow ers.

(W om an) : W hat changed are planned on the north side o f the city?
(M an ) : The proposal to build a hospital in the area looks m ore prom ising
than it did six years ago.
(N arrator) : W hat does the m an im ply? (12 seconds)

10. A. The new hospital w orks better then the old one.
B. The hospital was bu ilt six years ago but still looks good.
C. They built a hospital here six years ago.

E a s y TO EFL

D. This proposal has a better chance than the previous one.

(M an) : Can I stay for ju st another m inute? 1 really need to look som ething
(W om an) : Patrons are requested to leave the library w hen the closing bell is
(Narrator) ; W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)

11. A. The bell sound like it's com ing from the library.
B. The library has a sound strategy for patrons.
C. The library users should leave w hen the bell rings.
D. Parents shouldn't leave children in the library.

(W om an) : The roads here seem very confusing to me. I am not sure I can find
your hou se in tim e for us to m ake the perform ance.
(M an) : Would you like to m eet at the concert hall instead?
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an m an suggest? (12 seconds)

12. A. We can go to the m usic hall separately.

B. We don't have to stand during the concert.
C. Let's have a m eat dish after the concert.
D. We can have the m eeting in the hall.

(M an) : Is Rita ready with her data? W e've got to m ake a good im pression.
(W om an) : She m akes sure she checked the slides for the sales presentation
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an say about Rita? (12 seconds)

13. A. She prepared the slides carefully.

B. She was sure she did w ell at the presentation.
C. She presented the slides to the sales personnel.
D. She checked the slides out of the sales office.

(W om an) : You bought twelve loaves o f bread and five gallons of milk!
(M an) : W e've invited four couples to visit during the sum m er sem ester
break .
(N arrator) : W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)

14. A. Four people are com ing.

B. W ill you com e for the break?
C. Would you like to visit us?
D. Eight friends are invited.

(M an) : Isn't M argaret lonely? I know 1 would be.

(W om an) : Now that all the children are out of the house, she is thinking about

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

going back to college.

(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an say about M argaret? (12 seconds)

15. A. M argaret already has a college degree.

B. M argaret is considering taking classes.
C. M argaret's children a away at college.
D. M argaret's children are outside.

(W om an) : Ralph doesn't seem to be w orried about the boys.

(M an ) : He doesn't let on w hat he is really thinking.
(N arrator) : W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)

16. A. It's difficult to say w hat Ralph is thinking.

B. The boys are doing well, and Ralph is not w orried.
C. Ralph only seem s w orried, but he is really not.
D. Ralph is alw ays thinking about the boys.

(M an ) : I swerved to avoid a dog and ran into a telephone pole.

(W om an) : No problem . We can have your car as good as new in a coviple of
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an occupation? (12 seconds)

17. A. A receptionist in a car repair shop.

B. An operator at a telephone company.
C. A veterinarian at anim al clinic.
D. A secretary in an insu rance company.

(W om an) : A rthur w ent grocery shopping at m idnight. W hat an odd thing

to do.
(M an) : The store does stay open.
(N arrator) : W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)

18. A. The grocery store has an odd schedule.

B. A rthur stores thing at his place.
C. It's possible to go shopping at that hour.
D. O nly strange people go to the store so late.

(M an ) : You m issed your flight! Was Ken angry?

(W om an) : Had he thought to pull over at that gas station we saw on Walnut
Street, he w ouldn't have run out
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an im ply about Ken? (12 seconds)

1 9. A. He ran out of the station.

B. He didn't have enough gas.

E a s y TO EFL

C. He has been thinking a lot.

D. He pulled over to buy gas.

(W om an) : We spent an entire week on w ords with prim ary and secondary
(M an ) : W ords that have two stresses syllables are not com m on as those
that have only one.
(N arrator) : W hat does the man m ean? (12 seconds)

20. A. Tw o-syllable w ords are com m on.

B.Stress can affect pronunciation.
C. Tw o-part words are very rare.
D. M ost w ords have only one stress.

(M an ) : Do you know how this oven w orks? I can't figure it out.

(W om an) : D iane m akes casseroles in it every week. She'd know.
(N arrator) : W hat does the exchange occur? (12 seconds)

21 . A In a kitchen.
B. In a living room .
C. In a bathroom .
D. In a hallway.

(M an ) ; Carl didn't tell me his wife was away at her sister's in Bluffton.
(W om an) : W hy is that such a big deal?
(M an) : She prom ised to baby-sit m y children w hile I take lay father-in-
law shopping for a suit.
(N arrator) : W here is Carl's w ife? (12 seconds)

22. A. At her father's

B. At her sister's
C. At her own hom e
D. At her children's

(W om an) W e've been w aiting for the prescription for tw enty-five m inutes,
and we still need to stop at the bank and pick up the sandw iches
at the deli.
(M an) We could've gone to the post office in the m eantim e.
(N arrator) W here does this conversation take place? (12 seconds)

23 A. At a post office.
B. At a bank.
C. At a pharmacy.
D. At a deli.

D r s . Sl a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

(M an) W hat tim e did they say your car would be ready?
(W om an) They said it should be ready around three-thirty, but I'll be sur­
prised if they finish before five.
(Narrator) W hat can be concluded from the w om an's statem ent? (12 se­
con d s)

24. A. She
B. She
C. She
D. She

(M an) : If I eat another bite, I w on't be able to breathe.

(W om an) : You didn't have to have so m uch soup just an h ou r after you had
h alf a w ater-m elon.
(N arrator) : W hat can be said about the m an? (12 seconds)

25. A. He s tired.
B. He ate too m uch.
C. He is out o f breath.
D. He

(M an) : N o oijly did the N ixons com e uninvited but they also brought
their cousins.
(W om an) : It didn't brother me.
(N arrator) : W hat does the w om an m ean?

26. A. She cou ld n 't be bothered.

B. She invited the N ixons.
C. She d id n 't m ind.
D. She has a brother.

(M an) : W hy didn't you go out with the N ick? D idn't he say he wanted to
take you out on the tow n?
(W om an) : All he ever talks about is tennis.
(N arrator) : W hat can be concluded from this exchange? (12 seconds)

2 7. A. Nick plays tennis all the time.

B. The w om an w ent out w ith nick.
C. The town has m any nightclubs.
D. The wom an finds N ick boring.

(M an ) : How m any students do you have in your statistics class?

(W om an) : This year we restricted it to two hundreds students, bu t there are
probably just as m any on the w aiting list.

E a s y TO EFL

(N arrator) : W hat can be said about the statistics class? (12 seconds)

28. A. Four hundred students will take it.

B. Two hundred students are init.
C. It's restricted to the w aiting list.
D. It's instructor has strict rules.

(W om an) : I'm sorry, sir. Your coat isn't ready yet. I think we can have it for
you in about an hour.
(M an) : How long does it take m end the sleeve lining?
(N arrator) : W here does this conversation take place? (12 seconds)

29. A. At a laundrom at.

B. At a printm aker's.
C. In an appliance store.
D. In a tailor's shop.

(W om an) : M ay I have a glass of w ater? I'm thirsty, and I have a splitting

(M an) : I'll bring you som e aspirin as soon as we gel to a higher altitude.
(N arrator) : W hat does the man's occupation? (12 seconds)
(N arrator) : This is the end of Part A.

30. A. A doctor
B. A flight attendant
C. A hospital nurse
D. A pilot

Part B
D IR E C T IO N S: In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations.
A fter each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversations and
questions w ill not be repeated.
A fter you hear a question, read the four choices in your test book and choose
the best answer. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber o f the question
and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter on the answ er you have cho­
sen. Rem em ber, you are not allow ed to take notes or write in your test book.

Listen to the follow ing exam ple:

You will hear:

You will read:

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

A. He has changed jobs.

B. He has two children.
C. He has two jobs.
D. He is looking for a job.

From the conversation you learn that Tom has taken an additional job. The
best answers to the question "W hy is Tom tired?" is (C), "H e has two job". There
fore, the correct answ er is (C).

(N arrator) : Questions 31 through 34 refer to the following conversation about


(M an) : O ur next stop after the antelope and the deer area is the aquarium,
where we keep our dolphins. We are very proud of the anim als we
have acquired, and we take very good care of them.
(W om an) : I thought they were fish.
(M an) : Oh, no. dolphins are m am m als. They don't have gills, and they
breathe by taking air into their lungs. Unlike fish, they can't re­
main under water for prolonged periods of time and need to come
up for air. M ature dolphins eat fish, but they can also becom e prey
for sharks. In fact, females nurse and protect their newborns for
about a year till they becom e self-sufficient and defend themselves.
(W om an) : This is very interesting. I didn't know that
(M an) : Here we are. Aren't they beautiful? You m ay also notice that these
aquatic creatures don't have scales. They are the m ost sociable of
the m arine m am m als. Here com es Violet, our oldest. She is almost
tw enty years old.
(W om an) : W hat's their life span?
(M an) : It's hard to say because individuals are alm ost impossible to track.
But on the average, I'd say about tw enty-five years.
(W om an) : Listen to them! They make so m any noises.
(M an) : That's how they com m unicate w ith one another. Som e scientists
even think that dolphins have their own special language that al­
lows them to warn one another, send m essages, or signal the pres­
ence of a predator. Eventually, zoologists hope to learn specifically
how dolphins transm it information.
(W om an) : Thank you for taking the time. I've learned so m uch today.

(N arrator) :
31. W hat is the main topic of this dialogue? (12 seconds)

Ea s y TO EFL

A. The life of sociable creatures

B. Special features of dolphins
C. The differences betw een fist and dolphins
D . C om m unication betw een group of dolphins

(N arrator) :
3 2 . W here does this conversation take place? (12 seconds)
A. In a m useum
B. O n a seashore
C. In a laboratory
D . A t zoo

(N arrator) :
3 3 . How long do fem ale dolphins stay w ith their young? (12 seconds)
A. For about 2 m onths
B. For alm ost 12 m onths
C. A pproxim ately 2 years
D. A pproxim ately 20years

(N arrator) :
34. H ow do dolphins com m unicate? (12 seconds)
A. By visual contact
B. By sounds
C. T h ou gh t w arning one another
D. W ith the help of scientist

(N arrator) : Q u estions 35 through 38 refer to the conversation about d ictionar­


(M an) : I alw ays recom m ended that m y students use a dictionary w hen
they are w orking on a paper or a presentation. D ictionaries don't
ju st give the m eaning of words, but they also list inform ation about
word origins. They also point out w hich w ords are literary words,
used in form al w riting, and w hich word colloquial or sim ply out
(W om an) : That's right. D ictionaries can supply a w ealth of inform ation. Last
sem ester, in m y reading class, I encouraged students to look up
idiom s com m on in A m erican English and foreign w ords borrow ed
from other languages. In that class, we had to use dictionaries all
the tim e.
(M an) : O f course, one can't alw ays rely on a dictionary, how ever goods it
is. W hen language learners acquire a sizable vocabulary, they may
need to sw itch from a general dictionary to specialized one that

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

includes technical terms. No dictionary contains all the w ords of a

(W om an) : I m ust say, though, that using dictionaries can be tricky sometimes.
If learners don't clearly understand how w ords are used but them
anyway, incorrect usage can make their speech or written assign­
m ents incomprehensible. In general, there are very few true syn­
onym s, and although dictionaries cite w ords with similar m ean­
ings, these w ords m ay be used in com pletely different contexts.

(N arrator):
35. W hat is the main idea of this conversation? (12 seconds)
A. The contents and structure of dictionaries
B. The benefits and pitfalls of dictionary use
C. The acquisition of word in dictionary
D. The various applications of dictionary entries

(N arrator):
W hat types of dictionaries are mentioned in this talk? (12 seconds)
36. A. Form al and technical
B. General and specialized
C. Small and unabridged
D. Am erican and English

(N arrator):
37. W hat did the w om an say she did last sem ester? (12 seconds)
A. Took a writing class
B. Used a technical dictionary
C. Studied m any new word
D . Taught a reading class

(N arrator):
W hat can be a draw back in using dictionary? (12 seconds)
38. A. Learners need to abandon dictionaries when their vocabulary is
B. Teachers think that student shouldn't alw ays depend on dictionaries.
C. One can't use a dictionary effectively without knowing word usage.
D. Although dictionaries contain m any entries, some word definitions
can be irrelevant.

(N arrator): It is the end of Part B.

Ea s y TO EFL

Part C
D IR E C T IO N S: In part you will hear short lectures and conversations. At
the end of each, you will be asked several questions. Each lecture or conversa­
tion and each question will be spoken only one time. For this reason, you must
listen carefully to understand w hat each speaker says. A fter you hear a question,
Read the four selections and choose the one that is the best answ er to the sen­
tence the speaker asked. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the
question and blacken the space that corresponds to the letter for the answ er you
have chosen.

A nsw er all qu estions according to w hat is stated or im plied in the lecture or


Listen to this sam ple talk.

You w ill hear:

N ow listen to the follow ing exam ple.

You will hear:

You will read:

A. By cars and carriages

B. By bicycles, trains, and carriages
C. On foot and boat
D. D. On board ships and trains

The best answ er to the question 'A cco rd in g to the speaker, how did people
travels before the invention of the au tom obile?" is (B), "By bicycles, trains, and
carriages." Therefore, the correct answ er is (B).

Now listen to another sam ple question.

(N arrator) : A pproxim ately how m any people are em ployed in the autom obile
service industry?

You w ill read:

A. O ne m illion
B. Ten m illion
C. Tw elve m illion
D. N inety m illion

The best answ er to the question "A pproxim ately how m any people are em ­
ployed in the autom obile service in d u stry ?" is (C), "Tw elve m illion." Therefore,
the correct answ er is (C).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

You are not allowed to take notes during the test.

(N arrator) : Questions 39 through 42 refer to the following lecture about Lake


(M an) : If you look out the window on the right side of the van, you will
see Lake Ontario, the sm allest and the eastern of the five Great
Lakes. Although the lake is navigable for large ships all year round,
it is less traveled than the other Great Lakes. Lake O ntario borders
the Canadian province of Ontario on its north side and the north­
w estern p art of N ew York and form s a cru cial link of the St.
Law rence Seaway.

The lake is about one hundred ninety-three miles long and fifty-
three miles wide and covers an area of seven thousand five hun­
dred square miles. The shore of the lake is approxim ately four hun­
dred eighty miles around. Two-thirds of the lake w aters lie below
sea level and, because Lake Ontario is very deep, it does not freeze
in the winter except near the shore w here the w ater is shallow. A
constant current carries the w ater from w est to east at the rate of
about one-third of a mile per hour.

Because of the capacity of large bodies of w ater to retain heat, the

lake has a m oderating effect on the clim ate of the areas that sur­
round it. For exam ple, while the eastern shore of the lake never has
a really hot day, on its southern shore fruit trees grow both in the
United States and Canada. The lake em pties into the A tlantic Ocean
through the St. Law rence River, while the N iagara River and the
Welland Canal connect it to Lake Erie in the southw est.

(N arrator):
39. H ow is Lake Ontario different from the other G reat Lakes? (12 seconds)
A. It's the northern
B. It's the southern
C. It's the deepest
D. It's the smallest

(N arrator):
4 0 . W hat can be said about the traffic on Lake Ontario? (12 seconds)
A. It's heavily traveled all year round.
B. It's not navigable for large boats.
C. It has less traffic than the other Great lakes.
D. Its shores are inaccessible for landing.

Ea s y TO EFL

(N arrator):
41 .H ow long is Lake O ntario's shore line? (12 seconds)
A. 53 m iles
B. 193 m iles
C. 480 m iles
D. 7,500 m iles

(N arrator):
42.H ow does Lake O ntario affect the clim ate in its vicinity? (12 seconds)
A. Its w ater is used for irrigation of trees.
B. It m od erates the w eather patterns in the region.
C. It cools the air in the surrounding areas.
D. It has a consid erable capacity to store water.

(N arrator) : Q u estion s 43 through 47 refer to the follow ing talk about Edgar
A llan Poe.
(W om an) : Today, we m ove on in an overview of prom inent figures in 19th-
century A m erican literature. We will begin with Edgar A llan Poe
w ho, after m ore than a century since his death, rem ains am ong the
m ost popular A m erican authors of all time. He was born in Boston
on Jan u ary 19, 1809 to a fam ily of traveling actors. A bout a year
and a h alf later, his father, David Poe, left his w ife and son and
disappeared w ithout a trace. Elizabeth Poe,who w as an English-
born actress, died in 1811 in Richm ond, V irginia, during a tour,
and her son was taken care of by the fam ily of John-A llan, a rela­
tively w ealthy tobacco exporter. The A llans had no children of their
ow n, and M rs. A llan becam e an affectio n ate m oth er for young
Edgar. Because the A llans were well off, Edgar received a thorough
ed u catio n ap p rop riate for a gentlem an. The A llans traveled fre­
quently on business, and young Poe lives with the fam ily in En­
gland and Scotland betw een 1815 and 1820. There he attended a
classical preparatory school at Stoke N ew ington for three years.
W hen Poe turned eleven, the fam ily m oved back to V irginia, and
he continued his education at a local academ y. Later w hen Edgar
entered the U niversity of Virginia, he succeeded adm irably in his
academ ics. H ow ever, gam bling led to the dem ise of his academ ic
pu rsu it, and A llan rem oved Edgar from the u niv ersity w ithin a

N arrator):
43. W here was Edgar A llan Poe born? (12 seconds)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

A. England
B. Scotland
C. Richm ond
D. Boston

(N arrator):
4 4. W hat can be said about Poe's adoptive parents? (12 seconds)
A. They were w ell-to-do.
B. They didn't love young Poe.
C. They were English.
D. They abandoned him.

(N arrator):
4 5 . How old was Edgar Allan Poe when his fam ily m oved back to Virginia? (12
A. 9
B. 11
C. 15
D. 18

(N arrator):
46. W hat can be said about Poe's study at the university? (12 seconds)
A.He was a com petent student
B. He preferred studying in the academ y
C. He did not do well in his academ ics
D. He decided to travel to Scotland instead

(N arrator):
47. W hy did John Allan rem ove Poe from the university? (12 seconds)
A. John Allan could not afford Poe's education.
B. Poe becam e involved in gam bling
C. John Allan had to leave for England
D. Poe decided to becam e a w riter

(Narrator) : Questions 48 through 50 refer to the following talk about advertising.

(M an) : To put simply, ad vertising can be any from of presentation that

prom otes ideas, service, good that have a sponsor who pay the ad­
vertising. All advertising is non personal, and the inform ation con­
tained in it is directed tow ard a large group of people who have
m any d ifferen t ch aracteristics. W hat sep arates advertising from
publicity is that advertising is paid for, w hile publicity cannot be
bought. Sponsor such as h am bu rger and soft drink com panies pay

Ea s y TO EFL

for the tim e and new s m edia space that they use to get the infor­
m ation about their products to the public. In many cases, specifi­
cally indicating who the sponsor is for a particular advertisem ent
can be the very purpose behind it. Political advertising is one of the
prim e exam ples of cases when identifying the sponsor is why the
ad vertisem ent is m ade.

(N arrator):
48. W hat is one o f the defining characteristics of advertising? (12 seconds)
A. It is non personal
B. It consists o f presentation.
C. It cannot be bought
D. It includes ham burgers and soft drink

(N arrator):
4 9. W ho is the audience for advertisem ents? (12 seconds)
A. Product sponsors
B. M any people
C. TV view ers
D. Buyers of m edia time

(N arrator):
50. W hat is the prim ary difference betw een publicity and advertising? (12 se­
A. A dvertising is paid for.
B. A dvertising can be subject to skepticism
C. P ublicity reaches a greater audience
D. Publicity usually benefits political leaders

(N arrator): Stop W orking On Section 1


D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Tim e: 25 m inutes

This section is designed to test your ability to recognize language structures

that are appropriate in standard w ritten English. The questions in this section
belong to tw o types, each o f w hich has special direction.

D IR E C T IO N S : Q uestion 1-15 are partial sentences. Below each sentence

you will see four w ord or phrases, m arket (A), (B), (C), and (D). Select the one
word or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of the question you have selected. Blacken the space so that the
letter inside the circle does not show.

E xam p le I

D rying flow ers is the best w ay them.

A. to preserve
B. by preserving
C. preserve
D. preserved

The presence should state. "D ryin g flow ers is the best w ay to preserve them."
Therefore, the correct answ er is (A).

Exam ple II

M any A m erican u niv ersities as sm all, private colleges.

A. b eg u n
B. begin ning
C. b eg an t,
D. for the beginning

The sentence should state, "M a n y A m erican u niv ersities b eg an is small,

private colleges." Therefore, the correct answ er is (C).

A fter you read the direction, begin word on the questions.

1. The sm oke from bu rning fuel causes, pollution if into the atmosphere.
A. it releases
B. it is released
C. it w ill be released /
it released

Ea s y TO EFL

2. While preparing an issue, new spaper editors decide w h at in the editori­

A. view point to take
ft . view point takes ✓
C. takes a viewpoint
D. takes to a viewpoint

3. Medical researchers claim that each reflex som e stim ulus that causes a
B. involvem ent
C. involves -
D. involve

4. A law of physics stipulates that energy in any system cannot be created

o r ........
JK . destroy
B. to destroy
C. destroyed J
D. destruction

5. Until the late 1800s, shopkeepers ad vertised ................on pictorial signs be­
cause their custom ers w ere illiterate.
they produced
B. their p ro d u cts7
C. produced their
D. they are produced

6. Am nesia is th e or total loss of m em ory concerning past experiences.

A. part
B. partially
C. partly
CK partial

7. A sharp sense of smell enables hunting d o g s will animal.

.A . to tracking
B. to track
C. to be tracking
D. track them to

8. The popularity of early m elodram a prom oted the creation of realistic set­
tings a n d effects.
A. elaborate special
pC elaborated specially

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C. specially elaborating v
D. specially to elaborate

9. The roots anchor a tree in the ground and absorb w ater the soil.
A. to
C. into
D. due to

10. Viruses are so tiny th a t only by m eans of an electron m icroscope.

A. they can see
B. they can be seen /
A s can be seen
D. can see them

11. W hen A rturo Toscanini began his career, m usic was regarded as one . . . . . .ex­
pressing em otions.
m eans by
B. m eans by it
C. m eans of y
D. the m eaning of

12. In diving com petitions, w om en p erfo rm m en do.

A. dive the sam e as j
the sam e dives as
C. dive the sam e way as
D. the diving

13. Syllables are th e o f a w ord according to pronunciation.

A. naturally divided
divided by nature
' natural divisions -
D. dividing them naturally

14. M esopotam ian civilizations dicLnot history until m eaning-sym bol cor­
respondences had been devised.
A. beginning to record
B. record the beginning
C. began recording
begin to record

15. Before the 1700s, w hen children w orked together w ith adults, childhood
did not exist.
A. as we have known
as we know it

Ea s y TO EFL

C. it is known
D. is known as

DIRECTIONS: In question 16-40 every sentence has four words or phrases

that are underlined. The four underlined portion of each sentence are marked
(A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one word or phrase that should be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct. Then on your answ er sheet, find the num ­
ber of the question and blacken the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answ er you have selected.

Exam ple I

Christopher Colum bus has sailed from Europe in 1492 and discovered a
new land he thought to be India.

The sentence should state, "C hristopher Colum bus sailed from Europe in
1492 and discovered a new land he thought to be India." Therefore, you should
choose answ er (A).

Exam ple II

As the roles of people in society change, so does, the rules of conduct in

certain situations.

The sentence should state, "As the roles of people in society change, so do
the rules of conduct in certain situations." Therefore, you should choose answer (B).

After you read the directions, begin work on the question.

16. Carl A nderson discovered two atom ic particles that he identified while
studied cosm ic rays.

17. No one know s exactly how m any species of anim al lives on earth.

18. A ssessm ent instrum ents in nursery schools they feature items and other
m aterials different from those on elem entary school tests.

c n d

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

19. M ichigan's rivers, inlets, and lakes attract tourist w ho derive pleasure from
s~//A B C
canoeing and w ater-ski.

20. A nalysts have translated clay tablets that dem onstrate that the Babylonians
w ere high skilled in arithm etic.
2 1. The visual nerves o f the brain interprets w avelengths o f light as perceptions
o f color.

2 2 . It is’ possible to have w ealth but little incom e and having incom e but no
w ealth .
2 3 . W hen a crim inal case goes to trial, the defendant may election it have it hear
either by a jury or by a ju d g e.

24. John Keynes used his knowledge of econom ics to help his college and himself.
*A ' B C D
25. G overnm ent offices store and m aintain such docu m ents as certificates of
birth, m arried, and d eath .

26. A fter the C onstitution was signed. D elaw are becam e the first state to
ratifying it.

27. M igrant w orkers live in substandard unsanitary, and dilapidated housing

A M3 C
and often are lacking m edical care.
D ,
28. The m ining o f m ineral often bring about the destruction of landscapes and
A vXB i / t
w ildlife habitats.
2 9 . C hristopher M arlow e established his theatrical reputation w ith Tamburlaine

Ea s y TO EFL

the Great, w ritten in high verse and reflected his unconventional thought.
Cv / D

3 0 . W illiam H. Bonney, better know n as' Billy the kid, shoot a m an to death in
a quarrel and had to flee to N ew M exico.

31. Foxes stay in closely knit fam ily groups w hile the young ones are grow up.
A B C / D

3 2 . By 1938, the sale of records album had reached $26 m illion a year.
v/A B C M

3 3 . Egyptian artisan m ade glass that was colored by the present of im pu rities.
A" B C D

3 4 . A theory called plate tectonics explain the form ation of the surface features
A ^ B C D
o f the earth.

35. M em bers of high school clubs learn to participation in team through their
Av/ B
in volvem en t in com m unity p ro jects.

3 6 . W hen too m any firm s enter com petitive m arkets, their share of profit will
3 7 . The term "m id d le class" describes people betw een the u pper and the low
social classes.

3 8 . C opper com es from seven types of ores that also contain the other
m aterials.

3 9 . M atthew H enson received m any honoiSfor his part in the expedition to the
A ^B C D
N orth Pole.
4 0 . Silicon chip contain thousands of circuits in an area as sm aller than
v/A B C
a fin g ern ail.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


Tim e 55 m inutes

D IR E C T IO N S : In this section you will read several passages. Each is fol­

low ed by question it. For question 1-50, you need to select the one best answer,
(A ), (B), (C), or (D), to each qu estion. Then, on y ou r an sw er sheet, find the
num ber of the question and blacken the space that corresponds to the letter on
the answ er you have selected. Fill in the space com pletely.
A nsw er all questions follow ing a passage on the basis of w hat is stated or
im plied in the passage.

Read the follow ing passage:

A tom ahaw k is a sm all ax used as a tool and a w eapon by the North

A m erican Indian tribes. An average tom ahaw k was not very long and did
not w eigh a great deal. O riginally, the head of the tom ahaw k was m ade of a
shaped stone or an anim al bone and was m ounted on a w ooden handle.
(5) A fter the arrival of the European settlers, the Indians began to use toma­
haw ks w ith iron head Indian m ales and fem ales of all ages used tom ahawk
to chop and cut wood, pound stakes into the ground to put up wigwam s,
and do m any other chores. Indian w arriors relied on tom ahaw k as weapons
and even threw them at their en em ies. Som e types of tom ah aw ks were
used in religious were m onies. C ontem porary A m erican idiom s reflect this
aspect of A m erican heritage.

E xam p le I
Early tom ahaw k heads w ere m ade of

A. Stone and bone

B. Wood or stick
C. European iron
D. Religious w eapons

Ea s y TO EFL

A ccording to the passage, early tom ahaw k heads were m ade of stone and
bone. Therefore, the correct answ er is (A).

Exam ple II

How has the Indian use o f tom ahaw ks affected A m erican daily life today?

A. Tom ahaw ks are still used as weapons.

B. Tom ahaw ks are used as tools for certain jobs.
C. C on tem porary language refers to tom ahaw ks.
D. Indian tribes cherish them as heirloom s.

The passage states, "C ontem porary A m erican idiom s reflect this aspect of
A m erican h eritag e." The correct answ er is (C).

A fter you read the directions, begin work on the question.

Q u estio n s 1-12

Even w ith his diverse experience as an elected official at the state level.
A ndrew Jo h n son w as the first presid en t o f the U nited States ever to be
im peached, prim arily because o f his violent tem per and unyielding stub­
bornness. H is career started in 1828 with his election to the city council of
(5) G reenville,. Tennessee, and after two years as an alderm an, he took office as
mayor. H is advancem ent follow ed in rapid succession when he was elected
to the Tennessee state senate, then as the state governor, and later to the
U.S. H ouse o f R epresentatives for five consecutive terms.

In 1864, Jo h n so n ran for the office o f vice-p resid en t on the Lincoln-

(10) Johnson ticket and was inaugurated in 1865. A fter Lincoln's assassination
six w eeks into his term , Joh nson found him self president at a tim e w hen
sou thern leaders w ere concerned about their forced alliance with the n orth ­
ern states and feared retaliation for their support o f the secession. In stead,
how ever, w ith the dip lom atic skill he had learned from Lincoln. Johnson
(15) offered full pardon to alm ost all C onfederates on the condition that they
take an oath of allegiance. He further reorganized the form er C onfederate
states and set up legislative elections.
C on gressional opposition to his peace-m aking policies result in gridlock
betw een the H ouse and Johnson, and the stalem ate grew into an open con­
flict on the issue o f the em ancipation of slaves. W hile Johnson held the view
that new ly freed slaves lacked understanding and know ledge of civil liber­
ties to vote intelligently. C ongress overrode Johnson's veto of the Civil Right
Bill, w hich aw arded them citizenship and ratified the fourteenth Am end-

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

ment. In the years that follow ed, C ongress passed bills depriving the presi­
dent on the pow er to pardon political crim inal, striping aw ay his status of
com m ander-in-chief, and taking away Johnson's right to dism iss civil and
executive officer from their duties. Johnson vetoed each bill, and each veto
was o v errid d en . W hen Jo h n son dism issed the secretary o f war, Edwin
Stanton, Stanton refused to step dow n and was supported by the H ouse of
Representatives, w hich voted to im peach Johnson. At the trial, the senate
cam e one vote short of the tw o-thirds m ajority necessary to rem ove him
from office. A fter Johnson's term expired, he returned to his hom e state, in
1875 he was elected senator and went back to W ashington to take his seat.

1. W hat does the passage m ainly discuss?

A. A ndrew Johnson's personal characteristics
( B. A ndrew Johnson's career as a politician
C. C ongressional decision in the late 1800s
D. C ongressional decision and procedures in the late 180C(s

2. In line 4, the phrase "took office" is closet in m eaning to

A. m oved into an office
B. becam e an official
C. began a governm ent job
D. rearranged the office

3. W hat can be inferred from the first paragraph about Andrew Johnson's work
in Tennessee?
A. His personality precluded him from im portant positions.
B. His w ork becam e know n to the governor
He w as elected to several im portant posts.
D. He w as represented to the posts five times.

4. In line 11, the w ord "allian ce" in m eaning to

AL union
B. counsel
C. allow ance
D. allotm ent
5. A ccording to the passage, w hat led to Johnson's dow nfall?
A. The state of the nation's econom y
B. His liberal position on slavery
C. His personal characteristics
D. His w affling and hesitation

6. The author o f the passage im plies that when Johnson becam e president he
A. was a dedicated supporter of civil right

Ea s y TO EFL

B. w as of soft-spoken and careful diplom at

C. had and extensive background in politics
D. had already experienced political turm oil

7. A ccording to the passage, at the beginning o f Johnson's term as president

southerners were
A. expected to secede from the union
B. ap prehensive about their future
C. singled out as scapegoats
D. afraid of his violent tem per

8. A ccording to the passage, C ongress's disapproval o f A ndrew Johnson's poli­

cies was
A. short-lived and groundless
B. detrim ental to his presidency
C. directed at his civic duties
D. stopped as soon as it em erged

9. In line 21, the word "p a rd o n " is closest in m eaning to

A. parade
B. patronize
C. exonerate

10, The au thor of the passage im plies that the Stanton affair proved the
A. lack of stam ina
B. lack o f electoral vote
C. loss of w illpow er
D. loss of authority

11. In line 23, the word "d ism issed " is closest in m eaning to
B. fired
C. disdained
D. flounced
12. A ccording to the passage, the attem pt to im peach A ndrew Johnson
A. succeeded as expected by the House
B. failed by a m inim al m argin
C. put an end to his political career
D. overw helm ed his supporters in Tennessee

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Q u e stio n s 13-24

Sex-trait stereotypes may be defined as asset of psychology attributes

that characterize m en for frequently than w om en. Thus, m ales are often
described as am bitious, unem otional, and independent and, on the other
hand, selfish, u nrefined, and in sen sitive. Fem ales are d escribed , as em o
(5) tional, irrational, high-strung, and tentative. In spite of the egalitarian m ove­
ment, recent studies have dem onstrated that sex-trait stereotypes rem ain
com m on am ong young adults today. In fact, suck stereotyping has proved
to be the psychological justification for social beliefs concerning the appro­
priateness of various activities for men and w om en that further perpetuate
(10) the different sex roles traditionally ascribed to m en and w om en.
The aw areness of sex-trait stereotypes in the United States develop in a
linier fashion betw een the ages of four and ten. Generally, know ledge of
m ale stereotypical characteristics develops earlier, w hereas know ledge of
fem ale characteristics increases m ore rapidly betw een the ages o f four and
(15) seven. W hile the reasons for this learning are not fully understood, evidence
suggests that at the preschool level children's literature and television pro­
gram s provide powerful m odels and reinforcem ent for stereotyped view.
Studies designed to com pare sex-trait stereotypes cross-nationally show
a high degree of correspondence in the characteristics ascribed to men and
(20) women. As findings have been obtained in other countries, two hypotheses
have been advanced to explain the com m onalities in sex-trait stereotyping.
O ne states that pancultural sim ilarities play a role in the psychological char­
acteristics attributed to m en and w om en, and the second states that the
general picture is one of cultural relativism .

13. W hich of the follow ing is the best title for the passage?
A. A Relativist Perspective on stereotyping
B. The Pervasiveness of Sex-Trait Stereotypes
C. A U nilateral A pproach to Sex-Trait Stereotyping
D. A C ross-exam ination of Stereotypical Behaviors

14. In line 2, the word "am b itio u s" is closest in m eaning to

A. Enterprising
B. am biguous
JC . anxious
D. honest

15. In line 4, the word "h ig h -stru n g" is closest in m eaning to

A. high-class — ----------— _____________
E a s y TO EFL

B. fair-m ind ed
C. nervous
D. hideous

16. W hich o f the follow ing statem ents is supported in the passage?
A. The egalitarian m ovem ent has been a resounding success
B. The beliefs o f young adults have show n little change
C. Young adults have participated in m any com m on studies
D. The beliefs o f young adults are m ore com m on am ong the old.

17. In line 8, the w ord "p erp etu ate" is closest in m eaning to
A. personalize
B. perplex
C. m ain tain
D. m ount

18. It can be inferred from the second p aragrap h that you ng ch ildren learn
about sex-trait stereotypes
A. the on-going egalitarian change
B. the rationalization for stereotyping
C. nontraditional gender roles
D. concerns for the legitim acy of sex traits

19. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that young ch ildren learn
about sex trait stereotypes
A. by w atching their parent
B. by being exposed to various media
C. after they start school
D. w hen their learning is reinforced

20. W here in the passage does the author refer to lim itation of sex-trait research?
A. Lines 1-3
B. Lines 4-6
C. Lines 13-15
D. L ines 16-19
21. A ccording in the passage, characterizations o f m en and w om en as having
particular sets o f attributes are
A. reflected in m odern fashion
B. found in several countries
C. uniform across all groups
D. con tingen t on a socioeconom ic class

22. In line 17, the w ord "co rresp o n d en ce" is closest in m eaning to
A. letters

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. writing
C. agreem ent
D. discord

23. The author o f the passage would m ost probably agree with w hich of the
follow ing statem ent?
A. Social attitudes toward w om en have been updated and m ade more
B. Social attitudes toward m en are continually nullified and m odernized
C. The w om en's liberation m ovem ent has borne little fruit
D. Social attitudes are not likely to change radically

24. The passage is probably an excerpt from an article on

A. dem ographics
B. sociology
C. sociobiology
D. psychotherapy

Q u e stio n s 25-32

There are m any reasons w hy food fads have continued to flourish.

G arlic has long been touted has an essential ingredient of physical prowess
and as a flu remedy, squash has been thought by som e to cure digestive
disorders, and red pepper has been alleged to prom ote and durance. The
(5) natural hum an desire for a sim ple solution to a difficult problem sets the
stage for prom oting m iraculous potions, pills, and com bination of chem i­
cal. The gullible individual who eagerly em brace any second-hand infor­
m ation w ith scientific overtones provide the foundation for healthy busi­
ness enterprises.

(10) A person who has never corset the threshold o f a health food story
m ay be astounded, be w ildered, or overjoyed. C ou ntless elixir, herbs, pow­
ders, sw eeteners, and other fascinating extracts are only a fraction of tbe
high-profit selection. The available literature includes pam phlets extolling
the am azing return of y ou th one can an ticip ate w hile drin kin g a potion
(15) steeped w ith tropical w eeds, as well as volum es assuring the reader of an
alm ost eternal longevity.

The story is directly keyed to arouse visitors' concern over their health
and to capitalize on real and im agined problem by offering solution that,
incidentally, cost m ore than the costum er m ay be able to afford. Heath food
(20) store patrons are often cajoled into buying tonics that prom ise to make the
functioning of healthy organs ever better, regardless o f w hether an improve-

E a s y TO EFL

m ent is called for. Prom otion of expensive product that consum ers do not
actually need takes considerable initiative and insight. On occasion, there
may even be som e slight disregard for truth in an entrepreneur's zeal to
cure cu stom er of ills —for a price.

25. W hich of the follow ing is the m ain topic of the passage?
A. Invigorating claim s regarding health food
B. Praising the health food store inventory
C. Proving the w onders in health food products
D. M arketing bogus m iracles in health food stores

26. W hich of the follow ing best describes the au thor's tone?
A. A pproving
B, Factual
C. S arcastic
D, H esitant

27. In line 2, the word "to u ted " is closest in m eaning to

A. talked about
B. figured out
C. identified
D. k now n

28. Why does the author m ention garlic and squash?

A. To explain their prevalence in diets of som e ethic groups
B. To prom ote their sales as healing agents for various ills
C. To com pare them to m odern and beneficial health products
D. To exem plify the persistence of m isconceptions regarding food
29. W here in the passage does the author give reason for the com m ercial suc­
cess of the health food industry?
A. Lines 1-2
B. Lines 8-9
C. Lines 10-13
D. Lines 14-15

30. In line 16, the w ord "ca jo led " is closest in m eaning to
A. trained
B. frightened
C. drilled
D. coaxed

31. It can be inferred from the passage that health food story operators are
prim arily concerned with
A. persuading their custom ers of the high quality of their wares

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. arriving at long-term solution for health m aintenance

C. m axim izing profits by taking advantage of consum er naivete
D. exposing the grave consequences of neglecting one's health

32. The author would m ost probably agree w ith which of the follow ing state­
m ents?
A. Health food articles are positively exotic and exorbitant
B. Prom oting and selling health food verges on cheating
C. H ealth food enterprises are dedicated to absolute honesty
D. Inducing patrons to buy health products is crim inal at best.

Q u estio n s 33-41

Because biologists have long indicated that fossil fuels w ill not last in­
definitely, the U.S. governm ent finally acknow ledged that sooner or later
other energy sources would be needed and, as a result, turned its attention
to nuclear power. It was anticipated that nuclear pow er plants could supply
(5) electricity in such large am ount and so inexpensively that they would be
integrated into and econom y in which electricity would take over virtually
all fuel-generating functions at nom inal costs. Thus, the g overnm ent subsi­
dized the prom otion o f com m ercial n uclear pow er plant and authorized
their construction by utility com panies. In the 1960s and early 1970s, the
(10) public accepted the notion of electricity being generated by nuclear reac­
tors, and the N uclear Regulatory C om m ission proceeded with plant for nu­
m erous nuclear pow er plants in or near residential areas. By 1975, 54 plants
were fully operational, supplying 11 percent of the nation's electricity, and
another 167 plants w ere at various stages o f planning and construction.
(15) O fficials estim ated that by 1990 hundreds of plants would be on line, and
by the turn of the century as l,000p lan ts would be in w orking order.
Since 1975, this outlook and this estim ation have changed drastically,
and m any utilities have canceled existing orders. In som e case, construction
(20) was term inated even after billions o f dollars had already been invested. Af­
ter being com pleted and licensed at accost of alm ost $6 billion, the Shoreham
Power Plant on Long Island was turned over to the state of N ew York to be
dism antled w ithout ever having generated electric power. The reason was
that resident and state authorities deem ed that there was no possibility of
(20) evacuating residents from the area should an accident occur.

Ju st 68 of those plants under way in 1975 have been com pleted, and
another 3 are still under construction. Therefore, it appears that in the mid
1990s 124 nuclear pow er plants in the nation will be in operation, generat

E a s y TO EFL

(25) ing about 18 percent of the nation's electricity, a figure that will undoubt­
edly decline as relatively outdated plants are shut down.

33. W hat was initially planned for the nation's fuel supply in the 1950s and in
the early 1960s?
A. E xpansion and renovation of existing fuel-generating plants.
B. C reation of additional storage capacities for fossil fuels.
C. C onversion of the industry and the econom y to nuclear power.
D. D evelop m ent of an array of alternative fuel and pow er sources

34. How does the author describe the attitude of the population in regard to
nuclear pow er as fuel in the early to mid 1970s?
A. A p prehensive
B. A m bivalent
C. R eceptive
D. R esentful

35. In line 6, the w ord "n o m in al" is closest in m eaning to

A. so-called
B. m in im al
C. ex o rb ita n t
D. inflated

36. In line 8, the w ord "n atio n " is closest in m eaning to

A. non sen se
B. notice
C. idea
D. co n seq u en ce

37. In line 15, the phrase "th is ou tlook" refers to

A. the num ber o f operating nuclear plant
B. the expectation for the increase in the num ber of nuclear plants
C. the possibility o f generating electricity at nuclear installations,
D. the forecast for the capacity of the nuclear plants

38. It can be inferred from the passage that governm ent officials m ade a critical
error in ju d gm en t by
A. d isregarding the low utility of nuclear pow er plants
B. relying on inferior m aterials and faulty plant design
C. overlooking the possibility of a m eltdow n, how ever rem ote
D. locating installations in densely w ooded areas

39. The author of the passage im plies that the construction of new nuclear power

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

A. is continuing on a sm aller scale

B. is being geared tor greater safety
C. has been com pletely halted for fear o f disaster
D. has been decelerated but not term inated

40. W hich of the follow ing best describes the organization of the passage?
A. The exposition o f the public opinion polls on nuclear pow er
B. A narration of pow er-source deliberation in nuclear pow er plants
C. Causal connections in the governm ent's position on nuclear power
D. Point and counterpoint in the nuclear pow er debate

41. The author of the passage im plies that the issue of finding adequate sources
of fuel and pow er for the future
A. has long been ignored by short sighted governm ent authorities
B. may be condoned by vacillating officials
C. has lots its pertinence in light of new discoveries
D. has not yet been satisfactorily

Q u e s tio n s 42-50

C ollecting m aps can be an enjoyable hobby for antiqu arian booksell­

ers, a captivating interest for cartographers, a lucrative vocation for astute
dealers, and an inspirational part of the occupational functioning of map
catalogers, archive, and historian. A m ong recognized collectibles, maps are
(5) relatively rarer than stam ps, but they have had their avid enthu siasts and
adm irers ever since copies w ere m ade by hand only for the affluent, the
com m anding officer, and the ship captain.

W hether the interest is business-related or am ateur, the econom ic means

a b u n d a n t o r slim , a c o lle c tio n n e e d a th e m e , be it a s s o c ia te d with
( 10 ) cotem porary changes in cartographic representation or geographic knowl­
edge, or am ore accessible goal centered on a p articular m apm aker, tech­
nique, or type of subject m atter. C ollectors should not overlook topical maps
issued predom inantly or exclusively after Word War II, such as navigational
charts, industrial com pound road layouts, or aerial projections. Potential
(15) collectors ought not to disregard tw o superficially prosaic, yet important
themes: m aps of travel routes for fam ily trips, and m aps that, for aesthetic
reasons, they personally find intriguing or sim ply attractive. In the first case,
like the box with old fam ily photos, the collection will give the travelers the
opportunity to rem inisce and relive the journey.

(20) In m ost cases, photocopies are w orthy alternatives to originals. For ex­
am ple, historical society collection s cu stom arily include the high quality

Ea s y TOEFL

facsim iles needed to m ake a collection as com prehensive and practical as

possible, supp lem enting the contributions m ade by w ell-to-do donors and
benefactors. If not predisposed to wait patiently, and possibly ineffectually,
(25) for a lucky find, collectors m ay choose to sift through dealer stock, peruse
through ad vertisem ent in local, regional, or national periodical, and solicit
the assistance of the U.S. Library of C ongress and private agencies. G overn­
m ent and public agencies, com panies, and trade associations can advise the
collector about m aps currently in circu lation and pending sales of dated
reproductions, editions, and print.

42. W hat is the m ain idea of the passage?

A. W hy hobbyists alw ays flaunt their m ap collections
B. H ow m aps can be collected by professional and enthusiasts
C. H ow to assure an interrupted flow of collectibles
D. W hat cartographers advocate as a w orthy undertaking

43. In line 2, the w ord "lu crativ e" is closest in m eaning to

A. instru ctive
B. insensitive
C. profitable
D. profuse

44. A ccording to the passage, m ap collecting as a hobby is

A. not deserving o f the tim e and resources
B. not as conventional as collecting stam ps
C. as eccentric as collecting dolls
D. conform ist in the best sense of the word

45. It can be inferred from the passage that, at a tim e w hen m aps w ere acces­
sible to the u pper socioeconom ic classes, they appealed also to a fair n um ­
ber of
A. professional copiers
B. ardent devotees
C. bu ried -treasu re hunters
D. obscure am ateur dealers

46. In line 7, the phrase "eco n o m ic m eans" is closest in m eaning to

A. econ om ic naps
B. fiscal responsibility
C. available funds
D. capital investm ent

47. The author of the passage m entions all o f the follow ing as sources of pro­

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

curing m aps EXCEPT:

A. fellow collector
B. m ap vendors
C. personal archives
D. publishers

48. In line 13, author uses the phrase "su p erficially p ro saic" to m ean
A. described in inform al prose
B. seem ingly boring and unim aginative
C. useful for travelers who enjoy a change
D. potentially uncovered in a box of photos

4 9 . in line 20, the w ord "p red isp o sed " is closest in m eaning to
A. pressured
B. provoked
C. con d em n ed
D. inclined

5 0. A paragraph follow ing the passage would m ost likely discuss

A. specific organizations to contact about m ap acquisition
B. specific m apping techniques used to enlarge the scale
C. trim m ing and fram ing valuable acquisitions
D. volunteering tim e and work to m aintain obsolete m aps

Ea s y TOEFL

Tim e : A pproxim ately 30 M inutes
50 Q uestions

(Pada tes TO E FL yang sebenarnya, percakapan TID A K DICETAK di dalam

buku tes, m elainkan HANYA D IPER D EN G A R K A N saja m elalui Tape
R ecorder atau CD. Sedangkan pada buku tes Anda A K A N M ELIHAT
pertanyaan dan pilihan kem ungkinan jaw aban untuk dipilih.).

In this section o f the test, you will have an opportunity to dem onstrate your
ability to understand spoken English. There are three parts in this section, with
special directions for each part.

Part A
D irections: For each question in Part A, you will hear a short sentence. Each
sentence will be spoken just one time. The sentences you hear will not be w rit­
ten out for you. T h erefo re, you m ust listen carefully to u nd erstand w hat the
speaker says.

A fter you hear a sentence, read the four choices in your test book, m arked
(A), (B), (C), and (D), and decide w hich one is closest in m eaning to the sentence
you heard. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill
in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen. Fill in
the space so the letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

Exam ple I
You w ill hear :
You will read :
(A) Jo h n outran the others.
(B) John w as the fastest hun ter in the chase.
(C ) John w asn't the slow est in the race.
(D) John w as the last runner to finish the race.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

The speaker said, "John w as the fastest runner in the race." Sentence (A),
"John outran the o thers," is closest in m eaning to the sentence you heard. There­
fore, you should choose answ er (A).

1. A) Cars are dented w hether or not it rains.

B) A lot of m oney is spent on cars in rainy weather.
C) M any traffic accidents occur in wet weather.
D) It will rain w hether you take your car or not.

A) Thom as will take his exam s next week.

B) Thom as's exam s last a week.
C) In the past week, the exam s w ere p ostp oned.
P ) Thom as successfully com pleted his exam s last week.

A) The m eeting was announced before I forgot.

B) I forgot to bring the announcem ent to the m eeting.
C) The announcer forgot about the m eeting.
R ) I didn't tell them about the m eeting.

4. A ) The book should be returned to the library w ithin a week.

B) He isn't able to do his work in this book.
C) He's due for a raise this week.
D) The book w as due last week.

A) Sue took a vacation at C hristm as time.

B ) Sue spent her vacation tim e w orking in a store.
C) Sue w ent to several sales at C hristm as time.
D) Sue's salesw om an took a vacation from w ork at C hristm as time.

A) O ur grandparents have adjusted to San Francisco.

B) We saw our grandparents before we flew to San Francisco.
Gjf'We took a plane trip to visit relatives.
D) O ur grandparents flew to see us in San Francisco.

A) I believe that the adm inistration bu ild ing is near the bookstore.
B) Is the bookstore in the adm inistration building?
C) The adm inistrators w ent next door to the bookstore.
D) Is the bookstore being bu ilt by the adm inistration?

The parking lots were full before 10:00.

B) It was im possible to start class by 10:00.
C) He parked the car before class at 10:00.
D) The possibility of finding a place to park w as increased.

A) D ebbie shouldn't leave her purse here.

E a sy TOEFL

(&) D ebbie's probably in the apartm ent.

(C) D ebbie's purse m ust not be in the apartm ent.
(D) D ebbie left w ithout taking her purse.

10. (A) She seem s fond o f the m agazine.

£Byl5he's lost the m agazine.
(C) The m agazine seem s to offend her.
(D) She's been able to locate the m agazine.

11. (A) M ary wrote the letter as directed.

(B) The directions were given to M ary in a letter.
(C) M ary follow ed the instructions in a letter.
(D) M ary w orked exactly as instructed.

12. (A) H ow did they invite you there for dinner?

(B) Their dinner invitation was very kind.
(C) The dinner was so nice.
(D) Your dinner invitation was nicer than theirs.

13. (A) It's rare for m e to work during my vacations.

(B) I go on vacations w henever I can.
(jG7 I alm ost never take a break from my job.
(D) M y vacations are rarely full of work.

14. { A ) All the law yer's preparation did no good.

(B) The law yer prepared nothing for the case.
(C) It wasn't work for the law yer to prepare for the case.
(D) The law yer didn't w ork to prepare for the case.

15. (A) The film w asn't very funny.

(B) It was a rather boring m ovie.
(C) He couldn't m ove any further.
( B f The m ovie was extrem ely am using.

16. (A) G eorge m ust provide the class with paper this time.
(B) G eorge m ust turn in his paper to pass the class.
(C) If G eorge passes the class, he'll attend the sum m it.
^(D) If G eorge subm its to those people this tim e, he w on't succeed.

17. (A) The bills should be paid im m ediately.

(B) W aiting to pay the bills is im portant.
(C) They m ustn't pay the bills.
(D) They m ust w ait in line w hen they pay the bills.

18. (A) The university plans to recruit new athletes.

(B) An area for sports will be constructed on cam pus.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

(C) The athletes felt that a new university should be planned.

(D) They planned to m eet at the building on the u niversity athletic field.

19. (A) Paul turned to the board for a decision.

(B) The board decided to turn Paul over to the authorities.
(C) Paul w as able to turn the decision over to the board.
(D) The board's decision was reserved by Paul.

20. (A) He's pleased with his results.

(B) He isn't satisfied w ith all his work.
(C) He found that all his work w asn't satisfactory.
(D) He satisfied all the panel with his findings.

Part B
D irections: In Part B you will hear short conversations betw een tw o speak­
ers. At the end of each conversation, a third person will ask a question about
w hat was said. You will hear each conversation and question about it ju st one
tim e. Therefore, you m ust listen carefully to understand w hat each speaker says.
A fter you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible
answ ers in your test book and decide which one is the best answ er to the ques­
tion you heard. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the n um ber of the question
and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter o f the answ er you have chosen.

Look at the follow ing exam ple:

You will hear :

You w ill read :
(A) The exam w as really awful.
(B) It was the w orst exam she had ever seen.
(C ) It couldn't have been m ore difficult.
(D) It w asn't that hard.

From the conversation you learn that the m an thou ght the exam was very
difficult and that the w om an disagreed with the m an. The best answ er to the
question "W h at does the w om an m ean?" is (D), "It w asn't that h ard ." Therefore,
you should choose answ er (D).

21. (A) She paid m ore than the man.

(B) She had good fortune w hen she bought the television.
(C) Fifty dollars is a fortune to her.
(D) Fifty dollars is too m uch to pay for a television.

22. (A) A m athem atician.

E a s y TOEFL

B) A reporter.
C) An accountant.
D) An arithm etic teacher.

2 3. A) At a sporting event.
B) At the police station.
C) In front of a m ovie theater.
D ) At a film developer's.

24. A) She doesn't know how to type.

B) She doesn't w ant to type anym ore.
C) She hasn't typed the paper.
D) She believes they're out of paper.

25. A) See the personnel m anager im m ediately.

B) Wait for the personnel m anager to arrive.
C) A rrange to m eet with the personnel m anager the next day.
t)) Break her appointm ent with the personnel manager.

26. A) She w ants to be a school playground leader.

B) She's acting in a school theater production.
C) She's seen som e students rolling on the ground.
D) H er new role is to lead the school.

27. A) He doesn't w ant to live in an apartm ent.

B) He thought his signature was unnecessary.
C) His taste in apartm ent is different from theirs.
D) H e doesn't alw ays say w hat he means.

2 8. A) Sally was quite early.

B) Sally w as just barely on time.
C) Sally arrived a m inute after they called her.
D) Sally arrived soon after the man.

29. A) A t a bus stop.

B) At a school.
C) In a dentist's office.
D) At a cleaning supplies store.

30. A) She needs to have it back tomorrow.

B) She doesn't w ant her friend to borrow it.
C) She d oesn't w ant to m ake any prom ises.
D) She doesn't think the sw eater w ill fit.

31. A) He's in his last w eek of work.

B) He doesn't expect the w ork to last.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(C) The w ork isn't really hard.

(D) He's only been w orking for a week.

32. (A) It was lucky that Tom w asn't injured in the accident.
(B) Tom was a nervous wreck after the accident.
(C) It was just an accident that Tom got a new car.
(D) Tom w asn't very lucky.

3 3. (A) There's been nothing but snow for quite som e time.
(B) He's bored with the changing weather.
(C) He believes that it'll snow in two weeks.
(D) His friends think that he's boring w hen he talks about the weather.

3 4. (A) The m an should order a history book im m ediately.

(B) He can't get a text from the bookstore in tim e for the exam .
(C) There are no m ore history texts on order at the bookstore,
(D) His friend's using the history text during the exam .

35. (A) Listen to the sym phony concert alone.

(B) Stand on a long line.
(C) D iscuss a good idea of hers with the man.
(D) Go to a concert tom orrow night.

Part C
D irections: In this part of the test, you w ill hear short talks and conversa­
tions. A fter each o f them, you will be asked som e questions. You will hear the
talks and conversations and the questions about them just one tim e. They will
not be w ritten out for you. Therefore, you m ust listen carefully to understand
w hat each speaker says.
A fter you hear a question, read the four possible answ ers in your test book
and decide w hich one is the best answ er to the question you heard. Then, on
your answ er sheet, find the num ber o f the qu estion and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen.

Listen to this sam ple talk.

You will hear :

N ow look at the follow ing exam ple.

You will hear :
You w ill read :
(A) A rt from A m erica's inner cities.
(B) Art from the central region of the U.S.
(C) A rt from various urban areas in the U.S.
(D ) A rt from rural sections of A m erica.

Ea s y TOEFL

The best answ er to the question "W h at style of painting is know n as Ameri­
can reg io n alist?" is (D), "Art from rural sections o f A m erica." Therefore, you
should ch oose answ er (D).

Now look at the next exam ple.

You w ill h ear :
You will read :
(A) American Regionalist
(B) The Family Farm in Iowa
(C) American Gothic
(D) A Serious Couple
The best answ er to the question "W h at is the nam e o f W ood's m ost success­
ful painting?" is (C), American gothic." Therefore, you should choose answ er (C).

3 6. (A) M otivation
(B) R esearch for a m anagem ent class.
(C) Find ing journal articles in the library.
(D) The m anagem ent professor.

37. (A) H e can't decide on a topic.

(B) He d oesn't have too m uch tim e to com plete the research.
(C) He d oesn't know w here the library is.
(D) H e is uncertain how to find references.

38. (A) In an index.

(B) In a journal.
(C) In the card catalog.
(D) In m anagem ent class.

39. (A) Both b ooks and journals.

(B) Ju st references on m otivation from the card catalog.
(C) O nly m anagem ent and business books.
(D) Jou rnal articles only.

40. (A) A topic for his paper.

(B) A research project.
(C) A book on m anagem ent.
(D) A n article on m otivation.

41. (A) Begin his research

(B) G o to m anagem ent class
(C) W rite a journal
(D) Look for a greeting card

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

42. (A) United States History

(B) Fam ous Short Story W riters
(C) Survey of A m erican Literature
(D) The G reat A m erican Novel

4 3. (A) Edgar Allan Poe

(B) A m erican Poets
(C) The novel
(D) Short story w riters

44. (A) Short

(B) Sym bolic
(C) Tragic
(D) Fulfilled

45. (A) Sym bolism

(B) Im pressionism
(C) Eerie tone
(D) H um or

46. (A) Read about Poe's life.

(B) Prepare for a discussion of a short story.
(C) Study the A m erican novelist.
(D) W rite an analysis of one o f the stories.

4 7 . (A) A spoken language

(B) A w ritten language
(C) A language based on road signs
(D) A language based on hand m ovem ents

4 8. (A) The Indians didn't have spoken languages.

(B) The Indians spoke m any different languages.
(C) The Indians w ere unable to use their m ouths to speak.
(D) Sign language is m uch m ore advanced than spoken language.

4 9. (A) Frequently
(B) O ccasionally
(C) Seldom
(D) Never

50. (A) A s a basic developed language

(B) As m ore sophisticated than spoken language
(C) As a basic m eans of com m unication
(D) A s an im possible way to com m unicate

Ea s y TOEFL


Tim e - 25 m inutes

This section is designed to m easure your ability to recognize language that

is appropriate for standard w ritten English. There are two types of question in
this section, w ith special directions for each type.

D irections: Q u estion 1 - 1 5 are in com p lete sentences. Beneath each sen ­

tence you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). C hoose
the one w ord or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er
sheet, find the nu m ber o f the qu estion and fill in the space so that the letter
inside the oval can n ot be seen.

Exam ple I
The presid en t _ _ _ _ the election by a landslide.
(A) W on
(B) He won
(C ) Yesterday
(D ) F ortu n ately

The sentence should read, "T h e president won the election by a lan d slid e."
Therefore, you should choose answ er (A).

Exam ple II
W hen the co n feren ce?
(A) The doctor attended
(B) Did the doctor attend
(C ) The d octor will attend
(D ) The doctor's attendance

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

The sentence should read, begin w ork on the questions.

1. The adder is a venom ous s n a k e bite may prove fatal to hum ans.
(A) Its '
(B) W hom its
(C) That
(D) W hose
2. The sport of hang g lid in g by the Federal A viation A dm inistration
(A) Regulated it
(B) Is regulated v
(C ) That was regulated
(D ) That it was regulated

3. The javelin used in com petition m ust be betw een 260 and 270 centim eters

(A) In length
\b) It is long
(C ) W hose length
(D ) Lengthily
4. In an internal com bustion e n g in e , and air are heated inside a cylin­
(A) And gasoline vapor
(B) Both gasoline vapor
(C ) G asoline vapor additional
(D ) Besides gasoline vapor

5. In N ovem ber of 1863, the city of A tla n ta _______during Sherm an's famous
"M arch to the Sea".
(A) Was com pletely burned ^ f
(B) C om pletely w as burned
(C) It w as burned com pletely
(D) C om pletely burned it
6. The Kentucky D e r b y every M ay at C hurchill D ow ns in Louisville,
(A) To be run
(B) Run
(C) It may be run
(D ) Is run v/
________ have captured the spirit of the con qu est o f A m erica as well as James
Fenim ore Cooper.

E a s y TOEFL

(A) Few w riters

(B) The^few w riters
(C ) The w riters are few
(D ) Few are the w riters

8. Prospectors rushed to Nevada in 1859 was discovered there.

(A) A fter gold soon
(B) Soon after gold
(C ) Gold w as soon a f t e r ^
(D ) They found gold

9. _______h eat from the sun is trapped near the earth 's surface, the green­
house effect occurs.
(A) N ot
((B)) W h en
(C ) That
(D ) W h a t ^ " " "

10 . _______, the outer layer of the skin contains pigm ents, pores, and ducts.
(A) T h at the epiderm is
(B) The epiderm is is
(C ) The epid erm is ^
(D ) The epid erm is which
11. The K ilauea v o lc a n o on the eastern slope of the larger M auna Loa
^ (A) Is situated ^
(B) H as situated
(C ) S itu a tin g ^
(D ) To situate

/12. O u t o f Jo h n K enneth G albraith's The Affluent Society -_______ for an increase

in_public goods, potentially at the expense o f private goods.
(A) C am e the argum ent
(B) H is argum ent
(C ) A rgued
(D ) The econ om ist is arguing

\ l 3 . U nlike the earth, w hich rotates once every tw enty-four h o u r s , once

every ten hours.
(A) The rotation o f Ju piter
(B) The occu rren ce o f Ju piter's rotation ,
(C ) Ju p iter rotates i_V
(D ) Ju p iter's rotating

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

14. peaches are classified as freestone or clingstone depends on how

difficult it is to rem ove the pit.
(A) The v
(B) A bout
/|c)') W hether
(D ) Scientifically

15. Keynes argued that to avoid an econom ic depression the g o v ern m en t______
/ spending and low er interest rates.
(A) Is
(B) H igher
(C ) Increase
((D) Should increase , +c
V / —“ * l/A~^

Directions: In questions 1 6 - 4 0 each sentence has four underlined w ords

or phrases. The four underlined parts o f the sentence are m arked (A), (B), (C),
and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ­
ber of the question and fill in the space that co rresp on d s to the letter o f the
answ er you have chosen.

Exam ple I

The four string on a violin are tuned in fifths.

A (B ; C D

The sentence should read, "T h e four strings on a violin are tuned in fifths."
Therefore, you should choose answ er (B).

Exam ple II

The research for the book Roots taking Alex H aley tw elve years.

The sentence should read, "T h e research for the book Roots took A lex Haley
tw elve years." Therefore, you should choose answ er (C).

16. Soon after the United States' entrance into the war, the m ajor hotels in

A t) c
A tlantic City was transform ed into m ilitary barracks.

Ea s y TOEFL

t v . M ajor advertising com panies have traditionailv volunteered its time to public
A ® iC D
service accounts.

18. The value of precious gem s is determ ined by their hardness, color, and .
A B ©

19. Find in 1933, The Neiv York Sun was the first successful penny new spaper.

& £ B C D

2,0. The 3,500-foot G eorge W ashington Bridge spans the H udson River to link
A & C
New York City also New Jersey.
D >

21. Som e researchers believe that an unfair attitude toward the poor w ill con
A CB? c

tributed to the problem of poverty.

22. Tw enty the am ino acids serve as building blocks of proteins.

B C D #>

23. A stronom ers do not know how m any galaxies there are, but is it thought
A B C1
that there are m illions or perhaps billions.
I , r >3

24. The church it was open, and the choir was having a last m inute rehearsal.
“a b c d
25. The m ost popular breed of dog in the United States are cocker spaniel,

a (■ y j c
poodle, and retriever.

26. A w ater m olecu le consists o f tw o hydrogen atom s and had one oxygen atom.
A B C D1 ^

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

27. Once the scientist had figured out the precise path of the com et, he is finding
A o
that he w as able to predict its next appearance.
7^ >
c (D

8 . The intent of the Historical Society is to restore old buildings and the increase
( j B jL C
o fjn te re s t in the history of the area.

29. The am ount of copper sulfate used in the experim ent depends from the
intensity o f the heat.

30. A fter the yolk is separated from the w hite, it m ust be boil im m ediately.
A B _j > C D

31. At the aw ards banquet, the philanthropist was recognized for his generosity
and careful in aiding the poor.

32. A bove 80 percent of the laborers at the construction site are tem porary
A ^ B \ cj D
w orkers.

33. The contracting of the heart cause the blood to circulate.

(A B C D

34. The U SS Bonhomme Richard was com m anded by John Paul Jones, that
won a notable sea battle during the Revolution.

X35. There exists m ore than 2,600 different varieties of palm trees,
w ith varying flow ers, leaves, and fruits.
C (D

3 6. A lm ost A m erican Indian cultures have been agricultural societies since 2000
A 5 B C D

Ea s y TOEFL

37. A huge w inter storm has brought the snow to N orthern California's moun-
A (B ) C *
tain co u n ties.

58. N utritionists recom m end that foods from each of the four basic groups be
eaten on a regularly daily basis.
C d a
39. Neon is often used in airplane beacons because neon beacons are very visible
A B ^
that they canbe ever seen through dense fog.
C') D

40. H er best know role o f Judy G arland w as as D orothy in The Wizard o f Oz.
-5 1 .


Tim e - 45 m inutes

This section is designed to m easure your com prehension of standard w rit­

ten English. There are tw o types o f questions in this section, with special direc­
tions for each type.

D irections: In qu estions 1 - 3 0 each sentence has an underlined word or

phrase. Below each sentence are four other w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B),
(C), and (D). You are to choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the m ean­
ing of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.
Th en , on your an sw er sheet, find the nu m ber o f the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the
letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

Exam ple

Both boats and trains are used for transporting the m aterials.
(A) Planes
(B) Ship s
(C ) C anoes
(D ) Railroads

The best answ er is (B) because, "B oth ships and trains are used for trans­
porting the m aterials" is closest in m eaning to the original sentence. Therefore,
you should choose answ er (B).

After you read the directions, begin w ork on the questions,

1. The new accounts offered by the bank are com pounded sem i-annuallv.
a. Ever year
b.i Every six m onths
c. Every tw o years
d. Every h alf m onth

2. The conference is governed by its new ly elected board.

a. Ruled
b. C hosen
c. Advised
d. W atched

3. A ccording to scientists, it is possible that another Ice Age will soon be upon
a. Som e day
b. Now
<0 In the near future
d. U nd ou bted ly

4. A lthough salam anders are som etim es m istaken for lizards, the tw o are not
(g) From the sam e fam ily
b. The sam e size
c. O f sim ilar appearance
d. A ttached

5. The young cancer victim w as the m ost cheerfu l and m ost outgoin g on the
fa). Frankest
b. Lightest

E a s y TOEFL

c. Loudest
d. H appiest

6. A p p roxim ately h alf o f A m erican high school graduates enroll in institu­

tions of higher learning.
a. Buildings
b. E stab lishm en ts
c'j C om p an ies
d. In cid en ces

7. The m em bers of the com m ittee were assem bled quickly.

a. Advised
b. In fo rm ed
c. G athered
d. C on su lted

8. N o one know s exactly how m any Pacific islands there are, but geographers
estim ate that there are up to 30,000.
a. To the point
b. Precisely
A pproxim ately
d. A ppropriately

9. A literary aw ard has been established to honor Laura Ingalls Wilder.

a. A uthorize
b. Please
c. Vilify
d. R ecognize

10. The largest cactus in the United States is the saguaro cactus, found in the
areas su rrou nd ing the G ulf of California.
a. A round
A cross
c. W ithin
d. N ear

11. The solution should be applied, left on for thirty m inutes, and rinsed thor­
C om p letely
b. Periodically
c. R oughly
d. Safely
12. Because o f the gravitational pull of the sun, the earth and the other planets
m ain tain an orbit around the sun.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

Sou rce
b. Force
c. Push
d- A ttractiveness

13. The m eat m ust be chopped before it can be used in that recipe.
Stew ed
b. Bought
c. C ut
Cooked ^ V^'1
14. The w agon m aster decided to ford the stream .
a. Valley
b. M ou n tain
© Sm all river
d. Plain

15. The first recognized O lym pic G am es w ere held in 776 B.C.
a. C elebrated
b. View ed

<9 AC heered
cknow ledged

16. In an annulm ent, a m arriage is declared in valid .

© 111
b. U nhappy
c. U nfinished
d. Void
17. The barom eter is used by w eather forecasters to detect ch an ges in air pres­
a. D eterm in e
b. M ystify
c. A nn ou n ce
d. R edu ce
18. From Pavlov's w ork on conditioned responses in dogs cam e the stim ulus-
response theory of beh avior.
val T hought
b. Philosophy
c. Feelings
d. C on d u ct
19. Scientist m easure the m icroscopic distances betw een atom s in m icrons.

Ea s y TOEFL

a. V isible
b. Tiny
c. M a ch in e-lik e
d. U nm easu red

20. W ritten d iv o rce reg u latio n s first ap p eared in the legal code of ancient
a. Rules
b. O u tlin es
( C. Regularities
d. S p ecifics

2 1. The Lew is and C lark expedition left St. Louis in 1804 and traveled 7,700
m iles en rou te to the Pacific Coast.
a. Away from
b. R eturning to
On the w ay to
d. Leaving

22. H ailey's C om et traveled past the Pleiades, a star cluster also known as the
Seven Sisters.
a. S ig n
b. Entity
c. Projectile
G roup

23. W hen heated to tem peratu res above 1250 degrees C entigrade, clay fuses
and becom es pottery or stonew are.
a. Burns o ff
b. Steam s up
(P M elts together,
d. D ecays

24. The three m ain kinds of tea differ in the m ethod used to process the leaves,
a. In stru ctio n s
b!^ P roced u re
c. D ev elo p m en t
d. Variety

25. The speed of light is considered by scientist to be fundam ental constant.

b. C on trad ictory
c. N ecessary
d. W ell-know n

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

26. His hat was knocked askew by the wind.

a. Awry
b. O ut of shape
c. O ff
d. O n the ground

27. A lthough a cheetah can achieve a speed of 110 kilom eters per hour, it can
m aintain this speed for only a few hundred meters.
a. Race at
b. Bypass
c. U phold
d. Attain

28. A cham eleon is a kind of lizard know n for its ability to change color.
a. Sco p e
b. M agnitude
c. Sp an
d. Hue
2 9. The ostrich egg is the largest egg of any non extinct bird, w hile the sm allest
egg is the egg of the hum m ingbird.
a. Living
b. Dead
c. Flying
d. Vanished

30. H enry Ford is know n for m ass producing the M odel T, thus m aking it avail­
able to the average A m erican.
a. Know n to
b. D esired by
c. O btainable by
d. C onstructed for

D irections : In the rest of this section you will read several passages. Each
one is follow ed by several qu estions about it. For qu estion 31-60, you are to
choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then, on your
answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that corre­
sponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen.
A nsw er all questions follow ing a passage on the basis of w hat is stated or
implied in that passage.

Read the follow ing passage :

s Ea s y TOEFL

John Q uincy Adam s, who served as the sixth president of the United
States from 1825 to 1829, is today recognized for his m asterful statesm an­
ship and diplom acy. He dedicated his life to public service, both in the presi­
d ency and in the various other political offices he held. Throughout his
political career he dem onstrated his unsw erving belief in freedom of speech,
the anti-slavery cause, and the right of A m ericans to be free from European
and A sian dom ination.

Exam ple 1
To w hat did John Q uincy A dam s devote his life?
A. Im proving his personal life
B. Serving the public
C. Increasing his fortune
D. W orking on his private business

A ccording to the passage, John Q uincy A dam s "d edicated his life to public
service." Therefore, you should choose answ er (B).

Exam ple II
The passage im plies that John Quincy A dam s held.
A. N o political offices
B. O nly one political office
C. Exactly tw o political offices
D. A t least three political offices

The passage states that John Q uincy A dam s served in "th e presidency and
various other political offices." Therefore, you should choose answ er (D).
A fter you read the directions, begin w ork on the questions.

Q u e s tio n s 31-35

The W hite H ouse, the official hom e of the U nited States President, was
not bu ilt in tim e for G eorge W ashington to live it. It was begun in 1792 and
was ready for its first inhabitants, President and M rs. John A dam s, in 1800.
W hen the A dam ses m oved in, the W hite H ouse was not yet com plete, and
the A d am ses suffered m any inconveniences. Th om as Jefferson , the third
president, im proved the com fort of the W hite H ouse in m any respects and
added new architectural features such as the terraces on the east and west
ends. W hen B ritish forces burned the W hite H ouse on A u g u st 24, 1814,
President M adison was forced to leave, and it w as not until 1817 that then
P resid en t Ja m es M onroe was able to retu rn to a rebu ilt residence. Since
then, the W hite H ouse has been occupied by each U.S. President.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

31. W hich of the follow ing would be an appropriate title for this passage?
a. G eorge W ashington's Life in the W hite House
b. The Burning of the W hite House
c. The Early History of the W hite H ouse
d. Presidential Polices of Early U.S. Presidents

32. W hy did G eorge W ashington N O T live in the W hite H ouse?

a. It had been burned by the British.
b. He did not like the architectural features.
c. He did not want to suffer the in convenience that the A dam ses had
d. C onstruction had not yet been com pleted.

3 3. It can be inferred from the passage that John A dam s was

a. The first president of the United States
b. The second president of the United States
c. The third president of the United States
d. The fourth president of the United States

34. A ccording to the passage, w hich of the follow ing best describes Thom as
Jefferson's tenure in the W hite H ouse?
a. He had to flee the W hite H ouse because of the w ar with the British
b. He w as accepting o f the m any inconveniences
c. He rem oved the terraces that had been added by A dam s.
d. He w orked to im prove the appearance and convenience of the W hite

35. A ccord ing to the passage, w hen Jam es M onroe cam e back to the W hite
H ouse, it had been
a. Repressed
b. R econ stru cted
c. R elocated
d. Reserved

Q u e stio n s 36-43

Algae is a prim itive from of life, a single-celled or sim ple m ultiple-celled

organism that it able to conduct the process of photosynthesis. It is gener­
ally found in w ater but can also be found elsew here, grow ing on such sur­
faces as rocks or trees. The various types of algae are classified according to
pigm ent.
Blue-green algae, or C yanophyta, can grow at very high tem peratures
and under high-intensity light. This type of algae is the oldest form of life

E a s y TOEFL

with photosynthetic capabilities. Fossilized rem ains of blue-green algae more

than 3.4 billion years old have been found in parts of Africa.
G reen algae, or C hlorophyta, is generally found in fresh water. It repro­
duces on the surfaces of enclosed bodies o f w ater such as ponds or lakes
and has the appearance of a fuzzy green coating on the surface of the water.
B row n algae, or Phaeophyta, grow s in shallow, tem perature water. This
type o f algae is the largest in size and is m ost recognizable as a type of sea­
weed. Its long stalks can be en m eshed on the ocean floor, or it can float
freely on the ocean's surface.
Red algae, or Rhodophyta, is a sm all, delicate organism found in the
deep w aters o f the subtropics. This type of algae has an essential role in the
form ation o f coral reefs: it secretes lim e from the seaw ater to foster the for­
m ation o f lim estone deposits.

36. W hat is the au thor's main purpose?

a. To show w hat color algae is
b. To differentiate the various classifications of algae
c. To describe w here algae is found
d. To clarify the appearance o f different types of algae

37. W hich of the follow ing is N OT true about algae?

a. A ll types have one cell only
b. It can be found out of water
c. It can use photosynthesis
d. It is not a relatively new form of life.

38. The w ord "p ig m en t" at the end o f the first paragraph m eans
a. Size
b. Shape
c. C o m p o sitio n
d. C olor

39. A lgae rem nants found in A frica are

a. Still flourishing
b. P hotogen ic
c. Extrem ely old
d. Red in color

40. G reen algae is generally found

a. O n the ocean floor
b. On top o f the w ater
c. T h rou g h ou t ponds and lakes
d. Surrou ndings enclosed bodies of w ater

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

41. Brow n algae would m ost likely be found

a. O n trees
b. N ear green algae
c. O n rocks
d. In the ocean

42. A ccording to the passage, red algae is

a. Stu rd y
b. H uge
c. Fragile
d. Found in shallow w ater

4 3 . It can be inferred from the passage that limestone deposits serve as the basis of
a. Coral reefs
b. Red algae
c. Subtropical seaw ater
d. Secret passages

Q u e s tio n s 44-49

H erm an M elville, an A m erican author best know n today for his novel
M oby Dick, w as actually m ore popular during his lifetim e for som e of his
other w orks. He traveled extensively and used the know ledge gained dur­
ing his travels as the basis for his early novels. In 1837, at the age o f eigh­
teen, M elville signed as a cabin boy on a m erchant ship that w as to sail from
his M assachusetts hom e to Liverpool, England. His experiences on this trip
served as a basis for the novel Redburn (1849). In 1841 M elville set out on a
w haling ship headed for the South Seas. A fter ju m ping ship in Tahiti, he
w andered around the islands o f Tahiti and M oorea. This South Sea island
sojourn was a backdrop to the novel O m oo (1847). A fter three years away
from hom e, M elville joined up with a U.S. naval frigate that w as returning
to the eastern U nited States around C ape Horn. The novel W hite-Jacket
(1850) describes this lengthy voyage as a new seam an.
W ith the publication of these early adventure novels, M elville devel­
oped a strong and loyal follow ing am ong readers eager for his tales o f exotic
places and situations. However, in 1851, with the publication of M oby Dick,
M elville's popularity started to dim inish. M oby Dick, on one level the saga
of the hunt for the great w hite w hale, was also a heavily sym bolic allegory
o f the heroic struggle of m an against the universe. The public w as not ready
for M elville's literary m etam orp h osis from rom antic ad ven tu re to philo­
sophical sym bolism . It is ironic that the novel that served to dim inish Melville's
popularity during his lifetim e is the one for w hich he is best know n today.

E a s y TOEFL

4 4 . The m ain subject of the passage is

a. M elville's travels
b. The popularity o f M elville's novels
c. M elville's personal background
d. M oby D ick

45. A ccording to the passage, M elville's early novels were

a. Published w hile h e w a s traveling
b. C om pletely fictional
c. A ll about his work on w haling ships
d. Based on his travels

4 6 . In w hat year did M elville's book about his experience as a cabin boy ap­
a. 1837
b. 1841
c. 1847
d. 1849

4 7 . The passage im plies that M elville stayed in Tahiti because

a. H e had unofficially left his ship
b. H e w as on leave w hile his ship w as in port
c. He had finished his term of duty
d. H e had received perm ission to take a vacation in Tahiti

48. H ow did the publication o f M oby Dick affect M elville's popularity?

a. H is popularity increased im m ediately.
b. It had no effect on his popularity
c. It caused his popularity to decrease
d. His popularity rem ained as strong as ever

49. A ccording to the passage, M oby Dick

a. Is a rom antic adventure
b. Is a single-faceted w ork
c. Is a short story about a whale
d. Is sym bolic of m an fighting his environm ent

Q u e s tio n s 5 0-56

M ed ical bills in the U nited States h ave risen ou trag eou sly since the
begin ning o f the 1960's, and steps need to be taken to reverse this trend or
the average A m erican will not be able to afford m edical care. The m ajor
factor in increasing the cost o f m edical care has been the dram atic increase
in the cost o f hospital services. The rise in the cost o f hospitalization can be

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

only partly blam ed on inflation since hospital bills in the last tw o decades
have risen at a considerably higher rate than inflation.
A nother factor cited by doctors as a m ajor cause for the increase in the
cost of m edical care is m alpractice. Increasingly large aw ards for m alprac­
tice have caused doctors to increase their rates to cover the higher m alprac­
tice insurance prem ium s. Because of the large m alpractice aw ards, doctors
are also prescribing m ore conservative and m ore extensive-and therefore
m ore costly-treatm ent for patients as a defense against m alpractice claim s.
W hatever the causes of the wild increases in the cost of m edical care, the
governm ent needs to take strong action before it is too late for A m ericans.

5 0. W hat is the subject of this passage?

a. The increasing costs of m alpractice insurance
b. Factors causing the increase in U.S. m edical bills
c. Steps for A m ericans to take to obtain m edical care
d. The outrageous m edical profession

51. A ccording to the passage, how does the author of this passage feel about the
trem endous increase in m edical bills?
a. D isquieted
b. Enthusiastic
c. Im passive
d. A pathetic

5 2. How does the author seem to feel about the trem endous increase in m edi­
cal bills?
a. M alpractice insurance
b. The cost of hospital care
c. M ore conservative and expensive prescrip tions by doctors
d. Inflation

53. The passage im plies that a slow ing in inflation w ould have w hat kind of
effect on m edical costs?
a. Trem endous
b. N onexistent
c. Sligh t
d. M axim u m

5 4. W hich of the follow ing is N O T stated in the passage concerning malprac­

a. The increase in m alpractice insurance is due to inflation.
b. M alpractice insurance prem ium s are on the increase.
c. The increase in m alpractice payouts has caused an increase in doctors'

Ea s y TOEFL

d. H igh m alpractice aw ards have caused doctors to w ork more conserva

55. W hat is the author's m ain point in this passage?

a. Inflation is having a terrible effect on m edical bills
b. Insurance com panies are at fault in raising m edical bills.
c. A ction is needed to counteract increases in m edical bills
d. D octors need to w ork to decrease m alpractice.

56. W hat does the paragraph follow ing this passage m ost likely contain?
a. A discussion of why the average Am erican will soon be unable to af
ford m edical care
b. Forecasts o f how inflation will influence m edical care in the future
c. The trem endou s increase in m alpractice increase in m alpractice insu­
d. The steps the governm ent could take to curb m edical costs

Q u e s tio n s 57-60

The W orks Progress A dm inistration (WPA), form ed during the Great

D epression as part o f Roosevelt's New Deal, was created with the express
intent of putting to w ork as m any as possible of the m ore than 10 m illion
unem ployed in the United States. O ne of the m ore controversial program s
of the WPA was the Federal A rts Project, a program to em ploy artist full­
tim e at such task as painting m urals in libraries, theaters, train stations, and
airports: teach in g various techniques of art; and preparing a com preh en ­
sive study of A m erican crafts. Criticism of the program centered on what
w as perceived as the frivolity of supporting the arts at a tim e when m illions
w ere starving, industry was sagging, farm s were barren, and all that could
flourish w as bankruptcy courts and soup kitchens.

57. This passage m ainly discusses

a. The G reat D epression
b. Franklin D elano Roosevelt's N ew Deal
c. The Federal A rts Projects
d. B ankru ptcy courts and soup kitchens

5 8. A ccording to the passage, the stated purpose of the WPA was to

a. C reate new A m erican m asterpieces
b. Raise the standard o f A m erican art
c. Introd u ce new art techniques to the A m erican public
d. D ecrease u nem p loy m ent

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

59. All the follow ing probably helped to m ake the Federal A rts Projects contro­
versial EXCEPT that
a. The Federal Arts Project em ployed m any who would otherw ise have
been out of w ork
b. Trains and airports w ere decorated w ith m urals
c. Tine Federal Arts Project com m issioned art works during the Depression
d. A trem endous study of A m erican crafts was produced

60. W hen the author states t h a t " ... all that could flourish w as bankru ptcy courts
and soup kitch ens," lie probably m eans that
a. Banks and restaurants did well during the D epression
b. The poor could not afford to use banks or eat soup
c. The only organizations to thrive w ere those that dealt w ith the poor
d. M any restaurants declared bankruptcy during the D epression



1 C 11 D 21 A 31 D 41 A
2 D 12 B 22 C 32 D 42 C
3 D 13 C 23 C 33 A 43 C
4 A 14 A 24 D 34 B 44 c
5 B 15 D 25 C 35 D 45 D
6 C 16 B 26 B 36 B 46 B
7 A 17 A 27 D 37 D 47 D
8 A 18 B 28 B 38 C 48 B
9 B 19 D 29 C 39 A 49 A
10 B 20 A 30 A 40 D 50 C

S E C T IO N 2 : S T R U C T U R E A N D W R IT T E N E X P R E S S IO N

1 D h A 21 D 31 C
2 B 12 A 22 A 32 A
3 A 13 C 23 C 33 A
4 B 14 C 24 A 34 B
5 A 15 D 25 B 35 A
6 D 16 D 26 •D 36 A
7 A 17 C 27 B v 37 C
8 B 18 D 28 C 38 D
9 B 19 A 29 C 39 B
10 C 20 D 30 C 40 A

E a s y TOEFL


1 B 11 A 21 C 31 C 41 D 51 A
2 A 12 B 22 D 32 D 42 C 52 B
3 C 13 C 23 C 33 B 43 A 53 C
4 A 14 C 24 B 34 D 44 B 54 A
5 D 15 C 25 A 35 B 45 D 55 C
6 B 16 D 26 A 36 B 46 D 56 D
7 C 17 A 27 D 37 A 47 A 57 C
8 B 18 D 28 D 38 D 48 C 58 D
9 D 19 B 29 A 39 C 49 B 59 A
10 A 20 A 30 C 40 B 50 A 60 C

O This Practice TOEFL is taken from Longman Practice Tests fo r the TOEFL by Philips, Deborah
(1980) Longman, Group UK Ltd, Essex, England.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

T i m e : A p p ro x im a te ly 30 M in u tes
50 Q u e stio n s

(P ad a tes T O E F L y a n g se b e n a rn y a , p e rc a k a p a n T ID A K D IC E T A K
d i d a la m b u k u tes, m e la in k a n H A N Y A D IP E R D E N G A R K A N saja
m e la lu i T ap e R e co rd e r atau C D . S e d a n g k a n p a d a b u k u tes A n d a
A K A N M E L IH A T p e rta n y a a n d a n p ilih a n k e m u n g k in a n
ja w a b a n u n tu k d ip ilih .).

In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to dem onstrate your
ability to understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts to
this section with special directions for each part. A nsw er all the questions on the
basis of what is stated or im plied by the speakers in this test. W hen you take the
actual TO EFL test, you will not be allow ed to take notes or w rite in your test
book. Try to work on this M odel Test in the sam e way.

Part A
Directions : In Part A, you will hear short conversations betw een tw o people.
A fter each conversation, you w ill hear a question about the conversation. The
conversations and qu estions will not be repeated. A fter you hear a question,
read the four possible answ ers in your book and choose the best answer. Then,
on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen.

1. W om an : You'd better take the car to the garage from now on. They charged
m e seventy-five dollars for a few m inor repairs.
M an : That's not too bad.
N a rra to r: W hat does the m an m ean?

(N ote : Ada jeda sekitar 12 detik sebelum dibacakan soal berikntnya)

A Car repairs should be done at a garage.

B The price w as not too high. ^
C The garage took advantage of the w om an
D T h e ca r h ad s e rio u s p ro b le m s .

E a s y TOEFL

2. M an :The International Student's A ssociation is having a party Satur­

day night. Can you com e or do you have to w ork at the hospital?
W om an :I w ish I could.
N arrator :W hat will the w om an probably do?
A H ave a party.
B A ttend the International Students A ss o c ia tio n .^
C G o to work.
D G et som e rest.

3. W om an : I think that the gam e starts at eight.

M an : G ood. We have ju st enough time to get there.
N arrator : W hat will the speakers probably do?
A Leave im m ediately.
B W atch the gam e on TV.
C Start to play.
D Eat a sandw ich.

4. W om an : W hat did you do after you lost your passport?

M an : I w ent to see the foreign student advisor, and he reported it to
the Passport O ffice in W ashington.
N arrator : W hat did the m an do after he lost his passport?
A He w ent to see the foreign student advisor, u
B He went to W ashington.
C He w rote to the Passport O ffice.
D He reported it to the Passport Office.

5. M an : If you don't have an account here, I can't cash your check. I'm
sorry, but that's the way it is.
W om an : Well, thanks a lot! You're a big help!
N arrator : W hat does the w om an m ean?
A It is the policy of the bank.
B The m an w as not helpful at
C H er accou nt at the bank is in order.
D The check should be cashed.

6. M an : I'm not sure what Dr. Tyler w ants us to do.

W om an : If I were you, I'd w rite a rough draft and ask Dr. Tyler to look at
N arrator : W hat does the wom an suggest the m an do?
A A sk Dr. Tyler to clarify the assignm ent.
B Show a prelim inary version to Dr. Tyler.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C Let her see the first draft before Dr. Tyler sees it. k/
D Talk to som e of the other students in Dr. Tyler's class.

7. M an : Dr. C lark is the only one teaching statistics this term.

W om an : You m ean we have to put up with her for another sem ester?
N arrator : W hat does the w om an m ean?
A Dr. Clark is a good teacher.
B Statistics is a boring class.
C Two sem esters of statistics are required, v
D The students do not like Dr. Clark.

8. M an : Do you think that you can have these shirts finished by Friday
m orn in g ?
W om an : I'm sorry. I couldn't possibly get them done by then. Saturday
afternoon would be the earliest that you could have them.
N arrator : W hat does the w om an say about the shirts?
A He cannot do them.
B They are finished.
C It will be a difficult job.
D They will be ready Saturday afternoon, v*'"

9. W om an : The m usic and the flow ers are lovely.

M an : Yes. I hope that the food is good.
N arrator : W hat kind of place are the speakers probably talking about?
A A concert.
B An art m useum .
C A flow er shop.
D A restaurant. V/

10. M an : Hello, Anne. This is Larry at the office. Is Fred at hom e?

W om an : No, Lary. He's in class now. H e'll be hom e for lunch though.
N arrator : W hat do we know about Fred?
A A concert.
B An art m useum .
C A flow er shop.
D A restaurant. vX

11. M an : W hen does the next bus leave for New York?
W om an : Buses leave for New York every half-hour. You ju st missed the
nine-thirty bu s by five m inutes.
N arrator : W hat w ill the m an probably do?

Ea s y TOEFL

A Take the ten o'clock bus.

B C om e back in five m inutes.
C G o to N ew York another day.
D C all the airport.

12. W om an : Did we have an assignm ent for M onday? I don's have anything
w ritten down.
M an : N othing to read in the textbook, but we have to see a m ovie and
w rite a paragraph about it.
N arrator : W hat are the speakers discussing?
A A teacher.
B A textbook.
C An assignm ent.
D A m ovie.

13. M an : M ake thirty copies for m e and twenty copies for Mr. Brown.
W om an : As soon as I m ake the finalcorrections on the original.
N arrator : W hat is the w om an probably going to do?
A M ake corrections on the original
B M ake copies ^
C D eliver the copies to Mr. Brow n
D Find the original.

14. M an : Excuse me. A re you Sally H arrison's sister?

W om an : No. I'm not. I'm her cousin.
N arrator : W hat had the m an assum ed about the w om an?
A She was Sally H arrison's cousin
B She was Sally H arrison's sister. >
C She was Sally H arrison's friend.
D She w as Sally H arrison.

15. W om an : I can't find m y pen. It was right here on the desk yesterday and
now it's gone. H ave you seen it?
M an : Yes. I put it in the desk drawer.
N arrator : W hat is the w om an's problem ?
A The desk draw er w on't open.
B The pen is out of ink.
C She cannot find her pen.
D She is angry with the man.

16. W om an : W hen is John com ing?

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

M an : Well, he said he'd be here at eight-thirty, but if I know him , it will

be at least nine o'clock.
N arrator : W hat does the m an im ply about John?
A John is usually late.
B John will be there at eight-thirty.
C John will not show up. ^
D John is usually on time.

17. M an : I suppose we should look for a bigger house, but I don't see how
we can afford one right now.
W om an : If only we h ad n 't sp ent so m uch m oney on our vacation this
N arrator : W hat does the w om an m ean?
A She does not agree with the man.
B She needs a larger hom e.
C She regrets the cost o f their vacation.
D She thinks that houses are very expensive.

18. M an : Did you see Jack's presentation?

W om an : Yes. W hat happened? He didn't seem to know up from down.
N a rra to r: W hat does the w om an im ply about Jack?
A He did not m ake a presentation.
B He got confused during the presentation.-^
C He should have spoken m ore loudly.
D He did a very com plete job.

19. W om an : Shall I send out the invitations?

M an : Let's hold off on that until I can talk to Janet.
N arrator : W hat does the m an m ean?
A He has decided not to m ail the invitations.
B He wants to get Janet's opinion.
C He is w aiting for Jan et to answ er the phone. ^
D He does not w ant to invite Janet.

2 0 . M an : How's the baby? Is she w alking yet?

W om an : Oh, yes. I can't keep up with her!
N a rra to r: W hat does the w om an m ean?
A The baby is asleep.
B The baby is very active. ^
C The baby is not staying with the wom an.
D The baby is just about to start w alking.

E a s y TOEFL

21. W o m an : H ow is your experim ent com ing along?

M an : It's finished, but it didn't turn out quite like I thought itwould.
N a rr a to r : W hat does the m an m ean?
A The results of the tests are n ot available.
B The experim ent had unexpected results.v''
C He has not com pleted the experim ent yet.
D It is taking a lot of time to do the experim ent.

2 2. W om an : Barbara sure likes to talk on the phone.

M an : If only she liked her classes as well!
N arrator : W hat does the m an im ply about Barbara?
A She does not put m uch effort in her studies. \y
$ She is very likable.
C She prefers talking to the wom an.
D She has a telephone.

23. W om an : M y allergies are really bothering m e. I guess I'll have to go to the

M an : If I w ere you, I'd try som e o ver-th e-cou nter m ed ication s first.
They usually do the job.
N a r r a to r : W hat does the m an suggest the w om an do?
A See the doctor.
B G et another job.
C G o to the counter.
D Buy som e m ed icin es/

24. M an : W hat did you decide about the scholarship? D id you fill out ap­
W om an : I'm going to give it all I've got.
N arrator : W hat does the w om an m ean?
A She w ill try her b e st.^
B She has to save her money.
C She is still undecided.
D She needs an application.

25. M an : H ello, A nne. This is Robert.

W o m an : Oh, hi, Robert. I was ju st about to call you.
N arrator : W hat does the w om an m ean?
A She is glad to m eet Robert.
B She is surprised to hear from Robert.
G, She does not enjoy talking with Robert.
She w as ready to call Robert.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

26. M an : Could I have a few m ore m inutes to finish?

W om an : I'm afraid not. It's a tim ed test.
N arrator : W hat does the w om an m ean?
A The man m ust stop w orking.
13 There is a little m ore time.
C The test is im portant.
D It is time for the test.

27. W om an : The best part is I can use my room m ate's book.

M an : I'm not so sure about that. I think they're using a different book
this semester.
N arrator : W hat does the m an im ply?
A The w om an's room m ate took a different class.
B The book is very expensive.
C The textbook m ay have been changed.'-''^
D The course is not offered this semester.

28. M an : I'm going to get Sally a bike for C hristm as.

W om an : Are you sure she'd like one?
N arrator : W hat does the w om an im ply?
A Sally may get a bike for Christm as.
B Sally already has a bike like that one.
C Sally likes riding a bike.
D Sally m ay prefer a different gift..'

29. W om an : Carol needs a ride dow ntow n, and I said you'd take her.
M an : Oh no. Please say you didn't!
N a rra to r: W hat can be inferred about the m an?
A He does not w ant to give C arol a ride. v X
B He does not have a car.
C H e cannot hear well.
D He does not know Carol.

30 M an : I ju st can't get the answ er to this problem . I've been w orking on

it for three hours.
W om an : M aybe you should get som e rest and try it again later.
N arrator : W hat does the w om an suggest that the m an do?
A Take a break. \ / C Do the other problem s.
B Go to work. D Keep trying.

Ea s y TOEFL

Part B
D ire ctio n s : In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations. After
each conversations, you will hear several questions. The conversations and ques­
tions will n ot be repeated.
A fter you hear a question, read the four possible answ ers in your book and
choose the b est answ er. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

Rem em ber, you are not allow ed to take notes or write on your test pages.

Q u estio n s 31-34 Listen to a class discussion.

Baker : It seem s to m e that the question is not w hether the m etric system
should be introduced in the U nited States, but rather, how it should
be introduced.
W om an : 1 think that it should be done gradually to give everyone enough
tim e to adjust.
M an : Yes. Perhaps we could even have two system s for a while. I mean,
we could keep the English system and use m etrics as an optional
system .
W om an : That's w hat they seem to be doing. W hen you go to the grocery
store, look at the labels on the cans and packages. They are m arked
in both ounces and gram s.
M an : R ight. I've noticed that too. And the w eather reporters on radio
and TV give the tem perature readings in both degrees Fahrenheit
and degrees C elsius now.
W om an : S o m e road sign s h ave the d istan ces m arked in bo th m iles and
k ilo m etres, esp ecially on the in terstate highw ays. W hat do you
think, P rofessor Baker?
B aker : W ell, I agree that a gradual adoption is better for those o f us who
have already been exposed to the English system o f m easurem ent.
But I w ould favour teaching only m etrics in the elem entary schools.
M an : I see your point. It m ight be confusing to introduce tw o system s at
the sam e time.

N arrator : 31. W hat is the topic under discussion?

(N ote : Ada jeda sekitar 12 detik sebelum dibacakan soal berikutnya)

32. W hat changes in m easu rem ent in the U nited States have the students ob­

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

33 .W hat was Professor Baker's opinion?

34. W hich word best describes Professor Baker's attitude tow ard his students?

31. A W hether to introduce the m etric system in the U nited States.

B How the m etric system should be introduced in the U nited States.
C W hich system is better-the English system or the m etric system .
D H ow to convert m easurem ents from the English system to the m etric
system .

3 2. A Now the w eather on radio and TV is reported exclusively in m etrics.

B Road signs have m iles m arked on them, but not kilom etres.
C Both the English system and the m etric system are being used on signs,
packages, and w eather rep o rts.*^
D G rocery stores use only m etrics for their packaging.

33. A He thought that a gradual adoption w ould be better for everyone.

B He thought that only m etrics should be used.
C He thought that only the English system should be used.
D He thought that adults should use both system s, bu t that children should
be taught only the m etric system .

34. A Unfriendly.
B Patronizing.
C U ninterested.
D C ooperative.

M an : Hi. This is Roger Jackson. I'm calling to m ake a reservation for a

flight from H ouston to Atlanta.
W om an : Yes, Mr. Jackson. And w hat day w ould you like to travel?
M an : Oh, not until next m onth. I w ant to leave on M ay 15th and return
on M ay 19th. I thought m aybe if I called in advan ce I could get a
better fare.
W om an : Yes, you can. But if you stay over Saturday n ight and return on
Sunday, M ay 20th, the ticket w ill be even cheaper.
M an : Really? H ow m uch cheaper?
W om an : A lm ost fifty dollars.
M an : H m m m . But I would have an extra n ight in a hotel. No, that's okay.
I'll just keep it for M ay 19th.
W om an : All right. Do you have a seating preference?
M an : I'd rather have a w indow seat.
W om an : Good. There is one available. And do you w ant m e to mail these
tickets or will you pick them up?
M an : I'll pick them up. W hen can I have them ?


W om an : Any time after two o'clock.

M an : Great!
N arrator : 35. W hat is the m ain purpose of the telephone call?
36. W hat does the w om an suggest?
37. W hat does the m an decided to do?
38. W hat will the m an probably do?

3 5. A To change his travel plans.

B To arrange a time to pick up his tickets.
C To reserve a hotel room.
D To m ake a plane reservation.

36. A The m an can save m oney by staying an extra night.

B The man should have called earlier.
C She needs the man to com e into the office.
D She will m ail the tickets to the man.

37. A Travel on M ay 19 as planned.

B W ait for a cheaper fare.
C Stay an extra day in Atlanta.
D Return on Sunday.

38. A Go back to his hotel.

B Pack his suitcase.
C Call a different travel agent.
D Go to the travel agent's office in the afternoon.

Part I
D ire ctio n s : In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. After
each talk, you w ill hear som e questions. The talks and qu estions w ill not be

A fter you hear a question, read the four possible answ ers in your book and
choose the best answ er. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

Q u estio n 3 9 -4 2 . Listen to '‘Breakthroughs in Science", a weekly radio program.

Since the N ational A eronautical and Space A dm inistration was established

in 1961, NASA has been engaged in an extensive research effort, which, in
cooperation with private industry, has transferred technology to the inter­
national m arketplace. H undreds of everyday products can be traced back
to the space m ission, including cordless electrical tools, airtight food pack­

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

aging, water purification system s, and even scratch coating for eye glasses.
In addition, m ay ad van ces in m edical tech nology can be traced back to
NASA laboratories. Fist used to detect flaw s in spacecraft, ultrasound is now
standard equ ipm ent in alm ost every hospital for diagnosis and assessm ent
of injuries and disease; equ ipm ent first used by N ASA to transm it im ages
from space to Earth is used to assist in cardiac im aging, and lasers first used
to test satellites are now used in surgical procedures. U nder-the-skin im ­
plants for the continuous infusion of drugs, and sm all pacem akers to regu­
late the heart were originally designed to m onitor the physical condition of
astronauts in space.
Finally, with the help o f im ages that were obtained during space m issions,
and N A SA technology, archaeologists have been able to explore the Earth.
C ities lost under desert sands have been located and rediscovered, and the
sea floor has been m apped using photographs from outer space.

N arrator : 39. W hat is the talk m ainly about?

(N ote : Ada jeda sekitar 12 detik sebelum dilmcakan soal berikutnya)
4 0. W hich of the products listed are N OT m entioned as part of the
technology developm ent for space m issions?
4 1. A ccording to the speaker, why did NASA develop m edical equ ip­
m ent?
4 2 . W hy does the speaker m ention archaeology?

39. A Private industry.

B A dvances in m edicine.
C Space m issions.
D Technological developm ents.

40. A C ontact lenses.

B C ord less tools.
C Food packaging.
D U ltrasound.

41. A To m onitor the condition o f astronauts in spacecraft.

B T he evaluate candidates w ho w anted to join the space program .
C To check the health of astronauts w hen they returned from space.
D The test spacecraft and equipm ent for im perfections.

42. A A rchaeologists and astronauts w ere com pared.

B A stronauts m ade photographs o f the Earth later used by archaeologists
C A rchaeologists have used advances in m edical technology developed
for astronauts.
D Space m issions and underw ater m issions are very similar.

Ea s y TOEFL

Q u estio n 43-46. Listen to a talk by a tour guide on a bus.

The first perm anent settlem ent was m ade at this site in 1776, when a Span­
ish m ilitary post was established on the end of that peninsula. During the
sam e year, som e Franciscan Fathers founded the M ission San Francisco de
Asis on a hill above the post. A trail was cleared from the m ilitary post to the
m ission, and about halfw ay betw een the two , a station was established for
travellers called Yerba Buena, w hich m eans "good herbs".
For thirteen years the village had few er than one hundred inhabitants. But
in 1848, with the discovery of gold, the population grew to ten thousand.
That sam e year, the nam e was changed from Yerba Buena to San Francisco.
By 1862, telegraph com m unications linked San Francisco with eastern cit­
ies, and by 1869, the first transcontinental railroad connected the Pacific
coast with the A tlantic seaboard. Today San Francisco has a population of
alm ost three m illion. It is the financial center of the West, and serves as the
term in us for trans-P acific steam ship lines and air traffic. The port of San
Francisco, which is alm ost eighteen m iles long, handles betw een five and
six m illion tons of cargo annually.
And now, if you will look to your right, you should just be able to see the
G olden G ate Bridge. The bridge, w hich is m ore than one m ile long, spans
the harbour from San Francisco to M arin County and the Redw ood H igh­
way. It was com pleted in 1937 at a cost thirty-tw o m illion dollars and is still
one of the largest suspension bridges in the world.

N arrator : 4 3. W hat is the main purpose of this talk?
4 4. A ccording to the tour guide, w hat was the settlem ent called
before it was renam ed San Francisco?
4 5. A ccording to the tour guide, w hat happened in 1848?
4 6. How long is the G olden G ate Bridge?

43. A Transportation on the Pacific Coast.

B H istory o f California.

44, A G olden Gate.

B San Francisco de Asis M ission
C M ilitary Post Seventy-six.

B The Transcontinental Railroad was com pleted.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

c The G olden Gate Bridge w as constructed.

D Telegraph com m unications were established with the East.
46. A Eighteen miles.
B 938 feet.
C O ne mile.
D Betw een five and six miles.

Q u estio n 47-50. Listen to a talk by a college instructor in an English class.

So m any different kinds of w riting have been called essays, it is difficult to

define exactly w hat an essay is. Perhaps the best way is to point out four
characteristics that are true of m ost essays. First, an essay is about one topic.
It does not start w ith one subject and digress to another and another. Sec­
ond, although a few essays are long enough to be considered a sm all book,
m ost essays are short. Five hundred w ords is the m ost com m on length for
an essay. Third, an essay is w ritten in prose, not poetry. True, A lexander
Pope did call two of his poem s essays, but that word is part o f a title, and
after all, the "Essay on M an" and the "E ssay on C riticism " really are not
essays at all. They are long poem s. Fourth, and probably m ost im portant,
an essay is personal. It is the w ork of one person w hose pu rpose is to share
a thought, idea, or point o f view. Let me also state here that since an essay is
alw ays personal, the term "person al essay" is redundant. Now, taking into
consideration all of these characteristics, perhaps we can now define an es­
say as a short, prose com position with a personal view point that discusses
one topic. W ith that in m ind, let's brain storm som e topics for your first
essay assignm ent.

N arrator : 4 7 . W hat is the instructor defining?

4 8 . W hat is the m ain point of the talk?
4 9 . A ccording to the talk, w hich of the characteristics are NOT
true of an essay?
50. W hat will the students probably do as an assignm ent?

4 7. A The term "essay "

B Prose writing.
C Personal view point.
D Brainstorm ing.

48. A The w ork o f A lexander Pope.

B The difference betw een prose and poetry.
C The general characteristics of essays.
D The reason that the phrase "person al essay " is redundant.

Ea s y TOEFL

49. A It is usually short.

B It can be either prose or poetry.
C It expresses a personal point o f view.
D It discusses one topic.

50. A They will prepare for a quiz.

B They will write their first essay.
C They will read w orks by Pope.
D They will review their notes.


4 0 Q U E S T IO N S 25 M IN U T E S

This section is designed to m easure your ability to recognize language that

is appropriate for standard w ritten English. There are tw o types of questions in
this section, with special directions for each type.


D ire c tio n s : Q u estion s 1-15 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sen­
tence you w ill see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose
the one word or phrases that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your An­
sw er Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that corre­
sponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the
letter inside the oval cannot be seen.

1. Based on the prem ise that light was com posed of color, the Im pressionists
cam e to the conclusion ... not really black.
'3 - w hich w as that shadow s
B w as shadow s which
C w ere shadow s
D that shadow s were

2. ... a parliam entary system , the prim e m inister m ust be appointed on the
basis of the distribution of pow er in the parliam ent.
A The considered

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B To be considered . •?
C C onsidering
D C onsiders

3 ... of the play M o urning Becomes Electra in trod uces the cast o f ch aracters
and hints at the plot.
A The act first
B Act one a

C Act first
D First act\X

4 As soon as ... with an acid, salt, and som etim es water, is form ed.
A a base will react
B a base reacts
C a base is reacting
D the reaction of a base

5 The Internal Revenue Service ... their tax form s by A pril 15 every year.
A m akes all A m ericans file
B m akes all A m ericans to file
C m akes the filing of all A m ericans
D m akes all A m ericans f i lin g s

6. A lthough one of his ships succeeded in sailing all the way back to Spain
past the Cape o f Good Hope, M agellan never com pleted the first circu m ­
navigation of the world, and ...
A most of his crew didn't too
B neither m ost of his crew did
C neither did m ost of his crew
D m ost of his crew didn't also

7 To answ er accurately is m ore im portant than ...

A a quick finish
B to finish quickly v
C finishing quickly
D you finish q u ic k ly ^

8. W eathering ... the action w hereby surface rock is disintegrated or decom ­

A it is
15 is that
O is
D being

Ea s y TOEFL

9. A telephone recording tells callers ...

A ) w hat tim e the m ovie starts
B w hat tim e starts the m ovie
C w hat tim e does the m ovie start
D the m ovie starts w hat time

10. The people o f W estern Canada have been considering ... them selves from
the rest o f the provinces.
A to separate
B separated
C separate v
D separating j>

11 . It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth ...

A filling
B to fill
C filled y
D fill

12. Not until a student has m astered algebra ... the principles of geom etry trigo­
nometry, and physics.
A he can begin to understand
B can he begin to understand
C he begins to understand
D begins to understand

13 A lthough M argaret M ead had several assistants during her long investiga­
tions o f Sam oa, the bulk of the research was done by ... alone.
A h erself
B she
\C j her
D hers

14. ... w ar co rresp o n d en t, H em ingw ay used his exp eriences for som e of his
m ost pow erful novels.
A But a
B It is a
C W hile
Qd A

15. T h irty-eight national sites are know n as parks, another eighty-tw o as m onu­
m ents, and ...
A the another one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites.
B the other one hundred seventy-eight as historical sites.

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M. P d .

C seventy-eight plus one hundred m ore as historical sites.

D as historical sites one hundred seventy-eight.


D irectio n s : Q uestions 16-40 each sentence has four underlined w ords or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are m arked (A), (B), (C), and
(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order
for the sentences to be correct. Then, on your A nsw er Sheet, find the num ber of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

16. Interest in autom atic data processing has grow n rapid since the first large
(A) (B) (C) (D)
calculators were introduced in 1950.

17. Vaslav Nijinsky achieved world recognition as both a d ancer as well as a

(A) (B) (C) (D)

18. A irports m ust be located near to m ajor population centers for the advan-
(A) (B)
tage of air transportation to be retain ed .
(C) (D)

19. It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theories to
(A)) (B) (C) (D)
the creation of w eapons of war.

20. The plants that they belong to the fam ily of ferns are quite varied in their
(A) (B) (C) (D)
size and structure.

21. Despite of the increase in air fares, m ost people still prefer to travel by plane.
(A );*, (B) (Q (D)

2 2. All of we students m ust have an identification card in order to check books

(A) ^ (B)
out of the library.
(C) (D)

e a s y TOEFL

23. C olum bus Day is celebrated on the tw elve of O ctober because on that day
(A) (B) (C) 4 (D)
in 1492, C hristopher C olum bus first landed in the Am ericas.

24. O ne of the m ost influence new spapers in the U.S. is The New York Times,
(A) (B) 4 (C)
which is w idely distributed throughout the world.

25. An unexpected raise in the cost of living as w ell as a decline in em ploym ent
(A) A (B ),
opportunities resulted in the rapid creation by C ongress of new govern-
(C) (D)
m ent program s for the unem ployed.

26. It is im perative that a graduate student m aintains a grade point average of

(A) (B )^ (C)
"B" in his m ajor field.

27. Coastal and inland w aters are inhabited n ot only by fish but also by such
(A) (B) (C)
sea creature as shrim ps and clam s.

(D ,a
28. Econom ists have tried to discourage the use of the phrase "underdeveloped
(A) (B)
n atio n " and encouraging the m ore accurate phrase "d evelop in g n ation " in
(C) h (D)
order to suggest an ongoing process.

2 9 . A gas like propane will com bination with w ater m olecules in a saline solution
(A) (B) ^
to form a solid called a hydrate.
(C) (D)

3 0 . A lthough it cannot be proven, presum able the expansion of the universe

(A) (B) (C) ^
will slow dow h as it approaches a critical radius.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

31. Regardless of your teaching m ethod, the objective of any conversation class
should be for the students to practice speaking w o rd s.
(B) (C) (D) f

32. A City U niversity professor reported that he discovers a vaccine that has
(A) p (B)
been 80 percent effective in reducing the instances of tooth decay am ong
(C) (D)
small children.

33. A m erican baseball team s, once the only contenders for the w orld cham pion-
ship, are now being challenged by either Japanese team s and Venezuelan teams.
(B) (C) (D)

34. W hen they have been frightened, as, for exam ple, by an electrical storm ,
(A) (B) (C)
dairy cow s m ay refuse giving m ilk.

(D)- S
35 . M iam i, Florida is am ong the few cities in the United States that has been
(A) (B) (Q )
aw arded official status as bilingual m unicipalities. —f

36. No other quality is m ore im portant for a scientist to acquire as to observe

(A) (B) (C)
37. After the police tried u nsuccessfully to determ ine to w ho the car belonged,
(A) (B) (C)
they tow ed it into the station.

< r»*

38. Fertilizers are used prim arily to enrich soil and increasing yield.
(A) (B) (C) (D) ,

39 . If the ozone gases of the atm osphere did not filter out the ultraviolet rays of

J? \ A)
the sun, life as we know it w ould n ot have evolved on Earth .
(B) (C) (D)

Ea s y TOEFL

25. The regulation requires that everyone who holds a nonim m igrant visa re
(A) (B) (C)
ports an address to the federal governm ent in January of each year.

IF Y O U F IN IS H B E F O R E 25 M IN U T E S H A S E N D E D ,
C H E C K Y O U R W O R K O N S E C T IO N 2 O N L Y
S E C T IO N O F T H E T E S T .

50 Q U E S T I O N S 55 M I N U T E S

D ire ctio n s : In this section, you will read several passages. Each one is fol­
lowed by a num ber o f questions about it. For questions 1-50, you are to choose
the one best answ er, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then, on your A n­
sw er Sheet, find the num ber of the question and fill in the space that corre­
sponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen.
A nsw er all qu estions about the inform ation in a passage on the basis of
w hat is stated or im plied in that passage.

Q u e s tio n s 1-10
P recipitation, com m only referred to as rainfall, is a m easure of the quan­
tity of w ater in the form of eith er rain, hail, or snow w hich reaches the
ground. The average annual precipitation over the w hole of the U nited States
is thirty-six inches. It should be understood how ever, that a foot o f snow is
(5) n ot equ al to a foot o f precipitation. A general form ula for com pu ting the
p recipitation of snow fall is that ten inches of snow is equal to one inch of
precipitation. In N ew York State, for exam ple, tw enty inches of snow in one
year would be recorded as only tw o inches of precipitation. Forty inches of
rain w ould be recorded as forty inches of precipitation. The total annual
( 10 ) precipitation w ould be recorded as forty-tw o inches.
The am ou n t o f p recip itation is a com bined result of several factors,
including location, altitude, proxim ity to the sea, and the direction of pre­
vailing w inds. M ost of the precipitation in the United States is brought origi­
nally by prevailing w inds from the Pacific O cean, the G ulf of M exico, the

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(15) A tlantic Ocean, and the G reat Lakes. Because these prevailing w inds gener­
ally com e from the West, the Pacific C oast receives m ore annual precipita­
tion than the A tlantic Coast. Along the Pacific C oast itself, how ever, altitude
causes som e diversity in rain fall. The m ountain ranges o f the U nited States,
(20) especially the Rocky M ountain Range and the A ppalachian M ountain Range,
influence the am ount of precipitation in their areas. East o f the R ocky M oun­
tains, the annual precipitation decreases substantially from that w est o f the
Rocky M ountains. The precipitation north o f the A ppalachian M ountains is
about 40 percent less than that south of the A ppalachian M ountains.

1. W hat does this passage m ainly discuss?

A Precipitation
B Snow fall
C N ew York State
D A general form ula

2. W hich o f the follow ing is another w ord that is often used in place of pre­
A H um idity
B W etness
C Rainfall
D Rain-snow

3 The term precipitation includes.

A only rainfall
B rain, hail and snow
C rain, snow and hum idity
D rain, hail and hum idity

4 W hat is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United States?

A Thirty-six inches
B T h irty-eight inches
C Forty inches
D Forty-tw o inches

5. If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how m uch does this increase
the annual precipitation?
A By tw o feet
B By four inches
C By four feet
D By 40 inches

6. The phrase "p roxim ity to " in line 12 is closest in m eaning to

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E a s y TOEFL

A com m u n ication with

B d epen den ce on
C nearness to
D sim ilarity to

W here is the annual precipitation highest?

A The A tlantic Coast
B The G reat Lakes
C The G ulf of M exico
D The Pacific Coast

W hich of the follow ing was N O T m entioned as a factor in determ ining the
am ount of precipitation that an area w ill receive?
(A? M ou n tain s
B Latitude ^
C The sea jt
D W ind /

The word "su b stan tially " in line 21 could best be replaced by
A fu ndam entally
B slightly
C com pletely
D apparently

The word "th a t" in line 21 refers to

A decreases y
B p re cip ita tio n v
C areas
D m ountain ranges

Q u e stio n s 11-20

C ourse num bers are an indication of w hich courses are open to various
categories o f stud en ts at the University. U ndergraduate courses w ith the
num bers 100 or 200 are generally introductory courses appropriate for fresh­
m en or sophom ores, w hereas courses w ith the num bers 300 or 400 often
(5) have prerequisites and are open to juniors and seniors only. C ourses with
the num bers 800 or above are open only to graduate students. C ertain gradu­
ate cou rses , generally those devoted to introductory m aterial, are n um ­
bered 400 for u ndergradu ate students w ho qualify to take them and 600
for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional
(10) degree carrv a 500 num ber for undergraduate students and a 700 num ber
for graduate students. C ourses num bered 99 or below are special interest

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

courses that do not carry academ ic credit. If students elect to take a special
interest course, it will not cou nt tow ard the nu m ber of hours needed to
com plete graduation requirem ents.
A full-tim e undergraduate student is expected to take courses that total
(15) twelve to eighteen credit hours. A full-tim e graduate student is expected to
take courses that total ten to sixteen credit hours. Students h oldin g assis-
tantships are expected to enrol for proportionately few er hours. A part time
graduate student m ay register for a m inim um of three cred it hours. An
overload, that is, m ore than the m axim um num ber of hours, m ay be taken
with the approval of an academ ic advisor. To register for an overload, stu­
dents m ust subm it the appropriate approval form w hen registering. O ver­
loads above 24 hours will not be approved under any circum stances.

11. W here would this passage m ost likely be found?

A In a syllabus
B In a college catalog
C In an undergraduate course
D In a graduate course

12 . w hat is the purpose of the passage?

A To inform
B To persuade
C To criticize
D To apologize

13. The word "p rerequ isites" in line 5 is closest in m eaning to

A courses required before enrolling
B courses needed for graduation
C courses that include additional charges
D courses that do not carry academ ic credit

14. The word "th o se" in line 6 refers to

A graduate students
B graduate courses
C introductory courses
D course num ber

15. W hich classification of students w ould be eligible to enrol in M echanical

Engineering 850?
A A graduate student
B A part-tim e student
C A full-tim e student
D An undergraduate student

Ea s y TOEFL

16. If an und ergraduate student uses the num ber 520 to register for an account­
ing course, w hat num ber would a graduate student probably use to register
for the sam e course?
A A cco u n tin g 520
B A cco u n tin g 620
C A ccou nting 720
D A ccou nting 820

17. How is a student who registers for eight credit hours classified?
A Full-tim e student
B G radu ate student
C Part-tim e student
D N on-d egree student

18. W hich o f the follow ing courses would not be included in the list o f courses
for graduation?
A English 90
B English 100
J2* English 300
D English 400

19. A graduate student may NOT

A enrol in a course num bered 610
B register for only one one-hour course
Q register for courses if he has an assistantship
D enrol in an introductory course

20. The phrase "u n d er any circu m stances" in lines 19 is closest in m eaning to
A w ithou t cause
B w ithout perm ission
C) w ithou t exception
D w ithou t a good reason

Q u e s tio n s 2 1-30

D uring the nineteenth century, wom en in the United States organized

and participated in a large num ber of reform m ovem ents, including m ove­
m ents to reorganize the prison system , im prove education, ban the sale of
alcohol, and m ost im portantly, to free the slaves. Som e wom en saw simi-
(5) larities in the social status of w om en and slaves. W omen like Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Lucy Stone w ere fem inists and abolitionists w ho supported
the rights o f both w om en and blacks. A num ber of m ale abolitionists, in­
clud ing W illiam Lloyd G arrison and W endell Philips, also supported the
rights of w om en to speak and participate equally w ith m en in antislavery

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . _______________________________________________

activities. Probably m ore than any other m ovem ent, abolitionism offered
(10) w om en a previously denied entry into politics. They becam e involved pri­
m arily in order to better their living conditions and the conditions of other.
W h en the C ivil W ar en d ed in 1865, the F o u rte e n th and F ifteen th
A m endm ents to the C onstitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citi­
zenship and suffrage to blacks but not to w om en. D iscouraged but resolved,
(15) fem inists influenced m ore and m ore w om en to dem and the right to vote.
In 1869, the W yom ing Territory had yielded to dem ands by fem inists, but
eastern states resisted m ore stubbornly than before. A w om en's suffrage bill
had been presented to every C ongress since 1878 but it continually failed to
pass until 1920, w hen the N ineteenth A m endm ent granted w om en the right
to vote

21. W ith w hat topic is the passage prim arily concerned?

A The W yom ing Territory
B The Fourteenth and Fifteenth A m endm ents
C A bolitionists
D W omen's suffrage

The word "b a n " in line 3 m ost nearly m eans to

A encourage
B publish
C proh ibit
D lim it

The word "su p p o rted " in line 5 could best be replaced

A disregarded
B acknow ledged
C contested
D prom oted

24. A ccord ing to the passage, w hy did w om en becom e active in politics?

A To im prove the conditions of life that existed at the tim e
B To support Elizabeth Cady Stanton for president
C To be elected to be public office
D To am end D eclaration of Independence

25. The w ord "p rim arily " in line 9 is closest in m eaning to
A above all
B som ew hat
C finally
D always
26. W hat had occurred shortly after the Civil War?

_ Ea s y TOEFL

A The W yom ing Territory was adm itted the Union.

B A w om en's suffrage bill was introduced in Congress
C The eastern states resisted the end of the war
D Black people w ere granted the right to vote.

27. The w ord "su ffrag e" in line 12 could best be replaced by which of the fol­
low ing?
A pain
B citizenship
C freedom from bondage
D the right to vote

28. W hat does the N ineteenth A m endm ent guarantee?

A Voting right for blacks
B C itizenship for blacks
C Voting rights for wom en
D C itizenship for w om en

29, The word " it" in line 16 refers to

CV bill
B congress
C n in eteen th A m endm en t
D vote

30, W hen w ere w om en allow ed to vote throughout the United States?

A A fter 1866
B A fter 1870
C A fter 1878
D A fter 1920

Q u e s tio n s 3 1-40

Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil provide chem i­
cal elem ents essential for plant nutrition. N atural substances such as anim al
droppings and straw have been used as fertilizers for thousands of years,
and lim e has been used since the R om ans introduced it during the Empire.
(5) It was not until the nineteenth century, in fact, that chem ical fertilizers be­
cam e popular. Today, both natural and synthetic fertilizers are available in a
variety of form s.
A com plete fertilizer is usually w ith a form ula consisting of three num ­
bers, such as 4-8-2 or 3-6-4, w hich designate the percentage content of ni-
( 10) trogen, p hosphoric acid, and potash in the order stated.
Syn th etic fertilizers are available in either solid or liquid form. Solids,

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

in the shape o f chem ical granules are popular because they are easy to store
and apply. Recently, liquid have show n an increase in popularity, account­
ing for about 20 percent of nitrogen fertilizer used throu ghout the world.
(15) Form erly, pow ders were also used, but these were found to be less conve­
nient than either solids or liquids.
Fertilizers have no h arm ful effects on the soil, the crop, or the con ­
sum er as long as they are used according to recom m endations based on the
results of local research. Occasionally, however, farm ers m ay use m ore fer­
tilizer than necessary, dam aging not only the crop but also the anim als or
hum ans that eat it. A ccum ulations o f fertilizer in the w ater supply acceler­
ate the grow th of algae and, consequently, m ay disturb the natural cycle of
life, contributing to the death o f fish. Too m uch fertilizer on grass can cause
digestive disorders in cattle and in infants w ho drink cow 's m ilk.

3 1. W ith which of the follow ing topics is the passage prim arily concerned?
A Local research and harm ful effects of fertilizer
B A dvantage and disadvantages of liquid fertilizer
C A form ula for the production o f fertilizer
D C ontent, form , and effects o f fertilizer

3 2 . The word "essen tial" in line 2 could best be replaced by w hich of the fol­
low ing?
A limited
B preferred
C anticipated
D required

33. In the form ula 3-6-4

A the content of nitrogen is greater than that of potash
B the content of potash is greater than that o f phosphoric acid
C the content o f phosphoric acid is greater than that o f nitrogen
D the content o f nitrogen is less than that of p hosphoric acid

34. W hich of the follow ing has the sm allest percentage content in the formula
4 -8 -2 ?
A N itrogen
B Phosphorus
C Acid
D Potash

3 5 . W hat is the percentage o f nitrogen in a 5-8-7 form ula fertilizer?

A 3 percent
B 5 percent


C 7 percent
D 8 percent

36. The w ord "d esig n ate" in line 8 could be replaced by

A m odify
B specify
C lim it
D increase

37. W hich of the follow ing statem ents about fertilizer is true?
A Pow ders are more popular than ever
B Solids are difficult to store
C L iquids are increasing in popularity
D C hem ical granules are difficult to apply

38. The word "th ese" in line 13 refers to?

A pow ders
B solids
C liquids
D fertilizer

39. The word "co n v en ien t" in line 14 is closest in m eaning to

A effective
B plentiful
C easy to use
D cheap to produce

40. W hat happened w hen too m uch fertilizer is used?

A Local research team provide recom m endations
B A lgae in the water supplies begin to die
C A nim als and hum ans m ay becom e ill
D C rop s have no harm ful effects

Q u e s tio n s 4 1 -5 0

In 1626, P eter M in u it, g o v ern o r o f the D u tch se ttlem en ts in N ort

A m erica know n as New A m sterdam , negotiated w ith C anarsee Indian chiefs
for the purchase of M anhattan Island for m erchandise valued at sixty guil­
ders or about $24.12. He purchased the island for the Dutch West India
(5) C om pany.
The next year, Fort A m sterdam was built by the com pany at the ex­
trem e southern tip of the island. Because attem pts to encourage Dutch im­
m igration were not im m ediately successful, offers, generous by the stan­
dards of the era, were extended throughout Europe. Consequently, the settle-

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(10) ment becam e the m ost heterogeneous of the N orth A m erican colonies. By
1637, the fort had expanded into the village o f New A m sterdam , and other
small com m unities had grow n up around it, including N ew H aarlem and
Stuyvesant's Bouwery, and New A m sterdam began to prosper, developing
characteristics of religious and linguistic tolerance unusual for the times. By
(15) 1643, it was reported that eighteen different languages w ere heard in New
A m sterdam alone.
Am ong the m ultilingual settlers was a large group of English colonists
from Connecticut and M assachusetts who supported the English King's claim
to all of N ew N etherlands set out in a charter that gave the territory to his
brother Jam es, the Duke of York. In 1664, when the English sent a form i­
dable fleet of w arships into the New A m sterdam harbor, Dutch governor
Peter Stuyvesant surrendered w ithout resistance.
W hen the English acquired the island, the village of N ew A m sterdam
was renam ed New York in honor of the Duke. By the onset of the R evolu ­
tion, New York City was already a bustling com m ercial center. A fter the
war, it was selected as the first capital of the United States. A lthough the
governm ent was eventually m oved, first to Philadelphia and then to W ash­
ington, D.C. N ew York City has rem ained the unofficial com m ercial cap i­
During the 1690s, New York becam e a haven for pirates w ho conspired
with leading m erchants to exchanged many supplies for their ships in re­
turn for a share in the plunder. As a colony, New York exchanged m any
agricultural products for English m anufactured goods. In addition, trade
with the W est Indies prospered. Three centuries after his initial trade with
the Indians, M inuit's tiny investm ent was w orth m ore than seven billion

41. W hich o f the follow ing would be the best title for this passage?
A A H istory of N ew York City
B An A ccount of the D utch Colonies
C A Biography of Peter M inuit
D The First C apital of the U nited States

42. W hat did the Indians receive in exchange for their island?
A Sixty Dutch guilders
B $ 2 4 .1 2 U .S
C G oods and supplies
D Land in New A m sterdam
43. W here was N ew A m sterdam located?


A In H olland
B In N orth A m erica
C On the island o f M anhattan
D In India

4 4. The word "h etero g en eo u s" in line 8 could best be replaced by

A Liberal
B R enow ned
C D iverse
D prosperous

4 5. W hy were so m any languages spoken in New A m sterdam ?

A The D utch West India C om pany was owned by England.
B The Dutch W est India C om pany allowed freedom of speech.
C The D utch West India C om pany recruited settlers from m any diffe­
rent countries in Europe.
D The Indians who lived there before the Dutch W est India Com pany
purchase spoke m any languages.

46. The word "fo rm id ab le" in line 17 is closest in m eaning to

A pow erful
B m od ern
C expensive
D u nexp ected

4 7. The nam e of N ew A m sterdam was changed

A to avoid a war with England
B to honor the duke of York
C to attract m ore English colonists from C onnecticut and M assachusetts
D to encourage trade during the 1690s

4 8 . The w ord " it" in line 21 refers to

A Revolution
B N ew York City
C the island
D the first capital

49. W hich city was the first capital of the new United States?
A N ew A m sterdam
B N ew York
C Philadelphia
D W ashington
50. On w hat date w as M anhattan valued at $7 billion?
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

A 1626
B 1726
C 1656
D 1926

IF Y O U F IN IS H B E F O R E 55 M IN U T E S H A S E N D E D ,
C H E C K Y O U R W O R K O N S E C T IO N 3 O N L Y
S E C T IO N O F T H E T E S T .



1 B 11 A 21 B oi B' 41 D
~2 C 12 C 22 A v # C 42 B
3 A 13 A 23 D 33 D 43 C
(2) A 14 B 24 A . 34 D 44 D
5; B 15 C 25 D 35. D 45 A
6 B 16 A 26 A 36 A- 46 C
'7 D 17 C 27 O ' 37 A 47 A
(8 D 18 B 28 D 38 D 48 C
9 D 19 B *29 A 39 D 49 B
10 C 20 B ' ■30 A 40 A 50 B


D a t) C 21 A ~3L D
yf B >2 B 0 A "32.. A
3 B 13 C .2 3 C 'sa D
4^ B 14'; D M B ■34 D
;s A >£_ B A \5) C
6r C :i6 C 26. B 36 C
7 B 17 D >7 D C
83 C 18 B 28"- C D
9 A 19 C 29 B (39) A
10 D 20 A $ 0v C X C

- Ea s y TO EFL


J A * B ( 2 i) D 31 D 41 A
(2 ) C 12 A 22 C 32 D 42 C
3 B 13 A 23 D 33 D 43 B
4) A 14 B 24 A 34 D 44 C
x B 15 A 25 A 35 B 45 C
Q C 16 C 26 D 36 B 46 A
C D D “17 C 27 D 37 C 47 B
B 18 A 28 ) C 38 A 48 B
X A 19 B 29 A 39 C 49 B
M B 20 C 30 D 40 C 50 D

(*) This Practice TOEFL is taken from Practice Exercises for the TOEFL ( 2007 ) by Pamela J Sharpe,
Ph.D., Barron's Educational Series,Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

T im e : A p p ro xim ately 30 M in u tes
50 Q u estio n s

(Pada tes TO EFL yang sebenarnya, percakapan T ID A K D ICETA K di dalam

buku tes, m elainkan H AN YA D IPER D EN G A R K A N saja m elalui Tape Recorder
atau CD. Sedangkan pada buku tes Anda AK AN M ELIH A T p ertanyaan dan
pilihan kem ungkinan jaw aban untuk dipilih).

Part A
In Part A, you will hear short conversations betw een two speakers. At the
end o f each conversation, a third voice will as a question about w hat w as said.
The Q uestion will be spoken just one time. After you hear a conversation and the
question about it, read the four possible answ ers and decide w hich on would be
the best answ er to the question you have heard. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of the problem and m ark your answer.
W om an : There w ere tears o f lau ghter on the faces o f ev ery o n e in the
M an : The play certainly raised som e eyebrow s, but it w as nothing
less than hilarious.
Third Voice : A ccording to the m an and w om an, how did the audience react
to the play?

1. (A) They w ere displeased.

(B) They found it sad.
(C) They thought it was shocking, but very funny.
(D) They becam e angry at the prom iscuity

M an : The G reen D olphin sounds like a nice place to eat.

W om an : OK, let's go there. I hear that they have a com plete m enu and a
w arm atm osphere.
Third Voice : W here are the m an and w om an going?

E a s y TO EFL

2. (A) To the beach

(B) To a pay
(C) To a m ovie theater
(D) To a restaurant

M an : Do you think your grandfather heard our plans for the surprise
W om an : No, he's partially deaf.
Third Voice : Why does the woman say her grandfather doesn't know about
the party?

3. (A) He's dying.

(B) He doesn't hear too well.
(C) He was at a party.
(D) He w as reading something important.

W om an : W hy didn't you have your geology class today?

M an : Only three out of a class of twenty-five showed up. Since the
professor had planned to present a com plex dem onstration, he
decided to cancel the class until everybody was present.
Third Voice : W hy does the man say the geology class didn't m eet today?

4. (A) The class though the dem onstration was too complex.
(B) Too m any students showed up.
(C) The professor didn't show up.
(D) The professor canceled it.
W om an : Since it's the rush hour, let's take the subway.
M an : OK. It's not as direct as the bus, but it's faster and there'll be no
chance of a traffic jam.
Third Voice : W hy do the man and w om an decide to take the subw ay?
5. (A) It's m ore direct.
(B) There's traffic jam.
(C) It's faster.
(D) It's less expensive.

M an : I heard Doug got a ticket yesterday.

W om an : He did. He drove dow n a one-way street the w rong way.
Third Voice : W hat does the w om an say about Doug's receiving a ticket?
6. (A) He got one-way plane ticket.
(B) He went to wrong direction on a one-way street.
(C ) He m ade an im proper turn.
(D) He slowed down at the w rong time.

D r s. S l a m e t R iy a n to , m . P d .

W om an Do you know Susan Flannigan?

M an : The nam e rings a bell, but I'm not sure.
Third Voice : W hat does the man m ean?
7. (A) Susan Flannigan is in a bell-ringing group.
(B) H er nam e sounds familiar.
(C) Susan Flannigan is ringing the bell now.
(D) Her nam e sounds m elodic.

M an : Roy doesn't stand a chance of w inning a gold m edal in the O lym ­

W om an : True, but he's doing his best.
Third Voice : W hat do the speakers m ean?
8. (A) Roy's standing in line for a gold m edal.
(B) Roy w as the best, so he got a gold m edal.
(C) N obody's better than Roy at getting gold m edals.
(D) Roy probably w on't win a gold m edal.

W om an : Som ebody needs to change the cartridge in the copy m achine.

M an : D on't look at me!
Third Voice : W hat does the m an m ean?
9. (A) The cartridge does not need to be replace.
(B) He does not intend to change the cartridge.
(C ) He already changed the cartridge.
(D) He is uncom fortable because the w om an is w atching him.
W om an : I need to go to C hicago next week. W hat do you have available?
M an : There are three nonstop flights from A tlanta to C hicago each
Third Voice : W hat does the m an say about the flights from A tlanta to Chi­
10. (A) Every week, there are three direct flights from A tlanta to C hicago
(B) N ext week, the three flights from A tlanta to C hicago w ill be
(C) Three planes which travel from Atlanta to C hicago each week
m ake nine stops en-route.
(D) The num ber of planes that travel from A tlanta to C hicago will be
reduced within the next three weeks.

M an Mr. Roberts is preparing for his upcom ing vacation.

W om an Yes, he's looking forw ard to it.
Third Voice W hat does the w om an m ean?

E a s y TOEFL

1 1. (A) He is pleased because his fam ily is com ing up to see him.
(B) He is consid ering several m aps to decide w here to go.
(C) He is rather excited because he has a vacation soon.
(D ) He is com ing up to on his vacation.

M an : W hy are M aria's eyes so red?

W om an : They're irritated from the chlorine in the pool.
Third Voice : W hat does the w om an say about M aria?
12. (A) She is angry because there is too m uch chlorine in the pool.
(B) The chlorine in the sw im m ing pool brothers her eyes.
(C ) She believes the correct am ount of chlorine is essential to a clean
sw im m ing pool.
(D ) She d oesn't believe that there is enough chlorine in the pool.

M an : I'm really looking forward to m oving to the new building.

W om an : U h, I'm not quite sure how to put this. Your position is being
elim inated.
Third Voice : W hat is the wom an's problem ?
13. (A) She is uncom fortable telling the man that he is losing his job.
(B) She m isplaced the man's papers.
(C ) She is unsure when they will be m oving.
(D) She hasn't decided w here his office will be located.

W om an : Did Sandra like the shoes you bought her for her birthday?
M an : She exchanged them for a different pair.
Third Voice : W hat does the m an say that Sandra did with the shoes?

14. (A) Returned them and got a pair of pants instead.

(B) Took them back to the store and got som e different ones.
(C ) G ot her m oney back because they didn't fit properly.
(D ) received a refund because of a problem with the heel.

W om an It seem s that everyone will be going on the field trip.

M an D on't be too sure. N ot everyone has turned in a consent form.
Third Voice W hat does the man im ply?

15. (A) He does not intend to go on the field trip.

(B) Som e people have not subm itted a required form.
(C ) The trip has been canceled
(D ) Everybody is likely to go on the trip.

M an : W hy didn't Janet finish her hom ew ork?

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

W om an : Her glasses broke, so she couldn't read her assignm ent.

Third Voice : W hat does the w om an say happened to Janet?

16. (A) She w as not able to read her assignm ent because the broke her
(B) She could have read the assignm ent if she hadn't had to was dishes.
(C) She won't go to class tom orrow because she m ust go to the
op tom etrist.
(D) She cut herself on som e broken glass, so he didn't do her hom ew ork.

M an : Leslie is taking bioch em istry and advanced calcu lu s n ext se­

m ester.
W om an : She's got to be out of her mind!
Third Voice : W hat does the w om an im ply about the Leslie?

17. (A) She has an easy schedule.

(B) She doesn't pay attention in class.
(C) Taking both courses together is a bad decision.
(D) She is brilliant.

M an : W e're way over bu dget on this project.

W om an : They m ust have m iscalculated the cost of the new equipm ent.
Third Voice : W hat does the w om an say about the project?
18. (A) It will be canceled as a result of m ism anagem ent of funds.
(B) They probably m ade an error in figuring the expenses.
(C ) They m ust give a com plete report on the estim ated costs.
(D) They have to charge the calculations to the com pany office.
W om an : I thought N aom i couldn't afford to go to the conference.
M an : She couldn't have attended if her boss hadn't paid her way.
Third Voice : W hat does the m an say about N aom i's atten d ing the confer­
en ce?
19. (A) She was able to go because her em ployer paid her expenses.
(B) She couldn't go because her boss w ouldn't pay her w hile she was
(C) A lthough her em ployer had offered to pay her expenses, she didn't

(D ) Her boss refused to give her money, but she w ent anyway.

M an D oes June like the new television program s this fall?

W om an She dislikes television, but her husband w atches it nightly.
Third Voice W hat does the w om an m ean?
20. (A) A lthough Ju ne doesn't like television, her husband w atches it

E asy TO EFL

very night.
(B) Ju ne refuses to let her husband watch television.
(C) Ju ne alw ays asks her husband to watch television with her.
(D) June's husband refuses to let her watch television.

W om an : It sure is a long way up the peak.

M an : Especially on such a hot day!
Third Voice : W hat does the man m ean?
2 1. (A) If it were a hot day, the trip would be difficult.
(B) It is a very hot day for the long trip.
(C) It's a m agnificent day.
(D) It's not as far as the wom an thinks to their destination.

W om an : Did you hear about the house that the Kehoes bought in the
co u n try ?
M an : Yes, and C huck said that they got a very good deal on it.
Third Voice : W hat does the man m ean?
22. (A) The K ehoes got a bargain.
(B) C huck bought a new house.
(C) The K ehoes bought a house out of the country.
(D) Mr. Kehoe is a real estate agent.

M an : The program director said that we'd have to postpone the out­
ing until Saturday because of inclem ent weather.
W om an : It's a sham e. The food has already been ordered and will prob­
ably spoil.
Third Voice : W here does the m an say the outing was postponed?
23. (A) The food spoiled.
(B) The group was sham eful.
(C) The w eather w as bad.
(D ) The program director wanted to have it on another day.

M an : I thought you said that Rob w ent to Sebring High School.

W om an : No, he used to attend C lark H igh School, but after graduation
last year, he enrolled in M elrose C om m unity C ollege w here he's
presently studying.
Third Voice : W here does the wom an say Rob goes to school?
24. (A) Sebrin g H igh School.
(B) C lark H igh School.
(C ) M elrose C om m unity College.
(D ) Enroll College.

D rs. Sla m et R iy a n t o , M . P d .

M an : Have you bought Jerry's birthday gifts yet?

W om an : I've found the baseball shoes, a shirt, and a gam e, but not the
Third Voice : W hich of the following ii^ems has the w om an NOT bought?
25. (A) A bicycle.
(B) A gam e.
(C) A shirt.
(D) Baseball shoes.

M an : Do you need some help, miss?

W om an : Yes, could give me a hand with these packages?
Third Voice : W hat does the w om an m ean?
26. (A) Please give m e your hand.
(B) Would you help me carry these packages?
(C ) Please rem ove your hands from those packages.
(D) My hand is stuck under the packages.

W om an : Has Louise found another job yet?

M an : She's searching for a new job as a typist.
Third Voice : W hat does the man say about Louise?
2 7 . (A) She is trying to find a new typing job.
(B) She is looking for som ebody to type her research paper.
(C) She is trying to find som ebody to m ove her type w riter to another
(D) She has accepted em ploym ent as a typist.
W om an : Did H arvey know about the physics test when he skipped class
the other day?
M an : No, had he known about the test, he wouldn't have missed class.
Third Voice : W hat does the man m ean?
28. (A) H arvey didn't go to class because he didn't know there was going
to be a test.
(B) H arvey didn't want to take the test, so he skipped class.
(C) H arvey went to class although he didn't want to take the test.
(D) H arvey was happy that yesterday's test w as postponed.

M an I understand that Joe is not doing well in school.

W om an It's a pity that he hates to study.
Third Voice W hat does the wom an m ean?
2 9. (A) Joe uses som e strange m ethods when he studies.
(B) Joe receives very good grades although he doesn't study.

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(C ) jo e is very fond o f studying dangerous situations.

(D ) It's too bad that Joe dislikes studying.

W om an : W hat is Scott doing w ith his children while he's in school?

M an : He's trying to find a nursery near the university.
Third Voice : W hat does the man say about Scott?
30. (A) He has entered the university hospital for treatm ent.
(B) He m et his w ife while she was w orking as a nurse at the
university hospital.
(C) He w ants to find a place close to the university to keep his
children during the day.
(D) He likes the university because it has a good nursing program .


In Part B, you w ill hear longer conversations. A fter each conversation, you
will be asked som e questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken
just one time. They will not be w ritten out for you, so you will have to listen
carefully in order to understand and rem em ber what the speakers says.
W hen you hear a question, read the four possible answ ers in your test book
and decide w hich one would be the best answ er to the question you have heard.
T hen, on you r an sw er sheet, find the nu m ber of the problem and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you have chosen.
Q uestions 31 through 34 are based on the follow ing conversation.

W om an I'v e been hearing som e strange noises under the hood for the past
tw o w eeks. W hat do you think is w rong?
M an Well, your radiator is leaking, your fuel pum p is broken, and your
carburetor is dirty.
W om an H ow long w ill the repairs take?
M an I can probably have it as good as new in four days.
W om an H ow m uch will all of this coast?
M an A bout $195.
W om an Do you accept these ten-percent discount coupons for work over
M an Yes, we do. If you leave it now, I'll have it ready by Friday after­
noon .

31. W hat do the speakers im ply about w hat the w om an will probably pay?

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(A) M ore than $195. (C) $150.

(B) Less than $195. (D) Less than $150.

32. How long will it take to com plete the repairs?

(A) O ne day. (C) Several hours.
(B) Four days. (D) Ten hours.

33. W hat can we assum e the man does for a living?

(A) M echanic. (C) TV repairm an.
(B) Policem an. (D) Car salesm an.

3 4. W hich of follow ing was N O T m entioned as a problem ?

(A) Broken fuel pum p. (C) D irty oil.
(B) Dirty carburetor. (D) Leaky radiator.

Q uestions 35 through 38 are based on the follow ing conversation.

W om an : Have you heard that Nancy's boss wants her to accept a six-w eek
assignm ent in A capulco?
M an : Yes, but what exactly will she be doing there all that tim e?
W om an : H er boss w ants her to w rite a feature story or. the regional arts and
crafts. She'll be photographing and interview ing the local artists.
M an : She'll really like that, especially since all of her exp en ses will be
paid and she can practice her Spanish.
W om an : Yes, but m ost of all, she'll get to spend her leisure hours soaking up
the sun on those lovely beaches.
M an : A t night she'll be eating that great food and listening to the m ariachi
m usic. W hen w ill she be leaving?
W om an : Since she doesn't need a passport, it'll probably be in about a week.
M an : That doesn't give her m uch tim e to get organized.

35. W hich of the follow ing was N O T m entioned as a reason for N ancy's enjoy­
ing her new assignm ent?
(A) All her expenses will be paid.
(B) She'll earn a great deal of money.
(C) She can practice her Spanish.
(D) She can spend her free tim e at the beach.

36. How soon will N ancy be leaving?

(A) One week. (C) Six weeks.
(B) Immediately. (D) A few hours.

37. W hat is the one thing N ancy will N O T need for this trip?
(A) Sw im suit. (C) Passport.


(B) A Span ish dictionary. (D) Money.

38. W hat does the man suggest N ancy can do at night?

(A) Interview local artists.
(B) Photograph the craftsm en.
(C) W rite her story.
(D) Listen to m ariachi m usic.


Purt €
In Part C, you will hear several talks. A fter each talk, you w ill be asked some
questions. The talks and questions will be spoken just one time. They w ill not be
w ritten out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand
and rem em ber w hat the speakers says.
W hen you hear a question, read fhe four possible answ ers in your test book
and decide w hich one would be the best answ er to the question you have heard.
Then, on you r an sw er sheet, find the n um ber of the problem and fill in the
space that corresponds to the lettei of the answ er you have chosen.

Q u estio n s 39 through 43 are based on the follow ing talk about a m edical miracle.

Robert Edw ards was blinded in an autom obile accident nine years ago. He
was also partially deaf because of old age. Last week, he w as strolling near
his hom e w hen a thunderstorm approached. He took refuge under a tree
and was struck by lightning. He was knocked to the ground and w oke up
som e tw enty m inutes later, lying face dow n in w ater below the tree. He
went into the house and lay dow n in bed. A short tim e later, he awoke; his
legs w ere num b and he was trem bling, but, when he opened his eyes, he
could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front o f him. When
his wife entered, he saw her for the first tim e in nine years. D octors confirm
that he has regained his sigh t and hearing, apparently from the flash of
lightning, but they are unable to explain the occurrence. The only possible
explanation offered by one doctor was that, since Edw ards lost his sight as a
result of traum a in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be
restored w as by another traum a.

3 9 . W hat caused Robert Edw ards's blindness?

(A) He was struck by lightning.
(B) He was very old.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(C) He was in a car accident.

(D) He fell dow n in his yard.

40. W hat was the first thing that Edw ards saw after being struck by lightning?
(A) His wife. (C) A clock.
(B) A tree. (D) Lightning.

41. W hich o f the follow ing statem ents is N OT true?

(A) Edw ards had been blind for nine years.
(B) Edw ards was unconscious for twenty m inutes after the lightning
had struck him.
(C) D octors believe that Edw ards was never really blind of deaf.
(D ) Edw ards aw oke with his face in a puddle o f water.

42. W hat was Edw ards doing w hen he was struck by lightning?
(A) H iding from the storm under a tree.
(B) C lim bing a tree.
(C ) D riving car.
(D) Lying on the ground.

4 3 . W hat was the reason given by one doctor that Edw ards regained his sight?
(A) He regained his sight from a head injury w hen he fell from atree.
(B) He was happy after his wife entered his room for the first tim e in
nine years.
(C) The lightning took the feeling from his legs and gave feeling in
his eyes.
(D) Because the blow that blinded him was very serve, it took another
very serve blow to restore his sight.

Q uestions 44 through 47 are based on the follow ing talk about D elaw are.

D elaw are is considered the first state of the U nited States becau se it
was the first to accept the C onstitution, in D ecem ber, 1787. It is a very sm all
state, second only to Rhode Island. A nother im portant fact about D elaw are
is that nylon, that lightw eight, yet strong fiber of the tw entieth century, was
invented there. In colonial days, D elaw are was part of the "bread basket"
area, raising w heat, corn, and other grains for national consum ption.
In 1638, a group o f Sw edish settlers set up a colony along the D elaw are
River and lived there peacefully until 1655 w hen the D utch, w ho disliked
the Swedes, settled there. Later, it was taken over by the English, and finally
becam e independent in 1766.

E a s y TOEFFL-

44. W hat im portant tw entieth-century fiber has invented in Delaware?

(A) C o tto n (C) Grains.
(B) Nylon (D) Rayon.

4 5 . W hy is Delaware considered the first state of the United States?

(A) It is the smallest state in size.
(B) It was the first to discover lightweight fiber.
(C ) It w as the first to ratify the constitution.
(D) It w as the "bread basket" in colonized days.

46. W hich of the following did NOT at any time control the Delaware territory?
(A) Irish (C) English
(B) Sw edish (D) Dutch

47. W hy w as this area known as the "bread basket"?

(A) It w as at the heart of the country.
(B) It w as extrem ely small.
(C) Its inhabitants sold baskets which they m ade by hand.
(D) It inhabitants produced com , wheat, and other grains, which were
sold throughout the country.

Questions 48 through 50 based on the following talk about animals.

A daptation is the process by living things adjust to changes in their
en v iro n m en t-w ay s of finding food, protecting them selves from their en­
em ies, and reproducing. The protective adaptations vary with each species
of anim al, depending on its individual needs and environm ent.
M any anim als possess colors that help them blend in with their sur­
roundings. Polar bears and Arctic foxes can easily m ove undetected amidst
the w inter snow s. Many butterflies' colors make it difficult to find them
am ong the trees. Chameleons can change colors to disguise themselves on
rocks, trees, and wood chips.
Snakes bite; w asps and bees sting; skunks em it a pungent odor; and
porcupines release painful quills into their attackers.

4 8 . W hich of the following was NOT mentioned as possessing a protective de­

(A) A duck. (C) A chameleon.
(B) A skunk. (D) An A rctic fox.

4 9 . W hat m akes porcupines unique?

iET R i y a n t o , M . P d .

Their bite. (C) Their odor.

) Their pigm entation. (D) Their quills.

W hich of the follow ing protective devices was N O T m entioned in this talk?
(A) Claws. (C) Bite.
(B) Sting. (D) Pigm entation.

G O O N T O S E C T IO N 2.

Time : 25 Minutes
40 Questions

Part A
Q uestions 1-15 are incom plete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will
see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) and (D). C hoose the one word or
phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the
num ber of question and fill in the space that corresp ond s to the letter o f the
answ er you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot
be seen.
1. I understand that the governor is consid ering a new proposal______
(A) W hat would elim inate unnecessary w riting in governm ent.
(B) W ho wants to cut dow n on the am ount of w riting in governm ent.
(C ) That w ould elim inate unnecessary paperw ork in governm ent.
(D ) To cause that the am ount of papers w ritten in governm ent offices will
be reduced.

2. The doctor told his receptionist that he w ould return _______

(A) as early as it w ould be possible.
(B) at the earliest that it could be possible.
(C ) as soon as possible
(D) at the nearest early possibility

3. G eorge belongs to the _ _ _ _ _

(A) class of the upper m iddle
(fB) upper mid'dle class

E asy TO EFL

(C ) class from the center up

(D ) high m edium class

4. A good studen t m ust know ___________

(A) to study hard
(B) to be a good student
■(C)) haw to study effectively
(D ) the way o f efficiency in study

5. Jan e changed her m ajor from French to business,________

(A) with hopes to be able easier to locate em ploym ent
(B) hoping she can easier get a job
(C ) with the hope for being able to find better a job
(D ) hoping to find a job m ore easily.

6. He has received several scholarships_________

(A) not only because of his artistic but his academ ic ability.
(B) for both his academ ic ability as well as his artistic.
(C ) because of his academ ic and artistic ability.
(D ) as resulting of his ability in the art and the academy.

7. H arvey will w ash the clothes, __

(A) iron the shirts, prepare the m eal, dusting the furniture
(B) ironing the shirts, preparing the meal, and dusting the furniture
( c y iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture
(D ) to iron the shirts, prepare the meal, and dust the furniture.

8. __________ the new inform ation to anyone else but the sergeant.
(A) They asked him not to give.
(B) They asked him to don't give
(C ) They asked him no give
(D ) They asked him to no give

9. ___________ , he would have signed his nam e in the corner.

(A j If he painted that picture
(B) If he paints that picture
(C ) If he had painted that picture
(D) If he w ould have painted that picture

10. The doctor insisted that his patient___________

(A) that he not w ork too hard for three m onths
(B) take it easy for three m onths
(C ) taking it easy inside of three m onths
(D ) to take som e vacations for three m onths

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

11. The m anager w as angry because som ebody____________

(A) had allow ed the photographers to enter the building
(B) had let the photographers enter into the building
(C) perm itting the photographers enter the building
(D) the photographers let into the building w ithout the proper d ocu m en ­

12. Richard was asked to w ithdraw from graduate school b ecau se __

(A) they believed he w as not really able tp com plete research
(B) he Was deem ed incapable of com pleting his research
(C ) it was decided that he was not capable to com plete the research
(D) his ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted

13. The co m m ittee m em b ers resen ted ____________

(A) the president that he did tell them about the m eeting
(B) the president not to inform them o f the m eeting
(C ) the president's not inform ing them of the m eeting
(D) that the president had failed inform ing them selves that there w as go­
ing to be a m eeting

14. ___________ did A rthur realize that there was anger.

(A) Upon entering the store
(B) W hen he entered the store
(CV A fter he had entered the store
(D) Only after entering the store

15. The rabbit scurried aw ay in fright____________

(A) w hen it heard the m ovem ent in the bushes
(B) the m ovem ent am ong the bushes having been heard
(C ) after it was hearing m oving inside of the bushes
(D ) w hen he has heard that som ething m oved in the bu shes


Part B
In questions 16-40, each sentence has four underlined w ords or phrases.
The four u nd erlined parts o f the senten ce are m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D).
Identify the one underlined word or phrase that m ust be changed in order for
the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen.

E a s y TO EFL

16. N either of the girls have turned in the term papers to the instructor vet.

17. A fter studying all the new m aterials, the student w as able to rise his
test score by tw enty-five points.

18. The book that you see laying on the table belongs to the teacher.

19. I suggest that he goes to the doctor as soon as he returns from taking
the exam .

20. She is looking forw ard to go to Europe after she finishes her studies
at the university.

21. They said that the m an jum ped off of the bridge and plunged into the
freezing water.

22. Mr. A nderson used to jogging in the crisp m orning air during
the w inter m onths, but now he w as stopped.
23. The volum e four of our encyclopedia set has been m issing for two
’A B C D
m on th s.

2 4 . I do not know w here could he have gone so early in the m orning.


2 5 . The people tried of defending their village, but they w ere finally
forced to retreat.

2 6 . The professor was considering postponing the exam ination until

the follow ing w eek because the students' confusion.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

27. H aving lost the election, the presidential candidate intends supporting
the opposition despite the objections of h is staff.

28. The congressm an, accom panied by secret service agents and aides,
are preparing to enter the convention hall w ithin the next few
m inutes.

2 9 . Because the torrential rains that had devastated the area, the governor
sent the N ational G uard to assist in the clean-up operation.

30. Lack of sanitation in restaurants are a m ajor cause o f disease

in som e areas of the country.

3 1 . Had the com m ittee m em bers considered the alternatives m ore carefully.
they would have realized that the second was better as the first.
32. M alnutrition is a m ajor cause of death in those countries w here the
cultivation of rice have been im peded by recurrent d ro u g h t.

33. The decision to w ithdraw all support from the activities of the
athletes are causing an u proar am ong the ath letes' fans.

34. U nderutilized species of fish has been proposed as a solution

to the fam ine in m any underdeveloped countries

35. Because the residents had w orked so diligent to renovate the old
building, the m anager had a party.

E asy TO EFL

3 6 . John's w isdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental

surgeon to see about having them p u ll.

37. H ardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had
forgotten his wallet.

38. Suzy had better to change her study habits if she hopes to be admitted
to a good university.

3 9. The teacher told the students to don't discuss the take-hom e exam
w ith each other.

4 0 . Som e bacteria are extrem ely harm ful, but another are regularly used
in producing cheeses, crackers, and m any other foods.

W O R K O N A N Y O T H E R S E C T IO N O F T H E T E S T .

Time : 55 Minutes
50 Questions

In this section, you will read a num ber of passages. Each one is follow ed by
app roxim ately ten qu estions about it. For qu estions 1-50, choose the one beat
answ er, (A), (B), (C), and (D), to each question. Then, find the num ber of the
question on your answ er sheet, and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter
of the answ er you have chosen. A nsw er all questions follow ing a passage on the
basis of w hat is stated or implied in that passage.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Questions 1 through 10 are based on the following passage.

The food we eat seem s to have profound effects on our health. A lthough
science has m ade enorm ous steps in m aking food m ore fit to eat, it has, at
the sam e tim e, m ade m any foods unfit to eat. Som e research has show n
that perhaps eighty percent o f all hum an illnesses are related to diet and
(5) forty percent o f cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer o f the
colon. People o f differen t cultures are m ore prone to con tract certain ill­
nesses because of the characteristic foods they consum e.
That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, govern­
m ent researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites (com m only used to per-
(10) severe color in m eats) as well as other food additives caused cancer. Yet,
these carcinogenic additives rem ain in our food, and it becom es m ore d iffi­
cult all the tim e to know w hich ingredients on the packaging labels o f pro­
cessed food are helpful or harmful.
The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farm ers often give peni-
(15) cillin to cattle and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in
the m ilk of treated cow s. Som etim es sim ilar drugs are adm inistered to ani­
m als not for m edicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farm ers are
sim ply trying to fatten the anim als in order to obtain a h igher price on the
m arket. A lthough the Food and Drug A dm inistration (FD A ) has tried re-
( 20 ) peatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.
A healthy diet is directly related to good health. O ften w e are unaw are
o f the detrim ental substances we ingest. Som etim es w ell-m eaning farm ers
or others who do not realize the consequences add these substances to food
(25) w ithout our know ledge.

1. H ow has science done a disservice to people?

(A) Because o f science, disease caused by contam inated food has b een vir­
tually eradicated.
(B) It has caused a lack o f inform ation concerning the value o f food
(C ) As a result o f scientific intervention, som e potentially harm ful sub­
stances have been added to our food
(D ) The scientists have preserved the color o f m eats, but not o f vegetables.

2. The w ord "p ro n e" in line 8 is nearest in m eaning to

(A) supine (C) H ealthy
(B) unlikely (D) Predisposed

3. W hat are nitrates used for?

(A) The preserve flavor in packaged foods.
(B) They preserve the color o f m eats.

E a s y TOEFL

(C ) Thy are the objects of research

(D) They cause the anim als to becom e fatter.

4. FDA m eans
(A) Food Direct A dditives
(B) Final D ifficult A nalysis
(C ) Food and D rug A dm inistration
(D ) Federal Dairy Additives

5. The word "th e se " in line 13 refers to

(A) m eats
(B) colors
(C ) researchers
(D) nitrates and nitrites

6. In line 13, the word "carcin o gen ic" is closest in m eaning to

(A) T rou ble-m akin g
(B) C olor-retaining
(C) M on ey -m ak in g
(D ) C an cer-cau sin g

7. all o f the follow ing statem ents are true EXCEPT

(A) drugs are alw ays given to anim als for m edical reasons ^
(B) som e of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some
are given to the living anim als
(C ) researchers have know n about the potential hazards of food additives
for m ore than forty-five years.
(D) Food m ay cause forty percent of the cancer in the world

8. The word "a d d itiv es" in line 13 is closest in m eaning to

(A) added substances (C) natural substances
(B) dangerou s substances (D) benign substances

9. W hat is the best title for this passage?

(A) H arm ful and H arm less substances in food
(B) Im proving H ealth Through a N atural Diet
(C ) The Food You Eat C an A ffect Your Health ^
(D ) Avoiding Injurious Substances in Food

10. In line 3, the word "fit" is closest in m eaning to

(A) athletic (C) tasty
(B) suitable </ (D) adaptable

11 The fact that the topic has been know n for som e tim e is discussed in lines?
(A) 2 -4 (C) 17-19

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(B) 10-11 (D) 26-27

Q uestions 12 through 21 are based on the follow ing passage.

The ancient Egyptians firm ly believed in the afterlife and spent their
tim e on earth preparing for it. Elaborate burial rituals included preparing
the burial site, providing for all of the deceased's m aterial needs (food, cloth­
ing, jew els, and tools of their trade), and preserving the corpse so that it
(5) would not decay. This preservation was accom plished through a process of
m um m ification. The ancients left no w ritten accounts as to exam ine m um ­
m ies and establish their ow n theories. The em balm ing process m ight have
taken up to seventy days for the pharaohs and nobility and only a few days
( 10 ) for the poor.
The em balm ers spread a variety of com pounds of salt, spices, and res­
ins in and over the corpse to p reserve it. They follow ed this w ith a pre­
scribed w rapping, a procedure in w hich they w ound strips o f fine linen
(15) around, over, and under the body w hile placing various am ulets w ithin the
w rappings to protect the deceased from harm on the long jou rney to the
afterlife. They also painted resins over the w rapped linen. Finally, a pharaoh
or noble would have been encased in a w ooden box before being placed in
( 20 ) a sarcophagus.

12. How have we been able to learn about the m um m ification process?
(A) A ccurate records have been handed dow n to us.
(B) Interview s with em balm ers who still use the process have revealed the
(C) After studying m um m ies, scientists have developed their own theories.
(D) C hem ical analysis of the com pounds has led us to an explanation of
the m ethod used.

13. The wqrd "th ey " in line 19 refers to

(A) em b alm ers (C) pharaohs
(B) spices (D) the poor

14. The em balm ing process can best be described as

(A) Lengthy and com plicated
(B) Short and sim ple
(C) Strict and unfaltering
(D) Wild and terrifying

15. The word "d ecay " in line 6 is closest in m eaning to

(A) die
(B) deteriorate


(C) e m b a lm
(D) rejuven ate

16. All of the follow ing statem ents are true EXCEPT
(A) B odies w ere preserved as a m atter o f religious belief
(B) All m um m ification took seventy days to com plete
(C ) Special com pounds were used to em balm the bodies
(D ) It has been difficult to determ ine the process used

17. W hy did the ancient Egyptians m um m ify the deceased?

(A) To preserve the body from destruction
(B) To scare tomb robbers
(C ) To encase the body in a sarcophagus
(D ) To protect the body from harm on the journey to the afterlife.

18. It can be inferred that the Egyptians buried food, clothing, jew els, and tools
with the deceased because
(A) the fam ily did not w ant anyone else to share them
(B) that was the wish of the deceased
(C) they w ere afraid
(D) the deceased would need them w hile en-route to the afterlife.

19. The word "am u lets" in line 17 is closest in m eaning to

(A) w eapons
(B) coins
(C) ch a rm s
(D ) curses

20. In line 6 "acco m p lish ed " is closest in m eaning to

(A) p erform ed (C) reproduced
(B) forsaken (D) dw indled

2 1 . The distinction betw een m um m ification of bodies from different classes is

explained in lines
(A )2-6 (B) 10-12 (C) 13-14 (D) 15-17

Questions 22 through 30 are based on the following passage.

A tapew orm is a parasite that lives in the in testines o f hum ans and
anim als. Som e tapew orm s attach them selves to the intestinal wall by means
of suckers in their heads. O thers float freely in the intestines and absorb
food through the walls of their bodies.
(5) A tapew orm con sists o f n um erous segm ents. W hen a new segm ent
form s, the older ones m ove to the back of the anim al. Each segm ent con-

D rs. S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. Pd.

tains herm aphroditic sexual organs (that is, m ale and fem ale organs). The
uterus of each segm ent fills with eggs, w hich develop into em bryos. Gene-
ally, when the eggs are ready to hatch, the segm ent breaks off and is elim i-
(10) nated through the host's excretory system . These em bryos hatch, develop
into larvae, and grow to adults only if ingested by an interm ediate host.
One m ay be infected by tapew orm s by eating under-cooked beef, pork,
or fish. Sym ptom s include irregular appetite, abdom inal discom fort, ane­
mia, w eakness, and nervousness.

22. The passage im plies that all of the follow ing are true EXCEPT
(A) an em bryo will cease develop if not ingested by a host
(B) a tapew orm will continue to live even w hen segm ents break off
(C) the segm ent farthest back on the tail is the oldest
(D) tapew orm s alw ays float freely in the digestive system

2 3 . The word "elim in ated " in line 12 is closest in m eaning to

(A) ingested
(B) expelled
(C) eaten
(D ) grow n
24. A herm aphrodite is
(A) a tapew orm
(B) a segm ent containing an em bryo
(C) a being that contains m ale and fem ale sexual organs
(D) an anim al m ade of segm ents

25. The word "o th ers" in line 4 refers to

(A) S e g m e n t
(B) E m bryos
(Q Eggs
(D) Tapew orm s

26. W hich of the follow ing is probably N O T a sym ptom of tapew orm infesta­
(A) U nusual eating habits
(B) Excitability
(C) D eficiency of red blood cells
(D) Euphoria

2 7 . W hich of the follow ing statem ents is true?

(A) A tapew orm uterus contains one egg.
(B) O vercooked beef is a cause of tapew orm s.

Ea s y T O E F L

(C) A m ale tapew orm m ust alw ays be ingested before reproduction will
(D) Tapew orm s vary in their m ethods of ingesting food.

28. W hat w ould be the best title for this reading passage?
(A) Parasites
(B) R eproduction of the Tapew orm
(C ) The Tapew orm , a H arm ful Parasite
(D) Segm ented Parasite

29. A tapew orm attaches itself to the intestinal w all by

(A) suction
(B) liquid
(C) food
(D) teeth

30. In line 6, the w ord "seg m en ts" is closest in m eaning to

(A) Types (C) Organs
(B) S ectio n s (D) W orms

Q u e stio n s 31 th rou g h 40 are based on the fo llo w in g p assag e.

A fter inventing, dynam ite, Sw edish-born Alfred N obel becam e a very

rich m an. H ow ever, he foresaw its universally destructive pow ers too late.
N obel preferred not to be rem em bered as the inventor of dynam ite, so in
1895 ju st tw o w eeks b efo re his death, he created a fund to be used for
(5) aw arding prizes to people w ho had m ade w orthw hile contributions to hu­
manity. O riginally there w ere five aw ards : literature, physics, chemistry,
m edicine, and peace. Econom ics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years
after the first aw ards cerem ony.
N obel's original legacy o f nine m illion dollars was invested, and the
(10) in terest on this sum is used for the aw ards w hich vary from $30,000 to
$ 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 .
Every year on D ecem ber 10, the anniversary of N obel's death, the awards
(gold m edal, illum inated diplom a, and m oney) are presented to the win­
ners. Som etim es politics plays an im portant role in the ju d g es' decision.
(15) A m ericans have won num erous science aw ards, but relatively few litera­
ture prizes.
N o aw ards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World
War II. Som e people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared
their prizes.

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M . P d . ________________________________________________

3 1. The word "fo resaw " in line 2 is nearest in m eaning to

(A) prevailed
(B) postponed
(C) prevented
(D) predicted

32. The Nobel Prize was established in order to

(A) recognize w orthw hile contributions to hum anity
(B) resolve political differences
(C ) honor the inventor of dynam ite
(D ) spend m oney

33. In which area have A m ericans received the m ost awards?

(A) L iterature (C) Econom ics
(B) Peace (D) Science

34. All of the follow ing statem ents are true EX C EPT
(A) Awards vary in m onetary value
(B) C erem onies are held on D ecem ber 10 to com m em orate N obel's inven­
(C) Politics plays an im portant role in selecting the w inners
(D) A few individuals have w on tw o aw ards

35. In how m any fields are prizes bestow ed?

(A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 10

36. It is im plied that Nobel's profession was in

(A) eco n om ics (C) literature
(B) m ed icine (D) science

37. In line 6, the word "w o rth w h ile" is closest in m eaning to

(A) eco n om ics (C) trivial
(B) prestigious (D) valuable

38. How m uch m oney did N obel leave for the prize?
(A) $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 (C) $ 1 5 5,000
(B) $ 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 (D) $ 9 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0

39. W hat is the m ain idea o f this passage?

(A) Alfred Nobel becam e very rich w hen he invented dynam ite
(B) Alfred N obel created aw ards in six categories for contributions to h u ­
(C) Alfred Nobel left all of his m oney to science.
(D ) Alfred Nobel m ade a lasting contribution to hum anity

40. The word "leg acy " in line 11 m eans m ost nearly the sam e as

Ea sy TO EFL

(A) legend
(B) b eq u est
(C) prize
(D) d eb t

Q u estion s 41 th rough 50 are based on the follow ing passage.

Ever since hum ans have inhabited the earth, thay have mae use of vari­
ous form s of com m unication. Generally, this exspression of thoughts and
feelings has been in the form of oral speech. W hen there is a language bar­
rier, com m uni-cation is accom plished through sign language in which mo
(5) tions stand for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, an the mute have
had to resort to this form of expression. M any of these sym bols of whole
w ors are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally; spell­
ing, how ever, cannot.
(10) Body language transm its ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either
intentionally or unintentionally. A w ink can be away of flirting or indicating
that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, w hile shaking the
head indicates a negative reaction.
(15) O ther form s of nonlingustic language can be found in Braille ( asystem
of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, M orse code, and smoke
signals. Road m aps an picture signs also guide, warn, and instru ct people.
W hile verbalization is the m ost com m on form of lan-gauge, other sys­
tem and tchniques also express hum an thoughts and feelings.

4 1 . W hich of the follow ing best sum m arizes this passage?

(A) W hen language is a barrier, people w ill find other form s of com m uni­
(B) Everybody uses only one form of com m unication
(C ) N onlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners
(D ) Although other forms of com m unication exist, verbalization is the fastest.

4 2 . The w ord "th e se " in line 8 refers to

(A) tourists
(B) the d eaf and the m ute
(C) thoughts and feelings
(D ) sign language m otions

43. All o f the follow ing statem ents are true EXCEPT
(A) there are m any form s of com m unication in existence today
(B) verbalization is the m ost com m on form of com m unication
(C ) the deaf and m ute use an oral form of com m unication

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(D) ideas and thoughts can be transm itted by body language

4 4. Which form other than oral speech would be m ost com m only used am ong
blind people?
(A) Picture signs
(B) Braille
(C) Body language
(D) Signal flags

45. How m any different form s o f C om m unication are m entioned here?

(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 11

4 6. The word "w in k " in line 12 m eans m ost nearly the sam e as
(A) C lose one eye briefly
(B) C lose two eye briefly
(C ) Bob the head up and dow n
(D ) Shake the head from side to side

4 7 . Sign language is said to be very p icturesqu e and exact and can be used
internationally EXCEPT for
(A) spelling
(B) ideas
(C ) whole w ords
(D) expressions

4 8 . People need to com m unicate in order to

(A) create language barriers
(B) keep from reading with their fingertips
(C) be picturesque and exact
(D) express thoughts and feelings

49. W hat is the best title for the passage?

(A) The Im portant o f Sign Language
(B) The M any Form s o f C om m unication
(C) W ays of expressing Feelings
(D) P ictu resqu e Sym bols of C om m unication

50. W ho w ould be M O ST likely to use M orse code?

(A) A scientist
(B) A spy
(C) An airline pilot
(D) A telegrapher

E a s y TO EFL




1. (C) 11. (C) 21. (B) 31. (B) 41. (C)

2. (D) 12. (B) 22. (A) 32. (B) 42. (A)

3. (B) 13. (A) 23. (C) 33. (A) 43. (D)

4. (D) 14. (B) 24. (C) 34. (C) 44. (B)

5. (C) 15. (B) 25. (A) 35. (B) 45. (C)

6. (B) 16. (A) 26. (B) 36. (A) 46. (A)

7. (B) 17. (C) 27. (A) 37. (D) 47. (D)

8. (D) 18. (B) 28. (A) 38. (D) 48. (A)

9. (B) 19. (A) 29. (D) 39. (C) 49. (D)

10. (A) 20. (A) 30. (C) 40. (C) 50. (A)

S E C T IO N 2 : S T R U C T U R E A N D W R IT T E N E X P R E S S IO N

1. (C) (C) 1. (A) 21. (D)

2. (Q 22. (A) 2. (B) 22. (C)

3. (B) 23, (A) 3. (C) 23. (C)

4. (C) 24\ .(A ) 4. (D) 24. (B)

(D) 25. (A) 5. (A) 25. (C)

6. (C) 26. (D) 6. (B) 26. (D)

7. (C) 27. (B) 7. (D) 27. (A)

8. (A) 28. (B) 8. (C) 28. (B)

X (C) 29. (A) 9. (B) 29. (B)

K>. (B) 30. (B) 10. (B) 30. (B)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

S E C T IO N 3 : R E A D IN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N

1. (C) 11. (B) 21. (B) 31. (D) 41. (A)

2. (D) 12. (C) 22. (D) 32. (A) 42. (D)

3. (B) 13. (A) 23. (B) 33. (D) 43. (C)

4. (C) 14. (A) 24. (C) 34. (B) 44. (B)

5. (D) 15. (B) 25. (D) 35. (C) 45. (C)

6. (D) 16. (B) 26. (D) 36. (D) 46. (A)

7. (A) 17. (A) 27. (D) 37. (D) 47. (A)

8. (A) 18. (D) 28. (C) 38. (D) 48. (D)

9. (C) 19. (C) 29. (A) 39. (D) 49. (B)

10. (B) 20. (A) 30. (B) 40. (B) 50. (D)

(*) This Practice TOEFL is taken from: TOEFL Preparation by Michael A Pyle, and Mary Ellen
Munoz Page, Cliffs Notes, Inc.,USA, 2002

E a s y TO l .

T im e : A p p ro x im a tely 30 M in u tes
50 Q u estio n s

(Pada tes TO EFL yang sebenarnya, percakapan T ID A K D IC E T A K di dalam

buku tes, m elainkan HANYA D IP E R D E N G A R K A N saja m elalui Tape
R ecorder atau CD. Sedangkan pada buku tes Anda A K A N M ELIH A T
pertanyaan dan pilihan kem ungkinan jaw aban untuk dipilih.).

P a r t Sk

In Part A, you will hear short conversations betw een two speakers. At the
end of each conversation, a third voice will as a question about w hat was said.
The Q uestion will be spoken just one time. A fter you hear a conversation and the
question about it, read the four possible answ ers and decide w hich on would be
the best answ er to the question you have heard. Then, on your answ er sheet,
find the num ber of the problem and m ark your answer.

1. M an Y ou 're so late. 1 thought you'd never get here.

W om an My car broke down on the highw ay, and I had to
Third voice walk.
( Suara ketiga ) W hy does the w om an say she had to walk?
(A) Som ething happened to her car.
(B) She was broke and cou ldn 't afford the bus.
(C) She got up too late to catch the bus.
(D) Her car got stuck in the driveway.

2. M an We missed you at D ale's party last night?

W om an I'm not going to any celebrations with that group
because they're so tightly knit that they brush
everyone else off.
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , m . P d .

Third voice Why does the wom an say she d id n 't attend D ale's
(A) She doesn 't like other people brushing her
(B) She doesn't like to drink.
(C) She doesn't like to knit.
(D) She doesn't like being snubbed at a party.

W oman Bill, are you still planning to buy that nice red sports
car you looked last week?
Man I'm afraid that's im possible because I h aven 't been
able to com e up with the cash, and som eone else has
already m ade a dow n paym ent on it.
Third voice W hat does Bill say about buying car ?
(A) He will buy the car as soon as he gets the m oney.
(B) H is friend is buying the car for him.
j(C ) He can't afford to buy a new car.
(D) He has already m ade the down paym ent on the

4. Man Gail is supposed to be here at the m eeting tonight.

W here is she?
W om an She cam e dow n with the flue and had to stay at
Third voice W hy does the wom an say Gail d id n 't attend the
m eeting ?
(A) She had to fly out of town.
(B) S h e's sick.
(C) She said that she'd com e later.
(D) She decided to stay hom e.

5. M an How m any people will be com ing to the reunion on

W oman W e had to cross fifteen nam es off our original list of
one hu n d red .
Third voice How m any people does the wom an say they except
to attend the reunion?
(A) 15
(B) 50
(C) 85
(D) 100

E a s y TO EFL

6. W om an You look happy this m orning.

Man 1 just cam e from my adviser's office and found out
that the college board has done away with the
foreign language requirem ent for graduation.
Third voice W hat does the man m ean?
(A) The m an doesn't have to study foreign
(B) The man just received an "A " on his test.
(C) The m an's adviser gave him some good advice.
(D) He doesn't have to take the final exam.

7. Man 1 hear that R usty's car is being repossessed by the

finance com pany.
W oman Yes, he's fallen behind on the paym ents.
Third voice W hat does the woman mean?
(A) Rusty will lose his car because he hasn't made
the paym ents.
(B) The finance com pany is returning R usty's car.
(C) Rusty has a broken finger from falling on the
paym ent behind his car.
(D) R usty's car is being repaired.

8. W oman Man W hat did you do in class today?

Third voice The teacher w ent over last Friday's lesson.
W hat does the man say the teacher did in class.
(A) Review ed a previous lesson.
(B) Presented new m aterial.
(C) Tested the students.
(D) M ade the students write in class.

9. W om an M an Not getting that job was a big letdown.

Third voice D on't worry. Som ething better will com e along.
W hat are the speakers talking about?
(A) The wom an is getting another job.
(B) The wom an is disappointed at not getting job.
(C) The w om an's boss is letting her have a better jib.
(D) The w om an's job is much better than she had

10. Man How do the Finleys feel about m oving to New

M exico?
W oman They're really looking forward to it.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Third voice W hat does the wom an say about the Finleys'
reaction to m oving?
(A) They are pleased.
(B) They dread it.
(C) The are undecided.
(D) They are frustrated.

11. Man W here are you going in such a rush?

W oman I have to deposit my paycheck before the bank
closes, or else 1 w on't have any funds to pay these
Third voice W hat does the woman mean?
(A) The bank closed before the w om an could deposit
her money.
(B) If the woman hurries, she'll get to the bank before
closing time.
(C) The woman has to take som e m oney out of the
bank before it closes.
(D) The bank is closing the w om an's account
because she hasn 't deposited any m oney.

12. W oman Dan, how was your visit with your sister's friends?
I hardly knew the people.
Man W hat did the man say about his sister's friends?
Third voice (A) They were total strangers.
(B) He knew them only slightly.
(C) He knew them very well.
(D) He w asn't sure w hether he knew them or not.

26. Man I'm sorry to brother you, but 1 can 't see w hen you
hold the banner up.
W om an Sorry. I didn't realize it blocked your view.
Third voice W hat will the wom an probably do?
(A) Cut the sugar cubes into sm aller pieces.
(B) Put sugar in his coffee.
(C) Reduce the am ount of sugar he ingests.
(D) Eat more sugar.

27. W oman I thought M elanie was going to w ear that pretty red
wool coat you bought her.
Man She couldn't w ear it because it m ade her break out in
a rash.

E a s y TOEFL

Third voice W hat do we learn from this conversation?

(A) They were pulled through the wreckage.
(B) They were pulling each other through the
(C) None will survive.
(D) All will probably survive.

28. W oman Are you hungry now?

Man A could sure go for a steak and salad.
Third voice W hat does the man mean?
(A) There were so m any tickets left than they had
to sell them again the next day.
(B) Not many showed up to purchase tickets on
opening day.
(C) There were no tickets left by noon of the opening
(D) A few tickets were left for the afternoon of
opening day.

29. W oman Does Jeanette like football?

Man She rarely m isses a game.
Third voice W hat does the man say about Jeanette?
(A) Know ing that he lacked experience, he still
(B) Even though he was experienced, he didn't
apply for the job.
(C) He was highly qualified for the job, so he
(D) He didn't have much experience w orking in the

30. W om an How is business?

Man Our best agent hasn 't sold a single policy this week.
Third voice What does the man m ean?
(A) It could not be solved by anyone.
(B) Everyone knew how to solve it.
(C) Gary was the only one who couldn't solve it.
(D) O nly Gary could solve it.

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M. P d .

T im e : A p p ro x im a te ly 25 M in u te s
4 0 Q u e s tio n s

P a r t 14
Directions. In this part each problem con sists of an in com plete sentence.
Below the sentence are four choices, m arked (A), (B), (C), and (D). You should
find the one choice w hich best com pletes the sentence. M ark your choice on the
answ er sheet.
1. A m ong the astron o m er o f an cien t G reece, tw o th e o r ie s co n cern in g
the place of the earth in the universe.
(A) developing
(B) in developm ent
((C ) developed
(D) which they developed

2. The geocentric idea was abandoned in the seventeenth century, partly as a

result of the w ritings of C o p e rn icu s observations m ade by other as­
tronom ers.
(A) and also were
(B) not only because of
(C) also because were
'(D) and also because of

3. The largest m eteorite on display is in the A m erican M useum in New York

City, over 34 tons.
(A) and it w eighs
(B) it w eighs
(C) its w eight is
(J D ) which it w eighs

4. Rotation refers to the turning of the e a r t h to the m ovem ent around the
(A) besides revolution
(B) revolution refers
(C) and revolution
(D) while revolution referring

5. TJiere are several m e a n s latitude and longitude.

f (A) can determ ine

Ea s y T O E F L

(B) to determ ine

(C) by them can be determ ined
(D) we use them to determ ine

6. Bernard F o u c a u lt in 1851 that the earth is rotating.

(A) who proved
(B) proved
(C) he proved
(D) it was proved

7. The H om estead Act 1862 to acquire land at a small cost.

m ade possible
(B) m ade it possible
(C ) m ade the possibility
(D) possibly m ade

8. The earth revolves a little m ore ra p id ly it is closer to the sun.

(A:) w hen
(B) or
(C) than
(D ) w herever

9. _____ , Sir Isaac N ew ton described the law s of gravitation.

Was a seventeenth-century scientist
W ho was a seventeenth-century scientist
(C) A seventeenth-century scientist
(D) W hen was a seventeenth-century scientist

10. The moon is not a p la n e t the planets in m any respects.

(A) resem blin g
(^Bjj w hich resem bles
(C) but resem blance to
(D ) although it resem bles

11. Especially im portant to m any p e o p le _____

QA/ there is legislation against pollution
(B) is legislation against pollution
(C ) it is legislation against pollution
(D ) legislation against pollution is

1 2 . _____; the lion is a m em ber of the cat family.

(A) lik e the tiger
(B) Alike to the tiger
(C) Liking the tiger
(D )x,It is like the tiger

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

13. Botanist are not sure w here the first plant was grow n or e v e n ____
(A) what plant was
(B) it was w hat plant
(C) w hat plant was it
(D) what plant it was

14. As A C ongressm an from Ohio, a Republican, a n d the antiw ar m ove­

ment, the young politician becam e well known during the 1960's.
(A) a leader of
(B) to lead
(C) leading
(D) he was leading
15. If star seem s to be m oving in a wavy lin e , of being a double star.
(A) we suspect
(B) that we suspect
(C) we suspect it
(D ) the suspicion

Part B
Directions. In each of the follow ing sentences, four w ords phrases have been
underlined. You should choose the word or phrase that would not be ap p rop ri­
ate in standard written English. M ark your choice on the answ er sheet.

16. N ot long after G alileo's time, Sir Isaac N ew ton invented another kind of

telescope w hich he used m irrors instead of lenses.


17. D espite the disappearance of the M ayan em pire, there are still M ayans in
the region in w hich they once inhabited.

18. Treasure Island, the book that m ade Roberts Louis Stevenson fam ous, has
becam e a best seller for readers voung and old.

19. To be good for agricultural purposes, soil m ust have in it the m inerals plants
requ ired.

E a s y TOEFL

20. In spite of its sm all size. Europe has a greater im pact on world history than
any other continent.
21. Because the farm s of Europe produce less food than the people need, some
products m ust be to bring from other lands.

22. A m ong the m ost rem arkable eyes are those of the dragonfly, for this insect
has eyes m ake up of tiny eyes com pound

23. The police investigation revealed that the thieves have planned the robbery
carefully before they stole the jew elry

24. By w atching sunspots, great storm s which rage on the surface if the sun,
(X) ' B
scientists discovered w hether the sun spins on its axis.

25. These early people did not learn how to m ake bronze until 1500 B.C., but
A (£ )
they have done excellent w ork with other m etals.

26. It is not know exactly w hen the first im m igrants arrived in the New World,
bu tw here did that event occur is certain .

2 7. U nlike m any other people, the A m erica Indians had to discover agriculture
A B C )
for th em selves.
28. A lthough the Indians lacking anim als, they had the ability to cultivate plants
suitable for daily use.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

29. The elem ent uranium , which is a hard, silvery m etal and it was discovered
in 1789. was nam ed for the planet U ranus.

30. In the New World as in Europe, each region developed its ow n distinct
pattern of culture adapted to local conditions and influ en tial.
{c ) D

31. The governm ent troops were very fortunate than the rebels in having large
num bers of foot soldiers ready for com bat.

32. This region of the Andes, w here tin was m ixed with copper to m ake bronze,
was the greater center of metallurgy.
(I D

33. The M ayan priests, who were not only excellent m athem aticians but also
@ B
outstanding scientists, calculated the correct revolution of several planets
and even predict eclipses.
3 4 . The natives, who were used to get m ost of their living from the sea, seldom
if ever ventured inland to search for food.

35. O ne of the m ost fam ous m en of ancient tim es Socrates was, w hose teaching
are reflected in Plato's writings.
36. Our civilization is so com m onplace to us that rarely we stop think about its
A B fO D
com plexity.


37. W hen archeologist begin d iggin g, they generally have a good idea of what
they are looking for and where they are like a find it.

3 8. Through the study of trees rings, w hich originated in Arizona, the houses in

w hich the A nasazi lived can accurately be d ated .


39. In M esopotam ia kings w ere regarded as the servants of the gods, but in
Egypt, on the other hand, the pharaoh was thought he was divine.

40. The com poser Verdi has written the opera Aida to celebrate the opening of
the Suez C anal, but the opera was not perform ed until 1871.

T im e : A p p r o x im a te ly 45 M in u te s
60 Q u e s tio n s

P>earf H

Directions. Each problem in this Part A consists of a sentence in which one

word or phrase has been underlined. From the four choices given, you should
choose the one word or phrase which could be substituted for the underlined
word or phrase w ithout changing the m eaning of the sentence. M ark your choice
on the answ er sheet.

1. W hen the eye of the hurricane passed over, there was a lull in the storm.
(A) fresh outburst
(B) calm interval
(C) rise in the wind
(D) freshening

D r s . S l a m e t R i y a n t o , M. Pd.

2. The officer com pelled the suspect to wait at the scene of the crim e.
(A) allowed
(B) hired
(C ) beseeched
(D) fo rced ;

3. The young m an was so bashfu 1 that he did not speak to the pretty girl.
(A) haughty
(B) discreet
(C ) shy
(D) upset

4. He will abide be by his prom ise if he gives it.

(A) allow for v
(B) renege on
(C ) renew
(D ) stick to

5. The rock was poise on the edge of the cliff.

(A) balanced
(B) dangling
(C) rolling
(D) perpendicular

6. The Civil D efense evacuated all inhabitants from the area w here the storm
was predicted to strike.
(A )aided
(B) w arned
(C ) notified
(D) rem oved

7. The student revised his paper carefully, follow ing the professor's sugges­
(A) copied
(B) retyped
(C ) corrected
(D) outlined

8. We will wind up our business on Friday and take the w eekend off,
(A) discuss
(B) continue ^
(C ) conclude
(D) d e ta ils

Ea s y TO EFL

9. The w ater trickled over the edge o f the basin.

(A) poured rapidly
(B) dripped steadily
(C ) rushed
(D ) flooded

10. The judge sentenced the convicted man.

(A) passed jvidgment upon
(B) sym pathized with
(C ) gave a pardon to
(D ) gave high praise to

11. The characters in this novel are fictitious.

(A) sy m b o lic
(B) believable
(C ) not real people
(D ) identifiable

12. At the battle o f W aterloo, N apoleon's forces retreated .

(A) attacked
(B) pursued
(C ) w ithdrew
(D ) intercepted

13. To everyone but the expert, the painting's defects w ere in visible.
(A) unable to be heard
(B) unable to be seen
(C ) unable to be understood
(D ) unable to be touched

14. The child groped for the light switch.

(A) reached confidently
(B) stretched up
(C ) searched blindly
(D ) listened attentively

15. The w ar ended w hen the arm istice w as signed.

(A) n om in ation
(B) ch arter
(C )tru ce
(D ) co n tract

16. The patient handed the doctor his fee.

(A) m ed icin e
(B) m on ey

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(C ) bag
(D) instru m ent

17. The driver tried to avert the accident by bringing the car to a sudden stop.
(A) cause
(B) control
(C) m inim ize
(D) prevent

18. The w arm th of the room m ade the students d o ze.

(A) yawn widely
(B) sw eat profusely
(C ) fall asleep t
(D) faint

19. W hen he heard the news, he was overcom e with grief.

(A) sorrow
(B) rage
(C ) terror
(D) em otion

2 0 . A first, the incident seem ed to be trivial.

(A) significant
(B) m om en tou s
(C) u nim portan t
(D) critical

21. The proposed environm ental am endm ent has not yet been ratified by all
fifty states.
(A) debu nked
(B) approved
(C) skim m ed
(D) judged

22. H urricanes often devastate the coffee crop, Haiti's principal export.
(A) fracture
(B) scatter
(C) destroy
(D) fertilize

23. It is vital to recognize that em otions trigger physiological reactions-and vice

(A ) b lu n t (C ) e n c o u n te r
(B) activate (D) m ask

Ea s y TO EFL

2 4 . The rivalry betw een the two construction com panies was obvious.
(A) co m p etition
(B) cooperation
(C ) co m p ro m ise
(D ) cam paign

25. His qu alification s for the graduate assistant ship are indisputable.
(A) frau d u lent
(B) invalid
(C ) outstand ing
(D ) u n q u estio n ab le

2 6. The collapse o f the stock m arket in 1929 signaled the beginning of the De­
(A) rise
(B) failure
(C ) rebirth
(D ) d eb t

2 7. Since federal funds have been reduced, a state program is needed to help
land ow ners im prove their forest lands.
(A) cut off
(B) cut back
(C ) put off
(D ) put back

2 8. Her style of dress accentuated her extrem e slenderness.

(A) Betrayed
(B) D isfigured
(C ) E m phasized
(D ) revealed

29. The price of gold fluctuates daily

(A) increases
(B) ch an ges
(C ) stabilizes
(D ) decreases

3 0 . The C enter for D isease Control reported that the epidem ic of the viral dis­
ease called acute hem orrhagic conjunctivitis show s no signs of abating.
(A) spreading
(B) recu rrin g
(C ) w orsening
(D ) su bsid in g

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

P ssrf 1
Directions. You will be given a series of different types of reading m aterial
(sentences, short paragraphs, advertisem ents, etc). Each selection is follow ed by
questions about the m eaning of the m aterial. You are to choose the one best
answ er to each question from the four choices given.

Q u e stio n 31 - 33

The surprisingly abundant life of the Black Sea is confident to upper

layers; the deeper and especially the bottom w aters are devoid of oxygen
and are often perm eated with hydrogen sulfide.

29. The Black Sea w aters

(A) are devoid o f life.
(B) are alw ays perm eated with hydrogen sulfide.
(C) have life only in the upper layers A
(D) have life only in the lower layers.

30. The sentence suggest that

(A) observers are surprised at how little life exists the Black Sea.
(B) hydrogen sulfide is necessary to life.
(C ) oxygen is necessary to life.
(D) both oxygen and hydrogen sulfide are necessary to life.

31. The bottom w aters of the Black Sea

(A) have no oxygen.
(B) have large am ounts of oxygen.
(C) have little oxygen.
(D) have no hydrogen sulfide.

Q uestions 34 - 35.

Though reluctant now to accept constitutional changes, the A m erican

show s him self ready enough to accept changes in m ore u nyielding realm s:
the church for exam ple, or class relationships, or higher education.

32. The above sentence im plies that A m ericans

(A) Have alw ays been, and still are, ready to accept constitu tional changes.
(B) Have alw ays been slow to accept change of any sort.
(C ) Are finally ready to accept constitutional changes.
(D) Are less ready to accept constitutional changes today than they have
been in the past.

3 3 . The sentence states that A m ericans are m ore w illing to change.

(A) The church than higher education.

Ea s y TOEFL

(B) Class relationship than Constitution.

(C) C lass relationships than the church.
(D) The C onstitution than class relationships

Q uestions 36-41 refer to the follow in g w eath er report.

C hange of Show ers

Forecast for Today

The follow ing forecast was issued Saturday night for Baton Rouge and
It will be party cloudy through M onday with a change of afternoon
show ers. H igh Sunday and M onday will be in the m id 80s/ with a low Sun­
day night in the upper 60s. W inds will be southeasterly 10 to 15 miles per
hour dim inishing at night.
Probability of rain will be 20 percent Sunday
On the coast, w inds will be southeasterly 10 to 15 knots. Seas will run
2-4 feet. W inds and seas will be 3 feet higher near a few thundershow ers.
H igh tide at 1 p.m ., low tide at 12;24 a.m.
Record high for M ay 22 w as 93 posted in 1956 and record low was 51
recorded in 1954. N orm ally, tem peratures should vary from 86 to 65 de­
There will be scattered afternoon thundershow ers Tuesday and over
the w est portion of the state Thursday. Tuesday through Thursday, lows will
be in the m id to u pper 70s, w ith highs in the m id to u pper 80s.
H igh Saturday w as 86, w ith a low of 65.

3 4. This w eath er forecast probably appeared in a

(A) Saturd ay m orning paper
(B) Sunday m orning paper
(C ) Sunday evening paper
(D) M onday m orning paper

3 5 . T his forecast predicts that.

(A) R ecords w ill be broken.
(B) There w ill be no rain in the forecasted period
(C ) Skies will be partially cloudy on Sunday and M onday
(D ) Tem peratures w ill be low er than norm al for the tim e of year

3 6 . This forecast states that w inds

(A) will be from south to west.
(B) W ill decrease their velocity w hen associated w ith thundershow ers at

DRS. S L A M E T R lY A N TO , M . PD.

(C) Will decrease their velocity at night

(D) Will be from a different direction on the coast than in the city.

37. High tides w ill occur

(A) Early in the m orning.
(B) Late at night.
(C) At 1:00 .m.
(D) At 12:24 a.m.
38. on the day this forecast was issued, the low est tem perature reached was.
(A) 65 degrees
(B) 51 degrees
(C) in the upper 60s
(D) in the m id to upper 705
39. If you were planning to play an outdoor gam e during this period, you should
(A) R eschedule the gam e for better w eather
(B) Plan the gam e for the afternoon.
(C) Plan the gam e for the m orning hours.
(D) Plan the gam e for the evening hours.

Q u e s tio n s 4 2 - 4 4
O utput per m an-hour has been grow ing over along term at an increas­
ing rate. D uring m ost of the world's history, productivity grew very slowly
indeed, or probably not at all. D uring the first half of the nineteenth cen­
tury, productivity per m an-hour in the U .S m ay have increased as m ach as
tw enty-five percent. In the second h alf o f the century it doubled, and in the
first h a lf o f the tw entieth century it alm ost trebled. But this long-run ten­
dency for productivity to rise at an increasing rate is m arked by variations
in the rate o f increase. Thus, during the last hundred years there have been
tw o periods, 1870 or 1880 to about 1920, and 1920 to the percent. When
grow th in prod u ctiv ity has b een rath er rapid, and tw o periods, 1850 to
about 1870 or 1880 and 1910 to 1920, w hen grow th has been som ew hat

40. The rate o f increase for productivity

(A) Has been slow, but steady
(B) Has been uniform
(C) Has alw ays been rapid
(D) Has show n frequent variations

41. In the 1860's, productivity

(A) Did not grow at all

Ea s y TO EFL

(B) G rew particularly rapidly

(C ) G rew faster than in 1850 or 1870
(D) C ontinued to grow, but at a slow er rate than the rate after 1880

42. The first real increase in output per m an-hour occurred

(A) from 1800 to 1850
(B) from 1850 to 1900
(C) from 1900 to 1950.
(D ) A fter 1950

Q u e s tio n 45-49

The “taint of m elancholy" w hich Edgar A llan Poe throughout his life
associated w ith the m ore "so u lfu l" aspects of beauty was, of course, one of
the fam iliar m oods of rom antics everyw here. But it is som ew hat unusual
that this particular m ood should be so favored by Southern poets. From the
defiant anguish rem iniscent of Byron to the delicate sadness characteristic
of fem ale poets like Mrs. Felicia H em ans, the w hole range of m elancholy
feeling could be found in the pages o f the M essenger during the 1830's.
This is not to say that the m agazines published only the poem of Southern
poetasters w ho invoked m elancholy. The significant point is that the South­
ern poets w hom the M essenger did publish were prone to exploit m elan­
choly. Poem s on Poe's favorite subject, the death of a beautiful wom an, were
num erous enough is the M essenger to m ake us feel som e retroactive con­
cern about the durability of Southern belles.

4 3 . M ost poetry published in the South

(A) W as cheerful in mood
(B) W as m elancholy
(C ) Did n ot reflect one of the fam iliar m oods of the rom antics.
(D ) W as w ritten by Edgar A llan Poe.

4 4 . Poe had a preference for poem s that dealt with

(A) The death of a child
(B) B yronic despair
(C ) Sou th ern belles
(D) The death of a beautiful wom an

4 5 . The author im plies that Southern belles

(A) M ay often have been delicately sad
(B) M ay often have died young
(C ) M ay have w ritten m any poem s.
(D ) M ay have lived very m elancholy lives

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

46. The M essenger published

(A) Only m elancholy poem s
(B) Only fem ale poets
(C) O nly Southern poets w ho w rote m elancholy poem s
(D) M any poem s about death

47. The w ords rem iniscent of (line 7) m ean m ost nearly

(A) P rom inent in
(B) Recalling
(C) A bsent in
(D) Favored by

Q u e s tio n 50-53

In the early nineteenth century Rousseau's m isgivings concerning the

progress of civilization w ere largely forgotten, but his idea of tracing the
evolu tion of hum an nature from bru te-lik e beg in n in g s took hold w ith a
vengeance. Theories of social evolution proliferated like m ushroom s. The
im petus to their elaboration cam e less from biology than from a grow ing
aw areness of change and im provem ent in social in stitution s and a grow ing
conviction that man's early condition had been a savage one. Taking progress
for granted, social scien tists endeavored to d iscover its law s and stages.
A uguste Com te, for exam ple, set for "so cial p h ysics" (or sociology, as he
later called it) the task of discovering "b y w hat necessary chain o f succes­
sive transform ations the hum an race, starting from a condition barely su­
perior to that of a society of great apes, has been gradually led up to the
present stage of European civilization. "L ik e Rousseau, C om te regarded man
as the only species of anim al capable of evolution.

4 8 . The grow th of theories of social evolu tion is com pared to the grow th of
m ushroom s because
(A) M ushroom s grow in the dark
(B) M ushroom s grow and m ultiply very rapidly
(C) M ushroom s can be poisonous
(D) M ushroom s are searched for w ith great care

49. Sociology was first know n as

(A) Social science
(B) C om tism
(C) Social philosophy
(D ) Social physic

Ea s y TO EFL

50 . Rousseau believed
(A) In the inevitability of progress
(B) That m an was the only creature capable of evolution
(C ) That all o f nature (anim als, plants, and m en) was constantly evolving
(D ) That the science of sociology would prom ote social evolution

51. Theories of social evolution proliferated because of

(A) A dvances in biology
(B) The belief, with Rousseau, that m an's condition was show ing no real
im p ro v em en t
(C ) Respect for Rousseau as a social thinker and philosopher
(D) The conviction that man's beginnings had been brute-like, but that his
condition w as show ing steady im provem ent

Q u e stio n 54-56

W illiam Faulkner of Oxford was not a native of O xford; nor was he

born with the nam e Faulkner. He was born in New Albany. M ississippi, on
S ep tem b er 25, 1897, and the fam ily spelled the nam e Falkner. He pub­
lished his first book w hen he was tw enty-seven. He was aw arded the Nobel
Prize for L iteratu re w hen he was fifty-three. He was generally acknow l­
edged as the m ajor A m erican w riter of his tim e when he died on July 6,
1962. Faulkner of Falkner, he spent alm ost the w hole of his life in the M is­
sissippi tow n w hich m illions who read his w orks know not as Oxford but
as Jefferson. Even to the people of O xford, Faulkner was a kind of legend in
his ow n lifetim e. There was, for exam ple, the m ystery of who put the "u " in
W illiam 's last nam e. For m any years the com m only accepted story was that
it was a careless printer, in setting type for The M arble Faun (1924). Faulkner
biographer C arvel C ollins dem onstrates that the w riter h im self added it,
and, at least occasionally, as early as 1918.

52. At the tim e of his death, Faulkner was

(A) Tw enty-seven
(B) Fifty-three
(C) Sixty -tw o
(D ) S ix ty -fo u r

53 . Faulkner lived m ost o f his life in

(A) Jefferson
(B) O xford
(C ) N ew A lbany
(D) His birthplace

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

54. The " u " in Faulkner's nam e was added by

(A) A careless printer
(B) Faulkner's biographer C arvel C ollins
(C) Faulkner him self.
(D) Faulkner's great-grandfather.

Q u e stio n s 57-58
Directions. For each of the follow ing questions choose the answ er w hose
m eaning is closest to that of the given sentence. Although m ore than one of the
choices may be factually correct, you should choose the one that m ost closely
restates the original sentence.

55. “A m erican u n iform ity" is an axiom for m any Europeans, b efo re and be­
yond any experience.
(A) M any European believe in "Am erican uniform ity" even before they com e
to Am erica.
(B) M any Europeans are m ore convinced of "A m erican u n iform ity" after
they have been to A m erica.
(C) M any Europeans believe so strongly in "Am erican u n iform ity" that no
experience can alter their belief.
(D) The European is clearly correct in his belief in "A m erican u n iform ity",
since that belief is supported by his experience.

56. A lthough El Greco's w ork was popular in Spain, it had little or no effect,
strange to say, on the work of other Spanish painters.
(A) El G reco's work had som e effect, although not m uch, on the painting
o f other artist.
(B) It s strange that in spite of its popularity in Spain, El G reco's w ork did
not have m uch influence on other Spanish painter's work.
(C ) O ther Spanish artists did not particularly like El G reco's work, although
his w ork was influential.
(D) The w ork of other Spanish painters w as strangely influenced by the
w ork of El Greco, a popular painter.

57. Mars, w hich lies beyond Earth, is considerably sm aller than Venus and is
m uch farther away.
(A) M ars, w hich lies beyond Earth, is m uch farther away and a good bit
sm aller than Venus.
(B) Venus, w hich is a good bit larger than M ars, is m uch farther away
from Earth.
(C) Venus is m uch farther aw ay from M ars than from Earth, w hich is con
siderably smaller.

■ "FL
(D) Lying beyond Earth, M ars is m uch sm aller than Venn q ^
farther away.

58. A G reek literature is no exception to the rule that poetry

literary prose,
(A) U sually poetry develops before literary prose, except in
(B) In G reece, literary prose developed before poetry.
(C ) G reek literature is the exception to the rule that literary prose precedes
(D) The developm ent of poetry and prose in G reece conform s to the rule
that poetry precedes the developm ent of literary prose.

k u n ci mmmam f icey a n s w e r ]


1 (A) 11 (C) 21 (B) 31 (B) 41 (A)

2 (D) 12 (B) 22 (C) 32 (D) 42 (A)

3 (C) 13 (C) 23 (C) 33 (B) 43 (D)

4 (B) 14 (D) 24 (B) 34 (D) 44 (C)

5 (Q 15 (C) 25 (D) 35 (A) 45 (B)

6 (A) 16 (A) 26 (D) 36 (D) 46 (A)

7 (A) 17 (D) 27 (B) 37 (B) 47 (Q

8 (A) 18 (C) 28 (A) 38 (C) 48 (D)

9 (B) 19 (C) 29 (A) 39 (A) 49 (B)

30 (A) 20 (D) 30 (A) 40 (D) 50 (C)

Part A

c B J lX ' B
< y

J D s * B >2 A

A 8
. ....J ...
A js r ' D

J C J* " C >4 A

X B 10 D X C

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Part B

16 C 21 D 26 C ,31 A
S> C

17 C 22 D 27 B 32 C 37 D

18 C 23 C 28 A 33 D 38 A

D M C 29 C (34) A 39 D
I *

20 B C 30 D 35 ' B 40 A

P art A

1 B 6 D 11 C 16 B 21 B 26 B

2 D 7 A 12 C 17 D 22 C 27 B

3 C 8 D 13 B 18 C 23 B 28 C

4 D 9 C 14 C 19 A 24 A 29 B

5 A 10 C 15 C 20 C 25 D 30 D

Part B

31 C 36 B 41 C 46 D 51 D 56 C

32 C 37 C 42 D 47 B 52 B 57 C

33 A 38 C 43 ' D 48 D 53 D 58 B

34 D 39 C 44 A 49 B 54 D 59 A

35 B 40 A 45 B 50 B 55 B 60 D

(*) This TOEFL Preparation Practice is taken from: TOEFL Preparation by Michael APyle, and
Mary Ellen Munoz Page , Cliffs Notes,Inc.,USA, 2002
(*) This TOEFL Preparation Practice is taken from: ARCO TOEFL Test of English /ts AForeign
Language by Edith H. Babin, Carole V, Ordes, Harriet H. Nichols

— E a s y TOEFL

T i m e : 30 M in u tes
50 Q u estio n s

(N arrator) In this section, you will dem onstrate your skill in understanding
spoken English. There are three parts in the Listening Com pre­
hension section, with different tasks in each.

mm a
D IR E C T IO N : In Part A, you will hear short co n versatio n s betw een two
people. At the end of each conversation, a third person will ask a question about
w hat the tw o people said. Each conversation and each question will be spoken
only one time. Therefore, you m ust listen carefully to understand what each
speaker says. After you hear a conversation and the question, read the four se­
lections and chose the one that is the best answ er to the question the speaker
asked. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and blacken
the space that corresponds to the letter for the answ er you have chosen. Blacken
the space com pletely so that the tetter inside the space does not show.

Listen to the follow ing exam ple.

On the recording, you hear:

(M an ) Does the car need to be filled?

(W om an) M ary stopped at the gas station on her way hom e.
(N arrator) W hat does the wom an m ean?

In your test book, you will read:

A. M ary bought som e food.

B. M ary had car trouble.
C. M ary went shopping.
D. M ary bought som e gas. ✓

From the conversation you learn that Mary stopped at the gas station on
her way hom e. The best answ er to the question "d oes the car need to be filled?

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t q , M. P d .

Is (D), "M ary bought som e gas." Therefore, the correct answ er is (D).

N ow let us begin Part A with question num ber 1.

1. (W om an) I feel a draft. Is the w indow shut?

(M an) When they left, they didn't close the door?
(N arrator) W hat does the man m ean? (12 seconds)
A. They gave me a lift.
B. He didn't stand close to the door.
C. He walked trough the door on left.
D. The door was left open.

2. (M an ) Rich surely spends a lot of tim e studying.

(W om an) Had he known that the math class requires so m uch work, he
would have taken it next year.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. Rich students don't take math.
B. Rich didn't know m uch math.
C. Rich is talking a math course.
D. Rich should take math next year.

3. (W om an) W hat w ere those people asking you?

(M an ) They were w ondering if the picture is for sale.
(N arrator) W hat does the man m ean? (12 seconds)
A. They happy wanted to know if they could buy the picture.
B. They were w andering around looking for the picture.
C. They stopped by the picture gallery to ask question.
D. They thought that the picture was w onderful.

4. (M an) Jim was exited about something.

(W om an) He spent fifteen m inutes telling me about a m agazine article
he found very interesting.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an say about Jim ? (12 seconds)
A. He spent 15 m inutes reading.
B. He talked for 50 m inutes.
C. He found the m agazine.
D. He enjoyed the article.

5. (W om an) W hat do you m ean you're m oving? Your car is failing apart.
(M an) Once I figure out than I couldn't afford a new car, I decided to
find a better apartm ent.
(N arrator) What does the man m ean? (12 seconds)

Ea s y TO EFL

A. He's looking for a new apartm ent.

B. He decided to buy a new car.
C. He d oesn't have the figure.
D. His apartm ent is better than hers

6. (M an) Slow down! You are passing every car on the road.
(W om an) M ost drivers don't observe the speed lim it unless they think
the police will stop them.
(N arrator) W hat does the wom an im ply? (12 seconds)
A. The police stop m ost drivers.
B. The speed lim it is unreasonable.
C. D rivers don't watch the traffic carefully.
D. Few people drive w ithin the speedlim it.

7. (W om an) I like that w om an's outfit. I think black is alw ays a practical
color for office clothes
(M an ) N ow that shades is pink are in fashion again, black looks outdate.
(N arrator) W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. Pink looks great on you.
B. Black is out of style.
C. The fashion changes every year.
D. D on't know the date of the fashion show.

8. (M an ) W hen 1 cam e from work at 5.30, the bank was closed already.
(W om an) W hy they don't keep the bank open longer hours?
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. The bank is open at this hour.
B. The river is overflow ing its banks.
C. Th eir bank is located nearby.
D. The ban ks close early.

9. (W om an) These students don't even know w hat the grading police is.
(M an ) w hen the teacher explained the course requirem ents, they were
probably day-dream ing.
(N arrator) W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. The teacher taught about dream .
B. The students are required to take the course.
C. The lecture on dream s was great success.
D. H ardly anyone was listening to the teacher.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

10. (M an) W hy are you going back?

(W om an) I can't rem em ber w hether or not I locked the door.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. They haven't had m uch luck with the weather.
B. The door was locked because of severe weather.
C. She's not sure if the door is locked.
D. She can't rem em ber the key to the door is.

11. (W om an) N ancy told m e she is angry at you.

(M an) N ancy m ay be angry at me, but she's not h alf as angry at m e as
I am at her.
(N arrator) W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. She gave away my half.
B. She is a half hour late.
C. She is very angry.
D. She is very hungry.

12. (M an ) How did the interview go? W hat did you think of Paul?
(W om an) he was so ill at ease that I felt sorry for him.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an im ply? (12 seconds)
A. It's easy to get along w ith Paul.
B. Paul was not feeling well.
C. She is sorry that Paul is ill.
D. Paul was uncom fortable.

13. (W om an) Don and K atherine took their luggage to the airp ort tonight
instead of tom orrow m orning.
(M an ) They'll never m ake it back in tim e for the show.
(N arrator) W hat does the m an say about Don and Katherine? (12 seconds)
A. The show ed us the back entrance.
B. W hen they return, the show will have started.
C. They don't know w hat tim e the show start.
D. W hen they cam e back, there was notim e left.

14. (M an) W on't you have som e m ore turkey?

(W om an) Thank you, but I've had two helping already.
(Narrator) W hat does the w om an im ply? (12 seconds)
A. She doesn't need any help.
B. She was two people h elping her.
C. She's not enough.
D. The m an is very kind.

Ea s y TO EFL

15. (W om an) Excuse me, is this a new rule?

(M an) In light of num erous com plaints, the m anagem ent no longer
allow s sm oking in the lounge.
(N arrator) W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. There is no light in num ber 8.
B. Sm oking in the lounge is prohibited.
C. The m anagem ent doesn't allow com plaints.
D. The conversation in the lounge is too loud.

16. (M an ) You don't think we need a new copier, do you?

(W om an) It was jam m ed six tim es last w eek and five tim es this week.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an im ply? (12 seconds)
A. Six copies w ere m ade last week.
B. The copier doesn't w ork well.
C. Eleven copies are plenty.
D. There are 11 jars of jam.

17. (W om an) M aybe we should invite the Johnsons to com e with us.
(M an ) The Jo h n son s stopp ed going to the club becau se they don't
like the service.
(N arrator) W hat does the m an im ply? (12 seconds)
A. The club has stopped serving the Johnsons.
B. If the Joh nson s w ant to, they can serve them selves.
C. The Joh nson s think the service is bad.
D. The Joh nson s are going to the club

18. (M an ) They did a great job, but it looks like you'd need to take some
tim e off.
(W om an) It took them tw o days to paint the house and another day to
clean up.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an im ply? (12 seconds)
A. The new paint m akes the house look clean.
B. They w orked for three days.
C. They ran out o f paint on the second day.
D. They w ere in pain for tw o days.

19. (W om an) W hat w ould it cost m e to m ail this package?

(M an ) To sent it by first-class m ail costs two dollars and ninety cents,
and seconds-class postage one dollar and forty cents
(N arrator) W hat does the m an im ply? (12 seconds)
A. T h ere are m ore students in first class than in the school.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. First class mail delivery is better than second.

C. First class postage is m ore expensive than second class.
D. The packaging com es in two prices, first and second.

20. (M an) W hat's w rong w ith him ? He seem s irritable this m orning.
(W om an) M ike didn't get m uch sleep becau se his n eig h b o r's dog was
barking all night.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. M ike didn't sleep well.
B. M ike slipped last night.
C. The car is parked for the night.
D. The neighbor has a w hite dog.

21. (W om an) I w ant to change my clothes. W here are our suitcases?

(M an ) 1 took them down to the front desk.
(N arrator) W hat does this conversation take place? (12 seconds)
A. In a taxi.
B. In a hotel.
C. D ow nstairs.
D. D ow ntow n

22. (M an ) It's snow ing pretty hard, and the road will be slippery. W ill you
call m e w hen you get hom e?
(W om an) D on't worry. I'll be fine.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. The snow w ill stop soon.
B. The m an is w rong about the situation.
C. The m an is happy.
D. A call isn't necessary.

23. (M an) Do you mind giving m e a ride to w ork?

(W om an) N ot at all. It's on my way to school.
(N arrator) W hat does the w om an agree to do? (12 seconds)
A. M ake up her mind.
B. Take the m an work.
C. Go to school.
D. Do the right thing.

24. (W om an) I ordered these books six w eeks ago, and they still haven't, ar­
(M an ) Personally, I will never do bu siness with that distribu tor again.

Ea s y TO EFL

(N arrator) W hat can be said about the m an? (12 seconds)

A. He doesn't like the company.
B. He has ordered som e books.
C. H e is a businessm an.
D. H e is a selfish.

25. (M an ) W hat do you think this word is?

(W om an) I don't know. 1 can't read G reg's handw riting. In my opinion, if
he brothers to w rite at all, he should m ake it legible.
(N arrator) W hat are the man and w om an probably looking at? (12 sec-

A. A picture.
B. A brochure.
C. A letter.
D. A flier.

26. (M an ) I d on't think Joe is going to pass French.

(W om an) N ot the way he is going.
(N arrator) W hat does the wom an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. Joe is not French
B. Joe is going the w rong way.
C. Joe has passed his exam .
D. Jo e will probably fail.

27. (M an ) In this conference room , we can be m ore com fortable than in

217 (tw o-seventeen). I'm sure we can seat over thirty people
(W om an) You're right. We can put a note on the door to let people know
that the m eeting has been m oved to the conference room.
(N arrator) w here does this conversation take place? (12 seconds)
A. Room 217
B. Room 17
C. The conference room
D. The m eeting room .

28. (W om an) Can you go dow n to the store in the corner? We need to get
som e m ilk for breakfast in the m orning.
(M an ) A t this hour?
(N arrator) W hat does the m an m ean? (12 seconds)
A. They don't sell m ilk at the store.
B. They already have enough milk.
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C. It's their breakfast.

D. It's too late to go out.

2 9. (W om an) I love the apple pie. It tastes ju st like m y m other's. You couldn't
buy one like this at any bakery.
(M an) Your husband is really good at it, isn't he?
(N arrator) W ho m ade this pie? (12 seconds)
A. The wom an.
B. A bakery.
C. The wom an's husband.
D. The wom an's mother.

3 0. (W om an) The Stevensons are talking their entire fam ily to H aw aii for the
sum m er.
(M an) How can they afford som ething like that?
(N arrator) W hat does the man m ean? (12 seconds)
A. The Stevensons have a lot of money.
B. The Stevensons will have to m ake m any arrangem ents.
C. W ill they go by boat or by plane?
D. The Stevensons don't appear to be rich.

(N arrator) This is the end o f Part A.

D IREC TIO N : in this part o f the test, you w ill hear longer conversations.
A fter each conversation, you will hear several questions. The con versations and
questions w ill n ot be repeated.
A fter you hear question, read the four possible answ ers in your test book
and choose the best answer. Then, on your answ er sheet, find the num ber of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answ er you
have chosen. Rem em ber, you are not allow ed to take notes or w rite in your test
b ook.

Listen to the follow ing exam ple:

You will hear:

You will read:

A. He has changed jobs.

B. He has two children.
C. He has two jobs.
D. He is looking for a job.

Ea sy TO EFL

From the conversation you learn that Tom has taken an additional job. The
best answ er to the question "W h y is Tom tired?" is (C), "H e has two jobs." There­
fore, the correct answ er is (C).

(N arrator) Q uestions 31 through 34 refer to the follow ing conversation

about shoes.

(W om an) Your shoes are dirty. You need to clean them off before you go
(M an) Okay. I'll wash them with water from the hose.
(W om an) You can't wash leather shoes with water. You'll ruin them. Shoes
are actually pretty com plicated these days. We are so used to
w earing shoes that few of us even think about them, apart from
the tim e w hen we put them on and take them off.
(M an ) If I could, I'd go barefoot.
(W om an) well, you were born a few thousand years too late. People didn't
alw ays w ear shoes. N o one know s w hen people first began to
use them, but archaeologists say that the first shoes that cov­
ered feet w ere w rappings of anim al skins worn in cold climates.
Sandals appeared later in southern regions and were m ost likely
m ade of wood, with leather or cloth attaching the soles to the
upper part of the foot. I think they w ere probably pretty un­
co m fo rtable.
(M an ) You know all this about shoes. So, why did they change from
sandals to the types of shoes we w ear now?
(W om an) O ver time, shoes began to be used not only for protection but
also for decoration. Elaborates buckles, bu ttons and em broi­
dery covered m ost shoe uppers for royalty and com m oners in
French and in Spain. For exam ple, high heels cam e into fash­
ion in the 1600s and were w orn by men. H ow ever they, people
have continued to wear them for m ore than 300 years.
(M an) The history of shoes sounds pretty elaborate.
(W om an) It is, and that's not all. Silk, satin, velvet, and lizard skins are
still used for m aking dress shoes for special occasions. Today's
shoes are relatively cheap because m ost m odels are designed
by com puter, and their com ponents are cut by laser and sewn
together by program m ed m achinery.
(M an) It's hard to im agine how m uch technology has affected every­
th ing we do, use, and wear. Even som eth ing seem ingly as
sim ple as shoes!

D r s. S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

(N arrator)

31. W hat was the earlier foot water m ade of? (12 seconds)
A. Leaves.
B. C loth.
C. Skin s.
D. Fibers.

3 2. W hich of these w ords probably best describes the first shoes? (12 seconds)
A. Elegant.
B. Functional.
C. Pretentious.
D. Sturdy.

33. A pproxim ately how long have high-heeled shoes been w orn? (12 seconds)
A. 100 years.
B. 300 years.
C. 600 years.
D. 1600 years.

3 4 . W hy are shoes com paratively cheap today? (12 seconds)

A. Leather has becom e cheaper.
B. C om puters have com e dow n in price.
C. Shoes are m ade by m achine.
D. The coast o f labor has declined.

(N arrator) Questions 35 through 38 refer to the follow ing conversation

about life's change.

(W om an) Im agine m eeting you at the term inal after all these years.
(M an) M y bus for Baltim ore is leaving in about tw enty m inutes. And
w here are you going?
(W om an) M y brother is getting m arried in N ew York on Tuesday. M aybe
you rem em ber him ; he w as about eight years old w hen you
saw him last.
(M an) O f course I rem em ber him . He used to w atch bird s from the
w indow in his room.
(W om an) Well, he m oved to Philadelphia about five years ago, but now
he w orks for a telephone com pany and co m m u tes from the
subu rbs.
(M an) I suppose we all have grow n older. Last tim e I saw you, you
were still in high school.
(W om an) Those days are over. My dau gh ter's in high school now. I'm

Ea sy TO EFL

sure your children are probably getting ready to graduate from

(M an ) You're right. Ken is tw enty-three and lives in Chicago, and Eliza­
beth is tw enty-one.
(W om an) I'm sorry but I think this is my board in g announcem ent. It
looks like it's tim e for to go.

(N arrator)

3 5. W here does this conversation occur? (12 seconds)

A. In a airport.
B. In a bus depot.
C. A t a w edding.
D. On a school cam pus.

3 6. W here is the w om an going? (12 seconds)

A. To Baltim ore.
B. To Philadelphia.
C. To C hicago.
D. To N ew York.

3 7. W hen did the m an and the wom an m eet last? (12 seconds)
A. W hile visiting their children in college.
B. W hile the m an was attending a convention.
C. W hen they w ent to college together.
D. W hen the w om an was in high school.

38. H ow m any children does the m an have? (12 seconds)

A. O n e.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.

(N arrator) This is the end of Part B.

D IR E C T IO N : In Part C you will hear short talks. At the end of each, you
will be asked several questions. Each talk and each question will be spoken only
one tim e. For this reason, you m ust listen carefully to understand w hat each
speaker says. A fter you hear a question, read the four selections and choose the
one that is the best answ er to the question the speaker asked. Then, on your
answ er sheet, find the num ber of the question and blacken the space that corre­
sponds to the letter for the answ er you have chosen.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

Listen to this sam ple talk.

You will hear:

(M an) Before people used autom obiles, they w alked or rode bicycles
for short distances and took trains, streetcars, or horse-draw n
carriages for long distance travel. W hen autom obiles w ere first
produced, only the rich could afford them. Today, alm ost ev ­
ery household in the United States ow ns at least one car, and
ninety percent of A m erican adults have driver's licenses.

A ccording to the yearly value of its output, the U.S. autom obile industry
exceeds all other m anufacturing industries in the country. As a costum er, this
industry also supports other m ajor industries, such as steel, glass, and rubber.
Furtherm ore, approxim ately twelve m illion A m ericans are em ployed in the au x­
iliary service industries consisting of repair shops and service stations.

(N arrator) Now listen to the follow ing question. ,

You will hear : A ccording to the speaker, how did people travel before the in­
vention o f the autom obile
You will read:
E. By car and carriages.
F. By bicycles, train and carriages.
G. On foot and by boat.
H. On board ships and train.

The best answ er to the question "A ccording to the speaker, how did people
travel before the in vention o f the au tom obile?" is (B), "B y bicycles, train and
carriages." Therefore, the correct answ er is (B).

Now listen to another sam ple question

(Narrator) A pproxim ately how m any people are em ployed in the au to­
m obile service industry?

You will read:

A. One m illion.
B. Ten m illion.
C. Twelve m illion
D. Ninety m illion.

The best answer to the question "A pproxim ately how m any people are em ­
ployed in the autom obile service in du stry?" is (C), "Tw elve m illion." Therefore,
the correct answ er is (C).

Ea sy TO EFL

(N arrator) Questions 39 through 43 refer to the follow ing talk.

(W om an) Those of you who aspire to enter the police forces have theidea
that being a police officer is exciting. Your training in academy
w ill teach you skills y ou 'v e never even thought of. Whereas
som e aspects of the job can be interesting, the daily tasks that
police officers perform are unexciting. Patrolling streets and
assisting people with various problem s are not the m ost inter­
esting aspect of the job. On the city streets, traffic officers in
charge of public safety direct traffic, enforce parking and speed
law s, and verify the licensing of vehicles. M ost police officers
consid er such assignm ents as w alking the beat tedious. Because
they are alw ays w atching for signs of trouble or disturbance,
officers m ay be under a great deal of stress. Occasionally, high­
way, and som etim es they do it in the pouring rain or during a
blizzard. W hen officers are called upon to resolve disputes or
protect victim s o f crim e, their personal safety can't always be
guaranteed. W riting police reports and m em os is another nec­
essary part of police officers enjoy it, but all of them have to do

(N arrator)

3 9 . W hat is the m ain idea of this talk? (12 seconds)

A. How thrilling police w ork can be?
B. W hy police w ork is enlightening?
C. That police w ork has its m undane aspects.
D. That serving on the police force is difficult.

40. H ow did the speaker describe the daily tasks of a police officer? (12 seconds)
A. As full o f risk and adventure.
B. As straightforw ard but dem anding.
C. A s routine but necessary
D. As guaranteed em ploym ent.

41. W hich aspects o f police w ork can be dangerous? (12 seconds)

A. D irecting traffic.
B. Enforcing speed laws.
C. P atrolling streets.
D. R esolving disputes.

4 2. A ccording to the speaker, which aspect of police work has to be performed

by all officers? (12 seconds)
A. C hanging tires for m otorists.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. Verifying vehicle licenses.

C. W alking the beat on city streets.
D. Producing reports and correspondence.

43. W hat can be said about the m ajority of police activity? (12 seconds)
A. It's physically exhausting.
B. It's ineffectual.
C. It can be boring.
D. It may be exhilarating.

(N arrator) Q uestions 44 through 50 refer to the fo llo w in g talk abo u t

A m erican literature
(W om an) M ost people don't know that the settlers first arrived in A m erica
and during their first century in their new country, they pro­
duced an en orm ous am ount of w riting. They described their
ad ven tu res in the w ilderness, settlem ents, nature, and their
encounters with strange people. They kept detailed chronicles
of their lives, and som e produced literary volum es. The colo­
nial w riting becam e a very large body o f m aterial that served
as inspiration for the w riters even in the 19th century. Today, for
readers it provides insight and u nderstanding of the exp eri­
ences that helped shape the A m erican national character and
legal institutions.

C ontrary to w hat m ost A m ericans believe, the first perm anent

A m erican settlem ent was result o f com m ercial, rather than re­
lig io u s , in te re s t. T h e V irg in ia C o m p a n y e s ta b lis h e d the
Jam estow n colony in 1607 and expected that it w ould attract
the trade from the English who traveled through the area. H ow ­
ever, their expectations were unrealistic, and only several tai­
lors cam e to the tow n during its first year. N oneth eless, the
record from the colony, epidem ic fevers, Indian raids, and prop­
erty conflicts w ith Indian tribes provide us w ith rich h eritage
from w hich to study and learn.

A large num ber of settlers in N ew England, specifically at M as­

sachusetts Bay, w ere highly educated, especially clergym en and
governm ent officials. They produced a con sid erable body o f
w riting, alth ou gh they w ere not w riters in the p ro fession al
sense. They w ere prim arily concerned about b u ild in g a new
civil society on w hich their lives and fortunes depended. The

Ea s y TOEFL

governor of the M assachusetts Bay Company, John Winthrop,

m oved the office of his com pany from London to Boston Bay.
This m ove allow ed the colony to becom e a pow erful center
based on self-governm ent. A s all governm ents do, the Puritans
also docum ented their procedures and decisions and created
large am ounts of writing. Salem and Plym outh were prosper­
ing cities, and H arvard, the first colonial university, was estab­
lished in M assachusetts.

In the M iddle C olonies, the Q u aker city of Philadelphia had

becom e the colonial center by 1750. A ttracted by the volume
of com m ercial activity in the city, m any settlers moved there
and established schools and libraries. O f course, all Americans
know that both the D eclaration of Independence and the Con­
stitution were signed in Philadelphia. A ctual literary work was
also created at the tim e and includ observations of natural his­
tory and collections of essays, such as W illiam Penn's famous
Some fruits of Solitude, published in 1693.

(N arrator)
4 4 . W hat is the m ain topic o f this talk? (12 seconds)
A. The first A m erican governm ent.
B. W riting in the early colonial times.
C. Population m obility in the colonial tim es.
D. The establishm ent of first libraries.

4 5 . W hy did early settlers w rite? (12 seconds)

A. To describe their new lives.
B. To produce literary volum es.
C. To conqu er w ilderness.
D. To im prove their w riting skills.

46. A ccording to the speaker, w hy do readers today need to read these early
accou nts? (12 seconds)
A. To gain insight and understanding.
B. To help shape them into novels.
C. To m ake them a part of legal instructions.
D. To develop A m erican character.

4 7 . W ho established the first A m erican settlem ent? (12 seconds)

A. Jam estow n colony.
B. V irginia Company.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

C. English tailors.
D. Religious organizations.

48. W here did A m erican self-governm ent first begin? (12 seconds)
A. In Virginia.
B. In Pennsylvania.
C. In Boston Bay.
D. In M iddle Colonies.

49. In w hat city was the C onstitution w ritten? (12 seconds)

A. Philadelphia.
B. London.
C. Jam estow n.
D. Salem

50. W hat did first A m erican literary work include? (12 seconds)
A. C hronicles.
B. O bservations and essays.
C. G overnm ent docum ents.
D. N ovels and poetry.

(N arrator) STO P W O RK IN G ON SEC TIO N 1

S E C T IO N 2 .D O N O T R E A D O R W O R K O N A N Y O T H E R S E C T IO N O F
S E C T IO N 2 .U S E E X A C T L Y 2 5 M IN U T E S T O W O R K O N S E C T IO N 2.

Structure and Written Expression
T im e : 25 m in u tes

This section is designed to test your ability to recognize language structures

that appropriate in standard w ritten English. The question in this section belong
tw o type, each of w hich has special direction.
D IREC TIO N : Q uestion 1-15 are partial sentences. Below each sentences you
will see four w ords or phrases, m arked (A), (B), (C) or (D). Select the one w ord
or phrase that best com pletes the sentence. Then on your answ er sheet, find the
num ber of the question you have selected. Blacken the space so that the letter
inside the oval does not show.

Ea s y TO EFL

Exam ple I

D rying flow ers is the best w a y them.

A. to preserve
B. by preserving
C. preserve

The sentence should state, "D rying flow ers is the best w ay to preserve them."
Therefore, the correct answ er is (A).

Exam ple II

M any A m erican u niv ersities as sm all, private colleges.

A. b eg u n
B. b eg in n in g
C. began
D. for the beginning

The senten ce should state, "M an y A m erican universities began as small,

private co lleges." Therefore, the correct answ er is (C).

A fter you read the direction, begin work on the questions.

1. The Boston Public Library,.........1854, was the first library to be financed by

donations and proceeds from raffles.
A. found it in
B. founded in
C. w as found in f
D. it w as found

2. T oolm akers not o n ly elaborate tools but also test them for reliability
and utility
A. does it help to construct
B. help in the construction
C. help to construct
D. do help to construct

3. Before he turned 14, M o zart..... a few lesser pieces for the piano.
A. had com posed
B. has com posed
C. had the com position
D. he had com posed

4. O ne o f the quickest m eth o d s personality is the self-report inventory.

A. the m easu ring of

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

B. to the m easures
C. for m easurem ents
D. of m easuring

5. G inkgo trees bear seed s an unpleasant odor to discourage anim als from
eating them.
A. w ho have
B. that have
C. which they
D. that are

6. Patrick Henry, born in 1736, by his father, who had advance training in
m ech anics.
A. had taught
B. has been taught
C. taught
D. w as taught
7. In the 1950s, m any people believed that the m ore they produced and con ­
sum ed, ........
A. They w ere the m ore affluent
B. The m ore affluent they were
C. Were they affluent
D. They were affluent

8. A m eteor burns b rig h tly through the earth's atm osphere.

A. As it descends
B. A s descending
C. W hether it descends
D. W hen descends
9. M a ss tra n s it s y s te m s r e lie v e tr a ffic c o n g e s tio n w h en th e s e r v ic e is
co n v en ien t, and affordable.
A. co m fo rt
B. co m fo rtin g
C. co m fo rtable
D. com forted

10. A utom atic fire alarm s, sm oke detector, are installed in alm ost all pubic
A. Such as the ubiquitous
B. So ubiquitous
C. Such is ubiquitous
D. So as ubiquitous


1 1. W hen a person is in shock, the blood enough oxygen to the brain.

A. Supplies fail to
B. Supplied fails to
C. Failing to supply
D. Fails to supply

12. T h roughou t history, elevated ranges have been viewed as barriers to trans­
portation a n d ........
A. To the com m unicating
B. To the com m unications
C. co m m u n ica tio n
D. co m m u n ication w ith

13. A bout 90 p ercent o f fabrics distributed to second ary sew ing outlets........
w eaving or knitting.
A. A re m anufactured the
B. Are m anufactured by
C. By m anufacturing the
D. M an u factu rin g by

14. D eer tick s vacationers hiking or cam ping in m ixed deciduous forest.
A. N ever trouble
B. N ever any trouble
C. Troubles never
D . Trouble never

15. Either the goalkeeper or one of the other p lay ers the ball from the goal.
A. retrieving
B. retrieval
C. retrieves
D . retrieve

D IR E C T IO N : In question 16-40 every sentence has four w ords or phrases

that are underlined. The four underlined portions o f each sentence are marked
(A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one w ord or phrase that should be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct. T hen on your answ er sheet, find the num ­
ber o f the question and blacken the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answ er you have selected.

Exam ple I

C hristopher C olum bus has sailed from Europe in 1492 and discovered a new

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

land he thought to be India.


The sentence should state, "C h ristop h er C olum bus sailed from Europe in
1492 and discovered a new land he thought to be In d ia." Therefore, you should
choose answ er (A).

Exam ple II

As the roles of the people in society change, so does the rules of conduct in
certain situations

The sentence should state, "As the roles of the people in society change, so
do the rules of conduct in certain situ ation s." Therefore, you should choose an­
sw er (B).

A fter you read the directions, begin w ork on the question.

16. The Slater Mill, built in 1793, it was one of the first successful m ills in the
A Jt B - C D
United States

17. In kindergarten, children are generally unrestricted in expressing their ideas

by talk .
18. fapanese initially used jew eled objects to decorate sw ords and cerem onial
item s.

19. The legal age w hich a person is considered to be an adult is custom arily 18

20. A ustralian A borigines adhere to their tribal traditions and few m arriage
outside the tribe.
2 1. During the radio broadcast, a m icrophone picks up speech and another live
so u n d .

Ea sy TO EFL

22. A lthough both are the bread an butter of recreational vehicles, camping
trailers are sm aller and com pacter than travel trailers.

23. The leathery fruit burr of the horse chestnut splits openly when ripe and
releases a roundish brow n seed.

24. Blacksnakes ascend trees to reach bird's nests and ingest the eggs and young
b ird s.
25. A lthough rhubarb is technically a vegetable, it usually prepared as a desert.

26. Colonial craftsm en pieced bed covers together from scraps of linen an wool
because cloth was scarcely

27. In art, relief is sculpture in which the figures or designs projects from their
b ack g ro u n d

28. Edith R oosevelt w as a devoted m other of live children, as well a gracious


29. Vocational counseling guides students and help them to understand how
occupations differ and w hat job opportunities are exist.

30. N ew tonian physics hold true if the velocities of the object being study are

31. R om an doctrine stipulated every m an was born with a spiritual who guarded
him against travail.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

32. W hen wine grapes contain the proper am ounts of acid and sugar required
to produce wine.

33. Beef and dairy cattle is m ajor sources of incom e in Louisiana, w hich has a
mild clim ate

34 . A fter the new dollar bills are printed and cut, the inspectors scrutinize them
for im perfective.

35. Psychologies take it for granted that girls are m ore em path etic than do boys.

36. Henry Richardson was the first prom inent architect to incorporate geom etric
from inhis concave designs.

37. W ith sm all num ber, the object in a set can bi visualized and quick counted
w ithoutm athem atical form ulas

3 8 . In group dancing, couples step in tandem , bow, join hands, and change
p artn er.

39. A dditives are chem icals infused into perishable foods to prevent it form

40. Football is a fast-m oving- tem sport playing m ainly in the U nited States and

Ea s y T O E F L

S E C T IO N 3 .U S E E X A C T L Y 55 M IN U T E S T O W O R K O N S E C T IO N 3.

Reading C om prehension
T im e : 55 m in u te s

D IR E C TIO N : In this section you will read several passages. Each is followed
by questions about it. For question 1-50, you need to select the one best answer,
(A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then on your answ er sheet, find the num ­
ber of the question and blacken the space that corresponds to the letter of an­
sw er you have selected. Fill in the space completely.
A nsw er all questions follow ing a passage on the basis of what is stated or
im plied in the passage.

Read the follow ing passage:

A tom ahaw k is a sm all ax used as tool and a w eapon by the North

A m erican Indian tribes. An average tom ahaw k was not very long and didn't
w eigh a great deal. O riginally, the head of tom ahaw k was m ade of a shaped
stone or an anim al bone and was m ounted on a w ooden handle. After the
(5) arrival of the European settlers, the Indians began to use tom ahaw ks with
iron heads. Indian m ales and fem ales of all ages used tom ahaw ks to chop
and cut wood, pound stakes into the ground to put up w igw am s, and do
m any other chores. Indian w arriors relied on tom ahaw ks as w eapons and
(10) even threw them at their enem ies. Som e types of tom ahaw ks were use in
religious cerem onies. C ontem porary A m erican idiom s reflect this aspect of
A m erican heritage.

Exam ple I

Early tom ahaw k heads were m ade of

A. Stone and bone

B. Wood or stick
C. European iron
D. R eligious w eapons

A ccording to the passage, early tom ahaw k heads were made of stone and
bone. Therefore, the correct answ er is (A).

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

E xam p le II
How has the Indian use of tom ahaw ks affected A m erican daily life today?
A. Tom ahaw ks are still used as weapons.
B. Tom ahaw ks are used as tools for certain jobs.
C. Contem porary language refers to tom ahaw ks.
D. Indian tribes cherish them as heirloom s.

The passage states, "C ontem porary A m erican idiom s reflect this aspect of
Am erican heritage." The correct answ er is (C).

After you read the directions, begin work on the question.

Q u estio n 1-11

The M ayo clinic in Rochester, M innesota, where staff physician prac­

tice a special integrated approach to patient care, is one of the largest m edi­
cal facilities in the world. The clinic staff consist of a 12-m em ber, com m it-
tee-based board of governors and 900 ph ysicians and m edical personnel
(5) w hose record are updated by approxim ately 200 auxiliary personnel. About
800 resident doctors assist the full-tim e physician as a phase o f their train­
ing in m edicine and surgery while they acquire their specializations. The
M ayo approach to treatm ent has been hailed for its alm ost m iraculous pa­
tient recovery rate.
(10) W illiam Worral M ayo was born in M anchester, England, im m igrated
to U nited States in 1845, and im m ediately began his m edical training. In
1860, he took an active part in organization the M innesota Territory and
accepted the position of an Army surgeon during a Sioux Indian outbreak.
(15) This appointm ent becam e a stepping stone for his advancem ent to the post
of provost surgeon for the southern portion of the state in I860. His per­
sonal dedication and courage becam e legendary w hen a cyclone struck R och­
ester, and he was placed in charge of an em ergency hospital.
W illiam W orral M ayo provided crucial assistance to his sons in launch­
ing their team practice in 1889, w hile they were holding position at St. Mary's
(20) Hospital. W illiam Jam es becam e recognized for his surgical skill in gall­
stone, cancer, and abdom inal operations. He and his brother, C harles Horace,
founded the M ayo graduate school of M edicine and donate $1.5 m illion to
establish the foundation for contributions. Charles W illiam, the son of Charles
H orace M ayo, becam e a m em ber of the board of governors at the M ayo
(25) G raduate School and an alternate delegate to the United N ations General
A ssem bly before retiring from the clinic in 1963.
W illiam Jam es Mayo presided in the A m erican M edical A ssociation and

Ea s y T O E F L

served in the arm y m ilitary corps as a brigadier general in the medical re­
serve. C harles H orace was a professor of surgery and a health officer or
(2 0 ) R och ester su b seq u en t to serving in the arm ed forces betw een 1914 and
1918. The M ayo p ractice becam e know n far and w ide for its success in
surgical procedures. In 1914, the practice m oved into its own medical cen­
ter, and today the num ber of patients equ als approxim ately 280.000 per
annu m . S in ce the clinic opened in 1907, 4.5 m illion patients have been
treated there.

1. W hat is the best title for the passage?

A. A w elcom e to the M ayo Clinic
B. Brilliant A m erican Surgeon
C. The contribu tions of the M ayo fam ily
D. The start of Successful Practice.

2. In line 2, word "in teg rated " is closest in m eaning to

A. unified
B. goal-oriented
C. ready-m ad e
D. u n iq u e

3. W hat can be inferred from the first paragraph?

A. Rochester, M innesota is a city with a large population.
B. The M ayo C linic em ployees have set m uch m edical record.
C. The M ayo C linic is a large specialized teaching hospital
D. The clinic's physicians many m edical specializations.

4. A ccording to the passage, W illiam Worral M ayo was involved in caring for
the patients affected by
A. An outbreak of an epidem ic
B. A spread of disease am ong Indians
C. A devastating natural disaster
D. A brief m ilitary confrontation

5. In line 13, the word "d ed ication " is closest in m eaning to

A. dejection
B. devotion
C. deliberation
D. delectation

6 A ccording to the passage, who were the first physicians in the clinic?
A. W illiam W orral M ayo and C harles H orace Mayo
B. W illiam Jam es M ayo and C harles H orace M ayo
D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

C. W illiam Worral M ayo and W illiam Jam es M ayo

D. W illiam Jam es M ayo and C harles H orace M ayo

7. In line 18, word "fo u n d ed " is closest in m eaning to

A. fond
B. establish
C. fortified
D. articulated

8. In line 19, word "co n trib u tio n s" is closest in m eaning to

A. con traction s
B. conventions
C. gifts
D. prizes

9. In addition to their m edical expertise, w hat com m on ch aracteristics distin­

guished the careers of the M ayo brothers?
A. Funding of school in M innesota
B. Positions on the board of directors
C. M ilitary and political service
D. D onations for poor patients

10. In line 25, the phrase "su bseq u en t" is closest in m eaning to
A. because
B. regardless of
C. after
D. contrary to

11. W here in the passage does the author state the principal reason for the ex­
pansion of the practice?
A. Lines 5-6
B. Lines 11-14
C. Lines 17-22
D. Lines 26-28

Q u e stio n 12-23

C on sum ers are frequently unaw are that about 30 percent o f n ation
wide departm ent stores are franchises with num erous outlets. C hain stores
are a group of retail stores that are supervised or coordinated by centralized
m anagem ent. From a business perspective, chain stores has n um erous ad-
(5) vantages over independent stores, one of which is that the parent com pany
alm ost alw ays has the credit to purchase large qu antities o f good to supply
to its outlets and to retrieve a discount for placing such an order. Trough the
Ea s y TO EFL

centralized system of distribution, chain stores can absorb the cost and price
(10) differential and attract consum er costs for accounting, advertising, market­
ing, m erchandising, and transportation.
In general, approxim ately 50 percent of gross product cost result from
the associated m arketing research and distribution. W hile research focuses
on the probable m arket segm ent, it strongly considers consumers behavior
(15) and cognitive m otives rather than the actual price of goods. Similarly, the
cost increase in the m ultiple channels of distribution account for about 23
percent of the unit price. By com bining their m arketing resources and dis­
tribution netw orks, franchise outlets can avoid perform ing whole stage of
m arketing studies and layers of distribution netw orks to reduce unit prices.
(20) It is the central com pany that conducts m arketing and com m unicates with
m anufacturers, thus controlling production decisions and the pricing po­
lice. Franchises operate according to their contracts w ith the parent com­
pany and pay it a fraction of their net gains. They sym bolize a brand name
(25) and identity their goods with a particular range of quality that sets it apart
from other, sim ilar products. Essentially, chain stores convert consum er
brand nam e loyalty into profit; this factor determ ines franchise prolifera­
tion and results in a relatively low degree of failure.

12. W ith w hat topic is the passage m ainly concerned?

A. The m arketing of chain store products
B. The business rationale for chain stores
C. Pricing and distribution in franchises
D. Brand nam e im aging of retail outlets

13. In line 2, w ord "o u tlets" is closest in m eaning to

A. Stock m arkets
B. Store room s
C. retailers
D. outfits

14. In line 7, word "ab so rb " is closest in m eaning to

A. absolve
B. cu sh ion
C. hide
D. advertise

15. It can be inferred from the passage that chain stores

A. A re m ore expensive than departm ent stores
B. Can econom ize by controlling their operating costs
C. H ave a greater consum er appeal than the parent com pany

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

D. Have pow er in identifying their m arket segm ents

16. A ccording to the passage, w hat does m arketing research include?

A. The actual prices of goods
B. Consum ers segm ents and behavior
C. M ultiple channels of distribution
D. The percentage of gross product cost

17. In line 14, the phrase "acco u n ts" is closest in m eaning to

A. See as
B. Counts on
C. adjust
D. represents

18. W hich the follow ing is N O T m entioned as a m ean trough w hich chain store
control their price?
A. Reducing distribution costs
B. C onsolidating their finances
C. D ividing their purchase orders
D. M arketing a com pany brand nam e

19. w hy does the author m ention legally binding agreem en ts betw een bu si­
A. To show feasible profitability of m erchandising
B. To m easure the value of consum er dependence on a product
C. To point out the m eans of parent com pany control
D. To exem plify the system of franchise operations

20. In line 19, the word "th e y " refers to

A. Production decisions and the pricing police
B. franchises
C. con tracts
D. their net gains

21. It can be inferred from the passage that the parent com pany probably d ic­
A. W hat sales personnel are em ployed
B. W hat profit an outlet m akes
C. How goods are advertised
D. How product are package

2 2 . A ccording to the passage, how do chain stores profit by being associated

w ith the parent com pany?
A. They are not concerned about m arket instability.
B. They are not held accountable for a change in profits.

Ea sy TO EFL

C. They put their needs ahead of those of the parent company.

D. They m arket consum er brand nam e recognition.

23. In line 21, the word "co n v ert" is closest in m eaning to

A. turn
B. nestle
C. antagonize
D. fit

Q u e stio n 24-35

Because conducting censuses requires detailed planning, the organiza­

tion cond ucting a census decides on and narrow s the topic to be addressed,
and m ore specifically, determ ines how to word the question, tabulate the
responses, and report the finding. Assim ilating, com piling, and statistically
(5) analyzing the inform ation is a w ork-intensive process that m ay som etim es
take up to year. C ensuses exam ine such issues as population size and den­
sity, em ploym en t and industrial affiliation, m igration, form al education, in­
com e received, housing, m arital status, relationship of each, individual to
the head of the family, and age. A detailed series of queries sam ple the data
(10) associated w ith the quality of housing, transportation, the level o f industrial
p rod u ction, w ater and electricity consum ption, or the fu nctioning of the
local governm ent. M ajor censuses taken by the federal governm ent are con­
ducted every 10 years, in the years that end in zero. Surveys o f agriculture
take place every 5 years and cover the years ending in 4 and 9, m anufactur-
(15) ing censuses in the years that end in 3 and 8, governm ental unit in the years
end ing in 2 and 7, and drainage and irrigation system s in the years ending
in 9.
To en su re that the census inform ation is com plete, the organization
conducting the census attem pt to contact every individual residing or em-
(20) ployed in a particular geographic area. To be consistent, inform ation is gath­
ered at approxim ately the sam e time. Because it is practically im possible to
reach every person on the sam e day, censuses question the individual about
conditions as they were on a certain date. Follow ing the data gathering, the
in fo rm a tio n is an alyzed to determ in e the exten t of social and econom ic
change and problem , as well as the resources available to deal w ith them.
D u rin g the y ear b etw een th e cen su ses, the C en su s Bu reau en g ag es in
m onthly in terview s and queries from a sam ple population to up-date its
statistics. The issues of Statistical Abstract of the United States sum m arize all
the inform ation that is collected by 50 federal agencies and by private and
public agencies.

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

24. W ith w hat aspect of conducting censuses is the passage m ainly concerned?
A. C ontent and tim ing
B. Inquiring and analyzing
C. Tallying and updating
D. Reporting and publicizing

25. In line 2, the word "n arro w s" is closest in m eaning to

A. delimits
B. declines
C. defrays
D. deflect

26. A ccording to the passage, censuses take a great deal of

A. funding
B. publicity
C. insight
D. tim e

27. The au thor m entions that censuses gather data about al o f the follow ing
A. H ousehold size
B. A gricultural production
C. Industrial output
D. Social netw orks

28. In line 8, the w ord "q u e ries" is closest in m eaning to

A. entities
B. term s
C. quandaries
D. qu estions

29. It can be inferred from this passage that a census o f industries took place in
A. 1990
B. 1994
C. 1998
D. 1997

30. In line 17, the word "co n sisten t" is closest in m eaning to
A. constant
B. uniform
C. assorted
D. conjectural

3 1. To gather com plete inform ation, the organization conducting censu s con­
tacts all people who


A. speak at the sam e tim e

B. have a sim ilar econom ic status
C. are involved in sim ilar activities
D. are concerned about a specific problem

32. W here in the passage does the author describe how census information is
collected ?
A. Lines 1-3
B. Lines 7-14
C. Lines 15-19
D. Lines 21-24

33. ft can be inferred from the passage that census data are necessary to
A. Rebuild urban infrastructure
B. D eterm ine arising needs
C. A nalyze the electoral outlook
D. Identity sources of crim inal activity

3 4 . The author o f the passage im plies that m ost censuses are conducting by
A. private agencies
B. pu blic organizations
C. the central governm ent
D. the statistical bureau

35. In line 23, the w ord "statistics" is closest in m eaning to

A. equ ation s
B. solutions
C. qu estionn aires
D. data

Q u estio n 3 6-42

The bod y o f the honey bee, like the bodies of all insects, is divided into
three sections: the head, the thorax, and the abdom en. The bee's entire body
is covered w ith fine hairs to w hich grains of pollen adhere as the bee moves
from flow er to flower, harvesting nectar and pollinating plants. The hairs
(5) on the antennae provide a m eans for tactile sensing w ithout the ability to
grasp extend ing objects. In pigm entation, bees range from black to shades
of very pale brow n, thus reflecting their w asplike ancestry. The queens are
larger by far than both w orkers and drones, w ith the drones being bigger
than w orkers.
(10) A honey bee has five eye-three secondary ones that form a triangle on
top of its head and a large com pound eye on either side of its head. The

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

com pound eyes center around thousand of lenses clustered closely to one
another. Bees cannot focus their eyes, as m any m am m als do, because their
eyes have no pupils. Bees were the first insects know n to distinguish color,
(15) an ability due to the color sensitivity of their optic nerve particles. Their
vision is especially receptive to hues of blue and yellow and to ultraviolet
rays, unseen by hum ans. However, bees see red in the sam e w ay they see
green, but can distinguish geom etrical patterns in the shapes of foliage and
b lossom s.

36. It can be inferred from the passage that the body of the bee
A. Has a pronounced abdom en
B. Has fine layers
C. Is colored for protection
D. Its typically com pound

37. A ccording to the passage, w hat do bees collect?

A. flow ers
B. grains
C. nectar and pollen
D. exten d in g object

38. A ccording to the passage, what purpose do the fine hairs on the body of the
bee serve?
A. They identify the bees ancestry
B. They furnish a sense of touch
C. They carry pollen to fem ale blossom s
D. They cam ouflage the insect

39. H ow m any classes of bees are m entioned in the passage?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

40. In line 10, the w ord "clu stered " is closest in m eaning to
A. Line up
B. Turn up
C. b u nched
D. bundled

41. In line 13, the word "h u es" is closest in m eaning to

A. shades
B. layers

E asy TO EFL

C. sp ecks
D. circles

4 2 . It can be inferred from the passage that bees are LEA ST likely to distinguish
A. u ltraviolet light
B. red flow ers from foliage
C. shape in their proxim ity
D. patterns o f leaf veins

Q u e stio n 4 3-50

The term "fixed star" refers to stars w hose positions do not seem to
change relative to other stars. As stars are constantly m oving, their patterns
alter gradually, bu t the difference m ay not appear significant over a period
50 or 70 years, because, unlike planets, stars are located at a great distance
9 5 ) from the earth. Barnard's star, w hich considered to m ove the fastest am ong
to the fixed stars, requ ires 200 years to noticeably alter its position by a
distance equal to the m oon's diam eter. Com pare to planets, w hich seem to
be continuously shifting, stars appear stationary in their positions and rela­
tive d istances from other bodies in a constellation. A stron om ers em ploy
(10) spectrographs and photom eters to keep track of perpetually shifting con­
stellation. By using the spectrographs and photographs obtained over de­
cades, scientists are able to detect changes in the proper m otion of stars. By
com p u ting the d ifferen t in the spectra length, color, and shape of color,
they can predict the direction of a star's m ovem ent in the near and distant
(15) future. A classical exam ple is the cup of the Big Dipper, w hich is open quite
a bit m ore w idely now than it was 40.000 years ago. A ccording to the spec­
trograph-based projections, 50.000 years from now the opening w ill be so
expensive that the constellation will no longer resem ble a dipper.

4 3 . This passage is probably taken from an article discussing

A. The uses of spectra for projections
B. Various fixed constellation and stars
C. The classification o f planets and stars
D. The em ergence and m otion of stars

4 4 . The author o f the passage im plies that stars

A. Seem to rotate differently than planets
B. A ppear to retain their distances from other stars
C. A re presum ed to be perpetually fixed and im m obile
D. A fter they ray em issions gradually

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

4 5 . The author m entions Barnard's star as

A. an exam ple of very brilliant star
B. a description of a constellation divide
C. a point of reference for star m obility
D. proof of star diam eter and proxim ity

46. In line 7, the word "statio n ary " is closest in m eaning to

A. shining
B. glim m ering
C. im m obile
D. im m ense

47. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. stars revolve every 40.000 to 50.000 years
B. stars alter their trajectories every 200 years
C. planets are closer to the earth than stars
D. planets do not appear to be as close as stars

48. In line 10, the word "d etect" is closest in m eaning to

A. Spy
B. p roject
C. trace
D. com p u te

49. The author of the passage im plies that astronom ers detect the m ovem ent of
stars by
A. Using photograph and m athem atical reasoning
B. C om paring the spectrum of each constellation
C. O verlying the spectrum im ages in succession
D. Forecasting changes in the position of stars

50. The author of the passage conveys w hich of the follow ing about fixed star?
A. |They are inspected by m eans of photom eters.
B. They are com paratively sim ple to categories.
C. Their m ovem ents are im perceptible.
D . Their spectra vary in intensity.

(*) Taken from: TOEFL Test Strategies by Eli Hinkel (2004), Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,
Hauppauge, New York, USA.

Ea s y TO EFL




1 D 11 C 21 B
2 C 12 D 22 D
3 A 13 B 23 B
4 D 14 C 24 A
5 A 15 B 25 C
6 D 16 B 26 D
7 B 17 C 27 C
8 D 18 B 28 D
9 D 19 C 29 C
10 C 20 A 30 D


1 C 1 C 11 A
2 B 2 c 12 B
3 B 3 D
4 C 4 D
5 B 5 C
6 D 6 B
7 D 7 A
8 B 8 A
9 B
10 C

S E C T IO N 2 : S T R U C T U R E A N D W R IT T E N E X P R E S S IO N

1 B 11 D 21 C 31 C
2 C 12 C 22 C 32 A
3 A 13 B 23 B 33 A
4 D 14 A 24 B 34 D
5 B 15 C 25 B 35 D
6 D 16 B 26 D 36 C
7 B 17 D 27 D 37 D
8 A 18 A 28 C 38 D
9 C 19 A 29 D 39 C
10 A 20 C 30 C 40 C

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

S E C T IO N 3 : R E A D IN G C O M P R E H E N S IO N

1 C 11 D 21 C 31 C 41 A
2 A 12 B 22 D 32 C 42 B
D 13 C 23 A 33 B 43 B
4 C 14 B 24 A 34 C 44 B
5 B 15 B 25 A 35 D 45 C
6 B 16 B 26 D 36 D 46 C
7 B 17 D 27 D 37 C 47 c
8 C 18 C 28 D 38 B 48 c
9 C 19 C 29 C 39 B 49 A
10 C 20 B 30 B 40 C 50 c

(*) This Practice TOEFL is taken from TOEFL Test Strategies (2004) by Eli Hinkel,Ph.D.,
Barron's Educational Series,Inc., Hauppauge, New York, USA.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO EFL



(Daftar Kata Kerja Tak Beratnran)

1. PA RT I


VERB 3 (salah satu artinya)
abide abided, abode abided tinggal

arise arose arisen bangun

awake awoke, awakened awaken bangun,membangunkan

be (am, is, are) was, were been ada,adalah, merupakan

bear bore born memikul, melahirkan

beat beat beaten memukul

become became become menjadi

befall befell befallen menimpa

beget begot begotten memperanakan

begin began begun mulai

behold beheld beheld melihat

bend bent bent membengkokkan

bereave bereft bereft, bereaved kehilangan

beseech besought, beseeched besought memohon

beset beset beset, beseeched mengepung

bestride bestrode bestroden mengangkangi

bet bet, betted bet, betted bertaruh

betake betook betaken mencurahkan tenaga

bething bethought bethought membayangkan

bid bid, bade bid, bade menawar

bind bound bound menjilid, mengikat

bite bit bitten menggigit

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

pr esen t ten se / PAST TENSE / PAST ONE o r

VERB 1 VERB 2 PARTICIPLE / THE m e a n i n g s
VERB 3 (salah satu artinya)
bleed blended bled berdarah

blend bled blended mencampurkan

bless blessed, blest blest, blessed berdoa

blow blew blown meniup

break broke broken mematahkan, memecahkan

breed bred bred membiakkan

bring brought brought membawa

broadcast broadcast, broadcast, menyiarkan

build built built membangun

burn burnt, burned burnt, burned membakar

burst burst burst meledak

buy bought bought membeli

cast cast cast melemparkan

catch caught caught menangkap

chide chid, chided chid, chided mencaci

choose chose choosen memilih

cleave cleft, cleaved ccleft, leaved membelah

cling clung clung berpegang teguh

come came come datang

cost cost cost berharga,memakan biaya

creep crept crept merangkak

cut cut cut memotong

deal dealt dealt membagi

dig dug dug menggali

dive dove, dived dived menyelam

do did done mengerjakan

draw drew drawn menggambar

dream dreamt, dreamed dreamt, dreamed bermimpi

drink drank drunk minum

drive drove driven mengemudikan

dwell dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled mendiami

eat ate eaten makan

fall fell fallen jatuh

Ea sy TO EFL


VERB 3 (salah satu artinya)
feed fed fed memberi makan

feel felt fought berkelahi,berjuang

fight fought felt merasa

find found found menemukan

flee fled fled melarikan diri

fling flung flung menghempaskan

fly flew flown terbang,menerbangkan

forbear forbore forborne menahan diri

forbid forbade, forbad forbidden melarang

forecast forecast forecast meramalkan

forsee forsa w forseen meramalkan

foretell foretell foretold menceriterakan

forget forgot forgotten meliipakan

forgive forgave forgiven memaafkan

forsake forshook forsaken mengabaikan

freeze froze frozen membeku

forswear forswore forsworn bersumpah

gainsay gainsaid gainsaid menyangkal

gild gilded gilded menyepuh

get got got, gotten mendapat, memperoleh

gird girt, girded girt, girded bersiap-siap

give gave given memberi

g° went gone pergi

grind ground ground menggerinda

grow grew grown tumbuh


(salah satu artinya)
hamstring hamstrung hamstrung, melumpuhkan

hang hung, hanged hang, hanged menggantung

have, has had had mepunyai

hear heard heard mendengar

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(salah satu artinya)
heave hove, heaved hove, heaved membongkar

hew hewed hewed menebang

hide hid hid, hidden menyembunyikan

hit hit hit memukul

hold held held memegang, mengadakan

hurt hurt hurt menyakiti, sakit

keep kept kept menjaga,menyimpan

kneel knelt, kneeled knelt, kneeled berlutut

knit knitted,knit knitted,knit merajut

know knew known mengetahui, mengenal

LAY LAID LAID meietakkan

lead led lea memimpin

lean leant, leaned leant, leaned bersandar

leap leapt, leaped leapt, leaped melompat

learn learnt, learned learnt, learned belajar,mempelajari

leave left left meninggalkan

lend lent lent meminjami

let let let membiarkan

LIE LAY LAIN berbaring

light light, lit Light, lit menyalakan

loose lost lost kehilangan

make made made membuat

mean meant meant bermaksud, berarti

meet met met bertemu

miscast miscast miscast salah piiih

mislay mislaid mislaid salah meietakkan

mislead misled misled menyesatkan

misspell misspelt, misspelled misspelt, misspelled salah mengeja

mistake mistook mistaken salah mengira

misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood salah paham

mow mowed mowed memotongi rumput

outbid outbid outbid mengalahkan

outdo outdid outdone mengalahkan

Ea sy TO EFL

(salah satu artinya)
outgo outwent outgone mengeluarkan

ougrow outgrew outgrown menjadi lebih besar

outrun outran outrun berlari lebih cepat

overbear overbore overborne menguasahi

overcast overcast overcast mendung, berawan

overcome overcame overcome mengatasi

overdo overdid overdone melebih-lebihkan

overeat overate overeaten makan berlebihan

overfeed overfed overfed kebanyakan memberi


overhang overhung overhung bergantung di atas

overhear overheard overheard mendengar secara


override overrode overridden mengesampingkan

overrun overran overrun mengerumuni

oversee oversaw overseen mengawasi

outshine outshone outshone lebih cemerlang

oversleep overslept overslept terlalu banyak tidur

overtake overtook overtaken menyusul

overthrow overthrew overthrown meggulingkan

partake partook partaken ikut serta

pay paid paid membayar

prove proved proved, proven membuktikan

put put put meietakkan

read read read membaca

rebind rebound rebound menjilid kembali

rebuild rebuilt rebuilt membangun kembali

recast recast recast menyusun lagi

redo redid redone mengulangi,memperbaiki

relay relaid relaid menyampaikan

remake remade remade membuat sekali lagi

rend rent rent menyewakan

repay repaid repaid membayar kembali

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n to , M. P d .

(salah satu artinya)
rerun reran rerun memutarkan lagi

reset reset resetn menmasang ulang

retell retold retold menceriterakan kembali

rewind rewound rewound menggulung

rewrite rewrote rewritten menulis kembali

rid rid, ridded rid, ridded membersihkan

ride rode riden naik (motor, kuda)

ring rang rung menilpon

rise rose risen bangun, terbit

run ran run lari, berlari

saw sawed sawn, sawed menggergaji

say said said mengatakan

see saw seen melihat

(salah satu artinya)
seek sought sought mencari

sell sold sold menjual

send sent sent mengirim

set set set mengatur, memasang

sew sewed sew menjahit

shake shook shaken mengocok

shave shaved shaved mencukur

shear sheared shorn, sheared mencukur

shed shed shed menitikan

shine shone shone bersinar

shoe shod shod memberi tapal (kuda)

shoot shot shot menembak

show showed shown meunjukkan

shrink shrank shrunk menyusut

shut shut shut menutup

sing sang sung menyanyi

Ea sy TO EFL

(salah satu artinya)
sink sank sunk tenggelam

sit sat sat duduk

slay slew slain nyembelih

sleep slept slept tidur

slide slid slide menyelipkan

sling slung slung menyandang

slink slink slunk menyelinap

slit slit slit membelah

smell smelt, smelled smelt, smelled mencium, berbau

smite smote smitten menghantam

sow sowed sown, sowed menaburkan

speak spoke spoken berbicara

speed sped, speeded sped,speeded mempercepat

spell spelt, spelled spelt, spelled mengeja

spend spent spent menghabiskan

spill spilt, spilled spilt, spililed menumpahkan

spin spun, span spun memintal

spite spat, spit spat meludah

spoil spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled memanjakan

spread spread spread menyebarluaskan

spring sprang, sprung sprung membocorkan

stand stood staood berdiri

steal stole stolen mencuri

stick stuck stuck menikam

sting stunk stung menyengat

stink stank, stunk stank, stunk berbau busuk

strew strewed strewn, strewed menaburkan

stride strode stroden melangkahi

strike stroke striken memukul, mogok

string strung strung mengupas

strive strove striven bekerja keras

swear swore sworn bersumpah

sweat sweat,sweated sweat,sweated berkeringat

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

(salah satu artinya)
swell swelled swelled, swollen membengkakkan

swim swam swum berenang

take took taken mengambil

teach taught taught mengajar

tear tore torn menyobek

tell told told menceri terakan,

think thought thought berfikir,memikirkan

thrive throve, thrived thrived tumbuh dengan subur

throw threw thrown melemparkan

thrust thrust thrust menusukan

tread trod trod, trodded menempuh, menginjak

unbend unbent unbent meluruskan

undergo underwent undergone mengalami

understand understood understood memahami

undertake undertook undertaken melakukan, berusaha

undo undid undone melepaskan

unwind unwound unwound membuka, melepaskan

uphold upheld upheld mengacaukan

upset upset upset mengganggu, merusak

wake woke waken membangunkan, bangun

waylay waylaid waylaid menghentikan

wear wore worn memakai, mengenakan

weave wove woven menenun,menganyam

wed wed, wedded wed, wedded menikahkan, kawin

weep wept wept menangis

wet wet, wetted wet, wetted membasahi

win won won memenangkan

wind wound wound memutar

withdraw withdrew withdrawn menarik

withold withheld witheld menyembunyikan

wring wrung wrung meremas-remas

write wrote written menulis

E asy TO EFL


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D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .


(Tentang Penulis)

Drs. SLam et Riyanto, M .Pd. is a senior teacher of English at

SM A 2 W onosari G unungkidul Yogyakarta. H e began his ca­
reer as a teach er of English at SM A B an tark aw u n g Brebes
(1 9 8 7 ), P o n d o k P esa n tren D a ru n n a ja h B u m iay u , B reb es
(1987), SM A Pem bangunan 1 W onosari G unungkidul (1 9 8 8 -
1992), S M P M u h a m m a d iy a h P a liy a n (1 9 8 8 - 1 9 8 9 ), SM A
M uham m adiyah Paliyan (1988-1989), STM YAPPI W onosari
G unungkidul (1988-1990), SM A "1 7 " III Bantul (1989-1992),
SM A 1 Y o g y a k a rta ( 1 9 9 6 - 1 997), SM A 1 P iay en (1 9 9 8 -2 0 0 0 ), and SM A 2
W onosari G unungkidul Yogyakarta (from 1992-u p to now).

HIS ED U C A T IO N (P e n d id ik a n n v a ):
He was born on O ctob er 6, 1965 in G u nu ng k id u l Y ogyakarta. He co m ­
pleted his Elem entary School at SD Paliyan V in 1977, Ju n ior High School at
SM P Paliyan (1981), and Senior High School at SM A 2 W onosari in 1984.
In 1987 he graduated from the D epartm ent of English Language Education
at Yogyakarta Institute o f Teachers Training and Education (now Yogyakarta State
U niversity), and got a three - year Diplom a in English Language Training (ELT).
In 1992 he graduated from the D epartm ent of English at O pen U niversity
of Indonesia and got a Sarjana D egree in English Language Training (ELT).
In the early 2009 he obtained a D egree of M aster of Education from G rad u ­
ate School o f Yogyakarta State U niversity after he defended his thesis en titled "
Developing a C om puter-A ssisted Language Learning (CALL) Softw are fo r the Teach­
ing o f G ram m ar to S u pport W riting Skill f o r the Tenth-Year S tu dents o f S enior
High School".

HIS A CA D EM IC A C TIV ITIES (K egiatan Ilm iah n va):

Since 1995 he has been a freelance English translator at hom e.
In 1986 he was the first w inner in the Speech and Story Telling C ontest for
public held by Oxford C ourse Indonesia, branch of Yogyakarta.

Ea s y TO EFL

Since 1995 he has been a Program C oordinator of Intensive English Pro­

gram (IEP) at his school.
From 1994 to 1999 he was appointed as Tutor of English for a three-year
Diploma Program for SM P English teachers in G unungkidul Regency.
Since 1997 he has organized the publication o f the CO N TRA ST-an English
edition school m agazine.
In 1997 he joined a C reativity Training held by Bandung Institute of Tech­
nology, Yogyakarta State U niversity in cooperation with G lobetre Foundation
from Sw eden.
In 2002 he w as elected as one of the Pilot Project English teachers by the
Directorate G eneral of the D ikdasm en Jakarta.
In 2004 he w as appointed as one of the m em bers of the Curriculum D evel­
opm ent Team o f the Regional O ffice of the N ational Education of Yogyakarta.
In 2008, he was invited to be one of the speakers in the TO EFL Workshop
2008 "T O E F L : R O A D TO S U C C E SS" at W idyatam a U niversity of Bandung,
West Java.
In 2008, he was invited to present his article en titled ," Using Old Pictures To
Tench Speaking fo r Senior High School Students", in the 6 th A SIA TEFL-TEFLIN
International C onference in Denpasar, Bali.
From Ju ly 12 through Ju ly 30, 2009, he was invited by the U.S. G overn ­
ment to participate in a G lobal Initiative Sum m er 2009 Landm ark of A m eri­
can Culture and H istory W orkshop in the United States or T he NEH Sum ­
mer Institutes Program w here he had an opportunity to have a short trip to
Singapore, Jap an , W ashington, D .C ., P h ilad elp h ia, and a hom e stay in Se­

HIS W R IT IN G S (T u lisan -T u lisan v a):

1. How to Enrich Your V ocabulary Especially for SM A Students (H ello En­
glish M agazine, Sem arang,1985)
2. The Im portance of an English C onversation C lub at School (Hello English
M agazine, Sem a rang, 1994)
3. The A ttitudes of English English Teachers Tow ards C reativity (a Paper pre­
sented at a Teachers C onvention at Yogyakarta State U niversity,1997)
4. The H um orous Stories at School (PT.A nugerah,1987)
5. 350 Days After Join in g a C reativity Training (a Paper presented at Bandung
Institute of Techology,1998)
6. The Arts of Teaching E n lg lish (U n published ,1998)
7. The Easy Way To M aster English in A Few D ays (Pustaka Pelajar,2002)
8. I want to Kiss You (Pustaka Pelajar,2003)
9. H erm ansyah' Face Looked Red (Pustaka Pelajar,2003)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

10. D o It Please (Pustaka Pelajar,2003)

11. Final Exam ination is Com ing Up (Pustaka Pelajar,2003)
12. M y U nforgettable In Bali (Pustaka Pelajar,2003)
13. Successful Foreign Language G uide (Pustaka Pelajar,2003)
14. Success in Getting A Job ( Pustaka Pelajar,2003)
15. P ak et P em belajaran SM A B ah asa In g g ris Sem -1 & 2 K elas X (D in as
Pendidikan Prop. DIY, Yayasan A nak Bangsa dan Penerbit A N D I,2004)
16. A ctive English For Senior ITigh School Stu d en ts - A C om p eten cy Based
English Lesson (Dinas Pendidikan Prop. DIY,2006)
17. GATEWAY English For A ctive C om m unication (Pustaka Pelajar,2004)
18. English Test For Senior H igh School (Pustaka Pelajar,2004)
19. How To Say It in English ( Pustaka Pelajar,2004)
20. 2500 Key W ords To Be Good At English (Pustaka Pelajar,2004)
21. The Secret o f A Sm art High School Student (Pustaka Pelajar,2005)
22. H ow A U niversity G rad u ate Stru g g les to G et A Jo b In Jak arta (P u staka
23. E n g lish T est P re p a ra tio n F o r Ju n io r H ig h S c h o o l S tu d e n ts (P u sta k a
24. The Road To Speak English Fluently (Pustaka Pelajar,2005)
25. Panduan M ateri Lulus U jian N asional Bahasa Inggris SM P & Tes M asuk
SMA/ SM K (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)
26. Panduan M ateri Lulus U jian N asional Bahasa Inggris SM A & Tes M asuk
U niversitas (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)
2 7 . A H andbook of English G ram m ar-A n Effective Way Tow ards F lu ent En­
glish (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)
28. TO EFL Preparation [Test O f English As A Foreign Language] Panduan Praktis
P e r s ia p a n Tes T O E F L u n tu k M e ra ih S k o r T O E F L T in g g i (P u s ta k a
29. TEST STRA TEGY For Structure and W ritten Expression- Strategi M enjaw ab
S o a l S tr u c tu r e and W ritte n E x p r e s s io n d a la m Tes T O E F L (P u s ta k a
30. TEST STR A TEG Y For R ead in g C om p reh en sio n - S trategi M enjaw ab Soal
Reading C om prehension dalam Tes TO EFL (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)
31. TEST STRATEGY For Listening C om prehension- Strategi M enjaw ab SoaL
Listening C om prehension dalam Tes TO EFL (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)
32. 1000 Selected N ouns Used In Speaking English (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)
3 3. 1000 Selected Verbs Used In Speaking English (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)
34. 1000 Selected A djectives,A dverbs and Prepositions Used In Speaking En­
glish (Pustaka Pelajar,2007)

_ Ea s y TOEFL

35. Speak E n glish , Please Book 1,2,3 (P>tcka Pelajar, 2007)

36. A Q uick and Effective Strategy to Pr>are TO EFL Test (Pustaka Pelajar, ,2008)
37. A C om plete Course For The TOEI'Test (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
38. The Legend of A Crying Stone (Potala P e la ja r, 2008)
39. The Story o f A ngling Darma (Pusaka Pelajar,2008)
40. The Legend of Ki Ageng Mangi1Wonoboyo (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
41. The Legend o f Banta Barensyah Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
42. The Legend o f Banta Seudang (Istaka Pelajar,2008
4 3. The Story of Sungai Jodoh (Puska Pelajar,2008)
4 4. The Legend o f Banyu Biru (Puska Pelajar,2008)
4 5. The Story o f Baru Klinting (Puaka Pelajar,2008)
46. The Legend o f Batu Bagga (Puska Pelajar,2008)
47. The Legend of Batu Bertuah (Istaka Pelajar,2008)
48. The Legend of Batu Gajah (Puaka Pelajar,2008)
49. The Legend of Batu G antung ustaka Pelajar,2008)
50. The Story of Dew i Sri (Pustak Pelajar,2008)
51. The Story of Dewi Lim aran (Jstaka Pelajar, 2008).
52. The Legend o f Batu M enangi(Pustaka Pelajar,2008).
53. The Story o f Bujang Jam bi (Iistaka Pelajar,2008)
5 4 . The Story o f C iung W anara 'ustaka Pelajar,2008)
55. The Story of Entong Gendu(Pustaka Pelajar,2008 )
56. The Story of G unung Putri }ustaka Pelajar,2008)
57. The Story of Jaka Kendil (Pstaka Pelajar,2008)
58. The Story of Joko Bodo (P itak a Pelajar, 2008).
59. The Story of Joko Dam ar (ustaka Pelajar,2008)
60. The Story of Joko D olog (Iistaka Pelajar, 2008)
61. The Story of Joko LodangPustaka Pelajar,2008)
62. The Legend of Joko Tarut(Pustaka Pelajar,2008).
63. The Legend of K alim as (Iistaka Pelajar,2008)
64. The Legend o f N yai Brinlk (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
65. The Story o f Putri Gin tin, Pase (Pustaka Pelajar, 2008)
66. The Story of Putri Tujuh(Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
67. The Legend of Sem an gk Em as (Pustaka Pelajar, 2008)
68. The Legend o f N yai Dasma (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
69. The Legend o f La W ona K om po (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
70. The Story of T im u n Erras (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
71. The Legend o f Lutung Casarung (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
72. The Legend o f Loke N jerang (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
73. The Story o f N iining Rubaea (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)

D r s . S l a m e t R iy a n t o , M. P d .

74. The Story of Trunojoyo and K'eti; K uning (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)

75. The Story of Limonu (Pustaka Pejar,2008)
76. The Legend of Lenting & Lentis (ustaka Pelajar,2008)
77. The Legend of Telaga Sarangan (Pstaka Pelaja,2008)
78. The Story of Ragil Kuning (Pu:tak, Velajar, 2008)
79. The Story of Si Pitung (Pustaka lMaar,2008)
8 0. The Story of Paga (Pustaka Pelaja’208)
8 1. The Story of Putri A rum Dalu (Pustca Pelajar,2008)
8 2. The Legend of Roro M endut and Priocitro (Pustaka Pelajar,2008)
8 3. The Story of D am ar W ulan (Pustakaelajar,2009)
84. The Story of Dew i Sakelir (Pustaka Iajar,2009)
85. The Story of D oyan N ada (Pustaka Pajar,2009)
8 6 . The Story of Endang N aw angsih (Puska Pelajar,2009)
87. The Story of Dewi Teratai (Pustaka Pejar,2009)
8 8 . The Story of I Laurang (Pustaka Pelaj£2009)
89. The Legend of Kera Sakti (Pustaka Pelar,2009)
90. The Legend of Lem bu Peteng (Pustaka’elajar,2009)
9 1. The Legend of Ki A geng G iring (PustakPelajar,2009)
9 2. The Legend o f Lidah Pahit (Pustaka Pelar,2009)
93. The Legend of Loro Jongrang (Pustaka ;lajar,2009)
94. The Story of M enak Jingga (Pustaka Pelar,2009)
9 5. The Legend of Nyai Boreh ( Pustaka Pelar,2009)
96. The Story of Panji Ram eng (Pustaka Pelar,2009)
97. The Story of Prabu Siliw angi (Pustaka Peijar,2009)
9 8. The Story of Putri Dyah Pitaloka (PustakSJelajar,2009)
9 9. The Legend of Danau Tondano (Pustaka Flajar,2009)
100. The Story of R aden Subroto & Sum inten (ustaka Pelajar,2009)
101. The Story of Rajapala (Pustaka Pelajar,2009
102. The Legend o f Roro A nteng & Joko Seger ('ustaka Pelajar,2009)
1 0 3 .The Story o f Saw u nggaling (Pustaka Pelaja2009)
104. The Story o f Si K antan (Pustaka Pelajar,200*1
1 0 5 .The Story of Si Kulok Pandir (Pustaka Pelaja-,2009)
106. The Legend of Sungai Kaw at (Pustaka Pelaja,2009)
107. The Legend o f Tangkuban Perahu (Pustaka lelajar,2009)
108. The Legend of Telaga Warna (Pustaka Pelajar^OlO)
109. The Story of W arok Surom enggolo (Pustaka ’elajar,2009)
110. A Com plete G ram m ar for TO EFL Preparation(Pustaka Pelajar,2009)
111. Successful Strategy For PreparingTO EFL (Pusaka W idyatam a,2009)
1 1 2 . Essentials of English G ram m ar for Fluent EnglishBook 1,2,3 (Pustaka Pelajar,

E a s y TO EFL

1 1 3 .T O E IC Pition- Elem entary (Pustaka Pelajar, 2009)

1 1 4 .T O E IC R tion- Interm ediate (Pustaka Pelajar, 2009)
1 1 5 .T O E IC fttio n - Advanced (Pustaka Pelajar, 2009)
116. Developiiglish Vocabulary Skills Book l,2,3(P u stak a Pelajar, 2009)
117. The Stor>ultan A gung (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
118. The Storim p ok Sindok (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
119. The StorSultan D om as (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
120. The StorRaden Patah (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
121. The StorSunan A m pel (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
122. The StorSunan Bonang (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
123. The StorSunan D rajat (Pustaka Pelajar,2010
1 2 4 .The StorSu nan Giri (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
1 2 5 .The StorSu n an G resik (Pustaka Pelajar, 2010)
126. The Stor Sunan Kalijaga (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
127. The Stor Sunan K udus (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
128. The Stoit Sunan M uria (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
12 9 .T O E IC TStrategies H andbook (Pustaka W idyatam a,2010)
13 0 .9 9 ,9 9 % {ses TO EFL (Pustaka W idyatam a,2010)
131. M asteriringlish Idiom s (Pustaka W idyatam a,2010)
132. Let's Sp< English A ctively (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
133. W hat Dihe Say in English?(Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
134. E sse n tia l Idiom s in English (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
135. Everydadiom s in English (Pustaka Pelajar, 2010)
136. Easy TCC (Pustaka Pelajar, 2010)
137. Easy TO L (Pustaka Pelajar, 2010)
138. English rammar with The Berlitz M ethod (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
139. VISA-Evyday English with The Berlitz M ethod (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)
140. English >cabulary in A ction with The Berlitz M ethod (Pustaka Pelajar,2010)

OTHER ACTIVITIES (Kegiatan Lainnya):

C oo rd in o r o f English D iscussion at Senior H igh School 2 o f W onosari
with a speciaguest, Tracy Jarden. M.Sc from C anada in 1996. " *
C hairpenn in the English TALK SH O W at Senior H igh School 2 of W onosari
with K eynot Speaker, Prof. Sydney Snyder, M.A, from School of In tern a­
tional Training in cooperation with G adjahm ada U niversity in 2003.
Chairpers>n in the English TALK SH O W at Senior High School 2 of W onosari
with KeynoteSpeaker Mr.Gary from Detroit, USA and Ms. Andrea Brown
from Sheffield UK in cooperation w ith English First (EF) Branch of Yogyakarta
in 2004.

D R S . S L A M E T R lY A N TO , M . P D.

He served as an inform al liaison betw een MrJohn Thruluntary N a­

tive Speaker from G lobal P artners, U SA w ith som e Ju n ior ienior High
Schools in G unungkidul R egency in 2004-2005.

IY RlYANTO, Slamet
Easy toefl test of english as a foreign language:
mudah memahami dan mengerjakan tes toefl, skor
di atas 500 / Slamet Riyanto.
Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta,2011

Test of English As A Foreign Language
Mudah Memahami 8t Mengerjakan
Tes TOEFL, Skor di Atas 5 0 0

Di era global ini tes TOEFL banyak sekali diambil oleh para mahasiswa, guru, dosen, dokter,

pegawai/karyawan, dan kalangan professional lainnya dengan berbagai alasan dan tujuan

yang berbeda-beda demi karir dan masa depan mereka. Beberapa dari mereka mengambil

tes TOEFL karena sebagai salah satu syarat untuk m elanjutkan pendidikan ke S2 atau S3,

m elanjutkan pendidikan di luar negeri, mengikuti short course program di luar negeri, ingin

menduduki jabatan structural tertentu, ataupun ingin menduduki jabatan penting di


Buku Easy TOEFL dimaksudkan bagi mereka yang akan dan sedang m em persiapkan tes

TOEFL. Buku ini merupakan salah satu buku yang tepat yang m emberikan kepada Anda

seputar mengenai TOEFL, strategi menghadapi soal tes TOEFL, teori singkat yang berkaitan

soal tes TOEFL serta langkah-langkah mempersiapkannya. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan

latihan soal-soal tes TOEFL.

Dengan m emahami apa itu TOEFL, strategi menghadapi soal TOEFL, teori singkat yang

berkaitan soal tes TOEFL serta langkah-langkah mempersiapkannya serta m emaham i akan

bentuk dan tipe soal tes TOEFL tersebut, Anda diharapkan lebih siap dal
UIN Sunan Kalijaga
TOEFL dengan skor yang tin gg i. Yogyakarta

Selamat belajar dan sukses dalam menempuh Tes TOEFL!


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