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Segala puji bagi Allah S.W.T, berkat karunia Allah S.W.T penulis diberi kesempatan untuk
menyelesaikan Handout “Dare to Speak” sebagai bahan ajar untuk Mata Kuliah Basic
Speaking di Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Ppenyusunan bahan ajar ini terlaksana berkat dukungan, bantuan dan peran serta berbagai
pihak, terutama Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Direktorat Jendral Penguatan
Riset dan Pengembangan Kementrian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi yang telah
mendanai pengembangan bahan ajar ini. Selanjutnya, kami juga haturkan terima kasih kepada
Bapak Dr. Nurcholis Suyuneko, M.Si, selaku Rektor IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, yang telah
mendukung sepenuhnya dan menfasilitasi penyusunan bahan ajar ini. Bahan ajar ini tidak
akan tersusun tidak akan terlaksana tanpa dukungan senior kami yang telah mendukung kami
baik secara mental dan spiritual; Oleh karena itu kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada:

1. Titik Purwati, M.M. selaku Ketua P2M IKIP Budi Utomo Malang.

2. Dra. Yulita Pujiharti, M.Kes. selaku Dekan FPISH, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang.

3. Bapak Adi, M.Pd, selaku Ka. Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, IKIP Budi Utomo

4. Para tenaga lapangan yang telah berkenan berkontribusi dalam pembuatan video

5. Para validator yang telah memberi banyak masukan

6. Rekan-rekan dosen Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Budi Utomo Malang.

Penulis menyadari bahan ajar ini masih memiliki banyak kekurangan, untuk itu kritik dan
saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan. Akhir kata, semoga laporan kemajuan ini dapat

Malang, September 2018


Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................. 8

Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................. 19

Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................. 16

Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................. 34

Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................. 34

Chapter 6 ............................................................................................................. 45

Chapter 7 ............................................................................................................. 52
Self Introduction


In this section you will learn:

 how to introduce your self by using appropriate linguistics items

covering common expressions, present and past tense, alphabets,
and numbers (both ordinal and carnidal numbers)
 how to introduce your self in spoken manner by using correct
pronounciation and intonation as it is demonstrated by the model
in video 1
 how to use appropriate communication strategies when you find
communication difficulties

A. Read the monolog below before you watch video 1

Good morning everyone, My name is Claudia, Claudia Yakob. You can call me
Claudia. Its spelling is C-L-A-U-D-I-A. I come from Italia where I lived for many
years. But, actually, I was born in Romania in November 1995. And I come here, in
Malang, because me and my husband want to uuhmm study. We want to study more
about Bahasa Indonesia and the culture.. Therefore, I am studying here, in IKIP Budi
Utomo Malang. What else? I have a sister, an older sister. So, I am the second child
in my family. Beside studying Bahasa, we also love to...uhhmm,... yeah we also
love also to travel in Indonesia. In Malang, we live in Jalan Bandulan.

How about you?

B. Vocabulary
Some expression below are commonly used in self-introduction, try to say them aloud.

 Hi, my name is.......  Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce
my name
 Hello, I am......  I would like to introduce my self. I am..
 Morning every one,  Good morning ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to
my name is... introduce my self

Say these alphabets aloud.

English Alphabet

[eI] [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:]
[ef] [dᴣi:] [eiʧ] [ai] [dᴣeI]
[keI] [el] [em] [en] [ǝƱ]
[pi:] [kju:] [a:] [es] [ti:]
U V w x y
[ju:] [vi:] [dʌbǝlju:] [eks] [waI]
Now, try to mention you name and spell your name.

My name is __________________________________________

It is spelt __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

Say these cardinal numbers aloud.

Cardinal Numbers in English

1 6 11 20 70

one Six Eleven Twenty Seventy

2 7 12 30 80

two Seven Twelve Thirty Eighty

3 8 13 40 90

three Eight Thirteen Fourty Ninety

4 9 14 50 100

Four Nine Fourteen Fifty One

5 10 15 60

Five Ten Fifteen Sixty


Cardinal numbers are used to show house number, quantity, phone numberand

Say these ordinal numbers aloud.

Ordinal Numbers
1st 6th 11th 20th 30th
First Sixth Eleventh Twentieth Thirtieth

2nd 7th 12th 21st 40th

Second Seventh Twelfth Twenty first Fourtieth

3rd 8th 13th 22nd

Third Eighth Thirteenth Twenty
4th 9th 14th 23rd
Fourth Ninth Fourteenth Twenty
5th 10th 15th 24th
Fifth Tenth Fifteenth Twenty


Ordinal numbers are used to show order, centuries, and

Say these months of the year below

Months of the Year

January July
February August
March September
April October
May November
June December

So, When were you born?

I was born on __ ________________________, __ __ __ __

C. Linguistic Items used in self introduction

To introduece your self, mostly you use Simple Present Tense. You
can use both verbal sentence and nominal sentence

Verbal Sentence
Pattern Subject Verb 1 (Adverb of Place)
I live In Malang
Examples I study In IKIP Budi Utomo

Nominal Sentence
Pattern Subject Be Noun
I am a boy
Examples I am a firstborn
I am a student


Sometimes, the use of past tense is also possible.

Example: I was born in Jakarta

D. Communication Strategies
Communication strategies are any attempts used to overcome our communication
difficulties. So that we still can keep our communication going on. One of communication
strategies we can use in using filler like ”uhhmmm” or” well”

E. Exercises
Time to Speak up. Try to introduce yourself in front of the class accurately,
coherently, and acceptably. The hint below might help you.

Hi, my name is


You can call


It’s spelt __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I am the ………………………………………………………………………… child in my family

I was born on……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Now, I live on……………………………………………………………………………………………..

My phone number is……………………………………………………………………………………

My face book account is………………………………………………………………………………

My Instagram account is………………………………………………………………………………

Greeting, Parting and Introducing Others


In this section you will learn:

 how to greet and give responses accurately and acceptably

 how to take leave and give responses accurately and acceptably
 how to introduce others accurately and acceptablyas it is
demonstrated by the model in video 2
 how to use appropriate communication strategies when you find
communication difficulties

A. Read the dialogue below before you watch video 2.

Nina : Hi, Claudia

Claudia : Hi Nina

Nina : Long time no see

Claudia : yeaahh, it’s been forever

Nina : yeaah, Where have you been?

Claudia : we were traveling to NTT and we just came back a month ago

Nina : a month ago? so you stayed long time

Claudia : yeaah, so how are you?

Nina : oh I am pretty good, thanks. What about you?

Claudia : good, good, thank you so much. So, Nina, let me introduce you to my

Nina : your husband?

Claudia : yeah, Nina this is my husband Denis; Denis this is my friend Nina

Denis : How do you do?

Nina : How do you do?

Denis : Well, I think we have to go

Nina : you have to go?

Claudia : yeah, we have something to do but we can see you next time, Ok Nina?

Nina : Ok

Claudia : nice to meet you

Nina : nice to meet you too

Claudia : have a good day

Nina : you too, have a good day

Denis : see you

Nina : yeah see you too

B. Vocabulary

Common expression used to greet and give responses

Greeting Responses
Good Morning Good Morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
How do you do? How do you do?
Good evening Good evening
How are you I am fine
What’s up ? Pretty good
How’s bussiness? I am very well
Informal What’s going on? Not bad.
How are ya? Just so so
How’s life going I am doing good

How is it going? Everything is
Hi ya! Hi
Long time no see Terrific and you?
How have you Just fine
Greeting an Nice to see you Very well, thanks.
old Friends again
What have you Not very well
been up to?
What’s new? Not too bad.

Common expressions used in leave taking

Leave taking expression Responses

Goodbye Bye
Have a good day Have a great one
Be seeing you! All right then.
See you later Later
Cheerio! Cheerio
Talk to you later So long
Sayonara! Sayunara!
I ‘m off See ya
Take care You too
Farewell Keep in touch
Catch you later Cheers.


in responding to leave taking, we can repeat what the leave taker says
or we can use other leave taking expressions

C. Linguistic items used to introduce others.

To introduce someone we can use these expression.

 I would like to introduce my........................., (mention name A) this

is my...............(mention name B). (Mention name B) this is
(mention name A)


I would like tointroduce my professor, Denis this is Professor

Utami; Proffessor Utami, this is Denis my friend

 I want you to meet my friend (mention name A) this is

my...............(mention name B). (Mention name B) this is (mention
name A)

I want you to meet my friend, Denis this is Nina; Nina this is Denis


In introducing others, we mention olders’ name or one with higher position first.

D. Communication Stratgies
In speaking, offcourse, we need to be clear and fluent. However, sometimes we still
find difficulties. And this is ok; let alone speaking in foreign language, in speaking our
own language, sometimes, we might also miss some items. To deal with this we can
ask question to gain the time or to ask for help from audience. For example, “What
else?” “What do call it?” “What is it?”

E. Exercise
Time to speak up

 Work in pair.
 Perform a dialogue about greeting and leave taking by following below situations:
1. You meet your lecturer in in a bus stop, and you have to go because your bus is
2. You meet your old friend who just went home from Melbourn
 You can either write your dialogue first in the provided space or perform your
conversations in front of the class directly.
 Make sure that you perform the dialogue accurately and acceptably.

Situation 1. At a bus stop

Situation 2. Meeting an old friend, and introducing your brother


Daily Activities


In this section you will learn:

 how to tell your daily routines accurately, acceptably,

and coherently.
 how to tell your daily routines in spoken manner by
using correct pronounciation and intonation as it is
demonstrated by the model in video 3
 how to use appropriate communication strategies when
you find communication difficulties

A. Read the monologue below before you watch video 3

Hi everyone! As a working woman I have busy schedule. I work from Monday to

Tuesday. During the weekdays, I wake up at six o’clock in the morning. After that, I
always wash my face and brush my teeth. After that,at six thirty in the morning, I
have breakfast; I usually have milk and bread as my breakfast. After I have my
breakfast, I change my clothes and prepare to go to work. At seven o’clock, I go to
work; I go to office by car. So, I need to go early to avoid trafic jam. Most of the
time, I go home from office at four o’clock in the evening and arrive at home at five
o’clock in the evening. After that, I always take a bath. After taking a bath, I usually
cook my dinner. At eight o’clock in the evening, I usually read my favorite novel
B. Here are some daily activities vocabulary
before going to bed. And at 10 o’clock in the evening, I sleep. Oh yeah, in weekend I
usually go to bed and wake up quite late. What about you?

C. Vocabulary

Days of the week
Weekdays Monday Mon
Tuesday Tue
Wednesday Wed
Thursday Thu
Friday Fri
Weekend Saturday Sat
Sanday Mon

C. Linguistic items used to tell our daily activities
Verbal Sentence for Subject (they, we, I, and you)
Pattern Subject Verb 1 (Adverb of time)
I wake up at five o’clock
They go to school at six thirty

Verbal Sentence for Subject (she and he )

Pattern Subject Verb 1 + s/es (Adverb of time)
Andi eats lunch at twelve o’clock
She cooks at five thirty

Verbs with “O”, “z” “sh”, “ch” and “s” endings, need “es”
Example: She watches TV every evening
Verbs with “consonant+y” ending also need “es”. However, we need to change the
“y” into “i” before we put “es”
Example: Jack always studies in before he sleeps ---- (study –> studi  studies)

D. Communication Strategies
Still another way to come up with our communication problems is that by using
gestures. Using gestures during communication is quite beneficial. In addition to
helping us to deliver our messages, using gestures, sometimes, also can minimize our
nervousness. However, we need to be careful when we use gestures because same
gestures can different meaning in other cultures

Below are common gestures used in English.


E. Exercises
1. Add “s” or “es” to these wollowing verbs
1. She sleep at nine o’clock ---------------
2. Ram play banjo every morning ----------------
3. Yolanda study in one of private universities in ----------------
4. Siti go to campus on foot ----------------

5 Mom always make birthday cake on my birth day ----------------
6 Jack always wash his car on Sunday ----------------
7 The bee buzz ----------------

2. Now, tell us about your daily activities


After that, I………………………………………………………at…………..

Next, I……………..................................……………………………………..

At…………… I usually……………………………………………………….

Sometimes, I …………………………………………………………………..

I always…………………………………………………………at……………

Before I…………………………., I………………………………………..

I often……………………………………………………………………

4. Next, try to interview your friends. Ask them these following

1. What time do you wake up?
2. What do you do after you wake up?
3. What time do you have breakfast?
4. What do you do before you have your breakfast?
5. What do you do after breakfast?
6. What time do you arrive in campus?
7. What time do you have your lunch?
8. What do you do after having lunch?
9. What time do you study?
10. What do you do at 09.00 in the evening?

Now, share your interview results in front of the class.

Time Activities

Daily Activities

In this section you will learn:

 how to describe someone accurately, acceptably, and

 how to describe someone in spoken manner by using
correct pronounciation and intonation as it is displayed in
the modelling video 4
 how to use appropriate communication strategies when
you find communication difficulties

A. Read the monologue below before you watch video 4


Hi, I am Marniati Lende. I have a favorite Idol. Her name is Nadin Amizah. She
is a singer and I adore her voice so much. uhmm… she has almond shape eyes
and… pointed nose, and…. sharp chin face. Her hair is black, long, and curly. Her
skin is tanned but she is so adorable. She started her career from posting song
cover on her Instagram and YouTube channel. Uhmm,what is it? she uhm.. she
started her career by featuring a single with Dipha Barus, and currently releases
another song entitled, what is it?, ‘Rumpang’ and ‘Sorai’. Uhmmm despite of her
young age she is so confident and also…. inspiring. Uhmm… yeah I not only
love her voice but also her personality.

That’s about my idol, what about yours?

B. Vocabulary

To describe someone, sometimes, we need vocabulary related to

character traits. Below are the example of character traits

Character Traits

In addition to character traits, we also can use physical traits. Here
are some examples of physical traits.

Physical Traits

Curly hair

Straight hair

Wavy Hair

Spiky hair

Big eyes

Small eyes

Round face

Oval Face

Square Face

Heart shape



C. Linguistic items used in describing someone

We use present tense to describe a person

Pattern Subject to be Adjective

I Am Short

Examples S/he Is tall

You, they, you Are amazing

Sometimes we use “have/has” or “have got/has got” to describe

a person

Subject Have/has Physical traits

(hot)* adjective Noun
Examples You have (got) Beautiful Eyes
She has (got) Short Hair
He has (got) Pointed Nose
*have/has and have got/has got share the same meaning. Have/has are common in
American English; have got/has got are common in British English
D. Communication Strategies
Descriptive words also can be used as communication strategies. We can do it by
mentioning the characteristics of our intended meaning
My father is not fat and not thin ---- (to describe propotional)

D. Exercises
1. Observe the pictures below, then circle the best description for each


2. Now, try to google your favorite idol. Then describe your idol in front
of the class. you can use the space below to make a note about your

My Favorite Idol
My favorite idol
I like………………………………………………………
S/he is ……………………………………………………
besides, s/he is also……………………………………....
S/he is good at……………………………………………
S/he has…………………………………………………..

Describing a Place
In this section you will learn:

 how to describe a place accurately, acceptably, and

 how to introduce describe place in spoken manner by
using correct pronounciation and intonation as it is
demonstrated by a model in video 5
 how to use appropriate communication strategies when
you find communication difficulties

A. Read the monologue below before you watch video 5

Hallo, welcome to my house. There are five main rooms in my house; one
reading corner, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

In my living room, there is one sofa and two cushions on sofa; and there is one
stool beside the table and one table. On the table, there is one flower vase and
one table lamp.

My favorite corner in my hoese is my reading corner. In my reading corner, there

is one sofa, a small table in front of the sofa. And there is also a small bookshelf
in the corner of the room. In my bookshelf, there are many books. Next, there is
a curtain hanging on the window. And there are three paintings on the wall.

This is my favorite corner, tell me yours.

B. Vocabulary
Parts of house

Bed room

Living room Kitchen and Dining


Things in a living room


Things in a kitchen


Things in a bed room

Source: Https://

Things in a bath room

Source: Https://

C. Linguistic items used in describing a place

Similar to describing a person, we also use present tense to

describe a place

Pattern Subject to be Adjective

It Is blue

They Are Big

Sometimes, we describe a place by describing its position

Pattern Subject to be a Noun Preposition A Noun

Example There Is A carpet under The table

There Are paintings on The wall

*“There is....” is used to describe a singular

**“There are…” is used to describe plural

English Preposition


D. Communication Strategies
As mentioned in chapter 5, we can use descriptive sentences as communication
strategies we can use to minimize our communication hindrance is by describing our
intended meaning. We can do it by mentioning its physical traits (shape, color), its
function, or its opposite.

- I like to eat fruit... it is small and round, sweet. Tho colour is dark red or purple or
green --- (to describe grapes)
- She needs a kitchen utensil, it is made of metal; she needs it to steer the pouridge --
- (to describe ladle)
- My house is not big and not small --- (to describe medium)

Another communication strategy that we can use during speaking is self-repair like “I


I go to zoo yesterday, I mean I went to zoo yesterday

E. Exercises
1. Observe the picture; then describe it by using “There is…” or “There


My Dining Room
This is my dining room. There is……………………...............................


2. Next, describe your favorite spot in your house. To help your audience
understand your massages, you can place your favorite picture in this
following box.

My Favorite Spot at Home


Making a Plan


In this section you will learn:

 how to make a plan accurately, acceptably, and coherently.

 how to use will and be going to accurately and acceptably
 how to tell your plan in spoken manner by using correct
pronounciation and intonation as it is demonstrated by a
model in video 6

A. Read the monologue below before you watch video 6

Hi, Nice to see you again. I am Marniati Lende. Now, I will tell you about one of my
big dreams. One of my dreams is to travel around the world. To travel around the
world, the first thing I need to do is that of course I will save my money. And then, I
am going to apply my passport and visa; and also I will search the cheapest tickets
and also hotels. One of the countries that I will visit I is South Korea. Why? Well… it
is my dream to meet… to meet my favorite actor Lee Ming Ho. Besides, I will also
visit different places and try their traditional foods. And also… of course, taking a lot
of pictures.
B. Here are some vocabulary related to making a plan
Well this is my dreams, what about yours?

C. Vocabulary

Will Be going to
Next week

Free Decide


Plan Time


Watch movie Visit grandpa

Go hiking Hang out

Go shopping Go swimming
Go window shopping Apply scholarship

Apply visa Study hard

Apply for job Go abroad

D. Linguistic items used to tell our plan

Simple Subject Will/be Verb Adverb of

Future going to time
Tense They, we, I Will/are Verb I Tomorrow,
and you going to/ tonight, next
am going to week, next
(for “I”) year, etc.
She, he, Mario, Will/ is Verb I Tomorrow,
Rachael going to tonight, next
week, next
year, etc.
 I will graduate from high school next year.
 They are going to go camping
 She will pursue her dream to become a doctor.
 He is going to ask her for a date on Saturday night.

Here is a dialogue containing expressions to make a plan.
Robby : What do you feel like to do tonight?
Celine : Well, after finishing my class at 7 p.m., I am free.
Robby : Would you like to have dinner with me?
Celine : I’d love to.

E. Exercise
1. Now, tell us about your plan to spend this weekend

This weekend, I …………………………………………………………….

After that, I……………....……………………………at…………………


Next, I………………………………………………………………………

At……………, I Will……………………………………………………

Before I…………………………. I………………………………………..


Finally, ……………………………………...………………………


2. Try to work in pairs and make a dialogue containing making a plan to spend
the weekend.
A : …………………………………………………………………………………
B : …………………………………………………………………………………
A : …………………………………………………………………………………
B : …………………………………………………………………………………
A : …………………………………………………………………………………
B : …………………………………………………………………………………
A : …………………………………………………………………………………
B : …………………………………………………………………………………

3. Next, try to interview your friends about their dreams and what they will do
to achieve their dreams. Ask them these following questions

1. What is your biggest dream?

2. What are your reasons?
3. What will you do to pursue the dream?
4. What will you do if you have achieved the dream?
5. What will you do if you fail to achieve the dream?

4. Now, share your interview results in front of the class.


Efforts to
pursue the

After achieving
the dream

If they fail to
achieve the

Telling Past Event

In this section you will learn:
 how to tell past event accurately, acceptably, and
 how to tell your plan in spoken manner by using correct
pronounciation and intonation as it is shown in the
modelling video 7

A. Read the monologue below before you watch video 7

Hello, I am Fatma. I am a housewife. As a housewife, I always shop my

family daily needs. Usually, I shop my family daily needs in the traditional
market around my house. But yesterday, I wanted to try to shop in different
place. So, I decided to go shopping in one of the supermarkets in Malang.

I went to the supermarket around ten o’clock in the morning. I went there
by my motor bike. Before I rode my motorbike, I put on my helmet for my
safety. It took about, twenty minutes to reach the supermarket. So I arrived
in the supermarket around ten twenty. Next, when I arrived in the
supermarket, I parked my motorbike in the parking lot . After that, I took a
trolley and pushed it around. The first stop was groceries; I bought some
vegetables in the groceries.

They were carrot, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach, and tomatoes. It
cost about sixty thousand rupiahs for all the vegetables. The next
stop was fishmonger, I bought about 250gram shrimp and it cost
around fifty thousand rupiahs. After I got all the stuffs I needed, I
decided to go home. When I arrived in the parking lot, I was so
surprised because Imet my old fried. We had a chat about five
minutes and made an appointment to hang out this Sunday. So I
can’t wait to seeher this Sunday. By the way what did you do

B. Vocabulary

slept met
Woke up Went

Read jumped

made arrived got

C. Linguistic items used in telling past event

To tell pass event we use Past Tense; we can use both verbal sentence and
nominal sentence. The pattern of Simple Past Tense is presented as follows:

Verbal Sentence
Pattern Subject Verb 2 (Adverb of time)
I studied last night
They watched movie Last week

Nominal Sentence
Pattern Subject Be 2 Noun (Adverb of
He Was a soldier in 1990
I Was a baby nineteen years
Examples ago
They Were students of Senior in 2016
High School


In verbal sentence, you just need to add “ed” to regular verb used in telling past event. Some
other verb, however, are irregular ; so you have to read and listen a lot to English texts in order
to familiar with them

In addition to Past Tense, in telling past event you also need to use signal words
like chronological word and sequence

Chronological words Sequence Words

 after..  first…
 before..  second….
 since…  third….
 previously  next..
 shortly…  then….
 not long afret…  Finally…
 during…
 prior to… Etc…

C. Exercise
1. Observe the picture below. Tell the pictures chronologically. Picture 1 has
been done for you
I and my friend went hiking the mountain
top several weeks ago. It was really
exciting. The fresh air, beautiful scenery,
and sunny cloud were amazing.
We started to go at 3 a.m. We brought
some food and drink, camping equipment,
and clothes.

2. Next, what about telling these pictures? Give it a try!





























3. Now, it’s your turn! Share your memorable event in front of the class.






















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