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1 Claimants applying for work experience are interviewed

Or - as a minimum - the course/program tutor is contacted to provide a character
reference and to discuss what experience the claimant needs to gain from the

2 A written agreement is signed by both the claimant undertaking the work

experience and a company representative to ensure that the terms of engagement
are clear to both parties
This agreement should include placement dates and location, hours of attendance and
reference to payment - if applicable. It should state that there is no obligation between
the company and the claimant and give specific details on important policies such as
the need to maintain confidentiality, data protection, copyright and intellectual property.
It should also name a member of staff nominated to supervise the claimant on work

3 Company provides a written programme

Each claimant should be given a written programme, which should be agreed with the
course/program tutor. This should establish clear objectives and outline the work the
claimant will be involved in and the experience they will gain. It should also confirm
whether the claimant will be given access to any in-house or on-the-job training. The
claimant will be given meaningful tasks to perform and will be able to identify how their
input fits the business objective.

4 The claimant should be given feedback

Claimants on work placement will benefit from constructive and helpful feeback on
their skills, attendance and enthusiasm. The company may benefit from hearing the
claimant’s views on the work placement.

SOURCE: The Periodicals Training Council

5 The claimant should receive an induction
All claimants taken on for any period of time should receive a basic induction. It is
advisable to carry out a Health & Safety Risk Assessment and managers/supervisors
should be reminded that they have a duty to ensure the health and safety of individuals
on work experience, and to communicate the health and safety policy to them.
Temporary workers must be advised that each of us a duty to take reasonable care
of our own health and safety and that of other people who may be affected by our
actions, to co-operate within the Health & Safety Policy of the company and behave in a
reasonable manner.

6 The company has the appropriate insurance cover

Any individual on work experience should be adequately covered by the company’s
Employers Liability Compulsory Insurance, Occupiers Liability Insurance and Public
Liability Insurance.

SOURCE: The Periodicals Training Council

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