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Information Technology

Maruti Suzuki embraced IT right at its inception. Today, IT embraces all critical processes including product
development and manufacturing and is a crucial tool in the operations.

Broadly, Information Technology has helped the organistion in the following areas;
1. It has helped us keep low inventory-a pre-requisite for 'Lean Manufacturing'
2. It has given us the flexibility to manufacture 10 different models with over 100 variants in the same plants.
3. It has enabled us to service our customers better by ensuring smooth flow of cars and spares across a national
    sales and distribution network
4. And finally has helped us in many ways to improve customer interface.
The Backbone

If numbers were any indication of the volume of the business, at least 18,000 
consignments from different suppliers reach MSIL everyday and still the average domestic
  inventory is restricted to about 2 hours. Cars worth Rs. 550-660 million are sold every
day, all on a click of the mouse. The entire production line is IT enabled and quality is
maintained at a consistent level because of the use of Information Technology.
IT not only helps in the day to day maintenance and progress of work, it also helps in
adding many advantages to the system that could translate into benefits to the consumer.
  Various options of colours and models being a crucial element.

The Production and communication between demand and supply is set to clockwork and this is only possible because of
the extensive use of technology.
E Sourcing

Maruti has an in-house E Sourcing office dedicated for purchasing goods and services online. E-sourcing facilities have
been extended to vendors which help them procure goods and services faster and cheaper through auction.
Supply Chain

One of the best practices inherited from parent company Suzuki in the form of Delivery Instruction System for material
scheduling and ordering is called 'E- Nagare'. It helps in maintaining 'Zero or Lean Inventory'
E- Nagare ensures that supply schedule is generated and communicated electronically and automatically to all vendors
every day for next day's supplies. To regulate this vendors are given orders every two hours for supplies throughout the
  day. Supply timings are spaced out equally to maintain uniform flow. Scheduling algorithm is designed to study past
consumption pattern as well as future production plan. Bar Code based document processing is used to minimize
document handling cost and time
Warehouse Management System

Managing inventory of spares can be taxing in absence of accurate IT solution. To simplify this exercise Warehouse
  Management System (WMS) was developed which could facilitate increased inventory turnover and faster turnaround
time. SMC (Suzuki Motor Corporation) Indonesia adopted this IT solution
Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) between business systems and shop floor systems enhances the shop-floors efficiencies
by providing correct and timely instructions to shop floor along with feedback to the business systems.
Loss of valuable data or pilferage of any sorts posed an important challenge. Information Security by defining a
  comprehensive security policy helped attain BS7799 Security Certification. Re-certification for ISO27001 is in the offing
for the next financial year.
Dealer Management System

The newly implemented Dealer Management System (DMS) has improved working of dealerships by empowering them
with valuable data. DMS is a centrally hosted system which connects dealers spread all over the country providing them
  important information on business operations. The system empowers the dealers by placing valuable data at their
fingertips. The data in turn assists in decision making at the highest level, helping Maruti improve its interface with the
end customer.
Employees Connect

Keeping employees connected is another dimension which is well addressed by ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning and
Oasis Portal-Information Portal. This online processing system has brought all business processes within a single
network such that employees can service themselves online for their needs. Employee's services vary from taking online
leave applications, to salary details, procurement of goods and services so on and so forth.

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